
《系统解剖学》教学大纲课程编号:120408B2课程名称:系统解剖学(Teaching programe of Systematic anatomy)学分:6学分总学时:108理论学时:32实验学时:76先修课要求:适应专业:临床医学麻醉预防影像口腔康复五年制专业参考教材:1、崔慧先《系统解剖学》人民卫生出版社第七版 2012.72、罗学刚《系统解剖学》高等教育出版社第一版 2010.13、李富德《系统解剖学》江苏科技出版社第一版 2013.7一、课程在培养方案中的地位、目的和任务:人体解剖学是研究正常形态结构的学科。
三、课程学时分配:系统解剖学各章节参考学时(总学时108)四、考核:理论70% 实验30%五、课程基本内容:绪论[教学目标]了解系统解剖学的任务和常用术语[教学内容]掌握人体的轴、面和方位术语了解人体解剖学的任务和分科了解人体解剖发展史概况了解人体的体型、器官的变异和异常[学时] 1学时[教学方法]课堂讲授,多媒体教学第一篇运动系统掌握运动系统的组成(骨、骨连结、骨骼肌)和功能(运动、支持和保护)第一章骨学[教学目标]掌握全身诸骨形态特点。

《系统解剖学》课程教学大纲 Systematic anatomy 一、课程说明课程编码:01110013 课程总学时:96(理论学时66/实践学时30) 周学时:8(理论学时5/实践学时3)学分:5 课程性质:必修适用专业:临床、眼、麻、影、口、法医等1、教学内容与学时安排教学内容与学时安排表章次内容总课时理论课时实践课时一绪论 2 2 0 二运动系统 21 6 15 三内脏学 19 16 3 四脉管系统 16 14 2 五感觉器 5 4 1 六神经系统 33 24 9 2、课程教学目的与要求目的:系统解剖学是研究正常人体形态结构的科学。
4、推荐教材及参考书《系统解剖学》柏树令、第7版、北京、人民卫生出版社、2007 5、课程考核方法与要求理论考试70%、实验考核20%和平时成绩10%。
6、实践教学内容安排实验目录内容学时数实验一躯干骨、四肢骨、颅骨 3 实验二全身关节 3 实验三全身肌 3 实验四内脏 3 实验五心脏\动脉感觉3 实验六中枢 3 实验七周围神经系统3 合计 21 二、教学内容纲要第一章绪论一、目标与要求(一)掌握人体的标准解剖学姿势和人体的轴和面。
河南大学双语课程系统解剖学教学大纲(Teaching Program of Bilingual Systemic Anatomy)(2016)

Teaching Outline of Systematic Anatomy(for Clinical medicine,Stomatology)Written byJin Dongzhu, M.D., Ph.D.Department of Human Anatomy,Henan University School of Medical SciencesIntroduction1. Course DescriptionSystemic Anatomy is a science dealing with morphology and structures of normal human body, the main task of this subject is that students could know the shapes and structures, the arrangements and relationships, the rule of development and basic function of the organs in human body. Systemic Anatomy is one of the foundation subjects in medical study. To meet the needs the specialties of clinical medicine and stomatology, the students master the basic theory, elementary knowledge and basic skill of systematic anatomy, and correctly use anatomical terms, and also learn appropriate English anatomical terms. It is important to cultivate the students’ ability of self-study and observing and synthesizing, and the ability of analyzing, inducing and solving problems in the area of medical sciences.2. Guidance thinking and learning methodsThe teaching of Human Anatomy should be guided by the view of evolutionary development, should carry out the principle of combining the theory with practice, the shape with function, the part with whole.The teaching of systematic anatomy includes theory lecture and experiment. Theory lecture introduce the composition of the systems in human body, and introduce the general morphological and structural features, position relationship of those organs and their function by multimedia teaching course material. With experiment guided by the teachers, the students should achieve the aim of strengthening mastery of the elementary knowledge and basic skill of systematic anatomy by self-study, observation of the anatomic specimen and models, and the observation and touch to the living body of themselves. Meanwhile, students should connect properly with some discussion of clinical cases to strengthen comprehension and memorizing the essential contents of anatomy.3. Learning requirementsThe contents listed as below, according to different standards, may be divided into two grades (master and understand). The master contents is intensive contents, students should achieve the degree of combining theory with practice, practice description, firm master by learning and thinking repeatedly; and the understand contents is the contents of recognition of the outline for reference.Assignment of learning hours(reference table)Introduction1. understand the definition, developed overview and the branches of Human Anatomy2. master basic method of learning Human Anatomy.3. master descriptive anatomical terms.4. understand concepts of body type and variation, understand Concepts ofdeformity.PART Ⅰ THE LOCOMOTOR SYSTEMChapter 1 OsteologySection 1 General Description1. master the shape , classification and structure of bones.2. master the chemical composition and physical properties of bones.Section 2. The Axial SkeletonⅠ.Bones of trunk1.master composition of the bones of trunk.2.master general features of vertebrae and main characteristics of vertebrae in each region.3.master shape and parts of sternun .master clinical significance of sternal angle. 4.master general features and classification of ribs, understand morphological characteristic of 1th rib and 11th rib,12th rib.5.master body surface symbol of the bones of trunk.Ⅱ. The Skull1.master composition and parts of skull.2.master composition of cerebral cranium.3.master composition of facial cranium, master morphology and structures of mandible. 4.understand superior aspect of skull and posterior aspect of skull and internal surface of calvaria.5.master the bound and important structure of three fossae in the internal surface of the base of skull, understand external surface of base of skull.6.understand lateral view of skull, master location and clinical significance of pterion, understand location of temporal fossa, infratemporal fossa and pterygopalatine fossa. 7.understand the composition, morphous and porous dehiscence of orbits, master the location of supraorbital notch and infraorbital foramen.8.master the structure of bony nasal cavity, master the location of paranasal sinuses and their openings.9.understand skull at birth and change after birth.10.master important body surface symbol of skull.Section 3 The Appendicular SkeletonI . Bones of Upper Limb1.master the composition, parts and arrangement of bones of upper limb.2.master morphology and structures of clavicle, scapula, humerus, ulna and radius. 3.master the composition of bones of hand, master arrangement of carpal bones. 4.master body surface symbol of bones of upper limb.Ⅱ. Bones of Lower Limb1.m aster the composition ,parts and arrangement of bones of lower limb.2.m aster the shape and structures of hip bone, femur, tibia and fibula.3.m aster the composition of bones of foot and arrangement of tarsal bones.4.m aster body surface symbol of bones of lower limb.Chapter 2 ArthrologySection l. General Description1. understand classification of joints, understand the basic structure of fibrous joints,cartilaginous joints, synosteosis2. master essential structures of synovial joints and accessory structures of synovial joints,understand types of joint movement.Section 2. Joints of the Bones of The Axial SkeletonI . Joints of the Bones of Trunk1. master morphology and structures of intervertebral discs.2. master the location and function of anterior longitudinal ligament and posteriorlongitudinal ligament.3. understand the joints of vertebral arch, master the location and function ofligamentum flavum, understand the name and location of the other ligaments.4. master the form, parts and function of vertebral column, understand vertebral columnas a whole and master its movements and physiological curves.5. understand costovertebral joints, sternocosal joints and interchondral joints.6. master the forms of thoracic cage, master the form and shape of superior aperture ofthorax and inferior aperture of thorax.7. understand the thoracic cage as a whole and its movements,undsertand the change inage and its sex differencesⅡ. Joints of Skull1. understand the main structure of joints of skull.2.master the composition, construction features and movements oftemporomandibular Joint.Section 3 Joints of Appenicular SkeletonI. Joints of Upper Limb1.master the form, construction features and movements of sternoclavicular joint , shoulder joint, elbow joints, radiocarpal joint.2.master the form, construction features and movements of carpometacarpal joints, metacarpophalangeal joints and articulationes interphalangeae.Ⅱ. Joints of Lower Limb1.master the form and parts of pelvis, master the form of inlet and outlet of pelvis, understand the difference between the male and female pelvis, master the form of greater sciatic formaen and lesser sciatic foramen.2.understand the form, construction features and movements of hip joint knee joint talocrural joint, ankle joint.3.understand the form and movements of cacroiliac joint, intertarsal joints, tarsometatarsal joints ,metatarsophalangeal joints and interphalangeal joint. 4.master the form and function of arch of foot.Chapter 3 MyologySection l Introduction1.master morphology and structures of skeletal muscle.2.understand origin, insertion and action of skeleta1 muscle and the nomenclature of muscles.3.understand the supplementary structures of muscles.Section 2. Muscles of Head1. understand the composition and distribution of facial muscles.2. master the composition of masticatory muscles, master the location and function ofmasseter and temporalis.Section 3. Muscles of Neck1.understand group of muscles of neck, understand the composition and function of each group of muscles of neck2.master the origin, insertion and function of sternocleidomastoid, master the form of scalene fissure, master the structure which pass through scalene fissure.Section 4. Muscles of TrunkⅠ. Muscles of Back1.understand group of muscles of back, understand the composition and function of each group of muscles of back, master the origin, insertion and function oftrapezius and latissimus dorsi.2. master the location and function of erector spinae, understand the location and layerof thoracolumbar fascia.Ⅱ.Muscles of Thorax1.master the composition of muscles of thorax, master the origin, insertion and function of muscles of pectoralis major.2. master the name ,location and function of intercostal muscle.Ⅲ.Diaphragm1.master the location, morphous, function of diaphragm, master the location of three openings and main structure which pass through them.2.understand the triangular spaces without muscular tissue and its clinical significance.Ⅳ..Muscles of Abdomen1. master the composition of muscles of abdomen, master the location, layer, musclesfiber direction, structure, function of anterolateral group of abdominal wall. 2.master composition and characteristic of sheath of rectus abdominis.Section 5 Muscles of Upper Limb1.master the composition of muscles of scapula;master the origin, insertion and function of triangular muscle and teres major.2.master the group of muscles of arm, master the composition and function of each muscles of arm; master the origin, insertion and function of biceps brachii and triceps brachii.3.master the group of muscles of forearm, master the composition and function of each muscles of forearm, master the location and function of pronator teres and supinator.4.master the group of muscles of hand, master the name and function of intermediate group of muscles of hand..Section 6 The Muscles of Lower limb 1.understand the group of muscles of hip, understand the composition and function of each muscles of hip, master the origin, insertion and function of gluteus maximus and iliopsoas and piriformis.2.master the group of muscles of thigh, master the composition and function of each muscles of thigh, master the origin, insertion and function of quadriceps and femoris sartorius.3.master the group of muscles of leg, master the composition and function of each muscles of leg.4. master the origin, insertion and function of tibialis anterior, tibialis posterior andtriceps surae.PART Ⅱ SPLANCHNOLOGYChapter 1 Introduction1.understand the concepts of splanchnology, the composition of splanchnology, common construction features of splanchnology.2.master the reference lines of thorax and abdominal regions.Chapter 2 The Digestive System1. master the composition and function of the digestive system.Section 1. Oral cavity1.understand the boundary and parts of oral cavity, understand the shape of Palate.2. master the composition of isthmus of fauces.3. master the kinds and arrangement of teeth(dental formula of permanent teeth, and deciduous teeth),the shape and structure of teeth, the composition of forming substance of teeth and periodontium.4. master the shape of tongue and characteristic of mucous of tongue .understand thedistribution and function of muscles of tongue. master the origin, insertion and function of genioglossus.5. master the position of major salivary glands and the openings of glandular tube.Section 2.Pharynx1. master the location, parts, morphous and communication of pharynx.2. master the location of palatine tonsil. master the composition of throat-ring.Section 3.Esophagus1.understand the location and parts of esophagus.2.master the location and clinical significance of three narrowed places of esophagus.Section 4.Stomach1. master morphous of the stomach, position and relations of the stomach.2. understand structure of the wall of the stomach.Section 5. Small intestine1. master the parts of Small intestinal2. master the location ,parts , construction features of duodenum. master the location ofsuspensory muscle of duodenum.3. master the location of ileum and jejunum, understand construction features of ileumand jejunum, understand the location of Meckel's diverticulum.Section 6.Large intestine1. master parts and construction features of large intestine.2. master the location of cecum and vermiform appendix, master the projection of bodysurface margins of its base, understand the common location and clinical significance of vermiform appendix.3. master the division and location of colon .4. master the location of rectum, master shape and structure of rectum and compositionof anorectal ring.5. master the position of anal canal, master shape and, structure of anal canal.Section7. liver1.master the features of liver and the position of porta hepatitis.2.master the composition of liver pedicel and position relation of these structures. 3.master the position and relation of the liver, master projection of inferior and superior margins of liver, understand the lobes and segments of liver..Section 8.Gallbladder and the biliary ducts1. master the composition of external biliary tracts of liver.2. master the location and division of gallbladder, master the projection of body surfacemargins of fundus of gallbladder. master the form and contents of Calot's triangle.3. master the form of external biliary tracts of the liver, master the produced position ofbile and discharged way.Section 9. Pancreas1. master the position and division of pancreas .Chapter 3 Respiratory Systemmaster the composition and function of Respiratory System.Section 1.nose1.understand the shape and structure of external nose.2.master parts of nasal cavity, master the shape and structure of parts.3.master the position of paranasal sinuses and their openings. understand construction features of maxillary sinus.Section 2.larynx;1.master the location of larynx.2.master name and main body surface symbol of laryngeal cartilages,understand laryngeal joints and the composition of muscles of larynx.3. master the form of aperture of larynx. master the division of laryngeal cavity andmorphous of each divisionSection3.trachea and bronchi1. master the location and construction features of trachea.2. master morphological difference between left principal bronchus and right principalbronchusSection4.lung1.master the position of lungs, external features of lungs, lobes and segments of lungs.master the composition of the root of lung and arrangement of strutures.2. understand the concepts of bronchi and bronchopulmonary segments.Section5.Pleura and pleural cavity1. understand the concepts of thoracic cavity, pleura and pleural cavity.2. master pleural division and the location of pleural recesses3. master the projection of the inferior margins of lungs and pleurae;master theprojection of the margins of cupula of pleura.Section 8. mediastinum1. understand the concepts and division of mediastinumChapter 4 urinary system1. master the composition of urinary system.Section 1.kidney1. master the position, shape and structure of kidneys, master the coverings of kidneys.2. understand the concepts of renal blood supply and segmentsSection2.The ureters1. master the parts of the ureters, master the location of the parts of the ureters,master the location of three narrowed places.Section 3.urinary bladder1. master the features and location and relations of urinary bladder.2. master the location of trigone of bladder and features of mucous.Section 4.urethra1. master construction features of female urethra and their openings .Chapter 5. Male Genita1 Organs1. master the composition and function of male genita1 organs.2. master the shape and structure of testis. master the shape and location of epididymis.3. master deferential division and location. understand location of vasoligation, masterthe composition and location of spermatic cord.4. understand location of seminal vesicle, understand the composition of ejaculatoryduct and their openings.5. master the morphous and position of prostate, understand their lobes.6. understand the position of bulbourethral gland and their openings7. understand the composition of scrotum, three coverings of testis and spermatic cordand the continuation of layer of anterior of abdominal wall.8. understand the division of penis and its dermatic characteristic.9. master the division of male urethra and its feature, master its two curves, threedilated, three narrowed.Chapter 6 Female Genital Organs1. master the composition and function of female Genital organs.2. master the shape and position of ovary, master its supports, understand its change inage.3. master the position and parts of uterine tube, master their features, understand theposition of tubal ligation.4. master the shape and position of uterus, master its supports..5. master the position and parts of vagina; master the relationship between posteriorfornix of vagina and rectouterine pouch and understand their clinical significance. 6. master the position of greater vestibular gland, understand the composition of femaleexternal genital organs.Chapter 7. perineum1.understand the narrow sense of perineum and the wide sense of perineum. 2.understand the clinical significance of trigonum urogenitale and anal triangle.Chapter 8 peritoneum1.master the concepts of peritoneum and peritoneal cavity; understand the function of peritoneum.2. master the relationship between viscera and peritoneum.3. master the location and division of lesser omentum, master the location andcomposition of greater omentum.4. master the location of omental bursa and omental foramen.5. understand the name, location and attachment of mesenterium, understand the nameand location of ligaments of liver, ligaments of spleen and ligaments of stomach 6. understand peritoneal recesses and pouches, master the location and name ofperitoneal recesses.PART ⅢANGIOLOGYChapter 1. Cardiovascular SystemSection 1 General Description1.understand vascular anastomosis and its function.2. master the composition of the cardiovascular system; master the concepts of general circulation and pulmonary circulation.3. understand construction and distribution features of artery, blood capillary and vein.Section 2. Heart1. master the position and external features of heart.2. master the morphous and structures of chambers of heart.3. understand fibrous skeleton of heart and structure of the heart walls, master the morphous and structure of interatrial septum and interventricular septum; understand the position of septal defect.4. master the composition and location and function of conduction system of heart.5. master the origin, insertion, course, main branch, distribution of right coronary arteryand left coronary artery.6. understand the way of venous return of heart, master the location and main branch ofcoronary sinus, understand the lymphatic return and innervation of heart.7. master the composition of pericardium,master the location and clinical significanceof transverse sinus of pericardium and oblique sinus of pericardium.6. understand the projection of the margins of heart .Section 3 Arteries1. understand the rule of distribution of arteries in human body, understand the rule ofdistribution of arteries in organs.Ⅰ.Arteries of Pulmonary Circulation1. understand the course of pulmonary trunk, right pulmonary artery and leftpulmonary artery, master the location of arterial ligament.Ⅱ.Arteries of Systemic Circulation.1. master the division and course of the aorta2. master the origin, insertion of ascending aorta, and its branches.3. master the origin, insertion and branches of aortic arch.4. master the origin, insertion of right common carotid artery and left common carotidartery .understand its projection of body surface. master the location and function of carotid glomus and carotid sinus.5. understand the name of main branch and distribution of external carotid artery;understand the course of internal carotid artery in neck.6. master the origin, insertion of subclavian artery, axillary artery, radial artery, ulnar artery. understand their projection of body surface and their distribution.7. master the composition of superficial palmar arch and deep palmar arch, understandthe main branch of subclavian artery and axillary artery.8. master the origin, insertion of thoracic aorta,understand its branch and distribution.9. master the origin, insertion of abdominal aorta, understand its branch and distribution.10. master the branches and distribution of celiac trunks, superior and inferior mesentericartery, understand distribution of ovarian artery , renal artery, testicular artery. 11. master the origin, insertion of common iliac artery, understand branch anddistribution of uterine artery.12. master the origin, insertion of external iliac artery,femoral artery,anterior tibialartery,posterior tibial artery,dorsal artery of foot, understand distribution of artery.13. understand the composition of plantar artery arch.14. understand the impulse point of artery of head, neck, extremity (facial artery,superficial temporal artery, common carotid artery, right subclavian artery, femoral artery , dorsal artery of foot),understand the common pressure point.Section 4 VeinⅠ.General description1. understand structure and characteristic of veins, understand factors of venous returnand a kinds of special veins(sinuses of dura mater, diploic veins, emissary veins)Ⅱ. Pulmonary veins1.understand the course of right pulmonary vein and left pulmonary vein.Ⅲ. Systemic veins1. master the composition, origin, insertion, and collecting of superior vena cava and itstributaries2. master the composition of brachiocephalic vein, master the form of the venous angle.3. master the origin, insertion, main tributaries(facial vein;retromandibular vein)ofinternal jugular vein. master the position of external jugular vein.4. master the origin, insertion of cephalic vein and basilic vein, master the position ofmedian cubital vein.5. master the origin, insertion, and collecting of azygos vein, understand the origin,insertion, and collecting of hemiazygos vein and accessory hemiazygos vein.6. understand the location and communication of vertebral venous plexus.7. master the composition, main tributaries and collecting of inferior vena cava and its tributaries.8. master the course of renal veins, testicular vein and vena ovarica.9. master the origin, insertion, course ,and which ends in of small saphenous vein andgreat saphenous vein.10. master the composition, branch, tributaries of hepatic portal vein, master theanastomoses between the hepatic portal vein system and the vena caval system.Chapter 2 lymphatic system1. master the composition of lymphatic system, understand the structure, the generalpattern of and lymphatic return of lymphatic system.2. master the form, collecting, name, drainage of lymphatic trunks.3. master the synthesis of right lymphatic duct and thoracic duct, master the place where lymph deliver to and their drainage area .4. understand the general pattern of lymph node of neck, master the location anddrainage of submandibular lymph nodes, superficial and deep lateral cervical lymph nodes.5. understand the general pattern of Lymph node of upper extremity. .master the group of axillary lymph nodes .master the location and drainage of each group.6. understand the general pattern of lymph node of thorax, master the location and drainage of bronchopulmonary lymph nodes and paratracheal lymph nodes.7. understand the general pattern of abdominal lymph node, master the location and drainage of lumbar lymph nodes,inferior and superior mesenteric lymph nodes and celiac lymph nodes.8. understand the general pattern of lymph nodes of pelvis, master the location and drainage of external iliac lymph nodes, common iliac lymph nodes and internal iliac lymph nodes.9. understand the general pattern of lymph node of lower extremity, master the location and drainage of superficial inguinal lymph nodes.10. understand lymphatic drainage of body of organ.11.master the shape and position of spleen12.master the shape and position of thymus.PART Ⅳ. Endocrine System1. understand the composition , construction features and function of endocrine system.2. master the shape and location of hypophysis, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, adrenal gland and pineal body.PART ⅠSENSORY ORGANSintroduction1. understand the concepts and classification of sensory organs.Chapter 1. Visual Organ1. master the composition and function of visual organ .2. understand shape of eyeball, master the shape, structure ,division and function of wall of eyeball.3. master the composition of contents of the eyeball, master the location of chamber of eye and the place where produce aqueous humor and circulation of aqueous humor.4. master shape and position of lens vitreous body.5. understand the composition and function of accessory organs of eye. understand the shape and structure of eyelids, master the shape and parts of conjunctiva.6. understand the composition of lacrimal apparatus, master the location of lacrimal gland, and master the composition of lacrimal passages and their openings.7. master the name and function of ocular muscles.8. understand adipose body of orbit and fasciae of orbit.9. understand the origin, insertion, main branch, distribution of ophthalmic artery, understand venous return of eyeChapter 2. Vestibulocochlear Organ1. understand the composition and function of vestibulocochlear organ.2. understand the composition of external ear, master the location, morphous, division of external acoustic meatus and master characteristic of infant external acoustic meatus.3. master the shape, location and division of tympanic membrane.4. master the composition of middle ear, the location of tympanic cavity and morphous of six walls of the tympanic cavity and understand communication of tympanic cavity.5. master the position, parts, openings, and function of auditory tube, and the characteristic of auditory tube in childhood.7. master the location of mastoid antrum and mastoid cells.8. master the position and parts of internal ear, master the parts of bony labyrinth and morphous of each part, master the position relation of bony labyrinth and membranous labyrinth.9. understand the form and function of membranous labyrinth..10. master the position and function of the receptor for auditory sensation and sensation of position.11. understand routes of conduction of the sound waves.PART ⅡNervous SystemChapter 1. introduction1.understand the function of nervous system in human body, master the division of nervous system, understand the structure and classification of neurons.2. understand the basic functional unit of nervous system ,master the basic components of reflex arc.3. master the terminology of nervous system .Chapter 2. Central Nervous SystemSection 1. Spinal Cord1. master the location, feature, segments of spinal cord and anatomic relationship ofspinal cord with vertebral body.2. master the distribution and name of white matter and gray matter in transverse sectionof cervical segment.3. master the position and function of columns of gray and central canal. undstand Rexed's laminae.4. master the position and function of ascending tracts(fasciculus gracilis、fasciculus cuneatus, spino-thalamic tract)and descending tracts(corticospinal tract), understand the position and function of other ascending tracts, descending tracts and fasciculus。
《系统解剖学》教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs

◆ Clinical application
2.Knee joint 膝关节 1)Composition:
lower end of femur, upper end of tibia and patella
(3)Pelvic cavity (4)Pubic arch, subpubic
subpubic angle
骨盆形状 窄而长 宽而短
骨盆上口 呈心形 椭圆形
骨盆下口 狭小 宽大
骨盆腔 呈漏斗形 圆筒形
骶骨 窄长, 宽短,
曲度大 曲度小
骶骨岬 突出 突出
明显 不明显
耻骨下角 70º~ 75º 90º~
◆ Feature: Type of joint: compound joint
Capsule: thin and loose anteriorly and posteriorly.
1.Radial collacteral ligament 桡侧副韧带
2. Ulnar collacteral ligament 尺侧副韧带
3.Coracoacromial ligament喙肩韧带 Coracoacromial arch 喙肩弓
Coracoid process
Ⅱ)Joints of free upper limb
1.Shoulder joint 肩关节 (ball-and-socket)
◆ Composition: head of humerus and glenoid cavity of scapula


《系统解剖学》课程教学大纲一、《系统解剖学》课程说明(一)课程代码:16131001(二)课程英文名称:Systeatic Anatomy(三)开课对象:临床医学(本科)(四)课程性质:专业必修课系统解剖学是研究正常人体形态结构的科学,是一门重要的医学主干学科,是医学各学科的基础。
(七)学时数、学分数及学时数具体分配学时数:120 学时分数: 6.5 学分教学时数具体分配:(八)教学方式以多媒体教学手段为主要形式的课堂教学。
综合成绩根据平时成绩和期末成绩评定,平时成绩占30% ,期末成绩占70% 。

课程类别:主干课程总学时数:126学时(其中含实验90 学时)学分数:7二、课程性质、目的和要求系统解剖学(systematic anatomy)是按人体器官功能系统研究人体正常器官形态结构及其发生发展的科学,是医学科学中一门重要的基础课,是人体解剖学的主要分科之一。
运动系统(locomotor system)[目的要求]一、掌握骨(bone)的形态,构造和功能,骨的化学成分和物理特性。
二、掌握躯干骨的组成和功能、椎骨(vertebrae)的一般形态和各部椎骨的特征、肋骨的一般形态,结构、胸骨的基本形态结构,胸骨角(sternal angle)的特征和意义、躯干骨的骨性标志。
三、掌握颅(skull)的组成和功能、脑颅(cerebral cranium)诸骨的位置和分部。

系统解剖学-Ⅲ教学大纲课程基本信息:课程名称系统解剖学-Ⅲ(Systematic Anatomy Ⅲ)课程号50133240课程类别基础课学时:共64,理论课32,实验课32 学分: 4教学目的及要求:使学生理解和掌握人体各器官的形态结构,配布形式及基本规律,为学习以后的基础课和临床课奠定必要的形态学基础。
颅底的重要孔裂,鼻旁窦的位置及开口熟悉:颞下颌关节的组成和运动四肢骨及其连结掌握:上肢骨的组成、肩胛骨、肱骨、尺骨、桡骨的形态位置及重要标志, 肩关节、肘关节、桡腕关节、拇腕掌关节的组成、形态和功能, 下肢骨的组成、髋骨的组成及主要标志。
股骨、胫骨、腓骨的形态、位置、重要标志, 髋关节、膝节、踝关节的组成、形态和结构特点及主要运动。
《系统解剖学》教学资料 双语庞磊内脏总论消化一-41页精选文档

D• Migoeustthiv口e腔glands消化腺
• Pharynx咽
• Esophagus食管 • Stomach胃
Superior digestive tube
• Small intestine小肠
Inferior digestive tube
•Large intestine大肠
Lymphatic ring咽淋巴环
-consists of pharyngeal tonsil, tubal tonsil,
Palatine tonsil, and lingual tonsil, forming a circular band of lymphoid tissue at oropharyngeal isthmus
Ⅵ. Major salivary glands
Ⅰ) Parotid gland 腮腺
• Superficial part • Deep part • Parotid duct: opposite
the upper second molar tooth
Ⅱ) Submandibular gland 下颌下腺
腹上区 右季肋区
右腹外侧区 脐 区 左腹外侧区
右髂区 腹下区 左髂区
Quadrants: 一横线 一垂直
右上腹 左上腹 右下腹 左下腹
Chapter 5
The Alimentary System 消化系统
Digestive tube 消化管
Ⅱ. Division
Three segments

教案系统解剖学(第六版)兰州大学基础医学院解剖学教研室前言系统解剖学systematic anatomy是按人体器官功能系统阐述人体正常器官形态结构、位置毗邻及其基本功能的科学,是学习其它基础医学和临床医学课程的重要基础课。

《系统解剖学》课程教学大纲英文名称:Systematic anatomy课程代码:220601001课程类别:专业基础课课程性质:必修开课学期:第一学年第一学期总学时: 72(讲课:72,实验0,实践0,网络0)总学分:4考核方式:期末统考先修课程:无适用专业:运动康复、康复治疗技术一、课程简介系统解剖学是按功能系统研究正常人体器官的形态结构、生理功能及其生长发育规律的科学,是学习其它医学学科的基石和支柱。
第二节中轴骨1 骨性胸廓、肋弓的组成。
2. 胸骨、肋骨的形态构造及胸骨角、肋沟的意义。

《系统解剖学》实验教学大纲课程名称:系统解剖学英文名称:systemic anatomy 课程性质:学科基础课程适用专业:供护理、检验、药学、预防、生物科学等专业使用。

《系统解剖学》实验教学大纲《系统解剖学》实验教学大纲课程编号:课程名称:系统解剖学/Systematic Anatomy课程总学时:54实验总学时:8实验课性质:非独立设课适用专业:应用心理学专业承担实验室(或教研室):基础医学院人体解剖学教研室一、课程实验教学简介系统解剖学课程在高等中医学院校的中医学、应用心理学以及其它一些相关专业的教学计划中,是一门十分重要的专业基础课,实验课是完成本课程教学的重要环节。
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教学内容:一、人体解剖学的分科二、人体解剖学发展简史三、人体的分部与器官系统四、解剖学姿势、方位述语与人体的轴与面DESCRIPTIVE ANATOMICAL TERM●The anatomical positionAll description in human anatomy is expressed in relation to the anatomical position this position is adopted worldwide for giving description and must be understood. By using the anatomical position, any part of the body can be related to any other part of it. A person in the anatomical position is standing erect (or lying supine as if erect) with the head, eyes, and toes directed forward, the upper limbs by the sides with the palms facing forward and the lower limbs together with the digits (toes) pointing forward. You must always visualized the anatomical position in your “mind’s eye” when describing patients (or cadavers) lying on their backs (the supine position), sides, or fronts (the prone position). Always describe the body as if it was in the anatomical position, otherwise confusion as to the meaning of your description may exist and serous consequences could result.●Regional of the body●Anatomical planesAnatomical description is also based on four imaginary planes (median, sagittal, coronal, and horizontal) that pass through the body in the anatomical position.●Terms of positionVarious adjectives are used to describe the relationship of part of the body in the anatomical position, several pairs of terms are used, including, anterior and posterior, Superior and inferior, medial and lateral, proximal and distal, superficial and deep, external (outer) and internal (inner).●Terms of movement五、人体器官的变异与畸形运动系统第一章骨学学时:9学时(讲课3学时,实验6学时)基本要求:1.掌握:骨的形态、分类和构造;躯干骨、颅骨和四肢骨的组成、名称、位置、重要形态结构和骨性标志;颅底内面、颅侧面的主要形态结构;眶和骨性鼻腔的形态结构和通邻;骨性鼻旁窦的名称、位置和开口。
教学内容:第一节总论一、骨的分类二、骨的构造三、骨的化学成分和物理性质四、骨的发生和发育(自学)五、骨的可塑性(自学)第二节中轴骨骼一、躯干骨Recognize a typical rib, and understand the concepts of true, false and floating ribs, costal margin. Recognize the features of the sternum, the vertebral level of the angle of Louis, and the clinical significance of the useful bony prominence.Understand the formation of the bony thoracic cage. Describe the inlet (superior aperture) and outlet (inferior aperture) of the cage. Understand the movements of the cage, and its physiological significance of the movements.二、颅第三节附肢骨骼一、上肢骨Understand the pectoral girdle (clavicle and scapula) are very mobile, and mainly attached to the ribs, sternum, and vertebrae by muscles. Identify the shapes, positions of the bones lying in the upper limb, such as, clavicle, scapular, humerus, etc. The important landmarks on these bones could be found on yourself body.Recognize the differences between the bones of the upper limb with those in the lower limb.二、下肢骨第二章关节学学时:4学时(讲课2学时,实验2学时)基本要求:1.掌握:椎骨间的连结;肩关节、肘关节、腕关节、髋关节、膝关节、踝关节及颞下颌关节的组成、结构特点与运动方式;骨盆的构成、分界、功能和性别差异。