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TheDescription of AT89S51

1 General Description

The AT89S51 is a low-power,high-performance CMOS 8-bitmicrocontrollerwith4K bytesof In-System Programmable Flashmemory.The device is manufactured usingAtmel’shigh-density nonvolatile memory technology and iscompatible with the industry-standard80C51instructionset andpinout. The on-chip Flashallowsthe program memory to be reprogrammedin-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memoryprogrammer. Bycombining aversatile8-bit CPUwithIn-SystemProgrammableFlash on a monolithicchip,the AtmelAT89S51is a powerful microcontroller whichprovides a highly-fl exible and cost-effectivesolution to many embedded controlapplications.

TheAT89S51providesthe following standardfeatures: 4K bytes ofFlash, 128bytes ofRAM, 32I/Olines, Watchdog timer, twodata pointers,two 16-bit timer/counters, a five-vectortwo-level interrupt architecture, afull duplex serial port, on-ch iposcillator,andclock circuitry. Inaddition, theAT89S51isdesignedwith static logic for operation down to zero freq uency andsupports two software selectable power savingmodes.The Idle Modestops the CPUwhile allowing the RAM, timer/counters, serial port,and interrupt system to continuefu nctioning. ThePower-down mode saves the RAM contents but freezes the oscillator,disabling all other chip functions until the next externalinterruptor hardware reset.

2 Ports

Port 0 is an 8-bit open drain bi-dire cti on al I/O port . As an o

utpu t p or t, each p in ca n sink ei ght TTL inputs . Whe n 1s are

w ri tten to po rt 0 pins, the pins can be used as hig h-im p

edance inputs. Port 0 can als o be configured to be the multi pl exed

low -ord er addr ess/data bu s d uring access es to extern al program

and d ata memory. I n th is mode, P0 has intern al p ull -up s. Port 0 als

o re ceives th e code b ytes d uring Flash pro grammi ng and out puts t

he code by te s duri ng program verifica tion. E xte rna l pull -ups

are r eq uired du ring pro gram verification.

Port 1 is an 8-bit bi -directi onal I/O po rt with i nternal p ull -ups.

The Port 1 outp ut buff ers c an sink /sour ce four TTL inp uts.

When 1s ar e w ri tt en to Po rt 1 pins, t hey are pu lled hi gh b

y the inte rnal pull -ups and c an be use d as inpu ts. As inp

uts, Port 1 pins tha t are exter na lly being pull ed l ow wi ll

sourc e curr ent (I I L) b ec ause of the intern al pull -up s.

Port 1 als o receiv es the l ow -order address by te s d uri ng

Flash pr ogramm ing an d v erification.

Port 2 is a n 8-bit bi -directiona l I/O port with interna l pul

l-ups. The P ort 2 outpu t buf fer s c an sink/s ou rce fo ur

TTL inp ut s. W hen 1s ar e writ ten to Port 2 p ins, t hey are pull ed high

b y the i nte rnal pul l-up s an d can be use d as inp uts. As input s,

Port 2 pin s th at ar e extern ally be ing pulled l ow wi ll source c u

rre nt (I IL ) becaus e of the inte rnal pu ll-up s.Port 2 emits

the h igh-ord er addre ss byte du ring fe tches fr om e xte rnal

prog ram memo ry and duri ng a ccesses t o exter nal data memory th at

use 16-b it addr esses (MO VX @ DPTR). I n this appli ca tion , Port Port Pin

A lter nate Function s P1.5

MOSI (used fo r In -System Progra mmi ng ) P1.6

MOS O (us ed for I n-Sys tem Programm ing) P1.7 SCK(used for In -Syste m Progr amming)
