
园艺专业英语(课后翻译)园艺专业英语翻译(中→英)Lesson1 part A1、protected (structure) horticulture is defined as a cultivation method taking use of heatkeeping ,chilling prevention or cooling and rainproof facilities to prevent the crops production from being influenced or seriously done by natural seasons and to artificially create a microclimateenvironment suitable for growing horticultural crops in cold or hot weather hat actually unfavorable to the crop development .it is also termed as out-of-season culture ,season-off culture or forcingculture .because of the season in which horticultural crops are planted is hand for their growing inopen field.2、Windbreak、cold –frame 、hot-frame、 plastic-clad tunnel and greenhouse could provide a varietyof vegetable seeding for open field or protected culture or protect seeding of cold tolerant vegetable living through the winter ,for early planting and acquirement of early mature products.3、In respect of structure type, the largest horticultural structure area in our country consists of plastictunnels and lean to houses, especially the energy-sawing solar greenhouse, which has become thedominant greenhouse type in the country. Presently the development of large greenhouse or multi-span house has been initiated.Lesson2 part A4、In horticultural crop cultivation under structure the key point of environment management forgrowers is to create optimal complex of environmental conditions for crop growth and development, as possibly as they can, according to properties and environmental demand of crop.Lesson3 part ALesson4 part A1、most soil amendments are consisted of the increasing of organic matters ,addition of specificnutritional elements and ph adjustment2、the soil is an important constitute of the land loamy soil must consist of soul particles with properratio ,with equilibrium of nutrients ,in which contains some organic matter ,and with considerablemoistureLesson5 part ALesson6 part A1、sink demand of horticultural crops extremely affects photosynthetic ,for example ,leaf photosynthesisnoticeably decrease when potato tubers are removed during their growth short-term response may be stomato close effect ,but this cannot explain common continuous effects ,sometime when the source-sink ratio increases significantly ,some old leaves can renew their photosynthesis functions ,on the other hand ,rapidly growing sinks sometimes compete with leaves for mobilizable nitrogen and this results in abscission of leaves and lower photosynthesis capacity.2、It is not clear yet that how the sink demand affect photosynthesis of leaves .the simplest explanationis that photosynthesis accumulated in leaves restrain photosynthesis . however trials for examiningthis hypothesis usually obtained the opposite results .furthermore ,in practice ,photosynthates seemly not accumulate beside chloroplasts in mesophyll cells .thus ,more research work should be done on source-sink relationship to improve yields of horticultural cropsLesson7 part A1、the development of horticultural crops product organs consist of maturity 、full ripeness andsenescence stages .maturity includes physiological ripeness and horticultural ripeness the formermeans that in the last growth stage ,mature organs become full ripening and the later means the best growth stage of horticultural crops for harvest ,such as leaf vegetables ,when they are reaped ,they are not physiological ripe ,and flower crops are harvested when thy flower.Full ripeness is the develop stage after fruit mature some fruits can get full ripeness in trees ,while some must ripen after separated from trees .after full ripen the flesh mealiness aroma strength proper acidity and sugar ,senescence is a stopping terminating process of living activity. In this stage,product organs quality of horticultural crops become bad and completely leaves their economicalvalue in the endLesson8 part A1、hormone produced by seed influence fruit setting ,fruit growth and the balance of hormones in plant2、Stone fruits can no t set their fruits when their embryos develop abnormally. pome fruits can setwithout seeds ,but flesh cells grow slowly3、Gibberellins was produced after pollination with seed development gibberellins promotes synthesisof auxin , therefore ,promotes fruit setting .the fruit set and fruit growth is similar between the ovule not pollinated treated by gibberellins and those which has seed4、Gibberellins produced by apple seeds apparently restrain flower differentiation and result in alternatefruiting .alternate fruiting is not normal in pear and many stone fruits .it is because the earlyoccurrence of gibberellins synthesis peak which is not concurrent with flower differentiationinitiation.Lesson13 part A1、pruning of fruit trees is a practice involves the heading back cuts and the thinning cuts of branchesfor good framework ,for regulating contradiction between growth and fruiting ,for maintaining the equilibrium between vegetative growth and propagative growth and for good sunlight exposure, to fruit early to achieve high yield and to get commodity with high quality2、the pruning methods are best determined by the characteristics of fruit species and cultivars ,theclimate the soil condition and the crop developing stages and growth status .in order to get the best result ,it is useful to combine pruning with other cultural practices like fertilization ,irrigation, etc 3、Reinvigoration of trees is better performed annually, which can keep fruit from stimulating excessivesprouts .remove dead branches, sprouts and some crossing shoots. Secondly, large branches should be thinned out gradually to open tree chamber and to improve distribution of sunlight in order tosimulate fruiting.Lesson15 part A1、temperature is an critical element in biological ,chemical and physiological processes of all plantspecies2、Temperature regulates the rate of chemical reactions ,leading to the adjustment of plant growth rate.3、As a important contributing factor to climate .temperature play an important role in adaptability andgrowth ,date of plant thus the horticultural crop types which can be cultured in a specific area rely on temperature4、Most plants can live and grow in the range of 0 to 50℃ .however low-temperature sensitivity limitthe successful cultivated regions of plantsLesson16 part A1、sprinkler irrigation is often used in maintaining and flower beds which has the specialty the uniformwater amount in its coverage .however, water waste occur when sprinkler is not limited in the area need irrigation .in addition ,evaporation result in some water loss too。

Lesson 1The History and the Development of Protected CultivationSelected and rewritten from u The History and Geography of the Greenhouse by Il・ Zvi Enoch and Yaeln Enoch, in Greenhouse Ecosyslems20, echled by G・ Stanhill and H・ Zvi Enoch, a series book of Ecosystems ofthc World (Li Yaling, Shanxi Agricuhural University)This lesson briefly describes the development of the greenhouse from antiquity to the present day. Il includes a discussion of p「o(ec(ed cropping in cokband ho(・f¥ames, glass cloches, lean-to houses, winter gardens» orangeries, conservatories and glasshouses in their varied forms, and plastic-clad plant enclosures of all sizes ranging from low tunnels • walk-in tunnels, to large plastic houses・For the purpose of this lesson, the greenhouse is defined as a transparent enclosure designed to grow or temporarily protect plants ・ Thus the definition does not include enclosures for growing mushrooms or tissue cultures・In antiquity, however» there were probably no greenhouses in the sense defined here> but there were various practices adopted to provide out-of-secison flowers and vegetables・The cultivation of out-of-season plants was intensely studied in ancient Athens and Rome・ This Can be seen for instance in the work of Theophrastus [who lived from 372 to 287 BCE (before the common era)]. He mentioned moving plants into the peristyle (verandah iii a dosed courtyard of a Greek house) at night and heating soil by mixing it with decaying manure or compost.Growers in China> Mesopotamia« Egypt, Israeh Greece and Rome grew valuable plants in pots and placed them indoors at night or during cold periods to protect them ・ Sometimes» plants were grown on wheelbarrdws that could easily be brought into a grotto» cellar or room at night. Chinese plant culture may have included greenhouses that» xcording to tradition, go back to antiquity. A Chinese greenhouse(Fig. 1-1 in the text book ) consisted of a brick wall oriented east-west. On its southernside, a transparent surface consisting of bamboo sticks covered with oiled paper was placed at an angle 30 ・40 to the horizontal. During the day, the brick wall became heated by the sun and at night it released its heat ・ In add it ion> at n ight the paper window was covered by rush mats which acted as thermal insulation. Similar simple greenhouses are in use today♦ and it is claimed that they increase the night temperature by up to 69C ・In the 20th century > in both northwestern Europe and North America > there was a development from smaller to larger greenhouse units 9 usually even・span or ridge・ and furrow multi-span houses・The Use of small electrical motors allowed automated climate control, including the opening of vents ・Heating by thermsiphon hot water circulation was replaced by forced circulation・ Electrical putnps were used for irrigation and to operate shading systems, etc.Lean-to glasshouse slowly became obsolete and heating by smoke flues disappeared in the first decades of the 20thcentury・However> these changes all occurred very gradual!y・An example of thisdevelopment in the Netherlands is outlined below・Simple over-winter sheds were used in Aalsmeer, the Netherlands, up to the 1920% and storc-framcst placed against the walls to protect vines in the Westland region were photographed in 1928.At the beginning of the 20th century, 90 % of the area used for protected cultivation in the Netherlands consisted of cold frames or hotbeds (heated by decomposition of manure and compost)・ By 1950, the area was still about 30%, and in 1964 it was 10% ・The use of Dutch lights was introduced at the beginning of the 20th century. Initially, only single-span frames were used; double -light frames date from about 1920・ Comparing the building practices in the Netherlands with those in the more advanced United States» one sees that in 1904, 90 % of the glass-covered area in the Netherlands con sisted of light frames ・ while 25 % of the glass・covered area in the US A in the year 1900 was of proper glasshouses ・ The area under glass in the Netherlands increased from 1.6 km2 in 1904 to 4.0 km2 in 1912, to 32. 9 km2 in 1950, reaching 60.2 knf in 1964.Heating and carbon-dioxide fertilization of hotbed through the decomposition of mixtures of horse manure and plant residues was widely used in the Netherlands at the beginning of the last century, and remained the com IT Ion way for growing cucumbers and melons until horses were replaced by tractors in the years after the Second World War.Claassen and Haze loop (1933)mentioned that at that time flue heaters were only used by a few growen; in the Netherlands♦ whereas in Belgium* most of the 4.40 kirT used for fruit-growing in 1939 was heated by flues. Dutch greenhouses suitable tor a variety of crops were developed gradually over half a century. In 1900, at Loosduinen» a steel-framed greenhouse was built which became the forerunner for the “\Enlo Warenhuis\ a house that could be used for different crops ・ This glasshouse» first built in 1937, consists of large sheets of glass held within the grooves of the two sides of a separating narrow steel bar, permitting the maxinium transmission of light・V?nlo-typc structures (Fig・1・2) were becoming popular ill Westland of the Netherlands iii the 1950's ・ Burning natural gas for the supply of carbon dioxide to greenhouse crops began in the Netherlands in 1961» following work done by J・ Stender from the Institute of Horticultural Engineering in Wageningen, and became globally applied over the next decade・ Glossary 1.glass cloche园艺用钟形玻璃西(E钟形玻璃罩,一种通常呈钟状的罩子,主耍用丁保护植物避免严寒冻害)2.cold-and hot-frame 阳畦和温床3.Ican-to house 一面坡温室,单屋面温室4.winter garden冬季花园(或菜园)5.orangery 柑橘温室,橘园,养橘温室(a sheltered placet especially a greenhouse»used for the cultivation of orange trees in cool climates)6・ conscrvatoiy 话人室(a greenhouse。

The practice and theory of Landscape Architecture景观规划设计理论【1】Landscape Architecture involves the five major components:They are natural process,human factors,methodology,technology,and values,whatever the scale or emphasis of operation,these five components are consistently relevant.Social and nature factors clearly permeate every facet of a profession that is concerned with people and land. Problem solving,planning,and design methods apply at all scales.Good judgment is consistently required.风景园林设计包含五个主要方面:自然进程、社会进程、方法论、技术、价值观,无论规模尺度或运作的重点各不相同,这五个要素一贯是相关的。
【2】Consider how natural factors data are relevant to both planning and design.At the regional scale,the impact of development or change in use on a landscape must be known and evaluated before a policy to allow such action is set.An inventory of the natural factors,including geology,soils,hydrology,topography,climate,vegetation and wildlife,and the ecological relationships between them is fundamental to and understanding of the ecosystem to which change is contemplated.Equally important is an analysis of visual quality .Land use policy can thus be made on the basis of the known vulnerability of resistance of the landscape.In other circumstances the natural processes which add up to a given landscape at a give moment in its evolution may,as at Grand Canyon and other unique places,be considered a resource to be preserved,protected,and managed as a public trust.On a smaller scale,soil and geological conditions may be critical in the determination of the cost and the form of building foundations:where it is most suitable to build and where it is not.Sun,wind,and rain are important factors of design where the development of comfort zones for human activity or the growth of plants is a primary objective.Thus,in many ways natural factors influence land use,site planning,and detailer design.自然因素的考虑与规划和设计都有关系。

园艺专业英语翻译(中→英)Lesson1 part A1、protected (structure) horticulture is defined as a cultivation method taking use of heatkeeping ,chilling prevention or cooling and rainproof facilities to prevent the crops production from being influenced or seriously done by natural seasons and toartificially create a microclimate environment suitable for growing horticultural crops in cold or hot weather hat actually unfavorable to the crop development .it is also termed as out-of-season culture ,season-off culture or forcing culture .because of the season in which horticultural crops are planted is hand for their growing in open field.2、Windbreak、cold –frame 、hot-frame、 plastic-clad tunnel and greenhouse could providea variety of vegetable seeding for open field or protected culture or protect seedingof cold tolerant vegetable living through the winter ,for early planting andacquirement of early mature products.3、In respect of structure type, the largest horticultural structure area in our countryconsists of plastic tunnels and lean to houses, especially the energy-sawing solar greenhouse, which has become the dominant greenhouse type in the country. Presently the development of large greenhouse or multi-span house has been initiated. Lesson2 part A4、In horticultural crop cultivation under structure the key point of environment managementfor growers is to create optimal complex of environmental conditions for crop growth and development, as possibly as they can, according to properties and environmental demand of crop.Lesson3 part ALesson4 part A1、most soil amendments are consisted of the increasing of organic matters ,addition ofspecific nutritional elements and ph adjustment2、the soil is an important constitute of the land loamy soil must consist of soul particleswith proper ratio ,with equilibrium of nutrients ,in which contains some organic matter ,and with considerable moistureLesson5 part ALesson6 part A1、sink demand of horticultural crops extremely affects photosynthetic ,for example ,leafphotosynthesis noticeably decrease when potato tubers are removed during their growth short-term response may be stomato close effect ,but this cannot explain common continuous effects ,sometime when the source-sink ratio increases significantly ,some old leaves can renew their photosynthesis functions ,on the other hand ,rapidly growing sinks sometimes compete with leaves for mobilizable nitrogen and this results in abscission of leaves and lower photosynthesis capacity.2、It is not clear yet that how the sink demand affect photosynthesis of leaves .the simplestexplanation is that photosynthesis accumulated in leaves restrain photosynthesis .however trials for examining this hypothesis usually obtained the oppositeresults .furthermore ,in practice ,photosynthates seemly not accumulate besidechloroplasts in mesophyll cells .thus ,more research work should be done on source-sink relationship to improve yields of horticultural cropsLesson7 part A1、the development of horticultural crops product organs consist of maturity 、full ripenessand senescence stages .maturity includes physiological ripeness and horticultural ripeness the former means that in the last growth stage ,mature organs become full ripening and the later means the best growth stage of horticultural crops forharvest ,such as leaf vegetables ,when they are reaped ,they are not physiological ripe ,and flower crops are harvested when thy flower.Full ripeness is the develop stage after fruit mature some fruits can get full ripeness in trees ,while some must ripen after separated from trees .after full ripen the fleshmealiness aroma strength proper acidity and sugar ,senescence is a stoppingterminating process of living activity. In this stage, product organs quality of horticultural crops become bad and completely leaves their economical value in the endLesson8 part A1、hormone produced by seed influence fruit setting ,fruit growth and the balance of hormonesin plant2、Stone fruits can no t set their fruits when their embryos develop abnormally. pome fruitscan set without seeds ,but flesh cells grow slowly3、Gibberellins was produced after pollination with seed development gibberellins promotessynthesis of auxin , therefore ,promotes fruit setting .the fruit set and fruit growth is similar between the ovule not pollinated treated by gibberellins and those which has seed4、Gibberellins produced by apple seeds apparently restrain flower differentiation andresult in alternate fruiting .alternate fruiting is not normal in pear and many stone fruits .it is because the early occurrence of gibberellins synthesis peak which is not concurrent with flower differentiation initiation.Lesson13 part A1、pruning of fruit trees is a practice involves the heading back cuts and the thinningcuts of branches for good framework ,for regulating contradiction between growth and fruiting ,for maintaining the equilibrium between vegetative growth and propagative growth and for good sunlight exposure, to fruit early to achieve high yield and to get commodity with high quality2、the pruning methods are best determined by the characteristics of fruit species andcultivars ,the climate the soil condition and the crop developing stages and growth status .in order to get the best result ,it is useful to combine pruning with other cultural practices like fertilization ,irrigation, etc3、Reinvigoration of trees is better performed annually, which can keep fruit fromstimulating excessive sprouts .remove dead branches, sprouts and some crossing shoots.Secondly, large branches should be thinned out gradually to open tree chamber and to improve distribution of sunlight in order to simulate fruiting.Lesson15 part A1、temperature is an critical element in biological ,chemical and physiological processesof all plant species2、Temperature regulates the rate of chemical reactions ,leading to the adjustment of plantgrowth rate.3、As a important contributing factor to climate .temperature play an important role inadaptability and growth ,date of plant thus the horticultural crop types which can be cultured in a specific area rely on temperature4、Most plants can live and grow in the range of 0 to 50℃ .however low-temperaturesensitivity limit the successful cultivated regions of plantsLesson16 part A1、sprinkler irrigation is often used in maintaining and flower beds which has the specialtythe uniform water amount in its coverage .however, water waste occur when sprinkler is not limited in the area need irrigation .in addition ,evaporation result in some water loss too。

Lesson 1Part BEarly Development and Status of Plasticulture塑料栽培早期的发展和状况没有任何技术比运用农业塑料对改变园艺作物栽培的进程有更大的作用。
1948年首次采用了聚乙烯作为温室覆盖物,当时Kentucky大学的Emery Myers Emmert教授用廉价塑料取代了较昂贵的玻璃。
Emmert 博士被认为是美国的农业塑料之父,他基于农业目的,通过自己在温室、小拱棚和地膜上的研究,创立了许多关于塑料技术的理论。

Lesson 1The History and the Development of Protected CultivationSelected and rewritten from u The History and Geography of the Greenhouse by Il・ Zvi Enoch and Yaeln Enoch, in Greenhouse Ecosyslems20, echled by G・ Stanhill and H・ Zvi Enoch, a series book of Ecosystems ofthc World (Li Yaling, Shanxi Agricuhural University)This lesson briefly describes the development of the greenhouse from antiquity to the present day. Il includes a discussion of p「o(ec(ed cropping in cokband ho(・f¥ames, glass cloches, lean-to houses, winter gardens» orangeries, conservatories and glasshouses in their varied forms, and plastic-clad plant enclosures of all sizes ranging from low tunnels • walk-in tunnels, to large plastic houses・For the purpose of this lesson, the greenhouse is defined as a transparent enclosure designed to grow or temporarily protect plants ・ Thus the definition does not include enclosures for growing mushrooms or tissue cultures・In antiquity, however» there were probably no greenhouses in the sense defined here> but there were various practices adopted to provide out-of-secison flowers and vegetables・The cultivation of out-of-season plants was intensely studied in ancient Athens and Rome・ This Can be seen for instance in the work of Theophrastus [who lived from 372 to 287 BCE (before the common era)]. He mentioned moving plants into the peristyle (verandah iii a dosed courtyard of a Greek house) at night and heating soil by mixing it with decaying manure or compost.Growers in China> Mesopotamia« Egypt, Israeh Greece and Rome grew valuable plants in pots and placed them indoors at night or during cold periods to protect them ・ Sometimes» plants were grown on wheelbarrdws that could easily be brought into a grotto» cellar or room at night. Chinese plant culture may have included greenhouses that» xcording to tradition, go back to antiquity. A Chinese greenhouse(Fig. 1-1 in the text book ) consisted of a brick wall oriented east-west. On its southernside, a transparent surface consisting of bamboo sticks covered with oiled paper was placed at an angle 30 ・40 to the horizontal. During the day, the brick wall became heated by the sun and at night it released its heat ・ In add it ion> at n ight the paper window was covered by rush mats which acted as thermal insulation. Similar simple greenhouses are in use today♦ and it is claimed that they increase the night temperature by up to 69C ・In the 20th century > in both northwestern Europe and North America > there was a development from smaller to larger greenhouse units 9 usually even・span or ridge・ and furrow multi-span houses・The Use of small electrical motors allowed automated climate control, including the opening of vents ・Heating by thermsiphon hot water circulation was replaced by forced circulation・ Electrical putnps were used for irrigation and to operate shading systems, etc.Lean-to glasshouse slowly became obsolete and heating by smoke flues disappeared in the first decades of the 20thcentury・However> these changes all occurred very gradual!y・An example of thisdevelopment in the Netherlands is outlined below・Simple over-winter sheds were used in Aalsmeer, the Netherlands, up to the 1920% and storc-framcst placed against the walls to protect vines in the Westland region were photographed in 1928.At the beginning of the 20th century, 90 % of the area used for protected cultivation in the Netherlands consisted of cold frames or hotbeds (heated by decomposition of manure and compost)・ By 1950, the area was still about 30%, and in 1964 it was 10% ・The use of Dutch lights was introduced at the beginning of the 20th century. Initially, only single-span frames were used; double -light frames date from about 1920・ Comparing the building practices in the Netherlands with those in the more advanced United States» one sees that in 1904, 90 % of the glass-covered area in the Netherlands con sisted of light frames ・ while 25 % of the glass・covered area in the US A in the year 1900 was of proper glasshouses ・ The area under glass in the Netherlands increased from 1.6 km2 in 1904 to 4.0 km2 in 1912, to 32. 9 km2 in 1950, reaching 60.2 knf in 1964.Heating and carbon-dioxide fertilization of hotbed through the decomposition of mixtures of horse manure and plant residues was widely used in the Netherlands at the beginning of the last century, and remained the com IT Ion way for growing cucumbers and melons until horses were replaced by tractors in the years after the Second World War.Claassen and Haze loop (1933)mentioned that at that time flue heaters were only used by a few growen; in the Netherlands♦ whereas in Belgium* most of the 4.40 kirT used for fruit-growing in 1939 was heated by flues. Dutch greenhouses suitable tor a variety of crops were developed gradually over half a century. In 1900, at Loosduinen» a steel-framed greenhouse was built which became the forerunner for the “\Enlo Warenhuis\ a house that could be used for different crops ・ This glasshouse» first built in 1937, consists of large sheets of glass held within the grooves of the two sides of a separating narrow steel bar, permitting the maxinium transmission of light・V?nlo-typc structures (Fig・1・2) were becoming popular ill Westland of the Netherlands iii the 1950's ・ Burning natural gas for the supply of carbon dioxide to greenhouse crops began in the Netherlands in 1961» following work done by J・ Stender from the Institute of Horticultural Engineering in Wageningen, and became globally applied over the next decade・ Glossary 1.glass cloche园艺用钟形玻璃西(E钟形玻璃罩,一种通常呈钟状的罩子,主耍用丁保护植物避免严寒冻害)2.cold-and hot-frame 阳畦和温床3.Ican-to house 一面坡温室,单屋面温室4.winter garden冬季花园(或菜园)5.orangery 柑橘温室,橘园,养橘温室(a sheltered placet especially a greenhouse»used for the cultivation of orange trees in cool climates)6・ conscrvatoiy 话人室(a greenhouse。

Goals of Greenhouse Climate Control温室气候控制的目标Selected and rewritten from “Greenhouse Climate and Crop Growth and Development” by H. Challa. In: General Principles of “Protected Cultivation”, syllabus of Wageningen University(Li Y aLing, Shanxi Agricultural University)The use of climate control can influence the most important above-ground growth factors. These factors are light, CO2concentration, temperature and air humidity. The quantity of light is determined in most cases by the weather conditions outside the greenhouse, although the use of shades or supplementary lighting allows the grower to control this to some extent. Through the use of climate control, the grower has more influence over the other factors. What are the most important goals in the control of greenhouse climate? These can be summarized briefly:气候控制可以影响最重要的地上部分生长因子。

园艺学术英语作文模板英文回答:1. Horticulture: A Comprehensive Guide for Enthusiasts。
Horticulture is a broad field that encompasses the cultivation of plants for various purposes, including food production, ornamental display, and scientific research. It involves the application of scientific principles to plant growth and development, as well as the management of plant environments to optimize their productivity and aesthetic appeal.1.1. Importance of Horticulture。
Horticulture is crucial for human survival and well-being. It provides us with the majority of the food we consume, including fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices. Ornamental plants enhance the beauty of our surroundings, while horticultural research contributes to ourunderstanding of plant biology and the development of new and improved cultivars.1.2. Scope of Horticulture。

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Ladies and Gentlemen, esteemed teachers, and fellow students,Good morning/afternoon! It is my great pleasure to stand before you today to talk about a subject that not only brings beauty to our surroundings but also brings joy to our hearts—gardening.Gardening is an ancient art and science that has been practiced for thousands of years. It is not just about planting seeds and waiting for them to grow; it is about nurturing life, understanding nature, and creating a little piece of paradise in our own backyards or balconies.The Benefits of GardeningFirstly, let's talk about the benefits of gardening. Gardening is not just a hobby; it is a therapeutic activity that has numerous physical and mental health benefits.Physical Health:Gardening is a form of exercise. It involves bending, stretching, and physical labor, which can help improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles, and enhance flexibility. Additionally, spending time outdoors can increase your vitamin D intake and reduce the risk of certain diseases.Mental Health:Gardening has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety. The act of nurturing plants can be incredibly soothing and grounding. It allows us to connect with nature and find a sense of peace and tranquility in our busy lives.Environmental Benefits:Gardening is also an environmentally friendly activity. It helps to reduce carbon footprints by promoting the growth of greenery, which absorbs carbon dioxide and produces oxygen. It also helps to conserve water and reduce pollution by using natural fertilizers and avoiding chemical pesticides.The Joy of CreationNow, let's delve into the joy of creation that gardening brings. Thereis something profoundly satisfying about watching a seed germinate, a sapling grow, and a flower bloom. It is a testament to the power of life and the beauty of nature.Choosing the Right PlantsWhen you start your gardening journey, the first step is to choose the right plants. Consider the climate, soil type, and amount of sunlight in your garden. Some plants thrive in full sun, while others prefer shade. There are countless varieties of flowers, herbs, vegetables, and fruits to choose from, each with its own unique charm and beauty.Nurturing Your GardenOnce you have chosen your plants, the real work begins. It is important to water them regularly, provide them with the necessary nutrients, and protect them from pests and diseases. This requires patience, dedication, and a deep understanding of the needs of each plant.The Beauty of DiversityA well-maintained garden is a mosaic of colors, textures, and scents. It is a place where nature's diversity is celebrated. From vibrant flowers to lush greenery, from towering trees to delicate vines, a garden is a reflection of the rich tapestry of life on Earth.The Importance of Community GardeningCommunity gardening is another aspect of gardening that deserves our attention. It brings people together, fosters a sense of community, and promotes sustainability. By working together, we can create beautifuland productive gardens that benefit everyone.Gardening as an Educational ToolGardening can also be a powerful educational tool. It teaches us about biology, ecology, and the interconnectedness of all living things. It encourages us to think critically about our environment and the role we play in it.The Legacy of GardeningLastly, gardening leaves a legacy. The plants we grow today will bloom and bear fruit for years to come. They will continue to bring joy and beauty to our lives and the lives of future generations.ConclusionIn conclusion, gardening is a gift that keeps on giving. It is a way to connect with nature, improve our health, and create something beautiful. Whether you have a large backyard or a small balcony, you can find joy and fulfillment in gardening.Let us embrace the art of gardening and create green havens in our lives. Let us nurture the soil, care for the plants, and celebrate the beautyof life. Together, we can make our world a greener and more vibrant place.Thank you for your attention. I hope this speech has inspired you tostart your own gardening journey and discover the joy it brings.The End。
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园艺专业英语翻译(中→英)Lesson1 part A1、protected (structure) horticulture is defined as a cultivation method taking use of heat keeping ,chillingprevention or cooling and rainproof facilities to prevent the crops production from being influenced or seriously done by natural seasons and to artificially create a microclimate environment suitable for growing horticultural crops in cold or hot weather hat actually unfavorable to the cropdevelopment .it is also termed as out-of-season culture ,season-off culture or forcing culture .because of the season in which horticultural crops are planted is hand for their growing in open field.2、Windbreak、cold –frame 、hot-frame、plastic-clad tunnel and greenhouse could provide a variety ofvegetable seeding for open field or protected culture or protect seeding of cold tolerant vegetableliving through the winter ,for early planting and acquirement of early mature products.3、In respect of structure type, the largest horticultural structure area in our country consists of plastictunnels and lean to houses, especially the energy-sawing solar greenhouse, which has become thedominant greenhouse type in the country. Presently the development of large greenhouse ormulti-span house has been initiated.Lesson2 part A4、In horticultural crop cultivation under structure the key point of environment management for growersis to create optimal complex of environmental conditions for crop growth and development, aspossibly as they can, according to properties and environmental demand of crop.Lesson3 part ALesson4 part A1、most soil amendments are consisted of the increasing of organic matters ,addition of specific nutritionalelements and ph adjustment2、the soil is an important constitute of the land loamy soil must consist of soul particles with properratio ,with equilibrium of nutrients ,in which contains some organic matter ,and with considerablemoistureLesson5 part ALesson6 part A1、sink demand of horticultural crops extremely affects photosynthetic ,for example ,leaf photosynthesisnoticeably decrease when potato tubers are removed during their growth short-term response may be stomato close effect ,but this cannot explain common continuous effects ,sometime when thesource-sink ratio increases significantly ,some old leaves can renew their photosynthesisfunctions ,on the other hand ,rapidly growing sinks sometimes compete with leaves for mobilizable nitrogen and this results in abscission of leaves and lower photosynthesis capacity.2、It is not clear yet that how the sink demand affect photosynthesis of leaves .the simplest explanation isthat photosynthesis accumulated in leaves restrain photosynthesis . however trials for examining this hypothesis usually obtained the opposite results .furthermore ,in practice ,photosynthates seemly notaccumulate beside chloroplasts in mesophyll cells .thus ,more research work should be done onsource-sink relationship to improve yields of horticultural cropsLesson7 part A1、the development of horticultural crops product organs consist of maturity 、full ripeness and senescencestages .maturity includes physiological ripeness and horticultural ripeness the former means that in the last growth stage ,mature organs become full ripening and the later means the best growth stage of horticultural crops for harvest ,such as leaf vegetables ,when they are reaped ,they are notphysiological ripe ,and flower crops are harvested when thy flower.Full ripeness is the develop stage after fruit mature some fruits can get full ripeness in trees ,whilesome must ripen after separated from trees .after full ripen the flesh mealiness aroma strength proper acidity and sugar ,senescence is a stopping terminating process of living activity. In this stage,product organs quality of horticultural crops become bad and completely leaves their economicalvalue in the endLesson8 part A1、hormone produced by seed influence fruit setting ,fruit growth and the balance of hormones in plant2、Stone fruits can no t set their fruits when their embryos develop abnormally. pome fruits can set withoutseeds ,but flesh cells grow slowly3、Gibberellins was produced after pollination with seed development gibberellins promotes synthesis ofauxin , therefore ,promotes fruit setting .the fruit set and fruit growth is similar between the ovule not pollinated treated by gibberellins and those which has seed4、Gibberellins produced by apple seeds apparently restrain flower differentiation and result in alternatefruiting .alternate fruiting is not normal in pear and many stone fruits .it is because the earlyoccurrence of gibberellins synthesis peak which is not concurrent with flower differentiationinitiation.Lesson13 part A1、pruning of fruit trees is a practice involves the heading back cuts and the thinning cuts of branches forgood framework ,for regulating contradiction between growth and fruiting ,for maintaining theequilibrium between vegetative growth and propagative growth and for good sunlight exposure, to fruit early to achieve high yield and to get commodity with high quality2、the pruning methods are best determined by the characteristics of fruit species and cultivars ,the climatethe soil condition and the crop developing stages and growth status .in order to get the best result ,it is useful to combine pruning with other cultural practices like fertilization ,irrigation, etc3、Reinvigoration of trees is better performed annually, which can keep fruit from stimulating excessivesprouts .remove dead branches, sprouts and some crossing shoots. Secondly, large branches should be thinned out gradually to open tree chamber and to improve distribution of sunlight in order tosimulate fruiting.Lesson15 part A1、temperature is an critical element in biological ,chemical and physiological processes of all plant species2、Temperature regulates the rate of chemical reactions ,leading to the adjustment of plant growth rate.3、As a important contributing factor to climate .temperature play an important role in adaptability andgrowth ,date of plant thus the horticultural crop types which can be cultured in a specific area rely on temperature4、Most plants can live and grow in the range of 0 to 50℃ .however low-temperature sensitivity limit thesuccessful cultivated regions of plantsLesson16 part A1、sprinkler irrigation is often used in maintaining and flower beds which has the specialty the uniformwater amount in its coverage .however, water waste occur when sprinkler is not limited in the area need irrigation .in addition ,evaporation result in some water loss too。