

多功能音响系统的设计与制作 毕业设计

多功能音响系统的设计与制作  毕业设计












关键词:音响;稳压电源;前级放大;均衡器;LM3886后级运放AbstractIn this era of science and technology developed, music has become people to enjoy a very important part of fashion. Multi-functional audio for home entertainment and leisure has brought more convenience, such as sound development in recent years gradually mature, its superior sound effects and humanized design in the market, play an increasingly important role. Sound system can faithfully reproduce the original sound and the original sound field, and the audio signal processing and modification, to make repeat voice sounds beautiful. Modern family for sound choices tend to its sound, beautiful and practical characteristics. With the development of audio technology, the modern stereo sound quality requirements also more and more authenticity.Because of sound quality requirements more and more authenticity, hi-fi arises at the historic moment, it can truthfully reflect the sound signal tone, pitch and sound intensity quality status of natural ability, at the same time, the voice signal to make the necessary modification and processing. This topic conforms to the trend, design and production of a set of high power, low distortion, frequency band is wide, at the same time, considering the economic applicable home sound system. System requirements by the regulated power supply, front, equilibrium, power amplifier of three parts, preamplifier stage, main task is to complete small signal voltage gain, low noise, low temperature drift is also required. Tone control is mainly finished in which high and low, left and right balance and volume. Power amplifier stage main task is within the allowed distortion limits, as efficiently as possible to provide enough power to the load, the requirement is that the output power is larger, the efficiency is higher. This topic research choice through integrated op-amp NE5532, LM324, supporting the use of LM3886 system can make the circuit design is simple and practical and achieve high gain, high fidelity, high efficiency, low noise, wide band, fast response indicators, has certain use and reference value.Key words: hi-fi ; Regulated power supply ; Before the amplifier ;equalizer ;LM3886 power amplifier目录引言.................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。



目录1 绪论 (1)2 音箱设计调研 (1)2.1 音箱种类市场调研 (1)2.2 现有音箱主要功能调研 (1)2.1.1 商务功能 (2)2.1.2 娱乐功能 (2)2.3 色彩分析 (2)2.4 产品流行风格分析 (2)3 直板音箱设计纲要分析 (3)3.1 产品的各种使用实态 (3)3.2 产品的特征 (4)3.3 产品的使用效益 (4)3.4 产品的设计 (4)3.5 产品设计方案的产生理由和发展前景 (4)4 设计定位 (4)4.1 产品定位 (4)4.2 预期售价 (5)4.3 设计目标重点 (5)4.3.1 注重影音娱乐的播放 (5)4.3.2 注重手感方面的人机设计 (5)4.3.3 样式和造型设计简洁大方 (5)4.3.4 突出“语义性”的特色 (6)4.4 设计定为总结 (6)4 设计展开 (6)5.1 草图设计 (6)5.2 方案二维优化.................... 错误! 未定义书签。

5.3 三维细节推敲..................... 错误! 未定义书签5.4 效果图........................ 错误! 未定义书签5.5 基本尺寸...................... 错误! 未定义书签6 设计方案论证......................... 错误! 未定义书签6.1 音箱设计的外型分析.................. 错误! 未定义书签6.2 音箱设计的功能分析.................. 错误! 未定义书签6.3 音箱设计的色彩分析..........................6.4 音箱设计的材料分析................. 错误! 未定义书签6.5 产品成型工艺..................... 错误! 未定义书签7 结束语....................................参考文献....................................致谢 (17)6 19 81 绪论当今社会外语沟通能力是求职、晋升、出国深造中的必备技能之一。



独立电唱机前置放大器一个高精确度唱机的前置放大器Fred Nachbaur, Dogstar撰写1997年1.介绍最近有非常多关于历史悠久的真空电子管的优点(和缺点)的新闻。


我们现在很清晰的是:现在对真空电子管,这种20多年前的,被认为和spats 和top hats一样古老的东西,有相当多的人进行关注。










如果你想感受到真空电子管听起来有多难受的实证,打开案头的那些老的“All-American Five”调幅收音机就可以了。


对于音响设备来说,单个机器的频率,波形,和相位失真是对一个Fender 电子管放大器声音的定义。






[6]李朝青.单片机原理及接口技术[M].北京:北京航空航天大学出版社, 2002.
[10]何小艇.电子系统设计[M]. 3版.杭州:浙江大学出版社,2004.


关键词:有源音箱 功率放大器、集成功放、TEA2025
1 前言
1.1 本设计的意义
(2)变压器耦合推挽功放电路主要用于一些输出功率较大的电子Βιβλιοθήκη 放大器中;福建信息职业技术学院


1.微机一台以及Protel 99se的软件;



题 目: 高保真音响设计制作院 (系): 计算机系专 业: 自动化学生姓名:学 号:指导教师:职 称:理论研究实验研究工程设计 软件开发目 录引言 (4)1 高保真音响系统 (5)1.1 高保真音响系统定义 (5)1.2 高保真音响系统组成 (5)2 高保真功率放大器 (7)2.1 功率放大器种类 (7)2.2 高保真功率放大器主要技术指标 (8)3 功放电源 (11)3.1 功放电源概述 (11)3.2 功放电源组成 (12)3.3 整流滤波电路 (14)3.4 稳压电路 ............................................................. 17 4 方案论证及阐述 (17)4.1 设计要求 (17)4.2 方案论证 (18)4.2.1后级放大器方案选定 (18)4.2.2前置放大器方案选定 (18)4.2.3音调芯片方案选定 (19)4.2.4电源方案选定 (19)4.3 具体方案阐述 (19)4.3.1前级放大器方案阐述 (19)4.3.2后级放大器方案阐述 (23)4.3.3功放电源方案阐述 (26)5 高保真功放制板 (27)5.1 制板注意事项 (27)5.2 制板经验总结 (28)5.2.1制板步骤 (28)5.2.2Protel99se的使用经验总结 (29)5.2.3制板遇到的问题 (30)6 功放调试 (30)6.1 调试步骤 (31)6.2 模块调试 (31)6.2.1电源调试 (31)6.2.2音调模块调试 (31)6.2.3前置放大模块调试 (32)6.2.4后级功放模块调试 (32)6.3 整体调试 (32)7 高保真功放性能指标测试 (33)7.1 性能指标测试的必要性 (33)7.2 主要性能指标测试 (33)7.3 测试所用仪器 (36)7.4 测试结论 (36)8 总结 (37)8.1 完成程度 (37)8.2 技术优点 (37)8.3 技术缺陷 (37)8.4 毕设感受 (37)参考文献 (37)附录 (38)附录1电路原理图 (38)附录2 PCB 图 (41)摘要随着国家经济蒸蒸日上,现代科技不断发展,这些使人们在物质享受之余,也有了更多的精神享受的需要。







关键字:EASE 音响设计演出大厅Content abstractIn the architectural acoustics design, computer aided quality design get applied more and more. This show that, through reference to acoustic design software EASE3.0, reference sound engineering design and the example, this paper introduces the structure of the sound system, design, installation and commissioning, and gives the performance hall design scheme.The plan is a performance hall, is a dance performance with the nature of the place, for double performance hall, requires a dance, sing and shows, played 20 * 6 of the LED display and small electro-acoustic band, piano and so on many kinds of performance function.Through the use EASE3.0 sound-absorbing materials for decoration, speaker and power to aspects of computer-aided design make its reverberation time harmonic level can meet all the indicators of national ministry of culture of the level of performance requirements issued by the hall so as to complete the multi-function performing hall design and simulation.Key word: EASE sound design performance hall目录内容摘要 (I)Content abstract (Ⅱ)目录 ............................................................................................................................................ I II 第一部分扩声系统设计的注意事项 (1)1、语言清晰度 (2)2、评价音质的各个指标 (2)3、音色—频率响应Tonal balance (2)第二部分演出大厅的设计方案 (3)一、演出大厅的设计 (3)二、演出大厅结构分析 (3)三、演出大厅主要音像设备的布局 (9)四、选配音箱 (12)五、选配功放 (13)六、其他设备的选配 (14)七、布线图 (15)八、系统结构图 (16)第三部分EASE仿真 (18)一.查看RT及房间容积 (18)二.查看演出大厅语言清晰度 (19)三.查看声场声压级分布图 (22)四.查看演出大厅模型渲染图 (24)第四部分音响调试 (25)总结 (27)参考文献 (28)-南通职业大学电子信息工程学院毕业设计方案第一部分扩声系统设计的注意事项众所周知,自然声源(如演讲、乐器演奏和演唱等)发出的声音能量十分有限,其声压级随传播距离的增大而迅速衰减。































音响技术论文(8篇无删减范文)之第一篇:舞台音响技术的作用与表现摘要:音响技术作为舞台演出的重要组成部分, 其对于提高舞台艺术水平有着十分关键的作用。

本文首先阐述了舞台音响技术现状, 其次对当前音响技术在舞台表演中的作用和表现进行了一定分析, 最后探讨了音响设备的调试技巧和音响技术的发展趋势。

关键词:音响技术,舞台,演出,作用,表现舞台演出属于一门综合艺术, 其在进行过程中需要多样化艺术互相配合、相互协调, 例如舞台布景、灯光设置、音响技术、演员表演等。

在舞台表演中, 音响技术占据了十分重要的角色, 人们对于音响技术的关注度也在逐渐提高。

在此背景下, 本文对舞台音响技术的作用和表现进行了一定阐述, 仅供参考。

一、舞台音响技术现状随着现代化经济发展步伐不断加快, 我国的文化事业逐渐呈现出一片繁荣景象。

其中, 勿扰音响技术的应用为我国一系列大型活动的成功举办发挥了十分积极的作用。

就现阶段而言, 我国的音响技术相比以往有了极大的优化和改善, 基本上可以和国际知名品牌相媲美。

因此, 当前我国音响技术可以说已经接近国际一流水平。

同时, 随着我国市场经济的快速发展, 音响行业在我国发展前景十分可观, 这使得我国音响产品竞争激烈程度越来越高, 随之而来的就是人们对于音响产品和技术不断提出新的要求和标准。

当然我国音响技术也存在一定的缺陷, 例如一些企业由于生产管理不力, 导致其音响产品在性能、技术指标上依然差强人意[1]。

这些缺陷在很大程度上限制了我国音响技术的进一步优化和完善, 细观我国音响技术行业市场当前仍有很大发展空间。











二、无线音箱的运用及意义自上世纪90年代中,世界著名音响制造商美国雷克顿公司成功地推出了无线音响系统以来,无线音箱又有了许多进步,现在市面上已经出现了许多无线音箱,它们使用的技术几乎都是基于2.4GHz ISM(Industry ScienceMedicine,工业/科学/医疗)这一全世界公开通用的无线频段。


另一种则是以蓝牙A2DP(Advance Audio Distribution Profile)协议为基础的产品。





音响产品设计创意方案范文1. 引言音响作为一种重要的娱乐设备,已经成为人们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。



2. 创意概述我们的设计理念是将音响产品与现代科技相结合,打造一款功能齐全、外观时尚的高性能音响。

以下是我们的创意概述:2.1 高质量音质我们将采用最新的音频处理技术,确保音质的清晰度和纯净度。


2.2 多功能性我们的音响产品将具备蓝牙无线连接功能,以便用户可以随时随地通过手机、平板电脑等设备播放音乐。



2.3 智能控制为了提升用户的操控体验,我们将引入智能控制技术。

用户可以通过手机APP 或遥控器轻松控制音响的音量、音效、播放模式等功能。

此外,我们还将为音响配备语音助手,如Amazon Alexa或Google Assistant,使用户可以通过语音命令来控制音响。

2.4 潮流外观设计为了让音响成为家居生活中的一部分,我们将注重外观设计的时尚与美感。



3. 制造与材料3.1 制造我们计划将音响产品制造过程中采用现代化的自动化设备,以提高生产效率和产品质量的稳定性。


3.2 材料在材料选择方面,我们将追求高质量、环保的原则。
































濮阳职业技术学院毕业设计专业:应用电子技术设计课题:家用功率放大器班级:应用电子姓名:刘新帅2010年 12月 10日摘要随着社会的发展,人们的追求,现代人对听觉的水平要求越来越高,所以对音响的音质真实性要求越来越多,并能对音频信号进行适当的加工装饰,使声音音质真实优美动听。

因此,我们这次的研究主要对象是高保真家用功率放大器, 然而功率放大器是在音响系统中是把微弱的音频信号放大到足以驱动喇叭单元工作,重放出人耳能听到的声音设备。


系统采用大回环电压负反馈控制输出,配以普通双路桥式整流滤波电路,放大器采用内部补偿,增益控制在26dB 左右。


关键词:高保真家用功率放大器 LM1875引言随着电子技术的发展,音频功放(APA)技术的最新发展进一步提高了音响的音质,以及人们生活水平的不断提高,各种新型家庭影院的新技术、新品种器材不断涌现,市场中的音响设备品种繁多,音响爱好者被商店里的设备搞得眼花缭乱,无从下手,往往投入较大的资金而得不到较好的重放效果。


目录第一章概述 (1)1.1 主要内容 (1)1.2 功放的发展史 (1)第二章功放的定义、种类及性能指标 (2)2.1 功放的定义 (2)2.2 功放的种类 (2)2.3功放的性能指标 (3)第三章家用功放的组成模块 (5)2.1 电源部分 (5)2.2 调音部分........................................... (6)2.3 放大部分 (6)第四章 LM1875高保真音频放大电路的基本原理 (8)第五章电路板的制作与调试 (9)4.1 电路板的制作 (9)4.2 电路板的调试 (9)总结 (10)注释 (10)附录一元件清单 (11)附录二PCB图 (12)外文资料译文 (13)第一章概述1.1主要内容本文主要介绍高保真功率放大器,我们所用的芯片LM1875,放大器它具有非常低真度和高品质的性能,最少的元件,保护电路包括内部电流限制和热关断。



Standalone Phono Pre-ampA HIGH-PRECISION PHONO PREAMPLIFIERby Fred Nachbaur, Dogstar 1997,1: INTRODUCTIONThere has been much press lately about the merits (and drawbacks) of the venerable vacuum tube. How much of this retro movement is based in demonstrable principles, and how much is rooted in nostalgia or subjectivity is a debate that could fill volumes.What is clear is that there is considerable renewed interest in vacuum tubes, a technology that even two decades ago was considered as obsolete as spats and top hats. Now the trend is reversing, and a number of manufacturers are again supplying tube gear for audiophiles, musicians and hobbyists. In many cases, these are simply vintage circuits in new packaging. Other products offer new approaches to vacuum tube technology, adding what we've learned in the meantime to come up with some truly noteworthy designs. The project described here fits into the latter category.Why use tubes anyway?The central argument for the pro-tube movement is that specs can be almost meaningless, and that what counts is how it sounds to the individual listener. Highly subjective descriptions are therefore used, instead of the techno-babble we've more-or-less gotten used to in recent times. The opposite camp claims that numbers don't lie, and that you can't improve something by adding distortion of any kind.Both camps have valid points. Most of us have heard expensive gear with spectacular specifications, but were left cold by the "too good to be true," almost clinical sound of such equipment. Similarly, most people will agree that just because something has tubes in it doesn't make it worth listening to. Turn on one of those old "All-American Five" table-top AM radios if you want a striking demonstration of just how bad vacuum tube equipment can sound.Perhaps a way of reconciling the two viewpoints is to consider the distinction between musical equipment, and reproduction equipment. For musical gear, the individual frequency, waveform and phase distortions are part of what defines the sound of, say, a Fender tube amp. Just as no- one would try to define a fine Stradivarius violin with specs and distortion figures, so also it would be specious to argue that a certain tube guitar amp has over 12% THD (total harmonic distortion)at 35 watts.Reproduction equipment, on the other hand, has always been expected to give a perfect rendition of the signal applied to it. Sounds good in principle; if such a thing existed, we should be able to exactly and perfectly reproduce everything from a grundge band to the New York Philharmonic, making the reproductions indistinguishable from the original performances.But therein lies the rub. The overall sound of a stereo system depends so heavily on the room it's in, the speakers, volume level, personal preference, and a host of other fuzzy variables that a perfect reproduction system cannot be said to exist even in this day and age, and probably never will. Add the fact that most if not all recordings are electronically sweetened to some degree to make them "sound good" (as opposed to being an exact copy of the performance), and arguments for the clinical reproduction approach lose credibility.Carried to extremes, an "ideal" reproduction system wouldn't even have any controls, except perhaps for selecting inputs. If you think about it, personal preference is the only reason why stereos have volume controls, equalizers, and other adjustments to let us customize the sound to suit our very individual ears and brains.It might be best to view the reproduction gear as a continuation of the same process that started with the construction of the instruments used in the performance. What we ultimately hear is the sum total effect of everything from that original instrument design, to the way it is played by the artist, through the entire recording, mixing and distribution process, to the gear we use to play it, and how we've set its controls.There is, therefore, a considerable difference in design approach between the "instrument" and "reproduction" categories. An earlier design ("The Real McTube") documented a vacuum tube pre-amplifier for use as an adjunct to electric instruments. The design approach was largely empirical, and the emphasis was on highlighting the unique distortion characteristics of the vacuum tube. This article explores the reproduction aspect; the design approach was quite mathematical and precise, and the emphasis is on controlling the characteristics of the vacuum tube.Vinyl vs. CDSimilar arguments are ongoing regarding vinyl records vs. compact discs. The CD camp points at the CD's accuracy, definition, and clarity, while vinyl loversbemoan the CD's lack of warmth and claim that conventional records sound more "natural."This project gives you the opportunity to explore these subjective and controversial debates, letting your own ears be the judge. You may find that there are some recordings that sounds better through the tube pre-amp, and others that benefit from the improved definition (whatever that is, technically speaking) that good solid-state gear can offer.2: DESIGN PHILOSOPHYThe design philosophy was to improve on "vintage" tube designs by incorporating refinements normally only associated with solid-state gear. Prime among these is the use of differential input stages, in which the inverting input is used strictly for feedback. Another is the use of direct coupling between stages, a technique once **mon in oscilloscopes, but rare in audio gear. The resulting circuits are thus closely related to the operational amplifier, and used in a similar fashion.In addition to the quasi-opamp idea, some other design concepts used in theproject are:Use of readily available parts wherever possible. For this reason, tube types 12AX7A and 12AT7A were employed.Direct coupling was used in crucial parts of the circuitry. More about this later.Flexibility in use was a prime consideration. While this articles details the use of this circuit design as a magnetic (RIAA) and ceramic phono pre-amplifier, there is virtually no limit to the number of possible applications with suitable modification of the feedback networks.A Word About Negative FeedbackIt is perhaps an unfortunate accident of history that the term "negative feedback" was used to describe the linearization technique of applying a portion of the output signal back to the input, in opposite phase to the applied signal. It gives the impression to audiophiles with enough knowledge to be dangerous that "negative" feedback must somehow be a "bad" thing. I've seen diatribes against the evils of negative feedback, yet in the same breath such critics extol the virtues of "ultra-linear output transformers." The joke is that such transformers achieve this linearization by applying local negative feedback to the screen grids!Perhaps a better moniker for "negative feedback" would be "**pensation" orsomething on that order. Consider the following characteristics ofwell-designed negative feedback systems:A: Precise control over closed-loop gain and minimization of gain drift with component aging.B: Considerable reduction in distortion and noise introduced within a given gain block.C: Reduction of effective series output resistance.D: Precise control and stabilization of frequency characteristics. Extensionof high-frequency response where needed.E: Reduces or eliminates the need for **ponent matching3: HOW IT WORKSThe sections that follow step through the principles of operation of this design. Since it is quite different from traditional designs, I suggest that you follow through this at least once. If the "fine points" are over your head, don't worry about it; hopefully enough of the information will stick to give you at least a working understanding of the circuit.There are in-line illustrations of the schematic, repeated as necessary. (If you have caching turned on in your browser, you'll only have to actually download the images once.) These "Figures" (schematics) are shown here in reduced size. Click on the image to enlarge it, preferably by right-clicking and opening the image in a new window. Full-size, printable versions are also available in the Resources section. It is highly recommended that you print out these files and have the diagrams at hand as you study this document, especially if you plan on actually building yourself one of these units.Note that in the schematic diagrams, only one channel is shown; the other channel is of course identical. Please note that part numbers refer to the various sections as follows: (We'll be assuming the left channel in this discussion.) 1-99Common parts (power supply, etc.) Also tube designations.100-199Left phono preamp200-299Right phono preamp3-A) HIGH-PRECISION PHONO PREAMPLIFIER: OVERVIEWConsiderable effort was taken to design a preamp that is as clean as possible to satisfy discerning audiophiles, while maintaining a relatively low parts count tosatisfy limited budgets. It should be noted at this point that, while the discussion is in the specific context of an RIAA phono pre-amplifier, this design lends itself well to a wide range of other uses.This "universal preamp module" sports a high gain (about 60 dB) and differentialinput stages that allow for differential input (as for balanced mic preamps) as well as either inverting or non-inverting single-ended applications. Frequency response shaping and gain setting are accomplished using the appropriate feedback networks.The schematic diagram of the phono/mic preamp is shown in Figure 2. If built on a PCB, the phono preamp equalisation is accomplished using a small "daughter" card directly on the main board; if you use the point-to-point wiring approach,these networks can be wired on separate terminal strips for easy modification if necessary.Figure 2 Phono (Magnetic and Ceramic) Preamplifie The main circuit board was designed to be virtually universal in applicability. Small outrigger "feedback cards" are used to customize the response to almost anything you might need. Figure 6 plots gain vs. feedback ratio for the non-inverting configuration as used in the phono/mic preamp. There is an obvious linear relationship, except at high gain. (The "porch" at the low end is due to the "+1" whenusing the non-inverting mode; see below for further details. In the inverting mode, as used in the tone preamp section, the relationship remains linear at low gain settings.)Figure 6 Preamplifier Gain vs. Feedback RatioAs detailed here, the phono preamp is selectable (using a switch) between magnetic (RIAA equalization, high gain), and ceramic (flat response, low gain).See Figure 7, which graphs open-loop response and the two closed-loop phono curves. If you only need one or the other mode options, the switch and the appropriate **ponents can be omitted.Figure 7 Open-loop, Magnetic Phono and Ceramic Phono Response Curves There is no reason why you couldn't adapt this universal preamplifier module for any other gain/**binations, simply by modifying the feedbacknetworks. (Figure 8 gives a few ideas, covered in more detail in Other Preamp Applications.)Other Possible Preamplifier ApplicationsPhono equalisationIn magnetic phono mode, the RIAA curve is achieved by using negative feedback to decrease the gain at higher frequencies, according to the RIAA specification.The result is that the amplifier runs almost open-loop (about 60 dB gain) at 40Hz, and rolls off smoothly to a gain of less than 20 dB at 20 kHz. This means that the "tube sound" caused by even-order distortion will be most pronounced in the bass region, giving it that warmth that is so highly prized by vacuum tube aficionados. At higher frequencies, this distortion is increasingly cancelled out by the negative feedback that sets the gain, keeping the mids from sounding "brassy," and the highs from sounding "splashy" (****plaints about open-loop tube amplifiers).In CD (or ceramic cartridge) mode, response is flat within 0.5 dB over the audio range, and voltage gain is set at 5 (about 14 dB). At this relatively low gain, the circuit is very clean and distortion-free. However, discerning ears will hear a subtle quality of warmth not present insolid-state gear.A 3:1 voltage divider at the input results in an overall system gain of 5 dB. The output level of CD players varies widely among various models, so you can trim this input gain to suit your machine by changing a single input resistor per channel. Similarly, total circuit gain can be changed with a single resistor on the feedback cards.The tube types and their operating points were carefully chosen to minimize power supply requirements, and to maximize tube life. Both channels together draw only about 7 mA from a 400 volt supply. This voltage can be derived from a stand-alone unit as documented in this article, or from a larger supply used to drive a vacuum tube power amp.3-B) PRE-AMP DIFFERENTIAL INPUT STAGESThe preamplifier features a differential input stage, giving us both aninverting and a non-inverting input and affording additional useful andbeneficial features. The following discussion relates directly to thePhono preamps (refer to Figure 2), but applies by extension to otherapplications also.Phono PreamplifierThe appropriate input signal is coupled from the magnetic or ceramicphono input jacks, through switch SW2, to the grid of the first section of V1 (a 12AX7A vacuum tube) via coupling capacitor C101. Since this grid is at a substantial DC voltage above ground, resistor R101 is used to insure that the input is always at DC ground potential. Note that, as far as the input AC signal is concerned, this 100K resistor is effectively in parallel with R102 (also 100K), giving us the 50K input impedance required for most magnetic phono cartridges. The two triode sections of V1 are used as a differential amplifier.Note that the cathodes are tied together, and go to ground via a relatively large shared cathode resistance consisting of R104 and R105. This acts as a rudimentary constant-current source. If the current in either triode increases, a comparable amount of current will be robbed from the other triode. Therefore, if the voltage on the signal input increases (goes more positive), plate current increases and the plate voltage of that triode will drop, while the plate voltage of the other triode increases by about the same amount. However, if the voltage on the feedback input increases, causing an increase in current in that triode, the voltage on the plate of the first triode section willincrease and that of the other triode will decrease.A portion of the cathode resistor voltage drop is sampled by R104, low-pass filtered by R103 and C102, and provides the grid bias for the first section of V1 via R102. An interesting feature of this circuit is that this also sets the bias and operating points for the entire amplifier, as we'll see as we progress through the analysis.Experienced electronicists will be quick to point out that a simple cathode resistor is not an ideal current source. As a result, the "common-mode rejection ratio" (that is, the gain matching of the two inputs) of this circuit is quite low. (A great improvement results by using a pentode as a current source in the differential amplifier cathode circuit, a trick that's used in the driver stage **mon-mode reduction is more critical because we also require balanced outputs.)What we do instead, in the preamp modules, is "cheat the system" and carefully choose the operating points of the two triodes to be different, to help offset the error. Note that, even though there is approximately the same current flowing in the plate circuit of each triode section (about 500 microamperes), the plate voltage on the second section is considerably higher (by about 90 volts) than the plate voltage of the first section. This is because of the lower value of plate resistor R107, as compared to R106. This "trick" assumes that the two sections of the tube are reasonably well-matched, and will furthermore track as the tube ages. Tests with different tubes of varying manufacture and condition have verified that this assumption is indeed valid.3A-2: PREAMPLIFIER OUTPUT STAGEFigure 2 is a schematic diagram of the Hi-Fi Tube Stereo Preamp. Since both channels are identical, only one is shown. Please note that part numbers 100-199 refer to the left channel, and 200-299 refer to the right channel. We'll be assuming the left channel in this discussion.Both channels share a single power supply, shown at the bottom of Figure 2. Transformer T1 steps the 120 volts AC from the power line down to 12.6 volts, to supply the heaters of the three tubes. The center-tapped configuration is used to help reduce hum induced by the heater circuits.Transformer T2 steps the 12.6 volts AC back up to about 110 volts AC for our high-voltage plate supply. Diodes D1-D3 and capacitors C4-C6 are a voltage tripler circuit, providing about 450 volts DC open circuit, or around 380 volts under load. Note that D1, D2, C4 and C5 form the classic positive voltage doubler circuit. On negative half-cycles, C4 is charged through D1.On positive half-cycles, C4 is effectively placed in series with the transformer, and diode D2 transfers this doubled voltage to C5. D3 and C6 are a negative half-wave rectifier/ filter, so the total voltage across C5 and C6 is about three timeswhat would be obtained from a half-wave rectifier. This configuration is used instead of the **mon "cascade" tripler circuit because of its slightly better regulation.The tripled voltage is filtered by the low-pass network formed by R1 and C7. It is further filtered and decoupled by R2/C9 and R3/C8 to form the main supply for each channel. This eliminates any cross-talk between channels due to power supply coupling.Additional decoupling is provided for the critical first stage of each amplifier by onboard filters R117/C103 (left channel) and R217/C203 (right channel), reducing power supply hum injected into these high gain circuits.The output of our differential amplifier is direct-coupled to the grid of the second stage, V2, a 12AT7 dual triode. This tube was chosen over the **mon (and cheaper) 12AU7 because it sports about three times the gain (transconductance), yet is capable of almost the same output drive.The difficulty with direct-coupled vacuum tubes is that the grid of the second stage sits at a substantial voltage above ground (about 200 volts in our circuit). This is why we need a relatively high B+ voltage, since we have to insure that the plate circuit of the second stage has enough headroom. So why bother at all? After all, tube amps have been made for over half a century with good old RC interstage coupling. The answer has to do with dynamic stability as the tubes age. Unlike conventional multi-stage tube amplifiers, our circuit is self-levelling because its DC biasing is in a closed feedback loop.R115 in series with the grid of V2 introduces a high-frequency pole with V2's grid-to-plate capacitance, effectively limiting high-frequency response. This allows us to run the preamp with relatively eavy negative feedback (low gain) without worrying about oscillations caused by phase shifts. You can think of it in op-amp terms as "**pensation".Another reason for using direct coupling is because of the relatively large voltage swings at this point in the circuit. Capacitors (even good ones) can exhibit some non-linearity in capacitance vs. voltage -- a fact that is often overlooked in amplifier design. Direct coupling eliminates this capacitor, and as a bonus gets rid of one more pole in our transfer function that **plicate ourapplication of negative feedback for gain and frequency response control.In order to bias V2's grid at the proper voltage (about -1 volts with respect to cathode), we need a humungous cathode resistor R108. To avoid losing all our AC gain, this resistor is bypassed for AC by capacitor C106.3A-3: PREAMPLIFIER DC FEEDBACKThe rest of our **pletes the DC feedback loop. In case you're wondering about the presence of the three NE-2 neon bulbs in series, let's analyze the circuit without them. The plate of V2 will be sitting at about 315 volts, whereas the grids of V1 are at about 27 volts, or a factor of about 12:1. We could use a 12-to-1 voltage divider,which would give us a DC closed-loop gain of about 13. That is, it would require a 13 volt change at the output to compensate for a 1 volt change at the input.We can easily improve on this considerably. The lowly neon bulb can be viewed as the tube- technology equivalent of the zener diode. That is, the voltage drop across the bulb (typically about 65 volts) is reasonably independent of the current passing through it. The three NE -2's can therefore be viewed as a 200 volt "level shifter," allowing us to use a much lower voltage division ratio (about 4:1) in our DC feedback loop. The result is an almost 3 times improvement in DC operating point stability.The level-shifted and divided output voltage goes through a two-stage low-pass filter consisting of R111, C105, R112 and C104. This strips AC signals from our DC feedback loop, to insure that the amplifier will still have full open-loop AC gain. The resulting DC feedback voltage is applied to the inverting input of our differential amplifier via R113.The junction of R113 and C104 also forms a convenient "AC Ground" point for our signal feedback networks. Let's step through what happens if some change occurs in DC operating point. This change could be caused by tubes and **ponents aging, power supply voltage fluctuations, or input overdrive conditions. Let's assume that the change causes the output voltage to rise, as would be the case as V2's emission decreases. This would cause an increase of bias voltage (more positive) on the grid of V1B (the feedback input), causing that stage to draw more current and increase the voltage on **mon cathode. V1A (our input stage) would therefore draw less current, causing the voltage on its plate (and therefore the grid of V2) to increase. This would cause an increased V2 plate current, resulting in a decrease in plate voltage, tending to buck the original change. See how the overall circuit is self-regulating?Resistor R114 forms the plate load for V2, and C107 couples the output to the tone/line preamp module via the input and tape monitor switches.Capacitor C108 provides another pole of high- frequency attenuation (compensation) to prevent oscillation at low gain. (Before I added this **pensation, the first prototype became a dandy 11 megahertz transmitter at gains lower than about 3!) The original value for this capacitor was 1000 pF, but I've found since then that this can be considerably lower, depending on layout. In the schematic it's shown as 100 pF, if you get oscillation or other instability increase this as necessary.3A-4: PREAMPLIFIER AC FEEDBACKSo far we have a pre-amplifier with an open-loop passband gain of about 60 dB, with 3-dB corners at about 40 Hz and 2 kHz. (See Fig. 7.) While the low-frequency end isn't bad, the high-frequency end is pretty awful. This is partly because of **pensationintentionally introduced by R115 and C108 and partly because of tube electrode and circuit wiring capacitances. Not to worry, our bandwidth automatically increases again when we apply negative feedback, just as it does with solid-**pensated op-amps.Fig. 7: Preamplifier Open-Loop and Phono Gain CurvesAs hinted already, this circuit behaves very much like an operational amplifier (op-amp). But before we get on with designing feedback networks, we'll point out the ways in which it is not like an op-amp:a) Open loop gain, although quite high, cannot be considered infinite as in many solid state op- amp devices.b) The circuit exhibits a large output-to-input voltage offset (on the order of 290 volts). Any AC feedback elements between output and input therefore have to include DC blocking capacitors. The alternative would be level-shifters, which would in my opinion be an **plication (and expense) **mensurate rewards in terms of performance.c) The DC voltage at the feedback input is non-zero (about 27 volts in practise), so again there is a need for DC blocking. The point marked "ACG" (AC Ground) is provided for convenience, acting as a virtual ground for AC, at the same DC voltage as the inverting input.The not-quite-ideal Tube OpampKeeping these restrictions in mind, we can use the formula for the classic non-inverting op-amp to approximate our gain with feedback. Note that the inverting input (-IN) has a 47K resistor (R113) to "AC Ground". This is our "default" value for input resistance to the feedback input. Let's call that resistance Ri, though it can be considerably higher, as needed. The bare-minimum feedback network would consist of just a single resistance (we'll call it Rf ) in series with a DC blocking capacitor between output and -IN. The theoretical gain with feedback would then be:Av = ( Rf / Ri ) + 1For instance, let's compute our gain if we connect a "bare bones"feedback network consisting of a 430K resistor in series with a DC blocking capacitor between "OUT" and "-IN". That is, Rf / Ri = 9.15, so our gain would be 10.15, or about 20 dB.The feedback elements do not have to be pure resistances; the above formula could be generalized to **plex impedances.Av = ( Zf / Zi ) + 1The circuit's actual performance follows this predicted formula very closely, verifying that our gain-matching shortcut described earlier works just fine. See Figure 6 for an actual plot of the prototype. The slight curve at the low end is caused by that "+1" factor in the equation; as Rf / Ri increases, that factor becomes less significant, and the graph approaches a straight-line relationship. However, at gain settings above about 200 (46 dB), the relationship begins to fall apart as we approach the amplifier's open-loop gain. Incidentally, this gain setting is also the practical maximum as regards frequency response; the 3 dB corner at this gain will be on the order of 16 kHz.Figure 6 Preamplifier Gain Vs Feedback Ratio3A-5: PREAMPLIFIER PHONO FEEDBACK NETWORKSCeramic phonoThe feedback network for the Ceramic phono input is little more than our "bare bones" network described above. R118 in series with C109 forms our Zf . R119 is added as a refinement to insure that the negative end of C109 is always held at the DC potential of our feedback input, eliminating the massive pop that would otherwise result when switching modes. Note, however, that it is effectively in parallel with R113, lowering our Ri value to 38.7K. You can verify that our closed-loop gain would therefore be (150/38.7)+1, or about 5 (14 dB).Input resistor R123 attenuates our input signal by a factor of about 3:1, so the overall system gain is a little less than 2 (5 dB).The final element is C110, which introduces a 3 dB corner at about 20 kHz, rolling off ultrasonics that we aren't interested in. (Without this capacitor, the gain is actually flat to well beyond 100 kilohertz! See how feedback got rid of that open-loop corner at 2 kHz?)The magnetic phono feedback is only a little more involved. The straight thin lines in Figure 7 show the theoretical RIAA specification (asymptotes), and the curve。



本科毕业论文音箱合理性设计的研究学院艺术学院专业工业设计年级班别2009级(3)班学号*************学生姓名董振指导教师朱宗华2013 年05 月25 日摘要 (4)Abstract (5)一绪论 (6)(一)研究的背景和意义 (6)1音箱合理性设计与研究的背景 (6)2音箱合理性设计与研究的意义 (6)(二)研究对象和目的 (6)(三)研究方法 (6)(四)预期成果 (6)二音箱的发展概述 (7)(一)音箱历史回顾 (7)(二)音箱基本结构 (7)(三)音箱分类 (8)(四)市场分析及调查 (8)(五)国内外音箱现状 (8)1 国外音箱 (8)2 国内音箱 (9)(五)国内音箱发展趋势 (8)三时尚音箱合理性设计的研究 (9)(一)合理性设计概论 (9)1 合理性设计的基本理论 (9)(二)合理性设计在音箱上的体现 (9)1 结构合理性 (9)2 材料合理性 (9)3 功能合理性 (9)4 操作合理性 (9)(三)合理性设计在音箱上的应用 (9)四关于“合理性设计“的应用——时尚音箱设计 (10)(一)基础设计定位 (9)1 使用环境定位 (9)2 使用人群定位 (10)3 造型定位 (10)4 基础功能定位 (10)(二)深化设计定位与表达 (10)(三)设计草图 (10)(四)设计评选和效果图制作 (11)(五)模型制作 (11)(六)最终展板效果 (11)五设计总结 (12)(一)有待改进和发展的方面 (12)(二)设计展望 (12)结语 (13)致谢 (14)参考文献 (16)摘要现代电子产品可谓百花齐放,电子配件行业也因此得到新的发展契机。

















[关键词]多媒体Hi-Fi 低音炮多声道Entertainment product design---- Sound box designDuan Hongtao(Grade02,Class01,Major Industrial design,Mechanical engineering Dept.,Shaanxi University of Technology,Hanzhong 723000,Shaanxi)tutor: Hu ChengduoAbstract:Along with the society progress, our life is improving gradually, people more and more learned to enjoy the computer was popularizing, in a short time, it already entered our life, the school, the family, the workplace, everywhere we may multimedia computer technology progresses by leaps and bounds, changing people's work, life, study and communication method, its application has brought the huge progress to the society, and is widely applied to profession and so on production, manufacture, management, service. Along with the computer popularization, computer no longer was only the limited work use, its collection leisure entertainment work to a body, has met the people’s needs.In the recent years, the entertainment already became the personal computing to expend the biggest application, It mainly distributes in the music, multimedia, the movie and the these cannot separate with the seeing and hearing and It has already become a tendency that composes the family theater with the people revealed that the sound box so long as can makes sound the line,In fact ,people generally may match a sound box when purchase a family theater or personal computer, If lacks the sound box, multimedia will not exists.In present sound box market,there are many kinds of sound box products,people’s pursue to high quality sound box including modelling, function, structure, sound quality and so the ned of market,many new products appeared, this has caused the competition between the new an old brand. Each Manufacturer competes to promote new products, thus indirectly has caused new concept proposing, including the modelling, the intention, the use, the design and so on, new element bursting out brought for the market huge change. The technology unceasingly is progressing and people set a higher request to the real return to original state sound field and sound quality,Hi-Fi sound obtained more people's acceptance, low frequency must be able to replay the inferior bass in ought to make person's body and mind feel shocks; High frequency need broader replay frequency for removes the higher mode resonant in ought to make the sound purer; The sound field also needs expand to display the great war scene, thus the multi- sound tracks sound box appeared. sound box promoted to the present 、、、sound box production appeared high-tech tendency,mainly in Solve bass artillery background noise、distortion and so on problems. Unceasingly enhanced the new production difficulty of technology and the development cost , opened the sound box pursue to be upscale, the high price path.But in real life, the majority people have no much time and enough money to spend to buy the upscale product to pursue , the present market situation is such, center the low-grade product is the main product, sound box occupied % market shares, therefore aims at this part of consumers' design have large practical significance.Key words:Multimedia Hi-FiBass artilleryMulti- sound tracks目录1接受项目,制定计划 (4)2市场调研寻找问题 (4) (4) (5) (6) (6) (7).电源电路 (9).放大电路 (9).功放电路 (9).分频电路 (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (10) (10) (10) (13)3分析问题提出概念 (15)趋势分析 (15)人群定位 (16) (17)概念设计及草图 (17)4设计展开优化深入 (27) (27) (27) (27)5效果图制作 (30)6展示评价 (35)1接受项目,制定计划目前,个人电脑消费中,娱乐的应用像娱乐节目和设备(包括电影、电视等器材)、宽带育乐设备、操作平台及原附件、多媒体娱乐技术及设备等等相关产品已经成为目前最大的应用,在去年的中国国际数码互动娱乐产品及技术应用展览会上,娱乐和育乐软件、数码视觉效果软件及设备、无线移动通信软件、PDA/MP3应用软件及相关技术、计算机和游戏机附件、影视数码互品生产及包装和服务、数码类硬件产品等大类持续升温,需求爆增,在设计业兴起的近几年,数字娱乐产品以及硬件设施将会逐渐成为娱乐消费的主流,人们的生活在逐渐改善,享受生活渐渐走入了寻常百姓家,不管是高档还是低档产品,最起码的视听享受总不会少,像一般的VCD DVD 家庭影院等等。



智能音响系统开发设计(毕业设计)天津职业技术师范大学Tianjin University of Technology and Education 毕业设计专业:电气技术教育班级学号:电气1012 - 11学生姓名:赖惠平指导教师:李宏伟副教授二〇一五年六月天津职业技术师范大学本科生毕业设计智能音响系统开发设计Development and design of intelligent soundsystem专业班级:电气1012班学生姓名:赖惠平指导教师:李宏伟副教授学院:自动化与电气工程学院2015 年6 月摘要伴随着人们生活水平提高,音影视越来越受到人们的欢迎,而音响在众多场地的用途越来越多,家庭、工作随处可见。



功放的电源需要正负直流电压提供,工作电压在±10V ~ ±40V,电源采用环牛300W变压器,为功放提供充足功率源;电源电压在±1.25V ~ ±32V可调,电源用ad采集电压通过51单片机处理后在数码管显示出实时电压。

通过TA7630P 电路4个手调电阻来调节音响的音量、高低音及左右平衡度。



关键词:音响;MP3解码;环变压器;TDA7294;TA7630PABSTRACTMusic, Film and TV now are more and more popular along with the increasing of living standard. And,speaker is widely used for household and working. However, the performance of speaker now plays an important role for user,therefore, the intelligent speaker had been launched by designer in order to offer better-performance speaker to speaker hobbyist.This kind of speaker takes AB audio frequency and integrated circuit TAD7294 as main Power Amplifier.It reaches 40W*2 and THD <= 10%. It is a multifunctionally intelligent and preferable speaker that possess actual-time power consumption indicator,power lighting,supply voltage indicator, receiver, MP3 Digital file decoding, adjustable AF audio frequency.Power amplifier source is provided by positive and negative DC voltage with working voltage ±10V ~ ±40V, it adopts the 300W Cattle ring voltage transformer for supporting enough Power amplifier source. The adjustable voltage is among ±1.25V to ±32V, and the Power amplifier source indicates the actual-time working voltage by adopting ad Collecting voltage and dealing with 51 single chip. The volume, high-low sounds and Equilibrium degree are realized by 4pcs manual electric resistance of TA7630P circuit.The speaker is based on the electric circuit that able to Convert FM and MP3 File decoding to audio signal.It is a multi-fuctional and intelligent speaker that possesses Remote controller by infrared ray,volume + -, last/next songs, optional Output audio frequency, switchable MP3, FM external Audio-in. What is more, there are actual-time working Power Consumption indicates by LCD12864 while playing music, and 16pcs Diodes keep twinkling according to the changing Power Consumption. It works based on the Audio-in signal and 16-way voltage comparator.Key Words:Speaker; MP3 Decoder; Cattle ring voltagetransformer;TDA7294,;TA7630P目录1 绪论 (1)1.1研究的背景与意义 (1)1.2研究现状 (1)1.3研究的主要内容 (1)2 系统方案设计 (3)2.1系统总体方案设计结构 (3)2.2音频功率放大器 (3)2.3功放电源系统 (4)2.4电源系统的电压显示 (4)2.5 功率检测 (4)2.6 单片机选择 (5)2.7 系统总体设计方案 (5)3 系统的硬件设计与实现 (7)3.1 电源电路设计PCB制作及电压检测显示 (7)3.1.1 直流电源 (7)3.1.2 三端集成稳压器的PCB设计 (8)3.1.3 电源电压测量及显示设计 (9)3.2 音频功率放大器的设计及PCB制作 (10)3.2.1 集成功放TDA7294电路设计 (10)3.2.2 功率放大器的PCB制作 (11)3.2.3 集成功放TDA7294芯片的散热 (11)3.3 直流控制芯片TA7630P集成音频滤波电路 (12)3.4 MP3音频解码电路 (13)3.4.1 MP3音频解码器的功能介绍 (13)3.4.2 红外线遥控器的功能介绍 (13)3.5单片机控制电路 (14)3.5.1 电源电压显示的处理器Atmega8单片机简介 (14)3.5.2 功率采集处理电路At89C52单片机小系统简介 (15)3.6实时运行功率的显示 (16)3.6.1直流电压电流电量检测模块介绍 (16)3.6.2液晶显示电路介绍 (17)3.6.3功率显示系统的电路设计 (18)3.7电压比较器的应用电路设计 (18)3.7.1集成运放LM324介绍 (18)3.7.2利用LM324集成运放设计的16路电压比较器LED驱动电路194 系统软件设计 (20)4.1微处理器的程序开发环境 (20)4.1.1 At89C51程序开发环境介绍 (20)4.1.2 Atmega8程序开发环境介绍 (20)4.2程序设计及流程图 (20)4.2.1功率检测模块及显示的程序设计 (20)4.2.2功放电源电压采集与显示的程序设计 (22)5 系统调试及性能测试 (24)5.1直流电源的调试 (24)5.2前级滤波放大电路的调试 (24)5.3信号检测记录 (24)5.3.1音频功率放大器的放大性能测试 (24)5.3.2前级滤波电路的性能测试 (24)6 结论 (28)7 参考文献 (29)8 附录 (30)9 致谢 (32)天津职业技术师范大学2015 届本科生毕业设计1 绪论1.1研究的背景与意义音乐的发展史从古至今已有大量的制作,在我们的今天,音乐是流行、通俗、戏曲、民歌等等一片繁荣;各种流行音乐、影视制作深深融入我们的生活。

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编号:毕业设计(论文)说明书题目:高保真音响设计制作院(系):计算机系专业:自动化学生姓名:**学号:*********指导教师:**职称:实验师题目类型:理论研究实验研究工程设计软件开发√2005年06 月12日随着国家经济蒸蒸日上,现代科技不断发展,这些使人们在物质享受之余,也有了更多的精神享受的需要。











关键词:高保真;集成芯片;BTL;音调控制With the development of our country’s economy and the modern technology. People no –longer just enjoy the happy brought from material, they also learned to enjoy the spiritual things. For instance: Music, an old fashion of the enjoyments. And Hi-Fi(high fidelity) audio system is the very suitable intermedia for enjoying music.So this dissertation focused on the Hi-Fi amplifiers for those primary audiophiles on this field. It tried to let people cost less and at the same moment , get enough enjoyment from Hi-Fi amplifiers and satisfy those basic standards of Hi-Fi system. This dissertation presented the ideas from easy to hard, and described the relative knowledge of the Hi-Fi audio system with those graphics and diagrams. It also wrote about the details of the whole working process of this design gradually. This dissertation also introduced those characteristics of those chips used in my design, and how to realize those system’s targets given .The dissertation tried to introduce Hi-Fi audio system commonly,and let you learn some basic knowledge of this Hi-Fi system, at the same time , eventually learn how to accomplish a Hi-Fi audio amplifier.Refer to the technology, IC was used to finish this graduate design, because it's relatively easier for primary audiophiles to design a audio amplifier. The pre-amp is NE5532, which was ever called as "The KING of amplifiers" ,and its typical gain is 20dB;LM1036 produced by NSC(National Semiconductor Company) was used here for tone adjustment IC. And LM1036’s tone control can be controlled by changing the DC control voltage. The second amplifier IC is LM1875, also made by NSC. It is very classical . Four LM1875 chips were used to make a BTL(Balanced Transformer Less) circuit of each channel to achieve more power and to make the whole system’s timbre to be better.The last paragraph of this dissertation, I mainly introduce some software and hardware problems I met during making the board and debugging, and how I solved those problems. Also I presented you the national standard test methods for audio amplifier characteristics. Hope these can be your hints and help during your executing for audio amplifier.Key words: Hi-Fi; Integrated Circuit; BTL; Tone control目录引言 (1)1 高保真音响系统 (1)1.1 高保真音响系统定义 (1)1.2 高保真音响系统组成 (2)2 高保真功率放大器 (3)2.1 功率放大器种类 (3)2.2 高保真功率放大器主要技术指标 (4)3 功放电源 (8)3.1 功放电源概述 (8)3.2 功放电源组成 (8)3.3 整流滤波电路 (10)3.4 稳压电路 (13)4 方案论证及阐述 (14)4.1 设计要求 (14)4.2 方案论证 (14)4.2.1后级放大器方案选定 (14)4.2.2前置放大器方案选定 (14)4.2.3音调芯片方案选定 (15)4.2.4电源方案选定 (15)4.3 具体方案阐述 (15)4.3.1前级放大器方案阐述 (15)4.3.2后级放大器方案阐述 (19)4.3.3功放电源方案阐述 (22)5 高保真功放制板 (23)5.1 制板注意事项 (23)5.2 制板经验总结 (24)5.2.1制板步骤 (24)5.2.2Protel99se的使用经验总结 (25)5.2.3制板遇到的问题 (26)6 功放调试 (26)6.1 调试步骤 (27)6.2 模块调试 (27)6.2.1电源调试 (27)6.2.2音调模块调试 (27)6.2.3前置放大模块调试 (28)6.2.4后级功放模块调试 (28)6.3 整体调试 (28)7 高保真功放性能指标测试 (29)7.1 性能指标测试的必要性 (29)7.2 主要性能指标测试 (29)7.3 测试所用仪器 (32)7.4 测试结论 (32)8 总结 (33)8.1 完成程度 (33)8.2 技术优点 (33)8.3 技术缺陷 (33)8.4 毕设感受 (33)谢辞 (34)参考文献 (35)附录 (36)附录1电路原理图 (36)附录2 PCB 图 (39)引言音乐是一种迷人的艺术,对于一些十几年前的旋律与歌词我仍然熟稔于心,难以忘怀,怀念音乐给我的感觉。














1高保真音响系统1.1 高保真音响系统定义谈及高保真(High Fidelity,简称Hi—Fi)音响系统来,我想很多音乐爱好者,或者说很多一般的人,都在各种媒体中看到或者听到过这概念,不过大家不一定知道做何解释。
