九年级数学期末综合练习1班级 学号 姓名 成绩一、填空题:1、如图,已知方格纸中是4个相同的正方形,则∠1+∠2+∠3= 。
2、一根蜡烛在凸透镜下成一实像,物距u ,像距v 和凸透镜的焦距f 满足关系式:111u v f+=。
若f =6cm ,v =8cm ,则物距u = 厘米。
3、正方形ABCD 内接于⊙O ,E 为DC 的中点,如果⊙O 2,则O 点到直线BE 的距离为______。
4、关于x 的方程2210x k x +-=有两个不相等的实数根,则k 的取值范围是 。
5、顶点为(-2,-5)且过点(1,-14)的抛物线的解析式为 。
6、将抛物线22(3)5y x =---向左平移2个单位,再向上平移3个单位,则其顶点为 。
二、选择题:7、如图,图中的两个转盘分别被均匀地分成5个和4个扇形,每个扇形上都标有数字,同时自由转动两个转盘,转盘停止后,指针都落在奇数上的概率是( ) A 、0.4 B 、0.3 C 、0.2 D 、0.158、抛物线24y x x c =-++的顶点在x 轴上,则c 的值为( ) A 、16 B 、-16 C 、4 D 、-49、已知21,x x 是方程22310x x --=的两个根,那么2111x x +等于( ) A 、3 B 、3- C 、31 D 、 31- 10、一个圆锥的侧面展开图是一个半径为6cm 的半圆,则此圆锥的底面半径是( ) A 、23cm B 、2cm C 、3cm D 、6cm. 11、在ΔABC 中,∠A=30º,∠B=60º,AC=6,则ΔABC 的外接圆的半径为( ) A 、23 B 、33 C 、3 D 、 312、如果两圆半径为R 、r ,圆心距为d ,且R 、r 、d 满足关系式2222R d Rd r +=+,则两123453489123圆位置关系是( ) A 、外切 B 、内切 C 、相切 D 、相交 三、解答题: 13、先化简后求值:)252(23--+÷--x x x x ,其中22x = 14、如图,在□ABCD 中,点E 、F 在BD 上,且BF =DE 。
部编版四年级语文下册期末综合素质评价试卷 附答案 (1)
![部编版四年级语文下册期末综合素质评价试卷 附答案 (1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e741cb58571252d380eb6294dd88d0d233d43c8b.png)
(6分)(1) A.栖.息(qī) B.着.陆(zháo)C.叫嚣.(xiāo)D.哺.乳(bǔ)( )(2) A.可恶.(wù) B.重荷.(hè)C.吧.嗒(bā)D.不屑.(xiāo)( )(3) A.嘱.咐(zhǔ) B.山脉.(mò)C.单.于(chán)D.哗啦.(lā)( )2.读拼音,写词语。
(6分)台风jí jiāng( )登陆,狂风nù hǒu( ),乌云jù jí( ),海面上bō tāo( )汹涌。
水库水位已经逼近jǐng jiè( )水位。
交警们仍坚守岗位,维持zhì xù( )。
(6分)(1)对下列成语的描述不正确的一项是( )A.手不释卷——吕蒙在孙权的劝告下勤勉自学的故事。
(2)下列句子中,加点词语使用不当的一项是( )A.微信群里,他只有在抢红包的时候露一下面,其余时间都在潜水..。
(14分)4.下列句子中,与其他句子所用的表现手法不一致的一项是( )(3分)A.猫的性格实在有些古怪..。
1.李师傅和王师傅加工1200个零件,李师傅每小时加工80个,王师傅每小时加工120个.求两人合干多少小时还剩下400个没做完?正确的列式是()A. 1200-(80+120)×5B. (80+120)×3C. 1200÷(80+120)D. (1200-400)÷(80+120)2.0和0.1之间的小数有()。
A. 没有B. 有9个C. 有无数个3.一个两位小数保留一位小数后约等于9.5,这个数最大是(),最小是()。
A. 9.54,9.45B. 9.50;9.45C. 9.59;9.45D. 9.54;9.494.小军在计算60×(△+2)时,把算式抄成了60×△+2,这样计算后,两个算式的结果相差了()。
A. 118B. 62C. 585.小强用竖式计算5.8加上一个两位小数时,把加号看成了减号,计算得数为3.24,请帮他选出正确的结果()A. 8.46B. 8.36C. 9.36D. 9.466.3.205中的“0”所占数位的计数单位是()A. 0.1B. 0.01C. 0.0017.下面的式子与“a﹣b﹣c”的结果相等的是()A. a﹣(b﹣c)B. a﹣(b+c)C. a﹣(c﹣b)D. a+b﹣c8.25×9×4=9×(25×4)这是运用了()。
A. 乘法交换律B. 乘法结合律C. 乘法交换律和结合律D. 乘法分配律9.等腰三角形中有一个角是50°,另外两个内角()。
A. 都是65°B. 是50°和80°C. 是50°和80°或者都是65°10.下面说法错误的是()A. 0.8和0.80大小意义都相同B. 7.4吨>7吨4千克C. 3个是0.003D. 2.56保留一位小数是2.611.在一个三角形中,两个角的和小于90°,那么这个三角形一定是()。
【期末复习提升卷】浙教版2022-2023学年七上数学期末综合 测试卷1
![【期末复习提升卷】浙教版2022-2023学年七上数学期末综合 测试卷1](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/106f6c286d85ec3a87c24028915f804d2b1687d5.png)
【期末复习提升卷】浙教版2022-2023学年七上数学期末综合测试卷1考试时间:120分钟 满分:120分一、选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题3分,共30分)下面每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是正确的.1.若a 表示一个有理数,且有|﹣3﹣a|=3+|a|,则a 应该是( )A .任意一个有理数B .任意一个正数C .任意一个负数D .任意一个非负数 2.已知a ,b ,c 是有理数,且a+b+c=0,abc (乘积)是负数,则 b+c |a|+a+c |b|+a+b |c| 的值是( ) A .3 B .﹣3 C .1 D .﹣13.将1,2,3,4...,60这60个自然数,任意分成30组,每组两个数,将每组的两个数中的任意一个数记做a ,另一个数记做b ,代入代数式(|a -b|+a+b)中进行计算,求出结果,30组分别代入后可求出30个结果,则这30个值的和的最大值是( )A .1365B .1565C .1735D .18304.有理数 a ,b ,c 在数轴上对应的点的位置如图所示,则下列各式正确的个数有( ) ①abc >0 ;②a +c <b ;③|a|a +|b|b+|c|c =−1 ;④|a −b|−|b −c|=|a −c| .A .1个B .2个C .3个D .4个5.如果一个正整数可以表示为两个连续奇数的立方差,则称这个正整数为“和谐数”.如:2=13﹣(﹣1)3,26=33﹣13,2和26均为和谐数.那么,不超过2019的正整数中,所有的“和谐数”之和为( ) A .6858 B .6860 C .9260 D .92626.已知: (2x +1)3=ax 3+bx 2+cx +d ,那么代数式 f(x) =a+b+c+d 的值是( ) A .−1 B .1 C .27 D .−277.某商店经销一种商品,由于进价降低了5%,出售价不变,使得利润率由m%提高到(m+6)%,则m 的值为( )A .10B .12C .14D .18.一段跑道长100米,两端分别记为点A 、B .甲、乙两人分别从A 、B 两端同时出发,在这段跑道上来回练习跑步,甲跑步的速度是6m/s ,乙跑步的速度为4m/s ,练习了足够长时间,他们经过了多次相遇,相遇点离A 端不可能是( )A .60米B .0米C .20米D .100米9.高州木偶戏被誉为“百年古傀儡,时代新经典”,被国务院列入“第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录”.木偶戏以杖头木偶为主,附加布袋木偶.木偶造型十分精巧,它用坚韧的木料加工成型后,采用变形夸张的手法,进行彩绘、装潢,使之形神兼备,栩栩如生.某商铺以每个m 元的价格从A 厂购置了206个木偶造型的制作材料,以每个n 元 (m >n >0) 的价格从B 厂购置了194个木偶造型的制作材料,经加工后以每个 m+n 2 元的价格全部卖出,则这家商铺( ) A .盈利了 B .亏损了C .不盈不亏D .盈亏情况不能确定10.已知O 为直线AB 上一点,OC 平分∠AOD ,∠BOD=3∠DOE ,∠COE= m°, 则∠BOE 的度数是( )A .m°B .180°−2m°C .360°−4m°D .2m°−60°二、填空题(本大题有6小题,每小题4分,共24分)要注意认真看清题目的条件和要填写的内容,尽量完整地填写答案. 11.设三个互不相等的有理数,既可分别表示为1、a+b 、a 的形式,又可分别表示为4、a b、b 的形式,则(b﹣a)3的值为.12.同学们都知道,|5﹣(﹣2)|表示5与﹣2之差的绝对值,实际上也可以理解为5与﹣2两数在数轴上所对应的两点之间的距离,则使得|x﹣1|+|x+5|=6这样的整数x有个.13.按一定规律排列的一列数依次为:3,−53,95,−177,339,−6511,……按此规律排列下去,第7个数是.14.一副三角板AOB与COD如图摆放,且∠A=∠C=90°,∠AOB=60°,∠COD=45°,ON平分∠COB,OM平分∠AOD.当三角板COD绕O点顺时针旋转(从图1到图2).设图1、图2中的∠NOM的度数分别为α,β,α+β=度.15.—动点P从数轴上的原点出发,按下列规则运动:①沿数轴的正方向先前进5个单位,然后后退3个单位,如此反复进行.②已知点P每秒只能前进或后退1个单位,设x n表示第n秒点P在数轴上的位置所对应的数,则x2015为.16.式子|x﹣1|+|x﹣2|+|x﹣3|+|x﹣4|+|x﹣5|+|x﹣6|+|x﹣7|+|x﹣8|+|x﹣9|+|x﹣10|的最小值是.三、解答题(本题有8小题,第17~19题每题6分,第20、21题每题8分,第22、23题每题10分,第24题12分,共66分)解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或推演步骤.17.定义:若a + b=3,则称a与b是关于3的实验数.(1)4与是关于3的实验数,与5-2x是关于3的实验数.(用含x的代数式表示).(2)若a = 2x2-3(x2 +x)+5,b = 2x-[3x-(4x+x2 )+2],判断a与b是否是关于3的实验数,并说明理由.(3)若c =|x+3|−3,d =|x−2|−1,且c与d是关于3的实验数,求x的值.18.“ 24”点游戏的规则是这样的:在整数范围内任意取四个数,然后进行加、减、乘、除四则运算(每个数只能用一次,可使用小括号、中括号),使其结果等于24.例如,取2,3,6,9这四个数进行运算,得:2×6+3+9=24,或6×9÷2−3=24,或3×9−6÷2=24等.(1)用-3,-1,5,3这四个整数,写出1种算式,使其运算结果为24;(2)用−6,3,4,10这四个整数,写出2种不同的算式,使其运算结果为24;(3)用−4,2,8,11这四个整数,写出1种算式,使其运算结果为24.19(1)该中学需花费多少元?(结果用含a ,b 的代数式表示)(2)①“双十一”期间,该商店推出了两种不同的促销方案:方案一:每购买一副羽毛球拍赠送20只羽毛球;方案二:每购买150只羽毛球,赠送1副羽毛球拍.分别按方案一、方案二购买,各需花费多少元?(结果用含a ,b 的代数式表示)②若a =80,b =1,在允许两种方案可以同时使用的情况下,该中学最少需花费 元.20.如图,已知∠AOB =120°,OC 是∠AOB 内的一条射线,且∠AOC :∠BOC =1:2.(1)求∠AOC ,∠BOC 的度数;(2)作射线OM 平分∠AOC ,在∠BOC 内作射线ON ,使得∠CON :∠BON =1:3,求∠MON 的度数;(3)过点O 作射线OD ,若2∠AOD =3∠BOD ,求∠COD 的度数.21.用“∠”定义一种新运算:对于任何有理数x 和y ,规定x∠y ={2x +12y(x ≤y)y −12x(x >y). (1)求2∠(﹣3)的值;(2)若(﹣a 2)∠2=m ,求m 的最大整数; (3)若关于n 的方程满足:1∠n =﹣32n ﹣2,求n 的值; (4)若−13A =13t 3−83t 2−2t −2,12B =−12t 3+2t 2+3t+1,且A∠B =﹣2,求5+12t ﹣2t 3的值.22.某社区超市第一次用6000元购进甲、乙两种商品,其中乙商品的件数比甲商品件数的12多15件,(2)该超市将第一次购进的甲、乙两种商品全部卖完后一共可获得多少利润?(3)该超市第二次以第一次的进价又购进甲、乙两种商品,其中甲商品的件数不变,乙商品的件数是第一次的3倍;甲商品按原价销售,乙商品销售一部分后出现滞销,于是超市决定将剩余的乙商品五折促销,若在本次销售过程中超市共获利2350元,则以五折售出的乙商品有多少件?23.已知数轴上点A 表示的数为-5,点B 是数轴上在点A 右侧的一点,且A 、B 两点间的距离为8个单位长度,点P 为数轴上的一个动点,其对应的数为x .(1)写出点B所表示的数为.(2)①若点P到点A,点B的距离相等,则点P所表示的数为.②数轴上是否存在点P,使点P到点A,点B的距离之和为10,若存在,求出x的值,若不存在,说明理由.(3)点A以1个单位长度/秒向右运动,点B以2个单位长度/秒的速度向左运动,同时点P以5个单位长度/秒从原点向左运动,当点P遇到点A时,立即以原来的速度向右运动,当点P遇到点B 时,立即以原来的速度向左运动,并不停地往返于点A与点B之间,求当点A与点B重合时点P所经过的总路程,并直接写出此时点P在数轴上表示的数.24.【背景知识】数轴是初中数学的一个重要工具,利用数轴可以将数与形完美地结合.研究数轴我们发现了许多重要的规律:若数轴上点A、点B表示的数分别为a、b,则A,B两点之间的距离AB= |a−b|,线段AB的中点表示的数为a+b2.【问题情境】如图,数轴上点A表示的数为−2,点B表示的数为10,点P从点A出发,以每秒3个单位长度的速度沿数轴向右匀速运动,同时点Q从点B出发,以每秒2个单位长度的速度向左匀速运动.设运动时间为t秒(t>0).(1)【综合运用】填空:A、B两点间的距离AB=,线段AB的中点表示的数为;(2)当t为何值时,PQ=12AB?(3)若点M为PA的中点,点N为PB的中点,点P在运动过程中,线段MN的长度是否发生变化?若变化,请说明理由;若不变,请求出线段MN的长.。
(10分)yùliào lǒng zhào huáng kǒng hútú()()()()fúlǔbǔshāhuīwǔguān jiàn()()()()2.辨字组词。
3.3.06m³=()dm³3500mL=()L 1.5dm³=()cm³=()mL4.在里填上“>”“<”或“=”5××5498+98224×5624÷655.淘气骑自行车65时行5千米,平均每时骑行()千米,骑行1千米需要()时。
()13.如果A ×13=B ÷51,则A >B 。
A.体积变大,表面积变小B.体积变小,表面积变大21C.体积不变,表面积变小15.如果a 的71等于b 的41,a、b 均不为o,那么()。
部编版五年级语文下册期末综合素质评价试卷附答案 (1)
![部编版五年级语文下册期末综合素质评价试卷附答案 (1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c9bbafc4e109581b6bd97f19227916888586b97a.png)
积累与运用(25分)6. 下面语句中画线成语使用不恰当的是哪一项?把它选出来。
七年级英语期末综合测试卷(一)(时间:90分钟满分:100分)班级_______ 姓名_______ 得分_______听力部分(20分)一、根据所听内容,选出最佳答语(共5小题,每题1分,满分5分)( )1.A.A monkey.B.A tiger.C.A kagaroo.()2.A.On its leg.B.On its tiptoe.C.On its nose.()3.A.Yes,there are.B.No,there aren’t.C.I can’t see.( )4.A.They are eating.B.They are swimming.C.They are sleeping.( )5.A.Less than 100.B.More than 1000.C.Over 10000.二、根据所听对话,选出最佳答案(共5小题,每小1分,满分5分)()6.What animal is it?A.A cat.B.A bear.C.A panda.( )7.How tall is the man?A.2 m.B.2。
3 m.C.2.1 m.()8.When do fish close their eyes?A.Never.B.When they are sleeping.C.sometimes.( )9.Where does the whisper come from?A.Under the tree.B.Over the tree.C.Behind the tree.()10.Whose flower is it?A.Mine.B.Ann’s.C.Yours.三、短文理解,听短文,把下列短文补充完整(每空1分,满分10分)A woman went into a_______ one evening to buy a new_______.A strange,(陌生的)man her into the shop and stood about while she was at the counter(柜台)._______ she screamed(尖声喊叫),and the man turned and_______ out of the shop,and right into the arms of a passing _______.Then he was caught by the policeman because he was a _______。
①翱áo ②xiè泻2.依次填入下列句中空缺处的词语最恰当的一项是(2分)( B )①艰苦的生活环境能把人们的意志锤炼得更加和刚强。
③她将传统评剧演出与现代舞台艺术结合, 开创出别开生面的表演风格。
A.坚忍精密从而B. 坚韧精密从而C.坚忍精巧进而D. 坚韧精巧进而导析:B ①“坚忍”指在艰难困苦的情况下坚持而不动摇;“坚韧”指坚固有韧性,侧重于“韧”。
3.下列句中加点的成语使用不恰当的一项是(2分)( A )A.这个毒枭被缉毒警察当场击毙,终于落得个马革裹尸....的下场。
导析:A A项,“马革裹尸”指军人战死于战场,不合语境。
4.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是(2分)( A )A.心灵手巧的盆景师,把植物、山石、工艺品等加工整合,创作出构思精巧的微型景观。
8.003dm3=()L=()mL 1.2dm3=()cm3258cm3=()dm3(填分数)6.一个用小正方体搭成的几何体,从正面看、左面看、上面看如下图,搭成这个几何体需要用()个完全相同的小正方体。
部编版四年级语文下册期末综合素质评价试卷 附答案 (1)
![部编版四年级语文下册期末综合素质评价试卷 附答案 (1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9afef42c11a6f524ccbff121dd36a32d7375c718.png)
(3分)(1)A.栖.息(qī) B.轮廓.(guō)C.叫嚣.(xiāo)D.浙.江(zhè)()(2)A.可恶.(wù) B.重荷.(hè)C.不屑.(xiāo)D.拂.拭(fú)()(3)A.嘱.咐(zhǔ) B.哺.乳(fǔ)C.单.于(chán)D.拥挤.(jǐ)()3.下列词语中书写全部正确的一项是()。
下列涉及化学变化的是( )A.720度穹顶LED屏幕投放B.XR虚拟视觉技术C.裸眼3D呈现技术D.蓝色烟花燃放2.“性质决定用途”,下列物质的用途主要由其物理性质决定的是( )A.墨汁作画久不变色B.氢气作高能燃料C.活性炭用于净水D.氧气用于医疗急救3.(2020湖北武汉中考,2,★☆☆)下列实验操作正确的是( )A.加热液体B.俯视读数C.倾倒液体D.检查气密性4.空气是人类生产活动的重要资源,下列关于空气的说法正确的是( )A.空气中的氧气支持燃烧,所以氧气是一种常见的燃料B.洁净的空气是一种混合物C.空气中的稀有气体没有任何使用价值D.空气中氮气的质量分数为78%5.(2021辽宁绥化中考,7,★☆☆)如图所示,下列有关叙述正确的是( )A.氟的相对原子质量是19.00gB.氮原子的质子数是7C.钾属于非金属元素D.氧原子在化学反应中易失去电子6.(2021河南中考,4,★☆☆)“84”消毒液的主要成分是次氯酸钠(NaClO)。
NaClO中氯元素的化合价为( )A.-1B.+1C.+5D.+77.(2021重庆巴蜀中学期中,11,★☆☆)下列物质中肯定为纯净物的是( )A.只由一种元素组成的物质B.只由氢、氧元素组成的物质C.只由一种分子构成的物质D.洁净的空气8.(2021辽宁丹东中考,3,★☆☆)对下列事实的微观解释错误的是( )A.干冰升华一分子的体积变大B.金刚石和石墨物理性质不同——碳原子排列方式不同C.香水要密闭保存一分子是不断运动的D.氮气可压缩贮存于钢瓶中—分子间有间隔9.(2021山东济南中考,9,★☆☆)下列有关燃烧的说法中,不合理的是( )A.通常状况下可燃物有自身的着火点B.增大氧气的浓度能促进可燃物的燃烧C.可燃物燃烧时一定都是发生化合反应D.可燃物与氧气接触面积越大燃烧就越剧烈10.(2022广东广州海珠期末,16,★☆☆)下列有关碳及其氧化物的说法中,正确的是( )A.二氧化碳可用于灭火,只是利用了它的化学性质B.一氧化碳和二氧化碳的组成元素相同,但其化学性质不同C.可用点燃的方法除去CO2中混有的少量COD.碳单质都是黑色固体11.(2021福建寿宁六中第二次月考,10,★★☆)工业上使用一种国产低温催化剂生产氢气的反应过程如图所示,下列说法错误的是( )A.反应前后原子个数不变B.该反应前后共有3种氧化物C.该反应有两种物质生成D.参加反应的与的分子个数比为2∶112.(2022河南襄城期中,23,★★☆)某固体混合物由硫化钠(Na2S)和亚硫酸钠(Na2SO3)两种物质组成。
新目标八年级英语下册期末综合练习题(一)一.单项选择( )1.Do you know____ a report on English learning tomorrow morning?A.is thereB.there is going to haveC.will there beD.there is going to be( )2.—I don’t know_____ to do next.—It’s easy .Press the red button in 2 minutes.A.whatB.howC.whereD.when( )3.The boy found_____hard to get along with the other classmates.A.thisB.thatC.it( )4.There are many people downstairs . What do you think______?A.to happenB.happeningC.is happenedD.has happened( )5.Tom is good at drawing______ John does well in playing football.A.becauseB.whenC.whileD.since( )6.Several days has passed______ the air crash happened.A.sinceB.afterC.asD.for( )7.We will have no water to drink ______ we don’t protect(保护)our earth.A.untilB.beforeC.thoughD.if( )8.—Remember this, John._________ careful you are,______ mistaeks you will make.--Thanks , Miss Rose.A.The more; the lessB.The more; the fewerC.The less; the fewerD.The more; the more( )9.Can you make some_____ for the old lady ?A.roomsB.roomC.placeD.places( )10.—How long have you been collecting shells?--___________.A.After I left schoolB.Before I moved here.C.When I went to the beachD.Since I was ten years old.( )11.—Look!It’s raining heavily._______ take a raincoat with y ou ?--Well , I’ll take one right now.A.Why notB.Why don’tC.Would you mindD.Would you like ( )12.In the past few years there______ great changes in my hometown.A.have beenB.wereC.had beenD.are( )13.—Hello! May I speak to Kate ?--Sorry, she isn’t here now.She______ to Shanghai.A.wentB.has beenC.has gone( )14.—Zhou Weilun could hardly speak English three years ago,_____?--No, he couldn’t .But now he is quite g ood at it.A.couldn’t heB.could heC.didn’t he( )15.The popular book_______ out.A.soldB.sellsC.was soldD.was sell( )16.The citizens complained______ the police_____ the noise from the neighborhood.A.to , aboutB.about, toC.to , forD.of ,to( )17.—Do you mind my taking this place ?--________. It’s for Mr Smith.A.Not at allB.Yes, pleaseC.Yes, of course notD.Better not( )18.—Do you mind my smoking here ?--________.Look at the sign.It says,“No smoking ”.A.Of course not B.No, I don’t C.You’d better not D.Yes, go ahead ( )19.They’re not rich,_______ they always enjoy_______.A.or, themB.because, theirC.and, theirD.but,themselves( )20.He worked______ the maths problem for half an hour, but he couldn’t work it_________.A.on , outB.on , atC.in , outD.for , on( )21.Her brother didn’t know______.A.when to doB.why to doC.how to doD.what to do( )22.She gets ______when people cut in line, the _______phenomenon(现象)happens on Christmas.A.annoyed, annoyedB.annoying, annoyingC.annoyed, annoyingD.annoying, annoyed( )23.—Would you mind not wearing the old hat ?It looks terrible!--OK,I’ll put_______.A.on another pairB.another one onC.on othersD.on another ( )24.Would you mind________?A.if I open the windowB.my open the windowC.my opening the windowD.that I open the window( )25.We would rather stay at home than_____________.A.going shoppingB.go shoppingC.went shoppingD.to go shopping ( )26._____ seems a good-for-all solution to delay mid-term-exam.A.ThatB.ItC.ThisD.What( )27.When a tiger is trapped, he will be very______and can do nothing but wait for help.A. helpfulB. unhelpfulC. helplessD. useless( )28.--Shall we go to the _______ this weekend?--Good idea. I haven't enjoyed a movie for months.A. restaurantB. museumC. theme parkD. cinema( )29.--Don't worry about money. I can_____ you some.--Thanks. I'll give it back as soon as we are back.A. lendB. giveC. returnD. borrow( )30.--How_______the meat smells! Why not throw it?--OK. I will.A. niceB. wouderfulC. terrihleD. harmless( )31.I am looking forward to going to Qingdao on holiday this summer. I hope I can go _______on the sea and enjoy a sunbath on the beach.A. skiingB. skatingC. divingD. sailing( )32.--Did you catch what he said?--No. He didn't speak ________ enough.A. especiallyB. incorrectlyC. clearlyD. widely( )33.—It________ that he has heard about the accident.--Yes. He watched the local news on TV.A. seemsB. listensC. seesD. says( )34.--How will you feel when you get to a city______ for the first time?--I will feel rather______A. lonely; aloneB. lonely; lonelyC. alone ; lonelyD. alone ; alone( )35.Look at the clock, lt's lunchtime ______ . But Jim hasn't returned fl'om school__________.A. already ; alreadyB. already ; yetC. yet alreadyD. yet; yet( )36.--______ do you live with your parents or have a house of your own?--I live with my parents.A. In factB. In some waysC. In my opiniohD. By the way( )37.--Hello. this is Jane. May I speak to Tom?--Sorry. He _______ the library. Please call him later.A. went toB. has beeu toC. has gone toD. has been in( )38.--My family are going to Hong Kong Disneyland on holiday next week!--_________ How I wish I could go with you.A. Don't play too longB. You are welcomeC. Have a nice tripD. I'd love to( )39. Han Han a young, writer in China, has been successful since his first book The Three Successive Doors ________in 2000.A. came onB. came backC. came outD. came from40.--Do you mind my torning on the TV?-- _______ it's time for me to do my homework.A. No, please don'tB. Sorry, but you'd better notC. No, not at allD. Of enurse you can二.完形填空One of the most famous writers from England until now is Agatha Christie. Her books and plays can 1 in many foreign languages. Agatha Christie's real name was Agatha Miller. She was 2 in England in 1890. She married Archibald Christie 3 she was 24 years old, and she changed her 4 name to Christie.She sold her first book in 1920. This book was the first 5 that the world met Mrs. Christie's famous detective (侦探) . Hereule Poirot. Ten years after that, Mrs. Christie wrote her another book with her 6 famous detective Miss Marple. In 1928, Mrs. Christie's first Marriage broke up. She 7 M.E.L. Mallowun in 1930, but she continued to write her books under the 8 of Agatha Christie.Over her 9 , Agatha Christie wrote 60 books, 16 plays, and more than 100 shorts stories. She 10 in 1976 when she was 85 years old. Now her books can still be found for sale in bookstores all around the world.( ) 1. A. find B. he found C. read D. write ( )2. A. interested B. busy C. read D. born( )3. A. when B. until C. though D. since( )4. A. full B. real C. family D. given( )5. A. work B. time C. chance D. experience( )6. A. very B. more C. less D. second( )7. A. knew B. showed C. married D. lost( )8. A. name B. help C. way D. choice( )9. A. study B. life C.idea D. plan( ) 10. A. passed B. disappeared C. left D. died三.阅读理解AIn Spain there once lived a king and he liked playing jokes.“I will give a bag of gold to the person who can tell me the besl story.”he said.“But there js one rule:It must be a story which I can’t believe true.If I can believe it.then I won’t give away the bag of gold.”People came to the king from all parts of the country.They brougltt strange and wonderful stories.The king sat in his palace and listened In all the stories.He enjoyed them very much but to each person he said.“I can believe it.It could happen and it may be true.So I won’t give you any gold.”At last a poor old nlan came to the palace.He was carrying a huge stone jar.The old man began his story,“0h,my king.Your good father was once a very poor man,and my father was very.rich.They were very good friends.My father gave your father a large jar,like this onc,and it Was tull of goht.Your father promised(答应) to give back the gold when he became rich.But he didn’t give it back.When my father died he told hie not to forget to get our gold back.Now you are rich and I am poor.It’s time to retum my gold.”The king said."I can’t believe your story.It’s impossible.My father never told me anything about the jar full of gohl.Be sides there isn’t enough gold to fill that jar."“All right,”said the old man."If you(Ion’t believe my story.give me the bag of gold.Keep your promise(诺言),please.”The king remembered the rule and gave the man the bag of gold.( )1.At the beginning ofthe story the king.wanted to________·A.make a joke about others B.give his people some goldC.find a good story teller D.set up a new rule for people( )2.The king would give a bag of goht to the person who told______.A.a strange story B.an unbelievable storyC.the best story of the world D.a story which was true( )3.Why did the old man came to the palace?A.He tried to get his father’s gold back.B.He wanted to get the bag full of gold.C.He thought the king would like his story.D.His tather had been the king’s father’s fiiend.( )4.Why didn’t the king believe the old man’s story?A.The jar was so big.B.There wasn’t much gold in the country.C.The jar couldn’t have been used for hohting gold.D.His father didn’t tell him about the iar fu ll of gold.( )5.Which word can describe the old man best?A.Clever.B.Poor.C.Interesting.D.Strange.BPeople all over the world eat rice.Millions of people in Asia,Africa,and South America live off it.Some people eat almost no|hing but rice.Rice is a kind of grass.There are more thatl 7,000 kinds of rice.Most kinds are water plants.Farmers grow rice in many countries,even in the south of the United States and in eastern Australia.China is the world’s largest rice-growing country.In 2003.China grew 1 66 million tons of rice.But it is not easy to feed the world’s largest population.In the 1960s,thousands of Chi nese died because they didn’t have enough food to eat.In the 1970s,Yuan Longping,a Chinese scientist,grew a new kind of rice called hybrid rice .It makes 20%more rice than any other kind.Hybrid rice is a Stronger plant.unlike ordinary rice.It can grow in lots of water or in not much water.It doesn’t easily get diseases or worms(虫子).Today,half of China’s rice plants are Yuan’s special hybrid rice.China uses Yuan’s hybrid rice to grow much more rice than before.Ytlall is known as the Father of Hybrid Rice.He won the World Food Prize for his work to help feed so many people.( )6. Rice is grown _______ in the world.A. in lots of countriesB. for humans and animalsC. only on wet landD. by Chinese farmers( )7. China ________ in the world.A. offers the best rice to peopleB. harvests the most riceC. has the largest farmlandD. is short of rice( )8. Yuan Longping's hybrid rice______A. gets sick more oftenB. is ordinary riceC. can grow without waterD. can make more rice than the others( )9. The Chinese scientist, Yuan L0ngping, is famous for_____A. the Father of RiceB. his rice to feed all ChineseC. his hybrid riceD. growing different kinds of rice( )10. What did Yuan Longping win?A. The World Food Prize.B. A game of growing rice.C. China's Population Prize.D. The Farming Prize.COur eating habits are very. important for good health and a strong body. There are times when most of us like eating sweets and ice cream better than meat and rice. Sweets and ice cream are not bad for us if we eat them at the end of a meal. If we eat them before a meal, they may take away our appetite(食欲). It's important for us to eat our meal at regular(规律) time each day. When we feel worry,' or excited, we may no! want to eat. A long time ago, in England, some judges often decided whether a man was telling truth by giving him some dry bread. If the man could not swallow (吞)the bread, it meant that he wasn't telling the truth. Though this seems strange and foolish they thought it was good way of finding out truth. A man who is worrying something has difficulty in swallowing anything drt, because he loses his appetite.( )11. Good eating habits make us .A. strongerB. happierC. more beautifulD. more polite ( )12. It's good to eat sweets and ice cream______A.after a mealB. before a mealC. when we are happyD. when we want to eat( )13. It's good for us to have our meal __ every day.A. earlierB.at the same timeC. at any timeD. at the different time( )14. The judge in ohl England thought if a man didn't tell the truth, he can____A. drink milk or teaB. eat a lot of dry breadC. hardly eat dry breadD. swallow dry. bread easily( )15. A person who feels ______may not want to eat.A. happyB. shyC. unhappyD. wellDLinda was not satisfied. She had bought a sweater from a chain.store and when she had washed iy, the color had run and the sweater lf had shrunk, even though she had followed the washing instructions exactly.When she took it back, the salesgirl looked at it suspieiously(怀疑地). " You must have washed it in boiling water," she said. Linda told her she had used lukewarm water, just as the label said she should. Since the salesgM still refused.to exchange the sweater, Linda insisted on seeing the manager.The manager was not helpfuT, "either. He did not want to admit that the sweater was not really washable. Suddenly Linda noticed the shop's poster on the wall. It said, " We give our customers satisfaction. " Linda pointed to it and asked if it really meant it said. The manager looked embarrassed (为难的). Then he appeared to notice something. The sweater had a flaw (瑕疵). One of the threads had a different colour fi'om the others. Then he said they would exchange the sweater after all. But he emphasized this was only because of the flaw. Linda stared but could not see, the flaw. tlowever, she smiled and said nothing. She had got what she wanted.( )16. The sweater sht'ank and its colour ran because______A. Linda had washed it in awnmg wayB. its quality isn't goodC. the salesgirl told Linda the wrong wayD. the manager cheated Linda ( )17. The salesgirl wouldn't exchange the sweater for Lind because____A. Linda was not politeB. the manager didn't permit thatC. it was Linda's faultD. she didn't trust Linda( )18. At flint the manager wouldn't help Linda though _____A. he knew the truth of the sweaterB. he knew there was a flawC. he watched the buyingD. he cheated every customer( )9. At last Linda got a new sweater because_____A. the manager admitted he was wrong and said sorry.B. the salesgirl gaw; her a new oneC. there was a flaw in the sweaterD. Linda argued with them( )20. The poster in the store_____A. helped LindaB. made the manager angryC. didn't workD. was written by the manager四.阅读短文,用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空,使短文意思通顺,完整。
五年级|英语下册期末综合练习题(一)一、选择题.( ) 1. I play _____ piano every day. A. a B. the C. an( ) 2. _____ do you eat dinner? At 6:00p.m. A. What B. When C. Where( ) 3. I play football _____ the weekend. A. in B. at C. on( ) 4. _____ season do you like best? A. When B. What ,s C. Which( ) 5. I can play _____ snow in winter. A. with B. the C. in( ) 6. I am sending Grandma ____ e -card. A. a B. an C. some( ) 7. They often swim _____ August. A. in B. on C. at( ) 8. The _____ day of a week is Monday. A. first B. second C. third ( ) 9. _____ book is on the desk. A. She ,s B. She C. Her( ) 10. _____ she have a computer? A. Do B. Does C. Is( ) 11. John is ______ dinner. A. eat B. eating C. eats( ) 12. I ______ books at nine every evening.A. readB. readingC. am reading( ) 13. _____ is your father? He ,s in the kitchen.A. WhereB. WhenC. What( ) 14. Dad, there ,s a call _____ you. A. for B. on C. to( ) 15. How ,s everybody _______? A. do B. doing C. does( ) 16. What _____ the koalas doing? A. is B. are C. do( ) 17. Look! The kangaroo ________. A. is jumping B. jumps C. jumping ( ) 18. The mother elephant isn ,t _____. A. walk B. walking C. to walk ( ) 19. ______ many birds in the sky. A. There is B. There are C. There have ( ) 20. Can the pandas ______? A. swimming B. swim C. are swimming ( ) 21. Are you ______ fish? A. watch B. watching C. watches ( ) 22. Do you see _____ animals? A. some B. any C. one( ) 23. The fish are _____ in the river. A. swiming B. swimming C. swim ( ) 24. I want to _____ .A. have a picnicB. having a picnicC. has a picnic( ) 25. Wu Yifan is counting ______. A. leaves B. leaf C. leafs二、情景选择.ww om ( ) 1.如果你想了解别人是干什么的,你可以问:A. Who are you?B. What do you like?C. What do you do?( ) 2. 你在问别人问题之前,你可以有礼貌地说:A. I ,m sorry.B. Excuse me.C. Can you help me?( ) 3. 别人对你表示感谢,你可以答复:A. You ,re welcome.B. Don ,t thank me.C. All right.( ) 4. 如果你想了解别人最|喜欢吃什么,你可以问:A. What do you like?B. What ,s your favourite food?C. Do you like this? ( ) 5. 如果你想了解今天的天气怎么样,你可以问:A. What day is it today?B. What time is it?C. What ,s the weather like today? ( ) 6. 如果你想了解今天是几月几日,你应该问:A. What is the date today?B. What day is it today?C. What is it?( ) 7. 如果你想问别人会做什么,你可以问:A. What do you do?B. What are you doing?C. What can you do?( ) 8. 如果你想了解别人的房间是怎么样的,你可以问:、What ,s your room? B. What ,s your room like? C. Where ,s your room?( ) 9. 妈妈称赞你说:You ,re so helpful ,你应该答复:A. You ,re welcome.B. I ,m not helpful.C. Thank you.( ) 10. 如果你想问别人星期一上什么课, 你可以问:A. What do you do on Monday?B. What would you like on Monday?What do you have on Mondays?( ) 11.打时如果想知道对方是谁,应该问:A. Who are you?B. Who ,s that?C. Who ,s this?( ) 12. 在中介绍自己似乎谁,你可以说:A. I am Peter.B. My name is Peter.C. This is Peter.( ) 13. 如果你想和李先生通,你可以说:Hello. May I speak to Mr. Li? B. Where is Mr. Li, please?Who is Mr. Li?( ) 14. 如果你想了解对方在做什么, 你可以问:A. What are you?B. Where are you?C. What are you doing?( ) 15. 如果你想了解别人爸爸的身体情况,你可以问:A. How is your father?B. What is your father doing?C. What is your father? ( ) 16.如果你想夸那个男孩很可爱,你可以说:A. The boy is kind.B. The boy is active.C. The boy is cute.( ) 17. 如果你想问他们经常做什么,你可以问:A. What do they often do?B. What are they doing?C. What can they do? ( ) 18. 如果你想问别人借故事书,你可以问:A. Where is your story -book?B. May I have a look at your story -book?I want to read a story -book.( ) 19. 如果你想要别人描述一下校长的样子,你可以说:A. Who ,s your principal?B. What ,s your principal?What ,s your principal like?( ) 20. 如果你想问别人几点起床,你可以问:A. What time do you get up?B. Why do you get up?C. How do you get up? ( ) 21. 如果你想了解John在做什么,你应该问:A. What can John do?B. What is John doing?C. What does John do? ( ) 22. 如果你想要别人告诉你,你可以说:A. May you speak to me?B. Say me.C. Tell me, please.( ) 23. 如果你告诉别人到了走的时间了,你应该说:A. Let ,s go.B. Can you go now?C. It ,s time to go.( ) 24. 你告诉别人你正过来,你应该说:A. I ,m coming.B. I am here.C. Let me come.( ) 25. 你让别人过来看一看,你可以说:A. Let me see.B. You can see.C. Come and have a look三、根据中文提示填空.下星期一我们一起去爬山吧.Let ,s_______ ________ next Sunday.我周末有时去看望祖父母 .Sometimes I _______ my ________ on the weekend.我最|喜欢冬天,因为可以堆雪人.I like winter, because I can _______ a _________.有年有四季There _____ four ________ in a year.我们通常在8:30做早操 .We usually____ morning ________ at 8:30.五月一日是劳动节.________ 1st is Labour _________. 她的生日是在六月吗?Is ______ birthday in __________?我妈妈的生日在七月. My ______ birthday is in ________.他们经常在三月去远足. They often go _______ in ________.秋季是我最|喜爱的季节. _______ is my favourtie _________.你爸爸在接 . Your dad _____ ________ the phone.他正在写电子邮件吗? Is he ________ an __________?我在画画. I am ________ __________.你的爷爷奶奶在干什么呀? What___ your grandparents ______?我妈妈正在清扫房间. My mom is _______ the _______.他们正在爬树. They are _______ _________.大象正在喝水. The elephants are_______ ________.狮子们正在打架吗? __________ the lions __________?老虎们不在睡觉. The tigers ________ __________.袋鼠在做什么? What ____ the kangaroos ______?他们正在抓蝴蝶. They ,re _________ __________.比尔表哥在下棋吗? _______ Cousin Bill _______ chess?他们在公园里观察昆虫. They ,re ______ _______ in the park.那些小蜜蜂在吃蜜糖吗? ______ the bees _______ the honey?你能写这份|报告吗? ________ you ________ this report?四、补全对话.A: I like fall _______.B: ________?A: It ,s sunny and windy. I can fly _____. _______ is your favourite season? B: Summer. _______ I can swim in summer.A: ______ are you doing?B: I ,m sending Uncle Bill an e -mail.A: _______ is Uncle Bill ,s birthday?B: It ,s in October.A: What ,s the _______?B: October 5th.A: Dose he _______ a computer?B: Oh, no.A: Then let ,s make a ________ card for Uncle Bill.A: Hi, Mike. _____ is John. What are you doing?B: I ,m ________ to music. What about you?A: I ,m ________ computer games.B: Do you want to____ hiking this weekend.A: Sure. What _______?B: 8:30 this Sunday. Let ,s meet at our schoolA: OK. See you then.B: Bye.A: What animal do you see, Jane?B: I can ,t see ______. Where are the animals?A: Let me ____ a look. Here ___ two horses.B: What are they _______?A: They are _______ to us.B: Really? Do they run fast?A: Yes! Watch out!A: ______ is Miss Chen?B: She ,s ______ her bedroom.A: Is she _______ computer games?B: No, she _______.A: What ,s she doing?B: She ,s ______ an E -mail.Unit 1 This Is My Daydo morning exercises晨练eat breakfast吃早饭have english class上英语课play sports进行体育运动eat dinner吃晚饭when什么时候evening夜晚;晚上get up起床at在……点钟usually通常;一般noon中午climb mountains爬山go shopping购物;买东西play the piano弹钢琴visit grandparents看望祖父母go hiking去远足weekend周末often经常sometimes有时候话题1:日常生活时态:一般现在时1.When do you do morning exercises? 你什么时候做早操?I usually do morning exercises at 8:00. 我经常八点钟做早操.(I usually get up at 12:00 at noon . 我经常在中午十二点起床.) 2.When do you eat dinner ? 你什么时候吃晚餐?I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening. 我在晚上七点种吃晚餐. 3.When is the best time to go to Beijing? Fall. 最|好在什么时候去北京?秋天.Unit 2 My Favourite Seasonspring春天summer夏天fall秋天winter冬天season季节which哪一个best最|;极swim游泳fly kites放风筝skate滑冰make a snowman堆雪人plant trees种树why为什么because因为sleep 睡觉话题2:季节时态:一般现在时1.Which season do you like best ? I like spring best.(Spring.)你最|喜欢是什么季节?我最|喜欢春季.2.What is your favourite season? My favourite seson is spring.(Spring.) 你最|喜爱的季节是什么季节?我最|喜爱的季节是春季.3.Why do you like summer? Because I can…….(Because it ,s warm ,windy and sunny.) 你为什么喜欢夏天?因为我可以……(因为天气是……)4.I like summer, because I can swim in the lake. 我喜欢夏天.因为我可以在湖里游泳.5.Spring is good ,but fall is my favourite season.春天是好的.但秋天是我最|喜欢的季节.6.What ,s the weather like in fall in Beijing? It ,s sunny and cool.秋天的北京是什么天气? 是晴朗和凉爽的.7.What season is it in March in Beijing? It ,s spring.在北京的三月份是什么季节? 是春天.Unit 3 My BirthdayJan./January一月Feb./February二月Mar./March三月Apr./April四月May五月June六月July七月Aug./Augest八月Sept./September九月Oct./October十月Nov./November十一月Dec./December十二月birthday生日date日期话题3:生日节日时态:一般现在时1.When is Teacher ,s Day ? 什么时候是教师节?2.谁的生日在七月?Mike的生日在七月.3.Is her birthday in June? Yes, it is . No, it isn ,t .她的生日在六月吗? 是的. 不是的4.When is your birthday? My birthday is in May.What ,s the date? It ,s May 10th.你的生日是什么时候?我的生日在五月.几号?五月十日.rd五年级|英语下册期末综合练习题 (二 )一、选出各组划线局部发音不同的一个单词 .( ) 1. A. water B. watch C. wash( ) 2. A. season B. ready C. read( ) 3. A. the B. desk C. egg( ) 4. A. milk B. unit C. kid( ) 5. A. have B. cat C. cake( ) 6. A. Chair B. bear C. here( ) 7. A. rain B. paint C. play( ) 8. A. deer B. wear C. near( ) 9. A. do B. too C. does( ) 10. A. catch B. watch C. school二、判断以下各组单词划线局部发音是否相同.( ) 1. A. September B. summer ( ) 2. A. swim B. swing ( ) 3. A. March B. May ( ) 4. A. up B. us( ) 5. A. answer B. center ( ) 6. A. grapes B. cat( ) 7. A. beef B. sheep ( ) 8. A. egg B. pen( ) 9. A. meat B. weather ( ) 10. A. active B. gate ( ) 11. A. tube B. toothbrush ( ) 12. A. bread B. sweater ( ) 13. A. peach B. jeans ( ) 14. A. tasty B. salty ( ) 15. A. often B. October ( ) 16. A. why B. January ( ) 17. A. first B. third ( ) 18. A. make B. skate( ) 19. A. young B. about ( ) 20. A. then B. season ( ) 21. A. and B. many ( ) 22. A. he B. Chinese ( ) 23. A. morning B. work ( ) 24. A. climb B. kind ( ) 25. A. either B. eighth ( ) 26. A. cleaner B. her( ) 27. A. breakfast B. at ( ) 28. A. count B. our( ) 29. A. snow B. now ( ) 30. A. hair B. chair ( ) 31. A. summer B. teacher ( ) 32. A. skate B. plant ( ) 33. A. great B. sweater ( ) 34. A. bear B. dear( ) 35. A. air B. pear ( ) 36. A. many B. chair( ) 37. A. bear B. breakfast ( ) 38. A. sports B. short ( ) 39. A. fly B. kite ( ) 40. A. ear B. dear三、选择填空.( ) 1. ______ season do you like best?A. WhichB. What ,sC. When( ) 2. How many ______ are there in June.A. daysB. dateC. day( ) 3. Which season do you like best? ________.A. FallB. JulyC. spring( ) 4. October is the ______ month of a year.A. tenB. twoC. tenth( ) 5. ______ is your birthday?A. WhenB. WhatC. Where( ) 6. ______ has a birthday in October?A. WhoB. Who ,sC. When( ) 7. ______ likes to get birthday cards.A. IB. TheyC. Everyone ( ) 8. What are you ______ ?A. doB. doingC. does( ) 9. ______ she have a computer?A. DoB. DoesC. Is( ) 10. Let ,s play _______.A. the pianoB. piano( ) 11. ______ do you do on Sunday?A. WhenB. What( ) 12. ______ you set the table?A. CanB. Are( ) 13. ______ there any pandas in the mountains?A. IsB. Are( ) 14. April is the ______ month of a year.A. fourthB. four( ) 15. Which season do you like best? I like summer ______.A. bestB. /( ) 16. ______ do you do on the weekends?A. WhenB. WhatC. Where( ) 17. ______ season do you like best?A. WhichB. What ,sC. Which ,s( ) 18. Why do you like winter? _______ I can skate.A. BecauseB. YesC. But( ) 19. Which season do you like ______?A. bestB. favourite( ) 20. What would you like ______ do?A. tooB. to( ) 21.February is the ______ month of a year?A. twoB. second( ) 22. Which month do you like best? ______.A. SummerB. August四、选择填空.1.Zhang peng ,s sister is writing _______e -mail.A、aB、an C 、\2. A:Hello,_______Mike.Can I speak to Tom?B:Sure, hold on ,please.A、I amB、this is C 、that is3.Can ducks______?A、swim, swimingB、swim swimC 、swimming swimming4.The elephant_________walking and the monkeys______swimming.A、is areB、is is C 、are are5.That______you_______?I ,m eating lunchA、do doB、do doing C 、are doing五、连线.1.drink water A、在书房里2.cook dinner B洗碗碟、3.read a book C洗衣服4.write a letter D喝水5.write an e -mail E写电子邮件6.clean the room F做晚饭7.listen to music G清扫房间8.in the study H听音乐9.do the dishes I看书10.wash clothes J写信六、补全对话.what about what are what doing speak to they can ,t1._______is the tiger __________? It is walking.2.can elephant climb trees? No, ________________3.the mother panda is eating. ______________the baby panda?4.hello, can I__________mike,please?5.__________ they doing? They are eating bananas .七、完成句子.1那只母袋鼠正在跳the mother_____is________.2我妹妹正在画画my sister is __________ ________. 3那两只狮子不是在睡觉,它们在打架the two lions are not ______. They ,re__________4 John的母亲正在接John ,s mother______ ______ ________________.5兔子不会飞,但它们会跑Rabbits ______ _______, but they_______ ______.九、阅读理解.It ,s 8:00 in the evening . amy ,s family are all at home. Look, amy is doing homework in her bedroom. Her father is reading a book. Her mother is doing the dishes in the kichen . her bother Jim is writing an e -mail in the study. Her sister Lucy listening to in the living room.1. There are _________people in Amy ,s family.A、threeB、four C 、five2. Amy is in ___________.A、her bedroomB、the study C 、the living room3. Amy ,s mother is __________A、reading a bookB、doing the dishes C 、listening to music4. _________is writing an e -mailA、Kate ,s brotherB、Amy ,s sister C 、Amy ,s father5. Jim has two_______A、brothersB、sisters C 、fatherUnit 4 What Are You Doing?draw pictures画画cook dinner做饭read a book看书answer the phone接listen to music听音乐clean the room清扫房间write a letter写信write an e -mail写电子邮件study书房话题:日常生活时态:现在进行时 ( be doing now )1.What is ZhangPeng doing ? 张鹏正在做什么?He is answering the phone. 他正在听 .Grandpa is writing a letter. 外祖父正在写信.Brother is doing homework . 哥哥(弟弟)正在做作业.Mom is cooking dinner in the kichen. 妈妈正在厨房里做饭.Father is writing an e -mail. 爸爸正在写电子邮件.2.Hello, this is ZhangPeng. 你好,这是张鹏.Can I speak to ChenJie ,Please? 我可以跟陈洁通话吗? Sure. Please hold on. She ,s listening to music. 可以.请别挂机.她正在听音乐.3.What are you doing? I am doing the dishes. 你正在做什么?我正在洗碗碟.4.Unit 5 Look at the Monkeysfly飞jump跳walk走run跑swim游泳sleep睡觉climb往上爬fight打架swing荡;荡秋千drink water喝水话题:动物时态:现在进行时1.What do you see ? I see two kangaroos. 你看见什么?我看见两只袋鼠.2.What can monkey do? It can swing. 猴子能干什么? 它会荡秋千.3.What is the mother kangaroo doing? 母袋鼠正在做什么?She ,s jumping. 她正在跳跃.4.Look at the monkey. What is it doing ? It ,s eating bananas.看那只猴子. 它正在做什么? 它正在吃香蕉.5.What are the tigers doing ? They are fighting. 老虎正在做什么?它们在打架.6.Are you eating lunch ? 你们(你)正在吃午餐吗?Yes, we are. Yes, I am . No, we aren ,t. No, I am not .我们是. 我是. 我们不是. 我不是7.Are the ants eating honey ? 蚂蚁正在吃蜜糖吗?Yes, they are. No ,they aren ,t . 它们是. 它们不是. 8.Can tigers swim? 老虎会游泳吗?Yes,they can. No, they can ,t. 它们会.它们不会.Unit 6 A Field Triptake pictures照相watch insects观察昆虫pick up leaves采摘树叶do an experiment做实验catch butterfly捉蝴蝶honey蜂蜜count insects数昆虫collect leaves收集树叶wtite a report写|报告play chess下棋have a picnic举行野餐话题:日常活动时态:现在进行时1.Is John playing chess? Yes, he is . No, he isn ,t .John正在下棋吗? 他是. 他不是.2.Is Amy counting insects ? Yes, she is. No, she isn ,t .Amy正在书昆虫吗? 是,她是. 她不是 .3.They are playing chess. I am doing homework. He is singing.Are they playing chess? Are you doing homework? Is he singing?What are they doing? What are you doing? What is he doing?You can go to the Great Wall. 你可以去长城.PEP小学英语五年级|下册期末检测模拟试卷Writing Part 笔试局部(60分)二、Choose the right answers. 选择填空. (5分)1.What do you do ____the weekend?A. onB. inC. at2._____season do you like best?A. WhichB. WhatC. How3.Kate ____ playing chess.A. amB. isC. are4.Can I speak ___John?A. forB. toC. on5. - - - ___ they taking a picture?- - - Yes, they are.A. AmB. IsC. Are三、Read and match. 将问题与相应的答案连起来. (5分)1. What are you doing? A. Yes, they are.2. Is her birthday in June? B. It's may the 5th.3. What's the date? C. I'm answering the phone.4. What do you do on the weekend? D. Yes, it is.5. Are they doing an experiment? E. I often going hiking.四、Rearrange the words. 根据提供的标点符号,把单词组合成完整的句子. (10分)1. they, catching, butterflies, are(?)2. when, get, do, up, you(?)3. play sports, I, at, 3:00, usually(.)4. do, why, winter, you, like(?)5. mountains, I, sometimes, climb(.)五、Fill in the blanks with the following words. 用所给的词语或短语填空. John: What you see?Mike: I see two .John: What are they ?Mike: They water.John: Can you see the ?Mike: Yes, it .六、Put the following sentences in order. 把以下句子按顺序排列,使之成为一段通顺的对话. (6分)( ) A.He is in the woods.( ) B.Where is Zhang Peng?( ) C. Yes, he is. They are play toghter.( ) D. Is he taking picture?( ) E. No, he isn't. He is playing chess.( ) F. Is John playing chess, too ?七、Read and answer the questions. 阅读短文,然后答复以下问题. (6分) My name is Tim. I'm eleven years old. My birthday is October 2nd. It's in golden fall. The weather is cool and sunny. It's my favourite season. My father's birthday is in October, too. Can you imagine (想到)it's on the same (同一) day! We can enjoy ourselves on that day together! Usually we go hiking or fly kites. Sometimes we have a picnic. We have a lot of fun on that day!1. When is Tim's birthday? What's the date?___________________________________________2. What do Tim and his father do on their birthdays? __________________________________________________3. Which season does Tim like best?_______________________________________________五年级|下册必背重点句1. - - -When do you eat dinner?你什么时候吃晚饭?- - -I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.我在晚上7点钟吃晚饭.2. - - -When do you get up ?你什么时候起床?- - -I usually get up at 12:00 noon.我通常在中午12点钟起床.3. - - -What do you do on the weekend?你周末做什么?- - -Usually I watch TV and go shopping.通常我看电视和去购物.4.Sometimes I visit my grandparents .有时候我去探望祖父母.5.I often play football.我经常踢足球.6.Sometimes I go hiking.有时候我去远足.7. - - -Which season do you like best?你最|喜欢哪个季节?- - -I like winter best.我最|喜欢冬天.8.Summer is good .夏天很好.9.But fall is my favourite season.但是秋天是我最|喜欢的季节.10. - - -Why do you like summer?你为什么喜欢夏天?- - -Beacause I can swim in the lake.因为我能在湖里游泳.11. - - -Why do you like winter?你为什么喜欢冬天?- - -Beacause I can sleep a long time.因为我能睡很长时间.12. - - -When is your birthday?你什么时候过生日?- - -It`s in May.是在5月.13.My birthday is in June .我的生日是在6月.14.Uncle Bill`s birthday is in June,too.比尔叔叔的生日也是在六月.15. - - -Is her birthday in June?她的生日是在六月吗?- - -Yes.What`s the date?是的,是什么日子?- - -June 9th.六月九日.6.This is Zhang Peng .这是张鹏.17. - - -What are you doing?你正在做什么?18. - - -I`m doing the dishes.我正在洗碗碟.19.I`m reading a book.我正在看书.20.Grandpa is writing a letter.爷爷正在写信.21.Brother is doing homework.哥哥正在做作业.22.Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen .妈妈正在厨房里做饭.23.He`s writing an e -mail in the study.他正在书房写邮件.24. - - -What is it doing?它正在干什么?- -It's eating bananas.它正在吃香焦.25.She's jumping.她正在跳 .26. - - -What are they doing?他们正在做什么?- - -They`re swimming.他们正在游泳.27.They are climbing trees.他们正在爬山.28. - - -Are you eating lunch?你们正在吃午饭吗?- - -No, we aren`t .不,我们没有.29. - - -Are they eating the honey?他们正在吃蜂蜜吗?- - -Yes, they are .是的,他们正在吃.30. - - -Is he playing chess?他正在下棋吗?- - -Yes, he is.是的,他是.31. - - -Is she counting insects?她正在数昆虫吗?- - -No, she isn`t.不,她不是.。
(4分)sǎ tuō jū shù yōu yǎ hún zhuó()()()()2.下列各组词语中没有错别字的一组是( B )(2分)A.暴露无遗自作自受一望无际顾映自怜B.斩钉截铁惊天动地念念有词意味深长C 禁飘带舞庞然大物排山倒海狂风怒号3.按要求填空。
临:①靠近,对着;②来到,到达;③将要,快要身临.其境(②)居高临.下(①)(2)与“悬崖绝壁”中的“绝”意思相同的是( A )A绝.处逢生 B络绎不绝. C斩尽杀绝. D绝.无此意4.按要求改写句子。
七年级期末考试语文试卷一、(16分)1.下列词语中加点字的读音完全正确的一项是()(4分)A.挑逗(tiǎo)孱头(càn)迸溅(bìnɡ)气冲斗牛(dòu)B.校补(jiào) 弧形(hú)滞笨(zhì)千钧重负(jūn)C.喷香(pèn)菌子(jūn)修葺(qì) 锲而不舍(qì)D.诘问(jié)告罄(qìnɡ)亘古(ɡènɡ)怏怏不乐(yānɡ)2.下列词语中没有错别字的一项是()(4分)A.商酌震悚斑斓迥乎不同B.烦燥谰语闲瑕家喻户晓C.深宵屏障妥贴锋芒必露D.羸弱取蒂愧怍微不足到3.下列句子中加点成语使用恰当的一项是()(4分)A. 面对不期而至的期末考试,同学们积极准备,认真复习。
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(3分)染.色(lǎn rǎn) 铁锚.(máo miáo) 上涨.(zhǎng zhàng)谚.语(yàn yán) 切.断(qiē qiè) 承.认(chén chéng)二、看拼音,写词语。
(10分)yuān yāng tí wèn làng huā qiǎng cí duó lǐ()()()()chuán shuō jì xù yǎng wàng guāng máng wàn zhàng()()()()三、给下列加点词语选择正确的解释。
1.小小年纪你就能把《离骚》背下来,太厉害..了! ()2.这个老师很厉害..,学生们都很怕她。
(9分)翩翩起( ) 没精打( ) 无( )无虑学( )五车形( )各异 ( )墨纸砚1.以上词语中,结构为AABC式的词语是_____________,请你再写出三个相同形式的词语:____________、____________、______________。
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x x
的面积是() A.
sin D.1
8.如图,在Rt△ABC中,△ABC=90°.AB=BC.点D是线段AB上的一点,连结C D.过点B作BG△CD,分别交CD、CA于点E、F,与过点A且垂直于AB的直线相交于点G,连结DF,给出以下四个结论:△=;△若点D是AB的中点,则AF=AC;△当B、C、F、D四点在同一个圆上时,DF=DB;△若=,则S△ABC=9S△BDF,其中正确的结论序号是()
A.△△ B.△△ C.△△△ D.△△△△
二、填空题(每小题3分,共24分) 9.母线长为2cm ,底面圆的半径为1cm 的圆锥的侧面积是 c m 2.
10.在Rt △ABC 中,∠C =90°,AB =5,AC =3,则sin B =_______.
11、 一等腰三角形的两边长分别为4cm 和6cm ,则其底角的余弦值为________.
12、 已知一组数据1,2,x ,5的平均数是4,这组数据的方差是 .
13、 若A (﹣4,y 1),B (﹣1,y 2),C (1,y 3)为二次函数y =x 2+4x ﹣5的图象上的三点,则y 1,
y 2,y 3的大小关系是 .
14、 如图,在边长相同的小正方形组成的网格中,点A 、B 、C 、D 都在这些小正方形的顶点上,
AB 、CD 相交于点P ,则tan ∠APD 的值是 .
15、一块直角三角板ABC 按如图放置,顶点A 的坐标为(0,1),直角顶点C 的坐标为(﹣3,0),△B =30°,
则点B 的坐标为 .
16、如图,正方形ABCD 边长为1,以AB 为直径作半圆,点P 是CD 中点,BP 与半圆交于点Q ,连
结DQ .给出如下结论:①DQ =1;②PQ BQ =32 ;③S △PDQ =18 ;④cos ∠ADQ =35
.其中正确结论是 .(填写序号)
17.(8分)(1)解方程:0142=+-x x (2) 计算:
科普类 教辅类 文艺类 其他 册数(本)
128 80 m 48 (1)求表格中字母m 的值及扇形统计图中“教辅类”所对应的圆心
角a 的度数;
︒⋅︒-︒-︒+︒30tan 60tan 45tan 60cos 30sin P
(第14题) (第15题) (第16题)
19、(8分)如图,在Rt △ABC 中,∠C =90°,△ACD 沿AD 折叠,使得点C 落在斜边AB 上的点E 处.
(1)求证:△BDE △△BAC ;
(2)已知AC =6,BC =8,求线段AD 的长度.
20、 (8分)如图,在由边长为1的小正方形组成的网格图中有△ABC ,建立平面直角坐标系后,点O 的坐
(1)以O 为位似中心,作△A ′B ′C ′∽△ABC ,相似比为1:2,且保证△A ′B ′C ′在第三象限;
(2)点B ′的坐标为( , );
(3)若线段BC 上有一点D ,它的坐标为(a ,b ),那么它的对应点D ′的坐标为
( , ).
21、(本题8分)已知关于x 的一元二次方程:0)3(2=---m x m x . (1)试判断原方程根的情况;
(2)若抛物线m x m x y ---=)3(2与x 轴交于)0 ()0 (21,,,
x B x A 两点,则A ,B 两点间的距离是否存在最大或最小值?若存在,求出这个值;若不存在,请说明理由. (友情提示:21x x AB -=)
22.(8分)如图,在南北方向的海岸线MN 上,有A 、B 两艘巡逻船,
现均收到故障船c 的求救信号.已知A 、B 两船相距3+3)海里,船
C 在船A 的北偏东60°方向上,船C 在船B 的东南方向上,MN 上有一
观测点D ,测得船C 正好在观测点D 的南偏东75°方向上.
(1)分别求出A 与C ,A 与D 之间的距离AC 和AD (如果运算结果有根号,
(2)已知距观测点D 处200海里范围内有暗礁.若巡逻船A 沿直线AC
去营救船C ≈1.413)
24.(12分) 如图,抛物线y=x2+mx+n与直线y=﹣x+3交于A,B两点,交x轴与D,C两点,连接AC,BC,已知A(0,3),C(3,0).
1-4:D B A D 5-8:B C C C
9.∏2 ; 10、53
; 11、43或31
; 12、215
13y y y 312<<; 14、2; 15、)33,33(--;
16、①②④ 17.1)2(;32,32)1(21--=+=x x
20.①图略.②-2,-1③b a 21
21.①08)1(422>+-=-m ac b 方程有两个不相等的实数根。
m=1时AB 最小, 22=AB 22.解 ①3200600,3200-==AD AC ②过点D 作DF 垂直AC ,F 为垂足,易求200219)13300(=DF >≈-无危险。
2+--=m s ,当m=2时,S 最大,33=s
2+-=x x y