Teacher-student relationship师生关系

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Episode 618: The One Where Ross Dates a Student (00:00 – 1:18, 3:48—4:47, 9:22—10:19, 12:04—12:57, 16:15—17:39, 19:19—19:50) Episode 619: The One with Joey’s Fridge (14:15—15:57, 18:33—20:36) Episode 718: The One with Joey’s Award (2:31—4:39, 8:40--9:49, 15:35—17:10, 21:15—22:14)
Try to understand:
Student-teacher dating is usually frowned upon at schools and universities Episode 318 is based on real-life event (refer to the LeTourneau- Vili Fualaau case in your reader)
Letourneau - Fualaau Case
Mary Kay Letourneau 35-year-old(1997)
Vili Fualaau 13-year-old(1997) Samoan-American
Should their love be forbidden?
Vili Faulaau with his daughter. Mary was released in early 2005, and they got married on April 16, 2005.
Project Questions (2)
-- Describe some popular professors at Fudan and find out about what kind of professors Western students like. -- How can college students and professors get closer to each other? -- What do you think of 范跑跑?What if it happened in a Western country?
德国大学冷漠面对中国留学生失 踪(东方早报,2/7/2006)
叶飞(化名)留德,半年前突然中止每周一次与 父母的通话,从此音信全无。父母在上海忧心忡 忡。 记者联络亚琛(Aachen)大学国际学生管理中心, 对方拒绝透露任何有关叶飞的信息,称查询学生 情况必须提供正当理由。“半年没联系家人是个 人私事,不属于正当理由。” 该校在德国很知名,毕业率极低。学费全免,只 需每学期交纳几百欧元的注册费。无导师、班主 任,上课从不点名。学生认为自己有能力就可网 上申请课程考试,网上考试,题量极大。
Good teachers tell you this:
"Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested." -- Francis Bacon
No name, just number: Every n student gets a unique exam number for himself/herself in advance.
Project Questions (1)
-- What are the reasons against professors’ getting romantically involved with students -- What is the student/teacher relationship like at Chinese colleges? -- What’s your comment after reading “姚 燕瑾老师致学生的一封信”?(video) -- Why do students skip classes?
Two kinds of teachers at Wenchuan Earthquake
范跑跑 ("我曾经为自己没有出生在美国这 样的自由民主尊重人权的国家而痛不欲生! ")
严蓉 (selfless caring mother, 《一个都不能少》)
More on 范跑跑
In China: moral responsibility, scorned.
In Western countries: legal liabilities, prosecuted.
The Greek Method
How did Socrates teach students? (“I can’t teach anybody anything; I can only make them think.”) Raise questions(teacher) Discussion(students) Let students see the conflicts (teacher) Conclusion(students)
Relationship in the Old China
‚是故学然后知不足,教然后知困。知不 足然后能自反也,知困然后能自强也。故 曰‘教学相长’也,‛ ——《学记》 ‚弟子不必不如师,师不必贤于弟子。‛ ——韩愈《师说》
In the end of 2004, 8 Ph. D candidates at Jiao Tong University refused the guidance of their advisor, claiming the latter, a 66year old professor, neglected his duty as a professor and made them work for his family business. The professor argues that the work is related to their major. But then there is the issue of profit distribution…
Theme 2
Teacher-Student Relationship
The truly great teachers are remembered not so much because of a congenial personality or even because of mastery of subject matter and reason, but rather because they helped individuals grow and become more than their students ever dreamed they might be. University of Oregon
Mona Lisa Smile
2:46-4:11 15:25-18:28 25:50-26:49 44:45-47:03 1:02:31-1:07:33 1:30:15-1:32:42 6:05-10:40 21:30-24:44 32:04-36:05 58:53-1:01:57 1:08:02-1:11:50 1:46:17-1:48:00
By Contrast, a Fudan Experience
Every week, a Fudan girl from Guangdong would call her parents and talked with them . One week , she forgot to call her parents so her father called her . Unfortunately , the power of her mobile ran out and she left the phone in the dorm for a whole day , so her father couldn´t contact her . Her father found Professor Cai Dafeng´s telephone number on the Internet and told him his daughter was lost ! Professor Cai called the Dean of the School of Economics and the dean called the counselors of the School of Economics . However , at that time we were in the school of Tengfei so their didn´t find her . At last , my roommate called her father the next day and learned the whole unbelievable story from her angry father .
There are eight possible relationships between teacher and student
Friends Competitors (Amadeus) Strangers Parent-child Teaching and learning Boss-employee Enemy Romantic
Relationship in Confucius’ Era (learning through imitation, reflection, experience)
Confucius’ disciples followed him as he journeyed to several neighboring states. They studied through their experience and talked with their teacher. It can be regarded as a kind of practical learning. Obviously, it is more efficient than just reading books in the classrooms.
On the other hand
You think it only happens elsewhere?…
It happened right here at this university between a female student and her male professors Fiction or not, your say
来源:科技日报 作者:张晔
老板们的关心:项目有多少利润 现在无论是学校还是科研院所,科研项目都与经济利益挂钩,这是我国 探索科技体制改革过程中的一个产物。 一些科研人员把项目争取来,然后交 给学生做,项目的副产物就是奖金,学生因此直呼教授们为老板。 老板们的考虑:怎样能多揽项目 许多科技人员每年都要用很多时间争取立项,为了能争取到项目,大家 都想方设法提炼出很多创新性思想,编制出很多预期的成果,但是当项目批 下来后却像泄了气的皮球,作些报告敷衍了事。 老板们的影响:科技界跟风浮躁 蔡自兴委员在讨论中干脆自曝内幕,他带的博士、硕士研究生最多时达 60多个。有时给研究生上课,经常是200人的大阶梯教室座无虚席,点一次名 就得四五分钟。究其背后的原因,还是科技人员的业绩评价和收入分配机制 在作怪。