英语诗歌简介English Poetry

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b. To induce the reader a kind of attitude to something or coalition with something else. Because I could not stop for Death— He kindly stopped for me— The Carriage held but just Ourselves— And Immortality.
1. The genealogical level
2. The typographical level



他百思不得其解 对郭靖说了这样两句话: “你知道我平生最恨什么吗? 我最恨落在傻瓜手里”



“是一种用美的文字……音律的绘画的文字…… 表 写人的情绪中的意境。” -宗白华,《美学散步》 “画者,天地无声之诗;诗者,天地无色之画。” -叶燮 “Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is a speaking picture.”----Simonides (556 BC - 468 BC) (画是无声的诗,诗是有声的画。) Painting (spatial art) presents points in space while poetry, as temporal art ,presents points in succession. 黑格尔认为,作为语言艺术的诗歌是第三种艺术。 绘画提供明确的外在形象(form),但在表现内心生 活方面还有欠缺,于是才有了音乐(melody);音乐在 表现内心生活的特殊具体方面欠明确,于是才有了 诗歌(language)。 8

We slowly drove—He knew no haste And I had put away My labor and my leisure too, For His Civility— We passed the School, where Children strove At Recess—in the Ring We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain— We passed the Setting Sun— … (Emily Dickinson)

The Externals of Poetry ---Rhythm of English Verse: Accentual Syllable Verse ---Rhythm of English Verse: Free Verse ---Patterns of Sounds: Alliteration ---Patterns of Sounds: Rhyme ---Patterns of Sounds: Onomatopoeia ---Poetic License ---Creative Licenses

意象有两种,它可以产生于人的头脑中, 这时它是“主观的” 。也许是外因作用于 大脑,如果是这样,外因便是如此被摄入 头脑的,它们被融合,被传导,并且以一 个不同于它们自身的意象出现。其次,意 象可以是“客观的”,攫住某些外部场景 或行为的情感,将这些东西原封不动地带 给大脑,那种漩涡冲洗掉它们的一切,仅 剩下本质的、最主要的、戏剧性的特质, 于是它们就以外部事物的本来面目出现。

Classification: visual imagery (occurring most frequently in poetry), auditory imagery, olfactory imagery (a smell), gustatory imagery (a taste), tactile imagery (touch, such as hardness, softness, wetness, heat, cold, etc.), organic imagery (an internal sensation: hunger, thirst, fatigue, nausea, etc.), kinesthetic imagery (movement or tension in the muscles or joints)
Function: a. To explain or clarify or make vivid what one tries to say, usually in figurative language, e.g. Simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia, synaesthesia, etc.

Poetry: a writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through its meaning, sound, and rhythm;… a quality that stirs the imagination (the wings of poetry) or gives a sense of heightened and more meaningful existence The Nature of Poetry: imaginative awareness of thought, feeling or view of the experience and of the world

c. Symbolic meanings suggest something more. ---“锦瑟无端五十弦,一弦一柱思华年。”(李商 隐) ) ---“黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛 我却用它寻找光明”(顾城,“一代人”)


猛力一推 双手如流 总是千山万水 总是回不来的眼睛 遥望里 你被望成千翼之鸟 弃天空而去 你已不在翅膀上 聆听里 你被听成千孔之笛 音道深如望向往昔的凝目 猛力一推 竟被反锁在走不出去 的透明里 (罗门, “窗”)
我做的馅饼 是全天下


How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace. I love thee to the level of everyday's most quiet need, by sun and candlelight. I love thee freely, as men might strive for Right; I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise. I love thee with the passion put to use in my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose with my lost saints,––I love thee with the breath, smiles, tears, of all my life!–and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death.

What is poetry? The Internals of Poetry ---Imagery ---Metaphor ---Ambiguous Images and poems without Images The Subject Matters of English Poetry ---Philosophical Poems ---Poems of Death ---Poems of Nature ---Poems of Love
3. The technical level: the foot formation, the line structure, the stanza form, the rhyme type, the rhyme scheme (韵律)and the syntactical form. 4. The intellectual level: the internal qualities, features and functions. The highest text form of literary expression A fresh and surprising way that is applied in literature to guide people to realize and understand the world ( 文学以一种令人感到新奇、惊异的手法引导人们 去了解和认识世界。) “Poetry is the image of man and nature.” - Wordsworth (catharsis) …poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.”-- Wordsworth 7

Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here


I felt a Funeral, in my Brain And Mourners to and fro Kept treading – treading – till it seemed That Sense was breaking through – (Emily Dickinson) -- “生命便是 死神唇边 的笑”(李金发,“有感”) --“网” (北岛,“生活”)

六义:风、雅、 “感人心者,莫先乎情,莫始乎言,莫切 颂、赋、比、 乎声,莫深乎义。诗者,根情,苗言,华 兴 声,实义。”-白居易
诗“是人类最想说/ 而又没有说过/ 而又非说不可 / 而又只好这样说的话。”-绿原 “诗人之言,字字为我心中所欲言, 而又非我之 所能自言。”--王国维 “你们问什么是诗/ 我把桃花说成夕阳// 如果你 们再问/ 到底诗是何物?/ 我突然感到一阵寒颤/ 居然有人/ 把我呕吐出的血/ 说成了桃花”-洛夫

The function of Poetry: to stir, evoke and create emotional response, imaginative awareness and sense of meaningful existence

(collective body of images; a picture of idea in one’s mind-a mental picture; used to express abstract feelings or things.