国际货代英语完整讲义 Unit 12 Customs and Port Procedures

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国际货运代理专业英语 Unit 12 Customs and Port Procedures


1-1 课文:Customs clearance in the import-export trade is one of the traditional functions of a freight forwarder. A freight forwarder should have a working knowledge of procedures prevalent in ports in order to provide an efficient service to clients.

注释:customs clearance: 结关,清关,通关import-export trade: 进出口贸易traditional: 传统的,惯例的 function: 功能,作用,职责 working knowledge: 能够实际应用的 procedure: 程序,手续 prevalent: 普遍的,流行的 efficient: 有效率的,生效的 client: 客户


1-2 课文:The basic customs laws or regulations applicable to the arrival and departure of ships and to goods imported or exported are more or less the same in most countries although they may differ in procedural and documentary details.

注释:customs laws: 海关法规 regulation: 规则,规章 applicable: 适用的arrival: 到港 departure: 离港 more or less: 或多或少 differ: 不同,不一致procedural and documentary details: 程序和文件的细节


1-3 课文:But in several countries there is legislation for controlling and regulating imports and exports. The rules or regulations issued under such legislation will also have to be followed in customs clearance.

注释:several: 在这里为“个别的,单独的”意思legislation:立法,法律的制定(或通过) controlling: 控制 regulating: 调节 follow in: 跟随,跟从




2-1 课文:A vessel entering a country from any place outside has to call first at a port which is indicated by the Government as customs port.

注释:outside:外界的,外面的 call at a port: 挂靠,停靠(港口)indicate: 指定,指出 government: 政府 customs port: 海关港口


2-2 课文:However, the vessel can start unloading goods only after the customs authorities grant the necessary permit, called “Entry Inwards”, to the vessel on submission by the master or agent of the vessel of and “Import Manifest” containing particulars of the cargo on board in the prescribed form.

注释:start doing sth. 开始做某事 unloading: 卸货 customs authorities: 海关当局 grant: 授予,同意 necessary: 必需的,必要的 permit: 通行证,许可证 Entry Inwards: 进口报关单 submission: 呈递,递交Import Manifest: 进口载货清单;进口舱单 particulars: 消息信息,资料 prescribed form: 规定形式的,规定格式的(prescribed: 规定的,指定的 form:格式,形式)


2-3 递交进口载货清单的同时,下列文件也可能需要一起提交:

1.Certificates like the load line 载重线证明 (Certificates: 证明,证书 load line: 载重线)

2.Safety radio telegraphy and safety equipment 安全无线电报和安全设备 (safety radio telegraphy: 安全无线电报 safety equipment: 安全设备)

3. Certificate of registry 登记证书 (registry: 注册,登记)

4. Port clearance from the last port of call 上一个挂靠港的清关单 (port of call: 挂靠港)

5.Crew list 船员名单

6.Stores list 物料清单

7.Declaration regarding personal property of officers and crew 船长和船员有关私人财产的报关(证明)(declaration:报关声明,宣布 personal: 私人的,个人的property: 财产,所有物)


3-1 课文:Export goods can be loaded on to the vessel only if the necessary permit, “Entry Outwards”, is given by the customs authorities and proper documents duly passed by the customs are delivered by the exporters to the master or the person in charge of the ship.

注释:Entry Outwards出口报关单 proper: 适当的,正确的 duly: 适时地 in charge of: 负责,经营,照顾


3-2 课文:A vessel which has brought any imports or has loaded exports can leave the port only when written permission, known as “port clearance”, is granted by the customs authorities.

注释:import: 在这里指“进口货,输入商品” export: 在这里指“出口货,输出商品” written: 书面的,成文的 permission: 许可,允许 port clearance: 结关单课文意思:任何运入进口商品或装运出口商品的船舶只有得到了海关当局授予的书面许可——结关单,才能离港。

3-3 课文:Application for port clearance has to be made before the intended departure of the vessel and has to be accompanied by the Export Manifest showing particulars of the cargo loaded and such documents as may be required by the customs authorities.

注释:application: 申请,请求 intended: 有意的,故意的 accompany: 附上,伴随Export Manifest: 出口载货清单,出口舱单 particular: 详细说明,资料课文意思:在船要离港之前必须申请结关并同时附上表明货物详细情况的出口载货清单和其他海关当局所要求的这样的文件。


4-1 课文:All import cargo has to be landed at the customs port and should not be removed out customs control without the written permission of the customs authorities.

注释:land: 靠岸,到达,登岸 remove: 移动,搬走,拿走 without:没有,无 ...
