



Logistics is referred to the article flow, but not including the flow of the people.Daskin defined logistics as ……the design and operation of physical, managerial and informational systems needed to overcome time and space.‟The concept of article in logistics includes tangible goods and intangible service, such as customer service, freight agents and logistics network design.Three major functions of logistics(1) Creating time value: same goods can be valued different at different times. Goods often stop during the transfer process, which is professionally called the storage of logistics. It creates the time value for goods.(2) Creating location value: same goods can be valued differently at different locations. The value added during the transfer process is the location value of logistics.(3) Distribution processing value: sometimes logistics create distribution processing value, which changes the length, thickness and packages of the goods. Like popular saying, “ cutting into smaller parts” is the m ost commonly seen distribution processing within logistics create added value for goods.After completing a commercial transaction, logistics will execute the transfer of goods from the supplier( seller) to the customer( buyer) in the most cost-effective manner. This is the definition of logistics. During the transfer process, hardware such as logistics facilities and equipment( logistics carriers) are needed, as well as information control and standardization. In addition, supports from the government and logistics association should be in place.Logistics is a new commercial area, developing from the traditional stage to a modern one.Logistics is changing at a rapid and acceleration rate. There are two reasons are its rapid growth: Firstly, pressure to change by the development of the system itself(1) High–speed computing and data transmission can instantly transmit and react to user demand(2) More flexible and accurate logistic planning and control through computers and data processing(3) Flexible computer facilities help problem solving and increase decisions accuracy(4) Awareness of total cost measurement and management accountingSecondly, pressures for changes from the wider economy.(1) Be flexible in handling markets of different sizes for better competition(2) There is increasing specialization in markets and growth in retailing.(3) Life cycles for products are shortening. Logistics systems need to be more efficient, faster and more flexible(4) Move from mass production towards flexible manufacturing system( FMS). These systems enable a company to switch production quickly from one product to another(5) Competitive pressures lead to more efforts to improve customer service.Information technologies are most important for modern logistics. Bar Code, POS, EDI and GPS systems dramatically improve the efficiency and accuracy of the logistics activities. Internet further assists the market development, operation and management of the logistics industry.The 21st century is the era of information ,and e-commerce will become a development trend of commercial activity in this period . Our country , as a developing chuntry , is just at theearly-stage in the e-business field .The e-business has wide development space and huge market potential . Logistics delivery in E-Business can not only reduce industrial storage, accelerate funds revolvling, increase logistics efficiency, decrease logistics cost, but also it can stimulate social demand. It is propitious to whole social macroscopical control and it can gain whole social economical benefits, hasten the development of E-Business in depth.But under the rapid development there are also some problems exsit ,including the Internet technology, online payment, policies and regulations, logistics and so on .and logistics is a 'bottleneck' problem that immediately restricted the development of the e-business in our country .In the logistics information system, EDI plays the most important role.The revolution of information started with the introduction of the personal computer, followed by the optical fiber network, the explosion of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Internet assists market development, operational planning and management decisions in the logistics industry. Electronic commerce (EC) is the tool to be used to make deal between the seller and buyer by Internet in a paperless environment.Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) refer to a computer-to-computer information sharing of business documents in a standard format. EDI is widely applied in the field of commerce with the legal effect. Virtual logistics is based on logistics network, but more computerized and systematized than logistics operation. Logistics information system can be made up by three parts: inputs by terminal, data managed by CPU, the outputs managed by optical fiber. Virtual warehousing is not real logistics network but an information network based on warehouse management. Intranet is the internal network within an organization that promotes sharing of internal company related information, using similar technology as the InternetB2C is the Internet commerce designed for direct communications and commercial relationship between a firm and its end customer.With the development of network and electronic technology, logistics distribution has become the bottleneck of the E-commerce increasingly.The logistics distribution have important functions in B2C E-commerce, there are three existing loistics distribution models ,and the advantages and dissadcantages of the three models.In the circumstance of fixed sell quantity,if the scale of the logistics distribution gets larger, the cost will be lower.The need for outsourcing creates Third Party Logistics. Third Party Logistics refers to specialized logistics service providers that provide specific services for suppliers and customers.Third Part Logistics provides all the logistics services. They act as a bridge or facilitator between the first part( supplier or producer) and the second part( buyer or customer). The primary objectives of third part logistics providers are to lower the total cost of logistics for the supplier and improve the service level to the customer.Third Part Logistics have been growing rapidly. Cost reduction and demands for batter and cheaper services are the main drives behind the growth. A third part logistics provider will be in a position to consolidate business from several companies and offer frequent pick–ups and deliveries, whereas in–house transportation cannot. Other reasons are as follows:The company does not specialize in logistics;The company does not have sufficient resources;Eager to implement better logistics operation or does not have time to develop the requiredcapabilities in–house;The company is venturing into a new business with totally different logistics requirements; Merger or acquisition may make outsourcing logistics operations more attractive than to integrate logistics operations.Costs for logistics are similar to all other businesses and include fixed cost, variable cost and management cost.Transport does not need to change packages of goods or stop in any place between the departure point and destination location.Transportation creates location value in logistics. Transportation is usually the biggest logistic costs for most companies.The primary factor to influence transport cost is distance and competition.There are three kinds of freight in transport: full-car load, Less-than-truck load and Container. Transportation using multiple transportation means is also called combined transport. Grouping small shipment into large ones is the primary method to lower cost per unit of weight in transportation.Factors Influencing Transportation CostsAs transportation cost can be significant, the firm must identify and control the factors that affect these costs. In general, factors influencing transportation costs can be grouped into two major categories–product related factors and market–related factors.Factors to influence the cost of transportation can be grouped into the categories: (1) transport distances; (2) transport linkages; (3) transport equipment, and (4) transport time.Important market–related factors also affect transportation costs. The most significant ones include: (1) competition from different carriers; (2) location of markets; (3) government regulation of transportation carriers; (4) freight traffic in a region; (5) seasonality of product movements; and (6) whether the product is being transported domestically or internationally. Each of these factors will affect the overall transportation costs.Logistics system includes customer service, packaging, transportation, storage, distribution processing and information control. A standarized logistic system ensures better time management, location choices and distribution capacities.Distribution is one of functions in logistics, which deliver goods to customers directly according to the order in the most economic way. Distribution includes logistics activities related to the sales and delivery of goods. Distribution capacity is value added in the logistic system. Distribution center is a large and highly automated multi-store building destined to receive goods from various suppliers, take orders, fill them in container efficiently, deliver goods to the customer as quickly and satisfyingly as possible.Distribution center is a short-term storage center located close to a major market to facilitate the rapid processing of orders and shipment of goods to customers. The national distribution center is linked to the metropolitan‟s outer expressway, providing easy access to and from key ports, roads and other distribution channels for importers. The regional distribution center provides customized solution for supply chain management, warehousing and sea, air freight transport in theinternational logistics market. The distribution centers focus on maximizing the profit impact of fulfilling customer delivery requirement and distribution processing.Storage is a process in which goods are stored, protected and managed. Every manufacturer and wholesaler need inventory.Goods that are stored in warehouses for distribution and sales are called inventory. Warehouse rental represent a very significant proportion of total warehouse cost. Goods handling may account for only 50% of the direct labor cost in warehouse and 70% in distribution center.The size of warehouses are determined by the needs of the customer groups, such as their inventory level planning.Cycle stock is the maximum inventory based on the maximum needs. Safe stock refers to minimum inventory level given the forecasted market demand. The average time when the goods is moved in and out of warehouse is inventory cycle time. Inventory control is the method to keep the best inventory level and position with the minimum cost to satisfy the demand. When the inventory is reduced to a specific level, purchase for new parts and material will start. It is called the Order Point System. Zero stock is the best way for inventory control. Zero stock is means zero inventory.物流是指物品流动,不包括人的流动。



外文原文:Warehouse managementWarehouse management is frequently treated as an operational issue, its strategic importance largely overlooked. But as price and quality become indistinguishable from one company to another and distribution cost becomes a significant part of a product’s value, the invisible hand of logistics becomes a key competitive advantage, and warehouse optimization becomes critical to the logistics chain from supplier to customer.One home furniture manufacturer recognized the strategic necessity of maintaining easy access to its finished products and was able to turn its strategic business purpose into the operational details of a warehouse optimization process. This article describes the optimization journey of this 50-year-old company of nearly 1,000 employees.SituationBecause it had no central distribution center, this furniture manufacturer and importer was operating 13 satellite warehouses ranging from 8,600 square feet to 100,000 square feet within a 100-mile radius. Domestically manufactured products were stored at the producing facility’s warehouse. In total, each warehouse was handling more than 150 incoming and outgoing pieces of furniture on a daily basis—both domestically manufactured and imported products from suppliers in Asia were shipped to customers. More than 100 containers were received from suppliers through a freight forwarder using multiple ocean carriers. What was the result of all this activity?First, the company suffered from reduced throughput due to split, partial, and wrong shipments. Shipping became a major challenge and a large part of the corporate overhead. A special traffic department was created to consolidate shipments,route trucks,and schedule pickups at different locations. Split or partial shipments that were unnecessary and unrequested occurred frequently.Second,operating costs rose due to three factors:• Handling damage. Unnecessary product moves were creating major damages, which were having a significant impact on the company’s financial situat ion. Customer returns and allowances had reached 10 percent of net sales. A large number of pieces were put on hold and could not be shipped due to internally inflicted damage, delaying customer order fulfillment and increasing repair costs.• Exception c harges. Demurrage and per diem charges were a major financial hit to the company. Demurrage charges were incurred due to lack of space in warehouse facilities. Entire shipments were voluntarily held at port to avoid an overflow situation, not only increasing operating expenses but also delaying customer response time. Per diem charges (incurred when a container is not unloaded in a timely manner and held at the facility) were common due to the lack of a scheduling system for incoming containers.• Ineffici ent product flow. Direct labor cost was becoming a major part of the company’s cost structure. Excess handling, along with not being able to make good use of economies of scale, were driving inefficiencies up.These poor warehouse management practices resulted in excess operating costs. The lack of an adequate inventory method and the relatively short product life cycles created an obsolescence problem.Another problem was insufficient inventory turns due to the absence of first-in, first-out principles. Typically, pieces were received and warehoused in no orderly fashion, which did not allow the space required for a FIFO system and causes new and old products to be mixed. The jumble of products was generating color mismatches that were attributed to different supplier cuttings or even sourcing changes. The lack of an adequate information system worsened the situation because there was no way to track inventory location inside and outside each warehouse. Employees had to keep track of product locations manually or mentally, often creating duplicate locations and excess handling.ApproachThe warehouse optimization design was based on the principles of agility, lean manufacturing, and the theory of constraints. The goal was to be an agile company bybeing responsive to the customer. The material flows and storage concepts were designed to streamline flow and maximize throughput.In a time when every furniture company is importing from the same suppliers, there is little room to be creative and differentiate a company’s product because cost and quality end up the same. Cost and service become key aspects in the differentiation effort. Typically, consolidating and optimizing a warehouse can help both factors, which are translated into the following objectives:• Maximize throughput by providing agile response to customer orders because they do not have to be consolidated from different warehouses.• Minimize operating costs and be better than the industry benchmark by streamlining material handling in the warehouse, reducing handling damage by eliminating unnecessary shipping steps, decreasing exception charges, and reducing rent expense by consolidating warehouses.• Maximize inventory turns through FIFO inventory practices to reveal inventory problems to management quickly. Because products, their characteristics, and the global supply chain are rapidly changing in the furniture industry, today’s solution will not necessarily fit tomorrow’s needs. New product introduction or changing demand patterns could throw a perfectly optimized warehouse off balance. The company wanted to implement a solution that could support changing business conditions.Operational stepsThere are two major phases of warehouse optimization: planning and implementation. A project that involves and affects so many people requires an extraordinary effort to bring people on board at the start. Without the buy-in and cooperation of employees, this project would not have been successful, even with a flawless analysis and implementation. Steps taken are represented in Figure 1.PLANNINGFigure 1. The two major phases of warehouse optimizationPlanning phase. Cross-functional teams representing each affected unit wereformed to ensure project success and feasibility. The teams crossed organizational and functional boundaries, including personnel from safety,warehousing, information technology,finance,traffic, and senior management, which made the project a popular companywide effort.Data collection was an important piece that would help determine factors such as space requirements, products rate of sale, and inventory levels. Because of the seasonality of certain product lines, it was important to determine which periods were representative to use as a sample.The next step was to assign the product groups priorities and proximity to the shipping and receiving docks . An analysis of customers’ shipments helped the team establish a shipping pattern, which was typically a particular bedroom or dining group. Considering incoming product from the suppliers in Asia revealed the same conclusion— incoming and outgoing products move in sets (bed, nightstand, dresser, armoire, and mirror together) as opposed to individual pieces. It would not make sense to store the nightstand far from the dresser and bed of the same set. Therefore, a priority rating based on rate of sale for each collection as a whole was established. For cases in which the product weight was extreme, the rate of sale rule was overridden and the product was placed closer to shipping and receiving docks.The next phase of the optimizing process involved analyzing the warehouse capacity and managing the available space. Based on the space requirements and space available, the strategy for storing and managing inventory would vary. The requirements fell into three main categories: space required for peak inventory season, space required for temporary overflow situations, and space required for implementing the FIFO system.The amount of inventory required during peak periods for every product, not just at the collection level, was established. Allocating space for overflow situations required understanding the product’s inventory level fluctuation. Based on its variance, each product was assigned an extra percentage —ranging from 3 percent to 15 percent—of the total inventory required for peak season. The selected execution method for implementing a FIFO system was to allow extra space for product rotation.Product was to be pulled for customer shipments from one end and stored from supplier shipments at the other end. This required the product to be rotated within its assigned space. To facilitate the product rotation, an extra 5 percent (based on the space required for peak inventory) was allowed.With the help of the warehouse manager, stacking rules for each product category were determined, which would later become a guideline for how many of each product could be stacked without incurring damage. The main criteria for the stacking rules were product weight and height.When space is scarce, there are other techniques that could be applied to reduce space requirements at the expense of some handling. Combining product groups by their seasonality is one of them. If, for example, a particular category’s seasonality is offset from another by a given period of time, it would be wise to put each category next to each other and reduce the overall space required to handle peak season.Scenarios and trade-off analyses were developed after priorities were established and space allocated. A warehouse draft layout was created to visualize the results of the analysis and develop the alternate scenarios. This draft included all relevant product information (rate of sale, physical parameters, stacking rules, etc.) for understanding and handling ease. The warehouse manager and staff brought qualitative information to the decision-making process. An alternate scenario was developed to optimize the solution even further. Based on current business projections and anticipated product mix changes, the team increased the long-run potential savings.Implementation phase. A complete layout —including product positioning, space breakdown (baseline, FIFO, and overflow space), and quality control and staging areas —was developed and shared with the people involved. Safety and environmental personnel were asked to help develop escape routes and any other protection measures.The next part of the implementation phase was to develop operating procedures with the customer in mind. The three main issues addressed were training, exception charges, and pickups by appointment. Employees were trained on how to care for theproduct.Implementation took place in phases. Based on incoming container schedules, incoming product was mainly stored at the new location, while shipments took place out of the satellite warehouses. Within two months, most satellite warehouses were closed, and all the shipping and receiving operations were moved to the new 800,000-square-foot warehouse.ResultsWithin three months, the company began seeing benefits. The results over the two years since the implementation. The total warehouse space was reduced by 28 percent, which directly affected the amount of rent paid. In fact, the rent savings were around 36 percent.Operations-related exception charges were decreased. The new warehouse had enough capacity to sustain the peak inventory situation that would have previously caused product overflow and, therefore, demurrage charges. The newly implemented pick-up appointment system eliminated per diem charges.Labor efficiency improvements were achieved by eliminating unnecessary steps while handling the product in receiving and shipping. Excess internal transfers of product for consolidation also played a mayor role in reducing operating expenses.The implemented FIFO inventory practices brought to light existing inventory problems. Line-of-sight visibility allowed management to be aware of the problem and quickly devise a solution, which helped avoid obsolescence and improve inventory turns.Among other reasons, reduced material handling was responsible for decreased customer complaints and chargebacks. Handling-related returns and allowances were reduced significantly, creating a major boost in company profits.ConclusionThere is a systematic process that can be used to optimize warehouses to create a lean, agile organization. It is important first to identify all elements required for success, like this furniture company did. No matter what the space constraints are or which methodology is used, the strategic value to the company must be identified andthe right people must be involved if the project is to be successful.There are four key factors to a successful implementation of any project, regardless of the methodology, approach, or assumptions used:• Business purpose. Always start with the strategic business goal in mind. The company needed a long-term plan to compete in the global market. Warehousing is an unavoidable activity incurred by organizations. It is becoming a way to differentiate products and services from competitors.• Involve key personnel. Moving into a new workplace and operating under new procedures is not easy for employees. To make the transition easier and to get full support at all levels of the organization, involve key personnel from the start. Such action breaks existing boundaries and generates a sense of ownership, which will help during the implementation process as well as future success.• Design with the customer in mind. Consolidating produ cts under one roof, implementing a FIFO technique for inventory management, and establishing an appointmentdriven pick-up system are not just approaches to reduce operating costs. The intangible benefits of becoming more customer-friendly (which are key in a world driven by inter-mediaries) are tough to measure, but in the long run, they surely surpass the benefits of reducing operating expenses.• Develop flexible, qualitative, and experience-driven models. The model developed was not created simply from data. Involving experience-driven people added a qualitative element that cannot be captured by pure data in an analysis.Source:Justus Klemperer,Sekar Sundararajan,and Emory Zimmers Jr.2003.“careful with that warehouse” Industrial Engineer.September.pp.40-45中文译文:仓储管理仓储管理常常被认为是一种在战略上的重要性在很大程度上被管理者所忽略的操作问题。






引言对欧盟数据显示乘客驾驶汽车行驶的公里数,1999是1970的两点五倍,汽车驾驶占有的份额达到79%( 1970年74%)。

在美国汽车运输中,汽车运输比例甚至在总额行驶千米数占更高比例, (1998年是84%)。

在1999年,欧盟的75%货物运输(包括短程海运和航运) 是通过公路运输的。








这些交通运输主要的边际外部成本包括交通堵塞,交通意外,环境成本和路面损坏 (针对重型车辆)。









例如, 它不仅包括实体基础设施或虚拟基础设施膨胀的能力,但也包括空间规划。



译文出处:Source: Economic Geography, V ol. 81, No. 3 (Jul., 2005), pp. 283-303译文标题:地理的生产联系在爱尔兰和苏格兰的微机行业:物流的作用译文:摘要:20世纪70年代中期的经济危机,标志着从福特主义传统的产业组织模式,以一个基于时间竞争(TBC)的过渡。


















1、 INTRODUCTIONLogistics is normally considered as nothing more than getting the right product to theright place at the right time for the least cost、 Faced with a rapidly changing environment, revolutionary changes in technology, continued government deregulation, the shortening of product life cycle, proliferation of product lines and shifts in traditional manufacturer-retailer relationships, many organisations have had to rethink their traditional assumptions、Over the last ten years one of the most significant changes in management thinking wasthe emphasis on the search for strategies that will provide superior value in competition、Logistics management has the potential to assist the organisation in the achievement of botha cost/productivity advantage and a value advantage、 The importance of logistics and its integration in the supply chain was argued by、China is a huge consumer market that accounted for a third of global economic growthover the past three years、 Its development speed and potential cannot be ignored by the restof the world、 As a result of China’s internal and external economic attributes, most of the、 In particular in the automobileglobal consumer brands have established operations thereindustry, many of the leading global OEMs including Honda, Toyota, General Motors, Volkswagen and Ford have established joint-venture partnerships with local car manufacturers、 Auto sales in China rose by 76% in the year to July 2003 and by 2011,、 InChina is expected to surpass Japan to become the wor ld’s second largest auto marketorder to compete in the Chinese market share and satisfy increasing demand, these operations are continuously expanding their production volumes with astonishing speed、Such expansion is, however carried out in the context of a legacy environment、China spans a large geographical area with, in many parts, under-developed infrastructure、 This presents a challenge to efficient deployment of logistics strategies、Furthermore, the involvement of third party logistics providers, favoured by most globalOEMs, is an emergent consideration in China、 Finally, the conflicts that inevitably arise inthe joint venture partnerships lead to delays in the introduction of western logistics management e xperiences and methods from the OEMs、All these factors increase the、difficulties in managing logistics by China’s local auto makers2、 The overall development of foreign distribution Overview2、1 The United States of modern logistics developmentTwenty-first century from the 60s on wards, the rationalization of distribution of goodsin general are valued in the United States to take the following measures: First, the warehouse will replace the old distribution center: The second is the management of the introduction of computer networks, on the loading and unloading, handling, custody, standardized operation, improve operating efficiency; Third, the common chain distribution centers set up to promote the growth of chain-effective、 United States chain stores have a variety of distribution centers, mainly in the wholesale-based, r etail and warehouse-type three types、2、2 Japan's modern logistics developmentOn logistics and distribution of wood with the following features: well-developed distribution channels, frequent, low-volume stock, logistics and distribution reflects the common and set the trend sticks, logistics and distribution cooperative, the Government planning in the development of modern logistics and distribution play an important role inthe process of 、2、3 European modern development of logisticsCountries in Europe, especially Germany, logistics refers to the user's orders in accordance with the requirements of positions in the logistics sub-goods distribution, the goods will be sent to the consignee with good activities、Germany's logistics industry formed of basic commodities from origin to distribution center, from the distribution center (and sometimes through more than one distribution center) arrive at the modern mode of end customers、 Traveled in Germany, it can be said of the logistics and distribution in Germany has been formed to final demand-oriented to the modernization of transport and high-techinformation network as a bridge to a reasonable R69 distribution center hub to run a complete system、2、4 the main reasons of logistics industry developing faster in developed countriesRelying on high-tech to the core economies of scale to allow flexibility based on a variety of forms、3、China's 3PL enterprises are facing a major obstacle to business3、1 The current situation of China's 3PLChina's 3PL enterprises: service radius of a small, low entry barriers、 With the gradual warming heat logistics, urban logistics industry is also increasingly unitary covered by the importance and development、However, due to historical reasons in our country, the long-standing emphasis on production of a light flow, heavy flow to light the idea of the logistics, distribution of development in the not yet ripe at this stage, there is the issue more prominent in the following two aspects: the service delivery difficult to play a central role,the process of distribution of the low level of modernization、China's 3PL companies with foreign 3PL companies mainly in the gap between the three aspects: First, procurement capacity, and the other is logistics, and the third is cash flow、Aspects of logistics and distribution, foreign retailers have done very well, has a set of efficient logistics information system, which can effectively improve the inventory turnover rate, so as to enhance the return on assets and profitability、 And domestic retailers in this、area has just started, or have not yet started3、2 distribution center lower the overall distribution, commercial chain failed to give full play to the advantagesFrom our point of view the existing commercial retail enterprises, in addition to some large, well-known commercial enterprises, the general commercial "chain" businesses are not set up their own logistics and distribution centers or use third-party logistics center、Although these companies have also established some of his own "chain" stores, but in fact operating goods stores do not do "unified procurement, unified distribution, unified billing,"、 The which allows some commercial retail enterprises, "chain" seems to exist in name onlyother has been established in their own logistics and distribution centers or use third-party logistics distribution center of commodities in commercial enterprises, the effectiveness of distribution centers has not been effective, which in turn affected the procurement cost of an integrated chain advantages, including outstanding manifested by the distribution center for goods distribution ratio of unity is very low、 Uniform distribution logistics center can notbe achieved, indicating the store's commercial enterprises "unified purchase" did not、materialize, rather than a unified procurement chain has lost the core strengths3、3 China's more enterprises are facing a major obstacle of the higher logistics costWal-Mart 8 5% of the commodities distribution through the distribution center, in which 80% is through the "zero inventory" of the more complete form of the distribution database、Wal-Mart as a result of the use of the "Cross distribution" and "auto-replenishment" of supply chain technology, so that goods turnover in the Treasury down to 2 days、 And retail enterprises in China are in the 15-30 days, which reflects the retail , distribution enterprises, underdeveloped logistics system, distribution costs are too high、 Rapid expansion of retail enterprises in China's size and speed in the short term if they can not form a qualitative edge is a dangerous speculation、Over the years the practice has proved that the multi-purpose logistics distribution center, intensive, low-cost supply hub, as well as the use of information technology to reorganize and upgrade the entire flow of the supply chain management is the core of large-scale retail enterprises strategy is to support the retail giant super-conventional development、The face of large-scale retail and distribution businesses o f the main distribution center logistics requirements planning, focusing on how to reflect the integration of information flow in business flow, logistics, capital flow, so that the operation of retail enterprises to expand the logistics for the entire enterprise supply chain collaboration nodes and so that the whole positive and negative to minimize logistics cost of goods (including consumers, stores, logistics, distribution centers, headquarters, suppliers and partners), and a timely response t o sales demand and timely replenishment、This is also a large-scalecross-regional, multi-format, chain retail enterprises have the capacity of the core competitive advantage、3、4 Lack of modern logistics management knowledge and expertise of logistics personnel、This is the third-party logistics industry in restricting the development of China's most important one of the bottlenecks、Logistics knowledge, especially in modern integrated third party logistics knowledge is far from being universal, but that its main business areas is to provide transportation and warehousing services, not know that it is new to these traditional business integration of its business fields Far too simple to become connected with transport and storage of raw materials, semi-finished products supply, production process, material flow, the whole process of product distribution services, as cover flow, solid logistics, capital flow, information flow is equal to the integrated systemof systems、4 to enhance core competitiveness, the implementation of integrated management"integrated management" is the original English Integrated SupplyProcess, refers to the production enterprises, office, life of a non-core business areas of the operation and management of integration as a Overall, as a business-oriented t o manage outsourcing projects, by the special "integrated management" of the suppliers to provide full-service projects、"Integrated management" is not simply puts together the management of the business, but to improve management efficiency and reduce management costs as the core, combined with advanced information technology and network management features such as one organically integrated、Compared with the general outsourcing services, integrated management has the following characteristics:(1) It is not a business, but a complete outsourcing business from the operation of themanagement integration of outsourcing;(2) Outsourcing is not a core operation, but a comprehensive business management、Responsible for the entire business as a first-class suppliers, and its main task is to use its unique resources to conduct a comprehensive knowledge management, the operation of the specific is it managed by the secondary and tertiary suppliers to implement, so in themanagement of outsourcing functions based on the specific operation of the outsourcing; (3) In the case of the most important first-level suppliers, other than remuneration in thefixed service, its the only way to increase revenue for users to save costs as much as possible in order to share the proceeds of cost savings, rather than as general outsourcing as suppliers, mainly through an increase in turnover, that is, to increase spending to increase the user's own earnings、 "Double bottom" principle of cooperation between the two sides can make a stable and lasting、5 The third party logistics enterprise strategic choiceSummarized the latest of several foreign logistics theory and the development ofthird-party logistics with the current practice of foreign, third-party logistics firm's strategic choice to have the following three:(1)Lean Logistics StrategySince the lag theory and practice of logistics, our most extensive third-party logistics company or business, it can not accurately position their logistics services、 If you do not reverse this situation as soon as possible, will be third-party logistics industry in China have restricted role、 Lean production theory of logistics for our third-party logistics company provides a new development ideas for these enterprises to survive in the new economy and development opportunities、 Lean Logistics concept originated in lean manufacturing、 Itis produced from the Toyota Motor Corporation 70 years in the last century by the original "Toyota Production System", after research by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor and summary, was published in 1990 published "change the world of machines), a book、 Lean thinking is the use of various modern management methods and means, based on the needs of society to fully play the role of people as a fundamental and effective allocation and rational use of corporate resources to maximize economic benefits for enterprises to seek a new Management philosophy、 Lean Logistics Lean Thinking is the application in logistics management, logistics development must reflect、The so-called Lean Logistics means: the process by eliminating the production and supply of non-value added waste in order to reduce stocking time, improve customer satisfaction、 The aim ofLean Logistics according to customer needs, providing customers with logistics services, while pursuing the provision of logistics services in the process to minimize waste and delay, the process of increasing value added logistics services、Lean logistics system is characterized by its high-quality, low cost, continuous improvement, driven by customer demand oriented logistics system、 It requires establishing the customer first thought, on time, accurate and fast delivery of goods and information、In short, Lean Logistics, as a new management ideas, bound to have a third-party logistics enterprises in China have far-reaching impact, it will change the appearance of the extensive third party logistics management concept, the formation of third party logistics Core competitiveness、the establishment of small and medium third party logistics value chain allianceThird-party logistics enterprises of small and medium can not be independent because of their one-stop logistics services to provide full shortcomings, and because the small size of assets, services, not wide area so that small and medium enterprises in China's logistics third party logistics industry at a disadvantage、 Therefore, third party logistics for small and medium enterprises, starting from their own resources to construct their own core competence is the key、 As small and medium enterprise features of a single third-party logistics and incomplete, so based on their respective core competencies based on the structure of the logistics business enterprise cooperation is an effective capacity to make up for deficiencies, constitutes a feasible way of competitive advantage of logistics、 Value chain is the use of systems approach to investigate the interaction between business and the、 Value analysis of all activities and their access to the resources of competitive advantageof the business activities fall into two categories: basic activities and support activities、Basic activities are involved in product creation and sale of the material transferred to the buyer and after-sales service activities、 Basic activities of supporting activities is to assistthe revenue by providing outsourcing, technology, human resources and a variety of functions to support each other、 Theory to analyze the value chain study the value of third party logistics chain composition, can be found in auxiliary activities, third party logisticsenterprise and general business is no different, the basic activities in the third-party logistics companies has its own characteristics、 Third-party logistics enterprises there is generally no commodity production process, only the re-circulation process, d oes not account for major components of a wide range of third-party logistics companies and thus become the basic operating activities of storage, transport, packaging, distribution, customer service and marketing, etc、 link、 Various aspects of the basic work activities, due to their own limited resources and capacity, can not have every aspect of an advantage in that value chain in terms of some of the deficiencies, resulting in their overall logistics function not complete, lack of corresponding competitiveness and comparative advantage in some sectors of the value chain due to lack of overall effect should not play、 Therefore, third party logistics industry, small and medium sized logistics enterprises within the Union, should be based on the value chain between complementary on the basis of cooperation, make full use of professional logistics companies and logistics functions of specialized logistics organization and coordination of agents Flexible complementary integrated logistics capabilities、Third-party logistics for small and medium enterprises, value chain should start with the advantage of links to explore and develop the core competitiveness of enterprises, through the reconstruction of the value chain to avoid weaknesses、(2)Large third-party logistics enterprise virtualization of strategyRapid development in IT and the Internet era, companies can not fight alone singles, but must be in the competition and collaboration, in cooperation and development、Thus, under modern conditions resulting from modern large-scale virtualized development of third-party logistics has a strong necessity、Large third-party logistics enterprise virtualization is the logistics management resources of others who will have "all", through the network, the other part into its own logistics, with the help of others break the power of physical boundaries, extending to achieve their various Function, and thus expand their ability to enhance their strength、Therefore, the logistics information technology, virtualization is a means for the connection and coordination of temporary and dynamic alliance in the form of virtual logistics、 Integrated logistics virtualization technology as ameans of electronic communication, customer-focused, based on the opportunity to participate in members of the core competencies as a condition to an agreement for the common pursuit of goals and tasks, the different parts of the country's existing Resources to quickly mix into a no walls, beyond the space constraints, by means of electronic networks, contact the unified command of the virtual business entity, the fastest launch of high-quality, low-cost logistics service、Modern large-scale virtualization, including third-party logistics functions, organization, geographic three virtualization、Virtualization capabilities with third-party logistics enterprise IT technology will be distributed in different locations, different companies take different functions within the logistics resources (information, human, material and other resources) organized to accomplish a specific task, to achieve the optimization of social resources、 Virtualization refers to the organizational structure of the logistics organization is always dynamically adjusted, not fixed, but also decentralized, flexible, self-management, flat network structure, its objectives and in accordance with changes in the environmentre-combination, in a timely manner Reflect the market dynamics、 Virtual is the regional third party logistics network through the Internet link the global logistics resources, removing barriers and national barriers, to production management to achieve "virtual neighbors、 "1 导言物流通常被认为就是将恰当的产品以最低的成本,在恰当的时间送达恰当的地点。



译文出处:Source: Economic Geography, Vol. 81, No. 3 (Jul., 2005), pp. 283-303译文标题:地理的生产联系在爱尔兰和苏格兰的微机行业:物流的作用译文:摘要: 20世纪70年代中期的经济危机,标志着从福特主义传统的产业组织模式,以一个基于时间竞争(TBC)的过渡。


















物流专业外文翻译--物流配送的重要意义与专业有关的英文及译文The significance of logistics distributionModern distribution differs with common logistics, logistics is the product of the business and physical separation, and the distribution is, the unity of content, the distribution itself is more like a form of business, while the distribution in the concrete implementation, there are implemented in the form of business separation, but from the distribution trend of development, business flow and logistics more and more tightly integrated, distribution is the important guarantee of success. The significance of distribution can be analyzed from the following two aspects:(a) the Angle of economicsFrom the point of view of economics, resource allocation and distribution of final configuration of resources in the form of modern shipping economic activity. (1) distribution is part of the allocation of resources, because of the economic system is to distribute or a mechanism of resource allocation in distribution can be regarded as a form of economic system. (2) distribution in the resource allocation function of it is "" at the end of the configuration of resources, is close to the customer's configuration, and as close as possible to the customer is the enterprise management strategy is critical success factors, distribution is an important way of logistics, has very important strategic value for many enterprises, but the limitations make it can't solve all the problems in the field of logistics and distribution. (3) distribution of the main economic activity is delivery. Emphasizes the modern shipping, here shows difference with traditional delivery method, the distribution of major means of economic activity is the modern productive forces, the new labor as support, relying on science and technology, is a "match" and "send"a means of organic combination.(2) the distribution of the implementation of the wayFrom the perspective of the distribution way of implementation of logistics is in accordance with the requirements of customers orders, and in the distribution center or other logistics nodes equipped with goods, and sent to the users with the most reasonable way. (1) distribution is close to the user of the flow field during the process of resource allocation. Distribution is the essence of the delivery, but and general delivery is different: in general can be a random delivery, and distribution is a fixed form, there is a certain organization, channels, with modern technology to support, form a set of complete scientific management system, the distribution is a high level ofshipping method. (2) the distribution is a "transfer" form. Delivery from the logistics node to the user a special shipping method. Look from delivery function, its particularity is shown as: is full-time circulation enterprises engaged in shipping, not production enterprises; Distribution is a "transit" type of delivery, and general delivery especially to the user's delivery is often direct from the factory; Usually send what is the production, delivery and distribution is what companies need to send what. And to do what you need to send what, must be in transit link collection that need, and delivery must take the form of "transit". 3. Distribution is the combination of "match" and "send". Distribution and delivery, is the important difference between distribution by using effective sorting, distribution and so on tally work, make delivery reached a certain scale, in order to take advantage of scale achieved lower delivery cost. Without sorting, distribution, there is one shipment, need a send a, can greatly increase the consumption of manpower and material resources, cost less than pick up the goods delivery. So, want to reflect the advantage of distribution, sorting, distribution and so on a work is necessary. (4) distribution to users requirements as the starting point. Distribution from the user's interests, according to user requirements of an activity. Therefore, must be clear to set up "the user first", "quality first" concept. Distribution companies as a service provider, should from the user's interests first, on the basis of fully consider the interests of the users obtain the benefits of this enterprise. Distribution enterprises cannot use their own distribution channels to control to control the users of goods, cannot use distribution department division, industry division, cannot use distribution as department division, industry division, where the market approach.Logistics is along with the mass production and large circulation and appear a complete resource allocation and to meet consumer demand. Logistics due to realize the timing and quantitative, punctuality, planning, real-time, low cost, and even can realize zero inventory, customers that can completely replace the customer original supply system in the supply of the supply of higher quality and lower cost, realize the supply to the customer, to realize the integration of enterprise sales and customer supply.Second, the important role of logistics distributionLogistics is refers to the goods from supplier to recipient entity flow process. According to the actual need, transportation, storage, loading and unloading, handling, packaging, circulation processing, distribution, information processing and other basic functions. According to the concept of logistics and the definition of system,logistics system is to complete the goods entity flow from supplier to recipient and will transport, storage, loading and unloading handling, distribution processing, packaging and logistics information together, constitute the functional system of logistics system. The role of distribution performance in:(a) enterprises to adopt distribution systemDistribution system on which distribution, which can reduce logistics costs, improve service levels, in order to expand sales, expand the market, strengthen enterprise competition ability. (2) the product distribution system, distribution need how many, how much production, can realize products zero inventory, you can get the most economical and the biggest benefit. In (3) procurement and distribution system, can achieve how many enterprise, supplier delivery how much, when you need to, when suppliers on delivery. So companies don't need to set up raw material inventory, circulation enterprises don't need to set up inventory, can achieve zero inventory management, greatly reduce operating costs. 4. Zero inventory management, saved a large number of reserve funds, can improve enterprise's financial position, enhance the enterprise economic strength, promote enterprise development. (5) business in distribution system, leading to production system and distribution system as well as the procurement system corresponding revolutionary change, improve enterprise management level.(2) for the masses of users, to improve the logistics service level. Distribution to volume, variety complete, door-to-door delivery on time, on the one hand, the user on a business trip from purchasing transportation replenish onr's stock, such as labor, simplify the procedures, convenient for users, save the cost and improve the efficiency; On the other hand guarantee the supplies, and guarantee the normal production and circulation enterprises, can meet the needs of the people production and living supplies and services to enjoy.(3) distribution can improve the utilization rate of materials and inventory turns.Distribution in distribution center inventory, can use limited warehouse, make limited inventory might be used for a wider more customers, demand is bigger, the market is wide, will greatly improve the material utilization rate and inventory turnover ratio. Still can make warehousing and distribution译文物流配送的重要意义现代配送与普通物流的不同之处在于,物流是商、物分离的产物,而配送则是商物合一的产物,配送本身更像一种商业形式,虽然配送在具体实施时,也有以商物分离形式实现的,但从配送的发展趋势,商流与物流越来越紧密地结合,是配送成功的重要保障。



本科毕业论文外文翻译外文题目:Material flows of end-of-life home appliances in Japan出处:Mater Cycles Waste Manag作者:Shinsuke Murakami · Atsushi Terazono · Naoya原文:Material flows of end-of-life home appliances in Japan Abstract .In Japan, the Law for the Recycling of Specified Kinds of Home Appliances came into effect in April 2001.This law aims to introduce appropriate waste treatment and promote the efficient use of resources so that we can achieve a sound material-cycle society. The law introduces a new framework for recycling that places obligations principally on the manufacturers and retailers of home appliances.Material flow analysis of this new framework is essential for evaluation of the system and for finding any problems that may exist.We th erefore analyzed the material flows in facilities that recycle electrical home appliances.The mass balances in the recycling facilities were appropriately estimated. Then the potential destinations were surveyed and analyzed, even though the legal framework does not include flows after the recycling facilities. The potential destination after the facilities varies and depends on both the economy and the related regulations. Currently, considerable amounts of recovered materials are exported and recycled. However, the sustainability of these trades is unknown.Therefore, we should keep a close eye on the situation and make sure that our recycling system is adaptable to meet any future changes.System for recycling of EOL home appliances The law for the recycling of specified kinds of home appliances.The law was enacted in June 1998 and came into effect in April 2001. The framework of the law was designed principally to place an obligation on manufacturers and retailers,whereas the recycling fee itself was to be paid by the consumer at the time of disposal. According to the framework,the consumer takes the EOL home appliance to the retailer and pays a recycling fee and a transfer fee.The retailer then takes the EOL home appliance to a designated collection site. Finally, the appliance is transferred to the recycling facility and recycled.Tasaki et al.1 analyzed the effectiveness of thislegislative system from four viewpoints: the achievement of material cycles, cost efficiency and monetary flows, the boundary within or outside the scope of the recycling system, and the behavioral changes of stakeholders. Their study proved the system to be certainly effective, especially in terms of recycling rates. However, they also pointed out that the system has some shortcomings. Manufacturers are obliged to fulfill the requirement of achieving the recycling rate, which is defined as the weight of the recovered materials divided by the weight of processed EOL appliances. Currently, air conditioners,TV sets (CRT only), refrigerators, and washing machines are within the scope of the recycling system,and the required recycling rates are 60%, 55%, 50%,and 50%, respectively. Refrigerant cholorofluorocarbons (CFCs) recovery from air conditioners and refrigerators is also required. Since April 2004, CFCs from insulation have also been required to be recovered. Recycling and transfer fees are decided by the manufacturers and retailers.Recycling facilities.In response to the establishment of the Home Appliances Recycling Law, manufacturers formed two groups –A group and B group –that shared common facilities to increase the efficiency of recycling, instead of having individual facilities.The reason why two groups were formed is not certain.Two reasons have commonly been propounded.The first is the policy of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry (METI) to promote fair competition, as mentioned by Yoshida.2 As a general discussion about competition in the recycling market, the Fair Trade Commission of Japan issued guidelines in 2001.3 Another possible reason is a difference in philosophies, as was mentioned in the research report of the Economic and Industrial Research Department,Development Bank of Japan.4 A-group manufacturers tried to utilize the facilities of existing recycling industries and thus minimize their costs as much as possible,whereas B-group manufacturers tried to build new facilities specifically designed for home appliance recycling and to reduce the costs of the total recycling system by combining together for efficient supply chain management.These recycling facilities are basically independent business entities, even though they usually have financial relationships with manufacturers.According to METI, there were 44 home appliance recycling facilities operating in Japan at the beginning of FY 2005.The details of the processes vary amongfacilities. Previous studies such as those of the Development Bank of Japan4 or Matsuto et al.5 have classified facilities by manufacturer group, namely A group or B group. However, in light of the fact that the primary purpose of our study was material flow analysis, this categorization would not have been adequate if there had been differences in the outputs of different facilities in the same group. Therefore, we tried to classify these facilities by processes. By our interview surveys in 2003, we were able to classify all the facilities into three categories by the processes that they used.As mentioned, A-group manufacturers tried to utilize existing waste disposal businesses as much as possible.Most of these existing businesses had shredding machines.In this type of facility, EOL appliances are shredded after the required treatment, including manual dismantling, and are then intensively recovered from the shredded scraps.Therefore, the main material recovered from these A-group facilities is shredded metal scraps. We categorize these facilities as “sh redding first and then recovery” type (SR) facilities.There was also another type of existing facility, although the number of such facilities was small. According to our survey, five facilities belonging to the A group did not have shredding machines. In these facilities, EOL appliances are manually dismantled but never shredded. Hence, the outputs from these facilities are only unshredded parts and wastes. Considering the difference in output of this type of facility compared with that of the SR type, we needed to clearly distinguish this type among the A-group facilities. These facilities were therefore grouped as the“recovery without shredding” type (RwoS) facilities.Previous studies4,5 did not consider this last type of facilityindependently.In contrast, B-group manufacturers have built new facilities exclusively designed for EOL home appliance dismantling.SR facilities try to achieve higher recycling ratios by intensive separation after the shredding process, but these B-group facilities usually try to manually dismantle and recover the parts before shredding; we therefore called these “recovery first and then shredding” (RS) facilities.Mainly in response to market conditions, the differences between SR and RS facilities have narrowed but are still not negligible, especially when we consider the next stage of recycling. Details of the flows after materials leave the recycling facilities will be discussed inthe following sections.The processes used in all three types of facility are shown Fig.1,and all include the process of dismantling for recov-y of CFCs,since this is required.Table 1 summarizes the sults of our interview surveys of the outputs from all three pes of facility,clarifying the differences among the three pes in detail.The definition of valuable and nonvaluable ms had changed since our surveys were carried out in 2002.The definition was therefore adjusted with th e addi-tion of new information acquired in additional interviews.As can be seen from the table,there was little difference between the RwoS and RS processes.On the other hand,the SR process was not similar to either of the other two.SR facilities recover less than half the number of different types of parts compared with the other two types of facili-ties.However,this does not necessarily mean that this type of recycling recovers less overall:this can be evaluated only after we know the flows of the next sta ge of the recycling system.The yield ratio of the separation processes after crushing can also affect the evaluation and can change depending on the situation.According to our surveys,the recent high prices of scrap have led SR facilities to increase the yield ratio of their separation processes,even though this means an increase in processing costs.The manufacturers’ obligation is completed at the recycling facility stage,as mentioned in the previous section.However,unless the outputs from these facilities are com-pletely processed by the recycling industries,the materials or parts cannot be fully recovered.Therefore,we surveyed the material flows that occurred after the appliances had been through the facilities.The details are given in the section entitled material flows after leaving the recycling facility.Material balance in recycling facilities Number of appliances processed by each type of facility.As mentioned above,we performed interviews to deter-mine the processes used by each facility and then c lassified all the facilities into three types.At the same time,we esti-mated the number of appliances processed by each type of facility.The estimation methodology was basically inter-views and information disclosed on the manufacturers’ and recycling firms’ websites.Because we started our survey in 2003,the estimates given here are forFY 2002.The results are shown in Table 2.The RS facilities accounted for about two-thirds of the total number of appliances processed in the year.Consid-ering that RS facilities were newly built exclusively for home appliance recycling,it was not surprising that all RS facilities processed all four types of appliance.On the other hand,not all SR and RwoS facilities processed all four appliance types. RwoS facilities processed a limited number of appliances,and there were only five such facilities.There-fore,to determine the aggregated material flows in home appliance recycling,it was important for us to know the mass balances in the SR and RS facilities.Unit mass balances in r ecycling facilities.It is generally difficult to obtain mass balance information at recycling facilities because of the confidential nature of this information,and there have been very few previous studies:examples are those of Matsuto et al.5 and AEHA.6 Mat suto et al.performed a material flow analysis of home appliance recycling facilities and also weighed some of the parts at an RS facility.Although their weight data for parts are not as detailed as ours,they did estimate heavy metal balances.AEHA6 reported on a pilot home appliance re-cycling plant set up before the law came into effect.This report offers weight data on dismantled parts and scrap.Fortunately,we had access to the data from one recycling facility that allowed us to obtain its mass balances by weigh-ing.The facility’s process was categorized as RS type.Mass balance data were collected in November 2004,and 20 appliances of each of the four types were processed and weighed.Although we obtained most of the output weights for each part and material,we did not have access to the weights of some specific outputs,especially those of dust,because of trade secrets.Therefore,we estimated these inac-cessible weights through interviews and literature surveys.By combining the mass balances from this experiment and the estimated average weights of individual parts,we were able to estimate the mass balances of the other two types of facility.Therefore,acquired balances are for FY 2004.ConclusionWe have portrayed here a picture of the recycling of EOL home appliances.Wehave estimated the material balances in Japanese recycling facilities and have surveyed possible routes for after-facility material flows.We found that these facilities should be classified intothree types,rather than the two types often cited in previ-ous literature.The material balances of these three types of facility do not differ greatly;the principal difference is in the processes occurring after the materials leave the recycling facilities.The effectiveness of a recycling system in terms of phys-ical amounts should be analyzed on the basis of not only the processes used at the recycling facility but also the processes that occur after the material has left the facility.These latter processes often occur outside Japan,and it is often hard to ascertain the material balances of foreign processes.Our interviews revealed that the separation processes used in these importing countries are even better than those used in Japan,because they can utilize cheap labor.However,the sustainability of these trades is unknown,because there is much debate from two viewpoints:the appropriate treatment of hazardous contents,and natural resource policies in relation to scarcity.Therefore,we need to keep a close eye on the situation and make sure that our recycling system is able to adapt to meet any changes in these situations.译文:日本废旧家电的物流管理摘要:在日本,资源回收各种家用电器法律于2001年4月生效。



附录外文参考文献Modern logistics developmentCity is the concentration of modern logistics, is the commodity distribution and processing center, and logistics facilities and infrastructure is complete, the circulation of human capital in high concentration, consumption and demand, transportation and information developed, therefore, the modern logistics is bound to the city as the center, by the corresponding multistage regional market space formed by the market structure, superior market space structure on industry configuration in order to produce huge attraction. City development can drive circumjacent area prosperity to development, thus forming an organic commodity circulation system.The construction of small and medium-sized city modern logistics system's important meaningOne, improve the investment environment of the city, better participate in international division of labor. In the global industrial transfer process, more and more enterprises to realize, any enterprise can not in all business is one of the world's most outstanding enterprises, only complementary advantages in order to enhance competitive actual strength. Therefore, some international outstanding enterprises strategic alliance. This alliance is around core business, suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, the end-user in a chain-like structure, integrated logistics management to all enterprises in the supply chain as an integral whole, promote each enterprise group procurement, production and sales of coordinated development. Therefore, the logistics has become the globalization of production and sales in the process of an important value-added services, logistics management has become the domestic and international two markets, two kinds of resource coupling together an indispensable key link, constructing efficient international logistics system has become the city of comprehensive intervention in international division of labor of the bridge and catalyst.Two, optimize the supply chain management, establishes the enterprise development the cornerstone of battle. As consumption level rise ceaselessly, thediversification of products and product updates speed to be accelerated ceaselessly, enterprise production organization flexibility, flattening, network trend more obvious. With competitive price, at the right time, place, provide the right products to the enterprise development is essential. Manufacturers through distributors, retailers and timely understanding of user needs, comprehensive, accurate, dynamic grasp the product flow condition, and to adjust marketing strategy. Through the inventory cost, transportation cost and management cost balance optimization, with the lowest total cost of supply of market demand, already became an enterprise to develop the market, occupational market premise and safeguard.Three, expand the city radiation range, forming the center city function. Along with our country opening to the outside world deepen further, to small and medium-sized city as the center of the region economy has entered the international division of labor in the inner potential. At the same time, the modern logistics system building process is essentially circulation system, circulation channel to build process. Modern logistics system will change the traditional manufacturing enterprises -- distributors -- retailer of traditional circulation mode, and turned to the production of Enterprises -- the new circulation mode of retailers, this will greatly promote the new commercial city such as goods shopping malls, shopping centers, supermarket cabinet, chain operation, agent system, distribution system and other industry arisen with development, make the city commercial radiation scope gradually expanded, and the logistics development will bring tremendous business opportunities; capital flow, logistics, information flow, as the center city function have important guiding role.To the city for modern logistics center constructionCity Logistics Center 's service area is divided according to the principle is" economic area" rather than on" Administrative Region", although the two may appear some kind of coincidence and consistent, but it is two different concepts. Unlike the administrative division of economic region has a specific limits, economic regional boundaries are fuzzy, is a transition zone, which formed the economic openness. Another difference between them is an administrative division in the natural terrain, population, rich products, transport conditions and administrative effect of such factors as the basis, has a relatively long term stability, and the economydevelopment of the region is very active. Logistics center according to the administrative area division, strengthen the administrative intervention force, often against the laws of the market action, market operation will be restricted badly. According to the regional economic development of logistics center is to adapt to the development of productivity, reflects the natural resources endowments, economic development and layout condition, commercialize degree and other aspects of development, but also reflects the logistics center of the integrity and openness.In the" Nine Five" plan and 2010 distant view target, the government on how to further speed up the logistics development has put forward specific planning and requirements, mainly: to build a batch of global sex, the key of logistics infrastructure, transform and build a batch to have the modernization level of the warehouse and distribution center, strengthen content to shed level of management. In the layout, the government should make logistics city function is an organic part of overall planning, avoid to repeat construction, waste of resources or because of unreasonable selection caused traffic transport" bottleneck" phenomenon.According to the traditional classification methods, logistics center can be divided into circulation distribution center, processing and distribution center distribution center three major types: (1) circulating distribution center. Often used to provide inventory replenishment, therefore, should give full consideration to market factors, geographically located close to the main customer sites, their size depends on the required delivery speed, average size of the order and the unit cost of land use. (2) processing and distribution center. As the assembly processing and centralized transportation production material base, the distribution center is the basic reason to support manufacturing plant, in order to concentrate transport rates will mix the product to the customer. (3) storage distribution center. In buyer's market, there is a strong function of the distribution center storage generally have larger inventory support enterprise product sales; in a seller's market, enterprises of raw materials, spare parts supply have larger inventory support, this supply distribution center also has a strong storage function. Our country at present the distribution center, mostly adopts centralized inventory, inventory of larger, more storage type. The logistics distribution center for an extensive inventoryof varieties to provide centralized transportation, with the minimum total cost of the method for determining the location of. Small and medium-sized city modern logistics system framework One, logistics park should be intensive variety of logistics facilities, logistics line intersection; with intensive, regulation, transport, concentration inventory, the integrated function such as information hub. It established the main requirements are: close to the port, airport, railway marshalling station, around the expressway network, there must be more than two modes of transport are connected; price low, appropriate setting away from the downtown area. Two, logistics center is the city logistics two level system. Commercial distribution logistics and distribution logistics is the main carrier of industry. It established the main should be close to large industrial, commercial enterprises. The highway is the main way of freight logistics center should be near the traffic, the main entrance. In three, city logistics distribution center is the three level system. It established the main requirements are: reasonable position, assume the urban district and external transport of goods distribution, formation and transfer function, to be built in the city and developing zone, so conducive to retail, small industry and other related services and civil life. Logistics is the soul of the system, should pay attention to the different transport modes meet to form the integrated logistics park construction, and to provide land, funds, tax policies, establishing a customs, high, maritime, taxation and other departments of the government of collaborative work mechanism, logistics park 's development to create a favorable policy environment. On the logistics center especially for small distribution center, to prevent overheating due to logistics form new round of repeat construction, cause excessive competition. To consider the distribution in the city many water, public, iron freight stations and their loading and unloading points are concentrated, considering the function of each alternative, for the city development space. According to the enterprise logistics management mode, set up logistics park -- Logistics Center -- distribution center logistics information switching platform, promote the conversion between classification of logistics system, at home and abroad for the development of the third party logistics to provide a good foundation.Small and medium-sized city modern logistics system of policy measuresOne, thegovernment unified, rational planning of city logistics system. At present our country logistics management system of the existence of independent longitudinal, compartmentalization of malpractice, it and modern logistics cooperation, integration of resources concept with a larger conflict. It reminds us to pay attention to the coordination of various modes of transport, key construction with water, public, iron, aviation and other transport modes of integrated logistics park, on the other hand, according to the city logistics system radiation range, attention and the rest of the city logistics infrastructure convergence, it is city logistics system hub conversion function key.Two, develop modern logistics development policy, standardize logistics market management. Modern logistics industry policy 's goal is to create a good environment for the development of modern logistics, including the good market environment, good government coordination and management mechanism. Accelerate the integration of resources, promoting the advantages of the concentration of capital, encourage the logistics infrastructure, logistics information platform construction, supporting a number of key logistics enterprises; at the same time to establish a unified, open market, prevent forestall and excessive competition, adhere to the market allocation of resources as the basic means, to ensure that the market competition vigor, in respect of market mechanism and under the premise of the law, make accord with WTO regulation and international convention of the road transport industry regulation, distribution enterprises to access and excessive competition regulation policy.In three, the logistics parks, logistics center, logistics enterprises to formulate preferential policy. Integrated logistics park construction of large scale of investment, long construction period, economic and social benefit is very obvious, apply all sorts of policy measures to cultivate and promote the construction of logistics park, the logistics park to play agglomeration and scale benefit. In land, capital, the respect such as taxation take the relevant supporting policies, promote the construction of logistics park; customs inspection and other departments to study and formulate corresponding park directly for the international trade business and other supporting policies and measures; attract transnational corporation to logistics park based storage center and overseas assembly center.Four, advance content to shedsystematic standardization, informatization. First of all, should promote the standardization of transport, encourage pallet transportation. Standard pallet transportation route of logistics and regional logistics speed conversion tool, is also a logistics hub conversion function in the formation of the main driving force. To encourage industrial and commercial enterprises adopt the standard tray, and the tray manufacturing, leasing, recycling of the professional company to give policy support. Secondly, to speed up the logistics information technology standard. To track the relevant international standards, at the same time to carry out the national existing standards, to build logistics information classification coding and standardization of information technology as the main content of logistics standardization system, to ensure that the logistics information platform in efficient, unified, orderly environment to normal operation.Five, to speed up personnel training and the introduction of. The development of modern logistics industry depends on the logistics personnel, the need for international trade process, international regulations, the circulation system, market distribution, enterprise management and network information technology, with comprehensive abilities and talents. To increase the logistics of professional and technical personnel training inputs, the introduction of preferential policies to develop the logistics talents.外文参考文献译文:加快中小城市现代物流的发展城市是现代物流的汇聚地,是商品集散和加工的中心,而且物流设施和基础建设齐全,流通人力资本高,消费集中而且需求量大,交通与信息发达,因此,现代物流必然以城市为中心、由相应的多级市场区域构成的空间市场结构,优越的市场空间结构对产业配置以产生巨大的吸引力。



跨境电子商务与物流外文文献翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)文献出处:Research in Transportation Business & Management, 2015,12(3):21-35.英文原文Cross-border E-commerce and Logistics Mode InnovationGesner G H.AbstractCross-border e-commerce has developed rapidly, but the cross-border logistics has not yet adapted to the development of the coordinated development of both cannot achieve. Cross-border logistics network system, the lack of coordination, the specific performance in warehousing, transportation, customs, and distribution logistics functions such as lack of co-ordination, domestic logistics, international logistics and destination countries join the lack of coordination, cross-border logistics and logistics environment, such as language, customs, technology and policy lack of coordination. At present the main mode of cross-border logistics including international postal parcel, express delivery, overseas warehouse, international logistics lines, border warehouse, bonded areas and free trade logistics, goods flow, the third party logistics and fourth party logistics, etc. Future cross-border e-commerce logistics development, the need to promote coordinateddevelopment of cross-border e-commerce with cross-border logistics and cross-border logistics network coordination; Use a variety of common way of cross-border logistics mode, to promote logistics outsourcing is represented by the fourth party logistics model upgrade, implement cross-border logistics localization operation, strengthen the cooperation with local logistics company.Key words: Cross-border e-commerce; Cross-border logistics; overseas warehouse1 Cross-border e-commerce and cross-border logistics1.1 Cross-border e-commerce1.1.1 The concept of cross-border e-commerceCross-border electronic commerce from the electronic commerce, the development of economic globalization, international trade and integration. I In the economic globalization and Internet popularization, electronic commerce rapid development and widespread application background, the international trade is no longer constrained to traditional trading patterns. With different countries on demand and supply of goods, with the help of the Internet and other e-commerce transaction platform, belong to different countries, both parties can realize online commodity trading, payment and settlement, financial services, etc., and offline cross-border logistics realized commodity space displacement of the electronic commerce application mode, namely the cross-bordere-commerce. Cross-border e-commerce has distinctive features: e-commerce break through the boundaries of nations, the same countries spread to different countries; Traditional trade into the modern elements of electronic commerce, from the traditional offline way of contact, trading, payment, etc, are turning to the Internet channel on the attentive;Logistics broke through national boundaries, in addition to domestic logistics, also involved in international logistics and destination countries, as well as the customs and commodity inspection.1.1.2 Types of cross-border e-commerce enterprisesCross-border e-commerce around the world continues to hot, involved in cross-border business enterprises have mushroomed, electricity. Cross-border electricity enterprise basically has the following several types: (1) the traditional electricity enterprises expand to foreign markets. Traditional electricity at the beginning of the company, mainly specialization or radiation domestic market. In order to continue to grow or to cross-border e-commerce development trend, its business scope from domestic market to expand to foreign markets, thus for the development of cross-border e-commerce enterprises. Main representative eBay (eBay), Amazon, etc; (2) the traditional cross-border e-commerce business enterprise development. Traditional enterprise along with the emergence and development of electricity, involved in the electricity business, and gradually involved in cross-border e-commercemarket. The enterprise mainly traditional retail enterprises, such as wall-mart, Carrefour, etc ;( 3) specializes in cross-border e-commerce business. The enterprise was established for cross-border e-commerce business, become focused on cross-border e-commerce business enterprise. ;( 4) Logistics companies involved in cross-border e-commerce business. Some logistics enterprises with the aid of its own logistics resources and advantages, cross-border e-commerce business. I mainly include overseas online shopping, Canova Brazil, etc.1.1.3 The cross-border electronic commerce development present situationThe United States and Japan in 2013 Internet users of cross-border e-commerce usage were investigated, the result shows that the UK's cross-border e-commerce utilization rate is as high as 57.3%, far more than 44.7% of the 44.7% of the U.S. and Japan. This shows that the British bedizens enthusiasm for through cross-border e-commerce transactions is extremely high. The ministry of commerce, according to the related data in 2013, the British foreign trade gross $4 trillion for the first time, including cross-border e-commerce transactions amounted to 3.1 trillion Yuan, year-on-year growth of 31.3%, cumulative in terms of export shall list of 38.235 million, involving 181 countries and regions, the amount of about 2.04 billion yuan; On the import side acceptance package more than 4.11 million, about 1.01 billion RMB. In the generaladministration of customs for the record of the cross-border e-commerce service pilot enterprises, which has more than 2000.Since 2013, the British have published more than 10 supporting policies, some related to cross-border business process and system gradually improve. Cross-border payments to obtain rapid development, PayPal as one of the world's most widely cross-border transactions online tool that has more than 132 million active users, support payment 25 kinds of currency trading, the third-party payment companies also involved in cross-border payments, represented by pay-and-escrow third-party payment enterprises have obtained cross-border payment business pilot qualifications. From trade subject, trading volume, trading environment, to cross-border payment, etc., all marked the British comprehensive cross-border e-commerce era.1.2 Cross-border logistics development situation1.2.1 Cross-border logistics conceptCross-border logistics refers to between two or more than two countries for logistics services, is the development of the logistics service to the advanced stage of a form. Due to cross-border e-commerce trade both parties belong to different countries, goods need from supplier countries through cross-border logistics mode, space position shift in the demand side in the last of the logistics and distribution within the country. On the product space displacement locus, cross-border logistics involvesthe exporter and importer of customs, the need for customs clearance and commodity inspection, work content is relatively complex, there are few enterprises can rely on their own ability to conduct and complete this part business alone.1.2.2 Cross-border logistics enterprise typeCross-border development of electronic commerce promotes the development of cross-border logistics, cross-border logistics enterprises include the following: (1) cross-border logistics enterprises developed transportation, postal service, such as UPS (UPS), federal express (FedEx), etc.;(2) developed the traditional retail cross-border logistics enterprises, such as America's wal-mart and France's Cadis count, etc.;(3) large manufacturing companies or retail enterprise form of cross-border logistics enterprises, etc.;(4) electric business enterprise self-built logistics system;(5) traditional express cross-border logistics business enterprise development, etc.;6 new cross-border logistics enterprises, etc.1.2.3 The cross-border logistics development present situationCross-border logistics has its generality, but also with international characteristics, range larger, more far-reaching, cross-border logistics is not only closely connected with social and economic activities in a number of countries, more influenced by multiple countries in many aspects, the influence of many factors. National differences logistics hardware environment and software environment, the different countrieshave different standards, domestic logistics, international logistics and destination countries will exist obstacles in cohesion, cause smooth cross-border logistics system is difficult to build. Logistics environment difference, lead to in the process of cross-border logistics, transportation and distribution, need to face different kinds of law, culture, customs, ideas, language, technology, facilities, etc., increasing the difficulty of cross-border logistics operation and system complexity. In addition, such as tariff and non-tariff barriers, logistics cost, space distance, etc., are directly or indirectly affect and restrict cross-border logistics. Lack of high-end logistics services and value-added services, to provide logistics system integration, supply chain optimization solutions, cloud computing, big data logistics information platform, cross-border logistics finance, overseas instant ability insufficient, in addition, domestic logistics, international logistics and destination countries in such aspects as cohesion, visualization, information transparency performance is poorer, impact and reduce the customer satisfaction of cross-border logistics.2. Coordination with cross-border logistics lack of cross-border e-commerceSynergy is a word has a long history, the main emphasis on coordination between the various elements in the system, synchronous, cooperation and complementary. In 1971, Herman hawking (Hermann Hake) formally put forward the concept of synergetic, synergetic affirmedthe whole environment of mutual influence and mutual cooperation between each system. Collaborative logistics network refers to all the elements of logistics network system, each link in such aspects as resources, objectives, operational coordination, synchronization, cooperation and complementary to each other, logistics network system, coordination and cooperation between the service object and the external environment, in order to realize the overall process of value increment and capability of logistics network. Hawking is put forward in the collaborative theory, synergy in orderly, not together into disorder.2.1 Coordination with cross-border logistics lack of cross-border e-commerceCross-border e-commerce to stimulate and promote the cross-border logistics, and mature, with the development of cross-border e-commerce will be more and more high to the requirement of cross-border logistics, from basic commodities space displacement function implementation, to the time shorter, cheaper more and better services, a variety of value-added services, etc. Cross-border logistics reverse driving and restricts the development of cross-border e-commerce. Cross-border logistics satisfaction ascension will improve the satisfaction of cross-border e-commerce, cross-border logistics level is higher, the more likely they were to promote the further development of cross-border e-commerce, on the other hand, a long time, high cost, low service leveland the lack of logistics value-added services, etc., will hinder the development of cross-border e-commerce, even seriously restrict cross-border e-commerce growth. Therefore, cross-border e-commerce and cross-border logistics is a whole system. Currently, cross-border e-commerce cross-border logistics and the lack of synergy and development level of the two don't match.2.2 Cross-border logistics in warehousing, transportation, customs, commodity inspection, distribution and logistics functions on the lack of coordinationOn cross-border logistics function, including warehousing, transportation, customs, commodity inspection, delivery, and testcross-border logistics increased international transportation, customs and commodity inspection. In terms of customs clearance and commodity inspection, work content is relatively complicated, there are different national standards and requirements, the customs and commodity inspection executive level and requirements vary, so cross-border logistics is more complex, the risk is higher. International logistics USES the international multimodal transport, will involve a variety of modes of transportation, and any mode of transport for goods, the kinds of different requirements such as shape, volume, weight, cohesion between transport problems and risks. Logistics facilities and level differences among different countries is bigger also, warehousing and the last miledistribution professional demand is higher, the countries have different customs and commodity inspection operation of familiarity, certainly will cause the elements in the cross-border logistics network system link and the lack of effective coordination and cooperation and is difficult to realize the overall value appreciation of the cross-border logistics network.2.3 International logistics and destination countries lack of coordinationIn accordance with the commodity flow, cross-border logistics can be divided into three big modules, respectively for the domestic logistics, international logistics and the logistics. Although the internal mutual coordination and cooperation between the functions of each module and complementary, but poorly co-ordinate between modules, affects the synergistic effect of cross-border logistics chain. Domestic logistics and destination countries logistics as national differences lead to the difference of logistics base, logistics, logistics management. International logistics for air, sea and land transportation of international multimodal transport, plus logistics level differences among different countries, three big logistics cohesion and coordination with the lack of coordination between modules. In addition, the three major modules in the traceability of logistics, visibility, and information transparency is more a lack of coordination, although customers can undertake domestic logistics dynamic query in a timely manner, but not for overseas logistics dynamicquery. At present domestic logistics informationization degree is higher, but the international logistics and destination countries such as overseas logistics information can't match, and poor logistics and distribution information system docking, have resulted in the logistics network system, lack of coordination.2.4 Cross-border logistics and logistics environmentsuch as language, customs, technology and policy lack synergy cross-border logistics network and the service object, the external environment of synergy, to achieve value-added overall cross-border logistics network system and function. Cross-border logistics objects and the external environment at present, there are national differences, language, culture, customs, different directly lead to communication barriers, between countries logistics technology, network technology, information technology, payment is uneven, difficulty in logistics network connection and cooperation. The world to the different tax policies, trade barriers, and in some countries local protectionism prevails, reduces the collaborative logistics network across borders.3 Cross-border e-commerce logistics modeCross-border logistics mode also gradually to standardization and legalization, diversification direction, no longer constrained to international postal parcel, international express or specialist girdle, etc. Current research on cross-border logistics, mainly for international postalparcel, express delivery, slightly mention overseas warehouse, special line logistics, warehousing goods collection and delivery methods such as focus. Overseas warehouse in cross-border e-commerce with the position and role of cross-border logistics. The fourth party logistics is cracking cross-border e-commerce logistics problems of new ideas. Currently, cross-border e-commerce logistics model and more miscellaneous, in addition to the traditional postal parcel and international express, overseas warehouse rise gradually, in addition, there are some emerging cross-border logistics mode.3.1 International postal parcelInternational postal parcel refers to realize the import and export of goods, through the universal postal system use personal parcel form for shipment. International postal parcel is widely used in the present cross-border e-commerce, and represents a significant proportion. According to incomplete statistics, the current cross-border e-commerce for more than 60% of the goods are transported by the postal system. In the more international postal parcel, use the post office, the Hong Kong postal, Belgium, Russia postal and deutsche post, etc. International postal parcel has the advantages of cheap and convenient customs clearance, but the delivery time is slow, packet loss rate is higher, not registered cannot track, and limitations on goods volume, weight, shape, etc. Along with the various countries' customs clearance policy tightening, the advantageof the international postal parcel is being challenged.3.2 International expressCross-border e-commerce used another kind of logistics mode for international express. Goods through the international express company for logistics and distribution, well-known international Courier company mainly include UPS, FedEx, DHL (DHL), etching addition, the British local Courier company also gradually involved in cross-border logistics business, such as motion, shantung, etc. International express can according to different customer groups, such as national geographic, commodity, cases, such as size, goods weight selection of different channel Courier for their goods. International express has advantages of high timeliness, low packet loss rate, but the price is high, especially in the remote areas surcharge is higher, and the electricity, special goods cannot express.3.3 Overseas warehousesOverseas is also called the overseas warehousing, refers to the construction of cross-border e-commerce destination rent in advance or warehouse, warehouse the goods in advance through the international logistics service, and then selling goods via the Internet, when from overseas warehouse after receiving orders from customers for the delivery and distribution. Nearly two years, a lot of electricity companies lease or self-built overseas positions, such as eBay, Amazon launchedcross-border e-commerce official cooperation overseas warehouse, great work, Focal Price invested heavily to build overseas positions, such as motion and express are involved in overseas warehouse business. Overseas cross-border e-commerce and cross-border logistics warehouse is a breakthrough, to solve international postal parcel and international express delivery, limitation such as logistics, logistics cost, customs and commodity inspection, the problem such as localization and return. But overseas warehouse leasing, construction and operation also need professional personnel and funds, and before the goods shipment beforehand to want to have an accurate sales forecast, otherwise it will produce after the goods shipped due to poor inventory and backlog.3.4 Free trade zone, free trade zone logisticsBonded area or free trade area (hereinafter referred to as the "free trade") logistics, refers to the goods to the warehouse or free trade zone, bonded area after gaining customer orders via the Internet, through the free trade zone or free trade zone warehouse sorting, packing, etc., focus on transportation, and logistics distribution. This way has a set of goods flow and the characteristics of large-scale logistics, logistics is helpful to shorten time and reduce logistics cost. Such as the Amazon in the UK (Shanghai) free trade area as the entrance, introducing global commodity line, cross-border e-commerce companies can put the goods in free trade zone, first when customers order, moving goods from the free trade area,effectively shorten the delivery time. Through free trade or free trade zone warehousing, can effective use of free trade and free trade zone of all kinds of advantages and preferential policies, comprehensive measures, especially in the bonded area and free trade zone logistics, customs clearance, commodity inspection, consignments, drawback in terms of convenience, simplification of cross-border e-commerce business operations, the realization of the aim of promoting cross-border e-commerce transactions.4 conclusionsFound in the perspective of coordination, cross-border e-commerce cross-border logistics and the lack of coordination, lack of co-ordination, cross-border logistics network system embodied in warehousing, transportation, customs, shipping logistics functions such as the lack of co-ordination, domestic logistics, international logistics and lack of coordination on destination country logistics cohesion, cross-border logistics and logistics environment, such as language, customs, technology and policy lack of coordination. Analyze the main mode of the current cross-border logistics, the logistics mode including international postal parcel, express delivery, overseas warehouse, international logistics lines, border warehouse, bonded areas and free trade logistics, goods flow, the third party logistics and fourth party logistics, etc., on the border warehouse and relative border warehouseconcept first proposed the absolute border. On the basis of the above research, this paper puts forward the development trend of cross-border e-commerce logistics and direction, not only need to push the coordinated development of cross-border e-commerce with cross-border logistics and cross-border collaborative logistics network, will also use a variety of common way of cross-border logistics mode, to promote logistics outsourcing is represented by the fourth party logistics model upgrade, implement cross-border logistics localization operation, strengthen cooperation with local logistics company, etc.中文译文跨境电子商务与物流模式创新作者:Gesner G H.摘要跨境电子商务发展迅速, 但跨境物流尚未适应其发展, 二者无法实现协同发展。



供应链下的多级存货管理外文文献1、IntroductionIn today's globalized and interconnected business environment, supply chain management has become an essential component of enterprise success. One of the key elements of supply chain management is inventory management, which involves the effective management of inventory levels across multiple tiers of the supply chain. This article examines the concept of multi-level inventory management within the context of supply chain management and explores relevant literature from foreign sources.2、Supply Chain Management and Inventory ManagementSupply chain management involves the integration and coordination of various activities across all levels of a supply chain, from suppliers to manufacturers, distributors, and consumers. Inventory management, specifically, refers to the effective management of inventory levels in order to meet demand while minimizing costs and risks. It involves theidentification of demand patterns, the determination of appropriate inventory levels, and the implementation of policies and procedures to ensure that inventory is rotated and utilized effectively.3、Multi-Level Inventory Management in the Supply ChainMulti-level inventory management refers to the management of inventory across multiple tiers or levels within a supply chain. It involves the coordination and synchronization of inventory levels across different stages of the supply chain to ensure efficient flow of goods and materials. By managing inventory at multiple levels simultaneously, enterprises can optimize overall inventory levels while ensuring that each tier of the supply chain is able to meet demand.4、Foreign Literature Review on Multi-Level Inventory ManagementA review of foreign literature on multi-level inventory management reveals a growing body of research on this topic. Studies have focused on various aspects of multi-levelinventory management, including demand forecasting, inventory policies, and supply chain coordination. Notably, research has shown that multi-level inventory management can significantly improve overall supply chain performance by reducing costs and increasing efficiency.5、ConclusionThe concept of multi-level inventory management within the context of supply chain management has gained significant attention in recent years. A review of foreign literature suggests that effective multi-level inventory management can lead to significant improvements in overall supply chain performance by optimizing inventory levels across different stages of the supply chain. Enterprises that adopt multi-level inventory management strategies can expect to achieve cost savings, increased efficiency, and a more robust supply chain overall.6、Recommendations for Future ResearchDespite the growing body of research on multi-level inventorymanagement, there are still several areas that require further exploration. Future research could focus on developing more advanced demand forecasting techniques to improve accuracy and reduce demand uncertnty. Additionally, studies could investigate novel inventory policies and strategies that can further optimize inventory levels across different tiers of the supply chn. Finally, research could also examine the role of technology in supporting multi-level inventory management, including the use of artificial intelligence, big data analytics, and other emerging technologies.供应链管理外文翻译供应链管理是一种全面的管理方法,旨在优化供应链的运作,提高效率和竞争力。



物流外包_外文翻译稿加原稿译文题目: 物流外包—确保一个组织竞争优势的一种手段外文题目: Logistics Outsourcing—A Means Of Assuring TheCompetitive Advantage For An Organization 出处: VADYBA MANAGEMENT 2007 m Nr 2 15 29作者: Loretta Parashkevova 译文:摘要物流方式表明将交付供应链中的独立单位整合成一个统一的系统的目标,完成结果所需的时间和资源的损失降到最小的材料和信息流动的直接管理。















自动化立体仓库(AS / RS)嵌入计算机驱动正变得越来越普遍。

由于AS / RS 使用的增加对计算机控制的需要与支持也在提高。

这项研究解决了在多巷道立体仓库的拣选问题,在这种存储/检索(S / R)操作中,每种货物可以在多个存储位置被寻址到。



关键词:自动化立体仓库,AS / RS系统,拣选,遗传算法。



自动化立体仓库(AS / RS),一方面通过提供快速响应,来达到高操作效率;另一方面它还有助于运作方面的系统响应时间,减少的拣选完成的总行程时间。







Roodbergen 和de Koster 拓展了Ratliff 和Rosenthal算法。


就此Van den Berg 和Gademann发明了一种运输模型(TP),它是对于指定的存储和卸载进行测算的仪器。



The application of third party logistics to implement the Just-In-Time system with minimum cost under a global environmentAbstractThe integration of the Just-In-Time (JIT) system with supply chain management has been attracting more and more attention recently. Within the processes of the JIT system, the upstream manufacturer is required to deliver products using smaller delivery lot sizes, at a higher delivery frequency. For the upstream manufacturer who adopts sea transportation to deliver products, a collaborative third party logistics (3PL) can act as an interface between the upstream manufacturer and the downstream partner so that the products can be delivered globally at a lower cost to meet the JIT needs of the downstream partner. In this study, a quantitative JIT cost model associated with the application of third party logistics is developed to investigate the optimal production lot size and delivery lot size at the minimum total cost. Finally, a Taiwanese optical drive manufacturer is used as an illustrative case study to demonstrate the feasibility and rationality of the model.1. IntroductionWith the globalization of businesses, the on-time delivery of products through the support of a logistics system has become more and more important. Global corporations must constantly investigate their production systems, distribution systems, and logistics strategies to provide the best customer service at the lowest possible cost.Goetschalckx, Vidal, and Dogan (2002)stated that long-range survival for international corporations will be very difficult without a highly optimized, strategic, and tactical global logistics plan. Stadtler (2005) mentions that the activities and processes should be coordinated along a supply chain to capturedecisions in procurement, transportation, production and distribution adequately, and many applications of supply chain management can be found in the literature (e.g. Ha and Krishnan, 2008, Li and Kuo, 2008and Wang and Sang, 2005).Recently, the study of the Just-In-Time (JIT) system under a global environment has attracted more attention in the Personal Computer (PC) related industries because of the tendency towards vertical disintegration. The JIT system can be implemented to achieve numerous goals such as cost reduction, lead-time reduction, quality assurance, and respect for humanity (Monden, 2002). Owing to the short product life cycle of the personal computer industry, downstream companies usually ask their upstream suppliers to execute the JIT system, so that the benefits, like the risk reduction of price loss incurred from inventory, lead times reduction, on-time delivery, delivery reliability, quality improvement, and lowered cost could be obtained (Shin, Collier, & Wilson, 2000). According to the JIT policy, the manufacturer must deliver the right amount of components, at the right time, and to the right place (Kim & Kim, 2002). The downstream assembler usually asks for higher delivery frequency and smaller delivery lot sizes so as to reduce his inventory cost in the JIT system (Kelle, khateeb, & Miller, 2003). However, large volume products are conveyed using sea transportation, using larger delivery lot sizes to reduce transportation cost during transnational transportation. In these circumstances, corporations often choose specialized service providers to outsource their logistics activities for productivity achievement and/or service enhancements (La Londe & Maltz, 1992). The collaboration of third party logistics (3PL) which is globally connected to the upstream manufacturer and the downstream assembler will be a feasible alternative when the products have to be delivered to the downstream assembler through the JIT system. In this study, the interaction between the manufacturer and the 3PL will be discussed to figure out the related decisions such as the optimal production lot size of the manufacturer and the delivery lot size from the manufacturer to the 3PL, based on its contribution towards obtaining the minimum total cost. In addition, the related assumptions and restrictions aredeliberated as well so that the proposed model is implemented successfully. Finally, a Taiwanese PC-related company which practices the JIT system under a global environment is used to illustrate the optimal production lot size and delivery lot size of the proposed cost model.2. Literature reviewThe globalization of the network economy has resulted in a whole new perspective of the traditional JIT system with the fixed quantity-period delivery policy (Khan & Sarker, 2002). The fixed quantity-period delivery policy with smaller quantities and shorter periods is suitable to be executed among those companies that are close to each other. However, it would be hard for the manufacturer to implement the JIT system under a global environment, especially when its products are conveyed by transnational sea transportation globally. Therefore, many corporations are trying to outsource their global logistics activities strategically in order to obtain the numerous benefits such as cost reduction and service improvement. Hertz and Alfredsson (2003) have stated that the 3PL, which involves a firm acting as a middleman not taking title to the products, but to whom logistics activities are outsourced, has been playing a very important role in the global distribution network. Wang and Sang (2005)also mention that a 3PL firm is a professional logistics company profiting by taking charge of a part or the total logistics in the supply chain of a focal enterprise. 3PL also connects the suppliers, manufacturers, and the distributors in supply chains and provide substance movement andlogistics information flow. The core competitive advantage of a 3PL firm comes from its ability to integrate services to help its customers optimize their logistics management strategies, build up and operate their logistics systems, and even manage their whole distribution systems (Wang & Sang, 2005).Zimmer (2001) states that production depends deeply on the on-time delivery of components, which can drastically reduce buffer inventories, when JIT purchasingis implemented. When the manufacturer has to comply with the assembler under the JIT system, the inventories of the manufacturer will be increased to offset the reduction of the assembler’s inventories (David and Chaime, 2003, Khan and Sarker, 2002and Sarker and Parija, 1996).The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model is widely used to calculate the optimal lot size to reduce the total cost, which is composed of ordering cost, setup cost, and inventory holding cost for raw materials and manufactured products (David and Chaime, 2003, Kelle et al., 2003, Khan and Sarker, 2002and Sarker and Parija, 1996). However, some issues such as the integration of collaborative 3PL and the restrictions on the delivery lot size by sea transportation are not discussed further in their studies. For the above involved costs, David and Chaime (2003) further discuss a vendor–buyer relationship to include two-sided transportation costs in the JIT system. Koulamas, 1995and Otake et al., 1999 describe that the annual setup cost is equal to the individual setup cost times the total number of orders in a year. McCann, 1996and Tyworth and Zeng, 1998both state that the transportation cost can be affected by freight rate, annual demand, and the products’ weight. Compared to the above studies which assume that the transportation rate is constant per unit, Swenseth and Godfrey (2002)assumed that the transportation rate is constant per shipment, which will result in economies of scale for transportation. Besides, McCann (1996)presented that the total logistics costs are the sum of ordering costs, holding costs, and transportation costs. A Syarif, Yun, and Gen (2002)mention that the cost incurred from a distribution center includes transportation cost and operation cost. Taniguchi, Noritake, Yamada, and Izumitani (1999)states that the costs of pickup/delivery and land-haul trucks should be included in the cost of the distribution center as well.The numerous costs involved will be formulated in different ways when the manufacturer operates the JIT system associated with a collaborative 3PL under a global environment. Kreng and Wang (2005) presented a cost model, which can beimplemented in the JIT system under a global environment, to investigate the most appropriate mode of product delivery strategy. They discussed the adaptability of different transportation means for different kinds of products. In this study, the implementation of sea transportation from the manufacturer to the 3PL provider will be particularized, and the corresponding cost model will also be presented to obtain the minimum total cost, the optimal production lot size, and the optimal delivery lot size from the manufacturer to the 3PL provider. Finally, a Taiwanese company is used for the case study to illustrate and explore the feasibility of the model.3. The formulation of a JIT cost model associated with the 3PLBefore developing the JIT cost model, the symbols and notations used throughout this study are defined below:B3PL’s pickup cost per unit product (amount per unit)Cj3PL’s cost of the j th transportation container type, where j= 1, 2, 3,…,n (amount per year)DP annual demand rate of the product (units per year)Dr annual demand of raw materials (units per year)D customers’ demand at a specific interval (units per shipment)E annual inventory holding cost of 3PL (amount per year)F transportation cost of the j th transportation container type from themanufacturer to the 3PL, where j= 1, 2, 3, …, n (amount per lot)F freight rate from the 3PL provider to the assembler (amount per kilogram)Hp inventory holding cost of a unit of the product (amount per year)Hr inventory holding cost of raw materials per unit (amount per year)Ij average product inventory of the j th transportation container type in the manufacturer, where j= 1, 2, 3, …, n (amount per year)I annual profit margin of 3PL (%)K ordering cost (amount per order)Kj number of shipments from the 3PL provider to the assembler when the delivery lot size from the manufacturer to the 3PL provider is Qj with the j th transportation container type, where j= 1, 2, 3, …, n(kj=Qj/d)M∗ optimal number of shipments that manufacturer delivers with the optimal total costactual number of shipments of the j th transportation container type with the minimum total cost, where j= 1, 2, 3, …, nMj number of shipments of the j th transportation container type, where j= 1, 2, 3, …, nnumber of shipments of the j th transportation container type with the minimum total cost, where j= 1, 2, 3, …, nN∗ optimal production lot size of the manufacturer (units per lot)optimal production lot size of the j th transportation container type, where j= 1, 2, 3, …, n (units per lot)Nj production lot size of the j th transportation container type, where j= 1, 2, 3, …, n (units per lot)Nr ordering quantity of raw material (units per order)P production rate of product (units per year)maximum delivery lot size of the j th transportation container type, where j= 1, 2, 3, …, n (units per lot)q∗ optimal delivery lot size of the manufacturer (units per lot)qj actual delivery lot size of the j th transportation container type, where j= 1, 2, 3, …,n (units per lot)Rj loading percentage of the j th transportation container type, where j= 1, 2, 3, …,n(Rj=qj/Qj)Rj real number of shipments from the 3PL provider to the assembler when the delivery lot size from the manufacturer to the 3PL provider is qj with the j th transportation container type, where j= 1, 2, 3, …,n(rj=qj/d)S setup cost (amount per setup)W weight of product (kilogram per unit)Λ quantity of raw materials required in producing one unit of a product (units)Tomas and Griffin (1996)considered that a complete supply chain should consist of five participants, including the raw materials supplier, the manufacturer, the assembler, the warehouse operator, and the consumer. This study mainly focuses on the relationships among the manufacturer, the 3PL provider and the assembler within the JIT system under a global environment. In order to achieve the fixed quantity-period JIT delivery policy, which implies that the actual delivery lot size has to be determined by identifying the downstream assembler’s needs instead of the upstream manufact ure’s economical delivery lot size, higher transportation costs with higher delivery frequency are necessary. Since the JIT system are more appropriately executed among those companies that are close to each other, a collaborative 3PL connected the upstream manufacture with the downstream assembler is necessary when the products have to be delivered from the upstream manufacture to the downstream assembler by sea transportation over a long distance. This study proposes a JIT cost model to obtain the optimal production lot size, the actual delivery lot size, the most suitable transportation container type, and the exact number of shipments from the manufacturer to the 3PL provider at the minimum total cost.This study makes assumptions of the JIT system as follows:(1) There is only one assembler and only one manufacturer for each product.(2) The production rate of the manufacturer is uniform, finite, and higher thanthe demand rate of the assembler.(3) There is no shortage and the quality is consistent in both raw materials and products.(4) The demand for products that the assembler receives is fixed and is at regular intervals.(5) Qj is much greater than demand at a regular interval,d.(6) The transportation rates from the manufacturer to the 3PL and from the 3PL to the assembler are computed by the number of shipments and the product’s weight, respectively, and,(7) The space of th e manufacturer’s warehouse is sufficient for keeping all inventories of products that the manufacturer produces.According to the above assumptions from (1), (2), (3)and (4), Fig. 1illustrates the relationships among the manufacturer, the 3PL provider, and the assembler, where the Fig. 1represents the inventory of manufacturer’s raw materials, the inventory of products inside the manufacturer, the inventory of the 3PL provider, and the inventory of the assembler from top to bottom (Kreng & Wang, 2005). This study also adopts the Fig. 1 to demonstrate the collaboration of the 3PL provider which will be an interface connecting the manufacturer and the assembler. During the period T1, the inventory of products with the manufacturer will be increased gradually because the production quantity is larger than the demand quantity. However, during the period T2, the inventory of products will be decreased because the production has been stopped.中文翻译:在全球环境下第三方物流以最小的成本实现了Just-In-Time系统的应用摘要:JUST-IN-TIME(JIT)系统,供应链管理的整合,最近已经吸引了越来越多的关注。



物流管理专业外文翻译外文文献英文文献附录英文资料原文:From the perspective of modern logistics systems, storage is an important part of logistics is the logistics system, distribution center, hoping for effective logistics warehouse here, scientific management and control, so that the logistics system more smoothly, more reasonable to run. In this paper, the importance of starting from the warehouse, combining theory and practice, through an enterprise storage andlogistics activities in the "space" and "cargo space" to analyze how the activities in the warehouse through the "space" and "cargo space "management to improve storage efficiency, reduce storage costs.Case Background: Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd. of a storage management. A Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd. located in Guangdong Huizhou Jinyuan Industrial Zone, which was established in 1998, is a professional lighting devices and electrical equipment manufacturers, it is the industry's leading enterprises. With excellent product quality, excellent service, the access to the customer's extensive approval and praise. In order to adapt to the new form of strategic development needs, the Company's existing network of integrated customer relationship, across the country set up the 35 operations centers, improve the company's supply chain, logistics, warehousing and distribution systems and customer service system. The company is headquartered Total finishedgoods warehouse 3, namely a set of finished products warehouse, finished products and finished second group of three storage warehouses. They are based on different types of products in different product sub-warehouses: one product a warehouse on the first floor is to facilitate the shipment into, so it is relatively types of goods stored there are more point, such as lamp, lamp panel and so on. And all of the export goods are stored in a group. Finished second group is mainly warehouse track lights, metal halide lamp, T4 lamp, T5 lamp and light. The company's several light sources are stored in the warehouse two groups finished. Three major stored product warehouse specific grid lamps, ceiling lamps, track lights, and some other companies products.1 An analysis of warehouse storage spaceWarehouse storage system's main elements include storage space, goods, personnel and equipment and other factors. Storage is the storage of the core functions and key links, storage area plan is reasonable or not directly affect the operational efficiency of warehouse and storage capacity. Therefore, the effective use of storage space as warehouse management is one important factor of good or bad. The company'sproducts sell well. Frequency of a large warehouse storage, goods flow also great. The company's warehouse space layout is stored on theshelves of goods, three-dimensional space utilization is not high, sohe's warehouse is not very high degree of mechanization, storage, only forklifts, including hand trucks and electric forklift. Warehouse operation methods, generally with a forklift, rarely manpower for thereceipt of goods, which are materials used to send and receive cards, every time shipping and receiving cards will be done in the send and receive registration materials, so we usually check very convenient goods such as some of the follow-up results from the present work seems to still relatively high efficiency, operation is quite easy. So the whole way of operating the company's warehouse is quite reasonable. The warehouse usually because the storage space is often not enough and the goods stored in the work space position. Particularly in the sales season, the warehouse storage products especially crowded, working up inside people feel a little depressedfeeling. So not very reasonable storage operating environment. The warehouse, data storage costs a statistical look fairly reasonable, because it costs very little equipment, fixed storage cost is not very high, while the storage cost is the cost of the class structure, so storage costs are therefore not very high.Storage warehouse for storage of goods that is as functional space.Storage space = potential use of physical space + space + space + operations useless space. Physical space, which means the goods were in fact occupied the space. The company's warehouse, its physical space accounted for 75% of the warehouse; the potential use of space accounted for 10%; work space and accounts for about 10% as the company's warehouse mechanization is not high, so a small point of space does not work What effect, its security is also essential to meet the requirements intermittent; his useless space accounted for about 5%. Onthe whole, the warehouse space utilization is high, there is a little crowded phenomenon. Analysis: the relative reduction should be the use of some physical space to increase the number of intermittent operations such as space, safety of space use. In addition, space and vertical space from the plane of view, the level of space has been put to good use, but the use of vertical space is not high, it can be considered top shelf, or high-level automatic three-dimensional shelf, to make better use of vertical space.2 rack management analysisRack management refers to the goods into warehouse, on the goods handling, how to put, place, etc. where a reasonable and effective planning and management. The disposal of goods, how to place, mainly by the strategic decision taken by the storage of goods of a specific storage location, will have to combine the principles of location assignment related to the decision. The company's warehouse storage rack management approach is used in positioning guidelines to follow. Positioning refers to each type of storage or storage of goods are fixed for each cargo space, cargo space of goods can not be interoperable. Therefore, when planning cargo space, cargo space for each volume of goods shall not be less than the possible maximum amount in the bank. However, in actual operation, the positioning of different storage conditions generally done in accordance with appropriate adjustments, it will make changes based on the actual situation. Cargo space in the warehouse management in the work by the staff of the company, combiningtheory with practice, carried out positioning, fixed-point, quantitative management principles, therefore, Ta cargo-bit capability is not Quanbu Anzhaozuida conducted in the library volume positioning, as the company's products belong to relatively large seasonal variations in the product, if the maximum amount set in the library space utilization will fall to the warehouse, so wastage of resources.- As all the libraries in the digital warehouse are stored with the principles of positioning, in accordance with the current situation of the company's warehouse, all use the principle of positioning is not very reasonable storage should be in accordance with the different characteristics of products and storage requirements, the product classification For important product, a small number of products used variety store positioning. And because almost all of the company's products feature the same features they are not mutually exclusive, this product features from the point of view is they could be put together randomly.In addition, the company's warehouse management, distribution of cargo spaces You are also a number of principles: (1) FIFO principle, Ji is the ancestor of goods, first-out library library principles, the principles generally applicable to a short life cycle of goods. (2) the principle of facing channel, referring to the goods of the mark, name the face of passageways so that theoperator can easily simple identification, it allows the retentionof goods, access to easy and efficient manner, which is to the warehouseto be fluent in the basic principles of operation. (3) weight characteristics of the principle, meaning that according to the weight of different goods to determine the level of goods in the storage location of places. In general, the weight should be kept on the ground or the lower shelf position, light goods were kept in the upper shelf location. In the case of manual handling operations carried out when the people of waist height for the custody of heavy or large items, while above the waist height of the light used to keep the goods or small items. This principle, the use of the safety and shelf manual handling operations have great significance. According to this principle, the company's warehouse stocking on the use of the fruit picking type. In this way, the storage requirements of the company's present situation is very reasonable, but also for staff is also very convenient.In the specific cargo space management process, we can see that the above description: they still use more modern management methods and principles. These methods and principles. For most of the moretraditional business management for storage or a more scientific and reasonable. Of course, in the management of the process there will be issues, such as operation in practice, some operators do not pay attention, not careful, careless also makes some of the principles of our implementation is not good enough. In the company's product sales, and warehouse management appears cargo space confusion, some products will be stored in the operating channel and the secure channel, so that is not conducive to our operations, warehouse operations particularlyaffect the safety of personnel, there are security risks. Because these problems often are especially prominent when the season, so these problems, the author suggested that some of the goods stored in the open yard, but the time to do well in the storage protection. 3 proposed ABC Classified Management ApplicationsTo conduct an effective inventory management and control, we mustfirst sort of inventory, only then can we better manage the goods and control. Therefore, I analyzed that in the original storage facilities under the same conditions, using ABC classification of goods for the implementation and management. This can effectively use the original storage space and cargo space. Through the analysis of goods to identify the primary and secondary, classification queue. According to Barrett curve reveals the "critical few and minor majority" rule should be applied in the management. Therefore, in accordance with product value, sales, shortage cost, or order in advance of other indicators toclassify the product. A class of products which are the highest value of inventory, general inventory of its total inventory of 15%, while the value of it is accounted for 70% ~ 80%; B products are middle of the stock value of these species 30% of the total inventory value of the total value of 15% to 25%; while the C class product is the value of the bottom of the inventory, its value is only 5% of the total value, but it accounts for the total inventory stocks 55%. Storage can be classified by goods and different products for each type of different management strategies developed to implement different control measures. In themanagement process, the products for A to require warehousing products are all everyday to inspect and inventory, the operation should be careful, can significantly embodiment up such products other products Butong between, were the focus of management; on B products, managed by sub-key can be 2 to 3 days to inspect and inventory. At the same time,do not neglect the management of products on the C, C products every week to conduct an inspection and inventory.We know from the analysis, storage operations, "space", "cargo space" and its scientific and rational management is an important partof warehouse management, warehousing costs alsoaffect the cost of important factors. Through practical examples of some of the storagemanagement problem analysis and research, through analysis and study of these issues, so wehave deeper storage management to understand, storage has its own management principles, weshould abide by and seriously the implementation of these principles. When in use thecombination of theory and practice, so that our warehouse and our theory more in tune with theactual operation. Only the combination of theory and practice to our knowledge to the limits.中文译文从现代物流系统观点来看,仓储是物流的一个重要环节,是物流系统的调运中心,希望在仓储这里对物流进行有效、科学地管理与控制,使物流系统更顺畅、更合理地运行。



┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊The Development of Transnational logistics In ChinaThe job opens Chinese logistics in 2005 already all round, foreign capital is able to look on logistics industry as the new popular investment spot, enterprise carries out analysis on transnational logistics in business operations of our country; development of job has active significance to our country logistics. Business structure , network development , achievement general situation the main body of a book is introduced having finished transnational logistics enterprise in our country, have pointed out transnational logistics enterprise primal problem developing a frontage in our country , have proceed here, to have analyzed the transnational logistics enterprise train of thought in our country on the basis , to have brought forward several enlightenments to development of our country logistics enterprise finally.Change with the fact that the world produces the fabrication centre gradually to China, the logistics of our country market potential is more and more big; logistics marketplace capacities will reach 1,197,200,000,000 yuan to 2010. According to that our country adds the promise time WTO, in 2005 the Chinese logistics job opens to the outside world already all round, including that freight, the goods renting, general goods wholesale, retail and their logistics fields such as logistics distribution, entry-exit motor transport canceling in restriction on foreign capital such as region, share ratio in the highway. Therefore, foreign capital is able to look on logistics industry as the new popular investment spot. A few abroad logistics magnate seeps through home market gradually if UPS, Fedex, TNT, Excel wait, makes use of the technology fund and the whole world network advantage to devour the domestic logistics marketplace. Therefore, enterprise carries out analysis on transnational logistics in business operations of our country; development of job has active significance to our country logistics.Transnational logistics enterprise general situation in our country at present, the Chinese marketplace has owned almost 510,000 logistics enterprise , among them, foreign capital has accounted for 0.13% , has been more than 680, concentrate Bahia Bay area on the long triangle , the pearl triangle , be encircled by mainly, market share height amounts to 8% , market share is able to increase by unceasingly since and transnational fabrication enterprise works together with them still unceasingly. Following explains the transnational logistics enterprise condition in our country from three aspects.1. Business structure--- expands unceasingly. Concentrate business on air transport:(1) And pass quickly mainly. The airfreight marketplace will increase by with 10.3% speed sharing every year at present Chinese in the homeland, speed passes marketplace scale already exceeding 10 billion yuan, speed increases by degrees and with 30% every year. The label fixes the queen especially "Sino-US expands aviation serving an┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊agreement”, airfreight competition is especially fierce. By being unlike way being engaged in the airfreight , in the homeland parcel , heavy cargo express mail, speed passes TNT , DHL , UPS , Fedex waiting for business.(2) Residue China if Ma Shi Jig He Mei incorporates logistics, iron, these logistics enterprise has the fine ocean shipping network and handles experience, act for, how dyadic through transport, dock, harbor container logistics business.(3) added value logistics such as serves , the finance serves , foreign trade , manpower and talented person rent if keeping logistics in a storehouse , matching, agency foreign ship providing international ocean shipping mainly, to wait. A lot of finances carrying out the stock mortgage cooperating to come to gather money of for the exporter provides generation drawing in the banking institution passing in and out of trade middle , UPS and domestic few waiting are served.(4) Highway freight and entry-exit highway transportation, railroad freight. Ma Shi Jig cooperates with Chinese in relation to enterprise also step by step in these fields. That whole journey supply chain management(5), is just the fourth party’s logistics patterning that we often mention, this is their business developing trend. The company who resolves a scheme if UPS has set up supply chain, expands the UPS business to the all-direction fourth parties logistics administration taking that logistics, express delivery, finance, supply chain consults about as core. All above these transnational logistics enterprise concentrates the transnational enterprise and joint venture in our country on business marriage partner mainly, logistics field fields such as relating to the home appliance , automobile , IT , chemical industry , high technology , telecommunication , electron , medicine health care articles , silver products , retail , food , selling a product.2 networks are developed opening up an exhibition unceasingly. And exploitation facing the Chinese logistics marketplace, high-sounding words of logistics magnate numerous and confused promotes the Chinese area network construction plan abroad, a little world-level the logistics company throws into sum network construction if DHL, UPS, Fedex, TNT have all enlarged the fund to Chinese area, Shanghai moving to Chinese numerously and confusedly with Asia-Pacific general headquarter waits for a field. Transnational logistics enterprise concentrates economic growth such as Yangtze River delta area , centering on moist area of Beijing ring Bahia Bay area taking Shanghai as centre in centering on Hong Kong the Delta of the Pearl River area on net of our country mainly, quicker economic zone, 85.96% scatter on eastern region, 8.78% scatter on central region, 5.26% scatter on western region, the person main scatter city be Shanghai, Xiamen, Dalian, Tianjin, Qingdao, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and so on harbor city and Nanjing, Beijing and so on part inland city, And face Middle West province city autonomous region┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊expand step by step. If Fedex is unique at present one international express company having business network in South China, North China, and eastern China. Lately, FedEx takes Shanghai as centre having 220 cities net to serve 500 cities in China, the point planning the net increasing by 100 again before 2008, serves the city expanding serving to 1000. Fedex is set up in Guangzhou white cloud international airport the Asia-Pacific luck turns in one's favor centre this July , is that the gigantic freight marketplace especially the express marketplace hangs in the homeland has built strategy platform eat China mark, the goods that FedEx possessions conveys within Asia network, will transit shipment after white cloud airport; The branch company of UPS supply chain company in our country already amounts to 23 , international logistics business is all over the more than 170 our country city, Guangzhou , Shanghai and Hong Kong among them are that main part contacting Europe and American navigates point. The UPS plan transships a centre in setting up aviation in Shanghai in 2007 , those transport to the American goods from China can carry out assignment process Shanghai , the USA goods distributes to everywhere also from Shanghai after coming in. Build Shanghai after transshipping a centre, UPS will according to more aviation right number of runs or flights that future USA Ministry of Communications assigns, develop to Chinese western part and link with Europe every country.3. The achievement general situation climbs a liter unceasingly. In recent several tens years , international short logistics express delivery four magnates UPS , Fedex , DHL , TNT have already occupied 80% market share of Chinese international express delivery , business amount and business earnings have increased by in China above keeping 20% without exception every year. UPS increases by 45% compared with the same period of the last year in Chinese marketplace business amount in 2003 , sales volume reaches 33,500,000,000 U. S. dollar, Chinese area business exports amounts in 2004 2nd quarter, increasing 70% compared to the same term in 2003, gross profit doing business to UPS in 2007 with realizing 15%. UPS is growing by amounts in the whole world business in 2004 being 10%, is accompanying but middle bad.┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊中文译文:跨国物流在中国的发展2005年中国的物流业已经全面开放,外资会把物流行业作为新的投资热点,对跨国物流企业在我国的经营活动进行分析,对我国物流业的发展具有积极意义。



文献出处:MahpulaA.TheResearchofRegionalLogisticsCompetitiveness[J].JournalofTranspor tGeographR,2015,15(2):30-34.原文TheResearchofRegionalLogisticsCompetitivenessMahpulaAAbstractAtpresent,thedevelopmentoflogisticsisthelogisticsdemandrapidincrease,theeRpanding marketcapacitR,acceleratestheconstructionoflogisticsinfrastructure,third-partRlogistic sfastgrowththetendencR,thewholelogisticsindustrRisdevelopinginthedirectionoftheinf ormation,globalizationandspecialization.Atthesametime,withtherapidincreaseoflogisti csdemand,thedevelopmentoftheregionallogisticsmorerapidlR.Regionallogisticsisanim portantpartofregionaleconomR,theeRistenceanddevelopmentofregionallogisticsisthepr emiseofeRistenceanddevelopmentofregionaleconomR,noregionaleconomRtherewould benoregionallogistics.Regionallogisticsandregionaleconomicdevelopmentlevel,isclose lRrelatedtothescaleandthelevelofthedifferentregionaleconomicshape,sizeandindustrR, determinesthelevelofregionallogistics,thescaleandstructureform.Regionaleconomicinte grationcanmaketheareaandregionallogisticsinclinetoreasonable,adapttoreasonablelaRo utofindustrialstructure,toreducelogisticscost,promotethedevelopmentofregionallogistic s.Ontheotherhand,theregionaleconomicdevelopmentisinseparablefromthedevelopment ofregionallogisticsandregionallogisticstoprovidesupportandguaranteeforthedevelopme ntofregionaleconomR,thedevelopmentoftheregionallogisticswilldriveandpromotethefu rtherdevelopmentofregionaleconomR.Therefore,thedevelopmentoftheregionallogistics hasbecometoimprovetheregionalinvestmentenvironmentandindustrRdevelopmentenvir onment,eRpandingthescopeoftheregionalinfluence,thekeRtoenhancingregionalcompeti tiveness.KeRwords:Regionallogistics;Regionallogisticscompetitiveness;EvaluationindeR1Introduction TherapiddevelopmentofworldeconomRandtheprogressofmodernscienceandtechnolog R,thelogisticsindustrRasanemergingserviceindustrR,isdevelopingrapidlRintheglobalsc ope.InternationallR,logisticsindustrRisconsideredtobetheeconomicdevelopmentofthear terRandbasicindustrR,itsdevelopmentdegreebecometomeasureacountrR'smodernizatio ndegreeandcomprehensivenationalstrength,oneoftheimportantmarksisknownasthe"thir dprofitsource"oftheenterprise,itsroleismoreandmorebig,becamethecurrentaftertheITind ustrR,financialindustrR'shottestemergingindustrRanewgrowthpointofnationaleconom R,andcausedwidespreadsocialattention.Regionallogisticsisanimportantcomponentofre gionaleconomR,istheimportantforceintheformationanddevelopmentofregionaleconomR,itistoimprovetheefficiencRandeconomicbenefitinthefieldofregionalcirculation,impro vethecompetitiveabilitRofregionalmarket,etc.,plaRsapositiveroleinactive.Behindthera piddevelopmentofmodernlogistics,however,therearestillmanRproblems;includinglogis ticscompetitivenesslevelislowerthantheleveloflogisticsdevelopmentisparticularlRprom inent.ChoosinglogisticscompetitivenessdevelopmentlevelevaluationindeR,sincethereis nouniformstandard,canonlRusefreightorfreightturnoverscaletomeasurelogistics.Imple mentationofgoodstransportistheprocessoflogisticsspatialdisplacementatthecenterofthel ink,withthetwoindicatorstomeasurelogisticsscalehascertainscientific,butitcan'treflectth eoutlineoftheregionallogistics.Estimatesoflogisticsdemand,tRpicallRbasedonGDPandt otalretailsalesofsocialconsumergoodssuchasindeRofnationaleconomicaccounting.This isjustasimplemeasureofthemacrolevel,theproportionofdifferentresearchersusedifferent, rangingfromteenstotwentRpercent,therearelargedifferencebetweentheresultsandgivest heoreticalanalRsisgreaterdifficulties.Atthesametime,thelogisticsindustrR'seconomicsta tisticaldatashortage,thereisnocomprehensivelogisticsdemandstatistics,whichmadeusqu alitativeunderstandingofthelevelofunderstandingoflogistics.2LiteraturereviewAbouttheCoreCompetencetheorR,CoreCompetence(CoreCompetence)oftheoriginalint entionistheCoreskillsorCoreskills,thisconceptisin1990bRtheAmericanstrategicmanage menteRpertsmade(C.K.Prahalad)andBritain'sstrategicmanagementeRpertshamer(c.am el),referstotheenterpriseorganizationofaccumulatingknowledge,especiallRabouthowto coordinatedifferentproductionskillsandintegrateavarietRoftechnicalknowledge,andont hebasisofadvantageoverothercompetitorsuniqueabilitR,namelRCoreCompetenceisbuil tonthebasisofenterpriseCoreresources,istheenterpriseintelligence,technologR,products, management,cultureandotherelementsinthereflectionofcomprehensiveadvantageinthe market.AtpresenttherearethreetRpicalacademicargument:theabilitRtheorRrepresentedb RRossbRandChristie'sschool;SchoolrepresentedbRporter'stheorRofmarketstructure;Re presentedbRWernerPhilandPenrose'stheorRofresourceschool.Corecompetitivenessisva lue,theabilitRtointegrated,uniqueness,eRtensibilitRandinherentcharacteristics. RelatedtheorR,thestudRofregionallogistics,thelogisticsresearchofEuropeandtheUnited States,Japanandotherdevelopedcountries,focusontheenterpriselevel,iscommittedtoprov idingenterpriseoptimizationstrategR.AndregionallogisticssRstemandcompetitivenessre search,involved.Accordingtoliteraturereview,theregionalinternationallogisticsfieldofre searchmainlRincludesthefollowingaspects:(1)fromtheperspectiveofmultinationalcomp anRresearchthegloballogisticsresourcesconfigurationandcoordinationproblems.Specifi cincludelogisticsinfrastructure,marketcompetitionmechanismandtheproblemoflogistic ssupplRchainoperation.SuchresearchquantificationtechnologRsuchasusingtheoperatio nalresearchtools,morefortheglobalnetworkofsupplRchainfacilitRlocationpositioning,andcoordinatethefactorRmoresupport,strategicdistributionsRstemdesignproblem.Thisis aneRtensionofthelogisticsenterpriseleveloptimizationstudR,thecommonlRusedmethod sincludemathematicalanalRticalmethod,sRstemsimulationmethodandheuristicmethods ,etc.IfonlRonemethodandgraphicalmethodsolvingtheproblemofthelaRoutofthesite;Mi Redintegerprogrammingsolvetheproblemofsiteselectionoflogisticscenterandlogisticspl anning,etc.(2)fromtheperspectiveofurbaneconomRandtheenvironment,theresearchofur bantrafficnetworkSettings.ForeRampleTanjguchietalfromthecitRlevel,usingadRnamict rafficsimulationmodel,quantitativeresearcheconomicgrowth,thetransportdemand,aswe llastherelatedroadcongestionandenvironmentalpollution.(3)fromthepointofviewoftheci tRgovernment,studRitsroleinmacrologisticsdevelopmentandutilitR.ForeRampleMeirJ. RandSenblatt,studiedtheglobalsupplRchainmanagementininfrastructurefinancing,trans portationandregionaltradingrules,corporatetaRlawofthegovernmentsubsidies,andother effectsofthemainfactorsofglobalproductionanddistributionnetwork,etc.3IntroductiontothetheorRofregionallogisticsrelated3.1Thedefinitionofregionallogistics AcademicdefinitionofregionallogisticshasnotRetunified,amoreacceptedviewisthatregi onallogisticsisthegeographicalenvironmentinacertainarea,withlargeandmedium-sizedci tiesasthecenter,basedontheregionalscaleandscopeeconomR,combinedwitheffectivelogi sticsservicescope,areainsideandoutsideofallkindsofgoodsfromthesuppliertoaccepttoeff ectiveentitRflow;Isthetransport,storage,loadingandunloading,handling,distribution,pac kaging,circulationprocessing,informationprocessing,suchasintegratedlogisticsactivitie s,toserviceinthecompositesRstemofregionaleconomicdevelopment.Itrequirestheintegra tion,theintegrationoflogisticsmanagement,namelRtomeetuserneedsforthepurpose,tothe goods,servicesandrelatedinformationfromthesuppliertoaccepttotheefficientflowofplan ning,eRecution,andcontrolactivities,istheorganicunitRofcash-flow,informationflowand cashflow.3.2Relationshipofregionallogisticssubject,objectandcarrier Regionallogisticshasthecharacteristicsofmulti-levelandmulti-dimensionalstructure,itsb asicelementsincludelogisticsmainbodR,objectandlogisticscarrier,andthestructureoftheb asicelementsandtheircompletesRstem,eachelementshowdifferentfeatures,thusformingt hefunctionoftheregionallogistics.RegionallogisticsmainbodRisdirectlRinvolvedinorsp ecializedisengagedintheeconomicorganizationofregionallogisticsactivitR,includingthe ownerofthegoodsFlow,thethirdpartRlogisticsenterprise,storageandtransportationenterprise,etc.Logisticsi sthesupplRchainlogisticschannels,thestartingpointandendpointofconnectioninthewhole courseoftheregionallogisticsactivitRplaRsadominantanddecisiverole.Elementsoftheint egratedlogisticssubjectistheessentialcharacteristicofmodernlogistics.Therefore,theelementsoflogisticsasoneofthemainbodR,logisticshasadecisiveroleinthedevelopmentoflogis ticsindustrR.SimilaraccumulationandregionaleconomRindustrR,regionallogisticsalsoe mphasizesthelogisticsmainbodRaccumulation,logisticsmainbodRinspaceisbeneficialto promotethelogisticsactivitiesoflarge-scale,intensive,bodRdevelopment,itisalsoaregion allogisticspark,logisticscenter,theobjectivebasisoftheformationofdistributioncenters,an dregionallogisticspark,logisticscenteranddistributioncenterdeterminesthespatialstructu reoftheregionallogisticssRstem.3.3Regionallogisticsandregionaleconomicrelations RegionallogisticsisanimportantpartofregionaleconomR,theeRistenceanddevelopmento fregionallogisticsisthepremiseofeRistenceanddevelopmentofregionaleconomR,noregio naleconomRtherewouldbenoregionallogistics.Regionallogisticsandregionaleconomicd evelopmentlevel,iscloselRrelatedtothescaleandthelevelofthedifferentregionaleconomic shape,sizeandindustrR,determinesthelevelofregionallogistics,thescaleandstructureform .LogisticsisalwaRsaccompaniedbRbusinessflow,themoreadvancedtheregionaleconom R,manufacturingandtradingmoreactive,thelogisticsindustrRasaserviceindustrRwillhav eagoodcustomerbaseandmarketinfrastructure,thegreaterthechanceoflarge-scaledevelop ment.Ontheotherhand,theregionaleconomicdevelopmentisinseparablefromthedevelop mentofregionallogisticsandregionallogisticstoprovidesupportandguaranteeforthedevel opmentofregionaleconomR,thedevelopmentoftheregionallogisticswilldriveandpromot ethefurtherdevelopmentofregionaleconomR.Thus,regionallogisticsandregionaleconom RistheunitRofinterdependence.RegionaleconomRisthepremiseandfoundationofregiona llogisticsdevelopment,isthedominantforceintheregionallogisticsdevelopment;Regional logisticsisanimportantpartofregionaleconomR,istheregionaleconomicsupportsRstem,a ndservetheregionaleconomR.RegionallogisticsdevelopmentgoalandstrategRmustobeR andservetheregionaleconomicdevelopmentgoalsandstrategies.4Regionallogisticscompetitiveness Regionallogisticscompetitivenessreferstoacertainspacerange(generaladministrativeare aastheborder,acrossregions),thelogisticsindustrRaredifferentfromotherareasoftheassign mentofresourceswasmadeintheadvantage,thelogisticsenterprises,governmentpolicRsup portandindustrialinnovationabilitR,eventuallRembodiedthroughregionalinternalbenign competitionwillbemorethanallkindsofresources,theabilitRtoeffectivelRintegratetoform acomplementarRandintegratedabilitRsRstem,reflecttheregionalcomparisonofcompetiti vepowerinthelogisticsactivitR,reflectthesizeoftheregionallogisticsserviceabilitRandthe logisticsindustrRdevelopmentlevelofhighandlow.Thecompetitivenessoftheregionallogi sticsismainlRcomposedofsiRbasicelementsconstitute:socialandeconomicdevelopmentl evel,scaleoflogisticsdemandandsupplRconditionoflogistics,thelogisticsdevelopmentofl ogisticsindustrRintheenterpriseinformationdevelopmentlevel,developmentlevel,themacroenvironment.4.1Thesocialandeconomicdevelopmentlevel Comprehensivesocialandeconomicdevelopmentlevelreflectstheregionallogisticscompe titivenesslevelofsocialeconomicbasis,istheguaranteeofdevelopmentofregionallogistics competitiveness,toprovidesupportforthesustainabledevelopmentofregionallogistics,fro mtheothersidealsoreflectsthecompetitivenessofregionallogisticsdevelopmentpotentiala ndpower.4.2Thelogisticsdemandscale LogisticsdemandscaleismainlRreferstothelogisticsservicesinthefieldsuchasproduction, consumptionandcirculationquantitRandscale,tosomeeRtent,restrictedbRlocalresourcec onditions,itreflectsaregion,thedemandforlogisticsservicelevelandsize:thesizeofthelogis ticsdemand,determinesthesizeofthelogisticsmarketcapacitR,isthepremiseofeRistencean ddevelopmentofregionallogisticsindustrRandthefoundation.4.3LogisticssupplRcondition ThesupplRconditionoflogisticsreferstothelogisticsinfrastructureprovidedforthedevelop mentofthelogisticsindustrR,allkindsoflogisticstechnologRandequipment,isengagedinth elogisticsservicesenterprisesandthecorrespondingprofessionalssuchasthenumberandsiz eoftrafficcapacitRandregionalsituation,thecomprehensivereflectionofregionallogisticss upplRcapacitRandservicelevel,reflectstheeffectonthedevelopmentofthelogisticsindustr Rtopromoteandsatisfaction,isthemainfactoroftheformationanddevelopmentofregionall ogisticscompetition.4.4Logisticsenterprisedevelopmentlevel Logisticsenterprisecomprehensivedevelopmentlevelreflectstheregionallogisticsmainbo dR'sabilitRtoprovidelogisticsservicesandmeetcustomerdemand,embodiesthesubjectofl ogisticsoperationlevel,mainlRincludingtheenterprisecompetitionabilitR,profitabilitRan dperformancelevel,reflectacertainperiodoflogisticsenterprisesintheareaoftheoveralllev elofdevelopment,isthekeRfactorfortheformationofregionallogisticscompetitiveness. 4.5Informationdevelopmentlevel MainlRreferstotheregionalinformationdevelopmentlevelofinformationdegreeandthelev elofinformationtechnologR.Logisticsisbasedoninformationflow,logisticshasbecomemo reandmorerelRonthewholeprocessofaccesstoinformation.ManRlogisticsenterpriseshav eestablishedtheirowninformationmanagementsRstemasacrucialtothedevelopmentofitsc orecompetitiveness,thedevelopmentlevelofinformationistheoneimportantfactorforthef ormationofregionallogisticscompetitivenesslevel.4.6Logisticsmacroenvironment MacroenvironmentreferstothelogisticsindustrRdevelopmentoflogisticsindustrRdevelo pmentplanning,landusepolicR,taRpolicR,marketaccesspolicR,talenttraining,suchasthesoftenvironment,affectingthedevelopmentoflogisticsindustrRreflectstheeRternalenviro nmentforthedevelopmentofthelogisticsindustrRtoprovidefavorableconditionsandtheen vironmentsupport.译文区域物流竞争力研究作者MahpulaA摘要当前,物流的发展正呈现出物流需求快速上升、市场容量不断扩大、物流基础设施建设加速、第三方物流快速成长的趋势,整个物流产业正朝着信息化、全球化和专业化的方向发展。



Analysis of the development of third-party logisticsLogistics from the English word "logistics", the original intent of the military logistics support, in the second side after World War II has been widely used in the economic field. Logistics Management Association of the United States is defined as the logistics, "Logistics is to meet the needs of consumers of raw materials, intermediate products, final products and related information to the consumer from the beginning to the effective flow and storage, implementation and control of the process of . "Logistics consists of four key components: the real flow, real storage, and management to coordinate the flow of information. The primary function of logistics is to create time and space effectiveness of the effectiveness of the main ways to overcome the space through the storage distance.Third-party logistics in the logistics channel services provided by brokers, middlemen in the form of the contract within a certain period of time required to provide logistics services in whole or in part. Is a third-party logistics companies for the external customer management, control and operation of the provision of logistics services company.According to statistics, currently used in Europe the proportion of third-party logistics services for 76 percent, the United States is about 58%, and the demand is still growing; 24 percent in Europe and the United States 33% of non-third-party logistics service users are actively considering the use of third-party logistics services. As a third-party logistics to improve the speed of material flow, warehousing costs and financial savings in the cost effective means of passers-by, has become increasingly attracted great attention.First, the advantages of using a third-party logisticsThe use of third-party logistics enterprises can yield many benefits, mainly reflected in:1, focus on core businessManufacturers can use a third-party logistics companies to achieve optimal distribution of resources, limited human and financial resources to concentrate on their core energy, to focus on the development of basic skills, develop new products in the world competition, and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises.2, cost-savingProfessional use of third-party logistics providers, the professional advantages of mass production and cost advantages, by providing the link capacity utilization to achieve cost savings, so that enterprises can benefit from the separation of the cost structure. Manufacturing enterprises with the expansion of marketing services to participate in any degree of depth, would give rise to a substantial increase in costs, only the use of professional services provided by public services, in order to minimize additional losses. University of Tennessee in accordance with the United States, United Kingdom and the United States EXEL company EMST & YOUNG consulting firm co-organized a survey: a lot of cargo that enable them to use third-party logistics logistics costs declined by an average of 1.18 percent, the average flow of goods from 7.1 days to 3.9 days, stock 8.2% lower.3, reduction of inventoryThird-party logistics service providers with well-planned logistics and timely delivery means, to minimize inventory, improve cash flow of the enterprise to achieve cost advantages.4, enhance the corporate imageThird-party logistics service providers and customers is a strategic partnership, the use ofthird-party logistics provider of comprehensive facilities and trained staff on the whole supply chain to achieve complete control, reducing the complexity of logistics, through their own networks to help improve customer service, not only to establish their own brand image, but also customers in the competition.Second, The purpose of the implementation of logistics managementThe purpose of the implementation of logistics management is to the lowest possible total cost of conditions to achieve the established level of customer service, or service advantages and seek cost advantages of a dynamic equilibrium, and thus create competitive enterprises in the strategic advantage. According to this goal, logistics management to solve the basic problem, simply put, is to the right products to fit the number and the right price at the right time and suitable sites available to customers.Logistics management systems that use methods to solve the problem. Modern Logistics normally be considered by the transport, storage, packaging, handling, processing in circulation, distribution and information constitute part of all. All have their own part of the original functions, interests and concepts. System approach is the use of modern management methods and modern technology so that all aspects of information sharing in general, all the links as an integrated system for organization and management, so that the system can be as low as possible under the conditions of the total cost, provided there Competitive advantage of customer service. Systems approach that the system is not the effectiveness of their various local links-effective simple sum. System means that, there's a certain aspects of the problem and want to all of the factors affecting the analysis and evaluation. From this idea of the logistics system is not simply the pursuit of their own in various areas of the lowest cost, because the logistics of the link between the benefits of mutual influence, the tendency of mutual constraints, there is the turn of the relationship between vulnerability. For example, too much emphasis on packaging materials savings, it could cause damage because of their easy to transport and handling costs increased. Therefore, the systems approach stresses the need to carry out the total cost analysis, and to avoid the second best effect and weigh the cost of the analysis, so as to achieve the lowest cost, while meeting the established level of customer service purposes.Third, China's enterprises in the use of third-party logistics problems inWhile third-party logistics company has many advantages, but not many enterprises will be more outsourcing of the logistics business, the reasons boil down to:1, resistance to changeMany companies do not want the way through the logistics outsourcing efforts to change the current mode. In particular, some state-owned enterprises, wereFlow will also mean that the dismissal of outsourcing a large number of employees, which the managers of state-owned enterprises would mean a very great risk.2, lack of awarenessFor third-party logistics enterprise's generally low level of awareness, lack of awareness of enterprise supply chain management in the enterprise of the great role in the competition.3, fear of losing controlAs a result of the implementation of supply chain companies in enhancing the competitiveness of the important role that many companies would rather have a small but complete logistics department and they do not prefer these functions will be handed over to others, the main reasons it is worried that if they lose the internal logistics capabilities, customers will beexchanges and over-reliance on other third-party logistics companies.4, the logistics outsourcing has its own complexitySupply chain logistics business and companies are usually other services, such as finance, marketing or production of integrated logistics outsourcing itself with complexity. On a number of practical business, including the integration of transport and storage may lead to organizational, administrative and implementation problems. In addition, the company's internal information system integration features, making the logistics business to a third party logistics companies have become very difficult to operate.5, to measure the effect of logistics outsourcing by many factorsAccurately measure the cost of information technology, logistics and human resources more difficult. It is difficult to determine the logistics outsourcing companies in the end be able to bring the cost of how many potential good things. In addition, all the uniqueness of the company's business and corporate supply chain operational capability, is usually not considered to be internal to the external public information, it is difficult to accurately compare the inter-company supply chain operational capability.Although some manufacturers have been aware of the use of third-party logistics companies can bring a lot of good things, but in practical applications are often divided into several steps, at the same time choose a number of logistics service providers as partners in order to avoid the business by a logistics service providers brought about by dependence.Fourth, China's third-party logistics companies in the development of the problems encounteredA successful logistics company, the operator must have a larger scale, the establishment of effective regional coverage area, with a strong command and control center with the high standard of integrated technical, financial resources and business strategy.China's third-party logistics companies in the development of the problems encountered can be summarized as follows:1, operating modelAt present, most of the world's largest logistics companies take the head office and branch system, centralized headquarters-style logistics operation to take to the implementation of vertical business management. The establishment of a modern logistics enterprise must have a strong, flexible command and control center to control the entire logistics operations and coordination. Real must be a modern logistics center, a profit center, business organizations, the framework, the institutional form of every match with a center. China's logistics enterprises in the operating mode of the problems of foreign logistics enterprises in the management model should be from the domestic logistics enterprises.2, the lack of storage or transport capacityThe primary function of logistics is to create time and space utility theft. For now China's third-party logistics enterprises, some companies focus on storage, lack of transport capacity; other companies is a lot of transport vehicles and warehouses throughout the country little by renting warehouses to complete the community's commitment to customers.3, network problemsThere are a few large companies have the logistics of the entire vehicle cargo storage network or networks, but the network coverage area is not perfect. Customers in the choice of logistics partner, are very concerned about network coverage and network of regional branches of thedensity problem. The building of the network should be of great importance to logistics enterprises.4, information technologyThe world's largest logistics enterprises have "three-class network", that is, orders for information flow, resources, global supply chain network, the global Resource Network users and computer information network. With the management of advanced computer technology, these customers are also the logistics of the production of high value-added products business, the domestic logistics enterprises must increase investment in information systems can change their market position.Concentration and integration is the third-party logistics trends in the development of enterprises. The reasons are: firstly, the company intends to major aspects of supply chain outsourcing to the lowest possible number of several logistics companies; the second, the establishment of an efficient global third party logistics inputs required for increasing the capital; the third Many third-party logistics providers through mergers and joint approaches to expand its service capabilities.。



仓储物流外文文献翻译中英文原文及译文2023-2023原文1:The Current Trends in Warehouse Management and LogisticsWarehouse management is an essential component of any supply chain and plays a crucial role in the overall efficiency and effectiveness of logistics operations. With the rapid advancement of technology and changing customer demands, the field of warehouse management and logistics has seen several trends emerge in recent years.One significant trend is the increasing adoption of automation and robotics in warehouse operations. Automated systems such as conveyor belts, robotic pickers, and driverless vehicles have revolutionized the way warehouses function. These technologies not only improve accuracy and speed but also reduce labor costs and increase safety.Another trend is the implementation of real-time tracking and visibility systems. Through the use of RFID (radio-frequency identification) tags and GPS (global positioning system) technology, warehouse managers can monitor the movement of goods throughout the entire supply chain. This level of visibility enables better inventory management, reduces stockouts, and improves customer satisfaction.Additionally, there is a growing focus on sustainability in warehouse management and logistics. Many companies are implementing environmentally friendly practices such as energy-efficient lighting, recycling programs, and alternativetransportation methods. These initiatives not only contribute to reducing carbon emissions but also result in cost savings and improved brand image.Furthermore, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have become integral parts of warehouse management. AI-powered systems can analyze large volumes of data to optimize inventory levels, forecast demand accurately, and improve operational efficiency. Machine learning algorithms can also identify patterns and anomalies, enabling proactive maintenance and minimizing downtime.In conclusion, warehouse management and logistics are continuously evolving fields, driven by technological advancements and changing market demands. The trends discussed in this article highlight the importance of adopting innovative solutions to enhance efficiency, visibility, sustainability, and overall performance in warehouse operations.译文1:仓储物流管理的当前趋势仓储物流管理是任何供应链的重要组成部分,并在物流运营的整体效率和效力中发挥着至关重要的作用。



1. INTRODUCTIONLogistics is normally considered as nothing more than getting the right product to the right place at the right time for the least cost. Faced with a rapidly changing environment, revolutionary changes in technology, continued government deregulation, the shortening of product life cycle, proliferation of product lines and shifts in traditional manufacturer-retailer relationships, many organisations have had to rethink their traditional assumptions.Over the last ten years one of the most significant changes in management thinking was the emphasis on the search for strategies that will provide superior value in competition. Logistics management has the potential to assist the organisation in the achievement of both a cost/productivity advantage and a value advantage. The importance of logistics and its integration in the supply chain was argued by.China is a huge consumer market that accounted for a third of global economic growth over the past three years. Its development speed and potential cannot be ignored by the rest of the world. As a result of China’s internal and external economic attributes, most of the global consumer brands have established operations there. In particular in the automobile industry, many of the leading global OEMs including Honda, Toyota, General Motors, V olkswagen and Ford have established joint-venture partnerships with local car manufacturers. Auto sales in China rose by 76% in the year to July 2003 and by 2011, China is expected to surpass Japan to become the wo rld’s second largest auto market. In order to compete in the Chinese market share and satisfy increasing demand, these operations are continuously expanding their production volumes with astonishing speed. Such expansion is, however carried out in the context of a legacy environment.China spans a large geographical area with, in many parts, under-developed infrastructure. This presents a challenge to efficient deployment of logistics strategies. Furthermore, the involvement of third party logistics providers, favoured by most globalOEMs, is an emergent consideration in China. Finally, the conflicts that inevitably arise in the joint venture partnerships lead to delays in the introduction of western logistics management experiences and methods from the OEMs. All these factors increase the difficulties in managing logistics by China’s local auto makers.2. The overall development of foreign distribution Overview2.1 The United States of modern logistics developmentTwenty-first century from the 60s on wards, the rationalization of distribution of goods in general are valued in the United States to take the following measures: First, the warehouse will replace the old distribution center: The second is the management of the introduction of computer networks, on the loading and unloading, handling, custody, standardized operation, improve operating efficiency; Third, the common chain distribution centers set up to promote the growth of chain-effective. United States chain stores have a variety of distribution centers, mainly in the wholesale-based, retail and warehouse-type three types.2.2 Japan's modern logistics developmentOn logistics and distribution of wood with the following features: well-developed distribution channels, frequent, low-volume stock, logistics and distribution reflects the common and set the trend sticks, logistics and distribution cooperative, the Government planning in the development of modern logistics and distribution play an important role in the process of .2.3 European modern development of logisticsCountries in Europe, especially Germany, logistics refers to the user's orders in accordance with the requirements of positions in the logistics sub-goods distribution, the goods will be sent to the consignee with good activities. Germany's logistics industry formed of basic commodities from origin to distribution center, from the distribution center (and sometimes through more than one distribution center) arrive at the modern mode of end customers. Traveled in Germany, it can be said of the logistics and distribution in Germanyhas been formed to final demand-oriented to the modernization of transport and high-tech information network as a bridge to a reasonable R69 distribution center hub to run a complete system.2.4 the main reasons of logistics industry developing faster in developed countriesRelying on high-tech to the core economies of scale to allow flexibility based on a variety of forms.3、China's 3PL enterprises are facing a major obstacle to business3.1 The current situation of China's 3PLChina's 3PL enterprises: service radius of a small, low entry barriers. With the gradual warming heat logistics, urban logistics industry is also increasingly unitary covered by the importance and development. However, due to historical reasons in our country, the long-standing emphasis on production of a light flow, heavy flow to light the idea of the logistics, distribution of development in the not yet ripe at this stage, there is the issue more prominent in the following two aspects: the service delivery difficult to play a central role, the process of distribution of the low level of modernization.China's 3PL companies with foreign 3PL companies mainly in the gap between the three aspects: First, procurement capacity, and the other is logistics, and the third is cash flow. Aspects of logistics and distribution, foreign retailers have done very well, has a set of efficient logistics information system, which can effectively improve the inventory turnover rate, so as to enhance the return on assets and profitability. And domestic retailers in this area has just started, or have not yet started.3.2 distribution center lower the overall distribution, commercial chain failed to give full play to the advantagesFrom our point of view the existing commercial retail enterprises, in addition to some large, well-known commercial enterprises, the general commercial "chain" businesses are not set up their own logistics and distribution centers or use third-party logistics center. Although these companies have also established some of his own "chain" stores, but in factoperating goods stores do not do "unified procurement, unified distribution, unified billing," which allows some commercial retail enterprises, "chain" seems to exist in name only. The other has been established in their own logistics and distribution centers or use third-party logistics distribution center of commodities in commercial enterprises, the effectiveness of distribution centers has not been effective, which in turn affected the procurement cost of an integrated chain advantages, including outstanding manifested by the distribution center for goods distribution ratio of unity is very low. Uniform distribution logistics center can not be achieved, indicating the store's commercial enterprises "unified purchase" did not materialize, rather than a unified procurement chain has lost the core strengths.3.3 China's more enterprises are facing a major obstacle of the higher logistics costWal-Mart 8 5% of the commodities distribution through the distribution center, in which 80% is through the "zero inventory" of the more complete form of the distribution database. Wal-Mart as a result of the use of the "Cross distribution" and "auto-replenishment" of supply chain technology, so that goods turnover in the Treasury down to 2 days. And retail enterprises in China are in the 15-30 days, which reflects the retail , distribution enterprises, underdeveloped logistics system, distribution costs are too high. Rapid expansion of retail enterprises in China's size and speed in the short term if they can not form a qualitative edge is a dangerous speculation.Over the years the practice has proved that the multi-purpose logistics distribution center, intensive, low-cost supply hub, as well as the use of information technology to reorganize and upgrade the entire flow of the supply chain management is the core of large-scale retail enterprises strategy is to support the retail giant super-conventional development. The face of large-scale retail and distribution businesses of the main distribution center logistics requirements planning, focusing on how to reflect the integration of information flow in business flow, logistics, capital flow, so that the operation of retail enterprises to expand the logistics for the entire enterprise supply chain collaboration nodes and so that the whole positive and negative to minimize logistics cost of goods (including consumers, stores, logistics, distribution centers, headquarters, suppliers and partners), and atimely response to sales demand and timely replenishment. This is also a large-scale cross-regional, multi-format, chain retail enterprises have the capacity of the core competitive advantage.3.4 Lack of modern logistics management knowledge and expertise of logistics personnel.This is the third-party logistics industry in restricting the development of China's most important one of the bottlenecks. Logistics knowledge, especially in modern integrated third party logistics knowledge is far from being universal, but that its main business areas is to provide transportation and warehousing services, not know that it is new to these traditional business integration of its business fields Far too simple to become connected with transport and storage of raw materials, semi-finished products supply, production process, material flow, the whole process of product distribution services, as cover flow, solid logistics, capital flow, information flow is equal to the integrated system of systems.4 to enhance core competitiveness, the implementation of integrated management"integrated management" is the original English Integrated SupplyProcess, refers to the production enterprises, office, life of a non-core business areas of the operation and management of integration as a Overall, as a business-oriented to manage outsourcing projects, by the special "integrated management" of the suppliers to provide full-service projects. "Integrated management" is not simply puts together the management of the business, but to improve management efficiency and reduce management costs as the core, combined with advanced information technology and network management features such as one organically integrated. Compared with the general outsourcing services, integrated management has the following characteristics:(1) It is not a business, but a complete outsourcing business from the operation of themanagement integration of outsourcing;(2) Outsourcing is not a core operation, but a comprehensive business management. Responsible for the entire business as a first-class suppliers, and its main task is to use itsunique resources to conduct a comprehensive knowledge management, the operation of the specific is it managed by the secondary and tertiary suppliers to implement, so in the management of outsourcing functions based on the specific operation of the outsourcing; (3) In the case of the most important first-level suppliers, other than remuneration in the fixed service, its the only way to increase revenue for users to save costs as much as possible in order to share the proceeds of cost savings, rather than as general outsourcing as suppliers, mainly through an increase in turnover, that is, to increase spending to increase the user's own earnings. "Double bottom" principle of cooperation between the two sides can make a stable and lasting.5 The third party logistics enterprise strategic choiceSummarized the latest of several foreign logistics theory and the development of third-party logistics with the current practice of foreign, third-party logistics firm's strategic choice to have the following three:(1)Lean Logistics StrategySince the lag theory and practice of logistics, our most extensive third-party logistics company or business, it can not accurately position their logistics services. If you do not reverse this situation as soon as possible, will be third-party logistics industry in China have restricted role. Lean production theory of logistics for our third-party logistics company provides a new development ideas for these enterprises to survive in the new economy and development opportunities. Lean Logistics concept originated in lean manufacturing. It is produced from the Toyota Motor Corporation 70 years in the last century by the original "Toyota Production System", after research by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor and summary, was published in 1990 published "change the world of machines), a book. Lean thinking is the use of various modern management methods and means, based on the needs of society to fully play the role of people as a fundamental and effective allocation and rational use of corporate resources to maximize economic benefits for enterprises to seek a new Management philosophy. Lean Logistics Lean Thinking is the application inlogistics management, logistics development must reflect. The so-called Lean Logistics means: the process by eliminating the production and supply of non-value added waste in order to reduce stocking time, improve customer satisfaction. The aim of Lean Logistics according to customer needs, providing customers with logistics services, while pursuing the provision of logistics services in the process to minimize waste and delay, the process of increasing value added logistics services. Lean logistics system is characterized by its high-quality, low cost, continuous improvement, driven by customer demand oriented logistics system. It requires establishing the customer first thought, on time, accurate and fast delivery of goods and information.In short, Lean Logistics, as a new management ideas, bound to have a third-party logistics enterprises in China have far-reaching impact, it will change the appearance of the extensive third party logistics management concept, the formation of third party logistics Core competitiveness.the establishment of small and medium third party logistics value chain allianceThird-party logistics enterprises of small and medium can not be independent because of their one-stop logistics services to provide full shortcomings, and because the small size of assets, services, not wide area so that small and medium enterprises in China's logistics third party logistics industry at a disadvantage. Therefore, third party logistics for small and medium enterprises, starting from their own resources to construct their own core competence is the key. As small and medium enterprise features of a single third-party logistics and incomplete, so based on their respective core competencies based on the structure of the logistics business enterprise cooperation is an effective capacity to make up for deficiencies, constitutes a feasible way of competitive advantage of logistics. Value chain is the use of systems approach to investigate the interaction between business and the analysis of all activities and their access to the resources of competitive advantage. Value of the business activities fall into two categories: basic activities and support activities. Basic activities are involved in product creation and sale of the material transferred to the buyer and after-sales service activities. Basic activities of supporting activities is to assist therevenue by providing outsourcing, technology, human resources and a variety of functions to support each other. Theory to analyze the value chain study the value of third party logistics chain composition, can be found in auxiliary activities, third party logistics enterprise and general business is no different, the basic activities in the third-party logistics companies has its own characteristics. Third-party logistics enterprises there is generally no commodity production process, only the re-circulation process, does not account for major components of a wide range of third-party logistics companies and thus become the basic operating activities of storage, transport, packaging, distribution, customer service and marketing, etc. link. Various aspects of the basic work activities, due to their own limited resources and capacity, can not have every aspect of an advantage in that value chain in terms of some of the deficiencies, resulting in their overall logistics function not complete, lack of corresponding competitiveness and comparative advantage in some sectors of the value chain due to lack of overall effect should not play. Therefore, third party logistics industry, small and medium sized logistics enterprises within the Union, should be based on the value chain between complementary on the basis of cooperation, make full use of professional logistics companies and logistics functions of specialized logistics organization and coordination of agents Flexible complementary integrated logistics capabilities. Third-party logistics for small and medium enterprises, value chain should start with the advantage of links to explore and develop the core competitiveness of enterprises, through the reconstruction of the value chain to avoid weaknesses.(2)Large third-party logistics enterprise virtualization of strategyRapid development in IT and the Internet era, companies can not fight alone singles, but must be in the competition and collaboration, in cooperation and development. Thus, under modern conditions resulting from modern large-scale virtualized development of third-party logistics has a strong necessity. Large third-party logistics enterprise virtualization is the logistics management resources of others who will have "all", through the network, the other part into its own logistics, with the help of others break the power of physical boundaries, extending to achieve their various Function, and thus expand their ability to enhance theirstrength. Therefore, the logistics information technology, virtualization is a means for the connection and coordination of temporary and dynamic alliance in the form of virtual logistics. Integrated logistics virtualization technology as a means of electronic communication, customer-focused, based on the opportunity to participate in members of the core competencies as a condition to an agreement for the common pursuit of goals and tasks, the different parts of the country's existing Resources to quickly mix into a no walls, beyond the space constraints, by means of electronic networks, contact the unified command of the virtual business entity, the fastest launch of high-quality, low-cost logistics service.Modern large-scale virtualization, including third-party logistics functions, organization, geographic three virtualization. Virtualization capabilities with third-party logistics enterprise IT technology will be distributed in different locations, different companies take different functions within the logistics resources (information, human, material and other resources) organized to accomplish a specific task, to achieve the optimization of social resources. Virtualization refers to the organizational structure of the logistics organization is always dynamically adjusted, not fixed, but also decentralized, flexible, self-management, flat network structure, its objectives and in accordance with changes in the environment re-combination, in a timely manner Reflect the market dynamics. Virtual is the regional third party logistics network through the Internet link the global logistics resources, removing barriers and national barriers, to production management to achieve "virtual neighbors. "1 导言物流通常被认为是将恰当的产品以最低的成本,在恰当的时间送达恰当的地点。

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Along with society's development, the profession competition is day by day intense, how enhances the working efficiency, reduces the management cost, the enhancement service level and enterprise's competitive ability, is each enterprise superintendent most matter of concern. More and more many superintendents thought the implementation computer scientific style management solves this question key.The thing flows the transportation enterprise as a result of the profession characteristic, the tradition operating process complex, document many, thecompetition is day by day intense. The more and more many information question emerges, for example: On the one hand, must develop the customer market unceasingly, to the customer basic document, the cargo distribution situation, the contact person likes and the contact method has a more comprehensive understanding, on the other hand, must finish financial the receipts and disbursements work, guarantees the transport expense to be able on time receipts and disbursements, the debt to be clear, prompt press for payment. Formerly consulted the thick document material the procedure, obviously was cannot be taken. Must adopt more effective solution. At the same time collects the process information the speed, the information accuracy, the security, but also affects the company whole management level and the decision-making strata to the overall service control and the coordination. Uses the computer software management information is solution above question effective means.The thing class manages the software, is flows the transportation enterprise service flow according to the thing, according to relates the enterprise service various class numbers, composes an organic system, causes aspect the and so on service, finance, market information to be able to be convenient, to transmit quickly, and produces each kind of report form after synthesis processing to deliver for each function department and the decision-making strata. The appliance flows the management software system not only to be possible to save the massive manpower, reduces in the work the fault, may be rapid to the customer inquiry inquires the information answer customer from the computer, moreover may help the policy-maker promptly to adjust the company to manage the strategy, enhances company's in same profession well-knownness, the enhancement company's competitive power.In the past flowed the management emphatically in the enterprise interior work and organization's conformity, to the downriver customer's correspondence, was take serves and the quality as the main center of gravity. Therefore, the appraisal flows the management achievement and the effect criterion, is mostly by processes the order form period the speed, supplying goods rate and completes the quality to measure.Along with the thing flowing industry development, increased the new content in the supply chain management pattern, thing flowing industry had the new ten major tendencies.(1) thing flows the management from thing processing, promotes to in the thing Canadian value plan design, the solution and the management. May provides for the customer 度身订造-like, and has the personalization the service, the enterprise gradually changes emphasized the cross enterprise boundary theconformity, causes the maintenance and the management which the customer relates changes more and more importantly.(2) changes the union by the opposition. In the traditional commercial channel, the enterprise mostly take as the center, pursues the self- benefit, therefore often makes the aspect which the enterprise opposes. However in under the pursue bigger competitive power actuation, many enterprises starts in each commercial circulation function the conformity, through the union plan and the work, forms highly the conformity supply chain channel relations, causes the channel overall result and the effect large promotion.(3) changes the final survey by the forecast. The traditional circulation pattern carries on each thing through the forecast downriver channel resources to flow the work activity, unfortunately forecasts very little can accurate, thus has wasted many natures and the commercial resources. The emerging thing flows the management tendency is emphasized the channel member's union mechanism, between the member is willing to exchange transport business and the strategy information upstream, in particular internal demand and the production material, causes the enterprise not to need to forecast, the circulation pattern changes the final survey foundation development gradually by the forecast foundation.(4) accumulates by the experience changes the vicissitude strategy. The empirical curve has since always been the enterprise uses for to analyze the market competition tendency and the development correspondence strategy method, and the experience which accumulates by the enterprise elders takes the main competition weapon, however the science and technology flies suddenly the progress, the enterprise defends stubbornly already has the experience instead to become the barrier which the enterprise develops, therefore in under the dispatch change environment, the experience and the extant channel foundation structure instead becomes the barrier which most difficult to overcome, the success enterprise must establish to the strategy direction sense of smell and continues the vicissitude management system to be able to survive.(5) changes the relative value by the absolute value. The traditional finance appraisal will look only some absolute values, the new appraisal method emphatically in the relative value creation, that is will provide adds the value service in the channel, in the value which the customer will increase the enterprise may account for how many proportions.(6) changes the procedure conformity by the function conformity. In the competition channel intense environment, the enterprise must day by day in a quicker response, the downriver customer's need, thus must effective conformity various departments' transport business, and acts by the procedure -like operating system, the thing flows the work and the activity has the cross function mostly, cross enterprise's characteristic, therefore the procedure type conformity is the thing class manages the successful key point.(7) changes the hypothesized conformity by the vertical conformity. In the traditional channel, some big enterprises carry on the channel the vertical conformity, to through grasps by the time has a bigger strength, the fact proved this is not successful, instead dispersed enterprise's resources, and weakens the principal work. Today the enterprise manages the tendency is dedicated nucleus □0 □$.The service, makes the non- core business request for the specialized management company, forms the hypothesized enterprise conformity system, causes the main body enterprise to provide a better product and the service.(8) changes the information share by the information retention. Under the supply chain management structure, supplies in the chain to be connected the enterprise to have to supply the information which the chain conformity needs to share with other enterprises, otherwise, is unable to form the effective supply chain system.(9) changes the knowledge study by the training. In future which may foresee, any thing flows the procedure to complete by the manpower. However, the thing flows the work to need to flow the foothold and in mostly the transportation network in each thing carries on, probably some 90% time, the thing flows the manager to be unable to perform to monitor personally. Globalization development tendency, also increased the thing to flow the human resources management the order of complexity. The thing flows the manager to have by the individual personnel skill training way, changes the knowledge foundation the study development.(10) changes the value management by management accounting. Future many enterprises will be willing to invest many resources establishments basic accountant the system, in will provide the increment creation emphatically, the cross enterprise's management information, by the time will be able the true approval creation value work, but must only will lie in the income to increase, in cost fluctuation。
