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Unit 13

Dealing with Growth

Focus: The Director of the Milk Marketing Board giving a presentation about market trends Listening Task

A: We all know that there have been some major changes in our market over the last ten years, and we can expect further cha nges over the next ten years. I’d like to present the trends over the last ten years and also anticipate the trends we predict over the next ten years.

I’m not going to talk for long-just long enough to give you an overview of developments so that we can d iscuss the implications. Do interrupt me if you’ve got any questions of comments. So, let’s start by looking at trends over the last ten years. On this first transparency you’ll see two pie charts-the first represents the milk product market ten years ago, the second, how it looks now. there are two outstanding features: firstly, that the total market has grown substantially form 280 million litres to 440 million litres; secondly, the actual sector share of the four main milk products has changed radically; the full milk sector has fallen dramatically from 74% to just 42%-here on the pie chart; the skimmed milk sector has rocketed form only 12% t 35%, reflecting the weight of publicity directed towards low fat diets. The other two sectors are long life milk and milk drinks. It’s interesting to see that the long life sector has risen form 5% to 13%-a significant rise considering initial consumer resistance to this type of mile. And finally, the mild drinks have remained pretty stable, just increasing by 1%. So the two big winners of the decade are skimmed and long life milk, and the big loser, the full milk sector.

Now, what’s really important is the likely trends over the next ten years in these for sectors. If you look at this graph you can see the same trends I just outlined for the four sectors. Beyond this line we’ve plotted the anticipated trends over the next ten years. We forecast that the full milk sector will decline more gradually over the next five years to around 40% and then fall a further 2% by the end of the 10-year period; the skimmed milk sector…

B: Excuse me, can I just ask how you account for this slowing down in decline?

A: Er… if you don’t mind, I’ll come to that in a moment. Just to complete the picture, the skimmed milk sector should continue to rise steadily to 40% over the next five years and then level off around this figure for the next five years. We expect long life milk to continue rising moderately so that at the end of this period this sector will represent a significant 20%. Finally we project a fairly marked decline in the milk drink sector as consumer awareness of the sugar content of these drinks increases. We forecast an eventual fall to just 2% by the end of the period. Right, now let me come back to your question: why do we expect these trends? Well, one critical factor…

Unit 14

Presenting the Department

Focus: A Personnel Director giving an informal presentation on the structure and organization of the department

Listening Task

Jan: OK, Paul, first of all, on behalf of the personnel team, I’d like to welcome you to Rossomon.
