• Personal territory can be large or small, depending on place, sex, age, and character.
• Hold your ground and ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱot back away.
3.2 Attitudes Toward Crowding
attention or asking for permission to speak.
Others – The Dog Call Sign
• Curl the index finger and tell someone to come to you.
• Acceptable in the UK and US, but rude in many Asian countries
• Australia and Nigeria - up yours
• Some Asian and Islamic countries - rude and offensive
The Thumb Down Sign
• Sth is bad or sth you do not approve of. • Sth or someone has failed. • Not used as often as the thumbs up sign. It is a
Definitions (cont’d)
Nonverbal communication is the interaction that is carried out by our bodies, gestures, and tones of voice, in other words, everything except the actual words.
• Hold your ground and ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱot back away.
3.2 Attitudes Toward Crowding
attention or asking for permission to speak.
Others – The Dog Call Sign
• Curl the index finger and tell someone to come to you.
• Acceptable in the UK and US, but rude in many Asian countries
• Australia and Nigeria - up yours
• Some Asian and Islamic countries - rude and offensive
The Thumb Down Sign
• Sth is bad or sth you do not approve of. • Sth or someone has failed. • Not used as often as the thumbs up sign. It is a
Definitions (cont’d)
Nonverbal communication is the interaction that is carried out by our bodies, gestures, and tones of voice, in other words, everything except the actual words.
非语言交际是整个交际中不可缺少的组成部分。只注意语言 交际,忽略非语言交际。只能是一种不完全的交际;只谈体态语, 忽略了非语言交际行为和手段中的其他方面,也是片面的;非语 言交际也具有强烈的文化特性,忽视非语言交际行为的文化差异 也会产生严重的后果。
因此,所有人类文化都可以用非语言形式进行交际, 如面部表情、身体姿态动作、目视行为、空间处理、时 间取向等。在交际过程中,有些非语言形式是有意识的, 有些是无意识的。一种文化接受的非语言形式可能完全 不被另一种文化接受,甚至传达相反的含义。而正是这 些千差万别的“无声语言”常常引起交际双方之间的相 互误解,成为跨文化交际的障碍。
第三,语言交际是非连续的,讲话中段随即停止,而非语言 交际是连续不断的。一个人走进一个房间,不论他是否自觉到, 都在不断进行非语言交际,他的衣着、举止、表情都在不断地传 达某种信息。
第四,语言是后天习得,非语言交际的手段一部分是人类的 本能。例如,哭笑及一部分表情,等等。
通常人们谈交际时,总是首先想到语言,殊不知语言只是人 们交际的一个手段。在交际中,除了语言这一重要工具,人们 还使用许多其他手段表达自己的思想和感情、传达各种信息。 一切不是用语言进行的交际活动统称为非语言交际 (nonverbal communication). 它包括眼神、手势、身势、微 笑、面部表情、服装打扮、沉默、身体接触、空间距离、讲话 音量、时间观念等等。有学者认为,在人们的直接交际活动中, 30%的信息通过语言传递,70%的信息依靠非语言手段;也有 的认为90%的信息来自非语言交际。不论这些统计数字是否准 确,至少我们可以看出非语言交际的重要性。因此,一个人沉 默不语,并不是说这个人无所表示,沉默本身就具有意义。至 于眉眼、手势、身势等所表达的意思则更多。
因此,所有人类文化都可以用非语言形式进行交际, 如面部表情、身体姿态动作、目视行为、空间处理、时 间取向等。在交际过程中,有些非语言形式是有意识的, 有些是无意识的。一种文化接受的非语言形式可能完全 不被另一种文化接受,甚至传达相反的含义。而正是这 些千差万别的“无声语言”常常引起交际双方之间的相 互误解,成为跨文化交际的障碍。
第三,语言交际是非连续的,讲话中段随即停止,而非语言 交际是连续不断的。一个人走进一个房间,不论他是否自觉到, 都在不断进行非语言交际,他的衣着、举止、表情都在不断地传 达某种信息。
第四,语言是后天习得,非语言交际的手段一部分是人类的 本能。例如,哭笑及一部分表情,等等。
通常人们谈交际时,总是首先想到语言,殊不知语言只是人 们交际的一个手段。在交际中,除了语言这一重要工具,人们 还使用许多其他手段表达自己的思想和感情、传达各种信息。 一切不是用语言进行的交际活动统称为非语言交际 (nonverbal communication). 它包括眼神、手势、身势、微 笑、面部表情、服装打扮、沉默、身体接触、空间距离、讲话 音量、时间观念等等。有学者认为,在人们的直接交际活动中, 30%的信息通过语言传递,70%的信息依靠非语言手段;也有 的认为90%的信息来自非语言交际。不论这些统计数字是否准 确,至少我们可以看出非语言交际的重要性。因此,一个人沉 默不语,并不是说这个人无所表示,沉默本身就具有意义。至 于眉眼、手势、身势等所表达的意思则更多。
• 非语言交际是一种体现非语言行为的过程,它在特 定的情景中与语言行为同时发生,共同表达人的心 理与思维活动。语言交际传递思想内容,非语言交 际加强意义的表达,体现交际方式和交际双方的内 在关系。
人们在进行交际时,往往只注意语言交际,以为词 语是传递和领悟信息的唯一途径,忽略非语言行为的信 息传递;或者注意到自己的仪态举止却忽略了客体和环 境所可能提供的信息。也有人不了解废语言交际也存在 着文化差异和冲突,介绍外国非语言交际行为多,对比 中外差异和这些差异所可能产生的文化冲突则不足。还 有个别人盲目模仿“洋人”的仪态举止,犯了“邯郸学步” 的错误。
因此,所有人类文化都可以用非语言形式进行 交际,如面部表情、身体姿态动作、目视行为、空间处 理、时间取向等。在交际过程中,有些非语言形式是有 意识的,有些是无意识的。一种文化接受的非语言形式 可能完全不被另一种文化接受,甚至传达相反的含义。 而正是这些千差万别的“无声语言”常常引起交际双方之 间的相互误解,成为跨文化交际的障碍。
第三,语言交际是非连续的,讲话中段随即停止,而 非语言交际是连续不断的。一个人走进一个房间,不论 他是否自觉到,都在不断进行非语言交际,他的衣着、 举止、表情都在不断地传达某种信息。
第四,语言是后天习得,非语言交际的手段一部分是 人类的本能。例如,哭笑及一部分表情,等等。
跨文化交际中的非语,正是去年今日:别君时。忍泪佯低面。含羞 半敛眉。不知魂已断,空有梦相随;除却天边月,没人 知。
-------韦庄《女冠子》 绣幕芙蓉一笑开,斜偎宝鸭亲香腮,眼波才动被人猜。 一面风情深有韵,半笺娇恨寄幽怀,月移花影约重来。
• 非语言交际是一种体现非语言行为的过程,它在特 定的情景中与语言行为同时发生,共同表达人的心 理与思维活动。语言交际传递思想内容,非语言交 际加强意义的表达,体现交际方式和交际双方的内 在关系。
人们在进行交际时,往往只注意语言交际,以为词 语是传递和领悟信息的唯一途径,忽略非语言行为的信 息传递;或者注意到自己的仪态举止却忽略了客体和环 境所可能提供的信息。也有人不了解废语言交际也存在 着文化差异和冲突,介绍外国非语言交际行为多,对比 中外差异和这些差异所可能产生的文化冲突则不足。还 有个别人盲目模仿“洋人”的仪态举止,犯了“邯郸学步” 的错误。
因此,所有人类文化都可以用非语言形式进行 交际,如面部表情、身体姿态动作、目视行为、空间处 理、时间取向等。在交际过程中,有些非语言形式是有 意识的,有些是无意识的。一种文化接受的非语言形式 可能完全不被另一种文化接受,甚至传达相反的含义。 而正是这些千差万别的“无声语言”常常引起交际双方之 间的相互误解,成为跨文化交际的障碍。
第三,语言交际是非连续的,讲话中段随即停止,而 非语言交际是连续不断的。一个人走进一个房间,不论 他是否自觉到,都在不断进行非语言交际,他的衣着、 举止、表情都在不断地传达某种信息。
第四,语言是后天习得,非语言交际的手段一部分是 人类的本能。例如,哭笑及一部分表情,等等。
跨文化交际中的非语,正是去年今日:别君时。忍泪佯低面。含羞 半敛眉。不知魂已断,空有梦相随;除却天边月,没人 知。
-------韦庄《女冠子》 绣幕芙蓉一笑开,斜偎宝鸭亲香腮,眼波才动被人猜。 一面风情深有韵,半笺娇恨寄幽怀,月移花影约重来。
跨文化交际PPT 7-nonverbal
![跨文化交际PPT 7-nonverbal](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/31da717f31b765ce050814d4.png)
What are they doing?
What do they want to express?
What do you do when you say “yes”?
How do the black people greet people? What do they mean by shaking their heads?
NVC----Body movements
Physical behaviors such as: Facial movement Gestures Posture
Facial expressions: how do they feel?
They are universal.
Hand gestures: what do they mean?
Blank Filling
A walk to convey____1____; a greeting that gets the upper hand; a gesture that can __2____ a lie, body language can betray us. When a president is under pressure, or a celebrity is in the media glare, look beyond the words, their ___3_____ says it all. This is a certain poise, self-touch gesture, hot spot, or micro-expressions. In this special, experts will dissect the___4___, the ___5___ and the ___6___ to reveal its hidden meanings, its secrets.
Intercultural Communication
Nonverbal Communication
Chapter 6
Nonverbal Communication (I)
Nonverbal Communication
1 2 3 4
Object Language Body Language Paralanguage Environmental Language
Eye Contact Facial Expression
Body Language
Nonverbal Communication
(1)萨莫瓦采用body behavior这一术语将体态语分成外表 和衣着、身体动作、面部表情、目光交流和凝视、体触行 为等,并且将副语言和身体气味也归入这一类。 (2)纳普认为,体态语应包括:手势、身体动作、四肢动 作、手部动作、头部动作、腿脚动作、面部表情(微笑)、 眼睛动作和姿势。 (3)布罗斯纳安用gestures涵盖体触、领地、取向、外表、 姿势、身势、臂部动作、腿部动作、头部动作、手部动作、 面部动作、眼部动作、有声与无声、装饰用品、周围环境 等方面。
Nonverbal Communication
1. Object Language
客体语包括皮肤的修饰、身体气味的掩饰、衣着 和化妆、个人用品的实际作用,家具和车辆所提 供的交际信息。(毕继万《跨文化非语言交际》)
Nonverbal Communication
General Appearance and Dress
蹲姿 中国人可以两脚跟着地,双脚脚尖向外,长时间蹲着。 英语国家的人不习惯蹲姿,而且认为这一姿势不雅。英美 人典型的下蹲姿势是两只脚尖着地,或一只脚尖和一只脚 跟着地,但坚持不了多久,所以如果要休息,他们宁肯坐 在地上。
Nonverbal Communication
Chapter 6
Nonverbal Communication (I)
Nonverbal Communication
1 2 3 4
Object Language Body Language Paralanguage Environmental Language
Eye Contact Facial Expression
Body Language
Nonverbal Communication
(1)萨莫瓦采用body behavior这一术语将体态语分成外表 和衣着、身体动作、面部表情、目光交流和凝视、体触行 为等,并且将副语言和身体气味也归入这一类。 (2)纳普认为,体态语应包括:手势、身体动作、四肢动 作、手部动作、头部动作、腿脚动作、面部表情(微笑)、 眼睛动作和姿势。 (3)布罗斯纳安用gestures涵盖体触、领地、取向、外表、 姿势、身势、臂部动作、腿部动作、头部动作、手部动作、 面部动作、眼部动作、有声与无声、装饰用品、周围环境 等方面。
Nonverbal Communication
1. Object Language
客体语包括皮肤的修饰、身体气味的掩饰、衣着 和化妆、个人用品的实际作用,家具和车辆所提 供的交际信息。(毕继万《跨文化非语言交际》)
Nonverbal Communication
General Appearance and Dress
蹲姿 中国人可以两脚跟着地,双脚脚尖向外,长时间蹲着。 英语国家的人不习惯蹲姿,而且认为这一姿势不雅。英美 人典型的下蹲姿势是两只脚尖着地,或一只脚尖和一只脚 跟着地,但坚持不了多久,所以如果要休息,他们宁肯坐 在地上。
Profile of an Indian Negotiator
Looks for and says the truth Is not afraid of speaking up and has no fears Exercises self-control Seeks solutions that will please all the parties involved Respects the other party Neither uses violence nor insults Is ready to change his or her mind and differ with himself or herself at the risk of being seen as inconsistent and unpredictable
Understanding Negotiation Styles
For North Americans, negotiations are businesslike; their factual appeals are based on what they believe is objective information, presented with the assumption that it is understood by the other side on a logical basis. Arabs use affective appeals based on emotions and subjective feelings. Russians employ axiomatic appeals – that is, their appeals are based on the ideals generally accepted in their society.
• 1. time language (chronemics): punctuality, promptness, time orientation, what is early or late, long or short, etc.
• 2. space language (proxemics): body distance and body touch
Polychronic Time
• P-Time practiced by most other peoples is less rigid and clock-bound.
• People from P-Time cultures schedule several activities at the same time, and the time for them is more flexible and more human-centered.
• Research suggests that 93% of the message was transmitted by voice tone and facial expressions, whereas only 7% was transmitted by words. (Mehrabian A. & wiener M., 1967)
hour, at the appointed time,
at the stated time, in time, in
• M-Time cultures gpooldatcimee, tgimreely,awtelle-timmedp, hasis on
perfect timing.
• 3. body language (kinesics): posture (the way the body is held), stance (the way of standing), gesture, facial expression, eye behavior, appearance (including clothing, cosmetics, hair style and smell), etc.
• 2. space language (proxemics): body distance and body touch
Polychronic Time
• P-Time practiced by most other peoples is less rigid and clock-bound.
• People from P-Time cultures schedule several activities at the same time, and the time for them is more flexible and more human-centered.
• Research suggests that 93% of the message was transmitted by voice tone and facial expressions, whereas only 7% was transmitted by words. (Mehrabian A. & wiener M., 1967)
hour, at the appointed time,
at the stated time, in time, in
• M-Time cultures gpooldatcimee, tgimreely,awtelle-timmedp, hasis on
perfect timing.
• 3. body language (kinesics): posture (the way the body is held), stance (the way of standing), gesture, facial expression, eye behavior, appearance (including clothing, cosmetics, hair style and smell), etc.
• 与美国人在一起,就照美国人的方式、习俗去说话、办事;与中国人在一起, 就按中国人的习俗来做。
• 跨文化交际能力指的是跨文化交际环境中的交际能力,即来自不同文化背景的 人之间进行交际时,具有强烈的跨文化意识,善于识别文化差异和排除文化干 扰并成功地进行交际的能力。是在跨文化交际环境中由语言交际能力、非语言 交际能力、语言规则和交际规则转化能力以及文化适应能力所组成的综合能力。
2. 文化不是先天所有,而是通过后天习得的。
文化共性:即人类的共性。人类文化共性是主要和基本的。文化 共性构成各种文化之间交际和共存的基础。
文化个性:长期的历史积淀形成了不同的文化个性。文化差异造 成了跨文化交际的障碍。
1. 文化是人类所独有的,是区别人类和动物的主要标志。文化是社会遗产,而 不是生理的遗传。
1. 课堂教学与课外交际之间的关系,包括课本语言教学与课外应用指导之间的 关系。
2. 第二语言教学与第二文化教学之间的关系。 3. 培养学生的语言交际能力和培养他们的跨文化交际能力之间的关系。
你喜欢我们的日程安排吗?How do you like our schedule?
• 文化是人类所独有的,是区别人类和动物的主要标志。文化是社会遗产,而不 是生理的遗传。
春雨惊春清谷天,夏满芒夏暑相连, 秋处露秋寒霜降,冬雪雪冬小大寒。
1. 文化是人类所独有的,是区别人类和动物的主要标志。文化是社会遗产,而 不是生理的遗传。
• 跨文化交际能力指的是跨文化交际环境中的交际能力,即来自不同文化背景的 人之间进行交际时,具有强烈的跨文化意识,善于识别文化差异和排除文化干 扰并成功地进行交际的能力。是在跨文化交际环境中由语言交际能力、非语言 交际能力、语言规则和交际规则转化能力以及文化适应能力所组成的综合能力。
2. 文化不是先天所有,而是通过后天习得的。
文化共性:即人类的共性。人类文化共性是主要和基本的。文化 共性构成各种文化之间交际和共存的基础。
文化个性:长期的历史积淀形成了不同的文化个性。文化差异造 成了跨文化交际的障碍。
1. 文化是人类所独有的,是区别人类和动物的主要标志。文化是社会遗产,而 不是生理的遗传。
1. 课堂教学与课外交际之间的关系,包括课本语言教学与课外应用指导之间的 关系。
2. 第二语言教学与第二文化教学之间的关系。 3. 培养学生的语言交际能力和培养他们的跨文化交际能力之间的关系。
你喜欢我们的日程安排吗?How do you like our schedule?
• 文化是人类所独有的,是区别人类和动物的主要标志。文化是社会遗产,而不 是生理的遗传。
春雨惊春清谷天,夏满芒夏暑相连, 秋处露秋寒霜降,冬雪雪冬小大寒。
1. 文化是人类所独有的,是区别人类和动物的主要标志。文化是社会遗产,而 不是生理的遗传。
跨文化交际(UNIT 7)ppt课件
![跨文化交际(UNIT 7)ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/edaa26590066f5335a8121ec.png)
Weakness: Life in general is at times unpredictable. Mtime reduces the context and alienate people from themselves and from others.
Reading I
Read the article “The Heartbeat of Culture” (p229232).
concepts of time and punctuality. Brazilians are
likely to attribute lateness for appointments to
unforeseen circumstances that the person couldn’t
control. They seem less inclined to feel personally
Warm Up
What is your sense of time? Go to answer the questions on Group Work (p235-236).
People who choose very different answers to these questions may find it difficult to communicate and get along with one another, for they are very likely to differ in sense of time and how time should be used. Sometimes we may make unfair judgments on other people and their characters simply because their understanding and use of time are different from ours.
Reading I
Read the article “The Heartbeat of Culture” (p229232).
concepts of time and punctuality. Brazilians are
likely to attribute lateness for appointments to
unforeseen circumstances that the person couldn’t
control. They seem less inclined to feel personally
Warm Up
What is your sense of time? Go to answer the questions on Group Work (p235-236).
People who choose very different answers to these questions may find it difficult to communicate and get along with one another, for they are very likely to differ in sense of time and how time should be used. Sometimes we may make unfair judgments on other people and their characters simply because their understanding and use of time are different from ours.
Polychronic Time
• P-Time practiced by most other peoples is less rigid and clock-bound.
• People from P-Time cultures schedule several activities at the same time, and the time for them is more flexible and more human-centered.
Monochronic people
Do one thing at a time. Concentrate on the job.
Take time commitments seriously.
Polychronic people
Do many things at once.
Are easily distracted and subject to interruptions.
• Two striking features of M-Time are punctuality and promptness.
• M-Time is characterized by cutting time into bits and scheduling one thing at a time.
hour, at the appointed time,
at the stated time, in time, in
• M-Time cultures gpooldatcimee, tgimreely,awtelle-timmedp, hasis on
perfect timing.
A Monumental Figure
• Edward Twitchell Hall, (1914 –2009) , American anthropologist and cross-cultural researcher.
• Hall introduced a number of new concepts, including proxemics, polychronigh and low context cultures.
Cross-cultural communication refers to any communication between two members of any cultural communities. (Samovar and Porter, 2004:47)
Cross-cultural Communication Vs
his Linguistic Across Cultures(《跨文化语言学》). He discussed the cultural comparison in three aspects: form, meaning and distribution(顾嘉祖,4). • In 1959,the Silent Language by Edward T. Hall initiated the cross-cultural studies. • R.Oliver , 1962, Culture and communication • A.G.Smith, 1966,Culture and communication • In 1970s, ICA (International Communication Association) accepted Cross-cultural Communication as a branch discipline. as a discipline) • Journals: International and Intercultural Journal of Intercultural Relations.
A Monumental Figure
• Edward Twitchell Hall, (1914 –2009) , American anthropologist and cross-cultural researcher.
• Hall introduced a number of new concepts, including proxemics, polychronigh and low context cultures.
Cross-cultural communication refers to any communication between two members of any cultural communities. (Samovar and Porter, 2004:47)
Cross-cultural Communication Vs
his Linguistic Across Cultures(《跨文化语言学》). He discussed the cultural comparison in three aspects: form, meaning and distribution(顾嘉祖,4). • In 1959,the Silent Language by Edward T. Hall initiated the cross-cultural studies. • R.Oliver , 1962, Culture and communication • A.G.Smith, 1966,Culture and communication • In 1970s, ICA (International Communication Association) accepted Cross-cultural Communication as a branch discipline. as a discipline) • Journals: International and Intercultural Journal of Intercultural Relations.
跨文化交际英文NonverbalCommunication ppt课件
![跨文化交际英文NonverbalCommunication ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/626694b2eefdc8d376ee32ce.png)
interested Do not believe
Turn toward the person you are talking to.
Roll your eyes and turn your head away.
I. Understanding Nonverbal Communication
NVC involves all those nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that are generated by both the source and his / her use of the environment and that have potential message value for the source or receiver. (Samovar, 2000: 149)
Unit 5
Nonverbal Communication (I)
In today’s class, we will…
understand what nonverbal communication is
know the function nonverbal communication serves
“Slow down, relax or wait a second.”
in the US- “You did something bad; shame on you.”
No, don’t do that.
I don’t know
Gesture in the USA
Gesture in China
Moving the index Moving the hand finger from side to from sigging one’s
Nonverbal Communication and Culture跨文化交际 教学PPT课件
![Nonverbal Communication and Culture跨文化交际 教学PPT课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8c34733881c758f5f71f67b6.png)
有些动作,简单如一个微笑,可以在第一种文化中表示友好,第二种中表 示尴尬,第三种中表示不耐烦。甚至沉默在不同的地方也有不同的意味。
Gestures 手势
The thumbs-up sign is equivalent to the middle finger in Greece and Sardinia. Tapping your finger to your temple is a gesture to show memory in North America, but suggests insanity in Russia. Even nodding yes or shaking one's head no can be misunderstood abroad. The yes-no gestures are reversed in countries like Bulgaria and Albania. In Turkey, “no” is gestured by nodding the head up and back.
5. We might hold up our hand in the gesture that signifies a person to stop at the same time we actually use the word “stop”.
6. If a group of people are boisterous, you might place your index finger to your lips as an alternative to saying, “Please calm down so that I can speak”.
9. We have direct eye contact with someone to let him or her know the channels are open.
Gestures 手势
The thumbs-up sign is equivalent to the middle finger in Greece and Sardinia. Tapping your finger to your temple is a gesture to show memory in North America, but suggests insanity in Russia. Even nodding yes or shaking one's head no can be misunderstood abroad. The yes-no gestures are reversed in countries like Bulgaria and Albania. In Turkey, “no” is gestured by nodding the head up and back.
5. We might hold up our hand in the gesture that signifies a person to stop at the same time we actually use the word “stop”.
6. If a group of people are boisterous, you might place your index finger to your lips as an alternative to saying, “Please calm down so that I can speak”.
9. We have direct eye contact with someone to let him or her know the channels are open.
• 与美国人在一起,就照美国人的方式、习俗去说话、办事;与中国人在一起, 就按中国人的习俗来做。
• 跨文化交际能力指的是跨文化交际环境中的交际能力,即来自不同文化背景的 人之间进行交际时,具有强烈的跨文化意识,善于识别文化差异和排除文化干 扰并成功地进行交际的能力。是在跨文化交际环境中由语言交际能力、非语言 交际能力、语言规则和交际规则转化能力以及文化适应能力所组成的综合能力。
• 交际双方进行的是实时的口语交际 ,即双方面对面的交谈。 • 交际双方进行的是直接的言语交际。基本上不涉及翻译问题,
而侧重语用规范,通过了解对方文化的价值取向和行为规范 协调双方交际中涉及的文化因素,从而保证交际的有效性。
• 我们的目标不是要将自己的学生培养成外国人,而是将他们培养成沟通中外交 往的桥梁。使他们能够不断转换不同文化的规则和办事方法,帮助桥两头的人 相互适应,成功进行跨越文化的交际。
Most glorious is the sunset.Even the dusk is blessde.
To offer no incense to Buddha when things go well and beseech his help only when in need.
1. 课堂教学与课外交际之间的关系,包括课本语言教学与课外应用指导之间的 关系。
2. 第二语言教学与第二文化教学之间的关系。 3. 培养学生的语言交际能力和培养他们的跨文化交际能力之间的关系。
• 跨文化交际能力指的是跨文化交际环境中的交际能力,即来自不同文化背景的 人之间进行交际时,具有强烈的跨文化意识,善于识别文化差异和排除文化干 扰并成功地进行交际的能力。是在跨文化交际环境中由语言交际能力、非语言 交际能力、语言规则和交际规则转化能力以及文化适应能力所组成的综合能力。
• 交际双方进行的是实时的口语交际 ,即双方面对面的交谈。 • 交际双方进行的是直接的言语交际。基本上不涉及翻译问题,
而侧重语用规范,通过了解对方文化的价值取向和行为规范 协调双方交际中涉及的文化因素,从而保证交际的有效性。
• 我们的目标不是要将自己的学生培养成外国人,而是将他们培养成沟通中外交 往的桥梁。使他们能够不断转换不同文化的规则和办事方法,帮助桥两头的人 相互适应,成功进行跨越文化的交际。
Most glorious is the sunset.Even the dusk is blessde.
To offer no incense to Buddha when things go well and beseech his help only when in need.
1. 课堂教学与课外交际之间的关系,包括课本语言教学与课外应用指导之间的 关系。
2. 第二语言教学与第二文化教学之间的关系。 3. 培养学生的语言交际能力和培养他们的跨文化交际能力之间的关系。