毕业论文 外文翻译格式
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首先,对于引用外文文献的格式,最常见的是使用APA(American Psychological Association)格式。
例如:Smith, J. D. (2010). The impact of climate change on biodiversity. Environmental Science, 15(2), 145-156.在翻译外文文献时,需要注意保持原文的准确性和完整性。
其次,对于翻译相关内容的格式,可以参考国际标准组织ISO(International Organization for Standardization)的格式。
例如:原文:The importance of effective communication in the workplace cannot be overstated.翻译:工作场所有效沟通的重要性不容忽视。
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英文原文如果为打印的话用新罗马(Times New Roman)小四号字。
考虑到这类传感器网络在不同地方,节点都是检测单一现象并发送信息到汇聚中心(Fusion Center, FC为其缩写形式),以便汇聚中心能够处理实时信息。
通过他们之间的数据共享,这些节点将变成传统的MIMO 系统。
附:外文资料和译文封面、空白页成都东软学院外文资料和译文专业:软件工程移动互联网应用开发班级:2班姓名:罗荣昆学号:12310420216指导教师:2015年 12月 8日Android page layoutUsing XML-Based LayoutsW hile it is technically possible to create and attach widgets to our activity purely through Java code, the way we did in Chapter 4, the more common approach is to use an XML-based layout file. Dynamic instantiation of widgets is reserved for more complicated scenarios, where the widgets are not known at compile-time (e g., populating a column of radio buttons based on data retrieved off the Internet).With that in mind, it’s time to break out the XML and learn how to lay out Android activities that way.What Is an XML-Based Layout?As the name suggests, an XML-based layout is a specification of widgets’ relationships to each other—and to their containers (more on this in Chapter 7)—encoded in XML format. Specifi cally, Android considers XML-based layouts to be resources, and as such layout files are stored in the res/layout directory inside your Android project.Each XML file contains a tree of elements specifying a layout of widgets and their containers that make up one view hierarchy. The attributes of the XML elements are properties, describing how a widget should look or how a container should behave. For example, if a Button element has an attribute value of android:textStyle = "bold", that means that the text appearing on the face of the button should be rendered in a boldface font style.Android’s SDK ships with a tool (aapt) which uses the layouts. This tool should be automatically invoked by your Android tool chain (e.g., Eclipse, Ant’s build.xml). Of particular importance to you as a developer is that aapt generates the R.java source file within your project, allowing you to access layouts and widgets within those layouts directly from your Java code. Why Use XML-Based Layouts?Most everything you do using XML layout files can be achieved through Java code. For example, you could use setTypeface() to have a button render its textin bold, instead of using a property in an XML layout. Since XML layouts are yet another file for you to keep track of, we need good reasons for using such files.Perhaps the biggest reason is to assist in the creation of tools for view definition, such as a GUI builder in an IDE like Eclipse or a dedicated Android GUI designer like DroidDraw1. Such GUI builders could, in principle, generate Java code instead of XML. The challenge is re-reading the UI definition to support edits—that is far simpler if the data is in a structured format like XML than in a programming language. Moreover, keeping generated XML definitions separated from hand-written Java code makes it less likely that somebody’s custom-crafted source will get clobbered by accident when the generated bits get re-generated. XML forms a nice middle ground between something that is easy for tool-writers to use and easy for programmers to work with by hand as needed.Also, XML as a GUI definition format is becoming more commonplace. Microsoft’s XAML2, Adobe’s Flex3, and Mozilla’s XUL4 all take a similar approach to that of Android: put layout details in an XML file and put programming smarts in source files (e.g., JavaScript for XUL). Many less-well-known GUI frameworks, such as ZK5, also use XML for view definition. While “following the herd” is not necessarily the best policy, it does have the advantage of helping to ease the transition into Android from any other XML-centered view description language. OK, So What Does It Look Like?Here is the Button from the previous chapter’s sample application, converted into an XMLlayout file, found in the Layouts/NowRedux sample project. This code sample along with all others in this chapter can be found in the Source Code area of .<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Button xmlns:android="/apk/res/android"android:id="@+id/button"android:text=""android:layout_width="fill_parent"android:layout_height="fill_parent"/>The class name of the widget—Button—forms the name of the XML element. Since Button is an Android-supplied widget, we can just use the bare class name. If you create your own widgets as subclasses of android.view.View, you would need to provide a full package declara tion as well.The root element needs to declare the Android XML namespace:xmlns:android="/apk/res/android"All other elements will be children of the root and will inherit that namespace declaration.Because we want to reference this button from our Java code, we need to give it an identifier via the android:id attribute. We will cover this concept in greater detail later in this chapter.The remaining attributes are properties of this Button instance:• android:text indicates the initial text to be displayed on the button face (in this case, an empty string)• android:layout_width and android:layout_height tell Android to have the button’swidth and height fill the “parent”, in this case the entire screen—these attributes will be covered in greater detail in Chapter 7.Since this single widget is the only content in our activity, we only need this single element. Complex UIs will require a whole tree of elements, representing the widgets and containers that control their positioning. All the remaining chapters of this book will use the XML layout form whenever practical, so there are dozens of other examples of more complex layouts for you to peruse from Chapter 7 onward.What’s with the @ Signs?Many widgets and containers only need to appear in the XML layout file and do not need to be referenced in your Java code. For example, a static label (TextView) frequently only needs to be in the layout file to indicate where it should appear. These sorts of elements in the XML file do not need to have the android:id attribute to give them a name.Anything you do want to use in your Java source, though, needs an android:id.The convention is to use @+id/... as the id value, where the ... represents your locally unique name for the widget in question. In the XML layout example in the preceding section, @+id/button is the identifier for the Button widget.Android provides a few special android:id values, of the form @android:id/.... We will see some of these in various chapters of this book, such as Chapters 8 and 10.We Attach These to the Java How?Given that you have painstakingly set up the widgets and containers in an XML layout filenamed main.xml stored in res/layout, all you need is one statement in your activity’s onCreate() callback to use that layout:setContentView(yout.main);This is the same setContentView() we used earlier, passing it an instance of a View subclass (in that case, a Button). The Android-built view, constructed from our layout, is accessed from that code-generated R class. All of the layouts are accessible under yout, keyed by the base name of the layout file—main.xml results in yout.main.To access our identified widgets, use findViewById(), passing in the numeric identifier of the widget in question. That numeric identifier was generated by Android in the R class asR.id.something (where something is the specific widget you are seeking). Those widgets are simply subclasses of View, just like the Button instance we created in Chapter 4.The Rest of the StoryIn the original Now demo, the button’s face would show the current time, which would reflect when the button was last pushed (or when the activity was first shown, if the button had not yet been pushed).Most of that logic still works, even in this revised demo (NowRedux). However,rather than instantiating the Button in our activity’s onCreate() callback, we can reference the one from the XML layout:package youts;import android.app.Activity;import android.os.Bundle;import android.view.View;import android.widget.Button; import java.util.Date;public class NowRedux extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener { Button btn;@Overridepublic void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle);setContentView(yout.main);btn=(Button)findViewById(R.id.button);btn.setOnClickListener(this);upd ateTime();}public void onClick(View view) { updateTime();}private void updateTime() {btn.setText(new Date().toString()); }}The first difference is that rather than setting the content view to be a view we created in Java code, we set it to reference the XML layout (setContentView(yout.main)). The R.java source file will be updated when we rebuild this project to include a reference to our layout file (stored as main.xml in our project’s res/l ayout directory).The other difference is that we need to get our hands on our Button instance, for which we use the findViewById() call. Since we identified our button as @+id/button, we can reference the button’s identifier as R.id.button. Now, with the Button instance in hand, we can set the callback and set the label as needed.As you can see in Figure 5-1, the results look the same as with the originalNow demo.Figure 5-1. The NowRedux sample activity Employing Basic WidgetsE very GUI toolkit has some basic widgets: fields, labels, buttons, etc. Android’s toolkit is no different in scope, and the basic widgets will provide a good introduction as to how widgets work in Android activities.Assigning LabelsThe simplest widget is the label, referred to in Android as a TextView. Like in most GUI toolkits, labels are bits of text not editable directly by users. Typically, they are used to identify adjacent widgets (e.g., a “Name:” label before a field where one fills in a name).In Java, you can create a label by creating a TextView instance. More commonly, though, you will create labels in XML layout files by adding a TextView element to the layout, with an android:text property to set the value of the label itself. If you need to swap labels based on certain criteria, such as internationalization, you may wish to use a resource reference in the XML instead, as will be described in Chapter 9. TextView has numerous other properties of relevance for labels, such as:• android:typeface to set the typeface to use for the label (e.g., monospace) • android:textStyle to indicate that the typeface should be made bold (bold), italic (italic),or bold and italic (bold_italic)• android:textColor to set the color of the label’s text, in RGB hex format (e.g., #FF0000 for red)For example, in the Basic/Label project, you will find the following layout file:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><TextView xmlns:android=/apk/res/androidandroid:layout_width="fill_parent"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:text="You were expecting something profound?" />As you can see in Figure 6-1, just that layout alone, with the stub Java source provided by Android’s p roject builder (e.g., activityCreator), gives you the application.Figure 6-1. The LabelDemo sample applicationButton, Button, Who’s Got the Button?We’ve already seen the use of the Button widget in Chapters 4 and 5. As it turns out, Button is a subclass of TextView, so everything discussed in the preceding section in terms of formatting the face of the button still holds. Fleeting ImagesAndroid has two widgets to help you embed images in your activities: ImageView and ImageButton. As the names suggest, they are image-based analogues to TextView and Button, respectively.Each widget takes an android:src attribute (in an XML layout) to specify what picture to use. These usually reference a drawable resource, described in greater detail in the chapter on resources. You can also set the image content based on a Uri from a content provider via setImageURI().ImageButton, a subclass of ImageView, mixes in the standard Button behaviors, for responding to clicks and whatnot.For example, take a peek at the main.xml layout from the Basic/ImageView sample project which is found along with all other code samples at : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><ImageView xmlns:android=/apk/res/androidandroid:id="@+id/icon"android:layout_width="fill_parent"android:layout_height="fill_parent"android:adjustViewBounds="true"android:src="@drawable/molecule" />The result, just using the code-generated activity, is shown in Figure 6-2.Figure 6-2. The ImageViewDemo sample applicationFields of Green. Or Other Colors.Along with buttons and labels, fields are the third “anchor” of most GUI toolkits. In Android, they are implemented via the EditText widget, which is a subclass of the TextView used for labels.Along with the standard TextView properties (e.g., android:textStyle), EditText has many others that will be useful for you in constructing fields, including:• android:autoText, to control if the fie ld should provide automatic spelling assistance• android:capitalize, to control if the field should automatically capitalize the first letter of entered text (e.g., first name, city) • android:digits, to configure the field to accept only certain digi ts • android:singleLine, to control if the field is for single-line input or multiple-line input (e.g., does <Enter> move you to the next widget or add a newline?)Beyond those, you can configure fields to use specialized input methods, such asandroid:numeric for numeric-only input, android:password for shrouded password input,and android:phoneNumber for entering in phone numbers. If you want to create your own input method scheme (e.g., postal codes, Social Security numbers), you need to create your own implementation of the InputMethod interface, then configure the field to use it via android: inputMethod.For example, from the Basic/Field project, here is an XML layout file showing an EditText:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><EditTextxmlns:android=/apk/res/androidandroid:id="@+id/field"android:layout_width="fill_parent"android:layout_height="fill_parent"android:singleLine="false" />Note that android:singleLine is false, so users will be able to enter in several lines of text. For this project, the FieldDemo.java file populates the input field with some prose:package monsware.android.basic;import android.app.Activity;import android.os.Bundle;import android.widget.EditText;public class FieldDemo extends Activity { @Overridepublic void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle);setContentView(yout.main);EditText fld=(EditText)findViewById(R.id.field);fld.setText("Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 " + "(the \"License\"); you may not use this file " + "except in compliance with the License. You may " + "obtain a copy of the License at " +"/licenses/LICENSE-2.0");}}The result, once built and installed into the emulator, is shown in Figure 6-3.Figure 6-3. The FieldDemo sample applicationNote Android’s emulator only allows one application in the launcher per unique Java package. Since all the demos in this chapter share the monsware.android.basic package, you will only see one of these demos in your emulator’s launcher at any one time.Another flavor of field is one that offers auto-completion, to help users supply a value without typing in the whole text. That is provided in Android as the AutoCompleteTextView widget and is discussed in Chapter 8.Just Another Box to CheckThe classic checkbox has two states: checked and unchecked. Clicking the checkbox toggles between those states to indicate a choice (e.g., “Ad d rush delivery to my order”). In Android, there is a CheckBox widget to meet this need. It has TextView as an ancestor, so you can use TextView properties likeandroid:textColor to format the widget. Within Java, you can invoke: • isChecked() to determi ne if the checkbox has been checked• setChecked() to force the checkbox into a checked or unchecked state • toggle() to toggle the checkbox as if the user checked itAlso, you can register a listener object (in this case, an instance of OnCheckedChangeListener) to be notified when the state of the checkbox changes.For example, from the Basic/CheckBox project, here is a simple checkbox layout:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><CheckBox xmlns:android="/apk/res/android"android:id="@+id/check"android:layout_width="wrap_content"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:text="This checkbox is: unchecked" />The corresponding CheckBoxDemo.java retrieves and configures the behavior of the checkbox:public class CheckBoxDemo extends Activityimplements CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener { CheckBox cb;@Overridepublic void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle);setContentView(yout.main);cb=(CheckBox)findViewById(R.id.check);cb.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this);}public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView,boolean isChecked) {if (isChecked) {cb.setText("This checkbox is: checked");}else {cb.setText("This checkbox is: unchecked");}}}Note that the activity serves as its own listener for checkbox state changes since it imple ments the OnCheckedChangeListener interface (via cb.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this)). The callback for the listener is onCheckedChanged(), which receives the checkbox whose state has changed and what the new state is. In this case, we update the text of the checkbox to reflect what the actual box contains.The result? Clicking the checkbox immediately updates its text, as you can see in Figures 6-4 and 6-5.Figure 6-4. The CheckBoxDemo sample application, with the checkbox uncheckedFigure 6-5. The same application, now with the checkbox checkedTurn the Radio UpAs with other implementations of radio buttons in other toolkits, Android’s radio buttons are two-state, like checkboxes, but can be grouped such that only one radio button in the group can be checked at any time.Like CheckBox, RadioButton inherits from CompoundButton, which in turn inherits fromTextView. Hence, all the standard TextView properties for font face, style, color, etc., are available for controlling the look of radio buttons. Similarly, you can call isChecked() on a RadioButton to see if it is selected, toggle() to select it, and so on, like you can with a CheckBox.Most times, you will want to put your RadioButton widgets inside of aRadioGroup. The RadioGroup indicates a set of radio buttons whose state is tied, meaning only one button out of the group can be selected at any time. If you assign an android:id to your RadioGroup in your XML layout, you can access the group from your Java code and invoke:• check() to check a specific radio button via its ID (e.g., group.check(R.id.radio1))• clearCheck() to clear all radio buttons, so none in the group are checked• getCheckedRadioButtonId() to get the ID of the currently-checked radio button (or -1 if none are checked)For example, from the Basic/RadioButton sample application, here is an XML layout showing a RadioGroup wrapping a set of RadioButton widgets: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RadioGroupxmlns:android=/apk/res/androidandroid:orientation="vertical"android:layout_width="fill_parent"android:layout_height="fill_parent" ><RadioButton android:id="@+id/radio1"android:layout_width="wrap_content"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:text="Rock" /><RadioButton android:id="@+id/radio2"android:layout_width="wrap_content"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:text="Scissors" /><RadioButton android:id="@+id/radio3"android:layout_width="wrap_content"android:layout_height="wrap_content"android:text="Paper" /></RadioGroup>Figure 6-6 shows the result using the stock Android-generated Java forthe project and this layout.Figure 6-6. The RadioButtonDemo sample application Note that the radio button group is initially set to be completely unchecked at the outset. To pre-set one of the radio buttons to be checked, use either setChecked() on the RadioButton or check() on the RadioGroup from within your onCreate() callback in your activity.It’s Quite a ViewAll widgets, including the ones previously shown, extend View, and as such give all widgets an array of useful properties and methods beyond those already described.Useful PropertiesSome of the properties on View most likely to be used include:• Controls the focus sequence:• android:nextFocusDown• android:nextFocusLeft• android:nextFocusRight• android:nextFocusUp• android:visibility, which controls wheth er the widget is initially visible• android:background, which typically provides an RGB color value (e.g., #00FF00 for green) to serve as the background for the widgetUseful MethodsYou can toggle whether or not a widget is enabled via setEnabled() and see if it is enabled via isEnabled(). One common use pattern for this is to disable some widgets based on a CheckBox or RadioButton selection.You can give a widget focus via requestFocus() and see if it is focused via isFocused(). You might use this in concert with disabling widgets as previously mentioned, to ensure the proper widget has the focus once your disabling operation is complete.To help navigate the tree of widgets and containers that make up an activity’s overall view, you can use:• get Parent() to find the parent widget or container• findViewById() to find a child widget with a certain ID• getRootView() to get the root of the tree (e.g., what you provided to the activity via setContentView())Android 页面布局使用XML进行布局虽然纯粹通过Java代码在activity上创建和添加部件,在技术上是可行的,我们在第4章中做的一样,更常见的方法是使用一种基于XML的布局文件。
山东理工大学毕业设计(外文翻译材料)学院:专业:学生姓名:指导教师:电气与电子工程学院自动化于小涵季画外文翻译材料格式要求:1.页边距:上3.8磅;下3.8磅;左3.2,右3.2;页眉距边界2.8,页脚距边界32.原文题目:Arial,小三;间距:段前18磅,段后12磅,间距21磅3.原文正文:Times New Roman,小四;间距:段前0磅,段后6磅,间距21磅4.译文题目:黑体,小三;间距:同原文题目5.译文正文:宋体,小四;间距同原文正文6.页眉页脚:原文页眉处写:外文翻译(原文),宋体,五号。
Plant Model Generation for PLC SimulationHyeong-Tae ParkAbstract:This paper reports an automated procedure for constructing a plant model for PLC simulation. Since PLC programs contain only the control logic without information on the plant model, it is necessary to build the corresponding plant model to perform the simulation. Conventionally, a plant model for PLC simulation has been constructed manually, which requires much effort and indepth knowledge of the simulation. As a remedy for this problem, we propose an automated procedure for generating a plant model from the symbol table of a PLC program. To do so, we propose a naming rule for PLC symbols so that the symbol names include sufficient information on the plant model. By analysing such symbol names, we extract a plant model automatically. The proposed methodology has been implemented and test runs performed.Keywords: agile manufacturing; CAD/CAM; CAPP; simulation1. IntroductionTo survive and prosper in the modern manufacturing era, manufacturers need to continuously improve their products, as well as their production systems. A modern manufacturing line is a highly integrated system composed of automated workstations, such as robots with tool-changing capabilities, a hardware handling system and storage system, and a computer control system that controls the operations of the- 1 -entire system.Since the implementation of a manufacturing line requires heavy investment, proper verification of a line’s operational status sho uld be performed to ensure that the highly automated manufacturing system will successfully achieve the intended benefits. Simulation technology is considered to be an essential tool in the design and analysis of complex systems that cannot be easily described by analytical or mathematical models . Simulation is useful for calculating utilisation statistics, finding bottlenecks, pointing out scheduling errors, and even for creating manufacturing schedules. Traditionally, various simulation languages, including ARENA and AutoMod, have been used for the simulation of manufacturing systems. These simulation languages have been widely accepted both by industry and by academia; however, they remain as analysis tools for the rough design stage of a production line, because their simulation models are not sufficiently realistic to be utilised for a detailed design or for implementation purposes. For example, real production lines are usually controlled by PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) programs (Rullan 1997), but conventional simulation languages roughly describe the control logic with independent entity flows (job flows) between processes.- 2 -Production systems typically consist of simultaneously operating machines, which are controlled by PLCs, currently the most suitable and widely employed industrial control technology. A PLC emulates the behaviour of an electric ladder diagram. As they are sequential machines, to emulate the workings of parallel circuits that respond instantaneously, PLCs use an input/output symbol table and a scanning cycle. When a program is being run in a PLC it is continuously executing a scanning cycle. The program scan solves the Boolean logic related to the information in the input table with that in the output and internal relay tables. In addition, the information in the output and internal relay tables is updated during the program scan. In a PLC, this Boolean logic is typically represented using a graphical language known as a ladder diagram (IEC 2003).Since the abstraction levels of conventional simulators and PLC programs are quite different, the control logic of conventional simulators cannot be reused for the generation of PLC programs. Usually, electrical engineers manually write PLC programs by referring to the rough control logic of conventional simulators, as shown in Figure 1. Since PLC programming is a very tedious and error-prone job, it is essential to verify the PLC programs offline to reduce the stabilisation time of a production system.Previous approaches to a PLC program can be categorised into two groups:- 3 -(1) verification of a given PLC programand (2) generation of a dependable PLC program. In the first group, various software tools have been developed for the verification of PLC based systems via the use of timed automata, such as UPPAAL2k, KRONOS, Supremica and HyTech, mainly for programs written in a statement list language, also termed Boolean (Manesis and Akantziotis 2005). Such software tools verify PLC programs to a certain extent; however, they remain limited. Since they mainly focus on the checking of theoretical attributes (safety, liveness, and reachability), it is not easy for users to determine whether the PLC programs actually achieve the intended control objectives. In the second group, many researchers have focused on the automatic generation of PLC programs from various formalisms including state diagrams, Petri nets, and IDEF0. These formalisms can help the design process of control logics; however, it is still difficult to find hidden errors, which is the most difficult part of verifying a control program.Figure 2. The concept of PLC simulation.To overcome the aforementioned problems, it is necessary to utilise simulation techniques for PLC program verification. By simulating PLC programs, it is possible to analyse the control logic in various ways and recognise hidden errors more intuitively (David 1998). Although PLC simulation can be a very powerful tool for the detailed verification of a production system, the accompanying construction of a plant model is a major obstacle (the counterpart model of a control program). Since PLC programs only contain the control information, without device models, it is necessary to build a corresponding plant model to perform simulation, as shown in- 4 -Figure 2. However, constructing a plant model requires an excessive amount of time and effort. Sometimes, the plant model construction requires much more time than the PLC programming. This serves as the motivation for exploring the possibility of finding an automatic procedure for generating a plant model from a given PLC program.Figure3.Symbol table of a PLC program.Although the objective of a PLC program is not to describe a plant model (device models), the symbol table of a PLC program can provide a glimpse of the plant model. As shown in Figure 3, symbols in a PLC program usually contain some information related to the plant. For example, ‘EXLINE_MB_AGV_P1’ means that the symbol is a signal that is related to the control of an ‘AGV’ (Auto Guided Vehicl e) belonging to the ‘MB’ station of ‘EXLINE’ line. The above scenario reveals the key idea of the present study. If we can develop a proper naming rule for PLC symbols, then it might be possible to extract a plant model by analysing the symbol names.This paper has two major objectives: (1) to propose a proper naming rule for PLC symbols and (2) to develop a procedure for generating a plant model by analysing the symbol names. The application area of the proposed methodology includes all types of automated manufacturing systems controlled by PLC programs, such as automotive production lines, FMSs (flexible manufacturing systems), and ASRSs (automatic storage and retrieval systems). The overall structure of the paper is as follows. Section 2 addresses the specifications of a plant model for PLC simulation. Section 3 describes a naming rule for PLC symbols, which enables the automatic generation of a plant model. Finally, concluding remarks are given in Section 4.2. Plant model for PLC simulationBefore explaining the specification of a plant model enabling PLC simulation, we want to address the importance of the PLC simulation. Chuang et al. (1999) proposed a procedure for the development of an industrial automated production system that- 5 -- 6 -consists of nine steps, as follows: (1) define the process to be controlled; (2) make a sketch of the process operation; (3) create a written sequence of the process; (4) on the sketch, add the sensors needed to carry out the control sequence; (5) add the manual controls needed for the process setup or for operational checks; (6) consider the safety of the operating personnel and make additions and adjustments as needed;(7) add the master stop switches required for a safe shutdown; (8) create a ladder logic diagram that will be used as a basis for thePLC program; and (9) consider the possible points where the process sequence may go astray. The most time-consuming task for the control logic designers is the eighth step, which is usually done by the repetitive method of code writing, testing, and debugging until the control objectives are achieved (Manesis and Akantziotis 2005). This is the reason why conventional PLC programming is often inefficient and prone to human error. As the configurations of production lines and their control programs become more complicated, there is a strong need for a more efficient PLC simulation environment. It is hoped that this paper will take positive steps in this direction.A PLC can be considered as a dedicated computer system having input and output signals. To run a PLC, the corresponding plant model (the counterpart system) is required to interact with the input and output of the PLC. The behaviour of the plant model should be the same as that of the actual system to achieve PLC verification. Since a production line consists of various devices, including robots, transporters, jigs, solenoids, proximity sensors, and light sensors (Groover 2006), we can consider a plant model as a set of device models. To build such a device model, this paper em ploys Zeigler’s DEVS (Discrete Event Systems Specifications) formalism (Zeigler 1984, Kim 1994), which supports the specification of discrete event models in a hierarchical, modular manner. The semantics of the formalism are highly compatible with object-oriented specifications for simulation models. We use the atomic model of the DEVS formalism to represent the behavior of a device model. Formally, an atomic model M is specified by a 7-tuple:M =〈X, S,Y, sin δ,ext δ,λ ,t a 〉X input events setS sequential states setY output events setsin δ S→S: internal transition functionext δQ*X→S: external transition functionQ={(s, e)∣s ∈S, 0≤e ≤t a (s)}: total state of MλS →Y: output function- 7 -t a S →Real: time advance functionThe four elements in the 7-tuple, namely sin δ,ext δ,λand t a , are called the characteristic functions of an atomic model. The atomic model of the DEVS formalism can be considered as a timed-FSA (finite state automata), and it is suitable for describing the behaviour of a device model. Once the device models (plant model) are obtained, it becomes possible to perform the PLC simulation. Currently, device models should be construed manually, which takes much time and effort. To cope with the problem, the objective of the paper is to propose an automated generation procedure for device models.Before explaining the automatic generation procedure of a plant model, let us take a look at the manual procedure to construct device models. To construct a device model, first it is necessary to identify the set of tasks that are assigned to the device. The activation of each task is normally triggered by an external signal from PLC programs. Once the set of tasks is identified for a device, it is then possible to extract the state transition diagram, which defines an atomic model of the DEVS formalism. Figure 4(a) shows a simple example of an AGV (Automatic Guided Vehicle) with two tasks, T1 (movement from p1 to p2) and T2 (movement from p2 to p1). As the two tasks should be triggered by external events, the shell part of the AGV must have two input ports, termed here as Signal_1 and Signal_2, as shown in Figure 4(b).From the set of tasks, it is possible to instantiate the state transition diagram. For this example, there are four states, P1, DoT1, P2 and DoT2. While P1 and P2 take external events from the input ports (Signal_1, Signal_2) for state transitions, DoT1 and DoT2 take internal events that are the end events of the two tasks (T1 and T2). The DEVS atomic model of the virtual device, corresponding to the AGV, can be described as follows:- 8 -Shell of a virtual device:M=〈X,S,Y,sin δ,ext δ,λ ,t a 〉}2_,1_{Signal Signal =X S={P1,DOT1,P2,DOT2} Y={T1Done,T2Done}sin δ(DOT1)=P2 s i nδ(DOT2)=P1 ext δ(P1,Signal_1)=DOT1 ext δ(P2,Signal_2)=DOT2λ(DOT1)=T1Done λ(DOT2)=T2Donet a (DOT1)=Time_1 t a (DOT2)=Time_2Once a plant model has been constructed, it is possible to perform the PLC simulation, which enables the intuitive verification of a PLC program. Figure 5 shows the connections between a PLC program and a plant model. The plant model includes all device models of a production system, and the PLC program contains the control logic for the plant model. To integrate the plant model and the PLC program, it is necessary to define the mapping between the plant model and the PLC program, which is described by I/O mapping. To enable the visual verification of a PLC program, it is necessary to import 3D graphic models, which are controlled by the logical device models (the state transition diagrams). Since 3D graphic models are not always necessary, they are optional for PLC simulation. As mentioned already, the objective of this paper is to extract device models from the symbol names of PLC programs. To do so, it is necessary to develop a proper naming rule for PLC symbols. The naming rule will be addressed in the next section.3. Symbol naming for plant model generationAlthough IEC 61131-3 provides various standard specifications for a PLC, the naming rules of PLC symbols have rarely been brought into focus. Since there have been no standard rules for the naming of PLC symbols, it has been fully dependent on individual PLC programmers.To generate device models from PLC symbols, it is necessary to make PLC symbols that include enough information concerning the plant model. To achieve this objective, we interviewed many PLC programmers and analysed various conventional rules. As a result, we came up with a naming structure consisting of five fields: (1) line name, (2) process number, (3) device name, (4) input or output, and (5) task name (or state name). Figure 6 shows the naming structure for PLC symbols.If the PLC symbols are named according to the proposed naming structure, then it becomes possible to extract device models (atomic models of DEVS formalism) by simply analysing the symbol names. There are two types of symbols (signals), input or output, which are specified by the fourth field. The purpose of the output signal is to trigger a task that is specified by the fifth field. Thus, it is possible to identify the set of tasks of a device by analysing the output symbols. As mentioned already, once the set of tasks is identified for a device, it is then possible to extract the state transition diagram for the device model, which defines an atomic model of the DEVS formalism. While an output signal (symbol) is issued by a PLC to trigger a task, an input signal (symbol) is issued by a device to report the completion of the task to theδand internal transition functions PLC. This means that external transition functionsextδof a device model can be automatically extracted from the output and input sinsymbols, respectively. We demonstrate the generation procedure of a plant modelfrom PLC symbols using an example, as shown in Figure 7.- 9 -- 10 -In the example cell, we assume a part is loaded manually on the AGV by a worker. When the AGV senses the existence of a part, it moves to transfer the part to the machine. After the transfer, the machine performs machining to convert the part into a finished product. In this case, the plant model consists of two device models: an AGV model and a machine model. The PLC program to control the simple manufacturing cell is shown in Figure 8(a), and its symbol table is shown in Figure 8(b).As shown in Figure 8(b), the AGV model has two output symbols and two input symbols. From the output symbols (EX_OP_AGV_O_GOP1, EX_OP_AGV_O_GOP2), we can intuitively recognise that the AGV has two tasks- 11 -(movement from P2 to P1, and movement from P1 to P2). By using the output symbols, we can extract the state transition diagram, as well as the external transitionfunctions, as shown in Figure 9(a).As mentioned already, an output symbol triggers a task of a device model, and an input symbol is made by the device to notify the completion of the task. Since the execution of a task is performed internally by the device, the internal transition functions of a device model can easily be extracted from the input symbols(EX_OP_AGV_I_DONEGOP1, EX_OP_AGV_I_DONEGOP2). In this way, the device model of the machine can be extracted from the related symbols(EX_OP_MC_, etc.), as shown in Figure 9(b). The procedure for the construction of a device model can be described as follows.- 12 -(1) Identify all corresponding pairs between output symbols and input symbols. While an output symbol triggers a task, the corresponding input symbol reports the completion of the task. For example, EX_OP_AGV_O_GOP1 corresponds toEX_OP_AGV_I_DONEGOP1. (2) Define the states of a device mode using the last naming fields of input/output symbols. In the case of the AGV, we can define four states, GoP1, DoneGoP1, GoP2, and DoneGoP2. (3) Define external (internal) transition functions using output (input) symbols. Once a plant model has been obtained, it becomes possible to perform the PLC simulation by defining the I/O mapping relations between the plant model and the PLC symbols. Through the PLC simulation, we can efficiently check whether the PLC program achieves the control objectives or not.The proposed methodology was implemented in C++language, and test runs were made on a personal computer, as shown in Figure 10. The PLC program shown in Figure 8(a) was written using GX IEC developer version 7.0 provided byMitsubishi Electric Corporation. The GX IEC developer can export a symbol table in the form of an Excel file, as shown in Figure 8(b). The exported symbol table becomes the input for the generation of a plant model. Figure 10 shows that the generated device models by analysing the exported symbol table.4. Discussion and conclusionsThrough PLC simulation, it is possible to analyse control logic in various ways and recognise hidden errors more intuitively. Although PLC simulation can be a very powerful tool for the detailed verification of a production system, the accompanying construction of a plant model requires too much time and effort. To remedy this problem, we have proposed an automated procedure to generate a plant model from the symbol table of a PLC program. To do so, we have also proposed a naming rule for PLC symbols so that the symbol names include sufficient information on the plant model. By analysing the symbol names, a plant model can be extracted automatically. Since a plant consists of various manufacturing devices, we can consider a plant model as a set of device models. To represent such a device model, the proposed method employs Zeigler’s DEVS formalism. We use the atomic model of the DEVS formalism to describe the logical behavior of a device model. In other words, it is necessary to extract the device models from the symbol table in the form of an atomic model of the DEVS formalism. Although the proposed methodology only deals with the local verification of PLC programs, it is also possible to extend the methodologyto include the verification of mechanical aspects of the plant .- 13 -工厂模型生成PLC仿真Hyeong-Tae Park摘要 :本文介绍一个自动程序可编程序控制器(PLC)生成工厂模型仿真。
下页附:外文翻译与原文参考格式2英文翻译 (黑体、四号、顶格)外文原文出处:(译文前列出外文原文出处、作者、国籍,译文后附上外文原文)《ASHRAE Handbook —Refrigeration 》.CHAPTER3 .SYSTEM Practices for ammonia 3.1 System Selection 3.2 Equipment3.10 Reciprocating Compressors第3章 氨制冷系统的实施3.1 系统选择在选择一个氨制冷系统设计时,须要考虑一些设计决策要素,包括是否采用(1)单级压缩(2)带经济器的压缩(3)多级压缩(4)直接蒸发(5)满液式(6)液体再循环(7)载冷剂。
1997 ASHRAE 手册——“原理篇”中的第一章讨论了压缩制冷循环。
英文原文(黑体、四号、顶格)英文翻译2(黑体,四号,顶格)外文原文出处:(黑体,四号,顶格)P. Fanning. Nonlinear Models of Reinforced and Post-tensioned Concrete Beams. Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, University College Dublin. Received 16 Jul 2001.非线形模型钢筋和后张法预应力混凝土梁摘要:商业有限元软件一般包括混凝土在荷载做用下非线性反应的专用数值模型。
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外文著录:Liu Shaozhong, Liao Fengrong. S tudies of negative pragmatic transfer in interlanguage pragmatics[J]. Journal of Guangxi Normal University, 2002, (4):34-45.2)若选自论文集:著者,题名,论文集名称,编者,出版地,出版社,出版年,起始页码。
例如:外文著录:Thomas, J. Cross-Cultural Pragmatic Failure[A]. Edited by He Zhaoxiong. Selected Reading For Pragmatics[C]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2003:677-714.3)若选自书籍:著者,书名,版次(第一版不标注),出版地,出版者,出版年,起始页码。
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The ResearchonStatus and Future of Inhabitants’ Investment and Financial Management inChina
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Abstract(Time New Roman体,三号,加粗,居中)
Our country has already entered into The Economic Globalization Development’ 21st century. Along with the fast growth of our country economy and opening to the outside world furthermore, our country finance market has had the hugely changed. On one hand, the investment and financial management involve in more and more fields.Not only governments, enterprises and social organizations carry on the investing to make money, but also the inhabitants start investing in the finance market, who make money by all kinds of investment tools for spending, caring for the aged and so on. On the other hand, the idea of our country inhabitants for investment and financial management has becoming mature and rational; At the same time, their investment tools as well as the methods for investment and financial management tend to more and more multiplication and consummation.
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Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.,Times New Roman.【Key Words】Brand positioning; Marketing mix; Positioning Strategy; enlightenment, lessons;ABC(本页为英文文献摘要,关键词两项一起单独一页,字体为:Times New Roman,小四号,1.5倍行距)(注:以下为英文文献正文内容,英文全文3000字.具体标题以原文为准.全文字体为Times New Roman.行间距为1.5倍.字号大小与论文正文的各级标题一致.如下:)I.Times New Roman ,Times New Roman,Times New RomanTimes New Roman, Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times New Roman,This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons fromthe failure of the WONG LO KAT.II.Times New Roman ,Times New Roman,Times New RomanTimes New Roman, Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times New Roman,This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.III.Times New Roman ,Times New Roman,Times New RomanTimes New Roman, Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times New Roman,This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal teabeverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.【摘要】本文是对凉茶饮料的宏观环境以及凉茶市场内部主要品牌的竞争对手进行了系统分析。
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章氨制冷系统的实施第3 3.1 系统选择)在选择一个氨制冷系统设计时,须要考虑一些设计决策要素,包括是否采用(1)液体再64)直接蒸发(5)满液式()多级压缩(单级压缩(2)带经济器的压缩(3 7循环()载冷剂。
1997 ASHRAE了压缩制冷循环。
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PDF英文原文)(黑体、四号、顶格2英文翻译(黑体,四号,顶格)外文原文出处:(黑体,四号,顶格)Lecturer, Concrete Beams. Reinforced and Post-tensioned Models P. Fanning. Nonlinear ofDepartment of Civil Engineering, University College Dublin. Received 16 Jul 2001.非线形模型钢筋和后张法预应力混凝土梁商业有限元软件一般包括混凝土在荷载做用下非线性反应的专用数值模型。
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外文翻译(包含原文)(宋体四号加粗)外文翻译一(宋体四号加粗)作者:(宋体小四号加粗)Kim Mee Hyun Director, Policy Research & Development Team, Korean Film Council (小四号)出处:(宋体小四号加粗)Korean Cinema from Origins to RenaissanceP358~P34C)韩国电影的发展及前景(标题:宋体四号加粗)1996~现在在过去的十年间,韩国电影经历了难以置信的增长。
但是到了1998年,市场占有量增长到35.8%,到2001年更是达到了50% 虽然从1996年开始,韩国电影一直处在不断上升的过程中,但是直到1999年姜帝圭导演的《生死谍变》的成功才诞生了韩国电影的又一个高峰。
毕业论文外文文献翻译年级专业:2011级国际经济与贸易姓 名:学 号:附 件:Challenges and Opportunities备注:(注意:备注页这一整页的内容都不需要打印,看懂了即可)1.从所引用的与毕业设计(论文)内容相近的外文文献当选择一篇或一部份进行翻译(很多于3000实词);2.外文文献翻译的装订分两部份,第一部份为外文文献,页码从正文开始到英文终止;第二部份为该外文文献的中文翻译,页码从头从正文开始到终止,中英文两部份之间用分页符隔开。
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(注意:备注页这一整页的内容都不需要打印,看懂了即可,定稿后,请删除本页.)【Abstract】Exports of dairy products are becoming increasingly important in terms of export earnings for Australia. The industry is the fourth highest foreign exchange earner compared toall Australia's food exports. However, Australian exports of dairy products account for about 67 per cent of the total Australian production of dairy products, and about 13 per cent of total world exports of dairy products. About 68 per cent of Australian dairy products exports are sold on Asian markets. The purpose of this paper is to examine the challenging issues and opportunities for Australian exports of dairy products on world markets and to identify potential and emerging export markets for Australian dairy is highly restricted on its access to world dairy product markets by the impact of export subsidies and other trade barriers of overseas markets. The current cconomic and political crises in Asia are also not favourable to maintain export sales on some of the Asian export support schcme in Australia has made exporting attractive relativc to domestic sales. But it is anticipated that the termination of the scheme after June 2000, will reduce production and exports by 6 and 20 per cent, respectively in the short run. However, in the long run,resources will be efficiently used without government intervention and Australian dairy products will also bc competitivc on the domestic is scope for greater market opportunities in the emerging markets in Asia and other parts of the world for Australian dairy will also bcnefit from the agreement on international trade that directs exporting countries to reduce export subsidy and remove non-tariff trade barriers on exports of dairy products. Australia should implement appropriatc measures to increase the milk yield per ww, to improve the quality of dairy products and to identify the need for market promotion and rescarch in order to increase the volume of dairy product exports on world markets, especially in Asia and othcr potential markets such as Middle East,Africa, Europe and the Americas. 【Keywords】Australia, Dairy Milk(本页为英文文献摘要,关键词两项一路单唯一页,字体为:Times New Roman,小四号,倍行距)I. DAIRY PRODUCTS INDUSTRY IN AUSTRALIADairy manufacturing is one of Australia's leading dairy terms of foreign exchange earnings, the industry ranks fourth (after meat, wheat and sugar) compared to all Australia's food exports(ADIC, 1996). The real gross value of production was estimated atA$billion in 1997, accounting for about 66 per cent of the combined value of market and manufacturing milk at the farm gate. The total real value of Australian exports of dairy products was about $ billion in 1996, and represented about 8 per cent of total farm exports. Likewise, Australia's dairy exports contributed about 2 per cent to total Australian exports in 1995-96 (Doucouliagos,1997). However, Australia has little influence on world price as its share accounted for about 13 per cent of world trade in 1996.Manufacturing milk is produced in all states in Australia, and there are significant regional differences in the production of dairying due to climatic and natural resources that are favorable to dairying to be produced based on year round pasture grazing (NSWA, 1996-97). In 1997, national milk production was estimated at 9 billion litres, and New South Wales is second behind Victoria, accounting for 13 per cent and 62 per cent, respectively of the nation's annual milk production(ABARE, 1997). Total milk production increased at an average of about per cent between 1988 and 1997. About billion litres of milk were used for manufacturing purposes, accounting for about 79 per cent of the total milk production. Victoria accounts for 79 per cent,Tasmania 6 per cent, and NSW 5 per cent of the total dairy products produced in the country (ADC,1997).The production of dairy products recorded an average increase of per cent between 1988 and 1997. However, Australian exports of dairy products as a proportion of total production increased on average by per cent over the same period. This was due to world surplus production of dairy products as a result of domestic industry support by some of the world's largest producers (EU and USA). Subsidised exports of dairy products account for about 50 per cent of globally traded dairy products, and this lowers international market prices of dairy products (ADIC, 1997). Australian production of dairy products accounted for about 4 per cent of total world production, and about 13 per cent of total world export sales . Thus, price taker countries such as Australia are adversely affected by the exportable surpluses of dairy products directed to world markets by major exporting countries.The expansion of milk production in Australia has come from an increase in the number of dairy cows. The number of daq cows increased from 1,714,000 head in 1988 to 2,046,000 head in 1997, an average increase of about per cent. The milk yield per cow also recorded an average increase of about 2 per cent over the same , the milk yield per cow declined by about 5 per cent in 1997 compared to 1996. This is attributed to drought and other adverse weather conditions experienced by many dairy-producing regions.Australia's dairy products industry has the potential to increase the volume of its production and exports since the country is well endowed with natural resources necessary to increase dairy also has suitable climate that is favourable to dairy production based on year round pasture production. In addition, Australia's dairy farms are family owned and operated, and hired labour does not contribute a higher percentage to the cost of production. Thus, Australia is considered as one of the efficient, low cost milk producing countries (ADC,1997). The country has also locational advantage to have access to the Asian markets, which are the major importers of Australian dairy domestic production capacity and the exports of dairy products are positively related. Accordingly,the volume of exports could be increased through the expansion of manufacturing milk production by increasing the number of dairy herds and milk yield per cow, provided Australia makes an effort to undertake marketing promotion and research to capture sizeable market shares in the potential and emerging study carried out by ABARE has projected that milk production in Australia will increase by about 3 per cent a year to the 1999-2000 fiscal has been attributed mainly to the estimated increase in the number of dairy herds, milk yield per cow, improved pasture, livestock management techniques and increased capital investment (ADIC, 1996).ARRANGEMENTS FOR MANUFACTURING MILK IN AUSTRALIA To facilitate the proper functioning of a free market system, market information must be available so that buyers and sellers are aware of the production and pricing arrangements (Kidane and Gunawardana,Downloaded by [The University of British Columbia] at 00:35 10 June 2021 1997, p. 37). Thus, producers and consumers would perform their functions efficiently, and prices and quality of dairy products will be competitive. To assist in meeting these market criteria, the government has established the Australian Dairy Industry Council (ADIC), Products Federation Inc. (ADPF), Australia Dairy Farmers' Federation Ltd. (ADFF), Market MilkFederation of Australia Inc. (MMFA),Australian Dairy Corporation (ADC) and Dairy Research Development Corporation (DRDC). These organisations are expected among other things to disseminate market information and coordinate production and market activities. For example, some of the major objectives of the ADC are to improve the domestic market for dairy pioducts; to provide technical and product advice to emerging markets; to undertake a range of export promotion activities in overseas markets;and international promotion focused on growing Asian markets such as Japan, Hong Kong, China, Vietnam, Singapore, etc. (ADIC,1996). The farm gate pricing and domestic milk support schemes are discussed below.(i)Farm Gate PricingThe government does not have formal control over the prices processors pay to farmers Producing milk used in manufacturing products. The manufacturing milk prices are based on both milk fat and protein, and payment to farmers by processors also depends on the quality, volumes and seasonal incentives. High prices are offered to farmers by factories to encourage them to maintain production during the dry period.Most manufacturers offer different prices as their profits are affected by factors such as product mix, marketing strategies and processing efficiencies (NSWA, 1996-97). Consequently, farm gate prices paid for manufacturing milk are lower than the prices paid for market milk . (ii)Domestic Milk Support SchemePrior to July 1, 1995, the marketing of manufactured dairy products were funded by a levy on all Australian milk production under the Market Support Scheme (Crean Plan). The scheme raised domestic farm gate prices for manufacturing milk above international prices by about 2 cents a litre. However, following the Uruguay Round agreement on manufactured dairy products, Australia introduced a scheme known as 'Domestic Market Support Scheme (DMS)' on July 1, 1995. The new scheme that is administered by the Australian Dairy Corporation imposes compulsory levies both on market milk and manufacturing milk for sales on the domestic market. In 1997-98, the rates of these levies were about and cents per litre,respectively (ADC, 1997). The funds raised by these levies are targeted to make domestic support payment to farmers who produce manufacturing milk. This scheme provides incentives to farmers to increase production of milk used in dairy products for export markets. However,this extended market arrangement will cease at the end of June 2000,and like many other industries,the dairy industry will receive Commonwealth assistance estimated at 5 per cent in tariff terms after June 2000. In 1995/96, this implicit export subsidy increased gross returns on manufacturing milk by about 7 per cent (Industry Commission, 1997). This has made exporting dairy products more attractive and has encouraged milk producers to use most of the resources in the production of dairying.However, it is predicted that the removal of this export support will reduce milk production by 6 per cent and the volume of exports by 20 per cent as producers will concentrate on the domestic markets. This will have a short term effect of reducing manufacturing milk producers' incomes, and may also encourage producers to move some resources into alternative enterprises in the long run. Consequently, this is likely to reduce production of manufactured dairy products for export markets with effect from the end of June 2000. However, given the available resources necessary to increase the volume of production, with efficient use of resources without government intervention and export promotion undertaken by ADC and DRDC, Australian dairy producers will still have the incentives to focus on both export and domestic markets. Optimal allocation of resources is also likely to increase dairy production, while domestic prices will decline, as the exportable surplus will be directed to domestic markets (ABARE, 1991a). DAIRY PRODUCTS EXPORTS AND CHALLENGING ISSUESIn Australia, milk production is subject to seasonal influences, but production and exports of dairy products have recorded an average increase of about per cent and per cent between 1988 and 1997. The export price, which includes export freight,insurance, export commission and handling charges, is very attractive compared to the domestic wholesale prices. This partly acts as an incentive for producers to direct a large percentage of their dairy products to export markets and Australian dairy products to be less competitive on domestic markets.Australia is considered as a relatively non-subsidized exporter compared to EU and the USA, and Australia has to compete with countries, which have considerable domestic dairy industry support and guaranteed price for manufactured products. Australia is being excluded by the impact of these export subsidy programs of the major competitors to have access to world markets. As specified in the Uruguay Round Outcome (GAW, the agreement (reduction in export subsidies and use of tariffs as trade barriers)is being implemented over a five year period with effect from , the short run effect from the termination of the domestic support scheme and thelimited access that Australia will have to overseas markets until the Uruguay agreement is fully implemented, will have negative impacts on the exports of Australian dairy products.Cheese, skim milk powder and whole milk powder are the major components of exports of Australian dairy products and account for 22, 33 and 17 per cent of the total exports. Australian exports have continued to grow and accounted for about 67 per cent of total production of dairy products in 1997. However, Australia still has the potential to increase the volume of dairy production,which can be achieved by improved feed, breeding and farm management practices. But Australia will have to give priority to export development to sell the additional supply of dairy products to emerging markets in Asia, Middle East, Africa and the Americas.In 1997, major importers of Australian dairy products (mainly skim milk powder, cheese and whole milk powder) were Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Singapore, and their market shares accounted for about 41 per cent of Australia's total exports of dairy products. Japan and the Philippines are the major importers of Australian cheese and skim milk powder, respectively. In 1997, Japan's imports of cheese accounted for about 47 per cent of Australia's total exports of cheese, and the Philippines's imports of skim milk powder accounted for about per cent of ~ustralia's total exports of skim milk powder (ABARE, 1997). The total volume of exports and total real value of dairy products have increased by 21 per cent and per cent, respectively in 1997 compared to 1996. The world dairy production also increased by about 2 per cent over the same period. This partly affected the Australian export prices and the increase in the value of exports is substantially lower compared to the volume of exports .Asia is the leading export market for Australian dairy , it is anticipated that there are considerable hurdles-to maintain sales on export markets in the region. Most of the Asian nations are experiencing slow economic growth due to the recent financial crisis and political instability in some parts of the region.Australia imports dairy products (mainly cheese) to meet the increasing domestic consumption as most of the country's dairy products are exported due to the relative attractiveness of exporting to domestic total domestic consumption of dairy products fluctuated throughout the 1990s but has shown an upward trend in recent years. Thus, the volume of dairy products sales on the domestic market had also fluctuated during the same period but increased on average by about 2 per cent between 1988 and 1997. Similarly, the consumption per person ofdairy products has been fluctuating since 1989 but has increased on average by per cent over the same period.Imports of dairy products increased on average by about per cent, and exports of the same product recorded an average increase of about per cent, between 1988 and of imported dairy products are relatively lower compared with the prices of domestically processed dairy products. Imports of dairy products at lower prices have made the Australian processed dairy products less competitive on domestic markets. New Zealand is the major supplier of cheese to Australia. The closer Economic Relations agreement between New Zealand and Australia has made Australia's domestic markets more accessible to New Zealand's exportable surplus production of dairy products (ABARE, 1991b). Australia's production costs are similar to those in NZ, but dairy products imported from NZ are relatively cheaper compared to Australia's dairy products sold on domestic markets. Limited domestic market capacity and the inaccessibility of other overseas markets for NZ's exportable excess production, are some of the factors that made NZ's dairy products relatively cheaper on the Australian domestic market.Ⅳ.EXPORT MARKET OPPORTUNITIES FOR AUSTXALIAN DAIRY PRODUCTS In 1997, Australian total real export value of dairy products was estimated at $ billion and recorded an increase of about per cent compared with 1996 . Australian exports of dairy products to . Asia and other Asian countries accounted for about 44 and 25 per cent of their total imports of dairy products, respectively and about 69 per cent of Australia's total exports of dairy products in 1996. Japan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore,Thailand and Taiwan are the major importers of Australia's dairy products, and their imports account for about 55 per cent of Australia's total exports (ABARE, 1997).Japan, which is considered the number one Asian per capita consumer of dairy products, is the largest importer of dairy products in the Asian region. It is also the largest market for Australian dairy products and the major export market especially for Australian cheese. In 1996, its total imports of dairy products were estimated at thousands tonnes, and about 48 per cent of its total imports was purchased from Australia .Cheese accounted for about 22 per cent of Australia's total exports of dairy products in 1997, and exports to Japan accounted for about 48 per cent of Australia's total exports of cheese (ABARE, 1997). Under the Uruguay Round agreement on dairy products trade, Japan iscommitted to purchase a minimum of about 137,202 tonnes of dairy provides greater export market opportunities for Australian dairy products in the Japanese market. This is based on the assumption that Japan would take action to reduce any existing trade barriers under the proposed Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) free trade agreement and the Uruguay (GATT) commitment.The bulk of Australia's dairy products are exported to the Asian countries, mainly due to Australia's geographical proximity to the region. The lower transportation costs have given Australia competitive advantage over other exporting countries. However, as a result of the recent financial crisis and political instability in some of the Asian countries, their economic growth is slowing down. Australia will need to give priority to export development to emerging markets in which it has competitive advantage. Australia has to diversify its export market base and focus on the markets in Africa, the Americas, Middle East, Europe, Russia, and the Pacific. The imports of dairy products of these countries accounted for about 12, 24, 11, 8 and 3 per cent of total world exports, respectively in 1996. Australia's exports of dairy products to these countries account for about , , , , and per cent of total world exp&, respectively during the same are also estimated at 20 per cent of the total consumption requirements. The preferential tariff agreement between China and Australia will remove the trade barriers for Australian dairy products exports to China (ADIC, 1996).Australia's exports to China accounted for about 5 per cent of China's total dairy products imports in 1996. There is also a scope for greater export market opportunities for Australian dairy products in S. Korea. It is estimated that per capita consumption of dairy products will rise from 45 kg in 1991-92 to more than 63 kg in 2000 (ADIC, 1996). The country is expected to liberalise its trade barriers under the Uruguay Round arrangement. Australia's exports of dairy products to S. Korea account for about per cent of Australia's total exports and per cent of S. Korea's total imports . The geographical proximity and quality of Australian dairy products will provide better opportunities for Australian exporters to have large market shares in the Chinese and S. Korean markets.Australian exports of dairy products to Europe mainly consist of cheese, and the Australian exports account for 5 per cent of Europe'stotal imports of cheese. However, after the implementation of the Uruguay Round agreement, Australia's exports to Europe increased at anaverage of over 30 per cent between 1995 and 1997 (ABARE,1997). Australia has to make efforts to establish markets in the EU member countries as the annual global EU quotas are increasing by 83,175 tonnes for cheese and curd, 67,933 for SMP and 10,000 tonnes for butter (ADC, 1997). Likewise, the USA has agreed to increase import levels for all major dairy products, and Australia has to compete in terms of quality and volume to increase its market share in the USA market.【摘要】关于澳大利亚的出口收入,奶制品出口变得愈来愈重要。
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