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( )1. c__dle A. an B. en C. ar ( )2..h__se A. ur B. or C. ir ( )3. doct__ A. er B. ir C. or ( )4. Sat__day A. ir B. ur C. or ( )5. chi__en A. k B. ck C. c ( )6. fr__d A. ein B.ien C.ie ( )7. fa__ly A. mi B. im C. ni ( )8. l__n A.rea B. are C. ear ( )9. hospi__ A. tel B. tal C.tol ( )10.blackb__d A. oai B. aor C. oar


1.买东西 _____________2. Pumpkin lanterns __________________ 3.我的家人 ___________4. Here’s your change. __________________ 5.边唱边跳 ___________6. On Sunday ______________________

7.骑自行车 ___________8. Follow me ________________________

9. Learn the song ________10. 在英语课上 _______________________


1. ( ) Is there your football ? Yes , _______

A. it isn’t

B. it’s

C. it is

2. ( ) _________ , what’s the time , please ? It’s two.

A. Excuse

B. Sorry

C. Hello

3. ( ) ——__________ are they ?

——They are forty yuan .

A. How many

B. How much

C. How old

4. ( ) What ________ do you need ?

A. other

B. else

C. anything

5. ( ) ____________ is your brother ? He’s about nine.

A. How old

B. How many

C. How

6. ( ) They would like _______some masks.

A. buy

B. to buy

C. buying

7. ( ) I buy a card ____________my friend.

A. for

B. to

C. in

8. ( ) ——Shall we buy some things?


A. Right


C. That’s all right

9. ( ) I ______ go to school on Sundays.

A. am not

B. don’t

C. doesn’t

10. ( ) Ben likes talking __________his friends.

A. and

B. with

C. of


( )1. Can you help you ? A. It’s three o’clock.

( )2. Do you like it ? B. Yes, I do.

( )3. What’s the time? C. It’s three yuan.

( )4. How much is it ? D. It’s under the tree.

( )5. Where is it? E. I’m fine.

( )6. How are you ? F. I’m nine.

( )7. How old are you ? G. Yes, it is.

( )8. Is it Halloween tomorrow? H. I like ducks.

( )9. What do you like? I. No, there isn’t.

( )10. Is there a park ? J. Yes, please.


1.like , playing , I , football , I , like , but , don’t , volleyball , playing (.)


2.parents , sometimes , Mike’s , to , music , listen(.)


3.some , buy , let’s , candles , masks , some , and(.)


4.you , on , head , your , can , put , box , a(?)


5.is , dog , in , there , a , basket , the(?)

______________________________________________________________ 六.翻译句子。

1.你会唱歌吗?我不会。______ you sing? No, I ________.

2.你喜欢游泳吗?是的,我喜欢。_______ you like ________? ________, I _______.

3.你会干什么?我会做一个模型飞机。________ can you do? I can ________a model plane.

4.你还需要什么?我需要一些花。What else do you ________? I need some __________.


That’s a big tree .I can see a boy under it. The boy is in brown sweater and blue shoes. He is Mike. He is reading a book now. Mike is an English student. He is in NO.5 Middle School in Beijing. Mike has a brother. His name is Jim. He is nine. He is in a white shirt. His shoes are white, too. He is doing his homework at home. Mike’s father is at home. He is writing. Mike’s mother is watching TV.


( )1. Mike is ________.

A. at home

B. at school

C. under the tree

( )2. Jim’s shoes are _________.

A. blue

B. white

C. red

( )3. Mike is ____________.

A. English

B. American

C. Japanese

( )4. Mike’s father is __________.

A. reading a book

B. watching TV

C. writing
