第四章 汉译英的标准及译文
例2. 你们谁想参加春游就在星期五之前报名并交费。 原译:You whoever wants to go spring outing please sign up your name and pay dues before Friday.
译文1:Whoever wants to join the spring outing should sign up and pay the expenses before Friday. 译文2:Those of you who want to go on the spring outing are required to sign up and hand in the payment before Friday. 译文3:If any of you wants to take part in the spring outing, please sign up and pay for it before Friday.
例2. 在战争期间,他私藏了许多珍贵的物品。
In wartime, he accumulated many scarce items. 改译: In wartime, he hoarded many scarce items.
例3I am deeply grieved to hear that your mother kicked the bucket. 改译: I am deeply grieved to hear of your mother’s death.
那男孩大约八九岁。 例6.那男孩大约八九岁。 那男孩大约八九岁
译文: 译文: The boy was about eight or nine years old. 改译: 改译:The boy was eight or nine years old. 他一两个星期后来。 例7.他一两个星期后来。 他一两个星期后来 译文: 译文:He will come after a week or two. 改译: 改译:He will come in a week or two.
直译:Our friends are all over the world.意译:We have friends all over the world.直译以严格意义上的忠实为宗旨,意译则更多考虑英语的特点,更强调译文的效果,不求形式对应,只求语言在深层次中的对应。
译文:love is patience and kindness; love is not jealous and boast; love is not arrogance and rudeness.例3原文:进入21世纪,麦当劳团体的对手们又集合到一面共同的旗帜之下——反对全球化。
译文:On stepping into the 21st century, the McDonalds’ groups have again assembled under the same flag——anti-globalization.Upon entering opponents banner rafilled例4原文:电学上最常用的两个单位是安培和伏特,前者是电流单位,后者是电压单位。
译文:the unit of current the one of voltage例5原文:俗话说:“千里搭凉棚,没有不散的筵席”。
第四章 汉译英的理解与表达
一、借助语言学理论,提高对文字各种意义的识别能力语言是一种符号,1920年代,奥格登和理查兹提出的符号三角理论,如图所示:图中符号(Symbol)指语言成分,如词语等;所指(Referent)指外部经验世界中的事物;思想或所指关系(Thought or Reference)指人们大脑中的概念。
译文1:Now open her rosy lip and her ivory white teeth shine, her song begins!译文2:Little Jade Wang then opened her vermilion lips, displaying her sparking white teeth, and sang several phrases.译文3:Little Jade then parted her lips and sang a few lines.原文用“启朱唇、发皓齿”描述小玉唱歌时口型优美,这是中国评书常见的表达手法。
如:贾母因笑道:“外客未见,就脱了衣裳,还不去见你妹妹!”(《红楼梦》)显然这里的“脱了衣裳”指脱下外套、礼服之类,不能照字面译成“take off one's clothes”,所以译文是:With a smile at Pao-yu, the Lady Dowager scolded: “Fancy changing your clothes before greeting our visitor. Hurry up now and pay your respects to yourcousin.” (Tr. Yang Xianyi & Gladys Yang)三、把握修辞特点理解时要留意原文的感情色彩、形象色彩及语体色彩,这些联想意义多用来达到修辞目的。
The house needs attention but the roof is sound. sleep: deep and peaceful To have a sound night’s sleep
5. good, but not excellent a sound piece of writing 6. physical punishment to give sb. a sound beating
He Hamleted at a chance and regretted for it. 机会到来时他犹豫不决,过后又后悔了。 Hamlet 原是沙士比亚(王子复仇记) 中主人公名,用此人优柔寡段性格来比 喻类似情况。译时抽象化了。
We insist that international trade should not be a one-way street. 我们主张国际贸易不应该是有来无往。 One-way street 原意是“单行道” 引申“有来无往”。
(二)英语中有些词是中立的本身不表示褒贬 义,但在一定的上下文中可能有褒贬的意味, 译时要相应地表达出来。 The president promised to work to repeat state and federal laws that discriminate Against women. 总统承诺将力求废除歧视(贬义)妇女的州法 及联邦法。 By a 6-3 vote, the court held that this official discriminate did not violate the Constitution. 法院以六票对三票的裁决的认定,政府对这个 问题上才去的区别对待(中性词)的办法并不 违反宪法。
• • • • • • • • A tiger growls. 虎啸 a dog barks 犬吠 A lion roars 狮吼 A wolf howls 狼嚎 A horse neighs. 马嘶 A monkey screeches. 猿啼 An ass brays. 驴叫 A deer bleats. 鹿鸣
• 1)英汉拟声词比较 • A. 同一声音在英语和汉语中用相同的拟声 词来表达; • B. 同一声音在英语中和汉语中用不同的拟 声词来表达 • C. 不同的声音用同一拟声词来表达,这种 情况在英语和汉语中都很普遍
• (1)大多数英文拟声词都可译为汉语相应的拟声 词,有的译为独词句,有的则译为动词或者词的 辅助成分。 • Crack ! The stick broke into two. • Only the ventilator in the cellar window kept up a ceaseless rattle. • Round the corner of Crescent Bay, between the piled-up masses of broken rock, a flock of sheep came pattering.
• A mark was on him from the day's delight, so that all his life, when April was a thin green and the flavor of rain was on his tongue, an old wound would throb and a nostalgia would fill him for something he could not quite remember. (Rawlings 2001:13)
chapter four-商务英语英汉翻译教程
Part 1. Relationship between the meaning of English and Chinese words
Differences: Chinese-相比英文,汉语词义严谨固定, 词的含义范围较窄,词义上下的依赖性比较 小。 English-英文词义灵活多变,词的含义范围 比较窄,词义上下的依赖性较大,英语一词 多义的现象较汉语多。
CISISU-Business English for the Seniors 16
Part 3. Characteristic meaning in Business Discourse
CISISU-Business English for the Seniors 12
Part 2. Cultural meaning of words
2.英汉语中都有但文化内涵不同的词 1)There are only five minutes left, I need to go to the rest room. 译文:只剩五分钟了,我需要去下卫生间。 2)To reduce loss and increase overall profits, the CEO told his product managers to get rid of all the dogs. 译文:为了减少亏损,全面增加利润,公司的首席 执行官告诉产品部经理们要销毁所有的次品。
CISISU-Business English for the Seniors 15
Part 3. Characteristic meaning in Business Discourse
1)This general was charged with treason.. 这个将军被指控犯了叛国罪。
2) The Committee decided to put Professor Henry in charge of the research work.委员会决定让亨利教授负责这项研究工作。
类似短语有take charge of, take charge译为“负责”3)As soon as the moment for the general offensive arrived, the soldiers charged the enemy position bravely. 总攻时间一到,战士们勇猛地向敌人的阵地冲去。
4)She complained that she had been charged too much. 她抱怨说,向她收的费太高了。
5) The powder in place, he rammed in a long iron rod to tamp down the charge..火药装好后,他伸进去一根长铁钎以便把炸药捣实。
6) This store will charge things you buy, and let you pay for them later.这家商店将你所买的东西记入账内,让你以后付款。
7) Having charged the battery, he set the engine in motion. 电池充电后,他启动了马达。
1)Here is a pretty go!2)He is itching to have a go at it.3)The old man is still full of go.4)These brightly colored stockings are all the go this summer.其次,在英语中还存在着一个词的单数和复数意义全然不同、前后搭配不同而意义不同等情况。
英汉翻译教程 第四章 翻译的技巧
1. How to explain that I was not a proud owner seeking admiration for his vehicle, but a tourist who had broken down?【译文】真不知道怎么说好呢?我又不是一个得意的车主,专门让人家欣赏我的车子来着,而是个路途中有了难处的游客。
2. It is actually very, very old and was not always as beautiful as it is now. It is not certain how the Earth began. Probably it began as a huge globe of gas and dust. The globe became smaller and denser. … Today the outer layer or crust is cool and hard, …【译文】实际上,地球已经非常、非常古老了,它起初并不总像现在这样美丽。
地球变得越来越小,越来越密,……今天,地球的外层或地壳已经冷却硬化,……3. Special equipment assures that the computers will not be disturbed by power interruptions that last less than two hours.【译文】在停电两小时以内的情况下,有专门设备能保证计算机正常工作。
4. It was not anger, nor surprise, nor disapproval, nor horror, nor any of the emotions that she had been prepared for.【译文】那表情不是生气,不是惊讶,不是不满,不是嫌恶,也不是她原先准备应付的任何一种感情。
13.尽管孙小姐嫁给方先生三年之久,但还是不太了解 他。 A. Miss Sun, who has been married to Mr. Fang for three years, knows very little about him. B. Although she has been Mrs. Fang for three years, Sun actually knows very little about her husband. C. Though Miss Sun has married Mr. Fang for three years, she still doesn’t very much know him.
3.五卅惨案 A. the May 30th Tragedy B. The May 30th Massacre (1925) 4.琅琅的读书声 A. the din of reading B. the loud voice of reading
7.可见这些阴谋家是别有用心的。 _____that these schemers harbour ulterior motives. A. It is visible b. it can be seen 8.怨声载道 Voices of discontent are ____ everywhere. A. heard B. audible
第四章 汉译英的理解与表达
第一节汉译英中的理解问题 一、借助语言学的理论,提高对文字各种意义的 识别能力 二、通过上下文,掌握隐含意义 练习
第四章 语词的选择 英汉互译课件
laugh 大笑 smile 微笑 giggle 傻笑 jeer 嘲笑 chuckle 抿着嘴笑 guffaw 放声大笑、狂笑 smirk 得意地笑 grin 露齿一笑
3.词义的褒贬和语体等感情色彩。词义的感情色彩取决于该词在交际情景 中的使用情况,它反映着作者运用某一词语时所赋予它的或肯定、或否定、 或尊敬、或诅咒、或古朴典雅、或庄严肃穆、或诙谐幽默等意义。例如 ambition一词既可作褒义,又可作贬义,完全取决于它在句中所含的潜在态 度。请分析这个词在下列句中的不同褒贬义:
在所指事物相同的情况下,一组同义词中的各个词可以分别用于 不同的文体中,有的适用于一般文体,有的适用于正式文体,有 的适用于非正式文体。因此,翻译时应注意词的文体特征。
英汉语中的委婉语涉及社会生活的方方面面,它从不同的角度反映了人们认可 的行为准则、社会习俗、思维模式、审美情趣、价值观念和道德标准。而委 婉语通常采用一些比喻、借代、迂回、缩略或谐音喻指等修辞手法来表达生 活中那些使人尴尬、惹人不快、招人厌恶或令人恐惧的事物和行为。翻译时, 应注意词的这一特征。 例如,在英汉语言中有多达上百种“死”的委婉说法。 To go to sleep 长眠 To be no more 没了,不在了 To close one’s eye 闭眼,合眼 To expire 逝世 To pass away 永别了,去世,与世长辞 To end one’s day 寿终,谢世 To go west 归西 To pay the debt of nature 了结尘缘 To go to one’s last home 回老家 To go to heaven 升天,仙逝,进天堂 To kick up one’s heels 登腿,伸腿 To kick the bucket 翘辫子,翻白眼 To return to dust 入土 To demise 崩,薨
汉英翻译(chapter four)
2、因所宣传的商品不同,或推销的 对象不同,而雅俗各异。
所谓“雅”,是指幽雅而正式的书面语,常用于 高科技产品、豪华汽车、高档化妆品以及名烟名 酒的广告宣传,
waterproof, shock-resistant and anti-magnetic
popular both at home and abroad
relieving rheumatism, chills and pains
琼州学院外国语学院 13
简洁明了,避免大话或空话;西方企业对 外推介广告更注重将来,简介的信息对读 者而言具有可操作性。西方企业的推介广 告仅告诉读者社会对它的评价、名流欢聚 的信息以及地址、电话等,十分简单;推 介广告灵活轻松,以人(服务对象)为本,让 读者觉得切实可行。
现代广告费用十分昂贵,为降低成本,只好节省篇幅。而省 篇幅又不影响表意的最好办法莫过于使用缩略语。 To Let Or For Sale Furnished Edinburgh Court, 426 Argyle St, 2nd floor, 1, 550 sq, ft. 4 bedrooms with dining and living room, private garage. Sale at $130, 000. Rent: $1, 400. Tel: 338954 office time or 823784. 房屋出租或出售 Argyle街426号爱丁堡公寓大厦二楼全层,配备家具,面积1 500平方英尺,4间卧房并带饭厅、客厅,有自备车库。售价 130 000美元。月租价1400美元。请于办公时间拨打823787 或338954。
“十年树木百年树人”的英语译文是:“Timber is produced in ten years of tree’s cultivation but talented people are made in a hundred years of people’s education.”汉语中的“十年”合符逻辑,被翻译成了ten years;其中的“百年”不合符逻辑,也被直译,译文是 a hundred years,因为这儿的“百年”是一个修辞手法——夸张。
英语中也有将数字用于夸张之中,如a hundred shot, a hundred bull’s’-eyes.它的对应的汉语是“百发百中”;汉语译文中的两个“百”和英语中的两个hundred(百)完全对应。
令人遗憾的是,在我国的所有出版物中,包括权威汉英词典,“十年树木,百年树人”的英语译文均为:It takes ten years to grow trees,but a hundred to rear people.笔者发现译文无论在忠实性还是在逻辑性两方面都很值得商榷。
It takes ten years to grow trees不符合英语逻辑。
《大学汉英翻译教程》 第四章 句子的英译与常用技巧
【例2】科学是老老实实的学问,来不得半点虚假,需要付出艰巨的 劳动。(郭沫若:《科学的春天》) Science means honest, solid knowledge, allowing not an iota of falsehood, and it involves herculean effort and grueling toil. 【分析】译文中增译了“herculean effort”,用来和“grueling toil” 一起来表示艰巨的任务的意思,增加了这个词语,使得译文更充分 的传达除了艰苦的劳动之意。 【例3】还有些人不能进领导班子或者不能重用,例如,……革命意志 严重衰退,饱食终日,无所用心的,等等。(邓小平:《邓小平文 选》第二卷) There are also others whom we should not recruit into leading bodies or place in important posts. They include:...and persons whose revolutionary will has waned and who are content to eat three square meals a day and do nothing. 【分析】“饱食终日”这个词语在译文中采用了增译法,划线部分为 与之对应的译文。
【例3】所以,人们对于大自然,全都一致并深深地依赖着。 Hence people are all heavily dependent on nature for survival. 【分析】“全都”已经包含了“一致”的意思了,所以,译文 中“一致”并没有再次译出。
【例4】他暗暗下定决心:一定重新做人。 He made up his mind to turn a new leaf in his life. 【分析】“暗暗下决心”不必译成“he made up his mind secretly”,在英文中“make up one’s mind”就可以表达暗暗下 定决心了,如果加上“secretly”反而会让人觉得奇怪。因为下 决心本来就是一种心理活动,所以就不存在“openly”和 “secretly”之分了。
译林版七年级下册英语课文及翻译UNIT 4英中对照版Comic Strip– Follow me, Eddie.埃迪,跟着我。
– Are you sure, Hobo?荷布,你确定吗?– There’s a path between the hills.Let’s go down here.小山之间有一条小路。
– No, I can’t.不,我做不到。
– Don’t be afraid. Come with me.别怕,和我一起走。
– Eddie, I think we’ll have to go up again.埃迪,我想我们要再上去。
– Oh, no!噢,不!Welcome to the unitDaniel: Where are we going for our class trip?Simon: We’re going to Sunshine Zoo.Daniel: Where’s the zoo? Is it far away from our school?Simon: No.It’s north of the school,about three kilometres away. Daniel: How will we get there?Simon: We’ll get there by bus.七下· p44ReadingHi, everybody. Here we’re in front of the South Gate.大家好!我们现在在南门门口。
Go straight on, and you’ll find the Panda House.一直向前走,你们就会看到熊猫馆。
Pandas are cute. They like to eat bamboo and lie down all day long.熊猫很可爱。
These are our presents to customer and their appraise to our plant too.该译文不但在语法上有错误,而且还删减、歪曲了原文的意思。
试改为:The products meet the need of the customers all over the country and enjoy high prestige for many years.二、译文语言应该符合英语的习惯表达法翻译时要运用英语的基本句型,不可照汉语原文直译。
例如:1. 本厂生产的石油产品有燃料油类、溶剂油类等9个类别,累计80多个品种牌号。
Our products are in wide-ranging activities related to:fuel oil all,solvent oil etc,9 kinds, more than 80 products.该译文最明显的错误是叙述不符合英语表达方式,句子结构为中文结构而不是英文结构。
大学实用翻译教程(英汉双向)第四章 词语翻译技巧
二、 汉译英
1、动词转为名词 这本书反映了20世纪90年代的中国社会状况。
The book is a reflection of the Chinese society of the 1990s. 据我们了解,贵公司经营中国产品已有多年 历史。
We learn that you have been dealers of Chinese products for many years. 我公司决定按照来函说明的条款,试订下列 货物。
We are doing our physical experiments. 我们正在做物理实验。
Plants obtain their energy from sunlight.
The diameter and the length of the wire are not the only factors to influence its resistance. 导线的直径和长度不是影响电阻的仅 有因素。
When short waves are sent out and meet an obstacle, they are reflected. 短波发送出去,遇到障碍就反射回来。
Go and see if they are still in the laboratory. 请去看看他们是否还在实验室里。
第一节 词类的转换
英语属印欧语系,汉语属汉藏语系。 英汉两种语言在词汇和语法结构方面 有许多不同,因此,在多数情况下英 汉互译的时候很难将两种语言的词汇 或结构一一对应。为了使译文符合译 出语的习惯,翻译时不必拘泥于原文 的表层结构,可以在忠实原文意义的 前提下,将原文中某些词的词类或成 分转换为译出语的其他词类或成分。
新编汉英翻译教程 第四章(Shortened)
4.1.3 增补主语
汉语中,主语隐含不显或无主语的情况时常可 见。译成英语,则必须依照英语的规则,将主语增 补起来。增补主语的原则,一是要推敲语境,二是 要考虑英语语法习惯和行文的需要。
⑴ 到了济南府,进得城来,家家泉水,户户垂杨, 比那江南风景,觉得更为有趣。 When he reached Jinan and entered the city, there were flowing streams by every house and willow trees by every door, which delighted him even more than the scenery of the south. ⑵起大风了。 It's blowing hard.
⑶幸亏这些青年妇女,白洋淀长大的,她们摇得小 船飞快。小船活像开了水皮的一条打跳的梭鱼。 It was lucky that all these young wives grown up by the river: their boat went like the wind. It shot forward like some flying fish, hardly skimming the water.
最高级形容词。 a. When they talk to the press, the Shanghai citizens use more and more adjectives of the superlative degree. b. You can hear Shanghai people using more and more adjectives of the superlative degree when they talk to the press. 译文a紧随原文句子结构,主、谓语的选择与原文完 全对应。译文b则不同,其中can hear替代了原谓语 “使用”,是因为句中的主语不再是“上海人”,而 是泛指人称代词You。两个译文都与原文意义相符, 且符合语法规范。不同的是,译文a仅仅陈述事实, 语气比较客观;而译文b从旅游观光者的角度表达, 带有一定的感情色彩。
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II.冗余信息: II.冗余信息 冗余信息:
务必要继续发扬艰苦奋斗的优良传统,提倡勤俭,崇尚节约, 务必要继续发扬艰苦奋斗的优良传统,提倡勤俭,崇尚节约,防止 和纠正脱离经济发展水平的高消费. 和纠正脱离经济发展水平的高消费. It is imperative to carry on the fine tradition of hard work, encourage and uphold industry and thrift to prevent and check high consumption that outgrows economic development. 原文” 原文” 提倡勤俭,崇尚节约”实际上是一回事,属行文语气的需要. 提倡勤俭,崇尚节约”实际上是一回事,属行文语气的需要. 不必 在译文中重复译出. 在译文中重复译出. ..encourage frugality, and prevent and check 建立办事高效,运转协调,行为规范的行政管理体系. 建立办事高效,运转协调,行为规范的行政管理体系. We must set up an administrative system with high efficiency in work, coordination in operation and standardization in behavior. 字面倒是很对应,然而意义重复甚至有些莫名其妙. 字面倒是很对应,然而意义重复甚至有些莫名其妙.原文四字结 构纯粹出于汉语行文对称的需要,大可不必字字对应. 构纯粹出于汉语行文对称的需要,大可不必字字对应. 改译We 改译We must establish an efficient, well-coordinated and wellstandardized administrative system. 3)新的时代呼唤新的理论,新的理论指导新的实践。 3)新的时代呼唤新的理论 新的理论指导新的实践。 新的时代呼唤新的理论, The new era calls for new theory to guide the practice.
Traditional western philosophy places emphasis on analytical, abstract and rational thought, so it repeatedly stresses imitation and reproduction in the physical phenomena between subjectivity and objectivity. Aristotle advanced: “the top attainment of aesthetics is to copy the thing as it is”. This is” idea has been permeated into various fields in western literature and art. Influenced by such a thought, English writing is featured by emphasis on form, realism and rationalism. Therefore, such a style comes out with rigid and tidy sentence structure, meticulous expressive thought, rational and logical writing, concise and natural dictions and perceptive style. For example: then came the twilight colors of sea and heaven, the wine-pink width of water merging into winelawns of aquamarines, the sky a tender palette of pink and blue.
第四章: 第四章: 词的省略
I.过多修饰语: I.过多修饰语 过多修饰语:
新闻翻译中忽视语言习惯的另一种情况是在英译中过多地使 用修饰词.汉语新闻中经常出现修饰词,以加重语气. 用修饰词.汉语新闻中经常出现修饰词,以加重语气. 而译成英 语时需要斟酌,不能一字一字地照译,否则往往强调过头, 语时需要斟酌,不能一字一字地照译,否则往往强调过头,削弱 了原文的力量. 了原文的力量. 1)我们要继续坚定不移地坚持以经济建设为中心.我们要继续 1)我们要继续坚定不移地坚持以经济建设为中心 我们要继续坚定不移地坚持以经济建设为中心. 坚定不移地改革开放.我们要继续坚定不移地保持社会稳定. 坚定不移地改革开放.我们要继续坚定不移地保持社会稳定. 我们要继续坚定不移地贯彻执行独立自主的和平外交政策. 我们要继续坚定不移地贯彻执行独立自主的和平外交政策. We will unswervingly focus on economic development, press ahead with reform and opening-up, maintain social stability openingand pursue the independent foreign policy of peace. 2)注重社会公平,正确反映和兼顾不同方面群众的利益,正确处 注重社会公平,正确反映和兼顾不同方面群众的利益, 理人民内部矛盾和其他社会矛盾,妥善协调各方面的利益关系. 理人民内部矛盾和其他社会矛盾,妥善协调各方面的利益关系. We should pay attention to social justice, reflect and take into account the people’s interest in different aspects, handle well the people’ contradiction among the people and other social contradictions and coordinate the relationship between the interests of different sse original, it is a typical writing about scenery featured by verbal parallelism, elegant appearances and wonderful imagery. If it is translated into English in Chinese way of thinking, the version will be anticlimax. For example: 3000 crags rise in various shapes. They are like whips or pillars propping up the sky; or huge walls, solid and sound; or immense eggs piled on an unsteady boarder; or miniature rocky or curios… curios…Fantastic but actual, dreamy but real! They are not artistic works, but more exquisite than artistic works. One doesn’ doesn’t help marveling at the acme of perfection of Nature’s Nature’ creation. In sharp contrast with Chinese, English is always objective, specific and exquisite in describing scenery without a lot of imagery thought and emotional color. The writing approach mostly resorts to specific image spread-out, with a kind spreadof true and natural rational beauty. No wonder, James· Dane, an James· American expert makes such a comment about English translation out of Chinese poetry: “ The biggest problem in English translation out of Chinese poetry is, perhaps, that target language fails to contain so many different interpretations and so much semantic condensation. Such a covert expression makes many things become blurred”. (Liu Xinmin, 1994) blurred”
III. 编译
Chinese is a kind of artistic language, with fancy for florid dictions. Such refined sentences are not based on universal and abstract concept but on historical allusions and idioms. The philosophers of Confucian school like excessive-modifying excessivewords to show Chinese people’s preference for explanatory people’ notes in ancient books and phraseology. Let’s look at an example Let’ about that. Generally speaking, Chinese description about landscape is full of beautiful, refined and implied phrases, whose thyme is fine and language almost poetic. The delineation of scenery doesn’t seek for clear and lucid explanation but for a doesn’ quality suggestive of poetry or painting and for a kind of imagery beauty. For example: 这里三千座奇峰拔地而起,形态各异,有的似玉柱神鞭, 立地顶天;有的像铜墙铁壁,巍然屹立;有的如晃板垒 卵,摇摇欲坠;有的若盆景古董,玲珑剔透……神奇而又 卵,摇摇欲坠;有的若盆景古董,玲珑剔透……神奇而又 真实,迷离而又实在,不是艺术创造性似艺术创造,令人 叹为观止。