越狱简介 英文版22页PPT

Michael Scofield 迈克· 斯科菲尔德
编号:94941 所在位置:普通犯人A区,40号牢房 所犯罪行:持枪抢劫 刑期:5年 剩余刑期:5年 距可保释时间:2年6个月 迈克· 斯科菲尔德的教育背景会让人奇 怪为什么他要犯下那样的罪罪行。在 Mortan高中完美表现,他以优异的成 绩毕 业于芝加哥的Loyola大学,取得了土木学 士和土木硕士的学位。斯科菲尔德被捕前,他 受雇于芝加哥Middleton Maxwell Schaum一 家很有名气的公司,是一名结 构工程师。他企图抢劫国立储蓄银行芝加 哥市区分行时被抓捕,金额超过50万美元。审 讯时,Scofield没有辩护,只提出要在靠近他 家的芝加哥市的一级监狱里服刑。
剧情简介 评价及获得奖项
外文名:Prison Break 其它译名:逃(香港译名) 出品公司:福克斯(Fox) 制片地区:美国 导演:桑福德-布克斯塔弗等 主演:温特沃什·厄尔·米勒三世, 多米尼克-珀塞尔 集数:四季 类型:剧情/犯罪 上映时间:从2005年8月29日起播 出 主要奖项:金球奖最受欢迎新进电 视剧集奖 片尾曲:《lay it down slow》
第1季: 剧情:这次是弟弟救哥哥 迈克尔· 斯科菲尔德正陷于无望的困境中——他的哥哥林肯· 巴罗斯被 认定犯 有 谋杀罪被投入了FoxRiver监狱的死囚牢。虽然所有的证据都指出林肯就 是凶手,迈克尔却坚信兄长是无辜的。林肯的死刑执行日越来越逼近, 在没有其他选择的情况下,迈克尔持枪闯入了一家银行,被捕入狱后来 到了林肯的身边。身为建筑工程师的迈克尔参与了监狱的改造工程而对 这里了若指掌,他设计了史上最完美的越狱计划,入狱的唯一目的就是 要把林肯救出生天并还其清白。迈克尔在狱中艰难地准备着越狱计划的 同时,意想不到的人和事接连出现在通向自由的道路上。


dominant roles
Andy (Tim Robbins)
Red (Morgan Freeman)
Classic sentences
• I guess it comes down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying. 人生可以归结为一种简单的选 择:要么忙着生,要么忙着死。
• Some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are just too bright... 有些鸟注定是不会被关在 笼子里的,因为它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。
• Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself, a great man can save another. 懦怯囚禁人的灵魂,希望可以令你感受自由。强者 自救,圣者渡人。
I love this movie because it encourages people to fight to preserve the dignity of human beings, to appreciate the beauty of life, and the most importance is to keep hope forever. He once that is born, that is die. Everyone is the same. The only difference is whether busy living or busy dying. The film tells us that even a man can live once, but if he keeps confidence, keeps hope and works his life right, then once is enough.

Except these, we could also see other relationships in Prison Break
We could learn lots of things from this TV series.
What we should do is just open our eyes and find it by our heart.
T-bag: How about getting us to somewhere cooler, say, Africa? 把我们丢到凉快点的地方去怎么样,比如,非洲? Not that hot? When this gay wake up this morning, he was still white! 嘿,(指着一个黑人说)早上这哥们还是个白人呢! (T-bag其实够幽默的)
T-bag’s broken hand.
What can we learn from Prison Break?
We can learn lots of things from this TV series. Not just the pronunciation of English, but also the relationships in it. We can see the kinships between Michael and his brother Lincoln Burrows; Lincoln Borrows and his son LJ; Agent Mahone and his family… And also,the friendships between them——Michael, Scure, Lincoln, Mahone, T-bag, Charles…

Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell
• • • • • • cunning violent manipulative Psychopath Consistently underestimated
T-bag: You think you are the only one who feels betrayed? I.....loved you, Susan. Real Love .For the first time in my life....And then...and then what you do to me like that just throw me back into the dark and toss me out of the back door......I have sins in the past. But when I met you, the person that one who did all the terrible things ,he died. And I was reborn. By the grace of your love I was a new man. a better man. When you sent me here to this place with these people ,you bring that dirty bastard right home.
• • • • • Main Cast Synopsis Classic White TATTO MV
NEW WORDS: serial drama, premiere, revolve around,sentence , , , to death,devises,elaborate,escape , , ,

T-bag: He has a high IQ. In prison, he finds Michael's plans and stick to him. Michael is so brilliant but not get rid of him, a person just like a devil.
What can we learn from Prison Break?
We can learn lots of things from this TV series. Not just the pronunciation of English, but also the relationships in it. We can see the kinships between Michael and his brother Lincoln Burrows; Lincoln Borrows and his son LJ; Agent Mahone and his family… And also,the friendships between them——Michael, Scure, Lincoln, Mahone, T-bag, Charles…
Lincoln Burrows
If Michael is a some idealistic men, then Burrows is authentic just man.
Sucre, in order to love desperate, do very well in love and fellowship with his cute and humor.
肖申克的救赎英文介绍 PPT课件

Thank you
Andy Defense Brooks
Red Norton
Andy Defense (hero) extremely calm knowledgeable, wise Hope a really strong person inside, not a moment to give up and yield.
Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself. A great man can save another.
Part 4
Comme nt
Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.
The original two decades, Andy every day with the small stone hammer to dig holes, then the hole cover with a poster,and he finally escape from prison.When andy got freedom, he Informed against corruption by the warden,then the
As Andy proficient in financial system in terms of knowledge, heavy manual work and other abnormal prisoners harassment soon far away from him. At the same time Andy has also gradually become an important tool to

William Edward Fichtner
• • • • • • • 【中文名】威廉· 菲德内尔 【英文名】Bill Fichtner 【全名】William Edward Fichtner 【生日】1956年11月27日晚9点20 【出生地】纽约长岛 【身高】6' 1½" (1.87 m) 【新闻】William被National Multiple Sclerosis Society(国家多发性硬化症协会) 任命为形象大使。 【学校】Maryvale High School in Cheektowaga,74年毕业。SUNY Farmingdale, Criminal Justice. 【国籍】德国/美国 【用手习惯】右撇子
Amaury Nolasco
• 阿马里·诺拉斯克 • 出生日期: 1970年 12月24日 • 出生地点:波多黎各 • 地区:波多黎各 • 身高:179 厘米 Amaury Nolasco在波多黎各大学主修生物 学,Amaury本打算上医学院并能成 为一个出色的医生。有个导演相中 了他,并让他在一部商业片中跑龙 套。再主演过几部片子之后,他便 开始到纽约发展,并参加了戏剧专 修学校。然后他就开始在《CSI》, 《ER》等一系列热门剧中有着不错 的表现。同时他还参与主演了一些 电影
Sarah Wayne Callies
原名:Sarah Anne Callies 生日:1977年六月1日 身高:175厘米 出生地:美国伊利诺斯州 曾读学校:Punahou High School Dartmouth College

Prison Break is a drama from executive producers Brett Ratner, Paul Scheuring, Matt Olmstead, Marty Adelstein, Dawn Parouse and Neal Moritz. After getting himself incarcerated in Fox River State Penitentiary to free his wrongly accused brother, Lincoln Burrows, Michael Scofield is now on the loose–along with his brother and six other convicts. Set to uncover the $5 million hidden by D.B....----------------------------------------------------CAST:Marshall AllmanRole: LJ BurrowsMost Recent Role: Jonathan Alaniz on CSIAlias Name(s): Marshall Allman, M AllmanGender: MaleBirthplace: Austin, Texas, USABirthday: 4-5-1984Born in Austin, Texas, Marshall Allman dove head-long into his passion for soccer and visual art from the age of five. Though always a straight-A student, Marshall was often sent to the principal's office for, shall we say, "irreverent" behavior. This same behavior is what led many of his early teachers to tell him he should consider entertainment as a career. At age fifteen, Marshall discovered the varied live music scene in Austin. His taste in music continues to be quite eclectic, with special interest in blues, jazz, and rock. Heproduced a play with friends when he was 17 called History of the Devil, which was the premier production of the Fear Theatre Company in Austin. This was also his acting debut. In his junior and senior year of high school, Marshall received awards in competitions sponsored by the state of Texas for his paintings and drawings. He led his high school soccer team as its captain to win the Texas state championship, and they went on to play throughout the nation. Though originally intending to pursue a career in professional soccer, he began to consider pursuing graphic or performing arts. As he approached high school graduation, it was a toss-up between going to New York City to study art and Los Angeles to study acting. Brought to Hollywood by Steven Nash of Arts and Letters Management, he quickly landed acting roles in films such as Sweet Pea, Shallow Ground, and Little Black Book. He has appeared in such television shows as The Practice, Without a Trace, and Malcolm in the Middle.----------------------------------------------------Sarah Wayne CalliesRole: Dr. Sara TancrediMost Recent Role: Dr. Sara Tancredi on Prison BreakGender: FemaleBirthplace: La Grange, IllinoisBirthday: 6-1-1977Moved to Honolulu, Hawaii, with her family when she was one, after she was born in La Grange, Illinos. Sarah graduated from the same exclusive private school as actress Kelly Preston, Director Jim Simpson (husband of Sigourney Weaver) and AOL's Steve Case. Her parents are professors at the University of Hawaii, Manoa.----------------------------------------------------William FichtnerRole: Special Agent Alexander MahoneMost Recent Role: Special Agent Alexander Mahone on Prison BreakGender: MaleBirthplace: Mitchell Field Air Force Base, East Meadow, Long Island, New York, USA Birthday: 11-26-1957Birth Name: William Edward FichtnerPeople know WillliamFichtner. They just don't know they know him. A compelling actor known for his strong supporting performances in film, William Fichtner started out as a soap heartthrob on CBS' "As the World Turns"; his unconventional looks (a strong boned face dominated by sad haunted eyes) contribute to his attractive intensity.His early film appearances included a role in the little seen "Ramona" (1990) and a bit part as a police officer in "Malcolm X" (1992). "Quiz Show" (1994) offered more exposure in a minor role as the game show's stage manager. In 1995, he was featured in "Virtuosity", "Strange Days" and as a sleazy banker undone by Robert De Niro in "Heat". He gave a more significant, although less seen, performance in Steven Soderburgh's 1995 feature "The Underneath" as Tommy Dundee, an intimidating and unstable club owner who becomes a rival of Peter Gallagher's Michael Chambers. Fichtner's work as the jealous and powerful Dundee caught the attention of casting director David Rubin who recommended him to Kevin Spacey for "Albino Alligator", the actor's 1997 directorial debut.While undoubtedly already a familiar presence on screen, due to his prolific and strong performances in small parts, it was "Albino Alligator" that proved to be his breakthrough role. Fichtner, riveting as a slurring sociopath who creates a hostage situation in a bar, played up the character's volatility with an intense performance that masterfully stopped short of overacting. Later that year his well-researched turn as Dr Kent Clark, a blind astronomer in "Contact" was also touted, although a good bit of it ended up on the cutting room floor.While his work in that year's "SwitchBack" was less memorable, 1998's action blockbuster "Armageddon" saw him return with a strong supporting turn as the hard-nosed and disciplined leader of an asteroid destroying mission. Through his own research,Fichtneradded a realistic element to his character, making Sharp less combustible than he was initially written. The result was a portrait of an Air Force colonel complete with the steadiness that would be expected from an actual pilot to reach that level.In 1999, Fichtner gave an enjoyable and scene stealing comedic performance in Doug Liman's high-energy ensemble film "Go". The elder statesman of the cast, he played an undercover narcotics officer with an apparent personal interest in his cohorts (Jay Mohr and Scott Wolf). The actor reached leading man status with a 1999 performance opposite Demi Moore in "Passion of Mind", playing a New York accountant pursuing a book editor (Moore) in this story of a woman who discovers she has a second life in a parallel universe.In 2001, in "The Perfect Storm" he plays a defiant macho fisherman turned hero with a heart who answers to George Clooney. As in all of his roles, his appearance changes yet again and his speech is even peppered with a New England accent. Also in 2001, in the otherwise forgettable "What's The Worst That Could Happen", Fichtner gave the best performance of all of the other well known comedians in the film, playing Detective Alex Tardio, the swishy, androgynous cop and the owner of three cheese cutting Bichon Frise canines.Also in 2001, William starred in the film, "Black Hawk Down", where he played Sgt. 1st Class Jeff Sanderson. While it could have been difficult to recognize his character fromthe rest with all of the war dirt (look for the big white teeth that glow like two headlights), his work in this was outstanding. He trained for weeks in Fort Bragg with other actors in the film to prepare for realistic combat scenes and spent 12 weeks filming in Morocco. --------------------------------------------------AmauryNolascoRole: Fernando SucreMost Recent Role: Fernando Sucre on Prison BreakGender: MaleBirthplace: Puerto RicoBirthday: 12-24-1970Birth Name: AmauryNolascoGarridoAmauryNolasco studied Biology at the University or Puerto Rico.Originally Amaury was going to attend medical school to become a doctor. He was approached by a director and appeared in a commercial.After several minor appearances, Amaury moved to New York.He attended the American-British-Dramatic-Arts School.Later he began to guest-star on a few TV shows such as "CSI" and "ER".He also had minor roles in a few films around that time. He had a small role in theBox-office hit "2Fast2Furious" as Orange Julius. Though he is probably more known nowfor his role on FOX TV show "Prison Break" as inmate "Fernando Sucre".When not working, he lives in Los Angeles and enjoys playing golf and tennis---------------------------------------------------Rockmond DunbarRole: Benjamin "C-Note" Miles FranklinMost Recent Role: Benjamin "C-Note" Miles Franklin on Prison BreakGender: MaleBirthplace: Oakland, CaliforniaBirthday: 1-11-1973Birth Name: Rockmond DunbarRockmond Dunbar was born on January 11, 1974, in Oakland, California, and studied at Morehouse College and the University of New Mexico.Rockmond made his film debut in 1998's "Misery Loves Company" and later had roles in "Punks" and "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang." He also made television guest appearances on "Felicity," "The Pretender" and "North Shore," but he is most famous for his roles as Kenny Chadway in "Soul Food" and as Benjamin Miles 'C-Note' Franklin on Fox's "Prison Break." Rockmond also directed, produced and starred as himself in the film "The GreatCommission" in 2003.Rockmond married Ivy Holmes on the 19th of September 2003 and they are still happily married.As of January 2007, it's most likely that he is staying in Texas, since the second season of FOX TV show Prison Break is 'currently' being filmed there.---------------------------------------------------Dominic PurcellRole: Lincoln BurrowsMost Recent Role: Lincoln Burrows on Prison BreakGender: MaleBirthplace: London, England, UKBirthday: 2-17-1970Birth Name: Dominic Haakon Myrtvedt PurcellDominic was born in England but moved to Australia at the age of two with his Norweigan father and Irish mother.He left high-school to form a land-scaping business with some friends, and also spent alittle time surfing.When he got tired of his job as a landscaper, Dominic decided to try his hand at acting, with television success in Australia.At the Western Australia Academy of Performing Arts, he was a classmate of Hugh Jackman.In 2000, he won a green card lottery, and moved to the United States, living in Los Angeles for a few years.After getting the title role in John Doe, he eventually moved to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, with his wife Rebecca, and their two children, son Joseph and daughter Audrey. ..。

《越狱》基本成为了第一部拥有超高知名度的“生活伴随式”电视剧,也是拥有无数见证人的完 结剧集。 剧照 在这四年里(指2005-2009年),michael出入监狱数回,sara死了又活,lincon有了新女友, 《越狱》从好评如潮到尴尬无奈;在这四年里,米勒来华数次,T-BAG也登上了大银幕;在这四 年里,越来越多的国人开始看美剧,各类美剧分门别类的进入国内,美国与中国在美剧方面的时 差几乎只有10个小时,诸多美剧论坛和博客拔地而起;在这四年里,有些人跟着《越狱》度过了 自己的大学四年,有些人经历了结婚生子,有些人换了工作或者升了职。在它正式结束的时候, 剧情如何早已经不是重点,而是那种与己息息相关的空间人生嘎然而止的感慨,让终须一别却难 以言表的惆怅而来。
在这个过程中,迈克尔经历了种种磨难和考验。他与哥哥林肯的感人重逢,他们携手并肩,共同 对抗命运的无情。他们用亲情的力量,照亮了黑暗的前路。迈克尔的坚韧和毅力,让他最终收集 到了证据,成功地证明了哥哥林肯的清白。 《越狱》是一部深入浅出的电视剧,它用紧张刺激的剧情,展示了人性的光辉。它让我们看到, 即使在最黑暗的时刻,爱和坚持也能带来希望的光芒。迈克尔的故事,是一个关于拯救、信念、 爱与勇气的故事,他的经历和坚韧,让我们对生活充满了希望和期待。
在美剧迷的眼里,《越狱》不止是一部情节错综复杂、跌宕起伏的好剧,它更是一个时代的标志。 因为《越狱》,中国人知道了“季”这个概念,知道络上有个只干活不拿钱的“义工”字幕组, 知道拖沓弱智的韩国偶像剧之外,还有一种极具技术含量以及智慧的美剧。美剧的风潮随着《越 狱》开始在中国盛行。(都市快报评)

But break out of the prison is just the beginning. They were facing even more leathal enemies when on their way toward freedom.
The TV player permeate部的证据都指出林肯就是凶手
I like a TV play very much in nearest.
It's named "Prison break" ,is about a man named Micheal Scofield falling in the hopeless predicament,because his brother Lincoln Burrows as a political conspiracy sented to death row ,All eveidence point out that Lincoln is all brutal convictions,but Micheal believes brother is innocent.
以抢劫银行罪进入了监狱以确保救出他的哥哥 Lincoln Burrows .
Michael participated in the prison as a construction engineer for the project on the back of his hand. He designed a Complete plan ,for save Lincoln and put his innocence.

越狱!游戏背景介绍及相关知识(二)Fernando Sucre编号:89775年龄:30所在位置:普通犯人A区,40号牢房菲尔南多·苏克雷所犯罪行:两起恶性抢劫刑期:5年剩余刑期:3年6个月距可保释时间:17个月注释:菲尔南多·苏克雷出生在芝加哥,在街头长大。
苏克雷被送到Fox River监狱,成了那里的模范犯人。
逃出Fox River监狱后,苏克雷知道了Maricruz要和Hector在拉斯维加斯结婚。
苏克雷也卷入了在Jeanette Owens居住地事件。
附加注释:他的女朋友Maricruz Delgado 会来探监.他可以有一月一次的行房探监的机会。
Charies "Haywire" Patoshik海威尔囚犯编号:72864年龄:29所在位置:精神病区,25号牢房所犯罪行:二级谋杀服刑期限:60年剩余刑期:56年距可保释时间:26年C-noteC-note全名:Benjiamin Miles Franklin 囚犯编号:89416年龄:33绰号:百元大钞所在位置:普通犯人A区,48号牢房所犯罪行:窝藏赃物服刑刑期:8年剩余刑期:7年零两个月距可保释时间:3年零两个月David Apolskis囚犯编号:95012年龄:18所在位置:普通犯人A区,88号牢房所犯罪行:重大盗窃服刑刑期:5年剩余刑期:2年距可保释时间:1年Sara T ancredi演员:SARAH WAYNE CALLIES《越狱》中饰演Sara T ancredi医生SaraSara,很小的时候她就想当一名医生。

美国电视连续剧《越狱》(共4季)和法国作家昂利·沙里叶的小说《越狱》;还可以指的是一种让Iphone手机免费破解使用APP STORE软件的程序和美剧改编《越狱》游戏版。
目录[隐藏]电视剧Iphone越狱同名游戏小说图书信息电视剧Iphone越狱同名游戏小说图书信息[编辑本段]电视剧基本信息片名:《Prison Break》译名:《越狱》地区:美国类型:剧情/犯罪片长:从2005年8月29日起播出出品:福克斯(Fox)导演:桑福德-布克斯塔弗、博比-罗斯、布莱特-雷纳级别:USA:TV-14版权所有:Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation越狱全集播放(已更新完毕) 第一季22集第二季22集第三季13集第四季2 2集特别篇:最后一越中国时间每周六播出9月2号(首播日)连播两集,每周一集。
目前由凤凰卫视中文台每星期1~5晚上6:30播出(播出3季后停播)片尾曲:《lay it down slow》越狱主要演员:温特沃什·厄尔·米勒三世——饰迈克尔-斯科菲尔德多米尼克-珀塞尔——饰林肯-巴罗斯彼得.斯多马瑞——饰约翰-阿布兹阿马里·诺拉斯克——饰菲尔南多-苏克雷斯塔西-基齐——饰亨利-波普罗宾·托尼——饰维罗妮卡-多诺万马歇尔·奥尔曼——饰小林肯-巴罗斯(LJ)韦德·威廉姆斯——饰布拉德-贝里克维恩-卡里斯——饰萨拉-唐克里迪罗伯特-奈普——饰“茶包”瑟多-巴格韦尔威廉·菲德内尔William Fichtner——饰Alexander Mahone 马宏洛克蒙-邓巴Rockmond Dunbar——饰C-Note本杰明·富兰克林保罗·安德斯坦——饰保罗-基德曼所获奖项2006年全美民选奖最受欢迎新进电视影集奖提名2006年金球奖最佳剧情类电视影集最佳剧情类电视影集男主角-文特沃斯·米勒(Wentworth Miller)2006年艾迪奖最佳商业电视台一小时影集剪辑奖(第1集,入狱(Pilot),马克·哈夫瑞契)2006年土星奖最佳电视网影集最佳电视男主角-文特沃斯·米勒(Wentworth Miller)2006年电视影评人奖最佳新进电视影集角色介绍Michael Scofield编号:94941所在位置:普通犯人A区,40号牢房所犯罪行:持枪抢劫刑期:5年剩余刑期:5年距可保释时间:2年6个月注释:迈克·斯科菲尔德的教育背景会让人奇怪为什么他要犯下那样的罪行。

我坐下来,手、臂和脸上都是泥。我擦擦左眼,里面进了咸泥,疼的厉 害,不仅左眼看不清,右眼也看不清,我用右拳擦了擦,流起泪来。不一会 儿,我终于看到他了,他没躺下而是站着,只有胸部露在外面。 第一个浪滚过去了·· ·朋友还露着胸部。我马上想到:“浪可别再来了, 但愿淤泥别那么软。我豁出一条命,也要到他眼前· · · 又一个浪过来,差点儿把我憋死,几乎把甩下去。我坐起来想看清楚。 淤泥已经没到希尔万的腋窝了。我离他还剩四十米。他用强烈的目光盯着我。 我看得出来,他知道自己活不成了· · · 突然又一个大浪滚来·· · ·浪过以后,我急 忙朝那边看。希尔万消失了。盖着一层泡沫和水的淤泥完全平了。甚至连永 别时向我招的手也看不见了。
我一生中只干我想干而不是别人想干的事儿。 并且,我不是戴着脚镣的杀人犯。我可以杀死严 重危害过我的人,而不是无辜的妇女、孩子。
• 长官,什么叫文明?你以为我们有电梯、飞机、地铁,就 能说明法国比接待我们、照顾我们的人文明?据我看,这 个村子里每个生活在大自然中的穷人,都有更多人道主义 的文明、更高尚的情操、更多的谅解,尽管他们缺乏那些 机械化的文明,他们虽说没有得到人类进步的利益,但他 们比那些所谓文明的人要善良多了。如果巴黎大学的文学 士要有一副给我判刑的总检察长的心肠,我宁可喜欢这里 的文盲也不喜欢他。文盲毕竟是个人,可文学士已经忘了 这点儿。
对朋 友 对自 由Fra bibliotek生死与共
对他 人
克鲁济奥 之死
马帝厄. 戛保尼之 死
罗密 欧·萨尔 维加之死
希尔万之 死
马迪莱特:“他又走了,去冒险 了,已经把他扔给了鲨鱼“ 那一年他年仅32岁,因为偷一辆自 行车未遂背叛了20年苦役。