2008年北京奥运会(2008 Beijing Olympic Games)-作文

文字材料一、回顾中国申奥史:2008圆梦北京2022激情冬奥2015-07-31 18:11:14 | 来源:国际在线 | 编辑:丁洁帅国际在线专稿:北京时间7月31日,国际奥委会主席巴赫宣布,北京获得2022年冬奥会主办权!北京成为奥运历史上第一个既举办过夏季奥运会,又举办冬奥会的城市。

08年奥运会田径作文英文回答:The 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing was a spectacular event, especially in the field of athletics. As an avid sports enthusiast, I had the privilege of witnessing some incredible performances by athletes from around the world. The atmosphere in the stadium was electric, with the crowd cheering and chanting for their favorite athletes.One of the most memorable moments for me was the men's 100-meter sprint. The race was highly anticipated, with the world's fastest men competing for the title of the fastest man on the planet. Usain Bolt, the Jamaican sprinter, was the clear favorite, having broken the world record earlier that year. When the gun went off, Bolt exploded out of the blocks and left his competitors in the dust. He crossed the finish line with a new world record time of 9.69 seconds, a truly remarkable feat.Another event that captivated me was the women's long jump. The American athlete, Brittney Reese, was thereigning world champion and was expected to perform well. However, it was the Russian athlete, Tatyana Lebedeva, who stole the show. On her final jump, she soared through theair and landed with a distance of 7.03 meters, securing the gold medal. The crowd erupted in applause, recognizing the incredible skill and athleticism displayed by Lebedeva.中文回答:2008年北京奥运会是一场壮观的盛会,尤其是在田径领域。

The Grandeur of the 2008 Beijing Olympic GamesIn the year 2008, Beijing, the ancient capital of China, held the world's attention as it staged the Olympic Games for the first time. It was a momentous occasion, filled with pomp, excitement, and the spirit of competition and friendship.Beijing's preparation for the Games was nothing short of remarkable. The city underwent significant infrastructure development, with the construction of new stadiums, roads, and transportation systems. The iconic Bird's Nest Stadium and the Water Cube Aquatics Center became symbols of Beijing's commitment to hosting a world-class event.The Opening Ceremony was a spectacle that showcased China's rich history and culture. From the ancient drummers to the acrobatic performances, every aspect of the ceremony reflected China's grandeur and uniqueness. The parade of nations, led by China, filled the stadium with the colors of the world, signifying the coming together of nations under the Olympic spirit.The Games themselves were filled with thrilling moments. Athletes from all over the world competed with passion and determination, pushing themselves to the limits in pursuit of gold. The stadiums were filled with cheers and applause as records were broken and medals were won.But the Olympics were not just about competition. They were also about friendship and cultural exchange. Athletes from different countries mingled together, sharing stories and experiences. Spectators from all over the world came to Beijing, not just to watch the Games, but also to experience the city's rich culture and history.The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games were a triumph for China and a celebration of the Olympic spirit. They showed the world that China was capable of hosting a world-class event and that the Olympic Games could bring people together from all over the world, regardless of their differences. As the Games concluded, Beijing left the world with a lasting impression of its grandeur, its people, and its unique culture.。

2008北京奥运会英语作文初二The 2008 Beijing Olympics was a monumental event that captured the attention of the world It was a showcase of athletic excellence human determination and the triumph of the human spirit The Olympic Games have always been a symbol of global unity and the 2008 edition held in Beijing was no exception This essay will delve into the significance of the 2008 Beijing Olympics and its lasting impactThe 2008 Beijing Olympics were a watershed moment in China's history as a nation The country had undergone remarkable economic and social transformations in the preceding decades and the Olympics provided an opportunity to showcase its progress to the world Beijing was selected as the host city in 2001 and the city underwent an extensive infrastructure overhaul in preparation for the games New stadiums and facilities were constructed including the iconic Bird's Nest National Stadium and the Water Cube National Aquatics Center The city's transportation network was also significantly upgraded with the construction of new subway lines and an expansion of the airportThe opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympics was a dazzling display of China's rich cultural heritage and technological prowess Directed by the renowned filmmaker Zhang Yimou the ceremony featured a cast of thousands performing intricate choreographed routines that captivated a global audience of billions The ceremony highlighted China's ancient history its technological advancements and its aspiration to play a more prominent role on the world stage It was a powerful statement of China's arrival as a global superpowerBeyond the glitz and glamour of the opening ceremony the 2008 Olympics were also a showcase of sporting excellence Athletes from around the world competed in 28 different sports with a record number of 204 National Olympic Committees participating The games saw the emergence of new stars and the continued dominance of established ones Usain Bolt's record-breaking performances in the sprints and Michael Phelps' historic haul of 8 gold medals were just two of the many highlights of the games The 2008 Olympics also saw the host nation China emerge as a sporting powerhouse winning the most gold medals and finishing second in the overall medal tallyThe 2008 Beijing Olympics had a profound impact that extended beyond the sporting arena The games were seen as a coming-of-age moment for China as it sought to assert its place on the global stageThe successful hosting of the Olympics was a source of immense national pride for the Chinese people and it helped to bolster the country's international standing The games also had a significant impact on the host city of Beijing The massive infrastructure investments made in preparation for the Olympics transformed the city's landscape and improved its transportation and environmental credentials The games also left a lasting legacy of sports facilities that continue to be used by the publicHowever the 2008 Olympics were not without their controversies The run-up to the games was marred by protests and human rights concerns particularly around the issue of Tibet The Chinese government's crackdown on dissent and its restrictions on media freedom were widely criticized by the international community Additionally the games were also plagued by doping scandals with several athletes being stripped of their medals due to positive drug testsDespite these controversies the 2008 Beijing Olympics remain a landmark event in the history of the Olympic movement The games were a testament to China's growing global influence and its ability to organize and execute a large-scale international event with precision and efficiency The 2008 Olympics also left a lasting impact on the host city and the country as a whole inspiring a new generation of Chinese athletes and instilling a sense of national prideand confidenceIn conclusion the 2008 Beijing Olympics were a pivotal moment in China's history and its emergence as a global superpower The games were a showcase of the country's technological prowess cultural heritage and sporting excellence They also left a lasting legacy that continues to be felt in Beijing and across China The 2008 Olympics were a defining moment in the history of the Olympic movement and a testament to the power of sport to bring the world together。

本届奥运会口号为“同一个世界,同一个梦想”(One World,One Dream),主办城市是中国北京。
参赛国家及地区 204个,参赛运动员11,438人,设302项(28种运动)比赛项目。
在中国传统文化艺术中, “鱼” 和“水”的图案是繁荣与收获的象征,人们用“鲤鱼跳龙门”寓意事业有成和梦想的实现,“鱼”还有吉庆有余、年年有余的蕴涵。

描述北京奥运会的英文作文英文:The Beijing Olympic Games was a spectacular event that took place in 2008. As a sports enthusiast, I was thrilled to witness the world's top athletes compete in various sports. The Games were well-organized, and the opening and closing ceremonies were breathtaking. One of my favorite moments was when Michael Phelps won eight gold medals in swimming, breaking the previous record of seven golds. It was an incredible achievement that inspired many.Apart from the sporting events, the Beijing Olympics also had a significant impact on China's economy and tourism industry. The city's infrastructure was improved, and new facilities were built to accommodate the influx of visitors. The Games also helped to promote Chinese culture and traditions, as well as showcase the country's technological advancements.Overall, the Beijing Olympics was an unforgettable experience for me. It brought people from all over theworld together to celebrate sports and culture. I hope to attend another Olympic Games in the future and witness more incredible moments.中文:北京奥运会是2008年举办的一场盛大的赛事。
2008年第29届 北京奥运会 国际奥组委主席罗格致辞

Speech at the Opening Ceremony of Beijing Olympic Games北京奥运会开幕式致2008/08/08 国际奥委会主席雅克.罗格r. President of the People’s Republic of China, Mr. LiuQi, Members of the Organizing Committee, dear Chinese friends, dear athletes:For a long time, China has dreamed of opening its doors and inviting the word’s athletes to Beijing for the Olympic Games. Tonight that dream comes teue. Congratulations, Beijing.Y ou have chosen as the theme of these Games “One World, One Dream”. That is what we are tonight. As one world, we grieved with you over the tragic earthquake in Sichuan Province. We were moved by the great courage and solidarity of the Chinese people. As one dream , may these Olympic Games bring you joy, hope and pride.Athletes, the Games were created for you by our founder, Pierre de Coubertin. These Games belong to you. Let them be the athlete’s Games. Have fun!Remember, however, they are about much more than performance alone. They are about the peaceful gathering of 204 National Olympic Committees-regardless of ethnic origin, gender, religion or political system. Please compete in the spirit of the Olympic values: excellence, friendship and respect.Dear athletes, remember that you are role models for the youths of the world. Reject doping and cheating. Make us proud of your achievements and your conduct.As we bring Olympic dream to life, our warm thanks go to the Beijing Organizing Committee for its tireless work. Our special thanks also go to thousands of gracious volunteers, without whom none of this would be possible. Beijing, you are a host to the present and a gateway to the future. Thank you.I now have the honor of asking the President of the People’s Republic of China to open the Games of the 29 Olympiad of the modern era.中华人民共和国主席先生,刘淇先生,奥组委的成员们,亲爱的中国朋友们,亲爱的运动员们:长久以来,中国一直梦想着打开国门,邀请世界各地的运动员来北京参加奥运会。

北京中电博亚科技有限公司(中电博亚)宣布正式获得世嘉(S E G A)授权将《北京奥运2008》游戏引进中国⼤陆。
《北京奥运2008》(B e i j i n g2008-t h e O ffic i a l Vi d e o
G a m e o f t h e O l y m p i c G a m e s)作为由国际奥林匹克运动委员会授权、世嘉(S E G A)公司发⾏的⼀款奥运体育竞技游戏,于8⽉3⽇全球同步⾸发,带所有中国⼈圆奥运梦。
英⽂名称:B e i j i n g2008
容量:1D V D
价格:78R M B(标准版)
操作系统:Wi n d o w s X P/Wi n d o w s Vi s t a
C P U:P e n t i u m42.4G H z单核处理器
内存:1G B
显卡:⽀持P i x e l S h a d e r3.0�(N V I D I A 6600更佳/等效AT I或更佳).
硬盘空间:4G B

08奥运会作文英语English Answer:The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, officially known as the Games of the XXIX Olympiad, were a global sporting event held in Beijing, China, from August 8 to August 24, 2008. They were the first Olympic Games to be held in thePeople's Republic of China.The 2008 Beijing Olympics were a resounding success, both athletically and organizationally. China topped the medal standings with 51 gold medals, 21 silver medals, and 28 bronze medals. Jamaica's Usain Bolt became a legend by winning the 100-meter, 200-meter, and 4x100-meter relay,all in record-breaking times. Michael Phelps of the United States also made history by winning eight gold medals in swimming, breaking Mark Spitz's record of seven gold medals set at the 1972 Munich Olympics.The 2008 Beijing Olympics also showcased China'sgrowing economic and political power and were a major source of national pride for the Chinese people. The Games were widely praised for their organization, infrastructure, and cultural performances.The legacy of the 2008 Beijing Olympics continues to be felt today. The Games helped to raise China's profile on the world stage and inspired a new generation of Chinese athletes. The infrastructure built for the Games, such as the Beijing National Stadium (the "Bird's Nest") and the Beijing National Aquatics Center (the "Water Cube"), have become iconic landmarks.中文回答:2008 年北京奥运会,也称为第 XXIX 届奥林匹克运动会,是一项全球性体育赛事,于 2008 年 8 月 8 日至 24 日在中国北京举行。
2008 Olympic Games

北中和来 京国奥吧 欢欢运, 迎迎火来 你你炬自
一五 起大 奔洲 跑的 吧朋
预祝北京奥运会 圆满成功!
把 热 情 变 成 礼 花
这 块 古 老 的 土
再 现 神 奇
世 界 各 国 人 们 的 希 望 变 成 动 力
等 、 正 义 、 团
办 一 届 有 特 色
水 平 的 奥 运 会
点 燃 奥 运 圣 火
样 点 燃 我 们 的 承 诺
过 来 吧 , 十 三 亿 中 国 人
政 治 体 制 、 经 济 制 度 和 意 识 形 态 等 方 面 的 冲 突 而
哀 乐 。 这 些 种 族 的 和 文 化 的 差 异 , 又 常 常 由 于 各
行 不 同 的 宗 教 仪 式 , 用 不 同 的 行 为 方 式 表 达 自 己
同 的 服 装 , 说 着 不 同 的 语 言 , 有 着 不 同 的 生 活 方
员 、 教 练 员 、 体 育 官 员 以 及 观 众 生 有 不 同 的 肤 色
间 的 各 种 差 异 及 由 此 引 发 的 各 种 问 题 。 来 自 各 国
运 动 是 国 际 性 的 运 动 , 它 不 可 避 免 地 面 临 着 世 界
林 匹 克 精 神 强 调 对 文 化 差 异 的 容 忍 和 理 解 。 奥
动 员 才 能 保 持 和 加 强 团 结 、 友 谊 的 关 系 奥 林 匹

文字材料一、回顾中国申奥史:2008圆梦北京2022激情冬奥2015-07-31 18:11:14 | 来源:国际在线 | 编辑:丁洁帅国际在线专稿:北京时间7月31日,国际奥委会主席巴赫宣布,北京获得2022年冬奥会主办权!北京成为奥运历史上第一个既举办过夏季奥运会,又举办冬奥会的城市。

北京2008年第29届奥运会吉祥物—福娃In 2008 the 29th Olympic Games are going to be held in Beijing, China from August 8th to August 24th . Over 10,500 athletes will be at the Games. 302 gold medals will be given to the best athletes.high jump long jump swimming diving water polo badminton boxing baseball basketball football rowing skating sailing running volleyball shooting tennis table tennis cycling hockey handball wrestling gymnastics weight lifting softball福娃的英文名称为Fuwa。
贝贝:鱼,来自水.代表蓝色晶晶:大熊猫,来自森林.代表黑色欢欢:奥林匹克圣火(Olympic Flame),代表红色迎迎:藏羚羊,来自草原,代表黄色妮妮:燕子( swallow),来自天空,代表绿色代表5大洲他们的名字连起来是”北京欢迎你”福娃贝贝温柔纯洁,是水上运动的高手,它代表的奥运项目中的跳水、花样游泳、皮划艇激流回旋、水球、赛艇、游泳、皮划艇静水、艺术体操、帆船。

2008北京奥运会英语作文初二The 2008 Beijing Olympics was a significant event in the history of China and the world. It was not only a showcase of athletic talent but also an opportunity for China to display its culture, history, and progress to the global community. As a middle school student at that time, the Beijing Olympics had a profound impact on me personally.The preparation for the Olympics was a major topic of discussion in our school. We were all excited about the upcoming event and proud that our country was hosting such a prestigious international competition. As part of the preparation, our school organized various events and activities related to the Olympics. We had sports competitions, cultural performances, and educational programs to learn more about the history and significance of the Olympics.During the Olympics, our school organized a viewing party where students and teachers gathered to watch the opening ceremony together. It was a memorable experience as we witnessed the grandeur and splendor of the event on television. The performances, the fireworks, and the incredible display of Chinese culture left us all in awe. It was a moment of national pride for all of us.I also had the opportunity to attend some of the Olympic events in person. I remember going to the Bird's Nest stadium to watch a track and field competition with my classmates. The atmosphere was electrifying, with cheering fans, colorful flags waving, and the incredible energy of the athletes as they competed. It was a moment of inspiration for me, seeing the dedication and talent of the athletes from around the world.The Beijing Olympics also had a lasting impact on the city and the country as a whole. The infrastructure improvements, the development of new venues, and the boost to the economy were all evident during and after the Olympics. As a young student, it opened my eyes to the importance of international cooperation and the power of sports to bring people together.In conclusion, the 2008 Beijing Olympics was a transformative event for China and for me personally. It was a time of national pride, cultural celebration, and athletic excellence. The memories of the Olympics will always hold a special place in my heart, reminding me of the power of unity, friendship, and the pursuit of excellence.。

00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,500英国BBC电视台 2008年北京奥林匹克运动会开幕式宣传片《东游记》200:00:04,800 --> 00:00:10,500悟空恭喜,取经来了Congratulations Wu Kong,on your pilgrimage300:00:10,800 --> 00:00:17,500为了希望、荣耀For hope and glory400:00:17,501 --> 00:00:22,500燃起梦想,生死与共Kindle the dream,share life and death500:00:40,800 --> 00:00:46,500为了希望……For hope……600:00:52,800 --> 00:01:08,500英国BBC电视台2008年北京奥林匹克运动会开幕式预告片700:01:08,800 --> 00:01:11,500每四年将有一届世界性的聚会Every four years one of thing take over the world800:01:11,800 --> 00:01:13,500奥运会Olympic Games1600:01:56,800 --> 00:02:00,500你每时每刻都在训练You trained every day,the hours,weeks,months and years.2600:02:51,800 --> 00:02:55,500I can...I can......................to me.3100:03:25,800 --> 00:03:31,500BBC将希特勒的画面加入《预告片》其祸心昭然若揭,其无耻的政治倾向暴露无遗3200:03:32,800 --> 00:03:41,500……Now,that's your time.3400:03:46,800 --> 00:03:49,500永远Forever3500:03:49,800 --> 00:03:54,500北京欢迎你Welcomes to beijing3600:03:56,800 --> 00:03:58,500下午好!也许你正在思考Sue Barker: Good afternoon, in case you are wondering3700:03:58,800 --> 00:04:01,500奥林匹克运动会(奥运)的重要性that how important the Olympic Games are,3800:04:01,800 --> 00:04:03,500和它对运动员们的意义that what is means to the athletes.3900:04:03,800 --> 00:04:05,500那三个“聪明人”应该是知道的Those three wise men should know because they have been4000:04:05,800 --> 00:04:08,500因为他们已经度过了十二个奥运会to twelve Olympic Games between them.4100:04:08,800 --> 00:04:14,500那么,就让我们说我们在这里,北京我们现在能够容纳91,000人的体育馆里Sue Barker: So, as we said we are here in Beijingand we are now in this magnificent 91000 seats stadium,4200:04:14,800 --> 00:04:18,500她是国家体育馆,她被人们亲昵地称为“鸟巢”the national stadium is affectionately known as the bird’s nest.4300:04:18,800 --> 00:04:19,500我们正准备着它所承诺的And we are preparing for what is promised to be,4400:04:19,800 --> 00:04:22,500一个真正壮观的开幕式a truly spectacular opening ceremony.4500:04:22,800 --> 00:04:25,500开幕式将在八点钟开始It won’t start though until eight o’clock as promis ed,4600:04:25,800 --> 00:04:28,500当地时间2008年8月8日(晚)8点eight o’clock at local time at 8th day on 8th month,2008.4700:04:28,800 --> 00:04:31,500所以你不会错过任何细节So you will not miss the thing.4800:04:32,800 --> 00:04:35,500截至目前,所有的体育场馆已经准备就绪Sue Barker: But now after the all the happen,all the building are ready4900:04:35,800 --> 00:04:39,500中国已经准备好将一届伟大的开幕式展示给世界and China is ready to the host the great to show the honor.5000:04:39,800 --> 00:04:41,500数以万计的来自200多个国家和地区的运动员Around ten thousands of athletes from more5100:04:41,800 --> 00:04:45,500将把这里作为他们的体育项目的演出舞台than two hundreds modern countries are hereto perform and sports on the big stage.5200:04:45,800 --> 00:04:51,500但是多年以来,体育和政治之间有一种令人不安的平衡But now for many years, as sports and politics has such uneasy balance.5300:04:51,800 --> 00:04:55,500出现了政治冲突,出现了国际社会的抗议There has been political conflict; there has been international protest00:04:55,800 --> 00:04:58,500和环境问题,还有很多的争论and environmental affairs and as well there has been so much debates 5500:04:58,800 --> 00:05:04,500因为2001年中国人民共和国的北京获得了奥运会的主办权since the People’s Republic of Chinaand Beijing were awarded the game back into 2001.5600:05:04,800 --> 00:05:08,500现在,现在就让我们分成两个小组进行今晚的评论Sue Barker: Now let’s get first the react ionthe two that leading the commentary team tonight.5700:05:08,800 --> 00:05:14,500就在下面几排的边上,是休·爱德华兹和嘉莉·格雷西Just a few rows below, it is not a long side.Here is Huw Edwards and Carrie Gracie.5800:05:14,800 --> 00:05:18,500休,世界在注视着中国的首都北京Huw, I can start with you first, the world is watching China and Beijing.5900:05:18,800 --> 00:05:21,500你能够为我们从政治的层面解释一下奥运吗?Can you put these games into political contexts for us please?6000:05:21,800 --> 00:05:24,500嗯,苏,我想说这与政治无关Huw Edwards: Well, Sue, it is quit something I have to say6100:05:24,800 --> 00:05:29,500我现在重复的是中国的官方立场and I am going to say to be with standby something very special and very spectacular.6200:05:29,800 --> 00:05:32,500中国是这样对世界这样说的This is china basically say to the world:6300:05:32,800 --> 00:05:36,500我们来了,我们是二十一世纪的超级大国we arrived; we are the 21th century super power;00:05:36,800 --> 00:05:38,500我们能够举办历史上最好的奥运we can do the best Olympics ever.6500:05:38,800 --> 00:05:42,500他们在奥运上花费了400亿美元They spent 40 billion dollars on these games.6600:05:42,800 --> 00:05:45,500只要他们关注的,没有东西能够出差错Nothing can go wrong as far as they are concerned.6700:05:45,800 --> 00:05:49,500这将是一场非常壮观的表演And this is going to be amazing occasion stand by something6800:05:49,800 --> 00:05:53,500将有许多优秀的演员参加very spectacular and pretty athletes’ games.6900:05:53,800 --> 00:05:56,500我听不清楚,这里现场的声音很大I have trouble hearing you since getting so loud in here.7000:05:56,800 --> 00:05:59,500但是我要提一些关于环境的问题But Hazel if I come to your mention the environmental affairs.7100:05:59,800 --> 00:06:03,500如果污染不断加剧Talk about pollution the hit in the media you know is very warm.7200:06:03,800 --> 00:06:05,500对运动员来说比赛难度会增加吗?Is it be the tough game ever for athletes?7300:06:05,800 --> 00:06:08,500我认为,苏,这可能带来一次更大的挑战I think, Sue, it could be one of more challenges once.7400:06:08,800 --> 00:06:11,500我可以高兴地告诉你,还没有看到戴口罩的运动队We haven’t seen the packing corps just yet I am happy to say.00:06:11,800 --> 00:06:14,500但是,我知道,当7年前的国际奥委会But I was that when the IOC congress 7 years ago7600:06:14,800 --> 00:06:17,500在莫斯科把29届夏季奥运会的主办权交给北京的时候in the Moscow when the games were awarded to Beijing.7700:06:17,800 --> 00:06:20,500那时没有人知道会有许多政治辩论Many political debates at that time but nobody realize7800:06:20,800 --> 00:06:24,500而空气质量和环境污染将成为一个重大的问题that how much the air quality and pollution would become such a major issue.7900:06:24,800 --> 00:06:26,500正如你知道的,中国从北京迁走了As you know China has short8000:06:26,800 --> 00:06:30,500几百个工厂,并限制数以百万计的汽车that hundreds factories and take the hundreds fossil the cars8100:06:30,600 --> 00:06:31,500在中国的道路上行驶,以提高空气质量off the road in China to prove their quality.8200:06:31,600 --> 00:06:35,500而国际奥委会首席医疗官员说,这是短期处罚措施And chief IOC medical official said it is fine still for short8300:06:35,800 --> 00:06:38,500但是世界卫生组织的标准of world health organization standards however.8400:06:38,800 --> 00:06:40,500应该证明在将来能够达到The prove putting to will be tomorrow.8500:06:40,800 --> 00:06:46,500这种限制措施只在北京的范围内有效It is the main 148 and half miles of ruling(a word).8700:06:47,800 --> 00:06:50,500当然,我们知道过去的事情完成了一半Of course we know the last things a half of8800:06:50,800 --> 00:06:52,500还有很多值得将来处理a few finish and how many worth finishing tomorrow.9100:06:56,800 --> 00:07:01,500但是嘉莉你是跟随BBC记者到北京来参加奥运会的But Carrie you are from the BBC correspondent to here in Beijing.9200:07:01,800 --> 00:07:03,500嘉莉,你能够告诉我们奥运对中国人民来说代表着什么吗?Sue Barker: Carrie, Can you tell us what the Games means to people in China?9300:07:03,800 --> 00:07:05,500噢,就我所看到的Carrie Gracie: Well, as far as I can see,9400:07:05,800 --> 00:07:09,500这里的人们真的隔离于(=没有被影响)我们刚刚提及的负面信息people here are really not exposedto the negative messages we have been talking about:9500:07:09,800 --> 00:07:14,500那些抗议,环境威胁,严峻的安全问题the protest, the environment worries, the heavy-handed security.9600:07:14,800 --> 00:07:18,500因此,有少数人认为So they are a part of few exceptions who9700:07:18,800 --> 00:07:22,500奥运限制措施妨碍了他们的正常生活abated for Olympic ban years old and having their comfortable,9800:07:22,800 --> 00:07:24,500他们表达了自己意见having speaking their minds00:07:24,800 --> 00:07:26,500并说他们开始从北京迁移and begining to say they are moved from the Beijing.10000:07:26,800 --> 00:07:28,500而这里大多数人都感到自豪Most of the people are proud.10100:07:28,800 --> 00:07:32,500经过七年的筹备They are ready to party 7 years getting ready.10200:07:32,800 --> 00:07:36,500他们的(奥运)盛会已蓄势待发They are just looking for to the fireworks for heroes in this stadium 10300:07:36,800 --> 00:07:41,500并且要办成具有中国特色的奥运会and in the games themselves on their fields.10400:07:42,800 --> 00:07:45,500行,嘉莉,黑和休,非常感谢OK, Carrie, Hazel and Huw,thank you very much.10500:07:45,669 --> 00:07:47,727稍事休息,几分钟后,马上回来We have a short stop.We will be back with you just a few minutes.10600:07:47,800 --> 00:07:50,500不过,这是世界上的But I mention that this is world watching its first10700:07:50,800 --> 00:07:53,500中国有史以来首次举办奥运会time for China ever to host the Olympic Games.10800:07:53,800 --> 00:07:56,500让我们期盼奥运会长久记忆在生活之中Let’s hope the lasting memory when we live the games.10900:07:56,769 --> 00:07:58,500所有关注的,是鼓手们和All about the attention the drummers and11000:07:58,800 --> 00:08:00,500体育天才都将在这里演出the talented those are performing here.11100:08:00,800 --> 00:08:02,500我们采访过的很多体育天才And talking the talent are plenty over there 11200:08:02,800 --> 00:08:05,500今天都聚在北京so many the world great are here in Beijing. 11300:08:06,800 --> 00:08:08,5001000枚金牌11400:08:09,800 --> 00:08:11,500302个比赛项目11500:08:12,800 --> 00:08:15,50010500名竞争对手11600:08:15,800 --> 00:08:17,727迈克尔·菲尔普斯·11700:08:17,800 --> 00:08:19,727布拉德利·威金斯·11800:08:19,800 --> 00:08:21,627阿萨法·鲍威尔·11900:08:21,800 --> 00:08:23,627菲利普斯·艾杜乌·12000:08:23,800 --> 00:08:25,627女子四人双桨队·12100:08:25,800 --> 00:08:27,627罗杰·费德勒·12200:08:28,800 --> 00:08:30,827 克里斯蒂娜·奥胡罗古·12300:08:30,987 --> 00:08:32,727 小罗纳尔多·12400:08:32,800 --> 00:08:35,527 叶莲娜·伊辛巴耶娃·12500:08:35,800 --> 00:08:38,500 丽贝卡·罗梅罗·12600:08:38,800 --> 00:08:40,727 尤塞恩·博尔特·12700:08:40,800 --> 00:08:43,627 保拉·拉德克利夫·12800:08:43,800 --> 00:08:45,627 拉菲尔·纳达尔·12900:08:45,800 --> 00:08:49,527 贝丝·特韦德尔·13000:08:49,800 --> 00:08:52,627 泰森·盖伊·13100:08:52,800 --> 00:08:54,727 维多利亚·彭德尔顿·13200:08:54,800 --> 00:08:57,727本·安斯利·13300:08:57,800 --> 00:09:01,727安迪·穆雷·13400:09:01,800 --> 00:09:05,727勒布朗·詹姆斯·13500:09:05,800 --> 00:09:09,527克里斯·霍伊·13600:09:09,800 --> 00:09:12,727刘翔·15000:09:30,800 --> 00:09:32,500还有其它事情杂夹其中呢,迈克尔(Michael)Sue Barker: There are other issues involved here, Michael.15100:09:32,800 --> 00:09:35,500譬如说,为了今晚的开幕式,布什总统正在现场For example, President Bush is here for the Opening Ceremony tonight. 15200:09:35,800 --> 00:09:38,500这是在任美国总统首次到别的国家观看开幕式For the first time the American president is on the foreign soil for opening ceremony.15300:09:38,800 --> 00:09:42,500美国国内对此是如何反应呢?What has been the reaction to that back home in the United States? 15400:09:42,800 --> 00:09:46,500我想人们不会真的惊讶于他决定来这里Michael Johnson (4-time Olympic champion (1992-2000)):I don’t think many people are really so surprised that he decided to come here,15500:09:46,800 --> 00:09:49,500并且我认为他的举动没有什么政治意义and I think his decision is less political.15600:09:49,800 --> 00:09:53,500我想,不管国内人们是怎么想的I think he probably made the personal decision15700:09:53,800 --> 00:10:00,500他之所以作出这个私人决定,可能是因为他想利用这个机会来这里that he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to come here,15800:10:00,800 --> 00:10:04,500看看这个(开幕式)to see this and to be a part of the ceremony,15900:10:04,800 --> 00:10:07,500成为开幕式的一份子regardless of anyone thinks back at home.33000:13:01,800 --> 00:13:05,500这就是第二十九届奥运会的开始Huw Edwards: This is how the Games of the 29th Olympiad are beginning. 33100:13:05,800 --> 00:13:13,5002008位鼓手正在用前所未有的方式敲打着,倒数着2008 drummers are beating the count-down in a way that has never been before.33700:13:22,800 --> 00:13:29,500这些鼓手正营造一种超凡的如电子般(electrifying?)的效果The drummers themselves are producing remarkable electrifying effect. 33800:13:30,800 --> 00:13:39,500这些大鼓让人想起2008位4000岁的先人Sue Barker: These are the full drums calling up the ancestor 4000 years old, 2008 of them.34000:13:52,800 --> 00:13:54,500他们等待着一个信号Huw Edwards: They are waiting for the signal,34200:13:54,800 --> 00:13:58,500北京长达七年的等待的最后倒数for the final count-down that Beijing has been waiting for seven years.34300:14:01,800 --> 00:14:03,500还剩一分钟A minute to go.35800:16:10,800 --> 00:16:17,500来自BBC的黄衣女巫哑口无言了不过,只持续90秒。

Title: The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games - A Glorious Moment in HistoryThe 2008 Beijing Olympic Games marked a significant milestone in the history of sports and international unity. It was not just an athletic event but a cultural extravaganza that showcased the rich heritage and vibrant spirit of China to the world.The Opening Ceremony was a spectacular display of traditional Chinese arts and modern technology. With thousands of performers, dazzling fireworks, and a巨型scroll that unrolled to reveal the history of China, it was a breathtaking sight that captivated the hearts of millions.The competition itself was fierce and exciting. Athletes from all over the world came together to compete in various events, displaying their skills and determination. The Chinese team performed exceptionally well, winning numerous medals and breaking records. The games also witnessed some of the most memorable moments in Olympic history, such as Michael Phelps' record-breaking performance in swimming and Usain Bolt's unforgettable 100-meter sprint.Beyond the medals and records, the 2008 Beijing Olympics were also a symbol of unity and friendship. The games brought people from different cultures and backgrounds together, fostering a sense of global brotherhood. The Olympic spirit of "Faster, Higher, Stronger" was not just a motto but a powerful reminder of the potential of humanity to achieve great things.Moreover, the Beijing Olympics left a lasting impact on China and the world. It accelerated the development of China's infrastructure and tourism industry, and italso raised the global profile of China as a rising power. The games also served as a platform for promoting peace and understanding between nations.In conclusion, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games were a momentous occasion that left a deep imprint on the hearts and minds of people worldwide. They not only showcased the athletic prowess of individuals but also celebrated the diversity and unity of the human spirit. They will forever remain a golden chapter in the history of Olympics and sports.。

奥运会常用的术语:奥运会Olympic Games 奥运会选拔赛Olympic trial国际奥委会International Olympic Committee 奥运会会歌Olympic Anthem奥运火炬Olympic torch 奥运会代表团Olympic delegation 奥运村Olympic village组委会organization committee 开幕式opening ceremony 闭幕式closing ceremony吉祥物mascot 颁奖台podium与奥运会有关的几个基本句子1894.国际奥委会于1894年6月23日成立。
The international Olympic Committee constituted itself on 23rd June奥林匹克的标志是五个相连的圆环,它代表着五大洲的团结和全世界运动员在奥运会上相聚一堂。
The Olympic symbol,the five interlocking rings, represents the union of the five continents and the meeting of the athletes of the world at the Olympic Games.国际奥委会的官方语言是法语和英语。
The official languages of the IOC are French and English.奥运圣火是人们缅怀古代奥运会的象征。
The Olympic flame is a symbol reminiscent of the ancient Olympic Games.奥运会包括夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会,它们都是每四年举办一次。

2008 Beijing Olympic Games2008 Beijing Olympic Games Summary: The 29th Olympic Games in 2008, from 8 to 24 August in the Chinese capital Beijing, will be held 28 big projects, 38 sub-item of the game, produced 302 gold medals. 2008, there will be more than 20,000 athletes, coaches and officials to participate in the Beijing Olympic Games. In addition to the majority of competitions held in Beijing, the sailing competition held in Qingdao, the equestrian events held in Hong Kong, some soccer preliminaries in Tianjin, Shanghai, Shenyang and Qinhuangdao held. July 8, 2005, to be held in Singapore the International Olympic Committee's 117 plenary meeting, decided by the Hong Kong association with the 2008 Olympic equestrian events, the second is the first Olympic history by different regions of the IOC contractors. The 29th Olympic Games Organizing Committee (Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee) was established in December 13, 2001, is the contractor in 2008 the 29th session of the Olympic Games and the 13th Paralympic Games organization, responsible for organizing the implementation of the 29th Olympic Games Of the 13th Paralympic Games and the preparation and organization of work. Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee's leadership and decision-making body is the Executive Committee.2008 Beijing Olympic Games significance: 1. China is the world's most populous country, but has never hosted the Olympic Games. If the 2008 Olympic Games in possession of the world's fifth of the population, 400 million young people held in Beijing, China, the Olympic ideals and spirit will be more widely spread and development.2. With hosting the Olympic Games of economic strength. Beijing is a great potential for development of the city, over the past 10 years has always been a double-digit economic growth in 1999 GDP of the entire city for 24 billion U.S. dollars, per capita GDP in 2000 dollars.3. Outstanding sports achievements. In the past two consecutive Olympic gold medal and fourth medal of the total number of good results. So far, Chinese athletes have won 1,317 world champion, world record 1026, Super.4. Political and social stability. In the world's major capital cities, Beijing is a criminal offence rate, traffic death rate, the lowest rate of fire one of the cities, urban safety and security of organizing major sports events have the ability.5. Splendid culture. Beijing has a history of the founding of the city in 3000, 800 in Capital history, with many attractions and rich cultural heritage.6. Games organizing large-scale wealth of experience. Beijing not onlysuccessfully held the 1990 at the 11th Asian Games in 1994, its sixth FESPIC Can Yunhui, 2001 and was the 21st World University Games bid.7. A beautiful Olympic Park is design. Beijing urban environment in the northern part of the construction of the most beautiful Olympic Park, an area of 1,215 hectares, of which accommodate 80,000 people, including the main stadium, the 14 sports venues, the athletes village and the International Exhibition Centre, together with the 760 hectares of forest green, Competition is very suitable for athletes and the rest.8. First-class communications, transport, hotels and other social service facilities. Beijing a total of 344 star hotels, 72,000 rooms (sets), the Olympic Games during the reception capacity of 40 million people, the airport's passenger capacity, for 35 million passengers on the route connecting the world of any navigable countries or cities.9. The central government's support. May 8, 2000, then-Premier Zhu Rongji said: The Chinese government fully supports Beijing's Olympic bid, from various aspects of Beijing's bid for the work to create good conditions.10. The strong support of the people. According to an independent survey company of the people of Beijing households survey: 94.6 percent of the public to support Beijing's bid for the 2008 Olympic Games.2008 Beijing Olympic Games events: the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the 28 major events and sub-items have not changed. According to the International Olympic Committee, Olympic sport is that of the: major (SPORT), sub-item (DISCIPINES) and subparagraph (EVENT).And the Athens Olympic Games, Beijing Olympic Games is a major event 28, 28 are:田径track and field 赛艇canoe 羽毛球badminton 垒球softball 篮球basketball 足球soccer 拳击boxing皮划艇canoeing 自行车cycling 击剑fencing 体操gymnastics 举重weightlifting 手球handball 曲棍球Hockey / Field Hockey 柔道judo 摔跤wrestling 水上项目aquatics现代五项modern pentathlon 棒球baseball 马术equestrian 跆拳道kickboxing 网球tennis 乒乓球table tennis 射击shooting 射箭archery 铁人三项triathlon帆船帆板sailing 排球volleyballAmong them, some of the projects are sub-item, made up of the water projects, including swimming, synchronized swimming, water polo and diving four sub-item. Although there is no breakdown of track and field, there are 46 Xiao Xiang, Xiao Xiang 24 men, 22 women Xiao Xiang, the Olympic Games is the largest project in the gold medal. This was followed by swimming, although no breakdown, but there were 32 small items, the 16 men and women. Rogge is in Nanjing to attend the 10th China National Games opening ceremony,made the remarks during. He said that although competition is different from other Olympic Games in 28 major competitions, but this is, after all, wushu to the Olympic arena as a major breakthrough.According to the State General Administration of Sport Martial Arts Management Wang Xiaolin, director of the Center, Rogge is on the 13th in Nanjing during a media interview on Beijing for the Olympics. This is Rogge said wushu will become the first 2008 Beijing Olympic Games events, but also to clarify the "martial arts will become the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games performances" hearsay.2008 Beijing Olympic venues: the National Stadium in Beijing Olympic Park in southern central area, in 2008 the 29th session of the main Olympic stadium. The total project covers an area of 21 hectares, the construction area of 258000 M ². At the audience seats about 91,000, of which about 11,000 temporary seats. Will hold the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games opening and closing ceremonies, track and field competitions and football finals. Beijing Olympic Games will be extensive public participation in sports and enjoy the major professional sports entertainment venues, and has become a landmark construction of sports and Olympic heritage. National Stadium construction works for premium sports, the main structural design life of 100 years, fire resistance rating for an earthquake intensity of 8 degrees maximum security, underground waterproof projects grade one. The main construction works was oval-shaped space saddle, 333 meters long from north to south, 294 meters wide thing, 69 meters high. The main steel structure to form an overall saddle-shaped space for the giant steel truss woven "nest" structure, the steel structure of steel for 42,000 tons of concrete stands divided into upper, middle and lower three floors, concrete structure stands for the underground floor , On the 7th floor of reinforced concrete frame - shear wall structural system. Steel and concrete completely undocked from the upper stands, even each other, form a mutual enclosure, while sitting on a foundation linked to the basis on the floor. National Stadium on the steel structure roof membrane covering the two-tier structure, that is fixed in the steel structure winding between the transparent membrane and the upper echelons of ETFE Steel Xiaxian under fixed in the inner wall of translucent and the lower deck of PTFE acoustic ceiling.China's sports stars: Liu XiangLiu Xiang, the growth experience: ★ 1983年7月13日9点28 points, a heavy burden of the nine boys born in Shanghai, he is the Po (childhood name). ★ 1990 at the age of July, Liu Xiang, the Shanghai was up primary school track and field coach Zhong lock your checked practicing track and field, from sports and Jieyuan.★ 1993, the end of the fourth grade, Liu Bao Gu was just elected to the teacher less Sports School of Putuo District of Shanghai, the main practicing the high jump, 100 meters sprint fu training, began aprofessional sports career.★ 1995, the 100-meter run in a game of chance, the Shanghai Sports Technical Institute (referred to the small city of Sports School) track and field team to second-line coach springs eyes, and then began practicing hurdle to enter.★ 1996 received the Shanghai Youth Championships Group B winner. This is the memory of Liu Xiang was the first hurdle champion.★ 1997, the focus of secondary schools into the Putuo District, Shanghai, the traditional school track and field - Yichuan secondary schools, while reading, while training.★ 1998年early August, held in Xuzhou in Jiangsu national youth track and field competition, Liu Xiang Daishang be closed under the National Dance Project of the second.★ 1999年3, in the fight for the full Sun Haiping, Liu Xiang returned to the practice of two small hurdle and into the first team. Since then Liu Xiang and Sun Haiping Jieyuan master, the final 12 seconds to create the myth of 91.★ 2000年Shiqing Sai men's 110 meter hurdles, No. 4; 01 National Games, the East Asian Games, World University Games men's 110 meter hurdles champion; 02 international Grand Prix in Lausanne, Switzerland 12 to 13 seconds to break the men 110 meters results Column Asian record 04 110 meter hurdles Olympic champion, 12 seconds 91 to break the Olympic record of achievements, and tied the world record, July 12, 06, in Lausanne in the Golden League track and field to break 12 seconds by 88 Colin Jackson maintained a 13-year-old world record. February 11, 07, the German track and field indoor赛to 7.42, he broke the Asian record of 60 meters field. ★ 2001年5, to be held in Shanghai of the National Track and Field Championships and Grand Prix series, Liu Xiang, 32 to 13 seconds won the first place. In this new and old Hurdle King "Championship", Liu Xiang beat the eyes of his opponent Chen Yanhao the first hurdle. This is a beginning, Liu completed a real sense of psychological beyond.★ 2001年5, on 28 Liu Xiang won the first world title - the World University Games 110-meter hurdles champion.★ 2002, July Switzerland IAAF Grand Prix, Liu Xiang won 08 of 13 second performance, breaking the 13 seconds of the 23 World Youth record.★ 2004年5 on 8, in Osaka, Japan IAAF Grand Prix, Liu Xiang, 06 to 13 seconds results beat Johnson's 13 seconds 13. The first face-to-face against Johnson, also beat Liu Xiang eyes of the idol, is the second opponent. ★ 2004年2 July, the IAAF Grand Prix Rome station, Liu Xiang, 11 to 13 seconds, faster than Alan Johnson • 0.1% of the rate of re-second victory. • twice defea ted Alan Johnson's experience, as Liu Xiang, Athens decisive battle into the boundless confidence.★ 2004年On 27 August, the Athens Olympics men's 110 meter hurdles final, Liu Xiang, 91 to 12 seconds, Ping • by Britain's Colin Jackson won a recordcreated by the gold medal, created the Chinese people in the Duandao item on the miracle And the myth!★ 2005年on 12 August, at the 10th world championships, Liu Xiang won the 08 to 13 second runner-up, and created a Chinese male players in the history of world championships the best results.★ 2006年On 12 July, Liu Xiang, 88 to 12 seconds of the results obtained in Lausanne, Switzerland Super Grand Prix track and field gold medals and broke 13 long slumber by Britain's Colin Jackson to create • 91 of the 12 second world record.★ 2007年On 31 August, the Osaka in Japan at the 11th World Athletics Championships men's 110 meter hurdles final, Liu Xiang, 95 to 12 seconds to win the set a world record, Olympic champion, world champion in a man 110 meter hurdles Grand Slam winner.2008, the Indoor Championships in Spain, 7.52 seconds was 60 meters field championshipMarch 31, 2008 morning, Liu Xiang, from President Hu Jintao took over the torch, China's first torch relay in hand, for the Olympic torch relay started the prelude to★ 2008年5, 4 Chuan Wenchuan earthquake, May 14 coach Sun Haiping and Liu Xiang in the State Sports General Administration contributions 500,000 yuan.20, Liu Xiang Liu's father came to the root of the Shanghai Red Cross, on behalf of Liu Xiang to the earthquake-stricken area in Sichuan contributions to 3 million people. This is the May 14 coach Sun Haiping and Liu Xiang in the State Sports General Administration contributions 500,000 yuan after another sacrifice of love.Liu Xiang's personal rating: Liu Xiang is the pride of the Chinese athletes, the Olympic Games in Athens 91 to 12 seconds by the results-Britain's Colin - Jackson maintained the world record.这枚gold medal of China in the Olympic Games men won the first athletics gold medals, writing a new history of the Chinese track and field!Competition end of the oath:2004 Athens Olympic world record, I know that many people see me win the gold medal at the这枚have shed tears of excitement, but I Fortunately, only tears in the eyes, Dazhuan, no-out, I feel very excited, Very excited. The entire process of competition for me was perfect. I believe the next day, I passed and coaches with every day through the training of and continuously improve, but also can play a little better.Yao MingYao's personal experience: September 12, 1980, Yao was born in Shanghai, the Sixth Hospital. His parents were basketball players, and his father Yao Zhiyuan Standing 2.08 meters, had the effect of the Shanghai Basketball; mother FANG Feng-tai, is 1.88 meters, is the 1970s the main force of China'swomen's basketball team;In Yao's four-year-old birthday, he received the first basketball. 6-year-old Harry when the American basketball team in Shanghai shows that the NBA. 9-year-old that year, the Xuhui District in Shanghai, Yao Junior Amateur Sports School start training. As the family nurtured from childhood by his basketball savvy, gradually revealed. Five years later, he entered the Shanghai youth team; selected 17-year-old national youth team; China's 18-year-old wore uniforms.Selected in the 18-year-old Chinese national basketball team, Yao's performance further mature. In 2001 the Asian Championships, Yao Ming contributed 13.4 points per game 10.1 rebounds and 2.8 blocks, shooting as high as 72.4 percent, helping the Chinese national team won the championship in 2000 during the Olympics, Yao Ming with an average per game 10.5 points and the team under the highest six rebounds 2.2 blocks per game shooting 63.9 percent rate compared to none;Local time in the United States on June 26, 2002 the General Assembly on the draft, the Houston Rockets pick to smooth China's Yao Ming, he also became the first in the history of the first round of the first foreign player selected;China selected the Little Giant has become the highest in league history and is the second heaviest champion show. In Houston, Yao joined the Rockets, he became the Wang Zhizhi and Mengke Bateer after the third landing of the Chinese NBA player;Summary1997, the Asian Junior Men's Basketball ChampionshipShanghai team in 1998 as the main force of the National Basketball League A section 5May 1998 to travel to Indianapolis to participate in the Nike basketball camp training.April 1998 selected the national team coach Wang Fei.April 1998, selected the national team coach Wang Fei.May 1998, the United States went to Indianapolis to participate in the Nike basketball camp training.In 1998, the Shanghai team as the main force of the National Basketball League A No. 5.In 1998, Chinese basketball star team selected.May 1999, selected the national team coach Jiang Xingquan.1999, in the National Basketball League A, on behalf of the Shanghai team, with team-mate, the first five.August-September 1999, to be held in Japan to participate in the Asian Men's Basketball Championship, and with the team to regain the top Asian Men's Basketball Championship.1999, selected the South China basketball star team.May 1999, the season of 99 National Basketball League A most progressive player award.February 2000, selected 1999 Asian all-star team.March 2000, selected the national team coach Jiang Xingquan.March 2000, participated in the 1999-2000 National Basketball League A, with the cooperation of the Shanghai Oriental teammates win the second.March 2000, selected the 1999-2000 National Basketball League A All-Star team.March 2000, the 1999-2000 season National Basketball League A rebounds, dunks, blocks of three individual awards.September 2000, held in Sydney to participate in the 27th Olympic Games basketball competition, cooperation and team-mate by the 10th.September 2000, to participate in the Olympic Games in Sydney. And to go to the U.S. professional basketball league (NBA) draft pick.April 2001, participated in the 2000-2001 National Basketball League A, cooperation and team-mate to help Shanghai Oriental team was second.In 2002, at the World Men's Basketball Championship, on behalf of the Chinese team was the first 122002, on behalf of the Chinese team Shanghai Oriental Basketball League A championship in 2002, selected men's basketball world championship best lineupJune 2002, the NBA champion DiscoveredOctober 2002, the Asian Games men's basketball runner-upNovember 18, 2002 against the Lakers, 9 for 9 in 20 pointsNovember 28, 2002 against the Mavericks, an NBA career-high 30 pointsDecember 2, 2002 against the Spurs, all Qiangde 18 rebounds to become NBA career-highDecember 17, 2002 against Miami, a total of five blocks and eight offensive rebounds to create personal NBA career recordsOctober 1, 2003, led the Chinese team received Ya Jinsai champion, while the Athens Olympic Games tickets.NBA playoff experienceLakers 03-04 season, the Rockets 1-403-04 season, Yao Ming in their second season has grown to become the team in scoring and helped the Rockets to the identity of the seventh regular season to return to the playoffs. But Houston's first-round opponent is the owner of the Lakers F4, both from the strength, experience and home-court advantage, the Rockets have completely disadvantage, their objectives are very clear, that is based on training, and seeking a breakthrough. Yao, the first time to participate in the playoffs is obviously very immature, in his first match in six guilty in the dispersal, 11 for 4 in only 10 minutes of the unsatisfactory performance. Yao Ming is the third best performance of the game, he scored 13 from 9 in 18 points and 10 rebounds, and it helped the team only scored a victory. The confrontation in the series, Yao tired尽显, 10 for three in only 10 points five rebounds. The entire series game he averaged 37 minutes, contributed 15 points and 7.4 rebounds 1.4 blocks while shooting 45.6 percent, also 2.6 turnovers and four fouls, the key data than the regular season has declined. The Xiuse the regular season trip to the playoffs Yao know the cruel, but also for the next postseason full of longing.Mavericks 04-05 Rockets 3-404-05 season, the Rockets after the two transactions have been scoring McGrady, Yao and McGrady in their first season has been made on the success of the Rockets in the regular season fifth in the Western cut again as the playoffs, their Texas brothers opponent is Dallas. The first game, Yao encountered foul trouble, all played only 20 minutes, 8 to 3 in only 11 points eight rebounds. But McGrady is surely shine with greater splendor, to help the Rockets win on the road. The second, Yao and McGrady two joint发威, especially McGrady finished with a maximum of 33 points, and at the last moment in the winning goal. But the Rockets return to the home team has experienced three-game losing streak, Yao Ming in the three games played extremely well, but the poor state of helplessness team. In the sixth key, Yao Ming to play lead, the Rockets have a win over the accident. And in winning market, Yao Ming scored 33 points and 10 rebounds and five blocked shots, McGrady has 27 points revenue, but Yao Ming scored mostly in garbage time, and McGrady is recovering at a crucial moment for singles only Doo, the performance of 40 points for them to the humiliation of the poor to bid farewell to the playoffs. Yao this postseason and has given a pretext, that is, the higher the Rockets Yao Ming scored worse performance, has given a reason for Mr Black, that is, McGrady too independent too soft, even these reasons has been extended.Jazz 06-07 season, the Rockets 3-406-07 season, the Rockets after one year after the return to the playoffs, this time, the first time Yao Ming of the first round of the playoffs with home-court advantage, the opponent is the Northwest champion Jazz. Has become a star Yao Ming is clearly adapted to the climate of the playoffs, he scored in the first match on 28 points and 13 rebounds for the large double-double in the second scored 27 points and nine rebounds for the quasi-two Double to help the team to a 2-0 lead. However, in Salt Lake City, Yao Ming has played extremely bad, two games has 13 turnovers and basically can not guard Boozer offensive, but the Rockets back to Houston with a two-game losing streak. Back to home, Yao's performance has improved, he had 21 points and 15 rebounds and McGrady had led to the race. The key to the sixth, Yao again for eight errors, the rocket missed the chance to advance out of the Jazz. In Game 7, even though both Yao and McGrady scored 29 points, but the Rockets at the last minute inadequate protection rebounds, Carlos Boozer scored a row to seize the opportunity, unfortunately lost the final game. This series, Yao averaged 37.1 minutes a game, scored 25.1 points and 10.3 rebounds and 4.7 turnovers per game, in addition to errors, the biggest problem is that Yao Fang Buzhu Boozer, who became the Yao most of the opponents难对付2007-2008. Wounding can not playRockets eventually regret Baiyu Jazz 2-4Yao's overall rating: from the data, the dozens of Yao Ming is the NBA level, the NBA's best players one of five percent.[Offensive] one of the alliance are back singles capacity, are back in the face of any extension of time to separate the defense, guarantees a strong mass destruction. Huge body配上outstanding awareness, Yao has become the best tool for pick-and-roll, he Mai Mai and the pick-and-roll has given way to a magistrate to discuss the issue of law enforcement standards. In this way, it raises the question whether the expense of Yao's playing time to enjoy the benefits of the pick-and-roll problem. Yao external line assists pathetic, in addition to the outer lane of the rocket is not enough good pitchers, Yao was under the pass-team level is still the need to improve. The biggest shortage is to place (to deal with around the former defense) and get the ball.[Defense] are the best anti-back capacity, a rocket inside the barrier, the defensive core. Limited to physical reasons, should never expect Yao to achieve the level of fat in rebounds, but still can certainly improve the. If only enhance the experience, can also let Yao抢few more rebounds. For those moving defensive players, Yao still needs a lot of room for improvement, such as blocks / offensive foul making the choice.[Spring] Yao Spring: 60 cmYao Ming is bouncing data is not bad, do not understand why we do not believe in pre-NBA draft pick Yao Ming of the measured data. 26-inch, equivalent to about 60 cm, which is bouncing Yao-situ data, to search the Internet, should be very easy to see. NBA in situ bouncing, testing method is basically Dian step takeoff. We should understand that the run-up Mogao compared with the take-off place, the general movement of the excellent, very explosive player more favorable, such as Yao, even if the run-up take-off, explosive moment is not enough to make his run-up Mogao than the high-bouncing situ Many. Yao has documented the run-up Mogao, 360 cm, run-up Mogao about 70 + cm, and his place in the spring about 60 cm it is very natural. In the NBA, Yao is not particularly blocks Well, first, few in the low to his insider's singles (such circumstances, the take-off on Yao Ming and Gaim very favorable, he has the absolute power and pressure on the other side take-off weight room of their own has enough time to take off, such as the small Andean Yao's singles, if not a worse time for use explosive force to win, basically it is difficult not to be covered out). The second point, the NBA player of the moment is very strong explosive force, Yao faster than the speed of response, such as some smallerone in a two-step away from Yao Ming when the dumping starts, Yao's reaction speed fast enough, often in each other's ball has been cast When Tiaoqi blocks, many of the ball from Yao Ming on hand fingertips so that was not covered to. These, and a high degree of Yao's absolutely bouncing little to do, even if Yao bouncing data or 60 centimeters, but if he's explosive force strong, fast transient response, the ball is to be covered. Yes, Yao Ming to play in the NBA he is not relying on the bounce, but I do not understand is how so many fans on the most basic physical Yao these test data are unclear. Even Yao Ming to look at the clips, and can have sufficient time to clear Yao to take off, is not absolute height of 60 cm below. 70 cm in the run-up bouncing + is also very normal. Yao himself has said that he and others over, bouncing in addition to a high degree of difference, mainly because of slow response, the second take-off capability is not strong. Yao in the NBA in rebounds O'Neal grabbed the head, shark big hand hit the head, in the 2 +1 that ball, are we not impressed? »抢board when the ball is in the shark behind Yao Ming, is in situ take-off, the body has also been squeezed, grabbed rebounds, above the rim in basketball is about 30 cm. Including catcher situ blasting Lafulunci deduction, which can be seen the ball to Yao obvious signs of take-off, probably because of Lafulunci very "hate" because of the Spring Lafulunci we do not doubt Bar » Take-off was already Lafulunci hand, hand over a basket of 20 cm. Yao Ming that deduction, as is entirely in the ultra-hands volleyball spiking, the hand holding a basketball super-hand top-down split Lafulunci deduction in the head on. Take-off that ball high, people wonder if there are less than 50 cm, really want to vomit blood, and carefully observed, should have a 60 cm, and that no physical contact with the two balls, Yao Ming is the full take-off, has been Yao Ming is closer to the place of the high degree of absolute take-off. Indeed, we look closely, Yao in the NBA game, many of the take-off Gaim, the head of the Nets are met. Even under the most simple data infer that Yao Ming was 229 cm tall shoes, to mention count 230, Nets even count the 275 cm high, he Tiaoqi more than 40 cm, let alone, in the video, obviously Yao's first New Jersey has more than 10 centimeters around. But we can note that these blocks, Yao apparently did not take-off run-up of space and time, the basic take-off is standing in situ, even Dian step in the space did not take off. This year's contest, the All-Star, Yao Ming has a very beautiful action after the turn at the basket, split from the hard deduction, the ball should have explained Yao's bouncing absolutely no impression that we weak. (Specify: 1 cm = 1 cm)[Psychological quality]Yao Ming can not only remember the critical moment in the fourth quarter mistakes, we should also take note of his shooting in the fourth quarter alarming rate. As a center, Yao Ming is not suitable for Yichuidingyin in the final seconds, but in the few minutes earlier,。