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• Surely nothing in the astonishing scheme of life can have nonplused Nature so much as the fact that none of the females of any of the species she created really cared very much for the male, as such. (P.1)
Text Comprehension
Para. 1
Which sentence in the first paragraph contains the thesis of this essay? What do you think of this generalization?
Text Comprehension
Para.2 -8
How does Thurber remind us with each example that he is describing people as well as wildlife? What kind of similarities does Thurber find between the examples and people?
Language Points
(not)...as such lumber (move in a slow, awkward way; give someone a job or responsibility that they do not want ) recount go to (great/any) lengths
What is ironic about the essay? How does Thurber achieves this irony? Examples.
Text Comprehension
Para.2 -8
She sat quietly enough until he was well into the middle of the thing, intoning with great ardor and intensity. (P. 8)
Unit 8 Courtship Through the Ages
Wilma Hu
The Little Man VS. The Thurber Wife
The Little Man: domestic, frustrated, childlike, not sexual, suspicious, stubborn. The Thurber Wife: demanding, capable, manipulating, domineer, confident, unimaginative (All qualities opposite of the little man‟s)
Text Comprehension
The essay is a mixture of slang and scholarly language. List some examples of both extremes. How is humor achieved in this essay? Illustrate with examples
James Thurber‟s Marriage
Thurber was married twice. In 1922, Thurber married Althea Adams. The marriage was troubled and ended in divorce in May 1935. Thurber remarried in June 1935 to Helen Wismer. His second marriage lasted until he died in 1961, at the age of 66. He suffered from alcoholism and depression, but Helen's devoted nursing enabled him to maintain his literary production. Even though the second marriage was more successful, but, surprisingly, the women of later stories are portrayed as more threatening.
Thurber’s Changing Attitudes toward Women: Misogyny, Envy, and Admiration
Thurber‟s own comments in an interview with Max Eastman reveal contempt towards women: America is a matriarchy. It always has been, it always will be. The American Woman is my theme, and how she dominates the male. It became obvious to me when I was a child that the American woman was in charge. . . . I think it‟s one of the weaknesses of America. . . . The mother dominates the son. . . . He says: “Hey —Mom! Can I do this—can I do that?‟ Permission from „Mom‟ is the big thing. . . . I don‟t think there will be any revolt by the American man. In the series I did, “The War between Men and Women,‟ the woman surrenders to the man, but you‟ll notice in the drawings that each woman has a big rock . . . behind her back. In other words, the war is not over.
--Thurber interviewed in The New Republic, May 16, 1958. (Kinney 532, ellipses in original quotation) (Unflattering portrayals of women were not personal revenge, but humorous devices)
What are the other things men have to do to attract females because their whiskers and mustaches weren‟t enough? What is the ultimate substitute --- the “something else” --- mentioned in the second paragraph? Which paragraph contains several examples? Does this paragraph provide effective support for the thesis? What does the courting grebe signify?
Text Comprehension
Para.2 -8
Is Thurber‟s attitude toward women, as expressed in the poetry reading in the last paragraph, stereotypical? What is your interpretation of the last sentence of the essay? Is it an example of verbal irony?
Language Points
gloomy (collocation) Baidu Nhomakorabeago in for feat quill (pen) make headway hit on cut a figure fall down
Text Comprehension
Para.2 -8
Text Comprehension
Para. 2-8 Development by examples
Transitional devices used between paragraphs
Analogy vs. Simile & Metaphor
Simile & Metaphor: comparison on one point of resemblance; heighten effect or enhance the subject through description, illumination or illustration Analogy: a parallel between two unlike things that have several common qualities or points of resemblance; used for persuasion or explanation or exposition of an idea
Text Translation
Paragraph 8
Text Comprehension
Para.2 -8
Language Points
drop in on get up to go to town (on something) (informal) go one better (than sb.) (informal) have designs on sth. rudimentary fuss with stalk away intent on
Language Points
be done in be sitting pretty brandish pass the time of day with somebody go on about (informal) tumble into figure out lash out at twitch
Irony (反语): verbal irony; situation irony; dramatic irony. Innuendo, irony, sarcasm (嘲讽程度递增)(irony不完全 是讽刺)
• verbal irony: Robbing a widow of her saving was certainly a noble act. If people keep telling you to quit smoking cigarette, don‟t listen … They‟re probably trying to trick you into living.