办理英国短期签证 checklist中英文对照表
英国学生签证所需材料 (含中英翻译)
![英国学生签证所需材料 (含中英翻译)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/734e0e6f011ca300a6c39086.png)
You should read this information guide to help you decide which documents will be useful in supporting the statements that you have made on your visa application form.您应阅读此信息说明,以帮助您决定何种文件将有助于支持您在签证申请表(VAF)上进行的陈述。
Please note that ALL the specified documents must be original and in English or Welsh otherwise you must include a certified English translation that can be independently verified by the UK Border Agency.请注意所有提交的文件都必须为英语或威尔士语原件,否则您必须同时提供可供英国边境管理局(UK Border Agency )独立核查的英文翻译件。
You should also read the Policy Guidance:您可以同时参考以下政策指南:/studyingintheuk/adult-students/evidence/Information about you 个人信息Sponsor – evidence if you are not applying to study English language 担保方–申请非语言课程的材料Sponsor – evidence if you are applying to study English language 担保方–申请英语语言课程的材料Further guidance on the CAS can be found at:更多有关CAS的指南请参考:/studyingintheuk/adult-students/can-you-apply/cas/# ATAS certificatesATASPost graduate doctor or dentist医生或牙医研究生Evidence of your money 您的资金证明Further guidance on money requirements can be found at: /studyingintheuk/adult-students/evidence/money/更多资金要求指南,请参考/studyingintheuk/adult-students/evidence/money/ Evidence about your care arrangements for adult students aged 16 or 17有关16 或17岁成人学生照看安排的材料Bringing your family (dependants)携家人同行(家属)Further guidance on family members can be found at: /studyingintheuk/adult-students/family/#更多关于家庭成员的指南,请参考:/studyingintheuk/adult-students/family/#11。
英国签证 check list
![英国签证 check list](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7c1248eb5ef7ba0d4a733b80.png)
Checklist – General/Adult Student Visa (PBS Tier 4)材料清单-普通/成人学生签证(计分制第四级别)FOR APPLICATIONS MADE ON AND FROM 22 FEBRUARY 2010自2010年2月22日开始使用此材料清单1. I have supplied original documents. 我提交了材料原件2. I have provided a photocopy of all the original documents I want back.需要返还的原件我都提供了复印件3. I have read the Policy Guidance 我已阅读过以下政策指南:/sitecontent/applicationforms/pbs/Tier4migrantguidance.pdfTranslation of Documents 文件翻译Any documents that have to be submitted in support of points claimed, which are not in English or Welsh must be accompanied by a full translation that can be independently verified by the UK Border Agency. The original translation must contain confirmation from the translator that it is:对于所提交的用于证明所得积分的材料,如果是非英文或威尔士文,必须要附上完整的英文翻译件,以供英国边境管理局进行独立查验。
翻译的原件必须包括译者的确认,即所提供文件为:-an accurate translation of the original document; 原始文件的准确翻译-the date of the translation; 翻译日期-the translator’s full name and signature; 译者的全名及签名-the translator’s contact details. 译者的联系方式Applicant Checklist 申请人确认VAC Checklist 签证中心确认Yes 有No无Yes有No无A signed application form (VAF9 PBS) 签字后的VAF9签证申请表A signed Appendix 8 self-assessment form. 签字后的附表8自我评估表Current passport valid for at least 6 months with at least one double-sided page freefor the visa vignette, and any old passports.至少六个月有效期的现有护照,至少在同一页的正反两面有签证空白页,以及已用过的旧护照Visa fee in RMB用人民币支付签证费One recent coloured and unframed passport size photograph taken with a whitebackground. Approx. size should be 45mm x35mm近期无框白底正面彩色照片一张,规格约为45 毫米x35 毫米X X X X XConfirmation of Acceptance For Studies (CAS) Number 学习录取确认(CAS)号码Documents required for all applicants. Please refer to Policy Guidance. It is your responsibility to check with your sponsor the contents of the CAS so that you know which documents are required to support your application. 要求所有申请人提供的文件.请参见政策指南.你有责任与担保方核实CAS的内容,以确保您了解递交申请所需要的支持文件.Original documents of relevant certificates, qualifications or other evidence mentioned by your sponsor in the CASCAS 中担保方涉及的相关证书,资质或其他证明的原始文件Consent letter for16 and 17 year old. 出具给16及17岁学生的同意书Consent letter for 16 and 17 year old living independently. 出具给16及17岁独立生活学生的同意书Birth Certificate (if funding is in parent(s)/legal guardian(s) name) (if under 18) 出生证明(如资金在您父母/法定监护人名下)(如果您18岁以下)Family Book (if funding is in parent(s)/legal guardian(s) name) (if under 18) 户口本(如资金在您父母/法定监护人名下)(如果您18岁以下)Any other supporting documents required by Points Based System Tier 4. 积分制第四级别所要求的任何其他支持文件Maintenance 资金证明Evidence of maintenance must show that funds have been held in your personal or your parent(s)/legal guardian(s) bank account for a minimum period of 28 consecutive days. The end of that 28-day period must not be more than one month before the date of your application.资金证明务必显示该资金已存于您个人或父母(双方或一方)/法定监护人名下,存期至少为28个连续日.您必须在28天存期的截止日期之后的一个月之内递交申请.Evidence of course fees and required maintenance funds as specified in the points based system policy guidance.积分制政策指南中有关资金及学费的相关证明的要求作了具体说明Funds can be in your own name; in a joint account where you are named as one of the account holders; or in your parent(s)/legal guardian(s) name. If in parent(s)/ legal guardian(s) name you must submit family book, birth certificate and letter signed by your parents agreeing to fund your studies and confirming your relationship.资金可以存在您自己名下,在联名帐户中,而您需为帐户持有人之一,或者在您父母(一方或双方)/法定监护人名下.如资金在您父母(一方或双方)/法定监护人名下,您必须递交户口本,出生证明,以及父母签名的信件,同意为您的学习提供资金的支持,并确认与您的关系.Certificate of Deposit, Bank Slip and Bank Book or official Bank Statement. 存款证明,银行存单,存折,或正式的银行对账单 。
1. Name (Familienname) (*2. Familienname bei der Geburt (frühere(r) Familienname(n)) (*)/ Surname at birth (Former family name (s))/3. V orname(n) (Beiname(n)) (*)/ First name (s) (Given name (s))/4. Geburtsdatum (Jahr-Monat-Tag)Date of birth (day-month-year) 出生日期(日-月-年)8. Geschlecht/ Sex/ 性别 * Felder 1-3 sind entsprechend den Angaben im Reisedokument auszufüllen/Fields 1-3 shall be filled in accordance with the data in the travel document/表格第1-3 项须按照旅行证件上的信息填写。
This application form should be filled out in English此表格必须用英文填写19. Derzeitige berufliche Tätigkeit/ Current occupation/ 现职业* 20. Anschrift und Telefonnummer des Arbeitgebers. Für Studenten, Name und Anschrift der Bildungseinrichtung.Employer and employer’s address and telephone number. For students, name and address of educational establishment.工作单位名称,地址和电话,学生填写学校名称及地址21. Hauptzweck(e) der Reise / Main purpose(s) of the journey / 主要旅行目的:□ Tourismus Tourism 旅游□ GeschäftsreiseBusiness商务□ Besuch von Familienangehörigen oder FreundenVisiting Family or Friends探亲访友□ Kultur Cultural 文化□ SportSports体育□ Offizieller BesuchOfficial visit官方访问□ Gesundheitliche Gründe Medical reasons医疗□ StudiumStudy学习□ DurchreiseTransit过境□ Flughafentransit Airport transit 机场过境□ Sonstiges (bitte nähere Angaben) Other (please specify)其它(请注明)22. Bestimmungsmitgliedstaat(en)Member State (s) of destination目的申根国23. Mitgliedstaat der ersten EinreiseMember State of first entry首入申根国24. Anzahl der beantragten EinreisenNumber of entries requested申请入境次数25. Dauer des geplanten Aufenthalts oder der DurchreiseDuration of the intended stay or transit预计逗留期或过境期□ Einmalige Einreise Single entry/ 一次□ Zweimalige EinreiseTwo entries/ 两次Anzahl der Tage angebenIndicate number of days逗留或过境天数□ Mehrfache EinreiseMultiple entries/ 多次26. Schengen-Visa, die in den vergangenen drei Jahren erteilt wurdenSchengen visas issued during the past three years过去三年获批的申根签证□ Keine / No/ 没有□ Ja/ Yes/ 有Gültig von/ Date (s) of validity from有效期自bis/ to 至27. Wurden Ihre Fingerabdrücke bereits für die Zwecke eines Antrags auf ein Schengen-Visum erfasst?Fingerprints collected previously for the purpose of applying for a Schengen visa以往申请申根签证是否有指纹纪录□ Nein/ No/ 没有 □ Ja/ Yes/ 有Datum (falls bekannt) / Date, if known / 如有,请注明日期………………………………28. Ggf.Einreisegenehmigung für das Endbestimmungsland/ Entry permit for the final country of destination, where applicable最终目的国入境许可,如适用请注明Ausgestellt durch/ Issued by/ 签发机关Gültig von/ Valid from/ 有效期自…………bis/ until/ 至……………29. Geplantes Ankunftsdatum im Schengen-RaumIntended date of arrival in the Schengen area预计进入申根国日期30.Geplantes Abreisedatum aus dem Schengen-RaumIntended date of departure from the Schengen area 预计离开申根国日期Die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder müssen von Familienangehörigen von Unionsbürgern und von Staatsangehörigen des EWR oder der Schweiz(Ehegatte, Kind oder abhängiger Verwandter in aufsteigender Linie)in Ausübung ihres Rechts auf Freizügigkeit nicht ausgefüllt werden.Diese müssen allerdings ihre Verwandtschaftsbeziehung anhand von Dokumenten nachweisen und die Felder Nr. 34 und 35 ausfüllen. (x)Die Felder 1-3 sind entsprechend den Angaben im Reisedokument auszufüllen.The fields marked with * shall not be filled by family members of EU, EEA or CH citizens (spouse, child or dependent ascendant) while exercising their right to free movement. Family members of EU, EEA or CH citizens shall present documents to prove this relationship and fill in fields No 34 and 35.欧盟、欧洲经济区或瑞士公民的家庭成员(配偶、子女或赡养的老人)有行使其自由往来的权利,不必回答带(*)号的问题。
(按照字母排列)Aaccompanying number 同行人数airport 机场airport fee 机场费arrivals 进港、到达arrival lobby 入境大厅Bbaggage claim 行李领取belt 带子,传送带boarding 登机boarding pass (card) 登机牌Ccheck-in 登机手续办理China 中国Chinese 中国人,中文customer 顾客customs 海关customs declaration 海关申报Ddate 日期date of Birth 生日delayed 延误departure(s) 出港、离开西departure lounge 候机室departure time 起飞时间domestic airport 国内机场domestic departure 国内航班出站Eeast 东Emergency Exit 紧急出口employee only 只限工作人员进入Exit 出口Ffamily name 姓female 女性first name 名flight No. 航班号flight number 航班号Ggate 登机口gent's/gentlemen's 男厕所given name 名goods to declare 报关物品Iimmigration 入境in 入口international 国际international airport 国际机场international departure 国际航班出港international passengers 国际航班旅客Llady's 女厕所lavatories 厕所level 1 1楼L1 1楼lift 电梯luggage claim 行李领取处luggage tag 行李标签Mmale 男性men's 男厕所money exchange 货币兑换处month 月Nno entry 请勿进入no smoking 不准吸烟north 北nothing to declare 不需报关number 数字,号码Ooccupation 职业occupied 使用中office 办公室out 出口,外面Ppassport control immigration护照检查处passport No. 护照号码police 警察public phone 共用电话Q queue here在此排队R rest room 厕所Sscheduled time 预计时间seat No. 座号service 服务人员sex 性别smoking room 吸烟室signature 签名south 南Ttelephone 电话ticket 票time 时间toilet 厕所transfer 中转transfer correspondence中转处transfer passengers 中转旅客transit 过境Vvacant 空闲room 贵宾室Wwater 水way out 出口window 窗口women's 女厕所west 西Y year 年厕所中英对照厕所Toilet /rest room/lavatories(飞机的厕所上用这个词比较多) 女厕所lady或者ladies/lady ’s/women男厕所gents/gent ‘s/gentlemen ‘s/men或者men’s厕所使用中occupied厕所空闲中vacant识别航班时刻表世界各航空公司的候机楼大厅内都设有大型的电动航班时刻表, 并在一些主要位置分设有无数小型的类似电视机形状的小型时刻表。
股权证(开户确认)Confirmation on Opening of Account of Share BAccount No. of shares:C000000000Date of open: April 4, 2001Name of the account owner: **ID card No.: 000000000000000Communication address: 17 Zhichun Road, BeijingName of the member opening account: Guotai Junan Securities Co., LtdCode of the member opening account: ***Seal of the member opening account:Extra explanation:1.This confirmation is a share account card that should be showed by the members who has opened account to the inves tor and shall be used in the transaction of share B in Shanghai.2.This confirmation showed by members who has opened account must be affixed with seal.3.The name of members who opens account must be in full na me.4.Code of member who has opened account is its account sett lement code.5.The investor shall contact with his designated member promp tly if loses of this confirmation.6.Contact with its designated member promptly if the name, I D cards and communications of investor changes.企业法人营业执照Business LicenseFor Enterprise’s Legal PersonRegistration No.: 000000000000Date of Establishment: June 26, 1996Registration Office: TIANJIN ADMINISTRATION FOR INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE (SEAL)December 4, 2003Indication for yearly check: Take yearly check between Janu ary 1 and April 30 every year. The operation qualification shall be lost if not check on time. Report the yearly check materials before March 15. Otherwise the enterprise s hall undertake delay penalty.Jinqi, No. 0000000Enterprise Name: Guangyang Decoration Work Co., Ltd in the Development Area, TianjinResidence: Room 205 of Liantong Office Building, 3 Xiaoyuan , No. 1 Street, Development Area, TianjinLegal Representative: ***Registered Capital: RMB Three Million and Eight Hundred Tho usand yuanType of Enterprise: Company of limited liabilityScope of Business: Design for outdoor decoration work; home decoration; wholesale and retail of building and decoratio n materials, articles of artistic industry, general merchand ise, hardware, electrical articles, chemical engineering goodother dangerous goods), electrical appliances installation. I f there is special rules for special items, execute in ac cordance with the rules; for those involve the above-said approval, it shall follow the valid period of the approval .作者:liurenli2005-9-2 18:10 回复此发言2 签证准备材料英文翻译样本及翻译要求Term of Business: From June 26, 1996 to June 26, 2005企业法人营业执照(副本)Business LicenseFor Enterprise’s Legal Person(Duplicate copy)Registration No.: 00000000000Enterprise Name: Guangyang Decoration Work Co., Ltd in the Development Area, TianjinResidence: Room 205 of Liantong Office Building, 3 Xiaoyuan, No. 1 Street, Development Area, TianjinLegal Representative: ***Registered Capital: RMB Three Million and Eight Hundred Thou sand yuanType of Enterprise: Company of limited liability Scope of Business: Design for outdoor decoration work; home decoration; wholesale and retail of building and decoration materials, articles of artistic industry, general merchandis e, hardware, electrical articles, chemical engineering goodsr dangerous goods), electrical appliances installation. If th ere is special rules for special items, execute in accordan ce with the rules; for those involve the above-said approva l, it shall follow the valid period of the approval.Term of Business: From June 26, 1996 to June 26, 2005 Date of Establishment: June 26, 1996Jinqi, No. 0000000Explanation1.Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person is the certi ficate for enterprise to obtain legal person qualification a nd legal operation.2.Business License for Enterprise’s Legal Person has an origi nal copy and a duplicate copy. Both of the two copies hav e the same legal forces. The original copy of business lic ense shall place in an eye-catching position in the address of enterprise’s legal person. The enterprise’s legal pers on could apply many duplicate copies to the registration of fice according to need.3.The business license shall not be fabricated, altered, lease d, lent or transferred. Any bodies other than the registrat ion office shall not detain, take over or cancel the licen se.4.The enterprise’s legal person shall conduct its business op eration within the approved business scope.5.The enterprise’s legal person shall apply an alternation re gistration to the original registration office for a change of the registered items.6.The registration office shall conduct yearly check on the e nterprise’s legal person between January 1 and April 30 ev ery year.7.Return the original and duplicate copies of business license when canceling the registration. The business license shall become invalid automatically if withdrew by the registratio n office.Yearly check conditions of the enterprise’s legal person Yearly check for enterprise in 2003, grade 4, Special seal for yearly check of Tianjin Administration for Industry an d Commerce (seal)February 5, 2004Registration office: Tianjin Administration for Industry and Commerce (Seal)December 4, 2003暂住证Certificate for Temporary Resident of BeijingPrinted by Beijing Public Security BureauPoints of Attention1.This certificate is a legal document to certify the tempora ry residence of personals in Beijing from other places.作者:liurenli2005-9-2 18:10 回复此发言3 签证准备材料英文翻译样本及翻译要求2.This certificate shall be under proper keep, took with the person for the sake of check. It shall not be fabricated , alternated or lent to others. Loss of the certificate sh all be reported to public security bodies promptly and appl y to re-issue in accordance with relevant regulations.3.Come to police station to transact alternation procedures in case of change of temporary residence address.4.The longest valid period of this certificate is one year. It shall become invalid when the period expires.CIssued by:Name ***Sex Male Date of Birth August 12, 1982Date of arriving this city March 3, 2003Permanent residence addressNo. 904 of Saige Apartment, Huaqiang South Road, Municipal District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong ProvinceTemporary residence addressStudent’s dormitory within the courtyard of Agricultural Uni versity, Family Members Committee of Agricultural University Present service unitInternational College of the Agricultural UniversityID Card No. 00000000000000Valid period From December 19, 2003 to December 18, 2004 No. C000000000000000Registration for change of temporary residence addressMove-out date Move to (address) Move-in datePostpone registrationCheck recordDate Check condition Check unitCheck recordDate Check condition Check unit房产证Housing Ownership Certificate of the P. R. C.Printed by the Ministry of Construction of the P. R. C. Sale residence house by cost priceBeijing Real Estate Certificate Chaosi zi No.: 000000In accordance with the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Urban Real Estate, in order to pr otect the legal rights and interests of the house-owners, t he Real Estate listed on this Certificate, which was applie d by the house-owner, is confirmed to be authentic, and it is hereby to issue this Certificate.Issued by: Beijing Land and Natural Resource & House Manage ment Bureau (Seal)House owner ***House location Building 5, Nongfengli, Chaoyang District Land No. 0-0-0-00 (0) Real estate category PrivateHouse status Building No. Room No. StructureTotal story numbers of the buildingStory number the house in Building area Design purpose5 Room 1 of Entrance 7 Admixture6 6 63.77 ResidenceTotal 63.77Person number of co- ownership Co-ownership certificate No.from toSummary of land use conditionsLand certificate No. Usable floor areaOwnership quality Use period From toSummary of the right of other designed itemsObligee Right category Right scope Right value (yuan)Designed date Agreed period Cancellation dateFootnote如实填写Issued by: Beijing Land and Natural Resource & House Manage ment Bureau of Chaoyang District作者:liurenli2005-9-2 18:10 回复此发言4 签证准备材料英文翻译样本及翻译要求Beijing Land and Natural Resource & House Management Bureauof Chaoyang District (seal)Date of Issue: May 10, 2001Beijing Real Estate Registration FormPage 1 of 1Area unit: m2House location Building 5, Nongfengli, Chaoyang District Drawing No. 0-0-0- (00)House owner *** Land No.Real estate category Private House usage Residential houseLand area Total area of building and single-story house Shared area of apportionment 1290.21Building area of single-story house Building area of building 63.77 Total building area of building and single-story house 63.77Building No. Site and Room No. Structure Total story number Story number the house locate Year of constructionBuilding area Floor area of the building Usable areaTotal In whichSet No. Building area within the set (include balcony) Building area of the balcony Building area of sharing Building area of part ownership5 No. 1 of Entrance 7 Admixture6 6 63.77 1 7.72Shared area of apportionment 1290.21 42.05Summary of this pageTotal 63.77 1 7.72 42.05Footnote: there is with a building area of m2, which is not included in t he total building area.Note The coefficient is 1.333Date of mapping: March 31, 2000 Fill-in person: Check person: Date of filling in the form: March 31, 2000Printed by Beijing Real Estate Surveying and Drawing Office. It shall not be copied.Ground plan of the real estateDrawing No.:Points of Attention1.This certificate is a legal document to certify the real e state ownership. The real estate ownership is under the pro tection of the laws of the People’s Republic of China.2.The real estate owner shall strictly observe the laws, regu lations and rules related to real estate of the country.3.The obligee shall apply a registration to the property righ t registration office of local people’s government where th e real estate locates by holding relevant certificate in th e specified period of time for the following conditions: th e transfer of the real estate (result from buying or selli ng, exchange, conferment, succession, property division, assig nment, transfer, court decision etc.); alternation conditions (the change of the legal name of real estate’s obligee or the change of the street where the house locate and th e house number, the change of present conditions due to pa rtial construction, remove, collapse, burn down of the house ); establishment of other rights (right to mortgage, right to pawn of the real estate etc.); rights for the real e state terminate owning to loss of house or land, the expir ation of usable period of the land and the termination of other rights etc.4.Any other units or individuals other than the certificate-is suing office and filling-in unit shall not make registration or stamp their seals on this certificate.5.Holder of the real estate ownership certificate shall bring forth this certificate when the administration department o f real estate needs to check the property right due to th e need of work.作者:liurenli2005-9-2 18:10 回复此发言0000.00030715 HKD Jiangling B Buy in 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00 030724 AMD Dongdian share B Dividend in 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00030728 AMD Longdian share B Dividend in 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00030730 AMD Youyi share B Dividend in 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00030929 HKD Jiangling B Dividend in 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00031031 HKD Jiangling B Sell out 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00031031 HKD Hangqilun B Buy in 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00 031103 AMD Dongdian share B Sell out 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00031103 HKD Hangqilun B Sell out 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00031103 HKD Zhaoshangju B Buy in 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00031104 AMD Baoxin share B Buy in 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00031105 AMD Kaima share B Buy in 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00031120 AMD Youyi share B Sell out 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00031120 AMD Baoxin share B Buy in 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00031121 AMD Kaima share B Buy in 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00031222 AMD Kaima share B Sell out 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00031222 AMD Dongdian share B Buy in 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00031222 AMD Interest in 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00 031222 AMD Charge tax 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00 031225 HKD Zhaoshangju B Sell out 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00031225 HKD Jingdongfang B Buy in 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00040105 AMD Erong share B Sell out 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00040105 AMD Baoxin share B Buy in 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.000000.00作者:liurenli2005-9-2 18:10 回复此发言6 签证准备材料英文翻译样本及翻译要求040109 HKD Jingdongfang B Buy in 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00040216 HKD Shalongda B Buy in 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00 040305 AMD Dongdian share B Sell out 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00040305 AMD Longdian share B Sell out 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00040305 AMD Baoxin share B Sell out 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00040305 AMD Longdian share B Sell out 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00040310 AMD Cash withdrawal 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00 040311 AMD Longdian share B Buy in 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00040401 AMD Interest in 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00 040401 AMD Charge tax 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00 040401 AMD Cash withdrawal 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00 040401 HKD Cash deposit 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00 040401 HKD Cash withdrawal 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00 040401 HKD Cash withdrawal 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00 040401 AMD Cash withdrawal 0000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0000.00 0000.00Check list for balance of shareExpiration date: April 5, 2004Shareholder’s account Share code Share name Present balance Usable balance Cost price Recent quotation Share’s market value 0000000000 900937 Longdian share B 0000 0000 0.00 0.00 000.00AMDPresent total capital: 000.00 capital balance: 0.00share’s market value: 000.00HKD Present total capital: 0.00 capital balance : 0.00 share’s market value: 0.00居民户口簿Household RegisterUnder Supervision of The Ministry of Public Security of P.R .CPoints for Attention1.The Household Register has a legal force to identify the s tatus of a citizen and the relationship of family members. It’s a main basis for the household registration office to make residence investigation and check. When the househol d registration office makes residence investigation and check , the householder or anyone of the family members shall br ing forth on his/her own initiative the Household Register.2.The Household Register shall be under proper keep of the h ouseholder. No alter, transfer and lease is allowed. The lo ss of the Household Register must be reported to the house hold registration office promptly.3.Only the household registration office has the power to mak e registration on the Household Register. No any other unit s and individuals are allowed to make any records on it.4.Any increase or decrease of family members in the household or any alteration of the registration items shall be regi stered on the Household Register by reporting to the household registration office.5.If the whole family has moved out of the jurisdictional ar ea of the residence, the Household Register shall be submit ted to the household registration office for cancellation.Household No. 00000000Classification of household Non-agricultural HouseholdName of Householder ***Household number ResidenceNo. 761 of Unit 7, Building 5, Nongfengli, Chaoyang Distric t作者:liurenli2005-9-2 18:10 回复此发言7 签证准备材料英文翻译样本及翻译要求Special Seal for provincial-level organ of public security:Special Seal for Household Registration, Beijing Public Securit y BureauSpecial seal for the household registration office:Sp ecial Seal for Household Registration, Hujialou Police Statio n, Beijing Public Security BureauSeal of undertaker:Date of issu e: January 19, 1999Registration of changed items and record of changeAddress after change Date of change Seal of the undertakerRegistration Card for Resident PopulationName *** Householder or Relation with the householder HouseholderUsed Name Sex MalePlace of birth Laishui County, Hebei Province Nationality Han Place of origin Laishui County, Hebei Province Date of birth May 15, 1955Other addresses in this city Religious beliefID card No. 000000000000000 Height 172cm Blood type A Educational background Undergraduate Marital status Married Military service statusUnit of Service The Ministry of Agriculture Profession Worker When and from where moved to this City (County)August 11, 1986When and from where moved to this addressMoved from the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fishery, Dongcheng District on August 27, 1986Seal of undertaker:Date of registration: July 1, 1998Registration of changed items and record of changeItems Change, after change Date of changeSeal of the undertakerUnit of Service:Beijing Kangmu Veterinarian Instruments Center August 2, 2002ID card No. 000000000000000000 April 19, 2001Registration Card for Resident PopulationName *** Householder or Relation with the householder Householder's wifeUsed Name Sex FemalePlace of birth Qingyuan County, Hebei Province Nationality Han Place of origin Qingyuan County, Hebei Province Date of birth June 21, 1956Other addresses in this city Religious beliefID card No. 000000000000000 Height 163cm Blood type O Educational background Undergraduate Marital statusMarried Military service statusUnit of Service The Ministry of Agriculture Profession Worker When and from where moved to this City (County)Moved from Qingyuan County, Hebei Province on August 1, 198 6When and from where moved to this addressMoved from the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fishery, Dongcheng District on August 27, 1986Seal of undertaker:Date of registration: July 1, 1998 Registration of changed items and record of changeItems Change, after change Date of changeSeal of the undertakerID card No. 000000000000000000 April 19, 2001Registration Card for Resident PopulationName ** Householder or Relation with the householder Householder's daughterUsed Name Sex FemalePlace of birth Beijing city Nationality HanPlace of origin Laishui County, Hebei Province Date of birth December 24, 1982Other addresses in this city Religious beliefID card No. 000000000000000 Height 163cm Blood type A作者:liurenli2005-9-2 18:10 回复此发言8 签证准备材料英文翻译样本及翻译要求Educational background Junior Middle School Marital statusMilitary service statusUnit of Service Beijing No. 27 Middle School Profession Student When and from where moved to this City (County)When and from where moved to this addressMoved from the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fishery, Dongcheng District on August 27, 1986Seal of undertaker:Date of registration: July 1, 1998常住人口登记卡Registration Card for Resident PopulationNo.: 00000000Name *** Householder or Relation with the householder: Collectivity registrationUsed Name Sex FemalePlace of birth Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Nationality Han Place of origin Shaanxi Province Date of birth March 24, 1984 Other addresses in this city Religious beliefID card No. 000000000000000000 Height 166cm Blood type A Educational background Undergraduate Marital statusMilitary service status OthersUnit of ServiceClass 3 of International Trade Major, Grade 2002 of China Agricultural University Profession StudentWhen and from where moved to this City (County)Moved from 44-6-1-302 Jinning North Street, Jiefang West Str eet Police Station, Yinchuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Re gion on January 2, 2003When and from where moved to this addressSeal of undertaker:Date of registration: January 7, 2003缴税单(企业完税单)Pay-in Warrant in Common Use in Taxation of the P. R. C.Subordinate relationship:(2002) Jindijiaodian No. 0777049Type of registration: Private company of limited liabilityFill-in and issue date: August 5, 2003 Collecting body: Local Taxation Bureau of the Development AreaState Administration of Taxation Print Supervision Seal for Taxation (seal)Pay-in unit (individual) Code 00000000 Budget account No.AW 000000Full nameGuangyang Decoration Work Co., Ltd in the Development Area, Tianjin Name Sales taxDeposit bank Tianma Branch Savings Counter LevelDistrict and county levelAccount No. 000000000000000000 Which treasury the tax pays in Tanggu Central Sub-treasuryWhich period of time the tax belongs to: From July 1, 200 3 to July 31, 2003 Specified paying date: August 5, 2003 Tax categories/tax items Amou nt charging tax Tax rateTax amountConstruction and installation200000.00 0.030006000.00Urban construction maintenance tax6000.00 0.07000420.00Additional education tax6000.000.03000 180.00Avoid flood tax6000.00 0.0100060.00Total amount(Capital form): RMB Six thousand six hundred and sixty yuan Pay-in unit (individual)(Seal)Undertaker (Seal)Taxation authorities Tax Report Center of Local Taxation Bur eau of Tianjin (seal)Fill-in person (seal)Amount listed above has been received and transferred to th e receiver’s accountantBusiness Process Seal (3) of Tianjin City Commercial Bank Tianma Branch, August 5, 2003 (Seal)T reasury (bank)’s seal month day year NoteRMB 6660.00 yuan作者:liurenli2005-9-2 18:10 回复此发言9 签证准备材料英文翻译样本及翻译要求It is invalid without the seal for payment received of the bank. Charge overdue fine for not paying when time exceed s according to the regulations of taxation law.The first copy (invoice) shall be returned to the pay-in u nit (individual) as tax payment receipt after the treasury (bank) has received the payment and fixed seal on it.毕业证翻译General Higher Institute of LearningGRADUATION CERTIFICATE(Translation)(Photo of Holder)This is to certify that TC ,born on August x,xxxx,was admi tted to the International Economy and Trade Specialty of De partment of Economics of xxxxxxx in September xxxx and ha d successfully accomplished all the courses required by thefour-year undergraduate program with satisfactory results by June xxxx.Thus,she is allowed to graduate.President:Chen Hong (Seal)Xxxxxxxxxx university ( Seal)Date:July 1,200xSchool Number:100371200xxxxxxxx父母经济担保说明书父母经济担保声明书XX (名字)我们,XXX(名字)和XXX(名字)是上述学生(XX 名字)的父母。
中英文对照机场指示牌、 机票、出入境卡、签证
![中英文对照机场指示牌、 机票、出入境卡、签证](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b76a9e632e3f5727a5e9628e.png)
(转帖)中英文对照机场指示牌、机票、出入境卡、签证机场指示牌中文英文中文英文机场费airport fee 出站(出港、离开)departures国际机场international airport 登机手续办理check-in国内机场domestic airport 登机牌boarding pass (card)机场候机楼airport terminal 护照检查处passport control immigration国际候机楼international terminal 行李领取处luggage claim; baggage claim 国际航班出港international departure 国际航班旅客international passengers 国内航班出站domestic departure 中转transfers卫星楼satellite 中转旅客transfer passengers人口in 中转处transfer correspondence出口exit; out; way out 过境transit进站(进港、到达)arrivals 报关物品goods to declare不需报关nothing to declare 贵宾室V. I. P. room海关customs 购票处ticket office登机口gate; departure gate 付款处cash候机室departure lounge 出租车taxi航班号FLT No (flight number) 出租车乘车点Taxipick-up point来自...... arriving from 大轿车乘车点coachpick-up point预计时间scheduled time (SCHED) 航空公司汽车服务处airline coach service 实际时间actual 租车处(旅客自己驾车) car hire已降落landed 公共汽车bus; coach service前往...... departure to 公用电话public phone; telephone起飞时间departure time 厕所toilet; W. C; lavatories; rest room延误delayed 男厕men's; gent's; gentlemen's登机boarding 女厕women's; lady's由此乘电梯前往登机stairs and lifts to departures 餐厅restaurant迎宾处greeting arriving 酒吧bar由此上楼up; upstairs 咖啡馆coffee shop; cafe由此下楼down; downstairs 免税店duty-free shop银行bank 邮局post office货币兑换处money exchange; currency exchange 出售火车票rail ticket订旅馆hotel reservation 旅行安排tour arrangement行李暂存箱luggage locker 行李牌luggage tag机票飞机票(指限定条件) endoresement/restrictions 前往城市to旅客姓名name of passenger 承运人(公司) carrier旅行经停地点good for passage between 航班号flight no.起点城市from 座舱等级class (fare basis)起飞日期date 机号plane No.起飞时间time 机座号seat No.订座情况status 吸烟坐位smoking seat机票确认ticket confirm 非吸烟席non-smoking seat登机口gate出(入)境卡姓family name 年year名First (Given) Name 月month性别sex 偕行人数accompanying number男male 职业occupation女female 专业技术人员professionals & technical国籍nationality 行政管理人员legislators &administrators国籍country of citizenship 办事员clerk护照号passport No. 商业人员commerce (Business People)原住地country of Origin (Country where you live) 服务人员service前往目的地国destination country 农民farmer登机城市city where you boarded 工人worker签证签发地city where visa was issued 其他others签发日期date issue 无业jobless前往国家的住址address while in 签名signature街道及门牌号number and street 官方填写official use only城市及国家city and state 日day出生日期date of Birth (Birthdate)签证姓surname 失效日期(或必须在...日之前入境) expiry date ( 或before) 名first (given) name 停留期为...... for stays of性别sex 10天ten days出生日期birthdate 8周eight weeks国籍nationality 3个月three months护照号passport No. 6个月six months编号control No. 1年one year签发地Issue At 3年three years签发日期Issue Date (或On) 签证种类visa type(class)bus 公共汽车driver 汽车司机double decker bus 双层公共汽车coach, motor coach, bus 大客车taxi, taxicab 计程汽车,出租汽车trolleybus 无轨电车tramcar, streetcar 电车,有轨电车underground, tube, subway 地铁stop 停车站taxi rank, taxi stand 计程汽车车站,出租汽车总站taxi driver, cab driver 出租车司机conductor 售票员inspector 检查员,稽查员ride 乘车minimum fare (of a taxi) 最低车费railway 铁路(美作:railroad)track 轨道train 火车railway system, railway net-work 铁路系统express train 特别快车fast train 快车through train 直达快车stopping train, slow train 慢车excursion train 游览列车commuter train, suburban train 市郊火车railcar 轨道车carriage 车厢sleeping car, sleeper 卧车dining car, restaurant car, luncheon car 餐车sleeper with couchettes 双层卧铺车berth, bunk 铺位up train 上行车down train 下行车luggage van, baggage car 行李车mail car 邮政车station, railway station 车站,火车站station hall 车站大厅booking office, ticket office 售票处ticket-collector, gateman 收票员platform 月台,站台platform ticket 站台票buffet 小卖部waiting room 候车室platform bridge 天桥left-luggage office 行李暂存处platform-ticket 验票门terminal, terminus 终点站passenger train 客车car attendant, train attendant 列车员conductor 列车长rack, baggage rack 行李架left-luggage office 行李房(美作:checkroom) registration 登记timetable 时刻表change, transfer 换乘connection 公铁交接处ticket inspector 验票员porter 搬运工人to change trains at... 在(某地)换车the train is due at... 在(某时)到达to break the journey 中途下车boat, ship 船sailing boat, sailing ship 帆船yacht 游船(ocean) liner 远洋班轮packet boat 定期客船,班轮cabin 船舱hovercraft 气垫船life buoy 救生圈lifeboat 救生艇life jacket 救生衣cabin, stateroom 客舱first-class stateroom (cabin) 头等舱second-class stateroom (cabin) 二等舱third-class cabin 三等舱steerage 统舱gang-plank 跳板crossing 横渡cruise 游弋to embark, to ship 乘船to land 抵岸to sail at a speed of 20 knots 航速为20节to transship 换船to disembark 上岸to board a ship; to embark; to go aboard 上船to disembark from a ship, to go ashore, to land 下船on board a ship, aboard 在船上to stop over at... 中途在……停留civil aviation 民用航空plane, aircraft, airplane 飞机airliner 班机jet, supersonic plane 喷气机airliner, passenger aircraft 客机medium-haul aircraft 中程飞机long-range aircraft, long-haul aircraft 远程飞机propeller-driven aircraft 螺旋桨飞机jet (aircraft) 喷气飞机turbofan jet 涡轮风扇飞机turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨飞机turbojet 涡轮喷气飞机by air, by plane 乘飞机airline 航空线passenger cabin 客舱tourist class 普通舱,经济舱first class 一等舱waiting list 登机票名单customs formalities 报关单boarding check 登机牌airport 航空港air terminal 航空集散站tarmac 停机坪air hostess, stewardess 空中小姐,女乘务员steward 乘务员aircraft crew, air crew 机组,机务人员pilot 驾驶员takeoff 起飞landing 着陆to board a plane, get into a plane 上飞机to get off a plane, alight from a plane 下飞机non-stop flight to 飞往,直飞in transit 运送中的air pocket(大气中使飞机突然下跌的)气陷,气穴check-in luggage 托运行李、round timearrival timeTime staff in place人员到位时间。
Length of StayLength of Stay Chinese (People's Republic of China)Year(s) 年Month(s) 月Week(s) 周Day(s) 天Less Than 24 Hours 24小时之内MonthMonth Chinese (People's Republic of China)Jan 一月Feb 二月Mar 三月Apr 四月May 五月Jun 六月Jul 七月Aug 八月Sep 九月Oct 十月Nov 十一月Dec 十二月Payer Relationship - PersonPayer Relationship - Person Chinese (People's Republic of China)Child 子女Parent 父母Spouse 配偶Other Relative 其他亲属Employer 雇主Friend 朋友Other 其他Purpose of Trip to U.S.Purpose of Trip to U.S. Chinese (People's Republic of China)PLEASE SELECT A VISA CLASS 请选择签证种类FOREIGN GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL (A) 外国政府官员(A)TEMP. BUSINESS PLEASURE VISIT (B) 临时商务及旅游(B)ALIEN IN TRANSIT (C) 过境的外国公民(C)CNMI WORKER OR INVESTOR (CW/E2C) 北马里亚纳工作者或投资者(CW/E2C)CREWMEMBER (D) 机船组人员(D)TREATY TRADER OR INVESTOR (E) 贸易协议国贸易人员或投资者(E)ACADEMIC OR LANGUAGE STUDENT (F) 学术或语言学生(F)INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION REP./EMP. (G) 国际组织代表/雇员(G)TEMPORARY WORKER (H) 临时工作(H)FOREIGN MEDIA REPRESENTATIVE (I) 外国媒体代表(I)EXCHANGE VISITOR (J) 交流访问者(J)FIANCé(E) OR SPOUSE OF A U.S. CITIZEN (K) 美国公民的未婚夫(妻)或配偶(K) INTRACOMPANY TRANSFEREE (L) 公司内部调派人员(L)VOCATIONAL/NONACADEMIC STUDENT (M) 职业/非学术学校的学生(M) OTHER (N) 其它(N)NATO STAFF (NATO) 北大西洋公约组织雇员(NATO)ALIEN WITH EXTRAORDINARY ABILITY (O) 具有特殊才能的人员(O) INTERNATIONALL Y RECOGNIZED ALIEN (P) 国际承认的外国人士(P) CULTURAL EXCHANGE VISITOR (Q) 文化交流访问者(Q)RELIGIOUS WORKER (R) 宗教人士(R)INFORMANT OR WITNESS (S) 提供信息者或证人(S)VICTIM OF TRAFFICKING (T) 人口贩运受害者(T)NAFTA PROFESSIONAL (TD/TN) 北美自由贸易协议专业人员(TD/TN)VICTIM OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY (U) 犯罪活动的受害者(U)SpecifySpecify Chinese (People's Republic of China)AMBASSADOR OR PUBLIC MINISTER (A1) 大使或公使(A1)CAREER DIPLOMA T/CONSULAR OFFICER (A1) 职业外交官/领事官员(A1) SPOUSE OF AN A1 (A1) A1的配偶(A1)CHILD OF AN A1 (A1) A1的小孩(A1)FOREIGN OFFICIAL/EMPLOYEE (A2) 外国官员/雇员(A2)SPOUSE OF AN A2 (A2) A2的配偶(A2)CHILD OF AN A2 (A2) A2的小孩(A2)PERSONAL EMP. OF AN A1 OR A2 (A3) A1或A2的私人雇员(A3)SPOUSE OF AN A3 (A3) A3的配偶(A3)CHILD OF AN A3 (A3) A3的小孩(A3)BUSINESS/CONFERENCE (B1) 商务/会议(B1)TOURISM/MEDICAL TREATMENT (B2) 旅游/就医(B2)BUSINESS/PERSONAL (B1/B2) 商务/个人访问(B1/B2)BORDER CROSSING CARD/LASER VISA (BCC) 边境卡/激光签证(BCC) TRANSIT (C1) 过境(C1)CREWMEMBER IN TRANSIT (C1/D) 机船组人员过境(C1/D)TRANSIT TO U.N. HEADQUARTERS (C2) 过境前往联合国总部(C2) FOREIGN OFFICIAL IN TRANSIT (C3) 外国官员过境(C3)PERSONAL EMP. OF A C3 (C3) C3的私人雇员(C3)SPOUSE OF A C3 (C3) C3的配偶(C3)CHILD OF A C3 (C3) C3的小孩(C3)CNMI LONG TERM INVESTOR (E2C) 北马里亚纳联邦长期投资折(E2C)CNMI TEMPORARY WORKER (CW1) 北马里亚纳联邦临时工作(CW1)SPOUSE OF A CW1 (CW2) CW1的配偶(CW2)CHILD OF A CW1 (CW2) CW1的小孩(CW2)CREWMEMBER (D) 机船组人员(D)TREATY TRADER (E1) 协议贸易国人员(E1)SPOUSE OF AN E1 (E1) E1的配偶(E1)CHILD OF AN E1 (E1) E1的小孩(E1)EXECUTIVE/MGR/ESSENTIAL EMP (E1) 执行人员/经理/重要雇员(E1)EXECUTIVE/MGR/ESSENTIAL EMP (E2) 执行人员/经理/重要雇员(E2)TREATY INVESTOR (E2) 协议投资者(E2)SPOUSE OF AN E2 (E2) E2的配偶(E2)CHILD OF AN E2 (E2) E2的小孩(E2)AUSTRALIAN IN SPEC. OCCUPATION (E3) 从事特殊行业的澳大利亚公民(E3)SPOUSE OF AN E3 (E3D) E3的配偶(E3D)CHILD OF AN E3 (E3D) E3的小孩(E3D)RETURNING E3 (E3R) E3返签(E3R)STUDENT (F1) 学生(F1)SPOUSE OF AN F1 (F2) F1的配偶(F2)CHILD OF AN F1 (F2) F1的小孩(F2)COMMUTER STUDENT (F3) 走读学生(F3)PRINCIPAL REPRESENTA TIVE (G1) 主要代表(G1)STAFF OF PRINCIPAL REPRESENTA TIVE (G1) 主要代表的职员(G1)SPOUSE OF A G1 (G1) G1的配偶(G1)CHILD OF A G1 (G1) G1的小孩(G1)REPRESENTATIVE (G2) 代表(G2)SPOUSE OF A G2 (G2) G2的配偶(G2)CHILD OF A G2 (G2) G2的小孩(G2)NON-RECOGNIZED/-MEMBER COUNTRY REP(G3) 美国不承认的国家驻国际组织的代表(G3)SPOUSE OF A G3 (G3) G3的配偶(G3)CHILD OF A G3 (G3) G3的小孩(G3)INTERNATIONAL ORG. EMPLOYEE (G4) 国际组织雇员(G4)SPOUSE OF A G4 (G4) G4的配偶(G4)CHILD OF A G4 (G4) G4的小孩(G4)PERSONAL EMP. OF A G1, 2, 3, OR 4 (G5) G1、2、3或4的私人雇员(G5)SPOUSE OF A G5 (G5) G5的配偶(G5)CHILD OF A G5 (G5) G5的小孩(G5)SPECIALTY OCCUPATION (H1B) 特殊工作(H1B)CHILEAN SPEC. OCCUPA TION (H1B1) 从事特定职业的智利人(H1B1)SINGAPOREAN SPEC. OCCUPA TION (H1B1) 从事特定职业的新加坡人(H1B1)NURSE IN SHORTAGE AREA (H1C) 申请赴护士匮乏地区的签证(H1C)AGRICULTURAL WORKER (H2A) 农业工人(H2A)NONAGRICULTURAL WORKER (H2B) 非农业工人(H2B)TRAINEE (H3) 参加培训人员(H3)SPOUSE OF AN H (H4) H的配偶(H4)CHILD OF AN H (H4) H的小孩(H4)FOREIGN MEDIA REPRESENTATIVE (I) 外国媒体代表(I)CHILD OF AN I (I) I的小孩(I)SPOUSE OF AN I (I) I的配偶(I)EXCHANGE VISITOR (J1) 交流访问者(J1)CHILD OF A J1 (J2) J1的小孩(J2)SPOUSE OF A J1 (J2) J1的配偶(J2)FIANCé(E) OF A U.S. CITIZEN (K1) 美国公民的未婚夫(妻)CHILD OF A K1 (K2) K1的小孩(K2)SPOUSE OF A U.S. CITIZEN (K3) 美国公民的配偶(K3)CHILD OF A K3 (K4) K3的小孩(K4)INTRACOMPANY TRANSFEREE (L1) 公司内部调派人员(L1)CHILD OF AN L1 (L2) L1的小孩(L2)SPOUSE OF AN L1 (L2) L1的配偶(L2)STUDENT (M1) 学生(M1)SPOUSE OF AN M1 (M2) M1的配偶(M2)CHILD OF AN M1 (M2) M1的小孩(M2)COMMUTER STUDENT (M3) 走读学生(M3)PARENT OF CERTAIN SPECIAL IMMIGRANT (N8) 特殊移民的父母(N8) CHILD OF AN N8 (N9) N8的小孩(N9)PRINCIPAL REPRESENTA TIVE (NATO1) 主要代表(NATO1)SPOUSE OF A NA TO1 (NA TO1) NA TO1的配偶(NA TO1)CHILD OF A NATO1 (NA TO1) NATO的小孩(NATO1)REPRESENTATIVE (NA TO2) 代表(NATO2)SPOUSE OF A NA TO2 (NA TO2) NA TO的配偶(NATO2)CHILD OF A NATO2 (NA TO2) NATO2的小孩(NATO2)CLERICAL STAFF (NATO3) 职员(NATO3)SPOUSE OF A NA TO3 (NA TO3) NA TO3的配偶(NA TO3)CHILD OF A NATO3 (NA TO3) NATO3的小孩(NATO3)OFFICIAL (NATO4) 官员(NATO4)SPOUSE OF A NA TO4 (NA TO4) NA TO4的配偶(NA TO4)CHILD OF A NATO4 (NA TO4) NATO4的小孩(NATO4)EXPERT (NATO5) 专家(NATO5)SPOUSE OF A NA TO5 (NA TO5) NA TO5的配偶(NA TO5)CHILD OF A NATO5 (NA TO5) NATO5的小孩(NATO5)CIVILIAN STAFF (NATO6) 文职人员(NA TO6)SPOUSE OF A NA TO6 (NA TO6) NA TO6的配偶(NA TO6)CHILD OF A NATO6 (NA TO6) NATO6的小孩(NATO6)PERSONAL EMP. OF A NA TO1-NATO6 (NATO7) NATO1-6的私人雇员(NATO7) SPOUSE OF A NA TO7 (NA TO7) NA TO7的配偶(NA TO7)CHILD OF A NATO7 (NATO7) NATO7的小孩(NATO7)EXTRAORDINARY ABILITY (O1) 具有特殊才能人士(O1)ALIEN ACCOMPANYING/ASSISTING (O2) 陪同/协助的外国人员(O2)SPOUSE OF AN O1 OR O2 (O3) O1或O2的配偶(O3)CHILD OF AN O1 OR O2 (O3) O1或O2的小孩(O3)INTERNATIONALL Y RECOGNIZED ALIEN (P1) 得到国际认可的体育/文艺界外国人士(P1) ARTIST/ENTERTAINER IN EX. PROG. (P2) 按交流项目访问的艺术家/演艺人员(P2) ARTIST/ENTERTAINER IN CULTURAL PROG. (P3) 按文化项目访问的艺术家/演艺人员(P3)SPOUSE OF A P1, P2 OR P3 (P4) P1、P2或P3的配偶(P4)CHILD OF A P1, P2 OR P3 (P4) P1、P2或P4的小孩(P4)CULTURAL EXCHANGE VISITOR (Q1) 文化交流访问者(Q1)RELIGIOUS WORKER (R1) 宗教人士(R1)CHILD OF AN R1 (R2) R1的小孩(R2)SPOUSE OF AN R1 (R2) R12的配偶(R2)FAMIL Y MEMBER OF AN INFORMANT (S7) 提供信息者的家庭成员(S7)VICTIM OF TRAFFICKING (T1) 人口贩运的受害者(T1)SPOUSE OF A T1 (T2) T1的配偶(T2)CHILD OF A T1 (T3) T1的小孩(T3)PARENT OF A T1 (T4) T1的父母(T4)SIBLING OF A T1 (T5) T1的兄弟姐妹(T5)NAFTA PROFESSIONAL (TN) 北美自由贸易协议专业人员(TN)SPOUSE OF A TN (TD) TN的配偶(TD)CHILD OF A TN (TD) TN的小孩(TD)VICTIM OF CRIME (U1) 犯罪活动的受害者(U1)SPOUSE OF A U1 (U2) U1的配偶(U2)CHILD OF A U1 (U3) U1的小孩(U3)PARENT OF A U1 (U4) U1的父母(U4)SIBLING OF A U1 (U5) U1的兄弟姐妹(U5)。
英国签证申请资料表 中文
![英国签证申请资料表 中文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f4158d6d0b1c59eef8c7b442.png)
你是否参加过武装冲突?是否五、停留英国情况:1、你打算在英国工作吗?是否2、你打算在英国学习吗?是否六、个人经济及就业细节1、你现在的工作状态是:全职 /兼职 /自我经营(自己当老板)?10、其它收入(包括来自朋友或家庭的)?是否11、你是否拥有财产(如股票、房产)?是否12、是否有第二职业?(如有请提供公司名称、地址、电话)是否14、你每月的生活支出是多少?15、谁支付你此次的旅旅游费用?16、谁为你支付住宿、餐饮费用?17、如果此次旅游是由别人为你支付全部或部分费用,他将为你支付多少?18、你有多少钱可用于支付你在英国期间的花费?七、其它信息你想提供给使馆有关你签证申请的其它信息。
●你打算何时访问英国:从_____ 年_____月_____日到_______年_____月_____日
()其他收入---- 请选择收入来源:津贴或来自家庭的经常性款项退休金投资其他收入年收入总额(人民币): _______________
()储蓄存款----- 总额(人民币):__________________
请注明出资人信息:家人或朋友姓名:_________ 现住址:________________________________
1. 个人信息页翻译。
2. 签证申请表翻译。
3. 资金证明翻译。
4. 行程安排翻译。
5. 其他相关文件翻译。
ACADEMIC VISITOR (VAF1E DECEMBER 2012)This form is for use outside the UK only.This form is provided free of charge.READ THIS FIRSTThis form must be completed in English. You may use blue or black ink.Please follow the guidance notes carefully and complete all questions as indicated. If you run out of space, please use Part 9 – Additional Information.The UK Border Agency may take a decision on your application based on the information contained here without interviewing you. Therefore please ensure you submit all relevant original documents (please see supporting documents guidance).It is better to explain why you do not have a document than to submit a false document. Your application will be automatically refused and you may be banned from coming to the UK for 10 years if you use a false document, lie or withhold relevantinformation. You may also be banned if you have breached immigration laws in the UK.What is the main purpose of your visit to the UK? >>>> How long do you intend to stay in the UK?Travel DatesOn which date do you wish to travel to the UK? >>>>>>>>>>>On which date will you leave the UK?YOU shOUld cOmPlETE This fOrm if YOU arE visiTing ThE UK as an acadEmic visiTOr.If the main reason you are applying to come to the UK is as: a tourist or to visit friends you must complete VAF1A; a family visitor you must complete VAF1B; a business visitor/prospective entrepreneur you must complete VAF1C; a student visitor, you must complete VAF1D; an academic visitor, you must complete VAF1E; to get married or register for marriage/civil partnership, you must complete VAF1F; if you are a visitor in transit, you must complete VAF1H; a sports visitor, you must complete VAF1J; an entertainment visitor, you must completeVAF1K. If you are visiting the UK for any other reason then please complete VAF1A.1.1 given name(s) (as shown in your passport) >>>>>>>>>>>>1.2 family name (as shown in your passport)1.3 Other names (including any other names you are known >>> by and/or any other names that you have been known by)Part 1about You read guidance, Part 11.4 sexPut a cross (x) in the relevant box Female1.5 marital status?Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxSingleMarried/ Civil Partner Unmarried PartnerDivorced/Dissolved PartnershipSeparated Widowed/Surviving Civil Partner1.7Place of Birth1.6 date of Birth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1.10 do you hold, or have you ever held, any other nationality or nationalities? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box If ‘Yes’ please provide details>>>>>>>>>>>>>If ‘Yes’ go to Part 32.1 current passport or travel document number>>>>>>>>>2.2 Place of issue2.3 issuing authority >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2.4 date of issue2.5 date of Expiry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>2.6 is this your first passport?Put a cross (x) in the relevant box2.7 Please give details of any previous passports, covering the last 10 years, including where these passports are now.Passport information Part 3Your contact detailsread guidance, Part 33.1 Your full residential address and postal code>>>>>>>>>>>3.3 home (landline) telephone number3.2how long have you lived at this address?3.4Your mobile telephone number3.5 Email address >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3.6contact details if different from those given in question 3.14.4father’s place and country of birth4.3 father’s date of birth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Part 4Your familyread guidance, Part 44.1 father’s given name(s)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4.2father’s family name4.6mother’s given name(s)4.5 father’s nationality/nationalities >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4.8mother’s date of birth4.9 mother’s nationality/nationalities >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4.10mother’s place and country of birth4.7 mother’s family name>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4.11 full name of spouse/partner (If single go to 4.16) >>>>>>> 4.12 spouse/partner’s nationality/nationalities4.13 spouse/partner’s date of birth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>If ‘Yes’ go to 4.21No If ‘No’ go to Part 5.If ‘No’, please go to question 4.204.17 Please provide full details for each of your >>>>>>>>>> dependant children 4.14 does your spouse/partner currently live with you at the >>> address given in Question 3.1? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box 4.15 Will your spouse/partner be travelling with you? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box 4.19 Please list any of your children who will be travelling >>>> with you to the UK? 4.16 do you have any children? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box 4.20 Will any other children be travelling with you? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box 4.18 do all your children currently live with you at the address given in Question 3.1? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box If ‘No’, please provide full details of where your spouse currently lives.If ‘No’, please provide full details of where yourchildren currently live.4.21 if yes please provide full details about the child/childrenPart 5finances and Employment read guidance, Part 55.1 What are your current personal circumstances?Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxEmployed full time, pleasego to 5.2Employed part-time, pleasego to 5.2Self-employed, pleasego to 5.2Unemployed, pleasego to 5.9Student, please give details of the course and institution you attend in the box provided; then go to5.2Retired, pleasego to 5.9Supported by spouse / partner / other family member,please give full details in the box, including their relationship to you; thengo to 5.9Other, please give details, thengo to 5.25.4 When did you start this job? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Employment5.2 What is your present work or job or occupation? >>>>>> If you are a student and you also work, please give details of your work. If you are a student and you do not also work, please go to What is the name of the company or organisation you >> work for?5.13 how much of your total monthly income is given to >>>your family members and other dependants?5.14 how much do you spend each month on living costs? >5.15 What money is available to you for your trip? >>>>>>>>5.17 Who will pay for your expenses such as >>>>>>>>>>>> accommodation and food?5.19 What is the cost to you personally of your stay in >>>>>> the UK?5.16 Who will pay for your travel to the UK? >>>>>>>>>>>>> 5.8Please give details of any additional job(s) or occupation(s) you have5.5 What is your work address? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>5.12 do you have savings, property or other income (for example from stocks and shares)? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box 5.6What are your employer’s telephone numbers?5.7What is your employer’s email address?5.18 if someone other than yourself is paying for all or >>>> any part of this visit, how much money will they give you? Please also explain why they are paying for all or part of your visit Part 6Previous applications and Travel history read guidance, Part 65.10 What is your total monthly income from all sources >>>of employment or occupation after tax?income and Expenditure5.11 do you receive income from any other sources,including friends or family?Put a cross (x) in the relevant box 6.1 have you travelled to the UK in the last 10 years?Put a cross (x) in the relevant box If ‘Yes’ please provide details of anytrips to the UKIf you have ticked ‘yes’ to any of the above, please provide details for every organisation that you have worked for that is of a type in the list. Include name of organisation, job title or rank and dates (year to year). Please enter details in Part 9, Additional information.5.9 have you ever worked for any organisation of a type (state or non-state) listed below? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box MediaPublic or civil administrationSecurity (including police and privatesecurity companies)Armed forces (including national service)Government (central or local)JudiciaryIf ‘Yes’ please provide full details >>>>>>>>>>>>If ‘Yes’ please provide full details >>>>>>>>>>>>6.2 have you travelled outside your country of residence, excluding to the UK, in the last 10 years?Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxIf ‘Yes’ please provide details of these trips6.3 have you ever been refused a visa for any country, including the UK?Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxIf ‘Yes’ please provide full details6.4 have you been granted any UK visas in the last 10 years?Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxIf ‘Yes’ please provide detailsIf ‘Yes’ please provide details6.5 have you been refused entry on arrival to the UK in the last 10 years?Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxIf ‘Yes’ please provide details6.6 have you ever been deported, removed or otherwise required to leave any country, including the UK in the last 10 years?Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxIf ‘Yes’ please provide details6.7 have you made an application to the home Office to remain in the UK in the last 10 years?Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxIf ‘Yes’ please provide details 6.8 do you have a UK national insurance number?Put a cross (x) in the relevant box National Insurance number6.9 do you have any criminal convictions either in the UK or overseas (you must include spent and unspent convictions as well as traffic offences)?Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxIf ‘Yes’ please provide details6.10 have you ever been charged in any country with acriminal offence for which you have not yet been tried in court (including traffic offences)?Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxIf ‘Yes’ please provide details7.5 Please provide full details about the person you >>>>>> will be staying with 7.6 if the person named in 7.5 is not a British citizen or European Economic area citizen, please give details aboutwhat permission they have to be in the UK7.7 how long will you stay with this person?Travellers under the age of 187.1 Please provide full details about your parent(s)/guardian(s) in your home country 7.4 is the address you will be staying at a private address? >Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxIf ‘No’ go to Part 87.2 Will you be travelling to the UK alone? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Put a cross (x) in the relevant box7.3 if accompanied, please provide full details of up to two adults who will accompany you, including their passport numbers andyour exact relationship to them 6.13 have you ever, by any means or medium, expressed >> views that justify or glorify terrorist violence or that may encourage others to terrorist acts or other serious criminal acts? Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxIf ‘Yes’ please provide details in Part 9, additional information6.14 have you engaged in any other activities that might >>> indicate that you may not be considered a person of good character? Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxIf ‘Yes’ please provide details in Part 9, additional informationIf ‘No’ please complete 7.3. If ‘Yes’ pleasego to 7.4Yes 6.12 have you ever been involved in, supported, or >>>>>>> encouraged terrorist activities in any country? have you, ever been a member of, or given support to an organisation that has been concerned in terrorism? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box If ‘Yes’ please provide details in Part 9, additional information6.11 in times of either peace or war have you ever been >>> involved in, or suspected of involvement in, war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box If ‘Yes’ please provide details in Part 9, additional informationYour visit 8.4 What will you do in the UK? Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxResearchOther (Please specify)>>>Clinical PracticeTeachingFormal Exchange8.5Who invited you to the UK?8.7 Email address of the person who has invited you to the UK8.6Where will you stay in the UK?8.8Which institution or facility will you be based at in the UK?8.9 What is your field of expertise?>>>8.10What specific benefits will going to the UK bring to you?8.11What exactly do you intend to do when you have finished your visit to the UK?8.3 do they already have a visa for the UK? >>>>>>>>>>>>>Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxThey don’t need oneYesIf ‘Yes’ please provide details of the people you are travelling with. If ‘No’, go to question 8.48.2 are you travelling with anyone?Put a cross (x) in the relevant box 8.12 do you have any friends or family in the UK? >>>>>>>>(definition of ‘family member’ can be found in the guidance notes)Put a cross (x) in the relevant boxIf yes, please provide details8.13 do you intend to visit any of these family members? >>>Put a cross (x) in the relevant box8.1 if you are not a national of the country in which you are >>>applying, what permission do you have to stay in that country?additional information 9.1 is there any other information you wish to be considered as part of your application?9.2 have you ever received medical treatment in the UK? >> Put a cross (x) in the relevant box9.3 did you have to pay for the treatment? >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Put a cross (x) in the relevant box9.4 Where did you receive the treatment?If ‘Yes’ go to question 9.3address: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Telephone number:name of hospital/clinic/doctor’s surgery:have you used an agent or representative to complete this application? Put a cross (x) in the relevant box If ‘Yes’ please give details of >>>>>>>>>>>>>agent/representative’s name and addressWhat language did you communicate in with the >>>>>>>>>>agent/representative to complete the form?supporting documentsPlease ensure you submit all the relevant original documents that you want the Entry clearance Officer to see when considering your application. The UK immigration rules make it clear that it is your responsibility to satisfy the Entry clearance Officer that you are genuinely seeking entry to the UK for the purpose and duration that you have stated. submission of particular documents does not guarantee that your visa will be issued. it is your decision how you satisfy the Entry clearance Officer that your intentions are as you state in your application. it is your choice which documents you submit. further guidance on supporting documents can be found on the UKBa web pages.advisory:To know your customs obligations when travelling to the UK, please consult notice 1, found at .guidance for Part 8:8.1 if you are not a national of the country in which you are applying, what permission do you have to stay in that country?Please provide evidence of your immigration status if you are not a national in the country where you are applying, e.g. a residence permit, visa, green card.8.2 are you travelling with anyone?Answer Yes/No. Please provide the full name, date of birth and nationality of the people you are travelling with. If you are travelling in a large group please just give the details of the group leader.8.3 do they already have a visa for the UK?Answer Yes/No/They don’t need one.8.4 What will you do in the UK?Put a cross(x) in the relevant box. If other, please explain in box provided.8.5 Who has invited you to the UK?Please give full name, job title and full address, including the postal code, of the person who has invited you to the UK.8.6 Where will you stay in the UK?Please state the address of where you will be staying in the UK. If your accommodation is being arranged by the institution, please provide contact details of the person arranging this.8.7 Email address of the person who has invited you to the UKPlease note this person may be contacted by email to provide consent for their personal details to be checked.8.8 Which institution or facility will you be based at in the UK?Please give the full name and full address, including the postal code, of the institution or facility.8.9 What is your field of expertise?Please provide evidence that you have been working as an academic in an institution of higher education overseas, or in the field of your academic expertise (e.g. medicine), immediately prior to seeking entry clearance.8.10 What specific benefits will going to the UK bring to you? Please explain how your visit to the UK will benefit you in your field of expertise.8.11 What exactly do you intend to do when you have finished your visit to the UK?Please explain what you will do once your visit to the UK has been completed.8.12 do you have any friends or family in the UK?Answer Yes/No. If ‘Yes’, please provide the full name, nationality, address, telephone number , their permission to stay in the UK and explain how they are related to you e.g. “My mother’s brother’s son”Definition of a family memberA “member of the applicant’s family” is any of the following persons (a) the applic ant’s spouse, father, mother, son, daughter, grandfather,grandmother, grandson, granddaughter, brother, sister, unc le, aunt, nephew, niece or first cousin; (NB: “first cousin” means, in relation to a person, the son or daughter of his uncle or aunt);(b) the father, mother, brother or sister of the applicant’s spouse;(c) the spouse of the applicant’s son or daughter;(d) the applicant’s stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter,stepbrother or stepsister; or(e) a person with whom the applicant has lived as a member of anunmarried couple for at least two of the three years before the day on which his application for entry clearance was made.In addition:• Children adopted under an adoption order recognised in UK law are treated as if they are the natural children of the adoptive parents; and,• The Immigration Appeals (Family Visitor) Regulations 2003 pre-date The Civil Partnership Act (2004). Civil partners are considered “a member of the applicant’s family” in the same way as a spouse for the purposes of the Family Visitor Regulations 8.12 do you intend to visit any of these family members? Answer Yes/No.11ACADEMIC VISITOR (VAF1E DECEMBER 2012)。
Checklist for Business visit or short professional training Application 商务访问或短期职业培训签证申请审核表5.Business License of your company and original letter from your employer-A sealed copy of the business license-On official company paper with stamp and signature, mentioning clearly:∙full address and contact persons of the company∙the name and position of the countersigning officer∙name, position, salary and years of employment∙the purpose of the visit-confirmation of position after the return;-the person or the entity who will bear your travel and living costs" 公司的营业执照和雇主证明信原件:-由任职公司盖章的公司营业执照复印件-使用公司正式的信头纸并加盖公章,签字,并需包含以下信息:∙任职公司详细地址和联系人∙签字人员的姓名和职务,∙申请人姓名、职务、收入和工作年限∙访问目的-公司为申请人保留职位的证明-支付旅行和生活费用的单位或个人6.Proof of solvency of the applicant:Bank statements from the last 3 months, no deposits.1.Proof of the solvency of the employing company, if the company pays the costs of travel and living; or2.Proof of the applicant's personal solvency, in case personally covering the costs of travel and living- a sealed copy of the business licence of employing company- a letter from the employer (in English, or in Chinese with an English translation) on official company paper with stamp, signature, date and clearly mentioning:∙address, telephone and fax numbers of the company∙the name and position in the company of the countersigning officer∙the name of the applicant, position, salary and years of service ∙approval for leave or absence申请人偿付能力证明:最近3个月的银行对账单,无需存款证明.1. 如果公司支付旅行及生活费用,需提供公司的偿付能力证明;或2. 如果申请人自担费用,需提供申请人个人偿付能力证明员工偿付能力证明- 加盖公章的公司营业执照复印件- 由雇主出具的证明信(英文件,或者中文件附上英文翻译) ,需使用公司正式的信头纸并加盖公章,签字,并明确日期及如下信息:∙任职公司的地址、电话和传真号码;∙签字人员的姓名和职务;∙申请人姓名、职务、收入和工作年限;∙准假证明。
英国 签证 中英文申请表
![英国 签证 中英文申请表](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6e6aa56ab4daa58da0114a8a.png)
You should read this information guide to help you decide which documents will be useful in supporting the statements that you have made on your visa application form (VAF).您应阅读此信息说明,以帮助您决定何种文件将有助于支持您在签证申请表(VAF)上进行的陈述。
It is not a list of documents that you must submit. We do not expect you to provide all of the documents listed below, it is for you to decide which documents are most relevant to your application.这不是您必须要提供的文件的清单。
The submission of all or any of these documents does not guarantee that your application will be successful.递交了所有或任何这些文件,不能确保您的申请将会成功。
Information about you 个人信息These documents are important because they provide information about your personal circumstances in the country in which you are applying.这些文件很重要,因为它们反映了您在递交申请的国家中您的个人情况。
Information about your finances and employment 您的资金及工作信息You can submit any of the following financial documents. You should include evidence of your total monthly income from all sources, for example employment, friends, family, personal savings or property. This will help us assess your circumstances in your own country and will provide us with evidence of how your trip is to be funded. You should provide this information even if someone else is paying for your trip.您可以递交以下任何资金文件。
签字后的附表8自我评估表(Appendix 8 self-assessment form)。
英国2023入境卡中英文对照以下是英国2023入境卡的中英文对照:英文版:UK 2023 ARRIVAL CARDPlease complete in BLOCK CAPITALSSurname: ________________________Given Name(s): ____________________Date of Birth: ____________________Nationality: ______________________Passport Number: _________________Passport Expiry Date: _____________Flight Number: ___________________Address in the UK: ________________Port of Embarkation: ______________Arrival Date: ____________________Duration of Stay in the UK: _________Purpose of Visit: __________________Have you been to the UK before? (Yes/No) ______If Yes, Date of Last Arrival: ____________Do you have anything to declare? (Yes/No) ______If Yes, please provide details: _________I declare that the information given on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge.Signature: ________________________ Date: ____________________________中文版:英国2023入境卡请使用大写字母填写姓氏:________________________名字:_________________________ 出生日期:_____________________国籍:_________________________ 护照号码:_____________________护照有效期:____________________ 航班号:_______________________ 在英国的地址:___________________ 出发港口:_____________________抵达日期:_____________________在英国停留时间:_________________ 访问目的:______________________ 您以前来过英国吗?(是/否)______ 如果是,上次抵达日期:____________ 您有要申报的物品吗?(是/否)______如果是,请提供详细信息:____________我声明,上述表格中所填写的信息属实,恕不隐瞒。
赴英国签证申请表样本 Document serial number【KKGB-LBS98YT-BS8CB-BSUT-BST108】
5. 个人公共福利保证的证明,包括医疗保险卡,或受保障的大学或公司的学生卡,以及征收个人公共福利的证明。
7. 一份证明你拥有至少1,200的资金的证明,如银行存款证明,支票簿证明,或支票簿副本。
8. 一份证明带回家期间你有返程机票的证明。
14. 从候选人当地的警察提供的犯罪记录检查结果。
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StandardDocument checklist 文件核对表This checklist shows: 此检查表显示● the length and type of visa you have applied for. 你申请的签证长度和类型● the documents you are providing in support of your application您为支持您的申请而提供的文件● what you need to do next 接下来你需要做什么From the 5 November 2018 any evidence you provide can be originals or copies. 从2018年11月5日起,你提供的任何证据都可以是原件或副本You must only sign this checklist when you go to your appointment.只有当你去赴约的时候,你才必须在这张清单上签字Your appointment is at Wuhan,on**********您的约会是在武汉,**********Room 302,Block C,Hanjie International Headquarters, No.171 of Zhongbei Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Hubei Province, CHINA湖北武汉中北路171号汉街国际总部C座302室Product 产品Category: 类型Short- term student visa短期学生签证Payment notification number: 付款通知号3AS**********Total fee: 总费用892.00 CNYApplication date: 申请日期**********2019Applicant 申请人Applicant' s full name: **********Date of birth: **********Country of birth: ChinaNationality: ChinaPassport /Travel document E**********number:Contact telephone number: + 0086 13*********Email: ********** @ **********Submitted date: **********Summer Time ( BST)Documents 文档You have agreed to include this evidence with your application.Evidence can be originals or copies.你已同意将此证据连同你的申请一并包括在内。
证据可以是原件或副本The passport or travel document for Yuheng Liu from China中国刘宇珩的护照或旅行证件Your passport must be valid for your visit to the UK,be in good condition,and have at least one page blank on both sides.If you have had a UK visa before,but this is in an old passport, send in both of your passports.你的护照必须是你来英国的有效证件,状况良好,两边至少有一页空白。
如果你以前有英国签证,但这是旧护照,请把你的两本护照都寄出去□□Your application may be refused if you do not send your passport. We may also ask you to send in more documents at a later date.如果你不寄护照,你的申请可能会被拒绝。
我们也可以要求你方在以后寄更多的文件You can send in any evidence to support your application but:您可以提交任何证据来支持您的应用程序,但是:●all evidence must be in English 所有证据必须用英语●translated evidence must be certified 翻译的证据必须经过认证●evidence can be originals or copies 证据可以是原件或副本Make sure that you have your documents ready before your appointment.请确保您的文档在您的约会前准备好For help finding out what documents to send, read the guidance athttps: / / www. gov. uk/ study- visit- visa/ documents- you- must- provide有关查找要发送哪些文档的帮助,请阅读https: / / www. gov. uk/ study- visit- visa/ documents- you- must- provideInformation about your visit 关于您访问的信息Documents showing any plans you have made, such as:tour details / flight details / letter of invitation / evidence of sponsor' s immigration status in the UK显示您已制定的任何计划的文件,例如:旅游详情/航班详情/邀请函/保证人在英国的移民身份证明□□Proof of current studies 当前研究的证明Evidence of being in education 教育证据□□Evidence of current qualifications 当前资质证明□□Money ( either income or savings)金钱(收入或储蓄)Documents such as:Bank statements / bank books / bank letter / balance certificate / tax returns / crop receipts□□文件如:银行对账单/银行帐簿/银行信函/余额证明/纳税申报表/作物收入Documents showing that another person can pay for your visit, such as:Bank statements of the person paying for your visit□□显示另一人可为你的探访付款的文件,例如:为你的探访付款的人的银行结单Home address 地址Documents showing where you live, such as:Property deed / mortgage statements / tenancy agreements / accountant's letters / land registration documents□□显示您居住在何处的文档,例如:属性契约/抵押声明/租赁协议/会计的信函/土地注册文件Evidence of assets 资产证明Documents showing that you own property or land, such as:Property deed / mortgage statements / accountant's letters / land registrationdocuments□□证明你拥有财产或土地的文件,如:财产契据/抵押报表/会计信函/土地登记文件Additional Information 补充消息Evidence of family members remaining in your home country whilst you travel.当你旅行时,在你家里的家庭成员的证据□□About your Course 关于你的课程Documents giving proof of the course you are studying, as stated in the application form, such as a letter of acceptance from the educationalinstitution on official headed paper, stating the course’s name and duration证明你正在学习的课程的文件,如申请表中所述的,如教育机构在官方头纸上的录取通知书,说明课程的名称和期限□□Documents showing the cost of your course (and proof of payment, if youhave paid for it) 显示课程费用的文件(如你已支付学费,请提供付款证明)□□Documents showing the cost of your accommodation during your study (and proof of payment, if you have paid for it)证明您在学习期间的住宿费用的文件(如果您已经支付了费用,请提供付款证明)□□Name or description of document 文件的名称或说明Please tick the following boxes to confirm you understand the application process. 请勾选下列方框以确认您了解申请过程□The documents ticked in this checklist are all of the documents I wish to use to support my application.在此清单上标出的文件是我希望用来支持我的申请的所有文件□To the best of my knowledge and belief, the documents I have used to support my application are genuine.据我所知和所信,我用来支持我的申请的文件是真实的□I understand that the visa application centre is not in charge of making a decision on my visa application.据我所知,签证申请中心不负责对我的签证申请作出决定IMPORTANT: do not sign until you are at your appointment.What to do next 下一步要做什么Go to your appointment at the visa application centre. You should try to be there 15 minutes before the time of your appointment. Your biometrics (fingerprints and facial photograph) will be taken during your appointment unless you are exempt. Applicants under 5 years old at the time of their appointment will only need a facial photograph taken.去签证申请中心预约。