成长的烦恼第一季 第一集剧本整理

Jason, Mike挨训的时候我们坐那呢?就来,我不是训他Maggie,是商量。
Mummy, mummy, mummy,谁要倒霉了?Chrissy谁告诉你有人要倒霉?爸爸说他太高兴了,肯定就有人要倒霉。
我要当Michelle Pfeiffer。

Growing Pains 201Jason and the Cruisers V2.0Carol: We need the TV, Mike.Mike: Can’t you see I'm in the middle of a show here.Carol: Yeah, well, I got a better show. Mom took all the old movies and put them on tapes so that we can see them.Mike: Why?Jason: Well, this ought to be fun.Maggie: Hurry up, Ben.Jason: Front row.Mike: Dad, you are embarrassing me.Jason: What? You're not excited about seeing yourself in diapers with drool running down your chin?Carol: He can just look in the mirror to see that.Maggie: Oh, Mike was such a cute little baby.Mike: Alright. Look, I have to go to study, OK?Jason: What’s the matter, there's a full moon?Mike: Yeah, I am really very sorry I'm going to miss out on all this family fun. Gee I do really love it too. You know when we pal around like this. But hey, I have to stu....Jason: your mother has gone to a lot of trouble putting these films on tapeMaggie: It's OK. If he doesn’t want to see them.Jason: He does.Mike: Dad, you are suggesting that I shouldn’t study?Jason: Yes, I am. Mike, I think you are spending far too much time studying and too littletime staring blankly at the TV.Carol: Ben, we are not waiting for you, your tape is first.Ben: Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!Maggie: Ben, you just ate a full dinner.Ben: This is not for me, this is for my family who I love.Carol: Here we go!Ben: Hey. You said the first tape was me, this is Mike.Ben: Gee, Mike, you sure look like a lady.Mike: Guy alright, I’m staying. All right, and the least you could do is put off my humiliation until he's asleep.Jason: Well, this sure cuts into my fun., and how about you, Maggie?Maggie: Yes, humiliating Mike was one reason I had these movies transferred. But if he'll stopmake snide comments and join in the fun by playing a little background music, just so 5 years of piano lessons don’t go down the drain.Mike: All right, look, I know this family fun is going to kill me.Carol: This is my tape.Mike: She’s a maniac, maniac I know. As she's dancing like she’s never danc ed before. Carol: I'm not playing this while he’s here.Jason: can you guys be a little bit mature and just let a tape play?Carol: what is this? Who is this?Maggie: I bet you even forgot you had these.Mike: hey, dad you never told us you had a brother who was a geek.Ben: That’s dad, he’s the geek.Mike: Oh, come on , after all mom went to a lot of trouble putting all these movies on tape. Maggie: Ok, if he doesn’t want to see them, that’s OK.Jason: Oh, Maggie, I want to see my tape, yes.Ben: Hi, I kno w, let’s watch my tape.Jason: Oh, no, no. I will be proud to show my tape.Mike: YeahJason: Thank you, Mike.Carol: This is the far out group you led in college?Jason: That’s us---the Wild Hots.Maggie: Come on guys, that was the perfect name. They were wild and they were hot. Mike: and they were all babies.Carol: You were on TV?Jason: Yes, the rock and roll talents which we were the state finalist from Road Island. Maggie: I still remember my dad’s reaction when you came to pick me up in that costume. He said you look like a vietcong.Jason: Yeah, I was younger than him like we were.Maggie: He was the same age you are now.Jason: No.Maggie: Yes.Jason: Really?Maggie: Really.Jason: No. He was pushing forty odd...Carol: Ah, they're doing the twist.Jason: Well, I think we're low on popcorn and I’ll get a little more.Maggie: Oh, honey, I’m sorry.Mike: Alright, I'm out of hereBen: Hey, I know. Let’s watch my tape.Carol: Ben, the party is over.Ben: Ah….Maggie: You are very quiet tonight. In fact, you are so quiet it's like you are not even here. Jason, honey I was talking to you.Jason: Sorry.Maggie: I think seeing yourself that young has made you feel a little old.Jason: Old? Ha!Maggie: In fact I would guess you were in that bathroom staring in the mirror probably looking for gray hairs.Jason: well, you couldn’t be more wrong. I'm hardly the kind of guy who goes looking for gray hairs.Maggie: I’m sorry, you are right. That’s ridiculous. Of course you weren't looking for gray hairs.Jason: I’m a young man.Maggie: Ok, I’m sorry. It's just that you’ve never been so sensitive about your age before. Jason: I’m not now, either. Even know as you pointed out, I am the same age as your parents were when we met , which is not even true because your dad was six months older.Ben: Bye, mom.Maggie: Ben, where are you going?Ben: Stinkey’s, I told dad.Maggie: Ben!Ben: Mom.Maggie: I’m glad you told your father that you were going to Stinkey’s. but your father doesn’t know that I wanted you to clean your r oom this morning.Ben: But mom I promised Stinkey he could see the tape of dad looking funny.Maggie: No, absolutely not.Ben: Then I don’t get to see the pictures of Stinkey’s mom before she got fat.Maggie: Ben, go to your room and don't come out until it's clean.Mike: See you later mom. I'm going to go over to the school yard and shoot some hoops. Ok? Maggie: OK. Hoops? Mike, wait.Mike: No, my room’s already cleaned mom.Maggie: No.Mike: No my clean clothes are in the drawer and my dirty clothes are in hand.Maggie: No, Mike, that’s not what I want to talk about.Mike: You mean I did all that for nothing?Maggie: Mike, I want to ask you a favor.Mike: What?Maggie: you see after watching all those old movies last night, well your father started feeling old.Mike: Well he is.Maggie: No, I mean old as in out of it, over the hill.Mike: Yeah.Maggie: Michel please, I want you to help me make your father feel a little younger. Is that so hard for you to understand?Mike: hey, mom. How can he feel old when he's married to a young fox like you?Maggie: Oh, Michel, would you please play a little basketball with your dad? And..Mike: Throw the game?Maggie: Well.Mike: Take a dive.Maggie: Yeah.Mike: and no one will know about it.Maggie: Right.Mike: OK. No problem. I'm an old hand at fooling dad. Oh, dad!Maggie: Such a nice boy. Such a foxy young mother.Mike: Hay, nice drive dad.Jason: what can I say. I’m good.Mike: Here we go!Mike: Here you are, you are so quick today here.Jason: Yes. You wouldn’t by a ny chance be letting me win, would you?Mike: Letting you win? Are you kidding, Why would I want to do that?Jason: For one thing your mom doesn’t like to admit when she’s wrong.Mike: Mom? And why would she think that you feel old. I mean…Jason: I’m warn ing you Mike. Don't start patronizing your old man, I mean father. Because I can still keep up with you.Mike: Yeah right dad.Jason: Oh, really. Come on, take your best shot, let’s see who sucker and winner at the end of this one. OK?Mike: All right?Jason: Sure. None of that hot dog stuff. Real game, real game. Unless you are afraid to be humiliated? I'll understand. are you going to try out for the girls team this year?Mike: NoJason: OK, lucky shot.Mike: Come on dad, it’s twenty-eight. Am I bankedJason: OK, all right, I let you off the hook this time.Ben: Come on, dad. Only twenty-five more points and you're right back in it.Mike: Come on, Ben. Can’t you see the man is tired.Jason: Oh, what's the matter? Afraid I'm going to catch up? I was just getting my second wind.Ben: all right, dad. Come on, you can do it, shut him down.Jason: Ah..(falling down.)Mike: Come on dad. Hey dad, are you all right?Jason: I slipped on something.Ben: What is it?Jason: I turned my ankle.Mike: Look, I knew you couldn't play too long. You know parents never listen.Jason: No, I’m fine. All right. Just give me a minute, I can walk it off.Mike: Hey look dad, I am really bushed. I couldn’t play another second. I…Jason: OK.Mike: OK.I am going to go over to the school yard and get a game, right? See you later. Ben: Dad, I think you are a rock player.Jason: Yeah, I know how to playBen: Especially for a guy of your age.Jason: Ah!Ben: Don’t worry, dad. I’ll take care of you.Mike: Ben, what are you doing here?Ben: I live here.Mike: You're supposed to have dad out of the house by now?Ben: What do you want from me? The man has to go to the bathroom.Maggie: Ben, where’s your dad?Ben: In the bathroom I hope.Maggie: So what do you think, Ben?Ben: I think this is going to make him even more depressedMaggie: Oh, no. Ben. Once he starts to play rock and roll, he's going to start to feel like this again.Ben: That’s good?Maggie: You bet!Mike: Where do you want to stash this thing until the party?Maggie: OK, in the kitchen. I'll have your father go out the front doorCarol: I’ll get it.A Man: I’m David Sax from party animal party rentals.Carol: You are early.Man: That’s our policy.Carol: No.Man: Yes, it is.Carol: No. It's supposed to be a surprise for my dad and my dad is still hereMan: Bummer.Jason: Let’s go, Ben.Man: No, maybe I can….Jason: Come on, Ben. This is your idea to go to the zoo, let’s go!Ben: This is going to be great. I want to spend the whole day at the snake house.Jason: Anybody else want to come?Maggie: No, I’ve got things to do.Jason: Carol?Carol: Oh, no. Darn it! You know how I love to see Gods creatures in cages, but I have to studyBen: Let’s roll!Carol: No, you have to go to the kitchen.Maggie and Ben: No!Maggie: Carol, the kitchen floor is wet.Carol: Well so is the porch.Maggie: Carol.Carol: Mom.Jason: Well, apparently there’s no way out, Ben, I guess we’ll have to stay here.Maggie, Carol and Ben: No!Jason: What’s going on here?Maggie: Oh, I know. The kitchen floor is probably dry by now. If you go out that way, Jason. Jason: Thanks Maggie!Maggie: So, the kitchen, it is then.Mike: Are you four all right?Jason: Mike, what’s this?Mike: What’s what, dad?Jason: What’s the mess you are making?Mike: This mess as you call it, j ust happens to be my project for art class. I call it “hold the onions or I'll kill you"Ben: Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!Mike: Seavor, you're good! And the kid can paint.Mike: Hello, testing one two three. Louder Carol. Ladies and gentlemen...Bruce Springsteen!Maggie: Mike!Mike: Mom?Maggie: Can you hold it down we still have a lot to do.Mike: OK, mom. No problem.Maggie: Oh, we have less than an hour left. Is everything ready?Man: Wola!Carol: Ladies and gentlemen! Madonna!Maggie: Carol, not you too!Mike: mom. If this doesn't cheer dad up I think you'll have to divorce him.Maggie: Of course it’ll work. He'll be seeing his old friends, his old band, it will give him a whole new outlook.(The door bell rang.)Maggie: I’ll get it. Oh, Carol, would y ou and Mike put up some more balloons?Mike: OK.Maggie: Rick!Rick: Oh, Maggie!Maggie: How are you!Rick: Wild and hot!Maggie: You look sensational. You haven’t changed a bit.Rick: Oh, maybe just a little bit. Oh, wow! The Wild Hots never played in a place this classic before.Maggie: Kids, this is Rick. Rick, this is Carol and Mike.Mike and Carol: Hi!Rick: Oh….Maggie. By the way, Maggie. The Wild Hots is going to sound a little thin tonight. We don't have a keyboard manMaggie: Warren said he'd be hereRick: Well, he’s had a little coronary.Maggie: Oh dear!Rick: Nothing serious. He’s going to be up in about a week or so.Maggie: Wait a minute. Mike can fill in on keyboards.Mike: Hay, Mom. I don’t know those stupid, fol....classics.Rick: If you know five chords then you know two more than we do.Man: Radical?Mike: Mom, I think we go through with this, there's a good chance that dad is going to drown himself.Maggie: No, I don’t think it sounded that badWo Man: Maggie, do you have any aspirin?Mike: I rest my case!Maggie: Ok, Mike. You're right, but what am I supposed to do? I can't just throw all these people out.Mike: I don’t know mom, but we can handle this. I can set the kitchen on fire.Maggie: No, I like the kitchen.Mike: Oh, I know. How abo ut dad’s office?Maggie: No, it’s OK. I'll handle thisMaggie: Rick? Rick? Hay! Excuse me, everyone. We’ve had a slight change of plans and I've just learned that Jason has been called to the hospital on an emergency, in another state. I know, I'm as disappointed as you are, but he won't be back for daysBen: Surprise! What’s with you people?Jason: What’s this? How are you? Oh it’s been years. Maggie, what's the occasion?Rick: Ladies and gentlemen,. The founder of Wild Hots Jammins Jason SeavorJason: Hay, how are you, nice to see you!Maggie: I think it’s going well, do you think it’s going well? I think it’s going well.Jason: This is great, oh, where’s Warren?Rack: Oh, he had a, he had a heart attack.Jason: What?Rack: OK, he’ll be fine.Jason: He’s t hirty-eight years old.Rick: I guess he's finally learned that he can't keep up with the youngsters.Maggie: Excuse me, Jason, can I talk with you for a minute?Jason: Better make it quick.Jason: Can you imagine that? A heart attack at thirty eight!Maggie: Oh, honey, I had no idea when I planned this.Jason: What about Rick’s crone dome?Maggie: Well, a lot of men lose their hair early.Jason: Yeah, if they had nuclear waste in their shorts!Maggie: The last thing I wanted to do with this party is depress youJason: I'm not depressedMaggie: No. you are too.Jason: No, I’m not.Maggie: Seeing how these guys look now even depresses meJason: Oh, they do have a few miles on them, don’t they?Maggie: A few miles? How about the entire inner state high way system?Jason: And they are the same age as I am.Maggie: Oh, honey, compared with them you look like Rickey Shrouder.Jason: Yeah, yes, I do. Younger than Rickey Shrouder. And I’m the same age as these guys, not that that matters.Maggie: Jason, I’ve been trying for two weeks to tell you that you weren’t old.Jason: But would I listen?Maggie: No.Rock: Hey Dude. We knocked the rust off the edges and we are really cooking but we need the jammer.Jason: This songs for you. It's going to make you wild and hot.Jason: One, two, three, four.Let’s take those old records off the shelf. Sit and listen to them by myselfToday’s music ain’t got the same soul as that old time rock and roll,call me a rebel call me what you will. Say I'm old fashioned say I'm over the hillToday’s music ain’t got the same soul as that old time rock and rollI love that old time rock and roll. That kind of music does soothe my soulI reminisce about the days of old, and that old time rock and roll.Mike: dad, I can’t keep up with youJason: don’t you forget it, kidJason: I love old time rock and roll, that kind of music to smooth a sole,I reminisce about the days of old, and that old time rock and rollJason: If I give my heart to you, I must be sure from the very start, that you would love me moreMaggie: Jason, how long are you going to play guitar?Jason: Just a few minutes, I promise. If I trust in you, oh please. Hey Maggie, I can't play in the darkMaggie: Well, I can.。
成长的烦恼第一集1 英文台词

Growing Pains 101 Pilot第一集出师受挫Jason: Hi, I'm Jason Seaver. I am a psychiatrist. I spent last 15 years helping people with the problems. Maggie: And I'm Maggie Seaver. I’ve spent last 15 years helping our kid s with problems, even Jason wouldn't believe.Jason: Now Maggie has gone back to work as a reporter for the local Newspaper.Maggie: And Jason has moved his practice into the house so we can be there for the kids.Jason: They’re great kids.Maggie: Most of the time.Jason: And the rest of the time……Maggie: We love them , anywayJason: Yeah.Ben: Unbelievable.Jason: Alright lady drop that spatula . or you're scrambledMaggie: Go ahead, make my day. Well, I guess I showed you.Jason: Show me moreMaggie: Oh Jason, the kids.Jason: I can kiss the kids later. You know I read an article that said that two career couples should really make a special effort to always remain...frisky .Maggie: At breakfast?Jason: At all meals.Mike: What's the matter? You guys aren't gettin' enough?Jason: Michael, a lot of kids would get smacked for a remark like that.Mike: Come on dad, you can't hit me you're a liberal humanist .Jason: Could be an accident.Carol: Could be a dream come true.Mike: Mom, can't we sell Carol and get a tape deck磁带放送机for the Volvo?Carol: Mike, you give new meaning to the word vacuous空的;空虚的;空洞的.Mike: Oh yeah? What was the old meaning?Carol: I rest my case我的话就到此为止了。

成长的烦恼--美国大型情景喜剧片(共7季166集)影片主演:杰森·西佛艾伦·锡克迈克·西佛柯克·卡梅隆发行年份:1990年【片名】Growing Pains/成长的烦恼【地区】美国【语言】国语【类型】情景喜剧【播出】1985/09/24~1992/04/25【集数】7季共166集(每集约28分钟)主要演员◎杰森·西佛(Jason Seaver)~艾伦·锡克(Alan Thicke) 饰父亲,心理医生,对家人感情很好,对子女用启发式的教育。
◎麦琪·梅龙(Maggie Malone)~乔安娜·科恩斯(Joanna Kerns) 饰母亲,一位电视台记者,与丈夫杰森结婚后不随丈夫姓,仍用家姓梅龙。
◎迈克·西佛(Mike Seaver)~柯克·卡梅隆(Kirk Cameron) 饰长子,对未来怀有梦想,却经常把事情搞砸,对读书不在行。
◎卡罗尔·西佛(Carol Seaver)~特蕾茜·格尔德(Tracey Gold) 饰长女,读书很好,却经常出现冒傻气的想法,有点书呆子气。
◎本恩·西佛(Ben Seaver)~杰瑞米·米勒(Jeremy Miller) 饰次子,稚嫩却古灵精怪。
◎克瑞斯·西佛(Chrissy Seaver)~阿什丽·约翰逊(Ashley Johnson) 饰幼女,机灵可爱。
◎卢克·鲍尔(Luke Bower)~莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio) 饰养子,受到西佛一家人如亲人般的照顾。
主要内容本剧主要讲述住在纽约长岛的西佛一家(The Seavers)的日常生活故事,是中国大陆较早引进的国外情景喜剧,在中国从1990年一直播出至1994年。
Growing Pains S1E1 - Pilot成长的烦恼剧本

Growing Pain: season 01Episode 01: “ Pilot ”CHARPTER 01Jason: Hi, I'm Jason Seaver. I'm a psychiatrist. 嗨,我是Jason Seaver.我是个心里医生。
I've spent the last 15 years 我花费过去的15年helping people with their problems. 帮助人们解决他们的问题。
Maggie: And I'm Maggie Seaver. 我是Maggie Seaver.I've spent the last 15 years 我用过去的15年helping our kids with problems 帮助我们的孩子解决问题even Jason wouldn't believe. 即使Jason不相信。
Jason:Now Maggie has gone back to work 现在Maggie回去上班as a reporter for the local newspaper. 作为一个记者为当地报社。
Maggie:And Jason has moved his practice Jason 搬动他的诊所into the house 到(他家)房子里so he could be there for the kids. 因此他就能在这里,为了孩子们。
Jason: - They're great kids. 他们是很棒的孩子。
Maggie: - Most of the time. 大部分时间。
Jason: And the rest of the time 而剩余的时间Maggie:- You'll love them anyway. 你会爱他们的,无论如何。
Jason: - Yeah. 耶。

610 欧洲之行(中)你好,Seaver太太,再次充满激情吗?去欧洲旅行吧,价格绝对便宜。

101PilotJason: Alright lady drop that spatula(抹刀,压舌板) or you're scrambled(使混杂,搅乱). Maggie: Go ahead, make my day(Maybe they are Imitating a film). Well, I guess I showed you. Jason: Show me more.Maggie: Oh Jason, the kids.Jason: I can kiss the kids later(he was pretend to be misunderstand her). You know I read an article that said that two career couples should really make special effort to always remain...frisky(活泼的, 欢闹的).Maggie: At breakfast?(she pretend to be misunderstand him too)Jason: At all meals.(he make a joke on it)Mike: What's the matter? You guys aren't getting' enough?Jason: Michael, a lot of kids would get smacked(掌击) for remark(备注,评论) like that.Mike: Come on dad, you can't hit me. You're a liberal(慷慨的, 不拘泥的, 宽大的, 自由主义的) humanist.Jason: Could be an accident.(means there could be a exception)Carol: Could be a dream come true.(means she was very expect it happen)Mike: Mom, can't we sell Carol and get a tape deck for the Volvo?(Means Carol didn’t worth a tape deck)Carol: Mike, you give new meaning to the word vacuous(空虚的, 茫然若失的, 无所事事的, 空洞的).Mike: Oh yeah? What was the old meaning?(he doesn’t know even the original meaning)Carol: I rest my case.(我懒得和你说了)Jason: Ben! Ben! What's so funny Ben?Ben: That Phyllis George(a famous comedy actor), she's screwed up(振作) again.Maggie: Hey, what's that you're reading about?Carol: Well it says here that as the universe expands, all matter is slowly degenerating into a state of total disorganization.Maggie: Thank god I thought it was just me.(Means she feel very confusion)Mike: So what are you guys doing tonight? "The House of Sweat", yeah great! Hey look can I talk to you guys later, yeah, bye.Maggie: Mike, what is "The House of Sweat"?Mike:Well…You know…Carol: It's that new under twenty dance club on Geravo Turnpike.Mike: Yeah, and it sounds like a great idea mom. It's a safe, wholesome place for teens to congregate. Maggie: And the larger the group, the smaller their brains get.(Means all those teens go there will get stupid)Jason: Oh come on Maggie!Mike: Yeah, come on Maggie!(Imitating his father) Yes well time to go wait for that school bus; you know if I hurry I can still get a seat in the non-smoking section.(He was act as he was a good boy) Maggie: Good day! Bye sweetheart. Bye Ben, love you!Jason: Later Ben! I still have some paper work to do before my nine o' clock gets here, and if you start feeling frisky and you have eight of ten seconds before work, you know where to find me.(Means he want a kiss before she go to work)Maggie: Ben, what are you doing here you'll miss the bus. What's the matter honey?Ben: Dad didn't know how to do my elbow.Maggie: Oh? Let me see. Oh dad did a great job on these cuts...Superman band aids- the works. Oh I get it, he didn't kiss it better...and say I love you little pumpkin head.Ben: It was all so clinical. Mom, how come you had to go back to work?Maggie: I didn't have to Ben, I wanted to. Come here. Ben, imagine you had to spend fifteen years in this house, without ever going out to play. You'd go crazy wouldn't you? Well believe it or not, alot of grown-ups feel the same way about work.Ben: That's sick mom.Maggie: Ben, I know this has been a big change for all of us, and I worry about not being here for you because...well...you're the youngest. And I worry about not being here for Carol because she's a girl, and she needs her mother. And I worry about not being here for Mike, to keep him from accidentally blowing something up. And believe me I worry about leaving your father here to cope with all you monsters.Ben: You shouldn't worry so much mom, you'll make yourself crazy.Maggie: I love you.patient: It's always the same dream Doc. I on a subway, and this woman sits across from me...beautiful woman! And I look at her, she looks at me. I lick my lips, she licks her lips. This goes on, and finally she leans across and she whispers to me: "you have huge knees".Does that mean anything Doc?Mike: I should be good for about five bucks a piece.Jason: Good visit Waller, and hey don't worry too much about this thing, ok? See you next week. Bye bye!Mike: Can I talk with you for a second dad?Jason: Sure.Mike: In your office. Kids!Jason: So, you wanted to talk about something...Mike: Yeah, erm, mostly I just wanted to mention how smoothly things have been running, since the wife went back to work, and you moved your practice back into the house.Jason: Well thank you.Mike: Dad, we've been friends now for a long time...right?Jason: Off and on, yesMike: I know, I love that. See dad, you know that dance hall place I mentioned this morning... Jason: "The House of Sweat".Mike: Yeah, yeah. Jerry and I were talking and we decided...Jason: Jerry?Mike: Yeah, Jerry Delish. He's an older friend of mine, an excellent driver, with two years ofdrivers A.Jason: Two years of drivers A?Mike: Yeah, you see in his first class he ran over a dog...but he drove beautifully after that,and we're talking one tiny, wreck less little dog here dad.Jason: tough break.Mike: So anyway I was thinking that maybe we could go down there tonight, and Jerry would drive so you wouldn't have to....Jason: what would your mother say?Mike: Mom? I guess she would say...what's the phrase I'm looking for here dad?Jason: NO!!Mike: Yeah that's it. I guess that means I can't go, right?Jason: Well, it just means I don't like you coming in, and trying to get away with something.That's not the relationship I wanna have with you.Mike: I'm sorry dad.Jason: Alright now look. Now that I'm in charge at home, we can try things my way.Mike: Alright!!Jaso n: You don't even know what "my way" is?Mike: Sure I do dad, it's a Sinatra song.Jason: You're working' a fine line here Mike. Ok look, here's the deal. I'll give you a little more freedom, you've got to promise me alot more responsibility.Mike: Hey, no problem dad. I swear, I am ready for total responsibilityJason: Mike, I'm not ready for total responsibility.Mike: You're right, sorry.Jason: Ok? You go out and have a good time. Just remember what we talked about.Mike: Absolutely dad, thanks, I promise. Wait, what about mom, what if she's mad?Jason: Mike, your mom's not an ogre...I'll talk to her she'll understandMaggie: You let him do what?Jason: Maggie, he's fifteen years old now.Maggie: So what! He's fifteen! It's completely arbitrary to just pick an age like that, and saythat is when a kid is mature.Jason: You know that by the time Mozart was fifteen, he'd written seven symphonies.Maggie: That's because Mozart's father didn't let him go to "The House of Sweat". Who did he go with?Jason: I don't know. Some kid...Jerry Dollish, Dollish.Maggie: Jerry "dog killer" Dollish.Jason: Maggie, he hit one dog.Maggie: Yeah, but he hit it four times.Jason: Ok, well, err, Mike isn't Jerry, and a kid needs some freedom in order to learn responsibility. Maggi e: Ah Jason I know you believe in this unlimited human potential...stuff. And that's great for your patients, but when...Maggie and Jason: ...it comes to your own children...Maggie: ...I believe in original...Jason: ...sin.Maggie: Sin. Oh I don't know, maybe I shouldn't have gone back to work.Jason: Now come on Maggie, don't say that. Now you took fifteen years off, to raise a family,and you deserve to go back to work now. You just have to have a little more faith in me and the kids. Maggie: Oh, maybe you're right.Jason: Course I'm right. We shouldn't be worrying, we should be...celebrating. Which is why I've taken the liberty of placing a little chilled Champagne in a bucket beside the bed...slipped some satin sheets on the old bouncer.Maggie: satin sheets, you?Jason: yeah, well the gut in the store showed me some before and after pictures of a couplewho tried them and....they looked very...satisfied.Maggie: And what about Ben, and Carol?Jason: Well I slipped some sleeping pills into their Gatorine. They'll be asleep for about three weeks.Maggie: Jason!Jason: Well I didn't really, but they are fffrrrr, and we can frrefderrtt!!!! Hello. Yeah this is Jason Seaver. No you must be looking for someone else because....take your clothes off...no, no, our Mike is only fifteen, so he wouldn't be driving a car. I see.Maggie: What did he say?Jason: He said, that's why your Mike is in our jail.prisoner: What are you in for kid?Mike: I killed a man, just to watch him die. You?prisoner: Unpaid parking tickets.Mike: Oh no it's my mom!Jason: Come on Maggie, we don't even know the facts yet. I mean it's not so unusual for a teenage boy to have a minor run-in with the police. Some of these guys can be real macho head bangers. policeman: Hiya! You folks care for some hot cocoa? I just made a fresh pot.Jason: look, we're the Seavers. You've locked up our son. An officer claimed he was driving a car. policeman: Ah yes sir, we...er...picked him up in the "House of Sweat" parking lot. He wasdriving in circles for approximately twelve minutes.Jason: Ok, so a fifteen year old boy drives his friends car around the lot a few times.policeman: Oh did I mention, he side swerved a police car on the way out?Jason: he what?policeman: He tore that bumber off like he was peeling an orange. A three hundred and fifty dollar orange.Mike: Hiya dad...mom. You look good tonight. You look young!prisoner: Come on son.Mike: Mom, dad, this is Jerry. I guess it's kind of hard to see the basis of our friendship, huh? Jason: I dunno, he has a certain...care free charm.Mike: you should see him when he's sober.Maggie: Mike! You will be grounded for two months.Mike: Two months!?! Dad can't you talk to her?Jason: Oh I did Mike. Originally it was one month.Mike: That means you added a month.Ben: Nothing gets by you does it.Mike: Dad you said you'd talk to her.Jason: Damn it Mike!!! You said you'd act responsibly, now I don't wanna hear another word out of you is that clear?Ben and Carol: Wow.Maggie: Oh yeah, our romantic evening. Anyone who's not used to satin sheets could easily have an accident.Jason: Maggie, don't patronize me!! Ok?! And where the hell are my pajamas?Maggie: Gee I'm sorry I'm really not sure.Jason: Well you wouldn't think it would be so damned tough to keep tabs on a pair of pajamas around here!!!!Maggie: Jason, I don't understand why you're so upset. I mean it's not like this is the first time he's screwed up.Jason: Who's screwed up?Maggie: Mike.Jason: Who said anything about Mike. I'm upset because I can't find my pajamas. I mean if You’d left a pair of pajamas around...and these are big pajamas I'm talking about...and they just vanished into thin air...well wouldn't you be pretty upset???!!!!!Maggie: Absolutely. In fact I'm amazed at the way you're holding it together.Mike: What?Carol: I...I've never seen dad, actually too mad to talk.Mike: Well thanks for your support; you know I feel like a new man now.Carol: I'm sorry. Look it's not so bad, I bet in a year he'll look back on this whole thing and laugh. Ok, maybe chuckle.Jason: Ok, I admit it...I'm upset with Mike.Maggie: Oh?Jason: Aren't you?Maggie: Absolutely, I'm furious...but no more furious at him than I've been a dozen times before. I mean he's a kid Jason, what did you expect?Jason: Yeah, but he said, not three feet away from me, and he said "dad I swear it, I'm ready for total responsibility."Maggie: Jason, you are not ready for total responsibility. I mean face it, the boy's fifteen.He's a hormone with feet.Jason: I know, I know I know but someday that hormone will be a man, and I want that man to have a sense of responsibility.Maggie: Go talk to him. You won't sleep if you don't. Don't worry, I'll continue the search for the pajamas.Mike: What?Jason: You were asleep.Mike: I was? I was and it was a dream...Jason: Uh-uh.Mike: Oh, still angry? Hey dad, I know this is no excuse, but Jerry's car handles really badly. And I was the one who decided that Jerry was too drunk to drive.Jason: Mike he was unconscious.Mike: I know.Jason: and what are you doing with a kid who drinks like that?Mike: I should have called you.Jason: Why didn't you?Mike: Well dad there were these girls there...Jason: Ah course! Wouldn’t want them to think you had parents. Mike what kind of relationship are we gonna have if I can't trust you?Mike: I guess I'm just a jerk, maybe you shouldn't trust me.Jason: Well that's certainly one way to go. That's the way my father went with me. I guess I hoped that when I had a son it would be different.Mike: I know dad.Jason: Mike you probably don't remember this but, when you were three weeks old, I took you to the Mets home opener, cradled you in my arms...up comes Don Clendenin...hits a shot of the left field score board to win in the twelfth. I hugged you real tight, jumped you up and down, and you, you threw up in your complimentary Mets batting container.Mike: I'm sorry dad.Jason: It was my fault; I never should've let you suck that beer off my finger.Mike: No dad, I meant about tonight, I'm sorry.Jason: Well, thank you.Mike: You know dad, I try, I really try, but sometimes, almost without wanting, I just find myself doing something really stupid.Jason: Sort of an uncontrollable impulse huh?Mike: yeah!Jason: Or is it more like you think you're doing something really stupid, and then you weigh you chances of getting away with it and if they're better than ten percent, you go for it.Mike: Yeah!Jason: That's why you're grounded for two months.Mike: yeah.Jason: Well if it makes you feel any better, I did some pretty lamo things in my day.Mike: You?Jason: Yeah!Mike: like what?Jason: Well like I remember when I was sixteen, me and some buddies, we drove around town one night, mooning everybody. We even mooned the mayor's wife.Mike: you dad?Jason: Uhu. Yeah we got arrested for indecent exposure. Had to let us off though...Mayor's wife refused to make an identification.Mike: You dad?Jason: Will you stop saying that!Mike: Does mom know about this?Jason: You kidding? How do you think we met?Mike: Alright dad! Hey dad you ever get the urge to do dumb stuff now?Jason: No. No, no I don't Mike. I think that's what being an adult is all about.Mike: Oh. Alright, good night dad.Jason: Night son. Hey! Come back in here for a second.Maggie: (singing) I feel the earth move under my feet, I feel the sky tumbling down, a tumbling down.I feel my heart start to tremble whenever you're around...ooohh baby when I see your face.Ben, carol and Mike: (singing) Blue river, wider than the.....。

LIZZIE: Okay, I know what you're thinking. Me, Lizzie McGuire, cheerleader? What up with that? I mean, nothing could be more superficial(肤浅的)demeaning(贬低)and shallow.(肤浅的人) Cheerleading is like this plot(情节)to make girls feel bad about themselves. ( heavy metal guitar solo) ( heavy metal song plays) TOON LIZZIE: But I hope I make it! I hope I make it! I hope I make it! MIRANDA: You want to try out for cheerleader? Are you crazy? Do you want to risk humiliating (羞辱)yourself in front of the whole school?LIZZIE :Uh, I have a chance.GORDO: Uh, if you ask me...LIZZIE: Not gonna (会)GORDO: Any group activity that forces others to be happy is, bynature, evil.LIZZIE: And that's why I didn't ask.GORDO: I just don't understand this herd(群) mentality(心态)that, youknow, tells us what to wear what to watch, what to eat. Mmm!McNuggets!TOON LIZZIE: Look, I had no idea it was going to be thisbad. ( sheep bleating )TOON LIZZIE: All right, that's it. I am so out of here.GIRL: McGuire? Lizzie.LIZZIE: Oh, th-that's me. ( techno pop song plays )TOON LIZZIE: The only thing worse than my cheerleadingwas... ...nothing. At least I didn't try out for javelin(标枪). Ow! THEME SONG: * If you believe * * We've got a picture-perfect plan * * We've got you fooled * * 'Cause we only do the best we can * * And sometimes we make it * * And sometimes we fake it * * But we get one step closer each and every day * * We'll figure it out on the way. *SAM: I never liked cheerleaders, anyway. They were always so snooty(傲慢的). And you, Lizzie McGuire, are no snoot(用). LIZZIE: Dad, really, it's, it's no big.TOON LIZZIE: No big at all. I merely cemented my social status to that of a nobody for-- oh, I don't know-- eternity!JO: Lizzie, if it makes you feel any better I was never a cheerleader and my life turned out just fine.LIZZIE: That's relative. Look what you have for a son.MA TT: Here, ugly, little Lizzie. Here, girl.LIZZIE: What did you call that thing?MA TT: Ugly.LIZZIE:Y ou called it Lizzie.MA TT: Well, there's no denying the resemblance.JO: Hey!SAM: Children.MA TT: Oh, Dad, here's her instructions.SAM: Oh, that's cool. Look at that. Lighting, humidity constipation.LIZZIE I'm outtie. Book report due tomorrow. I haven't even finished the book.JO: Uh, Lizzie... Are you sure you're okay?LIZZIE: Mom, it's, it's fine, really. I'm not the... "cheerleader type." I'm, I'm more of a... band geek.JO: Lizzie McGuire, you are not a geek. Y ou are beautiful. Y ou have great friends. Gordo and Miranda are wonderful kids. Y ou're, you're smart. Y ou're decent. Y ou're compassionate.TOON LIZZIE: Here we go--JO: Y ou're cute, funny, talented...TOON LIZZIE: Pep talk number 243 from The Mother & Daughter Handbook.JO: ...and there's nothing geek about you...TOON LIZZIE: It's not that what she's saying is so bad.JO: ...I will not allow you to...TOON LIZZIE: It's just that I've heard it 17 times already today which makes the whole thing even more pathetic than usual. JO: A-a-and you're helpful around the house.SAM: Y ou forgot "kind to strangers."JO: Y eah, she's that, too.MA TT: And don't forget-- she's housebroken(教养). [ screen graphic: "TOP TEN REASONS WHY LIZZIE'S PERFECT" 10. Beautiful 9. Great friends 8. Gordo & Miranda are wonderful kids 7. Smart 6. Decent 5. Compassionate 4. Cute, funny, talented. 3. Helpful around the house 2. Kind to strangers 1. Housebroken ]( computer chimes )LIZZIE: Ooh, Miranda.MIRANDA:I'm telling you now to avoid major devastation tomorrow.LIZZIE: "Kate made cheerleader"? ( pouts) Well... you know why she made it, don't you? ( computer chimes )LIZZIE: ( laughs) Because Kate stuffs her bra. ( computer chimes )MIRANDA: ( giggles ) ( screen beeps )MIRANDA: Man, locked up again. Huh? Uh-oh.LIZZIE: Y ou mean the instant message went out to everyone in the whole school?MIRANDA: Just the people with computers.GORDO: Oh, that, that can't be more than, uh, 86%.LIZZIE: I'm over. Kate is going to crush me.KA TE: Okay, which one of you did it?LIZZIE: I-I... Uh... uh... I-I-I... uh...KA TE: Y ou what?LIZZIE: Uh... I... Um... um... Uh...MIRANDA: I did it, Kate. I'm really sorry.BOY: ( sneezes loudly) Hey, Kate! Got any extra tissue? ( boy guffaws )KA TE: Y ou are so going to pay for this.TOON LIZZIE: I cant believe I'm standing here letting Miranda take the rap. What am I made out of, jelly? ( squishing sound ) MIRANDA: What's your problem? I said I was sorry.TOON LIZZIE: On the other hand, how lucky to have a friend like Miranda, who handles conflict so well.KA TE: Well, "sorry" doesn't cut it. I'd watch it if I were you. MIRANDA: Is that a threat?KA TE: Could be. See you around.MIRANDA: Oh, I'll be around. ( huffing )LIZZIE: Okay, why did you do that? Why didn't you just let me tell Kate that I sent the instant message?MIRANDA: Please, you can't handle this kind of conflict. LIZZIE: Yes, I can. What are you talking about?GORDO: Y ou ate strawberry ice cream at Bethany Edelstein's birthday party even though you're allergic.MIRANDA: Y ou swelled up like a balloon. ( balloon expanding ) ( popping )LIZZIE: I was being polite. I happen to handle conflict just fine. MIRANDA: Instant replay, Lizzie. "I... I... I..."LIZZIE: Okay, so maybe I'm not the best with it but I cannot let you do this.MIRANDA: I'm not scared of Kate.LIZZIE: Oh, and, like, I am? ( howls and screams ) LIZZIE: Okay, so maybe a little.MIRANDA: I don't mind, really. Finally standing up to Kate might be... fun.TOON LIZZIE: Who am I to deny my best friend the thing that makes her happy?SAM: She was in there this morning.JO: Y ou don't think... she could have escaped, do you? ( rock song plays ) * This was all a sad mistake * * It's not my fault at all * * It wasn't meant to be this way * * Where are you now? * * Tell me, where are you now? *JO: Honey? Honey? Honey?!MIRANDA: Danny Kessler wants to talk to me?CLAIR: That's what he told me in Soc. There he is, over there. Why don't you go see what he wants?MIRANDA: What should I do?LIZZIE: Here, um, have a mint. And go talk to him. MIRANDA: Better give me two. I had the chili.LIZZIE Ugh! ( laughs )MIRANDA: Hi, Danny.DANNY: Um, hi.MIRANDA: Claire said you wanted to talk to me.DANNY: Uh... no.MIRANDA: Really?DANNY: Yeah.MIRANDA: Y ou're sure, because...KA TE / CLAIR ( laughing )MA TT: Mom! Dad!JO: Hey! Home early, huh?MA TT Y eah. Mrs. Gerber let me out early to check on Lizzie. SAM: Huh. That's cool.MA TT: Yeah, she even gave me this bag of worms to feed her as a treat.SAM: Worms? Food-- that reminds me I've got a great lunch for you. Come on.MA TT: Here, Lizzie. Here, girl. Hmm, she must be still sleeping. SAM Really?JO: Where?MA TT There.JO: Oh, I thought that was a stick. ( laughs ) Oh!MA TT: Her color's weird. She seems... grayer than usual. Hmm, colder, too. Y ou did change her water this morning, didn't you, Dad?SAM: Me? I thought you...JO: Of course he did.MA TT: Then... why is her...? Then... why is she...? She looks... dead! Do you know what this means? I'll never be able to show my face in school again. Not ever. ( yells )[ the song "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" plays ] * He's giving you the blues * * Y ou want to graduate, but not in his bed * * Here's what you've got to do * * Pick up the phone, I'm always home * * Call me anytime * * Just ring 36-24-36, hey * * I lead a life of crime * * Dirty deeds done dirt cheap! * * Dirty deeds done dirt cheap! * * Dirty deeds done dirt cheap! * * Dirty deeds, and they're done dirt cheap! * * Dirty deeds, and they're done dirt cheap! * * Y eah! * ( instrumental break )MIRANDA: (in LIZZIE's dream) Please, you can't handle this kind of conflict... conflict.GORDO: (in LIZZIE's dream) Lizzie, you're acoward... coward. ( instrumental break continues ) * Dirty deeds done dirt cheap! * * Dirty deeds done dirt cheap! * * Dirty deeds done dirt cheap! * * Dirty deeds, and they're done dirt cheap! * * Dirty deeds, and they're done dirt cheap! * * Y eah! * LIZZIE: Ugh! I think I'm getting an ulcer.GORDO: Big deal, so you can't handle conflict. I can't handle broccoli. So, I learned to avoid it. That's all you're doing. LIZZIE: I can't figure out which one's worse: Me feeling guilty because I'm letting Miranda fight my battle... or being petrified at the thought of telling Kate the truth.GORDO: The herd will learn to follow a new path. Y ou'll see. ( sheep bleats )LIZZIE: I don't know...MIRANDA: Good, you guys are here.LIZZIE: Please tell me you and Kate made up.KA TE: Sanchez! ( bloodcur dling scream )MIRANDA: Not exactly.GORDO: Oh, man. Y-you've taken this thing nuclear.KA TE: Y ou've really done it now.MIRANDA: Well, you know me-- I'm a big fan of color. Welcome to the club.TOON LIZZIE: I think I can, I think I can...LIZZIE: Kate, wait.KA TE: What?LIZZIE: Uh... Ni-nice manicure.KA TE: Whatever. Y ou just wait, Miranda. If it's the last thing I do I'm going to get you.TOON LIZZIE: I can't.SAM: We are gathered here today to bid adieu to Lizzie the lizard.MA TT: She was a good lizard.JO: Y es, she was.LIZZIE: Right. She was a good lizard.SAM: Matt, you wanted to say a few words?MA TT: When I think of Lizzie, the things I remember most are... ( buzzing )MA TT: ...the way she looked at me and smiled when I came home with her treat and the way... her beady little eyes shined and the way her tail wagged.Lizzie: was more than just a class project to me. She was a friend. A good friend.MA TT: ( echoing voice ) ( in LIZZIE's mind ) A good friend. MIRANDA: ( in LIZZIE's mind ) I did it Kate. I'm really sorry. KA TE: ( in LIZZIE's mind ) Y ou are so going to pay for this.MIRANDA: ( in LIZZIE's mind ) Is that a threat?KA TE: ( in LIZZIE's mind ) It could be. See you around. MIRANDA: ( in LIZZIE's mind ) Oh, I'll be around.SAM: Lizzie, the service is over.JO: Matt, what do you say we rethink bringing home the hamsters next month?MA TT Are you kidding? Like I'm even showing my face in school after this. I can't show up without Lizzie.SAM: Matt, your classmates will understand.MA TT: Two weeks ago Gina Meyerhoff accidentally stepped on the class centipede. She only sprained one of its legs. But Gina... After two days of torture she asked to be moved to another class. Nobody's heard from her since. Rumor has it... she fled the country.SAM: (to JO) Y ou know, I swear that manual didn't say a thing about changing the water.JO: Whatever. Murderer.LIZZIE: ( exasperated sigh )JO: Knock, knock.TOON LIZZIE: Please don't ask me what's wrong. Please don't ask me what's wrong. Please don't ask me what's wrong.JO: What's wrong? Come on.LIZZIE: What tipped you off?JO: Well, you seemed so sad downstairs and I know you could care less about your brother or his lizard. So... spill.LIZZIE: Okay. Did you ever let someone take the blame for something that you did?JO: Y eah. I backed my dad's car into a tree and I let my sister take the blame.TOON LIZZIE: Ha! I knew it. Mom's not perfect; she only pretends to be.LIZZIE: So... what happened?JO: Finally, I just broke down and told everybody the truth. LIZZIE: Did you get in trouble?JO: Y eah. But I felt a lot better. Honey, I don't know the details here but if it's something that you think you can fix then you should, sweetie. Because, who knows you might feel good enough to start being mean to your brother again.LIZZIE: Oh, Kate, there you are. Miranda-- she didn't start that rumor. I did. But I'd back off if I were you. Unless, of course, you want things to get ugly. So... how was that?MA TT: Who cares? My lizard's dead.LIZZIE: Matt, pay attention.LIZZIE: Okay. Kate!KA TE: Y eah?LIZZIE: I just wanted to...KA TE: Well?LIZZIE: Okay, I just wanted to tell you that...KA TE: I haven't got all day.LIZZIE: Right. I just wanted to tell you that, um... Um... Y our shoelaces are untied.KA TE: Freak.MIRANDA: Did you just call my friend a freak?KA TE: She would have to be a freak to be your friend. MIRANDA: I'm not the one with green hair.KA TE: That's it! I've gone easy on you. That little stunt with Danny Kessler and the posters all over the school-- those were nothing. I'm a cheerleader-- I can turn the whole school against you. MIRANDA: The whole school?KA TE: No. Just everyone who's going to the pep rally.JO: Poor Matt. His confidence must be so shaken. I mean, Lizzie the lizard-- alive one day dead and buried the next.SAM: Huh?JO: What?SAM: It says here, lizards hibernate. "They appear dead while they're actually... sleeping."JO: Well, that's great!SAM: Y eah.JO: Now Matt can take her back to class and...SAM: Uh-oh. Trouble!JO: Matt! ( lid squeaks )MA TT: She's really sleeping?JO: Oh, sure. Can't you hear her snoring?MA TT: They sleep on their backs with their little feet up in the air like that?SAM: There's something in here about sleeping positions.MA TT: Okay. JO Uh, honey, why don't you keep the box open 'cause she could probably use some air.SAM: Y eah, just a thought, Matt. Y ou might want to turn her back over on her little feet before you bring her back to school.MA TT: Yeah... sure.GORDO: Why is going to a pep rally required? Like the school day isn't embarrassing enough without having to sing about it? KA TE: I actually feel kind of sorry for her.CLAIR: Really?KA TE: No.LIZZIE: Okay, that's it. I can't take it anymore. I have to tell her. MIRANDA: Lizzie, don't. I can handle this.LIZZIE: I can totally handle this. Possibly. No, no. Y ou knowwhat? I can handle this. I started this whole thing and I'm finally going to take responsibility and I'm going to finish it. ( bell dinging )LIZZIE: Kate. We've got to talk.KA TE: Y eah?LIZZIE: I... Um... I-I...KA TE: Ticktock, ticktock.LIZZIE: Miranda didn't do it; I did.KA TE: Did what?LIZZIE: Um... I-I... um...KA TE: Hello? Bored.LIZZIE: Um... Hey!KA TE: Y ou touched me!LIZZIE: Yeah. I wasn't finished talking to you.KA TE: What has gotten into you?LIZZIE: Okay, listen. Miranda didn't write that instant message; I did. I was jealous that you made cheerleader and I didn't. I'm sorry about what I wrote; it was rude. And I wish I could take it back. KA TE: Wow. I have to say, Lizzie I didn't think you had it in you to stand up to me. Good for you.LIZZIE: I've been practicing. I guess that means you're not going to ruin Miranda's life?KA TE: No, of course not. That would be mean.TOON LIZZIE: Never laid a glove on me.CLAIR: Okay.KA TE: Okay.ALL: One, two, three... huh! ( up-tempo beat plays) * U-G-L-Y * * Y ou ain't got no alibi * * Y ou ugly * * Y eah, yeah, you ugly * * U-G-L-Y * * Y ou ain't got no alibi * * Y ou ugly * * Yeah, yeah, you ugly * * U-G-L-Y * * Y ou ain't go no alibi * * Y ou ugly * * Y eah, yeah, you ugly * * Two, four, six, eight * * Who's the girl we love to hate? * * Lizzie, Lizzie * * Big loser * * Loser * * Lizzie, Lizzie * * Big loser, loser * * Big loser! *ALL: All right! ( cheering and hollering )LIZZIE: This is so not good. ( cheerleaders cheering and hollering ) ( bell dings ) ( birds chirping )LIZZIE: Y ou're right, Miranda. Standing up to Kate was actually... fun.MIRANDA: But everyone's staring at you.LIZZIE: Hmm. Well... at least they know who I am now. BOY: Hey, loser!LIZZIE: I feel empowered and strong. I mean, I feel like... a huge weight's been lifted.MIRANDA: Well, I, for one, am glad it's over.LIZZIE: Yeah, and Next time I'll try to step up a little quicker. BOY: Did you guys hear? Larry Tudgemen picked his nose and had a snack, and Danny Kessler caught it on tape. ( laughing ) GORDO: Well, you're officially yesterday's news. The herd's moved on.MIRANDA: So, you guys want to go see if we can find a copy of that tape?LIZZIE: Let's go.。
成长的烦恼 第一季文本Growing Pains 118 Reputation

Growing Pains 118Mike: The commander of the confederate army was..Bruce Li, Robert Yili Coast, The civil started in 1861, and lasted far too long. In 1865….ah…you are so cool! You talking to me? I’m the only one here!Someone is knocking at the door.Mike: Leave me on, I’m trying to study scuzz ball.Jason: scuzz ball?Mike: so daddy, I thought you were Ben, I never call you to scuzz ball to your face. Jason: Ok, I thought you said you would be cleaning up your room.Mike: I did.Jason: Nice! Isn't that music a little loud?Mike: Absolutely.Jason powered off the record.Mike: Dad, what are doing? I’m trying studying here.Jason: Well, I sure don't want to interfer with a study method that has brought you to the brink of failure this year, right? but for the sake of the plaster on the living room ceiling I'd like you to study for this history test without any loud distractions. Mike: oh, I don't know dad. All that silence could really throw me off.Jason: Oh, let’s risk. Come on, just you a nd this book for one solid hour.Mike: what is this? are you pressuring me for a good grade?Jason: No, I am a realist Mike. I’m pressuring you for a passing grade. Come on, you've been sweeping through American history all year with sixty-seven.Mike: sixty-eightJason: Oh, Pardon me. Come on,with this exam you have a chance to really improve on that. Aim fo rthe stars, seventy, seventy-five!Mike: I get the feeling you don't think I know this stuff..Jason: Abraham Lincoln was assassinated......Mike: TrueJason: Well, a very wise man once said that those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it.Mike: you mean like in summer school?Jason: Exactly.Mike: Abraham Lincoln was assassinated… while he was still alive!Maggie: Jason, look!Jason: Wah, Mike is still studying, what do you know! looks like I actually got through to himMaggie: Yeah, yeah, that must be, you probable got him so fired up he's dizzy with the thirst for knowledge.Jason: Ok, just listen.Mike,!Mike: Yeah?Jason: What are you doing?Mike: Why?Jason: I’m curious, are you still studying?Mike: Yes, there's no way I'm gonna flunk this test.Maggie: Jason, there’s somebody in that room imitating Mike’s voice.Mike: Oh, very funny mom.Carol: Mike, the answer?Mike: I’m very close.Carol: Come on, I’m tired.Mike: It’s no picnic for me either.Carol: A general. Just name any American general.Mike: General motors.Carol: That’s it, I’m going to bed.Mike: Bed? Come on, How could you think of bed at a time like this?Carol: Watching you wallow in your ignorance is too demoralizing. night!Mike: OK, well if you're so good at it how do you study?Carol: It’s very simple. I read the material once assigned, I underline the key phrases, and I take careful notes, and I quiz myself.Mike: Underlining!Next morningCarol: Hi!Jason: Hi! where have you been?Carol: Oh I was up late studyingMaggie: Do you have a test too?Carol: No.Jason: Mike could learn something from her.Carol: No, he couldn’t. en..Bye.Jason: Bye.Maggie: well, I hate to eat and runJason: but you didn’t finish your eggsMaggie: Well, what I ate was very filling.Jason: Oh, come on, you don’t have to give me thet, you don’t have to make up a story. if you don’t like yo ur breakfast just say so.Maggie: Jason.Jason: I can take it. Oh, let’s say it.Maggie: It was dreck.Jason: Ok, that’s better.Maggie: oh, just kidding. Bye-bye.Jason: All of it or just the eggs.Maggie: those were eggs?Mike: Ok, say good morning, to Gods gift to history.Jason: Well, you look like a guy whose ready for a big history test?Mike: Ready, I’m not just ready, dad. I’ve got it all: names, dates and everything. I think today will go down in history as a day Mike Seavor turns the corner, February 20th, 1986.Jason: It’s February 25th.Ben: hay, dad.Jason: Hi, Ben!Ben: This is breakfast?Jason: Yes.Ben: What’s for lunch?Jason: A surprise.Ben: I hate surprises. What is dad feeding me shoes?Mike: Ben, it’s my bag.Ben: Why is dad feeding you shoes?Mike: you can’t have it, I need thatBen: Robert yili, Stonewall Jackson, Anpramatics Court HouseMike: yeah, they are my buddies, I have them sign them for good luck.Ben: You know something named Anpramatics Court House?Mike: Yeah, black eye, captain in a basketball team.Mike: ah, Karate, I just kicked over a brick wallBoner: the one thing I know is that I don’t know this.Mike: Oh, my man, you worry too much.Boner: At least I'll have you for company in summer school.Mike: No,no, not this time. I got this thing aced.Boner: you mean to tell me you actually studied the stuff.Mike: Boner, Boner, Boner…so young, so na?ve.Boner: You got cheat notes! Antii.....Mike: you just let the people get the wrong idea.Classmate: where are they?Mike: Look, I don’t know what you gays are talking about. Here, search me. Full body strip search.Classmate: No, thanks.Classmate: teacher, teacher….Mr. Dewitt: Alright people, I trust you all are sufficiently frightened. If not, you should be, because this test will count for a quarter of your total grade.Boner: A quarter? Only yesterday he said 25%!Mr. Dewitt: This is multiple choice, and you have 30 minutes and your papers will be graded before you leave. You may begin.Mike: The final Northern battle of civil war was A. battle of Wardroom, B, battle of Gettysburg, C,battle of network stars…GettysburgMike: hay, I actually know this stuff!Mr. Dewitt : now some of your test result did surprise me. For instance, It was interested to learn from Mr.Stoborn that general Grand’s first name was Lu. Boner: I can’t look, I can’t look! I’ve got to look! 67! Oh! All right!Mr. Dewitt: And what is perhaps the biggest shock in my teaching career since boys started wearing earings is that the highest grade in the class, 94, was earnt by Mike Seavor.Mike: ah, No. 1.Mr.Dewitt: Mr. Seavor, before we schedule a press conference, I have to ask how does a student who’s very name has become synonymous with the phrase “D minus”manage such a grade?Mike: What can I say , Mr. Dewitt when you got it, I got it.Mr. Dewitt: Oh, and now I see where you got it.Mike: are you actually calling me a cheater?Mr. Dewitt: Mr. Seavor, don’t try to a fool a Willie Dewitt!. The shoe s, now..Mike: Mr. Dewitt.Mr. Dewitt: Have your parents, guardian or Parole officer call for an appointment. The sooner the better.Boner: He beat you?Mike: No, he just took my shoes.Annie: Oh, It stinks, Mike?Boner: Yes, really bad too.Mike: What really bothers me is that this guy really thinks I cheated.Boner: Boy, that's hard to imagine.Mike: And he wouldn't even take my word, that I didn’t.Boner: Seaver, you really you are good.Mike: What's that supposed to mean?Boner: I mean that here you are facing suspicion and an F in history and you are cool enough to plead innocentMike: Look, I am innocent.Boner: Oh, an outrage too. It’s tough.Annie: I can only work up to small frenzy myself.Mike: Look, I did not cheat.Boner: No, and you didn't look at the answers on your shoes even once?Mike: Look I'm not kidding aroundBoner: No, maybe he’s got the room bugged. Of course Mike, you will never cheat. Mike: Look I did not cheat, and I don't want to hear you guys say I did. You got it? TV program: Five nights this week, the story that had all American reading will have all American watching, at 18, she was a nun, 21 an acrobat, and 37 the mistress of a president, Jone Collins is…Carol: Old. Hi, MikeMike: Hi.Carol: What’s t he matter?Mike: How do you know something’s the matter?Carol; Because you didn’t say 'hi Fido, hi skunkbreath or hi nerd face. So what is it? Mike: Carol, I’m living in a nightmare. And nobody believes me. And Boner, Eddie, not Cheech, not Murray.Carol: What are you talking about?Mike: Mr. Dewitt accused me of cheating on history exam.Carol: You passed?Mike: Yeah, I passed, in fact I got the highest grade in the class. Ninety-four!Carol is laughing.Mike: Oh, oh, is this your way of saying you don’t believe me either?Carol: StopMike: Oh, fine, don’t believe me, skunkbreath, Fido, nerd faceMike: Mom, dad! Great to see you.Maggie: Is he talking to us?Mike: Just knowing I can count on you guys makes me feel happy.Jason: Ah, the giddiness is completely mutual mike.Maggie: you have a fever?Mike: Oh, momJason: Say Maggie you don’t suppose that this has anything to do with his recent history test, do you?Mike: you know I’m darn glad you brought that up..Maggie: I’d better sit down.Jason: What happened?Mike: Well, there’s not too much to be said about the test itself.Jason: Ah, say it anyway.Mike: I passed.Maggie: Completely?Mike: Yeah!Jason: Hay, all right, Mike.Maggie: Congratulations!Jason: I knew that that little extra study would pay off..Mike: Thanks. But I do have some bad news, and I think you better sit down fo rthis dad.Jason: Would you just say what it is, Mike?Maggie: I have a feeling that you should sit.Mike: Now what I’m about to tell you,It’s going to get both of you quite angry, and you will be outraged at the shoddy treatment I’ve received from Mr. Dewitt. But I want your word that you're not going to go off half copped trying to get this guy fired or something.Jason: I promise to be fully copped, Mike.Mike: Mr Dewitt accused me of cheating. Just calm down. I did not cheat. Maggie: now why would Mr. Dewitt think that?Mike: You know, I even asked myself that same question all afternoon.Jason: then what did you come up with it, Mike?Mike: I don’t know. I guess he didn't expect me to do that well in the test. Maggie: Well, you did well? He did well. How well?Mike: I rarely pay attention to the grades.Jason: Tell me what did you get, seventy?Maggie: seventy-five.Mike: W ell…Maggie: eighty? Eighty five?Mike: You see, actually..Maggie: Ninety?Mike: Four.Maggie: Ninety-four? Mikel seavor, I’m ashamed of you. How could you cheat?Mike: I did not cheat.Jason: Is this ninety-four out of a hundred?Mike: I swear to you I did not cheat. I give you my word of honor.Jason: well, I believe you.Mike and Maggie: Really?Jason: Well, if our son gives us his word then we got to believe him.Maggie: You are right, I believe you, Mike.Mike: Oh, thank you. I knew I could count on you guys. I am sorry for every miserable thing I have ever done to make your world a living in hell.Maggie: and I’m sorry I doubted you Mike, but it’s a tough story to believe if you put yourself in my shoes.Ben: haha, Mom’s shoes aren't big enough for all the answers.Mike: Oh, right, the shoes, Thanks Benny. I forgot to tell you guys the funniest part. You guys are going to love this.Ben: (knocking at the door) Mike!Mike: Benidict Arnold.Ben: Come on, It’s Ben SeavorMike: Get away!Ben: You want some dinner?Mike: No, I am no long eating the food that has been paid for by the people who think I'm a liar.Ben: What are those?Mike: Ok, so i'm easing into it. What do you want anyway?Ben: Mike, I didn’t mean you get into suc h big trouble.Mike: That’s OK. I knew the shoes would be too much for them. Its been like that all day. Everybody at school, even Boner, I mean last year I actually convinced the man I was an alien. Ben, people are acting like they expect me to cheat. Like i'm a kind of low scuzz ball.Ben: I believe you.Mike: What?Ben: Whatever you say, I believe it, whether it’s the truth or not.Mike: I'll tell you something that's weird. That moment when mom and dad believed me, everything was OK. My god, I actually care what they think about me.Ben: I care what they think about me.Mike: Well you're nine, that’s ok to feel that way at nine. But I’m fifteen, i'm supposed to think my parents are scum…Ben: Are you sure?Mike: Yeah, everybody knows that. It's on TV all the time.Ben: I believe you.Maggie: Here you are. You're going to freeze out here.Jason: No, I’ve got my anger to keep me warm.Maggie: Could you share some with me?Maggie: Jason, I have something to tell you. I didn’t want to tell you but since you're feeling betrayed by mike I figured you needed some good news. You are not reallyMike’s father.Jason: Well, you know what I've been thinking?Maggie: That when Mike looked you in the eye and lied, it made you question your whole approach to teaching our kids the value of truth and honesty. And you're wondering if instead of encouraging them by example, a little fear or punishment might have been a bit more effective. And you're probably remembering the time when Mike was eight and he lied about finger painting the new rug and I wanted to spank him but you convinced me that reasoning with him was better.Jason: How do you do that?Maggie: Oh, it’s not all that amazing. I bet you know what I am thinking right now? Jason: oh, you're probably thinking that no matter how disappointed we both are, we must support him because we love him dearly. And we’ll do our best to mould him into an honest man. And that even if we fail he can always have a productive life in politics.Maggie: Mike, Mr. Dewitt will go a lot easier on you if you just admit what you did. Mike: I don’t care.Jason: But we do. couldn'y tou at least pretend that you care what we think? Mike: Sure but nobody will believe me.Jason: Why should anyone?Mike: Bec ause I didn’t cheat…, forget it, it doesn’t matter.Jason: Why should we have believed you back in 7th grade when you tried to tell us that the D on your report card stood for darn good?Maggie: and what about in the 8th grade when you told the school your name was Seavormen so you could take the Jewish holiday’s off?Jason: Just this week….Mike: Ok, Ok, sometimes I lie, but there's a big difference between being a liar, and being a liar. I mean you guys should know when I'm telling the truth. I mean what kind of parents are you anyway?Jason: Disappointed.Mike: you want to know the truth? OK, I’ll tell the truth. Yeah, I was going to cheat, and I figured it as the only way. So I was up half the night copying all that stuff onto my shoes, becau se I had to pass the test. But somehow it didn’t just go on my shoes, it got into my head too. Sure blew me away! But when it came time to look for the answers I didn’t have to, I knew them.Maggie: well, I’d like to believe you, Mike.Mike: Yeah.Jason: Well you have to admit, you're not exactly the type of guy who has a reputation for knowing things like Abraham Lincoln was the 17th president?Mike: Yeah, he was 16th president.Jason: Yeah, Grant was 17th.Mike: No, Grant was 18th, Johnson was 17th, he became president after Lincoln was assassinated on April 14th, 1865.Mr. Dewitt: Dr. and Mrs. Seavor, I’m Willis Dewitt, glad you could come. Why don’t we get right down to business.Jason: Absolutely. Mike did not cheat on this examination, Mr. Dewitt, and its important that we clear that up.Maggie: and it would have been so easy for him to do, what with all the answers written on the bottom of his shoes.Jason: Thank you, Mr. Dewitt for letting Mike take this make-up test.Mr. Dewitt: No problem.Jason: I think he's learnt now that intending to cheat now that intending to cheat is as bad as cheating itselfMr. Dewitt: That’s what my ex-wife said in court..Maggie: Shsss. He's trying to take a test.Jason: What’s on tonight?Maggie: It's the second night of that Joan Collins mini series..Jason: that might be interesting.Maggie: Tonight Joan leaves the Pope to marry a bricklayer.Jason: Mike would be sorry he's missing that.Maggie: Where’s Mike anyway? I haven't seen him all even ing.Jason: Well, he's upsatirs studying for his French test tomorrow.Maggie: you know, I really think we got through to him this time.。

噢Ifyoubelieve,we'vegotapicture-p erfectplan如果你相信,我们事先就有一个绝妙的计划We'vegotyoufooled那你就错了'Causeweonlydothebestwecan我们不过是在尽力而为Sometimeswemakeit有时我们会取得成功,,Andsometimeswefakeit有时我们会把事情搞砸,,Butwegetonestepclosereachandeveryday但我们离目标一天比一天近,,We'llfigureitoutontheway我们会在途中解决所有难题,,LizzieMcGuire新成长的烦恼SE第一季第一集Rumors,,反正我不喜欢啦啦队员,,她们总是很傲慢而你,LizzieMcGuire,并不是那种人,,嗯,爸爸,没事这没什么大不了的,,完全没什么大不了的,,我只不过是把我在社交领域的无名小卒地位保持到……,,呃,我不知道……永远!,,,,,,,,Lizzie,不知道这能不能让你好受些我从来没当过啦啦队员,,我的生活不是也挺好的么,,这只是相对的看看你为你的儿子留下了什么,,到这儿来,又小又丑的Lizzie到这儿来,小姑娘,,你管那玩意儿叫什么?,,小丑,,你刚才叫它Lizzie,,你不能否认这两者之间有相似之处,,-嘿-孩子们,,噢,爸爸,这是养护指南,,嗯,不错光线,湿度,便秘……,,妈妈,我要上楼了,,读书报告明天就要交,我还没有把书读完,,呃,Lizzie,你真的没事么?,,妈妈,我真的很好,,我不是啦啦队长那种类型的,,我更像是一个……体操怪人,,LizzieMcGuire,你不是个怪人,,你很漂亮,你有不错的朋友,,Gordo和Miranda都是很好的孩子,,你很聪明,又大方,有同情心……,,让我们看看,,母女手册激励章节第条,,她说这些并没有什么不好只是我今天已经听到她说了遍了,,这简直让整个事情变得更加糟糕,,你会帮家里干活,,你忘了提她对陌生人很友善,,对,她的确是这样,,别忘了,她被管教得很好(housebroken用于动物),,哦,是Miranda,,(聊天),,我提醒你明天别做过度的破坏,,Kate当选啦啦队长了,,你知道她为什么会当上吗?,,(为什么?),,嘿,因为Kate往她的胸罩里塞满了东西,,呵呵…,,天哪,又死机了,,哈?,,(消息“Kate往他的胸罩里塞满了东西”已发送至班级花名册),,啊哦……,,你是说那条消息已经发给学校里的每一个人了?,,只是有电脑的人而已,,噢,比例绝不超过%,,我完了,Kate肯定要宰了我,,说吧,你们俩谁干的,,呃,我……我……我……啊,,你怎么了?,,我……呃……我……嗯……,,我我我我我,,是我干的,Kate,,我真的很抱歉,,Kate,有多余的纸巾么?啊哈哈,,你会为此付出代价的,,我不敢相信我就站在那儿看着Miranda替我顶罪,,我是什么做的?果冻吗?,,你怎么回事?我都说了我很抱歉,,从另一方面讲,有一个Miranda这样会处理争执的朋友还是很幸运的,,哼,“抱歉”可不够,,如果我是你,我可就要小心了,,你是在威胁我么,,也许是吧。

101 Pilot[00:27.20]Jason: Alright lady drop that spatula or you’re scrambled。
20]贾森:好了,女士,把铲子放下,否则我就把你炒了.[00:31.20]Maggie:Go ahead, make my day. Well,I guess I showed you.[00:31。
[00:46.50]Jason: Show me more[00:46。
50]贾森:再让我见见.[00:47.80]Maggie:Oh Jason,the kids。
[00:51.80]Jason:I can kiss the kids later。
You know I read an article that said that two career couples[00:51.80]贾森:我可以呆会吻他们。
00]should really make a special effort to always remain。
[01:06.50]Maggie: At breakfast?[01:06。
50]梅吉:早饭时?[01:08.50]Jason:At all meals.[01:08.50]贾森:在所有用餐时间.[01:14.40]Mike:What’s the matter?You guys aren't getting' enough?[01:14.40]迈克:怎么了?你们还没亲热够?[01:18.20]Jason: Michael,alot of kids would get smacked for a remark like that[01:18。
成长的烦恼 第一季文本Growing Pains 103 Jealousy

Growing Pains 103Jason: Ok, here we go, how many for scrambled eggs?....... Ok how many for last nights liver?..... how many for scrambled eggs?Jason: Dad, I’m having some trouble with my science projectJason: Uh hu. You need some help with it?Jason: I need to know what it isJason: Well what are you studying in science?Jason: Science stuffJason: OK, its a good start. Carol what did you do for your third grade science project? Carol: Well I constructed a compound of monodychloride to polodychlorides that were capableof withstanding excessive heat and mechanical stressJason: Mike?Mike: I ran tests to see how high a super-bowl would bounceJason: Well at least we've now defined the boundaries of scienceMaggie: Morning everybodyEverybody: HiCarol: You look niceMaggie: ThanksJason: You sure doJason: You want some eggs?Maggie: No time. I've got this eight thirty interview on this toxic waste story. Do you realise that they are just dumping this stuff all over Long Island? It may very well be in our water, even our food.Mike: Even in our eggsMaggie: I'm going to be late. Bye everybodyEverybody: ByeJason: Bye bye, see you at lunchMaggie: Lunch?Jason: Yeah, you were going to meet me back here for lunch.Maggie: Oh Jason, I'm sorry. I completely forgotJason: No problem. So I’ll see you about noon?Maggie: Well the problem is I don't think I’ll have time to come home.Jason: It's your cooking dad. Take her outJason: Good idea. Listen why don't I just come by there and I’ll take you out for lunch? Maggie: Oh gee, I'm not sure what time I'll be free. I don't want you to wait around Jason: That's no problem. It'll be fun for me. I haven't seen you in action at your office Maggie: Well I, ummMike: Mum. Come on, the guys begging for a date. I don't know how much more of this I canwatchMaggie: Ok, okJason: See you laterMaggie: Bye byeMike: Yes!Maggie: No. No no. Mrs. Curwick, you see we suspect that East Town is giving you and yourneighbours a lot of fal se information about what’s been dumped in that reservoir. Right...right..ah hu..You see that's just what I mean. There's no such thing as chunky style water. Uh hu. For the record, good.Maggie: Oh, just one minuteJason: Mind if I make a call?Maggie: Sure, right over thereJason: I wanna place a call not launch an MX missile. Hello! This is Dr Seaver! Is Mr Andersonin please? Oh! I’m sorry. I must have misdialed then. I was… No, no , I don’t wish to place aclassified ad. Oh, I’m sure that's a v ery good per word price, but, no I want to just try to getan outside line here. No, I'm not going to be placing the ad with anyone else. I’m trying to reach a patient. Mildly schizophrenic, dellusional,illusions of grander, occasional … Maggie: Lets go with this one. Yes, yes, I’ll be right with you Mrs. Curwick.. Enhe…and this one.Jason: Maggie! I think I just levelled MoscowMaggie: Ok. I’m all set here.Jason: So, what do you wanna eat?Fred: Hi, Mags, wanna grab some lunch?Jason: Mags?Maggie: Fred, I want you to meet my husband, Jason Seaver.Fred: Oh, gees, I didn't even see you down there.Maggie: Jason, this is Fred Mathers. Fred's the one I'm working with on the toxic waste story.Fred: Oh! No! No! Don’t get up! It's really nice to m eet you!Jason: Well, it’s nice to meet you, too.Fred: Mags has told me a lot about you.Jason: Why didn’t you tell me about Fred?Fred: Well poor Mags is stuck with me all day. I'm sur ethe last thing she wants to do when she gets home is talk about me.Maggie: That’s not true! I told you about Fred just yesterday. Don’t you remember? Jason: Oh! Yeah! Well. I think I just picture you differently. Balder. Fatter.Fred: Well, that’s the public for you. They think we all look like Lou Grant. Thank Go d Mags doesn't hey Jason?Maggie: Eh. Jason and I were jsut about to grab a bite.Fred: Well I won't keep you. Excuse me. Oh! Mags, I will need to see you for a couple of minutes before that meeting at 2 o’clock. It’, It’s 1:30 now.Maggie: Oh…Jason: Well look Fred. Why don’t you just join us for lunch?Fred: Oh no I don't want to....Jason: No, no, I insist. You two have work to do together.Fred: It’s very nice of you, Jason. Mags, I didn’t tell you. Two of these goons tried to muscleme when I was in East Town.Jason: Must have been some big goons.Mike: Come on, Carol, why can’ t you just write this essay for me?Carol: Because it’s your assignmentMike: Yeah but you'd do a better job, I mean, look, you’re standing on principle and the resultis that the essay suffers. And do you really want that on your conscience?Carol: That’s a private hell I choose to live within.Jason: Maggie? Thought I heard a car door slam?Mike: No. You know, Dad no matter how many times I ask neighbours to please climb out oftheir windows, they insist on using those doors.Jason: Don’t be a wise guy, Mike. Carol, what time does your watch say?Carol: En, ten o three. Why? Is yours broken?Jason: No, no, It says ten o two. Just thought it might have stoppedMike: Apparently it did Dad. But it sounds like you've nipped it in the bud.Jason: Maggie! Fred! Hi! Yeah! No, I'll have her call you right away! Ok, You too. Bye, Bye! Carol: Fred?Jason: Yeah! Fred is the guy your mother’s working on that toxic wa ste story with. Seems likea nice guy. Very nice. Darn nice.Carol and Mike: Oooh!Jason: Will you guys act your age?Carol and Mike: Ooooh!Maggie: Hi! Everybody!M&C: Hi! Mom!Jason: Maggie! I didn't even hear your car door slam.Maggie: Well, eh, I’ll try and do it louder next time. Well guys, how’re things going? What didyou do today?Mike: Well, I went …Jason: Nothing! They’re children. They have boring uneventful lives. How was your day? Tellus about that story.Maggie: I’m sorry our l unch got turned into a work session.Jason: You’re kidding. That was great for me. That was shocking for me to discover how little Iknew about sludge. What about the East Town dump?Maggie: Oh, honey! I am really bushed. I’d rather not even think about that stuff for a while.Ok?Jason: Ok! Sure!Mike: Oh, Dad. Don’t forget to tell her Fred just called.Maggie: Oh! Fred called? Oh good. I need to talk to him. We're going to break that story tomorrow if it means working through the night. Oh, I just cannot wait to nail those creeps. Maggie: Fred? Hi. Ah, you're kidding?Jason: So how did everyone enjoy my first forein in the wonderful world of pancakes? Mike:Dad, beat the heck out of your forein in the wonderful world of liver.Jason: Dad, did they have Science Projects when you were in third grade?Mike: Ben, when Dad was in the third grade they didn’t have science. In fact when Dad was inthe third grade, they didn’t HAVE the third grade.Jason: Mike, they say the sense of humour is the final stage of child develpoment. You oughtto feel it coming on any time now. Yes, Ben, I did a wonderful project in third grade. I grew mould on bread.Jason: On purpose?Jason: Yes. Yes. I determined that mould(霉菌)would grow faster on white bread than on pumpernickelJason: I think I should strike out in new directions.Jason: Well, What you really have to do is find something that interests you and that way theproject will teach you the most.Carol: The ride's here. Bye! Mom!Maggie: Bye! Sweetie. Have a good day!Mike: Bye mom. Nice talking to you. You look good again.Maggie: Thanks. Looking good yourself.Mike: Oh, yeah, you know. Been cutting down on the beer.Jason: Me too.Maggie: I'm outta hear too. Oh remember Fred and I will probably be working late again latetonight.Jason: So, what time you think you'll be home?Maggie: Well, it’s hard to …Jason: To estimate!Maggie: Oh, I don’t know. Between 9 and 11. Might say.Jason: You call that an estimate? No an estimate is 9:05 9:06.Maggie: Ok. Let’s say between 10 and 10:15?Jason: Well which one? 10 or 10:15?Maggie: I don’t know Jason. It’s only 15 minutes.Jason: It’s only 15 minutes? Mag a lot can happen in 15 minutes. The Titanic s unk in 15 minutes. Charlton Heston Picked up 10 commandments in 15 minutes. Our first child was conceived in 15 minutes. Tops!Maggie: Jason. Are you jealous?Jason: Jealous? Of what?Maggie: Of me and Fred…you know, working late …Jason: Of you and ? That’s a comical farce.Maggie: Jason, you’re jealous!Jason: Oh, no, I’m not jealous! I’m a psychiatrist. I’m also a man with a hightened degree ofself-awareness. And for that reason, I can admit to a certain sense of loss over the fact you now share things with a professional colleague. Until 10 or 11 at night. Things you and I areunable to share. But I hasten to add that I would feel exactly the same way if your colleaguewere a woman.Maggie: Well, You are probably right.Jason: But that’s not probably about it, Meg. Analysing people’s motivation is what I do for aliv ing. I’m not sexually jealous. I have far too much faith in you to ever be sexually jealous. And I would appreciate it if you had the same faith of me.Maggie: I’m sorry, Jas on. I was just kidding. Forgive me?Jason: Well, ok!Maggie: Ok? I’ll see you later! GoodJason: So what time you think you'll be home?Carol: Mike! Cut it out!Mike: What! I wasn’t doing anything!Hason: Mike! Stop bothering your sister.Mike: Dad, what’s another word for election?Carol: PlebiciteMike: I didn’t ask you! I asked Dad.Carol: What’s the difference?Mike: The difference is I don’t wanna know from you!Carol: Sorry!Mike: How do you spell it?Carol: Why should I tell you how to spell it?Mike: Because I asked you.Carol: I thought you didn’t want to know things from me.Mike: What are you, a lawyer? I mean I’m trying to do you a favour here by finding a use foryour brain. I don't know why you turn on me like a wild dog?Carol: Cut it out.Jason: Female subject grabs wrist at third clip.Mike: You do that again and I'll kill you.Jason: Male subject threatens death after first clip.Jason: Ben, what are you doing?Jason: It's my science project. I'm testing to see how long it takes certain people to responseto certain stimuli.Jason: Well, it's not a good science project, so stop it.Jason: But you told me to do something that interests me. Mike and Carol interest me more than mould.Jason: That's a touching sentiment, Ben. Now, cut it out.Jason: What's with him?Mike: He doesn't like you. He never has. Hey, Dad, when's mom coming home? Jason: Do I look like a Gene Dickson Mike? Your mother's a working adult. And when she’s finished working, she will come home.Jason: I wish she'd get here cos she thinks of great science projetcsJason: She does?Jason: Last year she picked tadpoles.Jason: Well that's it then!Jason: I can't do tadpoles again. They keep these things on file.Jason: No, I mean your mother. We should be asking your mother what to do. I think I'll go down to that newspaper office right now and ask her.Mike: Dad, why don’t you just call her?Jason: Obviously you haven't seen the PHONES they have down there. Believe me it will be alot simpler in this way.Carol: Won't that be bothering her, dad?Jason: Absolutely not. No, no, your mother wants to be involved in these decision. Besides, Idon't like the idea of her being down at the office this late at night all by herself. Carol: She's not all by herself. Fred's with her.Jason: Even so.Maggie: Fred, who's that?Fred: I don't know. The janitor?Maggie: No one who cleans for a liv ing would press his nose against glass.Fred: Bet it's one of those goons from the East Town dump site.Maggie: Oh, I'll call the police.Jason: Wuuh!Fred: Jason!Maggie: Jason?Fred: You are all right?Maggie: Oh! Honey?Fred: I'm sorry.Maggie: Sit down.Jason: No, no I'm fine.Of course my nose stopped the door before it could hit my face. Maggie: Jason, what are you doing here?Jason: What am I doing here? It’s about Ben.Maggie: Jason, what's it, is it serious?Jason: Oh, of course, it's serious. I wouldn’t come down here if it wasn't serious, would I? Idon't know what to do with the boy. Maggie, he's got ba...ba...bad attitude about mould andit’s just not ethical for him to do tadpoles againFred: Excuse me. This sounds personal.Maggie: You came down here to check out upon me, didn't you?Jason: Oh, oh, that's great, that's just great.I come down to discuss the welfare of our youngest son, our baby——if you will? And you twist it into somethingsordid. I have a good mind I should just turn around and walk out of here right now. Maggie: I don't believe this. I mean you thought, you actually thought there was somethinggoing on between me and Fred.Jason:Aha.I can't even dignify that with a response.You like him better than me, don't you? Maggie: Jason!Jason: Oh, Maggie. Admit it. I'm not a complete idiot."Maggie, you wanna eat eggs? " "no time";"Maggie, how about we meet for lunch?""Oh, I completely forgot";"Maggie, how's your day today""I don't wanna talk about it at all";"Fred called?""Oh, I have time to talk to him!"Maggie: Oh, Jason...Jason: Don't "Jason" me, Maggie! And I've also been watching the way you are dressing lately.And now I understand. It's because when he looks at you, he looks at you as if you...,as if youwere a woman.Maggie: Yes, you know, and at first, I couldn't figure that out, and then it dawned on me: IAM a woman!Jason: So you admit it? You're into this Maggie. You enjoy it.Maggie: Yes, I enjoy it. People find me interesting that makes me feel good. What's wrong with that?Jason: Oh, What's wrong with it is that you're putting your husband through a living hell. AndMaggie, I would never do that to you!Maggie: Ah!Jason: What do you mean "Ah"?Maggie: "Ah" means I spent 15 years in sweat pants cleaning toilets while you went down toyour office in your sexy psychiatrist sweater and your sexy psychiatrist jacket... Jason: But my jacket aren't sexy, Maggie. They are tweed.Maggie: Women die for tweed.Jason: I don't have any control over that.Maggie: And how many nights did I spend watching your brocolli go limp, while I was waitingfor you to come home?Jason: I was fighting traffic Maggie.Maggie: Yeah, with that brilliant young psychiatrist in your car pool.Jason: Dr.Rosen Bloom?Maggie:Dr. Jeniffer Rosen Bloom who as I noticed, always managing to ride in the front seatnext to youJason: Maggie, she had very long legs!Maggie: Well, that's a relief. I hope leg room wasn't a problem when the two of you jetted offto Chicago for that psychiatric convention.Jason: We were writing a paper together, Maggie.Maggie: Yes, I remember it——"Human Sexual and inhibitions: Use Them Or Lose Them". Jason: Maggie, that was strictly a professional relationship!Maggie: What do you think this is?Jason: Was that a rhetorical question?Maggie: Waiting for someone else to come home all the time is hard Jason. But you get better at it.Jason: I hope so. Suddenly I feel very silly.Maggie: "silly" is a strong word. Not entirely inappropriate, but strong. Jason, I love you, I could never cheat on you.Jason: Yeah.Maggie:Yeah.Jason: Well, thank you.Maggie: You are welcome...caterpillars!Jason: What?Maggie: It's obvious Ben should do caterpillars!Jason: Oh now that's a great idea!Maggie: Thanks.Jason: It's a good thing I came down here tonight.Jason: So how's Ben doing with his caterpillars?Carol: Somebody else was already doing caterpillars. Ben had to think of a new project Jason: A new project? Please. Pretty good.Mike: It's yum!Jason: Hey! Where's my mould experiment?。


成长的烦恼01出师受挫 (译文版)

中学生美剧《新成长烦恼》第一集 英汉对照翻译 Pool Party

I'm at a very difficult pointin my life.
She uses words like "hormones."
Lizzie:A lot.
My mom says she remembers
what it was like when she wasmy age.
they're posing for Gap ads?
Which leaves me, Lizzie McGuire.
Not nerd...not jock...not brain...
no rebel...not diva.
I guess you'd say I was "D,"
as in "None of the above."
Lizzie:You mean the water parkyour family owns?
Danny:Yeah.Well, we're kind of havinga massive pool party
there on Saturday.Do you think you guys wantto come?
101"Pool Party"
Coach Kelly:Come on! Go, go, go!That's it! That's it!
Let's go, girls!Move it! Let's go!Get through those tires!Come on. Get in there.Go, go, go, go, go!

Growing Pains成长的烦恼【开场白】Hi, I'm Jason Seaver. 我是杰森·西弗I'm a psychiatrist(精神病专家/医生). 是个心理医生I've spent the last 15 years helping people with their problems.过去15年里,我致力于解决患者的问题And I'm Maggie Seaver. 我是麦姬·西弗I've spent the last 15 years helping our kids with problems even Jason wouldn't believe.过去15年里,我一直围着孩子们转,解决那些杰森也束手无策的问题Now Maggie has gone back to work as a reporter for the local newspaper.现在麦姬已重操旧业,在一家当地报社做记者。
[local: 当地的]And Jason has moved his practice into the house.杰森把他的诊所搬到了家里。
[practice: (医生、律师等的)业务,生意]So he could be there for the kids. 这样就可以陪着孩子们了They're great kids. 他们是可爱的孩子。
Most of the time. 大多时候都是。
And the rest of the time... 但是在其余的时间里… [rest: 剩余部分]- You'll love them anyway. - Yeah. -反正你会喜欢他们的。
-没错Unbelievable. 鬼才相信。
[unbelievable:难以置信的,不可信的]01 Pilot出师受挫[pilot: 舵手,领航员,向导,带路人]Alright, lady, drop that spatula or you're scramble d.好,夫人,放下那锅铲,否则你就被炒了。
成长的烦恼 第一季分集剧情

Байду номын сангаас出生于加拿大南部安大略州柯克兰湖的一个偏陋
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Growing Pains成长的烦恼【开场白】Hi, I'm Jason Seaver. 我是杰森·西弗I'm a psychiatrist(精神病专家/医生). 是个心理医生I've spent the last 15 years helping people with their problems.过去15年里,我致力于解决患者的问题And I'm Maggie Seaver. 我是麦姬·西弗I've spent the last 15 years helping our kids with problems even Jason wouldn't believe.过去15年里,我一直围着孩子们转,解决那些杰森也束手无策的问题Now Maggie has gone back to work as a reporter for the local newspaper.现在麦姬已重操旧业,在一家当地报社做记者。
[local: 当地的]And Jason has moved his practice into the house.杰森把他的诊所搬到了家里。
[practice: (医生、律师等的)业务,生意]So he could be there for the kids. 这样就可以陪着孩子们了They're great kids. 他们是可爱的孩子。
Most of the time. 大多时候都是。
And the rest of the time... 但是在其余的时间里… [rest: 剩余部分]- You'll love them anyway. - Yeah. -反正你会喜欢他们的。
-没错Unbelievable. 鬼才相信。
[unbelievable:难以置信的,不可信的]01 Pilot出师受挫[pilot: 舵手,领航员,向导,带路人]Alright, lady, drop that spatula or you're scramble d.好,夫人,放下那锅铲,否则你就被炒了。
[spatula: 抹刀,小铲; scramble: 搅拌(牛奶等);炒(蛋)]Go ahead. Make my day(令我开心). 好啊,那样倒好了。
[go ahead: 开始(做某事); make sb.'s day: 使某人日子好过]Well, I guess I showed you. 好,我猜我以前让你见识过的Show me more. 再让我见识见识Oh, Jason, the kids. 哦,杰森,孩子们都在呢I can kiss the kids later. 我等下再亲他们You know, I read an article that said that two-career couple s should really make special effort to always remain frisky(活泼的).你知道吗,我看过一篇文章,说夫妻都工作的家庭尤其要注意保持活泼[career:事业,职业; two-career:双职工的; couple:夫妇; effort:努力] - At breakfast? - At all meals. -在早饭时?-在所有用餐时间What's the matter, you guys aren't getting enough?怎么, 你们亲热得还不够吗?Michael, a lot of kids would get smack ed for a remark like that.麦克,小孩的这种言行,可是会挨揍的哦。
[smack: (用掌)击打,拍打; remark: 评论,谈论,话]Come on, Dad, you can't hit me. You're a liberal humanist(人道主义者).得了吧,老爸,你不能打我,你可是开明的人道主义者。
[liberal: 自由主义的,宽大的]Could be an accident(事故,意外). 可能会有意外Could be a dream come true. 希望这个意外能够实现Mom, can't we sell Carol and get a tape deck for the V olvo?妈妈,我们为什么不把卡罗尔卖了,然后为沃尔沃买个唱盘?[tape deck: 磁带驱动器; 磁带卡座]Mike, you give new meaning to the word "vacuous."迈克,你给空虚加了新含义。
[vacuous: 空的;空虚的]Oh, yeah? What was the old meaning? 是吗?那它原来的意思是什么?I rest my case. 我要说的都说了。
[case: 理由,论据]Ben. Ben. What's so funny, Ben? 本,本,什么事这么好笑?That Phyllis George! She screw ed up again! [screw up: 弄错]菲莉丝·乔治(早间新闻主播)又说错话了!Hey, what's that you're reading about? 你在看什么呢?It says here that as the universe expand s all matter is slowly degenerating into a state of total disorganization(组织的破坏,解体,混乱).这里说,随着宇宙的扩张,所有物质都会退化,变得完全杂乱无章[expand: 扩张,使膨胀; degenerate: 退化; state: 状态]Thank God I thought it was just me. 感谢上帝,我还以为说我那。
So what are you guys doing tonight? 那你们今晚干吗?The House of Sweat? Yeah, great! “汗之屋”?太棒了! [sweat: 汗]Hey, look, can I talk to you guys later? Yeah. Bye. 我呆会跟你说, 好, 拜Mike, what is "The House of Sweat"? 麦克,“汗之屋”是什么意思?Well... It's, you know... 哦,就是…It's that new under twenty dance club on Jericho Turnpike.是在杰里科高速公路旁新开的一家舞厅,专门针对二十岁以下的青年的[club: 俱乐部;夜总会; turnpike: 收费高速公路]Yeah, and it sounds like a great idea, Mom. 是的,听上去是个好主意,妈妈。
It's a safe, wholesome place for teen s to congregate(聚集).[wholesome: 健康的; teen: 青少年(等于teenager)]对于十几岁的人来说,那是个安全、健康的聚会场所And the larger the group, the smaller their brains get.而且人越多,越不用大脑Come on, Maggie... 别这样嘛,麦姬…Yeah, come on, Maggie. 是啊,别这样嘛, 麦姬Yes. Well, time to go wait for that school bus. 对了,我该出去等校巴了You know, if I hurry, I can still get a seat in the non-smoking section.要知道,如果我动作快点,没准还能在无烟区抢到座位- Bye, sweetie. - Bye, Mom. -再见,甜心。
-妈妈再见Bye, Ben. I love you. 再见,本,我爱你Later, Ben. 再见,本I still have some paper work to do before my 9:00 gets here.9点上班前我还有点文件要做。
[paper work:文书工作,文字工作]And if you start feeling frisky and you have 8 or 10 seconds before work, you know where to find me.如果你想要感觉放松点,而且在工作前还有丁点空闲的话,你知道去哪找我。
Ben, what are you doing here? You'll miss the bus.本,你在这做什么,你会错过校车的。
What's the matter, honey? 怎么了,宝贝?Dad didn't know how to do my elbow(肘部). 爸爸不知道怎样包我的胳膊肘Let me see. 让我看看Dad did a great job on these cut s(伤口,切口). 爸爸对这些伤口处理得很好呀Superman bandaid s--it works. 贴了个超人牌创可贴——这管用呀Oh, I get it. He didn't kiss it and say I love you, little pumpkin head(傻瓜).噢,我明白了,他没有吻它,还得说:“我爱你,小傻瓜”It was all so clinical(临床的,诊所的). 他做的太像医生了Mom, how come you had to go back to work? 妈妈,你非要回去工作吗?I didn't have to, Ben. I wanted to. 我不是必须,本,是我想回去上班。
Come here. Ben, imagine you had to spend 15 years in this house without ever going out to play. [imagine: 想像]过来。
本,想象一下,如果要你在这屋里呆上十五年,而且不许出去玩耍You'd go crazy, wouldn't you? 你会发疯的,是吗?Well, believe it or not, a lot of grown-up s feel the same way about work.不管你信不信,不少大人也有同样的感觉。