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姓名_____________ 评价______________


( ) 1. A. leather B. heavy C. bread

D. great

( ) 2. A. cotton B. co st C. what

D. water

( ) 3. A. think B. leather C. thank D. thirty ( ) 4. A. hair B. idea C. wear D. their

( ) 5. A. houses B. glasses C. classes D. horses


( ) 1. Mo Yan a famous writer, to our school ne xt week.

A. es

B. is ing

C. is e

D. ing

( )2. is your watc h? I don’t know. My father bought it me last year .

A. How many, to

B. How much, to

C. How much, for

D. How much, to

( )3. This p air of boots very pretty. Can I ?

A. look, try them on

B. looks, try them on

C. look, try it on

D. looks, try it on ( )4. I’m waiting you to help me my homework.

A. for, for

B. for, with

C. with, with

D. with, for

( )5. What’s on the table? There an English book and two Chinese books.

A. is

B. are

C. have

D. has

( )6. The boy often uses puters English.

A. learning

B. to learn

C. learns

D. learn

( )7. This pair of trousers me only 100 yuan.

Really? I also want to buy .

A. spends, one

B. costs, one

C. spends, a pair

D. costs, a pair

( )8. What size your feet? Size 40. I think this pair of shoes OK.

A. are, are

B. are, is

C. is, are

D. is, is

( )9. I am hungry. I need bread. OK. I ‘ll give you pieces.

A. some more, another two

B. more some, another two

C. some more, two another

D. more some, two another

( )10. Our desks are made wood. They are made Xuzhou.

A. of, from

B. from, in

C. of, in

D. of, of

( )11. This pair of boots look good you.

A. don’t, in

B. doesn’t, in

C. don’t, on

D. doesn’t, on ( )12.Amy a puter now. Look She with her classmates

shopping online.

A. has, are

B. is having, is

C. has, is

D. is having, are ( )13. I th ink Lily is quite different from in her class.

A. any girl

B. any girls

C. other girl

D. any other girl ( )14. They pay 10 yuan the book, but I only spend 5 yuan it.

A. for, for

B. on, on

C. for, on

D. on, for

( )15.This sweater looks very nice ______ anyone.

A. for

B. in

C. with

D. on

( )16.The trainers are very fortable for me__________.

A. to wear

B. to wear them

C. wear

D. wear them

( )17. I hope ______ hard your English from now on.

A. you to study

B. you studying

C. you can study

D. to studies

( )18. _________ beautiful the girl is

A. What a

B. How a

C. How

D. What

( )19. What are the children doing? They _________________________.

A. are listening the radio

B. are looking books

C. are watching the TV

D. are seeing a film

( )20. The pink blouse makes her________.

A. looks nice

B. looks good

C. look nice

D. look beautifully



1. I made a wonderful ________(模型) plane when I was only eleven years old.

2. This pair of new ___________(手套) is for you.
