国际结算 第四章托收
3 思题
付款人是根据托收委托书被提示单据,向代收行 付款的进口商。其基本职责是履行贸易合同的付款义 务,不得无故延迟付款或拒付。 付款人应注意: 审查票据或单据必须慎重、仔细。 如接受该票据或单据时,必须按规定的交单方式执行。 如有异议,必须有根据。 委托人与代收行是否存在直接法律关系? 代收行是对托收行负责还是对委托人负责?
第二节 托收的分类
一、光票托收(Clean Collection)
光 票 托 收
光票托收是指仅凭金融 票据而不附带有商业单据 的托收。
第四章 二、跟单托收 跟单托收(Documentary Collection,
Documentary Bill for Collection) 跟单托收是指附带有商业单据的托收。
第四章 国际结算方式之二 —— 托收
掌握托收的定义,掌握托收的业务流程和各 当事人的权利义务 掌握跟单托收的各种交单条件 掌握跟单托收的风险及其防范 理解跟单托收中的融资 了解国际商会《托收统一规则》第522号出 版物
学习目标 第四章国际结算方式之二 —— 托收
知道托收的分类及各种交单条件的利弊,了解 银行在托收业务中的具体做法 会填写托收申请书、会进行进出口押汇
显然,1~3种方式对出口商比较有利, 第4种方式对进口商有利。
第四章 二、跟单托收
试问 对出口商而言,最理想的是即期付款交单 ,其 次是远期付款交单,最后是承兑交单。 对进口商而言,最理想的是承兑交单,其次是 远期付款交单,最后是即期付款交单。
第四章 二、跟单托收
试问 参考教材P108
指示要明确 对意外情况及时指示
学习目标: 熟练掌握汇款与托收 的概念及应用; 熟悉顺汇和逆汇 的概念。
关键概念: 汇款、电汇、信汇、票汇、托收、即期付款交单、 远期付款交单、承兑交单、《托收统一规则》
第一节 汇 款
(一)汇款的当事人 1. 汇款人(Remitter):是申请汇出款项的一方。 2. 汇出行(Remitting Bank):是受汇款人委托而汇出款项的银
(一)汇款属于商业信用 汇款属于商业信用,汇款的应用取决于交易一方对另一方的 信任,即:或卖方向买方提供信用,或买方向卖方提供信用, 因此交易中提供信用的一方必然承担着较大的风险。
在汇款业务中,汇款人主动将款项交给银行,委托银行通过 信汇/电汇委托书或银行汇票等支付工具,转托国外银行将款 项付给国外收款人,这种结算方式下的资金流向与支付工具 的传递方向是一致的,因此属于顺汇法。
(1) 执行委托人的指示。 (2) 按托收申请书核实单据。 (3) 承担过失的损失。
3. 代收行的责任
(1) 对托收行指示的处理。 (2) 对单据的处理。 (3) 对货物的处理。 (4) 无延误地付款。 (5) 通知收款情况。
4. 付款人的责任
托收项下付款人的主要责任是履行贸易合同项下的付款义务, 在出口商向他提交了足以证明出口商已经履行了合同义务的 单据时,按合同规定汇款。当付款人收到代收行的付款提示 时,由于代收行与付款人之间并不存在契约关系,所以,付 款人对代收行是否付款,完全根据他与委托人之间所订立的 契约义务而决定,即以委托人提供的单据足以证明委托人已 经履行了合同下的义务为前提。
(三)票汇(Demand Draft,D/D):是汇出行应汇款人的申请,开 立以汇入行为付款人的银行汇票,交汇款人由其自行携带出 国或寄给收款人凭票取款的汇款方式。
学习情景四 国际结算—托收
单元二 《托收统一规则》
一、《托收统一规 则》的产生与发展
二、 《托收统一规 则》的主要内容
(1)由于任何信息、信件或单据在寄送途中 延误或丢失;
示行事,银行对在托收过程中遇到的一切风险、开 支费用、意外事故等均不负责,这些概由委托人承 担。
单元二 《托收统一规则》
一、《托收统一规 则》的产生与发展
二、 《托收统一规 则》的主要内容
(二)银行的义务与责任 银行的责任就是按照托收委托书的指示行事,
如果无法照办,应立即通知委托的一方。在接受委 托时,银行必须核实所收到的单据与托收委托书所 列单据是否表面一致,如有不符或者遗漏,应立即 通知委托人,银行没有义务审单。对下列情况银行 不承担义务和责任。
如果付款人对代收行提示的汇票拒付(拒绝承 兑或拒绝付款)
单元一 托收的概述
二、托收的当事 人
三、托收当事人 的责任和义务
四、托收的种类 及业务流程
当货物到达目的港后就可能会因无人照料而受 损,为避免这种情况发生,出口商可以在付款地事 先指定一个代理人,在拒付时,为其办理货物运出 目的港时所有有关货物存仓、保险、重新议价、转 售或运回等事宜。
票款的一方就是付款人,也是商务合同中的债务人, 即进口商。
单元一 托收的概述
二、托收的当事 人
三、托收当事人 的责任和义务
四、托收的种类 及业务流程
(二)托收的其他当事人 1. 提示行(Presenting bank)
提示行是向付款人提示单据的银行,也称交单 行。一般情况下是由代收行担当。 2. 需要时的代理(Principal’s representative in case of need)
二、托收的分类(一) 托收的分类(
(一)、光票托收(CLEAN COLLECTION) )、光票托收( COLLECTION) 光票托收
光票托收是指不附带商业单据的金融单据的托收。 光票托收是指不附带商业单据的金融单据的托收。 包括: )、金融单据的托收 包括: 1)、金融单据的托收 2)、仅附商业发票而不包括运输单据的托收 )、仅附商业发票而不包括运输单据的托收 3)、其他债务凭证的托收 )、其他债务凭证的托收 由于没有代表物权凭证的运输单据, 由于没有代表物权凭证的运输单据,光票托收不涉及到货权 的转移和货物的处理,银行根据票据的付款条件收款, 的转移和货物的处理,银行根据票据的付款条件收款,业务 处理比较简单。 处理比较简单。 由于光票托收对出口商风险很大, 由于光票托收对出口商风险很大,出口商只有在确信进口 商能遵守买卖合同和及时付款的条件下才能这样做。 商能遵守买卖合同和及时付款的条件下才能这样做。 主要应用范围:国际贸易中的小额贸易、部分预付货款、 主要应用范围:国际贸易中的小额贸易、部分预付货款、分 期支付货款以及贸易从属费用的收取、 期支付货款以及贸易从属费用的收取、非贸易结算和私人托 收业务 。
根据银行交单条件不同,跟单托收可分为付款交 根据银行交单条件不同, 单和承兑交单两种。 单和承兑交单两种。
三、托收的特点 三、托收的特点
与信用证不同,托收是建立在商业信用基础上的一种 与信用证不同, 结算方式, 结算方式,银行在这项业务里主要是代理收取款项的 地位,最大的特点是“收妥付汇、实收实付” 地位,最大的特点是“收妥付汇、实收实付”。 无论是托收银行,还是代收银行,在跟单托收方式下, 无论是托收银行,还是代收银行,在跟单托收方式下, 只是对货物的安全性和收汇的及时性负有道义上的责 不承担付款的责任。 任,不承担付款的责任。所以这项结算方式对出口方 风险性较大。 风险性较大。 托收方式是逆汇方式,即由出口方作为出票人,签发 托收方式是逆汇方式,即由出口方作为出票人, 汇票,连同货运单据,委托银行要求进口方付款。 汇票,连同货运单据,委托银行要求进口方付款。在 付款交单情况下,进口商不付款, 付款交单情况下,进口商不付款,就拿不到和汇票一 起的运输单据,这样也就提不到货, 起的运输单据,这样也就提不到货,而在承兑交单的 情况下,进口商也只有先对远期汇票承兑,才能拿到 情况下,进口商也只有先对远期汇票承兑, 代表货权的运输凭证。 代表货权的运输凭证。
4 第四章 托收结算方式
风险 出口商:钱货两空
Document Collection ——D/A
2 签发提单 9 凭单提货
4 12 付 款 开 出 回 执 3 签发汇票, 6 提示
7 远期汇票 要求承兑 承 兑 汇 票 8 交 货 运 单 据 票到 付期 款日 提 示 汇 10
委 托 代 理 关 系 托 收 申 请 书
A.交单方式:是付款交单还是承兑交单;是否可 以分批付款,分批赎票;远期汇票提前付款可否给 予进口商回扣或利息;逾期付款应否追加利息等。 B.货款收妥后的处理方式:托收行要在代收行已收 妥货款并划入托收行的账户后,才会将货款付给委 托人,代收行可以用电报或航函通知托收行,但用 哪一种方式则须根据托收行的要求。为此,委托人 须在委托代理合同中确定用电报还是航函通知。
• 托收指示的重要性体现在三个方面: • (1)托收业务离不开托收指示,所有的托收业务 都必须附有一个单独的托收指示。 • (2)代收行仅依据托收指示中载明的指示办事。 • (3)代收行不从别处寻找指示,并且也没有义务 审核单据以获得指示。随附单据上不载有托收指 示,如果有的话,也将不予理会。
形 式 ① 金融单据 + 全套商业单据
② 仅全套商业单据
Documents against Payment , D/P 付款交单 —— 代收行的交单以进口商的付款为条件。
国际结算——托收 讲义材料
第四章托收上课材料CollectionAfter issuing payment order (draft) to importer, exporter would entrust banks with payments collection. Banks handle the business on the basis of exporter’s instruction and is not liable for the consequence of the collection, though with endeavor. Thus, bank collection is classified into commercial credit instead of bank credit.In bank collection, exporter is, to some degree, in a positive position; not releasing transportation documents( title to goods) to importer until the latter pays or accept the time draft issued by exporter, without which importer could not take delivery from carrier.Exporter is also confronted with many risks, e.g. importer might not take up transportation documents (giving up the deal) and exporter has to ship back the exports, thus entailing additional shipping and insurance costs. Or, after accepting and taking hold of the documents, importer would refuse to pay at maturity. Banks are not responsible for these breaches. So, it is commercial credit, not bank credit and is applied only when both sides know well about and have enough faith in each other. Its advantage is that collection fees earned by banks are relatively low.1、DefinitionAn arrangement whereby the goods are shipped and a relevant bill of exchange is drawn by seller on buyer, and/or shipping documents are forwarded to seller’s bank with clear instructions for collection through one of its correspondent bank located in the domicile of buyer.2、Parties to collection operationPrincipal = exporter = seller = drawer =remitterRemitting bank = exporter’s bank in exporting countryCollecting bank = importer’s bank in importing countryImporter = buyer = draweePresenting bank = bank at importer’s place3、Flow chart of Documentary Collection①Deliver goods②B/L③Documents and Instructions (Application)④Rept.⑤Collection Order or Instruction & docs.⑥Present⑦Pay⑧Release Documents D/A or D/P⑨Credit Advice or Debit Authorization⑩Hand in B/L((11))Deliver goods4、Delivering documents = Delivering goodsBuyer must take delivery of goods with bill of Lading (B/L), which is receipt issued by carrier when receiving goods delivered by seller for transportation. Importer must take delivery of goods against it. Without B/L, buyer could not get the goods at the carrier. For sight payment, only when buyer pay the sight draft drawn by seller would collecting bank release documents(B/L) to buyer. For time bill, only when buyer accepts time draft drawn by seller would collecting bank release documents to importer.(1)Documents against documents D/A①Time draft &other docs+application②Collection order& time draft & docs③Present time draft for acceptance④Accepted draft⑤docs= goods(The risk is that buyer would not pay after taking the goods,thoughgoods have been taken away.)⑥Present accepted draft for payment(Collecting bank keeps accepteddraft for exporter and at maturity, presents it for payment.)⑦pay(2)Document against payment D/P at sight①Sight draft& other docs,etc②Collection Order & sight Draft and docs③Presents for payment (Only one presentment for payment )(So, it is demanded that payment must be made on first presentation.)④Pay after checking (Importer would try to delay payment to wait the arrival of goods ) ⑤docs(3)Documents against payment at tenor D/P at tenor①Time draft & other docs ,application ②Collection order& time draft and other docs ③Present time draft for acceptance ④No docs after acceptance⑤pay (After payment at maturity, buyer gets documents.) ⑥docs(4)Documents against time promissory note made by buyer①Apply Docs.②Collection order & docs demanding time promissory note made by buyer(The risk is that buyer would not pay after taking the goods.)③Advise and demanding documents against time promissory note made by importer.④Time promissory note⑤docs⑥(Collecting bank keeps promissory note for seller and at maturity, presents it for payment.)Present timePromissory Note for payment⑦pay5、Presenting bank①ion&documents②Collection order&documents③Forwarddocuments④present6、In case of needCase of need might be seller’s close friend or agency in importing country, who would arrangeshipping back the goods or selling the goods to other buyer in importing country.①Documents (Application)②Collection Order and documents(In case of need, look for XXX)③present④refuse⑤present⑥Pay & take over docs.Exporter might have mentioned “case of need”on the draft when issuing it if exporter expects the possibility of importer’s dishonor.7、Types of collection(1): Documentary Collection①Deliver goods②B/L③Commercial docs+ financial Instrument OR not+ Application④Collection Order & docs,esp. transporting documents + bill of exchange or not⑤D/A or D/P ⑤present⑥Pay⑦Hand in B/L⑧Deliver goodsDocuments are released to importer against his payment or acceptance/Sometimes, importer pays against commercial documents, e.g. commercial invoice without financial draft to avoid stamp duty. (2): Clean Collection①Send sample ②Rept.③Delivery advice(①,②, ③,Post receipt is sent to buyer’s country together with sample by post office.) ④Hand in Delivery adv.⑤sample (④,⑤, Importer takes the advice to post office and get sample against it.) ⑥Only draft+Application⑦Collection Order& draft (Payment must be made through bank ) ⑧Present draft ⑨PayDividend warrant and time promissory note can also be used in clean collection (3): Direct Collection①Sign long terms contract with bank (Omit a tache, save much time )②Prenumbered presigned collection order③Deliver goods④B/L⑤Fill in collection order and forward documents and collection order directly to(As if it is sent by remitting bank whose responsibility is the same as under documentary collection.)⑥D/A or D/P (⑥present)⑦Pay⑧Hand in B/L⑨Deliver goods8、Collection order = Collection Instruction①Application filled in by exporter②Collection Order filled in by remitting bank[①, ②They are the same in contents, for remitting bank carry out order given by exporter (principal).]Specimen of collection orderPlease Collect the Under-mentioned Foreign Bill and /or Documents①Draft &other docs②Collection order& time draft & docs (Banks endeavor to collect for principals, but not responsible for unfavorable results.)③pay④docs(2)Bank’s responsibility①Banks must act upon the instructions given by principals②Banks check the documents received against order to see if there is any missingThe principal must be informed of any documents missing.③Banks are not responsible for examining the contents of documents, e.g. any discrepancies between docs.Sight bill: presentation for paymentTime bill: presentation for acceptance, then, presentation for payment10、Risks for exporter(1)Risks for exporter under documentary collection①Refuse to pay or accept time draft on some small inadvertent infraction of the sales contract.②Demand deep cut down of price, or refuse to accept the goods.③A heavy storage charge, fire insurance, demurrage and great expenses and time delay if court action is taken.(2)Risks for exporter under term payment①At the maturity of draft, importer refuses to pay②The excuse might be defective quality and ask for cut down of price or not having foreign exchange approved by authority.(3)Summary of possible reasons for dishonor①Economic reasons:e.g. defective quality of goods, short of flowing capital, downturn ofmarket, bankruptcy of importer,etc.②Political reasons: war, turbulence, foreign exchange control, having not got import license,etc.③The credit risk of importer (fraud) etc.(4)Protection for exporter ——Credit investigationFinancial credit and operational style of importerMarket trend of importing countryWhether import license or foreign exchange has been approved by relative authority.Whether political situation in importing country is steadyWhether a case of need could be found once dishonor happens, who could help handle returned goods, e.gwarehousing and insuring the goods, arranging shipmentof returned goods, finding another buyer for exporter, etc.Exporter could find an agency (usu.banks) to aid the investigation.To buy export credit insurance at government agency(e.g. import/export bank).Have direct control over documents, esp. the transporting documents,e.g. the consignee should be “to t he order of shipper, or collecting bank (with consent of collecting bank)”, which could be endorsed to importer only when payment is made.If it is non-negotiable transport document (e.g. airway bill), collecting bank should be the consignee who could issue delivery order to importer after the payment.(5)Example, Hedging OperationOn July 20,2000 an I/E corporation of China expected to receive €200 millions in 3 months and the spot rate of €is RMB7.6450, and 3-month forward rate is 7.6250 ~ 7.6630. As €has been weak against USD, to protect against the risk of €’s devaluation, the corporation signed a 3-month forward contract with Bank of China. After July 20, €devalued from USD0.91 all the way to USD 0.83. On Oct. 23, when the settlement was made € depreciated to RMB6.9570.Question: If the corporation was not engaged inhedging operation, how much loss would it suffer? And what is the percentage of the loss to the total amount of the contract?Answer :11、(1)Risks for importer under collection①Might be fraudulent documents.②Might be defective or dummy or not the model ordered by importer③Late shipment,and miss the optimal selling seasons.④In advance payment , can not inspect goods beforehand.⑤Dishonor would ruin importer’s reputation.(2)Protection for importerInvestigate exporter’s reputation and deal only with Credit worthy exporters.If it is time payment, payment time can be XX days/months after Bill of Lading date, which means that earlier delivery,earlier payment.Choose the most the favorable procedure of documents delivery basing on the credit standing, financial capability, market trend.e.g. if price is going high, use D/P. If price is going down,use D/A.Use D/P at tenor as possible as you can to confirm if goodsarrive at the harbor of your country.12、(1)Bill purchased under Documentary CollectionBank’s financing to exporterThere is no payment guarantee from collecting bank. So, remitting bank provide the service only for credit worthy client s.①Sight or time bill & full set of original Bill of Lading and apply for discounting the bill. ②Discounted amount③Collection Order & docs④Credit Advice or Debit Authorization ⑤Docs ⑥Pay ⑦Present(2)Discounting bill under documentary collectionThe payee on the draft is normally the discounting bank,e.g.13、Trust Receipt under D/P at tenor (1)This is Bank’s financingto importer①Time draft& other docs②Collection order & time draft and other docs ③Present time draft for acceptance ④Acceptance& IOU=T/R ⑤docs(④, ⑤ Importer borrows B/L and other documents by writing a Trust Receipt (T/R),usu. with permission of exporter.)⑥Accepted Bill &T/R ⑦pay(⑥, ⑦After selling the goods importer retires the bill with the money.) (2)The obligation of trustee, explanation of some points ①Not to put the goods in pledge to other personsthat is; trustee cannot pledge the goods to other banks for credit.②To settle claims of the collecting bank before liquidation in case of the trustee ’s bankruptcy.If trustee goes bankrupt, the entrusted goods would not joint the liquidation or entruster has first lien over the entrusted goods.③Entrusted goods should be stored and booked separately from other goods and can be examined by entruster any time.④Money from sale of entrusted goods should go directly to entruster ’s account. (3)Risks for collecting bank in T/R financingTrust Receipt does not prevent trustee from selling goods to (a third party) someone who buys the goods for value and without notice of trust (the goods does not belong to trustee). If trustee runs away with the money, the entruster could not sue the third party. Laws protects the purchaser in good faith.So, entruster usu. demands that a guarantor (usu. a bank) should sign the T/R in addition to trustee ’s signature.The principal presents an application for collection accompanied by draft and documents to the remitting bank for collection.An application for collection shows as follows:Commercial documents surrendered are below:B/L in triplicate, two originals and one copyInvoice in triplicate, two originals and one copyInsurance policy in duplicate, one original and one copyCertificate of origin in duplicate, One original and one copyPacking list in duplicate, One original and one copyCollection instructions are given below:Deliver documents against paymentRemit the proceeds by airmailAirmail advice of paymentCollection charges outside China from drawee, waive if refused by him.Airmail advice of non-payment with reasonsProtest waivedWhen collected, please credit proceeds to principal’s account with remitting bank. Remitting bank complete a collection instruction in accordance with principal’s application to add other requirements as follows:Ref No. OC2576459Date: 15 July,2000Please collect and remit proceeds to Bank of China, New York for credit of our account with them under their advice to usPlease produce a collection instruction attaching draft and documents to be forwarded to the collecting bank, Banque du Paris, Paris.Collection InstructionORIGINALTO:_________________ Date:_______Our Ref. No_______Dear Sirs,Please follow instruction marked”x”□Deliver documents against payments/acceptance.□Remit the proceeds by airmail/cable.□Airmail/cable advice of payment/acceptance.□Collect charges outside_____ from drawee,waive if refuse by him.□Collect interest for delay in payment____days after sight at____% per annum.□Airmail/cable advice of non-payment/non-acceptance with reasons.□Protest for non-payment/non-acceptance.□Protest waived.□When accepted, please advise us giving due date.□When collected, please credit our account with___.□Please collect and remit proceeds to ____for credit of our account with them under their advice to us. □Please collect proceeds and authorize us by airmail/cable to debit your account with us.Special InstructionsThis collection is subject to Uniform Rules for collection(1995 Revision) ICC Publication No.522Authorized signature(s)TRUST RECEIPTTO:__________ ________,________Received from the said bank a full set of shipping document evidencing the merchandise having an invoice value of______say______ as follows:And in consideration of such delivery in trust ,the undersigned hereby undertakes to land, pay customs duty and/or other charges or expenses ,store, hold and sell and deliver to purchasers the merchandise specified herein ,and to receive the proceeds as trustee for the said bank , and the undersigned promises and agrees not to sell the said merchandise or any part thereof on credit , but only for cash for a total amount not less than the invoice value specified above unless otherwise authorized by the said bank in writing.The undersigned further acknowledges assents and agrees that in the event the whole or any part of the merchandise specified herein is sold or delivered to a purchaser or purchaser any proceeds derived or to be derived from such sale or delivery shall be considered the property or the said bank and the undersigned hereby grants to be said bank full authority to collect such proceeds directly from the purchaser or purchaser without reference to the undersigned.The guarantor, as another undersigned, guarantees to the said bank the faith and proper fulfillment of the terms and conditions of the trust receipt.Guaranteed by: signed by:_____________ _______________________ ___________。
光票托收(Clean Collection)
指金融单据托收,不伴随商业单据。 在国际贸易中,通常是货运单据直接寄交买方,仅将汇票(有时也可附发票等非货运单据)委托银行托收。 托收的款项一般是贸易从属费用。
案例 中方某外贸企业与某国A商达成一项出口合同,付款条件为付款交单见票后45天付款。当汇票及所附单据通过托收行寄抵进口地代收行后,A商及时在汇票上履行了承兑手续。货抵目的港时,由于用货心切,A商因具信托收据向代收行借得单据,先行提货转售。汇票到期时,A商因经营不善,失去偿付能力。代收行以汇票付款人拒付为由通知托收行,并建议由我外贸企业径向A商索取货款。对此,你认为我外贸企业应如何处理?
(三)代收行 1、含义 代收行(Collecting Bank):是接受托收行的委托,参与办理托收业务的一家银行,它还是进口方银行(Importer’s Bank)、托收汇票的被背书人或收款人(Endorsee or Payee of the Collection Bill )。 2、代收行的责任 (1)执行托收指示 (2)单据的处理 (3)对货物的保护 (4)托收指示规定的支付货币 (5)放单 (6)汇票承兑的完整性与正确性 (7)利息、手续费和费用 (8)资金的及时划转
④ 款 回
⑨交单提 兑 ⑥ 货 提 示 票 汇 票 要 求 承 单
付款人 进口方) (进口方)
款 ⑩
⑦ 承 兑 汇
⑧ 交 单
提 示 汇 票 要 求 付
⑾ 付
托 (出口方
第四章 国际结算方式之二 —— 托收
托收的概念: 一、托收的概念:
指委托人向银行提交凭以收款的金融票 据或者商业单据或两者兼有,委托银行( 据或者商业单据或两者兼有,委托银行(托收 向付款人收取货款(或款项) 行)向付款人收取货款(或款项)的一种结算 方式。 方式。
从托收定义中可以看出:银行在托收时, 从托收定义中可以看出:银行在托收时,是按照从 出口商那里得到的指示办理, 出口商那里得到的指示办理,银行只是委托人的代 理人,只提供完善的服务,并不保证收到款项。 理人,只提供完善的服务,并不保证收到款项。 在国际贸易中常用的跟单托收, 在国际贸易中常用的跟单托收,就是出口商将作为 物权凭证的货运单据,与汇票一起, 物权凭证的货运单据,与汇票一起,通过银行向进 口商提示, 口商提示,进口商一般只有在付款之后才能取得货 权凭证,这使双方的交易成为银货两清的形式。 权凭证,这使双方的交易成为银货两清的形式。从 而避免了银货两空的风险。 而避免了银货两空的风险。
案例分析: 案例分析: 根据《托收统一规则》 条明确规定, 根据《托收统一规则》第4条明确规定,“与 托收有关的银行,对由于任何通知、 托收有关的银行,对由于任何通知、信件或单据 在寄送途中发生延误和( 在寄送途中发生延误和(或)失落所造成的一切 后果,或对电报、电传、 后果,或对电报、电传、电子传送系统在传送中 发生延误、残缺和其他错误, 发生延误、残缺和其他错误,或对专门性术语在 翻译上和解释上的错误,概不承担义务或责任。 翻译上和解释上的错误,概不承担义务或责任。” 由此可以断定托收行已经善意地履行了义务。 由此可以断定托收行已经善意地履行了义务。 那么代收行呢? 托收统一规则》 那么代收行呢?《托收统一规则》第1条即提出 银行应以善意和合理的谨慎行事” “银行应以善意和合理的谨慎行事”。签收的单 据找不到了,又无《托收统一规则》 据找不到了,又无《托收统一规则》第5条所规定 的不可抗力来解脱责任, 的不可抗力来解脱责任,代收行明显地没有尽到 谨慎义务,应该承担单据丢失的责任。 谨慎义务,应该承担单据丢失的责任。
汇出汇款申请书 年月 日
• 收款人姓名 •地 址 •金 额 • 汇款人姓名 •地 址 •附 言 • 付款行名
种类 电 信 票 编号
致:****银行 T O:BANK OF ****
Bank Name &Address
收款人开户银行在其代理行帐号 Bene's bank a/c no.
收款人帐号Bene's A/c NO.
Beneficiary's name &Address
只限140个字位 Not exceeding 140 characters 71A
50a 汇款人名称及地址
Remitter's Name &address □对公 组织机构代码 Unit code
个人身份证件号码 individual ID NO. □中国居民个人 □中国非居民个人
Correspon名de称nt 及of地be址neficiary's
取款灵活 汇票可流通转让 汇票是由汇款人自己寄给收款人或自己携带出 国,不必通过汇出行 汇入行无须通知收款人取款
是指开出以汇票票面货币的清算中心所在地的银 行为付款行的汇票
如:因为美元的清算中心在纽约,则以纽约的某 家银行为付款人的汇票即称美元中心汇票
URC522第二条第2款规定 金融单据
Financial Documents
金融单据是指汇票、本票、支票或其他类似的 可用于取得款项支付的凭证。 商业单据
Commercial Documents
商业单据是指发票、运输单据、所有权单据或其他 类似的单据,或者不属于金融单据的任何其他单据。
URC522 Article 2 (1)
This collection is subject to Uniform Rules for Collection .(1995 Revision) ICC Publication No. 522.
Exchange for HKD21500.00 Tianjin,15 April,2010 D/P At******sight of this first Exchange(Second of the same tenor and date unpaid)pay to the order of The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China the sum of Hong Kong dollar Twenty One Thousand Five Hundred only Drawn against shipment of 22 bales of pongee from Tianjin to Hong Kong for collection For Tianjin Textiles To Sunlight Garments Company Import and Export Corp., 314 Locky Road, Tianjin Hong Kong Signature Manager
D/P at Sight
Upon first presentation the Buyer shall pay against documentary draft drawn by the Sellers at sight.
ii. deliver documents against payment and/or against acceptance, or
iii. deliver documents on other terms and conditions.
b. “Documents” means financial documents and/or commercial documents:
付款时间的附加规定 利息及费用及货款收妥后的处理
Waive /(do not waive) interest if refused by the drawee. Waive /(do not waive) charges if refused by the drawee. Collection charges may not waived and the drawee refuses to Pay such charges, the presenting bank will not deliver documents.
第一节 托收概述
出口商(或债权人)开立金融票据或商业单据 或两者兼有,委托托收行通过其联行或代理行向进 口商(或债务人)收取货款或劳务费用的结算方 式。
Uniform Rules For Collections,URC
国际结算第4讲 托收
Exchange for USD100,000 15 May, 2004 Shanghai
At 30 days after sight pay to the order of Bank of China, Shanghai Branch the sum of one hundred thousand US dollars only.
托收概述 托收种类及业务程序 托收当事人的责任与义务 托收统一规则(URC522) 银行在托收业务中的资金融通
是银行(托收行)依据委托人(债权 人)的指示,通过该行在付款人(债务人) 所在地的联行或代理行(代收行)向付款人 取得付款和/或承兑。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
(四)了解进口国银行的习惯做法 (五)使用适当的价格术语,争取出口方收 款人办理保险
可承保: 1、商业风险 1)买方无力偿还债务或破产 2)买方拒收货物并拒付货款 3)买方拖欠货款
1、按合同规定付款或承兑后,凭单据提取的货物 与合同不符 2、在远期付款交单项下,承兑了汇票后,到期不 能从代收行处取得单据,自己却承担了付款的义 务。
二、防范措施 (一)事先调查进口商作为贸易伙伴的资信情况和 经营作风 1、事先调查 2、定期调查 3、临时性调查
4、调查的途径 要求客户提供自己的基本情况,如名称、地址、 账户行名称、年营业额、经营范围等。
通过银行查询 通过专业的咨询公司
(二)及时把握出口商品在进口地的市场销售 状况、行市趋势。
弄清进口国的外贸管制和外汇管制情况, 弄清进口国的海关和卫生检疫当局的各项规 章制度和对方要求提供的某些特殊的单据。
5、提示行(Presenting Bank)。跟单托收项下向 债务人提示汇票和单据的银行。一般就是代收行本 身。 如果代收行与债务人无往来关系,为了便利如 期收款,代收行也可主动或应付款人要求,委托付 款人的往来银行充当提示行。 6、需要时的代理 如发生付款人拒付,委托人可指定在付款地的 代理人代为料理货物存仓、转售、运回等事宜。这 个代理人叫做“需要时的代理”。
通过本章的学习,你不仅会清晰地理解托收的概 念、性质、当事人以及类别,还能通过阅读背景资料 和案例分析,在拓宽知识面的同时掌握初步的实际操 作能力。
第四章 国际结算方式——托收
第一节 第二节 第三节 托收概述 特点、托收当事人的关系 托收的种类及流程 跟单托收的风险及防范
第一节托收的定义、特点、当事人 一、托收的定义——委托银行收款
中国棉花进出口总公司向古巴农产品总公司出 口100 000吨棉花,中棉公司委托中国农业银行北 京分行办理托收,交单条件为D/P即期,并指定要 求古巴国民银行哈瓦那分行为代收行,你会开具跟 单汇票吗?你能画出托收流程图吗?
本章从托收的基本概念和特点入手,详细介绍 了托收的当事人及其相互关系、托收的种类及其流 程,深入分析了跟单托收在实务中可能会遇到的风 险,并且提出了防范措施。
(七)要求进口方预付部分货款作为采用跟单 托收方式的前提,有时也可以采用部分按信 用证方式、部分按托收方式的办法,以便减 少风险。此外,非采用托收方式时,则应力 争多做D/P,少做或不做D/A。
3、代收行接到托收委托书及跟单汇票以后, 立即向进口商提示跟单汇票。如果托收委托书中 规定的是付款交单(D/P),代收行应提示进口商 付款,然后交出单据;如是承兑交单D/A),等到 汇票到期后提示对方付款。
4、进口商付款或承兑后取得单据,并持单 据向承运人提货。而代收行则将收妥的款项收入 托收行之账并通知托收行。
1、出口商按双方的合同发货,并取得货运 单据以后,开出汇票并填写托收申请书,委 托自己的往来银行代为收款。托收申请书是 委托人与托收行之间的委托代理合同,是委 托人给托收行的指示。
2、托收行按委托人的要求和指示,缮制托 收委托书,随跟单汇票一起寄交国外联行或 代理行。托收委托书中须加列货款收妥后的 处理办法。
第二节 托收的种类及流程
一、光票托收 光票即指不附带任何货运单据的汇票 (仅附非货运单据,如发票、垫款清单等 的汇票也属于光票)。通常用于收取货款 尾数、样品费、佣金、代垫费用等。还包 括许多委托行不能立即解付或因各种原因 不能立即付款的各类票据。
出口商在装运货物后,将汇票(也可以不要 汇票)连同货运单据交给银行,委托银行代 为收款的一种结算方式。
一、风险 (一)出口商面临的风险
买卖关系。 2、 委托人与托收行之间的关系 委托代理关系。 托收申请书
3、 托收银行与代收银行之间的关系
委托代理关系 托收委托书 4、 代收银行与付款人之间的关系 不存在契约关系
1、 托收是建立在商业信用基础之上的一种 结算方式,其最大特点就是“收妥付汇、 实收实付”。 2、出口商与托收行之间、托收行与代收行之间 只是一种代理关系。 3、托收方式是逆汇方式,即出票法。 4、就跟单托收这项业务而言,银行的作用仅是 托代理和接受委托代理。
托收(Collection)是银行根据委托人的指 示处理金融单据或商业单据,目的是在于取得承 兑或付款,并在承兑或付款后交付单据的行为。 通俗的讲,托收是债权人为向债务人收取款项, 出具债权凭证(包括汇票、本票、支票等)委托银 行代为收款的一种支付方式。
(一)当事人 1、委托人。在托收业务中,签发汇票并委托银行 代为收款的人。由于委托人通常开具汇票委托他的银 行向国外债务人收款,所以常称为出票人。 2、托收银行。指接受委托人的委托,并通过国外 联行或代理行完成收款业务的银行。一般是债权人所 在地的银行。 3、代收银行。指接受托收银行的委托代向债务人 收款的国外联行或代理行。一般是付款人所在地的银 行。 4、付款人。指汇票中指定的付款人,也就是银行 向之提示汇票和单据的债务人。
5、托收行收到代收行的收款通知后,立即 办理对出口商的结汇。
1、付款交单D/P :documents against payment 凭付款而交出单据 1)即期付款交单 D/P at Sight 2)远期付款交单 D/P at xx days after sight 目的:给进口商时间准备资金 注意:使买方在货物到达前得到单据 2、承兑交单 D/A:Documents against acceptance 凭远期汇票的承兑而交出单据