

Allegro操作说明(中文) Word 文档

Allegro操作说明(中文) Word 文档

26、非电气引脚零件的制作1、建圆形钻孔:(1)、parameter:没有电器属性(non-plated)(2)、layer:只需要设置顶层和底层的regular pad,中间层以及阻焊层和加焊层都是null。

注意:regular pad要比drill hole大一点27、Allegro建立电路板板框步骤:1、设置绘图区参数,包括单位,大小。

2、定义outline区域3、定义route keepin区域(可使用Z-copy操作)4、定义package keepin区域5、添加定位孔28、Allegro定义层叠结构对于最简单的四层板,只需要添加电源层和底层,步骤如下:1、Setup –> cross-section2、添加层,电源层和地层都要设置为plane,同时还要在电气层之间加入电介质,一般为FR-43、指定电源层和地层都为负片(negtive)4、设置完成可以再Visibility看到多出了两层:GND和POWER5、铺铜(可以放到布局后再做)6、z-copy –> find面板选shape(因为铺铜是shape)–> option面板的copy to class/subclass选择ETCH/GND(注意选择create dynamic shape)完成GND层覆铜7、相同的方法完成POWER层覆铜Allegro生成网表1、重新生成索引编号:tools –> annotate2、DRC检查:tools –> Design Rules Check,查看session log。

3、生成网表:tools –> create netlist,产生的网表会保存到allegro文件夹,可以看一下session log内容。

29、Allegro导入网表1、file –> import –> logic –> design entry CIS(这里有一些选项可以设置导入网表对当前设计的影响)2、选择网表路径,在allegro文件夹。

Cadence Allegro自定义快捷键【中为电子科技工作室】

Cadence Allegro自定义快捷键【中为电子科技工作室】

====Date E ‐ma ====的工Cade 个,D:\CD:\C===========e :2014‐11‐2ai :zhongwe ===========Cadence All 工具,除此更ence 16.5。

首先找到E 一个是系统Cadence\SPB_Cadence\SPB_Cad ===========26 Revis eidianzikeji@===========egro 是EDA 更能提高开发者NV 文件,找统的(图1),_16.5\share\图_Data\pcben dence All ============sion :1.0 ============工具中的强者的效率,本找不到就搜索一个是用户\pcb\text (我1 系统中的v (我安装在图2legro 自定===========Author :e QQ :2970===========手,该工具也本文将介绍如一下(推荐搜户的(图2)。

我安装在D 盘ENV 文件(安在了D 盘)用户的ENV 定义快捷===========eco0904654===========也为用户留了如何添加设置搜索工具eve盘了)安装目录下的V 文件捷键======================了很多接口,置自己的快捷erthing )。

其的)======================以便个性化捷键,工具版实ENV文件==== ==== 化自己版本为件有两如果实在找不到自己的ENV 文件,除了搜索之外还可以通过查看环境变量找ENV 地址,如图3所示。

右击我的电脑 >> 属性 >> 高级系统设置 >> 环境变量 >> 用户变量图3 用户ENV 文件的环境变量找到ENV 文件,用记事本打开,如图4,左边为原始内容,右边为添加快捷键后的内容(仅示范,但格式必须按照这样去做)。

图4 用户ENV 文件内容快捷键定义很简单,一般有两种关键字alias 和funckey 。









如果没有在系统属性里设置Home变量的路径,那么对于XP,会自动在C:\documents and settings\用户文件夹\pcbenv内产生env文件。





用户变量env文件,是类似于下面的格式:source $TELENV### User Preferences section### This section is computer generated.### Please do not modify to the end of the file.### Place your hand edits above this section.###set autosave_time = 15set autosave我们要设置的快捷键必须放置在### User Preferences section之前。



Allegro常用快捷键说明Allegro Allegro 常用快捷键说明常用快捷键说明常用快捷键说明★Allegro 键说★说环境变件(evn 件),环境变件两个,它们别系统盘根录pcbevn 录(系统 C 盘,那么evn 件将 c:\pcbevn )径( Cadence 设计系统D:\Cadence ,则evn 件将D:\Cadence\PSD_15.1\share\pcb\text 录),变件,局变件(系统动建,为认设)。

变件,户参数设值(Setup->User Preferences.. 库件径等)。



Cadence 系统个较开系统,它给户较多空间。

Allegro 们可 alias funckey 来义个键,代设计。


格:alias shortkey Keyboard Commandsfunckey shortkey Keyboard Commands:1)果键alias funckey 车,系统将会弹键,这当执Tools->Utilities->Aliases/Function keys.. 。

2)alias 能来义,键来输。

但 funckey 可来义单个为键,它 alias 更为强大,alias 能义它都能义,但义键,该能来输键盘。

3 )Allegro 键盘(Keyboard Commands) 可过执Tools->Utilities->Keyboard Commands 来查看,这都可设键。


环境变件evn 件(c:\pcbevn ),们可对它进编辑。

们 alias 可开写(:source $TELENV ),们 Protel PowerPCB 大、缩可义:alias Pgdown zoom outalias Pgup zoom in们经 alias 来义个 shortkey:alias ~R angle 90( 转90 度)alias ~F mirror(激镜 )alias ~Z next(执 )alias End redisplay (屏)alias Del Delete (激删)alias Home Zoom fit(屏显)alias Insert Define grid(设栅格)、键盘allegro 多键盘,它过键盘输来激执关。



在allegro中设置PADS常用的快捷键方法把ENV文件复制到目录C:\\Cadence\\SPB_16.3\\share\\pcb\\text 替换就OKENV文件内容:## ALLEGRO GLOBAL Environment file## The following variables are set by the software if not preset by user:# CDS_SITE, ALLEGRO_SITE, TELENV, ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR,# ALLEGRO_INSTALL_TOOLS, ALLEGRO_INSTALL_ROOT, ALLEGRO_TYPE,# __UNIX (if UNIX), _PROGRAM, HOME## You may set the Operating System variable:# ALLEGRO_PCBENV <alternative directory># to overwrite the default of the user's pcbenv directory. This variable# must be set at the OS level and has no effect if set in an Allegro env file. # The directory given must exist. If no directory is found the system will# fallback to its default location.## The following variables are preset at startup, direct settings in env# files will be overridden# LOCALENV: seeded based upon <HOME>/pcbenv (or if set ALLEGRO_PCBENV)# LOCALPATH: seeded based upon . LOCALENV, ALLEGRO_SITE, GLOBALPATH# Variable names are case insensitive#--------------------------------------------------------------------# System Variablesset GLOBAL = $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/text# change from LIBPATH because it conflicts with IBM's shared library# environment variableset ALIBPATH = $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/pcb_libset COMPLIBPATH = $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/allegrolibset GLOBALPATH = . $GLOBAL# Allegro Data Services Variableset ADSPATH = $GLOBALPATH# Present for compatiblity with older versions of Allegro.ifnvar ALLEGRO_SITE "set ALLEGRO_SITE ."ifnvar CDSPLAT "set CDSPLAT "ifnvar ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DLL "set ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DLL "#--------------------------------------------------------------------# Configuration variables (Don't change)set BMPPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/icons $GLOBAL/iconsset FORMPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/forms $GLOBAL/formsset MENUPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/menus $GLOBAL/cuimenusset MATERIALPATH = . $LOCALENV $ALLEGRO_SITE $GLOBAL#Configuration pathsset PRFEDITPATH = . $LOCALENV/configure/prfedit $ALLEGRO_SITE/configure/prfedit $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/configure/prfeditset BATCHHELPPATH = . $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/batchhelpset SPROUTEPATH = $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/configure/sprouteset HELPPATH = . $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/help $GLOBAL/helpset PDFPATH = . $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/help/pdf# Graphics demo envset IMAGEPATH = . $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/examples/image# Allegro Plugin search pathset AXLPLUGINPATH = . $LOCALENV/$CDSPLAT $ALLEGRO_SITE/$CDSPLAT $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DLL#--------------------------------------------------------------------# Drawing fontset VECTORFONTPATH = . $GLOBALset ANSIFONT = ansifontset KANJIFONTPATH = . $GLOBAL/fonts/kanjiset KANJIFONT1 = kanjifont1set KANJIFONT2 = kanjifont2#--------------------------------------------------------------------# Display Variablesset display_backingstore on# disable repair under ratsnestsset display_shapefill_analysis 1#--------------------------------------------------------------------#--------------------------------------------------------------------set compalib = $ALIBPATH/symbols $COMPLIBPATH/symbolsset topfilelib = $ALIBPATH/templates $COMPLIBPATH/templatesset signal_install_dir = $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/signalset signal_optlib_dir = $signal_install_dir/optlib# HDL Supported Design Library Search Path Variablesset MODULEPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/modulesset TILEPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/modulesset WBPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/wbtiersset PADPATH = . symbols .. ../symbols $ALLEGRO_SITE/padstacks $compalibset PSMPATH = . symbols .. ../symbols $ALLEGRO_SITE/symbols $compalibset pcell_lib_path = $ALLEGRO_SITE/../../rfsip/sip_pcells . sip_pcells .. ../sip_pcells $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/../rfsip/sip_pcellsset TECHPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/tech $GLOBAL/techset PARAMPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/parameterset TOPOLOGY_TEMPLATE_PATH = . templates .. ../templates $ALLEGRO_SITE/topology $topfilelib# SigNoise data installation directoryset SIGNOISEPATH = . $LOCALENV $ALLEGRO_SITE/signal $signal_install_dir $signal_optlib_dir $GLOBAL# SigNoise model variables.set SI_MODEL_PATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/signal $signal_install_dirset SI_MODEL_FILE_EXT = Generic_IBIS(ibs) IBIS_Buffer(buf) IBIS_EBD(ebd) IBIS_ICM(icm)IBIS_Pin_List(pin) IBIS_Package(pkg) Quad(mod) Generic_SPICE(spc) HSpice_Input(sp) HSpice_Output(lis) Spectre(spc) Touchstone(S?p,s??,snp) DML(ndx,dml) Interconnect(iml) ABIML(abiml)#--------------------------------------------------------------------# Non-HDL Supported Design Search Path Variablesset MISCPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/miscset ARTPATH = . .. $ALLEGRO_SITEset APTPATH = . .. $ALLEGRO_SITEset CLIPPATH = .set DCLPATH = . .. $ALIBPATH $COMPLIBPATHset DEVPATH = . devices .. ../devices $ALLEGRO_SITE/devices $ALIBPATH/devices $COMPLIBPATH/devices set DFAAUDITPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/assembly $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/assemblyset DFACNSPATH = . dfa .. ../dfa $ALLEGRO_SITE/dfaset NCDPATH = . .. $ALLEGRO_SITE/nclegend $GLOBAL/nclegendset SCRIPTPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/scripts $GLOBAL/scriptset TEXTPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/extracta $GLOBAL/viewsset VIEWPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/viewsset XTALK_TABLE_PATH = . xtalk_tables .. ../xtalk_tables $ALLEGRO_SITE/xtalk $ALIBPATH/xtalk_tables set WIZARD_TEMPLATE_PATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/new_templates$ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/pcb_lib/symbols/templateset LDFPATH = .# System Configuration .scf file search pathset SCFPATH = . scfs .. ../scfs# Display the headsup meter in a fixed position in the control panel.set allegro_dynam_timing_fixedpos# For IC Packaging tools (APD and SiP tools), the following defaults the# HUD for the wirebond tools to updating 25 times per second.set wirebond_hud_update_frequency 25# By default, suppress bond wire DRCs that are 3D in nature but being# checked in 2D. By default, the APD/SiP tools will only report wire# violations if they occur over top of the end item (finger or pin) and# the two wires are on different nets.set wirebond_suppress_bondwire_drcs#--------------------------------------------------------------------#--------------------------------------------------------------------# alias# May use function keys F2-F12, most Alpha-numberic keys with control# modifier (although Control - C, V and X are reserved for copy, paste and cut) # and Navigation Keys (Home, Up arrow, Esc, etc.) These items may be modifed# by the following:# Modifier Indicator Example# Shift S SF2# Control C (function keys) CF2# Control ~ (alpha-numeric) ~N# Meta A AF2# Modifiers may be combined. Some examples:# CSF2 Control-Shift F2# ASF2 Meta-Shift F2# CAF2 Control-Meta F2# CASF2 Control-Meta-Shift F2# ~SZ Control-Shift Z# SUp Shift-Up Arrow# CUp Control-Up Arrow## funckey# use the funckey when you wish to have alphanumeric keys operate# like the Function keys when the cursor is in the Allegro canvas.## Example -- following starts the move command without a Enter key# funckey m move#--------------------------------------------------------------------# Bind roam operations to function keysset roamInc = 96alias Up "roam y -$roamInc"alias Down "roam y $roamInc"alias Left "roam x -$roamInc"alias Right "roam x $roamInc"# Bind incremental pick by grid unit functions to ctrl and shift--arrow keys alias CUp "ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit 0 +1"alias CDown "ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit 0 -1"alias CLeft "ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit -1"alias CRight "ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit +1"alias SUp "move; ipick_to_gridunit 0 +1"alias SDown "move; ipick_to_gridunit 0 -1"alias SLeft "move; ipick_to_gridunit -1"alias SRight "move; ipick_to_gridunit +1"#--------------------------------------------------------------------# F1 is normally reserved by the system for Help so we don't use italias F2 donealias F3 add connectalias F4 cancelalias F5 show elemenalias F6 add connectalias F7 vertexalias F8 zoom pointsalias F9 zoom fitalias F10 zoom inalias F11 zoom outalias F12 property editfunckey + subclass -+ funckey - subclass -- alias SF2 property edit alias SF3 slidealias SF4 show measure alias SF5 copyalias ~E movealias SF7 dehilight all alias SF8 hilight pick alias SF9 vertexalias SF10 save_as temp alias SF11 zoom previous alias Esc oopsalias Pgup zoom inalias Pgdown zoom out alias Insert Define grid alias Home Zoom fitalias Del Deletealias End redisplayalias ~Z nextalias ~F mirroralias ~R angle 45alias SF12 zoom world alias CF2 nextalias CF5 color192alias CF6 layer priority alias CSF5 statusalias ~N newalias ~O openalias ~S savealias ~D deletealias ~Z undofunckey + subclass -+ funckey - subclass --#--------------------------------------------------------------------# OTHER ALIASESalias edps padeditalias rps "replace padstack"alias unplrp report unplacedalias x pickalias y pick lalias ix ipickalias iy ipick 0alias reopen 'open -q $module'alias revert 'open -q $module'# autoroamalias sar set pcb_autoroamalias uar unset pcb_autoroamalias reopen 'open -q $module'alias bubset 'settoggle shove_mode Off "Hug preferred" "Shove preferred"; options bubble_space $shove_mode'alias ~B bubsetalias smoothset 'settoggle smooth_mode Off Minimal Full; options smooth_level $smooth_mode' alias ~C smoothset#--------------------------------------------------------------------# COMMAND DEFAULTS# allow slide to work on arcs by defaultset slide_arcs# Compatibility aliasesalias window zoomalias hilite hilightalias dehilite dehilightalias pickx pickalias picky pick lalias ipickx ipickalias ipicky ipick 0alias cdnshelp cdsdoc#--------------------------------------------------------------------# MOUSE WHEEL SUPPORT (Windows only)# Environment Variables - Note quote variables so they are evaluated# at button time not when this file is read.# - _wheelcnt variable is set based upon number of detents wheel moved# range is -4 to 4 (no 0)# - sx1 and sy1 are cursor coordinates when wheel is moved## Button values# wheel_up: when wheel is moved up# wheel_down: when wheel is moved down# wheel: up/down if either of above 2 buttons are not assigned## Keyboard modifiers (note we are case insensitive)# S - shift key# C - control key# SC - shift and control# Example: SCwheel - for wheel button assignment with both shift & control keys ## Button factor may be factorion (e.g. 0.5) set buttonfactor = 1button wheel_up "zoom in $buttonfactor" button wheel_down "zoom out $buttonfactor" button Cwheel_up "zoom in $buttonfactor" button Cwheel_down "zoom out $buttonfactor"source -q $ALLEGRO_SITE/site.env。



A. 将文件“allegro.strokes”拷贝至安装目录以下路径\Cadence\SPB_15.5\share\pcb\text,
B. 同时参考下面图片示设置。

打开任何一个pcb,选择菜单‘setup’,选择‘user preferences’,
C. 跳出的框图选项如图,选择‘input’,在右边选项‘no_dragpopup’选项打勾。

D. 关掉PCB,重新打开即可。

A. 将所有*.color文件内容拷贝至安装目录路径: Cadence\SPB_15.5\share\local\pcb\views;
B. 同时参考如图所示设置:
打开任何一个pcb,选择菜单‘setup’;选择‘user preferences’菜单:
跳出的框图选项,选择‘config path’,点击右边选项‘viewpath’对应的‘value’框内。

3 快捷键设置
把env,env1 拷贝到安装目录:D:\Cadence\SPB_15.5\share\pcb\text;并覆盖原来文件。




Allegro自定义设置快捷键的三种方法2014.09.21 由丹心静居整理本文是针对Cadence SPB 16系列的,此前的版本没去尝试,如有不当之处,还请大家给予更正。



用户变量文件的位置,可以通过系统环境变量设置的路径来查找:系统属性-高级-环境变量(win7系统下为:计算机-属性-高级系统设置-环境变量),用户变量窗口中Home 值就是env文件所在目录。


系统变量的env 文件将在X:\Cadence\SPB_16.6\share\pcb\text 目录下(X为你的软件安装盘),前者是本地变量文件(即用户变量),后者是全局变量(即系统变量)文件(系统自动建立,即为默认设置)。





Cadence 系统是一个比较开放的系统,它给用户留了比较多的定制空间。

在Allegro中我们可以用alias,或是funckey 命令,或是笔画来定义一个快捷键,以代替常用的设计命令。

要使定义的快捷键产生作用,我们有三种方式来定义:以下是设置快捷键的三种方法法一、在Allegro PCB editor 命令窗口直接定义但这样定义的快捷键只能在当前设计中使用,如果重新启动软件,快捷键将会失效。














用户变量env文件,是类似于下面的格式:source $TELENV### User Preferences section### This section is computer generated.### Please do not modify to the end of the file.### Place your hand edits above this section.###set autosave_time = 15set autosave我们要设置的快捷键必须放置在### User Preferences section之前。

Allegro操作说明(中文) Word 文档

Allegro操作说明(中文) Word 文档

26、非电气引脚零件的制作1、建圆形钻孔:(1)、parameter:没有电器属性(non-plated)(2)、layer:只需要设置顶层和底层的regular pad,中间层以及阻焊层和加焊层都是null。

注意:regular pad要比drill hole大一点27、Allegro建立电路板板框步骤:1、设置绘图区参数,包括单位,大小。

2、定义outline区域3、定义route keepin区域(可使用Z-copy操作)4、定义package keepin区域5、添加定位孔28、Allegro定义层叠结构对于最简单的四层板,只需要添加电源层和底层,步骤如下:1、Setup –> cross-section2、添加层,电源层和地层都要设置为plane,同时还要在电气层之间加入电介质,一般为FR-43、指定电源层和地层都为负片(negtive)4、设置完成可以再Visibility看到多出了两层:GND和POWER5、铺铜(可以放到布局后再做)6、z-copy –> find面板选shape(因为铺铜是shape)–> option面板的copy to class/subclass选择ETCH/GND(注意选择create dynamic shape)完成GND层覆铜7、相同的方法完成POWER层覆铜Allegro生成网表1、重新生成索引编号:tools –> annotate2、DRC检查:tools –> Design Rules Check,查看session log。

3、生成网表:tools –> create netlist,产生的网表会保存到allegro文件夹,可以看一下session log内容。

29、Allegro导入网表1、file –> import –> logic –> design entry CIS(这里有一些选项可以设置导入网表对当前设计的影响)2、选择网表路径,在allegro文件夹。

Cadence Allegro自定义快捷键【中为电子科技工作室】

Cadence Allegro自定义快捷键【中为电子科技工作室】

====Date E ‐ma ====的工Cade 个,D:\CD:\C===========e :2014‐11‐2ai :zhongwe ===========Cadence All 工具,除此更ence 16.5。

首先找到E 一个是系统Cadence\SPB_Cadence\SPB_Cad ===========26 Revis eidianzikeji@===========egro 是EDA 更能提高开发者NV 文件,找统的(图1),_16.5\share\图_Data\pcben dence All ============sion :1.0 ============工具中的强者的效率,本找不到就搜索一个是用户\pcb\text (我1 系统中的v (我安装在图2legro 自定===========Author :e QQ :2970===========手,该工具也本文将介绍如一下(推荐搜户的(图2)。

我安装在D 盘ENV 文件(安在了D 盘)用户的ENV 定义快捷===========eco0904654===========也为用户留了如何添加设置搜索工具eve盘了)安装目录下的V 文件捷键======================了很多接口,置自己的快捷erthing )。

其的)======================以便个性化捷键,工具版实ENV文件==== ==== 化自己版本为件有两如果实在找不到自己的ENV 文件,除了搜索之外还可以通过查看环境变量找ENV 地址,如图3所示。

右击我的电脑 >> 属性 >> 高级系统设置 >> 环境变量 >> 用户变量图3 用户ENV 文件的环境变量找到ENV 文件,用记事本打开,如图4,左边为原始内容,右边为添加快捷键后的内容(仅示范,但格式必须按照这样去做)。

图4 用户ENV 文件内容快捷键定义很简单,一般有两种关键字alias 和funckey 。



1.如何在allegro中取消花焊盘(十字焊盘)set up->design parameter ->shape->edit global dynamic shape parameters->Thermal relief connects ->Thru pins ,Smd pins -> full contact2.allegro 中如何设置等长setup -> constraints->electrical->net->routing->Min Max Propagation delays选择要等长的net->右击->create->pin pair->选择pin修改prop daly 的min 和max项3.如何设置allegro的快捷键修改文件$inst_dir\share\pcb\text\env 或$inst_dir\pcbevn\env快捷键定义如下:alias F12 zoom outalias ~R angle 90 (旋转90 度)alias ~F mirror (激活镜相命令)alias ~Z next (执行下一步命令)alias End redisplay(刷新屏幕)alias Del Delete(激活删除命令)alias Home Zoom fit(全屏显示)alias Insert Define grid(设置栅格)alias End redisplayalias Pgdown zoom outalias Pgup zoom inalias F12 custom smoothalias Pgup slidealias Pgdown donealias Home hilightalias End dehilightalias Insert add connectalias Del Delete4.如何在allegro中删除有过孔或布线的层时不影响其他层1.输出specctra的dsn文件allegro->file->export->router->demo.dsn->run2.产生session文件specctra(pcb router)->file->write->session->demo.ses->ok3.删除某一层中的布线和过孔delete(ctrl+D)->..4.删除allegro中的板层setup->cross section->鼠标右键->delete5.导入session文件allegro->file->import->router->demo.ses->run也可先将通过该层的过孔先替换成顶层焊盘,删除该层以后再替换回来5.如何在Allegro中同时旋转多个零件1.Edit->Move 在Options中Rotation的Point选User Pick2 再右键选Term Group 按住鼠标左键不放并拉一个框选中器件多余的可用Ctrl+鼠标左键点击去掉.3. 选好需整体旋转的器件后右键complete.4. 提示你Pick orgion 鼠标左键选旋转中心.5 下面右键选rotate 即可旋转了.6.allegro 16.0 透明度设置display->colour/visibility->display->OpenGL->Global transparency->transparent7.allegro Drill hole size is equal or larger than smallest pad size.Pad will be drilled away.提示Drill hole size is equal or larger than smallest pad size.Pad will be drilled away.不用理睬这一提示8.ALLEGRO 如何生成钻孔文件Manufacture -> NC -> Drill Customization->auto generate symbolsManufacture -> NC -> Drill LegendManufacture -> NC ->NC parameters->enhanced excellon format->closeManufacture -> NC -> NC Drill->auto tool select->optimize drill head travel9.CAM350如何正确导入钻带文件导进去后MACRO->PLAY->选择(CAM350--SCRIPTS)PADS_DRILL->选择钻带的REP文件还没测试过,rep文件从哪儿来的呢10.allegro 如何设置route keepin,package keepin1.setup->area->route keepin,package keepin ->画框2.edit ->z-copy->options->package keepin,route keepin->offset->50->点击外框11.allegro 中如何禁止显示shape完全禁止的方法没找到setup->user preference editor->display->display_shapefill->输入一个较大的数shape在显示时就不是那么显眼了set-user preference editor-shape-no shape fill(v)12.如何在allegro设置自定义元件库路径在下面两个位置添加自定义元件的路径Setup->User Preferences Editor->Design_paths->padpathSetup->User Preferences Editor->Design_paths->psmpath1.在allegro中如何修改线宽在Allegro的Setup->constraints里的set standard values中可定义每一层走线的宽度,比如,可以定义VCC和GND的线宽为10 Mil。



在allegro中设置PADS常用的快捷键方法把ENV文件复制到目录C:\\Cadence\\SPB_16.3\\share\\pcb\\text 替换就OKENV文件内容:## ALLEGRO GLOBAL Environment file## The following variables are set by the software if not preset by user:# CDS_SITE, ALLEGRO_SITE, TELENV, ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR,# ALLEGRO_INSTALL_TOOLS, ALLEGRO_INSTALL_ROOT, ALLEGRO_TYPE,# __UNIX (if UNIX), _PROGRAM, HOME## You may set the Operating System variable:# ALLEGRO_PCBENV <alternative directory># to overwrite the default of the user's pcbenv directory. This variable# must be set at the OS level and has no effect if set in an Allegro env file. # The directory given must exist. If no directory is found the system will# fallback to its default location.## The following variables are preset at startup, direct settings in env# files will be overridden# LOCALENV: seeded based upon <HOME>/pcbenv (or if set ALLEGRO_PCBENV)# LOCALPATH: seeded based upon . LOCALENV, ALLEGRO_SITE, GLOBALPATH# Variable names are case insensitive#--------------------------------------------------------------------# System Variablesset GLOBAL = $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/text# change from LIBPATH because it conflicts with IBM's shared library# environment variableset ALIBPATH = $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/pcb_libset COMPLIBPATH = $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/allegrolibset GLOBALPATH = . $GLOBAL# Allegro Data Services Variableset ADSPATH = $GLOBALPATH# Present for compatiblity with older versions of Allegro.ifnvar ALLEGRO_SITE "set ALLEGRO_SITE ."ifnvar CDSPLAT "set CDSPLAT "ifnvar ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DLL "set ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DLL "#--------------------------------------------------------------------# Configuration variables (Don't change)set BMPPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/icons $GLOBAL/iconsset FORMPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/forms $GLOBAL/formsset MENUPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/menus $GLOBAL/cuimenusset MATERIALPATH = . $LOCALENV $ALLEGRO_SITE $GLOBAL#Configuration pathsset PRFEDITPATH = . $LOCALENV/configure/prfedit $ALLEGRO_SITE/configure/prfedit $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/configure/prfeditset BATCHHELPPATH = . $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/batchhelpset SPROUTEPATH = $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/configure/sprouteset HELPPATH = . $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/help $GLOBAL/helpset PDFPATH = . $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/help/pdf# Graphics demo envset IMAGEPATH = . $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/examples/image# Allegro Plugin search pathset AXLPLUGINPATH = . $LOCALENV/$CDSPLAT $ALLEGRO_SITE/$CDSPLAT $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DLL#--------------------------------------------------------------------# Drawing fontset VECTORFONTPATH = . $GLOBALset ANSIFONT = ansifontset KANJIFONTPATH = . $GLOBAL/fonts/kanjiset KANJIFONT1 = kanjifont1set KANJIFONT2 = kanjifont2#--------------------------------------------------------------------# Display Variablesset display_backingstore on# disable repair under ratsnestsset display_shapefill_analysis 1#--------------------------------------------------------------------#--------------------------------------------------------------------set compalib = $ALIBPATH/symbols $COMPLIBPATH/symbolsset topfilelib = $ALIBPATH/templates $COMPLIBPATH/templatesset signal_install_dir = $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/signalset signal_optlib_dir = $signal_install_dir/optlib# HDL Supported Design Library Search Path Variablesset MODULEPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/modulesset TILEPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/modulesset WBPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/wbtiersset PADPATH = . symbols .. ../symbols $ALLEGRO_SITE/padstacks $compalibset PSMPATH = . symbols .. ../symbols $ALLEGRO_SITE/symbols $compalibset pcell_lib_path = $ALLEGRO_SITE/../../rfsip/sip_pcells . sip_pcells .. ../sip_pcells $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/../rfsip/sip_pcellsset TECHPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/tech $GLOBAL/techset PARAMPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/parameterset TOPOLOGY_TEMPLATE_PATH = . templates .. ../templates $ALLEGRO_SITE/topology $topfilelib# SigNoise data installation directoryset SIGNOISEPATH = . $LOCALENV $ALLEGRO_SITE/signal $signal_install_dir $signal_optlib_dir $GLOBAL# SigNoise model variables.set SI_MODEL_PATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/signal $signal_install_dirset SI_MODEL_FILE_EXT = Generic_IBIS(ibs) IBIS_Buffer(buf) IBIS_EBD(ebd) IBIS_ICM(icm)IBIS_Pin_List(pin) IBIS_Package(pkg) Quad(mod) Generic_SPICE(spc) HSpice_Input(sp) HSpice_Output(lis) Spectre(spc) Touchstone(S?p,s??,snp) DML(ndx,dml) Interconnect(iml) ABIML(abiml)#--------------------------------------------------------------------# Non-HDL Supported Design Search Path Variablesset MISCPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/miscset ARTPATH = . .. $ALLEGRO_SITEset APTPATH = . .. $ALLEGRO_SITEset CLIPPATH = .set DCLPATH = . .. $ALIBPATH $COMPLIBPATHset DEVPATH = . devices .. ../devices $ALLEGRO_SITE/devices $ALIBPATH/devices $COMPLIBPATH/devices set DFAAUDITPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/assembly $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/assemblyset DFACNSPATH = . dfa .. ../dfa $ALLEGRO_SITE/dfaset NCDPATH = . .. $ALLEGRO_SITE/nclegend $GLOBAL/nclegendset SCRIPTPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/scripts $GLOBAL/scriptset TEXTPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/extracta $GLOBAL/viewsset VIEWPATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/viewsset XTALK_TABLE_PATH = . xtalk_tables .. ../xtalk_tables $ALLEGRO_SITE/xtalk $ALIBPATH/xtalk_tables set WIZARD_TEMPLATE_PATH = . $ALLEGRO_SITE/new_templates$ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/pcb_lib/symbols/templateset LDFPATH = .# System Configuration .scf file search pathset SCFPATH = . scfs .. ../scfs# Display the headsup meter in a fixed position in the control panel.set allegro_dynam_timing_fixedpos# For IC Packaging tools (APD and SiP tools), the following defaults the# HUD for the wirebond tools to updating 25 times per second.set wirebond_hud_update_frequency 25# By default, suppress bond wire DRCs that are 3D in nature but being# checked in 2D. By default, the APD/SiP tools will only report wire# violations if they occur over top of the end item (finger or pin) and# the two wires are on different nets.set wirebond_suppress_bondwire_drcs#--------------------------------------------------------------------#--------------------------------------------------------------------# alias# May use function keys F2-F12, most Alpha-numberic keys with control# modifier (although Control - C, V and X are reserved for copy, paste and cut) # and Navigation Keys (Home, Up arrow, Esc, etc.) These items may be modifed# by the following:# Modifier Indicator Example# Shift S SF2# Control C (function keys) CF2# Control ~ (alpha-numeric) ~N# Meta A AF2# Modifiers may be combined. Some examples:# CSF2 Control-Shift F2# ASF2 Meta-Shift F2# CAF2 Control-Meta F2# CASF2 Control-Meta-Shift F2# ~SZ Control-Shift Z# SUp Shift-Up Arrow# CUp Control-Up Arrow## funckey# use the funckey when you wish to have alphanumeric keys operate# like the Function keys when the cursor is in the Allegro canvas.## Example -- following starts the move command without a Enter key# funckey m move#--------------------------------------------------------------------# Bind roam operations to function keysset roamInc = 96alias Up "roam y -$roamInc"alias Down "roam y $roamInc"alias Left "roam x -$roamInc"alias Right "roam x $roamInc"# Bind incremental pick by grid unit functions to ctrl and shift--arrow keys alias CUp "ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit 0 +1"alias CDown "ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit 0 -1"alias CLeft "ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit -1"alias CRight "ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit +1"alias SUp "move; ipick_to_gridunit 0 +1"alias SDown "move; ipick_to_gridunit 0 -1"alias SLeft "move; ipick_to_gridunit -1"alias SRight "move; ipick_to_gridunit +1"#--------------------------------------------------------------------# F1 is normally reserved by the system for Help so we don't use italias F2 donealias F3 add connectalias F4 cancelalias F5 show elemenalias F6 add connectalias F7 vertexalias F8 zoom pointsalias F9 zoom fitalias F10 zoom inalias F11 zoom outalias F12 property editfunckey + subclass -+ funckey - subclass -- alias SF2 property edit alias SF3 slidealias SF4 show measure alias SF5 copyalias ~E movealias SF7 dehilight all alias SF8 hilight pick alias SF9 vertexalias SF10 save_as temp alias SF11 zoom previous alias Esc oopsalias Pgup zoom inalias Pgdown zoom out alias Insert Define grid alias Home Zoom fitalias Del Deletealias End redisplayalias ~Z nextalias ~F mirroralias ~R angle 45alias SF12 zoom world alias CF2 nextalias CF5 color192alias CF6 layer priority alias CSF5 statusalias ~N newalias ~O openalias ~S savealias ~D deletealias ~Z undofunckey + subclass -+ funckey - subclass --#--------------------------------------------------------------------# OTHER ALIASESalias edps padeditalias rps "replace padstack"alias unplrp report unplacedalias x pickalias y pick lalias ix ipickalias iy ipick 0alias reopen 'open -q $module'alias revert 'open -q $module'# autoroamalias sar set pcb_autoroamalias uar unset pcb_autoroamalias reopen 'open -q $module'alias bubset 'settoggle shove_mode Off "Hug preferred" "Shove preferred"; options bubble_space $shove_mode'alias ~B bubsetalias smoothset 'settoggle smooth_mode Off Minimal Full; options smooth_level $smooth_mode' alias ~C smoothset#--------------------------------------------------------------------# COMMAND DEFAULTS# allow slide to work on arcs by defaultset slide_arcs# Compatibility aliasesalias window zoomalias hilite hilightalias dehilite dehilightalias pickx pickalias picky pick lalias ipickx ipickalias ipicky ipick 0alias cdnshelp cdsdoc#--------------------------------------------------------------------# MOUSE WHEEL SUPPORT (Windows only)# Environment Variables - Note quote variables so they are evaluated# at button time not when this file is read.# - _wheelcnt variable is set based upon number of detents wheel moved# range is -4 to 4 (no 0)# - sx1 and sy1 are cursor coordinates when wheel is moved## Button values# wheel_up: when wheel is moved up# wheel_down: when wheel is moved down# wheel: up/down if either of above 2 buttons are not assigned## Keyboard modifiers (note we are case insensitive)# S - shift key# C - control key# SC - shift and control# Example: SCwheel - for wheel button assignment with both shift & control keys ## Button factor may be factorion (e.g. 0.5) set buttonfactor = 1button wheel_up "zoom in $buttonfactor" button wheel_down "zoom out $buttonfactor" button Cwheel_up "zoom in $buttonfactor" button Cwheel_down "zoom out $buttonfactor"source -q $ALLEGRO_SITE/site.env。


进入ToolsUtilitiesAliases/Function Keys…可以查看目前所支持的快捷键。
下面举例说明,在命令窗口中输入funckeyi zoom in和funckey o zoom out,然后回车。
Cadence 16.3的env文件位于C:\SPB_Data\pcbenv
图3sKeyboard Commands可以查询cadence所支持的命令
alias shortkey Keyboard Commands
funckey shortkey Keyboard Commands

Allegro操作说明(中文) Word 文档

Allegro操作说明(中文) Word 文档

26、非电气引脚零件的制作1、建圆形钻孔:(1)、parameter:没有电器属性(non-plated)(2)、layer:只需要设置顶层和底层的regular pad,中间层以及阻焊层和加焊层都是null。

注意:regular pad要比drill hole大一点27、Allegro建立电路板板框步骤:1、设置绘图区参数,包括单位,大小。

2、定义outline区域3、定义route keepin区域(可使用Z-copy操作)4、定义package keepin区域5、添加定位孔28、Allegro定义层叠结构对于最简单的四层板,只需要添加电源层和底层,步骤如下:1、Setup –> cross-section2、添加层,电源层和地层都要设置为plane,同时还要在电气层之间加入电介质,一般为FR-43、指定电源层和地层都为负片(negtive)4、设置完成可以再Visibility看到多出了两层:GND和POWER5、铺铜(可以放到布局后再做)6、z-copy –> find面板选shape(因为铺铜是shape)–> option面板的copy to class/subclass选择ETCH/GND(注意选择create dynamic shape)完成GND层覆铜7、相同的方法完成POWER层覆铜Allegro生成网表1、重新生成索引编号:tools –> annotate2、DRC检查:tools –> Design Rules Check,查看session log。

3、生成网表:tools –> create netlist,产生的网表会保存到allegro文件夹,可以看一下session log内容。

29、Allegro导入网表1、file –> import –> logic –> design entry CIS(这里有一些选项可以设置导入网表对当前设计的影响)2、选择网表路径,在allegro文件夹。



## ALLEGRO Local user's Environment file# # - this indicates a comment## read global enviroment filesource $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/text/env#--------------------------------------------------------------------# System Variablesset GLOBAL = $ALLEGRO_INSTALL_DIR/textdisable dragging for popup selection to get strokes on the right button#--------------------------------------------------------------------# Library Search Path Variablesset PSMPATH = . symbols .. ../symbols $ALIBPATH/symbols $COMPLIBPATH/symbols # 設定實體零件檔PACKAGE SYMBOL (.psm & .dra)存取路徑set PADPATH = . symbols .. ../symbols $ALIBPATH/symbols $COMPLIBPATH/symbols # 設定銲點檔PAD STACK (.pad)存取路徑set DEVPATH = . devices .. ../devices $ALIBPATH/devices $COMPLIBPATH/devices # 設定零件定義檔DEVICE FILES (.txt)存取路徑set ARTPATH = . ..# 設定轉底片宣告檔(底片格式art_param.txt,鏡頭表art_aper.txt)存取路徑set APTPATH = . ..# 設定特殊梅花瓣create thermal(.bsm & .dra)存取路徑set SCRIPTPATH = . $GLOBAL/script# 設定錄影檔SCRIPT FILES (.scr)存取路徑set TECHPATH = . $GLOBAL/tech#--------------------------------------------------------------------# Autosaveset AUTOSAVE# 設定自動存檔set AUTOSAVE_time = 30# 設定自動存檔時間間隔#set autosave_dbcheck#The Default is 30 minites. The minimum is#10 minutes and the maximum is 300 minutes#--------------------------------------------------------------------# NEW STYLE FUNCTION KEY ALIASES# F1 is normally reserved by the system for Help so we don't use italias F2 add connectalias F3 movealias F4 slidealias F5 zoom fitalias F6 zoom inalias F7 zoom outalias F8 show elementalias F9 hilight pickalias F10 show measurealias F11 vertexalias F12 property refdesalias SF1 donealias SF2 gridalias SF3 zoom pointsalias SF4 dehilight all第 1 頁alias SF5 redisplayalias SF6 cancelalias SF7 oopsalias SF9 save_as tempalias ~N newalias ~O openalias ~S savealias ~M savefunckey r iangle 90funckey s spinalias ~A add connectalias Insert window centeralias Pgup zoom inalias Pgdown zoom outalias Home zoom fitalias Del zoom pointsalias End redraw# 設定畫面放大及縮小alias g5 replay c:\pcbenv\scr\g5.scralias g05 replay c:\pcbenv\scr\g05.scr alias g10 replay c:\pcbenv\scr\g10.scr alias g11 replay c:\pcbenv\scr\g11.scralias g12 replay c:\pcbenv\scr\g12.scralias g15 replay c:\pcbenv\scr\g15.scralias g20 replay c:\pcbenv\scr\g20.scralias g25 replay c:\pcbenv\scr\g25.scralias g50 replay c:\pcbenv\scr\g50.scralias g100 replay c:\pcbenv\scr\g100.scr alias g250 replay c:\pcbenv\scr\g250.scr# 設定 Gridfunckey 1 zoom infunckey 2 zoom outfunckey w1 options line_width 5funckey w2 ooptions line_width 7.5 funckey w3 options line_width 10 funckey b subclass bottomfunckey t1 subclass topfunckey i1 subclass int1funckey i2 subclass int2funckey i3 subclass int3funckey i4 subclass int4funckey f mirrorfunckey m movefunckey r iangle 90funckey s spinfunckey " " subclass -+funckey + subclass -+funckey - subclass --funckey c color第 2 頁funckey z rats net#單鍵任意點打貫孔funckey v 'add connect;pick_origin;pick rel grid 0 0;pop bbdrill;done' # 切換出發端funckey t pop route_from_target#佈線可互換層funckey a altsubclass -+#角度的語法funckey 0 options lock_direction offfunckey 45 options lock_direction 45funckey 90 options lock_direction 90#--------------------------------------------------------------------# OTHER ALIASESalias x pickalias y pickyalias ix ipickalias iy ipickyalias edps padeditalias rps "replace padstack"alias unplrp report unplacedalias CF2 nextalias ~A toggle# 設定功能鍵Ctrl+A改變出線角度.A為大寫alias CF3 pop swap# 設定功能鍵Ctrl+F3切換走線層.ACT層與ALT層互換alias g1 "replay grid1"# 設定g1執行錄影檔grid1.scralias ~1 "replay grid1"set Display_drcfill# 設定drc錯誤記號為填滿式set Display_nohilitefont# 設定顏色反白(高亮)形式為實線式非虛線式set allegro_etch_length_on# 設定佈線時即時顯示其佈線長度#--------------------------------------------------------------------# autoroamalias sar set pcb_autoroamalias uar unset pcb_autoroam#--------------------------------------------------------------------# COMMAND DEFAULTS# allow slide to work on arcs by defaultset slide_arcs# Compatibility aliasesalias window zoomalias hilite hilight第 3 頁alias dehilite dehilightsource $TELENV### User Preferences section### This section is computer generated.### Please do not modify to the end of the file.### Place your hand edits above this section.###unset film_nosortunset artwork_no_unit_warnset autosave_time = 10set autosaveset artpath = $artpathset wizard_template_path = $wizard_template_pathset materialpath = $materialpathset viewpath = $viewpathset ncdpath = $ncdpath C:\allegro_142\skill\txt\set scriptpath = $scriptpath C:\pcbenv\scr\set xtalk_table_path = $xtalk_table_pathset clippath = $clippathset textpath = $textpathset devpath = E:\Michelle\Library\unset color_nofilmrecordunset wv_voltage_netsset padpath = E:\Michelle\Library\set topology_template_path = $topology_template_pathset psmpath = E:\MICHELLE\LIBRARY090810\ E:\Michelle\Library\ E:\Michelle\Library1\set tilepath = $tilepathset modulepath = $modulepathset techpath = $techpathset display_norepair = ratsset display_nohilitefontset display_shapefill = 4unset bug_solaris_hlt_linesunset display_nolinewidthunset display_nodynamicarcwidthset display_backingstore = offunset display_thintextunset display_drcfillunset display_raster_opsset display_nocolor_dynamicsset display_shapefill_analysis = 1set drawing_no_4mils_msgset drawing_4milsset allegro_etch_length_onset ads_boardrevs = 3set ads_textrevs = 3unset ads_sdreportunset ads_sdplotunset ads_sdlogunset ads_sdartset no_dynamic_zoomunset no_zoom_to_object第 4 頁set no_dragpopupset form_oldreturnset logic_edit_enabledset autosilk_disregard_solder_maskunset fst_ref_desset nclegend_file = C:\allegro_lib\skill\amt-mm.dlt unset old_style_flash_symbolsunset pcb_autoroamunset old_shape_fill_styleunset no_shape_fillset shape_drag_moveset av_endcapstyle = roundset new_shape_fill_ntset highlight_shape_netset noshow_current_selectionsset fontface = "Comic Sans MS"set pcb_cursor = infiniteset fontsize = 16set browser_text_size = mediumset fontweight = 16set noconfirmset prfeditpath = $prfeditpathset formpath = $formpathset menupath = $menupath第 5 頁。



• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
/*************************** 丝印工具 ********************/ POPUP "3.Siklscreen tools" BEGIN MENUITEM "Standard Text Set", "replay text_standard.scr" MENUITEM "Move Ref to Center", "move_refdes_to_center" MENUITEM "Import Refdes", "silkin" MENUITEM "Export Refdes", "silkout" POPUP "Check Silk Direction" BEGIN MENUITEM "Check Top Silk Direction", "check_top_silk_direction" MENUITEM "Check Bottom Silk Direction", "check_bottom_silk_direction" MENUITEM "Check Both Silk Direction", "check_both_silk_direction" END MENUITEM "Check Symbols Without Refdes", "check_symbos_without_refdes" MENUITEM "Check_refdes_cross", "ch_cross" MENUITEM "Check_refdes_direction", "ch_dir" MENUITEM "Text Overlap", "ch_text_overlap" END MENUITEM "Add Layer Text", MENUITEM "Valor Report View", END "add_each_art_notes" "replay valor_review.scr"

给新手参考的 Cadence Allegro快捷键 设置

给新手参考的 Cadence Allegro快捷键 设置

给新手参考的Cadence Allegro快捷键原文链接:/thread-30935-1-1.html发上我的快捷键给新手参考,我也是在LULU给我的ENV文件中改的。


其有一部分要做script 功能的,有需要的我可以把我的script文件给他,这些都是个人习惯。

# May use function keys F2-F12, most Alpha-numberic keys with control# modifier (although Control - C, V and X are reserved for copy, paste and cut) # and Navigation Keys (Home, Up arrow, Esc, etc.) These items may be modifed# by the following:# Modifier Indicator Example# Shift S SF2# Control C (function keys) CF2# Control ~ (alpha-numeric) ~N# Meta A AF2# Modifiers may be combined. Some examples:# CSF2 Control-Shift F2# ASF2 Meta-Shift F2# CAF2 Control-Meta F2# CASF2 Control-Meta-Shift F2# ~SZ Control-Shift Z# SUp Shift-Up Arrow# CUp Control-Up Arrow## funckey# use the funckey when you wish to have alphanumeric keys operate# like the Function keys when the cursor is in the Allegro canvas.## Example -- following starts the move command without a Enter key# funckey m move#--------------------------------------------------------------------# Bind incremental pick by grid unit functions to ctrl and shift--arrow keys alias Up "ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit 0 +1"alias Down "ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit 0 -1"alias Left "ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit -1"alias Right "ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit +1"alias CUp "move; ipick_to_gridunit 0 +1"alias CDown "move; ipick_to_gridunit 0 -1"alias CLeft "move; ipick_to_gridunit -1"alias CRight "move; ipick_to_gridunit +1"# F1 is normally reserved by the system for Help so we don't use italias F2 savealias F3 show measure #测量alias F4 COLOR192 #颜色alias F5 redraw #刷新alias F6 Shape edit boundary #编辑图形alias F7 UNRATS ALL #隐藏板上所有飞线alias F8 RATS ALL #显示板上所有飞线alias F9 FIX #固定物体alias F10 UNFIX #解除固定alias F11 zoom in #放大视图alias F12 zoom out #缩小视图alias SF1 rejectalias SF2 slidealias SF3 custom smoothalias SF4 COLORalias SF5 shell exploreralias SF6 void allalias SF7 shape addalias SF8 swap functionsalias SF9 swap componentsalias SF10 zoom fit #放大到整板视图alias SF11 hilightalias SF12 dehilightalias ~A Manuallyalias ~B boundaryalias ~C copyalias ~D deletealias ~E property editalias ~F zoom fit #放大到整板视图alias ~G grid togglealias ~H hilight #高亮物体alias ~I show elementalias ~J FINDalias ~K CMGRalias ~L add linealias ~M mirroralias ~N dehilight all #清除高亮alias ~O open #打开文件alias ~P cns show #打开约束管理器alias ~Q Delay Tune #移动修改线与孔alias ~R rotate #旋转alias ~S savealias ~T add text #增加文本alias ~W custom smoothalias ~Z UNDO #取消上次操作alias ~Y REDO #恢复上次操作alias pd padeditdb #焊盘编辑alias jn find_by_name #查找物体alias jc FIND component #查找元件funckey ' ' iangle 90 #以90度旋转选中的物体funckey + subclass -+ #跳转到下一个层funckey - subclass -- #跳转到上一个层#------------------------------------------------------------------- # View Controlalias Pgup oopsalias SPgup pop route_from_targetalias CPgup shadow togglealias Home slidealias Pgdown nextalias SPgdown angle 90shadowalias SHome pop finishalias End add connectalias Del deletealias SDel pop swap layersalias Insert DONEalias SInsert TOGGLEalias SLeft PLACE Manualalias SRight movealias SUp swap COMPONENTSalias SDown ALIGN COMPONENTS#-------------------------------------------------------------------- # OTHER ALIASESaalias x pickalias y pick 1alias ix ipickalias iy ipick 0alias 1 FORM mini acon_line_width 1alias 2 FORM mini acon_line_width 0.25alias 2.5 FORM mini acon_line_width 0.25alias 3 FORM mini acon_line_width 0.3alias 4 FORM mini acon_line_width 0.4alias 5 FORM mini acon_line_width 0.5alias 6 FORM mini acon_line_width 0.6alias 7 FORM mini acon_line_width 0.7alias 8 FORM mini acon_line_width 0.8alias 9 FORM mini acon_line_width 0.9alias g "replay g"alias g0.05 replay g0.05.scralias g0.01 replay g0.01.scralias g0.1 replay g0.1.scralias g0.2 replay g0.2.scr alias g0.3 replay g0.3.scr alias g0.5 replay g0.5.scr alias g0.6 replay g0.6.scr alias g0.9 replay g0.7.scr alias g0.9 replay g0.8.scr alias g0.9 replay g0.8.scr alias g0.9 replay g0.9.scr alias g1 replay g1.scr alias g2 replay g2.5.scr alias g2.5 replay g1.scr alias g.1 replay g0p1alias g.5 replay g0p5alias g1.5 replay g1p5alias g2 replay g2alias g2.5 replay g2p5alias g3 replay g3.scr alias g3.5 replay g3.5.scr alias g4 replay g4alias g4.5 replay g4.5.scr alias g5 replay g5alias g5.5 replay g5p5alias g6 replay g6alias g6.5 replay g6.5alias g7 replay g7alias g7.5 replay g7.5alias g8 replay g8alias g8.5 replay g8.5alias g9 replay g9alias g10 replay g10alias g10.5 replay g10p5alias g11 replay g11alias g12 replay g12alias g12.5 replay g12p5alias g13 replay g13alias g14 replay g14alias g15 replay g15alias g16 replay g16alias g17 replay g17alias g18 replay g18alias g19 replay g19alias g20 replay g20alias g25 replay g25alias g30 replay g30alias g50 replay g50alias g100 replay g100alias g111 replay g111alias g500 replay g500#---------------------------以下为Script快捷键-----------------------------------------alias t replay t #顶层元件框alias b replay b #底层元件框alias ts replay SILKSCREEN_TOP #顶层元件框序号alias bs replay SILKSCREEN_BOTTOM #底层元件框序号alias tss replay tss #顶层所有丝印alias bss replay bss #底层所有丝印alias so replay SILKSCREENoff #关闭所有丝印alias aw replay Artwork #出图#----------------------------以上为Script快捷键----------------------------------------# OTHER ALIASESalias rps "replace padstack" #焊盘替换alias unplrp reportunplacedalias pn replay pn.scr #敷铜显示FILLalias po replay po.scr #敷铜显示FILL关闭alias co replay co.scr #敷铜显示FILLalias cn replay cn.scr #敷铜显示FILL关闭#--------------------------------------------------------------------# OTHER ALIASESalias edps padeditalias rps "replace padstack"alias unplrp report unplacedalias x pickalias y pick lalias ix ipickalias iy ipick 0alias reopen 'open -q $module'alias revert 'open -q $module'# autoroamalias sar set pcb_autoroamalias uar unset pcb_autoroamalias reopen 'open -q $module'alias bubset 'settoggle shove_mode Off "Hug preferred" "Shove preferred"; options bubble_space $shove_mode'alias ~B bubsetalias smoothset 'settoggle smooth_mode Off Minimal Full; options smooth_level $smooth_mode'alias ~C smoothset#--------------------------------------------------------------------# COMMAND DEFAULTS# allow slide to work on arcs by defaultset slide_arcs# Compatibility aliasesalias window zoomalias hilite hilightalias dehilite dehilightalias pickx pickalias picky pick lalias ipickx ipickalias ipicky ipick 0alias cdnshelp cdsdoc#--------------------------------------------------------------------# MOUSE WHEEL SUPPORT (Windows only)# Environment Variables - Note quote variables so they are evaluated# at button time not when this file is read.# - _wheelcnt variable is set based upon number of detents wheel moved# range is -4 to 4 (no 0)# - sx1 and sy1 are cursor coordinates when wheel is moved## Button values# wheel_up: when wheel is moved up# wheel_down: when wheel is moved down# wheel: up/down if either of above 2 buttons are not assigned## Keyboard modifiers (note we are case insensitive)# S - shift key# C - control key# SC - shift and control# Example: SCwheel - for wheel button assignment with both shift & control keys。



Allegro快捷键功能#alias F1 help ## Read-Only#funckey "\t" tab ## Read-Only#funckey C ctab ## Read-Only#funckey CS sctab ## Read-Only#funckey S stab ## Read-Onlyalias CDown 'ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit 0 -1' alias CF1 viacheckalias CF2 nextalias CF5 color192alias CF6 layer priorityalias CLeft 'ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit -1' alias CRight 'ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit +1' alias CSF5 statusalias CUp 'ipick 0; ipick_to_gridunit 0 +1' alias End custom smoothalias F10 grid togglealias F11 zoom inalias F12 zoom outalias F2 zoom fitalias F3 add connectalias F4 show elementalias F5 redrawalias F6 donealias F7 nextalias F8 oopsalias F9 cancelalias Home zoom fitalias Insert add textalias SDown 'move;ipick_to_gridunit 0 -1'alias SF10 save_as tempalias SF11 zoom previousalias SF12 zoom worldalias SF2 property editalias SF3 slidealias SF4 show measurealias SF5 copyalias SF6 movealias SF7 dehilight allalias SF8 hilight pickalias SF9 vertexalias SLeft 'move;ipick_to_gridunit -1'alias SRight 'move;ipick_to_gridunit +1'alias SUp 'move;ipick_to_gridunit 0 +1'alias bubset 'settoggle shove_mode Off "Hug preferred" "Shove preferred"; options bubble_space $shove_mode' alias cdnshelp cdsdocalias dehilite dehilightalias edps padeditalias hilite hilightalias ipickx ipickalias ipicky ipick 0alias ix ipickalias iy ipick 0alias pickx pickalias picky pick lalias reopen open -q $modulealias revert open -q $modulealias rps replace padstackalias sar set pcb_autoroamalias smoothset 'settoggle smooth_mode Off Minimal Full; options smooth_level $smooth_mode'alias uar unset pcb_autoroamalias unplrp report unplacedalias window zoomalias x pickalias ~A auto_viaalias ~B unrats netalias ~C smoothsetalias ~D deletealias ~E vertexalias ~F fanout_bbviaalias ~G grid togglealias ~H h_via_mainalias ~J dhcalias ~K hcalias ~L align componentsalias ~M rats netalias ~N newalias ~O chg originalias ~P pickalias ~R clear_RFalias ~S savealias ~T text editalias ~W changealias ~Y spinalias ~Z undofunckey " " angle 90funckey + subclass -+funckey , show measurefunckey - pop finishfunckey . drc updatefunckey / zoom previousfunckey 0 options acon_line_width constraint funckey 1 options acon_line_width 10funckey 2 options acon_line_width 20funckey 2lat replay C:\SPB_Data\SCR\2lat.scr funckey 4l4 replay C:\SPB_Data\SCR\4LSETTING.scr funckey 4lat replay C:\SPB_Data\SCR\4lat.scr funckey 5 angle 180funckey 6l6 replay C:\SPB_Data\SCR\6LSETTING.scr funckey 8l8 replay C:\SPB_Data\SCR\8LSETTING.scr funckey B prmedfunckey Ccopyfunckey D 'settoggle no_shape_fill;redraw' funckey Del deletefunckey Down roam y $roamIncfunckey E 'settoggle no_etch_shape_display;redraw' funckey Esc cancelfunckey G define gridfunckey K Testprep Manualfunckey L '"define lyrstack"; echo "Define Lyrstack"' funckey Left roam x -$roamIncfunckey P replay C:\SPB_Data\SCR\Parameter.scr funckey Pgdown zoom outfunckey Pgup zoom infunckey Q property editfunckey R route_by_pickfunckey Right roam x $roamIncfunckey T clinecutfunckey Up roam y -$roamIncfunckey Z undofunckey [ envedfunckey ] togglefunckey a 'settoggle rats "rats all" "unrats all"; $rats; echo "Toggle Airlines"'funckey b 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass bottom'funckey c color192funckey d donefunckey e '"status"; echo "Status Manager"'funckey fa 'setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find vias YES;FORM find clines YES;FORM find pins YES;setwindow pcb'funckey fc 'setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find cline_segs YES;setwindow pcb'funckey fd 'setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find drc_errors YES;setwindow pcb'funckey fe 'setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find lines YES;setwindow pcb'funckey ff 'setwindow form.find;FORM find all_on;FORM find all_off YES;setwindow pcb'funckey fg 'setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find groups YES;setwindow pcb'funckey fl 'setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find lines YES;setwindow pcb'funckey fn 'setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find nets YES;setwindow pcb'funckey fq 'setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORMfind pins YES;setwindow pcb'funckey fr 'setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find shapes YES;setwindow pcb'funckey fs 'setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find symbols YES;setwindow pcb'funckey ft 'setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find text YES;setwindow pcb'funckey fv 'setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find vias YES;setwindow pcb'funckey fw 'setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find clines YES;setwindow pcb'funckey fz 'setwindow form.find;FORM find all_off;FORM find vias YES;FORM find cline_segs YES;FORM find pins YES;setwindow pcb'funckey g1 replay C:\SPB_Data\SCR\g10.scrfunckey g5 replay C:\SPB_Data\SCR\g5.scrfunckey h hilightfunckey i add linefunckey j dehilightfunckey k shadow togglefunckey l10 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top;+;+;+;+;+;+;+;+;+'funckey l11 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top;+;+;+;+;+;+;+;+;+;+'funckey l2 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top;+'funckey l3 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top;+;+'funckey l4 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top;+;+;+'funckey l5 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top;+;+;+;+'funckey l6 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top;+;+;+;+;+'funckey l7 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top;+;+;+;+;+;+'funckey l8 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top;+;+;+;+;+;+;+' funckey l9 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top;+;+;+;+;+;+;+;+'funckey m movefunckey n nextfunckey o pop mirrorfunckey p place manualfunckey q show elementfunckey r cmgrfunckey s slidefunckey t 'pop bbdrill;pop swap;subclass top'funckey u oopsfunckey v 'settoggle hug Hug Shove ; options bubble_space $hug preferred'funckey w add connectfunckey y delay tunefunckey z shape add。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

(2009-08-09 15:01:58)





比如我在用户变量里设置的Home目录为d:\temp,那么env 文件就位于d:\temp\pcbenv内。

如果没有在系统属性里设置Home变量的路径,那么对于XP,会自动在C:\documents and settings\用户文件夹\pcbenv内产生env文件。


全局变量的位置,固定为软件安装目录内,比如我的就是:d:\cadence\spb_15.7\share\pcb\text 内。



source $TELENV
### User Preferences section
### This section is computer generated.
### Please do not modify to the end of the file.
### Place your hand edits above this section.
set autosave_time = 15
set autosave
我们要设置的快捷键必须放置在### User Preferences section之前。

alias 快捷键执行的命令
例:alias Del delete
alias Pgup zoom in
alias Pgdown zoom out
alias End redisplay
alias Insert add connect
alias Home zoom fit
alias Del delete
funckey … … iangle 90
关于快捷键可替代的命令,并不仅限于一级菜单中原已有快捷键的命令,对于有多级菜单的命令,比如Display-Show rats-Net(点亮单个网络),我们也可以用快捷键代替:alias F9 rats net。

这个命令"rats net"会在你执行后出现在右下角cmd:的后面。


====================================================================== =====
首先说明一下环境变量文件(evn文件),环境变量文件有两个,它们分别在系统盘的根目录下的pcbevn目录中(比如系统在C盘,那么evn文件将在c:\pcbevn 下)和程序安装路径下(如Cadence 设计系统程序安装在D:\Cadence 下,则evn 文件将在

在本地变量文件中,主要存放的用户参数设置值(Setup->User Preferences..如库文件所在的路径等)。






alias shortkey Keyboard Commands
funckey shortkey Keyboard Commands
注意:1)如果直接键入alias或funckey命令然后回车,系统将会弹出所有快捷键列表,这相当于执行Tools->Utilities->Aliases/Function keys..命令。


但是funckey 命令可以用来定义单个字母为快捷键,它比alias命令更为强大,alias能定义的它都能定义,但是字母被定义成某快捷键后,该字母就不能用来输入键盘命令了。

3)Allegro 中的所有键盘命令(Keyboard Commands )列表可以通过执行
Tools->Utilities->Keyboard Commands 命令来查看,这些命令都可以设置成快捷键。



可以在第二行开始写(第一行是:source $TELENV),例如我们以前在Protel 或PowerPCB 中常用的放大、缩小命令就可以如下定义:
alias Pgdown zoom out
alias Pgup zoom in
alias ~R angle 90(旋转90 度)
alias ~F mirror(激活镜相命令)
alias ~Z next(执行下一步命令)
alias End redisplay(刷新屏幕)
alias Del Delete(激活删除命令)
alias Home Zoom fit(全屏显示)
alias Insert Define grid(设置栅格)



1、x 100:Y 坐标不变,X方向移动100 个单位值(以设定的原点为参考点)2、y 100:X 坐标不变,Y方向移动100 个单位值3、x 100 100:移动到(100,100)坐标处pick 命令与上面的x 或y 命令功能相同,只是在执行pick 命令时会弹出一个窗口,输入想要的
坐标值就可以,与上面相对应,pick 命令也提供三种模式:pick 、pickx 和picky 。

4、mirror :激活镜相命令(本命令是先激活,后选择要镜相的对象)。

5、rotate :激活旋转命令(本操作要先选取对象,后执行该命令)
6、angle 90: 旋转90 度(本操作要先选取对象,后执行该命令)
二、常用快捷键alias F2 done :结束当前命令alias F3 oops :取消前一次操作alias F4 cancel :取消当前命令alias F5 show element :激活“属性显示”命令alias F6 add connect :执行布线命令alias F7 vertex :激活“增加倒角”命令alias F8 zoom points :点取放大alias F9 zoom fit :满屏显示alias F10 zoom in :放大窗
口alias F11 zoom out :缩小窗口alias F12 property edit :激活“属性编辑”命令funckey + subclass -+ :切换到下一层funckey - subclass --:切换到上一层。
