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The field of torts embraces a group of civil wrongs,other than breach of contact,that interfere with person,property,reputation,or commercial or social advantage.侵权行为指的是侵害人身、财产、名誉、商业或社会利益等领域权利的一系列民事侵权行为,它并不是合同法的一个分枝。While such an act,such as an assult,may sometimes be both a crime punishable by the state in a criminal prosecution and also a tort actionable by the victim in a suit for damages,the criminal prosecution and the damage action are quite separate and unrelated proceedings.但像突袭这样的行为就有可能既涉及到刑事惩罚,又涉及侵权诉讼,前者主要是由国家通过刑事诉讼来完诚,后者主要是由受害人通过损害赔偿诉讼来完成,这是两个完全分开且相互之间没有关联的诉讼过程。The essential purpose of the law of torts is compensatory and,though punitive damages may occasionally be awarded,its function is distinct from that of criminal law.and injured party is not awarded compensation in the criminal proceeding.侵权法的功能和刑法的功能是不相同,侵权法的主要目是补偿,偶尔也支持罚金,而刑法的主要目的是惩罚,受害方是不能通过刑事诉讼得到赔偿的。

答:同学你好,翻译的三个标准是:信达雅。所谓的信使忠实于原文,而所谓的忠实于原文说白了就是能不增减就不增减,能不动语序就不动语序,。联系我们扣扣:四九三三七一六二六。电话:四零零六六八六九七八你给的这个文章整体而言翻译的还可以,但是你的翻译偶尔会触动:信字。尤其是在语序方面。我们看一下你翻译的最后一部分:The essential

purpose of the law of torts is compensatory and,though punitive damages may occasionally be awarded,its function is distinct from that of criminal law.and injured party is not awarded compensation in the criminal proceeding.侵权法的功能和刑法的功能是不相同,侵权法的主要目是补偿,偶尔也支持罚金,而刑法的主要目的是惩罚,受害方是不能通过刑事诉讼得到赔偿的。你的这句话的翻译问题最明显。你按照我前面说的要求在这个问题的基础上再翻译一遍,我再看看


答:There is a bewildering variety of legal systems in the world.世界上有各种各样的让人困惑的法律体系。Every country has its own.每个国家都有自己的法律体系。But law is strictly defined by nationality:it stops at the border.Outside its home base,it has no validity at all.但是法律完全是由国家自主制定的,在国家边界之内它发挥作用,在边界之外它则一点效力都没有。Now two legal systems are exactly alike.Each is specific to its country or its jurisdiction.现在有两个法律体系极度的相似,他们各自运用于各自的国度或司法部门。This does not mean that every legal system is entirely different from every other legal system.这并不是说每一个法律体系都完全不同于其他的法律体系。When two countries are similar in culture ang tration, their legal systems are likely to be similar as well.当两个国家在文化和传统方面非常相似,他们的法律体系也就会非常相似。


Langdell held that law consists of certain principles or doctines and that those scientific principles are contained in printed books.

兰德尔认为法律中包含着一定的原理或者原则,并且他认为那些科学的原理已包含在出版的书本中了。Langdell believed that legal education should occur in the classroom not in the law office.兰德尔坚持法律教育应当在课堂上进行而不是在办公室进行。In Langdell’s view,by studying the cases on a subject,the student would learn the legal doctrines which they embody.通过研究这个课题的相关案例,我们发现兰德尔主张学生应该学习一些具体化的法律原则。Since,in this view,law was a science to be studied by scholars,law teachers did not need any practical experience in the profession.Rather,they required only academic training.因此按兰德尔的这个观点,法律应是一门由学者研究的科学,法律教师并不需要具有任何与专业相关有实践应验,他们的仅仅需要学科培训就可以了。What qualifies a person,therefore,to teach law is not experience in dealing with men,not experience in the trial or argument of causes,not experience,in short,in using law,but experience in learning law.因此,判定一个人是否具备教授法律的资格,不是看他是否在律师事务所工作过,不是看他是否接待过当事人,不是看他是否参加过审判或者参与过案由辩论,总之,不是看他是否运用过法律,而是看他是否学过法律。

