A. lived later than Ambulocetus natans
B. lived at the same time as Pakicetus
As a meteorological concept, “eye” refers to a round area in the middle of an extreme wind disturbance.
Because this area is so small and irregular, it is difficult to observe.
1. 改写题( Paraphrasing)
Factual Information questions Negative Factual Information questions Sentence Simplification questions
① Factual Information questions
TOEFL 阅读理解之十大题型
1. 改写题(Paraphrasing) Factual Information questions (3-6 questions per set) Negative Factual Information questions (0-2 questions per set) Sentence Simplification questions (0-1questions per set) 2. 语篇纽带题(Text Connectors) Reference questions (0-2 questions per set) Insert Text question (0-1 questions per set) 3. 推论题 Inference questions (0-2 questions per set) Rhetorical Purpose questions (0-2 questions per set) 4. 篇章结构题(Text Structure) Prose Summary Fill in Table 5. 词汇题
iBT毕竟是⼀个考试 考试就有他的思路和⽅法,以及题型的设计 在这⾥,我们⾸先熟悉⼀下新托福阅读出题的基本思路,和10种基本题型,以及应对10种题型的技巧 要点: an academic environment---越来越偏向于学术的讨论,越来越像IELTS的Academic类考试 reading---a variety of different subjects passages---3 different categories based on author purpose: 1. Exposition 2. Argumentation 3. Historical 你需要了解general organization of the passage * classification * comparison/contrast * cause/effect * problem/solution 每篇阅读的平均字数是700,当然根据考试的实际情况,可多可少 iBT的阅读有10种题型,下⾯我们⼀种⼀种的来回顾: 经验:第1,第5种题型,占的分量最多,难度也不⼤,要保证⼀个也不错 第9种和第10种题⽬,难度,想取得⾼分,必须要多做综合练习 剩下的题型也很重要,想取得⾼分,⼀个都不能少 1. Factual Information Questions 这样的题⽬,⼀般来说mentioned only in part of the passage. 答题的信息就在段落的1,2句话中 技巧:你不可能在第⼀遍阅读的时候,就找到正确答案,需要看题⽬以后,回头再找 排出那些本⾝就很⽭盾的选项 千万不要因为你看这某个单词或者句⼦在段落中出现过,就选择那个选项,⼀定要回答问题 2. Negative Factual Information Questions 做这样的题⽬,你⾸先需要对定位:locate the relevant info. in the passage 注意,这种问题你要选择的正确答案,是那个不正确的,问题⾥⾯会明确的指出:which one is NOT true 技巧:选项⾥⾯的答案,可能叙述了⼀段的意思,也可能叙述了好⼏段 正确的那个答案,要么是直接和⽂章的意思⽭盾,要么是⽂章⾥⾯没有提到的 3. Inference Questions 注意的字眼,是infer, imply, inferred 技巧: 正确的答案,必须是从⽂章已给内容推出的,特别注意 4. Rhetorical Purpose Questions Rhetorical is the art of speaking or writing effectively. 他不关⼼作者说了什么,关⼼的是作者为什么要这样说 技巧: 注意字眼definintion, example, to illustrate, to explain, to contrast, to refute, to note, to criticize, function of 这样的题⽬尤其会侧重句⼦还有段落之间的逻辑联系 [ /toefl ] 5. Vocabulary Questions ⼤家不要太在意这个单词在字典⾥⾯什么意思,最重要的是,这个单词在⽂章⾥⾯的意思:in the reading passage, only one of the meanings of a work is relevant 技巧:问题是问你单词在⽂章⾥⾯的意思,再次强调 6. Reference Questions 这样的问题,主要是问你代词指代的内容是什么[根据我观察的经验,代词指代的东西,⼀般来说就在你这个代词的前⾯,或者隔了1个短语,不会太远:...AAAAA, BBB, CCC, XXX...⼀般来说, XXX不是指代C就是指代B,不会跑太远] 技巧:代词, pronoun, 在选择以后,检查答案的时候,⼀定要注意⼀致性:the same number: singular or plural; case: first person, second person, third person 当你选择了答案以后,你的选择会不会违反语法原则,并且会不会有意义 7. Sentence Simplification Questions 并不是每⼀篇⽂章都有这样的题⽬,如果有,⼀篇⽂章最多只有1个 8. Insert Text Questions 不是每篇阅读都有这样的题⽬,如果有,⼀篇⽂章最多只有1个 技巧:从⽂章结构下⼿, structure; 从逻辑下⼿, logic 尤其注意逻辑的链接单词和语句,例⼦:on the other hand, for example, on the contrary, similiary, in contrast, further or furthermore, therefore, in other words, as a resule, finally⼀定要注意,你插⼊的语句,⼀定要承上启下,即对前⾯的语句负责,⼜对后⾯的语句负责 新托福,总要有他新的地⽅,阅读⽅⾯,第9,第10种类型的题⽬,就是他新颖的地⽅,也是⽐较难的2种题⽬ 9. Prose Summary Questions 正确的答案, will synthesize major ideas in the passage 你将会碰到6选3的情况,最低得分0分,得分2分:选择0正确答案,或者1个正确答案,0分;选择2个正确答案,1分;选择3个所有的正确答案,2分 做这种归纳的题⽬,最重要的是,你要通篇的阅读,不能偷懒 根据我的经验,技巧有2点:1.区别例⼦和主旨,例⼦是⽤来说明主旨的,例⼦不是主旨; 2. 局限性的答案⼀定是错误的,主旨是让你找到major oint, 千万不要让minor给迷惑了 10. Fill in a Table Questions 这种题⽬,就是题⽬给了你⼏个空,让你把正确的答案拖到相应的位置,需要通篇阅读,不简单 关键是你要明⽩⼏种关系:cause-effect relationships, compare-contrast relationships, arguements, and the like. 也可以称作⽂章的组织关系,types of organization: compare/contrast, problem/solution, cause/effect, alternative arguements(such as theories, hypotheses), and the like 在真实考试的时候:drag your answer choices to the spaces where they belong. to view the passage, click on View Text. 知道这10个题⽬的类型,剩下的就是⽅法论,methodoly的问题,我们怎样针对这10种题型,在平时的学习和阅读当中,可以的训练⾃⼰: 主旨:的培养阅读的⽅法,就是多去阅读,⽽且要阅读各种不同题材的⽂章,科学的,社科类的,艺术的,商务的,等等等等。
同义概念 当之处,请联系本人或网站删除。
TPO 3-3-1. The word “particular” in the passage is closest in meaning to
○natural ○final ○specific ○complex
TPO 1-2-1. The word “championed” in the passage is closest in meaning to
○changed ○debated ○created ○supported
认识——贬义色彩 当之处,请联系本人或网站删除。
TPO 3-3-10. The word “pales” in the passage is closest in meaning to
○increases proportionally ○differs ○loses significance ○is common
TPO 1-2-1. The word “championed” in the passage is closest in meaning to
○changed ○debated ○created ○supported
认识——褒义色彩 当之处,请联系本人或网站删除。
句子理解 句间关系 文章结构 托福阅读是以句子
Type 1 事实信息题这个类别的题型和否定信息题加在一起可以几乎达到考试整体的百分之四十。
此类题目多以true来询问,以下题为例:P1.Paleontologists have argued for a long time that the demise of the dinosaurs was caused by climatic alterations associated with slow changes in the positions of continents and seas resulting from plate tectonics. Off and on throughout theCretaceous (the last period of the Mesozoic era, during which dinosaurs flourished), large shallow seas covered extensive areas of the continents. Data from diverse sources, including geochemical evidence preserved in seafloor sediments, indicate that the Late Cretaceous climate was milder th an today’s. The days were not too hot, nor the nights too cold. The summers were not too warm, nor the winters too frigid. The shallow seas on the continents probably buffered the temperature of the nearby air, keeping it relatively constant.Q1.According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true of the Late Cretaceous climate?A. Summers were very warm and winters were very cold.B. Shallow seas on the continents caused frequent temperature changes.C. The climate was very similar to today’s climate.D. The climate did not change dramatically from season to season以上是一道典型的托福阅读的细节题型,虽然是给出整段,但是同学们不需要通读整段。
② Sentence Simplification questions
句子简化题与细节题在本质上类似,都是对原句的改写 句子简化题应注意两点:文间逻辑关系一致;核心信息点
一致 问题形式:Which of the following best expresses the
essential information in the highlighted sentence? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
According to the passage, why did states need private companies’ help in road building?
A. The states were unable to build roads themselves financially B. Private companies could spend less time completing roads C. The states did not have as much equipment as private companies D. Private companies had more knowledge of the interior
5ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
托福阅读10大题型提问形式和题目数量盘点介绍【入门基础】托福阅读10大题型提问形式和题目数量盘点介绍1. 事实信息题(Factual information)事实信息题是托福阅读中数量最多的题型,在每篇阅读文章中都会有3-6题为事实信息题。
这类题目的提问方式主要有两种,分别是:According to the paragraph,...?The author's description of X mentions which of the following?2. 否认事实信息题(Negative Factual Infomation)这个题型和上面的事实信息题正好相反,如果说事实信息题问的是文章里讲了什么,那么否认事实信息题问的就是文章里没讲没有提及什么。
这个题型的提问方式是:According to the passage, which of the following is NOT trueof X?The author's description of X mentions all of the following EXCEPT...3. 暗示推理题(Inference)这个题型同样问的是事实,但并不是文章直接提到的事实,而是需要考生结合文章给出信息进行一定推理后得出的结论,对考生的逻辑推理分析能力有一定要求。
这个题型每篇阅读中都会有1到3题,常见提问方式是:Which of the following can be inferred about X?The author of the passage implies that X...Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about X?4. 修辞目的题(Rhetorical Purpose)这个题型的题数为1-2题,光看名字似乎有点不太好理解,其实通俗来说就是问目的或者说原因,比如作者会什么要提某人某事,或者作者提及某人某事是为了什么等等。
做题技巧1. 认识的词或短语-----就题做题
2. 不认识的词或短语------进行推断
2.1 根据词根词缀推断
2.2 根据上下文推断
A. 找同义对应
B. 找反义对应
寻找反义的线索:but, however, despite, inspite of, in contrast, instead, or, whereas, unlike etc.
(D) identifiable
2.3 短语意义的判断
试题结构阅读部分篇数时间文章长度问题数量Passage120分钟Approximately700 words12-14 个Passage2 & Passage340分钟Approximately700 words perset每篇12-14个Passage 4& Passage 5(遇加试时才有)40分钟Approximately700 words perset每篇12-14个TOEFL 阅读首堂课介绍• 1. what is TOEFL? why do you guys study TOEFL?• 2. what is TPO?• 3. what is pbt-cbt-ibt?• 4. what is OG?• 5. 托福阅读十大题型介绍+ 例题?• 6. 高分标准?•7. 教案思路?(词汇+ 语法+ 长难句+ 简单阅读)•8. 介绍上这门基础课的目的何在??学生学完这门课有什么收获??•9. “授渔”而非“授鱼”?一.事实信息题(Factual Information Questions )•①.问题形式:•According to the paragraph,which of following is true of X?•The author's discription of X mentions which of following?•According to the paragraph,X did Y because...•According to the paragraph, why did X do Y?•②.例题:•1790 saw the nation entering a new era of road development.Unable to finance road construction,states turnd for help to privatecompanies,organized by merchants and land speculators who had a personal interest in better communications with the interior.•According to the passage, why did states need private companies' help in road building?• a. the states were unable to build roads themselves financially.• b. private companies could spend less time completing roads.• c. the states did not have as much equipment as private companies.• d. private companies had more knowledge of the interior.二.指代题(Reference Questions)• .问题形式:The word (or phrase) X in the passage refers to ?(常考的代词有they,this, it, others, which等)。
托福十大题型1. 事实信息题(Factual information)事实信息题是托福阅读中数量最多的题型,在每篇阅读文章中都会有3-6题为事实信息题。
这类题目的提问方式主要有两种,分别是:According to the paragraph,...?The author's description of X mentions which of the following?2. 否认事实信息题(Negative Factual Infomation)这个题型和上面的事实信息题正好相反,如果说事实信息题问的是文章里讲了什么,那么否认事实信息题问的就是文章里没讲没有提及什么。
这个题型的提问方式是:According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true of X?The author's description of X mentions all of the following EXCEPT...3. 暗示推理题(Inference)这个题型同样问的是事实,但并不是文章直接提到的事实,而是需要考生结合文章给出信息进行一定推理后得出的结论,对考生的逻辑推理分析能力有一定要求。
这个题型每篇阅读中都会有1到3题,常见提问方式是:Which of the following can be inferred about X?The author of the passage implies that X...Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about X?4. 修辞目的题(Rhetorical Purpose)这个题型的题数为1-2题,光看名字似乎有点不太好理解,其实通俗来说就是问目的或者说原因,比如作者会什么要提某人某事,或者作者提及某人某事是为了什么等等。