白鲸简介 Moby-Dick
这部书的原名是《莫比·迪克》(Moby Dick),是美国作家赫尔曼·麦尔维尔再距今一百多年前创作的长篇小说。
电 影 《白 鲸 记 》 剧 照
《白鲸》 白鲸》
• 《年~1891年)于1851年发表的一篇海洋题材 的小说,小说描写了亚哈船长为了追逐并杀死白鲸莫 比·迪克的经历,最终与白鲸同归于尽的故事。故事营造 了一种让人置身海上航行、随时遭遇各种危险甚至是死亡 的氛围,是作者的代表作。1956年06月27日发行的电影 《白鲸记 白鲸记》(英文名称:Moby Dick),就是改编自这篇 白鲸记 小说,由著名导演约翰·休斯顿导演,格里高利·派克 Gregory Peck将高傲倔强的亚哈船长塑造得入木三分。小 说场面宏阔博大,思想内涵复杂,哲理性很强,而且
The theme of the book
It is a novel not only telling us the life at sea but also illustrating(阐明) the epiphany(生活的真谛): 1 we may be failed if we have limited knowledge 2 we can not believe in fate because fate is deceptive
The ntent of the book
The is an adventure novel.This adventure story starts when Ishmael (the narrator) walked into a whale hotel.Then he came to a ship called “Pequod”(裴廓德号) , and Ishmael became one of the boat's sailors. Ahab(the captain of the ship) made an order that all of his sailors had to try their best to find Moby-Dick and kill it.
What did I learn from the book? After I have read this book I also know only with a sincere heart, selfless to treat your good friends, you will achieve a sum of the most precious wealth -- friendship! Only the unity cooperation can do better.
床头灯英语3000词 白鲸
《白鲸》是赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville)所写的一部经典小说,讲述了一艘捕鲸船与一头白鲸的生死搏斗。
"The white whale. Aye, Moby Dick. Call him what you will, he is deeper than all the sea. He is as old as the great Leviathan himself. Of what strange unknown origin is the White Whale? Whence came he, and what is he? Of what is he made, and what does he do? Did he come into the world before the world itself, or was he created with the world? For all we know, all whales, small and great, and the great Leviathan himself, may have been created in imitation of him; so that the white whale is the original model to all whales; the Arch-type as it were of all things whale-like. ...He is the grand central Whale of all whales, the white whale of all whales."
白鲸Moby Dick作品分析1.白鲸Moby Dick是19世纪美国作家赫尔曼·梅尔维尔的代表作之一,被誉为一部文学经典。
2. 内容概述白鲸Moby Dick讲述了船长阿哈伊博带领船员追逐那只曾经伤害过他的大白鲸的故事。
3. 主题分析3.1 复仇复仇是整个小说的核心主题。
3.2 人性的黑暗面白鲸Moby Dick通过描写人物的行为和内心独白,展示了人性的黑暗面。
4. 文学风格4.1 叙事方式白鲸Moby Dick采用了多种叙事方式,既有第一人称叙事,也有第三人称叙事。
4.2 形象描写梅尔维尔善于运用形象描写,他通过详细的描绘和丰富的细节,让读者能够感受到故事中的场景和人物。
5.白鲸Moby Dick是一部充满哲理和思考的文学作品。
Moby Dick大白鲸英文简介
Pequod –the ship is named for an extinct Indian tribe in Connecticut康涅 狄格州,American;thus the name suggests that the boat is doomed to destruction.
• William Faulkner< The Bear> • Hemingway<the old and the sea> • Melville <Moby Dick>
Moby Dick
I.Search for truth:the story deals with the human pursuit of truth and the meaning of exitence. Ahab:How can the prisoner reach outside, except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall.
Ishmael: from the Bible,the name has come to symbolize orphans, exiles, and social outcasts.
Ahab– from the Old Testament,who was a wicked king, the evil idolworshiping ruler.
Conflict between Man and Nature.
man and man
美国浪漫主义小说家赫尔曼·麦尔维尔(1819-1891) 的代表作《白鲸》(Moby Dick) 就曾一度被十九世纪美国文学的大潮所淹没,经过半个多世纪的沉寂后,当新时代的人们以新的视角重新审视它时,这部史诗般的文学巨著就像深埋于古墓中的珠宝重见天日,放射出前所未有的璀璨光芒。
Meanings of Moby Dick to the Characters
First, as to Captain Ahab, Moby Dick is evil, is the one he wants to take revenge on, and it is his sworn enemy. Ahab vowed to avenge and kill Moby Dick for ripping his leg, so he considered Moby Dick as his aim of conquest. He heat Moby Dick, think of it nothing but the embodiment of evil, it makes him furious, painful, and messed up all his life. In order to chase and hunt down Moby Dick, Ahab abandoned his family, even sacrificed all sailors’ life. To Ahab, Moby Dick is the evil he must defeat and destroy.
Moby Dick
Type of work:symbolic work
First publication:1851
Setting:Most of the book takes place on various oceans,such as the Atlantic,the Indian,and the Pacific,in the early to mid 1800’s.However,a good deal of the first part of the novel takes place in New England inside and around Nantucket.
Moby_Dick 《白鲸》
Captain Ahab
Ahab is the tyrannical captain of the Pequod.A man who is obsessed with the killing of a white whale that has taken a leg from him.The novel is essentially the story of Ahab and his quest to defeat the white whale.
The novel is the realistic account of a whaling Voyage within which sets a symbolic account of the conflict between man and his fate.
Major Characters
Moby Dick possesses various symbolic meanings for various individuals. 1) Symbol of nature for human beings,because it is mysterious, powerful, unknown,out of control. 2) Symbol of evil for the Captain Ahab. 3) Symbol of good and purity because of its whiteness.
He is the chief mate of the Pequod.Among the characters in Moby Dick, it is only Starbuck who openly opposes Captain Ahab, believing his quest against the great whale to be an impulsive and suicidal folly. Despite his misgivings, he feels himself bound by his obligations to obey the captain.
moby dick的评价追求真理和知识
moby dick的评价追求真理和知识
《moby dick》翻译成中文叫做《白鲸》,是美国著名作家梅尔维尔的长篇小说,其创作于1851年。
而且作品中的叙述者伊史玛利,逃离他的生活环境, 登上了裴考德号, 希望找到一种令他感到快乐和充实的真正的生活。
这次航海本身象征着一种追寻和发现, 是对人类生活最终真理的追求。
在航海的过程中, 他逐步认识到了爱和友谊的价值,他学会了接受, 学会了更多的关于奋斗和勇敢的知识,而作者认为正是人类生存的保证。
所以这次航海象征着伊史玛利对知识和生活价值的一种追求, 也是那
—— 1 —1 —。
2.《人性污点》(The Scarlet Letter)是南塔克特的一部小说,讲述了一位因通奸而受到社会谴责的妇女的故事。
3.《名利场》(Vanity Fair)是威廉·梅克比斯·塔克勒的一
4.《飘》(Gone with the Wind)是玛格丽特·米切尔的一部
Moby Dick and Bible
《白鲸》 Moby Dick
白鲸莫比·迪克(Moby Dick)
船长亚哈(Ahab) 以实玛利(Ishmael) 大(Starbuck)、二、三副
“‘象征’一词源自希腊文,是一剖为二、 各执一半的木制信物”,随着历史的发展,“
是亚哈心中邪恶与恐怖、难以征 服而又必须予以摧毁的仇敌
莫比·迪克 (Moby Dick)
对以实玛利来说,白鲸既代表高洁安 宁,也代表恐怖死亡,它是宇宙间一 切对立矛盾的结合,象征宇宙的浩阔 与奥秘、上帝的无边神力
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
社会政治的角度来看,白鲸象征着 庞大的资本主义生产力
不折不扣的暴君和邪恶魔王的象征 :执迷不悟于一己私仇,全然置船 员的安危于不顾
船长亚哈 (Ahab)
人类反抗英雄的象征:敢于搏击 邪恶、挑战命运、反抗神明
"裴廓德号”捕鲸船 (Pequod)
运: 取自被灭绝的印第安部落之名
人与自然的关系:亚哈船长剿灭白鲸的过程就是人类征服 自然过程;小说最后那重归宁静的大海,人与自然和谐相 处 宗教主题:服从神意和反叛神明
Writing Thought 写作思想 Moby Dick penetrate a main line from beginning to end : Once exposure to nature, the only choice is to act as a conqueror, the relationship between the conqueror and the conquered object is inevitable the opposite. The two are incompatible with each other. Melville especially highlight it on the shape of the captain Ahab, make it the soul of this book. 《白鲸》从始到终贯穿一条主线:人一旦置身于大自然中,唯一 的选择只有充当征服者,他与被征服对象的关系必然是对立的, 两者是彼此仇视的、互不相容的。麦尔维尔对亚哈船长的塑造尤 其突出了这一点,使其成为《白鲸》这部书的灵魂 . “Conqeme of the era before and after 1851, Melville clinged to it, and took possession of it in the writing of “Moby Dick” . “征服和占有”确实是1851前后那个时代的大主题,麦尔维尔 紧紧地抓住了它,又在《白鲸》写作中占有了它。
Moby Dick 《白鲸记》
赫尔曼· 梅尔维尔
He is an American novelist, essayist(散文家) and poet. Because of the poor family, he worked as a famer, staff member, teacher, sailor, navy(海军) and some other duties. In 1839, he served on a merchant ship, which bounded for(前往) Liverpool,England, was exposed to(接触到) the sea; this experience had a great impact on his later writing. In 1841, the year when he was 22, he worked as a sailor on a whaler(捕鲸船), sailing in the area of South Pacific Ocean. His later masterpiece Moby Dick is drawn from(取材于) the life at sea. In August 1843, he became a sailor on a warship(军舰), retired in October 1844 in Boston. Then he began to write and became a novelist. Taking the experiences at sea for the factual basis, the novel Moby Dick had come into being and been considered as one of the greatest novels in America. Melville is known as the American Shakespeare. British writer Somerset Maugham (毛姆) gave his evaluation on Moby Dick in the book the world‘s top ten novelists and their masterpieces, which is far higher than other American writers like Edgar Allan Poe (艾伦·坡)and Mark Twain.
赫尔曼狄克的作品集《赫尔曼狄克的作品集》赫尔曼·狄克(Herman Melville,1819年8月1日-1891年9月28日)是19世纪美国一位杰出的作家,以其深刻的文学作品而闻名于世。
**4.《白天鹅》(The Confidence-Man)**《白天鹅》是一部具有象征主义特征的小说,通过一系列独立的故事线展现了社会中的各种欺诈和欺骗。
**5.《皮皮船长》(Billy Budd, Sailor)**《皮皮船长》是狄克的一部未完的小说,讲述了一位纯洁无瑕的水手在海军中的遭遇。
主要内容简介:Moby Dick,由于它是一头白鲸的名字,所以中
moby dick译文
moby dick译文
《白鲸》(Moby Dick)是19世纪美国小说家赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville 1819—1891)于1851年发表的一篇海洋题材的长篇小说,小说描写了亚哈船长为了追逐并杀死白鲸(实为白色抹香鲸)莫比·迪克,最终与白鲸同归于尽的故事。
白鲸简介Moby-DickHello everyoneToday the story I am going to share is about a man----Capitan Ahab and a mammal---- white whale Moby-Dick. Maybe some of you are not familiar with this novel yet, so before entering the topic we can recall another novel first----The old man and the sea. Both as the well-known American novels Moby-Dick and The old man and the sea share a lot of similarities and difference. They both tell the story of man and nature, as well as sea hunting. But unlike the fortitude character Santiago, Ahab is cold lonely stubborn selfish and he is shaped into the embodiment of evil.With these first impressions of Moby-Dick, let’s start to read this novel.My presentation is divided into three parts: the synopsis; the author and the theme.First is the synopsis. I just choose a very very brief version today to help you to get familiar with this novel. You can find a more detailed version in our textbook, page 188.Captain Ahab, who, having lost a leg in an earlier battle with White Whale, is determined to catch the beast and destroy it. He and his sailors live a dramatic life at sea. They kill lots of whales but Ahab refuses to turn back until he has killed his enemy. Eventually, the white whale appears, and they begins doomed fight against is. On the first day, the whale overturns a boat, on the second it swamps another. when the third day comes, Ahab and his sailors manage to plunge a harpoon into it, but the whale carries the Pequod(the boat)alone with it to its doom. All on the board the whaler get drown, except one, Ishmael, whosurvives to tell the truth.Then is something about the author Herman Melville.LifeBorn in New York City in 1819, Melville’s childhood was very happy until he was 11 years old when suddenly his father died in debt. He dropped early and tried all kinds of jobs----banking, farming, clerking, and teaching. When all this failed to offer him a decent livelihood, he went to sea.There are three things which deserve to mention in his life and going out of sea isone of them. (The other two is his marriage and his friendship with Hawthorne).Restless and venturesome by temperament, Melville shipped as a cabin boy on a merchant vessel to England in 1839, when he was only twenty years old. At twenty-two he signed for a voyage on the whaler Acushnet. This voyage did not prosper and he with another youth named Tobias deserted the ship in a remote pacific island. His adventures led to his literary career. His experience on the sea furnished him with abundant material for fiction. Here are some of his famous works.Typee(1846)was a romanticized account of his stay among the Polynesians.Omoo(1847)the sequel of Typee was about his adventures on Tahiti and other islands.Redburn(1849)was based on his first voyage to England White-Jacket(1850)and Billy Budd(1891)were based on his brief career in the navy.People always say it is these works lay a strong foundation for Moby-Dick.StyleHerman Melville was influenced by several writers and I will focus on two who we have learned before: James Fenimore Copper and Ralph waldo Emerson.Copper is the author of the last of the mohicans. An distinguished feature of his works is Grand scene narrative which was also well reflected in Moby-Dick. As Melville himself said in Moby-Dick “to write a mighty book you must have a mighty theme.”Here he had it----the rebellious struggle of Captain Ahab against the overwhelming, mysterious vastness of the universe and its awesome, sometimes merciless force.Melville was deeply influenced by transcendentalism. He advocates natural and natural religion. According to transcendentalism, nature is god; god is unbeaten; nature needs human’s fear. In his novel the sea and Moby-Dick are the symbols of a mysterious supernatural power and can be considered as the physical manifestation of God's presence. In this novel a priest repeatedly chanting “But the Lord provided a great fish to swallow Jonah” which shows the transcendentalism thoughts of author.The white whale is like a white angel fighters sending by god to punish human and the anti-hero Ahab is made to warn human that nature cannot be conquered. Ahab’s whaler and artificial limb are made by whale bones which symbolizes the destruction and conquest of nature by human. But at the end of the story, nature punishes human----both Ahab and his whaler are destroyed.ThemeMoby-Dick is considered one of the world’s greatest masterpieces. It is not only a detailed account of whaling, but also a book of history, philosophy and religion. It is therefore, anencyclopedia of the 19th century American mind and America itself.As I mentioned, Moby-Dick is an encyclopedia. Therefore, it involves several themes: revenge, the relationship between man and nature, love and friendship, religion, abandon and pursuit.I have analyzed the relationship between man and nature in the previous part. And at this part I will focus on the revenge as well as abandon and pursuit.This novel shows us two kinds of revenge.The revenge between human and the white whale.The revenge among humans.We have already known the revenge story between white whale and Ahab.But in the capital 54 The Town-Ho Story, the author also describe a revenge story among humans. Because of a trivial thing the mate and a sailor started to hate each other. The mate used his power to harm the sailor and the sailor refused to cooperate with the mate even when they found the boat was leaking. In the critical moment of white whale hunting, become of their noncooperation, the white whale ran and the mate was killed by the white whale. It seems that by telling this story the author wants to show that revenge is inherent in human nature of evil, and if we do not control it, it would lead us to folio even death.Fina lly, let’s talk about the pursuit and abandon, which not only serves as the theme of the novel but also reflects the spirits of that age. The middle of the 19th century witnesses the development and expansion of capitalism. In that time human continuously gather wealth by conquering and destroying the nature. In order toobtain the very valuable oil and wax, whaling was developed. In this background, everyone wants to escape form their existing state of life and live a new life. For example, at the beginning of synopsis, you can find these sentences: Ishmael was a schoolmaster who often felt that he must leave his quiet existence and go to sea. Much of his life had been spent as a sailor, and his voyages were a means for ridding himself of the restlessness which frequently seized him.Moby-Dick is one of the most well-known romances in American literature history, but it was not until the 20 century, people realized its value. What baffled its early readers was the book’s wild extravagances of mood and langua ge, its effect of what the modern critic Van Wycy Brooks calls “a shredded Shakespearean play”Melville confided to Hawthorne that it (the novel) had been “boiled in hell fire”, referring to the turbulence of his own spirit from which the book sprang. Moby-Dick was too powerful for readers of its time.。
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Hello everyoneToday the story I am going to share is about a man----Capitan Ahab and a mammal---- white whale Moby-Dick. Maybe some of you are not familiar with this novel yet, so before entering the topic we can recall another novel first----The old man and the sea. Both as the well-known American novels Moby-Dick and The old man and the sea share a lot of similarities and difference. They both tell the story of man and nature, as well as sea hunting. But unlike the fortitude character Santiago, Ahab is cold lonely stubborn selfish and he is shaped into the embodiment of evil.With these first impressions of Moby-Dick, let’s start to read this novel.My presentation is divided into three parts: the synopsis; the author and the theme.First is the synopsis. I just choose a very very brief version today to help you to get familiar with this novel. You can find a more detailed version in our textbook, page 188.Captain Ahab, who, having lost a leg in an earlier battle with White Whale, is determined to catch the beast and destroy it. He and his sailors live a dramatic life at sea. They kill lots of whales but Ahab refuses to turn back until he has killed his enemy. Eventually, the white whale appears, and they begins doomed fight against is. On the first day, the whale overturns a boat, on the second it swamps another. when the third day comes, Ahab and his sailors manage to plunge a harpoon into it, but the whale carries the Pequod(the boat)alone with it to its doom. All on the board the whaler get drown, except one, Ishmael, who survives to tell the truth.Then is something about the author Herman Melville.LifeBorn in New York City in 1819, Melville’s childhood was very happy until he was 11 years old when suddenly his father died in debt. He dropped early and tried all kinds of jobs----banking, farming, clerking, and teaching. When all this failed to offer him a decent livelihood, he went to sea.There are three things which deserve to mention in his life and going out of sea isone of them. (The other two is his marriage and his friendship with Hawthorne).Restless and venturesome by temperament, Melville shipped as a cabin boy on a merchant vessel to England in 1839, when he was only twenty years old. At twenty-two he signed for a voyage on the whaler Acushnet. This voyage did not prosper and he with another youth named Tobias deserted the ship in a remote pacific island. His adventures led to his literary career. His experience on the sea furnished him with abundant material for fiction. Here are some of his famous works.Typee(1846)was a romanticized account of his stay among the Polynesians.Omoo(1847)the sequel of Typee was about his adventures on Tahiti and other islands.Redburn(1849)was based on his first voyage to EnglandWhite-Jacket(1850)and Billy Budd(1891)were based on his brief career in the navy.People always say it is these works lay a strong foundation for Moby-Dick.StyleHerman Melville was influenced by several writers and I will focus on two who we have learned before: James Fenimore Copper and Ralph waldo Emerson.Copper is the author of the last of the mohicans. An distinguished feature of his works is Grand scene narrative which was also well reflected in Moby-Dick. As Melville himself said in Moby-Dick “to write a mighty book you must have a mighty theme.”Here he had it----the rebellious struggle of Captain Ahab against the overwhelming, mysterious vastness of the universe and its awesome, sometimes merciless force.Melville was deeply influenced by transcendentalism. He advocates natural and natural religion. According to transcendentalism, nature is god; god is unbeaten; nature needs human’s fear. In his novel the sea and Moby-Dick are the symbols of a mysterious supernatural power and can be considered as the physical manifestation of God's presence. In this novel a priest repeatedly chanting “But the Lord provided a great fish to swallow Jonah” which shows the transcendentalism thoughts of author.The white whale is like a white angel fighters sending by god to punish human and the anti-hero Ahab is made to warn human that nature cannot be conquered. Ahab’s whaler and artificial limb are made by whale bones which symbolizes the destruction and conquest of nature by human. But at the end of the story, nature punishes human----both Ahab and his whaler are destroyed.ThemeMoby-Dick is considered one of the world’s greatest masterpieces. It is not only a detailed account of whaling, but also a book of history, philosophy and religion. It is therefore, an encyclopedia of the 19th century American mind and America itself.As I mentioned, Moby-Dick is an encyclopedia. Therefore, it involves several themes: revenge, the relationship between man and nature, love and friendship, religion, abandon and pursuit.I have analyzed the relationship between man and nature in the previous part. And at this part I will focus on the revenge as well as abandon and pursuit.This novel shows us two kinds of revenge.The revenge between human and the white whale.The revenge among humans.We have already known the revenge story between white whale and Ahab.But in the capital 54 The Town-Ho Story, the author also describe a revenge story among humans. Because of a trivial thing the mate and a sailor started to hate each other. The mate used his power to harm the sailor and the sailor refused to cooperate with the mate even when they found the boat was leaking. In the critical moment of white whale hunting, become of their noncooperation, the white whale ran and the mate was killed by the white whale. It seems that by telling this story the author wants to show that revenge is inherent in human nature of evil, and if we do not control it, it would lead us to folio even death.Finally, let’s talk about the pursuit and abandon, which not only serves as the theme of the novel but also reflects the spirits of that age. The middle of the 19th century witnesses the development and expansion of capitalism. In that time human continuously gather wealth by conquering and destroying the nature. In order toobtain the very valuable oil and wax, whaling was developed. In this background, everyone wants to escape form their existing state of life and live a new life. For example, at the beginning of synopsis, you can find these sentences: Ishmael was a schoolmaster who often felt that he must leave his quiet existence and go to sea. Much of his life had been spent as a sailor, and his voyages were a means for ridding himself of the restlessness which frequently seized him.Moby-Dick is one of the most well-known romances in American literature history, but it was not until the 20 century, people realized its value. What baffled its early readers was the book’s wild extravagances of mood and language, its effect of what the modern critic Van Wycy Brooks calls “a shredded Shakespearean play”Melville confided to Hawthorne that it (the novel) had been “boiled in hell fire”, referring to the turbulence of his own spirit from which the book sprang. Moby-Dick was too powerful for readers of its time.。