聚酰胺-9 聚酰胺1010
丙烯酸脂 亚加力 类
Polymeth 聚甲基丙 yl PMMA 烯酸甲脂 Methacry late
鞋底,薄 膜,板片, 通管,日 用品等 建材,管 材,电缆 绝缘层, 重包装材 料 轴承,齿 轮,油管, 容器,日 用品 机械,汽 车,化工, 电器装置 等 机械零 件,泵,电 缆护套 绳缆,管 材,齿轮, 机械零件 透明装饰 材料,灯 罩,挡风 玻璃,仪 器表壳 高抗冲要 求的透明 制品
聚碳酸脂 防弹胶
Polymeth 改性有机 甲基丙烯 yl 丙烯酸脂 玻璃 酸甲脂- Methacry MMS 共聚物 372#,373 苯乙烯 late# Styrene Methyl 甲基丙烯 Methacry 酸甲脂- lateMMB 乙二烯 Butadien e Polycarb PC onate
机器架 壳,框及 日用品等 高抗冲的 透明件, 作高强度 及耐冲击 的零部件
聚丙烯类 PP(百折胶聚丙烯
Chlorina 氯化聚丙 ted PPC 烯 Polyprop ylene
Low LDPE(花 低密度聚 Density LDPE 聚乙烯类 料,筒料) 乙烯 Polyethy lene HDPE(孖 力士) High 高密度聚 Density HDPE 乙烯 Polyethy lene
Ethylene 改性聚乙 EVA(橡皮 乙烯-醋 -Vinyl EVA 烯类 胶) 酸乙烯脂 Acetate Chlorina 氯化聚乙 ted CPE 烯 Polyethy lene Polyamid PA-6 e-6
Polyamid PA-66 e-66 Polyamid PA-9 e-9 Polyamid PA-1010 e-1010
外贸常用包装中英文对照ﻫ纸箱Carton瓦椤纸箱Corrugated Carton 旧瓦椤纸箱OldCorrugated Carton (O、C、C、)木箱WoodenCase板条箱Crate 木条箱Wooden Crate 竹条箱Bamboo Crate胶合板箱Plywood Case三层夹板箱3--PlyPlywood Case镀锡铁皮胎木箱Tin LinedWoodenCase 盒Box木盒WoodenBox 铁盒Iron Boxﻫ塑料透明盒Plastic TransparencyBox苯乙烯盒StyrolBox 袋Bag(Sack)布袋ClothBag草袋StrawBag 麻袋Gunny Bag/JuteBag 旧麻袋Used Gunny Bag/OldGunny Bagﻫ新麻袋New Gunny Bag尼龙袋Nylon Bag 聚丙烯袋Polypropylene Bagﻫ聚乙烯袋Polythene Bag塑料袋Poly Bag 塑料编织袋PolywovenBag纤维袋Fibre Bag玻璃纤维袋Glass Fibre Bag 玻璃纸袋Callophane Bag防潮纸袋Moisture ProofPager Bag 乳胶袋子EmulsionBag锡箔袋Fresco Bag 特大袋Jumbo Bag 单层完整袋子Single SoundBag 桶Drum木桶Wooden Cask大木桶Hogshead小木桶Keg 粗腰桶(琵琶桶)Barrelﻫ胶木桶Bakelite Drum 塑料桶Plastic Drum 铁桶IronDrum镀锌铁桶GalvanizedIron Drum镀锌闭口钢桶Galvanized Mouth ClosedSteelDrumﻫ镀锌开口钢桶Galvanized MouthOpened Steel Drum铝桶Aluminum Drum 麻布包Gunny Bale(Hessian ClothBag)蒲包Mat Bale 草包Straw Bale紧压包Press Packed Bale铝箔包Aluminium Foil Package 铁机包Hard-presse dBale木机包Half-pressedBale覃(缸)Jar 陶缸EarthenJar 瓷缸Porcelain Jarﻫ壶Pot 铅壶Lead Pot 铜壶Copper Pot 施Bottle 铝瓶Aluminum Bottle陶瓶Earthen Bottleﻫ瓷瓶Porcelainbottle 罐Can听Tin 绕线筒Bobbin 笼(篓、篮、筐)Basket竹笼(篓、篮、筐)Bamboo Basket 柳条筐(笼、篮、筐)Wicker Basket集装箱Conta iner集装包/集装袋Flexible Container 托盘Pallet 件(支、把、个)Piece 架(台、套)Set(Kit)安瓿Amp(o)ule(药针支) 双Pair打Dozen令Ream 匹Bolt(Piece)码Yard卷(Roll(reel) 块Block 捆Bundle 瓣Braid度Degree辆Unit(Cart)套(罩) Casing 包装形状Shapes ofPacking圆形Round方形Square三角形Triangular(Delta Type) 长方形(矩形) Rectangularﻫ菱形(斜方形)Rhombus(Diamond)椭圆形Oval 圆锥形Conical圆柱形Cylindricalﻫ蛋形Egg-Shaped 葫芦形Pear-Shaped五边形Pentagon六边形Hexagon七边形Heptagon 八边形Octagon 长Long 宽Wide 高High深Deep厚Thick 长度Lengthﻫ宽度Width高度Height 深度Depth厚度Thickness 包装外表标志Marks On Packing下端,底部Bottom 顶部(上部) Top(Upper)小心Care 勿掷Don’tCast易碎Fragile小心轻放,小心装运Handle With Care起吊点(此处起吊)Heave Hereﻫ易燃物,避火Inflammable 保持干燥,防泾Keep Dry防潮keepAway from Moisture储存阴冷处Keepin aCool Place 储存干燥处KeepinaDry Place请勿倒置Keep Upright 请勿倾倒Not toBe Tipped 避冷To beProtected fro mCold避热To beProtected from Heat 在滚子上移动Use Rollers 此方向上This Side Upﻫ由此开启OpenfromThis Side爆炸品Explosive易燃品Inflammableﻫ遇水燃烧品DangerousWhen Wet 有毒品Poison无毒品No Poisonﻫ不可触摩Handoff适合海运包装SeaworthyPacking 毛重Gross Weight (Gr、Wt、)净重NetWeight(Nt、Wt)皮重Tare Weight包装唛头Packing Markﻫ包装容积PackingCapacity 包袋件数Packing Number 小心玻璃Glass 易碎物品Fra gile易腐货物Perishable 液体货物Liquid 切勿受潮Keep Dry/Caution Against Wet怕冷To Be Protected from Cold怕热To Be Protected from Heat 怕火Inflammableﻫ上部,向上Top此端向上This Side Up 勿用手钩Use No Hooks切勿投掷No Dumpingﻫ切勿倒置Keep Upright 切勿倾倒No Turning Over 切勿坠落Do Not Drop/No Dropping切勿平放Not to Be Laid Flat切勿压挤Do Not Crush勿放顶上Do Not Stake on Top放于凉处Keep Cool/StowCool 干处保管Keep in DryPlace勿放湿处DoNotStowinDamp Place 甲板装运Keep on Deck装于舱内KeepinHold 勿近锅炉Stow Away from Boilerﻫ必须平放Keep Flat/S towLevel怕光Keep in Dark Place怕压NottoBe Stow Below Other Cargo 由此吊起Lift Here挂绳位置Sling Here 重心Centre of Balance 着力点Point of Strength 用滚子搬运UseRollers此处打开OponHere暗室开启Open in Dark Roomﻫ先开顶部Romove Top First怕火,易燃物Inflammable氧化物Oxidizing Material 腐蚀品Corrosiveﻫ压缩气体pressed Gas 易燃压缩气体Inflammable pressed Gas毒品Poison爆炸物Explosiveﻫ危险品Hazardous Article放射性物质Mater ial Radioactiveﻫ立菱形Upright Diamond菱形Diamond Phombusﻫ双菱形Double Diamond 内十字菱形Gross inDiamondﻫ四等分菱形Divided Diamond 突角菱形Diamondwith ProjectingEnds斜井形Projecting Diamond 内直线菱形Line in Diamond内三线突角菱形Three Line inProjecting Diamond 三菱形Three Diamond附耳菱形Diamond with Looped Ends正方形Square Boxﻫ长方形Rectangle 梯形Echelon Formation平行四边形Parallelogram井筒形IntersectingParallels五边形Pentagon 六边形Hexagon 长六边形Long Hexagon 圆形Circle/Round二等分圆Bisected Circle双环形CrossedCircle双圆形DoubleCircle 双带圆形Zoned Circle 长圆形LongCircle 椭圆形Ovalﻫ双缺圆形Double Indented Circle圆内三角形Triangle in Circleﻫ三角形Triangle六角星形Hexangular Star二重三角形DoubleTriangle对顶三角形Hourgrass TouchingTriangle内外三角形ThreeTriangle 十字形Cross圆内十字形Cross in Circleﻫ山角形Angle义架形Crotch直线Line月牙形Crescent 心形Heart星形Star 包装情况Packing Condition散装In Bulk 块装In Block条装InSpear 片装In Sliceﻫ捆(扎)装In Bundle裸装InNude 裸散装Bare inLoose木托架立装Straightly Stand on Wooden Shelf传统包装TraditionalPacking 中性包装Neutral Packing水密WaterTight 气密Air Tightﻫ不透水包Water ProofPacking 不透气包Air Proof Packingﻫ薄膜FilmMembrane透明纸Transparent Paper牛皮纸Kraft Paperﻫ地沥青牛皮纸Bituminous Kraft Paperﻫ腊纸Waxpaper厚板纸Cardboard Paper 蒲、苇Bulrush mat防水纸WaterProofPaperﻫ保丽龙(泡沫塑料)Poly Foam(SnowBox) 竹条Bamboo Battenﻫ竹篾Bamboo Skin狭木条Batten 铜丝Brass Wire 铁丝I ron Wireﻫ铁条Iron Rod 扣箍Buckle 外捆麻绳Bound with Rope Externallyﻫ块装外加塑料袋Block Covered with Poly Bagﻫ每件外套一塑料袋Each Piece Wrapped in aPolyBag机器榨包不带包皮Press PackedBalewithout Wrapper机器榨包以铁皮捆扎PressPackedin Iron HoopedBale用牢固得纸箱装运Packedin StrongCarton适合于长途海洋运输Suitable for Long Distance Ocean Transportationﻫ适合出口海运包装Packed in SeaworthyCartonfor Export全幅卷筒Full with Rolled onTubeﻫ每卷用素包聚乙烯袋装Each Roll in Plain PolyBagﻫ混色混码With AssortedColours Sizesﻫ每隔--码烫有边印WithSelve dge Stamped Internallyat Every--Yardsﻫ用…隔开Portionedwith 纸屑Paper Scrap纸条Paper Slip 纸带PaperTape纸层PaperWool泡沫塑料FoamedPlastics 泡沫橡胶Foamed Rubberﻫ帆布袋内充水Canvas Bag Filled withWater 包内衬薄纸Lined withThin Paper 内衬锡箔袋Lined with Frescobag 内置充气氧塑料袋Inner Poly Bag Filledwith Oxygenﻫ内衬牛皮纸Linedwith Kraft Paper内衬防潮纸、牛皮纸Linedwith MoistProof Paper&Kraft Paperﻫ铝箔包装In Aluminium Foil Packingﻫ木箱内衬铝箔纸Lined with Aluminium Foil in the Woo den Caseﻫ双层布袋外层上浆Double ClothBag with Outer BagStarched外置木箱Covered with WoodedCase外绕铁皮Bound with Iron BandsExternally胶木盖Bakelite Cover外绕铁丝二道Bound with TwoBands 0f MetalWires Outsideﻫ标签上标有:Labels WereMarked with 纸箱上标有Cartons WereMarked withﻫ包装合格Proper Packing包装完整PackingIntact 包装完好PackingSound正规出口包装Regular Packing for Export表面状况良好Apparently inGood Order& Conditionﻫ包装不妥Improper Packing包装不固InsufficientlyPacked包装不良Negligent Packing 包装残旧玷污Packing Stained &Old箱遭水渍CartonsWet&Stained 外包装受水湿With Outer Packing Wet包装形状改变Shapeof PackingDistorted散包Bales Off铁皮失落Iron Straps Off 钉上Nailed on 尺寸不符Off Sizeﻫ袋子撕破BagsTorn箱板破Case Plank Brokenﻫ单层牛皮纸袋内衬塑编布包装,25公斤/包PackedinSingle Kraft Paper Bag Laminated with PE Wovenbag 25Kgs Net Eash三层牛皮纸袋内加一层塑料袋装,25公斤/包Packed in 3-ply Kraft Paper BagswithPE Liner,25Kgs/bag牛皮纸袋内压聚乙烯膜包装,25公斤/包Packed in Kraft Paper Iaminated with Polye thylene Filmof25Kgs NetEachﻫ两端加纸条With a Paper Bandat Both Ends木箱装,***以螺栓固定于箱底,箱装完整Packed in Woodencase,the***was(were)M ounted withBoltsonthe Bottomofthe Case、Packing Intact、ﻫ木箱装,箱装箱装运,箱装完好Packedin Woodencaseswith Container Shipment、Packing Sound、ﻫ塑料编织集装袋装,内衬塑料薄膜袋,集装箱装运,每箱20袋Packed inPlastic WovenFlexible Container,Linedwith Plastic Film Bags,Shipped inContainer,20Bagsfor Each、铁桶装,每桶净重190公斤。
外贸常用包装中英文对照纸箱Carton 瓦椤纸箱Corrugated Carton 旧瓦椤纸箱Old Corrugated Carton (O .C.C.)木箱Wooden Case 板条箱Crate 木条箱Wooden Crate 竹条箱Bamboo Crate 胶合板箱Plywood Case 三层夹板箱3--Ply Plywood Case镀锡铁皮胎木箱Tin Lined Wooden Case 盒Box 木盒Wooden Box 铁盒Iron Box塑料透明盒Plastic Transparency Box 苯乙烯盒Styrol Box 袋Bag(Sack)布袋Cloth Bag 草袋Straw Bag 麻袋Gunny Bag /Jute Bag 旧麻袋Used Gunny Bag /Old Gunny Bag 新麻袋New Gunny Bag 尼龙袋Nylon Bag 聚丙烯袋Polypropylene Bag 聚乙烯袋Polythene Bag 塑料袋Poly Bag 塑料编织袋Polywoven Bag 纤维袋Fibre Bag 玻璃纤维袋Glass Fibre Bag 玻璃纸袋Callophane Bag 防潮纸袋Moisture Proof Pager Bag 乳胶袋子Emulsion Bag锡箔袋Fresco Bag 特大袋Jumbo Bag 单层完整袋子Single Sound Bag 桶Drum 木桶Wooden Cask 大木桶Hogshead 小木桶Keg 粗腰桶(琵琶桶) Barrel 胶木桶Bakelite Drum 塑料桶Plastic Drum 铁桶Iron Drum 镀锌铁桶Galvanized Iron Drum 镀锌闭口钢桶Galvanized Mouth Closed Steel Drum 镀锌开口钢桶Galvanized Mouth Opened Steel Drum 铝桶Aluminum Drum 麻布包Gunny Bale (Hessian Cloth Bag)蒲包Mat Bale 草包Straw Bale 紧压包Press Packed Bale 铝箔包Aluminium Foil Package 铁机包Hard-pressed Bale 木机包Half-pressed Bale 覃(缸)Jar 陶缸Earthen Jar 瓷缸Porcelain Jar 壶Pot 铅壶Lead Pot 铜壶Copper Pot 施Bottle 铝瓶Aluminum Bottle 陶瓶Earthen Bottle 瓷瓶Porcelain bottle 罐Can 听Tin 绕线筒Bobbin 笼(篓、篮、筐)Basket 竹笼(篓、篮、筐)Bamboo Basket 柳条筐(笼、篮、筐)Wicker Basket 集装箱Container 集装包/集装袋Flexible Container 托盘Pallet 件(支、把、个)Piece 架(台、套)Set(Kit)安瓿Amp(o)ule(药针支)双Pair 打Dozen 令Ream 匹Bolt (Piece)码Yard 卷(Roll(reel)块Block 捆Bundle 瓣Braid 度Degree 辆Unit(Cart)套(罩)Casing 包装形状Shapes of Packing 圆形Round 方形Square 三角形Triangular(Delta Type)长方形(矩形) Rectangular 菱形(斜方形) Rhombus(Diamond)椭圆形Oval 圆锥形Conical 圆柱形Cylindrical蛋形Egg-Shaped 葫芦形Pear-Shaped 五边形Pentagon 六边形Hexagon 七边形Heptagon 八边形Octagon 长Long 宽Wide 高High 深Deep 厚Thick 长度Length 宽度Width 高度Height 深度Depth 厚度Thickness 包装外表标志Marks On Packing 下端,底部Bottom 顶部(上部) Top(Upper)小心Care 勿掷Don't Cast 易碎Fragile 小心轻放,小心装运Handle With Care 起吊点(此处起吊) Heave Here 易燃物,避火Inflammable 保持干燥,防泾Keep Dry 防潮keep Away from Moisture 储存阴冷处Keep in a Cool Place 储存干燥处Keep in a Dry Place请勿倒置Keep Upright 请勿倾倒Not to Be Tipped 避冷To be Protected from Cold 避热To be Protected from Heat 在滚子上移动Use Rollers 此方向上This Side Up由此开启Open from This Side 爆炸品Explosive 易燃品Inflammable 遇水燃烧品Dangerous When Wet 有毒品Poison 无毒品No Poison 不可触摩Hand off 适合海运包装Seaworthy Packing 毛重Gross Weight (Gr.Wt.)净重Net Weight (Nt.Wt)皮重Tare Weight 包装唛头Packing Mark包装容积Packing Capacity 包袋件数Packing Number 小心玻璃Glass 易碎物品Fragile 易腐货物Perishable 液体货物Liquid 切勿受潮Keep Dry /Caution Against Wet 怕冷To Be Protected from Cold怕热To Be Protected from Heat 怕火Inflammable上部,向上Top 此端向上This Side Up 勿用手钩Use No Hooks 切勿投掷No Dumping 切勿倒置Keep Upright 切勿倾倒No Turning Over 切勿坠落Do Not Drop /No Dropping 切勿平放Not to Be Laid Flat 切勿压挤Do Not Crush 勿放顶上Do Not Stake on Top 放于凉处Keep Cool /Stow Cool 干处保管Keep in Dry Place 勿放湿处Do Not Stow in Damp Place 甲板装运Keep on Deck 装于舱内Keep in Hold 勿近锅炉Stow Away from Boiler 必须平放Keep Flat/Stow Level 怕光Keep in Dark Place 怕压Not to Be Stow Below Other Cargo 由此吊起Lift Here挂绳位置Sling Here 重心Centre of Balance 着力点Point of Strength 用滚子搬运Use Rollers 此处打开Opon Here 暗室开启Open in Dark Room 先开顶部Romove Top First 怕火,易燃物Inflammable 氧化物Oxidizing Material 腐蚀品Corrosive 压缩气体Compressed Gas 易燃压缩气体Inflammable Compressed Gas 毒品Poison 爆炸物Explosive 危险品Hazardous Article 放射性物质Material Radioactive 立菱形Upright Diamond 菱形Diamond Phombus 双菱形Double Diamond 内十字菱形Gross in Diamond 四等分菱形Divided Diamond 突角菱形Diamond with Projecting Ends 斜井形Projecting Diamond 内直线菱形Line in Diamond 内三线突角菱形Three Line in Projecting Diamond 三菱形Three Diamond附耳菱形Diamond with Looped Ends 正方形Square Box长方形Rectangle 梯形Echelon Formation 平行四边形Parallelogram 井筒形Intersecting Parallels 五边形Pentagon 六边形Hexagon 长六边形Long Hexagon 圆形Circle/Round 二等分圆Bisected Circle 双环形Crossed Circle 双圆形Double Circle 双带圆形Zoned Circle 长圆形Long Circle 椭圆形Oval 双缺圆形Double Indented Circle 圆内三角形Triangle in Circle 三角形Triangle 六角星形Hexangular Star 二重三角形Double Triangle 对顶三角形Hourgrass Touching Triangle 内外三角形Three Triangle 十字形Cross 圆内十字形Cross in Circle 山角形Angle 义架形Crotch 直线Line 月牙形Crescent 心形Heart 星形Star 包装情况Packing Condition 散装In Bulk 块装In Block 条装In Spear 片装In Slice 捆(扎)装In Bundle 裸装In Nude 裸散装Bare in Loose 木托架立装Straightly Stand on Wooden Shelf传统包装Traditional Packing 中性包装Neutral Packing 水密Water Tight 气密Air Tight 不透水包Water Proof Packing 不透气包Air Proof Packing 薄膜Film Membrane 透明纸Transparent Paper 牛皮纸Kraft Paper 地沥青牛皮纸Bituminous Kraft Paper 腊纸Waxpaper 厚板纸Cardboard Paper 蒲、苇Bulrush mat 防水纸Water Proof Paper 保丽龙(泡沫塑料)Poly Foam(SnowBox)竹条Bamboo Batten竹篾 Bamboo Skin 狭木条 Batten 铜丝 Brass Wire 铁丝 Iron Wire 铁条 Iron Rod 扣箍 Buckle 外捆麻绳 Bound with Rope Externally 块装外加塑料袋 Block Covered with Poly BagEach Piece Wrapped in a Poly Bag Press Packed Balewithout WrapperPress Packed in Iron Hooped Bale Suitable for Long Distance Ocean TransportationPacked in Seaworthy Carton for Export全幅卷筒 Full with Rolled on Tube每卷用素包聚乙烯袋装 Each Roll in Plain Poly Bag混色混码 With Assorted Colours Sizes每隔 -- 码烫有边印 With Selvedge Stamped Internally at Every--Yards用…隔开 Portioned with 纸屑 Paper Scrap 纸条 Paper Slip 纸带 Paper Tape 纸层 Paper Wool 泡沫塑料 Foamed Plastics 泡沫橡胶 Foamed Rubber 帆布袋内充水 Canvas Bag Filled with Water 包内衬薄纸 Lined with Thin Paper 内衬锡箔袋 Lined with Frescobag 内置充气氧塑料袋 Inner Poly Bag Filled with Oxygen 内衬牛皮纸 Lined with Kraft Paper内衬防潮纸、牛皮纸 Lined with Moist Proof Paper &Kraft Paper 铝箔包装 In Aluminium Foil Packing木箱内衬铝箔纸 Lined with Aluminium Foil in the Wooden Case 双层布袋外层上浆 Double Cloth Bag with Outer Bag Starched 外置木箱 Covered with Wooded Case外绕铁皮 Bound with Iron Bands Externally胶木盖 Bakelite Cover 外绕铁丝二道 Bound with Two Bands 0f Metal Wires Outside 标签上标有: Labels Were Marked with 纸箱上标有 Cartons Were Marked with 包装合格 Proper Packing 包装完整 Packing Intact 包装完好 Packing Sound 正规出口包装 Regular Packing for Export 表面状况良好 Apparently in Good Order& Condition 包装不妥 Improper Packing 包装不固 Insufficiently Packed 包装不良 Negligent Packing 包装残旧玷污 Packing Stained &Old 箱遭水渍 Cartons Wet &Stained 外包装受水湿 With Outer Packing Wet 包装形状改变 Shape of Packing Distorted 散包 Bales Off 铁皮失落 Iron Straps Off 钉上 Nailed on 尺寸不符 Off Size 袋子撕破 Bags Torn 箱板破 Case Plank Broken 单层牛皮纸袋内衬塑编布包装, 25 公斤/包 Packed in Single Kraft Paper Bag Laminated withPE Wovenbag 25Kgs Net Eash 三层牛皮纸袋内加一层塑料袋装, 25 公斤/包 Packed in 3-ply Kraft Paper Bags with PE Liner,25Kgs/bag牛皮纸袋内压聚乙烯膜包装, 25 公斤/包 Packed in Kraft Paper Iaminated with PolyethyleneFilm of 25Kgs Net Each两端加纸条 With a Paper Band at Both Ends木箱装,*** 以螺栓固定于箱底, 箱装完整 Packed in Woodencase,the***was(were)Mounted with Bolts on the Bottom of the Case.Packing Intact.木箱装,箱装箱装运,箱装完好 Packed in Woodencases with Container Shipment.Packing Sound. 塑料编织集装袋装, 内衬塑料薄膜袋, 集装箱装运, 每箱 20 袋 Packed in Plastic Woven Flexible Container,Lined with Plastic Film Bags,Shipped in Container,20Bags for Each.铁桶装,每桶净重 190 公斤。
一、包装材料1. 纸盒(Carton)- 一种常见的包装容器,由纸和纸板制成。
2. 塑料袋(Plastic bag)- 以塑料为材料制成的容器,常用于储存和运输商品。
3. 瓶子(Bottle)- 通常用于贮存和销售液体或粉状商品的容器。
4. 罐头(Can)- 金属容器,用于装载食品或饮料等商品。
5. 泡沫(Foam)- 一种轻质的材料,常用于保护易碎物品,如电子产品等。
二、包装过程1. 包装设计(Packaging design)- 设计包装外观和结构,以满足商品的营销需求和保护需求。
2. 印刷(Printing)- 在包装上印刷图案、文字等内容。
3. 原材料采购(Raw material procurement)- 采购包装所需的材料,如纸张、胶水等。
4. 包装生产线(Packaging production line)- 用于完成包装过程中的各项任务的生产设备。
5. 封箱(Sealing)- 封闭包装容器的过程,以确保商品的安全。
三、包装标识1. 商标(Trademark)- 表示商品来源和品牌的标记。
2. 标签(Label)- 附着在包装上的信息标识,包含商品的名称、规格、成分等信息。
3. 条形码(Barcode)- 用于商品识别和跟踪的图形标记。
4. 防伪标识(Anti-counterfeiting label)- 用于判断商品真伪的标志,以保障消费者的权益。
四、包装环保1. 绿色包装(Green packaging)- 以环保材料和技术制作的包装。
2. 循环利用(Recycling)- 对废弃包装材料的再次利用。
3. 环保认证(Environmental certification)- 对符合环保标准的包装进行认证,如FSC(森林管理委员会)认证等。
产品包装中英文(外贸)Window box:纸盒,(上面有个透明胶片的窗口,类似于玩具包装)Blister card 吸塑罩Blister pack:吸塑包装Sleeve:套茼包装Skin pack:单面吸卡包装(是产品放在一张卡上,然后用一张塑料膜吸在产品表面)Clip strip:挂条color box彩盒litho label:胶装标签color paper and shrinking 彩标+收缩膜brown box with picture 棕盒+贴彩图double blister 气泡袋hanger 内码标hangtag 吊牌head card 头卡(香港人叫横头卡,透明胶袋包装用,钉在袋头)jar 瓶装PDQ display:paper window box 展示盒plastic hook 吸盘polybag/polybag with header 带头卡PVC bag shrinking 收缩膜包装pallet 托盘瓦椤纸箱Corrugated Carton木箱Wooden Case板条箱Crate 木条箱Wooden竹条箱Bamboo Crate 胶合板箱三层夹板箱3--Ply Plywood Case 镀锡铁皮胎木箱Tin Lined Wooden Case塑料透明盒Plastic Transparency Box 苯乙烯盒Styrol袋Bag(Sack)草袋Straw Bag 麻袋Gunny Bag/新麻袋New Gunny Bag 尼龙袋Nylon Bag塑料袋Poly Bag塑料编织袋Polywoven Bag 纤维袋Fibre Bag玻璃纤维袋Glass Fibre Bag玻璃纸袋Callophane Bag 防潮纸袋MoistureProof Pager Bag 乳胶袋子Emulsion Bag 锡箔袋Fresco Bag特大袋Jumbo Bag 单层完整袋子Single Sound Bag桶Drum木桶Wooden Cask大木桶Hogshead 小木桶Keg粗腰桶(琵琶桶) Barrel 胶木桶Bakelite Drum塑料桶Plastic Drum镀锌铁桶Galvanized Iron Drum镀锌闭口钢桶Galvanized Mouth Closed Steel Drum镀锌开口钢桶Galvanized Mouth Opened Steel Drum铝桶Aluminum Drum麻布包Gunny Bale(Hessian Cloth Bag)蒲包Mat Bale草包Straw Bale紧压包Press Packed Bale铝箔包Aluminium Foil Package铁机包Hard-pressed Bale木机包Half-pressed Bale陶缸Earthen Jar 瓷缸Porcelain Jar 架(台、套)Set(Kit)包装形状Shapes of Packing圆形Round方形Square三角形Triangular(DeltaType)长方形(矩形) Rectangular菱形(斜方形) Rhombus(Diamond) 椭圆形Oval圆锥形Conical圆柱形Cylindrical蛋形Egg-Shaped葫芦形Pear-Shaped五边形Pentagon六边形Hexagon七边形Heptagon八边形Octagon。
外贸常用包装中英文对照纸箱Carton 瓦椤纸箱 Corrugated Carton 旧瓦椤纸箱 Old Corrugated Carton (O.C.C.)木箱 Wooden Case 板条箱 Crate 木条箱 Wooden Crate 竹条箱 Bamboo Crate胶合板箱 Plywood Case 三层夹板箱 3--Ply Plywood Case镀锡铁皮胎木箱Tin Lined Wooden Case 盒Box 木盒Wooden Box 铁盒Iron Box塑料透明盒 Plastic Transparency Box 苯乙烯盒 Styrol Box 袋Bag(Sack) 布袋 Cloth Bag草袋 Straw Bag 麻袋 Gunny Bag/Jute Bag 旧麻袋 Used Gunny Bag/Old Gunny Bag新麻袋 New Gunny Bag 尼龙袋 Nylon Bag 聚丙烯袋 Polypropylene Bag聚乙烯袋 Polythene Bag 塑料袋 Poly Bag 塑料编织袋 Polywoven Bag 纤维袋 Fibre Bag玻璃纤维袋 Glass Fibre Bag 玻璃纸袋 Callophane Bag防潮纸袋 Moisture Proof Pager Bag 乳胶袋子Emulsion Bag锡箔袋 Fresco Bag 特大袋 Jumbo Bag 单层完整袋子Single Sound Bag 桶 Drum木桶 Wooden Cask 大木桶 Hogshead 小木桶 Keg 粗腰桶(琵琶桶) Barrel胶木桶 Bakelite Drum 塑料桶 Plastic Drum 铁桶 Iron Drum 镀锌铁桶 Galvanized Iron Drum 镀锌闭口钢桶 Galvanized Mouth Closed Steel Drum镀锌开口钢桶 Galvanized Mouth Opened Steel Drum铝桶 Aluminum Drum 麻布包 Gunny Bale (Hessian Cloth Bag) 蒲包 Mat Bale 草包 Straw Bale 紧压包 Press Packed Bale 铝箔包 Aluminium Foil Package 铁机包 Hard-pressed Bale木机包Half-pressed Bale 覃(缸)Jar 陶缸 Earthen Jar 瓷缸 Porcelain Jar壶 Pot 铅壶 Lead Pot 铜壶Copper Pot 施 Bottle 铝瓶 Aluminum Bottle 陶瓶 Earthen Bottle瓷瓶 Porcelain bottle 罐 Can 听 Tin 绕线筒 Bobbin 笼(篓、篮、筐)Basket竹笼(篓、篮、筐)Bamboo Basket 柳条筐(笼、篮、筐)Wicker Basket 集装箱 Container集装包/集装袋 Flexible Container 托盘 Pallet 件(支、把、个)Piece 架(台、套)Set(Kit)安瓿 Amp(o)ule(药针支) 双 Pair 打 Dozen 令 Ream 匹 Bolt(Piece)码Yard卷(Roll(reel) 块Block 捆 Bundle 瓣 Braid 度 Degree 辆 Unit(Cart)套(罩) Casing 包装形状 Shapes of Packing 圆形 Round 方形Square三角形 Triangular(Delta Type) 长方形(矩形) Rectangular菱形(斜方形) Rhombus(Diamond) 椭圆形 Oval 圆锥形 Conical 圆柱形 Cylindrical蛋形 Egg-Shaped 葫芦形 Pear—Shaped 五边形 Pentagon 六边形 Hexagon七边形 Heptagon 八边形 Octagon 长 Long 宽 Wide 高 High 深 Deep 厚 Thick 长度 Length宽度 Width 高度 Height 深度 Depth 厚度 Thickness 包装外表标志 Marks On Packing下端,底部 Bottom 顶部(上部) Top(Upper)小心 Care 勿掷Don’t Cast易碎 Fragile 小心轻放,小心装运 Handle With Care 起吊点(此处起吊) Heave Here易燃物,避火 Inflammable 保持干燥,防泾 Keep Dry 防潮 keep Away from Moisture储存阴冷处 Keep in a Cool Place 储存干燥处 Keep in a Dry Place请勿倒置 Keep Upright 请勿倾倒 Not to Be Tipped 避冷 To be Protected from Cold避热 To be Protected from Heat 在滚子上移动 Use Rollers 此方向上 This Side Up由此开启 Open from This Side 爆炸品Explosive 易燃品 Inflammable遇水燃烧品 Dangerous When Wet 有毒品 Poison 无毒品 No Poison不可触摩 Hand off 适合海运包装 Seaworthy Packing 毛重 Gross Weight (Gr.Wt。
外贸常用包装中英文对照外贸常用包装中英文对照纸箱Carton 瓦椤纸箱 Corrugated Carton 旧瓦椤纸箱 Old Corrugated Carton (O.C.C.)木箱 Wooden Case 板条箱 Crate 木条箱 Wooden Crate 竹条箱 Bamboo Crate胶合板箱 Plywood Case 三层夹板箱 3--Ply Plywood Case镀锡铁皮胎木箱Tin Lined Wooden Case 盒Box 木盒Wooden Box 铁盒Iron Box塑料透明盒 Plastic Transparency Box 苯乙烯盒 Styrol Box 袋Bag(Sack) 布袋 Cloth Bag草袋 Straw Bag 麻袋 Gunny Bag/Jute Bag 旧麻袋 Used Gunny Bag/Old Gunny Bag新麻袋 New Gunny Bag 尼龙袋 Nylon Bag 聚丙烯袋 Polypropylene Bag聚乙烯袋 Polythene Bag 塑料袋 Poly Bag 塑料编织袋 Polywoven Bag 纤维袋 Fibre Bag玻璃纤维袋 Glass Fibre Bag 玻璃纸袋 Callophane Bag防潮纸袋 Moisture Proof Pager Bag 乳胶袋子Emulsion Bag锡箔袋 Fresco Bag 特大袋 Jumbo Bag 单层完整袋子Single Sound Bag 桶 Drum木桶 Wooden Cask 大木桶 Hogshead 小木桶 Keg 粗腰桶(琵琶桶) Barrel胶木桶 Bakelite Drum 塑料桶 Plastic Drum 铁桶 Iron Drum 镀锌铁桶 Galvanized Iron Drum镀锌闭口钢桶 Galvanized Mouth Closed Steel Drum镀锌开口钢桶 Galvanized Mouth Opened Steel Drum铝桶 Aluminum Drum 麻布包 Gunny Bale (Hessian Cloth Bag) 蒲包 Mat Bale 草包 Straw Bale 紧压包 Press Packed Bale 铝箔包 Aluminium Foil Package 铁机包 Hard-pressed Bale木机包Half-pressed Bale 覃(缸)Jar 陶缸 Earthen Jar 瓷缸 Porcelain Jar壶 Pot 铅壶 Lead Pot 铜壶Copper Pot 施 Bottle 铝瓶 Aluminum Bottle 陶瓶 Earthen Bottle瓷瓶 Porcelain bottle 罐 Can 听 Tin 绕线筒 Bobbin 笼(篓、篮、筐)Basket竹笼(篓、篮、筐)Bamboo Basket 柳条筐(笼、篮、筐)Wicker Basket 集装箱 Container 集装包/集装袋 Flexible Container 托盘 Pallet 件(支、把、个)Piece 架(台、套)Set(Kit)安瓿 Amp(o)ule(药针支) 双 Pair 打 Dozen 令 Ream 匹 Bolt(Piece)码Yard卷(Roll(reel) 块Block 捆 Bundle 瓣 Braid 度 Degree 辆 Unit(Cart)套(罩) Casing 包装形状 Shapes of Packing 圆形 Round 方形Square三角形 Triangular(Delta Type) 长方形(矩形) Rectangular菱形(斜方形) Rhombus(Diamond) 椭圆形 Oval 圆锥形 Conical 圆柱形 Cylindrical蛋形 Egg-Shaped 葫芦形 Pear-Shaped 五边形 Pentagon 六边形 Hexagon七边形 Heptagon 八边形 Octagon 长 Long 宽 Wide 高 High 深 Deep 厚 Thick 长度 Length宽度 Width 高度 Height 深度 Depth 厚度 Thickness 包装外表标志 Marks On Packing下端,底部 Bottom 顶部(上部) Top(Upper) 小心 Care 勿掷Don’t Cast易碎 Fragile 小心轻放,小心装运 Handle With Care 起吊点(此处起吊) Heave Here易燃物,避火 Inflammable 保持干燥,防泾 Keep Dry 防潮 keep Away from Moisture储存阴冷处 Keep in a Cool Place 储存干燥处 Keep in a Dry Place请勿倒置 Keep Upright 请勿倾倒 Not to Be Tipped 避冷 To be Protected from Cold避热 To be Protected from Heat 在滚子上移动 Use Rollers 此方向上 This Side Up由此开启 Open from This Side 爆炸品Explosive 易燃品 Inflammable遇水燃烧品 Dangerous When Wet 有毒品 Poison 无毒品 No Poison不可触摩 Hand off 适合海运包装 Seaworthy Packing 毛重 Gross Weight (Gr.Wt.)净重 Net Weight (Nt.Wt) 皮重 Tare Weight 包装唛头 Packing Mark包装容积 Packing Capacity 包袋件数 Packing Number 小心玻璃 Glass 易碎物品 Fragile易腐货物 Perishable 液体货物 Liquid 切勿受潮 Keep Dry/Caution Against Wet怕冷 To Be Protected from Cold 怕热 To Be Protected from Heat 怕火 Inflammable上部,向上 Top 此端向上 This Side Up 勿用手钩 Use No Hooks 切勿投掷 No Dumping切勿倒置 Keep Upright 切勿倾倒 No Turning Over 切勿坠落Do Not Drop/No Dropping切勿平放 Not to Be Laid Flat 切勿压挤 Do Not Crush 勿放顶上 Do Not Stake on Top放于凉处Keep Cool/Stow Cool 干处保管Keep in Dry Place勿放湿处 Do Not Stow in Damp Place 甲板装运 Keep on Deck装于舱内 Keep in Hold 勿近锅炉 Stow Away from Boiler必须平放 Keep Flat/Stow Level 怕光 Keep in Dark Place怕压 Not to Be Stow Below Other Cargo 由此吊起 Lift Here挂绳位置 Sling Here 重心 Centre of Balance 着力点Point of Strength 用滚子搬运 Use Rollers 此处打开 Opon Here 暗室开启 Open in Dark Room先开顶部 Romove Top First 怕火,易燃物 Inflammable氧化物 Oxidizing Material 腐蚀品 Corrosive压缩气体Compressed Gas 易燃压缩气体Inflammable Compressed Gas毒品 Poison 爆炸物 Explosive危险品 Hazardous Article 放射性物质Material Radioactive立菱形 Upright Diamond 菱形 Diamond Phombus双菱形 Double Diamond 内十字菱形 Gross in Diamond四等分菱形 Divided Diamond 突角菱形Diamond with Projecting Ends斜井形 Projecting Diamond 内直线菱形 Line in Diamond内三线突角菱形 Three Line in Projecting Diamond 三菱形 Three Diamond附耳菱形 Diamond with Looped Ends 正方形 Square Box长方形 Rectangle 梯形 Echelon Formation平行四边形 Parallelogram 井筒形 Intersecting Parallels五边形 Pentagon 六边形 Hexagon 长六边形 Long Hexagon 圆形 Circle/Round二等分圆 Bisected Circle 双环形 Crossed Circle双圆形 Double Circle 双带圆形 Zoned Circle 长圆形 Long Circle 椭圆形 Oval双缺圆形 Double Indented Circle 圆内三角形 Triangle in Circle三角形 Triangle 六角星形 Hexangular Star二重三角形 Double Triangle 对顶三角形 Hourgrass Touching Triangle内外三角形 Three Triangle 十字形 Cross 圆内十字形 Cross in Circle山角形 Angle 义架形 Crotch 直线 Line 月牙形 Crescent 心形 Heart 星形 Star包装情况 Packing Condition 散装 In Bulk 块装 In Block 条装 In Spear 片装 In Slice捆(扎)装 In Bundle 裸装 In Nude 裸散装 Bare in Loose木托架立装 Straightly Stand on Wooden Shelf传统包装 Traditional Packing 中性包装 Neutral Packing 水密Water Tight 气密 Air Tight不透水包 Water Proof Packing 不透气包 Air Proof Packing薄膜 Film Membrane 透明纸 Transparent Paper 牛皮纸 Kraft Paper地沥青牛皮纸 Bituminous Kraft Paper腊纸 Waxpaper 厚板纸 Cardboard Paper 蒲、苇 Bulrush mat 防水纸 Water Proof Paper保丽龙(泡沫塑料)Poly Foam(SnowBox) 竹条Bamboo Batten竹篾 Bamboo Skin 狭木条Batten 铜丝 Brass Wire 铁丝 Iron Wire铁条 Iron Rod 扣箍 Buckle 外捆麻绳Bound with Rope Externally块装外加塑料袋Block Covered with Poly Bag每件外套一塑料袋 Each Piece Wrapped in a Poly Bag机器榨包不带包皮Press Packed Bale without Wrapper机器榨包以铁皮捆扎 Press Packed in Iron Hooped Bale用牢固的纸箱装运 Packed in Strong Carton适合于长途海洋运输 Suitable for Long Distance Ocean Transportation适合出口海运包装 Packed in Seaworthy Carton for Export全幅卷筒 Full with Rolled on Tube每卷用素包聚乙烯袋装 Each Roll in Plain Poly Bag混色混码 With Assorted Colours Sizes每隔--码烫有边印With Selvedge Stamped Internally at Every--Yards用…隔开 Portioned with 纸屑 Paper Scrap 纸条 Paper Slip 纸带 Paper Tape纸层 Paper Wool 泡沫塑料 Foamed Plastics 泡沫橡胶Foamed Rubber帆布袋内充水 Canvas Bag Filled with Water 包内衬薄纸 Lined with Thin Paper内衬锡箔袋 Lined with Frescobag 内置充气氧塑料袋 Inner Poly Bag Filled with Oxygen内衬牛皮纸 Lined with Kraft Paper内衬防潮纸、牛皮纸 Lined with Moist Proof Paper &Kraft Paper铝箔包装 In Aluminium Foil Packing木箱内衬铝箔纸Lined with Aluminium Foil in the Wooden Case双层布袋外层上浆 Double Cloth Bag with Outer Bag Starched外置木箱 Covered with Wooded Case外绕铁皮 Bound with Iron Bands Externally胶木盖Bakelite Cover 外绕铁丝二道 Bound with Two Bands 0f Metal Wires Outside标签上标有:Labels Were Marked with 纸箱上标有Cartons Were Marked with包装合格 Proper Packing 包装完整 Packing Intact 包装完好 Packing Sound正规出口包装 Regular Packing for Export表面状况良好 Apparently in Good Order& Condition包装不妥 Improper Packing 包装不固 Insufficiently Packed包装不良 Negligent Packing 包装残旧玷污 Packing Stained &Old箱遭水渍 Cartons Wet &Stained 外包装受水湿 With Outer Packing Wet包装形状改变 Shape of Packing Distorted 散包 Bales Off铁皮失落 Iron Straps Off 钉上 Nailed on 尺寸不符 Off Size袋子撕破 Bags Torn 箱板破 Case Plank Broken单层牛皮纸袋内衬塑编布包装,25公斤/包 Packed in Single Kraft Paper Bag Laminated with PE Wovenbag 25Kgs Net Eash三层牛皮纸袋内加一层塑料袋装,25公斤/包 Packed in 3-ply Kraft Paper Bags with PE Liner,25Kgs/bag牛皮纸袋内压聚乙烯膜包装,25公斤/包 Packed in Kraft Paper Iaminated with Polyethylene Film of 25Kgs Net Each两端加纸条 With a Paper Band at Both Ends木箱装,***以螺栓固定于箱底,箱装完整 Packed in Woodencase,the***was(were)Mounted with Bolts on the Bottom of the Case.Packing Intact.木箱装,箱装箱装运,箱装完好Packed in Woodencases with Container Shipment.Packing Sound.塑料编织集装袋装,内衬塑料薄膜袋,集装箱装运,每箱20袋 Packed in Plastic Woven Flexible Container,Lined with Plastic Film Bags,Shipped in Container,20Bags for Each.铁桶装,每桶净重190公斤。
常见包装英语大全aluminum Bottle 铝瓶amp(o)ule 安瓿(药针支)bale 捆,包bale cargo capacity 包装容积bales off 散包basket 笼、篓、篮、筐block 块bobbin 绕线筒bolt(piece) 匹Bottle 瓶bundle (Bd) 捆(包装单位)bottom 下端,底部,底层braid 瓣bundle 捆cartridge container 尾管case(-s) 一件(货物/行李)casing 套(罩)container 集装箱,盂,箱copper Pot 铜壶degree 度denominator 分母depth 深度dozen 打drum 桶fraction 分数gross 箩hard 硬的height 高度in the form of a fraction 分数形式kilogram 公斤length 长度nailed on 钉上numerator 分子package 一件(货物/行李)piece 件、支、把、个ream 捻,令roll(reel) 卷set(kit)架、台、套sharp 锋利的side of a case 箱子的一面thick 厚thickness 厚度unit(cart) 辆water tight 水密width 宽度yard 码packing material 包装材料adhesive tape 压敏胶带backing 缓冲衬板bales 包件bamboo batten 竹条bamboo skin 竹篾batten 狭木条bituminous Kraft paper 地沥青牛皮纸brass wire 铜丝buckle 扣箍buffer 缓冲材料bulrush mat 蒲、苇by pattern, by stencil 按图安板canvas cloth 防水布,粗帆布canvas sheet 防水布,粗帆布cardboard paper 厚板纸cargo compressor 货用压缩机cargo lashing chain 货物捆绑链cellophane 玻璃纸cloth, canvas 粗麻布coated paper 涂层纸container loader 装箱机,集装箱装箱机container moulding apparatus 容器成型装置container sealing compound 容器封口胶compressed gas 压缩气体container boar 盒纸板container board 盒纸板container material 容器材料cord 绳子,绳索cushioning material 衬垫材料film 薄膜,胶片film membrane 薄膜Flexible Container 集装包/集装袋foamed plastics 泡沫塑料foamed rubber 泡沫橡胶foam plastic bag 泡沫塑料袋foil 箔纸heat seal 热封口indelible paint 不褪色的涂料,耐洗涂料iron Rod 铁条iron Wire 铁丝Kraft paper 牛皮纸lead Pot 铅壶metal strap 铁箍metal tag 金属标牌non returnable container 一次用包装old gunny bag 旧麻袋packet (pkt.) 包裹,封套,袋packing case 包装箱,包装件packing cloth, packing canvas 包装用的粗麻布packing cord 包装用的细绳packing paper 包装纸packing string 包装用的绳子,运单packing, package 包装,包装材料packing supplies 包装材料paint 颜料,油漆,涂料pallet 托盘pallet 卡板palletizer 堆卡板机paper 纸paper scrap 纸屑paper slip 纸条paper tag 纸标签paper tape 纸带paper wool 纸层paperboard 纸板partition 隔板patter, template, stencil 图案板plastic foam 泡沫塑料plywood 胶合板poly foam(snow box) 保丽龙(泡沫塑料)polyethylene film 聚乙烯薄膜polythene 聚乙烯preservative 防腐剂press packed bale 紧压包reusable tare 多次使用的包皮satin-covered 缎包装的seal 封口second-hand case 用过的箱子silk ribbon 绸带single sound bag 单层完整袋子size of a case 箱子的大小strap 带,铁皮带staple U型钉stencil 印上油墨tarpaulin 防水布,粗帆布throwaway tare 不能继续使用的包皮transparent paper 透明纸twine, string, pack thread 绳子,绳索.used gunny bag 旧麻袋vial 玻璃小瓶kind of packing 包装种类bag container packing 集装袋装bare in loose 裸装can 罐装,听装card board package 硬纸盒包装collective packing 组合包装container packing 集装箱装consumer packing 消费包装customary packing 普通包装, 习惯包装flexible container packing 集装包装/集装袋装flexible package 软包装hinge cover container 挂式包装homogeneous cargo bagged for stowage purpose 同类散货压舱包装,同类散货袋用压包in aluminum foil packing 铝箔包装in block 块装in bulk 散装in bundle 捆(扎)装inner packing 内包装,小包装in nude 裸装in slice 片装in spear 条装interior packaging 内部包装moisture proof packaging 防潮包装neutral packing 中性包装nude parched 裸装outer package 外包装outer packing 大包装,外包装packing exterior 外部包装packing for export goods 出口商品(货物)的包装packing interior 内部包装packing of nominated brand 定牌包装palletizing 托盘包装paper packing 纸包装plastic packing 塑料包装prepackaging 预包装regular packing for export 正规出口包装rustproof packaging 防锈包装sales package 销售包装,内包装seaworthy packing 海运包装sellers usual packing 卖方习惯包装single packing 单件包装shipment packing 运输包装shock proof packaging 防震包装tin 罐装,听装transparent package 透明包装transport package 运输包装tropical packing 适应热带气候的包装unpacked 散装vacuum packaging 真空包装water proof packaging 防水包装water proof packing 防水包装(材料),不透水包装without packing 裸装outer packing 大包装,外包装。
外贸常用包装中英文对照纸箱Carton 瓦椤纸箱Corrugated Carton 旧瓦椤纸箱Old Corrugated Carton (O.C.C.) 木箱Wooden Case 板条箱Crate 木条箱Wooden Crate 竹条箱Bamboo Crate胶合板箱Plywood Case 三层夹板箱3--Ply Plywood Case镀锡铁皮胎木箱Tin Lined Wooden Case 盒Box 木盒Wooden Box 铁盒Iron Box塑料透明盒Plastic Transparency Box 苯乙烯盒Styrol Box 袋Bag(Sack) 布袋Cloth Bag草袋Straw Bag 麻袋Gunny Bag/Jute Bag 旧麻袋Used Gunny Bag/Old Gunny Bag新麻袋New Gunny Bag 尼龙袋Nylon Bag 聚丙烯袋Polypropylene Bag聚乙烯袋Polythene Bag 塑料袋Poly Bag 塑料编织袋Polywoven Bag 纤维袋Fibre Bag玻璃纤维袋Glass Fibre Bag 玻璃纸袋Callophane Bag防潮纸袋Moisture Proof Pager Bag 乳胶袋子Emulsion Bag锡箔袋Fresco Bag 特大袋Jumbo Bag 单层完整袋子Single Sound Bag 桶Drum木桶Wooden Cask 大木桶Hogshead 小木桶Keg 粗腰桶(琵琶桶) Barrel胶木桶Bakelite Drum 塑料桶Plastic Drum 铁桶Iron Drum 镀锌铁桶Galvanized Iron Drum 镀锌闭口钢桶Galvanized Mouth Closed Steel Drum镀锌开口钢桶Galvanized Mouth Opened Steel Drum铝桶Aluminum Drum 麻布包Gunny Bale (Hessian Cloth Bag) 蒲包Mat Bale 草包Straw Bale紧压包Press Packed Bale 铝箔包Aluminium Foil Package 铁机包Hard-pressed Bale木机包Half-pressed Bale 覃(缸)Jar 陶缸Earthen Jar 瓷缸Porcelain Jar壶Pot 铅壶Lead Pot 铜壶Copper Pot 施Bottle 铝瓶Aluminum Bottle 陶瓶Earthen Bottle瓷瓶Porcelain bottle 罐Can 听Tin 绕线筒Bobbin 笼(篓、篮、筐)Basket竹笼(篓、篮、筐)Bamboo Basket 柳条筐(笼、篮、筐)Wicker Basket 集装箱Container 集装包/集装袋Flexible Container 托盘Pallet 件(支、把、个)Piece 架(台、套)Set(Kit)安瓿Amp(o)ule(药针支) 双Pair 打Dozen 令Ream 匹Bolt(Piece)码Yard卷(Roll(reel) 块Block 捆Bundle 瓣Braid 度Degree 辆Unit(Cart)套(罩)Casing 包装形状Shapes of Packing 圆形Round 方形Square三角形Triangular(Delta Type) 长方形(矩形) Rectangular菱形(斜方形) Rhombus(Diamond) 椭圆形Oval 圆锥形Conical 圆柱形Cylindrical蛋形Egg-Shaped 葫芦形Pear-Shaped 五边形Pentagon 六边形Hexagon七边形Heptagon 八边形Octagon 长Long 宽Wide 高High 深Deep 厚Thick 长度Length宽度Width 高度Height 深度Depth 厚度Thickness 包装外表标志Marks On Packing下端,底部Bottom 顶部(上部) Top(Upper) 小心Care 勿掷Don’t Cast易碎Fragile 小心轻放,小心装运Handle With Care 起吊点(此处起吊) Heave Here易燃物,避火Inflammable 保持干燥,防泾Keep Dry 防潮keep Away from Moisture储存阴冷处Keep in a Cool Place 储存干燥处Keep in a Dry Place请勿倒置Keep Upright 请勿倾倒Not to Be Tipped 避冷To be Protected from Cold避热To be Protected from Heat 在滚子上移动Use Rollers 此方向上This Side Up由此开启Open from This Side 爆炸品Explosive 易燃品Inflammable遇水燃烧品Dangerous When Wet 有毒品Poison 无毒品No Poison不可触摩Hand off 适合海运包装Seaworthy Packing 毛重Gross Weight (Gr.Wt.)净重Net Weight (Nt.Wt) 皮重Tare Weight 包装唛头Packing Mark包装容积Packing Capacity 包袋件数Packing Number 小心玻璃Glass 易碎物品Fragile易腐货物Perishable 液体货物Liquid 切勿受潮Keep Dry/Caution Against Wet怕冷To Be Protected from Cold 怕热To Be Protected from Heat 怕火Inflammable上部,向上Top 此端向上This Side Up 勿用手钩Use No Hooks 切勿投掷No Dumping切勿倒置Keep Upright 切勿倾倒No Turning Over 切勿坠落Do Not Drop/No Dropping切勿平放Not to Be Laid Flat 切勿压挤Do Not Crush 勿放顶上Do Not Stake on Top放于凉处Keep Cool/Stow Cool 干处保管Keep in Dry Place勿放湿处Do Not Stow in Damp Place 甲板装运Keep on Deck装于舱内Keep in Hold 勿近锅炉Stow Away from Boiler必须平放Keep Flat/Stow Level 怕光Keep in Dark Place怕压Not to Be Stow Below Other Cargo 由此吊起Lift Here挂绳位置Sling Here 重心Centre of Balance 着力点Point of Strength 用滚子搬运Use Rollers此处打开Opon Here 暗室开启Open in Dark Room先开顶部Romove Top First 怕火,易燃物Inflammable氧化物Oxidizing Material 腐蚀品Corrosive压缩气体Compressed Gas 易燃压缩气体Inflammable Compressed Gas毒品Poison 爆炸物Explosive危险品Hazardous Article 放射性物质Material Radioactive立菱形Upright Diamond 菱形Diamond Phombus双菱形Double Diamond 内十字菱形Gross in Diamond四等分菱形Divided Diamond 突角菱形Diamond with Projecting Ends斜井形Projecting Diamond 内直线菱形Line in Diamond内三线突角菱形Three Line in Projecting Diamond 三菱形Three Diamond附耳菱形Diamond with Looped Ends 正方形Square Box长方形Rectangle 梯形Echelon Formation平行四边形Parallelogram 井筒形Intersecting Parallels五边形Pentagon 六边形Hexagon 长六边形Long Hexagon 圆形Circle/Round二等分圆Bisected Circle 双环形Crossed Circle双圆形Double Circle 双带圆形Zoned Circle 长圆形Long Circle 椭圆形Oval双缺圆形Double Indented Circle 圆内三角形Triangle in Circle三角形Triangle 六角星形Hexangular Star二重三角形Double Triangle 对顶三角形Hourgrass Touching Triangle内外三角形Three Triangle 十字形Cross 圆内十字形Cross in Circle山角形Angle 义架形Crotch 直线Line 月牙形Crescent 心形Heart 星形Star包装情况Packing Condition 散装In Bulk 块装In Block 条装In Spear 片装In Slice捆(扎)装In Bundle 裸装In Nude 裸散装Bare in Loose木托架立装Straightly Stand on Wooden Shelf传统包装Traditional Packing 中性包装Neutral Packing 水密Water Tight 气密Air Tight不透水包Water Proof Packing 不透气包Air Proof Packing薄膜Film Membrane 透明纸Transparent Paper 牛皮纸Kraft Paper地沥青牛皮纸Bituminous Kraft Paper腊纸Waxpaper 厚板纸Cardboard Paper 蒲、苇Bulrush mat 防水纸Water Proof Paper保丽龙(泡沫塑料)Poly Foam(SnowBox) 竹条Bamboo Batten竹篾Bamboo Skin 狭木条Batten 铜丝Brass Wire 铁丝Iron Wire铁条Iron Rod 扣箍Buckle 外捆麻绳Bound with Rope Externally块装外加塑料袋Block Covered with Poly Bag每件外套一塑料袋Each Piece Wrapped in a Poly Bag机器榨包不带包皮Press Packed Bale without Wrapper机器榨包以铁皮捆扎Press Packed in Iron Hooped Bale用牢固的纸箱装运Packed in Strong Carton适合于长途海洋运输Suitable for Long Distance Ocean Transportation适合出口海运包装Packed in Seaworthy Carton for Export全幅卷筒Full with Rolled on Tube每卷用素包聚乙烯袋装Each Roll in Plain Poly Bag混色混码With Assorted Colours Sizes每隔--码烫有边印With Selvedge Stamped Internally at Every--Yards用…隔开Portioned with 纸屑Paper Scrap 纸条Paper Slip 纸带Paper Tape纸层Paper Wool 泡沫塑料Foamed Plastics 泡沫橡胶Foamed Rubber帆布袋内充水Canvas Bag Filled with Water 包内衬薄纸Lined with Thin Paper内衬锡箔袋Lined with Frescobag 内置充气氧塑料袋Inner Poly Bag Filled with Oxygen内衬牛皮纸Lined with Kraft Paper内衬防潮纸、牛皮纸Lined with Moist Proof Paper &Kraft Paper铝箔包装In Aluminium Foil Packing木箱内衬铝箔纸Lined with Aluminium Foil in the Wooden Case双层布袋外层上浆Double Cloth Bag with Outer Bag Starched外置木箱Covered with Wooded Case外绕铁皮Bound with Iron Bands Externally胶木盖Bakelite Cover 外绕铁丝二道Bound with Two Bands 0f Metal Wires Outside标签上标有:Labels Were Marked with 纸箱上标有Cartons Were Marked with包装合格Proper Packing 包装完整Packing Intact 包装完好Packing Sound正规出口包装Regular Packing for Export表面状况良好Apparently in Good Order& Condition包装不妥Improper Packing 包装不固Insufficiently Packed包装不良Negligent Packing 包装残旧玷污Packing Stained &Old箱遭水渍Cartons Wet &Stained 外包装受水湿With Outer Packing Wet包装形状改变Shape of Packing Distorted 散包Bales Off铁皮失落Iron Straps Off 钉上Nailed on 尺寸不符Off Size袋子撕破Bags Torn 箱板破Case Plank Broken单层牛皮纸袋内衬塑编布包装,25公斤/包Packed in Single Kraft Paper Bag Laminated with PE Wovenbag 25Kgs Net Eash三层牛皮纸袋内加一层塑料袋装,25公斤/包Packed in 3-ply Kraft Paper Bags with PE Liner,25Kgs/bag牛皮纸袋内压聚乙烯膜包装,25公斤/包Packed in Kraft Paper Iaminated with Polyethylene Film of 25Kgs Net Each两端加纸条With a Paper Band at Both Ends木箱装,***以螺栓固定于箱底,箱装完整Packed in Woodencase,the***was(were)Mounted with Bolts on the Bottom of the Case.Packing Intact.木箱装,箱装箱装运,箱装完好Packed in Woodencases with Container Shipment.Packing Sound.塑料编织集装袋装,内衬塑料薄膜袋,集装箱装运,每箱20袋Packed in Plastic Woven Flexible Container,Lined with Plastic Film Bags,Shipped in Container,20Bags for Each.铁桶装,每桶净重190公斤。
包装英文全集防水布,粗帆布 canvas cloth,canvas sheet,tarpaulin(货物/行李)一件case(-s),package 包装件packing case 物件号码number of a packing 物件顺序号码ordinal number of a package 件数number of cases 物件总数total number of cases细绳cord 包装用的细绳packing cord 粗麻布cloth,canvas包装用的粗麻布packing cloth,packing canvas重心centre of gravity用垂直红线标明重心mark the centre of gravity with a red vertical line绳子,绳索cord 箱子case,box 用过的箱子second-hand case包装箱packing case 箱子的数量number of cases,number of boxes箱子的大小size of a case 箱子的一面side of a case 薄膜,胶片film箱子的正面face plane side of a case 信封,信套envelope防水信封waterproof envelope聚乙烯薄膜polyethylene film工程项目的识别标志indentification mark of object 商标,牌子,牌号,标志mark,sign,brand 识别标志distinction mark 热带货物标志tropical loadline(产品)出厂牌子,出厂商标trade-mark,trademark 涂刷标志mark刷红色垂直线作标志mark with a red vertical line 运输标志,涂刷运输标志marking附加标志additional marking 专用(警告)标志,特殊标志special marking清晰的标志(唛头)clear marking发货人标志consignor`s marking 收货人标志consignee`s marking刷唛规定instructions concerning marking 涂刷相应的标志with appropriate marking 涂刷唛头mark,grade 在货运单上指出标志specify marking in a waybill在说明书上指出标志point out marking in a specification 运输标志marking(此端)向上up 毛重,总重gross weight净重,实重net weight 分数fraction分数形式in the form of a fraction 分母denominator分子numerator 保持干燥,切勿受潮keep dry请勿倒置do not turn over请勿翻转do not turn over此断底部bottom 小心轻放handle with care 玻璃glass编号,号码numeration 买方编号numeration of the buyer,numeration of the purchaser 卖方编号numberation of the seller 纸paper 包装纸packing paper颜料,油漆,涂料paint 防水油漆water-repellent paint不褪色的涂料,耐洗涂料indelible paint 图案板patter,template,templet,stencil按图安板by pattern,by stencil 包装,包装材料packing,package防水包装(材料)water proof packing 硬纸盒包装card board package海运包装seaworthy packing合适的包装suitable packing 未损坏的包装sound packing,undamaged packing普通包装customary packing 破损的包装damaged packing适应热带气候的包装tropical packing 散装without packing,unpacked包装重量,皮重tare 包装种类kind of packing纸包装paper packing 外部包装packing exterior内部包装packing interior 塑料包装plastic packing包装损坏damage to packing 有关包装的规定instructions concerning packing包装费用packing charges 包装性能properties of packing内在包装性能latent properties of packing 遵守包装要求observance of instructions concerning packing包装情况condition of packing 包装有缺陷defective condition of packing包装费cost of packing出口商品(货物)的包装packing for export goods 包装性质nature of packing不含包装费的价格packing not included 包括包装费的价格packing inclusive附加包装费extra packing 保障商品包装provide the packing of goods装运有包装的(散货)货物ship goods in packing (without packing)装箱单,打包单,包装单packing list,packing sheet,packing note,packing ship 袋sack 已磨损的口袋worn-out sack 明细单specification(-s)扎捆明细单bale specifications 装箱明细单case specifications 标签,标牌tag(US),label,tally纸标签paper tag 金属标牌metal tag 特殊标签,专用标签special tag标签上的运输标志marking on a tag 往行李上贴标签put labels on one`s luggage包装材料,包皮tare 多次使用的包皮reusable tare 皮重tare实际皮重actual tare 预计皮重estimated tare,computered tare平均皮重average tare发货单皮重invoice tare 海关规定皮重customs tare 法定皮重legal tare确定皮重tare 包皮缺陷defects in tare 皮重总量tare规定皮重量customary tare 包皮价值,外包装费cost of tare不能继续使用的包皮throwaway tare绳子,绳索.twine,string,pack thread 包装用的绳子,运单packing string 运单waybill 货运单cargo waybill 货运单号码number of a cargo waybill。
PENTON(CPT) 代替不锈钢,氯塑料等材料 PPO PAR PPS PES TPX PF UF MF AF EP PI PU SI 汽车拖拉机零件,船身涂料 太空,电子,飞机零件,汽车零件 鞋底,椅垫床垫,人造皮革,油漆 橡胶制品,脱模剂,乳液弹性体,清 漆涂料等 涂料,玻璃钢,装饰件,地板,钮扣等
Epoxide Resin Polyimides Polyurethane Resin
PU Silicone
聚氨脂树脂 硅氧烷 醇酸树脂 烯丙基树脂
Alkyd Resin Allyl Resin
尼龙单6 尼龙孖6 尼龙9 尼龙1010
聚甲基丙烯酸 Polymethyl Methacrylate 甲脂
改性有机玻 甲基丙烯酸甲 Polymethyl Methacrylate丙烯酸脂共聚物 璃 脂-苯乙烯 Styrene 372#,373# 甲基丙烯酸甲 Methyl Methacrylate脂-乙二烯 Butadiene 聚碳酸脂 聚甲醛 纤维素类 防弹胶 赛钢 赛璐璐 酸性胶 聚碳酸脂 聚甲醛 硝酸纤维素 醋酸纤维素 乙基纤维素 饱和聚脂 涤纶(的确 凉) Polycarbonate
俗称 聚苯乙烯类 中文学名 硬胶 不脆胶 改性聚苯乙烯类 ABS料 AS料(SAN 料) 英文学名 英文简称 主要用途 灯罩、仪器壳罩、玩具等 日用品、电器零件、玩具等 电器用品外壳,日用品,高级玩具, 运动用品 日用透明器皿,透明家庭电器用品 等 特种包装,食品容器,笔杆等 适于制作一般建筑领域、户外家 具、汽车外侧视镜壳体 包装袋,拉丝,包装物,日用品,玩具 等 日用品,电器等 包装胶袋,胶花,胶瓶电线,包装物 等 包装,建材,水桶,玩具等 鞋底,薄膜,板片,通管,日用品等 建材,管材,电缆绝缘层,重包装材 料 轴承,齿轮,油管,容器,日用品 机械,汽车,化工,电器装置等 机械零件,泵,电缆护套 绳缆,管材,齿轮,机械零件 透明装饰材料,灯罩,挡风玻璃,仪 器表壳 高抗冲要求的透明制品 通用聚苯乙烯 General Purpose Polystyrene PS 高冲击聚苯乙 High Impact Polystyrene 烯 丙烯腈-丁二烯 Acrylonitrile Butadiene -苯乙烯 Styrene 丙烯腈-苯乙烯 Acrylonitrile Styrene HIPS ABS AS(SAN) BS(BDS)
常用印刷包装材料英文包装材料类: Packaging Materials -Kraft liner(KL): 纯牛卡,100%纯木桨组成,耐破,环压性能优秀,而且耐潮性极佳,一般用于瓦楞纸板面纸。
-Test liner(TL): 仿牛卡/挂面仿牛卡,其木桨含量低于纯牛卡,性能虽然比不过进口纯牛卡,但从纸张的性能上讲,与国产箱板纸之间的差距在渐渐缩小,性价比较高,已经成为运输包装市场的主流。
-CCNB(Clay Coated News Back): 标准称呼为“灰底白板卡纸”,在南方广东一带称为“粉灰咭”,是一种用循环回收材料制作而成的带灰质涂料的硬纸板,常用于销售包装E,B瓦楞纸的面纸,有较好的彩色印刷性能。
-CCKB(Clay Coated Kraft Back): 牛底白板纸板-CCWB(Clay Coated White Back): 白底灰芯纸板-SBS(Solid Bleached Sulphate): 铜板卡纸/白芯粉咭,100%纯木浆经硫酸盐法分离,并漂白制成的高档纸板,印刷适性好。
根据表面涂布情况SBS又分为单粉咭C1S(coated one side)和双粉咭C2S(coated two sides)。
-WCC(Waxed Corrugated Containers): 表面蜡质瓦楞纸箱-Grey Chip Board: 双灰纸板,一般为完全回收纸制成,挺度好,韧性差,多用于书本封面和精品手工包装盒。
常见包装材料介绍英语作文1. Plastic: Plastic is a common packaging material that is lightweight, durable, and inexpensive. It is widely used for packaging food, beverages, and household products.2. Paper: Paper is a versatile packaging material thatis biodegradable and recyclable. It is often used for packaging products such as clothing, electronics, and gifts.3. Glass: Glass is a popular packaging material for beverages, sauces, and cosmetics. It is transparent, non-reactive, and can be easily recycled.4. Metal: Metal packaging, such as aluminum cans and steel containers, is commonly used for food and beverage products. It is durable, resistant to corrosion, and can be recycled indefinitely.5. Cardboard: Cardboard is a sturdy and lightweight packaging material that is commonly used for shipping boxes,retail packaging, and product displays. It is recyclable and can be easily customized for branding purposes.6. Styrofoam: Styrofoam, or expanded polystyrene, is a lightweight and insulating packaging material often used for protecting fragile items during shipping. It is not biodegradable and can be harmful to the environment if not properly disposed of.7. Fabric: Fabric packaging, such as cotton bags or jute sacks, is a sustainable and reusable option for packaging products. It is often used for packaging gifts, promotional items, and luxury goods.8. Biodegradable materials: Biodegradable packaging materials, such as compostable plastics and plant-based fibers, are becoming increasingly popular due to their eco-friendly properties. They are designed to break down naturally in the environment, reducing the impact of packaging waste.。
Packaging Box Common Packaging Materials and Methods (InternationalEnglish Resources)1. Packaging Materialsa. Corrugated cardboard: This material is widely used for its durability and excellent protective properties. Corrugated cardboard is made of multiple layers of paper witha fluted inner layer, providing strength and rigidity.b. Rigid cardboard: Also known as solid cardboard, this material is often used for luxury packaging due to its highquality appearance and strong protection. Rigid cardboard is suitable for products that require a sturdy and elegant presentation.d. Kraft paper: Known for its natural brown color, kraft paper is biodegradable and ecofriendly. It is often used for wrapping products or as an additional layer of protection inside the packaging box.e. Bubble wrap: Bubble wrap is an excellent choice for protecting fragile items during transportation. Its aircushioned bubbles provide shock absorption and prevent damage.2. Packaging Methodsa. Tuckend boxes: This popular method involves folding the flaps of the box into each other, creating a secure closure. Tuckend boxes are easy to assemble and are suitable for a wide range of products.b. Clamshell packaging: Clamshell packaging consists of a hinged, clear plastic blister that encases the product. It provides excellent visibility and protection, making it ideal for retail display.c. Slide boxes: Slide boxes, also known as drawer boxes, feature a base and lid that slide into each other. They are often used for premium products, offering a sophisticated and elegant presentation.d. Window boxes: Window boxes have a transparent plastic or acetate window that allows the product to be visible from the outside. This method is effective for showcasing the product and increasing customer appeal.3. Sustainability ConsiderationsAs environmental concerns grow, the importance of sustainable packaging cannot be overstated. Here are some considerations for ecofriendly packaging:a. Recycled materials: Opt for packaging materials made from recycled content. This reduces the demand for virgin materials and helps to close the loop in the recycling process.d. Ink and printing: Use waterbased inks and ensure that the printing process is ecofriendly. Avoid heavy metalbased inks and opt for minimalistic designs to reduce environmental impact.4. International Shipping Considerationsa. Custom regulations: Be aware of the customs regulations in the destination country. Some materials may be restricted or require special documentation.b. Language requirements: Include multilingual packaging information to cater to various markets. Ensure that important details are translated accurately.c. Transport durability: Packages must withstand longer travel times and varying conditions. Reinforced corners, additional cushioning, and stronger sealing methods may be necessary.5. User ExperienceThe packaging experience is an extension of the product itself. Here are some usercentric considerations:a. Easy opening: Design packaging that is easy to open without the need for sharp tools. This can include tear strips, perforations, or innovative opening mechanisms.b. Reusability: Consider packaging that can be repurposed or reused the consumer. This adds value and can enhance brand loyalty.c. Instructions and information: Clear instructions and product information should be included on the packaging. This can range from usage guides to care instructions and warranty details.d. Aesthetics: The visual appeal of packaging is crucial.A welldesigned box can make a strong first impression and convey the quality of the product inside.In wrapping up, the world of packaging is both diverse and dynamic, with endless possibilities to protect, promote, and please. By staying informed about the latest materials and methods, businesses can make informed decisions that not only safeguard their products but also align with their values and cater to the expectations of a global market.6. Advanced Packaging TechnologiesAs technology advances, so do the options for packaging. Here are some cuttingedge technologies that are shaping the future of packaging:a. Smart packaging: Incorporating sensors or indicators into packaging can provide realtime information about the product's condition, such as temperature, humidity, or tampering. This is particularly useful for perishable goods or pharmaceuticals.b. Active packaging: This type of packaging can interact with its contents to extend shelf life or improve safety.Examples include moisture absorbers, oxygen scavengers, and ethylene absorbers for produce.c. Digital printing: Digital printing technologies allow for more flexible and personalized packaging. Variable data printing can be used to customize packaging with unique s, images, or text, enhancing the consumer experience.d. RFID technology: RadioFrequency Identification (RFID) tags can be embedded in packaging to track and trace products throughout the supply chain. This improves inventory management and security.7. Cultural Sensitivity in PackagingWhen packaging for international markets, it's essential to consider cultural nuances:a. Color symbolism: Colors can have different meanings in various cultures. For instance, white symbolizes purity in Western cultures but is associated with mourning in many Asian cultures.b. Imagery and symbols: Be mindful of the imagery and symbols used on packaging. What is considered appealing or neutral in one culture may be offensive or inappropriate in another.c. Language localization: Translating is not enough; localization involves adapting the message to resonate withthe local culture. This includes idiomatic expressions and cultural references.d. Legal requirements: Different countries have specific legal requirements for packaging, such as ingredient listings, allergy warnings, and recycling symbols. Compliance iscrucial to avoid legal issues.8. Future TrendsKeeping an eye on emerging trends can help businessesstay ahead of the curve:a. Minimalism: Consumers are increasingly favoring minimalist packaging designs that focus on simplicity and functionality, reducing material use and emphasizing the product itself.c. Interactive packaging: Packaging that engages the consumer, such as games, puzzles, or augmented reality (AR) experiences, can create a memorable unboxing experience and build brand loyalty.d. Plantbased materials: Innovations in plantbased materials, such as bamboo, sugarcane, and seaweed, areoffering sustainable alternatives to traditional packaging materials.In conclusion, the landscape of international packagingis continually evolving, driven technological advancements, environmental concerns, and cultural diversity. By embracingthese changes and incorporating them into their packaging strategies, businesses can not only protect their products but also build stronger connections with their global customers.。
外贸常用包装中英文对照纸箱Carton 瓦椤纸箱Corrugated Carton 旧瓦椤纸箱Old Corrugated Carton (O.C.C.) 木箱Wooden Case 板条箱Crate 木条箱Wooden Crate 竹条箱Bamboo Crate胶合板箱Plywood Case 三层夹板箱3--Ply Plywood Case镀锡铁皮胎木箱Tin Lined Wooden Case 盒Box 木盒Wooden Box 铁盒Iron Box塑料透明盒Plastic Transparency Box 苯乙烯盒Styrol Box 袋Bag(Sack) 布袋Cloth Bag草袋Straw Bag 麻袋Gunny Bag/Jute Bag 旧麻袋Used Gunny Bag/Old Gunny Bag新麻袋New Gunny Bag 尼龙袋Nylon Bag 聚丙烯袋Polypropylene Bag聚乙烯袋Polythene Bag 塑料袋Poly Bag 塑料编织袋Polywoven Bag 纤维袋Fibre Bag玻璃纤维袋Glass Fibre Bag 玻璃纸袋Callophane Bag防潮纸袋Moisture Proof Pager Bag 乳胶袋子Emulsion Bag锡箔袋Fresco Bag 特大袋Jumbo Bag 单层完整袋子Single Sound Bag 桶Drum木桶Wooden Cask 大木桶Hogshead 小木桶Keg 粗腰桶(琵琶桶) Barrel胶木桶Bakelite Drum 塑料桶Plastic Drum 铁桶Iron Drum 镀锌铁桶Galvanized Iron Drum镀锌闭口钢桶Galvanized Mouth Closed Steel Drum镀锌开口钢桶Galvanized Mouth Opened Steel Drum铝桶Aluminum Drum 麻布包Gunny Bale (Hessian Cloth Bag) 蒲包Mat Bale 草包Straw Bale紧压包Press Packed Bale 铝箔包Aluminium Foil Package 铁机包Hard-pressed Bale木机包Half-pressed Bale 覃(缸)Jar 陶缸Earthen Jar 瓷缸Porcelain Jar壶Pot 铅壶Lead Pot 铜壶Copper Pot 施Bottle 铝瓶Aluminum Bottle 陶瓶Earthen Bottle瓷瓶Porcelain bottle 罐Can 听Tin 绕线筒Bobbin 笼(篓、篮、筐)Basket竹笼(篓、篮、筐)Bamboo Basket 柳条筐(笼、篮、筐)Wicker Basket 集装箱Container 集装包/集装袋Flexible Container 托盘Pallet 件(支、把、个)Piece 架(台、套)Set(Kit)安瓿Amp(o)ule(药针支) 双Pair 打Dozen 令Ream 匹Bolt(Piece)码Yard卷(Roll(reel) 块Block 捆Bundle 瓣Braid 度Degree 辆Unit(Cart)套(罩)Casing 包装形状Shapes of Packing 圆形Round 方形Square三角形Triangular(Delta Type) 长方形(矩形) Rectangular菱形(斜方形) Rhombus(Diamond) 椭圆形Oval 圆锥形Conical 圆柱形Cylindrical蛋形Egg-Shaped 葫芦形Pear-Shaped 五边形Pentagon 六边形Hexagon七边形Heptagon 八边形Octagon 长Long 宽Wide 高High 深Deep 厚Thick 长度Length宽度Width 高度Height 深度Depth 厚度Thickness 包装外表标志Marks On Packing下端,底部Bottom 顶部(上部) Top(Upper) 小心Care 勿掷Don’t Cast易碎Fragile 小心轻放,小心装运Handle With Care 起吊点(此处起吊) Heave Here易燃物,避火Inflammable 保持干燥,防泾Keep Dry 防潮keep Away from Moisture储存阴冷处Keep in a Cool Place 储存干燥处Keep in a Dry Place请勿倒置Keep Upright 请勿倾倒Not to Be Tipped 避冷To be Protected from Cold避热To be Protected from Heat 在滚子上移动Use Rollers 此方向上This Side Up由此开启Open from This Side 爆炸品Explosive 易燃品Inflammable遇水燃烧品Dangerous When Wet 有毒品Poison 无毒品No Poison不可触摩Hand off 适合海运包装Seaworthy Packing 毛重Gross Weight (Gr.Wt.)净重Net Weight (Nt.Wt) 皮重Tare Weight 包装唛头Packing Mark包装容积Packing Capacity 包袋件数Packing Number 小心玻璃Glass 易碎物品Fragile易腐货物Perishable 液体货物Liquid 切勿受潮Keep Dry/Caution Against Wet怕冷To Be Protected from Cold 怕热To Be Protected from Heat 怕火Inflammable上部,向上Top 此端向上This Side Up 勿用手钩Use No Hooks 切勿投掷No Dumping切勿倒置Keep Upright 切勿倾倒No Turning Over 切勿坠落Do Not Drop/No Dropping 切勿平放Not to Be Laid Flat 切勿压挤Do Not Crush 勿放顶上Do Not Stake on Top放于凉处Keep Cool/Stow Cool 干处保管Keep in Dry Place勿放湿处Do Not Stow in Damp Place 甲板装运Keep on Deck装于舱内Keep in Hold 勿近锅炉Stow Away from Boiler必须平放Keep Flat/Stow Level 怕光Keep in Dark Place怕压Not to Be Stow Below Other Cargo 由此吊起Lift Here挂绳位置Sling Here 重心Centre of Balance 着力点Point of Strength 用滚子搬运Use Rollers此处打开Opon Here 暗室开启Open in Dark Room先开顶部Romove Top First 怕火,易燃物Inflammable氧化物Oxidizing Material 腐蚀品Corrosive压缩气体Compressed Gas 易燃压缩气体Inflammable Compressed Gas毒品Poison 爆炸物Explosive危险品Hazardous Article 放射性物质Material Radioactive立菱形Upright Diamond 菱形Diamond Phombus双菱形Double Diamond 内十字菱形Gross in Diamond四等分菱形Divided Diamond 突角菱形Diamond with Projecting Ends斜井形Projecting Diamond 内直线菱形Line in Diamond内三线突角菱形Three Line in Projecting Diamond 三菱形Three Diamond附耳菱形Diamond with Looped Ends 正方形Square Box长方形Rectangle 梯形Echelon Formation平行四边形Parallelogram 井筒形Intersecting Parallels五边形Pentagon 六边形Hexagon 长六边形Long Hexagon 圆形Circle/Round二等分圆Bisected Circle 双环形Crossed Circle双圆形Double Circle 双带圆形Zoned Circle 长圆形Long Circle 椭圆形Oval双缺圆形Double Indented Circle 圆内三角形Triangle in Circle三角形Triangle 六角星形Hexangular Star二重三角形Double Triangle 对顶三角形Hourgrass Touching Triangle内外三角形Three Triangle 十字形Cross 圆内十字形Cross in Circle山角形Angle 义架形Crotch 直线Line 月牙形Crescent 心形Heart 星形Star包装情况Packing Condition 散装In Bulk 块装In Block 条装In Spear 片装In Slice捆(扎)装In Bundle 裸装In Nude 裸散装Bare in Loose木托架立装Straightly Stand on Wooden Shelf传统包装Traditional Packing 中性包装Neutral Packing 水密Water Tight 气密Air Tight不透水包Water Proof Packing 不透气包Air Proof Packing薄膜Film Membrane 透明纸Transparent Paper 牛皮纸Kraft Paper地沥青牛皮纸Bituminous Kraft Paper腊纸Waxpaper 厚板纸Cardboard Paper 蒲、苇Bulrush mat 防水纸Water Proof Paper保丽龙(泡沫塑料)Poly Foam(SnowBox) 竹条Bamboo Batten竹篾Bamboo Skin 狭木条Batten 铜丝Brass Wire 铁丝Iron Wire铁条Iron Rod 扣箍Buckle 外捆麻绳Bound with Rope Externally块装外加塑料袋Block Covered with Poly Bag每件外套一塑料袋Each Piece Wrapped in a Poly Bag机器榨包不带包皮Press Packed Bale without Wrapper机器榨包以铁皮捆扎Press Packed in Iron Hooped Bale用牢固的纸箱装运Packed in Strong Carton适合于长途海洋运输Suitable for Long Distance Ocean Transportation适合出口海运包装Packed in Seaworthy Carton for Export全幅卷筒Full with Rolled on Tube每卷用素包聚乙烯袋装Each Roll in Plain Poly Bag混色混码With Assorted Colours Sizes每隔--码烫有边印With Selvedge Stamped Internally at Every--Yards用…隔开Portioned with 纸屑Paper Scrap 纸条Paper Slip 纸带Paper Tape纸层Paper Wool 泡沫塑料Foamed Plastics 泡沫橡胶Foamed Rubber帆布袋内充水Canvas Bag Filled with Water 包内衬薄纸Lined with Thin Paper内衬锡箔袋Lined with Frescobag 内置充气氧塑料袋Inner Poly Bag Filled with Oxygen内衬牛皮纸Lined with Kraft Paper内衬防潮纸、牛皮纸Lined with Moist Proof Paper &Kraft Paper铝箔包装In Aluminium Foil Packing木箱内衬铝箔纸Lined with Aluminium Foil in the Wooden Case双层布袋外层上浆Double Cloth Bag with Outer Bag Starched外置木箱Covered with Wooded Case外绕铁皮Bound with Iron Bands Externally胶木盖Bakelite Cover 外绕铁丝二道Bound with Two Bands 0f Metal Wires Outside标签上标有:Labels Were Marked with 纸箱上标有Cartons Were Marked with包装合格Proper Packing 包装完整Packing Intact 包装完好Packing Sound正规出口包装Regular Packing for Export表面状况良好Apparently in Good Order& Condition包装不妥Improper Packing 包装不固Insufficiently Packed包装不良Negligent Packing 包装残旧玷污Packing Stained &Old箱遭水渍Cartons Wet &Stained 外包装受水湿With Outer Packing Wet包装形状改变Shape of Packing Distorted 散包Bales Off铁皮失落Iron Straps Off 钉上Nailed on 尺寸不符Off Size袋子撕破Bags Torn 箱板破Case Plank Broken单层牛皮纸袋内衬塑编布包装,25公斤/包Packed in Single Kraft Paper Bag Laminated with PE Wovenbag 25Kgs Net Eash三层牛皮纸袋内加一层塑料袋装,25公斤/包Packed in 3-ply Kraft Paper Bags with PE Liner,25Kgs/bag牛皮纸袋内压聚乙烯膜包装,25公斤/包Packed in Kraft Paper Iaminated with Polyethylene Film of 25Kgs Net Each两端加纸条With a Paper Band at Both Ends木箱装,***以螺栓固定于箱底,箱装完整Packed in Woodencase,the***was(were)Mounted withBolts on the Bottom of the Case.Packing Intact.木箱装,箱装箱装运,箱装完好Packed in Woodencases with Container Shipment.Packing Sound.塑料编织集装袋装,内衬塑料薄膜袋,集装箱装运,每箱20袋Packed in Plastic Woven Flexible Container,Lined with Plastic Film Bags,Shipped in Container,20Bags for Each.铁桶装,每桶净重190公斤。
外贸常用包装中英文对照纸箱Carton 瓦椤纸箱Corrugated Carton 旧瓦椤纸箱Old Corrugated Carton (O.C.C.)木箱Wooden Case 板条箱Crate 木条箱Wooden Crate 竹条箱Bamboo Crate胶合板箱Plywood Case 三层夹板箱3-—Ply Plywood Case镀锡铁皮胎木箱Tin Lined Wooden Case 盒Box 木盒Wooden Box 铁盒Iron Box塑料透明盒Plastic Transparency Box 苯乙烯盒Styrol Box 袋Bag(Sack) 布袋Cloth Bag草袋Straw Bag 麻袋Gunny Bag/Jute Bag 旧麻袋Used Gunny Bag/Old Gunny Bag新麻袋New Gunny Bag 尼龙袋Nylon Bag 聚丙烯袋Polypropylene Bag聚乙烯袋Polythene Bag 塑料袋Poly Bag 塑料编织袋Polywoven Bag 纤维袋Fibre Bag玻璃纤维袋Glass Fibre Bag 玻璃纸袋Callophane Bag防潮纸袋Moisture Proof Pager Bag 乳胶袋子Emulsion Bag锡箔袋Fresco Bag 特大袋Jumbo Bag 单层完整袋子Single Sound Bag 桶Drum木桶Wooden Cask 大木桶Hogshead 小木桶Keg 粗腰桶(琵琶桶)Barrel胶木桶Bakelite Drum 塑料桶Plastic Drum 铁桶Iron Drum 镀锌铁桶Galvanized Iron Drum 镀锌闭口钢桶Galvanized Mouth Closed Steel Drum镀锌开口钢桶Galvanized Mouth Opened Steel Drum铝桶Aluminum Drum 麻布包Gunny Bale (Hessian Cloth Bag)蒲包Mat Bale 草包Straw Bale紧压包Press Packed Bale 铝箔包Aluminium Foil Package 铁机包Hard-pressed Bale木机包Half-pressed Bale 覃(缸)Jar 陶缸Earthen Jar 瓷缸Porcelain Jar壶Pot 铅壶Lead Pot 铜壶Copper Pot 施Bottle 铝瓶Aluminum Bottle 陶瓶Earthen Bottle瓷瓶Porcelain bottle 罐Can 听Tin 绕线筒Bobbin 笼(篓、篮、筐)Basket竹笼(篓、篮、筐)Bamboo Basket 柳条筐(笼、篮、筐)Wicker Basket 集装箱Container 集装包/集装袋Flexible Container 托盘Pallet 件(支、把、个)Piece 架(台、套)Set(Kit) 安瓿Amp(o)ule(药针支) 双Pair 打Dozen 令Ream 匹Bolt(Piece)码Yard卷(Roll(reel) 块Block 捆Bundle 瓣Braid 度Degree 辆Unit(Cart)套(罩)Casing 包装形状Shapes of Packing 圆形Round 方形Square三角形Triangular(Delta Type) 长方形(矩形) Rectangular菱形(斜方形)Rhombus(Diamond) 椭圆形Oval 圆锥形Conical 圆柱形Cylindrical蛋形Egg—Shaped 葫芦形Pear-Shaped 五边形Pentagon 六边形Hexagon七边形Heptagon 八边形Octagon 长Long 宽Wide 高High 深Deep 厚Thick 长度Length宽度Width 高度Height 深度Depth 厚度Thickness 包装外表标志Marks On Packing下端,底部Bottom 顶部(上部)Top(Upper) 小心Care 勿掷Don’t Cast易碎Fragile 小心轻放,小心装运Handle With Care 起吊点(此处起吊)Heave Here易燃物,避火Inflammable 保持干燥,防泾Keep Dry 防潮keep Away from Moisture储存阴冷处Keep in a Cool Place 储存干燥处Keep in a Dry Place请勿倒置Keep Upright 请勿倾倒Not to Be Tipped 避冷To be Protected from Cold避热To be Protected from Heat 在滚子上移动Use Rollers 此方向上This Side Up由此开启Open from This Side 爆炸品Explosive 易燃品Inflammable遇水燃烧品Dangerous When Wet 有毒品Poison 无毒品No Poison不可触摩Hand off 适合海运包装Seaworthy Packing 毛重Gross Weight (Gr。
外贸包装中英文描述规范常用产品名:书本盒:Palette花盒:Unit Carton 或者UC蜡片:MylarPR BOX / PR KIT : 一般前面会有名字,比如HOLIDAY PR KIT常用图稿:(用途名头+产品名+日期+设计师代号+公司)英文效果图:直接产品名Summer Palette Feb-07-2023(不同方案用Option A,B,C,如果方案太多,用A1, A2….)英文技术图:Tech-Drawing for Summer Palette Feb-07-2023(给到客户的最终正确的图稿,有商业确认价值)印刷区域刀版图:Die-lines for Summer Palette Feb-07-2023(供客户设计师设计图稿用)中文下单稿:PO号+合同上的产品名+下单稿+日期+设计师代号+公司PO 10561 12孔蓝色书本盒-下单稿Jan-11-2023***其他下单稿件,以此类推,如PO 10561 12孔蓝色书本盒-外箱贴Jan-11-中文打样稿:产品名+打样稿+日期+设计师代号+公司夏日书本盒打样稿Jan-11-2023常用标识英文:长Length,宽Width,高Height,厚/深Depth材料厚度:Thickness材料克重:Weight卡纸/灰板: Cardboard Paper(白卡,黑卡,灰板我们暂时都可以用这个词代替)铜版纸/特种纸: Art Paper瓦楞纸Corrugated Paper金葱纸:Glitter Paper膜Film; 覆哑膜:Matte-Laminated; 覆亮膜:Glossy-Laminated礼盒:Box套装:Kit包袋:Bag绸带:Ribbon把手:Handle抽屉盒:Vault,第一层抽屉:1st Layer (不用Drawer)封套:Sleeve花盒:Unit Carton书本盒:Palette蜡片:Mylar金属效果:Metallic Finish哑面:Matte Finish半哑光:Satin Finish亮面:Glossy Finish金葱:Glitter / Sparkle Finish细珠光:Pearl Finish,粗珠光:Glitter Finish雾面/磨砂:Frosted覆膜:Laminated罩光:UV coating电镀:Electroplated丝印:Silk Screen烫金:Foil (烫玫瑰金Rose Gold Foil)击凸:Embossed击凹:Debossed植绒:Flocking印刷:Printing(专黑:Black Printing K:100;专金: Gold Printing)。
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2、纸的种类●牛皮纸牛皮纸具有较高强度,用于25 -50公斤的面粉、糖、水果和蔬菜包装。
国际标准化组织(ISO)规定: 重量每平方米超过250克(每1000平方英尺51磅)材料,应称之为纸板。
Packaging Materials1Paper1.1 Paper and its advantagesPaper is defined as a matted or felted sheet usually composed of plant fiber. Paper has been commercially from such sources as rags (linen), bagasses (sugar cane), cotton and straw. Modern paper is made almost exclusively from cellulose fiber derived from wood.Paper has a number of advantages as a packaging material:●It is produced in many grades and converted to many differentforms, especially boxes or cartons.●It is recyclable and biodegradable.●It is easily combined with other materials to make or laminatedpacks.●It can be produced with different degrees of opacity.1.2 Types of papers●Craft paperCraft paper is a strong paper which is used for 25—50kg multi-wall sacks for powders, flour, sugar, fruits, and vegetables. It can be bleached white, printed or used unbleached (brown). It is usually used in several layers or plies to give the required strength.●Fine paperFine paper is made from woodchips and sawmills residues, which is a by-product of the forest product industry. These materials are pulped and pressed into sheets to make fine paper. Fine paper is used as writing paper, photocopier paper and printer paper. Fine paper is good to use for these purposes because it has longer fibers and is brighter than other paper grades.●Vegetable parchmentVegetable parchment is produced from sulphate pulp which is passed through a bath of concentrated sulphuric acid to swell and partly dissolvethe fibres, to make them plasticized. This closes the pores and fills voids in the fibre network to make the surface more intact than Kraft paper and thus makes the paper resistant to grease and oils and gives greater wet strength properties. It is used to pack butter, cheese and fresh fish or meat.●Greaseproof paperGreaseproof paper is made from sulphite pulp in which the fibres are more thoroughly beaten to produce a closer structure. It is resistant to oils and fats, and although this property is lost when the paper becomes wet, it is widely used for wrapping fish, meat and dairy products.●GlassineGlassine is similar to greaseproof paper, but is given additional calendaring to increase the density and produce a close-knit structure and a high gloss finish. It is more resistant to water when dry but loses the resistance once it becomes wet.●Coated paperMany papers are treated with wax by coating, dry waxing (in which wax penetrates the paper while hot) or wax sizing (in which the wax is added during the preparation of the pulp). Wax provides a moisture barrier and allows the paper to be heat sealed. However, a simple wax coating is easily damaged by folding or by abrasive foods, but this is overcomed by laminating the wax between layers of paper and/or polyethylene. Waxed papers are used for bread wrappers and inner liners for cereal cartons.2Paperboard“Paper” and “paperboard” are nonspecific terms that can be related to either material caliper (thickness) or grammage (weight). The International Standards Organization (ISO) states that material weighing more than 250 grams per square meter (51 pounds per 1000 square feet) shall be known as paperboard. U. S. practice calls paper that is more than 300 micrometers (0.012in.) thick paperboard.●FiberboardFiberboard (more than 0.11mm thick) is either solid or corrugated. Thesolid type has an outer Kraft layer and an inner bleached bard. It is able to resist compression and to a lesser extent impact. Small fiberboard cylinders are made using single ply board, either with or without a foil layer and LDPE inner layer.●Corrugated cardboardCorrugated cardboard has a corrugated (wavy) inside layer, sandwiched between layers of linerboard. It is used to make containers for shipping products to factories, warehouses, retail stores, offices and homes. It is good to use corrugated card-board for transporting these products because it is light, strong and easily custom-sized for all products.The “flute”describes the structure of the wave shaped cardboard material that makes up a board’s corrugation.▶A-fluteA-flute, the original flute, is the highest flute size, and therefore, when combined with an inner and outer facing, is the thickest. A-flute makes the most of corrugator’s cushioning and stacking properties for fragile and delicate items.▶B-fluteB-flute, the second flute size adopted by the corrugated industry, has lower arch heights and more flutes per foot. This means that the medium contacts and supports the liners at a greater number of points, providing a stiff, flat surface for high quality printing and die cutting and with excellent crush resistant properties.▶C-fluteC-flute came along net to split the difference between A and B , and offers food cushioning, stacking and printing properties. C-flute is by far the most widely used flute size. An estimated 80﹪of today’s corrugated containers are made of C-flute board.▶E-fluteE-flute has the greatest number of flutes, which gives it the greatest crush resistance and the flattest surface for high quality printing applications. The thin board profile of E-flute (It is one-fourth the thickness of C-flute) reduces box size and saves storage space. Becauseof its thin profile and excellent cushioning properties, E-flute can often substitute for conventional folding cartons or solid fiber containers. Today, F-flute, a new flute, is the newest growth segment in the corrugated industry. The idea behind the new flute, originally developed in Europe, is to make packages with lower fiber content. With F-flute, converters can reduce the total amount of fiber in the packaging, thereby creating a more rigid box with less solid waste going into landfills.Generally, larger flutes provide greater strength and cushioning, while smaller flutes have better printability and foldability. Flute profiles can be mixed and matched within the same piece of combined board, to manipulate printability, compression strengths, cushioning strengths and the total thickness of the board. For instance, CE double wall gets its durability from its C-flute layer, while the E-flute gives it a smoother printing surface.●BoxboardBoxboard is a multi-layer rigid paper material that is used to make boxes of various colors, shapes and sizes, including cereal, shoes and candy boxes. Boxboard usually has from six to eight layers. The upper layer is often made from a dinked pulp or other high quality recovered paper. Inner layers are made with a lower-quality paper stock.3PlasticsPlastics are organic polymeric materials consisting of giant organic molecule. Plastic materials can be fond into shapes by one of a variety of process, such as extrusion, molding, ousting or spinning. Modem plastic (or polymers) possesses a number of extremely desirable characteristics: high strength to weight ratio, excellent properties, electrical insulation, resistance to acids, alkalis and solvents.●Polyethylene(PE)PE resins vary widely in mechanical properties but are relatively uniform in chemical resistance. Chemical formulation follows the pattern. Molecules may be branched or directionally oriented straight line. Highly branched materials are the more flexible.The physical properties of the different types of PE, including LDPE, LLDPE and HDPE, make it a versatile material for food packaging. Particular attention is paid to the chemistry of PE, including the monomers and co monomers used in PE plastics manufacture, commercial process used in PE manufacture, additives used in PE production, and the migration of substances from the PE film into the food under normal conditions of use. PE has achieved its dominant position due to its versatile properties, ease of manufacture and conversion and relatively low cost.●Polypropylene (PP)Oriented polypropylene (OPP) is a clear glossy film with good optical properties and a high tensile strength and puncture resistance. It has moderate permeability to moisture, gases and odors, which is not affected by changes in humidity. It is thermoplastic and therefore stretches, although less PE, and has low friction, which minimizes static buildup and makes it suitable foe high-speed filling equipment.Biaxial oriented polypropylene (BOPP) has similar properties to OPP but is much stronger. PP and OPP are used for bottles, jars, crisp packets, biscuit wrappers and boil-in-bag film among many other applications.●Polyvinyl dine chloride (PVDC)The excellent oxygen and moisture barrier properties of PVDC has created a sharp increase in demand for this material by packaging converters in recent years, where it has considerable advantages over ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) as moisture does not influence the oxygen transmission rate of PVDC . The high cost of PVDC tends to mean that it is used in the form of copolymers and as coatings or blister packaging. The main threat to the growth of PVDC use comes from the environmental lobby, where concern has raised regarding its use in food contact applications due to the possible migration of carcinogens and endocrine disrupters from PVC and PVDC products.●Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)PET is a very strong transparent glossy film which has good moisture and barrier properties. It is flexible at temperatures from 70℃to 135℃and undergoes little shrinkage with variations in temperature or humidity.鏖战百日筑梦辉煌——中考百日誓师大会主持词开场白:尊敬的各位领导、各位老师、亲爱的同学们:大家上午好!春回大地,万物复苏。