介绍工业工程专业英文Industrial Engineering: A Comprehensive Introduction.Definition.Industrial engineering, also known as industrial systems engineering, is a discipline that focuses on the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems that involve people, materials, information, equipment, and energy. It encompasses a wide range of industries,including manufacturing, healthcare, logistics, and services.Key Concepts.Productivity: The ratio of output to inputs in a system. Industrial engineers strive to improve productivity by increasing output or reducing inputs.Efficiency: The ratio of useful work performed tototal work done. Industrial engineers seek to maximize efficiency by reducing waste and optimizing resource utilization.Systems thinking: The approach of considering a system as a whole, rather than as a collection of individual components. Industrial engineers often use systems analysis techniques to identify and address system-level problems.Data analysis: The process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to make informed decisions.Industrial engineers use data analysis to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement.Work measurement: The process of measuring the time and effort required to perform specific tasks. Industrial engineers use work measurement to set work standards, establish production quotas, and identify areas for optimization.Roles and Responsibilities.Industrial engineers play a variety of roles and responsibilities in organizations, including:Process improvement: Analyzing and improving existing processes to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction.Layout design: Designing and optimizing the physical layout of facilities, including factories, warehouses, and offices.Production planning and control: Developing and implementing plans to control production processes, including scheduling, inventory management, and quality control.Ergonomics: Designing workplaces and equipment to optimize human performance, reduce fatigue, and prevent injuries.Supply chain management: Coordinating the flow of materials, information, and resources throughout a supplychain, including supplier selection, inventory management, and logistics.Education and Training.Industrial engineering degrees are typically offered at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Undergraduate programs typically require coursework in mathematics, statistics, physics, engineering mechanics, industrial engineering principles, and business management. Graduate programs often specialize in specific areas, such as manufacturing, logistics, or healthcare.In addition to formal education, industrial engineers often pursue professional certification through organizations such as the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE). Certification demonstrates a high level of knowledge and experience in the field.Career Opportunities.Industrial engineers are in high demand in a wide rangeof industries. Career opportunities include:Manufacturing engineer.Process improvement engineer.Supply chain manager.Ergonomist.Operations research analyst.Business analyst.Benefits of Industrial Engineering.Industrial engineering can provide significant benefits to organizations, including:Increased productivity: Industrial engineers help organizations improve productivity by optimizing processes, designing efficient layouts, and implementing data-drivensolutions.Reduced costs: Industrial engineers identify and eliminate waste, reduce inventory levels, and improve supply chain efficiency, leading to lower operating costs.Improved quality: Industrial engineers implement quality control measures and use data analysis to identify and address quality issues, leading to improved customer satisfaction.Enhanced safety: Industrial engineers design workplaces and equipment to minimize risks and prevent injuries, creating a safer work environment.Increased innovation: Industrial engineering methodologies can be applied to new product development, process design, and service delivery, leading to innovative solutions.Conclusion.Industrial engineering is a challenging and rewarding field that offers a wide range of career opportunities. Industrial engineers play a vital role in improving the efficiency, productivity, and safety of organizations across all industries. By applying systems thinking, data analysis, and problem-solving skills, industrial engineers can make a significant contribution to the success of their organizations.。
工业工程(IE)和质量工程(QE)IE and QEAbstract: Based on the definition of IEand QEand analysis of their position in the spe-cial field of study, of theirimplications as well as of their research field, this paper callsfor the necessity of offering courses of Industry Engineering and Quality Engineering in higher institutions and dwells on the importance of the cultivation of qualified personnel of IE and QE. 19世纪初,资产阶级产业革命推动了人类社会生产力的高速发展,也推动了各类科学的蓬勃发展.费兰克.吉尔布雷斯夫妇专门对工人的操作动作与时间进行分析、研究,先后发表了《动作研究》(1911)、《空间动作研究》(1917)、《时间研究》(1920),科学管理之父泰勒通过多年的研究和实践于1911年发表《科学管理原理》,其核心内容就是通过对工人使用的设备、工具、生产环境及产品原材料的优化和标准化,以保证工人进行标准化作业,从而获得最佳劳动定额和效率,因此他又被人誉为工业工程之父.20世纪70年代,美国把全面质量管理与工程技术结合起来,创立了以控制、保证和改进产品/服务质量为基本目标的工程学科,这就是质量工程.现在,工业工程、质量工程已扩展到欧、美、亚各国,成为推动社会进步的重要管理工程技术.我国目前迫切需要大批的工业工程与质量工程人才,那么如何认识IE和QE,办好IE和QE专业,培养IE和QE人才呢?笔者就此阐述下列三点意见.1IE和QE的定义及其研究领域1.1IE及其研究领域美国和日本等一些国家的IE团体、百科全书对IE都先后确定过定义,而目前最有权威的IE定义还是美国工业工程会[AIEE]于1955年确定的定义,它已被采纳为美国国家标准(ANSI.Z94),即工业工程“是研究由人员、物质、设备、能源和信息等组成的综合系统之设计与改善的一门学科,它综合运用数学、物理学和社会科学方面的专门知识和技术以及工程设计原理与方法,确定、预测和评价上述系统所获得的效果.”ANSI.Z94还把IE的研究内容确定为生物力学;成本管理;计算机和信息系统;营销和市场;工程经济;设施规划(包括工厂与物流设计等);制造过程技术;应用数学(包括作业研究、管理数学、统计质量控制等);组织规划与实践;生产计划与控制;作业测定;人因工程(即人类工效学);人事管理;工资管理;安全;职业健康和卫生;人体测量学等17个方面.现代工业工程已发展成为包括物资需求规划(MRP)、准时化生产(JIT)、全面质量管理(TQM)、人机工程学、计划网络技术(PERT)与集成制造系统(CIM)、工程管理、管理信息系统等内容的工程基础技术学科. 1.2质量工程定义及其研究内容美国于1978年发布的国家标准ANSI.A3对质量工程确作了下述定义:质量工程是有关产品或服务的质量保证和质量控制的原理及其实践的工程学科.在上述定义的注释中,明确说明质量工程研究的领域为:质量体系的设计(建立)和实践;质量保证和质量控制技术的开发和应用;质量数据分析所应用的统计方法和测量方法;试验、检验及其抽样程序的开发和分析;质量成本理论和技术等.尔后又发展成为有关如何创新和提高全面质量的管理和工程交叉学科,它是现代质量管理理论及其实践与现代科学技术结合以创新、研制和改进产品(包括服务)质量为目标的工程学科.2IE和QE的学科地位2.1在GB/T13745-92《学科分类与代码》中的位置GB/T13745是由国家教委、科委、中国科学院、中国社会科学院、西安交通大学等部门与单位起草,由国家科委、国家技术监督局提出的国家标准.该标准依据研究对象、研究特征、研究方法,研究目的与目标及学科派生系统对自然、农业、医学、工程与技术、人文与社会五大门类学科,进行科学分类为58个一级学科.工业工程与标准化被列入同一个一级学科,即工程与技术科学基础学科之内(见图1).410.50标准化学410工程与技术科学基础学科——410.55计量学410.75工业工程学图1工业工程在GB/T13745中的地位而质量管理类学科被列入管理学与数学之中(见图2).630管理学——630.40企业管理—630.4055质量管理630.50管理工程—630.5020质量控制与可靠性管理110数学——110.71应用统计数学110.7110统计质量控制110.7120可靠性数学图2质量管理在GB/T13745中的地位2.2在教育部专业目录中的地位1998年教育部颁布的《高等学校本科专业目录》,把学科分为哲学、经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史、理学、工学、农学、医学及管理学11类,工业工程被列入新增加的第11个学科门类《管理学》内(见图3).11管理学1101——管理科学与工程110103——工业工程(可授予管理学或工学学士学位)图3工业工程在教育部专业目录中的地位但是,我国教育部却没有把美国、欧洲、俄罗斯等国家已普遍列入专业目录的质量工程列入专业目录之内.3办好工业工程与质量工程专业21世纪是质量世纪,我们加入WTO后,正面临国际市场的质量竞争更加剧烈,社会迫切需要一大批既懂IE与QE理论,又具有一定实践能力的工业工程和质量工程高级专业人才.美国早在20世纪初期就开设工业工程专业,而后又开设质量工程专业.据统计1959-1968年,工业工程专业已名列国内最多的第五个学士学位,74个高校开设IE专业,IE成为美国高等教育中十大支柱学科之一.随着国际市场质量竞争的日益加剧,现代质量管理工程即质量工程专业在美国、欧洲、俄罗斯等工业发达国家的高等院校已普遍设置.据笔者检索,目前在欧洲有28个国家的90多所大学和商学院开设质量管理或质量工程专业,俄罗斯在1987年(苏联时期)就在近10个高等院校中设置《计量、标准化与质量管理专业》(专业编号1906),目前又分为《计量与计量保证》(专业编号1908)和《标准与认证》(专业编号07201)两个专业. 1993年,美国139所高等院校中设置质量工程专业学士、硕士、博士的院校比重已达到15%、28%与8% ,而到1994年调查206所高等院校,这三类学位的比例已增长到23%、34%和13%.我国于1993年首先由西安交通大学、天津大学和重庆大学开设工业工程专业,到2001年设置工业工程专业的院校已发展到74所,而且这些院校在其专业课内均开设质量管理类课程.由于当时国家教委一直没把质量工程专业列入专业目录,致使我国二三十所高等院校以种种方式在管理工程、测控与仪器等专业名义下培养质量管理专业人才.由于现代机电工程技术渗透国内产业部门,因此无论是工业工程或质量工程专业,都必须以机电工程为专业技术基础,重视实践教学环节,以避免这二个专业建设过程中与技术脱节,与实践分离的错误倾向,也只有这样才能培养出受社会各界欢迎的既懂IE、QE管理又懂适用技术的复合型专业人才.中国计量学院是原国家技术监督局直属的系统内惟一高等院校,管理体制改为“部省共建,以省为主”后,仍保留计量、标准化与质量管理专业优势与特色.随着我国高等教育与国际接轨,各院校必然根据市场需要开设新专业.因此,应认真借鉴国内外有关高等院校开设工业工程专业的经验与教训,努力办好具有中国计量学院特色即质量与标准化工程专业方向的工业工程专业;努力争取教育行政部门的批准或认可,尽早开设工业工程本科专业及质量工程与标准化专业;条件成熟后招收工业工程(IE)、质量工程与标准化方面的硕士生.2001年,中国计量学院已招收工业工程(质量工程)专业本科生80人,2002年继续招收80人,从而为我国质量事业的发展,迈开了提供大批质量管理和标准化高级专业人才的步伐.减事宜作出了规定;系统层和项目层,由于为了适应目标管理的要求,文件本身的强制性较弱,所以对专项删减规范的需求不太强烈;而基础层由于起到把关和门户的作用,不应允许任意删减和选择,应有专门的规范限制删减的条件、性质和范围.关于文件体系的构建程序,自然应是有轻重缓急之分的.标准层文件已经存在,基础层文件也大多可以直接或间接引用,主要工作集中在系统层和项目层中,建议先建立、完善系统层文件,构筑好整个体系的大体结构,再逐步完善项目层.在项目层文件制定之前,每个部分,甚至每个方面,都应先仿照体系结构,设计一个所应包括文件的结构图,尽可能地将制定文件的工作落到实处.4.5标准化工作的标准化问题自1987年以来,我国已相继出台了几十项标准化工作导则,这些标准化文件将为我们构筑体系、制定标准文件提供了一定的指导.当然,这些标准化工作导则本身也还不够完善,如果条件允许,可在制定文件之前先对标准化工作导则进行适当的补充.此外,强有力的组织支持和各地区各项目的密切配合也是至关重要的.有关这方面的内容,目前已有许多观点,在此不再赘述.【参考文献】[1]汪应洛.工业工程导论[M].北京:中国科学技术出版社,2000.[2]殷纯永.质量工程导论[M].北京:中国计量出版社,1998.[3]张根保.现代质量工程[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2000.[4]洪生伟.质量管理.第4版[M].北京:中国计量出版社,2001.。
工业工程(Industrial Engineering,简称IE),起源于美国,发扬于日本,服务于制造业,已有100多年的发展历史。
Operations Research 运筹学Some OR accomplishments运筹学的一些成果在 20 世纪 70 年代到 80 年代之间取得了一些十分突出的重大突破,下面讲述他们如何被应用以及其对经济的影响。
Integrative OR systems集成运筹学系统综合的运筹学成果在 1983 和 1984 年,全美最大的石油独立冶炼和销售公司--citgo 石油公司,将 1985 年超过 4 亿的销售额投资在一个独一无二的全面集成系统中,这个系统将运筹学的数学规划、预测及专家系统结合到了统计和组织理论中。
Citgo 将运筹学系统应用到诸如:天然物资的产品开采,冶炼,供应和配送,运作市场规划,应收应付款,存货控制和制定个人执行目标, Citgo 公司由 1984 年 5000 万的营业损失变为到 1985 年高达 7000 万的营业利润要归功于这个运筹学系统。
Network flow problem网络流问题70 年代时出现了一些突破性的网络流建模和解决问题的方法,并初步形成专业化的解决运输问题及其转化问题的原始单纯形算法。
这些算法表现出了前所未有的效率,速度比最好的网络问题通用线性规划系统快了从 10 到 200 倍——效率完全超越任何计算机硬件。
目前 Agrico、 Ciba-Geigy、 W.R.Grace、International Paper、Kelly-Springfied、Owens-Corning Fiberglass、Quaker Oats and R.G.Sloan 这些公司已成功地将他们的射频数据采集系统耦合到他们建立的网络流模型上,以改善所做的决定的物流成本效益和服务效益。
比如,Agrico 净减少13%周转资金并在 5 年内节省开支43 万美元;据Kelly-Springfied 报道,他们每年可节省 800 万美元以上,Cahil May Roberts 可减少 20%的运输成本和交货。
工业工程必须充分运用竞争情报(competitive intelligence)、横向对比(benchmarking)与关系学(relationship)等先进方法及其工具。
⑤发展可重组企业(Reconfigurable Enterprise)。
Understanding the definition of IE
Discipline character: Engineering tech. Research object: systems (macro/micro) Theory & methods: mathematics, natural
Origin and Definition of Industrial Engineering
Manufacturing Services Origin of IE Definition of IE
Manufacturing is defined as making of articles by physical labor or machinery,
Modern era of engineering
Beginning in 1750 ,Engineering schools appeared in France in the eighteenth century.
The term civil engineer was first used in 1750 military engineering civil engineering mechanical engineering: steam engine electrical science:electricity and magnetism
Science is concerned with the quest for basic knowledge.
e.g.:Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biology Social science (Behavior science, psychology,
毕业论文外文资料翻译学生姓名:学号:学院:经济管理学院专业:工业工程指导教师:外文出处: Professional English for IndustrialEngineering 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
AAA学校外文翻译如有雷同,纯属巧合专业工业工程学生姓名xxx班级 B工业 072 学号指导教师完成日期 2011年3 月19日外文资料名称: Various stages of theprojectcostcontrol外文资料出处:Accreditation and QualityAssurance附件: 1. 外文原文2.外文资料翻译译文Various stages of the project cost controlChung-Ho ChenAbstract:Project Cost Management is the basic content of determining reasonable and effective control of the project cost. There are two projects cost implications, the corresponding project cost management has two, one for the management of project investment, a price for the project management. Works against investment management, the so-called project cost effective control is to optimize the building programme, designed on the basis of the programme, in the various stages of construction procedures, using certain methods and measures the cost of the project have control at a reasonable scope and approved Within the limits of the cost.KEY WORDS:Engineering project cost cost management cost control cost limit 1. Project cost management problems that exist inChina's current stage of the project cost for project management to settle at for the purpose, focus only on the construction process of cost control, neglect of pre-construction project investment decision-making stage of cost control. Investment decision-making phase of the construction project investment estimate is an important basis for decision-making, it has a direct impact on national economic and financial analysis of the results of the reliability and accuracy. As a result of this project is the initial stage of work, the information can not be full, comparable projects in this area or less accumulated relatively little information, estimate the approach flawed and unscientific, making construction cost management and the cost of work At this stage difficult to accomplish something.Construction cost management to a passive design drawings prepared in accordance with the budget estimate and project cost calculated mainly ignored in the design stage to optimize the design of construction cost management, effective cost control. According to relevant statistics show that the impactof the design phase of investment for the possibility of more than 75 percent, but China's designers, most of the pursuit of high safety and design fees, the design does not consider economic factors, resulting in a number of large projects waste materials Phenomenon.Construction Cost Management divorced from each other at all stages, investment estimates, budget for the design and construction budget plans, the contract price, prices, accounts for price, the cost of these six stages from construction units and departments in charge of the design units, the respective management of construction enterprises, The former do not have control of the latter, which affected the former project cost effective management system.China's current construction cost management information system to collect finishing imperfections. The project has been completed the construction cost of collection, collation and analysis of information on the cost of the division is of great reference value. At present, China's very limited information on this part, most of all a personal cost engineer, can not share data. Cost can not be division between the exchanges and learn from each other, causing a big waste of resources.The following projects from the various stages of construction of a concrete analysis of how to strengthen the whole process of project cost management:(1)The decision-making phase of the project cost management is the beginning. In the investment decision-making phase of the project, the project's economic decision-making and various kinds of technology, investment and the project after the completion of the project have a decisive impact on economic efficiency, control of the project investment is a very important stage. Specifically, the decision-making phase of the project, a project in the new project proposals approved, the project cost advisory body should be based on long-term national economic development planning, economic development invarious sectors in economic development planning the basic requirements of the proposed project to Technically advanced and economically reasonable, and favourable in the community can create benefits, financial and other aspects of the implementation of a comprehensive and full investigation, analysis and feasibility studies, do a good job in the feasibility study. For policy makers decided to provide a reliable basis for the project. Investmentdecision-making phase of the construction cost of the entire process of project cost if Lan has a decisive impact on the overall situation. The construction project feasibility studies and investment decision-making is a source of the project cost. Cost is determined reasonable assessment of construction projects, the key follow-up work.(2)Phase of the project design phase of the design expenses only construction costs of the entire life of less than 1%, but the impact of the project cost accounts for more than 75 percent, and often easy to be ignored. Therefore, the project cost advisory body should be the design phase of cost management as a whole process of cost management in the key task. Preliminary design of the project budget for the accuracy of a certain country or industry and meet the depth requirements, effective control of project cost is the premise. Seize this critical design of the project cost control can be achieved multiplier effect. The design phase of cost control, is the source of cost control, is the most fundamental and important control.(3)Bidding phase of the project cost management is an important component of an acceptable kind of works commissioned by the owners of the list (or engineering Base Price) and a series of relevant documents, basic price of the pipeline is bidding management of the core work, because the basic price is Determine the price of the contract basis, with only the basic price of science, can we correctly judge the tender reported by the reasonable prices and reliability can be when the make the right decisions, strictly implement the project bidding regulations, grasp Price is reasonable and competitive. Evaluation and calibration of the cost Practitioners and the preparation ofcost as the basis for the legitimacy of the tender evaluation is based on legitimate and effective to ensure that the scientific and reasonable price. The market for the tender offer, the basic price of the provision of social services, and create an environment for fair competition.(4) Phase of the project implementation, cost management can not be ignored. Project implementation stage is a stage of building products, the entire process of building the project cost management is also the most difficult, most complicated stage. In addition to this stage of the passage of time with the other construction costs, a large number of investment funds through the construction of this part of the "materialization", the ultimate form of fixed assets, and investment projects. Effective cost control can be a good adjustment of the contracting parties and interests, namely the owners to reduce the input costs and increase the project's profit, but also to standardize the construction of the contractor. As a project cost advisory body, the actual operation in strict accordance with the owners agreed to assist the analysis of the claims handling matters, clearly define the responsibilities in the timely submission of counter-claims, to restore the unnecessary loss of the contract and the provisions have been agreed, calculated each time changes caused by Cost changes for the control of owners provide the basis for investment decisions.(5)Clearing stage is the completion of construction projects truly reflect the price of the product, is also the terminus of construction cost management. The stage should carefully examine the pre-clearing, more than one operator works out of high fixed sets, Takatori, are not realistic and visa, unreasonable technical measures such as increasing the cost should be based on the information available price information, on review Whether or not to raise prices of materials; should strengthen contract management, implementation of the contract itemized review system so that the project cost through a legally binding contract to identify and control; In addition, the completion of the project delivery, to conduct post-project evaluation,according to the original Rules, analysis and comparison project scope, progress and the changes in the cost, sum up experience, and cost information collated entry computer, so that future use.2.Effective control of the principles of project costTo the planning stage, the design stage as the focus of the entire process of construction cost control. Project cost control throughout the entire process of building projects, but must be focused. Clearly, the project cost control is the key to the project before the implementation of the investment decision-making and design phase of the project to make investment decisions, project cost control is the key to the design. According to some western countries analysis, design fee is generally equivalent to lifetime cost of all construction projects of less than 1%, but this is less than 1 percent of the cost of the construction project cost to the impact of more than 75 percent, thus, important that the design stage Sexual. However, for a long time, China's generally ignored the project phase of the preparatory work for cost control, project cost control are often the main focus on the construction phase - review of budget plans and reasonable settlement of the purchase price Jianan. This approach, while also effective, but is, after all, "remedial measures", Shibeigongban. To effectively control the project cost, we must shift the focus to control the project's initial stage of construction - the planning stage and the stage of design.Active Control, in order to obtain satisfactory besults. Since the eardy 1970s, the people vill control theory, system theory and research results for project management, will be controlled based on the decisions taken in advance of active measures to reduce and avoid as much as possible0the target value and acdual value of the deviations from this Is an active, positive control method, known as the active control. In other words, the project cost control, not only to reflect the investment decision-making, reflecting the design, contracting and construction, passive control project cost, more dynamic tothe impact of investment decisions, the impact of design, contracting and construction and taje the initiative to control project cost. Cost of dhe project to identify and control between interdependenae and mutual restraint, the ddtermination of the project cost control project cost is the basis and the carrier. At the same time, cost control resides in the project cost determine the whole process of determining the cost of the process that is cost control process.Technology and economic integration of project cost control is the most effective means. In the process of building projects, technology and the organic integration of economic, technological, economic analysis and evaluation, correctly handle the advanced technology and economic strength between the unity of opposites relations, and strive to achieve the advanced technology and reasonable under the conditions of the economy , On tha basis of reasonable economic advanced technology, the project cost control to infiltrate into the concept of the design and construction techjology measures. Project Management Project Cost control is an effective way. Construction supervision system is highly developed market economy, constrection project management professional and social level continuously improve the `roduct. Construction supervision of the mission, organization and management from the perspective of science and to take measures to ensure the construction project cost goals, objectives and time limit to achieve a reasonable quality objectives for the owners seek the best input and output. Practice has proved that the engineering supervision of the project cost control is an effective way.3.Various stages of the project cost controlDecision-making phase of project cost control. The planning phase of the project cost, many owners have the wrong understanding that the cost of the lower the better. Cost control is not a unilateral issue, and should be a multi-factor problem, should be integrated engineering practice, considering. In the investment decision-making phase of construction projects,the project's technical and economic decision-making, the project cost and the economic benefits of the project when completed, has a decisive role in project cost control is an important stage, rationally determine the cost of the project and control the direction of the exact location And building optimization of guiding role.The design phase project cost control. The design phase is the construction of intent from investors to the idea of the changing reality of a critical stage, the design phase of the project cost control is a key link. From the following aspects of project cost control: the design implementation of the tendering system, strengthen supervision of the design phase, determine a reasonable design, mature technology, to reduce the construction phase of major design changes and programmes of change in the effective control of the works Cost will play a role. An engineering design, if the Commissioner of participation into the project, excluding unfavorable factors may generally be excluded 80 percent of the error. In the entire process of construction cost control, the start of construction at best can only invest 20 percent savings, the key lies in the cost of construction period to identify and control. Commissioner of the design phase of work: Design Institute under the provision of design drawings and notes to help owners examine different design options for the economy, develop the preliminary capital expenditure plan to ensure that the investment will be the most effective use of support Owners of the Commissioner of work: Design Institute under the provision of design drawings and notes to help owners examine different design options for the economy, develop the preliminary capital expenditure plan to ensure that the investment will be the most effective use of the owners meet The different design options, the need to work out their own materials and equipment to conduct a cost analysis and research, design and cost proposals to assist them in the investment limit within the limits designed to reduce investment. To seek a one-time small investment and economic good design, the most rational economic indicators.The use of optimal design principles. At the design stage to reduce the use of value engineering cost 25 percent  ̄ 40 percent, with notable results. Also known as value engineering value analysis, is a modern scientific management techniques, is a new technical and economic analysis, through analysis of the product's features to save resources and reduce the cost of the purpose of an effective method. It made up for the cost of traditional management that simply reduce costs and improve quality management always stressed that the quality of the deficiencies and is conducive to resolving the long-term construction period long, waste, poor quality, high cost of the problem. Value Engineering laws generally carried out in three steps: assessing the design of targeted technical scores and scores of economic calculation of the design object technology index and economic index, calculated each design object of the geometric mean, from which to compare, choose the best design .Construction of the tender stage project cost control. Construction of the tender stage of the project cost control should be accurate grasp of design drawings, construction projects through the analysis of the specific circumstances of the units and pre-qualification of bidders, preparation of tender documents, works basic price determined through Pingbiaodingbiao, select the successful bidder units, and to determine the contract price . Reasonably sure of is the basic price of the tender stage of the project cost control an important way of determining the basic price is often incomplete because of the design, material changes, or the market price because of the constantly changing and difficult to have an accurate value. When these happen, you can use fuzzy identification, fuzzy clustering analysis, computer simulation technology (Monte Carlo simulation) Three mathematical methods, the project cost to more accurately determine.The construction phase project cost control. Project implementation phase of the project cost control can proceed from the following: careful review of the contract price and volume list, the basic unit prices and other relevantdocuments in conjunction with the progress of the project and the quality of works carried out the correct measurement, review payment of bills, according to the provisions The price of clearing; correctly understand the design intent, strictly control the design changes, the design is wrong with the local timely corrections; strengthen engineering claims control, contract management in all its aspects; skilled use of the budget over the fixed and reasonable conduct on-site visa; review of organizational design, Use of technology economy is relatively comprehensive assessment method, using the value of works on the construction phase and construction materials to optimize options, select a reasonable construction plan; strengthen project construction supervision.On the review of the list of projects, supervision engineers should pay attention to inventory control measures in the project. Price list of projects provided in the list of measures, for the completion of the project is the construction project occurred in the pre-construction and construction process technology, life, security and other non-engineering aspects of the project entity. At this stage because many projects are the construction plans and construction of circumstances imperfections at the scene on the tender, until tender, construction projects and measures designed to have greater access to the actual scene. Supervising engineer in the handling of raw data to collect first-hand, itemized checking identification, not of the proposed amendments.Clearing the completion of phase project cost control. For a long time, the completion of the construction plans ultra-clearing budget is cost management issues requiring urgent solution. The completion phase of the project cost control, should conscientiously do a good job the following points: check the terms of the contract, clearing the completion of the preparation of the audit, preparation of the project refers to the preparation of the completion of the works and the cost of clearing areas. Examine whether the content of the completion of the contract requirements, whether qualifiedacceptance, review billing methods, pricing methods, concessionary terms whether the contract; completion of the audit plans of projects in the audit, the plans should be based on the completion of the design changes, such as visa at the scene, according to state In terms of engineering works required by the rules of each check; strictly enforced in accordance with the valuation method of valuation; rigorous review design changes to visa fees for inspection standards, different regions of the rate of price index may be different. Therefore, the project must be in accordance with the standards of admission fees under the contract requirements, according to grade the quality of construction unit, the type of construction work, such as setting a reasonable standard admission fee.翻译:译者:AAA工程项目各阶段的成本控制Chung-Ho Chen摘要:工程项目成本管理的基本内容就是合理确定和有效的控制工程项目成本。
The Design of the Welding Junetion Clamp of Motorcar[Abstract]The text introduces the design method and construction of the welding junction clamp of motorcar.KeyWords:Weldingassembly Base Clamp Loeation1. IntroductionAssembly and welding fixture in the automotive body assembly and welding production line of critical process equipment related to manufacturing quality of the car。
In welding production。
Assembly and welding fixtures in addition to the completion of this process the parts assembly,positioning,the also served as a test and calibration procedures on the Road, welding partswelding quality of the task,so its design and manufacture of the welding process affects the level of automobile production capacity and product quality。
Automotive style vary, welding fixture shape and thus vary widely,but in the design, manufacture,adjustments have in common, you can learn from each other.2。
中文5560字附录A 译文工业工程的介绍工业工程(Industrial Engineering﹐简称I.E.)是一门新兴的工程科学。
早在1881年左右,泰勒(Frederick W. Taylor)就已具有工业工程的观念,但实际上工业工程这门学问却在1920年代才开始,到二次大战后才略具雏型。
在国外,泰勒首先提倡「时学研究」,而纪尔布雷斯夫妇(F.B & Gilbreths)则为「工学研究」的创始人。
)直到1930年代他们的研究才受到大众的重视,而正式成为工时学(motion and time study),如今工时学可说是工业工程的领域中最基本的一部分,也是传统工业工程的基本观念。
譬如工业工程中的动作连贯性分析(operation sequence),由于人类的任何一种动作都有连贯性,因此把各动作经仔细分析,分成一个个微细单元,删掉不必要的动作,合并可连接的动作,以达到工作简化、动作经济、省时省工之目的。
附录附录1:英文文献Line Balancing in the Real WorldAbstract:Line Balancing (LB) is a classic, well-researched Operations Research (OR) optimization problem of significant industrial importance. It is one of those problems where domain expertise does not help very much: whatever the number of years spent solving it, one is each time facing an intractable problem with an astronomic number of possible solutions and no real guidance on how to solve it in the best way, unless one postulates that the old way is the best way .Here we explain an apparent paradox: although many algorithms have been proposed in the past, and despite the problem’s practical importance, just one commercially available LB software currently appears to be available for application in industries such as automotive. We speculate that this may be due to a misalignment between the academic LB problem addressed by OR, and the actual problem faced by the industry.Keyword:Line Balancing, Assembly lines, OptimizationLine Balancing in the Real WorldEmanuel FalkenauerOptimal DesignAv. Jeanne 19A boîte2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium+32 (0)2 646 10 741 IntroductionAssembly Line Balancing, or simply Line Balancing (LB), is the problem of assigning operations to workstations along an assembly line, in such a way that the assignment be optimal in some sense. Ever since Henry Ford’s introduction of assembly lines, LB has been an optimization problem of significant industrial importance: the efficiency difference between an optimal and a sub-optimal assignment can yield economies (or waste) reaching millions of dollars per year.LB is a classic Operations Research (OR) optimization problem, having been tackled by OR over several decades. Many algorithms have been proposed for the problem. Yet despite the practical importance of the problem, and the OR efforts that have been made to tackle it, little commercially available software is available to help industry in optimizing their lines. In fact, according to a recent survey by Becker and Scholl (2023), there appear to be currently just two commercially available packages featuring both a state of the art optimization algorithm and auser-friendly interface for data management. Furthermore, one of those packages appears to handle only the “clean” formulation of the problem (Simple Assembly Line Balancing Problem, or SALBP), which leaves only one package available for industries such as automotive. This situation appears to be paradoxical, or at least unexpected: given the huge economies LB can generate, one would expect several software packages vying to grab a part of those economies.It appears that the gap between the available OR results and their dissemination in Today’s industry, is probably due to a misalignment between the academic LB problem addressed by most of the OR approaches, and the actual problem being faced by the industry. LB is a difficult optimization problem even its simplest forms are NP-hard – see Garry and Johnson, 1979), so the approach taken by OR has typically been to simplify it, in order to bring it to a level of complexity amenable to OR tools. While this is a perfectly valid approach in general, in the particular case of LB it led some definitions of the problem hat ignore many aspects of the real-world problem.Unfortunately, many of the aspects that have been left out in the OR approach are in fact crucial to industries such as automotive, in the sense that any solution ignoring (violating) those aspects becomes unusable in the industry.In the sequel, we first briefly recall classic OR definitions of LB, and then review how the actual line balancing problem faced by the industry differs from them, and why a solution to the classic OR problem maybe unusable in some industries.2 OR Definitions of LBThe classic OR definition of the line balancing problem, dubbed SALBP (Simple Assembly Line Balancing Problem) by Becker and Scholl (2023), goes as follows. Given a set of tasks of various durations, a set of precedence constraints among the tasks, and a set of workstations, assign each task to exactly one workstation in such a way that no precedence constraint is violated and the assignment is optimal. The optimality criterion gives rise to two variants of the problem: either a cycle time is given that cannot be exceeded by the sum of durations of all tasks assigned to any workstation and the number of workstations is to be minimized, or the number of workstations is fixed and the line cycle time, equal to the largest sum of durations of task assigned to a workstation, is to be minimized.Although the SALBP only takes into account two constraints (the precedence constraints plus the cycle time, or the precedence constraints plus the number of workstations), it is by far the variant of line balancing that has been the most researched. We have contributed to that effort in Falkenauer and Delchambre (1992), where we proposed a Grouping Genetic Algorithm approach that achieved some of the best performance in the field. The Grouping Genetic Algorithm technique itself was presented in detail in Falkenauer (1998).However well researched, the SALBP is hardly applicable in industry, as we will see shortly. The fact has not escaped the attention of the OR researches, and Becker and Scholl (2023) define many extensions to SALBP, yielding a commondenomination GALBP (Generalized Assembly Line Balancing Problem). Each of the extensions reported in their authoritative survey aims to handle an additional difficulty present in real-world line balancing. We have tackled one of those aspects in Falkenauer (1997), also by applying the Grouping Genetic Algorithm.The major problem with most of the approaches reported by Becker and Scholl (2023) is that they generalize the simple SALBP in just one or two directions. The real world line balancing, as faced in particular by the automotive industry, requires tackling many of those generalizations simultaneously.3 What Differs in the Real World?Although even the simple SALBP is NP-hard, it is far from capturing the true complexity of the problem in its real-world incarnations. On the other hand, small instances of the problem, even though they are difficult to solve to optimality, are a tricky target for line balancing software, because small instances of the problem can be solved closet optimality by hand. That is however not the case in the automotive and related industries (Bus, truck, aircraft, heavy machinery, etc.), since those industries routinely feature Assembly lines with dozens or hundreds of workstations, and hundreds or thousands of Operations. Those industries are therefore the prime targets for line balancing software.Unfortunately, those same industries also need to take into account many of the GALBP extensions at the same time, which may explain why, despite the impressive OR Work done on line balancing; only one commercially available software seemstube currently available for those industries.We identify below some of the additional difficulties (with respect to SALBP) that must be tackled in a line balancing tool, in order to be applicable in those industries.3.1 Do Not Balance but Re-balanceMany of the OR approaches implicitly assume that the problem to be solved involves a new, yet-to-be-built assembly line, possibly housed in a new, yet-to-be-built factory. To our opinion, this is the gravest oversimplification of the classic OR approach, for in practice, this is hardly ever the case. The vast majority of real-world line balancing tasks involve existing lines, housed in existing factories – infect, the target line typically needs tube rebalanced rather than balanced, the need arising from changes in the product or the mix of models being assembled in the line, the assembly technology, the available workforce, or the production targets. This has some far-reaching implications, outlined below.3.2 Workstations Have IdentitiesAs pointed out above, the vast majority of real-world line balancing tasks involves existing lines housed in existing factories. In practice, this seemingly “uninteresting” observation has one far-reaching consequence, namely that each workstation in the line does have its own identity. This identity is not due to any “incapacity of abstraction” on part of the process engineers, but rather to the fact that the workstations are indeed not identical: each has its own space constraints (e.g. a workstation below a low ceiling cannot elevate the car above the operators’ heads),its own heavy equipment that cannot be moved spare huge costs, its own capacity of certain supplies (e.g. compressed air), its own restrictions on the operations that can be carried out there (e.g. do not place welding operations just beside the painting shop), etc.3.3 Cannot Eliminate WorkstationsSince workstations do have their identity (as observed above), it becomes obvious that a real-world LB tool cannot aim at eliminating workstations. Indeed, unless the eliminated workstations were all in the front of the line or its tail, their elimination would create gaping holes in the line, by virtue of the other workstations’ retaining of their identities, including their geographical positions in the workshop. Also, it softens the case that many workstations that could possibly be eliminated by the algorithm are in fact necessary because of zoning constraints.4 ConclusionsThe conclusions inspection 3 stems from our extensive contacts with automotive and related industries, and reflects their true needs. Other “exotic” constraints may apply in any given real-world assembly line, but line balancing tool for those industries must be able to handle at least those aspects of the problem. This is very far from the “clean” academic SALBP, as well as most GALBP extensions reported by Becker and Scholl (2023). In fact, such a tool must simultaneously solve several-hard problems:• Find a feasible defined replacement for all undefined (‘ANY’) ergonomicconstraints on workstations, i.e. One compatible with the ergonomic constraints and precedence constraints defined on operations, as well as zoning constraints and possible drifting operations• Solve the within-workstation scheduling problem on all workstations, for all products being assembled on the line• Assign the operations to workstations to achieve the best average balance, while keeping the peak times at a manageable level. Clearly, the real-world line balancing problem described above is extremely difficult to solve. This is compounded byte size of the problem encountered in the target industries, which routinely feature assembly lines with dozens or hundreds of workstations with multiple operators, and hundreds or thousands of operations.We’ve identified a number of aspects of the line balancing problem that are vital in industries such as automotive, yet that have been either neglected in the OR work on the problem, or handled separately from each other. According to our experience, a line balancing to applicable in those industries must be able to handle all of them simultaneously. That gives rise to an extremely complex optimization problem.The complexity of the problem, and the need to solve it quickly, may explain why there appears to be just one commercially available software for solving it, namely outline by Optimal Design. More information on Outline, including its rich graphic user interface, is available at .References1 Becker C. and Scholl, A. (2023) `A survey on problems and methods in generalized assemblyline balancing', European Journal of Operations Research, in press. Available online at :10.1016/j.ejor.2023.07.023. Journal article.2 Falkenauer, E. and Delchambre, A. (1992) `Genetic Algorithm for Bin Packing and Line Balancing', Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May10-15, 1992, Nice, France. IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA. Pp. 1186-1192. Conference proceedings.3 Falkenauer, E. (1997) `A Grouping Genetic Algorithm for Line Balancing with Resource Dependent Task Times', Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP’97), University of Otego, Dunedin, New Zealand, November 24-28, 1997. Pp. 464-468. Conference proceedings.4 Falkenauer, E. (1998) Genetic Algorithms and Grouping Problems, John Wiley& Sons, Chi Chester, UK. Book.5 Gary. R. and Johnson D. S. (1979) Computers and Intractability - A Guide to the Theory of NP-completeness, Co., San Francisco, USA. Book.附录2:中文文献生产线平衡在现实世界摘要:生产线平衡(LB)是一种经典旳,精心研究旳明显工业重要性旳运筹学(OR)优化问题。
工业工程英语BS Brain Storming,Facilities Design and Planning,Material Flow System Analysis,Production Planning and Control,Human Engineering,Cost Control,Value Engineering,Work Assessment,Engineering Economics Analysis,Machine Interference,Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) ,Fool-Proof ,Man , Machine,Material ,Method,Environment ,Temperature(temp),Humidity,leaning curve,Time measurement ,Methods of tim e measurement,Shop floor observation ,Line Balancing ,Value,NO VALUE ,Incidental work(neces sary),Waste,Takt Time,Transport Empty ,Grasp ,Move ,Disassemble ,Use ,Assemble ,Release Load ,Inspect ,Search,Select,Play ,Pre-Position,Position ,Hold ,Rest ,Unavoidable Delay ,Avoidable Delay,E: Elimination,C :Combination,R: Re-arrangement,S :Simplification,PRA-Probabilistic Risk.Risk Priority Number (RPN).What .where .When .who .Why .how .delay.operation.inspection.transportation.storage.Color management .Quality Control Circle. (QCC).Activity-Base Management. (ABM).In-Process Quality Control. (IPQC).Incoming Quality Control. (IQC).International Organization for Standardization. (ISO).Predetermined Motion Time Standard .PTS .Methods-time-measurement .Work f actor system .(WF).Modolar arrangement of pre-determind time standard MOD.Leveling .= westing .objective rating.synthetic leveling .Work Sampling .Motion time analysis.Business Process Reengineering (BPR).Enterprise Resource Planning ERP.Economic Order Quantity (EOQ).Flexible Manufacture System . (FMS).Finish or Final Quality Control.(FQC).In-Process Quality Control.(IPQC).Incoming Quality Control.(IQC).Just In Time. (JIT).Manufacturing Execution System. (MES).Master Production Scheduling. (MPS).Master Production Planning.Material Requirement Planning. (MRP). Manufacturing Resource Planning. (MRPII).Operation Scheduling.Flow shop.Optimized Production Technology.Supply Chain Management.(SCM).Statistic Process Control. (SPC).Total Production Management. (TPM).Total Quality Management.(TQM).Zero Defect Quality Control.:PDCA Cycle PDCA.continue Improvement.Project.Project Manager.Project Manag ement.Project Plan.Process Improvement.WORK IN PROCESS .President .Visual management .bottleneck 瓶颈Layout .quality engineering .(QE).first article inspection .(FAI).first article assurance.(FAA).capability index.(CP).Quality Improvement Team .(QIT).Classification.(sorting, organization)-seiri.Regulation.(arrangement, tidiness)-seiton.Cleanliness.(sweeping, purity)-seiso.Conservation.(cleaning, cleanliness)-seiktsu.Culture.(discipline)-shitsuke.Save .Safety.Make-to-stock.(MTS).Make-to-order.(MTO).Assemble-to-order.(ATO).Flexible manufacturing system.Group technology.(GT).Concurrent engineering.(CE).Time compression technology.(TCT).Business process reengineering. (BPR).Agile manufacturing.(AM).Leap production. (LP).Intelligent manufacturing .(IM).Computer-aided-manufacturing.(CAM).Computer-aided-design.(CAD).Computer-aided-engineering. (CAE).Computer-aided-process planning.( CAPP).overall cost leadership.differentiation.Market focus.cost efficiency.quality.Dependability.Flexibility.product date management.(PDM). Facility location.Fixed position layout.process yout based on group tech nology.Job design.work measurement.Time study.Basic motion study.(BMS).Modolar arrangement of predetermind time standard.Human factor engineering. business plan.Fixed capacity.Adjustable capacity.production rate.Inventory.Job-shop production.Bill of materials (BOM).Lead tim e.modular bill of materials.Maximum part-period gain. (MPG).distribution requirements planning.scheduling.sequencing.Dispatching.controlling. expediting.supply chain.Purchasing Management.Quick Response.JIT Purchasing. physical distribution.Materials handling.project.critical path method.optimistic time.Most likely time.pessimistic time.Mean time between failure.Mean time to repair.plan .do .check .action .level production.optimized producti on technology.(OPT)Overall Equipment Effectiveness.Operation Research.Service Sector.Operation M anagement.Operation System.World Class Manufacturing.Time-based Competitio n.Operation Flexibility.Product Development.Dependent Demand.Economic Order Lot .Safety Stock.Shortage Costs.ABC Classing Method A BC.Reorder Point.Holding Costs.Productivity Improvement Team.(PIT).Productivity Improvement Center.(PIC).工厂常用词汇Assembly& Loading Clips 组合上耳夹Break PAD 折PADBreak PIN 折脚Paste Base 沾BASEapproved by: 核准Apr.(April) 四月assembly(ass’y)组合Aug.(August) 八月Base 底座bifilar 双线并绕Bobbin(BBN)绕线管bottom 底部Brush Epoxy On Core 铁芯刷胶Brush Epoxy On Loop 线圈刷胶checked by: 审核Choke电感clip耳夹close winding密绕component 组件condition条件condition条件copper铜箔立式core铁芯Curing烘烤current 电流CUT WIRE 裁线Dec.(December) 十二月defective product box不良品箱deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良description: 说明Design Failure Mode and Effect Analysis DFMEA设计Desk Topdip 浸入Direction 方向ECN Engineering Change Notice工程变更通知Electronic Magnetic In EMI 抗电磁干扰Enameled copper wire 漆包线Engineering Change Request 工程变更要求epoxy胶equipment/instrument设备Failure Mode and Effect Analysis FMEA失效模式与效应分析Feb.(February) 二月fixture治具flow chart 流程窗体flux助焊剂FN: Factory Notice 工厂通知FN: Immediated change 立即变更Function test 测试gap 间隙,缝隙HI-POT安规测试IE﹕Industrial Engineering 工业工程impregnation浸泡inductance 电感ink油墨inspection(INSP)检查Insulating Tape绝缘胶布issued date: 发行日期item发料Jan.(January) 一月Joint Quality Engineering (JQE)Jul.(July) 七月Jun.(June) 六月Kapton Tape高温胶布layer 层line线Magnetic Components 磁性组件magnetic 磁性的Mar.(March) 三月Margin Tape安胶marking印章materials物料May五月ME: Mechanical Engineering 机械工程measurement测试mechanical dimension 外观尺寸MFG: manufacturing制造Mini-TowerModel: 机种Not Deviate Measure 量平整度Nov.(November) 十一月O/I Operation Instruction 作业指导书Oct.(October) 十月OEM:委托代工(Original Equipment Manufacture) oven 烤箱P/n: part number 品名P/R Pilot-Run试作验证pad 垫片PE Production/Process Engineering 制造工程/制程工程pin adjustment对脚PIN BENDING& WIRE TRIMMING 折弯钢片pin 脚plastic 塑料,塑料poor processing 制程不良Pre-soldering 预焊primary(pri)初级process 流程production capacity生产力卧式production control (PC)生管purchasing采购QCC:品管圈(Quality Control Circle)QE:质量工程(Quality Engineering)remark: 备注Reported by: 草拟Revision(REV﹒): 版本sample样品schematic 结构图second(sec)次级Sept.(September) 九月solder bar锡棒solder iron 烙铁solder wire锡丝soldering焊锡solvent 稀释剂space winding疏绕Specification (Spec)生产规格stand-off 凸点station 站别step步序straighten 弄直,使变直tape 胶带TE: Test Engineering 测试工程terminal 脚,端子Time (时间)timer定时器top顶部,上层transformer 变压器trifler三线并绕tube 套管turn ratio圈数比turn圈数twist绞线Unloading The Clips 下耳夹vacuum抽真空varnish dipping泡凡立水varnish凡立水warehouse仓库winding direction 绕线方向winding绕线wire trimming理线。
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Intended Program: Industrial DesignI was an industrial designer before I knew that I was. Suppose you were required to remove the scales of a fish or the skin of a potato, what would you do? My solution was simple—find 10 lids of bear bottles and nail them, inside out, in two rows onto a strip of wood. The zigzag structures would make this a handy tool, which was at once cost-efficient and environmentally friendly as it was recycled from waste industrial materials that would otherwise be buried in dump hills. Though this hand-made industrial product I invented when I was an elementary school student was not manufactured on a commercial basis, my parents and all the neighbors liked it for its practicality.Yet, I was deeply aware of its inherent limitations. It was coarse and rough and did not look beautiful. I told myself that I must create a beautiful design. Then the opportunity came. Representing our school, I participated in a XX and, by exercising my talents in painting, I produced a very “artistic” design which brought me a winning priz ing.In retrospect, it was my family background that triggered my creative design impulses. Both of my parents are architectural designers and in their studios I could meet their colleagues and friends who were architects, structure engineers, interior designers and furniture designers. Under their influence, my early design works already manifested three essential elements of modern industrial design—functional pragmatism, aesthetic appeal, and environmental friendliness.Now, on the verge of completing my undergraduate program in industrial design at the Department of XXX of XX University, I have gained a heightened understanding of industrial design as a scientific discipline. I have not only laid a solid academic foundation by excelling in all my specialized courses and achieving top scores in almost all of them; I have also improved my practical design skills through producing dozens of refined and sensitive works (please refer to my portfolio). As a junior student, I represented my university to participate in two international design competitions “XX” and “XX” Through effective teamwork, we succeeded in completing our competing pieces “XX” and “XX”My undergraduate program is a journey of explorations and discoveries. While developing my scholastic aptitudes and practical skills, I have honed my aesthetic sensibility, perception of the world around us, and understanding of human needs. It is a process of unraveling my potentials and giving free play of my creative mind. My designs are characterized by bold originality, tempered by meticulous attention to even the minutest detail. In choosing industrial design, I have given full ventilation to my artistic impulses and concern for practical human demands.Yet, a humiliating experience wrought an indelible memory on my mind, triggering my determination to pursue an advanced education in industrial design. At the end of the first semester, our department received a delegation of industrial designers from a German university. When touring XX, one of the dele gates said to me: “I do not see many good design examples in this oriental metropolis. The gray buildings, with their uniform colors and contours,merge with the gray skyline indistinctively. The street lamps, bicycles, and cars, hardly any of them capture your attention.” I wanted to protest, but I had to admit that the first-rate designs are those of foreign products and the so-called good domestic designs are mostly copies of western design ideas. Under such circumstances, how to be truly creative becomes a question that has long obsessed me.As far as I am concerned, the only way out of this dilemma confronting Chinese designers is to “think globally and act locally.” Against the backdrop of globalization, it is not that Chinese designers are not creative; the only problem is that they have failed to channel their creative impulses into international styles. To think globally is to develop international perspectives that may enable them to become leaders in a rapidly changing global culture. To act locally is to transmute their private and national experiences into tangible design expressions. The integration of the international thinking and local action will lead to design works at once aesthetically appealing and thematically eloquent. The individual experiences of Chinese designers are significant only to the extent that they are fused with international sensibilities.Toward such an objective, it is necessary for me to go to the cultural melting pot that is the XX to experience how cultural pluralism has contributed to creative design and how the faculty and students of different cultural backgrounds communicate and interact with one another. I would like to explore the role that desiring, designing and producing play in the birth of a creative work. I would like to seek solution to two important questions—“How is it possible for me, as a native Chinese, to imbue the Chinese cultural elements and styles with new, modern, and global ones?” and “What’s the new role of designers with regard to the changing economic conditions of today and tomorrow?” I really want to become a designer who is an articulate original thinker, demonstrates leadership skills and seeks to use design as a vehicle for discovery and self-expression.However, being a mere designer solely devoted to the solution of technical issues is not my total intention. I am equally interested in the idea of “total design program” in which the designer is not solely responsible for originating creative concepts but also for assuming the role of a manager who links up the otherwise discrete steps in the creation of a finished design product. The birth of a satisfying product is not simply determined by the pure design factors. It also depends on inter-departmental coordination, on technical support from engineering sciences and on marketing strategies. Otherwise, even the most original ideas would die in their infancy. In other words, a total design program is a perfect marriage of design objectives and business objectives. The designer is required to play a growing role in the management of a design program. Therefore, the idea of “design for design’s sake” is not sufficient. Designers need to be informed of the market feedbacks in order to deliver a total solution that addresses the clients’ needs on all fronts, including business details. In a word, the designer must have a clear awareness of the business context in which the design must thrive.In this connection, I would like to seek answer to the question “How can I improve my skills to interact with other players in a particular design project and even serve as an agent for both the buyer/user and the seller/manufacturer?” I have attempted to hunt for an answer to this question by doing an internship this summer at a local company that designs advertisementsfor industrial products. It is so encouraging to find that the M.F.A. program offered by the School of Art & Design of the University of XX addresses this issue by treating the often overlooked “distribution” as a major component of a comprehen sive, articulated process of creation. In order to ensure that creative work ultimately engages an audience in some context, your program teaches students to explore intentional distribution options, as well as issues of economic feasibility, information communication technology and social networking.Through your program, I will be taught how to expand the intellectual reach of creative work and to utilize a comprehensive process for bringing creative work into the world. Apart from coursework, your progr am encourages students’ free exploration of creativity by involving them in summer collaborative projects, culminating activities including public exhibitions, creations in individual private studios, and group presentations of creative works. I believe that my prospective education in your graduate school will be an unparalleled opportunity for me to broaden my perspectives, improve my comprehensive skills, and prepare for an exciting career. But the most important outcome I expect from my embarking on your program is that, by capitalizing on my cross-cultural experiences, I will be well equipped to chart new directions in tomorrow’s creative work.。
1.1 The development and the situation of USA IE
They provide three kinds of courses:
• BASIC COURSES Containing the core foundational courses of the professional realm
low cost, high benefit, high quality
Improvement and Continuous improvement
Study on the Development of
CIE Subject
1 Analysis of development and the situation of abroad IE subject
Study on the Development of
Study on the Development of
CIE Subject
1 Analysis Of Development And The Situation Of Abroad IE Subject
1.1 The development and the situation of USA IE 1.2 Analysis of the development and the situation of Japan IE 1.3 Analysis of development and situation of IE in other countries and
Study on the Development of