





6.A.Less than two hours. B.Two hours and quarter.

C.More than for hours.

D.Three hours.

7.A.Stay at home. B.Go to Mr Black's.

C.Mend his car.

D.Buy a car.

8.A.5382248 B.5384428



9.A.In the shop. B.In the classroom.

C.In the street.

D.In the library.

10.A.Pull the door. B.Push the door.

C.Close the door.

D.Lock the door.



11.There are a lot of horses in the world.

12."Sea horse" lives on the land.

13."Sea horse" looks like a horse, so people call it "sea horse".

14.In fact this kind of horse is a small fish.

15.When the sea horse swims, it always stands up.


A radio report: Most of North and South China will have a cold (16)

day. It will be cloudy at (17) .There will be a strong (18) to the north

of the Huai River. The day after tomorrow will be (19) .

In the (20) it will be fine. The temperature will (21) above zero in the day-time,but at night it will fall (22) zero again. In the Northwest, there will be (23) in the night. It will be very (24) in some places.

Beijing will be (25) .The temperature will be 2 to 9.Tianji n will be cloudy and the temperature will….


26.A.spaceship B.strange C.orange D.hate

https://www.360docs.net/doc/4710425581.html,rade https://www.360docs.net/doc/4710425581.html,puter C.copy D.lost

28.A.found B.young C.country D.southern

29.A.without B.weather` C.than D.thanks

30.A.news B.noise C.history D.museum




(1)31.Would you like some meat? A.Thank you all the same.

32.Shall we climb that hill? B.No, I am not.

33.I'm sorry I don't know. C.No, thanks.

34.You aren't a teacher, are you? D.Good idea.


(2)35.Would you mind closing the door? A.You are welcome.

36.What do you like about this skirt? B.Tall and thin.

37.Thank you for helping me. C.The colour and the size.

38.What’s she like? D.Not at all.


39.________ Un report says in 1990 ________ number was over five billion.





40.—Must I finish the work before supper?


A.No,you mustn’t

B.Yes,you need

C.Yes,you may

D.No,you needn’t

41.If you don't know the meaning of a word,you should _______ in the dictionary.

A.look it up

B.look it over

C.find it out

D.look for it

42.She is sitting between _______. You can easily find her.

A.he and I

B.I and he

C.him and me

D.him and I

43.Where do you think ________?

A.he will go

B.will he go

C.he will go to

D.will he go to

44.We all agree with you,so we hope you ________ change your idea.

A.had better not to

B.would better not

C.would better not to

D.had better not

45.—Who is ________,Lie Lie or Jim?

—I think Jim is ________ of the two.

A.the tallest,the tallest

B.taller,the tallest

C.taller,the taller

D.the taller,the taller

46.If he ________,I’ll ask him whether he ________ for Shanghai.

A.will come back,will leave

https://www.360docs.net/doc/4710425581.html,es back,will leave

C.will come,leaves


47.—Could you tell me ________? —Certainly.

A.what was the matter with my watch

B.what the matter with my watch was

C.what’s the matter with my watch

D.what the matter with my watch is

48.—He goes to school every day. —__________.

A.So does Lily

B.So Lily does

C.So Lily is

D.So is Lily

49.It’s ________ news that he can hardly fall asleep.

A.so good

B.such good

C.so a good

D.such a good

50.________ are kept by farmers ________ producing wool and meat?

A.How many sheeps,for

B.How much sheep,by

C.How many sheep,for

D.How many sheep,by

51.The idea seems ______,but we need ________.

A.well,to try it out

B.good,to try out it

C.well,try it out

D.good,to try it out

52.I don't think he will come to the party this evening, ________?

A.won't he

B.will he

C.do I

D.don't I

53.I'm very glad to see you . I ________ you had come already .

A.don't know

B.haven't known

C.didn't know

D.hadn't known



Sam had a shop in the middle of the town.He sold pictures every day.All the pictures were https://www.360docs.net/doc/4710425581.html,st Saturday a woman came into the shop and looked at the picture.Then she took up one of them and asked,“H ow much do you want for this one?”

Sam looked at it for a second and said,“This one is for ten dollars.”

“Ten dollars?Can I have it for one dollar?”asked the woman.

“One dollar?”Sam said angrily,“You’ll have to pay one dollar for a good piece of paper.”

“O h,but it was clean then,”the woman said.

54.Sam’s pictures were cheap because they were not good enough.

55.When the woman saw the picture,she decided to buy it at once.

56.Sam was angry when he heard what the woman said.

57.In Sam’s shop people could buy a good piece of paper for one dollar.

58.The woman didn’t understand art at all.



Surtsey was born in 1963.Scientists saw the birth of this island.It began at 7.30 a.m. on 14th November.A fishing boat was near Iceland.The boat moved under the captain's(船长)feet.He noticed a strange smell.He saw some black smoke.A volcano(火山)was breaking out.Red-hot rocks,fire and smoke were rushing up from the bottom(底部)of the sea.The island grew quickly.It was 10 metres high the next day and 60 metres high on 18th November.Scientists flew there to watch.It was exciting.Smoke and fire were still rushing up.Pieces of red-hot rock were flying into the air and falling into the sea.The sea was boiling and there was a strange light in the sky.Surtsey grew and grew.Then it stopped in June 1967.It was 175 metres high and 2 kilometres long.And life was already coming to Surtsey.Plants grew.Birds came.Some scientists built a house.They want to learn about this young island.A new island is like a new world.

59.Surtsey is ______.

A.an island not far from Iceland

B.a new volcano

C.a fishing boat

D.a place in Iceland

60.Scientists flew there ______.

A.to watch the birth of the island

B.to save the fishing boat

C.to learn about the island

D.to build a house

61.When did scientist fly there to watch?

A.Before the volcano broke out.

B.As soon as the volcano broke out.

C.About four days after the volcano broke out.

D.After the volcanol stopped rushing up.

62.Put the following sentences in correct order.

a.The captain found the boat was moving.

b.A new island appeared in the sea.

c.Fire,smoke and rocks were seen rushing up.

d.A fishing boat was near Iceland.

e.The island grew quickly.





63.The best title of this article is ________.

A.A new island

B.The birth of an island

C.A new world

D.Scientists discovered Surtsey


On Nov.18th,1908,three men went up in a balloon(气球).They started early in London.The headman was Auguste Gaudron,and the other two men were Tannar and Maitland.They had a big balloon and they were ready for a long way.

Soon they heard the sea.They were carrying the usual rope(绳子),and it was hanging down from the basket of the balloon.At the end of the rope they had tied a metal box.This could hold water,or it could be empty.So they were able to change its weight(重量).It was for use over the sea.They were also carrying some bags of sand.

After the sun rose,the balloon went higher.It went up to 3,000 metres,and the air was very cold.The water in the balloon became ice.Snow fell past the men's basket,and they could see more snow on the ground.The men tried to throw out some more sand;but it was hard.They tried to break the icy sand with their knives,but it was not easy.The work was slow and they were still falling,so they had to drop some whole bags of sand.One of them fell on an icy lake and made a black hole in the ice.

At last they pulled the box into the basket.It was still snowing;so they

climbed to get away from the snow.They rose to 5,100 metres!Everything became

icy.They were so cold that they decided to land.They came down in Poland

heavily but safely.They had travelled 1,797 kilometres from London!

64.Three men flew in balloon ________.

A.for nearly 1,800 kilometres

B.to another city

C.to visit Poland`

D.more than a century ago

65.The metal box was used for ________.

A.carrying the bags of sand` `

B.keeping drinking-water

C.carrying ropes of the basket

D.changing weight

66.When the balloon went up higher,________.

A.the temperature of the balloon began to fall

B.They saw the sun go down

C.They made a hole in the basket with their knives

D.They could see a black hole on the ground

67.The balloon landed ________.

A.in London

B.on the sea

C.on a lake

D.in a foreign country

68.Which of the following is NOT true?________

A.The three men started their journey before the sun rose.

B.The balloon began to go up when they threw bags of sand out of the basket.

C.When they pulled the box into the basket,the balloon began to climb up.

D.The three men had to land because they felt cold.


Swimming is very popular in summer.People like swimming in summer because water makes people 69 cool.If you like swimming and swim in a 70 place,it may not be safe.These years,more than ten people died while

they were enjoying 71 in the water,and most of them were students.But some people are still not 72 in swimming.They often think they swim so 73 that nothing can 74 to them in water.

Summer is here again.If you go swimming in summer,don't forget that better 75 have died in water.They died because they were not careful,not because they could not 76 .So don't get into water when you are 77 .If there is a “No swimming” sign,don’t get into water 78 .If you remember these,swimming will be safer.

69.A.be B.take C.enjoy D.feel

70.A.wrong B.high C.low D.windy

71.A.it B.them C.themselves D.swim

https://www.360docs.net/doc/4710425581.html,ed B.careful C.careless D.interested

73.A.good B.best C.better D.well

74.A.happen B.take https://www.360docs.net/doc/4710425581.html,e D.go

75.A.soldiers B.players C.swimmers D.students

76.A.see B.swim C.leave D.ran

77.A.lonely B.sad C.happy D.alone

78.A.either B.neither C.simply D.suddenly


1.At the ______ of next term,they will learn Chemistry(化学).(begin)

2.May is the ______ month of a year.(five)

3.Jim was ______ ill yesterday and he lay in bed the whole day.(terrible)

4.Mike had already ______ back to the USA when she called this morning.(fly)

5.—How are you feeling today? —I’m feeling even ______.(bad)

6.The Great Green Wall runs across the ______ part of China.(north)

7.Help ______ to some fish,children.(you)

8.—Thank you very much. —It’s a ______.(please)

9.The ______ are visiting a museum in the city.(Germany)

10.Mum, my coat is ______out. I want to buy a new one.(wear)


1.The boy with his parents on both his sides ______ (come) from the USA.

2.They are in Australia.They ______ (not be) back until October.

3.I am sorry to have kept you ______ (wait) so long.

4.At last they ______ (beat) us in the football match.

5.A lot of trees ______ (plant) in the past ten years.

6.Mother was ill.I had ______ (look after) her at home.

7.The rain ______ (last) for two weeks and we had no PE lessons in the open air!

8.Hi,Linda,I heard someone ______ (sing) in the next room.

9.The Greens ______ (have) supper when there was a knock at the door.

10.The headmaster said that a new building ______ (build) in ten months.



1.When he saw the present,he wanted to open it at once.

When he saw the present,he (1) (2) (3) open it.

2.There are 17,800,800 people in Australia.

There are 28,100,100 people in Canada.

The population in Australia is (4) (5) (6) of Canada.

3.It takes me about 20 minutes to get to my house on foot.

It’s about 20 (7) (8) to get to my house.

4.The meeting ended two hours ago.

The meeting (9) (10) (11) (12) two hours.

5.Lisa has gone to France.Bob has gone to France,too.

(13) Lisa (14) Bob (15) gone to France.

6.China is a country.It has a long history.

China is a country (16) a long history.



The boy is ⑴ young to get ⑵ . ⑶ his parents help him.


⑷ these words,he left the room in a hurry.


The book is ⑸ on the shelf.You can’t ⑹⑺ .


⑻⑼ ,this is one of the best ⑽ I have ⑾ heard.


⑿ your time.We have already finished ⒀⒁ of the work.


⒂ can ⒃ the Chinese people ⒄⒅ their country.



A:Excuse me,Madam,could you tell me ⑴ to get to the Children’s Hospital?

B:Sorry,I ⑵ .I’m new here.Please ask that man.

A:Excuse me,sir,could you tell me the ⑶ to the Children’s Hospital?

C:Go along this street until you ⑷ the second traffic lights. ⑸ right.At the end of

the street you’ll see the ⑹ .

A:Can I ⑺ a bus?

C:Sorry!There’s ⑻ bus to go there. ⑼⑽ call a taxi.

A:OK!Thank you very much.

C:That’s all right.


Mary: Hello,may I speak to Ann,please?

Mrs Read: Certainly. ⑴ on for a moment.Ann,you’re wanted on the phone.Be quick!

Ann: Hello,this is Ann speaking.Is ⑵ Mary? Mother told me you had called me.I’m sorry I was out when you rang.

Mary: It ⑶ matter.What was wrong with you?

Ann: I ⑷ a bad cold.

Mary: Are you better now?

Ann: Much better,Thanks.Maybe I can go to school ⑸ .

Mary: Please don’t!You ⑹ stay in bed and have a good rest.

Ann: You’re right.But I’m ⑺ about my lessons.I don’t feel like ⑻ behind others.

Mary: You’ll miss some lessons ⑼ you can catch up with us soon.I can help you,too.

Ann: It’s very ⑽ of you.Thanks a lot.

Mary: That’s all right.


Teachers' Day is coming.Miss Zhao is t (1) to her students and her students are listening to her.

“Good morning,girls and boys!” s (2) Miss Zhao.“Teachers’ Day is on S (3) 10th.I h (4) some students are going to buy presents for their teachers.They want to show their l (5) for their teachers.T (6) very good,of course.But teachers don’t like to g (7) presents from students.So please don't buy a (8).I think one Teachers’ Day card from you all is e (9).And the best present for us teachers is your good w (10).”十三、作文写贺卡。(5)





A)1.A 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B

B)6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.A

C)11.A 12.B 13.B 14.A 15.A

D)16.wet 17.times 18.wind 19.sunny 20.Northeast

21.stay 22.below 23.snow 24.heavy 25.rainy


26.C 27.B 28.A 29.D 30.C


31.C 32.D 33.A 34.B

35.D 36.C 37.A 38.B


39.C 40.D 41.A 42.C 43.A 44.D 45.C

46.B 47.C 48.A 49.B 50.C 51.D 52.B



A)54.B 55.B 56.A 57.A 58.A

B)59.A 60.A 61.C 62.A 63.B

C)64.A 65.D 66.A 67.D 68.B


69.D 70.A 71.C 72.B 73.D 74.A 75.C

76.B 77.D 78.A








7.yourselves 8.pleasure 9.Germans 10.worn



2.won’t be



5.have been planted

6.to look after

7.had lasted


9.were having

10.would be built
















8.So 9.for 10.stories 11.ever 12.Take 13.three 14.fourths/quarters 15.Nothing 16.stop

17.from 18.developing


A)1.how 2.can’t 3.way 4.see 5.Turn 6.hospital

7.take 8.no 9.You’d better

B)1.Hold 2.that 3.doesn’t 4.caught/had 5.today/now 6.may/must

7.worried 8.falling 9.but 10.kind








7.get 8.any/anything 9.enough 10.work





Dear Miss Han ,/ To my dear teacher , / To Miss Han ,

Happy Teachers' Day!

Thank you for your hard work. / Thank you for teaching us so well.

Wish you good health!(或Best wishes!)

From your student Li Chao / Your student Li Chao.
