
2020-2021学年第一学期10月份第一次月考试卷高一数学试卷参考答案2020.10考试范围:人教A 版必修第一册第一、二章考试时间:120分钟一、单项选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.D 解析:由(6)(1)0x x -+<,得16x -<<,从而有{}16B x x =-<<,所以{}14A B x x ⋂=-<<,故选:D .2.B 解析:集合{}0,1,2,3,4,5A =,{{}2B x y x x ===≥,所以{}U 2B x x =<ð.图中阴影部分表示的集合为(){}U 0,1A B ⋂=ð.故选:B 3.A 解析:因为甲是乙的充要条件,所以乙⇔甲;又因为丙是乙的充分条件,但不是乙的必要条件,所以丙⇒乙,但乙⇒丙.综上,丙⇒甲,但甲⇒丙,即丙是甲的充分条件,但不是甲的必要条件.故选A .4.A 解析:因为全称命题的否定是特称命题,所以命题“[]1,3x ∀∈-,2320x x -+≤”的否定为“[]01,3x ∃∈-,200320x x -+>”.故选A .5.B 解析:对于A ,若22ac bc >,则0c ≠,2222ac bc c c >,即a b >,故正确;对于B ,根据不等式的性质,若0a b <<,不妨取2,1a b =-=-,则22a b >,故题中结论错误;对于C ,若0a b >>,则a b ab ab>,即11a b <,故正确;对于D ,若0a b <<,0c d >>,则0a b ->->,故ac bd ->-,ac bd <,故正确.故选B .6.B 解析:0a > ,0b >,且21a b +=,120b a ∴=->,解得102a <<.∴12122(1)1212122(1)(2321111a a a a a a a a b a a a a a a a a ---+=+=+-=+-+-=++-+----11+=+ ,当且仅当1a =,3b =-时取等号.∴12aa a b++有最小值1+.故选:B .7.C 解析:解:不等式210x mx -+<的解集为空集,所以0∆≤,即240m -≤,解得22m -≤≤.故选:C .8.B 解析:依题意2() 4.914.717h t t t =-++234.928.0252t ⎛⎫=--+ ⎪⎝⎭,故当32t =时,()max 28.02528m h t =≈.故选B .二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多个选项符合题目要求.全部选对的得5分,部分选对的得3分,有选错的得0分.9.ABD 解析:由于M N ⊆,即M 是N 的子集,故M N M ⋂=,M N N ⋃=,从而M M N ⊆⋂(),()M N N ⋃⊆.故选ABD .10.AC 解析:对于选项A ,由327x =-得293x x =-⇒=,但是3x =适合29x =,推出32727x =≠-,故A 正确;对于选项B ,在ABC ∆中,222AB AC BC ABC +=⇒∆为直角三角形,但ABC ∆为直角三角形222AB AC BC ⇒+=或222AB BC AC +=或2221BC AC AB +=,故B 错误;对于选项C ,由220,a b a b +≠⇒不全为0,反之,由a ,b 不全为2200a b ⇒+≠,故D 正确;对于选项D ,结论“四边形是菱形”推不出条件“四边形是正方形”,因此必要条件不成立.故选:AC .11.AB 解析:对A ,2211224a b ab +⎛⎫⎛⎫≤== ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,当且仅当12a b ==时取等号.故A 正确.对B ,22a b a b a b =+++++=≤,当且仅当12a b ==时取等号.故B 正确.对C ,()1111224b a a b a b a b a b ⎛⎫+=++=++≥+⎝= ⎪⎭.当且仅当12a b ==时取等号.所以11a b+有最小值4.故C 错误.对D ,()222121a b a ab b +=⇒++=≤2a +()222a b b ++,即2212a b +≥,故22a b +有最小值12.故D 错误.故选:AB 12.ABD 解析:由23344x x b -+≤得23121640x x b -+-≤,又1b <,所以()4810b ∆=-<,从而不等式23344a x x b ≤-+≤的解集为∅,故A 正确.当1a =时,不等式23344a x x ≤-+就是2440x x -+≥,解集为R ,当4b =时,不等式23344x x b -+≤就是240x x -≤,解集为{}04x x ≤≤,故B 正确.由23344a x x b ≤-+≤的解集为{}x a x b ≤≤,知min a y ≤,即1a ≤,因此当x a =,x b =时函数值都是b .由当x b=时函数值是b ,得23344b b b -+=,解得43b =或4b =.当43b =时,由2343443a a b -+==,解得43a =或83a =,不满足1a ≤,不符合题意,故C 错误.当4b =时,由233444a ab -+==,解得0a =或4a =,0a =满足1a ≤,所以0a =,此时404b a -=-=,故D 正确.故选:A B D三、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.13.4解析:由题得满足关系式{}{}2,31,2,3,4A ⊆⊆的集合A 有:{2,3},{1,2,3},{2,3,4},{1,2,3,4}.所以集合A 的个数为4.故答案为414.充分非必要解析:令命题:2p x y +≠-,命题:q x ,y 不都为1-;:2p x y ⌝+=-,:q x ⌝,y 都是1-,则当x ,y 都是1-时,满足2x y +=-,反之当1x =,3y =-时,满足2x y +=-,但x ,y 都是1-不成立,即q ⌝是p ⌝充分非必要条件,则根据逆否命题的等价性知p 是q 的充分非必要条件,故答案为:充分非必要.15.16解析:0a >,1b >且210a b b +=⇒->且()11a b +-=∴()()91919111010616111b a a b a b a b a b -⎛⎫+=++-=++≥+=⎡⎤ ⎪⎣⎦---⎝⎭当且仅当()911b a a a -=-取等,又2a b +=,即34a =,54b =时取等号,故所求最小值16.故答案为:1616.0解析:由根与系数的关系可知()11{0,01m m m b b m m a++=∴==+=四、解答题:本题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出必要的文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.17.解:(1)若1A ∈,则210,1m m -+=∴=1a ∉ ,∴实数m 的取值范围为:{}1m m ∈≠R ……………4分(2)选①:若A =∅,则关于x 的方程2210mx x -+=没有实数解,所以0m ≠,且440m ∆=-<,所以1m >……………10分选②:若A 恰有两个子集,则A 为单元素集,所以关于x 的方程2210mx x -+=恰有一个实数解,讨论:①当0m =时,12x =,满足题意;②当0m ≠时,Δ440m =-=,所以1m =.综上所述,m 的集合为{}0,1……………10分选③:若1,22A ⎛⎫⋂≠∅ ⎪⎝⎭,则关于x 的方程221mx x =-在区间1,22⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭内有解,等价于当1,22x ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭时,求2221111m x x x ⎛⎫=-=-- ⎪⎝⎭的值域,所以](0,1m ∈……………10分18.解:(1)122x x +>-等价于()()12220x x x ⎧+->⎨-≠⎩,解得25x <<:25p x ∴<<,由p ⌝为真知:2x ≤或5x ≥……………6分(2)q ⌝是p ⌝的充分不必要条件,则q 是p 的必要不充分条件.故2:50q x ax -+>对于任意25x <<恒成立,故5a x x<+,由基本不等式可知5x x+≥x =a <……12分19.解:(1)因为0x >,0y >,所以x y +≥,由2x y xy +=,得2xy ≥1≥,1xy ≥,当且仅当1x y ==时,等号成立……………6分(2)由2x y xy +=得112x y+=.2111223222x x x y y y x x x x y x x ⎛⎫+=++=++≥+≥ ⎪⎝⎭.当且仅当2x y x=,且0x <时,两个等号同时成立.即当且仅当12x =-且14y =,2y x x +的最小值是32……………12分20.(1)由题意可知,月处理成本y (元)与月处理量x (吨)之间的函数关系可近似地表示为()21200800004006002y x x x =-+≤≤,所以,每吨二氧化碳的平均处理成本为1800002002y x x x =+-,由基本不等式可得200200y x ≥=(元),当且仅当1800002x x=时,即当400x =时,等号成立,因此,该单位每月处理量为400吨时,才能使每吨的平均处理成本最低……………6分(2)()()222111100200800003008000030035000222f x x x x x x x ⎛⎫=--+=-+-=--- ⎪⎝⎭400600x ≤≤ ,函数()f x 在区间[]400,600上单调递减,当400x =时,函数()f x 取得最大值,即()()max 40040000f x f ==-.所以,该单位每月不能获利,国家至少需要补贴40000元才能使该单位不亏损……12分21.解:(1)()()2210⎡⎤-+-=---≤⎣⎦x x a a x a x a ,当1a a <-(12a <)时,不等式解集为{|1}x a x a ≤≤-;当1a a >-(12a >)时,不等式解集为{|1}x a x a -≤≤;当1a a =-(12a =)时,不等式解集为1{|}2x x =.所以,当1 2a <时,不等式解集为{|1}A x a x a =≤≤-;当1 2a =时,不等式解集为12A ⎧⎫=⎨⎬⎩⎭;当1 2a >时,不等式解集为{|1}A x a x a =-≤≤……………8分(2)由上(1),1 2a >时,() {|1}1,1A x a x a =-≤≤⊆-,所以111a a ->-⎧⎨<⎩,得1a <,所以,实数a 的取值范围112a <<……………12分22.解:(1)函数24y x mx =++的图象开口向上,对称轴为2m x =-,在区间[]1,2上的最大值,分两种情况:①322m -<(3m >-)时,根据图象知,当2x =时,函数取得最大值82max y m =+;②322m -≥(3m ≤-)时,当1x =时,函数取得最大值5max y m =+.所以,当3m >-时,82max y m =+;当3m ≤-时,5max y m =+……………7分(2)[] 1,20x y ∈<,恒成立,只需在区间[]1,2上的最大值0max y <即可,所以(1)0(2)0f f <⎧⎨<⎩,得45m m <-⎧⎨<-⎩,所以实数m 的取值范围是5m <-……………12分。

A long time ago, there lived a farmer and a shepherd (牧羊人). One day, they got into 1 argument over the ownership of a goat. 2 went to the village judge and explained the situation. The village judge was new and 3 a good challenge. He asked them a riddle (谜语) and explained that the one who would give him a 4 answer would win the goat.He asked, “What is the fastest thing in the world? What is the sweetest? And who is the richest?” The judge gave them a day 5 . The shepherd returned home upset, 6 he was sure he would lose. 7 he had a daughter, a very clever daughter. She 8 Anna. He repeated the riddle to her and she told him 9 to say. They returned to the judge the next 9 day. The farmer answered 10 . “The fastest thing is my grey horse, for nothing can 11 her. My honey is the sweetest thing I 12 so far. And the chest of gold coins 13 be the richest.”The shepherd's turn was next. “The fastest thing is a thought, for it can run any distance in no time at all. The sweetest thing is sleep 14 makes one relax when he is sad and tired. And he richest thing is the ground, for out of it come all the riches of the world.” He said.The 15 judge then gave him the goat.1. A. a B. an C. the D. /2. A. Their B. Them C. Theirs D. They3. A. enjoy B. enjoys C. enjoyed D. has enjoyed4. A. good B. well C. better D. best5. A. think B. thinking C. to thinking D. to think6. A. because B. though C. if D. unless7. A. And B. But C. Or D. So8. A. name B. names C. named D. was named9. A. what B. who C. when D. which10. A. excite B. excited C. excitedly D. excitement11. A. pass B. passes C. passed D. to pass12. A. tasted B. have tasted C. tastes D. taste13. A. shall B. would C. must D. need14. A. whose B. that C. what D. who15. A. impress B. impressing C. impressed D. impression二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16-25各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项编号涂黑。

2023-2024学年广州市花都区秀全外国语学校九年级第一学期期中英语测试(33校联考)一、语法选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)There was once a young man who began to feel self-satisfied after ___1___ some small achievements.One day, the young man took a walk with ___2___ wise man from his town. The young man was bragging(吹嘘)about himself, ___3___ the wise man didn't say a word. When they got to the top of the mountain, the young man ___4___ to look down and tell the wise man what he saw.“I see trees, farmland, houses and people as ___5___ as ants working in the fields,” the young man said. Then the wise man asked him ___6___ he felt about it.“Everything is below me. I feel I rule(v.统治)the world,” the young man answered.The wise man said nothing. After a minute, he asked the young man to look up and tell him what he ___7___ see this time.“Now I see birds ___8___ around high mountains, the white clouds above the mountains and the blue sky above the white clouds,” the young man answered. Then he asked about the wise man's feelings.“I feel small and powerless,” the wise man answered. “A person who knows to look upward can ___9___ understand his position. ___10___ a person knows the blue sky is always overhead, he won't be so silly as to believe he rules over the world or ___11___people.”The young man felt foolish ___12___ his pride. From then on, whenever he began to feel as if the world owed(v.亏欠)___13___ something, he looked up at the sky and ___14___ how small he really was.___15___ to look upward when you feel too good about yourself.1.A.to make B.made C.making D.make2.A.a B.the C.an D./3.A.if B.but C.so D.or4.A.asked B.was asked C.is asked D.was asking5.A.smaller B.smallest C.small D.the smallest6.A.how B.why C.that D.what7.A.might B.should C.could D.must8.A.flying B.to fly C.fly D.flew9.A.clear B.clearly C.clearer D.clearest10.A.Since B.When C.After D.While11.A.another B.the other C.others D.other12.A.for B.about C.on D.in13.A.his B.him C.he D.its14.A.had remembered B.remembers C.was remembering D.remembered15.A.Trying B.To try C.Try D.Tried二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)As a teenager, I volunteered at Loaves and Fishes, a program my mother started. We ___16___ meals to anyone who showed up, and most of them were people in Minneapolis. When I spoke to them, they didn't look me in the eye, and they were ___17___ thankful. I wanted to shout, “Hey, we're doing a useful thing here. You could at least thank us!”After I stopped volunteering at Loaves and Fishes, I took control of my own life. Over the next ten years, I had a/an ___18___ life: a college degree, teaching career, wonderful husband and then our first child, Derian.But soon, we were told that Derian had a serious illness and needed to be in ___19___. I soon discovered I was not in control.Thirteen months after Derian was born, Connor, our second son, was born. ___20___, he is healthy. With two sons to look after, I had to leave from teaching. Even though Robb, my husband, tried his best, we were short of ___21___ soon. In the spring of 2015, we decided to ask for help. I had heard about a program that ___22___ money to mothers and children, and I put my pride aside and made an appointment (预约).On the morning of my appointment, I took my two sons to the program. When I was standing in the waiting area, suddenly, I realized life was full of the ___23___. I felt sorry for looking down on the poor years ago. Now it was my ___24___to be poor. I wanted to leave with my children quickly. But looking into their bright eyes, I knew why I had to stay.For the first time in my life. I ___25___why the people I once served at Loaves and Fishes were not thankful. Who wants to be poor? I'll never forget those lessons: we should respect and understand the poor instead of giving them money and food only.16.A.served B.collected C.cooked D.brought17.A.always B.seldom C.sometimes D.often18.A.hard B.boring C.perfect D.interesting19.A.office B.school C.station D.hospital20.A.Thankfully B.Hopefully C.Excitedly D.Certainly21.A.water B.time C.money D.experience22.A.raised B.offered C.provided D.divided23.A.disappointed B.strange C.tired D.unexpected24.A.turn B.chance C.time D.luck25.A.wondered B.asked C.understood D.talked三、阅读(共两节:满分35分)第一节阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)(A)When I was young, my mom used to give the family a funny special treat from time to time---she would make breakfast food for dinner.I remember she did so one night. She had been at work all day but wanted to do something special for us.On that evening, my mom put a plate of eggs, sausages and very burnt(烤焦的)toast in from of my dad. I waited to see if anyone noticed. But my dad just took his toast, smiled at my mom and asked me how my day at school had been I don't remember what I told him that night. But I do remember watching him put butter and jelly on that toast. He ate it up as usual, every single bite.After dinner, I remember hearing my mom apologize to my dad for burning the toast. I'll neverforget what he said: “Honey, I love burnt toast.”Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night. I asked him if he really liked his toast burnt. He hugged me in his arms and said:“Your mommy worked very hard today. She's really tired.And besides, a bit of burnt toast never hurts anyone!”Life is full of imperfect things. Nobody is perfect either. I'm not the best at anything. I forget birthdays and other important events just like everyone else does. But I've learned something important from my father. Understanding is the basis of everything, whether between a husband and wife, a parent and child or just between two friends. Remember, burnt toast never hurts anyone. It's the people with the kind thoughts who make life worth living.26.The writer's father___________during the dinner.A.ate up all the burnt toastB.liked to eat the burnt toastC.threw away the burnt toastD.didn't notice the burnt toast27.From what the father said to his son, we know the father_______________.A.was an excellent cookB.worked hard every dayC.could understand his wifeD.often argued with his wife28.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.My dad loves to eat burnt toast.B.My mum loves to make burnt toast.C.Burnt toast never hurts anyone except me.D.My dad understands that no one is perfect.29.What can we learn from the story?A.Great minds think alike.B.Failure is the mother of success.C.It is never too old to learn.D.Better understanding, better world.(B)Oriana Fallaci was an Italian reporter, author, and interviewer. Different from other interviewers, she created a new method of interviewing. In her opinion, the best way of reporting is putting yourself in your report. “The reporter is also a center and an actor,” she once said. This special opinion helped her get the name of “the queen of news interviews”.During World War II, she had a long and successful career. Fallaci became famous worldwide for her reporting of wars, and her interviews with many world leaders during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. In 1988, her book Interview with History was published, which contains lots of long and penetrating(犀利的)interviews with many leaders worldwide. One of the leaders once described the interview with Fallaci as “the single most disastrous (突难性的)conversation I have ever had.”Fallaci became a special reporter for an Italian paper in 1946. In 1967, she worked as a war reporter, reporting many famous wars. “It was really an awful period of time for me. For many times, I thought my life would end in smoke and fires. At that moment, I just hoped those pictures and letters could be found by those who would find my body and make them known to the world,” Fallaci said.Fallaci had received many awards in her life. On November 30th2005, in New York City, Fallaci received the Annie Taylor Award. The Annie Taylor Award is awarded yearly to people who have shown unusual courage in bad conditions and great danger. Fallaci received many good comments as well as some bad ones. There is no doubt that she was one of the most famous reporters in the world.30.Why was Fallaci special?A. She had many different rolesB.She was a political interviewerC. She had her own idea on reporting.D. She was successful in news interviews.31. What can we infer about Fallaci from Paragraph 2?A. Every leader in the world hated her.B. Her interviews were hard to deal with.C. She always made leaders feel pleased.D. She was good at very short interviews.32. What is the correct order of the following events?a. Fallaci published her book Interview with History.b. Fallaci won the Annie Taylor Award.c. Fallaci became a war reporter and reported famous wars.d Fallaci worked as a special reporter in an Italian paper.A.d-a-c-bB.d-c-a-bC.c-d-a-bD.c-d-b-a33. What's the purpose of this passage?A. To let us learn something from wars.B. To show us the awards Oriana Fallaci won.C. To give us an introduction of Oriana Fallaci.D. To tell us how Oriana Fallaci became successful.CFeeling sad or upset? Don't tum to a cheerful comedy. A sad movie may be just what you need.A team of scientists at Ohio State University, US, has found that sad movies can make people happier. They published their study in a magazine called Communication Research. Scientists asked 361 college students to watch a sad movie called Atonement. The movie tells the story of two lovers who are separated and at the end die during World War II. Before and after the movie, the students answered questions testing how happy they were with their lives. They also answered questions from the scientists before, after and three times during the movie to measure different emotions, including sadness.Results showed that overall, people felt better after watching the movie. Scientists believe this is because the movie made them think about their own lives and relationships. Their lives, compared to those of the unlucky lovers on the screen, were full of hope. “I want to live my life to the fullest, and this movie has made me think a lot.”one student wrote.Silvia Knobloch Westerwick, the leader of the study, explained that negative moods make people more thoughtful(adj.沉思的).“Positive emotions are generally a signal that everything is fine, you don't have to worry, you don't have to think about issues in your life,” she said, “but negative emotions, like sadness, make you think more critically about your situation. So seeing a sad movie may make you sad, but that will cause you to think more about your own close relationships and appreciate them more.”34.When you feel upset,which kind of movie is your best choice?A.A comedy.B.An exciting movie.C.A science fiction.D.A sad movie.35.When did people feel best according to the study?A. Before watching the movie.B.While watching the movieC.After watching the movie.D.While answering the questions.36. Which of the following about the study is NOT true?A. 361 college students took part in the study.B. Scientists at Ohio State University did the study.C. The students answered questions three times in all.D. The students watched a sad movie during the study.37. Why can sad movies make sad people feel happier?A. Because they find that everything in their lives is fine.B. Because sad movies can make them forget unhappy things.C. Because sad movies can make all the negative emotions go away.D. Because they find that their lives are more hopeful than the movies.D10 of the Best Classic Films in the 21st CenturyCelebrate some of the greatest filmsBY JOE AND KATEEnjoy classic movies, and enjoy your winter.The following good classic films suit you well.Pi grew up in India, where his father owned a zoo. When Pi' s family businessfails, they start a sea journey to Canada to begin a new life. One night in the middleof the ocean, a violent storm hits and sinks nearly all the things that Pi holds. He survives in a lifeboat with several of their zoo animals, including a tiger, In a struggleto survive, Pi and the tiger build a relationship that gives him motivation to live.This heartwarming film is a true story about a loyal dog named Hachiko.This very special friend would go to the train station with his master Parker everyday and return each afternoon to greet him after work. Sadly, his master dies atwork and never returns to the station. Hachiko faithfully returns to the same spotat the station that evening, and every day until the last day of his life, to wait forhis beloved master. He teaches the local people love, compassion and above all,loyalty.The story centers on an old man named Carl Fredricksen who is determined toget to South America to keep a promise he made to his dead wife Ellie. After tying thousands of balloons to his house, Carl is off to South America. However, he soon discovers a little boy named Russell is on aboard his house and the two of them setoff on a bigger adventure than they had expected.This is a moving tale inspired by the true story of Chris Gardner, asalesman struggling to build a future for himself and his 5-year- old son Christopher. When his wife leaves him, Chris is left to raise Christopher on hisown. Chris’s determination finally pays off. Chris meets plenty of difficulties.But with self-confidence and the love and trust of his son, Chris Gardnerovercomes his obstacles to become a Wall Street legend.38. If you are interested in stories about both humans and animals, which movies suit you?A. Life of Pi & Hachi: A Dog 's Tale.B. Life of Pi & The Pursuit of Happiness.C. Up & The Pursuit of Happiness.D. Up & Hachi: A Dog s Tale.39. The underlined word “loyal” means___________.A. BraveB. LovelyC. faithfulD. local40. Where will you probably read this article?A. In a science book.B. In a comic strip.C.In the newspaper.D. In a storybook.第二节阅读填空(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)Do you work to earn money, or do you get pocket money from your parents? Most teenagers in Britain receive pocket money from their parents.A report by the Bank of Scotland found that 77% of teenagers get pocket money. _____41_____ The average for 8-to-15-year-olds in the UK is about £6 a week. Teenagers get more money than younger children. Some 15-to-19-year-olds receive more than £100 a month. The report also found that many children save at least a quarter of their weekly pocket money. _____42_____ They clean, cook, wash up and take out the rubbish.A part-time job is a choice for teenagers. _____43_____Popular part-time jobs for teens include babysitting, delivering newspapers, shop work, and working in a restaurant or cafe. Only children over 13 can work._____44_____On a school day, they can work two hours a day at most but not during school hours. At weekends and during school holidays they can work longer hours. The national minimum wage for people aged 16--17 is £3.57 per hour. 18-year-olds must earn a minimum of £4.83._____45_____ Parents can put pocket money directly into their child's bank account. Anyway, saving or spending pocket money, working part-time and dealing with banks are all part of the process of becoming a financially independent adult and having to earn and look after your own money.A. About 15%% of teenagers have a job.B. And there’re strict laws about working hours.To get their pocket money, lots of young people have to do housework.D In Britain, some children and teenagers have a bank account.E. And different families offer different amounts of pocket money.四、写作(共三节;满分30 分)第一节语篇填词(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)根据下面短文及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。

阅读填空专题广东省白云区永平片2020-2021学年第一学期九年级期中教学质量检测第二节、阅读填空(阅读短文及文后A~E选项,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,共5 小题,每小题1分,满分5分)In the middle of my home country there are very large places. They are hot and dry land called deserts.41 . Families live a long way from other people. Sometimes they are the only people for thousands of kilometers.42 .About 65 years ago these people found that using strong radios was a possible way for families living far away to communicate with each other. They decided they could use the radios for school. In this way, children could talk to each other like at school. 43 .The children each spent about 30 minutes a day on the radio. They talked to their teacher about their work and difficulties. The teacher designed some exercises and tasks based on what they learned and posted them to the children. After finishing their work, the children sent it back to their teacher to mark. 44 . He tried to visit each child twice each year. This was sometimes difficult. The journey was very long and could be dangerous. In addition, the school held camps once a year. The children could all meet each other and shared their learning experience.45 . The government provides families with computers so that the children can use the Internet to talk to their teachers and classmates by e-mail now. The teachers enjoy their work very much because they get to know the children and their families very well. It is an interesting way to learn, don't you think?A.The teacher also travelled around the country.B.All over the deserts are farms and small towns.C.This was how the first "School of the Air" started.D. This families' children cannot go to school like you.E. With the development of technology, computers are becoming popular.41-45 BDCAE广东省广州市实验中学2020-2021学年九年级上学期期中英语试卷第二节阅读填空(共5 小题,每小题1分,满分5分)阅读短文及文后A-E选项,选出可以填入41-45各题空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

2020-2021学年第一学期九年级英语期末试题(原创)(带听力与答案)2020-2021学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题卷(满分120分,考试时间120分钟)听力部分(共20分). 情景反应(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)这一节共有5个小题,每小题你将听到一段对话。
П. 对话理解(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)这一节共有5个小题,每小题你将听到一段对话。
()6. A. Honest. B. Helpful. C. Active.()7. A. By shaking hands. B. By bowing. C. By kissing her.()8. A. At 8:30. B. At 8:45. C. At 9:00.()9.A. 4000 yuan. B. 3000 yuan. C. 2000 yuan.()10.A. She can come to the party.B.She is too busy to come to the party.C.She will come to the party after the meeting. Ⅲ. 语篇理解(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)这一节你将听到一篇短文,请你根据听到的短文内容和提出的五个问题,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项,将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。
( )11. What happened to the writer when she entered the junior high school?A.She felt lonely.B. She did badly in her studies.C. She hurt her classmates. ( )12. How did the writer deal with her problem?A.She talked to her classmates.B.She shared it with her parents.C.She hid it in her heart alone.( )13.What did the boy give the writer?A.Some kind words.B. A bright smile.C. A hot kiss.( )14. Where does the writer think the unhappiness come from?A.From her friends.B. From her school.C. From herself.( )15. What does the writer mainly want to tell us?A.We should love the world.B.We should be open to others.C.We should face difficulties bravely.IV.听力填空(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)V. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)( )21.China is no longer only good at making everyday things, but also high-technology .A.skills B, buildings C. products( )22. Everyone Hangzhou for its beautiful scenery, so millions of people go and visit it every year.A.hatesB. praisesC. encourages.( )23. In my time, I often hang out with my friends at the mall.A.spareB. busy.C. exact( )24. The New Silk Road will offer a good for nations to communicate.A.chance B habit C. question( )25. The new movie Forever Young be worth watching. The tickets sell out every day.A.can’ tB. mightC. must( )26. - Dad, I got hired as a bus driver.- Congratulations! Make yourself so that the company won’ t want tolose you.A.fashionableB. valuableC. changeable( )27. Mind-map is a kind of reading strategy(策略). It means you draw a picture about the article you have read and it can express the ideas.A slowlyB loudly C. clearly( )28.Safety has always been a hot topic to students. They are told to dangerous places and people when hanging out aloneA come up with B. keep away from C. take care of( ) 29. At the party, mike was so excited about talking with his friends that he nearly forgot his sister. That really made her feel .A.left outB. gone outC. taken out( )30. -Do you know ?-Yes, of course. It will be hosted by Beijing and Zhangjiakou.A.when the 2022 Winter Olympics will be held.B.how the 2022 Winter Olympics will be held.C.where the 2022 Winter Olympics will be held.VI. 补全对话(每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余。

外研版英语九年级上册第9单元检测题(时间:45分钟分值:100分)第Ⅰ卷(共40分)Ⅰ. 听力(10分)(Ⅰ)录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选择与其相符的图片(5分)1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. ______(Ⅱ)录音中有一篇短文, 听两遍后, 完成下面的句子(5分)6. A traditional schoolbag is too ______to carry.7. E-textbooks are going to be ______in middle schools.8. An e-textbook is as ______as a book.9. The students can read the text page by page on the ______.10. The students can hand in their homework to their teachers by sending ______. Ⅱ. 单项选择(10分)1. Could you ______me your bike? Mine is broken.A. borrowB. lendC. giveD. return2. The skirt was made ______hand in the factory.A. inB. withC. byD. for3. My shoe heel(鞋跟)is broken. I have to have it ______.A. fixedB. boughtC. inventedD. repaired4. My friend never studied hard. ______, he failed the final exam.A. BecauseB. AsC. As a resultD. Though5. My grandmother enjoys ______ newspapers after dinner every day, and she often tells me something new in the world.A. looking upB. looking forC. looking atD. looking through6. Please be careful! The bottle is full ______ hot water.A. byB. ofC. forD. with7. ______ is said that ______ tourists visit Geyuan Garden every day.A. That; thousands ofB. It; five thousand ofC. It; thousands ofD. This; three thousand of8. The paper-cuts(窗花)look so beautiful. Let’s ______ on the window.A. put up themB. put them upC. put it upD. put up it9. It is said that an Asian Culture Village ______inside the AYG Village in Nanjing in the coming Asian Youth Games period.A. buildsB. is buildingC. will be builtD. was built10. —I can’t solve the math problem because it is too difficult. What should I do?— ______ask the teacher for help?A. How aboutB. What aboutC. Why don’t youD. Why not youⅢ. 完形填空(10分)So far, people have invented so many things that changed our life. The first great ___1___ was one that is still very ___2___ today—the wheel. It made it easier for us to carry heavy things and ___3___ long distances.For hundreds of years after that, there were ___4___ inventions that had as much effect as the wheel. Then in the early 1800’s the world started ___5___. There was little unknownland in the world. People did not have to explore much any more. They began to work in order to make life better.During the second half of the 19th century many great inventions ___6___. Among them were the electric light and the radio. These ___7___ became a big part of our life today.The first part of the 20th century saw ___8___ great inventions: the helicopter(直升机)in 1903, movies with sound in 1927, and jet planes in 1937. This was ___9___ a time when a new material was first made. Nylon came out in 1935. It changed the kind of clothes people had been ___10___.1. A. invention B. food C. inventor D. animal2. A. useless B. impossible C. important D. comfortable3. A. sail B. fly C. move D. travel4. A. little B. a little C. few D.a few5. A. to change B. to changing C. changed D. change6. A. are made B. can be made C. has been made D. were made7. A. both B. all C. whole D. thing8. A. much B. more C. lessD. most9. A. also B. too C. either D. as well10. A. wearing B. putting on C. worn D. put onⅣ. 阅读理解(10分)When on the ground, the Paravelo is acommon bike with a trailer(挂车)and a fan(风扇).But in fact, it is a flying bike. If you like, it can takeyou up to about 1, 200 metres high and it can reach aspeed of 40 kilometres per hour.John Fode and Yannick Read from Britaininvented the Paravelo—the world’s first flying bike. They spent two years making it. They believe their flying bike will change the way people travel for work, leisure(休闲)and adventure(冒险). The Paravelo has a GPS, and you don’t need a pilot’s lice nse to fly it. It also can be folded and put in a small place.Mr. Read said, “If you want an adventure, but have no money for a helicopter, then the Paravelo is for you. It just costs£10, 000, the same as a small family car. ”The Paravelo uses bio-fuel and makes no pollution. What’s more, it has a tent inside its body, and you can go camping everywhere. Cool!1. What is the Paravelo in the passage?A. A car.B. A flying bike.C. A trailer.D. A fan.2. The Paravelo can reach a speed of ______per hour.A. 1, 200 metresB. 2, 100 metresC. 4, 000 metresD. 40, 000 metres3. How long did John and Yannick spend making the Paravelo?A. One year.B. Two years.C. Three years.D. Four years.4. With the Paravelo, people can ______.A. swim under the seaB. go camping everywhereC. travel for adventureD. B and C5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The Paravelo is very expensive.B. Both John and Yannick come from the U. S.C. The Paravelo is good for the environment.D. The Paravelo is not convenient for people to carry.第Ⅱ卷(共60分)Ⅴ. 词汇运用(20分)(Ⅰ)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(10分)1. You are not a s __________one, because we are friends forever.2. Now let’s turn to P __________30 and study Lesson 27.3. In the 18th century, this type of pop music __________(蔓延) all over the countryside.4. It’s important to use the printer __________(正确地).5. My little brother has had a(n) __________(电子的) dog for a year.(Ⅱ)用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)6. Ann is going for a picnic with her friends instead of __________(go) shopping with her mother.7. Jack spoke a few words of __________(introduce) before the dinner party began.8. I think our factory needs further __________(develop).9. Now the old adding machine __________(replace) by a computer.10. It seems __________(be) the best solution. Thanks for your advice.Ⅵ. 完成句子(20分)1. 我感觉和她交谈很难。

衡水市第九中学中学2020-2021初三第一学期10月份月考一.选择题(共16小题,1-10每题3分,11-16每题2分,共42分)1.方程x(x+1)=0的解是()A.x=0B.x=﹣1C.x1=0,x2=﹣1D.x1=0,x2=1 2.用配方法解一元二次方程x2﹣4x﹣3=0,下列变形正确的是()A.(x﹣4)2=﹣3+16B.(x﹣4)2=3+16C.(x﹣2)2=3+4D.(x﹣2)2=﹣3+43.如图,△ADE∽△ABC,若AD=2,BD=4,则△ADE与△ABC的相似比是()A.1:2B.1:3C.2:3D.3:24.已知关于x的方程x2﹣2x﹣m=0的一个根为﹣1,则实数m的值为()A.1B.﹣1C.3D.﹣35.如图是一个照相机成像的示意图,如果底片AB宽40mm,焦距是60mm,所拍摄的2m 外的景物的宽CD为()A.12m B.3m C.m D.m6.我校图书馆三月份借出图书70本,计划四、五月份共借出图书220本,设四、五月份借出的图书每月平均增长率为x,则根据题意列出的方程是()A.70(1+x)2=220B.70(1+x)+70(1+x)2=220C.70(1﹣x)2=220D.70+70(1+x)+70(1+x)2=2207.如图,直线l1∥l2∥l3,直线l1、l2、l3分别和直线m交于点A、B、C,和直线n交于点A1、B1、C1,若AB=6,AC=9,AB1=8,则线段B1C1的长为()A.2B.3C.4D.68.如图,△ABC中,AE交BC于点D,∠C=∠E,AD:DE=3:5,AE=8,BD=4,则DC的长等于()A.B.C.D.9.数b是数a和数c的比例中项,若a=2,c=8,则数b的值为()A.5B.±5C.4D.±410.若关于x的方程kx2﹣4x﹣2=0有实数根,则实数k的取值范围是()A.k≥2B.k≥﹣2C.k>﹣2且k≠0D.k≥﹣2且k≠0 11.用配方法解方程,下列配方正确的是().A. B. C. D.12.如图所示为农村一古老的捣碎器,已知支撑柱AB的高为0.3米,踏板DE长为1.6米,支撑点A到踏脚D的距离为0.6米,原来捣头点E着地,现在踏脚D着地,则捣头点E 上升了()A.1.2米B.1米C.0.8米D.1.5米13.已知m是方程3x2﹣2x﹣2=0的一个实数根,则代数式的值()A.2B.C.D.14.如图,四边形ABGH,四边形BCFG,四边形CDEF都是正方形,图中与△HBC相似的三角形为()A.△HBD B.△HCD C.△HAC D.△HAD15.如图,DE是△ABC的中位线,F是DE的中点,CF的延长线交AB于点G,若△CEF 的面积为18cm2,则S△DGF的值为()A.4cm2B.5cm2C.6cm2D.7cm2 16.(2020·河北)在图5所示的网格中,以点O为位似中心,四边形ABCD的位似图形是A.四边形NPMQ B.四边形NPMR C.四边形NHMQ D.四边形NHMR二.填空题(共3小题,17题3分,18、每空2分,19,4分,共11分)17.如图,在△ABC中,AD、BE分别是BC、AC边上的中线,AD、BE交于点G,GF∥AC,则S△DGF:S四边形FGAC=.18.观察下列一组方程:①x 2﹣x =0;②x 2﹣3x +2=0;③x 2﹣5x +6=0;④x 2﹣7x +12=0;…它们的根有一定的规律,都是两个连续的自然数,我们称这类一元二次方程为“连根一元二次方程”.若x 2+kx +56=0也是“连根一元二次方程”,则k 的值为 ,写出第n 个方程19.三.解答题(共7小题,共67分)20.解方程(8分)(1)022102=+-x x (2)25-x 5-x 7)()(=21.(9) (2020·天津)农科院为了解某种小麦的长势,从中随机抽取了部分麦苗,对苗高(单位:cm )进行了测量.根据统计的结果,绘制出如下的统计图①和图②.请根据相关信息,解答下列问题:(Ⅰ)本次抽取的麦苗的株数为__________,图①中m的值为__________;(Ⅱ)求统计的这组苗高数据的平均数、众数和中位数.三、解答题22(9分)22. 在实数范围内定义运算“”,其法则为:,求方程(43)的解.23.(9分)如图,点G是边长为4的正方形ABCD的边BC上的一点,矩形DEFG的边EF 过点A,5GD .(1)寻找并证明图中的两组相似三角形;(2)求HG、FG的长.24(10).(2020·重庆A卷)“中国人的饭碗必须牢牢掌握在咱们自己手中”.为优选品种,提高产量,某农业科技小组对A,B两个小麦品种进行种植对比实验研究.去年A,B 两个品种各种植了10亩.收获后A,B两个品种的售价均为2.4元/kg,且B的平均亩产量比A的平均亩产量高100kg,A,B两个品种全部售出后总收入为21600元.(1)请求出A,B两个品种去年平均亩产量分别是多少?(2)今年,科技小组加大了小麦种植的科研力度,在A,B种植亩数不变的情况下,预计A,B两个品种平均亩产量将在去年的基础上分别增加a%和2 a%,由于B品种深受市场的欢迎,预计每千克价格将在去年的基础上涨a%,而A品种的售价不变.A,B两个品种全部售出后总收入将在去年的基础上增加20%9a.求a的值.25(10).如图,四边形ABCD中,AC平分∠DAB,∠ADC=∠ACB=90°,E是AB的中点.(1)求证:△ADC∽△ACB;(2)求证:CE∥AD;(3)若AB=6,AD=4,求的值.26.(12)如图,在△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,CD⊥AB,(1)图1中共有对相似三角形,写出来分别为(不需证明);(2)已知AB=10,AC=8,请你求出CD的长;(3)在(2)的情况下,如果以AB为x轴,CD为y轴,点D为坐标原点O,建立直角坐标系(如图2),若点P从C点出发,以每秒1个单位的速度沿线段CB运动,点Q出B点出发,以每秒1个单位的速度沿线段BA运动,其中一点最先到达线段的端点时,两点即刻同时停止运动;设运动时间为t秒是否存在点P,使以点B、P、Q为顶点的三角形与△ABC相似?若存在,请求出点P的坐标;若不存在,请说明理由.2020年9月26日的初中数学组卷参考答案与试题解析一.选择题(共16小题)1.方程x(x+1)=0的解是()A.x=0B.x=﹣1C.x1=0,x2=﹣1D.x1=0,x2=1【解答】解:∵x(x+1)=0∴x=0,x+1=0∴x1=0,x2=﹣1.故选:C.2.用配方法解一元二次方程x2﹣4x﹣3=0,下列变形正确的是()A.(x﹣4)2=﹣3+16B.(x﹣4)2=3+16C.(x﹣2)2=3+4D.(x﹣2)2=﹣3+4【解答】解:∵x2﹣4x﹣3=0,∴x2﹣4x=3,∴x2﹣4x+4=4+3,∴(x﹣2)2=7,故选:C.3.如图,△ADE∽△ABC,若AD=2,BD=4,则△ADE与△ABC的相似比是()A.1:2B.1:3C.2:3D.3:2【解答】解:∵AD=2,BD=4,∴AB=AD+BD=6.∵△ADE∽△ABC,∴AD:AB=1:3.∴△ADE与△ABC的相似比是1:3.故选:B.4.已知关于x的方程x2﹣2x﹣m=0的一个根为﹣1,则实数m的值为()A.1B.﹣1C.3D.﹣3【解答】解:∵关于x的方程x2﹣2x﹣m=0的一个根为﹣1,∴当x=﹣1时,由原方程,得1+2﹣m=0,解得m=3;故选:C.5.如图是一个照相机成像的示意图,如果底片AB宽40mm,焦距是60mm,所拍摄的2m 外的景物的宽CD为()A.12m B.3m C.m D.m【解答】解:∵AB∥CD,∴△AEB∽△CED,∴,∴∴CD=m.故选:D.6.我校图书馆三月份借出图书70本,计划四、五月份共借出图书220本,设四、五月份借出的图书每月平均增长率为x,则根据题意列出的方程是()A.70(1+x)2=220B.70(1+x)+70(1+x)2=220C.70(1﹣x)2=220D.70+70(1+x)+70(1+x)2=220【解答】解:四月份共借出图书量为70×(1+x),五月份共借出图书量为70×(1+x)(1+x),那么70(1+x)+70(1+x)2=220.故选:B.7.如图,直线l1∥l2∥l3,直线l1、l2、l3分别和直线m交于点A、B、C,和直线n交于点A1、B1、C1,若AB=6,AC=9,AB1=8,则线段B1C1的长为()A.2B.3C.4D.6【解答】解:∵l1∥l2∥l3,∴=,即=,∴A1C1=12,∴B1C1=A1C1﹣A1B1=12﹣8=4.故选:C.8.如图,△ABC中,AE交BC于点D,∠C=∠E,AD:DE=3:5,AE=8,BD=4,则DC的长等于()A.B.C.D.【解答】解:∵∠C=∠E,∠ADC=∠BDE,∴△ADC∽△BDE,∴=,又∵AD:DE=3:5,AE=8,∴AD=3,DE=5,∵BD=4,∴=,∴DC=,故选:A.9.数b是数a和数c的比例中项,若a=2,c=8,则数b的值为()A.5B.±5C.4D.±4【解答】解:∵数b是数a和数c的比例中项,∴b2=ac=16,解得:b=±4,故选:D.10.若关于x的方程kx2﹣4x﹣2=0有实数根,则实数k的取值范围是()A.k≥2B.k≥﹣2C.k>﹣2且k≠0D.k≥﹣2且k≠0【解答】解:当k=0时,方程变形为﹣4x﹣2=0,解得x=﹣;当k≠0时,△=(﹣4)2﹣4k×(﹣2)≥0,解得k≥﹣2且k≠0,综上所述,k的范围为k≥﹣2.故选:B.11.C12.如图所示为农村一古老的捣碎器,已知支撑柱AB的高为0.3米,踏板DE长为1.6米,支撑点A到踏脚D的距离为0.6米,原来捣头点E着地,现在踏脚D着地,则捣头点E 上升了()A.1.2米B.1米C.0.8米D.1.5米【解答】解:根据题意得:AD:DE=AB:x∴解得:x=0.8.故选:C.13.已知m是方程3x2﹣2x﹣2=0的一个实数根,则代数式的值()A.2B.C.D.【解答】解:∵m是方程3x2﹣2x﹣2=0的一个实数根,∴3m2﹣2m=2,3m2﹣2=2m,∴3m﹣=2,∴原式==,故选:C.14.如图,四边形ABGH,四边形BCFG,四边形CDEF都是正方形,图中与△HBC相似的三角形为()A.△HBD B.△HCD C.△HAC D.△HAD【解答】解:设正方形ABGH的边长为1,运用勾股定理得HB=,HC=,则HC:HB:BC=::1.A、∵HB=,BD=2,HD=,∴HD:BD:HB=:2:=::1,∴HC:HB:BC=HD:BD:HB,∴△HBC∽△DBH,故本选项正确;B、∵HC=,CD=1,HD=,∴HD:HC:CD=::1,∴HC:HB:BC≠HD:HC:CD,∴△HBC与△HCD不相似,故本选项错误;C、∵HA=1,AC=2,HC=,HC:AC:HA=:2:1,∴HC:HB:BC≠HC:AC:HA,∴△HBC与△HAC不相似,故本选项错误;D、∵HA=1,AD=3,HD=,HD:AD:HA=:3:1,∴HC:HB:BC≠HD:AD:HA,∴△HBC与△HAD不相似,故本选项错误.故选:A.15.如图,DE是△ABC的中位线,F是DE的中点,CF的延长线交AB于点G,若△CEF 的面积为18cm2,则S△DGF的值为()A.4cm2B.5cm2C.6cm2D.7cm2【解答】解:作GH⊥BC于H交DE于M,∵DE是△ABC的中位线,∴DE∥BC,DE=BC,∵F是DE的中点,∴DF=BC,∵DF∥BC,∴△GDF∽△GBC,∴==,∴=,∵DF=FE,∴S△DGF=×△CEF的面积=6cm2,故选:C.16.故选:A.二.填空题(共2小题)17.如图,在△ABC中,AD、BE分别是BC、AC边上的中线,AD、BE交于点G,GF∥AC,则S△DGF:S四边形FGAC=1:8.【解答】解:连接DE.∵AD 、BE 分别是BC 、AC 边上的中线,∴BD =DC ,AE =EC ,∴DE ∥AB ,∴DG :AG =DE :AB =1:2,∵GF ∥AC ,∴△DGF ∽△DAC , ∴=()2=,∴S △DGF :S 四边形FGAC =1:8,故答案为1:8.18.观察下列一组方程:①x 2﹣x =0;②x 2﹣3x +2=0;③x 2﹣5x +6=0;④x 2﹣7x +12=0;…它们的根有一定的规律,都是两个连续的自然数,我们称这类一元二次方程为“连根一元二次方程”.(1)若x 2+kx +56=0也是“连根一元二次方程”,写出k 的值,并解这个一元二次方程;(2)请写出第n 个方程和它的根.【解答】解:由题意可得:k =﹣15,第n 个方程为:x 2﹣(2n ﹣1)x +n (n ﹣1)=0 19、24/5三.解答题(共7小题)20.(1)022102=+-x x (2)25-x 5-x 7)()(= 53,5321+-=+=x x 12,521==x x21、{答案}解:(Ⅰ)由图②可知:本次抽取的麦苗株数为:2+3+4+10+6=25(株),其中17cm 的麦苗株数为6株,故其所占的比为6÷25=0.24=24%,即m=24. 故答案为:25,24.(Ⅱ)观察条形统计图, 这组麦苗得平均数为:132143154161017615.6234106⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯==++++x , 在这组数据中,16出现了10次,出现的次数最多,∴这组数据的众数为16.将这组数据按从小到大的顺序排列,其中处于中间位置的数是16,∴这组数据的中位数为16.故答案为:麦苗高的平均数是15.6,众数是16,中位数是16.{解析}本题考查的是条形统计图和扇形统计图的综合运用.读懂统计图,从不同的统计图中得到必要的信息是解决问题的关键.条形统计图能清楚地表示出每个项目的数据;扇形统计图直接反映部分占总体的百分比大小.(Ⅰ)由图②中条形统计图即可求出麦苗的株数;用17cm 的麦苗株数6除以总株数24即可得到m 的值;(Ⅱ)根据平均数、众数、中位数的概念逐一求解即可.22.【答案】解:,,,,.23【考点】LE :正方形的性质;LB :矩形的性质;9S :相似三角形的判定与性质【专题】55D :图形的相似【分析】(1)根据正方形的性质和矩形的性质以及相似三角形的判定解答即可;(2)根据相似三角形的性质解答即可.【解答】证明:(1)正方形ABCD90B C ∴∠=∠=︒ 又矩形DEFG90FGD ∴∠=︒90HGB DGC ∴∠+∠=︒又因为90DGC GDC ∠+∠=︒GDC HGB ∴∠=∠HGB GDC ∴∆∆∽,相似三角形还有:HGB HAF ∆∆∽,DAE GDC ∆∆∽(2)在Rt DGC ∆中,5GD =,4DC =3CG ∴=,HGB GDC ∆∆∽ ∴HG BG GD CD= 54HG ∴=, HGB ADE ∆∆∽ ∴AD DE GD CD= 165DE ∴= 四边形DEFG 是矩形,165FG DE ∴==. 【点评】此题考查相似三角形的判定和性质,关键是根据正方形的性质和矩形的性质以及相似三角形的判定解答.24.{解析}(1)设A 品种去年平均亩产量为xkg ,则B 品种去年平均亩产量为(x+100)kg ,根据“A 品种总收入+B 品种总收入=21600元”列方程求解;(2)根据“A 品种总收入+B 品种总收入=去年总收入(1+20%9a )”列方程求解.{答案}解: (1)设A 品种去年平均亩产量为xkg ,则B 品种去年平均亩产量为(x+100)kg ,根据题意,得2.4×10x +2.4×10(x+100)=21600,解得x=400.答:A 品种去年平均亩产量为400kg ,B 品种去年平均亩产量为500kg.(2)根据题意,得10×400(1+a%)×2.4+10×500(1+2a%)×2.4(1+a%)=21600×(1+209a%).设a%=m ,化简方程,得10m2-m=0,解得m1=110,m2=0(舍).∴a=10.答:a 的值为10.25.如图,四边形ABCD 中,AC 平分∠DAB ,∠ADC =∠ACB =90°,E 是AB 的中点.(1)求证:△ADC ∽△ACB ;(2)求证:CE∥AD;(3)若AB=6,AD=4,求的值.【解答】证明:(1)∵AC平分∠BAD,∴∠DAC=∠CAB.∵∠ADC=∠ACB=90°,∴△ADC∽△ACB;(2)∵E是AB的中点,∴CE=AB=AE,∴∠EAC=∠ECA.∵AC平分∠DAB,∴∠CAD=∠CAB,∴∠CAD=∠ECA,∴CE∥AD;(3)解:由(2)知CE∥AD;∴△AFD∽△CFE,∴AD:CE=AF:CF;∵CE=AB=3,AD=4,,∴.26、如图,在△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,CD⊥AB,(1)图1中共有3对相似三角形,写出来分别为△ABC∽△ACD,△ABC∽△CBD,△ACD∽△CBD(不需证明);(2)已知AB=10,AC=8,请你求出CD的长;(3)在(2)的情况下,如果以AB为x轴,CD为y轴,点D为坐标原点O,建立直角坐标系(如图2),若点P从C点出发,以每秒1个单位的速度沿线段CB运动,点Q出B点出发,以每秒1个单位的速度沿线段BA运动,其中一点最先到达线段的端点时,两点即刻同时停止运动;设运动时间为t秒是否存在点P,使以点B、P、Q为顶点的三角形与△ABC相似?若存在,请求出点P的坐标;若不存在,请说明理由.【解答】解:(1)图1中共有3对相似三角形,分别为:△ABC∽△ACD,△ABC∽△CBD,△ACD∽△CBD.故答案为3,△ABC∽△ACD,△ABC∽△CBD,△ACD∽△CBD;(2)如图1,在△ABC中,∵∠ACB=90°,AB=10,AC=8,∴BC==6.∵△ABC的面积=AB•CD=AC•BC,∴CD===4.8;(3)存在点P,使以点B、P、Q为顶点的三角形与△ABC相似,理由如下:在△BOC中,∵∠COB=90°,BC=6,OC=4.8,∴OB==3.6.分两种情况:①当∠BQP=90°时,如图2①,此时△PQB∽△ACB,∴=,∴=,解得t=2.25,即BQ=CP=2.25,∴BP=BC﹣CP=6﹣2.25=3.75.在△BPQ中,由勾股定理,得PQ===3,∴点P的坐标为(1.35,3);②当∠BPQ=90°时,如图2②,此时△QPB∽△ACB,∴=,∴=,解得t=3.75,即BQ=CP=3.75,BP=BC﹣CP=6﹣3.75=2.25.过点P作PE⊥x轴于点E.∵△QPB∽△ACB,∴=,即=,∴PE=1.8.在△BPE中,BE===1.35,∴OE=OB﹣BE=3.6﹣1.35=2.25,∴点P的坐标为(2.25,1.8).综上可得,点P的坐标为(1.35,3)或(2.25,1.8).。

广东省深圳市2020-2021学年上学期九年级英语期末试卷分类汇编书面表达广东省深圳市光明区2020-2021 学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题IV. 书面表达(15分)2020年深圳公园文化节(Park Culture Season of Shenzhen)期间深圳市各大公园举办了各种文化活动。
(参考词汇:荧光夜跑shining run;沙滩音乐节beach music festival;网球公开赛open tennis tournament;欢乐剧场happy theater)要点:1. 你参加了哪项(些)活动?2. 活动的内容。
3. 谈谈你的感受和想法。
Park Culture Season of Shenzhen is a yearly event. _________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 答案:One possible version:Park Culture Season of Shenzhen is a yearly event. During the season, different kinds of events were held in the parks around the city. This year, I went to quite a few events, such as the music festival at the beach and the happy theater. At the music festival, I enjoyed many pieces of pop music and traditional music. At the happy theater, there were many plays for children. I had agood time there. Thanks to all people's hard work, Shenzhen has developed very fast in recent years. I feel proud of my city. I will work hard and try to play a role in building a better city in the future.1. 评分原则:A. 采用整体印象评分法。

Dear Tom,I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble getting used to life in middle school. In your letter you said that .…Good luck with everything!Li Hua 注意;(1)回信应包括所有要点;(2)词数80左右(信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数);(3)不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。
作文略广东省广州市实验中学2020-2021学年九年级上学期期中英语试卷第三节书面表达(共1小题,满分15分)最近,你的班级就"我的偶像(my idol)"展开了一次调查。
组员偶像原因Kate 莫言中国首位诺贝尔获奖者,他写了很多部关于乡村生活的小说。
Mike 朗朗中国最著名的钢琴家之一,曾在2008年的奥运会上表演,并取得巨大的成功。
Lily 钟南山著名的医生,他带领专家们在和新冠病毒的斗争中拯救了很多人的生命。
你??参考词汇∶共和国勋章the Medal of the Republic专家∶expert诺贝尔奖∶the Nobel Prize新冠病毒Covid-19注意∶(1)词数100 左右(短文的开头已给出,不计入词数)。

广东省深圳是百合外国语学校2020-2021学年九年级上学期期中英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择1.We can test one’s knowledge through a ________.A.talk show B.travel show C.talent show D.quiz show 2.Which of the following jobs gets to decide the roles for the TV programs?A.cameraman B.make-up artist C.director D.host3.I think Li Xueqin is one of the strongest ________ in the talk show contest.A.contestant B.contestants C.astronomers D.actress4.I am dying to ________ this time.A.win the prize B.win the prise C.praise D.defeat5.________ will help us learn more about the health condition of our body and cure the disease before it gets worse.A.Medical examinations B.Medicine exams C.ExerciseD.Vitamin6.________ his clothes were old and worn, they looked clean and of good quality.A.As though B.Because C.Since D.Although 7.Jack ________ a kind-hearted man.A.seems B.become C.turns D.feels8.________ can be really hard to quit.A.Smoke B.To smoke C.Smoking D.That smoke 9.________ at the appointment on time is very important.A.To go B.Arrive C.We arrive D.To arrive 10.You worked in London three years ago, ________?A.did you B.don’t you C.didn’t you D.were you 11.My mom is always ________ my studies.A.worried of B.worried about C.nervous about D.anxious of 12.Mary’s _________, so she hasn’t had dinner for two weeks.A.lost weight B.gain weight C.on a diet D.go diet 13.We shouldn’t _________ other’s weaknesses. That’s very mean.A.make jokes about B.joke of C.laugh forD.respect14.It was ________ of Bob ________ the bees which accidently broke into the classroom.A.friendly, to kill B.lovely, to kill C.cruel, to kill D.cruel, killing 15.Jane ________ her time when she was young. Now she feels her life is hard and hopeless.A.regretted wasting B.regret wasting C.cherishedD.regretted to waste16.Kelsey had the ________ a good educational background.A.advantage about B.disadvantage C.advantage ofD.weakness of17.My son has ________ me mad! He’s been crying for an hour to get the toy car.A.driven B.drive C.make D.been made 18.Eating with the mouth open is a very ________ habit.A.good B.annoying C.exciting D.respected 19.She was watching Tom and Jerry, ________ out loud.A.laugh B.smile C.weeping D.laughing 20.The Iceland team ________ by the French team in the World Cup in 2008.A.beat B.is beated C.was beaten D.won 21.Don’t worry. We still have ________ time.A.many B.a number of C.very little D.plenty of 22.Today’s my payday and I’d like to ________ myself to a big meal.A.invite B.treat C.pay D.give23.________, Jerry performed quite well on stage.A.To my surprise B.In general C.As a result D.Altogether 24.It’s ________ go to bed early and have a balanced diet.A.important that B.a necessity that C.improper to D.necessary to 25.What’s your ________ online classes?A.comment about B.view on C.thinking on D.think about 26.We should ________ in too much fat, oil and sugar.A.avoid taking B.avoid to C.take D.stay away from 27.Mona _______ rather than ________.A.prefers to go skiing; make a snowmanB.likes running; play the pianoC.prefered to draw; made snowmanD.likes painting; to play the computer games28.Sarah decided to order ________ for lunch.A.a salad, a glass of coffee, and fried eggsB.noodles, a cup of coffee and fried eggC.two sandwich, a cup of coffee, and fried eggD.two hamburger, one salad, a large cola29.Did you ask the teacher ________ on the second day?A.what we needed to bring the ID cardB.when and where we should meetC.how shall me get thereD.what should we take30.Which of the following statements is correct?A.I think you should not fix the computer in this way.B.I suggest you to try this brand.C.Can you tell me how can I get to the nearest subway station?D.My brother advised me to take more exercise.二、完形填空Some people are born blind. Others are born deaf. Some people lose arms or legs inmuch harder time than we do. I think we should work harder to help these people and makethese laws, they should be followed more strictly.I also think people of China should have a greater understanding of the 39 that disabled people face. If they 40 that there’s a problem, they can help to find a solution.31.A.has B.of C.with D.have 32.A.easier B.funnier C.harder D.more excited 33.A.fancy B.convenient C.clear D.small 34.A.below B.through C.over D.down 35.A.Without B.With C.No have D.For 36.A.get up B.get in C.go up D.get around 37.A.who B.that C.whom D.one 38.A.criminal B.changed C.similar D.opposite 39.A.challenges B.changes C.improvement D.accidents 40.A.say B.announce C.realize D.discuss三、阅读单选41.How much are a The other Bennet Sister and a The Way We Eat Now?A.$22. 98.B.$24. 98.C.$25. 98.D.$26. 98. 42.Questions and Answers About Plastic is aimed at helping the ________ to understand the environment problems.A.adults B.kids C.senior D.teenagers 43.Which of the following statements is correct about The Way We Eat Now?A.Modern food is damaging the health of people.B.Modern food hasn’t had much influence on our life style.C.This book intends to encourage people to stay away from traditional food.D.Its purpose is to let people have a better understanding about the food we are having now.44.If someone is stressed out from work, which book do you suggest?A.The Other Bennet Sister.B.The Way We Eat Now: Ways for Eating in a World of Change.C.Questions and Answers About Plastic.D.Funny Ha, Ha.Q: At recess (课间休息), I don’t know what to do because all my friends are playing games I don’t like. So I end up standing by myself at recess doing nothing. What should I do? Alex Ride, 13.Al: In fact, recess was my least favorite part of the school day for Grades 1 to 5. I was never really into playing kickball. So, like you, I spent many days at recess standing alone. Take advantage of the time you have. Books are good for a lonely recess, because they takeyou out of your world and into another. If reading isn’t your thing, then try making new friends. Some other things I would do were chess and paper cutting. Whatever you want to do, don’t let your time get wasted. Johnny Hayes, 15.A2: When I was 13, half my friends threw themselves into kickball recess which was too vigorous (剧烈的) for me right after lunch. So, like you. I stood around a lot. Then, one day, my teacher, Susie, asked me, “What do you want to do?” I had no answer for her. But suddenly, it came to me: marbles! I asked a few friends, and they were happy to join me. Now, I’ m not suggesting you play marbles, only if you think that’s what you feel like doing and it can make you happy. And one last idea: There’s no harm in trying games your friends are playing that you think you won’t like. You might just surprise yourself.Philip Galanes, adult.45.Who is asking for advice?A.Alex Rider.B.Johnny Heyes.C.Suie.D.Philip Galanes. 46.One of Philip’s suggestion is to ________.A.read a book B.talk to a teacherC.do what you feel like doing D.stand without doing anything 47.Why do Johnny and Philip mention the kickball game at their school?A.To show they shared similar experiences.B.To show they were good at the kickball game.C.To encourage Alex to make good use of the extra time.D.To encourage Alex to surprise himself with a new game.48.Which part of a newspaper may this passage be taken from?A.Science Study B.Art Style C.Sports World D.TeenageProblemFights at school sometimes happen. But how can you keep away from a fight? Here’s something you can do.Be calm. Sometimes, you feel so angry that you really want to teach somebody a lesson. But being angry can’t solve problems. Neither can a fight. Instead, you can bring yourself more problems. In the school, everyone involved in a fight will be punished, no matter who started it. There are no winners in a fight.Shout loudly. If you know someone is coming up behind you to attack, turn towards theperson with your hands up in front of your body and loudly say “stop” before walking away. Loud voice can usually make the attacker calm down. If the person doesn’t stop, cry for help by calling out the name of a teacher whose office is nearby._________ Your friend may ask you to join in a fight. Learn to say no. Helping him to fight is not really helping him. If you really want to give him a hand, try to persuade him to give up. Also you can tell him if he gets involved in a fight, he may get hurt and be punished. Then, try to learn why he wants a fight and help him find a right way to deal with the problem.49.The underlined word means ________.A.hug B.try to hurt or kill someone C.stopD.attract50.Which of the following sentences can be put into the blank “________”.A.Face bravely B.Join in a fight C.Learn to refuse D.Talk to someone 51.The passage is written to ________.A.help students keep away from fightsB.warn students not to fightC.advise students to help each otherD.encourage students to work hard52.The passage is written in a/an ________ tone.A.kind B.angry C.humorous D.sadThis painting is called The Fighting Temeraire. Temeraire is the name of the big, old sailing ship that you can see on the left of the picture. People chose this picture to be the greatest painting in Britain.J. M. W. Turner painted it in 1839. It shows the old sailing ship, on the River Thames near London. There’s a small tugboat pulling the old ship. It’s in fact taking the Temeraire on its last journey. In the background we can see the sun setting.The picture, however, is more than just a painting of two boats in the evening. The artist wanted to show the end of an era. The time of the beautiful, old sailing ships is coming to anend. That’s why we see this happening at sunset. In the little, brown tugboat we can see the new industrial era starting. The tugboat is small and dark and it’s making a lot of smoke but it’s very strong, because it’s pulling the much bigger ship.The painting shows a real event. Turner watched the Temeraire taking its trip up the Thames, but he changed some of the details. He painted the old ship white and gold so that it looks like a ghost. In fact, the real ship was black and yellow. We also see the sun setting behind the ship, but in fact, the ship travelled towards the sunset. However, Turner wanted to show the sun setting on the time of the beautiful old sailing ships.Turner painted it when he was quite old, so perhaps he wanted to show the sun setting on his own life, too. He loved the painting and he never sold it. You can see it today in the National Gallery in London.53.The Fighting Temeraire ________.A.is the name of a big sailing shipB.was thought the best painting in BritainC.shows two nice new shipsD.was painted by a famous young artist.54.What does the tugboat stand for according to the passage?A.The new industrial eraB.The beautiful eraC.The painter’s own lifeD.The white and gold ghost55.Which of the following statements is true?A.The color of the real sailing ship was gold and white.B.In the painting the sailing ship was going towards the sunset.C.Finally Turner sold his painting because he didn’t like it.D.Today the painting was kept in the National Gallery in London.56.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?A.The painting The Fighting Temeraire is so outdated that it’s stored in the National Gallery.B.British people probably don’t like to recall the past.C.Turner was sad that he grew old.D.The Fighting Temeraire is considered to be the greatest painting in Britain not onlybecause of its painting skill but also because of its historical meaning.Playing video games and getting money for it seems like a dream job for many of today’s teenagers. But is it all fun and games?Pro (professional) gaming is certainly big business. In 2017, there were more than 3, 000 gaming competitions and over 10, 000 professional players worldwide. A large number of people watch their competitions online, and successful gamers can get more than 1, 000, 000 dollars from prize money and ads. The industry is thriving.Becoming a professional is not just about being good at playing games—it also takes a lot of hard work. Some pro gamers practice for fourteen hours a day. “You need to spend much time and put all your effort into it”, says exgamer George.It can be a difficult job as well. Stress is a big problem for gamers. Tiredness is another, and injuries are common. Top player Hai Lam had wrist problems after years of pro gaming. Careers are short, and many gamers retire before they get 30 and try to find another job. 57.How many pro players were there around the world in 2017?A.130, 000.B.More than 3. 000.C.Over 1, 000, 000.D.More than 10, 000.58.What does the underlined word “thriving” in Paragraph 2 mean?A.Getting worse.B.Booming.C.Developing slowly.D.Coming to an end.59.What’s the main idea of the passage?A.The career as a professional gamer doesn’t last long.B.Professional gaming isn’t all fun and games.C.Being a professional gamer is a good choice for teenagers.D.Being a professional gamer is an easy way to make money.60.Professional gaming can be ________.A.relaxing, meaningless, boring B.fun, easy, relaxingC.relaxing, hard, exhausting D.difficult, tiring, stressful四、根据句意填空五、用所给单词的正确形式填空六、语法填空expect one and had warned us it would be included in the final grade. The test began. Sure(minute) except the very last one: What is the name of the old lady, who cleans the lecture hall? I thought it was a joke. I’d seen the old lady many times. She’ d been working in thebecause of it. But then one student put up his hand. He hadn’t finished the test, either. “I’mlast question?’’ “Certainly,” our professor 80 (smile). “In your future jobs...”I’ve never forgotten that lesson. I also learned that the cleaner’s name was Sherry.Aunt Linda’s RepliesDear Anna,It’s right of you to worry about your friend John. It’s not necessary for her to stay on81 diet because of the fact that she’s thin. It happens all the time that we worry about82 (we) looks, so she’s not alone.Dear Peter,You did the right thing at that moment. You’ll feel terribly sorry otherwise. You should still act the same way 83 the same situation if it happens again. There’s no need to listen to your friend on that. How terrible 84 them to laugh at a sick lady!Dear Simon,It’s common for people to wear braces nowadays. Remember, the moment you stop 85 (pay) attention to your friends, they will stop laughing at you. We know it hurts sometimes, 86 think of the days when you can smile beautifully with straight teeth just in a few 87 (month) time!Dear Julie,I would suggest that you talk to your sister 88 (many). Tell her when she can play the piano and when she can borrow your things. Spend some time with her every day 89 you will end up with living 90 (happy) with your sister.七、课内填空fat, oil and sugar. He also stated that it’s necessary for me to have a moreSamuel: What’s a balanced diet?Doris: A balanced diet means kinds of healthy food every day.Research shows that each day you should have plenty of fruit, vegetables and such as noodles and bread. And, in general, you should have and eggs, and less meat.八、书信作文92.Lori是一名初一的学生,因面临第一次期中考试和家长会感到有些焦虑,上课状态欠佳,请你以师哥师姐身份,给她些建议:1. 注意学习和运动及爱好的间的关系;2. 充分休息,上课提高效率;3. 给出1—2条你自己的其它建议。

九年级上册第一次月考英语试卷I 听力部分(20分)第一部分听力(听力填空题,共4节,1~15小题,每小题1分,满分15分;16~20小题,每小题2分,满分10分,共25分)第一节根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片,请在答题卡1~5题后的横线上回答每一个问题。
(温馨提示E=AB,F=AC,G=AD,H=BC)A B C DE F G H第二节根据你听到的内容,判断下列句子是否符合你听到的对话内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示。
(温馨提示T=A,F=B)6. The girl has some problems with Chinese.7. The girl can't speak English well.8. The girl can't follow her English teacher when he speaks fast.9. The advice from English Help Center is more listening and reading aloud10. The girl calls English Help Center because she wants to get a job.第三节你会听到五个人谈论关于纽约城市的信息,从A 到E 的列表中,为每个说话者选择表达每个人想去的地方的字母。
(温馨提示E=AB)11. Speaker 1 A. Shopping12. Speaker 2 B. Public transport13. Speaker 3 C. Hotels14. Speaker 4 D. Eating out15. Speaker 5 E. Places to visit第四节你会听到一段报告,该报告听两遍。

答题时,请注意以下几点:1. 全卷共10页。
2. 答案必须写在答题纸相应的位置上,写在试题卷、草稿纸上无效。
3. 答题前,请认真阅读答题纸上的“注意事项”,按规定答题。
卷一说明:本卷共三大题, 45小题;满分70分。
1. How does Kathy learn English?A. By reading English books.B. By watching English movies.C. By listening to English songs.2. Which festival are they talking about?A. Thanksgiving.B. Halloween.C. Christmas.3. Where is the man going?A. The bank.B. The bookstore.C. The post office.4. What is the skirt made of?A. Wool and silk.B. Silk and cotton.C. Wool and cotton.5. What did Mary use to look like?A. She was heavy.B. She was thin.C. She was short.第二节:听较长对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题。
6. Where did Tom find the notebook?A. On the desk.B. On the chair.C. On the floor.7. Whose notebook is it?A. Mary's.B. Helen's.C. Cindy's.听下面一段较长对话,回答第8~10三个小题。
2020~2021学年度第一学期第1次月度联考九年级英语试题(考试时间:120分钟,满分:150分)成绩一、听力部分(共20小题,每题1分,总计20分)第一部分,本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话, 每段对话听两遍。
1. How does Daniel learn Chinese?A. B. C.2. How much does the new watch cost?3. What’s Peter’s problem?A. B. C.4. What does the girl ask the boy to take?5. Whose schoolbag is it?A. Lucy’s.B. Lucy’s twin brother's.C. Lisa’s.6. What time is it now?A. 8: 00.B. 7: 45.C. 8: 15.7. What day is it today?A. Wednesday .B. Thursday .C. Friday.8. What does Amy eat when she feels tired?A. Apples.B. Beef.C. Chocolate.9. Who is at the library?A. Lisa.B. Lisa's sister.C. Julia.10. Why doesn’t the man’s father like the city?A. He likes to live alone.B. He likes the country life.C. He hates the noise.第二部分听对话或短文,回答问题。

(15)1. – Wang Lin has decided to _____ his bad habit of sleeping in class .---That’s good news .A wake upB set upC clean upD give up2. ---Would you like some juice or milk ? ---_______ is OK . I don’t mind .A EitherB NeitherC BothD All3. --- How many people were there at the meeting? ---_______.A. NobodyB. No oneC. NoneD. Nothing4. A woman _____ long hair is coming to us.A. inB. withC. hasD. on5. ---What’s your English teacher like? .---______.A. He is kind.B. He likes readingC. He’s thirtyD. He’s thin and tall6. ---- How about going shopping on Hunan Road this evening ?-----__________, but I’ve to prepare for tomorrow’s exam .A I can’tB Sounds greatC That’s rightD No, I’m terribly sorry 7.---- ______ Jim Green on the phone? ----- ________________.A. Are you; SpeakingB. Is that; Yes, I amC. Are you; Yes, it isD. Is that; Speaking8.These days people prefer ______ on the phone rather than ________ letters to each other.A. to talk; writeB. to talk; to writeC. talking; writingD. talking; to write9.The students at the back can’t see _____.A. clear enoughB. enough clearC. clearly enoughD. enough clearly10.I have two rooms to .But I can’t decide .A.1ire.which one B.1ive in,to choose which oneC.1ive in,which one to choose D.1ive,which one to choose.11.--- Remember to close the door when you leave . ----_______________ .A OK , I willB No , I won’tC No , I don’tD Yes , I do 12.There’s with your son’s ears. So don’t worr y about him.A. nothing seriousB. something seriouC. serious nothingD. anything serious 13.When I saw this photo , it _____ me _____ my childhood.A. reminds,ofB. reminds,forC. reminded,ofD. lreminded,for14.---“Will you go to Lucy’s birthday party this Sunday, Li lei?”--“_____ I if you _____.”A. So do; goB. So will; goC. Neither do; will goD. So shall; will go15.--- Here’s the money I ___________ last month. Thank you!--- I almost forget ___________ you the money.A. borrowed; to lendB. borrowed; lendingC. lent; to lendD. lent; lending二、完型填空。

(共10小题,每小题1分:计10分)A young man decided to visit a market known for its talented artists. He hoped to find someone to help him release(释放)the great___1____in his heart. When he was walking through the large market, he felt that___ 2____seemed special. Then he followed a large sound of drops of water and came upon an open gate. He saw a young lady ___3___ in an open yard. Around her were all kinds of stone sculptures (雕刻) of wild animals . Just then the young lady stood up and got a little hammer. She walked towards a large stone after careful ___4____ of one small area; she hit itwith little force. The young man felt sorry for her and thought she must be a learner.Suddenly tons of small pieces of stone broke away. He thought she made a mistake and had broken the whole stone into pieces. A moment later, he found she had not broken the stone, instead, she___ 5____ it to look like the beautiful neck of a great swan. He was ____6___What magic was this? He expected to know.“Oh," she laughed,“I'm guessing you have only been there in the last few minutes . Before you began watching me ,I had hundreds of similar small ___7__to the same spot(点) on that stone. You just saw the result of many days of ___8___workmatched with a special kind of quiet consideration."That's how all great things___ 9___sting attention matched with lasting efforts. Then nothing can get in the way of what must be released." the young lady continued. The young man ___10___ seemed to understand something三、1. force 2. nothing 3. sitting 4. examination 5. had shaped 6. shocked 7. hits 8. careful 9. are achieved 10. Suddenly四川省简阳市简城学区2021届九年级上学期第一次月考英语试题三、短文填空。

请你从每小题所给的A 、B 、C 三幅图片中,选出与你所听到的信息相关联的一项,井在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
A 2. 1三]��[][]三A B c3三二三4工[!Ii]CA]二、对话理解(每小题1分,共5分)本题共5个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话和一个问题。
请你从每小题所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,井在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
6.A. White.7.A. Rainy.8.A. At 7:30.9.A. In a zoo. B.Black.B.Cloudy.B.At 8:00.B.On a farm. C.Green.C.Sunny.C.At 8:30.C.In a museum.A B c 5�厂勹/` A B c10.A. People seldom drink warm water in winter.B.People should avoid drinking cold drinks in winter.C.People should drink cold drinks as much as possible.三、语篇理解(每小题1分,共5分)本题你将听到一篇短文。
请你根据短文内容和所提出的5个问题,从每小题所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
11.What was the weather like on Saturday morning?A.Windy and cool.B.Cloudy and cold.C.Sunny and warm.12.What was Brad doing on Saturday morning?A.He was playing soccer.B.He was walking his dog.C.He was taking a bike ride.13.Why did Brad fall down?A.He was hit by a passing car.B.He tried to avoid hitting a dog.C.He was not good at riding a bike.14.How did the stranger help Brad?A.By helping him to call 120.B.By taking him to the hospital.C.By giving him a glass of milk at home.15.What can we know from the passage?A.Brad might care for animals more.B.Brad could learn a lesson from the accident.C.Brad would never go cycling in the countryside.九年级英语第1页(共12页)九年级英语第2页(共12页)2020-2021学年第一学期九年级期末质量评估试题英语听力材料一、情景反应本题共5个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话。

广东省广州市市桥桥兴中学2020-2021学年九年级上学期12月月考英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、语法选择Maria Montessori is a famous Italian educationalist, whose method of teaching has influenced people all over the world.Born in Italy in 1870, Maria Montessori became 1 first woman doctor in her country after she graduated from medical school in 1896. Later, working with poor children, she set up a “Children House” in Rome. This was the place where she developed the Montessori Method.Maria thought that children 2 be free to learn without being criticized(批评) or limited. She let the children 3 their own choice of what they wanted to do and work at their own speed, not the rest of the class or the teacher. As a result, children enjoyed learning and this gave them confidence and makes them 4 . The Montessori Method 5 teaches children skills to help them become independent. Very young children learn to dress 6 , to cook and to put their toys and clothes away. Children 7 to repeat activities as often as they wish, and they develop their observation(观察) skills 8 doing different activities. In addition, the Montessori Method thinks 9 a teacher is a guide, not a leader of the classroom, helping open children’s eyes to the wonders around them.A Montessori teacher observes children 10 in order to provide them with individual learning programmes.A typical room in a Montessori school has 11 things which children can use. The furniture is light 12 children can arrange(布置) it as they wish. 13 the environment offers many activities, children like to work together and they develop a social life based on cooperation rather than competition.Maria Montessori travelled around the world 14 teachers to use her method. In 1950, she 15 the World Peace Education Badges.1.A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.A.could B.might C.must D.would 3.A.make B.made C.to make D.making 4.A.happiness B.happy C.happily D.happier5.A.too B.either C.neither D.also 6.A.them B.they C.their D.themselves 7.A.encourage B.encouraged C.are encouraged D.were encouraged8.A.by B.with C.in D.for 9.A.that B.why C.how D.when 10.A.close B.closed C.closely D.closing 11.A.much B.many C.little D.a little 12.A.or B.so C.but D.as 13.A.But B.If C.Unless D.Because 14.A.train B.trained C.to train D.to training 15.A.receive B.received C.has received D.was receiving二、完形填空because he had never heard of a bull that gave milk. “How is it possible?” he asked. Theunderstood what the doctor wanted to do.When he got home, he sat thinking how to get out of the 20 . He looked worried, so his daughter asked him what was wrong. After hearing what the king had asked for, she said, “Don’t worry, Father. I’ll 21 you.”The next evening, she took some dirty clothes to the river near the king’s palace. When everyone was in bed, she started to do her washing. She made so much 22 that the king was very angry. He sent a guard to find out what was the matter. The guard 23 the girl and led her to the king.“Why do you wash your clothes here at night?” asked the king.The girl 24 to be afraid and said, “I had to wash clothes at night. This afternoon my father had a baby. I was 25 all day because of that.”“What!” cried the king. “Who ever heard of a man having a baby?”“if the king orders someone to get some bull’s milk for him why can’t a man have a baby?”The king smiled and said, “You must be Gulbo’ daughter. Go and tell your father that he can keep the bull’s milk for his baby.16.A.noticed B.examined C.educated D.protected 17.A.surprised B.afraid C.excited D.tried 18.A.relative B.friend C.enemy D.guest 19.A.lately B.suddenly C.luckily D.immediately 20.A.competitions B.chances C.opinions D.difficulties 21.A.miss B.help C.choose D.teach 22.A.time B.trouble C.effort D.noise 23.A.found B.hit C.cheated D.punished 24.A.expected B.pretended C.continued D.decided 25.A.proud B.satisfied C.busy D.careful三、阅读单选When travelling abroad, you have to spend some time thinking about gifts. What should you buy for your family or your friend? It could be a Yankees baseball cap if you visit the U.S. in Vietnam, a straw hat called a Non La is a popular tourist gift. If you ever visit Russia, you may want to think about buying a set of Russian dolls (俄罗斯套娃).They are like no other doll.Russian dolls were first made in 1890 and included eight dolls. These were all hand carved (雕刻) and painted. They were dressed in a traditional dress called sarafan. The word “Matryoshka” means matron—an older married woman. The idea was that it meant a family with the mother being at its head. The dolls proved to be very popular and it was not long before every woodworker was making them.The Russian doll appeared at the Paris World’s Fair in 1900. Everyone who saw them wanted one. Soon people visiting Russia also wanted to have one. Being quite small, they could fit into tourists’ luggage (行李) very easily—unlike a Non La! The dolls were all hand carved and painted until about 1930, when factories began producing inexpensive Russian dolls.26.As a tourist gift, where does a Non La most probably come from?A.France B.Russia C.Vietnam D.America 27.What can we learn about the early Matryoshka dolls?A.They were named after an old woman.B.They were images of a big family.C.They were gifts for mothers.D.They were made by hand.28.What happened to the Russian doll at the Paris World’s Fair?A.They were hugely popular.B.They were produced in factories.C.They were put into a small bag.D.They were given to tourists as a gift.Jill tore (撕) the piece of paper and threw it on the floor. It was her third try at a new story. She just couldn’t seem to get the first sentence right.Picking up the pen, she started again.Jill loved to write. She dreamt of being a writer one day. And she knew she had to spend a lot of time practising alone in her room. She wrote in her diary every day, and she wrote at least one story a week. But she was having a lot of trouble with her new story this week.Jill got up off and walked to her desk.She liked her story last week, about a boy in a wheelchair. Her mother liked it too. She said it was the best story Jill had ever written.Jill needed some encouragement, so she decided to read the story again. She opened the drawer (抽屉) of the desk and look through a pile of (一堆) paper. The story wasn’t there. So she looked through the pile again. But it was gone.Running down the stairs, she found her mother in the living room.“Mum, I’ve lost it!” She cried. “I’ve lost my story about the boy in a wheelchair!”Her mother looked up from her book. “It’s not lost.”“But I can’t find it anywhere.”“I mailed it to Teen Tales magazine,” said her mother. “I’m sorry, dear, but it’s too good to sit at home in your desk drawer. If you want to be a writer, you have to start letting people read your stories. Please don’t be angry.”A smile appeared on Jill’s face.She wasn’t angry. Because she knew her mother was right. And now she felt more thanencouraged imagining her story in the Teen Tales magazine.29.What was Jill’s problem?A.She often felt worried.B.She lost her favorite pen.C.She often wrote wrong sentences.D.She had trouble writing her new story. 30.Who was the boy in a wheelchair?A.A reader of Jill’s stories.B.A young writer Jill liked.C.A reader of Teen Tales magazine.D.The main character in one of Jill’sstories.31.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 6 refer to?A.The wheelchair.B.The drawer.C.The story.D.The diary.32.How did Jill feel about what her mother had done for her?A.Angry.B.Surprised.C.Happy.D.Disappointed.For three days towards the end of 2018, England’s second largest airport, Gatwick, had to cancel hundreds of flights. Over 140,000 passengers were left stranded with nowhere to go. The reason? The local police had received 92 reports of a drone (无人机) being seen flying above the airport. Even though there was not a single photo of this drone, it was decided it was too dangerous for airplanes to take off or land at Gatwick Airport.Ever since drones have become available (可获得的) to the public, there have been concerns about what people may actually do with them. It’s fine to have a drone to take amazing videos and photos for your own enjoyment. It’s not fine for a simple drone bought from a local electronics store to be used to send drugs or to be part of illegal (非法的) activities.This is something that has been challenging both the police and the military (军方) for many years. Time has been spent searching for ways to combat drones being being used for illegal purposes. For example there were suggestions that it would be possible to block an illegal drone’s signal to stop it from flying. However, none of these solutions were used when Gatwick Airport had a problem.Just a few months later, a company in California called Anduril announced that it had designed a solution to the Gatwick drone problem. They called it The Interceptor. The Interceptor is actually a drone itself. However, it is as heavy as a bowling ball. It can fly at160 kilometers per hour and is designed to crash into another drone and destroy it—without destroying itself. It is controlled by artificial intelligence (AI), but will not attack another drone without confirmation from a human controller first. Anduril has now started building The Interceptor and sending them to the military in both the USA and Great Britain. Confidence is so high in this company. It has been able to raise $120 million from banks to help with its development.33.What happened at Gatwick at the end of 2018?A.Many flights were not allowed to take off.B.People reported the airport to the police.C.A drone show was held at the airport.D.A lot of people rushed to the airport.34.What’s the concerns about the drones?A.They may be widely used during wars.B.They may be too expensive for the public.C.They may be used for some illegal activities.D.They may be unable to help people in their daily lives.35.What can we know about The Interceptor?A.It can fly as fast as a plane.B.It was made to destroyed other drones.C.It was created by a British company.D.It has been widely accepted by the market.36.Where does the passage come from?A.A novel.B.An advertisement.C.A diary.D.Newspaper.All of the groups performed well on School Day and received praise from the visitors. In short, our School Day went well and we got no poor opinions from the visitors.Feedback :Opinions from 200 students have been collected. Most students thought the activities were good. However, some students thought the prices of the school postcards were a little too high.Follow-up:Have a meeting with the headmaster about prizes for excellent student helpers. 37.How did the visitors feel about the activities?A.Disappointed.B.Worried.C.Satisfied.D.Surprised. 38.How many students like the recycling bags according to the feedback?A.20B.25C.50D.100 39.Which of the following is TRUE about the activities?A.Nick was the leader of Group 1.B.The postcards were cheap.C.Twenty-four students offered their feedback.D.Student helpers who did well will get prizes.40.The passage is written to ________.A.give a report B.hold School DayC.collect opinions from visitors D.hold a meeting with teachers四、阅读还原5选5阅读短文及文后A~E六个选项,选出可以填入下列各题空白处的最佳选项。

广东省中山市纪雅学校2020-2021学年九年级上学期10月质量检测英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、语法选择person in the world who did it.On that day, she jumped into the sea 3 any hesitation and swam towards the opposite bank. In the journey, she faced heavy fog, heavy rain and heavy waves. 4 she was very tired, she carried on swimming. But in the end, she gave up. And what she didn’t know at the moment she gave up was that the opposite bank was only 1 mile away. Later people asked her about the reason. And she said,“The reason why I gave up is that I could not see the destination 5 I was so close to.”Too many 6 stories have been lecturing(告诫)us about courage and persistence (坚持). But they never told us 7 courage and persistence.You can have courage only when you know where your goal is. You can manage to persist only when you know where your goal is, and prepare yourself 8 mentally(心理上).Courage and persistence never fall from the sky. They come from weighing between input and output.A life without goals is like 9 ship without a compass. It goes nowhere. 10 no courage or persistence in a life without goals.1.A.swimming B.to swim C.swim D.to swam 2.A.will B.can C.would D.could 3.A.without B.with C.in D.by 4.A.Since B.Though C.Because D.As soon as 5.A.which B.what C.where D.how 6.A.succeed B.success C.succeeded D.successful 7.A.how do we find B.how to find C.when we find D.where to find 8.A.good B.better C.well D.worse 9.A.a B.an C.the D./10.A.There is B.There has C.There are D.There have 二、完形填空an old man sitting in his front yard. He was usually smoking or drinking, and looking rather unhappy.One day, while I was driving past him with my 12 , I decided to wave at him with a lot of excitement. 13 , when he noticed me waving at him, he looked a bit shocked. Then, I saw his hand go up and he waved back.“ 14 did you wave at him?” my daughter asked.I told her it’s just an act of kindness that doesn’t 15 anything. It gives both him and me a feeling of joy. My daughter replied that she felt a bit uncomfortable to wave to a 16 , but next time she would try it as well.We liked close to the old man, 17 we saw him rather often. Whenever we drove by, both of us would start waving at him and, pretty soon, the old man started 18 at everyone who passed by his house.One time, my daughter’s friend came to visit and she told my daughter that she saw this strange old man near our home wave at her very 19 . She mentioned that she waved back, although she didn’t know 20 , and it felt really good.As soon as my daughter heard this, she told her friend the 21 of how all the waving began. Her friend answered: “Tell your mom that’s really cool!”Other friends gave similar 22 . This taught my daughter that an act of kindness can be natural and 23 , if you really want to do it. It showed us how giving happiness can do good to 24 the giver and the receiver.Moved by the old man’s actions, we’re planning to give our waving neighbor a thank-you card to express our 25 for his exciting waves. We are really thankful for him sharing his simple joy with all who pass by his house.11.A.noticed B.felt C.heard D.kept 12.A.husband B.son C.daughter D.friend 13.A.Just now B.On time C.In the end D.At the beginning 14.A.Why B.How C.When D.Where15.A.buy B.cost C.hide D.guess 16.A.friend B.driver C.classmate D.stranger 17.A.or B.but C.so D.yet 18.A.shouting B.waving C.laughing D.looking 19.A.angrily B.excitedly C.loudly D.carefully 20.A.him B.me C.her D.us 21.A.lesson B.accident C.news D.story 22.A.gifts B.notes C.opinions D.books 23.A.easy B.funny C.usual D.special 24.A.past B.between C.all D.both 25.A.attention B.thanks C.suggestions D.interests三、阅读单选As we know, Beijing has changed a lot. Most of people feel much safer now. More and more trees are planted in the city. And every day you can see many old people play sports everywhere. The change makes the people in the city live a happy life. The small survey below is from those people who live in Beijing. One hundred persons were chosen to answer26.How many people were chosen to answer the questions last week?A.50.B.100.C.200.D.1,000. 27.From the survey, ________ of the people in Beijing care about health.A.41%B.80%C.39%D.52% 28.From the survey we know most people want to live _________.A.in a busier place B.in a quieter placeC.in a greener place D.on the mountain29.Most people think working in Beijing is _________.A.bad B.good C.hard D.sad 30.Which of the following is NOT right according to the passage?A.We can see more and more trees in Beijing now.B.Most people feel much safer than before in Beijing.C.We can see the old man play sports in Beijing every day.D.Only a few people want to change their living places.A professor at China’s Zhejiang University recently became an Internet sensation(网红) after broadcasting his lectures online. The professor has turned calculus, considered an exceptionally difficult course among students, into a popular class.The professor, Su Dekuang, is one of the most admired professors at Zhejiang University. His humorous teaching style has earned him love and respect from students throughout his 30-year career. This semester, Su began broadcasting his lectures online, and each lesson has been watched by thousands of people. The most popular session was viewed more than 20,000 times. The Internet has a major influence on students nowadays, Su explained, adding that cyberspace offers a perfect environment for learning. He believes more university professors should utilize the Internet to keep students interested in their studies.Su has also created an account on Sina Weibo, intended as a platform to help students solve particularly challenging problems. So far he has attracted nearly 80,000 followers. Su also shares his lectures by uploading the videos on his Weibo home page. “Online courses are free from space restrictions, and the videos can also be replayed, which helps students who are struggling to catch up,” Su said, joking that students can even “attend” class while lying in bed.These days, Su’s students are not only from Zhejiang University, but from all over thecountry, covering a wide span of ages. The professor says his next plan is to publicly broadcast all his higher mathematics courses.31.Professor Su broadcasting his lectures online is to ________.A.earn more money B.make himself famousC.challenge normal class D.help students learn math32.How many times was the most popular course watched?A.30.B.Over 20,000.C.Lesson than 20,000. D.80,000. 33.Which of is TRUE about Professor Su according to the passage?A.More and more professors begin to follow his suggestions.B.Professor Su has already broadcast his each lecture lesson online.C.The professor’s classes are very popular among his students.D.Professor Su started broadcasting his lecture online many years ago.34.The underlined word “restrictions” in the passage means ________.A.限制B.政策C.规则D.范围35.What’s the main idea of the passage ?A.Th Internet is making impossibility into reality in our daily life.B.One profession in Zhejiang University broadcasts his lectures online.C.The style of traditional education is changing by Internet.D.Many students in Zhejiang University attend Professor Su’s class.四、阅读匹配配对阅读左栏是五个人的个人情况介绍,右栏是七位医生的介绍,请为每个人选择相is worried about his toothache. 68. Jack has been a heavy smoker for 20 years. He decided to give up smoking because a body check showed he had heart problems. 69. Recently, Betty eats whatever she likes. She found herself putting on weight week by week but just can’t stop eating.70. Gina has a high fever because of the flu she caught at school. Her headache is so terrible that she has to stay in bed at home.about yourself than to have perfect good teeth at an old age.C.Dr. Lee has got a doctor’s degree in traditional Chinese and Western medicine. She is good at using both to treat flu patients while reducing their pain caused by high fever and terrible coughs.D.Dr. Chen is well experienced in helping patients get good sleep. He not only gives his patients good medical care but also provides them with useful advice on how to relax from their busy work.E. Dr. Wright is always ready to offer help on eating problems. He believes each patient needs a different plan to control his or her diet. He has helped hundreds of over-weight patients back to normal.F. Need help to make your children control their love for candies? Perhaps Dr. King can help. He is one of the best dentists in the city, with great skills in fixing bad teeth and communicating with kids to win their trust.G. Dr. Yang has developed some new ways to help patients give up smoking and they are proved to be successful in treating heavy smokers. She also does well in treating diseases caused by long-term smoking.36.__________ 37.__________ 38.__________ 39.__________ 40.__________五、短文语境提示填空请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上。

广东省深圳市龙华区民治中学2020-2021学年九年级上学期10月月考英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择1.If someone receives an ________, he or she is invited to a place or something.A.invitation B.invention C.instruction2.A(n) ________ is a formal decision about future actions which is made by two or more countries, groups or people.A.report B.experiment C.agreement 3.—Hello! May I speak to Mr Zhang, please?—Sorry, he isn’t in at the moment. ________?A.Where are you from B.Can I take a message C.Can you ask him to call him back4.—Please don’t ask me about this. It is ________.—I don’t think so. I think everyone has the right to know it.A.a waste of time B.on business C.none of your business 5.— I heard that you mistook someone else as Ms. Lee.—Yes, And I felt very ________ about that.A.comfortable B.excited C.embarrassed二、完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选a day—a day when I grow up and understand things in my life.I can see the reason that he is so positive is because he believes in 14 .And he believes that whatever 15 , it is under control. So we have nothing to worry about. Be positive!6.A.mind B.keep C.remember 7.A.good B.bad C.rich8.A.When B.Until C.Before9.A.fear B.trouble C.surprise 10.A.titles B.orders C.stories 11.A.discussion B.practice C.meeting 12.A.usually B.never C.ever 13.A.looking for B.worrying about C.waiting for 14.A.itself B.myself C.himself 15.A.moves B.happens C.appears三、阅读单选Thomas Edison lit up the world with his invention of the electric light. Without him, the world might still be in the dark. However, the electric light was not his only invention. He also invented the motion picture camera and 1200 other things. About every two weeks he created something new.Thomas Edison was born in 1847. He attended school for only three months. His mother taught him at home, but Thomas was mostly self-educated. He started experimenting at a young age.When he was 12 years old, he got his first job. He became a newsboy on a train. He did experiments on the train in his spare time. Unluckily, his first work experience did not end well. They fired him when he accidentally set fire to the floor of the train. Then Edison worked for five years as a telegraph operator, but he continued to spend much of his time in experimenting his first patent(专利权) in 1868 for a vote recorder run by electricity.Thomas Edison was totally deaf in one ear and hard of hearing in the other, but he thought of his deafness as a blessing in many ways, It kept conversations short, so that he could have more time for work. He always worked 16 out of every 24 hours. Sometimes hiswife had to remind him to sleep and eat.Thomas Edison died at the age of 84. He left a great many inventions that greatly improved the quality of life all over the world.16.How often did Edison make a new invention?A.About every fourteen days.B.About every seven days.C.About once a week.D.About twice a week.17.The underlined word “fired” in the passage means“________”.A.Gave somebody a job B.set fire to somebodyC.let somebody down D.Forced somebody to leave his job 18.Which of the following sentence is NOT true according to the passage?A.Edison had only 8 hours rest each day after his deafness.B.Edison got his education mostly by self-teaching.C.Edison had his first job in 1869.D.Edison’s inventions greatly improved the quality of people’s life.19.What does the passage mainly talk about?A.The function of the electric light.B.Edison and his experiments.C.The importance of inventions.D.The whole life of Edison.READING makes a full man. But choosing the best books can be difficult. What Chinese books are most worthy of our time?Every year, the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (新闻出版广电总局) recommends a group of books to children and young adults in China. The aim is to encourage reading.This year’s list of good reads has come out. It is the 11th list offered by the administration. It includes 100 books that focus on “artistic and scientific” value.“Encouraging reading among the young relates to the future of 360 million children and teenagers in China,” said Wu Shulin, vice-minister of the administration.For the whole list, you can visit the official website of the administration. If you feel that the100-book list is too long, here are three of them that Wu recommends.My First Legal Comic Book《第一本法律漫画书》Knowledge of the law is necessary for everyone, but boring and difficult to understand. This book can help you out. It explains more than 200 legal cases (案例) with cartoons.Crested Myna in the Clouds《云朵一样的八哥》Chinese authors are showing stronger creativity, says Wu. And this book is a great example. It’s about a myna’s adventure in the human world. All the drawings in the book are in the style of Chinese paper-cuttings.Chinese Folk Culture and Fun Physics《中国民间文化与物理趣味》Do you know how the first umbrella was made? What physics theory can we find in an umbrella? This book tells us all. It is a magical combination (结合) of folk culture and physics. The book also has hand-drawn pictures of things that we used in the past. 20.What’s the aim of the book list?A.To sell books.B.To encourage reading.C.To attract tourists.D.To show Chinese culture.21.If you want to learn about the knowledge of law, which book can you choose?A.My First Legal Comic BookB.Crested Myna in the CloudsC.Chinese Folk Culture and Fun PhysicsD.Art and Science22.Which book do you recommend(推荐)if Tom is interested in folk culture and physics?A.My First Legal Comic BookB.Crested Myna in the CloudsC.Chinese Folk Culture and Fun PhysicsD.Art and Science23.What’s the best title of the passage?A.Reading makes a full manB.Never too old to learnC.Stay hungry stay foolishD.Book list for a bright futureGrace Murray was born on December 9,1906 in New York City. In 1928 she finished her education in Vassar College in math and physics. Since then, she had been teaching at Vassar and continued her studies at Yale University, where she achieved a lot in math in 1934.In 1930, Grace Murray married Vincent Foster Hopper. They were happy together for 15 years. She taught at Vassar until 1943 when she joined the United States Navy(海军)to help her country during World War 2. Then she was given a job at the Bureau of Computation Project at Harvard University, where she worked on the Mark Series of computers.In 1945, she began to do research in applied(应用) physics at Harvard’s Computation Laboratory. In 1949 she joined the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation and worked with them.18 years later, she returned to the Navy. She retired in 1971 but continued teaching for the computer development. Brewster Academy, a school in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, the United states, gave their computer lab to her for free in 1985, calling it the Grace Murray Hopper Center for Computer Learning. She had spent her childhood summers at a local family in Wolfeboro. She passed away in her sleep in 1992. Since her death, her workmate Elenor Briggs has been going on with her jobs.Grace Murray was a great woman and a leader in the computer development. Her work helped improve the use of computer languages. She practiced her words “Dare and Do” in her lifetime.24.How many years did Grace Murray teach at Vassar?A.About 2.B.About 6.C.About 15.D.About 18. 25.Before she joined the United States Navy, what did Grace Murray do at Yale University?A.Studied math.B.Researched applied physics.C.Developed computer languages.D.Worked on the Mark Series ofcomputers.26.The underlined part “passed away” in Paragraph 3 means ________.A.worked B.died C.waited D.dreamed 27.The test is mainly developed by ________.A.space order B.giving examples C.showing different jobs D.time orderBUSY parents and growing children are spending less family time together. According to the latest picture of family life in Britain, the average(平均的) family get together for just 45 minutes a day. And most of that time is spent either in front of the TV or eating.The findings, from a survey (调查) of 3,000 children and parents, signal a worrying break down of the family unit due to a “family—unfriendly culture”.One in three said they spent most of their time with the family eating and one in six saidwatching TV or playing computer games was their family time.Traditional pastimes (娱乐) for parents and children seem to be on the deadline. Just 5 percent said they spent family time doing sports, 3 percent read stories and only 2 percent helped with homework.The erosion (日渐减少) of family life leaves parents less time to teach key social skills such as listening to others, saying “please” and “thank you” and taking turns (按顺序), the survey shows.28.The average (平均的) family in Britain get together for just ________ a day.A.3000 seconds B.45 minutes C.30 minutes D.45 hours 29.Which of the following is NOT considered as traditional pastime for parents and children?A.doing sportsB.read storiesC.play computer gamesD.help with homework30.Why do parents have less time to teach key social skills to children?A.Family members spend less time together.B.Parents love children.C.Children have too much homework.D.Parents don’t listen to children.31.Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?A.Families breaking upB.Parents and childrenC.Less interesting family timeD.less parents and childrenYoung people can have problems with their minds. Some students become worried because they have to study very hard. Others have trouble getting on well with people like their parents or classmates.Liu, a Junior 2 students from Hefei, could not understand his teacher and was doing badly in class. He became so worried about it that he started to cut his finger with a knife. Another student, 14-year-old from Guangzhou, was afraid of exams. She got very worried, and when she looked at the exam paper. She couldn’t think of anything.October 10 was World Mental Health Day (世界精神卫生日). This year, the day was spent looking at children’s problems.A recent report from Jie fang Daily (解放日报)said about 18 percent of Shanghai teens have mental problems.Their troubles include being worried, very unhappy or having problems in learning and getting on well with people.According to experts, children from troubled families are most likely to become ill. More boys than girls have mental problems.Yu Zhengrong, a doctor at Yangsi School in Shanghai, said Junior 1 students often start to have problems when they begin at a new school.Many students who have problems won’t go for advice or help. Some think they will look stupid if they go to a doctor, others don’t want to tell their secrets.Liang Yuezhu, an expert on teenagers from Beijing Anding Hospital, has the following advice for teens:Talk to your parents or teachers often.Join in group activities and play sports.Go to see a doctor if you feel unhappy or unwell.32.If young people have problems in mind, what will happen to them?A.They will be happy with everything.B.They will have a talk with their parents or teachers.C.They will do strange things.D.There is always smile on the face.33.According to the passage, the students at the age of ________ often begin to have mental problems when they begin at a new school.A.5—6B.9—10C.12—14D.18—2034.If a person has mental problems, what should he do?A.He’d better not go out and ask for help because other people will laugh at him.B.He’d better go to see a doctor for advice.C.He’d better not always get together with the classmates and friends.D.It’s not important. Don’t mind.35.Which is TRUE according to the passage?A.About 18 percent of the students have problems in mind in China.B.Only talking to parents can cure the mental problem.C.Less girls have mental problems than boys.D.Mental problems are common, it comes and goes quickly.四、语法填空根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空,未提供单词的限填一词,将答案写在答题卡上。
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D. depend on
21. A. clearly
B. actually
C. carefully
D. nearly
22. A. eat
B. lie
C. work
D. play
23. A. dream
B. enjoy
C. sell
D. keep
24. A. lesson
B. mess
C. gift
第 2 页 /共 9 页
广州市一中外国语学校 2020 学年第一学期 10 月检测
本试卷共四大题,8 页,满分 90 分。考试时间 100 分钟。 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的考生
号、姓名、试室号、座位号,再用 2B 铅笔把对应这两个号码的标号涂黑。 2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
第一节、语法填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
A、B、C、D 项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
No matter how old your children are, you can take steps to improve a healthy
what they are going to have. In addition, parents get the chance ___3___ new food to
children. Parents can also talk ___4___ their children about their lives during the
In the past, the Mayas(玛雅人) and the Aztecs(阿兹特克人) used cocoa beans as
money because they were small, easy to carry, and not easy to find. A turkey cost
ninety cocoa beans and a small rabbit cost thirty cocoa beans. They also cooked the
beans and mixed them with water. Sometimes they added corn of hot pepper. They did
vegetables and ___9___ fast food and sweet drinks, you are sending the right message
to them.
Tip Four: No Shouts about Food
Parents might find themselves shouting at children to get them to have ___10___
23 a new day. Each day is a 24 , so I’ll enjoy my life and all the happy memories that I have stored in my bank account(帐户) before.”
Life is like a bank account. You can take out what you’ve put in. If you have put
a lot of ___25___ in your bank account, you can take out some of it when you feel
Attitude is everything.
16. A. wonderful
B. colourful
C. hard
D. comfortable
decisions on ___15___ own about the food they want to eat.
1. A. each
B. every
C. some
D. any
第 1 页 /共 9 页
2. A. is 3. A. introduce 4. A. with 5. A. special 6. A. when 7. A. yourself 8. A. seeing 9. A. to avoid 10. A. health 11. A. are asked 12. A. to 13. A. to make 14. A. a 15. A. them
It is popular among people, especially among children.
Chocolate tastes nice. People eat chocolate candies, chocolate cakes and
chocolate cookies. They also drink hot chocolate. Chocolate is made from cocoa beans(可可豆). Here are some interesting things about cocoa beans.
17. A. busy
B. smart
C. old
D. young
18. A. clothes
B. house
C. room
D. furniture
19. A. surprised
B. angry
C. excited
D. worried
20. A. decide on
B. turn on
C. put on
Tip Three: Being a Good Example
The best way for you to encourage healthy eating is to eat well ___7___.
Children will follow the lead of the adults they ___8___ every day. By eating fruit and
“But Mrs. Jones, you haven’t seen the room yet!” I was 19 at her reply.
She stopped and said, “Whether I like my room or not doesn’t 20 how
big the room is. It depends on how I think about the room. I have already decided to
Chocolate is one of the most popular foods in the world. Many people choose it
as a birthday gift. When a child gets a box of chocolate as a gift, he may feel excited.
B. are B. introducing B. for B. specially B. why B. himself B. have seen B. avoided B. healthy B. are asking B. by B. having made B. an B. their
C. was C. introduced C. against C. especial C. how C. herself C. saw C. avoiding C. healthily C. had asked C. on C. making C. the C. they
not add sugar. The drink was so expensive that only rich people could afford it.
love the room before I 21 see it .”
Then she continued, “I have an idea. I can 22 in bed all day and consider
how tiny my room is. Or I can just get out of bed and be thankful so that I can still
nursing home was very 17 . After hours of waiting, Mrs. Jones still smiled
sweetly when she was told that her 18 was ready. On the way to her room, I
told her that the room for her was a little small. Suddenly she said, “I love it!”
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 16~25 各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 项中, 选出最佳选项。
This story is about Mrs. Jones, an 82-year-old lady. Her life was 16 , but
she was always nicely dressed every day. This morning Mrs. Jones was moving to the nursing home. The staff(职员) in the