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Unit 1 I’ve got many new friends. 我有许多新朋友。


the Great Wall长城;tomorrow明天;robot机器人;puppy小狗;lovely可爱的


短语及固定搭配:play with摆弄,玩;make friends交朋友;learn English学英语;give sth. to sb.把某物给某人;help sb. with sth.帮助某人某物

句型及交际项目:I like to play the piano.我喜欢弹钢琴。

I’ve got a/an ________.我有一个……

语法:I’ve got 句型人称的替换;复习like to do 和like doing 的用法。

Unit 2 Is this book yours? 这本书是你的吗?

词汇:sweater毛衣;scarf围脖;blonde (毛发)金色的;(皮肤)白皙的;beard胡子;

fan电风扇;tank槽、罐、箱; bat球拍;bank银行


短语及固定搭配:go to school去上学;look at看;write out写出;put…on穿上;ask sb.询问某人;go home回家

句型及交际项目:Is this book yours?这本书是你的吗?No, it’s not mine.不,它不是我的。

Maybe it’s Wang Xin’s.也许它是王新的。Yes, it’s mine.是的,它是我的。

His beard is short, but mine is long.他的胡子是短的,我的胡子是长的。

语法:名词所有格Zhang Xin’s book; 复习形容词性和名词性物主代词。

Unit 3 Our school is beautiful. 我们的学校是美丽的。


著名的;round圆的;dining room、餐厅,饭厅;cafe咖啡店;swimming pool

游泳馆;sports center运动中心;art room美术室;music room音乐室;


短语及固定搭配:sing songs唱歌;play computer games玩电脑游戏;drink coffee喝咖啡;

take pictures拍照片;practice singing练习唱歌;have sports games做运动,句型及交际项目:Where do you often watch TV?你经常在哪里看电视?I often watch TV in the ___.我经常在…里面看电视。

This is a place where children can have classes.这是一个孩子们可以上课的地方。语法:定语从句

Unit 4 Miss, can I ask you a question?女士,我可以问你一个问题吗?

词汇: straight直的curly 弯的bathroom 浴室minute 分钟Mr 先生/男士Mrs女士(已婚). Miss 小姐(未婚)

短语及固定搭配:ask a question问一个问题;on the wall在墙上;in the evening在晚上;in the sky在天上;look up向上看;find out找到,找出;have a try尝试,

试一下;of course当然;come in进来;go out出去

句型及交际项目:What’s the English for ______?...英语怎么表达?What’s the Chinese for _________?...汉语怎么表达?


Unit 5 How about coming with us? 跟我们一起来,怎么样?



短语及固定搭配:a cup of一杯;see a film看电影(=go to the cinema)

句型及交际项目:Where are you going? 你打算去哪里?I’m going to the ______.我打算去…Which place would you like to go? 你想要去哪个地方?I’d like to go to _____.我想要去…How about go ing to______? 去…怎么样?Sorry, I’d like to see _____.抱歉,我想去看…Where’s the ____________? …在哪里?It’s opposite/by the ________.它在…的对面/旁边。语法:系统讲解一般将来时be going to; How about 的用法(后面动词要加ing)

Unit 6 He likes reading picture books. 他喜欢读图画书。

短语及固定搭配:story book picture book music book games book animal book cookery book toy book comic book sports book by the way 顺便问一下

right now 立刻,马上

句型及交际项目:What do you like do ing?你喜欢做什么?I like ___ing.我喜欢…

What does he / she like do ing?他/她喜欢做什么?

He / She likes ___ing. 他/她喜欢做…

He / She doesn’t like ___ing. 他/她不喜欢做…

What kind of books do you like to read?

I like to read picture books.

语法:复习现在进行时;like doing 各种句式的讲解。

一般了解第三人称单数,主语是第三人称单数,后面动词要加s 或者es

P36 第10部分

Unit 7 Fruit and vegetable party 水果蔬菜聚会

词汇:drive;throw扔,;dolphin海豚;drop使落下;litter垃圾shout 喊叫fish 钓鱼短语及固定搭配:throw at朝…扔去;drop litter丢垃圾;in the park在公园里;sit on the grass 做在草坪上;in the boat在船里

句型及交际项目:You must do ______.你必须做某事。
