Multisim8教程 逻辑代数基本公式及仿真实验

3.8 字信号发生器 字信号发生器(Word Generator)是一个
可以产生32位同步逻辑信号的仪器,用于对数 字逻辑电路进行测试。
字信号发生器的图标左侧有0~15共16个输 出端,右侧有16~31也是16个输出端,任何一 个都可以用作数字电路的输入信号。另外,R 为备用信号端,T为外触发输入端。
3.9 逻辑分析仪 逻辑分析仪(Logic Analyzer)可以同步显
示和记录16路逻辑信号,用于对数字逻辑信 号的高速采集和时序分析 。
逻辑分析仪的图标左侧有1~F共16个输入端, 使用时接到被测电路的相关节点。图标下部 也有ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้个端子,C是外时钟输入端,Q是时钟 控制输入端,T是触发控制输入端。

3.8 字信号发生器 字信号发生器(Word Generator)是一个
可以产生32位同步逻辑信号的仪器,用于对数 字逻辑电路进行测试。
字信号发生器的图标左侧有0~15共16个输 出端,右侧有16~31也是16个输出端,任何一 个都可以用作数字电路的输入信号。另外,R 为备用信号端,T为外触发输入端。
3.9 逻辑分析仪 逻辑分析仪(Logic Analyzer)可以同步显
示和记录16路逻辑信号,用于对数字逻辑信 号的高速采集和时序分析 。
逻辑分析仪的图标左侧有1~F共16个输入端, 使用时接到被测电路的相关节点。图标下部 也有3个端子,C是外时钟输入端,Q是时钟 控制输入端,T是触发控制输入端。

实验3.2 与非门逻辑功能测试及组成其它门电路一、实验目的:1.熟悉THD-1型(或Dais-2B型)数电实验箱的使用方法。
2. 了解基本门电路逻辑功能测试方法。
二、实验准备:1. 集成逻辑门有许多种,如:与门、或门、非门、与非门、或非门、与或非门、异或门、OC门、TS门等等。
例如,要实现或门Y=A+B,A ,可用三个与非门连根据摩根定律,或门的逻辑函数表达式可以写成:Y=B接实现。
2. 集成电路与非门简介:74LS00是“TTL系列”中的与非门,CD4011是“CMOS系列”中的与非门。
CMOS电路的主要优点是:(1). 功耗低,其静态工作电流在10-9A数量级,是目前所有数字集成电路中最低的,而TTL器件的功耗则大得多。

B 放大 整形
10Tx 100Tx
计数锁存译码 显示系统
图4.8.5 是由秒脉冲发生器(可由晶体振荡器和 多级分频器组成)和可重触发单稳态74LS123 组成
的控制时序产生电路。秒脉冲发生器产生脉冲宽度 为的定时脉冲,74LS123单稳态电路产生锁存和清 零脉冲。(仿真软件Multisim 8的元件库中,没有 74LS123单稳态电路,可用555定时器组成单稳态 电路)。 5V
4. 闸门电路
闸门电路由与门组成,该电路有两个输入端和一 个输出端,输入端的一端,接门控信号,另一端接 整形后的被测方波信号。闸门是否开通,受门控信 号的控制,当门控信号为高电平“1”时,闸门开启; 而门控信号为低电平“0”时,闸门关闭。显然,只 有在闸门开启的时间内,被测信号才能通过闸门进 入计数器,计数器计数时间就是闸门开启时间。可 见,门控信号的宽度一定时,闸门的输出值正比于 被测信号的频率,通过计数显示系统把闸门的输出 结果显示出来,就可以得到被测信号的频率。
5. 电子计数器测量周期
当被测信号频率比较低时,用测量周期的方法来 测量频率比直接测量频率有更高的准确度和分辨率, 且便于测量过程自动化。该测量方法在许多科学技 术领域中都得到普遍使用。图4.8.4是用电子计数器 测量信号周期的原理方框图。
时基 分频
S1 Tc
10µs 1ms 100µs Tx1
①可控制的计数、锁存、译码显示系统; ②石英晶体振荡器及分频系统(可用Multisim 8中

隶属于美国国家仪器公司(National Instruments,简称 NI)的Electronics Workbench公司发布了Multisim软件, 是一种紧密集成、终端对终端的解决方案,工程师利用这 一软件可有效地完成电子工程项目从最初的概念建模到最 终的成品的全过程。
(1) 万用表的使用 如图所示,在万用表控制面板上可以选择电压值、电流值、
电路 (2) 函数信号发生器
如图所示,在函数信号发生器中可以选择正弦波、三角波和 矩形波三种波形,频率可在1~999范围内调整。信号的幅值、 占空比、偏移量也可以根据需要进行调节。偏移量指的是交流 信号中直流电平的偏移。
(4) 导线的连接点
在Place菜单下选择Junction命令,可以放置连接点,可 以将连接点直接插入导线中。连接点是小圆点,连接点最 多可以连接来自4个不同方向的导线
(5) 在导线中间插入元器件
我们可以非常方便地实现在导线中间插入元器件。选 中元器件,用鼠标将其拖至导线上,释放鼠标即可。
电子通信类其它常用的仿真软件: System view---数字通信系统的仿真 Proteus――单片机及ARM仿真 LabVIEW――虚拟仪器原理及仿真
multisim 10概述
Multisim 被美国NI公司收购以后,其性能得到了 极大的提升。最大的改变就是:Multisim 与 LABVIEB 的完美结合:

7.6 55定时器的应用
555定时器是一种多用途的数字-模拟混合 集成电路,由于使用灵活、方便,所以555定 时器在波形的产生与变换、测量与控制、家用 电器、通信等许多领域得到广泛应用。用555 定时器可方便地构成施密特触发器、多谐振荡 器和单稳态触发器。本节以555定时器构成施 密特触发器和单稳态触发器为例,说明555定 时器的功能特点、应用以及仿真分析方法。用 555定时器构成多谐振荡器见第9章脉冲发生器。
7章 Multisim8 在数字电子技术中的应用
数字电子技术是电类专业的技术基础课程,数字电子技 术可概括为实现数字信号的逻辑变换,其主要特点是应用 性强。在Multisim仿真环境中有大量的适合数字电路仿真的 元器件、各种集成组合电路和时序电路等;有各种分析仪 器;有各种显示器件。本章通过对各种数字电路的仿真分 析,使读者明确在Multisim环境中如何创建数字电路、如何 仿真并观测仿真结果。
7.6 555定时器的应用举例
以555定时器构成施密特触发器和单稳 态触发器为例,说明555定时器的功能特点、 应用以及仿真分析方法。
7.1 逻辑函数的表示方法及其相互转换 仿真分析的主要内容
1. 数字电路的创建 2. 逻辑图转换为真值表 3. 真值表转换为最小项表达式 4. 真值表转换为最简表达式 5. 逻辑电路转换为与非-与非形式的电路
7.2 逻辑函数的化简
逻辑函数的化简在数字电路的分析和设计中非常重要, 逻辑表达式越简单,它所表示的逻辑关系越明显,同 时也有利于用最少的电子器件实现这个逻辑函数。逻 辑函数的化简方法通常有公式化简法和卡诺图化简法。 公式化简法存在无章可循、是否最简不易看出的缺点; 卡诺图化简有其优点,但是对五变量以上的逻辑函数, 用卡诺图化简不方便。而采用虚拟逻辑转换仪可方便 得到逻辑函数的最小项表达式或最简表达式。 逻辑函数化简举例:试化简逻辑函数:

数字电路实验M u l t i s i m仿真HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】实验一逻辑门电路一、与非门逻辑功能的测试74LS20(双四输入与非门)仿真结果二、门)三、与或非门逻辑功能的测试四、现路;一、分析半加器的逻辑功能二.74LS138接成四线-十六线译码器 00000001011110001111(2)用一片74LS153接成两位四选一数据选择器; (3)用一片74LS153一片74LS00和接成一位全加器(1)设计一个有A 、B 、C 三位代码输入的密码锁(假设密码是011),当输入密码正确时,锁被打开(Y 1=1),如果密码不符,电路发出报警信号(Y 2=1)。
还可以用门电路搭建实验三 触发器及触发器之间的转换1. D 触发器逻辑功能的测试(上升沿)2. JK 触发器功能测试(下降沿)Q=0Q=0略3. 思考题:(1)(2)(3)略实验四寄存器与计数器1.右移寄存器(74ls74 为上升沿有效)位异步二进制加法,减法计数器(74LS112 下降沿有效)也可以不加数码显示管3.设计性试验(1)74LS160设计7进制计数器(74LS160 是上升沿有效,且异步清零,同步置数)若采用异步清零:若采用同步置数:(2)74LS160设计7进制计数器略(3)24进制83进制注意:用74LS160与74LS197、74LS191是完全不一样的实验五 555定时器及其应用1.施密特触发器输入电压从零开始增加:输入电压从5V开始减小:2.单稳态触发器3.多谢振荡。


二、实验原理TTL集成电路的输入端和输出端均为三极管结构,所以称作三极管、三极管逻辑电路(Transistor -Transistor Logic )简称TTL电路。
54 系列的TTL电路和74 系列的TTL电路具有完全相同的电路结构和电气性能参数。
所不同的是54 系列比74 系列的工作温度范围更宽,电源允许的范围也更大。
74 系列的工作环境温度规定为0—700C,电源电压工作范围为5V±5%V,而54 系列工作环境温度规定为-55—±1250C,电源电压工作范围为5V±10%V.54H 与74H,54S 与74S 以及54LS 与74LS 系列的区别也仅在于工作环境温度与电源电压工作范围不同,就像54 系列和74 系列的区别那样。
在不同系列的TTL 器件中,只要器件型号的后几位数码一样,则它们的逻辑功能、外形尺寸、引脚排列就完全相同。
TTL 集成电路由于工作速度高、输出幅度较大、种类多、不易损坏而使用较广,特别对我们进行实验论证,选用TTL 电路比较合适。
因此,本实训教材大多采用74LS(或74)系列TTL 集成电路,它的电源电压工作范围为5V±5%V,逻辑高电平为“1”时≥2。

DIGITAL LOGIC CIRCUIT MODELING AND SIMULATION WITH MULTISIMMultisim is a schematic capture and simulation program for analog, digital and mixed analog/digital circuits, and is one component of the National Instruments “Circuit Design Suite”.The basic steps in modeling and analysis of a digital logic circuit are:1.Open Multisim and create a “design”.2.Draw a schematic diagram of the circuit (components and interconnections).3.Design digital test patterns to be applied to the circuit inputs to stimulate the circuit and connect signal sourcesto the circuit inputs to produce these patterns.4.Connect the circuit outputs to one or more indicators to display the response of the circuit to the test patterns.5.Run the simulation and examine the results, copying and pasting Multisim windows into lab reports and otherdocuments as needed.6.Save the design.Step 1. Open Multisim and create a designThis creates a blank design called “Design1”, as illustrated in Figure 1. Save the file with the desired design name via menu bar File>Save As to use the standard Windows Save dialog.A previously saved design can be opened via File>Open. In the dialog window, navigate to the directory in which the design is stored, select the file, and click the Open button.Figure 1. Blank design with default name “Design 1.”Step 2. Draw a schematic diagram of the circuitPlace ComponentsA schematic diagram comprises one or more circuit components, interconnected by wires. Optionally, signal “sources” may be connected to the circuit inputs, and “indicators” to the circuit outputs. Each component is selected from the Multisim library and placed on the drawing sheet in the Circuit Window (also called the Workspace). The Multisim library is organized into “groups” of related components (Transistors, Diodes, Misc Digital, TTL, etc.). Each group comprises one or more “families”, within which the components are implemented with a common technology. For designing and simulating digital logic circuits in this course, “Misc Digital” (TIL family only) is used.The “Misc Digital” group has three families of components, of which family “TIL” contains models of generic logic gates, flip-flops, and modular functions. These components are technology-independent, which means that they have only nominal circuit delays and power dissipation, unrelated to any particular technology. Generic components can be used to test the basic functionality of a design, whereas realistic timing information requires the use of technology-specific part models, such as those in the TTL group.To place a component on the drawing sheet, select it via the Component Browser, which is opened via the component toolbar or the menu bar. From the menu bar, select Place>Component to open the Component Browser window, illustrated in Figure 2. You can also open this window by clicking on the Misc Digital icon in the component toolbar. On the left side of the window, select “Master Database”, group “Misc Digital”, and family “TIL”. The component panel in the center lists all components in the selected family. Scroll down to and click on the desired gate (NAND2 Figure 3); its symbol and description are displayed on the right side of the window. Then click the OK button. The selected gate will be shown on the drawing sheet next to the cursor; move the cursor to position the gate at the desired location, and then click to fix the position of the component. The component can later be moved to a different location, deleted, rotated, etc. by right clicking on the component and selecting the desired action. You may also select these operations via the menu bar Edit menu.Figure 2. Component Browser: Misc Digital TIL family NAND2 gate component selected.Figure 3. A third NAND2 gate is about to be placed on the drawing sheet.Figure 4 shows the schematic diagram with four placed components. Note that each placed gate has a “designator” (U2, U3, U4, U5), which can be used when referring to that gate. You can change a designator by right clicking on the component, selecting Properties, and entering the desired name on the Label tab.Figure 4. Schematic diagram with all placed components.Drawing WiresWires are drawn between component pins to interconnect them. Moving the cursor over a component pin changes the pointer to a crosshair, at which time you may click to initiate a wire from that pin. This causes a wire to appear, connected to the pin and the cursor. Move the cursor to the corresponding pin of the second component (the wire follows the cursor) and click to terminate the wire on that pin. If you do not like the path selected for the wire, you may click at a point on the drawing sheet to fix the wire to that point and then you can move the cursor to continue the wire from that point. You may also initiate or terminate a wire by clicking in the middle of a wire segment, creating a “junction” at that point. This is necessary when a wire is to be fanned out to more than one component input. A partially-wired circuit, including one junction point, is illustrated in Figure 5.Figure 5. Partially wired circuit, with one junction point.Step 3. Generating test input patterns.To drive circuit simulations, Multisim provides several types of “sources” and “instruments” to generate and apply patterns of logic values to digital circuit inputs. Sources are placed on the schematic sheet and connected to circuit inputs in the same way as circuit components, selecting them from the “Digital_Sources” family of the “Sources” group in the component browser. Note that there is a Place Source shortcut icon in the tool bar.There are three basic digital sources:1.DIGITAL_CONSTANT – this is a box with a constant logic 1 or 0 output, and would be used where the logic valueis not to be changed during simulation. To change the output value, right click on the box, select Properties, select the desired value on the Value tab, and click the OK button.2.INTERACTIVE_DIGITAL_CONSTANT – this is a clickable box that can be connected to a circuit input. Clicking onthe box toggles its output between 0 and 1. This can be used to interactively change a circuit input duringsimulation.3.DIGITAL_CLOCK – this is a box that produces a repeating pulse train (square waveform), oscillating between 0and 1 at a specified frequency. To set the frequency and duty cycle, right click on the box, select Properties,select the desired frequency and duty cycle value on the Value tab, and click the OK button.Figure 6 shows the circuit of Figure 5 with an INTERACTIVE_DIGITAL_CONSTANT connected to each input. Note that the initial state of each is logic 0. Since this circuit has only three inputs, all 8 input patterns can be produced (to generate a truth table for the circuit) by manually toggling the inputs.Figure 6. INTERACTIVE_DIGITAL_CONSTANT sources connected to circuit inputs.Step 4. Connect circuit outputs to indicatorsTo facilitate studying the digital circuit output(s), Multisim provides a variety of “indicators”. For digital simulation, the most useful are digital “probes”, hex displays, and the Logic Analyzer instrument. A probe, illustrated in Figure 7, displays a single digital value as ON or OFF (the probe is “illuminated” indicating an ON condition). The PROBE family of the Indicators group includes a generic PROBE_DIG and several PROBE_DIG_color indicators (color = BLUE, GREEN, ORANGE, RED, YELLOW). The probe in Figure 7 is PROBE_DIG_BLUE. This circuit can be verified by manually changing the three INTERACTIVE_DIGITAL_CONSTANT inputs to each of the 8 possible combinations, and recording the probe value for each combination to create a truth table.Figure 7. DIGITAL_PROBE_BLUE connected to circuit output.Step 5. Run the simulationA simulation is initiated by pressing the Run (green arrow) button in the toolbar or via the menu bar via Simulate>Run. You may simulate the circuit by clicking on the keys to change the input values and observe the output changes through the LED indicator.You may capture any window and paste it into a Word or other document for generating reports. An individual window is captured by pressing the ALT and Print Screen keys concurrently. You may then “paste” the captured window into a document via the editing features of that document. To capture a circuit diagram in the main window, the simplest method is via the menu bar Tools>Capture Screen Area. This produces a rectangle whose corners can be stretched to include the screen area to be captured; the “copy” icon on the top left corner is pressed to copy the area, which may then be pasted into a document.Step 6. Save the design and close MultisimThe simplest way to save a design is to click the Save icon in the Design Toolbar on the left side of the window, directly above the design name. Alternatively, you may use the standard menu bar File>Save.Multisim is exited as any other Windows program.-This document is a modified and short version of /department/ee/elec2210/.Appendix: Creating subcircuits and hierarchical blocks (from NI Multisim manual)Complete the following steps to place a new subcircuit:1. Select Place»New subcircuit. The Subcircuit Name dialog box appears.2. Enter the name you wish to use for the subcircuit, for example, “PowerSupply” andclick OK. Your cursor changes to a “ghost” image of the subcircuit indicating that thesubcircuit is ready to be placed.3. Click in the desired location to place the subcircuit.4. Double-click on the new subcircuit and select Open subsheet from the Label tab ofthe Hierarchical Block/Subcircuit dialog box that displays. An empty design sheetappears.5. Place and wire components as desired in the new subcircuit.6. Select Place»Connectors»Hierarchical connector, and place and wire the connector asdesired. Repeat for all required hierarchical connectors.When you attach a hierarchical connector to a wire, the net name for the wire that you connect it to does not change if it has a Preferred net name (user-assigned via the NetProperties dialog box). If the net name on the wire is auto-named, it changes to match theconnector.7. Select the sheet that contains the subcircuit from the Hierarchy tab of the DesignToolbox.OrSelect View»Parent sheet.This command moves you up to the next sheet in the hierarchy. If you have multiple nested circuits and are viewing, for example, a subcircuit within a subcircuit, you will notmove to the top of the hierarchy.The symbol for the subcircuit that appears includes pins for the number of connectors thatyou added.8. Wire the hierarchical connectors into the main circuit.Complete the following steps to place another instance of the same subcircuit:1. Select the desired subcircuit and select Edit»Copy.2. Select Edit»Paste to place a copy of the subcircuit on the workspace.。


可见, 计 算结果与仿真 结果 相同, 且 U5+U6+U7=12V,
验证了 KVL 定律。
定理内容 :对于有唯一解的线性电路,多个激励源共同作
律(KCL 定律)、基尔霍夫电压定律(KVL 定律)、叠加定理、
利用 Multisim8 对这些内容进行仿真分析,并将其应用到相关
诺顿定理得到验证。 综 上 所 述, 可以 看 到, 电 路定律 和
图 13 R4 左侧电路 的诺顿等效电路
2010年第15期 总第166期
DOI 编码 :10.3969/j.issn.1007-0079.2010.15.027
姜志玲 许 瑾 李红伟
2010年第15期 总第166期
DOI 编码 :10.3969/j.issn.1007-0079.2010.15.026
基于 Multisim8 的电路定律和定理仿真教学及应用
摘要 :在电路及模拟电路课程中应用极其广泛的基尔霍夫电流定律、基尔霍夫电压定律、叠加定理、戴维南定理、诺顿定理是教学 中的重点,如何在教学中使学生熟练掌握这些重要的定律和定理,是教学中值得研究的问题。我们利用 Multisim8 对这些内容进行仿真辅 助教学,提高了学生学习的积极性和学习兴趣,加深了学生对这些定律和定理的理解,收到了很好的效果。
电子设计自动化(MULTISIM 8第1、2章)

《电子设计自动化》 电子设计自动化》
1.4.6 频率计
Freq:用于测量频率。 Period:用于测量周期。 Pulse:用于测量正/负脉冲的持续时间。 Rise/Fall:用于测量上升沿/下降沿的时间。
《电子设计自动化》 电子设计自动化》
1.4.3 瓦特表
Power Factor:功率因数显示栏。 Voltage:电压的输入端点,从“+”、 “-”极接入。 Current:电流的输入端点,从“+”、 “-”极接入。
《电子设计自动化》 电子设计自动化》
1.4.4 双通道示波器
该模块主要用来进行时基信号的控 制调整。其各部分功能为: Scale:X轴刻度选择。控制在示 波器显示信号时,X轴每一格所代 表的时间。单位为ms/Div,范围 为1ps—1000Ts。 X position:用来调整时间基准的 起始点位置。即控制信号在X轴的 偏移位置,调整的范围为-5V— +5V。
B/A:选择将A通道信号 作为X轴扫描信号,B通 道信号幅度除以A通道信 号幅度后所得信号作为Y 轴的信号输出。 A/B:选择将B通道信号 作为X轴扫描信号,A通 道信号幅度除以B通道信 号幅度后所得信号作为Y 轴的信号输出。