PEP小学三年级英语上册U6B Let's talk

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Gogo English

Exercise in 《同步伴读》
Let’s talk 询问物品数量:How many …?
如:How many gifts? 送给别人东西时说:This is for you. 接受他人物品时回答:Thank you. 祝贺生日快乐说:Happy birthday! 感谢人家的祝福说:Thank you.
zip来到我们的教室了,你跟她聊些 什么呢?Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
Unit Six 6
B Let's talk
桂畔小学 吕春琼
free talk guess game text play summary
let's do number game let's chant Zip's visit Gogo's1 Gogo's2 watch VD
Let's free talk 让我们练口语吧。
How many ? How many? 1, 2,3 How many ? How many?3,4,5 How many ? How many?5,6,7 How many ? How many?7,8,9 How many ? How many?8,9,10
你 问 我 答
How many rulers ?
There are four.

2. How many gifts are there?
There are ten.

3. How many cakes are there?
There is one cake.

Whose birthday? Zip's birthday.
Let' s chant 让我们一起来唱歌谣。
假设今天B 生日。 A: Happy birthday . B : Thank you. A: How old are you. B:I am _____years old. B:Let's eat the birthday cake. A: Great.


1.How many balloons are there?
Let's watch and answer the quetions.

1. How many boats are there? 2. How many cars are there?
Gogo English

Let's watch and answer the quetions.

How many steps are there? How many eggs are there?

提示: Z:Hello ,Zip ,nice to meet you. A:My name's xx. I have a picture. Z:Really ?May I have a look? A:Sure. How many ...( 考考Zip) Z:... A:This is for you. Happy birthday. Z:Thank you.