大一综合英语下词汇 第一单元讲解

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Tangle up:缠绕;弄乱 Eg:the wires are all tangled up. the wind tangled up her hair. Tangle with :与某人吵架 Jute Tangle 黄麻绒 Kelp tangle海带 Tangle wire缆线
Get down to(prep.):着手做 Get even:报复;算账
ose:v.a.take advantage of(常与on,upon连用); b.cheat; c.force强加 am not to be imposed upon. 我不会被利用 People sense your strengths not impose on you 人们感到你的强大就不会欺骗你 Don’t impose your views upon others. 不要把你的观点强加在别人身上
vi. 浮现;摆脱;暴露 1.come out into view, as from concealment 2 come out of 3 come up to the surface of or rise 4 happen or occur as a result of something emerge from 曾经一度遭到 ; 从 … 浮现 ; 摆脱 suddenly emerge 突然出现
[ɪn'vet(ə)rət] adj: deeply rooted 根深的 ,积习的,成 癖的
Burning With Inveterate Hatred 恨得要命 inveterate love 刻骨铭心的爱
Get by :通过;勉强混过 Similar phrase Get back:回来;恢复;报复 Get away:逃走;起步(区分get away with) Get through:接通电话;通过(考试,议案等);(
Squander Recklessly 穷奢极侈 Not Recklessly 不要乱来 Recklessly wasteful 极其奢侈的
. marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences草率从事的;有勇无谋的,莽撞的;蛮干的 you describe behaviour as foolhardy, you disapprove of it because it is remely risky. 莽撞的 [表不满]) 1,If you don't consider these things, then you are being foolhardy. 果你不考虑这些事情,那你就是个大傻瓜了. t was considered a risk, may be even foolhardy, certainly not a guarantee uccess. 它被认为是一种冒险,甚至是一种愚昧无知,肯定一种无法保证成功 举措
1.Everything will be okay in the end.If it`s not okay,it`s not the end. 世事终会变好,若未好,则未终。 2.Life isn`t about finding yourself.Life is about creating yourself. 生命的意义并非发现自己,而是创造 自己。
Monkey:n.a.猴,像猴一样的人 b.吸毒成瘾 v.嘲弄;胡闹;模仿 Eg:when the trees falls,the monkeys scatter. 树倒猢狲散 Monkey with:瞎弄,当儿戏 Eg:Stop monkeying with the radio ,or you’ll break it. make a monkey of使出丑 A monkey on one’s back沉重负担 Put /get sb’s monkey up是某人生气
[ 'di:viəs ]
Adj:indirect in departing from the accepted or proper way; misleading偏 僻的;弯曲的;不光明正大的
Eg:One long and complicated journey which is filled with devious route and wrongturnings could be considered as the growing up course. 一次道路漫长、路线复杂、充满了迂回绕路和错误的转弯的旅途可 以被看做是代表了成长的历程。
vt. 绕过,回避;位于…边缘 move round vi. 沿边走,绕开;环绕 steer clear of , circle round Eg:He skirted the hardest issues. 他避开最难的问题。
Adj:dangerously unstable and unpredictable 奸诈的,叛逆的,背叛的;危险的;不牢靠 的 Eg:His treacherous actions brought down ruin on himself.他的背叛行径使他身败 名裂.
n. the thick short innermost digit of the forelimb 拇指 v. look through a book or other written material 翻阅;以拇指拨弄;笨拙地摆弄
词组: rule of thumb (拇指规则)经验法则 under the thumb 被控制 thumb down [口]贬低;[口]拒绝
adv. in a reckless manner 鲁莽地,不顾一切地 Eg:During the Asian financial crisis of 199798, half of the top 30 chaebol went bust because they had expanded recklessly. 在1997-98年度的亚洲金融危机期间,30个顶级财阀中半数破产,原 因在于它们鲁莽的扩张。
vt. indicate by marking trees with blazes(在树皮上)刻路标 blaze a trail 开辟道路;在树上作记号指路 in a blaze 一片通明;一片火光 , 在一阵强烈的感情中爆发 Go to blazes![常作委婉的诅咒语]地狱 a blaze of rage 大怒 blaze of colour 万紫千红 A blaze of publicity 群情激奋 blaze up 燃烧起来;发怒
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
Monstrosity:n.monster畸形;残暴 Eg:green-eyed monstrosity绿眼妖怪即妒忌 trousMons:adj Eg:a monstrous weapon一个巨型武器 monstrous audacity胆大包天
Dictate:v.命令;口述;听写 n.命令;指示 Eg:sheldon writes every day ,dictating his novels in the morning. Dictate converter:指令转换器 Figure dictate:图形表达 Run dictate:运行指令 Dictation:n.口授;听写; Eg:spot dictation:填空题 standard dictation标准听写