



F u z z y— — P I D Co n t r o l f o r UAV Th r e e ・ - a x i s S t a b l e Pa n - - t i l t
GUO B i n g — k u n, C HEN S h u i - l i ,WU Y u n — d o n g, L I We i
J u 1 .2 01 3
[ 文章编 号]1 0 0 7— 7 4 0 5 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 4— 0 3 0 8—0 6
无人 机 三轴 稳 定 云 台 的模糊 P I D控 制
郭炳坤 ,陈水利 ,吴云 东,李 渭
( 集美 大学理 学院,福建 厦f - j 3 6 1 0 2 1 )
( S c h o o l o f S c i e n c e ,J i m e i U n i v e r s i t y ,X i a me n 3 6 1 0 2 1 ,C h i n a )
Ab s t r a c t :W i t h i t s r e s e a r c h f o c u s o n t h e i n n e r f r a me o f UA V t h r e e . a x i s s t a b l e p a n . t i l t 。c o mb i n i n g t h e a .
O 引 言
无人机 ( U n ma n n e d A e i r a l V e h i c l e s ,U A V) 低 空遥感 技术 是 当今 国 内外 研 究热 点 之一 ,而 稳 定 云
台在其 中发挥着重要作用.为获取高质量 的低空遥感影像 ,机载测量设备 ( 如照相机 、摄像机等 ) 必须 固定 在高精 度 的稳定 云 台上 .常 用 的稳 定 云 台是 三轴 稳定 云 台.无 人机 三轴 稳定 云 台是 由三个 转








第二章模糊控制技术原理2.1 模糊控制技术概述模糊控制技术是一种基于模糊逻辑理论的智能控制技术,它能够模拟人类思维方式,通过对模糊量的量化处理来完成控制过程。


2.2 模糊控制系统的基本结构模糊控制系统由模糊化、知识库、推理机以及去模糊化四部分组成。


2.3 模糊集合及其运算在模糊控制系统中,模糊集合是一个重要概念。





以下是无人机控制系统中典型的应用案例:3.1 无人机飞行控制系统中的模糊控制技术无人机飞行控制系统需要实现对飞行姿态的控制和稳定。


3.2 无人机障碍物避难系统中的模糊控制技术无人机障碍物避让系统需要根据传感器和图像信息,对周围环境进行感知和分析,实现障碍物避免和规避。



AUTONOMOUS QUADCOPTER STABILITYWITH PID CONTROLSri Wahyuni1, M. Izar Bahroni2, Faikul Umam3University of Trunojoyo MaduraMechatronics Department of Engineering FacultyEngineering FacultyBangkalan, East Java, Indonesia1**********************.id,2*******************,3*******************.idAbstract—Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) has many uses, including aerial photography, aerial mapping and monitoring activities. Quadcopter is a type of UAV that uses four rotors. The speed of each rotor has a considerable influence on the movement. The quadcopter movement can be done in this research, namely the process of arming, taking off, hover, and landing on decisions made by the system (autonomous). How the quadcopter achieves a balance in its movement to be stable and responsive requires a method. One method that is suitable for processing stability is the method (PID). The PID method has three main parameters, namely Proportional (Kp), Integral (Ki), Derivatives (Kd), with the determination of the constant through the trial and error process to obtain the optimal stability value as the purpose of this study. But the load of the quadcopter and the wind tightness around it is very influential to get the quadcopter movement to survive in stable conditions. Through a series of experimental processes carried out to produce the best constant values, at Kp = 1.3, Ki = 0.04, and Kd = 18, where the quadcopter is able to survive for 20 sec at the same relative point from the time of departure. The addition of GPS sensors in advanced research will be able to make this quadcopter move stable with the monitored position.Keywords—UAV; Quadcopter; PID; AutonomousI.I NTRODUCTIONQuadcopter / quadrotor is one type of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) which has a manual or automatic control system. The development of this UAV has been used in various aspects. For example in agriculture. The Center for Agricultural Land Resources Research and Development began developing unmanned aircraft with the aim of analyzing the condition of plants / vegetation or agricultural land using VNIR, SWIR, thermal, radar or SAR bands [1]. Another example in the military field, the reconnaissance process in hard-to-reach areas is the background of the development of drones / UAVs by the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN) [2].Aerial footage Photographty, Aerial footage Videography, Aerial mapping including activities that require drones / UAVs in the implementation. In addition to the skills of the user users, the stability and the surrounding natural conditions also have a considerable influence. A good drone is a drone / UAV that can maintain stability from outside interference, for example wind speed and frequency interference. Quadcopter is one type of UAV with four rotor drives. Each rotating rotor has a lift force and has the same distance to the center of gravity. This type of quadcopter is one type of drone that is quite easy to maneuver.The method used to be able to adjust the rotational speed of a quadcopter motor is the PID method. The method that uses proportional (Kp), integral (Ki), derivative (Kd) elements aims to accelerate the reaction of a system, eliminate offsets and produce large initial changes.Literatur ReviewResearchers of Gembong ES examined the height control on a quadcopter. In controlling the quadcopter, the PID method was used to obtain stability. Researchers are more likely to do testing in the form of simulations [3]. Likewise with Panca AK researchers, the method used is the Fuzzy PID in stabilizing the height of the quadcopter. This research only focuses on pitch and roll angle movements [4]. Guneshwor Singh menjelaskan tentang navigasi otomatis pada quadcopter.There are two types of propellers in the test. Propellers with a 10 inch size and a pitch of 4.5 can produce a greater total thrust than the use of an 8 inch size propeller with the same pitch size. This also affects flight time which tends to be longer when using a 10 inch propeller [5].Analysis of the stability of diagonal motion has been carried out by Salmaa. The analysis includes the combination of lateral motion and longitudinal motion in a quadcopter. Based on the analysis, the stability of the diagonal motion model is obtained that all diagonal motion models are unstable. Therefore PID control is needed by determining the gain of Kp, Ki, and Kd [6].Determination of the combination of PID constants is very influential on the control of stability of the quadcopter. The PID constant generated from the research conducted by Wili Kumara is Kp = 40, Ki = 40, Kd = 60 for roll motion while Kp = 40, Ki = 60, and Ki = 60 for pitch movement. However, the value of this constant has a fluctuation of 1 ° to (-5 °) slope [7].II.P ID M ETHODThe PID method is a control system consisting of three types of controllers, namely Proportional, Integral andInternational Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2018)Derivative controllers. PID controller is one of the control methods that is often used in industrial control systems [8]. A. Proportional ControllerThe proportional controller has an output proportional to the magnitude of the error signal (the difference between the desired amount and the actual price). More simply it can be said that proportional controller output is a multiplication between proportional constants with input. Changes to the input signal will immediately cause the system to directly change its output by its constants.B. Integral ControllerThe integral controller functions to produce a system response that has a steady state error (zero steady state error). If a plant does not have an integrator element, the proportional controller will not be able to guarantee the system output with a zero steady state error. The use of an integral controller, the system response can be corrected, which has a zero steady state error.An integral controller has characteristics as well as an integral. The controller output is greatly affected by changes that are proportional to the error value. If the error signal does not change, the output will maintain the state as before the input changes.C. Derivative ControllerIntuitively, the oscillating system response is caused by several things. The dynamic process of a plant causes the response of a plant to not change immediately with a change in the control signal, but requires processing time. This time will make the control system experience delays to correct errors. This requires a controller that can predict errors from a system. Derivative controllers are generally used to speed up the initial response of a system, but do not minimize errors in the steady state. Derivative controller work is only effective in a narrow scope, namely in the transition period. Therefore the derivative controller is never used without any other controller of a system [8].III. BLOCK D IAGRAM S YSTEMThe block diagram in Fig. 1 is a system diagram consisting of several inputs which include the MPY-6050 type GY module in which there is an MPU-6050 sensor. Input in the form of slope data (gyrometer) and acceleration (accelerometer) becomes a reference for quadcopter balancing movements. The output of the system in the form of the speed value converted into a voltage value by ESC will drive a brushless motor that amounts to four. Brushless motor speed will be fully controlled using the PID method calculation. The ESC specification and brushless motor are adjusted to the load of the quadcopter.Input in the form of height sensor / wind pressure is a barometer and receiver from 2.4GHz radio control in the process on a different microcontroller. This section is as a medium for information on the height of the quadcopter when the quadcopter airs. Quadcopter communication with groundstation uses a bluetooth / wireless network module. The ground station receives altitude data from bluetooth to be able to control the 2.4Ghz transmitter radio control and provide information on the current mode status and height data on the personal computer.BMP-85MPU-6050Receiver (Rx)Arduino Nano Arduino Nano ESC 30A (4)Brushless MotorBluetoothPersonal ComputerTransmitterInputProcessOutputGround StationBluetoothFig. 1. Block Diagram SystemIV.F LOWCHARTA. General Flowchart Autonomous SystemIn Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 are general autonomous system flowcharts. Overall testing is done if the constant Kp, Ki, Kd is found to be optimal. This process is the whole process of moving the system on a quadcopter.Start Calibration Connecting ?NoYesCheck Bluetooth ConnectionSwitch ModeConnect PersonalComputerConnecting ?NoYesFig. 2. General flowchart of autonomous systems part 1Two bluetooth (master / slave) auto-pairing, both have ID identifiers, so bluetooth will be connected to bluetooth whose identification ID has been aligned. After the Bluetooth connection process is complete, the next step is to connect the personal computer to the system using a USB cable. Users can choose to use autonomous mode (automatic) or manual mode. When using autonomous mode, the system will run automatically according to the system design that has been made. The command to turn on the brushless motor is done by using a radio control transmitter. In the aeromodeling field, the process is often known as the Arming process. Then Take off is a quadcopter process to take off. Take off is done until it reaches a height of five meters. If the height has reached ten meters, the quadcopter will maintain height and stability for 30 seconds. Then the quadcopter will land / land slowly until it reaches the surface. But if the user uses manual mode. The manual program will be activated, all control systems are carried out manually by the user with a radio control device.Flowchart PID.Height = 10 m ?Arming/Motor ONMotor Off EndNoYes Take Off HoverLandingAutonomous Mode ON.?Start AutonomousProgram Start Manual ProgramYesNoCheck QuadcopterHeightControl by user (Transmitter)Fig. 3. General flowchart of autonomous systems part 2In Fig. 4 is a flowchart from the PID method. The PID method is used to maintain the stability of the quadcopter when moving. This method requires the main constants, Kp, Ki, Kd and Set point. The constant will be used to obtain an optimalsystem response. Determination of the value of Kp, Ki and Kd based on experiments by adjusting specifications on hardware. Starting with the reading of the gyro quadcopter value on the pitch, roll and yaw axis. The gyro data will be used as input for the calculation of the PID method. The output from the PID calculation will produce a PWM value for each brushless motor. The process will repeat the process until the error value is 0. The PID calculation is applied to the manual mode or autonomous mode.StartKp, Kd, Ki, Error, Last Error, SetpointRead MPU-6050 Gyro Value PID calculation Check ErrorError = 0EndYesNoPitch, Roll, Yaw PWM Motor BrushlessPWM motor1 = motor2 = motor3 = motor4Fig. 4. Flowchart PIDV.T ESTINGA.Bluetooth Distance TestingTesting is done in the open. This test aims to determine the range of the second Bluetooth communication. Because bluetooth communication is very important, the installation of the bluetooth module and the direction of the antenna on the bluetooth module must be considered very carefully. shown in Table 1.TABLE I.REACH TESTING DATAbluetooth communication, the average value of the range was 21.5 meters. If the Bluetooth range exceeds the range that has been entered in the test, the data communication will not be sent to the maximum or even thecommunication will be interrupted.B. Testing of Motor Lifting Power (Thrust)Lifting (thrust) testing is carried out on each brushless motor used on a quadcopter. Figure 5 is a graph of testing the lift using a 9540 (9 inch) propeller.Fig. 5. Motor Lift Power ChartC. Testing the PID MethodPID method is the main method used for quadcopter stabilization process. In testing this method, to get proportional (Kp), integral (Ki) and derivative (Kd) constants is done by trial and error. When the system is given a constant Kp, Ki, Kd is observed for quadcopter behavior. Testing the PID method is done in the test box. The test box is shown in Fig. 6.Testing to find a good system response is repeated. By observing the movement of the quadcopter in the stabilization process there will be some differences, including the response of the quadcopter stability to time. Here are some test results using Kp, Ki, Kd that have been done.Fig. 6. Stability TestFig. 7 is a test with a constant value of Kp = 1.3, Ki = 0.04 Kd = 5. The value of this constant is used continuously by the system. In addition to the response to steadystate fast enough, the response is not too visible to perform large oscillations. When testing, 200 sensor reading samples were taken with the assumption of data retrieval for four seconds.Fig. 7. Results of Testing the PID MethodVI. CONCLUSION AND FURTHER RESEARCHBased on the testing and analysis results that have been carried out in the research, the following conclusions are obtained:1. Quadcopter can perform optimal stability movementsusing the PID method. With a constant value of Kp = 1.3, Ki = 0.04 and Kd = 18.2. Delivery of altitude data sent via bluetooth communicationcan work well up to a distance of 21.5 meters.3. The initial position of the quadcopter during take off willaffect the shift of movement during flight.4.The type of propeller 1045 has a fairly large lift, but thetemperature of the motor when used is faster heat.5. The type of propeller 9450 tends to be more stable inmovement.6. Quadcopter tends to stay away from the initial coordinatepoint if the flight time is increased.From the results of the research conducted, for the next development, it is suggested that the following:1. Pay attention to the specifications of the quadcopter partused, especially in the specifications of the motor for lift strength and propeller type.munication for quadcopter and ground station shoulduse telemetry. So that the data transmission range can be carried out with a considerable distance and minimize frequency interference from outside.3.Adding GPS components, to determine the position /location when flying.4.Provides an electronic shock damper component that is inthe quadcopter to minimize the vibration generated by the four brushless rotors.5.Better mechanical design, to make it easier to implementthe control algorithm used.6.Pay attention to security factors during implementation.Addition of propeller protectors so that the propeller is safe when experiencing a system experiencing errors / crashes.7.When testing, you must first consider the state of the windspeed, this is to reduce the potential of the quadcopter carried by the wind (flyaway).A CKNOWLEDGMENTWe would like to show our gratitude to all our college and student in Mechatronics Department for sharing their wisdom during our research. This research was supported by Basic Mechatronic Laboratory.R EFERENCES[1]R. 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无人驾驶直升机发动机模糊自适应PID控制 (1)

无人驾驶直升机发动机模糊自适应PID控制 (1)

收稿日期:2004-07-05;修订日期:2004-11-30基金项目:航空科学基金资助项目(01C52015)作者简介:黄向华(1972-),女,湖南株洲人,南京航空航天大学能源与动力学院副教授,主要从事航空发动机建模与控制、故障诊断及飞行控制研究.第20卷 第3期2005年6月航空动力学报Journal of Aerospace PowerVol.20No.3Jun.2005文章编号:1000-8055(2005)03-0487-07无人驾驶直升机发动机模糊自适应PID 控制黄向华1,彭召勇2(1.南京航空航天大学能源与动力学院,江苏南京210016;2.南京航空航天大学自动化学院,江苏南京210016)摘要:针对某型无人驾驶直升机发动机控制的特点,提出恒量供油、恒速控制和总距前馈补偿控制的复合控制策略,在飞行控制计算机内建立发动机模糊自适应PID 控制器,利用模糊规则和推理来在线调整P ID 参数,使发动机安全平滑启动,并在各种功率状态下保持输出轴转速恒定。


关 键 词:航空、航天推进系统;无人驾驶直升机发动机;自适应P ID 控制;模糊逻辑;复合控制中图分类号:V 233.7 文献标识码:AFuzzy Adaptive PID Control for an Unmanned Helicopter EngineHU ANG Xiang-hua 1,PEN G Zhao-yong2(1.College o f Energ y and Pow er Eng ineer ing ,Nanjing U niversity of Aeronautics and Astro nautics ,Nanjing 210016,China ;2.Co llege of Automation and Eng ineer ing ,Nanjing U niversity of Aeronautics and Astro nautics,Nanjing 210016,China)Abstract :Co mplex engine control strategy ,including constant fuel supply ,constant speed contr ol and forw ard -feed co mpensation contr ol rule w as pr opo sed for an unmanned helicopter engine.Fuzzy adaptive PID controller w as built in a flig ht co ntrol co mputer.Ado pting fuzzy rule and fuzzy infer ence w ere used to adjust PID parameters on-line and thus to make engine start smoothly and keep constant rotor speed at all po wer setting s .It is pr oved by hardw ar e-in-loop simulation,engine gr ound test,tethered test and flight test that the engine control strategy desig ned has quick transient response and it is robust to disturbance such as ov erall pitch variation .T he results show that the m ain rotor yields best aer ody namic efficiency at all flig ht status ,and thus the flig ht per for mance o f the unmanned helicopter can be impr oved.Key words :aero space propulsion sy stem;unmanned helicopter engine;adaptive PID control;fuzzy logic;complex control 在无人驾驶直升机飞行控制系统中,发动机的全自主控制是实现无人直升机自主飞行的前提和关键。



无 人 机 ( V ) 一 种 以 无线 电遥 控 设 备 或 自身 程 序 控 UA是 制装 置 操 纵 的 无 人驾 驶 飞 行 器 . 凭 借 其 “ 航 时 ” “ 机 它 长 、高 动 ” “ 伤亡 ” “ 损 耗 ” 特 点 , 到 各 个 国 家 越 来 越 多 、零 、低 等 受 的 关注 . 人 机 的 自动 飞 行 控 制 系 统 是 无 人 机 的 核 心 部 无 分 , 的 性 能在 很 大 程 度 上 取 决 于 他 的 飞 行 控 制 律 . 于 它 由
定控 制 结 构 . 工 作 过 程 是 对 被 控 对 象 施 加 一 控 制 信 号 其
1 PD参 数 常规 自整 定 方 法 [ I 1 ]
1 1 ZelrN cos整定 方 法 . ige- ih l
“= ({ t )
计 PD控制 器 . I
0 系在 定 达临 振状 , 统 给点 到 界荡 使
2 无 人 机模 糊 PD控 制 技术 I
2. 无 人 机 纵 向俯 仰 飞 行 控 制 系统 结 构 1
及 纯 迟 延 时 间 r 再 利 用 相 应 的经 验 公 式 求 得 . 法 简单 易 , 此
行 , 参 数 还 需 进 一 步整 通 过 改 进 . — 但 z N法 一 般 用 于 手工 计
态 , 录 下 系统 的 临界 振 荡 周 期 和 振 荡 幅 度 a 据 此 来 设 记 ,
Ze r i o ( 称 ZN 法 ) 早 提 出 了 PD参 数 整 定 ie Nc l 简 l- h s . 最 I
方 法 它 是 令 控制 器 如 式 ( ) 据 对 象 ( 阶惯 性 加 纯 迟 延 , 1根 一 如 式 ( ) 的 阶跃 响 应 曲线 , 取 对 象 时 间 常 数 7 增 益 , 2) 获 ’ ,



分享无刷云台PID等参数说明以及调试教程参数说明:P,I,D - PID控制器设置,单独为每个轴P - 定义对干扰的响应。






D的增加1 ..2个单位,如果将停止振荡 -你可能会进一步增加P。

D - 定义抑制反应。



I - 定义反应的速度控制命令从接收器。




设置从0到255,其中255 - 是最大的可用功率。







N.POLES -定义每个电机的极数(磁铁)。


如果检测到错误,手动:数一数磁铁电机(一般是14级)RC min.angleRC max.angle - 定义范围从最小的到最大角度的摄像头倾斜,从接收机控制。


为例如,如果你想从地平线(0度)倾斜相机直降90度,min.angle=0,max.angle= 90(或90 ..逆为0)。





































ABS TRACT: Wi t h UA V f o r ma t i o n l f i g h t a s a p p l i c a t i o n b a c k g r o u n d,f o r ma t i o n c o n t r o l me t h o d wa s s t u d i e d .B a s e d o n L e a d e r —F o l l o w e r Mo d e UA V f o m a r t i o n l f i g h t c o n t r o l s y s t e m ,a U AV f o ma r t i o n ma t h e ma t i c a l mo d e l wa s b u i l t .Wi t h t h e s t u d y o n t h e f u z z y c o n t r o l t h e o r y,a f o r ma t i o n c o n t r o l l e r b a s e d o n f u z z y P I D c o n t r o l l a w w a s d e s i g n e d .T h e p r o b —
J I AO L i n - g u a n,S HI P e n g - f e i ,W E I We n — l i n g
( D e p a r t me n t o f F l i g h t C o n t r o l ,F l i g h t A u t o m a t i c C o n t r o l R e s e a r c h I n s t i t u t e , X i ’ a n S h a n x i 7 1 0 0 6 5 ,C h i n a )



得到 运动 学 方程

e =k( 一 :石 )
() 9
V— + Y L wo

式中, 、 z为给定的编队间隔指令。 Y和
2 3 模 糊 P I 参数 的整 定 . I)
=一 w一 + + w c ● ●

( 4
模糊 I PD控制器 叨 巴 H叨 £ r十/ 樯 7 … J l 以偏差 的变化率为" I —¨ L 玎 启 和偏差 HX I U l f J U
21年 l 01 2月
西 北 工 业 大 学 学 报
J u a fN r w se oye h ia iest o r lo ot e tr P ltc nc lUnv ri n h n y
De . 2 1 c Ol V0 . 9 o 6 1 2 N .
第2 9卷第 6期
无 人 机 三 维编 队飞行 模糊 PD控 制器 设计 I
, 结合无人机 自动驾驶仪模型 , 线性化后可
该能根据不同的任务要求变换不同的队形。本文结 合前述思想 , 将编队的几何关系引人编队飞行模型, 设计 了模糊 PD控制器 , I 实现 了编队队形的保持 , 并 能通过控制编队飞机 间的几何 间距合理变换 队形 。 仿真结果表明了控制的可行性和有效性。
(+ 一 ” 去

式 中 i=L, 分 别表 示长 机和僚 机 。 W 根据 图 1 示 的两架 无人 机编 队飞行 的几 何关 所
要求和飞行阶段。如执行搜索任务时采用覆盖区域 较广的菱形编队 , 执行 空战任务时采用攻击性较强
的横一字 形 编 队。 因此 , 人 机 编 队 飞行 过 程 中应 无
1 编 队飞行模型推 导


(3) 针对三轴稳定云台复杂的干扰因素,提出了基于自适应 Kalman 滤波的模糊 PID 控制算法。在系统中引入了自适应 Kalman 滤波技术,采取极大后验(MAP)噪声估计器 Sage-Husa 来估计干扰噪声的均值和方差。仿真实验表明,基于自适应 Kalman 滤波的模糊 PID 控制算法可以有效抑制系统的控制噪声和测量噪声,提高了系统性能,有效地减少了 系统误差。 关键词 三轴稳定云台,PID 控制系统,模糊控制系统,粒子群优化算法,Kalman 滤波器
学 号 2010539007
分类号 密级
指 导 教 师: 陈水利 教授 作 者 姓 名: 郭炳坤 申 请 学位级别: 硕士 专 业 名 称: 应用数学 论 文 提交日期: 2013 年 4 月 15 日 论 文 答辩日期: 2013 年 6 月 8 日 学 位 授予单位: 集美大学 学 位 授予日期: 2013 年 6 月 21 日 答辩委员会主席: 李 军 教授 论 文 评 阅 人: 周武能 教授
(1) For small low-altitude UAV remote sensing system, the mathematical model of three axis self-stable Pan-tilt is established. Putting three-axis self-stable Pan-tilt as the research object, analyzed its structure in detail, built up the coordinate system of ground, the carrier, the sight and each frame rotation system, and established its mathematical model according to the Newtonian mechanics principle, analyzed its various disturbance factors. These established a foundation for subsequent precise control. And the classical PID was used to simulate system.













关键词:PID控制;模糊控制;模糊PID控制器;MATLAB第1章绪论1.1 研究课题的任务本课题的任务是了解交流伺服系统,比较并结合两种控制的优点,结合成一种新的控制方式--模糊PID控制。



1.3 交流伺服系统工作原理相对单一的系统,其一般是根据位置检测反馈组成闭环位置伺服系统。










那么我们如何给出这个控制量,比如给哪个方向的、多大的方向舵量呢?最简单的考虑,是按照当前航向与目标航向的偏差大小来决定给多大的方向舵量:方向舵量p = P * (目标航向–当前航向)。





I项的输出这样定义:方向舵量i = I *(偏差和).偏差和是当前航向和目标航向的偏差,每计算一次累加一次,一直累加到上次的值,再加上这次计算时当前航向和目标航向的偏差。




第35卷第1期2015年2月弹箭与制导学报Journal of Projectiles,Rockets,Missiles and GuidanceVol.35No.1Feb2015基于模糊PID的无人机姿态控制器的设计*陈鹏,段凤阳,张庆杰,郑志成,肖伟(空军航空大学飞行器控制系,长春130022)摘要:针对某型无人机控制器在非线性条件下动态性能欠佳的问题,把容易实现、鲁棒性好的PID控制法与智能模糊控制算法结合,设计出自适应模糊PID无人机姿态控制器。



关键词:模糊PID;无人机;姿态控制器;优化隶属函数中图分类号:V249.1文献标志码:ADesign of UAV Attitude Controller Based on Fuzzy PIDCHEN Peng,DUAN Fengyang,ZHANG Qingjie,ZHENG Zhicheng,XIAO Wei(Department of Aviation Controlling,Aviation University of Air Force,Changchun130022,China)Abstract:The design of adaptive fuzzy PID UAV attitude control uses common PID control method and fuzzy control algorithm,since the membership function is over dependent on expert experience;genetic algorithm is used to optimize the membership function,the optimal control effect.The dynamic performance and robustness of the controller are greatly improved compared with traditional attitude controller,which is proved by simulation.Keywords:fuzzy PID;UAV;attitude controller;optimization of membership function0引言在科技发展的浪潮中,不断有新的控制理论被提出,而经典的PID控制作为最有效的控制方法还是占据了90%以上的应用领域[1],常规气动布局的飞机用PID方法来实现飞行姿态控制的应用亦是非常广泛[2]。


参 数 的不 同要 求 。 本 文 根据 多 刚体系 统理 论和 欧拉 方 程建 立某 型三 轴转 台的 仿真 动 力 学 模 型 , 利用 模 糊 理 论设 计 了 三 轴 转 台模 糊 自适 应 PD控制器 , 运 用 Mal 7 0模 糊 逻 辑工 具 箱 ( uz oi T obx 对 系 统进 行 I 并 tb . a F zyL gc olo ) 仿真 , 最后 证 明运用 该控 制器 较 传统 PD控 制具 有 良好 的控制 性 能 。 I
() 2
学 、 力 学 控 制 及 系统 仿 真 . 动
收 稿 日期 :0 7—1 2 20 0— 0
第 4期
马 强 等 : 轴 转 台模 糊 PD控 制 研 究 三 I
・5 ・
r =K it () e =K
() 3 () 4
制 系 统 对 动 态 目标 的捕 获跟 踪 能 力 , 高 跟 踪 精 度 。 提
关键词 : 轴转 台; 三 动力 学 建 模 ; 糊 自适 应 PD控 制 器 ; 真 模 I 仿
中 图分 类 号 : P 7 T23 文献标识码 : A
U —‘—— ^ 目J吾 -J l
三轴 电动 转 台是 半 实物仿 真 中重 要 的环境 模 拟设 备 , 它可 以按照 实验 要求 , 提供 飞行器 飞行 时 的方
式 中 Ⅱ为 电枢 电压 , t 为 电枢 电流 , 为 电枢 电 感 , R为 电枢 电阻 , e 反 电势 , K 为 V;() A; H; Q; 为 V; 电机 一力矩 比例 常数 , / 为反 电势 比例常 数 , /a s 0为 电机输 出角位 移 ,a o N A; V rd・ ~; rd
1 三轴 转 台仿 真 动 力 学模 型






一、无人机云台稳定系统研究1. 云台结构云台是无人机载荷运输和精确控制的关键部分,稳定性是云台的最基本要求。




2. 控制系统控制系统也是无人机云台稳定系统的重要组成部分,以选择嵌入式系统作为云台的控制核心。




二、控制算法设计1. PID控制PID控制全称为比例积分微分控制,是一种传统的控制算法,在工业控制中广泛应用。




2. LQR控制LQR控制全称为线性二次调节控制,是一种优化控制方法。











传统的控制方法,如 PID 控制,在面对复杂的、非线性的以及不确定的系统时,可能会出现控制效果不佳的情况。





















acceleration estimation and compensation are added to the system control loop.It’s indicated the three-axis pan-tilt control requirements can be met by the design of the cloud axis platform control system which is robust to anti-interference and control accuracy is high.Keywords:Three-axis pan-tilt;Sage-Husa adaptive filtering algorithm;UD decomposition; motion acceleration estimation and compensation;fuzzy PID目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)第一章绪论 (1)§1.1课题研究背景及意义 (1)§1.2稳定云台国内外研究现状 (2)§1.3稳定云台控制方法分析 (2)§1.4课题研究内容及论文结构 (3)第二章三轴云台系统模型描述 (5)§2.1三轴云台结构原理 (5)§2.2三轴云台姿态角描述 (5)§2.3三轴云台控制系统模型建立 (7)§2.4三轴云台扰动力矩分析 (8)§2.5本章小结 (8)第三章姿态测量传感器数据融合算法 (9)§3.1姿态测量与数据融合 (9)§3.2Sage-Husa自适应滤波算法 (9)§3.3UD分解方法 (11)§3.4改进的Sage-Husa自适应滤波器 (12)§3.4.1系统模型设计 (12)§3.4.2测量方程 (12)§3.4.3观测方程 (13)§3.4.4基于UD分解算法的Sage-Husa自适应滤波计算步骤 (14)§3.5仿真实验与结果分析 (14)§3.5.1采用单位阶跃信号作为仿真信号 (15)§3.5.2实际采集数据的对比试验 (17)§3.6本章小结 (19)第四章运动加速度抑制算法 (20)§4.1运动加速度模型 (20)§4.1.1运动加速度模型 (20)§4.1.2运动加速度估计 (20)§4.1.3姿态及运动加速度更新 (21)§4.1.4补偿算法的理论依据 (21)§4.1.5补偿算法的收敛性及其改进 (21)§4.2仿真验证 (22)§4.3实物验证 (24)§4.4本章小结 (26)第五章三轴云台控制器设计 (27)§5.1三轴云台PID控制器设计 (27)§5.1.1PID控制理论基础 (27)§5.1.2基于PID算法的三轴云台设计 (28)§5.2基于模糊PID的三轴云台控制 (29)§5.2.1模糊PID控制理论基础 (29)§5.2.2模糊控制器设计 (31)§5.2.3基于模糊PID的姿态控制 (36)§5.3仿真实验与结果分析 (37)§5.3.1Matlab/Simulink仿真 (37)§5.3.2仿真实验与结果分析 (37)§5.4本章小结 (39)第六章三轴云台总体设计与验证 (40)§6.1三轴云台控制算法的改进 (40)§6.2仿真验证 (42)§6.3三轴云台硬件验证平台介绍 (44)§6.3.1硬件整体设计 (44)§6.3.2主控芯片 (45)§6.3.3惯性测量模块 (45)§6.3.4电机控制模块 (46)§6.3.5PWM模块 (47)§6.3.6电源模块设计 (47)§6.4三轴云台控制器的可靠性设计 (48)§6.5本章小结 (48)第七章总结与展望 (50)§7.1总结 (50)§7.2展望 (51)参考文献 (52)致谢 (55)作者在攻读硕士期间主要研究成果 (56)第一章绪论第一章绪论§1.1课题研究背景及意义机载三轴云台是机载相机的载体,用于稳定机载相机,在对地观测时使机载相机能够获取高精度、无失真的对地观测影像,是机载测绘技术的重要研究方向之一。

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(集美大学理学院,福建厦门 361021)
Fuzzy-PID Control for UAV Three-axis Stable Pan-tilt
GUO Bing-kun,CHEN Shui-li,WU Yun-dong,LI Wei
(School of Science,Jimei University,Xiamen 361021,China)
Abstract:With its research focus on the inner frame of UAV three-axis stable pan-tilt,combining the adaptive Kalman filter algorithm and the fuzzy PID control algorithm,the fuzzy PID control algorithm based on adaptive Kalman filter was presented.Through the simulation using Matlab,the results show that this algorithm have an more advantage than the classical PID control algorithm and fuzzy PID control algorithm in UAV three-axis stable pan-tilt.It has fast response and high precision.The system also has a good inhibitory effect on control interference noise and measure noise.
Key words:UAV;three-axis pan-tilt;self-adaptive control;fuzzy-PID;fuzzy rule;Adaptive Kalman filter。
