rich dad poor dad 穷爸爸富爸爸精编版
Rich dad and Poor dad

My note of RICH DAD AND POOR DADBY李苏秦园林0901 2009305200910At first I thought the book would be a story book, but it turn out to be a book about success. This book give us a lot of inspiration and suggestion for our the management of money, life, career. The author give us an idea that the poor and the middle class work for money, the rich have money work for them."His compared his two farther together, which has absolutely different attitude toward money. One wanted him to study hard, earn a degree and get a good job to work for money. He wanted me to study to become a professional, an attorney or an accountant or to go to business school for my MBA, to continue his career or life pattern ;The other encouraged me to study to be rich, to understand how money works and to learn how to have it work for me.The author finely accept the rich dad ’s way. "I don't work for money!" were words he would repeat over and over, "Money works for me!”. And founded his own company and bought his Porsche.His point out the short comes of education which is also apply to China: our financial genius lies asleep, waiting to be called upon. It lies asleep because our culture has educated us into believing that the love of money is the root of all evil. It has encouraged us to learn a profession so we can work for money, but failed to teach us how to have money work for us. It taught us not to worry about our financial future; our company or the government would take care of us when our working days are over. However, it is our children, educated in the same school system, who will end up paying for it. The message is still to work hard, earn money and spend it, and when we run short, we can always borrow more. This is especially hard in China, because of the traditional ideas that being a businessman is a bad thing.The author not only the explained the difference but also introduced a lot of methods or his way to be rich.Some principles like follows:The three most important management skills necessary to start own business are:1.Management of cash flow.2. Management of people.3. Management of personal time.Also he offered some to dosI offer you the following ten steps as a process to develop your develop their financial genius. Powers only you have control over.1.I NEED A REASON GREA TER THAN REALITY: The power of spirit.2. I CHOOSE DAILY: The power of choice. That is the main reason people want to live in a free country. We want the power to choose.3. CHOOSE FRIENDS CAREFULLY: The power of association.4. MASTER A FORMULA AND THEN LEARN A NEW ONE: The power of learning quickly. And so on. This to-dos are useful and can be taken action to reality.In my eyes, the author provide a way to be success or rich not only in wealthy, but in life. I deeply inspired by his opinion that being the master of money but not being a slave to it, and some of the suggestions is rather worth to have a try.最重要的管理技能,使他们开始自己的业务有:1。

想想看? 大部份的人都將房子、車子視為自己的資產,然而,卻 因此長年被房貸、車貸(包含每年要繳納的房屋稅、汽車 燃料稅)壓的喘不過氣來,而得終生不斷辛勤的工作來償 還負債,試問:如此看來,房子、車子到底是屬於個人資 產的一部份、亦或是負債的一部份呢?
如此看來懂得財務知識是否重要呢? 在此我們不探討繁雜的會計科目,但以簡單的 KISS 原則及現 金流向圖,來讓大家來了解資產與負債的定義!
「之所以世界上絕大多數的人為了財富奮鬥終 生而不可得,其主要原因在於雖然他們都曾在各 種學校中學習多年,卻從未真正學習到關於金錢 的知識。其結果就是他們只知道為了錢而拚命工 作……卻從不去思索如何讓錢為他們工作……」
第一課:富人不為錢工作 第二課:為什麼要教授財務知識 第三課:關注自己的事業 第四課:稅收的歷史和公司的力量 第五課:富人的投資 第六課:不要為金錢而工作
End ~ 謝謝各位 ~
1.稅收優惠。 公司可以做許多個人無法做的事,像稅前的費用開支。一個企業掙錢, 花掉它的錢,而只對剩下來的東西繳稅。 EX:若擁有自己的公司,夏威夷的董事會就是你的假期,買車以 及隨之而來的車的保險和修理費也特是企業支出,健身俱樂部會員費會是 企業支出,大部分的餐費更是企業的支出,而且它們都在稅前被合法支付。 2.在訴訟中獲得保護。 我們生活在一個愛打官司的社會中。 富人用公司和信托來隱藏部分財富,當一些人起訴富人時,他們經常 遇到法律對富人的保護,並發現這富人其實一無所有。
「KISS」原則,即「傻瓜財務原則」(Keep It Simple Stupid )。學習利用能把錢放進你口袋裡的東西。 .負債是把錢從你口袋裡取走的東西。 資 產

eading读 书R《穷爸爸,富爸爸》"Poor Dad, Rich Dad"文/杨 子Reading读 书57房子到底属于资产还是负债,取决于人们如何使用它。
FIL_Rich Dad Poor Dad

RICH DAD POORDADINTERPRETATIONBY MONIL NISARThe world around us has changed, but the education system remains the same.There is a difference between being poor and being broke. Broke is temporary but being poor is eternal.Most people never win because they are afraid losing.Lesson#1: The rich don’t work for money! Realize that you are the problem and change yourself accordingly.Every human being has a weak and a needy part that can be bought.The rich don’t work for money coz their money works for them.Humans are driven by two emotions, fear and greed.If money is in the control of your emotions it will end up controlling your souls.The avoidance of money is just psychotic as being attached to money.Don’t work for money until all traces of fear and greed are gone.Just be an observer, not a reactor, to your emotions.We do not learn from history. We only memorize historical dates and names, not the lesson.Learn to use your emotions to think, not think with your emotions.A job is only a short A job is only a short--term solution to a long term problem. Most people never see the opportunities because they are looking for money and security.literacy Lesson#2: Learn financial literacy Lesson#2: Learn financialMoney without financial intelligence is money soon gone.Most people fail to realize that in life its not how much you make, its how much money you keep. If you want to be rich, you need to be financially literate.Learn to see the difference between between an asset and a liability.The rich buy assets and the poor buy liabilities.If you want to be rich, you have got to read and understand numbers.If you have dug yourself into a hole…..stop digging.He who has the gold makes the rules.Get out of the RAT RACE.3SIMPLE RULES TO REMEMBER.1: THE RICH BUY ASSETS2: THE POOR HAVE ONLY EXPENSES. 3:THE MIDDLE CLASS BUY LIABILITIES THEY THINK ARE ASSETS.LESSON#3: MIND YOUR OWNBUSINESSIf you want to be financially secure you have to mind your own business.If you don’t love anything you wont take care of anything so it is necessary to do what you love. Rich people buy luxury last, while the poor and the middle class buy luxury first.INWHERE TO INVEST INWHERE TO INVESTBUSINESS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE YOUR PRESENCE.STOCKS.BONDS.MUTUAL FUNDS.INCOME GENERATING REAL ESTATE. ROYALTIES.ARTCOMPONENTS OF FINANCIALIQACCOUNTING.INVESTING.UNDERSTANDING MARKETS.LAWLESSON#4: CORPORATIONSANDAND TAXESTAXESPEOPLE WHO OWN CORPORATIONS. PEOPLE WHO WORK FOR CORPORATIONS.1: EARN.2: SPEND.3: PAY TAXES.1: EARN.2: PAY TAXES. 3: SPEND.A CORPORATION IS TAXED LESS THAN AN INDIVIDUAL.IF YOU ARE SMART YOU WONT BE PUSHED AROUND AS MUCH.INVESTLESSON#5: THE RICH INVESTLESSON#5: THE RICHMONEYOFTEN IN REAL WORLD, ITS NOT THE SMART THAT GET AHEAD BUT THE BOLD.THE RICH HAVE A GOOD CIRCULATION OF MONEY AROUND THEIR INVESTMENTS.THE SINGLE MOST POWERFUL ASSET WE ALL HAVE IS OUR MIND. IF IT TRAINED WELL IT CAN CREATE AN ENORMOUS WEALTH.THE RICH MAKE THE MONEY WORK FOR THEM.“I MAKE MORE MONEY WHILE I AM SLEEPING”--WARREN BUFFET. SLEEPING”COMMON SENSE IS MOST UNCOMMON. WINNERS ARE NOT AFRAID OF LOSING. BUT LOSERS ARE.FAILURE IS PART OF THE PROCESS OF SUCCESS. PEOPLE WHO AVOID FAILURE ALSO AVOID SUCCESS.LESSON#6: WORK TO LEARN,WORK FOR MONEYMONEYDON’T WORK FORDON’TIT IS WHAT YOU KNOW THAT IS YOUR GREATEST WEALTH. IT IS WHAT YOU DO NOT KNOW THAT IS YOUR GREATEST RISK.THERE IS ALWAYS RISK, SO LEARN TO MANAGE RISK.YOU ATRE ONLY ONE SKILL AWAY FROM WEALTH.JOB--JUST OVER BROKE.JOBGIVE AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE.YOUNG PEOPLE SHOULD SEEK WORK FOR WHAT THEY WILL LEARN, MORE THAN WHAT THEY WILL EARN.YOU CANT TEACH AN OLD DOG NEW TRICKS. UNLESS A PERSON IS USED TO CHANGING ITS HARD TO CHANGE.FORMAL EDUCATION CREATES A LIVING BUT SELF EDUCATION CREATES A FORTUNE.SO GET UP AND START EDUCATING YOURSELF.30 Years later it wont matter what car you drove in or what clothes you wore, what will matter is what you learnt and how you put it to use.THANK YOUMONIL NISAR。


Rich Dad, Poor Dad: Lessons in FinancialLiteracyIn the classic work of personal finance, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," Robert Kiyosaki shares his profound insights on the differences between the financial habits and mindsets of his two fathers: one wealthy and the other not. The book serves as a wakeup call for those who have been blindly following the traditional path of education, jobs, and retirement, often without understanding the true value of money and financial independence.Kiyosaki's "rich dad" represented the mindset of an entrepreneur and investor, who emphasized financial education, risk-taking, and the importance of understanding assets and liabilities. On the other hand, his "poor dad,"a highly educated government employee, subscribed to the belief that a stable job and savings were the keys to financial security. The contrast between these two approaches provides valuable lessons for anyone seeking to improve their financial literacy.One of the most profound lessons in the book is the understanding of assets and liabilities. Kiyosaki definesan asset as anything that puts money in your pocket, whilea liability is anything that takes money out of your pocket. This simple yet powerful distinction challenges the conventional wisdom of many people, who often mistake their houses and cars for assets, while in reality, they are liabilities due to the ongoing expenses associated with them.Another key lesson is the importance of financial education. Kiyosaki argues that the lack of financial education in schools is a major contributor to thefinancial struggles of many individuals. He believes that financial literacy should be a core component of education, as it is crucial for making informed decisions about money, investing, and building wealth.Moreover, the book emphasizes the need to takecalculated risks in pursuit of financial freedom.Kiyosaki's rich dad taught him that fear of failure often prevents people from taking the necessary steps to achieve their financial goals. Instead, he advocated for a mindsetof calculated risk-taking, where one evaluates thepotential rewards and risks before making a decision.Finally, the book underscores the importance of havinga long-term perspective when it comes to financial planning. Kiyosaki's rich dad emphasized the need to invest in assets that generate passive income, such as real estate or businesses, rather than relying solely on active incomefrom a job. This approach allows for financial security and freedom even in the face of unforeseen events or changes in the job market.In conclusion, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" is a must-read for anyone interested in improving their financial literacy and achieving financial freedom. It challenges traditional beliefs about money and success, offering practical advice and insights that can help individuals take control oftheir financial lives and create a more secure future for themselves and their families.**富爸爸,穷爸爸:财商教育之课**罗伯特·清崎在经典的个人理财著作《富爸爸,穷爸爸》中,分享了他对两位父亲——一位富有,另一位并不富有——的财务习惯和思维方式的深刻见解。


Money is not taught in schools. Schools focus on scholastic and professional skills, but not on financial skills. This explains how smart bankers, doctors and accountants who earned excellent grades in school may still struggle financially all of their lives. Our staggering national debt is due in large part to highly educated politicians and government officials making financial decisions with little or no training on the subject of money.
If I had had only one dad, I would have had to accept or reject his advice. Having two dads advising me offered me the choice of contrasting points of view; one of a rich man and one of a poor man. Instead of simply accepting or rejecting one or the other, I found myself thinking more, comparing and then choosing for myself.
rich dad and poor dad

Rich Dad Poor DadWhat the rich teach their kids about money-that the poor and middle class do not!By Robert T.Kiyosaki with Sharon L. Lechter, C.P.A“To get over the top financially, you must read Rich Dad, Poor Dad. It’s common sense and market savvy for your financial future.”Zig ZiglarWorld-renowned author and lecturer“If you want all insider wisdom on how to personally get and stay rich, read this book! Bribe your kids (financially if you have to) to do the same.”Mark Victor HansenCo-author, New York TimesBest Selling Chicken Soup for the Soul series“Rich Dad, Poor Dad is not your book on money… Rich Dad, Poor Dad is easy to read and its key messages-such as, getting rich takes focus and nerve-are very simple.”Honolulu MagazineI only wish I had read this book when I was young, or even better yet my parents had read this book! This is the kind of book you buy and give each of your kids and buy extra copies, on the chance you have grandchildren and this should be your gift, as soon as this child reaches 8 or 9.”Sue BrawnPresident of Tenant Chek of AmericanThis book is dedicated to all parents everywhere, a child’s most important teachers.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSHow does a person say “thank you” when there are so many people to thank? Obviously this book is a thank you to my two fathers who were powerful role models, ant to my mom who taught me love and kindness.Yet, the people most directly responsible for this book becoming a reality include my wife, Kim, who makes my life complete. Kim is my partner in marriages, business, and in life. Without her I would be lost. To Kim’s parents, Winnie and Bill Meyer, for raising such a great daughter. I thank Sharon Lechter for picking up the pieces of this book in my computer and putting them together. To Sharo’s husband, Mike, for being a great intellectual property attorney, and their children, Phillip, Shelly, and Rick, for their participation and cooperation; I thank Keith Cunningham for financial wisdom and inspiration; Larry and Lisa Clark for the gift of friendship and encouragement; Rolf Parta for technical genius; Anne Nevin, Bobbi DePorter and Joe Chapon for insight into learning; DC and John Harrison, Jannie Tay, Sandy khoo, Richard and veronica tan, peter Johnston and suzi dafnis, Jacqueline seow, nyhl Henson, Michael and monetter Hamlin…INTRODUCTIONThere is a needDoes school prepare children for the real world? “Study hard and get good grades and you will find a high-paying job with great benefits.”My parents used to say. Their goal in life was toprovide a college education for my older sister and me, so that we would the greatest chance for success in life. When I finally earned my diploma in 1976- graduating with honors, and near the top of my class, in accounting from Florida State University- my parents had realized their goal. I was the crowning achievement of their lives. In accordance with the “Master Plan”, I was hired by a “Big 8” accounting firm, and I looked forward to a long career and retirement an early age.My husband, Michael, followed a similar path. We both came from hard-working families, of modest means but with strong work ethics. Michael also graduated with honors, but he did it twice: first as an engineer and then from law school. He was quickly recruited by prestigious Washington, d.c., law firm that specialized in patent law and his future seemed bright, career path well defined and early retirement guaranteed.。
Rich dad and poor dad富爸爸穷爸爸英语课件

Life of Mr. Robert
• “I have two dads, one is my own dad whom I called my ‘poor dad’, because he had been fighting with all kinds of debts (债务) all his life, even though he was well-educated and used to have a highpaying job. The other dad is actually dad of my best friend---Mike. He is my‘ rich dad’ in my way to becoming financial free. (财务自由)”
Rich dook about the way to become richI.n fact, it teaches us a
new way to think------that is, the way the rich sees the world and life!
• 4.You must give first and then receive ,that is why charity(慈善) is very important for the rich!
quadrants (象限)

Philosophers NotesMore Wisdom in Less Time Brian Johnson’s “One dad would say, ‘The love of money is the root of all evil.’ The other, ‘The lack of money is the root of all evil.’”~ Robert Kiyosaki from Rich Dad, Poor Dad Can you believe that Robert Kiyosaki has written 18 books in the Rich Dad, Poor Dad series that have sold over (gasp!) 26 million copies Yep.And, as with all success stories, there’s a reason. Kiyosaki has a knack for getting right at the heart of the issue and in his simple, unpretentious prose, he captures our attention and gives us some powerful ideas to think about and implement into our lives—addressing what has to be one of the most challenging arenas for all of us: money.“One dad had a habit of saying, ‘I can’t afford it.’ The other dad forbade those words to be used. He insisted I say, ‘How can I afford it?’”Juxtaposing his biological, educated, government-employed father who always struggled financially (“Poor Dad”) with his best friend’s entrepreneurial, wealthy father (“Rich Dad”), Kiyosaki weaves a compelling story about how the rich think more than a little differently than the poor and the middle class.The challenge with this book, as with so many others, is that there are so many Big Ideas to discuss and so little time. :)So, let’s get to work!WORK & MONEY “Just know that it’s fear that keeps most people working at a job. The fear of not paying their bills. The fear of being fired. The fear of not having enough money. The fear of starting over. That’s the price of studying to learn a profession or trade, and then working for money. Most people become a slave to money… and then get angry at their boss.”Well, that (unfortunately) sums it up, doesn’t it?How about you? Are you in a job you don’t love because of fear you won’t be able to make it on your own? And then resenting your boss for your own predicament? Not a good idea. That would fall into the “being a Victim” mode psychologists and philosophers alike establish is NOT where you want to play.As T. Harv Eker says in his inspiring and practical (and surprisingly funny) book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (see Notes): “You can be a victim or you can be rich, but you can’t be both. Rich Dad, Poor Dad What Rich Teach Their Kids About Money--That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!BY ROBERT T. KIYOSAKI · BUSINESS PLUS © 2000 · 207 PAGES THE BIG IDEASWork & MoneyDo you work or does your money?Money PsychosisAvoiding? Attached?Choose Your ThoughtsControl your responses.Financial LiteracyGet smart.Rule OneBuy assets.Opportunity CostsDon’t tie yourself upWealthHow many days?.Overcoming ObstaclesAnd having fun.Fear (Again)Always, always, always...FocusThe sun’s rays.Give, Give, Give!Give what you want.“The poor and the middleclass work for money.The rich have money work for them.”~ Robert KiyosakiListen up! Every time, and I mean every time, you blame, justify, or complain, you are slitting your financial throat.”Do you have a dream that’s being stymied by some fear?If so, you might want to think about these questions:• What would you do if you weren’t afraid? • If you were absolutely guaranteed to succeed, what would you dare to dream and to do? Alrighty. So, what baby steps can take toward your dreams? Doesn’t have to be quitting your job tomorrow or taking some other huge step, but how can you take a step toward that dream and through the fear?!While you ponder that, remember Emerson’s wisdom: “Always, always, always, always, always do what you are afraid to do.” And, he also advises: “Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain.” I guess he felt pretty strongly about it. :)MONEY PSYCHOSIS “The avoidance of money is just as psychotic as being attached to money.”Where do you fall on the money psychosis scale?Attached to it? Avoiding it?OR!Healthfully engaged in the circulation (I love that word—especially when used with money!) of abundance?Good news is that there IS a way out:CHOOSE YOUR THOUGHTS “Going into our fear and confronting our greed, our weaknesses, our neediness is the way out. And the way out is through the mind, by choosing our thoughts.”Do you choose what you think or do you find yourself simply reacting to your emotions? Rich Dad would strongly suggest we learn to choose our thoughts consciously and carefully.And, while you’re at that, it’s time for all of us to develop our:FINANCIAL LITERACY “I am concerned that too many people are focused too much on money and not on their greatest wealth, which is their education. If people are prepared to be flexible, keep an open mind and learn, they will grow richer and richer through the changes. If they think money will solve the problems, I am afraid those people will have a rough ride. Intelligence solves problems and produces money. Money without financial intelligence is money soon gone.”Are you investing in your financial intelligence?If you’re reading these notes, then I’d definitely say, “YES!”(And you might dig some of our other Notes on abundance including: Spiritual Economics , The Science of Getting Rich , Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success and It’s Not About the Money .)“God will not have his work made manifest by cowards.”~ Ralph Waldo Emerson“I want to teach you tomaster the power of money. Not be afraid of it. And they don’t teach that in school.If you don’t learn it, youbecome a slave to money.”~ Rich DadAs Byron Katie says in Loving What Is (see Notes): “The greatest stock market you can invest in is yourself. Finding this truth is better than finding a gold mine.”So, what else can you do yo invest in your financial intelligence? For now, remember:RULE #1: BUY ASSETS“You must know the difference between an asset and a liability, and buy assets.”Do you know the difference between an asset and a liability? Which are you buying?“Rich people acquire assets. Poor and middle class acquire liabilities, but they think they are assets.”Pop quiz: Is the house you live in an asset or a liability?—> insert “Jeopardy” music here <—OK. Time’s up. Asset or liability?If you answered “liability” you win. If you answered “asset,” um, hate to break it to you, but Kiyosaki tells us that that mortgage youhave is a liability.How could that beAccording to Kiyosaki: “An asset is something that puts money in my pocket. A liability is something that takes money out of my pocket.”And he continues: “If you want to be rich, simply spend your life buying assets. If you want to be poor or middle class, spend your life buying liabilities. It’s not knowing the difference that causes most of the financial struggle in the real world.”Why is tying all your money up into a liability like your home a problem?Consider this:OPPORTUNITY COSTS “The most important rule is to know the difference between an asset and a liability. Once you understand the difference, concentrate your efforts on only buying income-generating assets.”One of my favorite lessons in Economics 1 at UCLA was the idea of “opportunity costs.” The idea, as you may know, is simple: Whenever we spend time or money on one activity, to equate the cost of that investment (of the time or money) we need to look at both the actual time/money, we invested PLUS what we *could* have done with the money. Because, of course, if we do one thing when we could have done another, our potential true cost is huge—WAY bigger than the actual outlay.Make sense?We’ll let Robert bring the point home: “The greatest losses of all are those from missed opportunities. If all your money is tied up in your house, you may be forced to work harder because your money continues blowing out of the expense column, instead of adding to the asset column, the classic middle class cash flow problem.”“If you want to be rich, you need to be financially literate.”~ Rich Dad [On debt:] “If you find you have dug yourself into a hole... stop digging.”~ Robert Kiyosaki “The rich buy assets. The poor only have expenses. The middle class buys liabilities they think are assets.”~ Robert Kiyosaki “This pattern of treating your home as an investment and the philosophy that a pay raise means you can buy a larger home or spend more is the foundation of today’s debt-ridden society.”~ Robert KiyosakiWEALTH “Wealth is a person’s ability to survive so many number of days forward… or if I stopped working today, how long could I survive?”I prefer to look at wealth from a higher perspective that includes some other important variables but for now, let’s look at it thru Kiyosaki’s lens:How’s your wealth looking?How many days could you survive if you stopped working today?If that question made you gasp and want to shred this Note and/or run away, please take a deep breath. Honor the process of increasing your financial aptitude, accept what is, and get your mojo cookin’! :)And, if you’ve got a nice runway, right on! How are you going to use that wealth to create even more assets and to serve the world In either case, remember: “The single most powerful asset we all have is our mind. If it is trained well, it can create enormous wealth in what seems to be an instant.”Check out the book for more info on the pragmatics of financial literacy. For now, let’s take a quick look at the obstacles to creating wealth:OVERCOMING OBSTACLES “There are five main reasons why financially literate people may still not develop abundant asset columns: 1. Fear. 2. Cynicism. 3. Laziness. 4. Bad habits. 5. Arrogance.”The last part of the book is all about overcoming obstacles. It’s very cool.Some of my favorite Big Ideas:FEAR (AGAIN)“We all have tremendous potential, and we all are blessed with gifts. Yet, the one thing that holds all of us back is some degree of self-doubt. It is not so much the lack of technical information that holds us back, but more the lack of self-confidence.”We hit on this theme a little earlier. (And, if you haven’t noticed, we’ve hit on it in nearly EVERY Note so far. :)Hmmmmm… Question (again!): What would you do if you weren’t afraid?Answer: If I wasn’t afraid, I would:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(Go ahead and write on another 10 (or 100!) pages if you need to! :)Kiyosaki reminds us: “The fear of losing money is real. Everyone has it. Even the rich. But it’s not fear that is the problem. It’s how you handle the fear. It’s how you handle losing. It’s how “...most people work from January to May just for the government.”~ Robert Kiyosaki“Job is an acronym for ‘Just Over Broke.’”~ Robert Kiyosaki“Life is much like goingto the gym. The mostpainful part is deciding to go. Once you get past that, it’s easy.”~ Robert Kiyosakiyou handle failure that makes the difference in one’s life. That goes for anything in life, not just money. The primary difference between a rich person and a poor person is how they handle that fear.”So… How are you handling your fear?Let’s approach it like the hero in Paul Bunyan’s novel Pilgrim’s Progress .In the story, his hero has a special shield. A magical shield. It protects him from everything in front of him. As long as he heads straight at his challenges he’s invincible!If, however, he chooses to turn and run away, the shield loses its power and he’s suddenly vulnerable. D’oh!The lesson: GO STRAIGHT AT YOUR CHALLENGES!!Do so, and you’re empowered.Emerson, you may recall from above, says the exact same thing. In his words, we must ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS () do the thing we fear and, as we do this, the death of fear is certain.So, what are you afraid of?What would you do if you weren’t afraid?Time to do that.(And, now would be an acceptable time to do it. If you need to set this down and come back to it later that’d be great. :)FOCUS“If you have little money and you want to be rich, you must first be ‘focused,’ not ‘balanced.’ If you look at anyone successful, at the start they were not balanced. Balanced people go nowhere. They stay in one spot. To make progress, you must first go unbalanced. Just look at how you make progress walking.”I love that. This is another sentiment echoed by all the great creators and teachers.A few of my favorite thoughts on the subject:Alexander Graham Bell: “Concentrate all your thoughts on the task at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.”Thomas Edison: “The first requisite of success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem without growing weary.”Seneca from Letters from a Stoic (see Notes): “To be everywhere is to be nowhere.”Peter Senge from The Fifth Discipline : “Personal mastery is the discipline of continuallyclarifying and deepening our personal vision, of focusing our energies, of developing patience, and of seeing reality objectively.”T. Harv Eker from Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (see Notes): “The first thing I did was commit to my success and playing to win. I swore I would focus and not even consider leaving this business until I was a millionaire or more. This was radically different from my previous efforts, where, because I always thought short-term, I would constantly get side-tracked by either good opportunities or when things got tough.”“I recognized that it was excessive fear and self-doubt that were the greatest detractors of personal genius.”~ Robert Kiyosaki “I strongly urge students to learn to take risks, to be bold, to let their genius convert that fear into power and brilliance.”~ Robert KiyosakiGIVE, GIVE, GIVE!!“Whenever you feel ‘short’ or in ‘need’ of something, give what you want first and it will come back in buckets. That is true for money, a smile, love, friendship. I know it is often the last thing a person may want to do, but it has always worked for me. I just trust that the principle of reciprocity is true, and I give what I want.”This echoes Deepak Chopra’s wisdom from The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success (see Notes) where he says: “Practicing the Law of Giving is actually very simple; if you want joy, give joy to others; if you want love, learn to give love; if you want attention and appreciation, learn to give attention and appreciation; if you want material affluence, help others to become materially affluent. In fact, the easiest way to get what you want is to help others get what they want.”So, what do you want?Money? Love? Support? Attention? Appreciation?How can you give more of it todayGet on that.And let’s circulate as much abundance as we possibly can as we push our edges and celebrate this precious hero’s journey,If you liked this Note, you’ll probably like…Secrets of theMillionaire MindSeven Spiritual Lawsof SuccessSpiritual EconomicsThe Science ofGetting RichIt’s Not About the Money About the Author of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”ROBERT T. KIYOSAKIRobert Toru Kiyosaki (born April 8, 1947) is an investor, businessman, self-helpauthor and motivational speaker. Kiyosaki is best known for his Rich Dad, PoorDad series of motivational books and other material. He has written 18 bookswhich combined have sold over 26 million copies. Three of his books, Rich DadPoor Dad, Rich Dad’s CASHFLOW Quadrant, and Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing,have been on the top 10 best-seller lists simultaneously on The Wall StreetJournal, USA Today and the New York Time s. The book Rich Kid Smart Kid waspublished in 2001, with the intent to help parents teach their children financialconcepts. He has created three “Cashflow” board and software games for adultsand children and has a series of “Rich Dad” audio cassettes and disks. He alsopublishes a monthly newsletter. (adapted from from Wikipedia). Learn more atAbout the Author of This NoteBRIAN JOHNSONBrian Johnson is a lover of wisdom (aka a “Philosopher”) and a passionatestudent of life who’s committed to inspiring and empowering millions of peopleto live their greatest lives as he studies, embodies and shares the universal truthsof optimal living. He harts his job.Brian Johnson,Chief Philosopher。
rich dad poor dad 穷爸爸富爸爸

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Asset 资产
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KISS(keep it simple stupid),即傻瓜财务原则
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Asset 资产
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‘The poor work for money,and the rich make money work for them.’
《Rich Dad,Poor Dad》
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Robert T.Kiyosaki: Born and raised in Hawaii,Robert is fourth-generation Japanese american.He set up a company and began his own business in 1977,finally became a millionaire in 1985. Kiyosaki is the author of the Rich Dad series of books,an investor,entrepreneur and educator. His perspectives in Rich Dad,Poor Dad have changed the way people think about money and investing.
Kiyosaki followed his poor dad study hard in order to hunt a good job until 1977, the poor dad was laid off and bothered by the money all the time,meanwhile,the other one became the richest man in Hawaii. At last, Kiyosaki determined to follow the rich dad’s step and start his own business.


Who took my money
The social capitalist
Run your own corporation
Rich Woman:A Book on Investing for Women
Rich Dad's Rich Kid,Smart Kid
Rich dad's before you quit your job
The real book of real estate
Sales dogs
Rich dad's conspiracy of the rich
Why "A" students work for "C" students and "B" students work for the government
Guide to becoming rich without cutting up your credit cards
Why the rich are getting richer
Midas touch
Rich dad's guide to investing
Increase Your Financial IQ

2012/10/2 P11
Without thinking, I responded, "Because if you don't get good grades, you won't get into college." "Regardless of whether I go to college," he replied, "I'm going to be rich."
2012/10/2 P19
He was right. He needed new answers, and so did I. My parents' advice may have worked for people born before 1945, but it may be disastrous for those of us born into a rapidly changing world. No longer can I simply say to my children, "Go to school, get good grades, and look for a safe, secure job."
2012/10/2 P17
“Mom,” he continued, “I don„t want to work as hard as you and dad do. You make a lot of money, and we live in a huge house with lots of toys. If I follow your advice, I‟ll wind up(上紧发条) like you, working harder and harder only to pay more taxes and wind up(结束) in debt.

Because I had two influential fathers, I learned from both of them. I had to think about each dad's advice, and in doing so, I gained valuable insight into the power and effect of one's thoughts on one's life. For example, one dad had a habit of saying, "I can't afford it." The other dad forbade those words to be used. He insisted I say, "How can I afford it?" One is a statement, and the other is a question. One lets you off the hook, and the other forces you to think. My soon-to-be-rich dad would explain that by automatically saying the words "I can't afford it," your brain stops working. By asking the question "How can I afford it?" your brain is put to work. He did not mean buy everything you wanted. He was fanatical about exercising your mind, the most powerful computer in the world. "My brain gets stronger every day because I exercise it. The stronger it gets, the more money I can make." He believed that automatically saying "I can't afford it" was a sign of mental laziness.

富爸爸穷爸爸英语作文The book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki has been a profound influence on my understanding of personal finance and wealth-building. The contrasting perspectives of the author's "rich dad" and "poor dad" provide invaluable insights into the mindsets and habits that can either lead to financial success or perpetual financial struggle.At the core of the book's message is the idea that the path to wealth is not solely dependent on how much one earns, but rather on how one thinks about and manages money. Kiyosaki's "rich dad" exemplifies the mindset of an entrepreneur and investor, while his "poor dad" represents the mindset of an employee and consumer.The "poor dad," who was Kiyosaki's biological father, was a highly educated and respected man who held a stable government job. He believed in the traditional path of obtaining a good education, finding a secure job, and saving money. While this approach can provide financial security, Kiyosaki's "poor dad" struggled to build substantial wealth and often lived paycheck-to-paycheck.In contrast, Kiyosaki's "rich dad" was a businessman who, despite having less formal education, possessed a deep understanding of financial literacy and the principles of wealth creation. He emphasized the importance of acquiring assets, such as real estate and businesses, that generate passive income, rather than simply relying on a steady paycheck.One of the key lessons from the "rich dad" is the distinction between assets and liabilities. Assets are things that put money in your pocket, while liabilities are things that take money out of your pocket. The "poor dad" tended to view consumer goods, such as cars and electronics, as assets, when in reality, they are liabilities that depreciate in value over time.The "rich dad," on the other hand, encouraged Kiyosaki to invest in assets that would generate cash flow and appreciate in value, such as rental properties, stocks, and businesses. This mindset shift is crucial, as it allows individuals to build wealth over the long term, rather than simply trading time for money through a traditional job.Another important lesson from the book is the importance of financial education. The "rich dad" emphasized the need to continuously learn about personal finance, investing, and entrepreneurship, rather than relying solely on the traditionaleducation system. He believed that the school system often fails to prepare individuals for the financial realities of the real world.The book also highlights the power of using leverage and taking calculated risks. The "rich dad" encouraged Kiyosaki to borrow money to finance investments, rather than relying solely on personal savings. This approach, when managed responsibly, can accelerate the wealth-building process and allow individuals to achieve financial freedom more quickly.One of the most profound insights from the book is the idea that the path to wealth is not necessarily linear or predictable. The "rich dad" often encouraged Kiyosaki to think outside the box and explore unconventional opportunities, rather than following a prescribed career path. This mindset of flexibility and adaptability is crucial in an ever-changing economic landscape.Throughout the book, Kiyosaki emphasizes the importance of financial literacy and the need to take personal responsibility for one's financial future. He argues that the traditional education system often fails to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the complexities of personal finance and wealth-building.In conclusion, "Rich Dad Poor Dad" has had a lasting impact on myunderstanding of personal finance and wealth creation. The contrasting perspectives of the "rich dad" and "poor dad" have challenged me to re-examine my own beliefs and assumptions about money and financial success. The book's emphasis on financial education, asset acquisition, and entrepreneurial thinking has inspired me to take a more proactive and strategic approach to my own financial future.。

Poor Dad, Rich Dad
穷爸爸(Poor Dad) --父亲的收入主要来自于工资收入,对于钱财和财务知识缺乏了解。
富爸爸(Rich Dad) --父亲不仅仅依靠工资收入,还通过投资等方式增加财富,并拥有财务智慧。

The Power of Financial Education: A Lesson from "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"In the world of finance, knowledge is power. This profound truth is explored in the popular book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki, a book that hasrevolutionized the way millions of people view money and investing. The narrative, presented through the lens of Kiyosaki's own childhood experiences, compares thefinancial wisdom of his two fathers: his biological father, a well-educated professor who struggled financially, and his best friend's father, a wealthy entrepreneur who taught him the secrets of wealth accumulation.The contrast between these two fathers highlights the importance of financial literacy. Kiyosaki's biological father, despite his education and professional success, struggled to accumulate wealth due to a lack of financial knowledge and understanding. Conversely, his friend's father, despite having limited formal education, achieved financial freedom through his understanding of investing and the power of assets.This dichotomy raises crucial questions about the education system and the role it plays in shaping our financial futures. Traditionally, schools focus on academic subjects like math and science, but often overlook the importance of financial education. "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" challenges this narrative, arguing that financial literacy is a crucial skill that should be taught from a young age. One of the key lessons from "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" is the importance of understanding the difference between an asset and a liability. An asset is something that generates income, such as real estate or stocks, while a liability is something that causes an outflow of cash, like a car or a loan. Kiyosaki emphasizes that we should strive to acquire assets that will generate income and help us achieve financial freedom.Another valuable lesson is the power of leverage. Leverage allows us to use someone else's money to invest and grow our wealth. This can be achieved through various means, such as borrowing money to buy an asset that generates income or investing in businesses that have thepotential for significant growth. By leveraging our resources, we can accelerate the accumulation of wealth.Moreover, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" challenges the conventional wisdom of saving money. Kiyosaki argues that saving money is not enough; we need to invest it in orderto grow our wealth. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the difference between good debt and bad debt. Good debt, such as a mortgage on a rental property, generates income and helps us build assets. Bad debt, like consumer loans or credit card debt, drains our cash flowand keeps us trapped in a cycle of debt.The insights from "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" are not just limited to individual finance. The principles of financial literacy can be applied to businesses and economies as well. By understanding the principles of asset allocation, leverage, and debt management, businesses can grow and prosper. Nations can also benefit from improving financial literacy among their citizens, as it can lead to morestable and prosperous economies.In conclusion, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" is not just a book about money; it's a guide to financial freedom. Itchallenges us to rethink our conventional wisdom about money and investing, and encourages us to take control of our financial futures. By acquiring financial literacy and applying the principles outlined in this book, we can achieve financial independence and build a better life for ourselves and our families.**《富爸爸穷爸爸》的力量**在财务领域,知识就是力量。
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Act as a boss 老板心态
"Today, the most dangerous advice you can give a child is `Go to school, get good grades and look for a safe secure job,' " “今天,一个人能够给孩子最危险的告诫就是"上学,争高分,找一 份安全稳定的工作. "”
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Financial Freedom
Financial Freedom:Passive Income>Expense
Passive Income is also called unearned income,but is not working income
‘The rich is the property of buying out and the poor is only of paying out.’
穷人购买负债 富人购买资产
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KISS(keep it simple stupid),即傻瓜财务原则。 通过这个原则我们可以轻松地判别出资产与负债,并去购买资产 < previous
Act as a boss 老板心态
《Rich Dad,Poor Dad》
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Robert T.Kiyosaki: Born and raised in Hawaii,Robert is fourth-generation Japanese american.He set up a company and began his own business in 1977,finally became a millionaire in 1985. Kiyosaki is the author of the Rich Dad series of books,an investor,entrepreneur and educator. His perspectives in Rich Dad,Poor Dad have changed the way people think about money and investing.
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Asset 资产
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KISS(keep it simple stupid),即傻瓜财务原则
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Asset 资产
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‘The poor work for money,and the rich make money work for them.’
Base on his childhood experiences,this book showed totally different opinion on money and wealth between his two dads.Finally,he came to the conclusion,if you want to be a rich man,you must achieve your own financial freedom.
Kiyosaki followed his poor dad study hard in order to hunt a good job until 1977, the poor dad was laid off and bothered by the money all the time,meanwhile,the other one became the richest man in Hawaii. At last, Kiyosaki determined to follow the rich dad’s step and start his own business.
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Brief introduction of story:
Kiyosaki wrote this book by narrating a story based on his real childhood experiences.Kiyosaki has two dads who have a big difference in education.Poor dad ,the one who was his biological father,was a government official,highly educated and intelligent.On the contrary ,rich dad,his father’s childhood friend, never finished the eighth grade in school but he devoted himself to investment.
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Asset 资产
Liability 负债
The child may graduate with excellent grades but with a poor person's financial programming and mind-set.孩子可能以优秀 的成绩毕业,但是只具有穷人的理财程式和心态。
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