
A SHORT HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE1. the Angles, Saxons and Jutes were three tribes from Northern Europe.2.English literature began with the Anglo-Saxon settlement in England. It is Beowulf, the national epic of the English people.3.Features of Beowulf 贝奥武普: the most striking feature in its poetical form is the use of alliteration头韵.(definition)In alliterative verse, certain accented words in a line begin with the same consonant sound. Other features of Beowulf are the use of metaphors and of understatements.4. The French-speaking Normans under Duke William came in 1066.(the Norman Conquest)5. The Romance 罗曼司---the most prevailing kind of literature in feudal England. It was a long composition, sometimes in prose, describing the life and a adventures of a noble hero.Adventures of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table6. The Class Nature of the RomanceThe theme of loyalty to king and lord was repeatedly emphasized in romance , as loyalty was the corner-stone of feudal morality, without which the whole structure of feudalism would collapse.They were composed for the noble, of the noble, and in most cases by the poets patronized by the noble.7.the Ballads 民谣The most important department of English folk literature is the ballad. A ballad is a story told in song; usually in 4-line, with the second and fourth lines rhymed.8. The Robin Hood Ballad --- the various ballads of Robin Hood are gathered into a collection called The Geste of Robin Hood.绿林好汉罗宾汉的故事9. The founder of English poetry is Geoffrey Chaucer. 乔叟The Canterbury Tales ---(1) a collection of 24 stories (2)close links---stories are closely connected to each other (3)stories into groups on different subjects -- story-tellers, from ranks, professions, religions (4)variation in form三大著名教堂:Westminster Cathedral 西敏寺大教堂Saint Pail’s Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂Canterbury Cathedral 坎特布雷大教堂10.The Renaissance and HumanismThe rise of the bourgeoisie soon showed its influence in the sphere of cultural life. The result is an intellectual movement known as the Renaissance, or, the rebirth of letters. It spang first in Italy in the 14th century and gradually spread all over Europe. Two features are striking of this movement. The one is a thirsting curiosity for the classical literature. Old manuscripts were dug out. There arose a current for the study of Greek and Latin authors. While people learned to admire the Greek and Latin works as models of literary form, they caught something in spirit very different from the medieval Catholic dogma. So the love of classics was but an expression of the generation dissatisfaction at the Catholic and feudal ideas.Another feature of the Renaissance is the keen interest in the activities of humanity. Humanism is the key-note of the Renaissance.Humanism reflected the new outlook of the rising bourgeois class. According to the humanists, both man and world are hindered onlyby external checks from infinite improvement. Man could mould the world according to his desires, and attain happiness by removing all external checks by the exercise of reason.11.Edmund Spenser 斯宾塞The poet’s poet of the period was Edmund Spenser.The Faerie Queene : nationalism, humanism , puritanismThe Faerie Queene (definition)i s written in a special verse form that consists of eight iambic pentameter lines followed by a ninth line of six iambic feet(an alexandrine), with the rhyme scheme ababbcbcc. This form has since been called the Spenserian Stanza.12.Drama 戏剧: the Miracle Play 奇迹剧, The Morality Play 道德剧, The Interlude 幕间剧, The Classical Drama 古典剧12.Marlowe(马洛)’s best includes three of his plays, Tamburlaine 帖木耳(1587), The Jes of Malta马耳他的犹太人(1592), and Doctor Faustus浮士德博士(1588).13.Social significance of Marlowe’s Plays:These plays show, in various ways, the spirit of the rising bourgeoisie , its eager curiosity for knowledge, its towering pride, its insatiable, appetite for power whether that be won by military might, knowledge, or gold.In Tamburlaine, it is ambition; in Doctor Faustus, desire for knowledge; in The Jew of Malta, greed for wealth. They were typical images of the era of the primitive accumulation of capital.14.William Shakespeare莎士比亚was born on April 23, 1564, died on April 23, the anniversary of his birth, in 1616.A Chronological List of Shakespeare’s Plays: 四大悲剧Hamlet 哈姆雷特,Macbeth麦克白,Othello 奥赛罗,King Lear 李尔王.The reasons of the Melancholy(忧郁)of Hamlet: (1)he seems to understand that his mere revenge upon his uncle would in no way solve the problems that trouble and upset him.(2)he does not want to include the Britain into the chaos.(3)the crisis of humanism---the root of the murder is the political system.ton米尔顿--Paradise Lost 失乐园,Samson Agonistes 力士参孙16.Bunyan 班扬---the Pilgrim’s Progress 天路历程17.Metaphysical玄学派PoetsThe works of the Metaphysical Poets are characterized, generally speaking, by mysticism in content and fantasticality in form.John DonneAnother school of poetry prevailing in the period was that of Cavalier Poets.18.The Enlightenment 启蒙运动in Europe:The 18th century marked the beginning of an intellectual movement in Europe, known as the Enlightenment, which was, on the whole, an expression of struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism. The enlighteners fought against class inequality, stagnation, prejudices and other survivals of feudalism. They attempted to place al branches of science at the service of mankind by by connecting them with the actual needs and requirements of people.Steele and The Tatler闲话者Addison and The Spectator观察家To sum up Steele’s and Addison’s contribution to the English literature:1. Their writings afford a new code of social morality for the rising bourgeoisie/2. They give a true picture of the social life of England in the 18th century.3. In the hands of Addison and Steele, the English essay had completely established itself as a literary genre. Using it as a form of character sketching and story -telling, they ushered in the dawn of modern English novel.19.Jonathan Swift 乔纳森斯威夫特---Gulliver’s Travels 格列佛游记Pamphlets on Ireland 关于爱尔兰问题的小册子--A Modest Proposal 一个温柔的建议20.Richardson--he was noted as a storyteller, letter writer and moralizer.Pamela:Pamela was a new thing in three ways,firstly,it discarded the “improbable and marvelous”accomplishments of the former heroic romances, and pictured the life and love of ordinary people. Secondly,its intention was to afford not merely entertainment but also moral instruction. Thirdly, it described not only the sayings and doings of the characters but also their secret thoughts and feelings.22. Fielding 菲尔丁---Joseph Andrews(a parody 戏仿to Pamela)23.(约翰逊)Johnson’s Dictionary:(1)it marked an epoch in the study of the English language.(2)also marked the end of English writers’reliance on the patronage of noblemen for support.24.Sentimentalism感伤主义: it came into being as the result of a bitter discontent among the enlightened people with social reality. The representatives of Sentimentalism continued to struggle against feudalism, but they sensed st the same time the contradictions in the process of capitalist development. Dissatisfied with reason, which classicists appealed to, sentimentalists appealed to sentiment, “to the huamn heart.”25.Blake 布莱克----Songs of Innocence contains poems which were apparently written for children, using a language which even little babies can learn by heart, and in Songs of Experience, a much maturer work,entirely different themes are to be found, for in this collection of poems the poet drew pictures of neediness and distress and showed the sufferings of the miserable.The contrast between Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience is of great significance. It marks a progress in the poet’s outlook on life.26.Burns 彭斯peasant poet 农民诗人(前浪漫主义诗人)27.Romanticism 浪漫主义prevailed in England during the period 1798-1832. Generally speaking, the romanticists expressed the ideology and sentiment of those classes and social strata who were discontent with, and opposed to, the development of capitalism. But owing to difference in social and political attitudes, they split into two schools. Some romantic writers reflected the thinking of classes ruined by the bourgeoisie, and by way of protest against capitalist development turned to the feudal past, i.e. The “”merry Old England,”as their ideal, or “frightened by the coming of industrialism and the nightmare towns of industry, they were turning to nature of protection.”These were the elder generation of romanticists, sometimes called escapist romanticists, including Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey, who have also benne called the Lake Poets because they had lived in the Lake District in the northwest of England and shared acommunity of literary and social outlook in their work. Other expressed the aspirations of the classes created by capitalism and held out an ideal, though a vague one, of a future society free from oppression and exploitation. These were the younger generation of romanticists and sometimes called active romanticists represented by Byron, Shelley and Keats.So the general feature if the works of the romanticists is a dissatisfaction with the bourgeois society, which finds expression in a revolt against or an escape from the prosaic, sordid daily life, the “prison of the actual”under capitalism. Their writings are filled with strong-willed heroes, formidable events, tragic situations, powerful conflicting passions, and exotic pictures. Sometimes they resort to symbolic methods. With the active romanticists, symbolic pictures represent a vague idea of some future society, while with the escapist romanticists, these often take on a mystic color. In contrast to the rationalism of the enlighteners and classicists in the 18th century, the romanticists paid great attention to the spiritual and emotional life of man. Nature, often personified, also plays an important role in their works. The passions of man and the beauties of nature appealed strongly to the imagination of the Romantic writer, and the glory of the lakes and mountains, the little joys or sorrows of children, the weal and woe of ordinary, uncultured peasants, the wonder of the fairy world, and the splendor of the Greek art all because the fountain-heads of the writer’s inspiration. Poetry, of course, is the best medium to express all these sentiments. In fact, all the romanticists mentioned above were poets. The Romantic Period was one of poetical revival.28.Wordsworth: in 1798 Wordsworth and Coleridge jointly published the Lyrical Ballads. The publication marked the break with the conventional poetical tradition of the 18th century, i.e. With classicism, and the beginning of the Romantic revival in England. “all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling.”His “Lucy” poems are a series of short pathetic lyrics on the theme of harmony between humanity and nature.29.Shelley 雪莱: Queen Mab 麦布女王The Revolt of Islam 伊斯兰暴动Prometheus Unbound 解放了的普罗米修斯30.Keats济慈: ode 颂Ode to Autumn, Ode on Melancholy, Ode on a Grecian Urn 古瓮颂, Ode to a Nightingale 夜莺颂An Analysis of Jane EyreThe novel is rich in poetry, symbolism and metaphor. It does not fit easily into a definite pattern, being neither a novel of "manners" in the tradition of Austen, or a straightforward Gothic Romance in the style of Mrs Radcliffe. What Charlotte Bronte did was to create a work which cleverly blends elements of the two styles, and which remains uniquely independent of them at the same time, since it addresses issues which were at the time rather controversial.The novel is written in the first person, and thus magnifies the central character - the reader enters the world of Jane Eyre and is transported through her experiences at first hand. This at once makes the work subjective, especially since we know that Charlottes Brontes own life and experiences were so closely interwoven with the heroine's. As well as this we learn only at the end of the novel that the events are being related to us ten years after the reconciliation with Rochester - thus the narrative is RETROSPECTIVE (looking back). CB is clever in blending the narrative so that at times Jane seems to be speaking as an adult with adult hindsight , while at others she she is "in the middle" of them, as a child or young woman. The indecision which is a central issue in the book, is heightened by this device. We never know, as readers, whether to be entirely trustful of Janes actions and thoughts, because we are never sure wheher she is speaking impulsively or maturely.This intensifies the readers dilemma as to what is "right" and "wrong" in the dramatic relationships which are part of JE's life. Can we believe what the heroine says, or is she deceiving herself? The novel is primarily a love story and a "romance" where wishes come true but only after trials and suffering. The supernatural has its place, as do dreams, portents and prophesies. The heroine begins poor and lonely and ends up rich and loved; the orphan finds a good family to replace the wicked one; all the basic ingredients of classic romantic fairytale are present.The romantic element is present in two forms in Jane Eyre; the "family" aspect is dealt with in the Gateshead, Lowood and Moor House episodes, which involve the exchanging of the wicked Reed family for the benevolent Rivers one; and the Love romance is dealt with in the Thornfield and Ferndean episodes. Both aspects are, of course linked and interwoven throughout the novel.There is also a strong element of realism in the novel, which, married to the romantic aspect, enhances the novel's strength.The sense of place is very strong; we are able to experience both exterior and interior settings with startling clarity throughout the story, in a series of vivid deive passages. The central characters are also realistic and their confrontations and sufferings change them in a believable way.Even the unlikely is made plausible, with a unique blend of high drama and perceptive low comedy (the attack on Mason, for instance)The more fantastic romantic aspects; the coincidences; the secrets; the supernatural occurrences, are balanced by the realism, and this is of course a major strength.The Gothic influence cannot be ignored, although CB has refined the technique considerably from the "authentic" Gothic of the 1790's. In the original genre, the heroine would typically be abductedand threatened with seduction, or worse!. There would be a lover - a respectable, well-bred young man - who would endeavor to rescue the heroine and would succeed after many trial. the seducer would be a brigand "Know that I adore Corsairs!" and he would lock the girl up in a remote castle.There was little freedom for middle class women during the period of the Gothic novel, and this was still the case in the time of CB. Marriage especially was often a bargain, whereby fortunes were secured by using the female as a pawn. A woman's value largely depended therefore on her sexual purity and she was guarded and secured as a result. Men, on the contrary, were potent and free; lovers and mistresses were common. Ironically the women who provided their services were social outcasts as a result.In Jane Eyre we see elements of the Gothic romance, in that Thornfield Hall and Rochester are described very much in the brigand/castle style BUT Jane Eyre is not abducted by R. On the contrary she chooses to go there of her own free will. AND she is clear in her determination to have Rochester as a husband. Neither is there a gentleman rescuer; St John Rivers may look like a Greek God, but he is neither kind nor benevolent; driving Jane back to Ferndean, not rescuing her from it.The trials which the hero is supposed to undergo in a Gothic romance are in fact undergone by the heroine in Jane Eyre. The bandit Rochester is only skin-deep. Underneath the brooding exterior is a sensitive soul, which a WOMAN frees. In this way we see that CB created rather a daring departure from conventional fiction, although there are still many aspects of the novel which remain true to Victorian convention.!3. The Joys of Writing (by Winston Churchill)【导读】温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill), 英国首相、保守党领袖。

1. How much do you know about the English literature in the Romantic Age?①The Romantic Age in England was like the Elizabethan Age, distinctively an age of poetry. It was regarded as the second great age in English literary history; for poetry is the highest form of literary expression, and seems to have been most in harmony with the noblest powers of the English genius. The glory of the age is in the poetry of Scott, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelly, Keats, Moore, and Southey;②Women novelists appeared in this age. It was during this period that women assumed for the first time, an important place in English literature. Mrs. Anne Radcliff was one of the most successful writers of the school of exaggerated romance. Jane Austen offered us her charming descriptions of everyday life in her enduring work her masterpiece----Pride and Prejudice;③The greatest historical novelist Walter Scott also appeared in this period. His historical novels combine a romantic atmosphere with a realistic description of historical background and common people life. Scott marked the transition from romanticism to the period of realism which followed it;④Romantic prose was represented by Lamb, Hazlitt, De Quincey and Hume. Lamb was the best essayist, whose familiar essays are very famous.3.What are the major features of Dickens’ novels?①Dickens’ novels offer a most complete and realistic picture of the English bourgeois society of his age. His novels tell much of the unhappy experiences of his own childhood. They reflect the protest of the people against capitalist exploitation, and criticize the vices of capitalist society.② The success of Dickens novels also lies in his character-portrayal. Not only are the major characters in his novels very carefully delineated and given distinctive individual characteristics but also his minor figures create in the readers’ mind strong impressions of their personalities. Some of Dickens’characters are really such “typical characters under typical circumstances”that they become proverbial or are representative of a whole group of similar persons.③Dickens is a great humorist and satirist. His novels are full of humor and satire④Dickens is not especially known for the construction of plot in his novels. There is in his novels often more than one minor thread of story beside the major one, and these threads are generally very loosely woven together. He seems to love a complicated and involved plot.⑤In almost every one of Dickens’ novels there is a happy ending, which points to the author’s optimism which is an admirable thing for a critical realist because that means his still has his hopes after seeing the gloomy world all around him and one hand, and as a petty-bourgeois intellectual, could not overstep the limits of his class on the other hand.⑥Another feature in Dickens’novels is his adroit use of language. On the whole Dickens has a richness of expressions and generally succeeds in using the right words and phrases at the right moments for the right characters to attain the right effects. 12. What are the characteristics of Dickens’ novels?(同第三题)2.What are the chief characteristics of the 18th –century literature in England?①The main literary stream of the 18th century was realism. What the writers described in their works were social realities. The main characters were usually common men. Most of the writers concentrated their attention on daily life;②The 18th century was an age of prose. A group of excellent prose writers, such as Addison, Steele, Swift, Fielding were produced;③Novel writing made a big advance on this century. The main characters in the novels were no longer kings and nobles but the common people;④In this age satire was much used in writing. Since there was fierce strife of the political parties in society, nearly every writer of the century was employed and rewarded by Whigs or Tories for satirizing their enemies. English literature of this age produced some excellent satirists, such as Pope, Swift and Fielding.14. What are the chief characteristics of the 18th –century literature in England?同第二题4. What are the major features of Shakespeare’s dramatic works?①Shakespeare is a realist. He is one of the founders of realism in English literature. His plays are mirrors of his age. He described the decaying of the feudal society and the rising of the bourgeois spirit. His comedies reflect lives of the young men and women who just freed themselves from the fetters of feudalism and who were striving for individual emancipation. His comedies lay emphasis on emancipation of women. In his tragedies Shakespeare depicted the life and death struggle between the humanists——the newly emerging forces and the corrupted king and his feudal followers ——the dark power of the town, and also the contradictions between the rich and poor.②The stories of Shakespeare’s plays often took place in other countries or in the past instead of in England or in his own age. Yet the thought and the feelings of his characters and their attitudes toward life belong to the age of Shakespeare. In fact, his characters are representatives of the people of his time.③Shakespeare’s main characters are depicted in typical situation. They are typical characters. Their fundamental traits are reveled in their conflicts with their surroundings, in their relations with their fellow men. Each of his characters is a representative of a group of men.④Shakespeare’s dramatic form fits the content of his plays very well. His plays are not controlled by the roles of the classical unities of time, plays and action.⑤ Shakespeare was a great master of English language. The language of each of his characters fits his position in society and revels the peculiarities of his character.⑥Blank verse is the principle form of his dramas.⑦One very striking phenomenon in connection with Shakespeare character-portrayal is his emphasis on the psychological make-up of his major characters.6. What are the major features of Dickens’ novel s? ( 同第三题)5. How much do you know about Milton’s Paradise Lost?①Paradise Lost is the greatest English epic, consisting of 12 books and done in blank words. The stories were taken from the Old Testament: The Creation; the rebellion in Heaven of Satan and his fellow-angles; their defeat and expulsion from Heaven; the creation of the earth and of Adam and Eve; the fallen angles in hell plotting against God; Satan’s temptation of Eve; and the departure of Adam and Eve from Eden.②The main idea of the poem is the heroic revolt against God’s authority.③Adam and Eve embody Milton’s belief in powers of man their caving for knowledge adds a particular significance to their character. It is this longing for knowledge that opens before mankind a wide road to an intelligent and active life. The picture of God surrounded by his angles resembles the court of an absolute monarchy, while Satan and his followers bear resemblance to a republican parliament. This alone is sufficient to prove that Milton’s revolutionary feelings made him forget religious orthodoxy.④Satan is the real hero of the poem, and represents the spirit of rebellion against an unjust authority.13. How much do you know about Milton’s Paradise Lost?(同第五题)7. How much do you know about Wordsworth?①Wordsworth was the representative of the first generation of Romantic poets, who expressed the deepest aspirations of English Romanticism. He saw nature and men with new eyes. His whole work is an attempt to communicate that new vision.②His poetry is distinguished by the simplicity and purity of his language. It was his theory that the language spoken by the peasants when purified from its defects was the best of all.③His theory and practice in poetical creation started from a dissatisfaction with social reality under capitalism, and hinted at the thought of “back to nature” and “back to the patriarchal system of the old time”.④Nearly all of his good poetry was written during the first decade of his literary career (1798-1807).⑤His later writings were full of mysticism and many of them unreadable.⑥L YRICAL BALLADS——the joint work of Wordsworth and his friends Coleridge, marking the beginning of the Romantic Movement in England; the majority of the poems written by Wordsworth and Coleridge’s contribution being his masterpiece “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”; the poems characterized by a sympathy with the poor, simple peasants, a passionate love of nature and the simplicity and purity of the language.⑦Wordsworth was at his best in descriptions of mountains and rivers, flowers and birds, children and peasants, and reminiscences of his childhood and youth. He , as a great poet of nature, was the first to find words for the most elementary sensations of man face to face with natural phenomenon.⑧Some of Wordsworth’s PRINCIPLE POEMS are Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey(1798), The Prelude(1805-1806), The Excursion(1814), and miscellaneous sonnets(written at different periods of his life).8. What are the major features of Milton’s poetry?①Milton is a great revolutionary poet of the 17th century. He is also an outstanding political pamphleteer of the Revolution Period. He dedicated himself to the revolutionary cause.②Milton is a great stylist. His poetry has a grand style. His poetry is noted for sublimity of thought and majesty of expression.③ Milton is a great mater of blank verse. He is the glorious pioneer to introduce blank verse into non-dramatic poetry. He has use it as the main tool in his masterpiece Paradise Lost. His blank verse is rich in every poetic quality and never monotonous.11.What are the characteristics of Milton’s poetry?(同第八题)9. What are the major features of Chaucer’s writing?①Chaucer’s major contribution to the English poetry is that the introduced from France the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter to English poetry.②He is the first great poet who wrote in the current English language——he wrote dialect of London.③His poetry is full of swiftness and vividness. Chaucer’s style in The Canterbury Tales is remarkably flexible.④His prose, like his vocabulary, is easy and informal.⑤Chaucer is a great satirist, but he is almost never bitter when he pokes fun at the foibles and weaknesses of people.15. What are the chief characteristics of Chaucer’s literary writ ing?(同9)10. How much do you know about Shelley?①Shelley loved the people and hate their oppressors and exploiters. He called on the people to overthrow the rule of tyranny and injustice and prophesied a happy and free life for mankind. He stood for this social and political ideal all his life. He and Byron are justifiably regarded as the two great poets of revolutionary romanticism in England.②Queen Mab is Shelley’s first long poem of importance. It expresses all his major political ideas. Queen Mab is revolutionary poem condemning tyranny and exploitation and the unjust war waged by the rich to plunder wealth③The Revolt of Island is another important long poem.④Prometheus Unbound, a lyrical drama, is Shelley’s masterpiece. The story was taken from Greek mythology. The figure of Prometheus has been symbolic of those nobble-hearted revolutionaries, who devote themselves to the just cause of the people.⑤Shelley’s short poems on nature and love form an important part of his literature output. To him nature exists as an unseen life of the universe and his love of nature is almost boundless.⑥Shelly’s lyrics on love are also beautifully written. His best love lyrics include such well-known poems as Love’s Philosophy, One Word is Too Often Profound.。

英国文学史资料British Writers and WorksI. Old English Literature &The Late Medieval Ages〈Beowulf〉贝奥武夫:the national epic of the Anglo—SaxonsEpic:long narrative poems that record the adventures or heroic deeds of a hero enacted in vast landscapes。
The style of epic is grand andelevated.e。
g. Homer’s Iliad and OdysseyArtistic features:ing alliterationDefinition of alliteration: a rhetorical device,meaning some words ina sentence begin with the same consonant sound(头韵)Some examples on P5ing metaphor and understatementDefinition of understatement:expressing something in a controlledway Understatement is a typical way for Englishmen to express theirideasGeoffery Chaucer 杰弗里•乔叟1340(?)~1400(首创“双韵体",英国文学史上首先用伦敦方言写作。
约翰·德莱顿(John Dryden)称其为“英国诗歌之父”。
)The father of English poetry.It is ____alone who,for the first time in English literature,presented to us a comprehensive (综合的,广泛的)realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life. ( A )A。
期末复习专用资料 英国文学史整理

English LiteraturePart 1. The Anglo-Saxon PeriodBeowulf (the national epic of the English people) stricking feature: alliteration, metaphors and understatements. CaedmonParaphrase of the Bible/ (the first known religious poet of England) Cynewulf The Christ /( poet on religious subjects) Part 2. The Anglo-Norman Period Sir Gawain and the Green Knight/ a mixture of Anglo-Saxon poetry and French poetry. (alliterative verse with metrical verse), The poem reflects the ideal of feudal knighthood. A true knight should not only dedicate himself to the church, but also possess the virtues of great courage, of fidelity to his promise, and of physical chastity and purity. Part 3. Geoffrey Chaucer GeoffreyChaucer1340-1400 The House of Fame ; Troilus and Criseyde (long narrative poem);Legend of Good Women (first used heroic couplet); The Parliament of Fowls poetry :Canterbury Tales / Significance: It gives a comprehensive picture of Chaucer‟s time ; It has a dramatic structure; It reflects Chaucer‟s humor ; It shows Chaucer‟s contribution to the English language and poetry. his contribution to English poetry: introduced from france the rhymed couplet of 5 accents in iambic meter (the heroic couplet), is the first great poet who wrote in the English language. Who making the dialect of London the standard for the modern English speech. He is considered as the founder of English poetry.Part 4. The English renaissanceThomas More Utopia ( He is the outstanding humanist) Lyrical poems Thomas Wyatt(the first to introduce the sonnet into English literature); Henry Howard; Philip Sidney; Thomas Campion Epic poem Edmond Spenser The Faerie Queen Novels John Lyly(Eupheus gives rise to the term euphuism ); Thomas Lode (they dealing with court life and gallantry Thomas Deloney; Thomas Nashe(they are realistic authors devoted to the everyday life of craftsman, merchants and other representatives of the lower classes.) Francis Bacon1561-1626 The philosophical: Advancement of Learning ;Novum Organum 新工具;De Augmentis The literary: Essays(Of Truth, Of Death; Of Revenge, Of Friendship ) The professional: treatises entitled Maxims of the Law and Reading on the Statute of Uses The founder of English materialist philosophy Drama Christopher Marlowe( the greatest pioneer of English drama who made blank verse the principle vehicle of expression in drama); Robert Greene George Green /the Pinner of W akefield William Shakespeare1564-1616 (37plays, two narrative poems, 154sonnets) The Tempest 暴风风雨;The Two Gentlemen of Verona 维罗纳二绅士;The Mercy Wives of Windsor 温莎的风流妇人;Measure for Measure 恶有恶报;The Comedy of Errors 错中错;Much Ado about Nothing 无事自扰;Love ’s Labour ’s Lost 空爱一场;A Midsummer Night ’s Dream 仲夏夜之梦;The Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人;As Y ou Like It 如愿;The T aming of the Shrew 驯悍记;All ’s Well That Ends Well 皆大欢喜;Twelfth Night 第十二夜;The Winter ’s T ale 冬天的故事;The Life and Death of King John/Richard the Second/Henry the Fifth/Richard the Thir d 约翰王/理查二世/亨利五世/理查三世;The First/Second Part of King Henry the Fourth 亨利四世(上、下);The First/Second/Third Part of King Henry the Sixth 亨利六世(上、中、下);The Life of King Henry the Eighth 亨利八世;Troilus and Cressida 脱爱勒斯与克莱西达;The Tragedy of Coriolanus 考利欧雷诺斯;Titus Andronicus 泰特斯·安庄尼克斯;Romeo and Juliet 罗密欧与朱丽叶;Timon of Athens 雅典的泰门;The Life and Death of Julius Caesar ;朱利阿斯·凯撒;The Tragedy of Macbeth 麦克白;The Tragedy of Hamlet 哈姆雷特/王子复仇记;King Lear 李尔王;Othello 奥塞罗;Antony and Cleopatra 安东尼与克利欧佩特拉;Cymbeline 辛白林;Pericles 波里克利斯;Venus and Adonis 维诺斯·阿都尼斯; Lucrece 露克利斯;The Sonnets 十四行诗 The Great Comedies: A Midsummer Night ’s Dream; The Merchant ofVenice; As You Like It ;Twelfth Night;The Great Tragedies: The Tragedy of Hamlet; Othello; King Lear;The Tragedy of Macbeth;The Later Comedies(romances): Pericles; Cymbeline; The Winter’s Tale; The Tempest;Part 5. The English Bourgeois revolution period and RestorationJohnMilton1608-1674 Shorter poems: L‘Allegro欢乐的人;Il Penseroso沉思的人;Comus科马斯;Lycidas;Principle pamphlets: Areopagitica论出版自由; Eikonoklastes; Defense for the English people;Poem: Paradise Lost(The poem was written in blank verse); Paradise Regained;JohnBunyan1628-1688 The Pilgrim‟s Progress(It is the greatest English allegory, its style is simple and biblical)JohnDonne1572-1631 Poetry(love lyrics & religious poems);Sonnets(The founder of the Metaphysical school of poetry)John Dryden Critic, poet and playwright of restoration periodHistory and Anthology of English Literature IPart I The Anglo-Saxon Period(449-1066)(In Chin. Chr.: Northern and Southern Dynasties – Northern Song Dyn.)History of the English LanguageOld English: Anglo-Saxon times —1100Middle English:1150 -- 1500Modern English:1500 – present times(Early Modern English:1500 – 1700)In 43 A.D. the Romans landed in Britain and made south Britain a Roman province When the Roman Empire declined and its troops left England, the tribes of Angles, Saxons and Jutes invaded the island from Northern Europe around the 5th century(about 449 A. D.).*Epic: a long narrative poem about heroic deeds and adventures.The storyAccording to the contents of the story, the poem can be divided into three parts: Part I: the fight against GrendelPart II: the fight against Grend el‘s motherPart III: the fight against the Fire DragonThe artistic featuresAlliteration, metaphor, understatement, vivid poetic diction and parallel expressions for a single ideaThe themesThe chief significance of this epic lies in the vivid portrayal of a great national hero, strong and courageous and selfless and ever helpful to his people and kinsfolk. The Song of Beowulf can be justly termed English national epic and its hero Beowulf – one of the national heroes of the English people.*Alliteration: the deliberate repetition of the first consonants in associated words or next to stressed syllables.Part II The Anglo—Norman Period(1066—1350)(In Chinese chronology: Northern Song Dyn.—Yuan Dyn.)Medieval RomanceIt was a long composition, sometimes in verse, sometimes in prose, describing the life and adventures of a noble hero.1st Canto: Gawain returns the blow2nd Canto: Gawain‘s long journey3rd Canto: Gawain‘ life in the castle4th canto: …gets to the Green Chapel… warned to turn back…terrif ying sound of sharpening ax…Green Knight appears…two swings harmlessly…third one wounds him…Green Knight explains…lord …shame…atone(make repayment)…free gift…Gawain returns to Arthur‘s…tells his story…knights wear a green girdle ever sinceThe themeSir Gawain and the Green knight is the best of the surviving Middle English romances, characterized by passages of beautiful poetry, moments of gentle comedy and keenly observed psychology. It has two motifs (main subject or idea) in the story, one is the testing of faith, courage and purity, the other is the proving of human weakness forself-preservation. The two motifs provide the poem with unmistakable traits of chivalric romances, plus some strong Christian colouring.The artistic features : AlliterationPart III Geoffrey Chaucer(1340?—1400)(In Chinese history: early Ming Dynasty)The Canterbury TalesThe themeIn The Canterbury Tales, one of the most famous works in all literature, Chaucer has given us a picture of contemporary English life, its work and play, its deeds and dreams, its fun and sympathy and hearty joy of living such as no other single work of literature has ever equaled.Chaucer‘s contribution to English poetryChaucer’s contribution to English poetryChaucer‘s contribution to English poetry lies chiefly in the fact that he introduced from France the rhymed stanzas of various types, especially the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter (to be called later the ―heroic couplet‖) to English poetry, instead of the old Anglo- Saxon alliterative verse. Chaucer also greatly contributed to the founding of the English literary language, the basis of which was formed by the London dialect, so profusely used by the poet.Metre*Metre (格律): the organization of rhythm in verse into various regular patterns or units. In English verse, these units are based on stress, and it is the combination of stressed and unstressed syllables into various patterns or units that gives each poem its rhythm or metre.Iamb (iambic): one unstressed syllable followed by one stressed syllable. __︶(抑扬格)Anapest ( anapestic) __ __ ︶(抑抑扬格)Trochee(trochaic) ︶__ (扬抑格)Dactyl (dactylic) ︶__ __ (扬抑抑格)Spondee (spondaic) ︶︶__ __ (扬扬抑抑格)Foot or Metrical FootFoot (音步): the basic unit of measurement in a line of poetry. Generally a foot consists of two or three syllables, one of which is stressed.Monometre: 1 foot Pentametre: 5 feetDimetre: 2 feet Hexametre: 6 feetTrimetre: 3 feet Heptametre: 7 feetTetrametre: 4 feet Octametre: 8 feetPopular balladsBallads are anonymous narrative songs that have been preserved by oral transmission. The origin of them can be traced back as early as the 13th century, few of them were printed before the 18th Century and some not until the 19th.Analysis of Get up and Bar the DoorForm: Four-line stanzas, rime-scheme of abcb, colloquial language, the use of dialogues and exaggerated actions, story, the length of verse linesContent: This is a good example of the humorous ballad. It is a light tale humorously told, showing the simple life and the innocent fun of the common people.Part IV The RenaissanceThe Renaissance: This word, meaning ―rebirth‖ is commonly applied to the movement or period which marks the transition from the medieval to the modern world in Western Europe.Humanism: Broadly, this term suggests any attitude which tends to exalt the human element or stress the importance of human interests, as opposed to the supernatural, divine elements—or as opposed to the grosser, animal elements. In a more specific sense, humanism suggests a devotion to those studies supposed to promote human culture most effectively—in particular, those dealing with the life, thought, language, and literature of ancient Greece and Rome. In literary history the most important use of the term is to designate the revival of classical culture which accompanied the Renaissance.John Donne(1572-1631)Death Be not proudDeath Be Not Proud is one of Donne‘s 19 holy sonnets, which were believed to have been written before his ordination .The poem reveals his belief in life after death. Here death is compared to rest or sleep. Death is but momentary while happiness after death is eternal. But this religious idea is curiously expressed in the author‘s supposeddialogue with―death‖, a s various reasons are given in the poem to argue against the common belief in death as ―mighty and dreadful‖. In this way the sonnet was a typical work of the school of metaphysical poetry. This is a sonnet written in the strict Petrarchan pattern, with 14 lines of iambic pentameter rhyming abba, abba,cddcee. Donne’s distinguishing artistic featuresDonne‘s originality stems from his freedom to draw on a number of different conventions and to adapt them to his own peculiar voice. In the first place his poetry is in one respect less classical than that of his predecessors. There is far less in it of the superficial evidence of classical learning with which the poetry of the ―universitywits‖abounds, pastoral and mythological imagery. The texture of his poetry is more dialectical, and the imagery is less picturesque, more scientific, philosophic, realistic and homely. Nevertheless, in spite of the closeness of the argument, the abstractness of the ideas, the absence of visual imagery, and the strictly denotative use of words, the effect of his poetry is not abstract in the pejorative sense. Each stanza, in fact is a compressed syllogism the conclusion and the minor premise being reserved, as a kind of surprise, until the end.Image: One of the most distinguishing features of poetry is the employment of image. Image is the soul of poetry. It means that the poet uses specific form/ figure or picture to express what people experience, intellectually or emotionally.(a word picture; putting into words of a sound, sight, smell, taste, etc. by describing it.) Imagery: using images such as metaphors and similes to produce an effect in the reader‘s imagination.Enjambment:a device used in verse when both the sense and the grammatical structure are carried over to the next line, /running on the sense of one line of poetry to the nextConceit:from the Italian concetto, used to mean a precise and detailed comparison of something more remote or abstract with something more present or concrete, and often detailed through a chain of metaphors or similes.Wit:the ability to use contrasting and unlikely associations to express a clever and amusing idea.Donne‘s image ry has always impressed readers by its range and variety and its avoidance of the conventionally ornamental. Donne had a different conception of the function of imagery from that of the other Elizabethan poets. The purpose of an image in his poetry is to define the emotional experience by an intellectual parallel. His images must be followed logically; point by point they fit the emotion illustrated.In short, the poetry of Donne is characterized by complex imagery and irregularity of form. He frequently employs the conceit, an elaborate metaphor making striking syntheses of apparently unrelated objects or ideas. His intellectuality, introspection, and use of colloquial diction, seemingly unpoetic but always uniquely precise in meaning and connotation, make his poetry boldly divergent from the smooth, elegant verse of his day.John Milton(1608—1674)Analysis of Paradise LostParadise Lost is Milton‘s masterpiece, and greatest English epic. It consists of 12 books, containing about ten thousand lines in blank versePlotThe stories were taken from the Old Testament: the creation; the rebellion in Heaven of Satan and his fellow angels; their defeat and expulsion from Heaven; the creation of the earth and of Adam and Eve; the fallen angels in hell plotting aga inst God; Satan‘s temptations of Eve; and departure of Adam and Eve from Eden.*Blank verseunrhymed verse written in iambic pentameter.The themeThe poem, as we are told at the outset, was to ―justify the ways of God to man‖, i.e., to advocate submission to the Almighty. But after reading it one gets the impression that the main idea of the poem is a revolt against God‘s authority.In the poem God is no better than a selfish despot, seated upon a throne with a chorus of angels about him eternally singing his praises. His long speeches are never pleasing. He is cruel and unjust in his struggle against Satan. His Archangel is a bore. His angels are silly. While the rebel Satan who rose against God and, though defeated, still sought for revenge, is by far the most striking character in the poem.Adam and Eve embody Milton‘s belief in the powers of man. Their craving for knowledge, as Milton stresses, adds a particular significance to their characters. This longing for knowledge opens before mankind a wide road to an intelligent and active life.It has been noticed by many critics that the picture of God surrounded by his angels, who never think of expressing any opinions of their own, resembles the court of an absolute monarch, while Satan and his followers, who freely discuss all issues in council, sufficient to prove that Milton‘s revolutionary feelings made him forsake religious orthodoxy.This epic is an eloquent expression of the revolutionary spirit of the English bourgeois revolution, a call to resist tyranny and to continue the fight for freedom.The image of SatanSatan is the central figure in Paradise lost. He is human as well as superhuman. We think of Satan either as an abstract conception or else, more immediately, as someone in whom evil is mixed with good but who is doomed to destruction by the flaw ofself-love. The figure of Satan is undoubtedly impressive, powerful, and immense, looming up as a magnificent figure, a mighty, a terrible, and an immortal Being; he is infinitely superior to man, as well in the dignity of his nature, entirely different from the devil of the miracle plays and completely overshadowing the hero both in interest and in manliness. He has about him the last flickers of heavenly radiance, the traces of his ruined greatness.There is undoubtedly something thrilling as he summons up his defeated powers, collect together the scattered legions of the lost angels, addresses them with words of defiance of God, and draws forth response of militaristic assent as his troops ―Clashe d on their sounding shields the din of war,/ Hurling defiance towards the vault of heaven.‖ Then simple ―Satanist‖ case is, then that Milton allowed the revolutionary in himself to take root in Satan. Though Milton thought of himself as a Christian, his inner sympathies with rebellion, anger and revolution often color the poem. Satan‘s defianceof the Divine will is indispensable to the continuance of his identity, a predicament which raises him to tragic status.John Bunyan(1628—1688)Allegory is a story which teaches a lesson because the people and places in it stand for other ideas. One of the greatest of all allegories is Pilgrim‘s Progress by John Bunyan. The themePilgrim‘s Progress is a biting satire on the English society with which the writer wasfa miliar. It reveals Bunyan‘s Puritan ideal.The success of The Pilgrim’s ProgressThe secret of its success is probably simple. It is, first of fall, not a procession of shadows repeating the author‘s declamations, but a real story, the first extended story in English. The Puritans may have read the story for religious instruction; but all classes of men have read it because they found in it true personal experience told with strength, interest humor, in a word, with all the qualities that such a story should possess. Young people have read it, first for its intrinsic worth, because the dramatic interest of the story lure them on to the very end; and second, because it was their introduction to true allegory. It was the only book having a story interest in the great majority of English and American home for a full century.Bunyan cherished a deep hatred of both the king and his government. He saw and detested the injustice of laws, trials and magistrates, between whom and his saints there was a perpetual war. That is why his Pilgrim‘s Progress had won immediate success among the bakers, weavers, cobblers, tailors, tinkers, shepherds, ploughmen, diary-maids, seamstresses and servant girls of his time, and has become one of the most popular works in the English Language.Bunyan‘s prose is admirable. It is popular speech ennobled by the solemn dignity and simplicity of the language of the English Bible. Spenser‘s allegory in The Faerie Queen appears ornate when compare with Bunyan.The Eighteenth CenturyThe Age of Enlightenment in EnglandClassicism: As a critical term, a body of doctrine thought to be derived from or to reflect the qualities of ancient Greece and Roman Culture, particularly in literature, philosophy, art or criticism.Neoclassicism: In English literature, the stylistic trend between the Restoration(1660)and the advent of romanticism at the beginning of the 19th century is referred to as neoclassicism.Sentimentality and sensibility are two terms frequently used in reference to some literary works of the 18th century. They are today used as mutually exchangeable terms, Poetry and fiction of sentimentality or sensibility, as a literary genre, didn‘t start all of a sudden in the 18th century, though it was not often found earlier than that. It was a direct reaction against the cold, hard commercialism and rationalism which had dominated people‘s life since the last decades of the 17th century.Romanticism: Romanticism was in effect a revolt of the English imagination against the neoclassical reason which prevailed from the days of Pope to those of Johnson. Satire: a piece of writing in which public personalities, current affairs, human weaknesses, etc are mocked using sarcasm and irony.Daniel Defoe (1660-1731)The themeIn Robinson Crusoe the author eul ogizes labour and man‘s indefatigable efforts to conquer nature, but at the same time he beautifies colonialism.The styleThough most of his works are written in the picaresque tradition, Defoe is, in fact, an anti-romantic, anti-feudal realistic writer.Defoe‘s style is characterized by a plain, smooth, easy, direct, and almost colloquial but never coarse language.Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)The themeIt is a satire on the eighteenth century English society, touching upon the political, religious, legal, military, scientific, philosophical as well as literary institutions, about almost every aspect of the society. Bitterly satirical, the book takes great pains to bring to light the wickedness of the then English society, with its tyranny, its political intrigues and corruption, its aggressive wars and colonialism, its religious disputes and persecution, and its ruthless oppression and exploitation of the common people.The ugliness of the eighteenth century society is no elsewhere so thoroughly and forcefully exposed and condemned as in this single book. And, the satire, as it is, is not only of practical significance in its own day in England and Europe but its exposure is also true of all countries, all ages. Its satires are applicable to any class, any society, anywhere in the world and in any period of history.To conclude, Swift‘s Gulliver‘s Travels gives us an unparalleled satirical depiction of the vices of his age and the weaknesses of man.Some narrative featuresThe novel is at once a fantasy and a realistic work of fiction.The Language here, as is typical of all Swift‘s works, is very simple, unadorned, straightforward and effective.The novel is noted for its exceptionally tidy structural arrangement. The four seemingly independent parts are linked up by the central idea of social satire and make up an organic whole. The four parts are complementary, each supporting, adding to and developing the central satire. This is especially true of the first two parts. The narrative pattern of the book is also outstanding.Swift’s point of viewA defender of human freedomAn irreligious clergymanSwift’s styleSwift is one of the greatest writers of satiric prose. No reader of his can escape being impressed by the great simplicity, directness and vigor of his style. Easy, clear, simple, and concrete diction, uncomplicated syntax, economy and conciseness of language mark all his writings. Seldom is there ornament or singularity of any kind. Never is the meaning obscure. Everything is in complete control of the writer.And yet, it seems inadequate to define Swift‘s style simply as what he says: ―proper words in proper pla ces‖, for his is one of great richness and variety. His simplicities, more often than not, are a camouflage for insidious intentions, for big serious matters, and an outward earnestness, simplicity, innocence and an apparently cold impartial tone render his satire all the more powerful and effective. Sometimes even a ferocious joke does the job. His ―A Modest Proposal‖— a ferocious joke really — is generally held as the example of best satirical work in English.But to say that Swift has invented a complete new prose style is to overstate. When we emphasize his abandonment of ―serious‖ or ―lofty‖ styles brought to high refinement by his cousin Dryden and his friend Pope, we do not exclude his cousin Dryden and his friend Pope, we do not exclude his indebtedness to the old tradition, particularly the tradition of Rabelais. It is by adapting and modifying the old forms and techniques, by infusing them with his own strong personality that he is able to play with learned or pseudo-learned ideas, to put forward his own judgment, to carry his parody, satire, ridicule and condemnation until ―the wit of man carry it no further.‖What is more, Swift is in the habit of writing in the capacity of a fictitious character. This provides him opportunities to let out his pent-up emotions, mostly his contempt, disappointment, bitterness and desperate indignation, and also allows him freedom in the choice of an idiom which is appropriate to the assumed character and a style which is most suitable to his theme and purpose.Joseph Addison (1672 - 1719)ContributionThough Addison considered himself a poet and distinguished himself with his tragedy ―Cato‖, and Steele was successful with his many sentimental comedies, they have been remembered chiefly as editors of the two literary periodicals. The Tattler and The Spectator are chief contributors to the English periodical literature of the early eighteenth century. Their new genre of familiar essays, characterized by an informal, easy style, by the creation of characters and by their comments on the manners and morals of the time, which were illustrated by interesting brief sketches and tales pavedthe way for the flourishing of literary periodicals and the arrival of English novels in the days to come.Henry Fielding (1707-1754)The ThemeIn ―Tom Jones‖ Fielding gives a vivid panoramic picture of English society in mid-18th century, and shows his great sympathy for the poor and oppressed and his strong antipathy toward all the wicked and deceitful persons in the story. The character of Blifil is an embodiment of vice, while Tom Jones is an upright, kind-hearted youth in spite of his minor shortcomings and Sophia Western is a courageous young woman who battles successfully against feudal bondage.Features of Fielding’s novels1)Fielding‘s method of relating a story is telling the story directly by the author.2) Satire abounds everywhere in Fielding‘s works.3) Fielding believed in the educational function of the novel. The object of his novels is to present a faithful picture of life, while sound teaching is woven into their texture.4) Fielding is a master of style. His style is easy, unlaboured and familiar, but extremely vivid and vigorous. His sentences are always distinguished by logic and musical rhythm. His command of language is remarkable.Thomas Gray(1716-1771)Analysis of Elegy Written in a Country ChurchyardRelevant information about Elegy Written in a Country ChurchyardElegy Written in a Country Churchyard(1751), one of the best known lyrics in the English language. The poem once and for all established his fame as the leader of the sentimental poetry of the day, especially ―the Graveyard school.‖ His poems, as awhole, are mostly devoted to a sentimental lamentation or meditation on life, past and present.·Graveyard schoolshow sympathy for the poor and indulge in the meditation of death and loneliness Although neo-classicism dominated the literary scene in 18th century, there were poets whose poetry had some elements that deviated from the rules and regularities set down by neo- classicist poets. These poets had grown weary of the artificiality and controlling ideals of neo-classicism. They craved for something more natural and spontaneous in thoughts and language. In their poetry, emotions and sentiments, which had been repressed, began to play a leading role again. Another factor marking this deviation is the reawakening of an interest in nature and in the natural relations between man and man. Among these poets, one of the representatives was Thomas Gray.Analysis of “Elegy”It is originally in classical Greek and Roman literature, a poem composed of couplets. Classical elegies addressed various subject, including love, lamentation, and politics, and were characterized by their metric form. Since the 16th century elegies have been characterized not by their form but by their content, which is invariably melancholy and centers on death. The best-known elegy in English is Gray‘s―Elegy‖.Milton‘s Lycidas was an elegy to his friend who drowned. Gray‘s Elegy in a Country Churchyard is a sad poem about mankind‘s mortality.Epitaph: Something written on a tombstone, or a poem about someone after their death.Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard is the best-known meditative poem by Thomas Gray. The churchyard is perhaps that of Stoke Poges, where Gray often visited。

Chapter one1.The origin of the English people, their language and literature1)The settlement of the Anglo-Saxons on the island: the mid 5th century2)Seven kingdoms united into one called England: 7th century.The three tribes(Angles,Saxons and Jutes) mixed into a whole people called English.3)Their language: Anglo-Saxon, which is also called old English.4) English literature began with the Anglo-Saxon settlement in England: a few relics are stillpreserved—poems and songs about the heroic deeds of old time.Beowulf: a folk legend brought to England from their continental homes (Denmark), reflecting the features of the tribal society of ancient times2.Norman Conquest and its impact on the English language1066: the end of Anglo-Saxon period and the establishment of feudalism in England.The general relation of Normans and Saxons was that of master and servant.Two languages were spoken: French and English. By the end of the 14th century English was again the dominant speech—different from the old Anglo-Saxon:Structure: Englishmon words: EnglishMore than 10 thousand French words were introduced – English synonyms.3.Literature of feudal England1). The romance: describing the life and adventure of noble heroes ---the English versions were translated from French or Latin.2). English ballads:a). In various English and Scottish dialectsb). posed collectively\’]c). A variety of themesd). Mainly the literature of the peasants: the outlook of the English mon people in thefeudal societye). The Robin Hood ballads4. Geoffrey Chaucer (1340? ----1400): read the introduction in your bookFather of English poetry, one of most greatest poets of England.Romance of rose(玫瑰奇缘)/the house of fame(声誉之宫)/the parliament of fowls(百鸟议会)TheCanterbury tales5.Cha ucer’s contribution to English literature1). His poetry traces out a path to the literature of English Renaissance, it reflects the changesof the second half of the 14th century2). As a forerunner of humanism, he praised man’s energy, intellect, qui ck wit and love of life3). Wide learning: a good knowledge of Latin, French and Italian. Studied philosophical worksof his time; an abundant knowledge of the world. No man could have been better equipped,socially and intellectually to be the founder of English poetry4). His language -----Middle English ----vivid and exact----good master of English ----makingthe dialect of London the foundation of modern English speech----establishing English as the literary language of the country.6.popular balladsBallads are anonymous narrative songs that have been preserved by oral transmission.Ballads are divided into several kinds:i.Historicalii.Legendaryiii.Fantasticaliv.Lyricalv.HumorousCharacter:Chapter TwoRenaissance: the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world.1. Historical background of the English Renaissance1) The founding of the Tudor Dynasty which met the needs of the rising bourgeoisie.2) A kind of religious movement called Reformation was started: Protestantism — The LatinBible was translated into English: a great influence on the English language and literature. 3) English economy developed at a slow but steady pace. As a result of the Enclosure Movement,a large number of peasants became the forefathers of the modern English proletariat.4) mercial expansion abroad and the establishment of colonies2. Chief characteristics of the Renaissance1)The interest in God and in the life after death was transformed into the exaltation of manand an absorption in earthly life.2) Materialistic philosophy and scientific thought replaced the church dogmas.3) A total new culture rose out of the revival of the old culture of ancient Greece and Rome; a new kind of art and literature emerged through the exploration of the infinite capabilities of man.Or:1) A thirsting curiosity for classical literature2) A keen interest in life and human activities3. English literature of the Elizabethan Period (second half of the 16th century)1) Many classical and Italian and French works were translated into English — Don Quixote2) Books on history and about new discoveries were written.3) The sonnet, an exact form of poetry, was introduced to England from Italy.4. Edmund Spenser (1552-1599)born in London of a merchant tailor's family;had a progressive scholar as his headmaster, who hold that "It is not a mind, not a body,that wehave to educate, but a man";entered Cambridge in 1569, graduated in 1573 with M.A. degree;started "The Faerie Queen" by 1580, dedicated it to the Queen in 1589;became private secretary of Lord Grey, the Queen's Lord Deputy in Ireland — stayed there for his remaining 19 years, carried out the tyrannical rule of the British government therewrote "The Shepherds' Calendar" in 1597;an Irish uprising broke out in 1599, his house was burnt down, he returned to London, died "for want of bread";his language: modern English — different from Chaucer's Middle English.8. Francis Bacon's life (1561-1626)born in London in 1561, father: Lord Keeper of the Seal; mother: well-educatedsent to CambridgeUniversity at the age of 12;English ambassador in France after graduation;entered Gray's Inn to study law;member of parliament — more on the side of the bourgeoisie — offended Queen Elizabeth James I made him a Knight, gave one important office after another until he became Lord Chancellor;charged with bribery in 1621;The remaining years of his life were spent in literary, philosophical and scientific work.died of cold in 1626;9. Francis Bacon's works: three classes1) Philosophical works:"The Advancement of Learning" 1605, in English"Novum Organum" 1620, in Latin2) Literary works — 58 essays — the first English essayist dealing with a wide variety of subjects, such as love, truth, friendship, parents and children, studies, youth and age, garden, death and many others — won popularity for their clearness, brevity and force of expression3) Professional works: "Maxims of the Law and Reading on the Statute of Uses"Marx called him "the real father of English materialism and experimental sciences of modern times in general".12. William Shakespeare (1564-1616)family: born in Stratford-on-Avon in central England;father: a prosperous tradesman with 8 children;mother: daughter of a well-to-do farmer;education: the local grammar school 6 years, also learned Latin and a little Greekworked as a country schoolmaster at 14;married a farmer's daughter (8 years his senior);life as an actor and playwright;well acquainted with theatrical performances when still at Stratford;went to London in 1586-87, and worked at odd jobs in a theatre, became an actor but was not successful;began to write for the stage — revising old plays and wrote new ones — a successful writer of both tragedies and edies;His plete works include 37 plays, 2 narrative poems and 154 sonnetsdied on the 23rd of April, 1616.13. Shakespeare's career as a dramatist: 3 periods1s t period (1590-1600): 9 historical plays, 10 edies, 1 tragedy — imbued with an optimistic atmosphere of humanism, describing the youth, love, and ideals of happiness of young peopleHenry Ⅵ, Richard Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Henry ⅣRomeo and Juliet, The Merchant of Venice, A Mid-Summer Night's Dream, As You Like It 2nd period (1601-1608): reflecting the social contradictions of the age — a transition from greenyouth to maturity;Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Mecbeth3rd period (1609-1612): a general tone of conciliation and a falling off from his previous height, but optimistic faith in the future of humanityThe Tempest, The Winter's Tale, Henry ⅦShakespeare’s edies reflected an optimistic spirit of the humanists at that time. They praised sincere friendship and true love, advocated equality between man and man, and repudiated the feudal moral and feudal system.His tragedies have shown us insurmountable contradictions between human ideal and social reality, and raised a series of questions about t he state, moral, wealth, family and philosophy.十四行诗(the sonnet)是一种形式完整、格律严谨、以歌咏爱情为主的小诗,十三、四世纪盛行于意大利,其最主要的代表者为Petrarch(比德拉克)(1304-1374),十六世纪中叶由Thomas Wyatt传入英国,至莎士比亚一代而臻完美。

英国文学简史英美文学史名词翻译Neoclassicism (新古典主义) Renaissance (文艺复兴)Metaphysical poetry (玄学派诗歌)Classism (古典主义)Enlightenment (启蒙运动) Romanticism (浪漫主义)Byronic Hero (拜伦式英雄)Aestheticism(美学主义)Stream of consciousness (意识流)the Age of Realism (现实主义时期) Naturalism (自然主义)Local Colorist (乡土文学)Imagism (意象主义) The Lost Generation (迷惘的一代)Surrealism (超现实主义) The Beat Generation (垮掉的一代)Metaphysical poets (玄学派诗人)New Criticism (新批评主义)Feminism(女权主义) Hemingway Code Hero (海明威式英雄)Impressionism (印象主义) Post modernity (后现代主义)Realism (现实主义)Allegory (寓言)Romance (传奇)epic(史诗)Blank Verse (无韵诗)Essay (随笔)Masques or Masks (假面剧)Spenserian Stanza (斯宾塞诗节)Three Unities (三一。
原则)Meter (格律)Soliloquy (独白) Cavalier poets (骑士派诗人)Elegy (挽歌). Action/plot (情节)Atmosphere (基调) Epigram (警句)The Heroic Couplet (英雄对偶句)Sentimentalism (感伤主义文学)Aside (旁白)Denouement (戏剧结局)parable (寓言)Genre (流派)Irony (反讽)Satire (讽刺)Lyric (抒情诗)Ode (颂歌)Pastoral (田园诗) Canto (诗章)Lake Poets (湖畔诗人) Image (意象)Dramatic monologue(戏剧独白)Psychological novel (心理小说)Allusion (典故) Protagonist and Antagonist (正面人物与反面人物) Symbolism (象征主义) Existentialism (存在主义)Anti—hero (反面人物)Rhyme (押韵)Round Character (丰满的人物)Flat character (平淡的人物)Oedipus complex (俄狄浦斯情结/蛮母厌父情结) Iambic pentameter (抑扬格五音步)Poetic license (诗的破格) Legend (传说)Myth (神话) Pessimism (悲观主义)Tragicomedy (悲喜剧)Comedy of manners (风俗喜剧)Free Verse (自由体诗歌) Magic realism (魔幻现实主义) Autobiography (自传) Biography (传记)Foot (脚注)Protagonist (正面人物)Psychological Realism (心理现实主义) Setting (背景)Chronicle《编年史》Ballads 民谣consonant(协调,一致) repetition (反复)repeated initial(开头的)一、中世纪文学(约5世纪—1485)•《贝奥武甫》(Beowulf)•《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》(Sir Gawain and the Green Knight )杰弗利·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer)―英国诗歌之父(Father of English Poetry)《坎特伯雷故事》(The Canterbury Tales )二、文艺复兴时期文学(15世纪后期—17世纪初)•托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More )《乌托邦》(Utopia)•埃德蒙·斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser)《仙后》(The Faerie Queene)•弗兰西斯·培根(Francis Bacon)《论说文集》(Essays)•克里斯托弗·马洛(Christopher Marlowe)《帖木儿大帝》(Tamburlaine)《浮士德博士的悲剧》(The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Dr。

英国文学史资料British Writers and WorksI。
Old English Literature & The Late Medieval Ages<Beowulf>贝奥武夫:the national epic of the Anglo—SaxonsEpic: long narrative poems that record the adventures or heroic deeds of a hero enacted in vast landscapes. The style of epic is grand and elevated。
Homer's Iliad and OdysseyArtistic features:ing alliterationDefinition of alliteration: a rhetorical device, meaning some words in a sentence begin with the same consonant sound(头韵)Some examples on P5ing metaphor and understatementDefinition of understatement: expressing something in a controlled way Understatement is a typical way for Englishmen to express their ideasGeoffery Chaucer 杰弗里•乔叟1340(?)~1400(首创“双韵体",英国文学史上首先用伦敦方言写作。
约翰·德莱顿(John Dryden)称其为“英国诗歌之父"。
代表作《坎特伯雷故事集》.)The father of English poetry。

10对外《英国⽂学史及作品选读》期末考试复习材料10对外《英美⽂学史及作品选读》期末考试复习材料⼀、名词解释1. Enlightenment:With the advent of the 18th century, in England, as in other Europe an countries, there sprang into life a public movement known as the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment on the whole, was an expression of struggle of the then progressive class of bourgeois against feudalism. They fought against inequality, stagnation, prejudices and other survivals of feudalism. They attempted to place all branches of science at the servi ce of mankind by connecting them with the actual deeds and requirements of the people.(启蒙运动)2. Ode:A complex and often lengthy lyric poem, written in a dignified formal style on so me lofty or serious subject. Odes are often written for a special occasion, to honor a pers on or a season or to commemorate an event.(赋;颂歌;颂诗)3. Romanticism: A movement that flourished in literature, philosophy, music, and art in Western culture during most of the19th century, beginning as a revolt against classicism.(浪漫主义)4. Epic:A long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a great hero and reflecting the values of the society from which it originated. Many epics were drawn from an oral traditi on and were transmitted by song and recitation before they were written down.(史诗)5. Romance:Any imagination literature that is set in an idealized world and that deals with a heroic adventures and battles between good characters and villains or monsters.(冒险故事;传奇)6. Sonnet:A fourteen-line lyric poem, usually written in rhymed iambic pentameter. A s onnet generally expresses a single theme or idea.(⼗四⾏诗)7. Iambic pentameter: A poetic line consisting of five verse feet, with each foot an ia mb—that is, an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. Iambic pentameter is the most common verse line in English poetry.(抑扬格五⾳步)8. Couplet: Two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme. A heroic couplet is an iambic p entameter couplet.(两⾏诗;对句)9. Conceit: A kind of metaphor that makes a comparison between two startlingly differe nt things. A conceit may be a brief metaphor, but it usually provides the framework for anentire poem. An especially unusual and intellectual kind of conceit is the metaphysical co nceit.(奇喻)10. Alliteration: The repetition of the initial consonant sounds in poetry. (头韵)⼆、考试⼤纲Part I The Anglo-Saxon Period (449—1066)1.Literature characteristicsLiterary divisions : pagan &Christian2 .Representative achievement of Anglo-Saxon period—The Song of Beowulf(了解Beowulf 的⽂学地位,主题,故事梗概等内容。

Chapter one1.The origin of the English people, their language and literature1)The settlement of the Anglo-Saxons on the island: the mid 5th century2)Seven kingdoms united into one called England: 7th century.The three tribes(Angles,Saxons and Jutes) mixed into a whole people called English.3)Their language: Anglo-Saxon, which is also called old English.4) English literature began with the Anglo-Saxon settlement in England: a few relics are stillpreserved—poems and songs about the heroic deeds of old time.Beowulf: a folk legend brought to England from their continental homes (Denmark), reflecting the features of the tribal society of ancient times2.Norman Conquest and its impact on the English language1066: the end of Anglo-Saxon period and the establishment of feudalism in England.The general relation of Normans and Saxons was that of master and servant.Two languages were spoken: French and English. By the end of the 14th century English was again the dominant speech—different from the old Anglo-Saxon:Structure: EnglishCommon words: EnglishMore than 10 thousand French words were introduced – English synonyms.3.Literature of feudal England1). The romance: describing the life and adventure of noble heroes ---the English versions were translated from French or Latin.2). English ballads:a). In various English and Scottish dialectsb). Composed collectively\’]c). A variety of themesd). Mainly the literature of the peasants: the outlook of the English common people in thefeudal societye). The Robin Hood ballads4. Geoffrey Chaucer (1340? ----1400): read the introduction in your bookFather of English poetry, one of most greatest poets of England.Romance of rose(玫瑰奇缘)/the house of fame(声誉之宫)/the parliament of fowls(百鸟议会)The Canterbury tales5.Chaucer’s contribution to English literature1). His poetry traces out a path to the literature of English Renaissance, it reflects the changesof the second half of the 14th century2). As a forerunner of humanism, he praised man’s energy, intellect, quick wit and love of life3). Wide learning: a good knowledge of Latin, French and Italian. Studied philosophical worksof his time; an abundant knowledge of the world. No man could have been better equipped,socially and intellectually to be the founder of English poetry4). His language -----Middle English ----vivid and exact----good master of English ----makingthe dialect of London the foundation of modern English speech----establishing English as the literary language of the country.6.popular balladsBallads are anonymous narrative songs that have been preserved by oral transmission.Ballads are divided into several kinds:i.Historicalii.Legendaryiii.Fantasticaliv.Lyricalv.HumorousCharacter:Chapter TwoRenaissance: the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world.1. Historical background of the English Renaissance1) The founding of the Tudor Dynasty which met the needs of the rising bourgeoisie.2) A kind of religious movement called Reformation was started: Protestantism — The LatinBible was translated into English: a great influence on the English language and lit erature. 3) English economy developed at a slow but steady pace. As a result of the Enclosure Movement,a large number of peasants became the forefathers of the modern English proletariat.4) Commercial expansion abroad and the establishment of colonies2. Chief characteristics of the Renaissance1)The interest in God and in the life after death was transformed into the exaltation of manand an absorption in earthly life.2) Materialistic philosophy and scientific thought replaced the church dogmas.3) A total new culture rose out of the revival of the old culture of ancient Greece and Rome; a new kind of art and literature emerged through the exploration of the infinite capabilities of man.Or:1) A thirsting curiosity for classical literature2) A keen interest in life and human activities3. English literature of the Elizabethan Period (second half of the 16th century)1) Many classical and Italian and French works were translated into English — Don Quixote2) Books on history and about new discoveries were written.3) The sonnet, an exact form of poetry, was introduced to England from Italy.4. Edmund Spenser (1552-1599)born in London of a merchant tailor's family;had a progressive scholar as his headmaster, who hold that "It is not a mind, not a b ody, that wehave to educate, but a man";entered Cambridge in 1569, graduated in 1573 with M.A. degree;started "The Faerie Queen" by 1580, dedicated it to the Queen in 1589;became private secretary of Lord Grey, the Queen's Lord Deputy in Ireland — stayed there for his remaining 19 years, carried out the tyrannical rule of the British government therewrote "The Shepherds' Calendar" in 1597;an Irish uprising broke out in 1599, his house was burnt down, he returned to London, died "for want of bread";his language: modern English — different from Chaucer's Middle English.8. Francis Bacon's life (1561-1626)born in London in 1561, father: Lord Keeper of the Seal; mother: well-educatedsent to Cambridge University at the age of 12;English ambassador in France after graduation;entered Gray's Inn to study law;member of parliament — more on the side of the bourgeoisie — offended Queen Elizabeth James I made him a Knight, gave one important office after another until he became Lord Chancellor;charged with bribery in 1621;The remaining years of his life were spent in literary, philosophical and scientific work.died of cold in 1626;9. Francis Bacon's works: three classes1) Philosophical works:"The Advancement of Learning" 1605, in English"Novum Organum" 1620, in Latin2) Literary works — 58 essays — the first English essayist dealing with a wide variety of subjects, such as love, truth, friendship, parents and children, studies, youth and age, garden, death and many others — won popularity for their clearness, brevity and force of expression3) Professional works: "Maxims of the Law and Reading on the Statute of Uses"Marx called him "the real father of English materialism and experimental sciences of modern times in general".12. William Shakespeare (1564-1616)family: born in Stratford-on-Avon in central England;father: a prosperous tradesman with 8 children;mother: daughter of a well-to-do farmer;education: the local grammar school 6 years, also learned Latin and a little Greekworked as a country schoolmaster at 14;married a farmer's daughter (8 years his senior);life as an actor and playwright;well acquainted with theatrical performances when still at Stratford;went to London in 1586-87, and worked at odd jobs in a theatre, became an acto r but was not successful;began to write for the stage — revising old plays and wrote new ones — a successful writer of both tragedies and comedies;His complete works include 37 plays, 2 narrative poems and 154 sonnetsdied on the 23rd of April, 1616.13. Shakespeare's career as a dramatist: 3 periods1s t period (1590-1600): 9 historical plays, 10 comedies, 1 tragedy — imbued with an optimisticatmosphere of humanism, describing the youth, love, and ideals of happiness of young peopleHenry Ⅵ, Richard Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Henry ⅣRomeo and Juliet, The Merchant of Venice, A Mid-Summer Night's Dream, As You Like It 2nd period (1601-1608): reflecting the social contradictions of the age — a transition from greenyouth to maturity;Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Mecbeth3rd period (1609-1612): a general tone of conciliation and a falling off from his previous height, but optimistic faith in the future of humanityThe Tempest, The Winter's Tale, Henry ⅦShakespeare’s comedies reflected an optimistic spirit of the humanists a t that time. They praised sincere friendship and true love, advocated equality between man and man, and repudiated the feudal moral and feudal system.His tragedies have shown us insurmountable contradictions between human ideal and social reality, and raised a series of questions about the state, moral, wealth, family and philosophy.十四行诗(the sonnet)是一种形式完整、格律严谨、以歌咏爱情为主的小诗,十三、四世纪盛行于意大利,其最主要的代表者为Petrarch(比德拉克)(1304-1374),十六世纪中叶由Thomas Wyatt传入英国,至莎士比亚一代而臻完美。

1,Old English Literature (A.D.600-about A.D.1100)Poetry:Beowulf 《贝尔伍夫》: the author is unknown (Secular literature世俗文学)1, Hrothgar胡鲁斯加王, King of the Danes, and Beowulf, a brave young man,2, the first great English literary work, the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons passed from mouth to mouth for hundreds years, was written down in the 10th century, Features:1, Each half line has two main beats.2,There is no rhyme. Instead, each half line is joined to the other by alliteration头韵. 3,Things are described indirectly and in combinations of words.4, As is known, the Anglo-Saxons were Christianized by the end of the 7th century. Major themes:1.This epic presents a vivid picture of how the primitive people wage heroic struggles against the hostile forces of the natural world represented by Grendel, his mother and the fire-breathing dragon under the wise and mighty leader.2.The poem conveys a hope that the righteous will triumph over the evil. Beowulf stands for all that is good, brave and proper, while the monsters stand for evil. Prose:Anglo-Saxon Chronicle盎格鲁-撒克逊编年史1,written under the encouragement and supervision of King Alfred the Great (849-899)阿尔弗雷德大帝2,an early history of the country which begins with Caesar’s conquest凯撒征服and is a monument不朽的作品of Old English Prose.Aelfric埃尔弗里克(mostly religious):His prose style is the best in Old English. And he uses alliteration头韵to join his sentences together.2,Middle English Literature (from about 1100 to about 1500) Norman Conquest(1066): the English VS the Norman armies place:near Hastings黑斯廷斯Result: the leader of English, Harold, was killed, English lost decisive battle William, the Conqueror, became the King of England1. Politically, a feudalist system封建制度was established in England.(feudalism)2. Religiously, the Roman Catholic Church had a much stronger control over the country.3. Great changes took place in the English language.4. The conquest opened up England to the whole European continent, so that with the introduction of the culture and literature of France, Italy and other European countries a fresh wave of Mediterranean civilization came into England.Three languages co-existed in England during this period.:French (the official language): King, Norman lordsLatin (the principal tongue of church affairs): clergymen and scholarsEnglish: common peopleGreat events in this period:The Hundred Years’ War(1337-1453)英法百年战争The Black Death(1348-1350) 黑死病Literature:strongly reflects the principles of the medieval中世纪Christian doctrines基督教教义, which are primarily concerned with the issue of personal salvation自我拯救.The romance传奇文学;Geoffrey of Monmouth蒙茅斯的杰弗里:英国历史学家History of the Kings of Britain (in Latin Prose)(不列颠诸王记)Layamon莱亚门:英国诗人Brut《布鲁特》Thomas Malory马洛礼:Mort D’Arthur(in English prose)《亚瑟王之死》Sir Gawain and the Green Knight(anonymous匿名的,无名的, in English verse)《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》Major themes of 《高文。

英国文学简史英美文学史名词翻译Neoclassicism (新古典主义) Renaissance (文艺复兴)Metaphysical poetry (玄学派诗歌) Classism (古典主义)Enlightenment (启蒙运动) Romanticism (浪漫主义)Byronic Hero (拜伦式英雄) Aestheticism(美学主义)Stream of consciousness (意识流) the Age of Realism (现实主义时期)Naturalism (自然主义) Local Colorist (乡土文学)Imagism (意象主义) The Lost Generation (迷惘的一代)Surrealism (超现实主义) The Beat Generation (垮掉的一代) Metaphysical poets (玄学派诗人)New Criticism (新批评主义)Feminism(女权主义) Hemingway Code Hero (海明威式英雄) Impressionism (印象主义) Post modernity (后现代主义)Realism (现实主义) Allegory (寓言)Romance (传奇) epic(史诗)Blank Verse (无韵诗) Essay (随笔)Masques or Masks (假面剧) Spenserian Stanza (斯宾塞诗节)Three Unities (三一.原则) Meter (格律)Soliloquy (独白) Cavalier poets (骑士派诗人)Elegy (挽歌) . Action/plot (情节)Atmosphere (基调) Epigram (警句)The Heroic Couplet (英雄对偶句) Sentimentalism (感伤主义文学)Aside (旁白) Denouement (戏剧结局)parable (寓言) Genre (流派)Irony (反讽) Satire (讽刺)Lyric (抒情诗) Ode (颂歌)Pastoral (田园诗) Canto (诗章)Lake Poets (湖畔诗人) Image (意象)Dramatic monologue(戏剧独白)Psychological novel (心理小说)Allusion (典故) Protagonist and Antagonist (正面人物与反面人物) Symbolism (象征主义) Existentialism (存在主义)Anti-hero (反面人物) Rhyme (押韵)Round Character (丰满的人物) Flat character (平淡的人物)Oedipus complex (俄狄浦斯情结/蛮母厌父情结) Iambic pentameter (抑扬格五音步)Poetic license (诗的破格) Legend (传说)Myth (神话) Pessimism (悲观主义)Tragicomedy (悲喜剧) Comedy of manners (风俗喜剧)Free Verse (自由体诗歌) Magic realism (魔幻现实主义) Autobiography (自传) Biography (传记)Foot (脚注) Protagonist (正面人物)Psychological Realism (心理现实主义) Setting (背景)Chronicle《编年史》Balladsconsonant(协调,一致) repetition (反复)repeated initial(开头的)一、中世纪文学(约5世纪—1485)•《贝奥武甫》(Beowulf)•《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》(Sir Gawain and the Green Knight )杰弗利·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer) ―英国诗歌之父(Father of English Poetry)《坎特伯雷故事》(The Canterbury Tales )二、文艺复兴时期文学(15世纪后期—17世纪初)•托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More )《乌托邦》(Utopia)•埃德蒙·斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser)《仙后》(The Faerie Queene)•弗兰西斯·培根(Francis Bacon)《论说文集》(Essays)•克里斯托弗·马洛(Christopher Marlowe)《帖木儿大帝》(Tamburlaine)《浮士德博士的悲剧》(The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Dr. Faustus)《马耳他岛的犹太人》(The Jew of Malta )•威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare )四大悲剧: Hamlet(哈姆雷特)、Othello(奥瑟罗)、King Lear(李尔王)、Macbeth(麦克白)四大喜剧:A Midsummer Night's Dream《仲夏夜之梦》As you like it《皆大欢喜》Twelfth Night 《第十二夜》The merchant of Venice 《威尼斯商人》三、17世纪文学•约翰·弥尔顿John Milton 《失乐园》(Paradise Lost)(诗人、政论家;失明后写《失乐园》、《复乐园》、《力士参孙》。

英国文学史资料British Writers and Works一、中世纪文学(约5世纪—1485)•《贝奥武甫》(Beowulf)•《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》(Sir Gawain and the Green Knight )杰弗利·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer)“英国诗歌之父”。
(Father of English Poetry)《坎特伯雷故事》(The Canterbury Tales)二、文艺复兴时期文学(15世纪后期—17世纪初)•托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More )《乌托邦》(Utopia)•埃德蒙·斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser)《仙后》(The Faerie Queene)•弗兰西斯·培根(Francis Bacon)《论说文集》(Essays)克里斯托弗·马洛Christopher Marlowe•《帖木儿大帝》(Tamburlaine)•《浮士德博士的悲剧》(The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Dr. Faustus)•《马耳他岛的犹太人》(The Jew of Malta)威廉·莎士比亚William Shakespeare喜剧《仲夏夜之梦》(A Midsummer Night’s Dream)、《威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice)悲剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(Romeo and Juliet)、《哈姆莱特》(Hamlet)、《奥赛罗》(Othello)、《李尔王》(King Lear)、《麦克白》(Macbeth)历史剧《亨利四世》(Henry IV)传奇剧《暴风雨》(The Tempest)本·琼生Ben Johnson•《人人高兴》(Every Man in His Humor)•《狐狸》(V olpone)•《练金术士》(The Alchemist)三、17世纪文学约翰·弥尔顿John Milton《失乐园》(Paradise Lost)《复乐园》(Paradise Regained)诗剧《力士参孙》(Samson Agonistes)•约翰·班扬(John Bunyan)《天路历程》(The Pilgrim’s Progress)•威廉·康格里夫(William Congreve)《以爱还爱》(Love for Love)《如此世道》(The Way of the World)四、启蒙时期文学(17世纪后期—18世纪中期)18世纪初,新古典主义成为时尚。
(完整word版)英国文学史及选读 期末试题及答案

英国文学史及选读期末试题及答案考试课程:英国文学史及选读考核类型:A 卷考试方式:闭卷出卷教师: XXX考试专业:英语考试班级:英语xx班I.Multiple choice (30 points, 1 point for each) select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement.1._____,a typical example of old English poetry ,is regarded today as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons.A.The Canterbury TalesB.The Ballad of Robin HoodC.The Song of BeowulfD.Sir Gawain and the Green Kinght2._____is the most common foot in English poetry.A.The anapestB.The trocheeC.The iambD.The dactyl3.The Renaissance is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events, which one of the following is NOT such an event?A.The rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture.B.England’s domestic restC.New discovery in geography and astrologyD.The religious reformation and the economic expansion4._____is the most successful religious allegory in the English language.A.The Pilgrims ProgressB.Grace Abounding to the Chief of SinnersC.The Life and Death of Mr.BadmanD.The Holy War5.Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries, its essence is _____.A.scienceB.philosophyC.artsD.humanism6.“So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,/So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”(Shakespeare, Sonnets18)What does“this”refer to ?A.Lover.B.Time.C.Summer.D.Poetry.7.“O prince, O chief of my throned powers, /That led th’embattled seraphim to war/Under thy conduct, and in dreadful deeds/Fearless, endangered Heaven’s perpetual king”In the third line of the above passage quoted from Milton’s Parad ise Lost, the phrase“thy conduct”refers to _____conduct.A.God’sB.Satan’sC.Adam’sD.Eve’s8. It is generally regarded that Keats’s most important and mature poems are in the form of ______.A.elegyB.odeC.epicD.sonnet9.“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”The sentence is the beginning of Shakespeare’s_______.edyB.tragedyC.sonnetD.poem10. Daniel Defoe’s novels mainly focus on _____.A.the struggle of the unfortunate for mere existenceB.the struggle of the shipwrecked persons for securityC.the struggle of the pirates for wealthD.the desire of the criminals for property11. Francis Bacon is best known for his_____which greatly influenced the development of this literary form.A.essaysB.poemsC.worksD.plays12. Most of Thomas Hardy’s novels are set in Wessex____.A.a crude region in EnglandB.a fictional primitive regionC.a remote rural areaD.Hardy’s hometown13. In terms of Pride and Prejudice, which is not true?A.Pride and Prejudice is the most popular of Jane Austen’s novels.B.Pride and Prejudice is originally drafted as “First Impressions”.C.Pride and Prejudice is a tragic novel.D.In this novel, the author explores the relationship between great love and realistic benefits.14. Chronologically the Victorian Period refers to _____A.1798-1832B.1836-1901C.1798-1901D.the Neoclassical Period15. In the following figures, who is Dickens’s first child hero?A.Fagin.B.Mr.Brownlow.C.Olive Twist.D.Bill Sikes16. “And where are they? And where art thou,”My country? On thy voiceless shoreThe heroic lay is tuneless now-The heroic bosom beats no more! (George Gordon Byron, Don Juan)In the above stanza,“art thou”literally means_____.A.“art you ”B.“are though”C.“art though”D.“are you ”17. Of the following writers, which is not the representative of the Romantic period?A.William Blake.B.John Bunyan.C.Jane Auten.D.John Keats.18. In Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, what is the utmost concern of Blake?A.LoveB.ChildhoodC.DeathD.Human Experience19. Paradise Lost is actually a story taken from____.A.the RenaissanceB.the Old TestamentC.Greek MythologyD.the New Testament20. Jane Austen’s first novel is _____.A.Pride and PrejudiceB.Sense and SensibilityC.EmmaD.Plan of a Noel21. Of the following poets, w hich is not regarded as “Lake Poets’”?A.Saumel Taylor Coleridge.B.Robert Southey.C.William Wordsworth.D.William Shakespeare.22.Daniel Defoe describes____as a typical English middle-class man of the eighteenth century, the very prototype of the empire builder or the pioneer colonist.A.Robinson CrusoeB.Moll FlandersC.GulliverD.Tom Jones23. The lines“Death, be not proud, though some have calld thee/Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;”are found in ______.A.William Wordsworth’s writingsB.John Keats’writingsC.John Donne’s writingsD.Percy Bysshe Shelley’s writings24.The Pilgrim’s progress by John Bunyan is often said to be concerned with the search for_____.A.self-fulfillmentB.spiritual salvationC.material wealthD.universal truth25.With so many poems such as “The Sparrow’s Nest,”“To a Skylark,”“To the Cuckoo”and “To a Butterfly”,William Wordsworth is regarded as a “______”.A.poet of genius.B.royal poet.C.worshipper of nature.D.conservative poet.26.In the first part of Gulliver’s Travels, Gulliver told this experience in ____.A.LilliputB.BrobdingnagC.HouyhnhnmD.England27.Which of the following can not describe“Byronic hero”?A.Proud.B.Mysterious.C.Noble origin.D.Progressive.28.The poetic form which Browning attached to maturity and perfection is ____.A.dramatic monologuee of symbole of ironic languagee of lyrics29.The term “metaphysical poetry”is commonly used to name the work of the 17th-century writers who wrote under the influence of ____.A.John MiltonB.John DonneC.John KeatsD.John Bunyan30. Which of the following writings is not created by William Wordsworth?A.I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud.B.She Dwelt Among the Untrodden WaysC.The Solitary Reaper.D.The Chimney Sweeper.II. Find the relevant match from colunm B for each item in Colomn A (10 points in all. 1 point for each)A B1.Geoffrey Chaucer A. A Red, Red Rose2.Francis Bacon B. Ode to a Nightingale3.Jonathan Swift C. Of Truth4.William Blake D.Northanger Abbey5.Robert Burns E.The Canterbury Tales6.John Keats F.A Modest Proposal7.Jane Austen G.The Tiger8.Charles Dickens H. Ulysses9.Tennyson I.David Copperfield10.Robert Browning J.My Last DuchessIII. Fill in the following blanks (10 points in all, 1 point for each)1. In the year____,at the battle of Hastings, the Normans headed by william, Duke of Normandy, defeated the Anglo-saxons.2. Since historical times, England, where the early inhabitants were celts, has been conquered three times. It was conquered by the Romans, the ____,and the Normans.3.____is regared as shakespeare’s successful romantic tragedy.4. No sooner were the people in control of the government than they divided into hostile parties: the liberal whigs and the conservative_____.5. The Glorious Revolution in ___meant three things the supremacy of parliament, the beginning of modern English, and the final triumph of the principle of political liberty.6. Romanticism as a literary movement come into being in England early in the latter half of the ___century.7. With the publication of william Wordsworth’s____in collaboration with S.T Coleridge, Romanticism began to bloom and found a firm place in the history of English literatare.8. Woman as ____ appeared in the Romantic age. It was during this period that women took, for the first time ,an important place in English literature.9. The most important poet of the victoria Age was____, Next to him, were Robert Browning and his wife.10. The ____movement appeared in the thirties of the 19th cenfury.IV. Questions and Answers (20 points in all ,10points for each) Give brief answers to each of following questions in English.(1) A selection from a poemWherefore feed and clothe and saveForm the cradle to the graveThose ungrateful drones who wouldDrain your sweat_nay, drink your blood?Whrefore, Bees of England, forgeMany a weepon, chain, and scourgeThat these stingless drones may spoilThe forced produce of your tail?Questions (10’)1. These lines are taken from a poem entitled___(1’)written by ___(1’).2. The rhyme scheme in the selection of the poem is ____.(1’)3.What idea does the quotation express?(7’)(2) A Selection from a workSome books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. Some books also may be read by deputy andextracts made of them by others, but that would be only in the less important arguments and the meaner sort of books; else distilled bookd are like common distilled waters.Question(10’)1. This passage is taken from a well-known work entiled___,(2’) written by ____.(1’)2. What’s the main idea of the whole work. (7’)V. Topic Discussion (30 points in all,15 points for each). Write no less than 100 words on each of the following topics in English , in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.1. Based on Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, discuss the theme of her works, the image of woman protagonists and what and how her novels truthfully present.(15’)2. In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Aasten explored three kinds of motivations of marriage that the middle-class people had in the second half of the 18th century. Try to make a brief discussion about them with specific examples from the novel. Make comments on Austen’s attitude towards these motivations.(15’)200x-200x学年度第一学期期末考试试卷答案及评分标准考试课程:英国文学史及选读考核类型:A 卷考试方式:闭卷出卷教师: XXX考试专业:英语考试班级:英语xx班I. Multiple Choice (1’×30=30’)01-05 C C B A D 06-10 D B B C A11-15 A B C B C 16-20 D B D B B21-25 D A C B C 26-30 A D A B DII. Find the relevant match from column B for each item in colamn A (1’×10=10’)1-E 2-C 3-F 4-G 5-A6-B 7-D 8-I 9-H 10-JIII. Fill in the following blanks (1’×10=10’)1. 10662. Anglo-Saxons3. Romeo and Juliet4. Tories5. 16886.18th7.Lyrical Ballads 8.novelists 9.Tennyson 10.ChartistIV. Questions and Answers (20 points in all )(1) A PoemQuestions(10’)1. A Song: Men of England(1’) Shelley(1’)2. aabb ccdd (1’)3. This poem is a war cry calling upon all working people to rise up against their political oppressors, it points out the intolerable injustice of economic exploitation. The poet calls the exploiters “ungrateful drones”, Who drain the sweat and drink the blood of the labouring people, He illustrates with concrete examples the relationship of economic exploitation between the ruling class and the working people.(7’)(2) A Selection from a work1. Of Studies(1’) Bacon(1’)2. It analyzes the use and abuse of studies ,the different ways adopted by different people to pursue studies. And how studies exert influence over human character.V .Topic Discussion (30 points in all, 15 points for each)A. Charlotte’s works are all about the struggle of an individual consciousness towards self-realization, about some lonely and neglected young women with a fiece longing for love, understanding and a full, happy life.B. All ber heroines’highest joy arises from some sacrifice of self or some human weakness overcome.C. The image of woman protagonists in her works are mostly the life of the middle-calss working women, particularly governesses.D. Her works present a vivid realistic picture of the English society by exposing the cruelty, hypocrisy and other evils of the upper calsses, and by showing the misery and suffering of the poor. Especially in Jane Eyre by her, she sharply criticises the existing society, e.g. religious hypocrisy of charity institutions.(2) In the novel ,three kinds of attitudes towards marriage are presented for manifestation: marriage merely for material wealth and social position; marriage just for beauty, attraction and passion regardless of economic condition or personal merits; and the ideal marriage for true love with a consideration of the partner’s personal merit as well as his economic and social status. What jane Aasten tries to say is that it is wrong to marry just for money or for beauty, but it is also wrong to marny without consideration of economic conditions.。

英国文学期末复习一、选择1、浪漫主义时期开始的标志:the publication of the Lyrical Ballads(1798) Wordsworth.结束:the death of Sir Walter Scott.18322、湖畔派诗人(Lake Poets):Wordsworth, Coleridge, Southey.3、Charles Lamb(查尔斯兰姆):He is important in English literature for his contribution to the Familiar Essay(随笔/小品文)4、Walter Scott(沃尔特司各特):the founder and great master of the historical novels(历史小说之父)。
5、Browning(布朗宁):the contribution to the English literature is dramatic monologue(戏剧独白)。
6、Emily Bronte(艾米丽勃朗特)的小说特点:Gothic noveleg.Wuthering Heights7、George Bernard Shaw(肖伯纳):Shaw’s main contribution to English literature is his drama.8、Thomas Stearns Eliot(艾略特):代表作The Waste Land(荒原)9、Steam of consciousness(意识流)的2位代表作家:James Joyce,Virginia Woolf10、Angry Young Man(愤怒的青年)出自John Osborne’s play Look Back in Angry(愤怒的回顾)。
11、只有1部代表作的作家及作品:William Makepeace Thackeray(萨克雷):Vanity Fair(名利场)Emily Bronte(艾米丽勃朗特):Wuthering Heights(呼啸山庄)Joseph Conrad:Heart of Darkness(黑暗心脏)George Bernard Shaw:Major Barbara(芭芭拉少女)12、Wordsworth defines poetry as “the spontaneous overflow of feelings”(一切好诗都是强烈情感的自然流露)。

1. How much do you know about the English literature in the Romantic Age? The Romantic Age in England was like the Elizabethan Age, distinctively an age of poetry. It was regarded as the second great age in English literary history; for poetry is the highest form of literary expression, and seems to have been most in harmony with the noblest powers of the English genius. The glory of the age is in the poetry of Scott, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelly, Keats, Moore, and Southe;yWomen novelists appeared in this age. It was during this period that women assumed for the first time, an important place in English literature. Mrs. Anne Radcliff was one of the most successful writers of the school of exaggeratedromance. Jane Austen offered us her charming descriptions of everyday life in her enduring work her masterpiece --- Pride and Prejudice;The greatest historical novelist Walter Scott also appeared in this period. His historical novels combine a romantic atmosphere with a realistic description of historical background and common people life. Scott marked the transition from romanticism to the period of realism which followed it;Romantic prose was represented by Lamb, Hazlitt, De Quincey and Hume. Lamb was the best essayist, whose familiar essays are very famous.3. What are the major features of Dickens ' novels?Dickens'novels offer a most complete and realistic picture of the English bourgeois society of his age. His novels tell much of the unhappy experiences of his own childhood. They reflect the protest of the people against capitalist exploitation, and criticize the vices of capitalist society.The success of Dickens novels also lies in his character-portrayal. Not only are the major characters in his novels very carefully delineated and given distinctive individual characteristics but also his minor figures create in the readers'mind strong impressions of their personalities. Some of Dickens'characters are really such “typical characters under typical circumstances”that they become proverbial or are representative of a whole group of similar persons.Dickens is a great humorist and satirist. His novels are full of humor and satire Dickens is not especially known for the construction of plot in his novels. There is in his novels often more than one minor thread of story beside the major one, and these threads are generally very loosely woven together. He seems to love a complicated and involved plot.In almost every one of Dickens'novels there is a happy ending, which points to the author's optimism which is an admirable thing for a critical realist because that means his still has his hopes after seeing the gloomy world all around him and one hand, and as a petty-bourgeois intellectual, could not overstep the limits of his class on the other hand.⑥ Ano ther feature in Dicke ns' no vels is his adroit use of Ian guage. On the whole Dickens has a richness of expressions and generally succeeds in using the right words and phrases at the right moments for the right characters to attain the right effects. 12. What arethe characteristics of Dicke ns (同第三题?2. What are the chief characteristics of the 18th-century literature in England? The main literary stream of the 18th century was realism. What the writers described in their works were social realities. The main characters were usually common men. Most of the writers concentrated their attention on daily life;thThe 18th century was an age of prose. A group of excellent prose writers, such as Addison, Steele, Swift, Fielding were produced;Novel writing made a big advance on this century. The main characters in the novels were no longer kings and nobles but the common people;In this age satire was much used in writing. Since there was fierce strife of the political parties in society, nearly every writer of the century was employed and rewarded by Whigs or Tories for satirizing their enemies. English literature of this age produced some excellent satirists, such as Pope, Swift and Fielding.14. What are the chief characteristics of the 18t—ce ntury literature in En gla nd? 同第二题4. What are the major features of Shakespeare 's dramatic works? Shakespeare is a realist. He is one of the founders of realism in English literature. His plays are mirrors of his age. He described the decaying of the feudal society and the rising of the bourgeois spirit. His comedies reflect lives of the young men and women who just freed themselves from the fetters of feudalism and who were striving for individual emancipation. His comedies lay emphasis on emancipation of women. In his tragedies Shakespeare depicted the life and death struggle between the humanists——the newly emerging forces and the corrupted king and his feudal followers ——the dark power of the town, and also the contradictions between the rich and poor.The stories of Shakespeare's plays often took place in other countries or in the past instead of in England or in his own age. Yet the thought and the feelings of his characters and their attitudes toward life belong to the age of Shakespeare. In fact, his characters are representatives of the people of his time.Shakespeare's main charactersare depicted in typical situation. They are typical characters. Their fundamental traits are reveled in their conflicts with their surroundings, in their relations with their fellow men. Each of his characters is a representative of a group of men.Shakespeare'sdramatic form fits the content of his plays very well. His plays are not controlled by the roles of the classical unities of time, plays and action.Shakespeare was a great master of English language. The language of each of his characters fits his position in society and revels the peculiarities of his character.⑥Bia nk verse is the prin ciple form of his dramas.⑦One very striki ng phe nomenon in connection with Shakespeare character-portrayal is his emphasis on the psychological make-up of his major characters.6. What are the major features of Dicke ns s?(同第三IIl)5. How much do you know about Milton Pa'ra s dise Lost?Paradise Lost is the greatest English epic, consisting of 12 books and done in blank words. The stories were taken from the Old Testament: The Creation; the rebellion in Heaven of Satan and his fellow-angles; their defeat and expulsion from Heaven; the creation of the earth and of Adam and Eve; the fallen angles in hell plotting against God; Satan's temptation of Eve; and the departure of Adam and Eve from Eden.The main idea of the poem is the heroic revolt against Go'ds authority.Adam and Eve embody Milton 's belief in powers of man their caving for knowledge adds a particular significance to their character. It is this longing for knowledge that opens before mankind a wide road to an intelligent and active life. The picture of God surrounded by his angles resembles the court of an absolute monarchy, while Satan and his followers bear resemblance to a republican parliament. This alone is sufficient to prove that Milton 's revolutionary feelings made him forget religious orthodoxy.Satan is the real hero of the poem, and represents the spirit of rebellion against an unjust authority.13. How much do you kn ow about Milt on Paradise Lost ?同第五题)7. How much do you know about Wordsworth?Wordsworth was the representative of the first generation of Romantic poets, who expressedthe deepestaspirations of English Romanticism. He saw nature and men with new eyes. His whole work is an attempt to communicate that new vision.His poetry is distinguished by the simplicity and purity of his language. It was his theory that the language spoken by the peasants when purified from its defects was the best of all.His theory and practice in poetical creation started from a dissatisfaction with social reality under capitalism, and hinted at the thought of“back to nature”and “back to the patriarchal system of the old time”.Nearly all of his good poetry was written during the first decade of his literary career (1798-1807).His later writings were full of mysticism and many of them unreadable.⑥LYRICAL BALLADS ——the joint work of Wordsworth and his friends Coleridge, marking the beginning of the Romantic Movement in England; the majority of the poems written by Wordsworth and Coleridge's contribution being his masterpiece “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”;the poems characterized by a sympathy with the poor, simple peasants, a passionate love of nature and the simplicity and purity of the language.⑦Wordsworth was at his best in descriptions of mountains and rivers, flowers and birds, children and peasants, and reminiscences of his childhood and youth. He , as a great poet of nature, was the first to find words for the most elementary sensations of man face to face with natural phenomenon.⑧Some of Wordsworth's PRINCIPLE POEMS are Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey(1798), The Prelude(1805-1806), The Excursion(1814), andmiscellaneous sonnets(written at different periods of his life).8. What are the major features of Milton ' s poetry?Milton is a great revolutionary poet of the 17 th century. He is also an outstanding political pamphleteer of the Revolution Period. He dedicated himself to the revolutionary cause.Milton is a great stylist. His poetry has a grand style. His poetry is noted for sublimity of thought and majesty of expression.Milton is a great mater of blank verse. He is the glorious pioneer to introduce blank verse into non-dramatic poetry. He has use it as the main tool in his masterpiece Paradise Lost. His blank verse is rich in every poetic quality and never monotonous. 11. What are the characteristics of Milt on '同S第八effiy?9. What are the major features of Chaucer ' s writing?Chaucer's major contribution to the English poetry is that the introduced from France the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter to English poetry.He is the first great poet who wrote in the current English language ——he wrote dialect of London.His poetry is full of swiftness and vividness. Chaucer's style in The Canterbury Talesis remarkably flexible.His prose, like his vocabulary, is easy and informal.Chaucer is a great satirist, but he is almost never bitter when he pokes fun at the foibles and weaknesses of people.15. What arethe chief characteristics of Chaucer ' ia(gi?e同ry9)writ 10. How much do you know about Shelley?Shelley loved the people and hate their oppressors and exploiters. He called on the people to overthrow the rule of tyranny and injustice and prophesied a happy and free life for mankind. He stood for this social and political ideal all his life. He and Byron are justifiably regarded as the two great poets of revolutionary romanticism in England.Queen Mab is Shelley'sfirst long poem of importance. It expresses all his major political ideas. Queen Mab is revolutionary poem condemning tyranny and exploitation and the unjust war waged by the rich to plunder wealthThe Revolt of Island is another important long poem.Prometheus Unbound, a lyrical drama, is Shelley's masterpiece. The story was taken from Greek mythology. The figure of Prometheus has been symbolic of those nobble-hearted revolutionaries, who devote themselves to the just cause of the people.Shelley's short poems on nature and love form an important part of his literature output. To him nature exists as an unseen life of the universe and his love of nature is almost boundless.⑥ Shelly's lyrics on love are also beautifully written. His best love lyrics include such well-known poems asLove's Philosophy, One Word is Too Often Profound.。

英国文学简史General introduction of English literature1。
1) Old English Literature (449-1066)古英语时期文学——The Song of Beowulf 《贝奥武甫》2) Medieval English Literature (1066-15th century)中世纪英语时期文学—-Geoffrey Chaucer (1340_1400)杰弗里·乔叟代表作:French influence:Romance of the Rose《玫瑰传奇》The Book Of Duchess《公爵夫人之书》Italian influence:The Legend of Good Women《良妇传说》The House of Fame《声誉之堂》The Parliament of Fowls《百鸟议会》Troilus and Criseyde 《特罗勒斯与克莱西》Maturity:The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》2.Renaissance English literature (late 15th century ~early 17th century)文艺复兴-—-———-Thomas More 托马斯。
莫尔Utopia 乌托邦(1516)-——he gave a profound and truthful picture ofthe people’s sufferings and put forward hisideal of a future happy society.-—Francis Bacon 弗朗西斯·培根(1561——1626)The philosophical——-The Advancement of Learning《学术的推进》The literature —---—Essays《随笔》The professional works——-—--Thomas Wyatt托马斯怀亚特(1503-—1542)The first to introduce the sonnet into English literature(引入十四行诗的第一人)Lyrical poetry---—-—Edmund Spenser 埃德蒙斯宾塞(1552--1599)Poet's poet 诗人中的诗人The Faerie Queene 《仙后》(the greatest epic poem 史诗)The Shepheardes Calendar《牧人月历》——William Shakespeare 威廉·莎士比亚(1564-—1616)The most popular and the most wildly respected writer in all English literature四大悲剧:HamletOthelloKing LearMacbeth四大喜剧:A Midsummer Night’s DreamThe merchant of VeniceAs you like itTwelfth Night-—Christopher Marlowe 克里斯托弗·马洛The greatest of the pioneers of English dramaThe one who first made blank verse the principal instrument of English dramaEnglish Literature of the Revolution and Restoration Period (1640-1688)资产阶级革命与王朝复辟时期的文学--———-—John Donne约翰多恩(a metaphysical poet 玄学诗人)代表作:”the flea"(跳骚)—love poem“Song”(歌)“A Valediction: Forbidden Morning”(别离辞:节哀)“Death be not proud”(死神,你莫骄傲)死亡时永恒的,不要害怕死亡,人死后可以超生,到天堂“The Canonization"(封圣)-—John Milton约翰·弥尔顿(puritan)Paradise Lost《失乐园》Paradise Regained《复乐园》Samson Agonistes《力士参孙》On his blindnessOn His Deceased Wife《悼念我的亡妻》-—John Bunyan 约翰·班扬The Pilgrim’s Progress《天路历程》—-—is written in theold-fashioned, medieval form of allegory and dream.4。


一、The Anglo-Saxon period (449-1066)1、这个时期的文学作品分类:pagan(异教徒) Christian(基督徒)2、代表作:The Song of Beowulf贝奥武甫(national epic民族史诗)采用了暗喻、押头韵手法。
3、The ancestors of the English are Angles, Saxons and Jutes.二、The Anglo-Norman period (1066-1350)1、The Roman Conquest: In 1066, the Duke of Normandy William led the Norman army to invade England. The result of this war was William became the king of England. After the conquest, feudal system was established in English society. Chivalry was introduced by the Normans into England. 1066年诺曼人入侵,带来了欧洲大陆的封建制度,也带来了一批说法语的贵族。
文学上也出现了新风尚,盛行用韵文写的骑士传奇,它们歌颂对领主的忠和对高贵妇人的爱,其中艺术性高的有Sir Gawain and the Green Knight高文爵士与绿衣骑士。
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英国文学简史英美文学史名词翻译Neoclassicism (新古典主义) Renaissance (文艺复兴)Metaphysical poetry (玄学派诗歌) Classism (古典主义)Enlightenment (启蒙运动) Romanticism (浪漫主义)Byronic Hero (拜伦式英雄) Aestheticism(美学主义)Stream of consciousness (意识流) the Age of Realism (现实主义时期)Naturalism (自然主义) Local Colorist (乡土文学)Imagism (意象主义) The Lost Generation (迷惘的一代)Surrealism (超现实主义) The Beat Generation (垮掉的一代) Metaphysical poets (玄学派诗人)New Criticism (新批评主义)Feminism(女权主义) Hemingway Code Hero (海明威式英雄) Impressionism (印象主义) Post modernity (后现代主义)Realism (现实主义) Allegory (寓言)Romance (传奇) epic(史诗)Blank Verse (无韵诗) Essay (随笔)Masques or Masks (假面剧) Spenserian Stanza (斯宾塞诗节)Three Unities (三一.原则) Meter (格律)Soliloquy (独白) Cavalier poets (骑士派诗人)Elegy (挽歌) . Action/plot (情节)Atmosphere (基调) Epigram (警句)The Heroic Couplet (英雄对偶句) Sentimentalism (感伤主义文学)Aside (旁白) Denouement (戏剧结局)parable (寓言) Genre (流派)Irony (反讽) Satire (讽刺)Lyric (抒情诗) Ode (颂歌)Pastoral (田园诗) Canto (诗章)Lake Poets (湖畔诗人) Image (意象)Dramatic monologue(戏剧独白)Psychological novel (心理小说)Allusion (典故) Protagonist and Antagonist (正面人物与反面人物) Symbolism (象征主义) Existentialism (存在主义)Anti-hero (反面人物) Rhyme (押韵)Round Character (丰满的人物) Flat character (平淡的人物)Oedipus complex (俄狄浦斯情结/蛮母厌父情结) Iambic pentameter (抑扬格五音步)Poetic license (诗的破格) Legend (传说)Myth (神话) Pessimism (悲观主义)Tragicomedy (悲喜剧) Comedy of manners (风俗喜剧)Free Verse (自由体诗歌) Magic realism (魔幻现实主义) Autobiography (自传) Biography (传记)Foot (脚注) Protagonist (正面人物)Psychological Realism (心理现实主义) Setting (背景)Chronicle《编年史》Ballads 民谣consonant(协调,一致) repetition (反复)repeated initial(开头的)一、中世纪文学(约5世纪—1485)•《贝奥武甫》(Beowulf)•《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》(Sir Gawain and the Green Knight )杰弗利·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer) ―英国诗歌之父(Father of English Poetry)《坎特伯雷故事》(The Canterbury Tales )二、文艺复兴时期文学(15世纪后期—17世纪初)•托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More )《乌托邦》(Utopia)•埃德蒙·斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser)《仙后》(The Faerie Queene)•弗兰西斯·培根(Francis Bacon)《论说文集》(Essays)•克里斯托弗·马洛(Christopher Marlowe)《帖木儿大帝》(Tamburlaine)《浮士德博士的悲剧》(The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Dr. Faustus)《马耳他岛的犹太人》(The Jew of Malta )•威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare )四大悲剧: Hamlet(哈姆雷特)、Othello(奥瑟罗)、King Lear(李尔王)、Macbeth(麦克白)四大喜剧:A Midsummer Night's Dream《仲夏夜之梦》As you like it《皆大欢喜》Twelfth Night 《第十二夜》The merchant of Venice 《威尼斯商人》三、17世纪文学•约翰·弥尔顿John Milton 《失乐园》(Paradise Lost)(诗人、政论家;失明后写《失乐园》、《复乐园》、《力士参孙》。
)①Epics: <Paradise Lost>失乐园<Paradise Regained>复乐园②②Dramatic poem: < Samson Agonistes>力士参孙•约翰·班扬(John Bunyan)《天路历程》(The Pilgrim’s Progress)(代表作《天路历程》,宗教寓言,被誉为“具有永恒意义的百科全书”,是英国文学史上里程碑式著作。
)Puritan poet(清教徒派诗人)①Religionary Allegory:<The Pilgrim‟s Progress>天路历程•约翰·多恩(英国诗人)John Donnethe Metaphysical poet(玄学派诗人). Metaphysical Poetry(玄学诗):(用语)the diction is simple, the imagery is from the actual, (形式)the form is frequently an argument with the poet’s beloved, with god, or with himself.(主题:love, religious, thought)Artistic features: 1. conceits or imagery奇思妙喻The Flea 虱子③Valediction:<Forbidding Mourning>四、启蒙时期文学(17世纪后期—18世纪中期)18世纪初,新古典主义成为时尚。
亚历山大·蒲柏(Alexander Pope)是新古典主义诗歌的代表。
Alexander Pope亚历山大•蒲柏1688~1744(18世纪英国最伟大的诗人,其诗多用“英雄双韵体”/ “heroic couplets”。
)As a representative of the Enlightenment,Pope was one of the first to introduce rationalism to England....①<An Essay on Criticism>批评论Artistic features: ing “heroic couplets” ②<The Rape of the Lock>卷发遇劫记③<Moral Essays>道德论<Essay on Man>人论<The Dunciad>愚人记•乔纳森·斯威夫特Jonathan Swift 《格列佛游记》Gulliver’s Travels(十八世纪杰出的政论家和讽刺小说家a master satirist。
)①<Gulliver‟s Travels>格列佛游记(fictional work) Four parts: Lilliput 小人国Brobdingnag 大人国Flying Island 飞岛Houyhnhnm 马岛<A Modest Proposal>一个小小的建议②<The Battle of Books>书战③<A Tale of a Tub>木桶的故事④<The Drapper‟s Letters>一个麻布商的书信•丹尼尔·笛福Daniel Defoe 英国小说之父《鲁滨孙漂流记》(Robinson Crusoe)(小说家,新闻记者,小册子作者;十八世纪英国现实主义小说的奠基人。
)He is the first writer study of the lower-class people, his language is smooth, easy, colloquial and mostly vernacular, and he is the founder of realistic novel.•亨利·菲尔丁Henry Fielding 《汤姆·琼斯》(Tom Jones)(英国小说家,戏剧家,被誉为“英国小说之父”。
)He is called “Father of English novel”. He was the first to write a “Comic epic in prose”(散文体史诗), and the first to give the modern novel its structure and style.①novels: <The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling>弃婴汤姆•琼斯<The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews>约瑟夫•安德鲁<The Life of Mr Jonathan Wild, the Great>大诗人江奈生•威尔德•托马斯·格雷Thomas Gray 《墓园哀歌》(Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard )Richard Brinsley Sheridan理查德•布林斯利•施莱登1751~1816①<The Rivals>情敌②<The School for Scandal>造谣学校William Blake威廉•布莱克1757~1827 ①<Songs of Innocence>天真之歌 A happy and innocent world from children‟s eye. ②<Songs of Experience>经验之歌 A word of misery, poverty, disease, war and repression with a melancholy tone from men eyes. Include: <The Chimney Sweeper> <London> <The Tyger> Lamb is a symbol of peaceand purity Tyger is a symbol of dread and oiolenceRobert Burns罗伯特•彭斯1759~1796 The greatest Scottish poet in the late 18th century. Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect主要用苏格兰方言写的诗②<A Red, Red Rose>一朵红红的玫瑰③<Auld Long Syne>往昔时光④<A Man‟s a Man for A‟That>不管那一套⑤<My Heart‟s in the Highlands>我的心在那高原上五、浪漫主义时期文学(1798-1832)Two major novelists of the Romantic period are Jane Austen (realistic) and Walter Scott (romantic).“The Lake Poets”湖畔诗人,who lived in the lake district.William Wordsworth; Samuel Taylor Coleridge; Robert Southey•罗伯特·彭斯Robert BurnsThe greatest Scottish poet in the late 18th century. Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect主要用苏格兰方言写的诗①<John Anderson, My Jo>约翰•安德生,我的爱人,Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect,苏格兰抒情歌谣集②<A Red, Red Rose>一朵红红的玫瑰③Auld Lang Syne 友谊地久天长④<A Man‟s a Man for A‟That>不管那一套⑤My heart is on the plateau我的心在那高原上⑥<Bruce At Bannockburn>布鲁斯在班诺克本⑦<The Tree Of Liberty> 自由树Farewell to Scotland 再见苏格兰•威廉·布莱克William Blake①<Songs of Innocence>天真之歌 A happy and innocent world from children‟s eye. ②<Songs of Experience>经验之歌 A word of misery, poverty, disease, war and repression with a melancholy tone from men eyes. Include: <The Chimney Sweeper> 扫烟囱的小孩<London> <The Tyger> Lamb is a symbol of peace and purity Tyger is a symbol of dread and oiolence ③<The Marriage of Heaven and Hell> 天堂与地狱的婚姻•威廉·华兹华斯William Wordsworth(与柯尔律治、骚塞同被称为“湖畔派”诗人。