




Unparalleled, all hearts.2、商场如战场,品质打先锋。

Market, such as the battlefield, the quality of the pioneer.3、要想不被淘汰,只有跑在前面。

In order not to be eliminated, only run in the front.4、诚实做人,精心做事。

Be honest and do things carefully.5、鉴旧日精神,创新世伟业。

The spirit of the old days, the great innovation of the world.6、团结一致,再创佳绩。

Unite and make good achievements.7、创新求发展,合作赢未来。

Innovation seeks development and cooperation wins the future.8、品质专注,价格合理。

The quality is focused and the price is reasonable.9、优越超值,专业成就典范。

Superior value, professional achievement model.10、没有要求,只有追求。

No demand, only the pursuit.11、不要小看自己,人有无限可能。

Don't look down on yourself, people have infinite possibilities.12、品质为本,财富为果。

Quality is the base, wealth is the fruit.13、心态正,事业成,不成也成。

The state of mind is positive, and the cause is done.14、今百废待兴,明勇冠三军。



口号英语经典英文口号大全Nothing is to be got without pain but poverty.下面是由口号栏目小编整理的口号英语,欢迎查看。


Nothing is impossible to a willing heart./Where there is a will there is a way.2、千里之行,始于足下。

The longest journey begins with the first step.3、积少成多。

Every little helps.4、满招损,谦受益。

Pride hurts,modesty benefits.5、世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获。

Nothing is to be got without pain but poverty.6、伟业非一日之功/冰冻三尺非一日之寒。

Rome was not built in a day.7、一寸光阴一寸金,寸今难买寸光阴。

Lost years are worse than lost dollars.8、自助者天助。

God helps those who help themselves.9、欲速则不达。

More haste,less speed.10、台上一分钟,台下十年功。

One minute on the stage needs ten years practice off stage.11、好的开端是成功的一半。

Well begun is half done.12、酒好不怕巷子深。

Good wine needs no bush.13、成功源于勤奋。

Industry is the parent of success.14、英雄所见略同。

Great minds think alike.15、熟能生巧。

Practice makes perfect.16、静水流深。

Still waters run deep.17、滴水穿石。




Smile service, happy you and me.2、热情大方,微笑服务。

Enthusiasm and generosity, smiling service.3、面带微笑,热情服务。

Smile and serve enthusiastically.4、一颗服务心,万般关爱情。

A service heart, love in every way.5、工作小窗口,服务大平台。

Small working window, large service platform.6、微笑问好,喜迎客到。

Say hello with a smile and welcome the guests.7、客人的满意是我们事业的动力。

Customer satisfaction is the driving force of our business.8、以善为人,以诚待人。

Be kind to others and sincere to others.9、您的满意是我工作的动力。

Your satisfaction is the driving force of my work.10、始于需求,终于满意。

Beginning with demand, and finally satisfying.11、用心做好细节,以诚赢得信赖。

Carefully do the details, in order to win trust in sincerity.12、物美价廉,沟通无限。

Good quality and low price, unlimited communication.13、细微显真情,平凡塑仁心。

Fine show the true feelings, ordinary shaping benevolence.14、顾客满意是我最大的心愿。

Customer satisfaction is my greatest wish.15、柜台如擂台,顾客如判官。



公司中英对照口号公司中英比照口号11. 人才是企业成长的原动力 Manpower is a prime driver for the growth of an organization.2. 责任协作responsibility co-ordination efficient execution3. 争做中国行业优秀的留学公司 Be the top leader in the study abroad consulting industry.4. 大干一年大步前进 Work hard and progress fast.5. 没有执行力就没有竞争力! Without execution, there is no competition.6. 微笑挂在脸上,服务记在心里. Smiles are an expression of a spirit of service.7. 把平凡的'工作持续地做好就是不平凡。

Doing ordinary work persistently is extraordinary.8. 节约用纸爱护地球 Save paper and live a low carbon life.9. 珍惜每一滴水 Make every drop of water count.10. 顺手关灯节约能源 Please switch off lights when leaving.11. 下班勿忘关电源节约用电好风尚 Please turn off power before heading home.12. 不要小看自己,人有无限可能。

Every individual is unique with infinite potential.13. 你的自觉贡献,才有公司的辉煌。

Your dedication contributes to the company’s prosperity.14. 每天进一步,踏上胜利路。




Do everything with your heart and make progress every day.2、诚实做人,精心做事。

Honest man, careful work.3、顾客是我们的上帝,品质是上帝的需求。

Customer is our God, quality is God's need.4、要有好的灌溉,才有好的成果。

Good irrigation results in good results.5、企业的成功来自于每一位员工的付出。

The success of an enterprise comes from the expenditure of every employee.6、爱岗敬业求实创新用心服务勇争一流。

Love, dedication, truth-seeking, innovation, heart service, Yong contend for first-class.7、细心精心用心,品质永保称心。

Careful, careful and careful, the quality is always satisfactory.8、顾客的难题,就是我们开发的课题。

The customer's problem is the subject we have developed.9、节约团结求实创新。

Save unity, seek truth and innovation.10、对工程负责,让用户满意。

Be responsible for the project and satisfy the users.11、执着追求完美品质,演义网络新篇章。

Persistent pursuit of perfect quality, romance new chapter of the network.12、改进一点点、我们就多了很多。




Smile to work and work.2、商场如战场,品质打先锋。

Market, such as the battlefield, the quality of the pioneer.3、始于群众需要,终于人民满意。

It begins with the needs of the masses, and finally the people are satisfied.4、我乐于助人,因为客人是朋友。

I am happy to help people, because the guests are friends.5、团结一条心,石头变成金。

In unity there is strength.6、有我的.真心,换您的笑容。

Have my heart, change your smile.7、微笑一百分,客户给满分。

Smile one hundred points, customers give full marks.8、态度决定一切,细节决定成败。

Attitude determines everything, and details determine success or failure.9、你使用放心,我们努力用心。

You use it, we work hard.10、用心做好细节,以诚赢得信赖。

Do a good job in detail to win trust with sincerity.11、服务创造价值,专业赢得信任。

The service creates the value, the profession wins the trust.12、理想责任形象,创新和谐向上。

The ideal responsibility image, innovation and harmony upward.13、面对面的沟通,心贴心的服务。




Make quality service a work habit.全情奉献,群众满意。

Dedication with all one's heart and satisfaction of the masses. 您的满意,我的追求。

Your satisfaction, my pursuit.时时谨记安全,处处用心服务。

Always keep in mind the safety and serve everywhere.展现文明素质,用心真诚服务。

Demonstrate the quality of civilization, sincere service.真心待人,诚信服务。

Treat people sincerely and serve in good faith.优质的服务不是脸,而是心。

Quality service is not face, but heart.优质服务,诚信为民。

Quality service, good faith for the people.亲切的微笑是的推销。

A friendly smile is the best salesman.服务从微笑开始。

Service begins with a smile.优秀的团队专业的服务。

Excellent team professional service.用心服务,真诚待人。

Serve with heart and treat people sincerely.创文千万家,服务您我他。

Create thousands of articles, serve you, me and him.热情服务,为民解忧。

Serve the people enthusiastically.服务注重细节,细节决定质量。

Service pays attention to details, details determine the quality. 微笑是世界上最美丽的语言。




Adhere to the unity and stability, make concerted efforts to do business.2、每天进一步,踏上成功路。

Every day, step on the road to success.3、培育礼仪员工,创造文明团队。

Cultivate etiquette employees and create civilized team.4、遵章守纪,杜绝隐患,落实责任,保障安全。

Zunzhangshouji, eliminate hidden dangers, to implement the responsibility to ensure the safety of.5、做好品质记录,打好品管基础。

Make good quality records and lay a good foundation for quality control.6、以拥护为中心,以市场为导向,全方位提高服务水平。

In order to support as the center, take the market as the guidance, improve the service level of the full range of.7、优质产品,丰厚成果。

High quality products, rich results.8、爱护公物,珍惜资源,勤俭节约,共同发展。

Take good care of public property, cherish resources, thrift, common development.9、是建立洁净亮丽,整齐舒适,安全高效的法宝。

Is a beautiful, neat and comfortable, safe and efficient way.10、事不三思总有败,人能百忍自无忧。



英文服务口号篇一:英语标语英语标语1、Success , we all create together!成功,我们共同创造!2、Learn how to love life;Learn how to live a meaningfullife;Learn how to create your life.热爱生活,学会生活,创造生活3、Habits are d in daily life;Personalities are accumulations of one’s habits;Destiny is partly determined by one’s personality. 播种生活,收获习惯;播种习惯,收获性格;播种性格,收获命运4、The best way of the teacher to teach students is to set up agood example.教师最佳的教育方法是做出榜样。

5、With my wings I fly to my ideal goal,With my sails I head formy safe harbor.插上理想的翅膀,扬起青春的风帆。

6、With the help of foreign languages, we can embrace theoutside world, and bring it closer to us.用语言走向世界,让世界走近我们!7、English is the bridge to the world.英语是走向世界的桥梁。

8、Offering is life.奉献就是人生。

9、Master English you can roam the world.精通英语走遍天下。

10、Solidify your base and richen your knowledgeto improveyour ability.厚基础宽知识强能力there is a will,there is a way.有志者事竟成.belongs to the most persistent.坚持不懈才能胜利13. No Pains,No Gains! Success belongs to the most prepared.1、A small leak will sink a great ship.小漏沉大船。




接下来小编整理了英文服务口号大全,文章希望大家喜欢!篇一:中英版标语口号优质.创新.热情 Quality. Innovation. Passion服务九最 Nine Requirements for Staff Members最少等候时间 Shortest possible waiting time最好服务态度 Best service attitude最佳问题解决 Finest solutions最快疑问解答 Quickest replies最短作业流程 Most efficient Processes最简表格文件 Simplest forms最浅文字说明 Easiest wording最美肢体语言 Prettiest body language最甜声音微笑 Sweetest voices and smiles十大日勉 Ten Daily Principles肚量大一点 More Generosity嘴巴甜一点 More Tact行动快一点 Quick Action效率高一点 Higher Efficiency脑筋活一点 Think Smart理由少一点 Less Excuse做事多一点 More Done脾气小一点 Less Temper说话轻一点 Speak Gently微笑露一点 Smile More3S精神 Our 3S Service微笑 Smile赶快办 Speed令伊满意 Satisfaction3C方案 Our 3C Programs关怀 Care便民 Convenience沟通 Communication预约到厂服务免请假 Workplace services do save your time 到府服务体贴您的心 Home service touches your heart新式身分证,防伪有保障 New-type ID Card your safeguard感动从第一次接触开始 Affections Begin from the first touch 本所提供群众档案应用服务 Our office offers inter-party file usage service城市让生活更美好 Better City, Better Life.篇二:英语励志口号never give up 永不放弃i believe i can do something to make the world a better placego all out to do everything我相信我可以做一件让世界变得更美好全力以赴,尽一切IF you don`t ever take chances, you won`t reachthe rainbows.(不抓住机会怎能见彩虹)If you don`t ever search, you`ll never be able to find.(不去寻找怎能有发现)IF you don`t attempt to get over your doubts and fears, you`ll never discover howwonderful it is to live without them. (不尝试打消疑问和恐惧怎能知道无忧无虑地生活是多么的精彩.)If you don`t go beyonddifficulty, you won`t grow any stronger.(不克服困难怎能变得强大)IF you don`t keep your dreams alive, you won`t have your dreams any longer. (不让梦想燃烧怎能让梦想永存)1.有志者,事竟成.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart./Where there is a will there is a way。




Quality and safety is the source of enterprise life.2、保证质量,是对社会的承诺。

Quality assurance is a commitment to society.3、您使用放心,我们努力专心。

You can rest assured that we are working hard.4、追求优异服务尽善尽美。

Pursue excellence and perfect service.5、树正气讲,团结求发展。

Tree righteousness, unity and development.6、用户满意是公司永远的追求。

Customer satisfaction is the eternal pursuit of enterprises.7、质量做得好,错漏自然少。

Good quality, few mistakes and omissions.8、立优异精神,构世界宏图。

Establish high-quality spirit and build a blueprint for theworld.9、今天的付出,明日的回报。

Today's pay, tomorrow's return.10、今天的质量,明日的市场。

Today's quality, tomorrow's market.11、精益求精,铸造质量典范。

Keep improving, casting quality model.12、采买公司效益最直接的源泉。

The most direct source of benefit for purchasing enterprises.13、质量出弊端,寸步难行。

Defects in quality make it difficult to move forward.14、全民讲质量,质量利全民。




Smile service, happy you and me.2、热情大方,微笑服务。

Enthusiasm and generosity, smiling service.3、面带微笑,热情服务。

Smile and serve enthusiastically.4、一颗服务心,万般关爱情。

A service heart, love in every way.5、工作小窗口,服务大平台。

Small working window, large service platform.6、微笑问好,喜迎客到。

Say hello with a smile and welcome the guests.7、客人的满意是我们事业的动力。

Customer satisfaction is the driving force of our business.8、以善为人,以诚待人。

Be kind to others and sincere to others.9、您的满意是我工作的动力。

Your satisfaction is the driving force of my work.10、始于需求,终于满意。

Beginning with demand, and finally satisfying.11、用心做好细节,以诚赢得信赖。

Carefully do the details, in order to win trust in sincerity.12、物美价廉,沟通无限。

Good quality and low price, unlimited communication.13、细微显真情,平凡塑仁心。

Fine show the true feelings, ordinary shaping benevolence.14、顾客满意是我最大的心愿。

Customer satisfaction is my greatest wish.15、柜台如擂台,顾客如判官。




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英文服务口号篇一:英语标语英语标语1、Success , we all create together!成功,我们共同创造!2、Learn how to love life;Learn how to live a meaningfullife;Learn how to create your life.热爱生活,学会生活,创造生活3、Habits are d in daily life;Personalities are accumulations of one’s habits;Destiny is partly determined by one’s personality. 播种生活,收获习惯;播种习惯,收获性格;播种性格,收获命运4、The best way of the teacher to teach students is to set up agood example.教师最佳的教育方法是做出榜样。

5、With my wings I fly to my ideal goal,With my sails I head formy safe harbor.插上理想的翅膀,扬起青春的风帆。

6、With the help of foreign languages, we can embrace theoutside world, and bring it closer to us.用语言走向世界,让世界走近我们!7、English is the bridge to the world.英语是走向世界的桥梁。

8、Offering is life.奉献就是人生。

9、Master English you can roam the world.精通英语走遍天下。

10、Solidify your base and richen your knowledgeto improveyour ability.厚基础宽知识强能力there is a will,there is a way.有志者事竟成.belongs to the most persistent.坚持不懈才能胜利13. No Pains,No Gains! Success belongs to the most prepared.1、A small leak will sink a great ship.小漏沉大船。




The diligent only does not sit, the lazy person only sits does not do.2、没有品质,便没有企业的明天。

Without quality, there is no business tomorrow.3、有一份耕耘,就有一份收获。

You reap what you sow.4、顾客的要求,我们的追求。

Customer requirements, our pursuit.5、乘风破浪来,雨后山更青。

The wind and the waves come, and the hills are more green after the rain.6、创新求发展,合作赢未来。

Innovation seeks development and cooperation wins the future.7、破浪迎晨曦,聚将战沙场。

Break the waves to greet the dawn, and gather to fight the sand.8、大事讲原则,小事讲风格。

Big things talk about principles, small things talk about style.9、自检互检,确保产品零缺点。

Self inspection and mutual inspection to ensure that the product has zero shortcomings.10、树大枝繁叶茂,人多气足财旺。

The tree branches and leaves flourish.11、优质建设,以质为根。

Quality construction is the root of quality.12、百尺竿头,更进一步。

To go further.13、服务高新科技,成就辉煌人生。

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Smile to work and work.

Market, such as the battlefield, the quality of the pioneer.

It begins with the needs of the masses, and finally the people are satisfied.

I am happy to help people, because the guests are friends.

In unity there is strength.

Have my heart, change your smile.

Smile one hundred points, customers give full marks.

Attitude determines everything, and details determine success or failure.

You use it, we work hard.

Do a good job in detail to win trust with sincerity.

The service creates the value, the profession wins the trust.

The ideal responsibility image, innovation and harmony upward.

Face to face communication, heart - friendly service.

Providing family planning services to promote social development.

You use the rest assured, we work hard.

To create high quality products and improve the image of the enterprise.

A vein of venous artery, a heart and a heart.

Strong service and construction to create characteristics.

It is a real man to do things.

Smile warm, true feelings to customers.

With a smile service, make a wonderful life.

Strive for survival by quality and develop by professional.

Service is only the starting point, and there is no end to satisfaction.

A little more smile and a little lighter.

To remove the careless heart and improve the quality of the products.

Serve in a smile and innovate in the specification.

I have a smile because I love my job.

Virtuous art is true, good, beautiful, and benevolent to heaven and earth.

Take the masses as the center and take the service as the core.

Give me a trust, and you are healthy.

Spring seed a grain of millet, autumn harvest thousands of seeds.

I am by your side, you are in my heart.

The smile hangs on the face, and the service is in mind.

Reason less, do a little more.

I'm full of confidence, because I've done the best.

Self inspection and mutual inspection to ensure that the product has zero shortcomings.

To put an end to bad ideas and to carry forward the spirit of quality.

Smile a little more, and the conversation is a little lighter.

It began with the needs of the people, and finally the people were satisfied.

Plastic enterprise image, create high quality brand.

I hope that people are long, healthy and always together.

My dress is neat, because it is a professional service.

High quality products are the bridge to the world.

Pay attention to a little more, a little less.

The smile shortens the distance, the service extends the truth.

Shine your smile, warm you and my heart.

The mind is a little bit more effective.

The service wins the word of mouth, the innovation achievement dreams.

Confidence, honesty, heart, innovation.

Take the patient as the center and take the quality as the core.。
