water pollution 水污染ppt
water pollution(水污染、环境保护)有相应PPT
Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman! I am glad to stand here to take my presentation. Today I would like to talk about one important thing in our life—water! As the content shown, my presentation is divided into five sections.First, let’s discuss the signification of water! "No water, no creatures" It's true that the human beings will run the end if there is no water in the world. Man can live for about 7 days without any food, but could you live for more than 3 days without water? I guess your answer is no! C omprising over 70% of the Earth’s surface, water is undoubtedly the most precious natural resource that exists on our planet. Without the seemingly invaluable compound comprised of hydrogen and oxygen, life on Earth would be non-existent: it is essential for everything on our planet to grow and prosper.Although we as humans recognize this fact, we disregard it by polluting our rivers, lakes, and oceans. My dear friends, do you still remember the clear stream near your house when you were a child? When we were children, the stream was so clean that we can even see our image upon the water surface. When we were children, we used to go swimming and capture fishes in the river. When we were children, each family drank from it. But now, a few things changed gradually. The clean stream was disappear and replaced by a dirty river.So why does this matter? Let’s seek the answers from the picture! Ascan be seen from the cartoon, industrial effluent, agricultural chemicals and domestic waste water was discharged directly into the river, which make the water dirty. People who make the water clean through water purification plant drink the water from this river. However, the animals that live in this river are unlucky and miserable. They said angrily. “Hey! Think about us, too!”No doubt, there are many factors that lead to water pollution. Let's take a proper look at three main causes of water pollution.On one hand, the waste from the industries or factories contributes a lot to the problem of water pollution. They use injection wells to insert all the harmful and insolvent materials into the water bodies. Emission of such materials proves to be fatal due to its ill effects on the health of humans and animals.One the other hand, let us take daily life swage into consideration, sewage often contain feces and the waste from household chores. These wastes are controlled through sewage pipes which is treated in water treatment plants. However, if sewage is left unattended, it causes water contamination and gives rise to many waterborne diseases. Many developing countries who do not have access to good living conditions and water face the problem of sewage and water pollution. Even in the developed countries if the sewage is not treated well, it will create many health problems and effect the fresh water by killing the organisms livingin it.Last but not least, the farmers or the landowners that are situated near the fresh water bodies contribute to the pollutants which mix up into the water polluting it. The farmers who produce crops on large scale, need to treat and nurture their crops well to provide good quality of food to the increasing population. Taking care of these crops comes at a great price due to the usage of pesticides and fertilizers. These pesticides get washed away due to rain which eventually flows into the fresh water bodies harming the aquatic life and bringing down the quality of drinking water.What can we do to protect water? First, save water! If you save water, there is lesser contaminated water to treat, and the pressure of the same on the resources becomes minimal. Save water with simple steps like turning it off when washing vessels or brushing your teeth, not using the washing machine when the load is not high, using a mop or cloth to wash the yard instead of a hose pipe and the like.Secondly, watch what you are throwing! Keep a lookout for what you're discarding. Never, ever throw oil, paints, litter and things like that into the sink or the toilet. Somewhere down the line, it mixes with the water sources and adds to the contamination. This also includes not salting the driveways in the winter to get rid of the snow. The salt finds its way into the nearest water body, killing off fish in its wake. Also, takeyour car for regular servicing. The oil leaks and chemicals that it is giving off is going into the nearest water body and causing pollution again.Then, go easy on the chemicals! All those pesticides and fertilizers that you're using in your garden? They are really harmful and poisonous when mixed with water. Basically, not fit for human consumption. How's that connected? These pesticides and chemicals find a way into the water resources and pollute the water further. One way in which you can prevent this factor is to have a lot of plants in your garden. These act as buffers and prevent the chemicals from escaping into water bodies.In addition,reducing pollution in the air could reduce water pollution. Changes to agricultural practices could provide a solution. Improvements to sewage treatment systems would reduce pollution.My dear friends,Water is the source of life, but it is not inexhaustible. If we did not take action now, the last drop of water in the world would be man’s tear!Let's act together, cherish water, save water and protect water! That’s all, thank you!。
For government
1To establish the urban sewage treatment system (城市污水处理系统的建立 )
2 To restructur the Industrial(调整产业结构)
3.To develop the new water sources
There are many influence that we can’t describe them by words. So I will
show you some pictures.
Discharging sewage into water
Water hyacinth
4.To strengthen the planning and management of water resources
5.To control the agricultural non-point source pollution (控制农业面源污染)
For Business
1. To reduce water consumption(减少耗水 量)
2. To buy equipment of sewage treatment (买污水处理设备)
3. Don‘t discharge sewage into water. (不要乱排污水)
4. To estiblish the water recycling system
For individual
• Damage Harm to human 's health
• Destruction of Marine fishery resources and aquatic products
Prevention and control
Strengthen the management of toxic chemical emissions and control the use of pesticides and fertilizers.
03 Water pollution prevention and control
fishing, agriculture, and the tourism industry
The ecosystem is disrupted, leading to a decline in biodiversity and the degradation of habitats
02 Water pollution types
Thermal pollution can cause an increase in water temperature,
affect the living environment of aquatic organisms, and disrupt
the ecological balance of water bodies.
Prevention and control
Strengthen the management of industrial wastewater discharge, control acid rain discharge, and reduce the discharge of heavy metal ions.
Prevention and control
Strengthen the construction of sewage treatment facilities, improve sewage treatment efficiency, and reduce sewage discharge.
Measures for preventing and controlling water pollution
第四部分 -------04
Precious Water Resources | Current Situation of Water Resources in China | Prevention and Control of Water Pollution | Daily Water Conservation
Daily water conservation
刷牙 ,洗脸:不间断放 水。
节水: 用杯子接水,用洗脸盆洗 脸。
衣物集中洗涤,减少洗衣次 数;小件、少量衣物提倡手 洗;洗涤剂投放适量。
Daily water conservation
第五部分 -------05
Precious Water Resources | Current Situation of Water Resources in China | Prevention and Control of Water Pollution | Daily Water Conservation
Other food-processing plants discharge fruit and vegetable skins, seeds, leaves, stems, and other vegetable wastes.
Oil spills from tankers at sea or leaks from underground storage tanks on land are very difficult to control
Oil spills at sea decrease the oxygen level in the water and cause grave harm to the creatures living in the sea.
As water moves along or beneath the surface of the Earth, it dissolves minerals and matter from decaying plants and animals.
The principal positive ions (cations) in natural water are sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), and sometimes iron (Fe2+ or Fe3+).
Domestic sewage contains a wide variety of dissolved and suspended impurities: a. organic materials-food and vegetable waste b. plant nutrients- chemical soaps, washing powders c. disease-causing microbes微生物
保护水资源防治水污染环境保护 课件(共27张PPT)
汇报日期: 年 月 日
地下水水质状况,极差用水,较差用水,较好用水, 良好用水,优良用水
30年代淘米洗菜 50年代浇园灌溉
90年代鱼虾绝代 现代变成公害
中国水资源总量的1/3是地 下水,中国地质调查局的 专家在国际地下水论坛的 发言中提到,全国90%的 地下水遭受了不同程度的 污染,其中60%个城市连续监测数据显 示约有64%的城市地下水遭 受严重污染,33%的地下水 受到轻度污染,基本清洁的 城市地下水只有3%。
• 漂浮于水面的泡沫, 不仅影响观感,还 可在其孔隙中栖存 细菌,造成生活用 水污染
• 水体发生臭味是一种 常见的污染现象。
• 水体发臭多属有机质 在嫌气状态腐败发臭, 属综合性恶臭,有明 显的阴沟臭。
• 恶臭的危害是使人憋 气、恶心,水产品无 法食用,水体失去旅 游功能等。
• 主要是指由城市污水、食品工业和造纸工 业等排放含有大量有机物的废水所造成的 污染。
2006年 11 2 63 17 93
2005年 5320 1780 19270 700 27070
2006年 2980 420 15170 1270 19840
• 环保部2011年发布的海洋环境报 告指出,我国四大海区近岸海域 中,
• 南海和黄海水质良好渤海水质差, • 东海水质极差 • 北部湾和黄河口水质为优, • 胶州湾为一般, • 辽东湾为差, • 渤海湾、长江口、杭州湾、闽江
As you know, people depend on water to live on. They should be involved in finding a solution to this problem. I think, certain counter measures need to be taken as soon as possible. To begin with, the governments of all countries are supposed to formulate rules and regulations to deal with the pollution problem.
In addition, factories in towns and cities must be prohibited from draining waste liquids into rivers before they are totally treated and purified. I feel if they violate relevant rules or laws, they should be fined heavily. Certainly, there are some other cures which are worth adopting.
The four basic natural resources are water, air, land and energy. We need water for multiple uses and a certain quality is required. Its use leads to the generation of wastewater that can cause an impact on the environment.
截至1996年底,全国600余座城市年排放 废水量为353亿立方米。
20年前,走出家门几步就可以挑到饮 用水, 随着经济的发展和人们生活水平的提 高,水污染却日益严重,如今我国大部分 河水已不能饮用,个别河流连供洗涤之用 都不能,人们日常生活用水,只能靠自来 水厂供应,一度水一块五毛钱,个别地方 还超过二块钱,水污染已向人们敲响警钟!
水的用品,尽量少用消耗水的用品。 4. 使用中水,安装家庭废水回收装置,一水多用。 5. 每年一棵树,让我们的土地水当当。
6. 为政府献计献策、献发明,我也来当科学家。 7. 让身边的每一个人都爱水、节水,这是最难做
水, 既给了我们丰富的自然资源, 又赋予我们多彩的人文情怀。 它是大自然赐给我们的最好礼物,
污水中的酸碱、氧化剂以及铜、汞、砷、 镉等金属;苯酚、二氯乙烷、乙二醇等有 机毒物,会毒死水生物,影响饮用水源、 风景区景观。污水中的有机物被微生物 分解时,会消耗水中溶解的氧,影响鱼 类等水生生命,水中溶解氧耗尽后,有 机物进行厌氧分解,产生硫化氢、硫酚 等难闻的气体,使水质进一步恶化。还 会因石油化工原料漂浮水面,影响水生 生物的生命,引起火灾,危害人的生命、 财产,破坏生态结构。
降低工业用水量 提高水的重复
合理安排 农业用水
回收利用城市 生活污水, 积极推广节水 器具的使用
完善法规政策 保护水资源
3 管理:对污染源、水体及处理设施进行管理, 以管代治,加大执法力度。
1.概念 指环境对外来物质具有一定的消纳、同化能力。 机理
物理净化 化学净化 生物净化
不同种类水体的自净能力是不同的。 流动能力越强的水体,其自净能力越强。
但是,不论任何水体,其自净能 力都是有限的。如果进入水体的污染物 超过水体的自净能力,就会造成水污染。
没有律师,没有亲属的陪同,50岁的河北大厂县农民冯军孤身一人走进法 院。这一次,他告的是国家环保部。11月10日上午9点半,案子在北京市一中 院位于丰台吴家村的审判区开庭,被告席上有6人出庭。3个小时后,“以一对 六”的冯军走出法院。他坦承,结果不容乐观,但他不会放弃,败了会上诉, 哪怕二审输了,他还要申诉到最高法院。
世界的主要港湾、 主要航线附近、海上油 井周围。
近海石油的开采、加工和运输过程中, 大量石油流失到海洋中,造成范围极广的海 洋石油污染。其中大型和超大型油轮事故, 经常引发附近海域严重污染的急性事件,对 海洋和附近海岸环境造成极其严重的后果。
植物生长所需的营养物质(氮、磷)在水体中富集 导致水质变坏的过程。
水花(水华) 湖泊
• 过滤——沉淀——用 活性炭除异味,去颜 色——消毒。在自来水 管传递过程中有可能 出现二次污染,所以 饮用时要煮沸杀菌, 而且还要用干净的杯 子饮用。
每年的3月22日是世界水日 每年的4月22日是世界地球日 每年的6月5日是世界环境日
小组成员:谭思圆 钱俪婷 金玮琳 王煜褀 黄云霞 吴洁莹
3. 加强公民的环保意识
改善环境不仅要对其进行治理,更重 要的是通过各方面的宣传来增强居民 的环保意识。居民的环保意识增强了。 破坏环境的行为就自然减少了
• 随着经济的发展, 工业的废水排放量还 要增加,如果只重视 末端治理,很难达到 改善目前水污染状况 目的,所以我们要实 现废水资源化利用。
日趋加剧的水污染,已对人类的生存安全构成重大威胁, 成为人类健康、经济和社会可持续发展的重大障碍。据 世界权威机构调查,在发展中国家,各类疾病有80%是 因为饮用了不卫生的水而传播的,每年因饮用不卫生水 至少造成全球2000万人死亡,因此,水污染被称作"世界 头号杀手"。
水体污染影响工业生产、增大设备腐蚀、影响产品 质量,甚至使生产不能进行下去。水的污染,又影响人民生
1. 水资源的污染:人口数量的几何增长、现代工业废 水的乱排乱放、城市垃圾、农村农药喷洒等等,造成本 来已是极少的淡水资源加剧短缺,无法为人所用。据统 计,目前水中污染物已达2千多种主要为有机化学物、 碳化物、金属物,其中自来水里有765种(190种对人体 有害,20种致癌,23种疑癌,18种促癌,56种致突变: 肿瘤)。在我国,只有不到11%的人饮用符合我国卫生 标准的水,而高达65%的人饮用浑浊、苦碱、含氟、含 砷、工业污染、传染病的水。2亿人饮用自来水,7000 万人饮用高氟水,3000万人饮用高硝酸盐水,5000万人 饮用高氟化物水,1.1亿人饮用高硬度水。
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Effects of Thermal Water Pollution
Effects of Heavy Metal Water Pollution
Some other effects of water pollution
Machinery in the industries are cooled with water from lakes and rivers. This water reaches the river in a heated state. This water decreases the ability of the aquatic system to hold oxygen and raises the growth of warm water species.
Municipal causes
Industrial causes
Agricultural causes
The effects of water pollution are seen in Thermal, Heavy
Metal, Agricultural regions
Effects of Agricultural Water Pollution
In rivers, oceans and seas, water pollution effects flora and fauna in them. Further, the birds and animals that consume this contaminated food supply can perish. Blood diseases, nervous system disorders and heart diseases are some of the effects of water pollution.
• Toxic products like paints, automobile oil, polishes, and cleaning products should be stored and disposed off properly. As a matter of fact, it is better to use nontoxic, products for the house as far as possible. Also, never dispose off such products by throwing them into your toilet or sink. • Dispose off your trash in a proper manner and try and incorporate the recycling habit as far as possible. Nondegradable products like tampons, sanitary napkins, and diapers should not be flushed down the toilet, for these can end up damaging the process of sewage treatment, and usually end up as litter on beaches. • Refrain from throwing litter into streams, lakes, rivers, or seas. If you do spot litter on beaches or in water systems, after ascertaining that it is safe, collect them and dispose off them in any nearby waste disposal system.
• Organic water pollutants are:
• Food processing waste, including pathogens • Insecticides and herbicides, a huge range of organohalide and other chemicals • Tree and brush debris from logging operations • Bacteria from sewage or livestock operations • Petroleum hydrocarbons like diesel, gasoline, jet fuels, fuel oils, motor oils • Volatile organic compounds like industrial solvent
Women are made of water.
春 潮 带 雨 晚 来 急 , 野 渡 无 人 舟 自 横 。
暗疏 香影 浮横 动斜 月水 黄清 昏浅 。,
Comprising over In order to However,wewater combat 70% of the Earth’s disregard it by pollution, we surface, water is polluting our must understand undoubtedly the rivers,problems and the lakes, most precious andbecome part of oceans. natural resource Subsequently, we the solution. that exists on our are slowly but planet. surely harming our planet.
1 2 3 4
Water Pollution Facts
Causes of Water Pollution
Effects of Water Pollution
Ways to Prevent Water
Water Pollution Solutions
Water Pollution Facts, Figures and Statistics
• • • • •
Inorganic water pollutants are: pre-production industrial raw resin pellets heavy metals including acid mine drainage chemical waste as industrial by-products acidity due to industrial discharges like sulfur dioxide • silt in surface runoff due to logging, slash and burn practices, construction sites or land clearing sites • fertilizers in runoff from agriculture including nitrates and phosphates
• Refrain from throwing litter into streams, lakes, rivers, or seas. • Dispose off your trash in a proper manner and try and incorporate the recycling habit as far as possible. • Try using environmentally friendly household products. • Try using natural fertilizers and pesticides as far as possible. • Automobile oil should be re-used as far as possible • Also, actively conserve water by turning the tap off when you do not need running water.
• Rivers in the continent of Asia are considered to be the most polluted. These rivers contain 20 times as much lead found in water bodies of the industrialized countries of other continents. The bacteria (from human waste) found in these rivers are 3 times as much as that of the global average.
Effects of Agricultural Water Pollution
Heavy metals like lead, mercury, iron, and magnesium are present in water sources. If these metals are present in the sediment, these reach the food chain through plants and aquatic animals. This causes heavy metal poisoning in case the level in the water is very high.
homes and commercial establishments.
• Industrial causes vary as per the biochemical demand, suspended solids, inorganic and organic substances. • Agricultural causes include commercial livestock and poultry farming. These lead to organic and inorganic pollutants in surface waters and groundwater.