


主题:对Unit 4备忘录(Memos)知识点的补充



1. Introduction(概述)

1) A memo is a clear, short, effective and concise document that allows you to communicate your ideas and initiatives in writing. It is commonly used for routine matters. It can be used for conveying messages in writing for comments. Memo may be sent upward, downward, or laterally within the organization. Most information transmitted within the office is by memos.


2) Memos and letters

Memos and letters are the two most common types of business communication.

相同点:They communicate information and are commonly used in the world of business writing.

不同点:Letters communicate with someone outside the organization. Memos are almost used to send information to colleagues, workers in other departments, and management personnel within an organization. The other important differences lie in:

a. Memos are usually unceremonious in style;

b. Memos are normally used for non-sensitive communication (communication to which the reader will not have an emotional reaction);

c. Memos are short and to-the-point;

d. Memos have a direct style;

e. Memos do not have a salutation;

f. Memos do not have a complimentary closing;

g. Memos have a specific format that is very different from a business letter;

h. Except for memos that serve as informal reports or instructional documents, the standard business memo format is not more than one page long.

2. Memo format(备忘录格式)(本课重点)

Standard memos are divided into segments to organize the information and to help achieve the writer’s purpose.

1) Heading segment(标题部分)

The heading segment follows this general format:

TO: (readers’ names and job titles)

FROM: (your name and job title)

DATE: (complete and current date)

SUBJECT: (what the memo is about, highlighted in some way)

2) Opening segment(开始部分)

The purpose of a memo is usually found in the opening paragraphs and is presented in three parts: the context and problem, the specific assignment or task, and the purpose of the memo.

a. The context is the event, circumstance, or background of the problem you are solving.

b. In the task statement you should describe what you are doing to help solve the problem.

c. Finally, the purpose statement of a memo gives your reason for writing it and forecasts what is in the rest of the memo.

3) Summary segment(总结部分)

This segment provides a brief statement of the key recommendations you have reached. These will help your reader understand the key points of the memo immediately. This segment may also include references to methods and sources you have used in your research, but remember to keep it brief.

4) Discussion segments(讨论部分)

The discussion segments are the parts in which you get to include all the juicy details that support your ideas.

a. Begin with the information that is most important. This may mean that you will start with key findings or recommendations.

b. Start with your most general information and move to your specific or supporting facts.

5) Closing segment(结尾部分)

Now you’re almost done. After the reader has absorbed all of your information, you want to close with a courteous ending that states what action you want your reader to take. Make sure you consider how the reader will benefit

6) Necessary attachments(必要的附件)

Make sure you document your findings or provide detailed information whenever necessary. You can do this by attaching lists, graphs, tables, etc. at the end of your memo.

3. 例题(本课难点)

Sample 1


To: Helen Douglas, Production Director

From: John Peterson, Chief Executive

Date: September 18, 2007

Subject: Production for Machinery for Machine Shop

As you know the company is contemplating opening a new machine shop in the

near future. Our operations have been expanding so rapidly that such a development now appears inevitable. There are a number of questions, which we need to be thinking about and I would be grateful to hear your opinion on the idea.

1) As to the choice of new machinery I would like to know whether you think we should buy or hire new equipment.

2) Closely connected with the purchase or hire of machinery is the matter of maintenance. We also need to be discussed. How many new staff will be required, for example?

4) At the same time I would appreciate it, if you could provide me with estimates of the probable working life of the equipment, which you propose.

Could you please let me have your preliminary thoughts on the questions in time for our meeting next week?

Sample 2


To: All employees in food and beverage and FOH services.

From: Tomas Luis, General Manager

Date: 29 July 2007

Subject: Wear Top Pocket ID

It has come to my attention that staff have not been wearing top pocket IDs in the summer months (Opening segment). This is standard for all staff (Discussion segment). If you have lost your ID, please pick up a new one immediately from Personnel. It is a disciplinary offence not to wear ID whether in summer or winter (Closing segment).

4. Useful Expressions

1) As a result of yesterday’s meeting, I suggest we follow the project schedule listed below.

2) This memo responds to your request that the weekly meeting be moved from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.

3) This memo presents my impressions of the meeting last week.

4) This memo presents my findings of my visit to the computer lab at Clark C252.


1. It is important to write a good subject line in your memo. Read the memo below, and write a subject line for it.


To: General Office Manager

From: Senior Service Engineer

Date: 23 September 2007

Subject: __________________________

I have just been informed by our Cleaning Staff that a considerable quantity of cleaning equipment and fluid has recently gone.

Let me say that I take a very serious view of theft, if the theft is what it is.

Anyone found in possession of company materials or equipment outside work hours will be dismissed. We shall also prosecute.

We must stop theft now. If it continues, we all pay the price.

2. The following extract is from a telephone call. Suppose that you wanted to send a memo instead of making the telephone call. Please write the body part of the memo.

Hello, Mr. Chan? This is William Tsang here. Yes, Senior Accounts Supervisor. Look, Mr. Chan, I’m afraid I made a slight mistake in the figures I sent you recently. Yes. Well, not really my fault. The computer was down. You know how these things are ... Would you like me to send over the revised figures? You would. OK.

3. Write a memo based on the following information.

Suppose that you (Tony Party) are a supervisor of a big company. The chief of operations (David Green) wants to adopt the “punch-in”system to increase productivity. You write a memo which covers the following issues:

1) You agree with David in terms of increasing productivity in the company;

2) You express doubt that “punch-in” system can tighten control over employees and increase productivity;

3) You would like to meet David to discuss other means of incentives.


1. Subject: Missing cleaning supplies

2. Body part: I’m afraid I made a slight mistake in the figures I sent you recently. This mistake was due to the computer system being out of operation. Please tell me if you need the revised figures.

3. Memo

To: David Green, Chief of Operations

From: Tony Party, Supervisor

Date: March 22, 2007

Subject: Comments on the “Punch-in” System

This is further to your memo dated March 20, 2007, in which you proposed that employees

I fully agree with you that we must increase productivity. As far as your proposal is concerned, I don’t think we would have a tighter control over the employees if the “punch-in” system is adopted. I personally think that, to accomplish this, we should give the employees more incentives to work faster. I feel that if we (the supervisors) could meet with you, we could discuss different possibilities to create such incentives.

Your consideration of this suggestion would be appreciated.

T. P.


Unit 4 Advertising Part I Business Vocabulary Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. This part totals 20 points, one point for each sentence. C1 Outdoor advertising is one of the fastest growing _______________ in the market. A markets B sections C segments D sectors D2 The world of outdoor advertising billboards, transport and ‘street furniture’ is ______ about $18 billion a year, just 6% of all the worl d’s spending on advertising. A worthwhile B worthy C valued D worth C3 The soaring costs of TV are ______________ clients to consider alternatives. A making B driving C prompting D letting A4 BMW ran a ‘teasers’ campaign in Britain on bus shelters. A exclusively B largely C greatly D inclusively C5 Placing an ad on a bus shelter for two weeks ________________ at about £90. A works on B works away C works out D calculates D6 We are facing a ________________ with our market share. What are we going to do about it? A promotion B sale C order D crisis A7 Focus, a large advertising agency based in Paris, has a reputation for creating imaginative and ____________ campaigns. A effective B efficient C effect D efficacious C8 Focus now needs to ________________ potential clients that it still


《体验商务英语综合教程》课程教学大纲 一、基本信息 课程编号: 024222007 课程名称:体验商务英语综合教程3 英文名称:Intermediate Business English Course Book 课程性质: 专业基础课 总学时:72学时 学分:4学分 适用对象:商务英语专业本科3年级学生 先修课程:综合英语 二、编写说明 (一)课程的性质 《体验商务英语综合教程》是为商务英语专业学生开设的一门专业基础课。这门课程始于二年级下学期,与之前的综合英语课程衔接,使学生在掌握英语语言技能的同时,了解现代国际商务的现状,以达到在体验商务中学习语言、提高商务交际能力的目的。本课程横跨三个学期,分别使用《体验商务英语综合教程》的第三册、第四册和第五册。 (二)课程教学目标和基本要求 本课程作为商务英语专业的基础必修课之一,从培养高级应用型商务英语人才的目标出发,理论联系实际,旨在帮助学生在掌握英语语言技能的同时,了解现代国际商务的现状,以达到在体验商务中学习语言、提高商务交际能力的目标。 本课程要求学生能够掌握重点词汇的英文表达,熟悉现代市场经济条件下商务活动的各个方面和时代课题,如全球化、国际营销、技术创新、营销策略、企业文化、市场竞争、经营风险、危机管理、电子商务等等。为了达到这些目标,本课程要求学生积极参与课堂讨论,在阅读的基础上,通过角色扮演和案例学习等方式,在完成交际任务中复用所学语言知识,提高交际能力,将自己的经历和观点融入交际活动之中。 (三)课程的重点和难点 本课程的讲授时间为三个学期,分别使用《体验商务英语综合教程》的第三册、第四册和第五册。每册的学习量均为12个单元,单元设计以语言和商务技能为主线,商务词汇、语法的学习与讨论相结合,听力和阅读部分配有角色扮演等交际活动,最后是案例分析或技能运用。本课程重点涉及体验式的教学和学习方式,学生在形式多样的任务活动中,掌握相关的商务词汇、提高商务英语的听力、阅读和写作能力,达到语言水平和商务技能的同时提高。难点在于学生要能灵活地运用自己所学的语言和商务知识,将自己的经历和观点融入交际活动之中,在提高语言表达能力的同时还要提高自己的交际能力。 (四)课程教学方法与手段 (1)强调课堂教学应以学生为主体而以教师为主导,改变以教师为中心的教


Unit 4 AdVertiSi ng Part I BUSin ess VOCabUIary DireCti ons: There are 20 in complete Senten CeS in this part. FOr each SentenCe there are four ChOiCeS marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONEthat best completes the Senten ce. The n mark the COrreSP Onding Ietter On the AnSWer Sheet With a Single Iine through the Center. ThiS Part totals 20 POin ts, One POint for each Senten ce. C1 Outdoor advertis ing is One of the fastest grow ing _____________ i n the market. A markets B SeCti ons C Segme nts D SeCtOrS D2 The world of outdoor advertis ing billboards, tran sport and ‘ Street furniture ' is _________ about $18 billio n a year, just 6% of all the worl d' S SPending on advertising. A WOrthWhiIe B WOrthy CVaIUed DWOrth C3 The soaring costs of TV are ____________________ clients to conSider alter natives. A mak ing B driv ing C PrOmPt ing Dlett ing A4 BMW ran a shelters. ‘ teasers ' CamPaign in Britain on bus A exclusively B largely C greatly D in CIUSiVeIy C5 Placing an ad on a bus SheIter for two WeekS ___________________ at about £ 90. A works on B works away CWOrkS out DCaICUIateS D6 We are facing a _______________ With our market share. What are We going to do about it? A promotio n B sale C order DCriSiS A7 Focus, a large advertising agency based in Paris, has a reputation for Creati ng imag in ative and ____________ CamPaig ns. A effective B efficie nt C effect D efficacious C8 Focus now n eeds to _______________ pote ntial clie nts that it still


Unit 4 Business ethics Extensive Reading Corporate Philanthropy Responds to Disasters Exercises I. Speed Reading Comprehension Read the text for FIVE minutes, and find the best answer to each of the following questions. 1. According to the 2 nd paragraph, why some companies faced internal criticism? A. These compa nies have don ated too much money to the com mun ities, regardless of their own capacity. B. These compa nies ignored the n eeds of their own employees who were affected by the disasters. C. The phila nthropic programs of these compa nies were too cheap. D. Corporate had to go back to boards for additi onal don ati on resources. 2. Why is it that some compa nies are suggested don ati ng cash in stead of products whe n disasters take place? A. Products are ofte n hard to tran sport and warehouse. B. Using cash in the locality helps rebuild the economy. C. Product may not fit the n eeds of the beset com mun ity. D. All of above. 3. Which of the following statement is NOT true with Pitney Bowes Inc.? A. It has operated a fund that helps employees out of pers onal tragedies. B. Its Employee Involvement Fund can reflect employees ' interest and support. C. It has started splitting some of its corporate giving between immediate and Iong-term assistanee in the consideration of the complicated nature of identifying appropriate disaster aid. D. Medical and fun eral expe nses will not be the focus of its fund. 4. Accord ing to the text, which of the followi ng compa ny 'sfoun dati on is NOT Ion g-term -focused? A. Baxter Intern ati onal B. Mitsubishi C. Gen eral Electric Co. D. Pit ney Bowes Inc. 5. The software module of MicroEdge Inc. helps the compa ny's com mun ity foun dati on the best in terms of ______ . A. free-of-charge service B. on li ne service C. acco unting D. disaster relief


Unit 1 Company Profile 1.Translate the following Chinese terms into English. candidate patent industry personnel registered trademark core competency domain name intended market emerging market headquarter multinational corporation Chief Executive Officer stakeholder 2.Translate the following English terms into Chinese. 股本,股金总额 以人为本的解决方案 精于心简于形 对客户的深入了解 工业革命 回收利用 3.Translation: 宝洁公司始创于1837年,是世界上最大的日用消费品公司之一。2007财政年度,公司全年销售额达682亿美元。在《财富》杂志评选出的全球500家最大企业中,排名第74位。 宝洁公司在全球80多个国家设有工厂或分公司,所经营的300多个品牌的产品畅销160多个国家和地区,其中包括美容护理、居家护理、吉列产品等。每天,在世界各地,宝洁公司的产品与全球消费者发生着三十亿次亲密接触。宝洁大中华业务区包括1988年成立的中国大陆分公司、1987成立的香港分公司和1985年成立的台湾分公司。 一九八八年,宝洁公司在广州成立了在中国的第一家合资企业-广州宝洁有限公司,从此开始了其中国业务发展的历程。宝洁总部位于广州,目

前在广州、北京、上海、成都、天津、东莞及南平等地设有多家分公司及工厂,并在北京设立技术中心。 二十年来,宝洁取得了飞速的发展,主要表现在: 建立了领先的大品牌 宝洁公司是中国最大的日用消费品公司,年销售额超过二十亿美元。我们在参与竞争的领域内占据了最大的市场份额。飘柔、舒肤佳、玉兰油、帮宝适、汰渍及吉列等品牌在各自的护发、个人清洁、皮肤护理、婴儿护理、洗衣粉、男士美容等产品领域内都处于领先的市场地位。 业务保持了强劲的增长 中国宝洁是全球业务增长速度最快的区域市场之一。目前, 宝洁大中华区的销售量已位居宝洁全球区域市场中的第二位,销售额也已位居前五位。 建立了出色的组织结构 伴随着公司的业务发展,宝洁的中国员工得到了迅速的成长。中国籍的员工占员工总数的97%以上,宝洁大中华区已成为向宝洁其他市场的重要管理人才输出地。 承诺做模范企业公民 宝洁向中国的各项公益事业捐款的总额已超过八千万元人民币(一千万美元),希望工程是宝洁公司慈善捐赠的最大接受者。 4.略 Unit 2 Business Meeting 1.Translation: Honorable Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good evening! It is a great pleasure for me to attend, among all of you here the opening ceremony of the 2005 FORTUNE Global Forum on this pleasant


《商务英语写作》教学大纲 一、课程性质、任务和基本要求 1.课程性质 《商务英语写作》是商务英语专业的专业核心课程,也是文秘、国贸等涉外专业的重要选修课程,旨在培养学生英语五项技能中的英语写作能力。此课程涵盖了商务英语基本写作类型、写作规、写作格式和写作方法,课程容与现实商务生活紧密结合,既提供各种实例,又设计了一体化的实训,训练学生用英语有条理地组织商务信息,起草规得体、条理清晰的商务文书,合理利用商务交流中的礼节和技巧,建立有效的商务沟通。 2.课程任务 开设本课程旨在使学生对商务情景中最常见和最常用的各种应用文的用途及格式有一个总的了解,使其不仅能熟悉商务文体的各种惯用英文表达法,而且能广泛增加有关商务知识,并在模拟及实景中运用这些知识进行商务交际。 3.基本要求: 充分利用教材中的商务材料以及老师所给的案例,并结合所学商务知识,与现实商务活动进行多种形式的联系,提高学生对各种商务写作材料的准确理解和把握。经过反复学习、模仿和套用,掌握商务应用文的书写规律和方法,逐渐学会撰写各类商务应用文,力求语言正确,表达得体,在实际操作中活学活用。 二、学时分配建议 本课程教学总时数为66课时,具体学时分配可参见下表。 学时分配建议表

三、教学目标: 1.课程能力目标: (1)能够根据招聘广告并结合个人实际情况,熟练撰写英语求职信、应聘信、求职追踪信和个人简历等求职类文书 (2)能够运用商务交际中的礼节和技巧,撰写英语邀请函、感信、祝贺信等常见社交类文书 (3)能够规地起草英语启示、通知、备忘录、商务报告、会议纪要等常用公务文书(4)能够比较规地撰写英语名片、简章、商品使用说明书、推销函等主要商务宣传文书 (5)能够正确、得体地处理询盘信、发盘信、还盘信、订单与合同等常规外贸商务函电。 2.课程知识目标 (1)掌握英文求职信、应聘信和个人简历的基本格式和主要容; (2)了解英文书信的基本格式和不同书信类型的写作特点;


商务英语中备忘录的写作技巧 --> 随着中国与世界各国经济和科技交流的不断加强,商务英语和科技英语的写作成为当代年轻人必修之课.本文主要通过文体格式(style forms)和文体内容(style contents)两个方面,对商务英语和科技英语备忘录的写作进行比较.文体版武主要是指备忘录的组成部分:标题和正文.而文体内容是指备忘录的遣词造句,以达到简明扼要的目的.希望能对诸多年轻人英文备忘录的写作起到借鉴和帮助的作用. 备忘录是非正式的外交信件;特指政府部门或外交部致大使馆或公使馆的书面声明,尤其用于例行传达或询问,无需签署,备忘或保留准备将来用的非正式的记事录;帮助或唤起记忆的记录;日记本里的记事录。 范例: 你是一家IT公司的人力资源部经理。 你打算请Cooway公司为你安排一次为期两天由10人参加的团队组建培训。 给你的助理写一个字数为40-50的备忘录: 告诉她与培训项目主办者取得联系。 说明项目的参加人员和持续时间。 安排两个可以利用的周末

1) 按照英语备忘录的谋篇习惯,一般直接进入主题,不需要寒暄和问候等客套。 2) 看清角色要求,把握好文体。作为经理,给助手写备忘录,行文问题不能太正式,宜直呼其名,而不必套用Mr.或Mrs.等称呼。通用,结尾处也无须客套,署名也只需要写名,不需要写姓。 Jim Could you please contact Cooway to organize a team-building event for sales staff There would be ten participants and the course should last for two days. I suggest the weekend of 24/25 November or, if that is not possible, the following weekend. Thanks, Alan 写给集体(全体员工)的备忘录: 范例: 你是一家国际大公司的人力资源部经理。你刚刚任命Sally Jolie女士为公司总部的销售经理。 给总部的全体员工写一个字数为40-50的备忘录: 宣布对Sally Jolie女士的任命。 说明她开始工作的具体时间。 要求总部员工准备欢迎她。


《商务英语综合教程》教学大纲 Comprehensive Business English 商务英语专业适用 一.课程的性质与任务 商务英语是在商务背景下使用的英语。就英语语法来讲,商务英语与普通英语并五不同之处,但掌握商务英语词汇以及在各种商务场合所使用的不同用语(行话)对商务工作人员是非常必要的。因此,商务英语课对经贸英语专业的学生来说是非常重要的一门课。学生可以通过该课的学习与练习来提高英语沟通技能,使学生在未来的商务活动中更自信,更流利,也更准确。 该课程旨在通过听、说、读、写、讨论、解决问题和角色扮演等教学手段培养学生从事国际商务专业所需的英语听力、口语、阅读理解和写作的基本专业英语技能。通过学习,学生能在未来国际商务常见的场景中熟练地进行口头交流,流利地阅读和书写有关文字材料,帮助学生不仅体会国际商务专业英语语体的一些特点,而且了解国际商务工作中常见工作环节。 二.课程的基本要求和教学目的 1、听力能力要求:能基本听懂正常语速(每分钟120-160个单词)的一般商务活动中的电话、对话、谈判、会议发言等,并能结合具体语言环境,理解所听内容的深层含义,把握说话者的态度和意图。 2、阅读能力要求:能读懂中等难度的商务英语文章,了解作者的观点和态度。阅读速度为每分钟100-140个单词,理解准确率在75%以上。 3、口语能力要求:能够用英语介绍公司状况,进行业务咨询,与客户交流,做简单的商务报告等。语音、语调正确,语流连贯顺畅,表达基本得体。 4、写作能力要求:能够运用所学语言知识,写出符合国际商务惯例、格式规范的一般性商务报告、商务信函、会议纪要和电子邮件等。要能够做到中心思想明确、结构合理、语言得体。 5、英汉互译能力要求:能够翻译一般性商务材料。英译汉,要求速度每小时200-250个单词;汉译英,要求速度每小时180-220个汉字。能够承担一般性商务活动中的口译工作。 6、词汇要求:认知词汇达到5,000左右单词,熟练掌握其中约2,500个词。 7、综合素质要求:要求学生具有乐观、积极、向上的心理素质和勇于创新、不断更新自身知识体系的精神。 三.课程内容 本课程共四册教材,内容如下: 第一册 1.学习外语 2.介绍 3.职业和职责 4.时间管理

商务英语综合教程 教学大纲

《商务英语综合教程》课程教学大纲 课程名称:商务英语综合教程 课程类型:专业基础课必修课 总学时:128 适用专业:商务英语专业 一.课程的性质、目的和任务 (1)教材内容具有较强的时代性、实用性、针对性与系统性 (2)介绍了国际贸易及商务英语专业知识、语言训练和文化背景知识 (3)通过解读课文来培养学生的英语思维力、创新力和语用能力 (4)运用任务型的教学方法,为学生自己学习提供平台 二.教学基本要求 本教材注重把语言技能的训练与专业知识有机结合起来。习题中有些问题属于开放式的,要求学生理论联系实际,认真独立的思考问题、深入探究问题、最终解决问题。在这一过程中学生的表达能力同时得以锻炼。 三、教学内容及要求 Unit 1 Text Advertising Supplementary Reading Sales Promotion (一)教学目的和要求 1.了解广告的定义,目的及未来的发展 2.要求学生提前预习课文,划分段落,并找出中心思想 (二)教学内容 1.广告的背景 2.广告的分类 3广告的用途 4.被动语态的用法 (三)重点 1.广告的用途 2.语法及课后练习题

3.商务英语知识扩展阅读 Unit 2 Text WTO in Brief Supplementary Reading Greater Wealth of Nations (一)教学目的和要求 1.了解世界贸易组织的创立的目的、主要的功能及取得的成就 2.要求学生按照课后阅读理解的问题来预习课文 (二)教学内容 1.世界贸易组织的主要功能 2.世界贸易组织的主要目标 3.世界贸易组织的内部结构 4.情态动词的用法 (三)重点 1.世界贸易组织的基本内容 2.语法及课后练习题 3.商务英语知识扩展阅读 Unit 3 Text IMF at a Glance Supplementary Reading Gold in the IMF (一)教学目的和要求 1.了解国际货币基金组织创立的目的及主要的功能 2.要求学生提前预习课文并掌握重点段落及基本句型的翻译(二)教学内容 1.国际货币基金组织的背景知识及法令宗旨 2.国际货币基金组织与世界银行的共同点及不同点 3.引起国际收支平衡赤字的原因及解决办法 4.不定式的用法


仔细阅读作文要求,判断该题就是要求您写备忘录还就是便条?因为这关系到作文行文中语言表达的正式程度。 根据题目要求核对所写作文就是否包括了该写的三个部分。 核对作文第一稿的长度,必要时可作修改。 写完后,校对作文中的语法、词汇及文体就是否正确、恰当。 范例: 您就是一家IT公司的人力资源部经理。 您打算请Cooway公司为您安排一次为期两天由10人参加的团队组建培训。 √给您的助理写一个字数为40-50的备忘录: √告诉她与培训项目主办者取得联系。 √说明项目的参加人员与持续时间。 √安排两个可以利用的周末 提示: 1) 按照英语备忘录的谋篇习惯,一般直接进入主题,不需要寒暄与问候等客套。 2) 瞧清角色要求,把握好文体。作为经理,给助手写备忘录,行文问题不能太正式,宜直呼其名,而不必套用Mr、或Mrs、等称呼。通用,结尾处也无须客套,署名也只需要写名,不需要写姓。 Jim Could you please contact Cooway to organize a team-building event for sales staff? There would be ten participants and the course should last for two days、I suggest the weekend of 24/25 November or, if that is not possible, the following weekend、 Thanks, Alan 写给集体(全体员工)的备忘录: 范例: 您就是一家国际大公司的人力资源部经理。您刚刚任命Sally Jolie女士为公司总部的销售经理。

商务英语综合教程1-王立非-Unit 4

Unit 4 Part One I. Topic-related Words Suggested answer Ecotourism: biodiversity ecological reserve habitat sustainability Heritage tourism: ruins relics mosques Natural scenery: mountain desert national park landscape Cultural tourism: food custom architecture Travel mode: package tour individual trip III. Listen, Watch and Discuss Key 1. principal 2. engage 3. performing 4. rituals 5. prompts 6. fosters 7. heritage 8. poverty 9. nurture 10. preserving 11. revenue 12. survival 13. must be thoughtfully managed if it is to flourish 14. Only true partnerships between communities and the tourism 15. genuine appreciation for the aspirations and values of all parties Transcript The global wealth of traditions is one of the principal motivations for travel, with tourists seeking to engage with new cultures and to experience the global variety of performing arts, handicrafts, rituals and cuisines. The cultural interaction spurred by such encounters prompts dialogue, builds understanding, and fosters tolerance and peace. Fostering the responsible use of this living heritage for tourism purposes can generate employment, alleviate poverty, curb rural flight migration, and nurture a sense of pride among communities. Tourism offers a powerful incentive for preserving and enhancing intangible cultural heritage, since the revenue it generates can be channeled back into initiatives to aid its long-term survival. Intangible cultural heritage must be thoughtfully managed if it is to flourish in an increasingly globalized world.Only true partnerships between communities and the tourism and heritage sectors, built on a genuine appreciation for the aspirations and values of all parties, can ensure its survival. Part Two Warm-up Activities Suggested answer 1. Information about Turkey Geography: located at the northeast end of the Mediterranean Sea in southeast Europe and southwest Asia. History: Turkey has been inhabited since the Paleolithic age by various ancient Anatolian civilizations, such as Aeolian, Dorian and Ionian Greeks, Thracians, Armenians, and Assyrians.


bec商务英语写作:备忘录该怎样写 BEC中级考试中,写作第一部分要求考生写一份40-50字的电子邮件或简短备忘录或便条。应试时有哪些小窍门呢? 1.仔细阅读作文要求,判断该题是要求你写备忘录还是便条?因为这关系到作文行文中语言表达的正式程度。 2.根据题目要求核对所写作文是否包括了该写的三个部分。 3.核对作文第一稿的长度,必要时可作修改。 4.写完后,校对作文中的语法、词汇及文体是否正确、恰当。 写给个人的备忘录: 范例: 你是一家IT公司的人力资源部经理。 你打算请Cooway公司为你安排一次为期两天由10人参加的团队组建培训。 √给你的助理写一个字数为40-50的备忘录: √告诉她与培训项目主办者取得联系。 √说明项目的参加人员和持续时间。 √安排两个可以利用的周末 提示: 2)看清角色要求,把握好文体。作为经理,给助手写备忘录,行文问题不能太正式,宜直呼其名,而不必套用Mr.或Mrs.等称呼。通用,结尾处也无须客套,署名也只需要写名,不需要写姓。 Jim

CouldyoupleasecontactCoowaytoorganizeateam-buildingeventforsalesstaff?Therewouldbetenparticipantsandth ecourseshouldlastfortwodays.Isuggesttheweekendof24/25Novemb eror,ifthatisnotpossible,thefollowingweekend. Thank,Alan 写给集体(全体员工)的备忘录: 范例: 给总部的全体员工写一个字数为40-50的备忘录: √宣布对SallyJolie女士的任命。 √说明她开始工作的具体时间。 要求总部员工准备欢迎她。 提示: 一般不用信头称呼的形式,也不采用在结尾处署上写信人的名字的方式,而是在备忘录的开头处写明收信人To________,在结尾处写明具体的写信人From___________以及主题:Re:__________或Subject:____________。 To:HeadOfficestaff From:TomBeck IhavethepleasureofannouncingthatMsSallyJoliehasbeenappoi ntedasthenewSalesManageratHeadOffice.MsJolieisduetojoinuson Monday15th.Pleasegiveherafriendlywelcomewhenshestartswork. Thankyou.


英文备忘录范文_英文备忘录模板_格式 _怎么写 英文备忘录范文 写给集体(全体员工)的备忘录: 范例: 你是一家国际大公司的人力资源部经理。你刚刚任命Sally Jolie 女士为公司总部的销售经理。 给总部的全体员工写一个字数为40-50的备忘录:

√宣布对Sally Jolie女士的任命。 √说明她开始工作的具体时间。 要求总部员工准备欢迎她。 提示: 一般不用信头称呼的形式,也不采用在结尾处署上写信人的名字的方式,而是在备忘录的开头处写明收信人To________,在结尾处写明具体的写信人From___________以及主题:Re:__________ 或Subject:____________。

To: Head Office staff From: Tom Beck I have the pleasure of announcing that Ms Sally Jolie has been appointed as the new Sales Manager at Head Office. Ms Jolie is due to join us on Monday 15th. Please give her a friendly welcome when she starts work. Thank you.

英文备忘录格式 备忘录 August 12,2004 To:Mr. Gates,leader of the supply section From:Li Ming of the biological laboratory Subject:Microscope


《商务英语综合教程(上)》课程理论教学大纲课程类型:专业基础课 总学时:128 理论学时:128 适用专业:商务英语与国际贸易专业 一.课程的性质、目的和任务 (1)教材内容具有较强的时代性、实用性、针对性与系统性 (2)介绍了国际贸易及商务英语专业知识、语言训练和文化背景知识 (3)通过解读课文来培养学生的英语思维力、创新力和语用能力 (4)运用任务型的教学方法,为学生自己学习提供平台 二.教学基本要求 本教材注重把语言技能的训练与专业知识有机结合起来。习题中有些问题属于开放式的,要求学生理论联系实际,认真独立的思考问题、深入探究问题、最终解决问题。在这一过程中学生的表达能力同时得以锻炼。 三、教学内容及要求 Unit 1 Text Advertising Supplementary Reading Sales Promotion (一)教学目的和要求 1.了解广告的定义,目的及未来的发展 2.要求学生提前预习课文,划分段落,并找出中心思想 (二)教学内容 1.广告的背景 2.广告的分类

3广告的用途 4.被动语态的用法 (三)重点 1.广告的用途 2.语法及课后练习题 3.商务英语知识扩展阅读 Unit 2 Text WTO in Brief Supplementary Reading Greater Wealth of Nations (一)教学目的和要求 1.了解世界贸易组织的创立的目的、主要的功能及取得的成就 2.要求学生按照课后阅读理解的问题来预习课文 (二)教学内容 1.世界贸易组织的主要功能 2.世界贸易组织的主要目标 3.世界贸易组织的内部结构 4.情态动词的用法 (三)重点 1.世界贸易组织的基本内容 2.语法及课后练习题 3.商务英语知识扩展阅读 Unit 3


体验商务英语综合教程3 第二版 双语对照版 Unit1 Made in Europe 欧洲制造 Almost every fashion label outside the top super-luxury brands is either already manufacturing in Asia or 5 thinking of it. Coach, the US leather goods maker, is a classic example. Over the past five years, it has lifted all its gross margins by manufacturing solely in low-cost markets. In March 2002 it closed its factory in Lares, Puerto Rico, its last company-owned plant, and outsources all its products. 除了顶级奢侈品牌外几乎所有的时尚品牌都已经在亚洲生产,或者正在考虑这么做。美国的皮革商品制造商蔻驰(Coach)就是一个经典的例子。在过去的五年中,它通过仅在低成本市场生产来提升毛利率。在2002年的3月,它关闭了在波多黎各拉雷斯的最后一间公司所属工厂,将所有产品全部外包。Burberry has many Asian licensing arrangements.In 2000 it decided to renew Sanyo's Japanese licence for ten years. This means that almost half of Burberry's sales at retail value will continue to be produced under license in Asia. At the same time however, Japanese consumers prefer the group's European-made products. 巴宝莉(Burberry)在亚洲持有许多许可授权安排。2000年它决定给日本三洋公司的特许授权延长十年。这意味着按零售价计算巴宝莉几乎一半的销售额将是亚洲授权生产的。但是同时,日本的消费者却偏好于该集团在欧洲生产的产


BEC商务英语中级写作备忘录的写法BEC商务英语中级写作备忘录的写法 1.仔细阅读作文要求,判断该题是要求你写备忘录还是便条?因为这关系到作文行文中语言表达的正式程度。 2.根据题目要求核对所写作文是否包括了该写的三个部分。 核对作文第一稿的长度,必要时可作修改。 3.写完后,校对作文中的语法、词汇及文体是否正确、恰当。 写给个人的备忘录: 范例: 你打算请Cooway公司为你安排一次为期两天由10人参加的团队组建培训。 √给你的助理写一个字数为40-50的备忘录: √告诉她与培训项目主办者取得联系。 √说明项目的参加人员和持续时间。 √安排两个可以利用的周末 提示: 1)按照英语备忘录的谋篇习惯,一般直接进入主题,不需要寒暄和问候等客套。 2)看清角色要求,把握好文体。作为经理,给助手写备忘录,行文问题不能太正式,宜直呼其名,而不必套用Mr.或Mrs.等称呼。通用,结尾处也无须客套,署名也只需要写名,不需要写姓。 Jim

CouldyoupleasecontactCoowaytoorganizeateam-buildingeventforsalesstaff?Therewouldbetenparticipantsandth ecourseshouldlastfortwodays.Isuggesttheweekendof24/25Novemb eror,ifthatisnotpossible,thefollowingweekend. Thank,Alan 写给集体(全体员工)的备忘录: 范例: 你是一家国际大公司的人力资源部经理。你刚刚任命 SallyJolie女士为公司总部的销售经理。 给总部的全体员工写一个字数为40-50的备忘录: √宣布对SallyJolie女士的任命。 √说明她开始工作的具体时间。 要求总部员工准备欢迎她。 提示: 一般不用信头称呼的形式,也不采用在结尾处署上写信人的名字的方式,而是在备忘录的开头处写明收信人To________,在结尾处写明具体的写信人From___________以及主题:Re:__________或Subject:____________。 To:HeadOfficestaff From:TomBeck IhavethepleasureofannouncingthatMsSallyJoliehasbeenappoi ntedasthenewSalesManageratHeadOffice.MsJolieisduetojoinuson Monday15th.Pleasegiveherafriendlywelcomewhenshestartswork. Thankyou.
