
大学英语四级翻译习题(一)中国国家深海基地(the China National Deep Sea Center)将于明年对中国和世界开放以进行深海探索。
大学英语四级翻译习题译文1.第1句中的“以进行深海探索”表明目的`,故将其译作目的状语to explore the ocean depths。
“明年” (next year)按照英文表达习惯,置于句末。
3.第3句中的定语“连接科学家需求与技术研究及发展的”较长,故将其处理成后置定语,用分词短语oconnecting scientists' demands with technical research and development 来表达。
4.第4句的“基地将为……提供……,而科学家们则可以申请……”这里前后分句都提到了深海装备,为避免重复,此处宜将后半句处理成which引导的限制性定语从句,译作which scientists can apply to use,其中 which 指代 deep-sea equipment。
The China National Deep Sea Center will be open to China and the world to explore the ocean depths next year. The center will cover 26 hectares of land and 62.7 hectares of sea. The center will act as a bridge connecting scientists' demands with technicalresearch and development. The center will provide technical support and maintenance for deep-sea equipment which scientists can apply to use. With attention focused on construction of the deep-sea center, China is accelerating its oceanic exploration efforts.大学英语四级翻译习题(二)中国国际数码互动娱乐展览会(China Joy)以成千上万的展场女郎而著称,当然还包括展会上发布的新游戏,以及幕后髙管们的奢华跑车(sports car)。

它始建于2000多年前的春秋时期(the Spring and Autumn Period),秦始皇统一中国之后联成万里长城。
汉、明两代(the Han and Ming Dynasties)又曾大规模修筑,因此它是世界上修建时间最长的一项古代工程。
②假日经济(Holiday Economy)是在节假日期间的一种全民消费行为,十分有助于中国的经济增长。
③孔子学院(Confucius Institute)是中国在世界各地设立的教育和文化交流机构。
④中国面临的最严峻的挑战之一就是人口老龄化(aging population)。
人口老龄化将为养老院(nursing home)行业的发展带来良好的前景。
⑤网上购物(online shopping)是中国近几年来日益流行的新型购物方式。

大学英语四级翻译训练题(一)10月23曰,三星电子公司(Samsung Electronics)发表声明向中国消费者道歉,并作出对七款机型提供免费维修服务并延长保修期的承诺。
三星希望通过道歉维持其在中国智能手机(smart phone)市场的主导地位。
大学英语四级翻译训练题译文Samsung Electronics issued an apology to Chinese consumers on 23rd October, offering to provide free repairs and extended maintenances on seven models. With the apology, Samsung hopes to maintain its leading position in China's smart phone market. The company sold 30 million devices in China for a 17.7 percent market share last year. Samsung is not the first company that issued an apology and promised to improve services. Apple did the same thing before and thus evened up a vast number of new customers.1.第1句中的'“发表声明道歉”译作issue an apology言简意赅,不必直译为issue a statement to apologize。

参考译文:The color of red in Chinese culture usually means good luck, longevity and happiness. Red can be found everywhere during Chinese Spring Festival and other joyous occasions. Cashes often in red envelopes are sent to family members or close friends as gifts. Its popularity can also be attributed the fact that people accociate it with Chinese revolution and Communist Party. However, it does not always equal to good luck and joy in that the name of the dead used to be written in red. Using red ink to write names of Chinese people were seen as an offense.英语四级翻译真题(二):白色随着中国的改革开放,如今很多年轻人都喜欢举行西式婚礼。

四级模拟翻译试题及答案一、翻译题(共15分)1. 近年来,随着经济的快速发展,越来越多的人选择出国旅游。
(5分)答案:In recent years, with the rapid development of the economy, an increasing number of people have chosen to travel abroad.2. 中国的传统节日春节,是家人团聚的时刻,人们通过各种方式表达对家人的思念和祝福。
(5分)答案:The Spring Festival, a traditional Chinese holiday, isa time for family reunions. People express their longing and blessings for their family members in various ways.3. 随着科技的进步,人们的生活方式正在发生着巨大的变化。
(5分)答案:With the advancement of technology, people's lifestyles are undergoing tremendous changes.二、短文翻译(共35分)请将以下短文翻译成英文。
答案:In today's world, environmental protection has become a global issue. Governments of various countries are taking actions to reduce pollution and protect natural resources. For instance, many countries have implemented strict environmental regulations to limit industrial emissions. Moreover, public education is also seen as the key to raising people's awareness of environmental protection. Through education, people can understand the importance of protecting the environment and take practical actions to reduce their personal impact on the environment.三、段落翻译(共50分)请将以下段落翻译成中文。

英语四级翻译练习题及译文()2021 年英语四级翻译练习题及译文(6 篇)1.进入21 世纪,世界形势继续发生深刻变化,多极化与经济全球化在曲折中深入发展,科技进步突飞猛进,人类社会前进的步伐加快,新情况、新矛盾层出不穷。
译文:Since entering the 21st century the world has continued to undergo profound changes. World particularization and economic globalization are developing in greater depth amid twists and turns. Science and technology are making rapid progress as human society advances at accelerated pace. New situations and new contradictions keep cropping up without letup. Maintaining world peace and promoting mon development remain the mission of all countries in the world. Thanks to its exploration and practice, the international munity has arrived at a deeper understanding that it must secure peace and promote development through cooperation in the interest of progressing times andhuman advancement and seek mutual benefits and win-win results by earnestly expanding the convergence of interests of all countries. China s peaceful development is a path of developing itself while maintaining world peace and promoting world peace with its own development. With the guideline of the concept of scientific development, China will achieve a prehensive, coordinated and sustainable development and build a harmonious socialist society. 2.尽管中国古代神话(mythology)没有十分完整的情节,神话人物也没有系统的家谱(genealogy),但它们却有着鲜明的东方文化特色,其中尤为显著的是它的尚德精神(the spirit of esteeming virtue)。

大学英语四级翻译练习题英语四级翻译练习题(一)岳阳楼(Yueyang Tower)矗立在湖南省岳阳市洞庭湖岸边,是“江南三大名楼”之一,另外两座分别是滕王阁(TengwangPavilion)和黄鹤楼(Yellow Crane Tower)。
最初岳阳楼主要是军用的,用于指挥海上舰队以及举行阅兵仪式 (military review)。
参考翻译:Standing on the shore of Dongting Lake in YueyangCity of Hunan Province, Yueyang Tower is one of the“three famous towers in the south of the YangtzeRiver”,the other two being Tengwang Pavilion andthe Yellow Crane Tower.Since ancient times, YueyangTower has been enjoying the title of “the best tower on this planet”,having equal status with“the best lake on earth”一Dongting Lake. Originally, Yueyang Tower was mainly for military useas directing marine troops and for military reviews. The well-known On Yueyang Tower by thegreat writer of the Northern Song Dynasty, Fan Zhongyan, brought great fame to YueyangTower far and wide, making it a well-known scenic spot in South China. The structure ofYueyang Tower is unique in the architectural history of ancient China, holding unparalleledartistic values.1.矗立在湖南省岳阳市洞庭湖岸边:可译为Standing on the shore of Dongting Lake in Yueyang City of Hunan Province。

作文号:375886题目:四级汉译英翻译:中国家庭文化原文:在传统的中国家庭文化中,同一祖先的几代后裔(descendants) 居住在一起,形成一个大家庭。
译文:In traditional Chinese family culture, descendants of several generations from the same ancestor lived together and formed a big family system. This kind of autonomous family system was the basic unit of traditional Chinese society. Chinese children follow their father’s family name. This is the same as w estern culture. Nowadays in China it is legally fine for a child to follow either father’s family name or mother’s family name. Within each family system, of course people except those who joined this family system through marriage all have the same family name.作文号:375887题目:四级汉译英翻译:法定假日原文:中国人民依法享受超过115天的假期,其中包括104天的周末和11天的节假日。

4级考试题型翻译及答案一、翻译题1. 请将以下中文句子翻译成英文。
答案:The Chinese government has always been committed to promoting educational equity.(2)随着科技的发展,人们的生活越来越便利。
答案:With the development of technology, people's lives are becoming more and more convenient.2. 请将以下英文句子翻译成中文。
(1)The rapid growth of the economy has led to a significant increase in the standard of living.答案:经济的快速增长导致了生活水平的显著提高。
(2)In order to protect the environment, we should take effective measures.答案:为了保护环境,我们应该采取有效的措施。
二、答案解析1. 对于中文翻译成英文的句子,考生需要注意时态和语态的转换,同时要确保翻译的准确性和流畅性。
(1)“一直致力于”在英文中通常翻译为“has always been committed to”,表示持续的动作。
(2)“随着科技的发展”在英文中使用“With the development of technology”来表达,而“越来越便利”则翻译为“becoming more and more convenient”。
2. 对于英文翻译成中文的句子,考生需要注意词汇的准确选择和句子结构的合理布局。
(1)“rapid growth”翻译为“快速增长”,“significant increase”翻译为“显著提高”,“standard of living”翻译为“生活水平”。

TranslationDirections:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.You shoum write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.(1)位于中国西南部云南省的丽江古城是中国保存最完整、最具民族特色的古城镇之一,同时也是享誉中外的世界级旅游文化名城。
公路四通八达(extendi ng i n a|d i rect i ons)。
参考译文The Old Town of Lijiang at Southwest China’s Yunnan Province is one of the ancient towns in China that are best preserved and have most ethical characteristics.It’s also a world.class tourist attraction with excellent fame home and abroad.Lijiang is located at the intersection of Yunnan,Sichuan and Tibet provinces,with highways extending in all directions.There are a number of bus terminals in Lijiang,with great convenience of road traffic.Tourists may take a tour of the Old Town of Lijiang by easy stroll on foot.Taxies are certainly available as well,with minimum charge at 7 RMB Yuan.and extra l.8 RMB Yuan for each additional l kilometer.If one visits Lijiang at peak season of tourism,one must book hotel room in advance.(2)对于每个来北京旅游的游客来说,一定不可错过的美食无疑是北京烤鸭(Be i j i ng roast duck)。

大学英语四级翻译练习题及答案大学英语四级翻译练习题及答案「篇一」1.By the end of this year ___________(这本书将出版)。
2.That advantages of bicycle outweigh its disadvantages and it will ________________(在现代社会发挥重要作用)。
3.After days of heavy rains,the sun ______________(终于从云层后面露出来了)。
4.He has got into the habit of __________________(在房间乱扔东西)。
5.An enclosed,smoke-filled room has levels of harmful gas________________(是平时的50倍)。
答案解析:1.the book will have been published // the book will have come out时态和被动语态:由by the end of this year“今年年底”判断要用将来完成时,而book与publish之间是被动关系,所以用将来完成时的被动语态will have been published。
如果用come out 表达的话不必用被动式。
“出版”的表达常用publish或come out。
2.play an important/essential role in modern society“发挥作用”的表达为play a role in。
“重要的”表达可以用important 或essential;“现代社会”的'表达为modern society。
3.emerged from behind the clouds at last考查介词:为了准确表达方位,from后面可接另外一个介词宾语,behind the clouds整体表示一个位置;云层后面。

The Yellow River is over 5,400 km long and is the second longest river in China. Seen from the map, the Yellow River lies in the shape of a huge “几”. The upper reaches of the Yellow River are the main producing area of wool, leather and other livestock products. The middle and lower reaches are one of the origins of China’s agriculture. The Yellow River is considered as the Mother River of the Chinese people. The drainage area of the Yellow River is honored as the cradle of the Chinese people and also one of the origins of world civilization. It is said that Huangdi, legendary ruler and ancestor of the Chinese nation, was born here. It is said man was made by Nv Wa (a legendary goddess) with the mud in the Yellow River.

In the eyes of the western, the basic food closest to China isrice. Rice has long occupied so significant a position in the dietof Chinese that there is a proverb “ Even a clever housewife cannotcook a meal without rice”. Rice is grown mostly in southern Chinawhere people usually take rice as their staple food, while itcannot be planted in northern China where the climate is either toocold or too dry for rice to grow. As a result, the main crop in thenorth is wheat. In China, flour is sometimes the main ingredientfor bread but more often used to make buns and noodles。
to reports, this year in China express delivery service will deliver 12000000000 packages, which will make China surpassed the United States as the world's largest express market. Most of the items contained in the parcel were ordered online.. China has given millions online to education; retail and its competitive prices, opportunities for selling goods. In November 11th alone, Chinese consumers bought $9000000000 from the largest shopping platform in China, with a lot of special shopping days for China.. So the express industry in China is not surprising expansion.

水稻rice和小麦wheat等农作物都原产自originate from/derive from中国。
新中国成立后,政府十分重视农业生产,不断加大农业投入investment.input,加速了农业生产的现代化进程boost/strengthen/improve the process of agricultural modernization。
中国各种农产品的产量增长很快,谷物、棉花cotton、花生(Peanut)的总产量均居世界首位rank the first in the world。
依靠占世界不足10%的耕地(cultivatable land),中国养活了世界1/5以上的人口。
1.第2句为无被动标识词的被动句,翻译时要用被动语态,可译作Crops such as rice and wheat were first produced in China。
仔细分析发现,“十分重视……,不断加大……”为两个并列的动作作谓语,而“加速了……”则表结果,可处理为结果状语,故本句译为 the government has been paying close attention to... and increasing... to speed up…。
3.第4句中的“中国农业取得了辉煌的成就”可理解为“中国在农业方面取得了成就”,故可译为China has made great achievements 、progress in agriculture。
该句也可用“辉煌的成就”作主语,用被动语态表达,译作great achievements have been made in China's agriculture。

大学英语四级翻译练习(附答案)翻译专题(一)1.Had it not been for your help, ______________(我们绝对不可能) get over thedifficulties.2. This is the very book ________________(19 世纪80年代出版的书), which has greatly influenced people’s views on the world.3._____________ (是从汤姆那里)she first heard of the man referred to as a specialist.4. _______________(我们所需要的)to complete the construction is two million dollars.5. It is high time we _______________(采取措施) protect the environment.6.I wish ___________________(能呆在家里) this morning, butI had to go for an interview.7. Only in an emergency __________________ (这个方案才能被执行).8. If you want to see the chairman of the department, you’d better __________________ (与他的秘书约定)first.9. ________________________(足球比赛是否举行)depends on the weather.10.________________________(意识到了自己的错误), her face turned red.11. He was sitting in the chair, ____________________(读着一本书)12. ________________________(他对这个计划保持沉默这一事实)made everyone curious.13. I think she hurt my feelings on purpose rather than by accident _______________(正如她所宣称的那样)14.The factory’s output this year is __________________(去年的产量的三倍).15. Doctors suggest that people ______________(不应该熬夜)even on holidays.16. ______________________(要是妈妈知道了怎麽办?)Do you think she will get angry?17. _______________(众所周知), too much stress can cause disease.18. _____________(吃的药越多), the worse I seem to feel.19. _________________(直到1986 年)that table tennis was accepted as a regular part of the Olympic Games.20. It was essential that the application forms __________________ (在截至日期被送回).21. ______________(有迹象表明)restaurants are becoming more popular with families.22. Researchers are trying to discover how this built-in biological time clock works _______________________(以便他们能减慢其过程).23. _______________________(为了在最短时间内赶上他的同学), Sam decided to work during the weekend.24. ____________________(比尔从未想过)that his proposal would be met with disapproval at the meeting.25. It took Jim about two weeks __________________(习惯他的新工作)as a sales manager.26._________________(闭上眼睛,静静地躺在稻草上), he made an effort of will to overcome the pain.27. The professor encouraged students to think independently instead of ___________________________ ( 把自己的思想强加给)them.28. __________________(为了安全起见), all dangerous things should be placed beyond children’s reach.29. In that case, several government officials ____________ (被指控)economic crimes.30. _____________(尽管得到了出版), his work didn’t attract much attention.31. She can’t afford to buy a house in Beijing, so she ____________(别无选择)rent an apartment.32. _________________(现在已经很晚了), we took our things and retired to our room.33. Measured against the achievement of his friends, Jack thinks that his work is ______________(远不能令人满意).34. He said he worked hard not so much to fulfill his dreams as to ______________(不辜负他父母的期望).35. ___________________(多亏他们的参与), the plan is carried out smoothly. 36.Though built before World War Two, the engine is still _____________(处于良好的状态).37. Everyone should _______________(有资格享受)a decent standard of living andan opportunity to be educated.38.The manager________________(高度赞扬)such virtues as loyalty, courage and truthfulness shown by his emphasis.39. ________________(受美国一所大学的邀请), I finally flew to San Francisco on August 6, 1988.40.When the temperature becomes extreme, ____________(人们不断抱怨天气).41. ______________(尽管他们有着各种各样的困难), the sailors were determined to unload the ship ahead of schedule.42. People’s attitude toward drugs ________________(每个人各不相同).翻译专题(二)1.The special committee recommended that _________________________________ (这项工程不应动工) until all the preparations have been made.2.The audience must have missed their musical performance or they________________________________________(给予高度评价).3.________________________________________(你最好行为规矩些) if you do not wantyour boss to lose his temper.4.Joe is not good at sports, but ___________________________ (说到数字), he isthe best in the class.5.Not only ____________________________ (这家工厂完成生产任务) last year, but italso doubled its output6.If we___________________________(对此视而不见),we shall make the gravest errorimaginable.7.How can one ______________________(袖手旁观) when a woman is being attacked androbbed in broad daylight?8.The secretary ____________________________(详细记录) what the members of theBoard of Directors had discussed at the meeting.9.The firm has decided to switch to another line of products, as these___________________(不畅销).10.The local government has set up a number of technical schools to meet the needsof ________________________________________(迅速发展的经济)in the region. 11.We felt very disappointed after the show,________________________________.(因为很多应该参加演出的名演员没有来)12.After he has retired,_______________________________________.(他准备把精力投入到慈善事业中去)13.He works very hard___________________________________.(好像永远不打算睡觉似的)14.He will surely succeed ___________________________________.(只要你不停的努力)15.What he objects to is the bureaucracy, _______________________________.(这种情况正在不断滋长)翻译专题(三)1.She ____________________________________(对我们的警告充耳不闻)and got lost.2.That Canadian speaks Chinese ______________________________________(和他说英语一样流利).3.___________________________(Tony是否来) doesn’t matter much. We can rely onourselves.4.On hearing that news, I __________________________ (忍不住笑起来) and spreadit among the class.5.Not until Alice had a baby of her own _______________________________ (她才了解) how hard it was for her mother to have brought up hersister and her on her own.6.Can you prove that ________________________________ (是Henry偷了我的电脑吗) ?7.Chinese President, Hu Jintao called on the whole country___________________________ (与时俱进).8.But for his teacher’s help he _____________________________________ (是不会成功的).9.Since the death of her husband, she got into the habit of___________________________ (让门一直关着).10.Remember that the less processed a food,_______________________________ (它的矿物质和维生素含量就越高).11.__________________________________________ (虽然我们已经取得很大进步), westill have a long way to go.12.Tom__________________________________________________(太骄傲了,以至于看不出到自己的缺点).13.We have to admit the fact that________________________________________(生命的质量和生命本身一样重要).14.It is time___________________________________________ (当局采取适当的措施来解决交通问题).15.Only in this way,_____________________________________ (你才能学好英语).翻译专题(一)1.we would never have been able to2.that was published in the 1880s3.It was from Tom that4.What we need5.took measures to6.I could have stayed at home7.can this plan be carried out8.make an appointment with his secretary9.Whether the football match will be played or not10.Having realized her mistake/ Conscious of her mistake11.reading a book12.The fact that he kept silent about the plan13.as she claimed14.three times as much as that of last year15.(should ) not stay up16.What if Mother knows about it17.As is known to all18.The more medicine I take19.It was not until 198620.(should) be sent back before the deadline21. There are signs that22.so that they can slow down the process23.in order to catch up with his classmates in the shortest period oftime24.I never occurred to Bill25.to get used to his new job26.Closing his eyes and lying on the hay27.imposing their own ideas on28.For the sake of safety29.were accused of / were charged with30.Published as it was/ Although it was published31.has no choice but to32.It being pretty late now33.far from being satisfactory34.live up to his parents’ expectations35.Thanks to their participation36.in good condition37.be entitled to38.spoke highly of39.Having been invited by an American university40.people constantly complain about the weather41.In spite of all the difficulties they had42.varies from person to person翻译专题(二)1.the project not be started考点:虚拟语气,动词recommend后的宾语从句中使用should 加动词原形的虚拟式,should 可以省略.2.would have spoken highly of it考点:1)虚拟语气,表示和过去事实相反时,主句用would have done 结构;2)短语“给予…高度评价”,可译为speak highly of….3.You’d better behave yourself考点:1)句型“最好做某事”用had better do sth.; 2) 短语“行为规矩些”应译为behave yourself.4.when it comes to mathematics maths考点:1)“说到”用短语when it comes to,该短语通常用于引起另一个话题,本题中从“体育”到“数学”即是转换了话题;2)时态,本句其他部分的时态都是一般现在时,故从句中的动词come 用第三人称单数形式comes.5.did the factory fulfill the production考点:1)not only 放在句首时局自需部分倒装,即助动词提前,居中时态为过去时,故用did; 2) 短语“完成生产任务”可译为fulfill the production, fulfill 有“实现,完成(计划)”的意思,“任务”可不译出来.6.are blind to this考点:“视而不见”还可以翻译为:turn a blind eye to; take no notice of ; pretend not to see7.stand by考点:考查常用成语。

参考译文Since the 1990's, climate problems have become a global concern asa topic on the world political agenda. Climate negotiations in the past20 years have ended in a complicated situation of political game on climate, and the differentiation of the interest subjects and the extension of the theme of the game have become a global dilemma in the political cooperation on climate. Under such circumstances, China should respond with the following strategic choices: 1. taking the initiative in our own hands and sticking to low-carbon emission development; 2. making active responses and striving for a bigger say; and 3. taking an extensive participation, and trying to reform the game rule2、徐霞客一生周游考察了十六个省,足迹几乎遍及全国。

大学英语四级考试翻译题(1)份大学英语四级考试翻译题 1翻译:Li Bai was one of the celebrated poets in the Tang Dynasty of China. He was endowed with the title of Poetic Genius for his brilliant talent in writing poems. Most of his poems were produced in the rise and fall period of the Tang Dynasty. He is one of the greatest poets in the history of China. Li Bai lived a wandering life all his life. He had talent but no opportunity to use it. He was very disappointed and resentful. He had to attain fun by drinking wine and writing poems. However, maybe we have to thank his miserable political life, or we will lose a great fortune in poetry.2.太极拳的原理,发端于__古代,最开始是一种武术和自卫方式。
练习者用意念慢慢地、轻轻地移动身体, 同时深呼吸,因此有时被称为移动冥想(meditation)。
翻译:Taijiquan is one of the internal styles of Chinesemartial art. It is based on the principle of the ing the hard and originated in ancient Chinaas a martial art and a means of self-defense.Overtime, people began to exercise it to improve theirhealth and well-being. Practicers move their bodies slowly,gently and with thought whilebreathing deeply,so it is sometimes referred to as “moving meditation”.Chinese monlypractice Taijiquan in nearby parks in early morning.3.乒乓球在__是一项颇受欢迎和推崇的运动。

四级英语翻译训练题(3篇)四级英语翻译训练题 1请将下面这段中文翻译成英文:丽江古城有800多年的历史,曾经是茶马古道(the old tea horse road)上的一个贸易集结点(confluence)。
丽江古城在建筑、历史及其原住民纳西族(the Naxi people)的文化传统方面不同于__其他古城。
参考译文:The old town of Lijiang has a history of more than 800 years and was once a confluence for trade along the old tea horse road.It is famous for its orderly system of waterways and bridges.The old town of Lijiang differs from other ancient Chinese cities in architecture, history and the culture tradition of its local residents-the Naxi people.The town is built along mountains and rivers, providing us a very precious sample of the research on the old-time architecture. The unique geographical location, historical background and multiracial inhabitants make it one ofthe most special old towns.词句点拨1.丽江因其有序的水道和桥梁系统而闻名:“因.而闻名”可用be famous for...表示。

英语四级考试的翻译练习题及参考答案英语四级考试的翻译练习题及参考答案「篇一」Every Dog Has Its SayKimiko Fukuda,a Japanese girl,always wondered what her dog was trying to say。
Whenever she put on makeup,it would pull at her sleeve. (46)When the dog barks,she glances at a small electronic gadget(装置)The following“human”translation appears on its screen:“Please take me with you.”I realized that‘S how he was feeling.“said Fukuda。
The gadget is called Bowlingual ,and it translates dog barks into feelings.People laughed when the Japanese toymaker Takara Company made the world‘s first dog.human translation machine in 20xx But 300.000 Japanese dog owners bought it. (47)“Nobody else had thought about it,”said Masahiko Kajita,who works for Takara.“We spend SO much time training dogs to understand ou r orders;what would it be like if we could understand dogs?Bowlingual has two parts. (48)The translation is done in the gadget using a database(资料库)containing every kind of bark。