一、新闻类型1. 时政新闻:关于国家政权和政治体制的新闻报道,如国内外重要会议、国家政策等。
2. 社会新闻:报道社会热点事件、社会问题、社会现象等,关注社会生活各个方面。
3. 经济新闻:关于经济领域的新闻报道,如宏观经济政策、经济数据、企业动态等。
4. 文化新闻:涉及艺术、文学、音乐、电影等方面的新闻报道。
5. 科技新闻:关于科技领域的新闻报道,如科学研究进展、科技产业发展等。
6. 体育新闻:报道体育赛事、运动员动态、体育产业等。
7. 娱乐新闻:关于娱乐界的新闻报道,如明星八卦、综艺节目动态等。
二、新闻价值观1. 公正客观:新闻报道应该客观真实,不带个人情感和偏见。
2. 时效性:新闻要及时报道,关注当前的热点事件。
3. 效果性:新闻报道要具有一定的影响力和传播效果。
4. 真实性:新闻报道应该事实真实,杜绝虚假信息。
5. 新闻伦理:新闻工作者应该遵守职业道德,尊重个人隐私和人权。
三、新闻报道要素1. 标题:简明扼要地概括新闻事件的关键信息。
2. 导语:对新闻事件的背景、重要性进行简要介绍。
3. 内容:详细介绍新闻事件的经过、原因、人物等相关信息。
4. 结尾:总结新闻事件的发展和影响,并展望未来可能的发展趋势。
四、新闻写作技巧1. 清晰简洁:语言简练明了,杜绝冗长、拖沓的问题。
2. 注重标题:标题要简短、准确地概括新闻事件的主要内容。
3. 突出重点:将关键信息和重要细节放在开头和段落的开头部分。
4. 逻辑严谨:结构合理,层次清晰,每个段落与整篇文章的主题密切相关。
五、新闻素养的重要性1. 帮助了解时事:通过了解新闻,我们可以跟上时代的步伐,了解国内外时事。
新闻笔记知识点总结一、新闻报道的要素1. 新闻是什么:新闻是对发生的事实和事件进行及时、客观、真实、公正地报道、解释或评论的文学体裁或一种传媒产品。
2. 新闻的要素:包括新闻的主题、时效性、真实性、公信力、价值性、可读性等要素。
3. 新闻题材:包括政治新闻、经济新闻、社会新闻、文化新闻、体育新闻、科技新闻等不同题材的新闻报道。
4. 新闻价值:包括新闻的时效性、重要性、稀有性、新颖性、影响力等方面的价值。
二、新闻报道的写作原则1. 新闻的真实性:新闻报道必须真实客观、准确无误地反映事实的真相。
2. 新闻的准时性:新闻报道必须及时披露,以满足读者对信息的紧迫需求。
3. 新闻的客观性:新闻报道必须客观公正,不加主观色彩和个人情感。
4. 新闻的公信力:新闻报道必须有一定的权威性和信誉度,让读者能够相信和接受报道的内容。
三、新闻报道的写作技巧1. 标题的撰写:标题要简洁、鲜明、有吸引力,能够准确概括新闻的主题和要点。
2. Lead的撰写:新闻报道开篇一般要采用Lead叙述新闻的最重要的情节或事件,引起读者的兴趣。
3. 内容的撰写:新闻报道的内容要客观、真实,要有事实依据,避免主观干扰和误导。
4. 结尾的撰写:结尾一般要做总结归纳,并带有一定的情感色彩,让读者有共鸣,升华报道的主题。
四、新闻报道的编辑技巧1. 信息搜集:新闻报道编辑需要有一定的信息搜集能力,包括采访、调查、分析等能力。
2. 信息选取:新闻编辑需要根据报道的主题和要点,选择相关的信息进行编排,起到信息层次井然,逻辑清晰的效果。
3. 信息编排:新闻编辑需要根据新闻的主题和内容,进行信息的排版和组织,使报道更加通俗易懂,引起读者的兴趣。
4. 信息传播:新闻编辑需要采用适当的传播方式,包括文字、图片、视频等多种形式,增加新闻报道的传播效果。
五、新闻报道的伦理道德1. 新闻的真实性:新闻报道要求真实客观,不得虚构、歪曲事实。
2. 新闻的尊重权利:新闻报道要尊重他人的权利,不得侵犯他人的名誉、隐私权等。
以下是一些常见的新闻考试知识点,供考生备考参考:1. 新闻报道的要素新闻报道要素包括: - 新闻价值:权威、稀有、即时、有用、趣味、感人等六个方面。
- 新闻标题:要简短、准确、引人注意。
- 导语:简明扼要地概括新闻内容。
- 主体部分:具体报道事件的细节。
- 结尾:总结性陈述,展望未来,给出必要的联系信息。
2. 媒体行业背景认识媒体行业的背景对于理解新闻报道的可信度、影响力等方面非常重要。
了解以下内容是有帮助的: - 传播学理论:比如传播学传统理论、新闻传播学、传媒社会学等方面的知识。
- 媒体形式:包括报纸、电视、广播、网络等不同形式的媒体传播。
- 新闻伦理:包括新闻报道的道德标准、真实性、客观性等问题。
3. 典型新闻事件在备考中,熟悉一些典型的新闻事件也是必要的。
一些常见的新闻事件包括:- 国际时事:比如重大国际会议、政治冲突、自然灾害等。
- 国内时事:包括社会问题、政治动态、经济形势等国内重大事件。
- 媒体报道案例:某些有影响力的新闻报道案例的背景、观点、评价等。
4. 新闻编辑和采访技巧在新闻考试中,对新闻编辑和采访技巧的了解也是必不可少的。
一些常见的技巧包括: - 新闻写作:包括标题、导语、层次性、结构性等写作技巧。
- 新闻采访:包括提问技巧、信息获取技巧、处理故障采访等技巧。
- 新闻编辑:包括审查、修改、校对等编辑工作的基本技巧。
5. 伦理与法律规范在新闻报道中遵守伦理和法律规范也是非常重要的。
比如: - 新闻真实性:要保持新闻报道的真实性,不夸大、不虚构。
- 隐私保护:要尊重个人隐私权,不得随意侵犯他人隐私。
- 著作权:对于他人作品的使用要遵守著作权法规定,不得侵权。
《财经应用文复习提纲》简答题一、 公告与通告的区别1、发布范围和性质不同。
公告:一般是向国内外发布,事项更为重大通告:多发布社会有关方面应当遵守或周知的事项,在一定的时空领域具有普遍意义2、写法不同公告:发文机关级别较高,行文注重严谨、庄重、文雅,多用一段式通告:发文机关通常是具有一定权限和一定管理职能的行政机关或权力机关(即一般机关均可),行文注重条理清楚、明白易懂,多用条文式3、作用不同公告:周知性通告:周知性、强制执行性4、使用形式不同公告:媒体传播为主通告:形式多样,多采用张贴公布,并多署发文机关,还可以签署发文机关主要负责人二、 报告和请示的异同同:都是上行文异:1、目的不同报告是不要求批复的而请示是一定要求批复的2、时间不同报告事前、事中、事后都可以,请示必须事前3、结尾用语不同报告的正文可以自然结尾,请示的正文最后必须要有“以上请求,妥否,请批复”等字样4、写作结构不同报告的正文内容可以有很多,请示只能甚是一文一事5、主送机关数量不同报告的主送机关可以有很多,而请示的主送机关只能是一个三、 批复与复函的异同同:都是给对方以答复异:1、行文方向批复是下行文,复函是平行文2、批复的受文机关必须要执行,复函的受文机关办或不办自行决定3、内容不同批复:重大的政策性问题复函:一般事务性问题4、语气不同批复:庄重严肃复函;重在礼貌5、结尾用语批复:特此批复;此复复函:特此复函四、 财经应用文与一般文学作品的区别1、主旨的表现形式不同2、语言的运用方式不同3、传递方式不同4、与政治的关系不同五、 主旨与材料的关系主旨统率材料,材料为主旨服务,通过占有、分析材料形成主旨1、材料与主旨在内容上是一致的,不能自相矛盾,也不能材料大,主旨小,使主旨难以统率材料2、材料的取舍、详略,都应为表现主旨服务,要选取最精粹、最典型的材料3、主旨的最终形成,要通过占有和分析大量材料来完成,包括客观事实、各种现象、上级文件、党和国家的方针政策等六、 总结与计划的区别、联系区别:计划是拟订一定时期的具体任务以及完成任务的具体步骤、方法和措施。
2全国教育经费占GDP 的比重、预算内教育经费每年均大幅增长。
3自1998 年以来,连续五年中央本级财政支出中教育经费所占比重每年增加一个百分点。
二、基本概念1. 货币货币是一种被广泛接受的交换媒介,具有价值尺度、流通手段、贮藏手段、支付手段等职能。
2. 利率利率是指一定时期内利息额与借贷资金额(本金)的比率。
3. 通货膨胀通货膨胀是指货币供应量超过经济实际需要而引起的货币贬值和物价水平全面而持续的上涨。
4. 财政政策财政政策是指政府通过调整财政收支规模和结构来影响经济运行的政策手段。
5. 货币政策货币政策是指中央银行通过调节货币供应量和利率等手段来影响经济运行的政策措施。
三、核心理论1. 古典经济学古典经济学强调市场机制的作用,认为市场通过价格机制能够自动实现资源的最优配置。
2. 凯恩斯主义凯恩斯主义主张政府干预经济,通过财政政策和货币政策来刺激需求,以解决经济衰退和失业问题。
3. 货币主义货币主义强调货币供应量对经济的重要影响,认为通货膨胀是一种货币现象,主张通过控制货币供应量来稳定物价。
4. 供给学派供给学派强调供给对经济的重要性,主张通过减税等政策措施来刺激生产和供给,以促进经济增长。
四、发展历程1. 古代财经在古代,财经活动主要包括农业生产、贸易往来和货币铸造等。
中央财经大学《国际商务谈判》复习提纲 复习重点
![中央财经大学《国际商务谈判》复习提纲 复习重点](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/931657dca58da0116c174945.png)
国际商务谈判复习提纲一、选择题(2’×5/10)1.Levels of Conflict:①Intrapersonal or intrapsychic conflict.不是②Interpersonal conflict③Intragroup conflict.④Intergroup conflict.2.Effective Conflict Management-The dual concerns model3.The Discipline of Discover ing the Other Party’s Resistance Point①The higher the other party’s estimate of your cost of delay or impasse,the stronger theother party’s resistance point will be.②The higher the other party’s estimate of his or her own cost of delay or impasse,the weakerthe other pa rty’s resistance point will be.③The less the other values an issue,the lower their resistance point will be.4.Which Commitment statement is better?A Commitment statement has three properties:a high degree of finality, a high degree ofspecificity, and a clear statement of consequence s.e.g. - T he second is better.①“We need a volume discount, or there will be trouble”②“We must have a 10 percent volume discount in the contract, or we will sign with analternative supplier next month”5.Creating and Claiming Value and the Pareto Efficient Frontier那些点位于CLV?PEF?6.The Dual Concern Model as a Vehicle for Describing Negotiation Strategies7.Manageable and unmanageable questionsManageable questions cause attention or prepare the other person’s thinking for future questions (“May I ask you a question?”), get information (“How much will this cost?”) and generate thoughts (“Do you have any suggestion for improving this?”)Unmanageable questions give information (“Didn’t you know that we couldn’t afford this”), and bring the discussion to a false conclusion (“Don’t you think we have talked about this enough?”)·Unmanageable questions are likely to produce defensiveness and anger in the other party.·Unmanageable questions are likely to make the other party feel uncomfortable and less willing to provide information in the future8.Categories of Third - Party Interve ntionautocracy mediation arbitration negotiation二、填空题(1’×7)1.Phases of Negotiation2.Types of third-party interventionThis is followed by an examination of the types of third-party intervention, with special attention paid to three formal third-party roles: arbitration, mediation, and process consultation.三、简答题(8’×5)1.Explain the differences between Negotiation and Bargain?Be careful about how we use bargaining and negotiation.①zero-sum and non-zero-sum②relationship between parties-cooperation and opposition③Bargain belongs to Negotiation2.Characteristics of a Negotiation Situation①There are two or more parties.②There is a conflict of needs and desires between two or more parties.③The parties negotiate by choice.④When we negotiate we expect a “give and take ” process.⑤The parties prefer to negotiate and search for agreement.⑥Successful negotiation involves the management of tangibles & also the resolution of intangibles.First, the dilemma of honesty, concerns how much of the truth to tell?Second, the dilemma of trust, how much should the negotiators believe what the other party tells them?4.What are the kinds of Levels of Conflict? Does each one apply to the Negotiation?①Intrapersonal or intrapsychic conflict.Want an ice cream which is very fattingAnger with a boss with afraid to express②Interpersonal conflict.Between workers, spouses, siblings, roommates③Intragroup conflict.Within families, classes, living units, and tribes④Intergroup conflict.Between organizations, ethnic groups, warring nations, or feuding families.NO, the first level of conflict- Intrapersonal conflict - isn’t the object negotiation concerns.5.The Distributive Bargaining Situation•Target point-•Resistance point-•Starting point-6.What is the BATNA?BATNA, Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement,•BATNAs --- Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement.The availability of a BATNA offers a negotiator significant power because she now has a choice between accepting the other party’s proposal or the alternative deal.Negotiators can use the BATNA as leverage to strike a better agreement in the current discussion.7.The advantages and disadvantages of exaggerated opening offer.夸张的开场报价Advantages:It appears that first offers can anchor a negotiation. An exaggerated opening offer may be advantageous.Exaggerated opening offer brings much bigger subsequent concessions.Disadvantageous:①it may be summarily rejected by the other party;②it communicates an attitude of toughness that maybe harmful to long-term relationships.8.Which Pattern of Concession Making is better? Why?谁的妥协过程更好?金额、次数First concession conveys a message, frequently a symbolic one to the other party that how you will proceed.Firmness may actually shorten negotiations, there is also the very real possibility, however, it will be reciprocated by the other.There are good reasons for adopting a flexible position.Parties feel better about a settlement when the negotiation involved a progression of concession.Size of concessionConcession number⏹Good Cop / Bad CopAlthough the good cop/bad cop tactic can be somewhat transparent, it often lead to concessions and negotiated agreements..⏹Lowball/HighballStart with a ridiculously low (or high) opening offer that they know they will never achieve.The union’s first offer was to request a 45 percent salary increase over three years with in neighboring universities had been 3 to 4 percent.Risk: the other party will think negotiating is a waste of time and will stop negotiating.⏹BogeyNegotiators pretend that an issue of little or no importance to them is quite important. Later in the negotiation, this issue can then be traded for major concessions on issues that are actuallyimportant to them.⏹The NibbleNegotiators ask for a proportionally small concession on an item that hasn’t been discussed previously in order to close the deal.Two ways to combat: (1) What else do you want? (2) Have your own nibbles prepared to offer in exchange.⏹The ChickenTwo people driving cars at each other or toward a cliff until one person swerves to avoid disaster.The person who serves is labeled a chicken, and the other person is treated like a hero.The weakness is that it turns negotiation into a serious game in which one or both parties find it difficult to distinguish reality from postured negotiation positions.⏹IntimidationIt attempts to force the other party to agree by means of an emotional ploy, usually anger or fear.Farmer workers ask for wages from employers.⏹Aggressive Behavior“You can do better than that”Let’s not waste any time. What is the most that you will pay?An excellent response is to halt the negotiations in order to discuss the negotiation process itself.⏹Snow JobIt occurs when negotiators overwhelm the other party with so much information that he or she has trouble determining which facts are real or important, and which are include merely asdistractions.Government may use it when releasing information publicly.Use of highly technical language to hide a simple answer to a question asked by a non-export.10.Key Steps in the Integrative Negotiation (major steps in the integrative negotiation process).①Identify and Define the Problem.②Understand the Problem Fully — Identify Interests and Needs.③Generate Alternative Solutions.④Evaluate and Select Alternatives①②③are creating value and the④is claiming value.11.What are Interests? & Difference between Interests and Position.Interests are the underlying concerns, needs, desires, or fears that motivate a negotiator to take particular position.Positions are what a negotiator wants.A target point of $135,000 for a condo would be a position which is what the negotiator hopes topay.Interests are why she wants them.The interest would be “to pay a fair market price, and one I can afford, for that two bedroom condo”Asking “why” questions usually bring critical values, needs, or principles that we want to achieve in the negotiation to the surface12.Generate Alternative Solutions⏹Expand the Pie•Many negotiations began with a shortage of resource, and it is not possible for both sides to satisfy their interests or obtain their objectives under the current condition.•A simple solution is to add resources.•Both sides can achieve their objectives.•This approach assumes that simply enlarging the resources will solve the problem.⏹Logroll•Successful logrolling requires the parties to find more than one issue in conflict and to have differentpriorities for those issues.•The parties then agree to trade off among these issues so that one party achieves a highly preferred outcome on the first issue and the other person achieves a highly preferred outcome on the second issues.•Example:Two partner of a company.Alice prefers downtown while Emma prefers suburb location.Alice prefers large office while Emma doesn’t care much about it.The business could locate in the suburbs and give Alice the bigger office.⏹Use Nonspecific Compensation•Allow one person to obtain his objectives and pay off the other person.•The pay off may be unrelated to the substantive negotiation.•The party who receives it views it as adequate for agreeing to the other party’s preference.•The person doing the compensating needs to know what is valuable to the other person and how much compensation is needed to make her feel satisfied.•This discovery process can turn into a distributive bargaining situation.⏹Cut the cost for Compliance•One party achieves her objectives and the other’s costs are minimized if she agrees to go along.•Example: The business could lease in the suburbs and provide Alice with a travel subsidy and a new company car and reserved parking space.Unlike nonspecific compensation, where the compensated party simply receives something for agreeing, cost cutting is designed to minimize the other party’s costs for agreeing to a solution⏹Find a Bridge Solution•The parties are able to invent new options that meet all their respective needs.•Successful bridging requires a fundamental reformulation of the problem.•Example: The firm could expand the number of partners and locate in the downtown.•Bridging solutions do not always remedy all concerns, but both have worked to invent a solution that meets their most important needs.⏹Brainstorming•The success of brainstorming depends on the amount of intellectual stimulation that occurs as different ideas are generated. The following rules should be observed:Avoiding judging or revaluating solutions.Be exhaustive in the brainstorming process.Ask outsiders.⏹Surveys•The brainstorming does not solicit the ideas of those who are not present at the negotiation.•The surveys are to distribute a written questionnaire to a large number of people.•The parties c annot benefit from seeing and hearing other people’s ideas, a key advantage of brainstorming.⏹Electronic Brainstorming•An innovative method for gathering ideas is to engage a professional facilitator and use electronic brainstorming.•Electronic brainstorming may be especially useful for integrative negotiations that involve multiple parties or during preparation for integrative negotiations when there are disparate views within one’s team.13.The difference between Strategy and Tactics, then give examples.战略和战术的区别举例①Tactics are short-term, adaptive moves designed to enact or pursue broad (or higher-level) strategies.②Strategies, which in turn provide stability, continuity, and direction for tactical behaviors.Examples: Strategy --- To push for a settlemen t close to the seller’s resistance point.Tactics --- Hardball tactics of Good Cop / Bad cop, the Chicken, Snow Job, etc.14.Define Interests position与interests区别?Define the underlying interests and needsPositions are what a negotiator wants.· A target point of $135,000 for a condo would be a position which is what the negotiator hopes to pay.Interests are why she wants them.·The interest would be “to pay a fair market price, and one I can afford, for that two bedroom condo”Asking “why” questions usually b ring critical values, needs, or principles that we want to achieve in the negotiation to the surface15.Cognitive Biases in NegotiationMythical Fixed-Pie Belief•Many negotiators assume that all negotiations involve a fixed pie.•The tendency to see negotiation in fixed-pie terms varies depending on how people view the nature ofa given conflict situation.•Simulated negotiation between prosecutors and defense lawyers over jail sentences.View the goals in terms of personal interestsTo focus on values (fair and just)Fixed-pie belief in the former viewAnchoring and Adjustment•The choice of an anchor might well be based on faulty or incomplete information and thus be misleading in and of itself.•However, once the anchor is defined, parties tend to treat it as a real, valid benchmark by which to adjust other judgments.•Through preparation, along with the use of reality check, can help prevent errors .The Winner’s Curse•The winner’s curse refers to the tendency of negotiators, particularly in an auction setting, to settle quickly on an item and then subsequently feel discount about a negotiation win that comes too easily.•The negotiator may suspect that the other party knows too much or has insight into an unseen advantage.•The easier it is to imagine a better alternative to an agreement, the less satisfied the negotiator will be. The Law of Small Numbers•In decision theory, the law of small numbers refers to the tendency of people to draw conclusions from small sample sizes.•In negotiation, the law of small numbers applies to the way negotiators learn and extrapolate from their own experience.•If that experience is limited in time and in scope, the tendency is to extrapolate prior experience onto future negotiations.•The fallacy result in a tendency to believe that a small sequence of events is representative, while ignoring base rate data from a larger universe of events.Self-Serving Biases•People often explain another person’s behavior by making attributions, either to the person or to the situation.•In “explaining” another person’s behavior, the tendency is to overestimate the causal role of personal or internal factors and underestimate the causal role of situational or external factors.•People tend to attribute their own behavior to situational factors but at tribute others’ behavior to personal factors.16.How People use of nonverbal communication to Communicate in Negotiation?Give examples.①Make eye contact - e.g. 倾听对方谈话时,几乎不看对方,在某些方面可能有试图掩饰的情况②Adjust body position - e.g. 紧握拳头,表示向对方挑战,或是自我紧张情绪的外露③Nonverbally encourage or discourage what the other says - e.g. 用手指或手中的笔敲打桌面,或在纸上乱涂乱画,表示对对方的话题不感兴趣、不同意或不耐烦17.Illustrate three channels Communication occurs through and analyse each channel.请列举3种渠道?举一个例子适合这个渠道?①Face to face on a “negotiation table”希望观察对方面部表情和及时反馈②Over the telephone距离遥远③In writing对弱势一方相对更公平④Electronic channels such as email, instant message and teleconferencing systems•Channel variations have potentially important effects on negotiation processes and outcomes Over the telephone preserves the tone of voice, whiling it contains no facial expressions or physical gesturesWriting is formal and more prepared but has no immediate reaction•More easily develop personal rapport in face-to-face communication compared to other channels.•Face-to-face negotiators are more inclined to disclose information truthfully, increasing their ability to attain mutual gain.•E-mail negotiators reach agreements that are more equal (a balanced diversion of resources) than face-to-face negotiators•E-mail may indeed help less interpersonally skilled parties improve their performance, especially when the alternative is negotiating spontaneously (face-to-face or by phone) with a more accomplished other party.18.The types of listening.三种分别是什么①Passive listening - Receiving the message while providing no feedback to the sender②Acknowledgment - Receivers occasionally nod their heads, maintain eye-contact, or interject responseslike ‘I see,’ ‘mm-hmm’, ‘Interesting’, ‘Really’, ‘sure’, ‘go on’.③Active listening - Receivers restate or paraphrase the sender’s message in their own language.Among three types, Active listening is the best, which has generally been recommended for counseling communications.19.Difference between “Power over” and “Power with”.There are two perspectives on power-①Power used to dominate and control the other.②Power used to work together with the other.“Power over”•The power is fundamentally dominating and coercive in nature.•This use of power implies powerlessness and dependence on the receiving end.“Power with”•The power holder jointly develops and shares power with the other.•The receiver experiences this power as empowered and independent.20.Explain 3 methods of Dealing with Others Who have More Power. 举例①Never do an all-or-nothing deal.②Make the other Party smaller.③Make yourself bigger.④Build momentum through doing deals in sequence.⑤Use the power of competition to leverage power.⑥Constraint yourself⑦Good information is always a source of power.⑧Do what you can to manage the process.21.Difference between Two Routes to Influence中心路线与外围路线差别•Two general path by which people are persuaded•Central Route (Is the Influence target motivated and able to carefully process the message?-YES) It occurs consciously and involves integrating the message into t he individual’s previously existing cognitive structures, thoughts, intellectual frameworks, etc.It occurs when motivation and ability to scrutinize issue-relevant arguments are relatively high.•Peripheral Route (Is the Influence target motivated and able to carefully process the message?-NO) It is characterized by subtle cues and context, with less cognitive processing of the message.Persuasion via the peripheral route is thought to occur automatically, out of conscious awareness, leading to “attitude change without argument scrutiny.”Persuasion occurring via this route is likely to last a shorter time than persuasion occurring via the central route.22.Definition of One-and Two-Sided Messages. And which one do you prefer?•When negotiators try to persuade the other party it is because they believe that the other party holds an opinion different from theirs.•One-sided approach: Many people deal with this problem by ignoring argument and opinions that might support the other party’s position.•Two-sided approach: An alternative approach to ignoring the competition is to mention and describe the opposing point of view, and then show how and why it is less desirable than the presenter’s point of view.•In general, two-sided messages are considered to be more effective than one-sided message23.What do you think of Reciprocity在外围路线如何理解互利互惠性?•Although one may think that the norm of reciprocity should apply only to favors of the same size, this does not appear to be the case•Many sales pitches rely on giving the consumer a small gift early in an exchange and then asking for a large concession from the consumer later.•Too often negotiators begin by holding every advantage close to their chest and giving things away grudgingly, believing that this is the best way to succeed.放弃一些比较容易达到双赢的结局!•Flexibility and adaptability are necessary.24.What is “Bait-and-switch sales”?什么是?引诱、钓鱼•Once people have decided something, they can be remarkably persistent in their beliefs•This process has been labeled commitment to a position•Bait-and-switch sales•Commitment strategies are very powerful devices for making people comply.•It is incremental that commitment can work in a negotiation.•Agreement to innocuous statements early in the negotiation may be used as a foundation for further and further concession25.How to Resist the other’s influence如何拒绝别人对的影响?Three major things that listeners can do to resist the other’s influence efforts①Have good alternatives to a negotiated agreement②Make a public commitment③Inoculate yourself against the other’s persuasive message26.What is the Nature of Impasses僵局①Impasses is not necessarily bad or destructive (although it can be ).②Impasses does not have to be permanent.③Impasses can be tactical or genuine.④Impasses perception can differ from reality.27.Ury’s Breakthrough Approach•Step1: Don’t react --- Go to the balcony•Step2: Disarm them --- Step to their side•Step3: Change the game --- Don’t reject, Reframe•Step4: Make it easy to say yes --- Build them a golden bridge•Step5: Make it hard to say no --- Bring them to their sense, not their knees.28.How to manage difficult conversations?•Clarity --- It means to use language that is as precise as possible when managing a difficult conversation •Tone--- It is the nonverbal aspect of the conversation and it includes “intonation, facial expressions, conscious an d unconscious body language”.•Temperate phrasing --- It involves choosing language carefully to deliver a message that will not provoke the other side.四、问答题(10’×3)1.What is perception distortion? What are 4 major perceptual errors and give examples?Answer:•In any given negotiation, the perceiver’s own needs, desires, motivations, and personal experiences may influence her perception about the other party.•This is cause for concern when it leads to biases and errors in perception and subsequent communication.•Four major perceptual errors:Stereotyping•Stereotyping is a very common distortion of the perceptual process•It occurs when one individual assigns attributions to another solely on the basis of the other’s membership in a particular social or demographic category.•People assign an individual to a group based on one piece of perceptual information, then they assign a broad range of other characteristics of the group to this individual.•There may be no factual basis for the conclusion.•Once formed, stereotypes are often highly resistant to change.•Conflicts involving values, ideologies, and direct competition for resources among groups increase the likelihood that stereotyping will occur.Halo effects•Halo Effects occurs when people generalize about a variety of attributes based on the knowledge of one attribute of an individual.•Halo effects may be positive or negative•Halo effects are most likely to occur in perceptionWhen there is very little experience with a person along some dimensionWhen the person is well knownWhen the qualities have strong implicationsSelective perception•Selective Perception occurs when the perceiver singles out certain information that supports or reinforces a prior belief and filters out information that does not confirm that belief.•After forming quick judgments about individuals on the basis of limited information by perpetuating stereotypes or halo effects, people may then filter out further evidence that might disconfirm thejudgment.•The negotiator’s own biases are likely to affect how the other party’s behavior is perceived and interpreted.Projection•Projection occurs when people assign to others the characteristics or feelings that they possess themselves.•Negotiators may assume that the other party would respond in the same manner they would if position were reversed.•People respond differently to similar situations, however, and projecting one’s own feeling and beliefs onto the other negotiator may be incorrect.•Stereotyping and halo effects are examples of perceptual distortion by generalizationSmall amounts of perceptual information are used to drew large conclusions about individuals.•Selective perception and projection are, in contrast, forms of distortion that involve anticipating certain attributes and qualities in another person.The perceiver filters and distorts information to arrive at a consistent view.•Perceptual distortion can influence many aspects of the negotiation process and can be quite persistent once they are formed.•This problem may be most acute betweenGroups that have long-standing hostile relationshipsUnions and management that have been plagued by bitter strikesEthnic groups with ongoing disagreementsMarital partners in divorce proceedings2.How People Acquire Power? Demonstrate those five types and give examples.• A broader perspective on power as relates to negotiation and aggregate the major sources of power into five different groups:①Informational sources of power•It is derived from the negotiator’s ability to assemble and organize fa cts and data to support his or her position, arguments, or desired outcomes.•The exchange of information is also at the heart of concession-making process.•The exchange of information serves as a rationale for both sides to modify their positions and, eventually,arrived at a mutually acceptable price.•Expert power is a typical information source of power.②Personal sources of power•Individuals have different psychological orientations to social situations.•(1) Cognitive orientation•Three types of ideological frames: the unitary, radical, pluralist.•The unitary, characterized by beliefs that society is an integrated whole and that the interests of individuals and society are one, such that power can be largely ignored or, when needed, be used by benevolent authorities to benefit the good of all (a view common to many ‘communal’ societies and cultures).•The radical, characterized by beliefs that society is in a continual clash of social, political, and class interests, and that power is inherently and structurally imbalanced (a view common to Marxist individuals and cultures)•The pluralist, characterized by beliefs that power is distributed relatively equally across various groups, which compete and bargain for a share of the continually evolving balance of power (a view common to many liberal democracies)•(2) Motivational orientation•Differences rooted in needs of the personality rather than in ideology.•Individual differences in ‘power motive,’ some people have high needs to influence and control others and to seek power and authority.•Hitler and Mussolini –personality theorists described ‘the authoritarian personality’, an individual who has a strong need to dominate others, and yet at the same time to identify with and submit to those in high authority.•(3) Moral orientation•Individuals differ in their moral views about power and its use.•There is a signifi cant positive relationship between people’s implicit ideals regarding egalitarianism –a deep-seated belief in the ideal of equality of power for all – and their willingness to share power with low power parties.③Power based on position in an organization•We discuss two major sources of power based on position in an organization•(1) Legitimate power, which is grounded in the title, duties, and responsibilities of a job description and ‘level’ within an organizati on hierarchy•It is derived from occupying a particular job, office, or position in an organizational and it is at the foundation of our social structure.•People can acquire legitimate power in several ways.Firstly, it may be acquired at birth.Secondly, it may be acquired by election to a designated office.Thirdly, it is derived simply by appointment or promotion to some organizational position.Finally, some authority comes to an individual who occupies a position for which other people simply show respect.•Legitimate power cannot function without obedience or the consent of the governed.•When enough people begin to distrust the authority or discredit its legitimacy, they will begin to defy it and thereby undermine its potential as a power source.•Because legitimate power can be undermined if followers choose to no longer recognize the power。
电视财经新闻一、电视新闻节目概况1. 新闻——电视节目的主体(1)电视新闻界说·杨伟光的定义:电视新闻是以现代电子技术为传播手段,以声音、画面为传播符号,对新近或正在发生、发现的事实的报道。
2. 科技——电视新闻发展的支撑(1)科技对电视新闻的推动A.口播新闻阶段·1936.11.2,BBC正式播送电视节目,被公认为电视诞生之日,电视新闻也随之诞生;·1939年,美国无线电公司实况播出罗斯福讲话,为最早的有现场图像的电视新闻;B.影片新闻阶段·1947年,美NBC和哥伦比亚CBS用摄影机拍摄电视新闻,以形象画面传播;·1958年,我国电视起步之初就同时采用了影片新闻和口播新闻;C.电子新闻摄录阶段·70年代,电子新闻采摄手段(ENG)在美国电视界率先开始运用,摄录同步;·80年代初,央视开始采用ENG,90年代后普遍运用;D.卫星传播阶段·1958年,前苏联发射第一颗实验通信卫星,开始了通信卫星传送节目的实验;·1962年7月10日,美国发射世界上第一颗专门用于传送电视节目的“电星一号”卫星,开创了卫星传播电视的时代。
一、政治类新闻知识点1. 政府与国家元首:政府是国家的行政机关,负责管理国家事务;国家元首则是国家的象征,代表国家形象和利益。
2. 政治制度:不同国家有不同的政治制度,如民主制度、专制制度等。
3. 政治活动:政治活动包括选举、政府组阁、议会辩论等,关注政治活动有助于我们了解国家政策的制定和实施过程。
二、经济类新闻知识点1. 经济指标:GDP、CPI、PPI等经济指标反映了一个国家或地区的经济状况和发展水平。
2. 金融市场:股市、外汇市场、债券市场等是经济运行的重要组成部分,对于投资者和企业来说,了解金融市场的相关信息至关重要。
3. 经济活动:经济活动包括消费、生产、投资等,了解国内外的经济活动有助于我们分析经济发展的趋势。
三、社会类新闻知识点1. 社会问题:社会问题如教育、就业、医疗等关系到每个人的生活,关注社会问题有助于我们更好地理解社会现象和解决问题。
2. 民生改善:民生改善包括提高居民生活水平、加强社会福利保障等方面的努力,关注民生改善有助于我们评估社会发展的效果。
3. 社会事件:社会事件如自然灾害、社会抗议等都是我们关注的焦点,了解社会事件可以让我们更好地应对和预防类似事件。
四、科技类新闻知识点1. 科技创新:科技创新涵盖了各个领域,如人工智能、生物技术、智能制造等,了解科技创新有助于我们把握未来发展的趋势。
2. 通信科技:通信科技的发展让我们之间的沟通更加便捷,关注通信科技有助于我们了解新的沟通方式和技术。
3. 数字经济:数字经济是指以信息技术为基础的经济发展模式,了解数字经济有助于我们理解和应对数字时代的挑战。
案例分析题: (一)请指出以下业务办理是否有违法之处,并说明理由。 • 资料:甲股份有限公司(以下简称甲公司)是一家国有大 型控股企业。2007年4月,甲公司所在地财政局在对其进 行会计检查时,发现甲公司发生下列事项: • (1)、2006年5月,公司会计科负责债权债务明细账登 记工作的会计张某因病请长假。主管财会工作的副总经理 钱某指定出纳员王某兼管张某的工作,并办理了正常的交 接手续。 • (2)、2006年8月,会计科长退休。经副总经理钱某提 议,公司董事会决定聘任自参加工作以来一直从事文秘工 作的公司办公室副主任李某为会计科科长。 • (3)、2006年8月,会计科长退休。经副总经理钱某提 议,公司董事会决定聘任自参加工作以来一直从事文秘工 作的公司办公室副主任李某为会计科科长。
财经法规与会计职业道德 复习课件
一、单选题(每题1分,共30分) 二、多选题(全部选对才给分,每题2分, 共20分) 三、判断题(每题1分,共10分) 四、简答题( 每题5分,共20分) 五、案例分析题(每题10分,共20 分) 期末题量相对较大,且该门学科往年挂科率 较高,请大家一定要重视做好备考准备。
• (二)指出下列行为是否符合支付结算法 律制度规定,并说明理由。 (1)某公司将销售商品收取的3万元现金, 以销售人员的名义存入储蓄所。 (2)某市A科技有限责任公司在开户银行开 立了一个基本存款帐户,该公司在该市的 一家独立核算的分公司因经营需要,向开 户银行申请析复习
• • • • • • • • 简答题: 1、简述营业税的税率和税目。 2、简述会计职业道德规范的主要内容。 3、简述我国代理记账机构代理记账的业务范围。 4、会计职业道德与会计法律制度的主要区别 。 5、简述银行结算账户变更的事由有哪些? 6、什么叫支付结算?支付结算的原则有那些? 7、简述消费税的税目与税率。
商业财经知识点总结归纳一、经济学基础知识1. 经济学的定义:经济学是研究资源配置及人们如何利用稀缺资源以满足自身需求的学科。
2. 经济体系:市场经济、计划经济和混合经济。
3. 市场的供求关系:供求关系是市场价格的主要决定因素,供不应求导致价格上涨,供大于求导致价格下跌。
4. 市场结构:完全竞争市场、垄断市场、寡头垄断市场、寡头市场和垄断竞争市场。
二、宏观经济学知识5. 国民生产总值(GDP):一个国家或地区生产的所有最终商品和服务的总价值。
6. 通货膨胀:货币供应量过度增加,导致物价水平普遍上涨的现象。
7. 失业率:一个国家或地区的劳动力中未能获得工作机会的比例。
8. 货币政策与财政政策:货币政策是中央银行制定的货币供应和利率政策,财政政策是政府通过税收和支出来调控经济。
9. 汇率:当一个国家的货币与另一个国家的货币之间的交换比率。
10. 国际贸易:进口、出口、贸易顺差和贸易逆差对经济影响。
三、微观经济学知识11. 企业生产要素:劳动力、资本、土地和创业精神。
12. 边际效用理论:当消费增加一个单位时,所获得的满足程度就是边际效用。
13. 生产成本理论:总成本、平均成本和边际成本是生产成本理论的核心概念。
14. 市场结构与定价:垄断市场、完全竞争市场和寡头垄断市场中的价格定位策略。
15. 垄断定价和价格歧视:垄断市场下企业通过定价策略获取最大利润,价格歧视指定向不同的消费者群体收取不同价格。
四、财务管理知识16. 财务报表:资产负债表、损益表和现金流量表是企业财务状况和经营情况的主要展现形式。
17. 财务分析:利用财务报表和财务指标对企业经营状况进行评估和分析。
18. 资本预算:企业对投资项目进行评估和选取的过程,主要包括净现值、内部收益率等指标。
19. 财务杠杆:资产负债比率、权益比率等指标反映企业财务杠杆的程度。
20. 财务风险管理:企业通过保险、外汇合约等金融工具来管理市场风险、信用风险和操作风险。
1. 货币与货币政策:
2. 经济周期与宏观调控:
3. 资本市场与投资理论:
4. 国际贸易与汇率决定:
5. 金融体系与金融市场:
财经知识点总结一、宏观经济1. GDP(国内生产总值)是衡量一个国家经济活动总量的指标,通常与经济增长、就业、物价水平等指标相关。
2. 通货膨胀是指货币供应过多,导致物价普遍上涨的现象。
3. 货币政策是指中央银行通过调整货币供应量及利率等手段来影响经济的一种政策工具。
4. 利率是指借贷或存款的价格,是货币市场的重要指标。
5. 外汇储备是指一个国家持有的外国货币和黄金等资产,用于支持国内货币的稳定和国际支付等。
6. 经济周期是指经济活动在一定时间内的波动,包括繁荣期、衰退期、萧条期和复苏期等。
7. 财政政策是指政府通过调整财政收支和税收等手段来影响经济的一种政策工具。
二、金融市场1. 股票市场是指股票交易的场所,通过买卖股票来融资和分享企业成长所带来的收益。
2. 债券市场是指债券交易的场所,债券是一种借贷工具,发行方向购买者承诺按期支付利息和偿还本金。
3. 外汇市场是指货币兑换的场所,汇率是不同货币之间的兑换比率。
4. 期货市场是指期货合约交易的场所,期货合约是指在未来某个约定时间和价格买卖一定数量的标的资产。
5. 保险市场是指保险产品交易的场所,保险是一种分散风险的机制,投保人支付保费以获得保险公司在风险发生时的赔偿。
6. 金融衍生品市场是指金融衍生品交易的场所,衍生品是一种以其他金融资产为基础的金融工具,如期权、期货等。
三、投资理财1. 股票投资是指购买股票以分享企业成长所带来的收益,但也存在风险,如股价下跌和公司业绩不佳等。
2. 债券投资是指购买债券以获取固定利息收入,债券相对较稳定,但也存在违约风险。
3. 房地产投资是指购买房产以获取租金收入或通过房价上涨获利,房地产市场波动大,需注意市场风险。
4. 黄金投资是指购买黄金以保值和避险,黄金价格受供需和投资情绪等影响。
5. P2P理财是指通过互联网平台进行个人对个人的借贷和投资,需注意平台信用风险和资金安全性。
二、媒介市场的基本特点媒介市场是指供媒介产品和服务的买卖商品的场所,具有以下几个基本特点:1. 垄断性:由于媒介行业的门槛较高,少数大型媒体掌握了媒介市场的主导地位,形成了一种垄断现象。
2. 不完全竞争:媒介市场存在多个竞争主体,但信息不对称、资源不平等等因素导致市场竞争不完全。
3. 非均衡性:媒介市场的供需关系是不平衡的,供给端的垄断和需求端的分散导致市场的非均衡状态。
常见的媒介经营模式包括:1. 广告模式:媒体通过销售广告位收入来盈利,例如电视台、报纸等。
2. 订阅模式:媒体通过销售订阅服务或会员制度来获取收入,例如有线电视、网络媒体等。
3. 版权模式:媒体通过出售版权或授权使用费用来赚取利润,例如音乐、电影等。
媒介所有权的特点与争议主要表现在以下几个方面:1. 媒介私有制:大部分国家对媒介企业实行私有制,媒介所有权属于个人或者企业,其利润分配由所有者决定。
2. 公共资源争议:部分学者主张媒介应当是公共资源,媒介所有权应由国家或政府掌控,以维护公众利益。
3. 自由竞争限制:在媒介所有权的掌控下,市场竞争可能受到限制,一些媒体可能会形成垄断地位,影响市场健康发展。
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(特别是《华尔街日报》、《金融时报》、《日本经济新闻》三大报与《财富》、《福布斯》与《商业周刊》三份财经杂志的特色)(1)美国《华尔街日报》创刊于1889年的《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal,简称WSJ),隶属于道琼斯公司,是道琼斯公司的核心大报,也是全球财经新闻媒体的领袖级媒体。
(2)英国《金融时报》(Financial Times,简称FT))《金融时报》创刊于1884年,现在隶属于皮尔森集团。