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2007 © Randel S. Carlock
Shanghai - April 2008
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Managing Growth and Succession in an Entrepreneurial Firm 管理企业家型企业的成 长和继承
The Berghmans Lhoist Professor in Entrepreneurial Leadership 贝利曼斯•卢瓦斯特企业家领导学教席教授 贝利曼斯Biblioteka Baidu卢瓦斯特企业家领导学教席教授
Photograph by Rodney Graham 加拿大艺术家罗德尼•格雷厄姆摄影
2007 © Randel S. Carlock
Entrepreneurship is a mindset about personal action, innovation, managing risk and value creation 企业家精神是一种关于个人行动、创新、风险管理和价值创造的心态
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2007 © Randel S. Carlock
Concepts supporting of entrepreneurial leadership 支持企业家领导力的概念
兰德尔·卡洛克先生 兰德尔 卡洛克先生
Berghmans Lhoist Chaired Professor in Entrepreneurial Leadership 贝利曼斯•卢瓦斯特企业家领导学教席教授 Director, Wendel International Centre for Family Enterprise 温德尔国际家族企业中心主任 INSEAD - Europe and Asia
2007 © Randel S. Carlock
Globalization and Chinese business development 全球化和中国企业的发展
• • • • Business is conducted based on family-personal networks 生意基于个人及家族的关系网络 Strong protection with barriers to competition 竞争壁垒的坚实保护 Solid financial relationships with debt replacing equity 从贷款取代股权的雄厚财务关系 Blended management thinking: Western in marketing, R & D and strategy but Asian values for finance, HR and governance 混合管理思维:市场营销、研发及战略管理采用西方思维;财务和 人力资源管理和公司治理采用东方思维 • • • • A paternalistic climate with loyalty as a key value 家长式氛围和忠诚度作为主要价值观 Simple organization structure with family control 家族掌控的单一组织架构 Normally low cost structure and efficient 通常低成本,高效率 Weak in terms of global market activities (international branding) 全球化市场(国际品牌化) 还处于弱势 • High degree of strategic adaptability 善于战略调整
Vision, risk management, scarce resources and value creation 远见、风险管理、有限资源和价值创造 法国经济学家萨伊 J.B. Say (1827) Leaders in process of creative destruction. The carrying out of new combinations - we call enterprises 创造性地破坏的领导者。重新组合 – 这就是企业 美国经济学家熊皮特Schumpeter (1942) ‘Entrepreneurial mindset’ seeing change and uncertainty as an ally and institutionalizing this mindset in organizational practice ‘企业家心态’ 将变化和不确定性视为盟友,并将这种心态制度化为企业 惯例 麦奎斯和麦克米兰 McGrath & MacMillan (2000)
• New venture start-ups 新的创业公司 • Buy outs of existing firms 收购现有公司 • Family enterprises 家族企业 • Corporate growth 公司成长 • Large organization development 大型公司发展 • Franchising 特许经营 • Turnarounds 转变 • Lifestyle/income replacement 生活方式/收入替代 • Social entrepreneur 有社会责任心的企业家 • Our personal careers 个人的事业
2007 © Randel S. Carlock
QUIZ: Things you need to know about Entrepreneurship 测试: 测试:对企业家精神所需要了解的事物
Q1: Entrepreneurs are born with special traits 企业家有与生俱来的特点 Q2: Entrepreneurship is an art and cannot be taught 企业家精神是门艺术,是教不会的 Q3: Entrepreneurs are risk takers 企业家是冒险家 Q4: Entrepreneurs are independent 企业家是自力更生的 Q5: Entrepreneurship is starting your own company 企业家精神是开创自己的公司 Q6: Entrepreneurship is for the young and energetic 企业家精神是年轻和有精力的人拥有的 Q7: Entrepreneurs are driven by money and power 企业家是金钱和权力驱动的 Q8: Entrepreneurship is an American phenomenon 企业家精神是种美国现象 Q9: Successful firms are beyond entrepreneurship 成功企业超越企业家精神 Q10: Entrepreneurs willingly share control 企业家愿意分享控制权