4)翻译技巧(英语)Translation strategies:1. foreignization / alienization (foreignizing method)异化/洋化and domestication/ adaptation (domesticating method)归化Foreignization: If the translator’s preference is placed on preserving the language and cultural differences of the Source Text, we call this kind of approaches or its translation foreignizing or foreignization, or alienization.Domestication: It refers the method or practice of adapting the translation to the norms and values of the Target Language and culture is called domesticating, or domestication, or adaptation.For example,C-E谋事在⼈,成事在天。
Man proposes, Heaven disposes. (Yang: 90)Man proposes, God disposes. (Hawkes: 152)注:杨宪益利⽤了⼀个英语谚语,但把其中的“God”改成了“Heaven”,从⽽保留了原有的宗教⾊彩。
Translation strategy翻译策略
Translation strategy1. Translation1.1 Definition: Translation is the replacement of a representation of a text in one language by a representation of an equivalent(等值) text in a second language.(Meetam and Hudson, 1972, 713)1.2 Translation; process and product (it is this distinction which we wish to take up now. In the definition we have just seen, the term 'translation' is given two meanings. We would suggest that there are, in fact, three distinguishable meanings for the word. It can refer to:)(1) translating: the process (to translate; the activity rather than the tangible object);(2) a translation: the product of the process of translation (i.e. the translated text);(3) translation: the abstract concept which encompasses both the process of translating and the product of that process.2. Translator2.1 Definition: The translator has been defined as a bilingual mediating agent between monolingual communication participants in two different language communities. (House,1977,1)(i.e. The traslator decodes messages transmitted in one language and re-encodes them in another.)3. The translation process(when we know the definition of translation, the question which immediately arises is: how dose this happen? The answer is in the figure: a much simplified outline of a more comprehensive model of the translation process which will be presented.)翻译中的分析:主要指对原语的层次组合进行结构分析,进行这种分析的目的就是为了从结构上把握意义。
Translation Strategies
Content Smoothness
1To kill two birds with one stone 异化:一石二鸟 归化:一箭双雕,一举两得 2Great leap forward 归化:大跃进 3keep pace with the times 归化:与时俱进
Foreignizing translation
Translation Strategies
Group 1
• You are too successful as a failed modal • Translation:作为失败的典型,你实在是太成功了
• I can’t take it anymore • Translation:我受不了了
• cultural Translation
famous translator: 王文炯 plus 林语堂
• Inexperienced people get stars in their eyes when they think of improving the world.
Translation method
Translation standard
Into individual
Content Formation Smoothness
Transfer the meaning or
• I am all my ears • Translation:我在洗耳恭听
• It’s all my eye • Translation:我根本不相信,胡说八道
unit 2 basic translation strategies 翻译方法
AdvertisingAdvertising has become a very specialized activity in modern times. In the business world of today, supply is usually greater than demand. There is great competition between different manufacturers of the same kind of product to persuade customers to buy their own particular brand. They always have to remind the customer of the name and the qualities of their produce. They do this by advertising.The manufacturer advertises in the newspaper and on posters. He sometimes pays for songs about his product in commercial radio programmes. He employs attractive salesgirls to distribute samples of it. He organizes competitions, with prizes for the winners. He often advertises on the screens of local cinemas. Most important of all, in countries that have television he has advertisements put into programmes that will accept them. Manufacturers often spend large sums of money on advertisements. We buy a particular product because we think that it is the best. We usually think so because of the advertisements that say so. Some people never pause to ask themselves if the advertisements are telling the truth.My Version:在现代,广告已经成为一种非常专业的活动。
2.1术语定义2.1.1翻译策略(Translation strategy)“策略”,是指“适合具体情况的做事原则和方式方法”(辞海编辑委员会,2009:231),是“可以实现目标的方案集合。
2.1.2翻译方法(Translation method)“方法”,是指“解决思想、说话、行动等问题的门路、程序”(中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室,2002:544),是“为达到某种目的而采取的途径、步骤、手段等。
2.1.3翻译技巧(Translation technique)“技巧”,是“表现在艺术、工艺、体育等方面巧妙的技能”(中国社会科学院语言研究所词典编辑室,2002:916 )。
1. Repetition(重复法)
重复也属于增词。翻译和写作一样。 本应力求简 练,尽量省略一些可有可无的词;有时为了明确、 强调或生动, 却往往需要将一些关键性的词加以 重复。例如: (1)为了明确重复
(2)为了强调重复 为了强调,汉语句子中往往重复关键性的词,以 使读者留下深刻印象,汉译英时往往可以采用同 样的重复手段。 汉语原文中有词的重复,译成英语时可以保持同 样的词的重复。
Translation Techniques
Teaching Plan
Teaching Contents:
1. Introduction to the functions of translation techniques 2. Introduction to the 8 commonly-used techniques 1) repetition(重复法) 2) amplification(增译法 ) 3) omission(/省译法/减译法 ) 4) conversion(词类转移法 ) 5) inversion (词序调整法) 6) division(分译法) 7) negation(正说反译, 反说正译法) 8) the change of the voices(语态变换法)
Eight Commonly-used Translation Techniques
1. repetition(重复法) 2. amplification(增译法 ) 3. omission(/省译法/减译法 ) 4. conversion(词类转移法 ) 5. inversion (词序调整法) 6. division(分译法) 7. negation(正说反译, 反说正译法) 8. the change of the voices(语态变换法)
英译汉_Lecture_3 Translation Strategies
1. to kill two birds with one stone 直译:一石二鸟 意译:一箭双雕,一举两得
2. a drop in the bucket 直译: 一桶水中的一滴 意译: 沧海一粟;九牛一毛;微不足道
3. You are flattering me. 1) 你吹捧我! 2) 你抬举我! 你拍我马屁! 过奖了! 哪里哪里! 岂敢,岂敢!
1. Literal Translation
♣ ♣ ♣
word-for-word translation to keep the form and content of the original language intact. premise ∶ there is the similar expression both in the source language and target language.
Versions 2 are often used to show one’s politeness rather than real modesty. However, “You flatter me” in English is often used when one feels he is really overestimated, and has been asked or expected to do something really beyond him. So it is an indirect refusal or denial.
Lecture 3
Translation Strategies
Translation Strategies: 1. Literal Translation & Liberal translation Domestication & Foreignization
Translation Strategies of English Humor幽默英语的翻译策略
Translation Strategies of English Humor幽默英语的翻译策略Abstract: English humor is affected by culture,history and religion. And analyzing English humor can improve one’s humor sense and learn many practical ways of expressing humor. This chapter introduces four common translation skills of English humors.Key words: humor sense; translation strategies;English humor摘要:幽默英语深受文化,历史和宗教的影响。
关键词:幽默感翻译策略幽默英语1. Literal translationLiteral translation means translating literally. Situational English humor refers to the humor whose words don’t have humorous factors, but if put them in a special situation; it will produce its unique humor charm. For example:The doctor says,“Ah, I’m glad you are awake.I am afraid that I have some mixed news.”The man says,“Don’t hold back, Doc, tell me the bad news.”The doctor says,“It was worse than we thought;we had to amputate your leg.”The man then asked,“What is the good news then?”The doctor replies,“The man in the next bed wants to buy your slippers.”译:医生:“很高兴你终于醒了。
L3-translation strategies
You should keep your nose out of here.
你别管闲事。 你别管闲事。
词汇翻译中的误区 He is the last man to do this. 他最不配干这件事。 Every life has its roses and thorns.
人生有苦有甜。 人生有苦有甜。
Domestication Foreignization to kill two birds with one stone All roads lead to Rome.
domesticating method
归化是采用民族中心主义态度, 归化是采用民族中心主义态度 , 是外语文本符合 译语的文化价值观,把原作者带入译语文化。 译语的文化价值观 , 把原作者带入译语文化 。 译 者在翻译的时候,心中既要想着原作及原作作者, 者在翻译的时候 , 心中既要想着原作及原作作者 , 尽可能的把原文的内容和风格准确而生动的表达 出来;同时,译者还要想着译文的读者, 出来 ; 同时 , 译者还要想着译文的读者 , 翻译出 来的东西要尽可能接近读者, 来的东西要尽可能接近读者 , 便于读者理解和接 受。
The Theory and Practice of Translation
Lecture Three
Translation Strategies
翻译过程中具体的操作方法称为“方法”,那些 能够包含多种方法的术语,如直译法、意译法、 异化翻译法、归化翻译法等,类归为翻译“策 略”。
直译应注意的误区 否定句型中的直译误区 I do not know all of them.
英汉对比翻译策略和技巧 ppt课件
• Strategies of translation involve the basic tasks of choosing the foreign text to be translated and developing a method to translate it. Both of these tasks are determined by various factors: cultural, economic, political.
翻译技巧一般包括: 改变词类(conversion) 选词用字(diction) 词序调整(inversion) 省略(omission) 增词(amplification) 重复(repetition) 反译法(negation) 分译法(division)等
将SL中的某种词类译成TL时不一定也要译成 这个词类,有时根据TL的需要应转译成另一种 词类。
翻译时必须在理解原意的基础上,考虑表达 这个意思TL要用什么词最为恰当。
原则上,翻译时对原文内容不应该做任何删节 或增补。但由于两种语言表达方式不同,把原 文信息译成译文信息时,常常需要删去或增添 一些词。
英语中没有量词、助词,汉译时应该根据上下 文的需要增加量词和助词。
(literal) translation vs sense-for-sense (liberal) translation adapted vs alienated translation domesticating vs foreignizing translation
我们看见一个杂技演员正站在他的头上 正倒立着。
ion is to preserve the content and the form of the source language, keeps the original message form, including construction of sentence, meaning of the original words, the figures, metaphor, images, and national, local coloring in the original.
例句: I talked to him with brutal frankness. (1)我同他谈话用粗暴的坦率。(逐词 翻译) (2)我同他谈话时,使用了令人不快的真 诚的语言。(直译) (3)我对他讲的话,虽然逆耳,却是忠言。 (意译)我同他谈话,粗暴但坦率。
2. His irritation could not withstand the silent beauty of the night. (1)他的烦恼不能承受夜晚宁静的美丽。 (逐词翻译) (2)他的烦恼经不起这宁静的良宵美景 的感染。(直译) (3)面对这宁静的良宵美景,他的烦恼 不禁涣然冰释了。(意译)
第一讲 翻译策略 第二讲 翻译原则 第三讲 词汇翻译 第四讲 句子翻译 第五讲 商务翻译 第六讲 应用文翻译 第七讲 论说文翻译 第八讲 法律与科技翻译 第九讲 新闻与旅游翻译 第十讲 八级翻译专题
英汉对比翻译策略和技巧 ppt课件
• Strategies of translation involve the basic tasks of choosing the foreign text to be translated and developing a method to translate it. Both of these tasks are determined by various factors: cultural, economic, political.
How hard to calm the heart!
英语中没有量词、助词,汉译时应该根据上下 文的需要增加量词和助词。
翻译时如果用正面表达译文出现困难,无 法通顺表达,则不妨采用反面表达,或将反面 表达改用正面表达,这样可以使译文比较通顺 而与原意并无出入。
英语长难句比较多见,而汉语句子一般比 较精短。为了符合汉语表达习惯,英语长句常 采用拆句分译法,将长句化为短句。
• Let’s revise our safety and sanitary regulations.
• entlemen may cry, peace, peace --- but there is no peace.
• 先生们尽管可以高呼和平,和平!但是依然没有和 平。
翻译时必须在理解原意的基础上,考虑表达 这个意思TL要用什么词最为恰当。
英汉互译简明教程Translation Techniques
Choice of Word Meanings
Choice of Word Meanings According to Their Parts of Speech
Choice of Word Meanings According to Different Collocation.
Choice of Meaning Shifts Between the Abstract and the Concrete.
country. (save food: “把食物放起来”)
They live frugally to accumulate more funds for the state .
II. Choice of Word Meanings According to Different Collocation.
fields of discourse. Therefore, a translator should try to find it
contextual meaning in TL. For example:
His eyes were warm and fierce and bright and his moustache was
Formal(正式) Consultative(商议)
Casual (随意) Intimate (亲密)
For example:
Linguistic Terms
Sample Words
Chapter 3 Translation Strategies
Chapter 3 Translation Strategies1. Translation Methods2. Translation Strategies1. Translation Methods1.1 Definition of Literal and Free/Liberal Translation1.2 Debates at home and abroad1.1 Definition of Literal and Free/Liberal TranslationLiteral translation: also called word-for-word translation, is ideally the segmentation of the SLT into individual words and TL rendering of those word-segments one at a time.Professor Liu Zhongde(1994:172) defines literal translation as follows: “In the process of translation, literal translation treats sentences as basic units and at the same time takes the whole passage into consideration; a translator who attaches great importance to literal translation does his or her best to reproduce the ideas and writing style of the original work, retaining in the version as many rhetorical devices and sentence structures of the original as possible.”Eg:1. He is said to be a rough diamond.人们说他是一块浑金璞玉。
• 归化:指恪守本族文化的语言传 统,回归地道的本族语表达方 式。
• 异化:指在翻译方法上迁就外来 文化的特点,吸纳外语表达方式.
• 异化和归化是在1ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ95年由美国翻译理论家劳伦 斯·韦努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)在《译者的隐形》 (The Translator’s Invisibility)一书中提出来的。
• sense for sense;
• scarifying the form while keeping the content and spirit
• conform to the linguistic and textual norms of the target language and culture.
• She got up early, went to the town and saw her
public father. Public father should be “father in
Examples for liberal translation:
• It rains cats and dogs / at sixes and sevens /Adam’s apple • Little fish does not eat big fish • 直译:小鱼不吃大鱼; • 意译:胳膊拧不过大腿
1. Somehow our path took us towards the park.
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Translation StrategiesOf English Business Contract英语三班1112013005 杨娇娇摘要在国际经济贸易活动中,商务合同是一种重要的法律文件依据,商贸英语已成为必不可少的语言交际工具,它也是英文经济贸易合同的基点。
AbstractBusiness contract is on important legal document during the International trade which makes business English as an essential language tool to the English economic trade. More and more people, who like English and law, hope to know about English business contact in order to accurately understand, translate and make theses contracts. International business contact has the features of varied categories, vast coverage, and complex content which special translation skills to translate. In this term paper, it will discuss and illustrate the translation skills and principles as well as the common mistakes and its reasons based on the features of contract. It will also give solutions to the problems that come into contract translation.1. IntroductionWith the constant deep development of the policy of Market Economy and the Reform and Open policy to the outside world of our country, the market competitivesystem of China has made a further progress. The business trade with the foreign country has become so much frequent that we have got more and more opportunity to cooperate with the foreign company with the widen of the scale of the enterprises concerning foreign affairs. So, it has become an imperative part to draft, negotiate and sign a contract. In this paper, brief analysis will be given to several aspects on translation skills and strategies of the English business contract.2. Translation Strategies of English ContractA best translation strategy means that how can make a word or a sentence read like the native language both in its style and meaning. Literal translation, free translation, domesticating translation and foreignzing translation are translation strategies. In this part, brief introduction will be given to the application of translation methods in English contract translation. What is more, more attention will be given to basic translation methods in the translation of English business contract.2.1 Principles of English Business Contract TranslationAlong with different principles put forward by different scholars, translators usually hold the view that the principles proposed by Professor Liu Fagong in his Exploring into the Principles of Chinese-English Business English Contract. Professor Liu puts forward the view that the major principles of business translation should be “faithfulness and exactness”.2.1.1 Faithfulness“Faithfulness”means that the information must be equivalent with the information in source language, Information transmitting is the core of business contract, and the information should be equivalent. For example:(14) A partial average loss under 3%of the insured amount will not be recoverable but one amounting to or exceeding 3% will be paid. (Translation: 单独平均损失低于所保金额的3%时,不赔偿,达到或超过3%时则赔偿。
) Here, translator mi sunderstood the term “partial average loss”. The term “partial average term” should be translated into Chinese “单独海损”. Translator’s misunderstanding leads to the failure of information transmitting.2.1.2 ExactnessExactness demands translators to choose the accurate words in translation, which can transmit the equivalent information with the one in source language. Accuracy in both understanding and choosing word is the first condition to guarantee the high quality of translation. For example:(15) Party A shall have a right of first refusal whenever Party B wishes to sell any of its shares in the Group. (Translation: 乙方任何时候有意出售其持有之任何集团股份,甲方一律拥有优先拒绝权。
)This translation completely deviates from the “exactness” spirit. The false resort impute to the misunderstanding of the phrase “right of first refusal”(优先购买权).2.2 The Mistakes in Translation English Business ContractA lot of mistakes are found in the English business contract translation due to the special features of the business contract; there are a lot of difficulties in the translation of it, such as the difficulties in the translation of the jargons, the difficulties in the translation of Abbreviations and the obstacles in dealing with the complex sentence structures. Only when the difficulties mentioned above are solved properly, can an excellent translation version be gained. In the following parts, some detailed information.For example:…the subcontractor… shall make available to the contractor all relevant planning and reporting documents(daily, weekly, and monthly progress reports, accident and security reports, payrolls, list of labor staff and expatriates.The “payroll” in this sentence cannot be translated as “工资单”. However, the “payroll” should be translated as “计算报告” . (Translation:“……分包商……应向承包商提供所有相关的计划和报告文件(每日、每周和每月的进度报告、事故及安全报告、计算报告和劳务职员及外籍人员名单”。