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I.听力(满分15分,每小题1 分)



1.How much is the camera now?

A $400

B $450 C$500

2.What does the man mean?

A He disagrees with the woman.

B He does not like to eat breakfast.

C He is too busy to have breakfast.

3.What does the man suggest the woman do?

A Read more article

B Write an article herself

C Choose a better article to read

4.What are the speakers talking about?

A The weather

B A television

C The service

5.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A In a bank

B On a train

C At a railway station.



6.How much money do the woman’s parents give her a month?

A $760

B $500

C $380

6.What will the woman do?

A Work more

B Borrow some money

C Ask the man for help


8.How much should the man pay for one night?

A $170

B $150

C $130

9. How can the man get a membership card?

A By paying $100

B By staying here for 10 days

C By having dinner here for five times

10. Where is the canteen?

A On the first floor

B On the second floor

C On the third floor


11. Why could the man and Linda buy the house?

A They bought it at a very low price.

B They worked hard to earn the money.

C They got the money when their grandmother died.

12. When did the man and Linda buy the house?

A Five years ago

B Four years ago

C Three years ago

13. What does the man advise the woman do?

A Learn from her father

B Attend financial classes

C Read investing books


14. How does the man feel about his interview?

A Worried

B Confident

C Disappointed

15. Why does the woman apply to Michigan University?

A Her father wants her to go there

B She likes the university

C It’s a beautiful university

II.语法和词汇知识(满分15分,每小题1 分)

16. — ___________________ ?

— Very interesting.

A. Have you ever seen the film

B. Are you interested in the film

C. What’s the film about

D. How do you find the film

17._________ Mr. White _________ his sister is coming to our help. Which is wrong?

A. Either; or

B. Neither; nor

C. Not only; but also

D. Both; and

18. — Would you like to come to dinner tonight?

—I’d like to, ______ I’m too busy.

A. and

B. so

C. but

D. as

19. Several new railways are under ______ in China.

A. construction

B. condition

C. surrounding

D. discussion

20.Can you tell me ______the 28th Olympic Games______?

A. when will; be held

B. when; will be held

C. when will be; held

D. when; will hold

21.—Where did ________traffic accident happen, sir?

—It took place at ________crossroads by the bank.

A. a;/ B .the; a C./;a D .a; a

22. John hadn’t been able to stop smoking suddenly; he had to control his smoking ________.

A. by and by

B. sooner or later

C. little by little

D. from time to time

23. When they went to the theatre, the play ______ for five minutes.

A. had begun

B. has begun

C. had been on

D. was on

24. When I arrived at that village ____ I used to live, I found my old friends ____ a lot.

A. which; changed

B. where; had changed

C. which; had changed

D. where; changed

25. The committee _____ made up of 20 members, who _____ experts in medicine.

A is, are

B is, is

C are, is

D are, are

26. In Africa, many people die of ______ every year.

A. hungry

B. hunger

C. cold

D. food

27. In my opinion, success should not be ______ only by how much money you have but also by many other things.

A. decided

B. replaced

C. measured

D. realized

28. India is a____ country while Japan is a ____ country .

A. developed; developed

B. developing; developing
