
• 终身不渝的关系 • 扭曲的情感 • 心灵的契合 • 把……归咎于 • 弄清楚 • 履行承诺 • 确定重点
About author – Mansi Bhatia
• Now she is _a_s_el_f-_e_m_p_l_o_y_ed_editorial consultant, providing editorial support to MBA applicants as well as job seekers needing professional_r_e_su__m_e__ti_p_s.
新世纪大学英语第三册第 二单元PPT
• defy definition • more or less • the opposite gender • adventurous thoughts • a long-term plan • on the foundation of • a settled life • give and take
• Part three
• 8~11
The two generations handle love and relationships differently. The younger generation tends to be more hasty and selfish in building relationships.
• She is also a freelance writer at Merion Publications, c_o_n_tr_i_b_u_ti_n_g_feature stories to ADVANCE, one of Merion Publications’ biweekly magazines for nurses.

Text Analysis Theme
Questions for thinking: 1. What does reading mean to the author? 2. What kind of attitudes toward reading bother the author? 3. What kind of attitude does the author advocate?
Text Analysis Detailed Analysis
Part I: Discussion
1. Where did the author spend her childhood? 2. Why did the author always feel that she ought to be
Her Life
Anna Quindlen the Journalist • The New York Times columnist until
1994 • Pulitzer Prize for Commentary in 1992 • Newsweek columnist 1999-2009
How Reading Changed My Life
Anna Quindlen
How Reading Changed My Life Unit 2
W arming up B ackground T ext Analysis R einforcement
How Reading Changed My Life Unit 2
Questions/Activities Check-on Preview

5. racial
adj. relating to a person’s race, or to different races of people ~~ discrimination / prejudice
6. stand up for
speak, work in favor of sb. / sth. ; support sb. / sth. ~~ sb. / sth. eg. You have to be prepared to ~~ the things you believe in. (com.) stand for 代表 ; stand up 站起来
Warm-Up Questions
1. What are the special contributions of Abraham and Martin to the Americans? 2. What are the reasons for American Civil War? 3. Do you know some stories related to slavery? Talk about it.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Uncle Tom’s Cabin, written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, is one of the most famous and popular pieces of Civil War literature. Drawn from selected pieces of real life anecdotes, Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a book that drew many people into the fight over the institution of slavery. Northerners hailed (欢呼) the book, while southern slaveholders abhorred it.
21世纪大学新英语读写译教程 第三册 课文翻译 课件 ppt Unit2

Part 5
Intranet Assignments
Unit 2 Helping People in Need Teaching Objectives
21imes and emergencies are invariably a part of our everyday life. Those who react with a loving heart and a helping hand to people confronted with such situations define what it means to be human. Text A of this unit tells how Baer, a terminal brain cancer victim, lived the last days of her life in dignity with the care and help from her family, friends and volunteers. Text B recounts a road accident in which Kim, Steve and Ronnie came to the rescue of those in danger at the risk of their own lives.
Unit 2 Helping People in Need Lead-in
21世纪大学新英语读写译教程 3
A. Look at the picture and discuss with your partner the following questions. 1. What do you think will be the topic of this unit? 2. What do you think the red heart symbolizes? 3. How would you react when you find your friends or strangers are in danger?

Section C Directions: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read two times. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase (in no more than 3 words). The incomplete answers are printed in your test paper. You should write your answer on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. Now the passage will begin.
W: What does your watch say? My clock says 10 o’clock sharp. M: Mine is a quarter of an hour fast. Q: What does the man’s watch say? A) 10:15. B) 10:00. C) 9:45. D) 9:15.
Conversation 2
M: I’m just downloading an image from this web site. My modem is not very fast. Oh, there we go, finished. W: But Jim, do you have any disk space left? M: Yes, of course. I bought a new hard drive yesterday, so I have lots of space now. W: Check out this new web site: . M: OK. . M-I-N-D, hyphen, then B-L-OW. In a minute. Here it is. W: Thank you. Let me have a look. Yes, that’s what I want.

5. 3. The husband wished to invWi_te_e_a_lt_h , but the woman
did not agree and wished to h_Sa_uv_ec_c_e_s_s,
while their
daughter suggested:“W__o_u_ld_n_’_t _it_b_e__b_e_tt_e_r _to__in_v_it_e_L_o_v_e_?”
It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving.
— Mother Teresa
Click Picture
A) Success, Hope and Wealth. B) Faith, Hope, and Love. C) Wealth, Faith and Success. D) Love, Success and Wealth.
3. Whom did the family invite in?
A) Wealth. B) Love. C) Success. D) All of the above.
2. What can you infer from the conversation between the man and the woman in the video clip?
Choose the best answer to each of the following questions according to the information contained in the listen9;s Just Not That Into You” is a 2009 romantic comedy film about how nine people in Baltimore deal with their romantic problems. Watch the following video clip extracted from this film and then complete the tasks that follow:

Interpretation: Shakespeare believes that a true relationship is not easy to establish. People have different personalities, concepts of value, preferences of life style, etc. When two persons of the opposite sex develop a love relationship, they have to try their best to understand each other and reconcile with each other.
新世纪大学英语系列教材(第二版)综合教程 3
Listen and Respond
Word Bank
Task One
Task Two
Unit 2
2. Who were the three old men respectively?
A) Success, Hope and Wealth. B) Faith, Hope, and Love. C) Wealth, Faith and Success. D) Love, Success and Wealth.
— Mother Teresa
Click Picture
Interpretation: The quotation tells us the significant role that love plays in everything we do in life. Whatever we do, we should put adequate love into it so that others can feel our love and be affected by our love. What we can offer to others may be insignificant, but as long as there is love in it, the benefit will be significant. Here, love is understood in a broad sense.

《21世纪大学英语(3)》第二课教案Unit TwoUnit OverviewObjectivesBy the end of the unit, students will be better able to1.master the new words and phrases;2.have an idea of the structure of biographic writings;3.practice writing a paragraph that starts with a main event and goes on todescribe what led up to it;4.get to know the makings of outstanding characters.Prerequisites1.Students should read Text A for the main idea before they come to theclass sessions.2.Some type of audio player should be furnished in class, at least for thefirst period of instruction.3.Tapes of the listening material should be available during class hours.4.Text B should be used for class reading activities. Students should notread Text B before they come to class.Proposed Unit Duration:6 class hours (50 minutes each)Suggested Time:Text A The Titanic PuzzleI. Warm-up ActivitiesI) Pre-reading Questions1.There are many traditional forms of courtesy toward women—Gestures like standingup when they enter a room. What others can you think of?2.What do you think of the woman’s argument about everyday reality? What about theman’s view of common courtesy?II) Background InformationTitanic "泰坦尼克号"(英国豪华游轮) At 2:20 AM on April 15, 1912, the Titanic, then the world's largest and most luxurious ocean liner, disappeared into the icy depths of the North Atlantic. With her she took the lives of some 1,500 men, women, and children -- more casualties than in any other marine disaster in peacetime history. Many movies were shot about this event, but the one that came out in 1998 was the biggest hit.II. Text InstructionI) Text AnalysisPart I (para.1-2) Presenting controversial responses to ―women and children first‖.Part II(para.3-8) The author’s opinion versus the traditional attitude of ―women andchildren first‖.Part III (para. 9-17) Arguing against the point of view that women should be grouped withchildren to enjoy priority.II) Language Pointsi). Key Words, Phrases and Structures1.charm:n. a pleasing or attractive feature or quality 魅力e.g. ①Hawaii (夏威夷) has great charms for tourists.②Of all your charms, I love your smiling eyes the best2.random:a. done, chosen, etc. without conscious choice 胡乱的;任意的e.g. ①The choice of poems included in the collection seems somewhat random.②The magician chose a random volunteer from the audience3.entitle:vt. ①(to) give (sb.) a right (to have or do sth.) 给…权利;给…资格②give a title (to a book, etc.) 给(书等)题名e.g. ①A membership card entitles you to take a guest with you free.②I am not entitled to comment on this.③The author entitled the book "My Life Story".4.consideration:n. ①careful thought and attention 考虑②(for) thoughtful attentionto the wishes and feelings of others 体贴;关心e.g. ①After some consideration we've decided to sell the house.②Could you turn your music down and show a little consideration for theneighbors!5.faculty:n. ①any of the powers of the body or mind; a particular ability for doing sth.才能;能力;天赋②all the teachers and workers of a university or college (高等院校的)全体教师及职工e.g. ①Even at the age of 100, she still had all her faculties.②Jane is a member of the faculty at the local university6.immunity:n. ①protection or freedom (from sth.) 受保护;豁免(权) ②ability toresist infection, disease, etc. 免疫力e.g. ①diplomatic immunity (外交豁免权)②Most people have no immunity against that virus(病毒).7.privilege:n. a special right or advantage available only to a particular person or group of people 特权;优惠e.g. They had the privilege of meeting the king.8.given:prep. 考虑到a. ①规定的;特定的②假设的;已知的e.g. ①Given their inexperience, they've done a good job.②Given (the fact) that she is interested in children, I am sure teaching is theright career for her.③The work must be done within the given time.④under a given condition9.attach:vt. (to) ①consider that sb. has a certain quality认为有;使与…相关联②fasten or join 系;贴;连接e.g. ①The panel of scientists attaches great importance to his research on genes.②Chinese movies used to attach every good quality to a hero.③ A label is attached to each piece of luggage.10.urgent:a. requiring immediate attention or action 紧迫的,紧要的e.g. ①David sent an urgent message to his lawyer.②It's urgent that you make up your mind.plement:vt. add new or contrasting features which show the best qualities of (sth.) or which improve (it) 补充,补足e.g. ①The TV networks and newspapers complemented each other.②Strawberries and cream complement each other perfectly.12.constrain:vt. ①force sb. to act in a particular way 强迫②prevent sth. from developing freely 限制,束缚e.g. ①He constrained her to sign her name.②Bill constrained his sense of humor at the funeral.【派生词】constraint:n. limitation or restriction 约束,限制A constraint is something that limits or controls the way you behave or what you can do in a situation.e.g. ①Living with a roommate imposed constraints on her --she couldn't have herparties late at night.②The financial constraints on the company meant that they couldn't employnew staff.13.instinct:n. behavior or knowledge that one has without being taught 本能e.g. ①act on instinct②Birds migrate because of instinct14.indispensable:a. essential 必不可少的e.g. ①A telephone is indispensable in most households.②Mary is an indispensable employee.15.depress:vt. ①sadden and discourage 使抑郁,使沮丧②cause to sink to a lower level of position 使不景气,使萧条e.g. ①The cold, gray weather depressed Anne.②High interest rates are continuing to depress the economy.16.version:n. ①one person's account of an event, as compared with that of another person描述,说法②版本;改写本e.g. ①Jane's version of the accident was quite different from Tom's.②I saw the movie version of that story before I read the book.17.courtesy:n. ①polite behavior; good manners谦恭有礼;有礼的举止②a polite or kind action or expression 好意;恩惠e.g. ①The students showed their teacher courtesy and respect.②I appreciated your many small courtesies when I visited your office.18.survival n. continuing to live or exist, often in spite of difficulty or danger生存;幸存e.g. ①Humans are dependent on oxygen and water for survival.②Pollution in the river threatens the survival of thousands of fish.19.strategy:n. a plan, often for business or military aims 策略,计谋e.g. Chess (国际象棋) is a game of strategy.【派生词】strategic:a. 战略(上)的;战略上重要的e.g. a strategic withdrawal (撤退)20.sheer:a. ①pure; nothing other than (often used in descriptions of sth. surprising, outrageous, inexplicable, etc.) 完全的,十足的②(of fabric) very thin, light and almost transparent (织物)极薄的;透明的③very steep 陡峭的;垂直的e.g. ①It is a sheer waste of time.②John peered through the sheer curtain.③The climbers slowly inched (慢慢移动) up the sheer cliff.21..at/from a distance:from a place that is not very close; a long time after sth. happened隔开一段距离(或时间); 从远处e.g. It's wise to stay at a distance from the cobras.22.object to:oppose; be againste.g. ①The embassy objects to their requests to take refuge there.②Professor Hawking objects to being treated like someone special23.at random:without conscious choice 胡乱地, 随便地, 任意地e.g. ①I chose a name at random, and it turned out to be an old acquaintance.②They can't have seen us; they were shooting at random.24.gun down:shoot, causing to fall to the ground dead or wounded 枪杀; 开枪打伤e.g. ①The police officer was gunned down as he took his children to school.②gun down innocent women and children25.be entitled to:be given the right to have or do (sth.) 有权, 有资格e.g. ①You are entitled to high praise for handling this difficult situationsuccessfully all alone.②I'm entitled to know how my own money is being spent26.fend for onesel:flook after oneself 照料自己e.g. ①It is time you left home and fended for yourself.②Now that the children are old enough to fend for themselves, we can go away on holiday alone.27.hand out:distribute 分发, 散发e.g. ①Make a list of names, see if they're all present, and hand out the books.②Would you hand the cake out while I pour the coffee?28.go down:sink (船等)下沉e.g. ①Everyone took to the lifeboats when the ship started to go down.②Three ships went down in last night's storm off the coast.e of the present participle in the absolute constructionThe adverbial present participle phrase has no overt (明言的) subject and its ―understood subject‖ provides a link with the main clause, while the absolute construction using the present participle has its own logical subject and is not overtly bound to the main clause, even on a semantic (语义的) level, by any shared element.In grammatical functions, however, the two forms are similar.e.g. ①No further discussions arising, the meeting was brought to a close.②Weather permitting, we'll start tomorrow.ii) Difficult Sentences30.But is not grouping women with children a raging anachronism? Should not anyself-respecting modern person, let alone feminist, object to it as insulting to women?释义But is it not a serious mistake to place women and children in the same category in modern times as in old times? Should not any modern person withself-respect, not to mention the feminist, consider grouping women withchildren to be insulting to women and object to it?译文但是将妇女和儿童归为一类难道不是一种与时代极不相称的行为吗?难道任何一个自尊的现代人----更不用说女权主义者----不该视其为对女性的侮辱而加以反对吗?分析let alone:(used to indicate that a particular situation is even less likely or possible) not to mention; without consideringe.g. ①I was too tired to walk, let alone running.②There wasn't enough room for us, let alone three dogs and two cats.31.At a time when women fly combat aircraft and run multi-national corporations, howcan one not wince when adult women are routinely classed with children?释义In modern times when women are doing all sophisticated jobs as men do, how can one feel at ease when adult women are habitually grouped with children?译文在一个妇女驾驶战斗机、经营跨国公司的时代,这种将成年妇女与儿童归为一类的惯常做法,怎能不让人皱眉蹙额呢?分析class - vt. consider ... as belonging to a particular group; classifyAt nineteen you are still classed as a teenager.He was classed with the top ten American novelists32.The phrase ―women and children‖ attributes to women the same dependence andmoral simplicity we find in five-year-olds.释义By classing women with children, we think that women are as helpless and innocent as little kids.译文―妇女和儿童‖这句话将我们在五岁的孩子们身上看到的依赖性和道德上的单纯也赋予了妇女。

The language for making and responding to an apology
• Instructor: An apology is an expression of regret for a mistake, a fault, causing trouble or even pain i_n_s_o__m_e__w_a_y. It’s good form to make an apologyw_h_e_n__t_h_is__o_c_c_u_r_s_ .A prompt and proper apology invites forgiveness. Failure to __d_o__s_o_ tends to cause embarrassment, or even argument or hostility. It’s also decent behavior to respond to an apology _in__a_p__o_li_te__w_a_y_ . To forgive is a virtue . The practice of making an apology is highly appreciated__in__s_o_c_ie_t_y___.
• Agent: Good morning. Your ticket, please? And set your suitcase upright so I can check it through.
• Passenger: _O_k_a_y_./_O_K__. • Agent: And where would you like to sit?

During the Civil War Lincoln stated most movingly in dedicating the military cemetery at Gettysburg: “that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
Didn’t you love the things that they stood for? Didn’t they try to find some good for you and me? And we’ll be free, Someday soon it’s gonna be one day ...
2. John F. Kennedy
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the thirty-fifth president of the US. In his Inaugural Address (就职演说) he said: “Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.” As President, he took vigorous action in the cause of equal rights, calling for new civ— Abraham, Martin & John Text Prediction Background Information
21世纪大学实用英语第三册-Unit 2

Unit 2Success is a choice(21st Century Practical College English III)I. IntroductionIn this unit, the author tells us that the key to success is your own choice to work hard. Write the name of someone who you think is very successful in each of the following careers (职业). Think about these people’s personalities (个性) and experiences (经历). What important factors do you believe lead them to success? Now read the following text and see if your choice agrees with that of the writer.II. Oral Discussion in Class1. Who deserves victory according to Winston Churchill?2. What must one do to realize his or her dream?3. According to the writer, how were the Sistine Chapel and the first transcontinental(横贯大陆的) railroad constructed?4. What is common to all great people and all great organizations?5. Apart from the work ethic, what else can promise you success?6. In the text, what does fool’s gold (愚人金) refer to specifically? Give an example of it.7. What standard does the writer’s basketball team set for themselves?8. Why does the writer believe that his team will win even in close games?9. What kind of players would have problems working with the writer?10. What advice does the writer give to people who want to succeed?11. Why does the writer say that success is a choice?III. Intensive Reading (Text A)A.Related Background InformationWinston Churchill (1874-1965) (丘吉尔)Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill became one of the greatest statesmen in world history. Churchill reached the height of his fame as the heroic prime minister of Great Britain during World War II. He offered his people only “blood, toil, tears, and sweat”as they struggled to keep their freedom. Churchill also was a noted speaker, author, painter, soldier, and war reporter.(From the 1998 World Book Encyclopedia)The Sistine Chapel (西斯廷大教堂)The Sistine Chapel is a famous chapel in the palace of the Vatican in Rome. It was erected by Pope Sixtus IV in 1473. The chief papal ceremonies take place in this chapel. The chapel is also where the cardinals vote for a new pope. Canonizations and other ceremonies are held in St. Peters Basilica.The Sistine Chapel is a simple building, 134 feet (41 meters) long by 44 feet (13 meters) wide, and 85 feet (26 meters) high. But it has on its walls and ceiling some of the greatest art ever produced in the Western world.Brilliant artists of the late 1400’s decorated the walls with paintings that tell the stories of Moses and Christ. On the ceiling are Biblical stories painted by the great artist Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512. The stories tell the history of the creation of the world, the fall of humanity, and the flood. On the wall above the altar is The Last Judgment, a painting 60 feet (18 meters) high and 30 feet (9 meters) wide. Michelangelo worked on The Last Judgment between 1536 and 1541.(From the 1998 World Book Encyclopedia)The first transcontinental railroad in the USIn the early 1860’s, the United States government decided to extend rail lines across the country. The proposed route roughly followed the 42nd parallel from Omaha, Nebraska, to Sacramento, California. Eastern rail lines were to be extended westward from Chicago to meet the new railroad at Omaha. Congress passed the Pacific Railroad Act in 1862. The act gave two companies responsibility for building the railroad. The Union Pacific was to start laying track westward from a point near Omaha. The Central Pacific Railroad was to lay track eastward from Sacramento. Congress granted both railroads large tracts of land and millions of dollars in government loans.Work began on the Central Pacific track in 1863 and on the Union Pacific in 1865. The railroads faced the gigantic task of crossing the rugged Rockies and the towering Sierra Nevada. To obtain the necessary labor, the Central Pacific hired thousands of Chinese immigrants to work on the railroad. Thousands of European immigrants worked on the Union Pacific. On May 10, 1869, the tracks of the two railroads finally met at Promontory, Utah. North America became the first continent to have a rail line from coast to coast. (From the 1998 World Book Encyclopedia)The DepressionDepression is a deep, extended slump in total business activity. Buying and selling drop during a depression, causing a decline in production, prices, income, and employment. Money becomes scarce. Many businesses fail, and many workers lose their jobs. A depression can hit an industry, a region, a nation, or the world.In history, the Great Depression was a worldwide business slump of the 1930’s. It ranked as the worst and longest period of high unemployment and low business activity in modern times. The Great Depression began in October 1929, when stock values in the United States dropped rapidly. Thousands of stockholders lost large sums of money. Many of these stockholders were even wiped out. Banks, factories, and stores closed and left millions of Americans jobless and penniless. Many people had to depend on the government or charity to provide them with food. (From the 1998 World Book Encyclopedia)B. Difficult Sentences and Structure1.Any other promise of achievement is fool’s gold. (para. 4)任何其他关于成功的许诺都不过是愚人金。

They have not yet acquired either the faculty of reason or the wisdom of experience.
For home fans to boo the home players it doesn't send a good message so hopefully he won't be booed.
But is not grouping women with children a raging anachronism?
---the killing of a large number of people or animals Examples—— It will be the first film about the Nanjing Massacre to be officially released in Japan.
—show disapproval or contempt for sb/sth by shouting ―boo‖
(boo at…) n.嘘声 Examples—— Please applaud or boo, as appropriate, so that we can make the next act even better.
maritime [‗mærɪtaɪm] a.海上的;航海的;海事的_of the

3 periods
Plan Ex.9 or present their opinions on the topic of “What is the relationship between work and pleasure?” orally. Then, the teacher turns to the Reading and Writing section. (These activities should be completed in 15 minutes.)
1) Grammar Review 1 period Grammar The teacher talks about the use of the Review direct speech and the indirect speech, and at the same time, asks the students to do the grammar exercises in class. Practical Writing 2) Practical Writing The teacher tells as well as shows the students how to write a complaint letter by doing Ex.13 of Practical Writing, and then requires the students to do Ex.14 as their homework.
I. Objectives II. Suggested Teaching Plan III. Background Information IV. Class Presentation
21世纪大学英语读写教程 第三册第2单元 课件(含课后答案)

Language Points
3 But is not grouping women with children a raging anachronism? Should not any self-respecting modern person, let alone feminist, object to it as insulting to women? 4 Yet its usage is as common today as it was in 1912. Consider these examples taken almost at random from recent newspapers: 5 “The invaders gunned down the Indians, most of them women and children ...” 6 “As many as 200 civilians, most of them women and children, were killed ...”
H: mOwad, donno'wt haidtamyes! when a guy offers to help them with something. Men just don't know how to act anymore.

Unit 2Listening & Speaking1.take no actionyou can do ita new beginningwho help themselvesactionso thatstudy harderinstead ofstudied for a degreepicked up some experiencedo it right nowget first-hand informationslept more hourschoose that coursebe a person of actiondo something3.the right personthe beginningThat’s enoughfallen downit would be a good ideastay smallThat’s something6.Question 1a. Is it accurate?b. How accurate is it?c. Excuse me, can you tell me something about its accuracy? Question 2a. How long does the solar cell last?b. When do I have to replace the solar cell?Question 3a. How long does one recharge last?b. How often must I recharge the solar cell?7.Exactly.The uppers are leather, the sole’s m an-made.Yes, you can, but only with the receipt.Text A4.5.(1) intense (2) concept (3) committed (4) deserve (5) selfish (6) compromise (7) matters (8) opponent (9) influence (10) effort (11) shortcuts (12) evidence6.(1) work at (2) According to (3) run through (4) in sight (5) live with (6) a variety of (7) When it comes to (8) live up to7.(1) however small the market might be in the beginning(2) whenever the weather is fine(3) for whatever reasons(4) wherever obtained(5) choose whichever books I am interested in(6) Whoever is planning the timetable8.(1) The school will force Tom to stay in grade two unless he passes the exam this time.(2) I’ll call the police unless you stop that noise immediately.(3) Th e company won’t survive global competition unless it keeps developing.(4) You won’t win an Olympic gold medal unless you train very hard.9.(1) backward (2)sick (3) become (4) only (5) working (6) although (7) myself (8)which (9) of (10) best (11) succeed (12) through10.(1) Take Michael Jordan, it’s easy for people to see his achievements while neglect the price of blood and sweat that he has paid on the court in order to come out on top.(2) Right in the first English class, our teacher conveyed a clear message to us: as the basic building blocks of the language, new words must be memorized; any other shortcut is fool’s gold.(3) Thousands of Chinese laborers contributed greatly to the construction of America’s first transcontinental railroad, and their intense efforts deserve a page in American history.(4) When it comes to training, the coach has no problem living with all sorts of complaints of the players but he never compromises with any of them.(5) Traditional ethics seem especially important in some situations where the margin between right and wrong is as thin as an eggshell.(6) As competition intensifier, our opponents and we are all working hard to live up to higher service standards.Practical WritingDear Ms. Smith:I am applying for the position of executive secretary. / I am interested in the position as an executive secretary. I feel that my academic background and my work experience qualify me for this position.I am presently a senior student at Shenyang Business College, majoring in public relations. I have been the secretary of the student union at college in the past three years.I enclose my resume, giving details of my background. If you have any questions or need more information, please call me at (024) 87654321.Sincerely,Wu YanWu YanEnc.Text B17.(1) tremendous (2) decreasing (3) trend (4) had viewed (5) Eventually (6) resist (7) possibilities (8) thus (9) Fortunately (10) encouraging (11) competition (12) unusual 18.(1) had acted on (2) come down to (3) learned of (4) has signed up (5) taking a chance (6) dropped out (7) take steps (8) was held back。

• Harmless puppy loves that are as brief as soap bubbles. • puppy loves happen to people too young to understand true love • soap bubbles & puppy loves • 年少时的爱慕,不会带来伤害如同肥皂 年少时的爱慕, 泡一样转瞬即逝。 泡一样转瞬即逝。
About author – Mansi Bhatia
a self-employed • Now she is ____________editorial consultant, providing editorial support to MBA applicants as well as job seekers needing professional__________. resume tips • She is also a freelance writer at Merion Publications, contributing __________feature stories to ADVANCE, one of Merion Publications’ biweekly magazines for nurses. • Her________ are writing, traveling, interests keeping abreast of new Internet technologies, and watercolor painting.
Questions for 12~13
• The author frowns on “frivolous acts”. What does “frivolous acts” mean? • What about……

Unit 2 Creative Capacity
新21世纪大学英语综合教程BOOK 3
Now that the students have fully understood the Video Starter, you can ask some of them to dub the video, if time permits. Correct their errors in pronunciation and intonation.
新21世纪大学英语综合教程BOOK 3
From studying this unit, students are expected to
➢ learn what it means to be creative; ➢ master the useful sentence structures (like it as a formal
Unit 2 Creative Capacity
新21世纪大学英语综合教程BOOK 3
Unit 2 Creative Capacity
Objectives Part I Video Starter Part II Text A
—— Exercises
Part III Text B
—— Exercises
Part IV Writing
Part V Additional Theme-Related Activities
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Unit 2: Part C
Unit 2: Part C
• Word Building
• Text B
• Listening Practice • Oral Practice
• Assignment
Unjust Desserts
Reading Comprehension Skill:
Identifying the Writer's Purpose Authors write for a reason. Three common purposes of writing are: 1) To inform — to provide readers with information about a topic; 2) To persuade — to convince readers to believe a certain viewpoint or to take a certain course of action; 3) To entertain — to amuse readers in some way (although there's very often some food for thought as well!)
Word Building Now form compound adjectives by matching each noun in the lefthand column with the -ing form of one of the verbs on the right. Then complete each of the following sentences with one of the adjectives you've formed. 7. The film industry has been badly hurt by the sharp decline in the ______________ movie-going public caused by the low cost of videos.
Text B: Pre-Reading Task 1. Informational writing features facts and evidence, not opinions or value judgments. It often contains dates, statistics or other figures, and/or quotes from experts or witnesses. Depending on the subject, the language may include technical jargon, but the vocabulary and sentence structure are often quite simple. 2. Persuasive writing features emotional appeals: opinions and arguments (which may be presented as if they were facts, so be careful!); rhetorical questions; evaluating language (good/bad, right/wrong, horrifying/wonderful, etc.) and/or judgmental language (must, should, had better and so on). 3. Texts written mainly to entertain can, of course, be very varied— but they often use rather informal language, simple sentence structure, dialogs, puns and/or figures of speech.
Word Building Now form compound adjectives by matching each noun in the lefthand column with the -ing form of one of the verbs on the right. Then complete each of the following sentences with one of the adjectives you've formed. 3. Our holiday on the island was rather spoiled by the presence of man-eating _______________ sharks just off the beach. 4. In the information age, many people consider ___________ fact-finding skills more important than memorizing and retaining knowledge.
Text B: Pre-Reading Task Reading effectively means recognizing the author's purpose — which may not always be as easy as it sounds, especially when you're reading in a foreign language. Writers sometimes disguise their aims: A text that appears to be factual information may really be full of emotional appeals meant to persuade you to the writer's point of view; or an apparently serious piece of persuasion may in fact be a humorous text intended mainly to amuse you. There are also times when the question of whether a writer is serious may depend largely on each reader's individual philosophy (Text A was a good example of that kind of writing!). There are some clues that effective readers can watch for to help you identify what kind of writing you're dealing with:
5) peace
6) fact 7) child
e. eat
f. take g. go
Word Building Now form compound adjectives by matching each noun in the lefthand column with the -ing form of one of the verbs on the right. Then complete each of the following sentences with one of the adjectives you've formed. 1. It's a long climb up the hill, but once you've up there the view of the city is ______________. breathtaking peace-loving 2. He was by nature a gentle and ________________ man? he always did whatever he could to avoid conflict.
Word Building Now form compound adjectives by matching each noun in the lefthand column with the -ing form of one of the verbs on the right. Then complete each of the following sentences with one of the adjectives you've formed. heartbreaking love story. I wept every time I 5. The Titanic is a ________________ saw it. 6. Fewer and fewer females of _________________ age are willing to child-bearing give up their careers in order to raise a family.
Unit 7: Text B
• Pre-Reading Task
• Difficult Points
• Comprehension
Unjust Desserts
Text B: Pre-Reading Task
《读写教程 III》: Ex. Ⅰ, p. 46
Text B: Pre-Readingபைடு நூலகம்Task
Assignment Checkup
《读写教程 III》: Ex. VI, p. 39
Word Building
One way that compound adjectives are formed is