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• 大家都在期望他们在一起 (That they are together) is expected by everyone. It is expected by everyone that they are together.
To sum up…
1. It is + 名词 + 从句 e.g. It is a fact that Leen is very popular.
• 我想要取消今晚的一节课 I want to cancel a class for tonight
• 我好久没有说英语了 I long time no say English (wrong) I haven’t spoken English for a long time.
• 你今天来吗? You come today? (wrong) Are you coming today?
It is + 名词 + 从句
a pity 遗憾 a wonder 奇迹 a good thing 好事 a surprise 意外,惊喜 an honor 荣幸 a miracle 奇迹 a secret 秘密 common knowledge 常识
It is + 名词 + 从句 ( practice)
2. It is + 形容词 + 从句 e.g. It is true that Leen is very popular.
3. It is + 动词的过去分词 +从句 e.g. It is said that Leen is very popular.
Learn them one by one
*It is + 名词 + 从句
• 是什么引起了那场火灾还是一个迷(mystery) it is still a mystery (what caused the fire).
• 照顾好孩子是你的责任(responsibility) It is your responsibility (to take care of the
It is + 动词的过去分词 + 从句 ( practice)
大家都知道你很棒 It is known to all (that you are awesome).
大家都认为你们不会在一起 It is thought (that you will not be together).
据报道称世界末日不会来 It is reported (that the world will not end).
It’s your turn…
• 在韦博学习英语是一件很美好的事情 It is a wonderful thing to learn English in Web.
It is wonderful to learn English in Web.
It is said that learning English in web is wonderful.
• 你能在这儿陪我真好 (wonderful) It is wonderful (that you are here with me).
• 你能在这里陪我真是难以置信啊(unbelievable) It is unbelievable (that you are here with me).
• 你在这里陪我是必须的 (necessary) IБайду номын сангаас is necessary (that you are here with me).
• 到时候再看吧 We’ll see what happens.
• 你能帮我升级吗? Can you help me upgrade my level?
• 你觉得怎么样? What do you think? / What do you say?
• 你能帮我签一下课吗? Could you sign a class for me?
1.No money, no honey. 没金钱,就没爱情 2.No regrets.绝不后悔 3.No interest.没兴趣 4.No confidence.没自信 5.No problem.没问题 6.No way.没门儿 7.No wonder怪不得 8.No comments不予置评 9.No big deal.没啥大不了的. 10.No funny stuff.不要搞鬼
• 你对我有感觉是我莫大的荣幸(honor) It is a great honor (that you have feelings for me).
Learn them one by one
It is + 形容词 + 从句
It is natural (that you love me at first sight). It is strange (that you don’t like Leen). It is possible (that you will like Leen). It is true (that you look great in this uniform).
• 你做完课件了吗?/是的,我完成了 Have you finished your courseware? / yes, I have.
Don’t make mistakes in oral English
• 你是否喜欢我这个问题困扰着我 • (Whether you like me or not) bothers me. • It bothers me (whether you like me or not). *避免头重脚轻,所以用it做形式主语
• 你说什么并不重要 (What you say) is not important. It is not important (what you say ).
• 你爱我是个奇迹 (That you love me) is a miracle. It is a miracle(that you love me).
• Common oral mistakes 常见口语错误
• Subject clause reviewing主语从句复习
• It 做形式主语的主语从句
• 你能过来吗? Can you come over ?
• 你说什么? What did you say?
• 你以为你是谁? Who do you think you are?
It is + 形容词 + 从句
可以放在主语从句中的形容词有: necessary 必要的 obvious 显然的
wonderful 棒极了的 unusual 不寻常的 surprising 出人意料的
certain 确定的 worthwhile 值得的
It is + 形容词 + 从句 ( practice)
It is a fact (that I will throw a party tonight).
It is good news (that you will come).
It is a question (whether they would come).
It is common sense (that we should not drink too much wine).
It is +动词的过去式+ 从句
It is known to all, 据大家所知 It is expected 据预期 It is believed 大家相信
It is thought that 大家认为 It is suggested 大家建议 It is found 大家发现
Learn them one by one
It is + 动词的过去分词 + 从句
It is said (that the end of the world will come in this December).
It is proved that they are married.
It is reported that the typhoon is coming .