1 电化学葡萄糖传感器的研究基础电化学酶法测定葡萄糖可追溯到上世纪的30年代末,当时通过测定铂金电极上过氧化氢的氧化分解而产生的电流变化测算出溶液中因氧的消耗导致的氧分压下降值,进而测得葡萄糖的浓度。
2 导电介质葡萄糖酶传感器的发展随着葡萄糖电化学分析系统的成功商业化,1970年Williams等试图采用分子导电介质取代氧分子进行氧化还原电子传递的尝试。
世界上第一个便携式家用电化学血糖测试系统是1987年由美国Medisense 公司推出的ExacTech,该系统采用二茂铁及其衍生物作为氧化还原导电介质,通过丝网印刷导电碳墨在PVC塑料基片上,制成外观尺寸如同pH试纸大小的血糖试纸,可以大规模制作生产。
基于Amplex UltraRed和HRP的新型葡萄糖生物传感器
![基于Amplex UltraRed和HRP的新型葡萄糖生物传感器](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7cd58feeaef8941ea76e05ef.png)
02 实验内容实Leabharlann 内容01仪器与试剂
试剂:壳聚糖、HRP、过氧化氢、葡萄糖、多巴胺、 抗坏血酸等 仪器:CHI832B电化学分析仪 1.将玻碳电极分别用金相砂纸,氧化铝粉末打磨抛光 成镜面之后用二次去离子水冲洗,然后在硝酸,氢氧 化钠溶液丙酮以及去离子水中超声波洗涤5min 2.称取0.1g壳聚糖置于小烧杯中,加入1%的醋酸溶液 10ml搅拌2h,得到粘稠的壳聚糖溶液,取等量的葡 萄糖氧化酶溶液混合,去2微升滴加到玻碳电极上, 自然晾干
应糖尿病人群数量的飞速增长,对葡萄糖浓度的监控技 术也在飞速的发展;本文试图利用壳聚糖用于基于酶的
1.高灵敏度 2.良好的抗干扰能力 3.简单且稳定 4,响应时间短
葡萄糖氧化酶催化溶液中葡萄糖发生氧化反应生成 H2O2;溶液中的辣根过氧化酶催化生成的H2O2 分解成羟基自由基,羟基自由基不可逆的氧化非活 性的壳聚糖生成水和具有电活性的resorufin(7羟基-3H-吩噁-3-嗪酮),resorufin在大约-0.1V 发生一个可逆的电子还原反应从而生成可被检测到 的产物;
1.壳聚糖和HRP对H2O2 的电催化性质研究 运用i-t法考察壳聚糖和HRP对H2O2的催 化作用。
在不同时间点进行测定,所以出现类似与 波段形状,但总体而言,还原峰电流还是 与H2O2浓度呈现良好的线性关系。
地址:150080 黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区学府路52号
这一生物传感器可在非常短的响应时间(glucose oxidase内完成对葡萄糖的测定,其线性范围为0~30mg?dL-1,能稳定使用22d,测定的相对标准偏差小于1.2。
一是根据生物传感器中分子识别元件即敏感元件划分为:酶传感器(enzyme sensor),微生)),组织传感器(tis-suesensor物传感器(microbial sensor),细胞传感器(original sensor和免疫传感器(immunolsensor)。
二是根据生物传感器的换能器即信号转换器分类,如:生物电极(bioelectrode)传感器,半),热生物传),光生物传感器(optical biosensor导体生物传感器(semi conduct biosensor)等。
2006年,Park 对无酶传感器电化学传感器研究方面取得了一定的成效,它根据葡萄糖在金电极、珀电极、铜电极等不同电极材料的电催化氧化作用,将无酶葡萄糖电化学传感器分成了伏安法无酶葡萄糖电化学传感器、电位式无酶葡萄糖电化学传感器和电流型无酶葡萄糖电化学传感器。
应用化学 C H I N E S EJ O U R N A LO FA P P L I E DC H E M I S T R Y
V o l . 2 9I s s . 1 2 D e c . 2 0 1 2
将S WC N H s 与G O x 结合并且采用二茂铁羧酸作为媒介体检测葡萄糖的含量, 该传感器具有灵敏度高、
[ 1 5 ] 检测限低以及选择性好等优点。2 0 1 0年, Z h u和 X u 综述了 S WC N H s 的应用。2 0 1 0年, A l w a r a p p a n 1 6 ] 等[ 采用酶掺杂石墨烯纳米片来增强葡萄糖生物传感, 该方法使用聚吡咯 石墨烯 G O x 电化学检测葡
小来检测待测底物的浓度, 反应如式( 3 ) 、 ( 4 ) 和( 5 ) 所示。 E n z y m el a y e r :G O D l u c o s e→ G O D l u c o n o l a c t o n e ( o x ) +g ( r e d ) +g Mo d i f i e dl a y e r :G O D O D H → G ( r e d ) +M ( o x ) ( o x ) +M ( r e d ) +2 E l e c t r o d e :M( e → M( r e d ) o x ) +n 第二代葡萄糖生物传感器电子转移机理如图 3所示。 该传感器由于使用了电子媒介体, 可有效地促 进电子转移, 因此, 克服了第一代生物传感器溶解氧 浓度不稳定性和测定过氧化氢时常伴随干扰的不
[ 1 7 ] ( A ) ,a r t i f i c i a l r e d o xm e d i a t o r s ( B ) ,a n dd i r e c t e l e c t r o nt r a n s f e r b e t w e e nG O xa n de l e c t r o d e ( C )
用于监测糖尿病患者血糖水平 ,帮助医生制定治疗方案。
用于检测食品中葡萄糖含量, 控制食品加工过程和产品质量
用于检测水体、土壤中葡萄糖 含量,评估环境质量。
如生物工程、发酵工程等,可 用于研究生物代谢过程和生物
打开您的设备,进入相应的葡萄糖测量模 式。
将葡萄糖传感器插入设备的对应插槽,确 保紧密连接。
设备会自动进行校准,等待校准完成后再 进行测量。
长时间使用后,葡萄糖传感器 的性能可能会发生变化,需要 定期校准。
目前葡萄糖传感器的制造成本 较高,限制了其广泛应用。
不同个体对葡萄糖的吸收和代 谢存在差异,可能导致传感器
通过改进传感器技术和生物兼容性, 提高葡萄糖传感器的准确性。
现代葡萄糖传感器具有 很高的灵敏度,可以检 测到低浓度的葡萄糖。
随着技术的发展,葡萄 糖传感器越来越小型化
与传统的采血检测相比 ,葡萄糖传感器无创、 无痛,减轻了患者的痛
由于传感器技术、生物兼容性 等因素,葡萄糖传感器的准确
二、实验方法原理由于葡萄糖测定在医疗诊断、发酵工业中占有相当重要地位, 如何快速准确地测定这一问题一直是重要的研究课题,所以葡萄糖传感器是生物传感器领域研究最多、商品化最早的生物传感器。
图1 酶的分子识别功能(2)生物传感器工作原理:按照受体学说,细胞的识别作用是由于嵌合于细胞膜表面的受体与外界的配位体发生了共价结合,通过细胞膜通透性的改变,诱发了一系列电化学过程。
膜反应所产生的变化再分别通过电极、半图2 生物传感器原理导体器件、热敏电阻、光电二极管或声波检测器等转换成电信号,如图2所示。
1. 生物酶反应:葡萄糖生物传感器中固定有葡萄糖氧化酶(GOD),将待测样品中的葡萄糖与氧同时消耗,发生如下酶促反应:
葡萄糖 + 氧→ 葡萄糖酸 + 水
2. 电子传递:在电极表面固定GOD和辅助酶(如过氧化物酶)后,加入待测样品后,样品中的葡萄糖与电极表面的GOD发生反应,产生葡萄糖酸和水,同时释放出电子。
3. 电流信号测量:葡萄糖生物传感器通过测量电路测量电流信号,将其转换为葡萄糖浓度,并输出至显示设备或记录设备。
1 经典葡萄糖酶电极1962年,Clark和Lyon发表了第一篇关于酶电极的论文[2]。
为了避免氧干扰,1970年,Clark对其设计的装置进行改进后,可以较准确地测定H 2O2的产生量,从而间接测定葡萄糖的含量[5]。
电化学生物传感器原理、发展趋势及应用一、电化学生物传感器的检测原理电化学生物传感器(electrochemical biosensor)是指由生物材料作为敏感元件,电极(固体电极、离子选择性电极、气敏电极等)作为转换元件,以电势或电流的变化为特征检测信号的传感器,简称生物电极。
6.灵敏度高例如AFP免疫电极可测定10-8~10-10 g/ml的浓度。
葡萄糖电化学传感器的研究进展葡萄糖电化学传感器的研究进展李传平200941601040(青岛大学化学化工与环境学院山东266071)摘要葡萄糖电化学传感器是生物传感器的一种,是一门由生物、化学、医学、电子技术等多个学科互相渗透建立起来的高新电化学技术, 它是一种将葡萄糖类酶的专一性与一个能够产生和待测物浓度成比例的信号传导器结合起来的分析装置。
其具有选择性好、灵敏度高、分析速度快、成本低、能在复杂体系中进行在线连续监测的特点, 已在生物、医学、医药、及军事医学等领域显示出广阔的应用前景, 引起了世界各国的极大关注。
【1】关键词葡萄糖电化学传感器组成特点研究进展应用研究生物传感器是一类特殊的化学传感器, 它是以葡萄糖酶作为生物敏感基元, 对被测目标具有高度选择性的检测器。
它通过各种物理、化学型信号转换器捕捉目标物与敏感基元之间的反应,然后将反应的程度用离散或连续的电信号表达出来, 从而得出被测物的浓度。
[2]1 葡萄糖电化学生物传感器的基本组成、工作原理、特点葡萄糖电化学生物传感器一般有两个主要组成部分: 其一是生物分子识别元件( 感受器) , 是具有分子识别能力的葡萄糖酶类; 其二是信号转换器( 换能器) , 主要有电化学电极( 如电位、电流的测量) 、光学检测元件、热敏电阻、场效应晶体管、压电石英晶体及表面等离子共振器件等。
当待测物与分子识别元件特异性结合后, 所产生的复合物( 或光、热等) 通过信号转换器变为可以输出的电信号、光信号等, 从而达到分析检测的目的。
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Electrochemical Glucose BiosensorsJoseph Wang*Biodesign Institute,Center for Bioelectronics and Biosensors,Departments of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry and Biochemistry,Box875801,Arizona State University,Tempe,Arizona85287-5801Received March29,2007 Contents1.Introduction8142.Brief History of Electrochemical GlucoseBiosensors8153.First-Generation Glucose Biosensors8153.1.Electroactive Interferences8153.2.Oxygen Dependence8164.Second-Generation Glucose Biosensors8174.1.Electron Transfer between GOx andElectrode Surfaces817e of Nonphysiological Electron Acceptors8174.3.Wired Enzyme Electrodes8174.4.Modification of GOx with Electron Relays8184.5.Nanomaterial Electrical Connectors8185.Toward Third-Generation Glucose Biosensors8186.Solid-State Glucose Sensing Devices8197.Home Testing of Blood Glucose8198.Continuous Real Time in-Vivo Monitoring8208.1.Requirements8208.2.Subcutaneous Monitoring8228.3.Toward Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring8228.4.Microdialysis Sampling8228.5.Dual-Analyte Detection8239.Conclusions:Future Prospects and Challenges82310.Acknowledgments82411.References8241.IntroductionDiabetes mellitus is a worldwide public health problem. This metabolic disorder results from insulin deficiency and hyperglycemia and is reflected by blood glucose concentra-tions higher or lower than the normal range of80-120mg/ dL(4.4-6.6mM).The disease is one of the leading causes of death and disability in the world.The complications of battling diabetes are numerous,including higher risks of heart disease,kidney failure,or blindness.Such complications can be greatly reduced through stringent personal control of blood glucose.The diagnosis and management of diabetes mellitus thus requires a tight monitoring of blood glucose levels. Accordingly,millions of diabetics test their blood glucose levels daily,making glucose the most commonly tested analyte.Indeed,glucose biosensors account for about85% of the entire biosensor market.Such huge market size makes diabetes a model disease for developing new biosensing concepts.The tremendous economic prospects associated with the management of diabetes along with the challenge of providing such reliable and tight glycemic control have thus led to a considerable amount of fascinating research and innovative detection strategies.1,2Amperometric enzyme electrodes,based on glucose oxidase(GOx),have played a leading role in the move to simple easy-to-use blood sugar testing and are expected to play a similar role in the move toward continuous glucose monitoring.Since Clark and Lyons proposed in1962the initial concept of glucose enzyme electrodes,3we have witnessed tremen-dous effort directed toward the development of reliable devices for diabetes control.Different approaches have been explored in the operation of glucose enzyme electrodes.In addition to diabetes control,such devices offer great promise for other important applications,ranging from bioprocess monitoring to food analysis.The great importance of glucose has generated an enormous number of publications,the flow of which shows no sign of diminishing.Yet,in spite of the many impressive advances in the design and use of glucose biosensors,the promise of tight diabetes management has*To whom correspondence should be addressed.E-mail:joseph.wang@.Joseph Wang has been the Director of the Center for Bioelectronics and Biosensors(Biodesign Institute)and Full Professor of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry and Biochemistry at Arizona State University(ASU)since 2004.He has also served as the Chief Editor of Electroanalysis since 1988.He obtained his higher education at the Israel Institute of Technology and was awarded his D.Sc.degree in1978.He joined New Mexico State University(NMSU)in1980.From2001−2004,he held a Regents Professorship and a Manasse Chair position at NMSU.His research interests include nanobiotechnology,bioelectronics,biosensors,and microfluidic devices.He has authored over725research papers,9books, 15patents,and25chapters.He was the recipient of the1994Heyrovsky Memorial Medal(of the Czech Republic)for his major contributions to voltammetry,the1999American Chemical Society Award for Analytical Instrumentation,the2006American Chemical Society Award for Elec-trochemistry,and the ISI‘Citation Laureate’Award for being the Most Cited Scientist in Engineering in the World(during1991−2001).814Chem.Rev.2008,108,814−82510.1021/cr068123a CCC:$71.00©2008American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web12/23/2007not been fulfilled.There are still major challenges in achieving clinically accurate continuous glycemic monitoring in connection to closed-loop systems aimed at optimal insulin delivery.Such feedback response to changes in the body chemistry has broader implications upon the management of different diseases.The management of diabetes thus represents the first example of individualized(personalized) medicine.This review discusses the principles of operation of electrochemical glucose biosensors,examines their history, discusses recent developments and current status,surveys major strategies for enhancing their performance,and outlines key challenges and opportunities in their further development and use.Emphasis is given to fundamental advances of glucose sensing principles and related materials.It is not a comprehensive review but rather discusses key developments and applications.Given the very broad field and long history of electrochemical glucose biosensors,the author apologizes for possible oversights of important contributions.2.Brief History of Electrochemical Glucose BiosensorsThe history of glucose enzyme electrodes began in1962 with the development of the first device by Clark and Lyons of the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.3Their first glucose enzyme electrode relied on a thin layer of GOx entrapped over an oxygen electrode via a semipermeable dialysis membrane.Measurements were made based on the monitor-ing of the oxygen consumed by the enzyme-catalyzed reactionA negative potential was applied to the platinum cathode for a reductive detection of the oxygen consumptionThe entire field of biosensors can trace its origin to this original glucose enzyme electrode.Clark’s original patent4 covers the use of one or more enzymes for converting electroinactive substrates to electroactive products.The effect of interference was corrected by using two electrodes,one of which was covered with the enzyme,and measuring the differential current.Clark’s technology was subsequently transferred to Yellow Spring Instrument(YSI)Company, which launched in1975the first dedicated glucose analyzer (the Model23YSI analyzer)for direct measurement of glucose in25µL whole blood samples.Updike and Hicks5 further developed this principle by using two oxygen working electrodes(one covered with the enzyme)and measuring the differential current in order to correct for the oxygen background variation in samples.In1973,Guilbault and Lubrano6described an enzyme electrode for the measurement of blood glucose based on amperometric(anodic)monitoring of the hydrogen peroxide productThe resulting biosensor offered good accuracy and precision in connection with100µL blood samples.A wide range of amperometric enzyme electrodes,differing in electrode design or material,immobilization approach,or membrane composition,has since been e of electron acceptors for replacing oxygen in GOx-based blood glucose measurements was demonstrated in1974.7Continuous ex-vivo monitoring of blood glucose was also proposed in1974,8 while in-vivo glucose monitoring was demonstrated by Shichiri et al.in1982.9During the1980s biosensors became a‘hot’topic,reflect-ing a growing emphasis on biotechnology.Considerable efforts during this decade focused on the development of mediator-based‘second-generation’glucose biosensors,10-12 introduction of commercial screen-printed strips for self-monitoring of blood glucose,13,14and use of modified electrodes and tailored membranes/coatings for enhancing sensor performance.15In the1990s,we witnessed extensive activity directed toward the establishment of electrical communication between the redox center of GOx and the electrode surface.16-20Of particular note is the work of Heller,who introduced the use of flexible polymer with osmium redox sites.16,17During this period,we also witnessed the development of minimally invasive subcutaneously implantable devices.1,21-24It is possible also to use glucose dehydrogenase(GDH) instead of GOx for amperometric biosensing of glucose. However,the construction of glucose biosensors based on GDH requires a source of NAD+and a redox mediator to lower the overvoltage for oxidation of the NADH product. Quinoprotein GDH can also be used in connection to a pyrroloquinoline quinone(PQQ)cofactorWhile eliminating the need for a NAD+cofactor,such PQQ enzymes have not been widely used owing to their limited stability.3.First-Generation Glucose BiosensorsFirst-generation glucose biosensors rely on the use of the natural oxygen cosubstrate and generation and detection of hydrogen peroxide(eqs1and3).The biocatalytic reaction involves reduction of the flavin group(FAD)in the enzyme by reaction with glucose to give the reduced form of the enzyme(FADH2)followed by reoxidation of the flavin by molecular oxygen to regenerate the oxidized form of the enzyme GOx(FAD) Measurements of peroxide formation have the advantage of being simpler,especially when miniaturized devices are concerned.Such measurements are commonly carried out on a platinum electrode at a moderate anodic potential of around+0.6V(vs Ag/AgCl).A very common configuration is the YSI probe,which involves the entrapment of GOx between an inner anti-interference cellulose acetate mem-brane and an outer diffusion-limiting/biocompatible one.3.1.Electroactive InterferencesThe amperometric(anodic)measurement of hydrogen peroxide at common working electrodes requires application of a relatively high potential at which endogenous reducing species,such as ascorbic and uric acids and some drugs(e.g.,glucose+O298glusoce oxidasegluconic acid+H2O2(1)O2+4H++4e-f2H2O(2) H2O2f O2+2H++2e-(3)glucose+PQQ(ox)f gluconolactone+PQQ(red)(4) GOx(FAD)+glucose fGOx(FADH2)+gluconolactone(5) GOx(FADH2)+O2f GOx(FAD)+H2O2(6)Electrochemical Glucose Biosensors Chemical Reviews,2008,Vol.108,No.2815acetaminophen),are also electroactive.The current contribu-tions of these and other oxidizable constituents of biological fluids can compromise the selectivity and hence the overall accuracy of measurement.Considerable efforts during the late1980s were devoted to minimizing the interference of coexisting electroactive compounds.One useful avenue in diminishing electroactive interfer-ences is to employ a permselective coating that minimizes the access of these constituents toward the electrode surface. Different polymers,multilayers,and mixed layers with transport properties based on charge,size,or polarity have thus been used for blocking coexisting electroactive compounds.25-31Such films also exclude surface-active macromolecules,hence protecting the surface and imparting higher stability.Electropolymerized films,particularly poly-(phenylendiamine),polyphenol,and overoxidized polypyr-role,have been shown to be extremely useful in imparting high selectivity(by rejecting interferences based on size exclusion)while confining GOx onto the surface.25,27,28The electropolymerization process makes it possible to generate coatings on extremely small surfaces of complex geometries, although the resulting films often have limited stability for in-vivo work.Other commonly used coatings include size-exclusion cellulose acetate films,29the negatively charged (sulfonated)Nafion or Kodak AQ ionomers,30and hydro-phobic alkanethiol or lipid layers.31Use of overlaid multi-layers,which combines the properties of different films, offers additional advantages.For example,alternate deposi-tion of Nafion and cellulose acetate has been used to eliminate the interference of the neutral acetaminophen and negatively charged ascorbic and uric acids,respectively.32 Another avenue for achieving high selectivity involves the preferential electrocatalytic detection of the generated hy-drogen peroxide.33-41Such detection relies on tuning the operating potential to the optimal region(+0.0to-0.20V vs Ag/AgCl)where contributions from easily oxidizable interfering substances are eliminated.Remarkably high selectivity coupled with a fast and sensitive response has thus been obtained.For example,a substantial lowering of the overvoltage for the hydrogen peroxide redox process, and hence a highly selective glucose sensing,can be achieved using metal-hexacyanoferrate-based transducers.36-41In particular,Prussian-Blue(PB;ferric-ferrocyanide)modified electrodes have received considerable attention owing to their very strong and stable electrocatalytic activity.Karyakin et al.showed the catalytic rate constant for H2O2reduction at PB film to be3×103M-1s-1.38Prussian-Blue offers a substantial lowering of the overvoltage for the hydrogen peroxide redox process and hence permits highly selective biosensing of glucose at a very low potential(-0.1V vs Ag/AgCl).The high catalytic activity of PB leads also to a very high sensitivity toward hydrogen peroxide.Further improvements in the stability and selectivity of PB-based hydrogen peroxide transducers can be obtained by electro-polymerizing a nonconducting poly(1,2-diaminobenzne) permselective coating on top of the PB layer.39A glucose nanosensor,based on the co-deposition of PB and GOx on a carbon-fiber nanoelectrode,has also been reported.40 PB-based carbon inks were developed for fabricating elec-trocatalytic screen-printed glucose biosensors.41 Similarly,metallized carbons such as rhodium or ruthe-nium on carbon33-35have been shown to be extremely useful for highly selective biosensing of glucose.The high selectiv-ity of metallized carbon transducers(such as Rh-C or Ru-C)reflects their strong preferential electrocatalytic detection of hydrogen peroxide at an optimal potential range around0.0V,where most unwanted background reactions are negligible.Such catalytic oxidation of the peroxide product relies on the presence of a metal oxide film.The hydrogen peroxide reduces the surface metal oxide film to the metal,which is then reoxidized electrochemically, generating the anodic current signal.Miniaturized or dispos-able glucose microsensors have thus been prepared by electrochemical co-deposition of ruthenium and glucose oxidase onto carbon fiber microelectrodes35or dispersing metal microparticles or metallized carbon particles within screen-printable inks.33,34Additional improvements can be achieved by combining this preferential catalytic activity with a discriminative layer,e.g.,by dispersing rhodium particles within a Nafion film.42Low-potential selective detection of the GOx-generated hydrogen peroxide is possible also by coupling with another enzyme horseradish peroxidase(HRP) that catalyzes the peroxide oxidation.45The marked reduction in the overvoltage for hydrogen peroxide at carbon-nanotube (CNT)-modified electrodes offers highly selective low-potential biosensing of glucose.43,44Yet,some controversy exists on whether the improved electrochemical behavior of hydrogen peroxide at CNT electrodes reflects the intrinsic CNT electrocatalysis or associated with metal impurities. Low-potential selective detection of the GOx-generated hydrogen peroxide is possible also by coupling with another enzyme such as horseradish peroxidase(HRP)that catalyzes the peroxide oxidation.45The coupling of CNT with platinum nanoparticles has been shown to be extremely useful for enhancing the sensitivity and speed of GOx-based glucose biosensors(down to0.5µM within3s).46Use of CNT molecular wires,connecting the electrode and the redox center of GOx,will be discussed in section4.5.3.2.Oxygen DependenceSince oxidase-based devices rely on the use of oxygen as the physiological electron acceptor,they are subject to errors resulting from fluctuations in oxygen tension and the stoichiometric limitation of oxygen.These errors include changes in sensor response and a reduced upper limit of linearity.This limitation(known as the“oxygen deficit”) reflects the fact that normal oxygen concentrations are about 1order of magnitude lower than the physiological level of glucose.Several avenues have been proposed for addressing this oxygen limitation.One approach relies on the use of mass-transport-limiting films(such as polyurethane or polycar-bonate)for tailoring the flux of glucose and oxygen,i.e., increasing the oxygen/glucose permeability ratio.1,47,48A two-dimensional cylindrical electrode,designed by Gough’s group,47,48has been particularly attractive for addressing the oxygen deficit by allowing oxygen to diffuse into the enzyme region of the sensor from both directions while glucose diffuses only from one direction(of the exposed end).This was accomplished by using a two-dimensional sensor design with a cylindrical gel containing GOx and an outside silicone rubber tube which is impermeable to glucose but highly permeable to oxygen.We addressed the oxygen limitation of glucose biosensors by designing oxygen-rich carbon paste enzyme electrodes.49,50This biosensor is based on a fluoro-carbon(Kel-F oil)pasting liquid,which has very high oxygen solubility,allowing it to act as an internal source of oxygen. The internal flux of oxygen can thus support the enzymatic816Chemical Reviews,2008,Vol.108,No.2Wangreaction,even in oxygen-free glucose solutions.It is possible also to circumvent the oxygen demand issue by replacing the GOx with glucose dehydrogenase (GDH),which does not require an oxygen cofactor.514.Second-Generation Glucose Biosensors4.1.Electron Transfer between GOx and Electrode SurfacesFurther improvements (and solutions to the above errors)can be obtained by replacing the oxygen with a nonphysi-ological (synthetic)electron acceptor capable of shuttling electrons from the redox center of the enzyme to the surface of the electrode.The transfer of electrons between the GOx active site and the electrode surface is the limiting factor in the operation of amperometric glucose biosensors.Glucose oxidase does not directly transfer electrons to conventional electrodes because of a thick protein layer surrounding its flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)redox center and intro-ducing an intrinsic barrier to direct electron transfer.Ac-cordingly,different innovative strategies have been suggested for establishing and tailoring the electrical contact between the redox center of GOx and electrode surfaces.52-54e of Nonphysiological Electron AcceptorsParticularly useful in developing glucose biosensors has been the use of artificial mediators that shuttle (carry)electrons between the FAD center and the electrode surface by the following schemewhere M (ox)and M (red)are the oxidized and reduced forms of the mediator.The reduced form is reoxidized at the electrode,giving a current signal (proportional to the glu-cose concentration)while regenerating the oxidized form of the mediator (eq 9).Such mediation cycle is displayed in Figure 1.Diffusional electron mediators,such as ferrocene deriva-tives,ferricyanide,conducting organic salts (particularly tetrathiafulvalene-tetracyanoquinodimethane,TTF-TCNQ),quinone compounds,transition-metal complexes,and pheno-thiazine and phenoxazine compounds,have been particularly useful to electrically contact GOx.9-12The former received considerable attention owing to their low (pH-independent)redox potentials and larger number of derivatives.As a result of using these electron-carrying mediators,measurements become largely independent of oxygen partial pressure and can be carried out at lower potentials that do not provoke interfering reactions from coexisting electroactive species.In order to function effectively,the mediator should reactrapidly with the reduced enzyme (to minimize competition with oxygen),possess good electrochemical properties (such as a low pH-independent redox potential),and have low solubility in aqueous medium.The mediator must also be insoluble,nontoxic,and chemically stable (in both reduced and oxidized forms).The oxygen competition can be minimized if the rate of electron transfer via the mediator is high compared to the rate of the enzyme reaction with oxygen.In most cases,however,oxidation of the reduced GOx by oxygen can occur even in the presence of mediator (particularly as oxygen is freely diffusing),hence limiting the accuracy (especially at low glucose levels).In addition,the low potential of most mediators minimizes but does not eliminate the oxidation of endogenous species (particularly ascorbate).Such endogenous electroactive compounds can also consume the mediator,leading to additional mercial blood glucose self-testing meters,described in section 7,commonly rely on the use of ferricyanide or ferrocene mediators.Most in-vivo devices,however,are mediatorless due to potential leaching and toxicity of the mediator.Mediated systems also display low stability upon an extended continuous operation.4.3.Wired Enzyme ElectrodesEnzyme wiring with a redox polymer offers additional improvements in the electrical contact between the redox center of GOx and electrode surfaces (Figure 2).An elegant nondiffusional route for establishing a communication link between GOx and electrodes was developed by Heller’s group.16,55This was accomplished by ‘wiring’the enzyme to the surface with a long flexible hydrophilic polymer backbone [poly(vinylpyridine)or poly(vinylimidazole)]hav-ing a dense array of covalently linked osmium-complex electron relays.The redox polymer penetrates and binds the enzyme (through multiple lysine amines)to form a three-dimensional network that adheres to the surface.Such folding along the GOx dramatically reduces the distance between the redox centers of the polymer and the FAD center of the enzyme.The resulting film conducts electrons and is permeable to the substrate and product of the enzymatic reaction.Electrons originating from the redox site of GOx are thus transferred through the gel’s polymer network to the electrode.The resulting three-dimensional redox-polymer/enzyme networks thus offer high current outputs and fast response and stabilize the mediator to electrode surfaces.Current densities as high as mA/cm 2were reached upon wiring multiple enzyme layers.Such huge currentdensitiesFigure 1.Sequence of events that occur in ‘second-generation’(mediator-based)glucose biosensors-mediated system.glucose +GOx (ox)f gluconic acid +GOx (red)(7)GOx (red)+2M (ox)f GOx (ox)+2M (red)+2H +(8)2M (red)f 2M (ox)+2e -(9)Figure e of a redox polymer for wiring GOx:efficient electrical communication between the redox center of the enzyme and electrode surfaces.Electrochemical Glucose Biosensors Chemical Reviews,2008,Vol.108,No.2817facilitate the use of ultrasmall enzyme electrodes.The remarkable sensitivity is coupled with very high selectivity (e.g.,negligible interferences from ascorbic and uric acids, acetaminophen,and cysteine at+0.20V vs SCE).56Such wired enzyme electrodes are particularly attractive for in-vivo applications where leaching of diffusional mediators is to be avoided and when small size is important.4.4.Modification of GOx with Electron Relays Chemical modification of GOx with electron-relay groups represents another attractive route for facilitating the electron transfer between the GOx redox center and the electrode surface.In1984Hill described the covalent attachment of ferrocene-monocarboxylic acid to the lysine residues of GOx using isobutyl choloformate,11while Heller16used carbodimide coupling for attaching the same mediator to GOx.Such covalent attachment of ferrocene groups led to direct oxidation of the flavin center of GOx at unmodified electrodes with the bound ferrocenes allowing electron tunneling in a number of consecutive steps.Bartlett described the carbodimide-based covalent attachment of TTF to the peptide backbone of GOx.20Direct oxidation of the FAD centers of the enzyme was demonstrated without the need for soluble species.Glucose biosensors with extremely efficient electrical communication with the electrode can be generated by the enzyme reconstitution process.Willner’s group57reported on an elegant approach for modifying GOx with electron relays and obtaining efficient electrical contact.For this purpose,the FAD active center of the enzyme was removed to allow positioning of an electron-mediating ferrocene unit prior to the reconstitution of the apoenzyme with the modified FAD.The attachment of electron-transfer relaysat the enzyme periphery has also been considered by the same group for yielding short electron-transfer distances.52,54 While clearly illustrating a direct coupling,demonstration of a stable response would be required prior to practical applications of this elegant approach.4.5.Nanomaterial Electrical ConnectorsThe emergence of nanotechnology has opened new horizons for the application of nanomaterials in bioanalytical chemistry.Recent advances in nanotechnology offer exciting prospects in the field of bioelectronics.Owing to the similar dimensions of nanoparticles and redox proteins such nano-materials can be used for effective electrical wiring of redox enzymes.Various nanomaterials,including gold nanopar-ticles or carbon nanotubes(CNT),have thus been used as electrical connectors between the electrode and the redox center of GOx.For example,apo-glucose oxidase can be reconstituted on a1.4nm gold nanocrystal functionalized with the FAD cofactor.58The gold nanoparticle,immobilized onto the gold electrode by means of a dithiol linker,thus acts as an“electrical nanoplug”(relay unit)for the electrical wiring of its redox-active center.This leads to a high electron-transfer turnover rate of∼5000per second.Carbon nanotubes(CNT)represent additional nanomaterials that can be coupled to enzymes to provide a favorable surface orientation and act as an electrical connector between their redox center and the electrode surface.Particularly useful for this task have been vertically aligned CNTs that act as molecular wires(‘nanoconnectors’)between the underlying electrode and a redox enzyme.59-61Willner’s group59dem-onstrated that aligned reconstituted glucose oxidase(GOx) on the edge of single-wall carbon nanotubes(SWCNT)can be linked to an electrode surface(Figure3).Such enzyme reconstitution on the end of CNT represents an extremely efficient approach for‘plugging’an electrode into GOx. Electrons were thus transported along distances higher than 150nm with the length of the SWCNT controlling the rate of electron transport.An interfacial electron-transfer rate constant of42s-1was estimated for50nm long SWCNT. Efficient direct electrical connection to GOx was reported also by Gooding’s group in connection to aligned SWCNT arrays.60At present,activation of the bioelectrocatalytic functions of GOx by nanoparticles or CNT requires electrical overpotentials(beyond the thermodynamic redox potential of the enzyme redox center).Improving the contact between the nanomaterial and the electrode might decrease this overpotential.5.Toward Third-Generation Glucose Biosensors Ultimately,one would like to eliminate the mediator and develop a reagentless glucose biosensor with a low operating potential,close to that of the redox potential of the enzyme. In this case,the electron is transferred directly from glucose to the electrode via the active site of the enzyme.The absence of mediators is the main advantage of such third-generation biosensors,leading to a very high selectivity(owing to the very low operating potential).However,as discussed earlier, critical challenges must be overcome for the successful realization of this direct electron-transfer route owing to the spatial separation of the donor-acceptor pair.Efficientdirect Figure3.Carbon nanotube(CNT)connectors with long-range electrical contacting.Assembly of the CNT electrically contacted glucose oxidase electrode.(Reprinted with permission from ref59. Copyright2004Wiley-VCH.)818Chemical Reviews,2008,Vol.108,No.2Wang。