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I .词性转换

A. v.---n. pollute ________ act _______ protect _______ inspire _______ celebrate ________ collect _______ compete ________ educate______ build _______ create ______ decide ________

n.---adj.fame ________ danger ______ wood ______ science _______

care_______ wonder ________ health ________ wind _______ rain_________ south_________

adj.---n. different ________ important _______ patient _______

adj.---adv. Slow _____ wide ______ sudden_____ real______ quick

______ loud ______ beautiful _____


although , not only …but also , but , so ,if , when

1._______ shark fin soup is expensive , it is popular in Southern China.

2.I want to be an engineer ______ I grow up .

3.Nothing is waste ______ you have a creative mind .

4. We should _______ learn English ________ use English .

5. Fewer cars are good for our environment , ______ pleas use public transportation .

6. I really want to help you , _____ I don’t have time .

IV. 用正确动词正确形式填空。

1.My hometown used to ________(have) clean air and blue sky .

2.In the last few years , people __________(kill) around 70 million sharks.

3.We should ________(turn) off the lights to save electricity .

4.The air is badly __________(pollute).

5. We _____________( try) to save the earth now .

V. cost , take , spend ,pay 辨识

1.Riding bikes doesn’t _______anything .

2. We should _______ more time practicing English writing .

3. It _______ us five years to build such a creative house .

4. Don’t forget to _______ for the drinks .

VI.定语从句(用which , that , who 填空)

1.Amy isn’t the only person ______ is good at recycling .

2.Jessica uses old clothes _______ people don’t wear anymore to

make bags .

3.She lives in a house ______ she built herself out of rubbish .

4.Do you know the woman _______ won a prize from the Help

Save Planet Society ?


A: Jason and Susan , ___________________?

J: To cut down pollution , we should ________________ instead of driving . S: Yeah, or ride a bike . There are other advantages of bike riding . It’s ________________ and it doesn’t cost anything .

A: __________! What about waste pollution ?

B: Mmm, I think simple things like ___________ to go shopping can help . I started doing that a year ago .

J: Me, too. Also , I never take wooden chopsticks or plastic forks when I ____________. I use ones at home .

S: And remember to _____________ and keep ________ clean and beautiful for everyone .

A: So together , our actions can _________ and ________ a better future . (B)

A : _________ . Julia , it saves electricity .

B:Oh, I usually do that . I was just ________.

A; I see. I’ve just read a book which gives ideas about how we can ___________. For example , you _____ turn off the shower when you are _________.

B:_______________.Ihave very short hair . It only takes a few minutes to wash . __________does it say ?

A: You should ___________ when you go shopping.

B: Oh, that’s easy . I’ll do that _______. What else ?

A: People should stop ________ and start _________.

B: No way . It would ______ me 45 minutes to get to school by bike .

A: But it is ________ the environment ! _______ , I like riding my bike . B: Yes , and you also live close to school.

VII. 写作:How to save the earth ?



1.What problems are there on the earth ?

2.Why is the earth badly polluted ?

第二段.具体说明我们能够采取的措施。(可参考教材中部分内容)What should we do to save the earth ? (针对不同种类污染所做的具体事情,如何做能够节约能源。)

