Playing our partPearsonTax report 2016ContentsIntroduction 2 Our global tax strategy 4 Taxation principles 4 Tax incentives and arrangements 6 Tax havens 6 Governance & risk management 7 Tax department 8 Public policy 9 Financial & tax data 10 Appendix 20IntroductionWe also believe that in order to create long-term sustainable value for our shareholders, we must deliver a benefit for the communities, economies, and countries in which we work.A key principle that underpins us in being a trusted partner is to operate ethically, responsibly, and transparently. Thiscommitment covers a range of issues, such as treating our suppliers as partners in stimulating economic growth, paying our employees fairly, and also paying tax due.As part of our commitment to greater transparency in how we run our business, Pearson is publishing detailed information on our tax on business profits around the world.Tax contributions—from individuals and businesses—are fundamental building blocks of well-functioning societies. They provide funds for governments to invest in public services including education, to create and maintain vital infrastructure, and to address inequalities.Yet tax systems and rules, both domestic and international, are often complex and difficult to understand for non-specialists. Trust in large institutions, both in government and in the private sector, has fallen, in partPearson’s mission is to help people make progress in their lives through learning. That mission informs how we invest, develop our products and services, and measure our success.because companies can do more to be transparent around tax contributions.Strengthening and maintaining public trust in the way businesses are taxed is vital. Addressing the public concern that some multinationals are not paying their fair share of tax requires both international tax reforms and better efforts to improve public understanding and awareness.This report sets out, for the first time, Pearson’s approach to tax on business profits and the contributions we make to public finances in the countries in which we operate. We have attempted to publish relevant information about our largest markets in an accessible way and to explain complex issues of accounting or tax law wherever possible. Where this report differs from Pearson’s annual report and accounts, we have sought to explain why this is.We intend this public report to provide greater insight into the way Pearson operates and we will make it a regular feature of our corporate reporting.Coram WilliamsChief Financial OfficerBe a trustedpartnerReach more learnersBuild a sustainable business1.2.3.Our strategy to deliver growth is to:Taxation principlesThis report concentrates on tax on business profits; however, our tax principles applyto all taxes, including indirect taxes or sales taxes and payroll taxes. The principles that guide us at Pearson are:1.T o comply with all relevant tax laws, regulations, and tax reporting requirements in all jurisdictions in which we operate, including claiming available tax incentives and exemptions that are available to all market participants and in accordance with generally recognized interpretationof the law.2.T o run our tax affairs in accordance with Pearson’s values, code of conduct, risk management, and governance procedures, which include regular reporting to the board, the chief financial officer, and to the audit committee on tax strategy and risks. In addition, any material changesin tax legislation, business environment, or operations will be assessed, and any resultant changes to strategy or risk will be reported as appropriate.3.T o pay tax on profits according to where value is created within the normal course of commercial activity, with transactionspriced within an appropriate arm’s-length range, i.e. cross-border transactions take place as if the parties were unconnected. Any exceptions to this are compliant with local laws and fully disclosed to the tax authorities concerned.4.T o align tax planning with business activities, for example, acquisitions, disposals, and changes in business objectives. We do not seek to avoidtax by the use of “tax havens” or by establishing arrangements that we consider to be artificial in nature or transactions that we would not fully disclose to a tax authority.5.T o achieve a more favorable tax outcome where a clear and legitimate choice exists between different options that each comply with our principles. In considering and deciding between different options, the factors we consider include commercial and reputational impact.6.T o have an open, proactive, and constructive working relationship with tax authorities. Where possible and in line with local country practice, to discuss and consult on our interpretation of the law with tax authorities as issues arise. To engage directly or indirectly with governments on proposed changes to tax legislation where appropriate.7.T o ensure our tax professionals are appropriately qualified and trained and to use external advice where appropriate.Our global tax strategyOur global tax strategy applies to all our businesses, including the UK, and this document therefore covers our obligation to publish our UK tax strategy, including governance, risk management, attitude to tax planning, and working with the UK and other tax authorities.Our approach to tax is guided by our corporate values and by our Code of Conduct. Our tax principles have been published on our corporate website since 2014. These were reviewed and refreshed this year and they guide tax strategy at Pearson.Tax incentives and arrangements We do not seek to avoid tax by establishing arrangements that we consider to be artificial in nature. We do claim available tax incentives and exemptions that are available and widely accepted as mainstream tax practice among the tax community (taxpayers, tax advisers, policymakers, and tax authorities). Tax law and regulation is complex and in each country where we operate, a common view on practice evolves over time within the relevant tax community on the interpretation and application of these rules. An important factor for us is the prevailing practice and attitude of the relevant tax authority.We have one structure in place where cross-border transactions are not pricedat arm’s length. We have set up a financing operation in Ireland which is recognizedby the tax authorities in Ireland and the UK and is subject to UK tax. These companies finance our global operations, are compliant with local laws, and are fully disclosed to the tax authorities concerned, in line with our tax principles. Tax havensThere are many different definitions of whatconstitutes a “tax haven.” Pearson does notseek to avoid tax by the use of tax havens.For this purpose, we define a tax haven asa country with a corporation tax rate of 10%or less. We assess group entities as beingin a tax haven if they are tax resident inthat country.In some instances, we have inherited somestructures with operations in tax havenswhich we unwind when we can do so at areasonable cost.In line with our principle on tax havens, weno longer have a presence in Luxembourg.As of April 2017, the group has five corporateentities based in tax haven countries, of these:– T wo were established as holdingcompanies in the Cayman Islands andBritish Virgin Islands prior to acquisitionby Pearson. Neither company is tradingand no tax benefit is derived from them,but disproportionate costs would beincurred to close them.– O ne is a small trading entity in Hungarywhich pays tax at the local rate of 10%.– O ne is an investment in Learn CapitalIIIA, incorporated in the Cayman Islands.Learn Capital is a third-party impactventure capital fund that invests ininnovative start-up companies aroundthe world. Pearson is a minority investorand does not oversee the operations oradministration of the fund. The fund is alsoregistered in the United States and allincome is reported and taxed in theUnited States; therefore, no tax benefitis obtained.– W e operate a captive insurance companydomiciled in Bermuda. This company fulfillsa commercial purpose for us, coveringthird -party risks often required by ourcustomers. We do not gain any tax benefitfrom being based in Bermuda, as all profitsare subject to UK tax. We are domiciledthere for regulatory reasons and it is arecognized global insurance center.Governance and risk managementThe board has delegated responsibility forthe integrity of financial reporting and riskmanagement to the audit committee. Thisincludes setting tax strategy and monitoringtax risk.The Tax Department reports at leastbiannually to the audit committee.Tax is part of the Pearson Finance function,reporting to our chief financial officer, whoreceives regular updates throughout the yearfrom the tax team. The chief financial officerprovides regular updates to the board ontax matters.Risk managementPearson has a structured enterprise riskmanagement framework to support theidentification and effective managementof risks across the group. As part of ourdisclosures in the annual report, we setout our principal risks and uncertainties,one of which is tax. Principal risks aredefined by Pearson as having a potentialfinancial impact greater than £50M or asignificant impact on strategy, operations,or reputation. Executive responsibilityfor tax sits with the chief financial officer.See our annual report for moreinformation /corporate/ar2016We considered tax risk as having increased slightly in 2016. Our overall assessment is that the probability of change is almost certain, reflecting the introduction of new legislation as well as the dynamic nature of tax regulation and continued public concern around tax issues.We assessed the impact on the group to be moderate. This overall assessment is informed by a longer list of tax risks which are monitored and reviewed throughout the year by the tax team. For each individual tax risk, we decide on our risk appetiteor the tolerance we have to each typeof risk. Some risks such as those relatingto legislative change we accept, while others such as compliance we seek to mitigate or avoid. Pearson manages these risks through the application of our tax principles. Management of our tax affairsAs set out in our global tax principles,in managing our tax affairs we seek to protect value for our shareholders, comply fully with legal and regulatory requirements, and align with business activities.Tax DepartmentPearson has teams of tax professionalsin the United States, the United Kingdom,and China as our largest markets by revenue,along with accountable individuals drawnfrom the finance function responsible fortax in other markets.Over the last few years, as part of our widercompany strategy to integrate and simplifyour corporate functions, we have expandedthe tax team to introduce global oversightin areas such as transfer pricing.Our tax team leads on engagementwith governments, tax authorities,and stakeholders on tax-related issues.Public policyPearson is committed to adding its voiceto the global debate on tax transparency.We contributed to, and supported, theOECD consultation on country-by-countryreporting. We also support the OECDinternational tax reform work on baseerosion and profit shifting (BEPS).We operate in a global competitiveenvironment and urge tax policymakersto implement international tax reform ina coherent, coordinated way so that thereis a level playing field and the risk of payingtax twice on the same income is minimized.Recent areas of international or national policy change affecting Pearson are as follows:Financial & tax dataWe are a global business and have trading operations in more than 70 countries around the world.Our business pays and collects a wide range of taxes, including employee taxes and sales taxes in addition to tax on business profits. This report focuseson tax on business profits.2016 was a difficult year for Pearson.We continue to face market challengesin a number of countries, and we expect these challenges to continue through 2017. During 2016, we completed acost-reduction program and postedan impairment of goodwill of £2,548M, reflecting trading pressures in our North American businesses. As a result, our statutory results showed losses for 2016 in a number of markets. This impacted tax paid in 2016 and will also impact tax due in 2017.Pearson reports its results by geography. We sell a range of educational products and services to institutions, governments, professional bodies, and individual learners. Our country operationsare split into:North AmericaCore65% of revenue. Our largest geography including all 50US states and Canada.18% of revenue. Our international business in established and mature education markets including the UK, Australia, Germany, and Italy.17% of revenue. Our education businesses in emerging and developing economies including Brazil, India, China, and South Africa. % % % 65 18 17GrowthDetailed to the right is data for 2016 for our twelve largest countries drawn from all three of our geographies, as measured using 2016 sales revenues.We then include a brief explanation of our activities in each country and, if applicable, why tax paid may appear unusual compared to profit levels. We have also provided a summary of tax paid over the most recent five years on a regional basis.For more explanation on what this data represents, please see the Appendix.* T otal revenue for each country includes intercompany sales andrecharge income, interest, and other income, all of which are excluded from the external sales reported in our Annual Report & Accounts. ** G roup adjustments include intercompany eliminations, our shareof profit from the Penguin Random House joint venture, and theimpact of disposals.A reconciliation from adjusted operating profit to statutory loss before tax is shownin the Appendix.£11M £14M £3MUnited StatesUnited Kingdom China K–12 School; HigherEducation and Professional–Assessment– Online and blended learning – Curriculum resources – Professional development– Work-based learning – Clinical assessment – TestingSchool; Higher Educationand Professional– Assessment and qualifications– Online and blended learning – Curriculum resources– Professional development– Clinical assessment – Work-based learning – D irect delivery (Pearson testing)School and Professional– C urriculum resources – E nglish language learningPearson incurred a significant restructuring cost in 2016 in the United States as well as a goodwill impairment relating to the Higher Education courseware business, resulting in a loss before tax for the year. The majority of the cash tax payments made in 2016 were at a state level.The UK is both our second-largest market by revenue and the location of our head office and central group functions. The UK also raises any external debt required by the group and this is used to fund overseas operations. Pearson also incurred a significant restructuring cost in 2016 in the UK and reported a loss before tax for the year. Tax was paid; however, some of this will be refunded in 2017.Pearson operations in China are loss-making. In February 2017, we announced our intention to either partner or sell our direct delivery business. We paid tax in 2016 on the disposal of a property.£10M £4M £4MCanadaBrazilItaly K–12 School; Higher Education and Professional– Assessment– C urriculum resources in English and French – Clinical assessment – English language learning – Professional development – TestingSchool; Higher Educationand Professional– O nline and blended learning – C urriculum resources – C linical assessment – E nglish language learning – T estingSchool; Higher Educationand Professional– C urriculum resources – P rofessional development – E nglish language learning – T estingCanada is a profitable market for Pearson. We paid tax at the federal and provincial level.Pearson operations in Brazil include our sistema business and English language learning. Under Brazilian tax legislation we are able to claim an annual tax deduction for amortization of goodwill, which will reduce our tax payments until it is utilized, which is estimated to be in 2022. In 2016, we paid tax on a foreign exchange gain, which is not expected to recur.Italy is a profitable market for Pearson. We paid tax.K e y o p e r a t i o n sK e y o p e r a t i o n sF a c t o r s i m p a c t i n g t a x i n 2016F a c t o r s i m p a c t i n g t a x i n 2016£3M £0M £8MSouth AfricaAustralia Hong Kong School; Higher Educationand Professional – C urriculum resources – P rofessional development – C linical assessment – U niversity (CTI Education Group and the Pearson Institute of Higher Education)School; Higher Educationand Professional– Online and blended learning– Curriculum resources – Professional development – Clinical assessment – English language learning –TestingSchool; Higher Education and Professional – Assessment and qualifications– Curriculum resources – Professional developmentOur university business in South Africa is loss-making. Student enrollment at CTI Education Group and the Pearson Institute of Higher Education fell 25%, driven by tightening consumer credit. This business was restructured in 2016. Our professional business is profitable and paid tax.Australia is a profitable market for Pearson. In 2016, we received a refund in respect of 2015.Our operations in Hong Kong are profitable and we paid £8M of tax in 2016, which covered two years, as due to the calculation method, no payment was required in 2015.£0M £0M £1MIndiaMexicoGermany School; Higher Education and Professional– A ssessment and qualifications– O nline and blended learning – C urriculum resources – E nglish language learning – T esting– S chool management (Pearson Schools India)School; Higher Educationand Professional– Qualifications– Online and blended learning – Curriculum resources – TestingSchool and Professional– C urriculum resources – Professional development – Clinical assessment – English language learning – Examination preparation – TestingOur business in India was restructured in 2016 to discontinue some loss making activities. We continue to invest in the remaining operations to drive growth; however, it is expected to take some time before they become profitable.Our operations in Mexico broke even in 2016.During 2016, we closed the unprofitable Wall Street English schools business in Germany. This resulted in a loss and restructuring charge. This reduced the tax paid.K e y o p e r a t i o n sK e y o p e r a t i o n sF a c t o r s i m p a c t i n g t a x i n 2016F a c t o r s i m p a c t i n g t a x i n 2016(50)050100150200250300USA Total United Kingdom £’m i l l i o nROW23% 8%1%2%France South Africa Canada Germany China Poland Brazil Colombia Italy Mexico At a group level, 2016 is the lowest level of corporation tax paid for five years. This is partly a result of business performance and partly a result of business disposals made in previous years, which reduced the ongoing profits of the group and resulted in tax payments on the profit on disposal. To analyze the rest of world countries in more detail, the table to the right shows the ten largest rest-of-world (ROW) countries and what their average proportion of rest-of-world tax paid has been in the last five years.Historical cash tax Cash tax payments over the last five years Proportion of rest-of-world tax paid over last five years USA UK Rest of World TotalTotal cash tax payments 2012 to 2016Contents Introduction Our global tax strategy Financial & tax data Appendix £413M £115M £222M£750M20162015201420132012AppendixAbout the data Country-by-country table Total revenue: In line with the country- by-country reporting requirements, we have included sales, intercompany transactions, interest and other income within this figure. Total revenue is therefore higher than the external sales number reported in our Annual Report and Accounts.Profit before tax: This is the profit before tax at a statutory level, which is the starting point to calculate tax on business profits. It differs from the adjusted operating profit measure which we publish in the annual report. Adjusted operating profit is a key financial measure used by management to evaluate performance and allocate resources to business segments. A reconciliation isshown to the right.Adjusted operating profit to statutory profit 2016。
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291st Revised Page 1CANCELS 290th Revised Page 1(This page filed under Transmittal No. 311 ) ACCESS SERVICERATES, RULES AND CHARGESTitle Page and Pages 1 to 22-45, inclusive of this tariff are effective as of the date shown. Original and revised pages as named below and Supplement No. 7 contains all changes from the original tariff that are in effect on the date hereof.CHECK SHEETNumber of Number of Revision Revision Except as Except asPageIndicated Page IndicatedTitle 4th 22.3 6th 1 291st*22.4 7th 1.1 26th 23O riginal 1.2 122nd* 24 O riginal 1.2.1 2nd 25 1st 1.3 11th 26 1st 1.4 37th 27O riginal 1.5 70th*28 1st 1.5.1 15th 29 1st 1.6 28th 30 2nd 1.7 12th 31 1st 1.7.1 3rd 1-1O riginal 1.8 18th 1-2 3rd 1.9 62nd 2-1 2nd 1.10 17th 2-2 2nd 1.11 26th 2-3 3rd 1.12 36th 2-4 5th 1.13 22nd 2-5 3rd 1.14 15th 2-5.1 1st 1.15 4th 2-6 1st 1.16 1st 2-7Original 2 4th 2-8Original 3 2nd 2-9Original 4 3rd 2-10Original 5 2nd 2-11Original 6 3rd 2-12 1st 7 4th 2-13Original 8 3rd 2-14 6th 9 1st 2-15 5th 10 7th 2-15.1 4th 11 2nd 2-16Original 12 1st 2-17 4th 13 2nd 2-18Original 14 1st 2-19Original 15 3rd 2-20Original 16 5th 2-21Original 17 6th 2-22Original 18 2nd 2-23Original 19 5th 2-24Original 20 2nd 2-25Original 21 6th 2-26 1st 22 7th 2-27Original 22.1 2nd 2-28Original 22.2 44th 2-29O riginal* New or Revised PageIssuing Officer: Kristen E. Shore, Assistant Vice President - RegulatoryRATES, RULES AND CHARGESCHECK SHEET (Cont’d)Number of Number ofRevision RevisionExcept as Except asPage Indicated Page Indicated3-13 2nd 5-11.2Original3-14 2nd 5-11.3Original3-15 2nd 5-12 1st3-16 1st 5-13 4th3-17 1st 5-14 4th3-18 1st 5-14.1Original3-19 Original 5-15 7th3-20 Original 5-16 3rd3-21 1st 5-17 11th3-22 1st 5-17.1 8th3-23 1st 5-17.1.1 6th3-24 2nd 5-17.2 7th3-25 1st 5-18 6th3-26 2nd 5-19 6th3-27 2nd 5-19.15th3-28 1st 5-19.2 4th3-29 2nd 5-19.3 4th3-30 1st 5-19.4 4th4-1 2nd 5-19.54th4-2 2nd 5-19.6 4th4-3 Original 5-19.74th4-4 4th 5-20 6th4-5 2nd 5-21Original4-6 1st 5-22Original4-7 1st 5-23Original4-8 2nd 5-24Original4th 5-25Original 4-8.14-9 67th*5-26 1st4-10 29th*5-27Original4-10.1 7th5-28Original4-11 72nd*6-1 3rd5-1 5th 6-2 1st5-2 2nd 6-31st5-3 7th 6-4 1st5-3.1 6th 6-5Original5-3.2 3rd 6-6Original5-3.3 3rd 6-7Original5-3.4 7th 6-8Original5-4 1st 6-9 1st5-5 1st 6-10 1st3rd 6-11Original 5-62nd 6-12Original 5-75-8 Original 6-13Original1st 6-14Original 5-93rd 6-15Original 5-105-11 2nd 6-16Original5-11.11st* New or Revised Page(This page filed under Transmittal No. 311 )ACCESS SERVICERATES, RULES AND CHARGESCHECK SHEET (Cont’d)Number of Revision Number of Revision Page Except as Indicated Page Except as Indicated7-26 Original 7-812nd 7-27 3rd 7-81.15th7-28 1st 7-81.24th7-29 Original 7-81.32nd 7-30 Original 7-81.49th 7-31 Original 7-81.56th7-32 Original 7-81.64th 7-33 3rd 7-81.6.1Original7-33.1 2nd 7-81.75th7-34 1st 7-81.8Original7-35 Original 7-8227th 7-36 Original 7-8311th 7-37 Original 7-8419th 7-38 Original 7-84.19th* 7-39 1st 7-852nd7-40 Original 7-85.11st 7-41 2nd 7-85.24th7-42 2nd 7-865th7-43 Original 7-875th 7-44 1st 7-87.15th7-45 Original 7-87.25th7-46 Original 7-87.34th 7-47 Original 7-87.44th 7-48 Original 7-882nd 7-49 2nd 7-892nd7-50 Original 7-903rd 7-51 Original 7-913rd 7-52 1st 7-91.15th7-53 1st 7-91.25th7-54 Original 7-91.2.12nd7-55 Original 7-91.32nd 7-56 10th 7-91.42nd7-57 Original 7-91.52nd 7-58 1st 7-91.62nd7-59 Original 7-91.72nd 7-60 Original 7-91.82nd 7-61 2nd 7-91.92nd7-62 3rd 7-91.102nd7-63 1st 7-926th7-64 3rd 7-935th7-65 1st 7-93.13rd7-66 5th 7-94Original7-66.1 2nd 8-13rd7-67 1st 8-24th7-68 Original 8-35th 7-69 3rd 8-3.13rd7-69.1 2nd 8-43rd7-69.2 2nd 8-53rd7-70 Original 8-62nd 7-71 Original 8-74th 7-72 Original 8-84th 7-73 10th 8-94th7-74 Original 8-104th 7-75 1st 8-114th7-76 Original 8-122nd 7-77 1st 8-132nd7-78 1st 8-142nd7-78.1 Original 8-155th 7-79 6th 8-163rd7-79.1 Original 8-175th 7-80 4th 8-184th8-193rd* New or Revised(This page filed under Transmittal No. 311 ) ACCESS SERVICE4. End User Access Service (Cont’d)4.6 Rate Regulations (Cont’d) 4.6.1 End User Common Line Rate Elements (Cont’d) (H) Federal Universal Service Fund (FUSF) Surcharge (Cont’d)(3) Other Non-recurring FUSF SurchargesIn addition to the applicable charges above, when a customer is assessed interstate end user chargesidentified in the table below, a FUSF Surcharge will also apply as set forth in Section 4.7(I) following. For example, customers assessed the PIC changecharge as specified in Section 13.3.3.(b)(5)(e)(ii) will also be assessed the PIC change FUSF Surcharge as set forth in Section 4.7(I) following.To the extent an IC is assessed a PIC Change Charge, the Non-recurring FUSF Surcharge will also apply to the IC.(4) Other FUSF SurchargesA percentage surcharge factor is assessed monthly on billed recurring and non-recurring charges of end user services other than surcharges described in Section 4.FUSF Surcharge factor: 0.201Tariff Reference Rate Element13.3.3(A)PIC Change Charge(I)(This page filed under Transmittal No. 311 ) ACCESS SERVICE4. End User Access Service (Cont’d)4.7 Rates and ChargesThe rates for End User Access are:(A) End User Common Line (EUCL) - Primary Residence SubscriberUSOC Rates Per Month - Individual lineor trunk, each 9ZEU1 $4.72(B) End User Common Line (EUCL) Non-Primary Residence Subscriber USOC Rates Per Month - Individual lineor trunk, each 9ZEU2 $4.72- BRI ISDN Facility, each wire pair 9ZEU5 4.72(C) End User Common Line (EUCL) -Single Line BusinessUSOC Rates Per Month - Individual lineor trunk, each 9ZEU3 $4.72(D) End User Common Line (EUCL) - Multiline Business SubscriberUSOC Rates Per Month - Individual lineor trunk, each 9ZEU4 $4.72- Public Telephone Access line, each 9ZEU4 4.72 - PRI ISDN Facility, each 9ZEU6 23.60(E) End User Common Line (EUCL) - Centrex CO and CO-like (Installedor on order prior to July 28, 1983)USOC Rates Per Month- Individual lineor trunk, each 9ZEU4 4.72(R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R)ACCESS SERVICE4. End User Access Service (Cont’d)4.7 Rates and Charges (Cont’d)(G) Presubscribed Interexchange Carrier ChargesUSOC Rate Per Month(A) Multi-Line Business 9PCC4 0.00(B)ISDN-PRI-per service 9PCC6 0.00(C) Centrex CO andCentrexCO-Like-Nine or more lines, per line 9PCC7 0.00-Eight or less lines, per service 9PCC9 0.00(H) End User Port Charge USOC Rate Per Month(1) BRI ISDN Port- Per Port 9SDN1 $3.90(2) PRI ISDN Port- Per Port 9SDN2 $36.29(I)Basic FUSF Surcharge:USOC Rate Per Month(1) Residential 9PZRS $ 0.94(2) Single-Line Business 9PZBU $ 0.94(3) ISDN BRI 9PZL1 $ 1.73(4) Multiline Business 9PZLM $ 2.34(5) PRI ISDN 9PZP1 $18.99(6) PBX 9PZPX $ 2.34(7) Centrex CO and CO-Like 9PZCX $ 0.26(8) Other FUSF Surcharges USOC Rate Per Occurrence PIC Change Charge(a) Per Manual Change 9PZGM $ 0.78(b) Per Mechanized Change 9PZGE $ 0.32 (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I) (I)(This page filed under Transmittal No. 311 )(This page filed under Transmittal No. 311 ) ACCESS SERVICE7. Special Access Service (Cont'd)7.11 High Capacity Service 7.11.5 Rates and Charges General Description (Cont'd) Rates and Charges (Cont'd)(F) DS1 Term Payment PlanRates and Charges for the DS1 Term Payment Plan (1)(1)Channel Termination - Per Point of TerminationUSOC1 Year2 Year3 Year 5 Year 7 Year TMECS $122.50 $120.00 $115.00 $104.00(R) $98.50(2) Channel Mileage- Channel Mileage Termination (per termination)- Channel Mileage Facility (per mile)USOC 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 5 Year 7 Year 1L5XX$ 9.00$ 9.00$ 8.70$ 8.40$ 8.25(3) Central Office Multiplexing DS1 to DS0 voice/digital-Per arrangementUSOC1 Year2 Year3 Year 5 Year 7 Year MQ1, MQ1++,QMU, QMUA1, QMU++$180.00 $170.00 $170.00 $ 160.00 $150.00(4) Collocation Transport-Channel Mileage - FixedUSOC 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 5 Year 7 Year 1H48S$ 51.00 $ 45.00 $ 40.00 $ 35.00 $ 32.50– Per Mile USOC 1 Year2 Year3 Year 5 Year 7 Year 1H48S$ 9.25$ 9.00$ 8.75$ 8.50$ 8.25(5) Nonrecurring Charges-One Time Charges- Per point of channel termination USOC DESCRIPTION RATE TMECS Channel Termination NonrecurringCharge$ 900.001H48S Collocation Transport NonrecurringChargeNOTE: Channel Termination Nonrecurring Charges and Collocation Transport Nonrecurring Chargesare waived on new installations of DS1 High Capacity Service with a 2, 3, 5, or 7 year DS1 TPP.(1) Effective on September 13, 2017, DS1 TPP 5- and 7-year Payment Plans are no longer available,including for any otherwise available conversions. Circuits already subject to a DS1 TPP 5- or 7-year Payment Plan, as of September 13, 2017, will continue to be provided under the then-current DS1 TPP 5- and 7-year Payment Plan term for the remainder of that term.USOC 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 5 Year 7 Year 1L5XX$ 51.00$ 45.00$ 40.00$ 35.00$ 32.50。
一批好的销售人员关系着一个电脑公司的存亡,这绝对不是在夸张,再好的产品没有好的销的很好,世界上最伟大的推销员并不是因为他卖的产品是最好的,就是把他放到其它领域也同样可以做得出色,关键在于他能完全掌握客户的心理,知道客户需要什么,疑惑什么!话不多说,切入主题,下面我为大家介绍一下我们独创的闪电销售法:此法尤其适用于县区级终端销售,此法不分机型,DELL全系列台式机型通杀!1:顾客进店(微笑!您好欢迎******这个不用交了,首先给顾客一个良好的第一印像你再有谈下去的可能!2:下一步就要快速准确的对顾客加以分类,这点至关重要,要对不同的顾客对售人员去销售,也卖不出去,再烂的产品如果给了乔吉拉德哪样的销售员,我认为同样会卖症下药再能确保销售成功,六级店面客户大致可分为三种,A:对电脑一窍不通(专业的产品知识话术对此种人毫无作用,这也是典型的英雄无用武之地型,这种客户往往会带一个2类客户看电脑,但是在这里为了大家能更深入学习我们分开讲解)B:所谓的电脑爱好者(为什么叫所谓的电脑爱好者,因为此种人都是半把刀,不是太懂,就连我们专业人员天天学习都有不懂的,他们更不可能全懂,记住一句话,只有同行赚不了同行的钱,其它人都是给你赚钱的!此种人一般人会认为比较棘手,其它没有哪么可怕,用我们的销售方法此种人也是最好搞定的!)C:学生或是大学生客户(学生一般会有家长陪同,但好多情况下说了算的不是家长!呵呵)以上是准客户的几种一般分类,还有性格分类法,在以后我们会为大家讲解,下面我们就分别讲解一般分类法的三种客户:对于A类客户,他们对电脑的了解可以说为零,你对他们说再多的专业卖点一点作用不起,他们只会说,你说的我听不懂,然后走人,还有就是这些人有的人会对销售人员进行提问,而且问的问题很搞笑,但你绝对不能笑,得用他们听的懂的话来给他们讲解,打比方就是一个很好的方法!例如有的顾客进了店会问你这个电脑怎么样用住用不住,他们完全把电脑当成了家电来购卖,我们就对应着来呗,我们也当家电卖,底气一定要实足,对自己的产品首先自己要充满信心,你可以这样说:您放心吧,我们DELL是世界名牌,全球排名第一,世界五百强企业,做电脑的有几家能进入全球五百强的?(反问)然后自答:没有几家,世界五百强企业大都是全球垄断企业,像中国石化,啊国家电网啊等等,您说是不是,所以说质量您不用担心,全球第一不是打广告打不出来,是产品实实在在做出来的,(回答顾客提问时可以反复使用反问自答的心理销售,对方会无形中会同意你回答的观点,这些人你可以和他谈品牌,你帮他选机型,你要做的就是让他对咱们的产品认可,并且留下一个很深的印像,这点海尔做的很好,我们应该学习,大家可以借阅一下海尔的销售话术,举个例子,海尔的销售中有一点敲击法,就是鼠标敲击屏幕,而且他们会让顾客自己来做敲击,这样可以很好的来做互动,再者顾客敲击完以后销售人员会反问他我们的产品好不会,耐不耐,顾客敲了人家的嘴短,肯定会说好,好多心理不坚定的顾客最后就因为敲了别人机器又不好意思走,最后被搞定的!我们也可以用对B类客户的方法来对付A类客户,同样有效,各种方法可加起来一起用,效果会很好,A类客户我就不多说了,大家自己理解一下,总之用打比方的方法给他讲解,他们更容易理解!附销售语录:卖电脑选品牌一定要选一个大品牌,做的时间长的,您就好比前几年,您身边的朋友有买,沐泽的,七喜的,德亚的,清华紫光的,TCL的,等等,售后期还没到厂家都找不见了,您现在看看哪还有做这些牌子的,您的机器去哪维修,是不是,您卖DELL 就不用担心了,DELL成立于1984年,做电脑已经26年,而且还是全球500强企业,售后服务点全球都有,您完全可以放心购卖!我们的电脑独立显卡采用的是DVI数字高清接口,什么叫DVI呢,就比如您家里的电视机,以前用的是天线,效果不太好,现在换成数字的机顶盒了,是不是比以前清了,电视机还是老电视,这说明什么呢,显示器不变的情况下咱们输入高清数字信号肯定比VGA模拟信号要清晰您请看(放高清样片)——结合我们独创的店面陈列法效果一流B类客户,这种客户不能忽视,往往是我们接触的最多,A类客户通带对电脑懂行的人一起看电脑,而且最终决定权在B手里,所以一定要搞定此类客户,对这种客户可采用拆机法,咱们DELL的机器没有封条可以拆的,下面我们以230SR机型为例,拆机,让顾客亲眼看咱们机器的细节做工,这样是最有说服力的,您看咱们机器的做工,内部全部做了卷边设计不会划伤您的手,硬盘和光驱采用免螺丝拆装设计,更换升级更方便,而且咱们的机器没有封条,拆机不影响保修,这点国产品牌机是做不到,拆了封条以后的机器是不保修的,而且里面用的什么东西您也看不到,花钱消费就要明明白白知道自己买的是什么东西,咱们DELL的机器从选料到做工都是一流的,咱们的CPU风扇采用的是全球第一的A VC风扇,充分散热的同时噪音相当小,您听,(让顾客耳朵贴到机箱上听吧,绝对声音特别小)是吧,没有噪声吧,咱们的电源彩用的也是全球第一的电源。
戴尔 Latitude 13 服务手册说明书
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Dell™ Latitude™ 13 服务手册注、小心和警告如果您购买的是 Dell™ n 系列计算机,则本说明文件中有关 Microsoft ® Windows ® 操作系统的任何参考信息均不适用。
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2010 年 3 月 修订版 A00拆装计算机 卸下和装回部件 规格系统设置程序 诊断程序注:“注”表示可帮助您更好地使用计算机的重要信息。
小心: “小心”表示如果不遵循说明,就有可能损坏硬件或导致数据丢失。
警告: “警告”表示可能会导致财产损失、人身伤害甚至死亡。
闪烁-亮-亮闪烁-亮-闪烁灭-闪烁-灭亮-闪烁-亮灭-闪烁-闪烁闪烁-闪烁-闪烁闪烁-闪烁-灭灭-亮-灭闪烁-闪烁-亮返回目录页面返回目录页面卸下和装回部件Dell™ Latitude™ 13 服务手册返回目录页面ExpressCard基座盖无线局域网(WLAN) 卡硬盘驱动器和声卡扬声器内存用户识别模块(SIM) 卡币形电池散热器和风扇部件显示屏面板掌垫和显示屏部件安全数字 (SD) 卡电池显示屏闭合传感器LED 护盖键盘ExpressCard/SD 卡读取器SIM 卡读取器系统板采用 Bluetooth® 无线技术的内部插卡显示屏挡板摄像头返回目录页面硬盘驱动器和声卡Dell™ Latitude™ 13 服务手册卸下硬盘驱动器和声卡1.请按照“Before Working Inside Your Computer ”(拆装计算机内部组件之前)中的步骤进行操作。
戴尔 销售、服务和技术支持条款和条件 说明书
![戴尔 销售、服务和技术支持条款和条件 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6b301b401611cc7931b765ce050876323112740e.png)
销售、服务和技术支持条款和条件戴尔(中国)有限公司 销售、服务和技术支持条款和条件 ("条款和条件") 中华人民共和国经销商适用(不包括香港,澳门及台湾)。
1. 定义"卖方"指戴尔(中国)有限公司。
2. 合同成立2.1销售合同仅在卖方以电子邮件或双方可以接受的其他方式通知买方并明示接受买方订单后方告成立。
3. 定单、价格和付款3.1产品和/或服务的价格、付款条件和配置在销售合同中以书面形式明确约定。
戴尔Vostro 3070服务手册说明书
![戴尔Vostro 3070服务手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/658c57566d175f0e7cd184254b35eefdc8d31518.png)
Dell Vostro 3070服务手册Identifier GUID-5B8DE7B7-879F-45A4-88E0-732155904029Status Translated注、小心和警告注: “注”表示帮助您更好地使用该产品的重要信息。
小心: “小心”表示可能会损坏硬件或导致数据丢失,并说明如何避免此类问题。
警告: “警告”表示可能会造成财产损失、人身伤害甚至死亡。
Identifier GUID-089FFA4B-3A62-4B51-BDE1-309C58A451D9Status Translated© 2018 Dell Inc. 或其子公司。
保留所有权利Dell、EMC 和其他商标为 Dell Inc. 或其子公司的商标。
2018 - 04Rev. A001 拆装计算机内部组件 (5)安全说明 (5)关闭计算机— Windows 10 (5)拆装计算机内部组件之前 (6)拆装计算机内部组件之后 (6)2 技术和组件 (7)HDMI 1.4 (7)HDMI 1.4 功能 (7)HDMI 的优点 (7)USB 功能 (8)USB 3.0/USB 3.1 Gen 1 (SuperSpeed USB) (8)速度 (8)应用程序 (9)兼容性 (9)3 卸下和安装组件 (11)建议工具 (11)螺钉列表和图像 (11)系统板布局 (12)主机盖 (13)卸下护盖 (13)安装护盖 (14)前挡板 (16)卸下前挡板 (16)安装前挡板 (18)硬盘驱动器 (20)卸下 3.5 英寸硬盘驱动器部件 - 可选 (20)安装 3.5 英寸硬盘驱动器部件 - 可选 (23)内存模块 (26)卸下内存模块 (26)安装内存模块 (27)电源设备 (27)卸下电源装置 (27)安装电源装置 (31)冷却导流罩 (36)卸下冷却导流罩 (36)安装冷却导流罩 (37)散热器部件 (39)卸下散热器部件 (39)安装散热器部件 (41)目录3币形电池 (44)卸下币形电池 (44)安装币形电池 (45)处理器 (46)卸下处理器 (46)安装处理器 (47)系统板 (49)卸下系统板 (49)安装系统板 (55)4 故障排除 (62)增强型预引导系统评估— (ePSA) 诊断程序 (62)运行 ePSA 诊断程序 (62)诊断程序 (63)诊断错误消息 (63)系统错误消息 (66)5 获得帮助 (67)联系戴尔 (67)4目录拆装计算机内部组件IdentifierGUID-6678B449-E61B-463B-A9D1-AB5A04B63651Status Translated安全说明遵循以下安全原则可防止您的计算机受到潜在损坏并确保您的人身安全。
正面视图左侧视图右侧视图背面视图底部视图1 显示屏7 扬声器(2)2 电源按钮8 定点杆/触摸板按钮3 设备状态指示灯9 定点杆4 键盘10 音量控制按钮5 触摸板11 静音按钮6 显示屏闩锁12 键盘和无线状态指示灯在计算机打开时亮起,在计算机处于电源管理模式时闪烁。
注意:为避免数据丢失,切勿在 指示灯闪烁时关闭计算机电源。
如果计算机已连接至电源插座,则 指示灯的状态包括:如果计算机使用电池电量运行,则 指示灯的状态包括:键盘上方的绿色指示灯表示以下信息:启用数字小键盘时亮起。
蓝牙无线技术是计算机上的可选功能,因此仅当您随计算机一起订购了蓝牙无线技术,系统才会显示 图标。
1 安全缆线孔 4 PC 卡插槽2 音频连接器(2) 5 智能卡插槽3 红外线传感器注:计算机在变热时会打开风扇。
右侧视图1 网络连接器 (RJ-45) 6 串行连接器视频连接器交流适配器将交流电源转换为计算机所需的直流电源。
1 内存模块护盖 5 对接设备插槽2 电池槽释放闩锁 6 风扇3 电池电量表7 小型 PCI 卡/调制解调器护盖4 电池8 硬盘驱动器内存模块护盖—用于保护安装内存模块的凹槽。
请参阅“添加和更换部件返回目录页面附录Dell Precision™ M20 移动工作站用户指南Macrovision 产品通告Macrovision 产品通告本产品采用了版权保护技术,它通过申请属于 Macrovision Corporation 和其他产权所有者的美国专利权以及其它知识产权来进行保护。
戴尔Vostro 5402 笔记本电脑服务手册说明书
![戴尔Vostro 5402 笔记本电脑服务手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/642a3a65bdd126fff705cc1755270722192e59bc.png)
Vostro 5402服务手册8 2021注意、小心和警告:“注意”表示帮助您更好地使用该产品的重要信息。
© 2020-2021 Dell Inc. 或其子公司。
Dell、EMC 和其他商标是 Dell Inc. 或其附属机构的商标。
章 1: 拆装计算机内部组件 (7)安全说明 (7)拆装计算机内部组件之前 (7)安全防范措施 (8)静电放电— ESD 保护 (8)ESD 现场服务套件 (9)拆装计算机内部组件之后 (9)章 2: 系统的主要组件 (10)章 3: 拆卸和重新组装 (12)建议工具 (12)螺钉列表 (12)基座护盖 (14)卸下基座护盖 (14)安装基座护盖 (15)电池 (17)锂离子电池预防措施 (17)卸下 3 芯电池 - UMA/独立 (18)安装 3 芯电池 - UMA/独立 (19)卸下 4 芯电池 - UMA/独立 (19)安装 4 芯电池 - UMA/独立 (20)WLAN 卡 (21)卸下 WLAN 卡 - UMA (21)安装 WLAN 卡 - UMA (22)卸下 WLAN 卡 - 独立 (23)安装 WLAN 卡 - 独立 (24)内存模块 (25)卸下内存模块 - UMA (25)安装内存模块 - UMA (26)卸下内存模块 - 独立 (27)安装内存模块 - 独立 (28)固态驱动器 (30)卸下 M.2 2280 固态硬盘 - UMA (30)安装 M.2 2280 固态硬盘 - UMA (30)卸下 M.2 2230 固态硬盘 - UMA (31)安装 M.2 2230 固态硬盘 - UMA (32)卸下 M.2 2280 固态硬盘 - SSD-1 - 独立 (33)安装 M.2 2280 固态硬盘 - SSD-1 - 独立 (34)卸下 M.2 2230 固态硬盘 - SSD-1 - 独立 (35)安装 M.2 2230 固态硬盘 - SSD-1 - 独立 (36)装回 SSD-1 支撑架 (37)卸下 M.2 2280 固态硬盘 - SSD-2 - 独立 (38)安装 M.2 2280 固态硬盘 - SSD-2 - 独立 (39)目录3安装扬声器(3 芯电池配置) (41)卸下扬声器(采用 4 芯电池配置) (42)安装扬声器(4 芯电池配置) (43)系统风扇 (44)卸下系统风扇 - UMA (44)安装系统风扇 - UMA (45)卸下系统风扇 - 独立 (47)安装系统风扇 - 独立 (48)散热器 (49)卸下散热器 - UMA (49)安装散热器 - UMA (49)卸下散热器 - 独立 (50)安装散热器 - 独立 (51)币形电池 (52)卸下币形电池 - UMA (52)安装币形电池 - UMA (53)卸下币形电池 - 独立 (54)安装币形电池 - 独立 (54)I/O 板 (55)卸下 I/O 板 - UMA (55)安装 I/O 板 - UMA (56)卸下 I/O 板 - 独立 (58)安装 I/O 板 - 独立 (59)带指纹识别器的电源按钮(可选) (60)卸下带可选的指纹读取器的电源按钮 - UMA (60)安装带指纹读取器的电源按钮 - UMA (61)卸下带可选的指纹读取器的电源按钮 - 独立 (61)安装带指纹读取器的电源按钮 - 独立 (62)直流输入端口 (63)卸下直流输入端口 - UMA (63)安装直流输入端口 - UMA (64)卸下直流输入端口 - 独立 (65)安装直流输入端口 - 独立 (66)触摸板 (67)卸下触摸板 - UMA (67)安装触摸板 - UMA (68)卸下触摸板 - 独立 (70)安装触摸板 - 独立 (71)显示屏部件 (72)卸下显示屏部件 - UMA (72)安装显示屏部件 - UMA (74)卸下显示屏部件 - 独立 (75)安装显示屏部件 - 独立 (78)系统板 (80)卸下系统板 - UMA (80)安装系统板 - UMA (82)卸下系统板 - 独立 (85)安装系统板 - 独立 (87)4目录安装掌托和键盘部件 - UMA (91)卸下掌托和键盘部件 - 独立 (92)安装掌托和键盘部件 - 独立 (93)章 4: 驱动程序与下载 (95)章 5: 系统设置程序 (96)BIOS 概览 (96)进入 BIOS 设置程序 (96)导航键 (96)一次性引导菜单 (97)BIOS 设置 (97)概览 (97)引导配置 (98)集成设备 (99)存储 (99)显示屏 (100)Connection options(连接选项) (100)电源管理 (101)安全性 (102)密码 (103)更新和恢复 (104)系统管理 (104)键盘 (105)预引导行为 (106)虚拟化支持 (107)性能 (107)系统日志 (107)在 Windows 中更新 BIOS (108)在已启用 BitLocker 的系统上更新 BIOS (109)在 Linux 和 Ubuntu 环境中更新戴尔 BIOS (109)从 F12 一次性引导菜单刷新 BIOS (109)系统密码和设置密码 (114)分配系统设置密码 (115)删除或更改现有的系统设置密码 (115)章 6: 故障排除 (116)处理膨胀锂离子电池 (116)Dell SupportAssist 启动前系统性能检查诊断程序 (117)运行 SupportAssist 启动前系统性能检查 (117)内置自检 (BIST) (117)系统主板内置自检 (M-BIST) (118)显示屏面板电源导轨内置自检 (L-BIST) (118)显示屏面板电源导轨内置自检 (L-BIST) (119)显示屏面板内置自检 (LCD-BIST) (119)结果 (120)系统诊断指示灯 (120)目录5刷新 BIOS (121)刷新 BIOS(USB 闪存盘) (122)在 Windows 中更新 BIOS (122)在 Windows 环境中使用 USB 驱动器更新 BIOS (122)备份介质和恢复选项 (122)WiFi 重启 (123)耗尽剩余弱电(执行硬重置) (123)释放以太网 (RJ-45) 线缆 (123)章 7: 获取帮助和联系戴尔 (125)6目录拆装计算机内部组件主题:•安全说明安全说明前提条件遵循以下安全原则可防止您的计算机受到潜在损坏并确保您的人身安全。
Dell™ Inspiron™ 580 服务手册注、小心和严重警告本说明文件中的信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。
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本文中使用的商标:Dell 、DELL 徽标和 Inspiron 是 Dell Inc. 的商标;Intel SpeedStep 是 Intel Corporation 在美国 和其它国家/地区的注册商标;Microsoft 和 Windows 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国和/或其它国家/地区的商标或注册商标。
Dell Inc. 对不属于自己的商标和商品名称不拥有任何所有权。
型号:DCMF2010 年 7 月 修订版 A01在您开始之前技术概览主机盖前挡板内存模块PCI 卡和 PCI Express 卡“Drives ”(驱动器) 风扇 前 I/O 面板 处理器 系统板 电源设备 电池 系统设置程序注: 注表示可以帮助您更好地使用计算机的重要信息。
小心: “小心”表示如果不遵循说明,就有可能损坏硬件或导致数据丢失。
警告: “警告”表示可能会造成财产损失、人身伤害甚至死亡。
4.从插针 2 和 3 上拔下 2 插针跳线塞,然后将其插到插针 1 和 2 上。
6.从插针 1 和 2 上拔下 2 插针跳线塞,然后将其装回到插针 2 和 3 以启用密码功能。
清除 CMOS 设置1.请遵循在您开始之前中的步骤。
3.重设当前的 CMOS 设置:a. 找到系统板上的 3 插针 CMOS 重设跳线(请参阅系统板组件)。
一、授权内容1. 授权方特此授予戴尔(中国)有限公司(以下简称“受权方”)在我方指定的区域内,以我方品牌的名义进行以下产品的销售、市场推广和售后服务:(1)笔记本电脑;(2)台式电脑;(3)服务器;(4)工作站;(5)显示器;(6)打印机;(7)其他与电脑及高科技产品相关的产品。
2. 受权方在授权区域内有权销售授权方品牌的上述产品,包括但不限于以下方式:(1)直接销售给终端消费者;(2)销售给代理商、经销商等中间商;(3)参与政府、企业等大型采购项目。
3. 受权方在授权区域内有权使用授权方的品牌名称、商标、专利、技术等知识产权,但需遵守相关法律法规及授权方的相关规定。
二、授权期限1. 本授权书的授权期限自签署之日起计算,有效期为____年。
2. 如需续签,授权方和受权方应提前____个月进行协商,并签署续签协议。
三、授权费用1. 受权方应按照双方协商一致的比例向授权方支付授权费用。
2. 授权费用支付方式、支付时间及金额由双方另行协商确定。
四、双方权利与义务1. 授权方权利:(1)监督受权方遵守本授权书的各项规定;(2)对受权方进行培训和指导,提高其业务水平;(3)对受权方在授权区域内的市场推广活动进行监督和指导;(4)对受权方违反本授权书规定的行为进行处理。
2. 授权方义务:(1)提供必要的品牌、技术、市场等方面的支持;(2)对受权方在授权区域内销售的产品提供质量保证;(3)对受权方在授权区域内进行的市场推广活动提供必要的协助;(4)保护受权方的合法权益。
3. 受权方权利:(1)在授权区域内销售授权方的产品;(2)使用授权方的品牌、商标、专利、技术等知识产权;(3)参与授权方组织的各类培训和活动。
Dell EMC PowerEdge R350安装和服务手册说明书
![Dell EMC PowerEdge R350安装和服务手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/20336f1fbf23482fb4daa58da0116c175e0e1e60.png)
Dell EMC PowerEdge R350安装和服务手册10 2021注意、小心和警告:“注意”表示帮助您更好地使用该产品的重要信息。
© 2021 Dell Inc. 或其子公司。
Dell、EMC 和其他商标是 Dell Inc. 或其附属机构的商标。
章 1: 关于本说明文件 (7)章 2: PowerEdge R350 系统概览 (8)系统的前视图 (8)系统的后视图 (9)系统内部 (10)找到快速服务代码和服务编号 (11)系统信息标签 (11)导轨调整和机架兼容性矩阵 (13)章 3: 初始系统设置程序和配置 (14)设置系统 (14)iDRAC 配置 (14)设置 iDRAC IP 地址的选项 (14)用于登录 iDRAC 的选项 (15)用于安装操作系统的资源 (15)下载固件的选项 (16)下载并安装操作系统驱动程序的选项 (16)下载驱动程序和固件 (17)章 4: POST 和系统管理配置验证的最低要求 (18)开机自检的最低配置 (18)配置验证 (18)错误消息 (19)章 5: 安装和卸下系统组件 (20)安全说明 (20)拆装系统内部组件之前 (21)拆装系统内部组件之后 (21)建议工具 (21)可选的前挡板 (21)卸下前挡板 (22)安装前挡板 (22)系统护盖 (23)卸下系统护盖 (23)安装系统护盖 (24)导流罩 (26)卸下导流罩 (26)安装导流罩 (26)冷却风扇 (27)卸下冷却风扇 (27)安装冷却风扇 (28)防盗开关 (29)卸下防盗开关模块 (29)目录3驱动器背板 (31)卸下背板 (32)安装驱动器背板 (33)线缆布线 (34)驱动器 (38)卸下驱动器托架 (38)安装驱动器托架 (39)从驱动器托架中卸下驱动器 (40)将驱动器安装到驱动器托架中 (41)卸下驱动器挡片 (42)安装驱动器挡片 (43)可选的光驱 (43)卸下光驱 (43)安装光驱 (44)系统内存 (45)系统内存指南 (45)一般内存模块安装原则 (46)卸下内存模块 (47)安装内存模块 (48)处理器和散热器 (49)卸下散热器 (49)安装散热器 (50)卸下处理器 (51)安装处理器 (52)扩展卡和扩展卡转接卡 (53)扩展卡安装原则 (53)卸下扩展卡转接卡 (54)安装扩展卡转接卡 (55)从扩展卡转接卡中卸下扩展卡 (56)将扩展卡安装到扩展卡转接卡中 (58)可选的 BOSS S2 卡 (59)卸下 BOSS S2 模块 (59)安装 BOSS S2 模块 (61)系统电池 (63)更换系统电池 (63)正面安装的前置 PERC 模块 (64)卸下正面安装的前置 PERC 模块 (64)安装正面安装的前置 PERC 模块 (65)卸下 PERC 卡 (66)安装 PERC 卡 (67)可选的内部 USB 卡 (68)卸下可选的内部 USB 卡 (68)安装内置 USB 卡 (69)电源装置 (70)热备盘功能 (70)卸下电源装置 (70)安装电源装置 (71)卸下电源装置挡片 (72)4目录卸下电源插入器板 (73)安装电源插入器板 (74)可选的 IDSDM 模块 (75)卸下 IDSDM 模块 (75)安装 IDSDM 模块 (76)MicroSD 卡 (77)卸下 MicroSD 卡 (77)安装 MicroSD 卡 (78)系统板 (79)卸下系统板 (79)安装系统板 (80)可信平台模块 (82)升级可信平台模块 (82)为用户初始化 TPM (83)为用户初始化 TPM 1.2 (83)为用户初始化 TPM 2.0 (84)控制面板 (84)卸下左控制面板 (84)安装左控制面板 (85)卸下右控制面板 (86)安装右控制面板 (87)章 6: 跳线和连接器 (89)系统板连接器 (89)系统板跳线设置 (90)禁用已忘记的密码 (90)章 7: 系统诊断程序和指示灯代码 (92)系统运行状况和系统 ID 指示灯代码 (92)iDRAC Direct LED 指示灯代码 (92)LCD 面板 (93)查看主屏幕 (93)设置菜单 (94)视图菜单 (94)NIC 指示灯代码 (94)电源装置指示灯代码 (95)驱动器指示灯代码 (96)使用系统诊断程序 (97)戴尔嵌入式系统诊断程序 (97)章 8: 获得帮助 (99)回收或停售服务信息 (99)联系 Dell Technologies (99)通过使用 QRL 访问系统信息 (99)PowerEdge R350 系统的快速资源定位符 (100)通过 SupportAssist 接收自动支持 (100)目录5章 9: 说明文件资源 (101)6目录关于本说明文件本说明文件提供关于系统的概览、有关安装和装回组件的信息、诊断工具,以及安装特定组件时要遵循的原则。
戴尔PowerEdge R930 机架式服务器 产品说明书
![戴尔PowerEdge R930 机架式服务器 产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b2f11c98a0116c175f0e4845.png)
PowerEdge R930是戴尔最强大的服务器之一,具有高度可扩展的处理能力、内存和内部存储空间,可加快企业应用程序的运行速度。
R930非常适合于:• 内存数据库• OLTP 、OLAP • CRM 、ERP• Unix 到Linux 的迁移可扩展的性能四路R930搭载最新Intel ® Xeon ®处理器E7 v4产品系列(每个处理器最多24个内核),可以灵活进行扩展,从而优化事务处理与操作,并显著减少延迟。
• 利用全部96个处理内核来访问高达6 TB 的(具有64 GB 的DIMM )DDR4内存。
• 最多8个PCIe 固态硬盘,可优化计算、内存和I/O 方面的性能。
• 借助Intel E7 RAS 功能保护任务关键型和数据密集型应用程序。
R930配备96个DIMM 插槽和24个硬盘,可以轻松应对任何工作负载需求。
• 利用成本更低且更小的DIMM ,以符合成本效益的方式扩展内存。
• 利用固态硬盘和SAS 硬盘设计内部存储空间,优化特定应用程序。
• 利用双PCIe 3.0 RAID 卡实现I/O 带宽翻倍。
通过智能自动化实现创新管理Dell OpenManage 产品组合利用带生命周期控制器的嵌入式戴尔远程访问控制器(iDRAC)无与伦比的免代理功能,简化并自动执行服务器生命周期管理任务。
利用该技术,可以跨OpenManage 产品组合,以及通过与第三方管理解决方案集成来简化服务器部署、配置和更新。
利用OpenManage Essentials ,可对戴尔和第三方数据中心硬件进行监视和控制;通过OpenManage Mobile ,还能随时随地进行移动访问。
OpenManage Essentials 目前还能够提供服务器配置管理功能。
戴尔 OptiPlex 990 台式机服务手册说明书
![戴尔 OptiPlex 990 台式机服务手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/937417fa970590c69ec3d5bbfd0a79563c1ed4f0.png)
Dell OptiPlex 990 台式机服务手册管制型号: D05D管制类型: D05D001注、警告和严重警告备注: “注”表示可以帮助您更好地使用计算机的重要信息。
小心: “小心”表示如果不遵循说明,就有可能损坏硬件或导致数据丢失。
警告: “严重警告”表示可能会造成财产损失、人身伤害甚至死亡。
© 2011 Dell Inc. 版权所有,翻印必究。
未经 Dell Inc. 书面许可,严禁以任何形式复制这些材料。
本文中使用的商标: Dell™、 DELL 徽标、 Dell Precision™、 Precision ON™、ExpressCharge™、 Latitude™、Latitude ON™、 OptiPlex™、 Vostro™和 Wi-Fi Catcher™是 Dell Inc. 的商标。
Intel®、 Pentium®、 Xeon®、 Core™、 Atom™、 Centrino®和 Celeron®是 Intel Corporation 在美国和/或其他国家或地区的注册商标。
AMD®是注册商标, AMD Opteron™、 AMD Phenom™、 AMD Sempron™、 AMD Athlon™、 ATI Radeon™和 ATI FirePro™是 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 的商标。
Microsoft®、 Windows®、 MS-DOS®、 Windows Vista®、Windows Vista 开始按钮和 Office Outlook®是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国和/或其他国家或地区的注册商标。
Blu-ray Disc™是 Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) 拥有的商标,经其许可在磁盘和播放器上使用。
戴尔Studio 1745 1747 服务手册说明书
![戴尔Studio 1745 1747 服务手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/86b99670ef06eff9aef8941ea76e58fafab04596.png)
Dell Studio™ 1745/1747 服务手册注、小心和警告本说明文件中的信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。
© 2009 Dell Inc. 版权所有,翻印必究。
未经 Dell Inc. 书面许可,严禁以任何形式复制这些材料。
在此文本中使用的商标:Dell 和 DELL 徽标是 Dell Inc. 的商标;Bluetooth 是 Bluetooth SIG, Inc. 拥有的注册商标,由 Dell 公司依许可证使用;Microsoft 、Windows 、Windows Vista 和 Windows Vista 开始按钮徽标 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国和/或其它国家/地区的商标或注册商标。
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管制机型 P02E Series 管制型号 P02E0012009 年 8 月 Rev. A01开始之前电池基座盖硬盘驱动器内存模块无线小型插卡币形电池中心控制护盖键盘媒体控制板显示屏摄像头电源按钮板掌垫 采用 Bluetooth ® 无线技术的内部插卡 散热风扇 介质卡读取器板 光盘驱动器 USB 板 扬声器 系统板 处理器散热器 处理器模块 电视调谐器(1 根天线电缆) 次低音扬声器部件 交流适配器连接器 电池闩锁部件刷新 BIOS注:“注”表示可以帮助您更好地使用计算机的重要信息。
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1 交流适配器连接器2 交流适配器连接器电缆 装回交流适配器连接器1 螺钉(6 颗)2 基座盖3 卡舌(4 个)1 螺钉(3 个)2 电池闩锁部件3 闩锁弹簧装回电池闩锁部件返回目录页面返回目录页面开始之前Dell Studio™ 1745/1747 服务手册建议工具关闭计算机电源拆装计算机内部组件之前本手册提供卸下和安装计算机中组件的步骤。
Dell PowerEdge R230 用户手册说明书
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Dell PowerEdge R230用户手册注意、小心和警告:“注意”表示帮助您更好地使用该产品的重要信息。
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Rev. A051 关于 PowerEdge R230 系统 (8)PowerEdge R230 系统支持的配置 (9)PowerEdge R230 系统支持的配置 (9)前面板功能部件和指示灯 (10)LCD 面板功能部件 (12)背面板功能部件和指示灯 (14)诊断指示灯 (15)前面板上的诊断指示灯 (15)硬盘驱动器指示灯代码 (16)NIC 指示灯代码 (17)iDRAC Direct LED 指示灯代码 (17)非冗余有线电源装置指示灯代码 (18)找到系统的服务标签 (18)2 说明文件资源 (19)3 技术规格 (21)机箱尺寸 (21)机箱重量 (22)处理器规格 (22)扩展总线规格 (22)内存规格 (22)电源规格 (23)存储控制器规格 (23)驱动器规格 (23)硬盘驱动器 (23)光盘驱动器 (23)端口和连接器规格 (23)USB 端口 (23)NIC 端口 (24)iDRAC8 (24)串行连接器 (24)VGA 端口 (24)SD vFlash (24)连接器规格 (24)视频规格 (25)环境规格 (25)4 初始系统设置和配置 (27)设置系统 (27)iDRAC 配置 (27)用于设置 iDRAC IP 地址的选项 (27)安装操作系统的选项 (28)下载固件和驱动程序的方法 (28)目录35 预操作系统管理应用程序 (29)导航键 (29)系统设置 (29)进入系统设置 (30)系统设置程序详细信息 (30)系统 BIOS 设置详细信息 (30)System Information(系统信息)的详细信息 (31)内存设置详细信息 (31)Processor Settings(处理器设置)详细信息 (32)SATA Settings(SATA 设置)详细信息 (33)引导设置详细信息 (34)Network Settings(网络设置)屏幕详细信息 (35)集成设备详细信息 (35)串行通信详细信息 (36)System Profile Settings(系统配置文件设置)详细信息 (37)System Security Settings(系统安全设置)详细信息 (38)Secure Boot Custom Policy Settings(安全引导自定义策略设置)屏幕详细信息 (39)Miscellaneous Settings(其他设置)的详细信息 (39)关于引导管理器 (40)查看引导管理器 (40)引导管理器主菜单 (40)关于 Dell 生命周期控制器 (41)更改引导顺序 (41)选择系统引导模式 (41)创建系统密码或设置密码 (41)使用您的系统密码保护您的系统 (42)删除或更改系统密码和设置密码 (42)在已启用设置密码的情况下进行操作 (42)嵌入式系统管理 (43)iDRAC 设置公用程序 (43)进入 iDRAC 设置公用程序 (43)更改热设置 (43)6 安装和卸下系统组件 (44)安全说明 (44)拆装计算机内部组件之前 (44)拆装系统内部组件之后 (44)建议工具 (45)前挡板(可选) (45)安装可选的前挡板 (45)卸下可选的前挡板 (46)系统护盖 (46)卸下系统护盖 (46)安装系统护盖 (47)系统内部 (49)防盗开关 (51)卸下防盗开关 (51)安装防盗开关 (52)4目录安装冷却导流罩 (54)系统内存 (55)一般内存模块安装原则 (56)内存配置示例 (56)卸下内存模块 (57)安装内存模块 (58)硬盘驱动器 (60)支持的硬盘驱动器配置 (60)卸下 3.5 英寸热插拔硬盘驱动器托盘挡片 (60)安装 3.5 英寸热插拔硬盘驱动器托盘挡片 (61)卸下 3.5 英寸有线硬盘驱动器托盘 (62)从硬盘驱动器托盘中卸下硬盘驱动器 (63)将有线硬盘驱动器安装到硬盘驱动器托盘中 (64)安装 3.5 英寸有线硬盘驱动器托盘 (64)卸下热插拔硬盘驱动器托盘 (65)从硬盘驱动器托盘中卸下热交换硬盘驱动器 (66)将热插拔硬盘驱动器安装到热插拔硬盘驱动器托盘中 (67)安装热插拔硬盘驱动器托盘 (68)将 2.5 英寸热插拔硬盘驱动器安装到 3.5 英寸硬盘驱动器适配器中 (69)将 3.5 英寸硬盘驱动器适配器安装到 3.5 英寸热插拔硬盘驱动器托盘中 (70)从 3.5 英寸热插拔硬盘驱动器托盘中卸下 3.5 英寸硬盘驱动器适配器 (71)将 2.5 英寸热插拔硬盘驱动器从 3.5 英寸硬盘驱动器适配器中卸下 (72)硬盘驱动器布线图 (73)光盘驱动器(可选) (76)卸下可选的光盘驱动器 (76)安装可选的光盘驱动器 (77)冷却风扇 (78)卸下冷却风扇挡片 (79)安装冷却风扇挡片 (79)卸下冷却风扇 (80)安装冷却风扇 (81)内部 USB 存储钥匙(可选) (82)安装可选的内置 USB 存储盘 (82)扩展卡和扩展卡提升板 (83)扩展卡安装原则 (84)卸下扩展卡提升板 (84)安装扩展卡提升板 (85)卸下扩展卡 (86)安装扩展卡 (88)SD vFlash 卡(可选) (89)卸下可选的 SD vFlash 卡 (89)安装可选的 SD vFlash 卡 (90)iDRAC 端口卡(可选) (90)卸下可选的 iDRAC 端口卡 (91)安装可选的 iDRAC 端口卡 (92)散热器和处理器 (93)卸下散热器 (93)目录5安装散热器 (98)电源设备 (100)卸下有线电源单元 (100)安装有线电源设备 (101)系统电池 (101)更换系统电池 (102)硬盘驱动器背板 (103)卸下硬盘驱动器背板 (103)安装硬盘驱动器背板 (105)控制面板部件 (107)卸下 LCD 控制面板组件 (107)安装 LCD 控制面板组件 (108)卸下 LED 控制面板组件 (110)安装 LED 控制面板组件 (111)系统板 (112)卸下系统板 (113)安装系统板 (115)可信平台模块 (117)安装可信平台模块 (117)为 BitLocker 用户初始化 TPM (118)为 TXT 用户初始化 TPM (118)7 使用系统诊断程序 (120)Dell 嵌入式系统诊断程序 (120)何时使用 Embedded System Diagnostics(嵌入式系统诊断程序) (120)从引导管理器运行嵌入式系统诊断程序 (120)从 Dell Lifecycle Controller 运行嵌入式系统诊断程序 (120)系统诊断程序控件 (121)8 跳线和连接器 (122)系统板跳线和连接器 (122)系统板跳线设置 (123)禁用已忘记的密码 (123)9 系统故障排除 (125)排查系统启动故障 (125)外部连接故障排除 (125)视频子系统故障排除 (126)USB 设备故障排除 (126)串行输入和输出设备故障排除 (126)NIC 故障排除 (127)受潮系统故障排除 (127)受损系统故障排除 (128)系统电池故障排除 (129)电源设备单元故障排除 (129)电源问题故障排除 (129)电源设备故障 (130)6目录系统内存故障排除 (131)内部 U 盘故障排除 (132)micro SD 卡故障排除 (132)光盘驱动器故障排除 (132)驱动器或 SSD 故障排除 (133)存储控制器故障排除 (133)扩展卡故障排除 (134)处理器故障排除 (135)系统消息 (135)警告消息 (135)诊断消息 (135)警报消息 (135)10 获取帮助 (136)联系 Dell EMC (136)说明文件反馈 (136)通过使用 QRL 访问系统信息 (136)目录71关于 PowerEdge R230 系统Dell PowerEdge R230 是单路机架式服务器,支持以下硬件配置:组件数量处理器服务器支持来自以下产品系列的一个处理器•英特尔 E3-1200 v5 或 v6 系列•英特尔酷睿 i3 6100 系列•英特尔赛扬 G3900 系列•英特尔赛扬 G3930•英特尔酷睿 G4500 系列•英特尔酷睿 G4600 系列内存模块多达四个 DIMM硬盘驱动器多达四个硬盘驱动器主题:•PowerEdge R230 系统支持的配置•PowerEdge R230 系统支持的配置•前面板功能部件和指示灯•背面板功能部件和指示灯•诊断指示灯•找到系统的服务标签8关于 PowerEdge R230 系统PowerEdge R230 系统支持的配置图 1: 所支持配置的系统视图PowerEdge R230 系统支持的配置:您的系统支持热插拔内置硬盘驱动器和有线硬盘驱动器。
fiRSt SeRveR plAybookSecurityMany small business owners worry about thevulnerability of their data to cyber threats—and rightly so. There has been a sharp rise in viruses, worms and phishing attacks by criminals who want access tofinancial and customer information. Get some peace of mind with a server that supports centralized and automatically enforced defense mechanisms.USing A Dell SeRveR to pRoteCt AgAinSt thReAtS MeAnS✦ You won’t be in the potentially business-crushing position of explaining to customers that their information was breached in an Internet attack. With a server, your business and its PCs connect to the Internet at just one point. You can monitor that with a firewall that protects the server by scanning network communications and blocking malicious intrusions.✦ You avoid the risks that come with relying on users to maintain antivirus updates. Install antivirus software on the server, and master updates address everyone’s systems.✦ You can lock down specific users’ access to sensitive files. And you can monitor log files to review access for suspicious activity.Dell SeRveRS Set theStAge foR SeCURe wiReleSS netwoRking✦ Wireless networks let you do business when and where you need to, but you must protect data in transmission. Installingand regularly updating encryption software on a server scrambles data to all but authorized users.Dell SolUtionS enSURe SeCURity thRoUgh the DAtA lifeCyCle✦ A Trusted Platform Module microchip in Dell’s PowerEdgeservers prevents hacking attempts to capture encryption keys and digital certificates that could lead to data leaks.✦ The chassis is locked down to block access to hard drives and the control panel. External USB ports can also be locked down. ✦ When a server drive malfunc-tions, a new Dell service destroys its data, certifies the act, and disposes of the disk for compliance with privacy requirements.Servers letusers connect to the internet at just one easily protected and monitored pointServer encryption soft-ware built right into a server presents hopelessly scrambled data to all butthe authorized usersChiptechnologyin Dell servers fights off hacking andphishing attempts automati-callythe chassis is locked down to block access to hard drives and the control panel.fiRSt SeRveR plAybook collaboration and remote acceSSInvesting in your first server is the first step to creating a more efficient, more productive and more growth- oriented 24/7 business. Why? A server makes it easy for teams to find and share documents; get work done without needless delays; and access applications, email and other office resources from anywhere at any time—which is exactly what users want.MAking A Dell SeRveR yoUR eleCtRoniC filing CAbinet MeAnS✦The days of wasting time figuring out which PCs host certain documents—perhaps the quarterly customer proposals your sales team has been working on—are over. Files can be created and updated in a central shared repository, where they’re immediately and always accessible.✦ Group editing of documents no longer has to be a tedious process of emailing files back and forth and consolidating everyone’s changes. When files live on a server, small businesses can use software such as Microsoft Share-Point to make changes and track them (to support version control) in collab-orative workspaces.Dell SeRveRS enDfile-ShARing DelA yS AnDiMpRove AppliCAtionACCeSS with✦ The large memory capacityand multi-core Xeon processorsavailable in Dell PowerEdgeservers, which help avoid theslowdowns that occur in peer-to-peer network file sharing.Accessing documents from otherworkers’ PCs can be hamperedby low memory issues or lesspowerful processors.✦High-performance compo-nents and expandability, whichcan become indispensable asyour business grows and moreusers need to simultaneouslyaccess enterprise applications orquery corporate databases.A Dell SeRveR giveSA booSt to RoADwARRioRS beCAUSe✦ T alk about Remote/Mobile/and just normal workers whowant to work from home oc-casionally can be as productivewhen they’re outside the officeas when they are in it. A serverwith software such as MicrosoftSmall Business Server 2008Remote Web Workplace letsstaffers securely tap into email,the company intranet, criticalfiles and key business applica-tions—all network resources, infact—right over the Web, any time.Remote workers can securely tapinto allnetworkresources using simple web tools files created andupdated in central place for immediate, always-there access huge memory capacityof Dell servers enables super-fast file sharing even when multiple users query the databasesUse MicrosoftSharepoint toslash the timeneeded forgroup editingY ou need to spend your time managing your business, not worrying about your IT infrastructure. That’s why it’s important to choose a server from a vendor that empha-sizes simplicity around the system’s setup, monitoring and maintenance. It’s equally important to consider what a vendor may offer for its servers that make it easier to manage your PCs, as well as core services such as email.MAnAging A Dell SeRveR MeAnS✦ Y ou don’t have to worry about whether you can find the CD with the drivers you need when you’re preparing to set up—or update—your server with the appropriate operating system and configuration. Dell builds systems management features into its PowerEdge hardware, so all you need do is work your way through a simple interface. Plus Dell servers provide the option to come preinstalled with popular operating systems, such as Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation.✦ From wherever you are, you can access a Web tool to: securely view serverstats such as current performance levels, diagnose problems; and even restart the server if necessary.Dell SolUtionS ConSiDeR the it eCoSySteM AS A whole …✦ The ability to do basic PCmanagement from a single server saves a lot of time on routine tasks such as configuration updates. In addition, the Dell Management Console helps avoid problems by providing alerts that certain thresholds (e.g., PC memory usage) have been reached.… AnD help with ADMiniS-teRing key SeRviCeS, too✦ When you move email to your own server, you get immediate management advantages. This includes eliminating upkeep for multiple employee ISP accounts and gaining the ability to sweep incoming messages for threats. ✦ Dell takes things further with an on-demand service for email security that boasts “auto-learning technology” to stop never-before-seen attacks, while also taking care of everyday maintenance. If you need to adhere to policies around archiving emails for e-Discovery requirements, or ensure that messages aren’t lost during an email server outage, Dell has services to help out there as well.Serversautomatically broom away threats from incoming email while automat-ing the upkeep of multiple iSp accountsDell’s on-demandemail security service can even stop attacks never before seenServer remote features let you perform virtually all management functions no matter where you may be physically locatedA simple, familiar interface greetsusers of Dell servers when setting up management featuresMAILYour business rides on your data. As your company grows, that means a lot more is riding on your ability to protect that information. As business data becomes more complex and more critical to track, you need to invest in a server so that you have a central storage location for consolidating the company information spread across the desktops and laptops of your employees.CentRAlizing fileS on A Dell SeRveR’S bUil t-in StoRAge MeAnS ✦ Y our business doesn’t crash when an employee’s laptop hard drive does.The valuable data that was once stored only there—say, the list of all his new sales prospects—is now saved on the server, where it can be immediately retrieved.✦ You won’t have to pay a service to try to recover the most recent data from users’ failed hard drives (unfortunately, end users aren’t always meticulous about daily system backups).✦ With just one set of files to back up from one central server, daily data backup is better assured. With the Dell PowerVault RD1000 removable disk drive, backup tasks can be accomplished quickly using media that can be taken off-site for protection against on-site disruptions.Dell SeRveRS ADDextRA pRoteCtion foR yoUR DAtA beCAUSe✦ You get built-in redundancy: Software RAID (RedundantArray of Independent Disks) saves copies of your files across two or more drives in a single system. Your data remains intact and accessible even if a drive goes down.✦ In combination with an oper-ating system such as Microsoft Windows Small Business Server, you can more easily control access to certain data through the access control list. You can also monitor the server to discover unauthor-ized reads or changes to files. These could be important tools in supporting compliance requirements.Dell SolUtionS give yoUR bUSineSS “RooM to gRow”✦ You can upgrade your Dell server from using built-in storage to using PowerVault NX network-attached storage (NAS) devices for storing and serving up data files. The server itself can then focus on processing business applications instead of data files, which can enhance the user experience.✦ You can reuse your existing server hard drives in your NAS to save money, and add more capacity as needed into this expandable storage space.no need for third-party backup or worrying about lost data, because it is auto-matically backed up in a second “drawer”.built-in security catches and stops bad data and unauthorized usersbefore any harm is doneServers let you easily control access to data so only authorized users ever see itRAiD saves data on multiple drives, so if one goes down, the data’s safe and available on the otherfiRSt SeRveR plAybook dell ServiceSWhen you’re ready to buy your first server, you want to understand the unique technology advantages a vendor offers. But you should also consider whether the vendor can deliver the advice and services that contribute to a successful first-time server purchase—and long-term business benefits. Dell’S foCUS on the SMAll bUSineSS MARket MeAnS✦ You don’t have to spend hours researching options to discover what systems may be best for you. Dell’s website features server solution bundles that map to your business requirements, such as the number of employees you support, your company’s tolerance for downtime, and even your space constraints. You also can have live Internet chats with sales experts to address any additional questions.✦ First-class support starts right away. Scheduled phone chats with Dell experts to assist in configuring your server operating system help your setup experience go smoothly.Dell knowS thAteveRy SMAll bUSineSSiS DiffeRent✦ Some small businesses have anIT-savvy person on staff; somedon’t. Some prefer to access andpay for support only when theycan’t solve a server problem ontheir own; others want managedservices contracts to proactivelymonitor systems and remotelyfix issues. Dell’s multiple supportoptions guarantee the service youwant the way you want it.Dell tAkeS SUppoRtto the next level by✦ Offering real support for smallbusinesses—support that goesbeyond keeping servers up andrunning. In addition to its strongportfolio of maintenance, trouble-shooting, and data recovery,security and rapid responseservices, Dell offers innovationssuch as:Remote Advisory Servicesfor advanced requirements,such as best practices forvirtual server environments.network Assessment Servicesto help you determine yourneeds for a new network, orperhaps a wireless network.Services to help you get moreout of the applications anddatabases that run on servers,and recycle systems as theyreach end-of-life.get started by fittingyour unique companywith a customized serversolution by engagingDell’s website/smb/servers.live phone andinternet supporthelp customizeeven furtherwhile giving youthe personaltouchyou wantget and pay foronly the Dell supportyou need—eitherpay-as-you-go or viaa service contractwith guaranteedservice levelsfinish up with Dell network and remote support services take the trouble and guesswork out of tricky server solutions。
XPS 13 9305 服务手册说明书
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XPS 13 9305服务手册8 2021注意、小心和警告:“注意”表示帮助您更好地使用该产品的重要信息。
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章 1: 安全说明 (7)拆装计算机内部组件之前 (7)开始之前 (7)拆装计算机内部组件之后 (7)章 2: 卸下和安装组件 (9)建议工具 (9)螺钉列表 (9)XPS 13 9305 的主要组件 (10)章 3: 卸下基座护盖 (12)步骤 (12)章 4: 装回基座盖 (14)步骤 (14)章 5: 取出电池 (16)锂离子电池预防措施 (16)前提条件 (16)步骤 (16)章 6: 装回电池 (18)锂离子电池预防措施 (18)步骤 (18)完成条件 (19)章 7: 卸下固态驱动器 (20)前提条件 (20)卸下 M.2 2280 和 M.2 2230 固态硬盘的步骤 (20)卸下 M.2 2280 固态硬盘的步骤 (20)卸下 M.2 2230 固态硬盘的步骤 (21)章 8: 装回固态驱动器 (22)装回 M.2 2280 和 M.2 2230 固态硬盘的步骤 (22)装回 2280 固态硬盘的步骤 (22)装回 2230 固态硬盘的步骤 (22)完成条件 (23)章 9: 卸下扬声器 (24)前提条件 (24)步骤 (24)章 10: 装回扬声器 (25)目录3章 11: 取出币形电池 (26)前提条件 (26)步骤 (26)章 12: 装回币形电池 (27)步骤 (27)完成条件 (27)章 13: 卸下散热器 - 仅限 i3 处理器 (28)前提条件 (28)步骤 (28)章 14: 装回散热器 - 仅限 i3 处理器 (29)步骤 (29)完成条件 (29)章 15: 卸下风扇 - 仅限 i3 处理器 (30)前提条件 (30)步骤 (30)章 16: 装回风扇 - 仅限 i3 处理器 (32)步骤 (32)完成条件 (33)章 17: 卸下散热器和风扇部件 - 仅限 i5/i7 处理器 (34)前提条件 (34)步骤 (34)章 18: 装回散热器和风扇部件 - 仅限 i5/i7 处理器 (36)步骤 (36)完成条件 (37)章 19: 卸下显示屏部件 (38)前提条件 (38)步骤 (38)章 20: 装回显示屏部件 (41)步骤 (41)完成条件 (42)章 21: 卸下耳机端口 (43)前提条件 (43)步骤 (43)章 22: 装回耳机端口 (45)4目录章 23: 卸下系统板 (47)前提条件 (47)步骤 (47)章 24: 装回系统板 (49)步骤 (49)完成条件 (50)在 BIOS 设置程序中输入服务标签 (50)章 25: 卸下带指纹读取器的电源按钮 (51)前提条件 (51)步骤 (51)章 26: 装回带指纹读取器的电源按钮 (52)步骤 (52)完成条件 (52)章 27: 卸下键盘 (53)前提条件 (53)步骤 (53)章 28: 装回键盘 (54)步骤 (54)完成条件 (54)章 29: 卸下掌垫部件 (55)前提条件 (55)步骤 (55)章 30: 装回掌垫部件 (56)步骤 (56)完成条件 (56)章 31: 驱动程序与下载 (57)章 32: 系统设置程序 (58)进入 BIOS 设置程序 (58)导航键 (58)引导顺序 (58)一次性引导菜单 (59)系统设置程序选项 (59)系统密码和设置密码 (69)分配系统设置密码 (69)删除或更改现有的系统设置密码 (69)清除 CMOS 设置 (70)目录5清除 BIOS(系统设置)和系统密码 (70)更新 BIOS (70)在 Windows 中更新 BIOS (70)在 Windows 环境中使用 USB 驱动器更新 BIOS (70)从 F12 一次性引导菜单更新 BIOS (71)章 33: 故障排除 (72)处理膨胀锂离子电池 (72)找到戴尔计算机的服务编号或快速服务代码 (72)系统诊断指示灯 (72)SupportAssist 诊断程序 (73)内置自检 (BIST) (73)M-BIST (73)液晶屏内置自检 (BIST) (74)恢复操作系统 (74)WiFi 重启 (75)备份介质和恢复选项 (75)耗尽剩余弱电(执行硬重置) (75)实时时钟— RTC 重设 (75)章 34: 获取帮助和联系戴尔 (77)6目录安全说明遵循以下安全原则可防止您的计算机受到潜在损坏并确保您的人身安全。
Product Information Guide产品信息指南 | 產品資訊指南 | Informační příručka produktu | Guide d'information sur le produit | Produktinformationshandbuch | Termékinformációs kézikönyv | Panduan Informasi Produk | 製品情報ガイド | 제품 정보 안내 | Przewodnik z informacjami o produkcie | Guia de Informações do Produto | Информационноеруководствопопродуктам | Informácie o produkte | Priročnik z informacijami o izdelku | Guía de información del producto | Ürün Bilgileri Kılavuzu |רצומ עדימ ךירדמProduct Information GuideNotes, Cautions, and WarningsNOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer.CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem.WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personalinjury, or death.____________________©2012–2014Dell Inc. All Rights Reserved2014 - 08P/N RGD3K Rev. A04Safety InstructionsFor additional important regulatory and safety information for the equipment addressed by this document, see the Regulatory Compliance website at /regulatory_compliance. Additional information for your equipment is available at /support.General SafetyWARNING: Observe the following instructions to help prevent potential for propertydamage, personal injury, or death.•The power supplies in your system may produce high voltages and energy hazards.Opening or removing covers that are marked with the triangle symbol with a lightning bolt may expose you to a risk of electric shock. Components inside these compartments should be serviced only by a trained service technician.The system may have more than one power supply cable. To reduce the risk of electrical shock, a trained service technician may need to disconnect all power supply cables before servicing the system.Where the system regulatory label has the electric current rating suffixed by (X#),# = maximum number of power supplies per system.•Do not operate your equipment with any cover(s) removed.•The internal components, including memory modules, can become extremely hot during operation. Allow sufficient time to cool before handling.•Do not use damaged equipment, including exposed, frayed, or damaged power cords.•When connecting or disconnecting power to hot-pluggable power supplies:–Install the power supply before connecting the power cable to the power supply.–Unplug the power cable before removing the power supply.–Disconnect all sources of power from the system by unplugging all power cables from the power supplies.•Do not use the equipment where it can get wet. Protect equipment from liquid intrusion.If your equipment gets wet, disconnect power to the equipment and to any attached devices.If the computer is connected to an electrical outlet, turn off the AC power at thecircuit breaker before attempting to remove the power cables from the electrical outlet.Disconnect any attached devices.•Do not push any objects into the air vents or openings of the equipment. Doing so can cause fire or electric shock.•Do not attempt to service the equipment yourself, except as explained in your documentation or in instructions otherwise provided to you by the manufacturer.Always follow installation and service instructions closely.•If your hardware has a voltage selection switch on the power supply, be sure to set it for the voltage that most closely matches the AC power available at your location.Product Information Guide3•Operate the equipment only from the type of external power source indicated on the electrical ratings label.•To avoid possible damage to the system board, wait 30 seconds after turning off the equipment before removing a component from the system board or disconnectinga peripheral device from the equipment.•For non-rack-mounted servers, leave 10.2 cm (4 in) minimum of clearance on all vented sides of the equipment to permit the airflow required for proper ventilation.Restricting airflow can damage the equipment or cause overheating.•Do not stack equipment or place equipment so close together that it is subject to re-circulated or preheated air, such as next to an appliance or exhaust vent.•Ensure that nothing rests on your equipment's cables.•Move equipment with care; ensure that all casters and/or stabilizers are firmly connected to the system. Avoid sudden stops and uneven surfaces.•Review the weight limits referenced in your equipment documentation before placinga monitor or other device on top of your equipment.•Use only approved power cable(s) rated for the equipment. The voltage and current rating of the cable should be greater than the ratings marked on the equipment.•Plug the equipment power cables into properly grounded electrical outlets.Do not use adapter plugs or remove the grounding prong from a cable. If you must use an extension cable, use a 3-wire cable with properly grounded plugs.•Observe extension cable and power strip ratings. Ensure that the total ampere rating of all equipment plugged into the extension cable or power strip does not exceed 80 percent of the ampere ratings limit for the extension cable or power strip.•To help protect the equipment from fluctuations in electrical power, use a surge suppressor, line conditioner, or uninterruptible power supply (UPS).CAUTION: Incorrectly installing a battery or using an incompatible battery may increase the risk of fire or explosion. Replace the battery only with the same or equivalent type.•Do not disassemble, crush, or puncture batteries.•Do not store or place your battery pack next to or in a heat source such as a fire, heat-generating appliance, car, or exhaust vent. Heating battery cells to temperaturesabove 65 °C(149 °F) can cause explosion or fire.•Do not attempt to open or service batteries. Do not dispose of batteries in a fire or with household waste. See Battery Disposal instructions.4Product Information GuideProduct Information Guide 5WARNING: Additional Instructions for Rack-Mounted Systems.CAUTION: If installed in a closed or multi-unit rack assembly, the operating ambienttemperature of the rack environment may be greater than room ambient. Therefore, consideration should be given to installing the equipment in an environment compatible with the maximum ambient temperature (Tma) specified by the manufacturer. For more information, see your product documentation.•Your rack kit has been approved only for the rack cabinet provided. It is your responsibilityto ensure that installation of the equipment into any other rack complies with allapplicable standards. The manufacturer disclaims all liability and warranties with respect to combinations of equipment with any other rack.•Before installing your equipment in a rack, install all front and side stabilizers. Failure to install stabilizers can allow the rack to tip over.•Always load from the bottom up, and load the heaviest items first.•Do not overload the AC power supply branch circuit that provides power to the rack.•Do not stand or step on any components in the rack. WARNING: Slide/rail mounted equipment is not to be used as a shelf or work space.Do not add weight to slide/rail mounted equipment.The following statement applies only to rack-installed products that areGS-Marked : This equipment is not intended for use at workplaces with visual display units, in accordance with §2 of the German ordinance for workplaces with visual display units.WARNING: For equipment using - (48–60) V DC power supplies, a qualified electrician must perform all connections to DC power and to safety grounds. Do not attempt connecting to DC power or installing grounds yourself.CAUTION: Systems using - (48-60) V DC power supplies may have a connection between the earthed conductor of the DC power supply circuit and the earthing conductor. “如果该设备标示有标识,表示加贴该标识的设备仅按海拔2000m进行安全设计与评估,因此,仅适用于在2000m以下安全使用,在海拔2000m以上使用时,可能有安全隐患” “如果该设备标示有此标识,表示加贴该标识的设备仅按非热带气候条件进行安全设计与评估,因此,仅适用于非热带气候条件安全使用,在热带气候条件使用时,可能有安全隐患” The system using a DC power supply must be connected directly to the system-earthing electrode conductor, to a bonding jumper from an earthing terminal bar, or the bus to which the system earthing electrode conductor is connected.The system using a DC power supply must be located in the same immediate area (such as adjacent cabinets) as any other equipment that has a connection between the earthed conductor of the same DC power supply circuit and the earthing conductor, and also the point of earthing of the DC-powered system.The DC power supply must be located within the same premises as the equipment. Switching or disconnecting devices must not be in the earthed circuit conductor between the source of the DC power supply and the point of the connection of the earthing electrode conductor.Instructions for the Qualified Electricians ONLY:Systems using –(48–60) V DC Power Supplies are intended for restricted access locations in accordance with Articles 110-5, 110-6, 110-11, 110-14, and 110-17 of the National Electrical Code, American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 70.Before connecting safety ground or power cables, ensure that the power is removed from the DC circuit. To ensure that the power is off, locate the circuit breaker on the DC source circuit (usually at the power distribution of the battery distribution fuse bay). Switch the circuit breaker to the off position and, if available, install an approved safety locking device on the circuit breaker or switch.While grounding techniques may vary, a positive connection to a safety (earth) ground is a requirement.When installing the unit, the ground connection must always be made first and disconnected last to prevent a hazard.Never defeat the ground conductor or operate the equipment in the absence of a suitably installed ground conductor. Contact the appropriate electrical inspection authority or an electrician if you are uncertain that suitable grounding is available.The system chassis must be securely grounded to the rack cabinet frame. Do not attempt to connect power to the system until grounding cables are connected.When stranded wiring is required, use approved wiring termination, such as closed-loop or spade-type with upturned lugs. These terminations should be the appropriate size for the wires and must be double crimped, one on the conductor and one on the insulation. For additional information, see the cabling instructions provided with your system.6Product Information GuideProduct Information Guide 7Ergonomic InstructionsWARNING: Improper or prolonged keyboard use may result in injury.WARNING: Viewing a display or external monitor screen for extended periods of time may result in eye strain.Environmental ConsiderationsBattery DisposalRefer to your system documentation for battery replacement instructions.Do not dispose of the battery along with household waste. Contact your local waste disposal agency for the address of the nearest battery deposit site.Batteries DirectiveIn the European Union (EU), this label indicates that the batteries in thisproduct should be collected separately and not disposed of with householdwaste. Substances in batteries can have a potential negative impact on healthand environment and you have a role in recycling waste batteries thuscontributing to the protection, preservation, and improvement of the qualityof the environment. Y ou should contact your local authority or retailer fordetails of the collection and recycling schemes available.Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) DirectiveIn the European Union, this label indicates that this product should not bedisposed of with household waste. It should be deposited at an appropriatefacility to enable recovery and recycling.EU REACH SVHC DisclosureREACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals, EC 1907/2006) is the European Union’s (EU) chemical substances regulatory framework.REACH requires the producer to provide customers with sufficient information on Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) contained in products in concentration above 0.1% weight by weight (w/w) to allow safe use of the product.8Product Information Guide EU RoHSThe Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (2011/65/EU) is a European Union directive. Through internal design controls and supply chain declarations, this system has been verified to comply with the EU RoHS Directive. In addition, eleventh generation (11G) and future generation base servers have been designed without leveraging EU RoHS exemption 7b: lead in solders for servers, storage and storage array systems, network infrastructure equipment for switching, signaling, transmission as well as network management for telecommunications. This is commonly referred to as RoHS 6/6 compliant.Regulatory NoticesFor additional regulatory information, see the Regulatory Compliance homepage at/regulatory_compliance .Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) is any signal or emission, radiated in free space or conducted along power or signal leads, that endangers the functioning of radio navigation or other safety service or seriously degrades, obstructs, or repeatedly interrupts a licensed radio communications service. Radio communications services include but are not limited to AM/FM commercial broadcast, television, cellular services, radar, air-traffic control, pager, and Personal Communication Services (PCS). These licensed radio services, and unlicensed radio services, such as WLAN or Bluetooth, along with unintentional radiators such asdigital devices, including computer systems, contribute to the electromagnetic environment.Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is the ability of items of electronic equipment to function properly together in the electronic environment. While this computer system has been designed and determined to be compliant with regulatory agency limits for EMI, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.These products are designed, tested, and classified for their intended electromagnetic environment. These electromagnetic environment classifications generally refer to the following harmonized definitions:•Class B products are intended for use in residential/domestic environments but may alsobe used in non-residential/non-domestic environments. NOTE: The residential/domestic environment is an environment where the use ofbroadcast radio and television receivers may be expected within a distance of10m from where this product is used.•Class A products are intended for use in non-residential/non-domestic environments.Class A products may also be utilized in residential/domestic environments but may cause interference and require the user to take adequate corrective measures.If this equipment does cause interference with radio communications services, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, you are encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient the receiving antenna.•Relocate the computer with respect to the receiver.•Move the computer away from the receiver.•Plug the computer into a different outlet so that the computer and the receiver are on different branch circuits.If necessary, consult an authorized Technical Support representative or an experiencedradio/television or EMC technician for additional suggestions.Information Technology Equipment (ITE), including peripherals, expansion cards, printers, input/output (I/O) devices, monitors, and so on, that are integrated into or connected to the system should match the electromagnetic environment classification of the computer system.A Notice About Shielded Signal Cables: Use only shielded cables for connecting peripherals to any device to reduce the possibility of interference with radio communications services. Using shielded cables ensures that you maintain the appropriate EMC classification for the intended environment. It has been determined that this product is a Class A harmonized product. The following sections provide country-specific EMC/EMI or product safety information.FCC Notice (U.S. Only)Class AThis product has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.This product generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction manual, may cause harmful interference with radio communications. Operation of this product in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case you will be required to correct the interference at your own expense. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:•This device may not cause harmful interference.•This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Notice: The FCC regulations provide that changes or modifications not expressly approvedby Dell Inc. could void your authority to operate this equipment.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference ina non-residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference with radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, you are encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the antenna of the radio/television receiver.•Increase the separation between this equipment and the radio/television receiver. •Plug the equipment into a different outlet so that the equipment and the radio/television receiver are on different power mains branch circuits.•Consult an authorized service technician or an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions.Product Information Guide9Company name: Dell Inc. is the responsible party for this product. For an EMC compliance issue or a regulatory inquiry, please use the following contact information:Dell Inc.Worldwide Regulatory Compliance, Engineering and Environmental AffairsOne Dell Way PS4-30Round Rock, Texas 78682 USA512-338-4400Industry Canada, Class AThis Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Notice: The Industry Canada regulations provide that changes or modifications not expressly approved by Dell Inc. could void your authority to operate this equipment.Industry Canada, Classe ACet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.Avis: Dans le cadre des réglementations d'Industry Canada, vos droits d'utilisation de cetéquipement peuvent être annulés si des changements ou modifications non expressément approuvés par Dell Inc. y sont apportés.CE NoticeThis product has been determined to be in compliance with 2006/95/EC (Low Voltage Directive), 2004/108/EC (EMC Directive), and amendments of the European Union. Versions of this product may have integrated modules or add-in cards supporting wireless and telecommunications operations. These wireless and telecommunications peripherals have been assessed as compliant in this product and, when present, are in compliance with 1999/5/EC (R&TTE Directive, for Radio and Telecommunications Interfaces).European Union, Class AWARNING: This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio frequency interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.A "Declaration of Conformity" in accordance with the preceding directives and standards has been made and is on file at Dell Inc. Products Europe BV, Limerick, Ireland.Simplified Chinese Class A Warning Notice (China Only)10Product Information GuideProduct Information Guide 11VCCI Notice (Japan Only)KCC Notice (Republic of Korea Only)다음은 KCC 규정 준수에 따라 본 설명서에서 언급하고 있는 A등급 장치에 관한 것입니다. • 인증 수취인:Dell Inc.Worldwide Regulatory Compliance, Engineering and Environmental Affairs One Dell Way PS4-30Round Rock, Texas 78682 USA 512-338-4400• 장비 또는 모델명: 이 정보에 관한 제품 레이블을 참조하십시오. • 인증 번호:KCC 로고 바로 밑에 있는 인증 번호를참조하십시오.• 제조일:각각의 제품에는 제조 날짜가 인쇄되어있습니다. 이 날짜는 바코드 형태로 되어 있을것입니다.• 제조국가:이 정보에 관한 제품 레이블을 참조하십시오.상기 각각의 제품에는 제조 날짜가 인쇄되어 있습니다.BSMI Notice (Taiwan Only)12Product Information Guide产品信息指南注、小心和警告注:“注”表示可以帮助您更好地使用计算机的重要信息。
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