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Unit 9 It’s raining

The first lesson

Step1,Introduce language of this unit

Describe the weather ,Describe what you are doing

Step2,Learn some new words.

Rain, windy, cloudy ,sunny, snow, weather , Moscow ,Toronto, Boston

Step3,Match the words with the pictures

Answers :1,a 2,e, 3,d, 4,b, 5,c

Step4,Listen and write these city names in the boxes above.

The teacher plays the tape twice, and ask the students give answers. Beijing, Moscow, Toronto , Boston, Shanghai

The answers is underline.


Imagine you are in one of the places in the picture above. Talk about the weather .

A: Hi ! How’s the weather in Beijing ?

B: It’s raining .

The teacher takes some pictures about some weather ,and take turn to ask students this question, let them answer.


Revise the words and sentences on page 53.

The second lesson of Unit 9

Step1, revise some words and sentences.

The sentence is : How’s the weather + in +地点?

Answer: It’s +天气形容词

Step2, practice this sentence.

Let the students ask and answer this sentence.

Step3,listen . Number [1-4]the pictures as you hear them

The teacher plays the tape about 2a on page 54 twice. let the students give answers.

Answers: 2, 3, 4,.1,

Step4,listen again , match the names with the activities.

Answers :1,c 2,a, 3.d. 4.b


Ask and answer questions . Talk about the people in activity 2a. What’s Uncle Joe doing ?

He’s playing basketball.

Step6, 总结句型

What’s +姓名+doing ?


Step7,Match the words and the faces in the box.

Answers :1, c, 2, b, 3,d ,4,a


Practice the conversation below. Then make your own conversation. Learn this sentence: A:How’s it going ? 情况怎么样?

B:Great . 太好了

Step7,game Find the differences

Students A, look at the picture on page85. Student B, look at the picture on page 87, find the differences.


Do some exercises .

The third lesson of unit 9

Step1, Revision

a)revise some words

b)revise some sentences

1, How’s the weather in Changsha ? It’s raining.

2, How’s it going ? Great .

3,What’s your mother doing ?

She is cleaning in my room.

Step2, learn some new words

Cold , cool , warm, humid , Egypt, vacation ,ride , camel, Egyptian, scarf , head , winter , tower, Eiffel Tower

Step3, learn some new phrases

Take photos, a kind of scarf, have a good time, in restaurants.
